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Page 1: MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Androidmtufano/publications/C7.pdfMDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Android Kevin Moran College of William and Mary ... with operators

MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for AndroidKevin Moran

College of William and MaryUnited States

Michele TufanoCollege of William and Mary

United States

Carlos Bernal-CárdenasCollege of William and Mary

United States

Mario Linares-VásquezUniversidad de los Andes


Gabriele BavotaUniversità della Svizzera italiana


Christopher VendomeCollege of William and Mary

United States

Massimiliano Di PentaUniversity of Sannio


Denys PoshyvanykCollege of William and Mary

United States

ABSTRACTMutation testing has shown great promise in assessing the effec-tiveness of test suites while exhibiting additional applications totest-case generation, selection, and prioritization. Traditional mu-tation testing typically utilizes a set of simple language specificsource code transformations, called operators, to introduce faults.However, empirical studies have shown that for mutation testingto be most effective, these simple operators must be augmentedwith operators specific to the domain of the software under test.One challenging software domain for the application of mutationtesting is that of mobile apps. While mobile devices and accom-panying apps have become a mainstay of modern computing, theframeworks and patterns utilized in their development make testingand verification particularly difficult. As a step toward helping tomeasure and ensure the effectiveness of mobile testing practices,we introduce MDroid+, an automated framework for mutationtesting of Android apps. MDroid+ includes 38 mutation operatorsfrom ten empirically derived types of Android faults and has beenapplied to generate over 8,000 mutants for more than 50 apps.Video URL:

CCS CONCEPTS• Software and its engineering → Software verification andvalidation;

KEYWORDSMutation testing, Operators, Android

ACM Reference Format:Kevin Moran, Michele Tufano, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas, Mario Linares-Vásquez, Gabriele Bavota, Christopher Vendome, Massimiliano Di Penta,and Denys Poshyvanyk. 2018. MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework forAndroid. In ICSE ’18 Companion: 40th International Conference on SoftwareEngineering , May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, New York,NY, USA, 4 pages.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).ICSE ’18 Companion, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5663-3/18/05.

1 INTRODUCTIONMobile devices have become a mainstay of the modern computinglandscape. The increasing popularity of these devices is drivenprimarily by a rich ecosystem of applications, commonly referred toas “apps". Strong user demand for mobile apps has driven increasedcompetition on storefronts such as Google Play [10] and Apple’sApp Store [4]. These competitive marketplaces necessitate thatmobile developers devote time to extensively test and validate theirapps to ensure a positive user experience, as new app releases havebeen shown to affect users’ perception via marketplace ratings [21].Android is currently the most popular OS in the world [1], andhence garners a large amount of interest from developers.

However, effectively testing Android apps is difficult, as devel-opers face constraints specific to the domain of mobile softwareincluding change-prone APIs [5, 16], platform fragmentation [12],and a lack of automated testing tools that meet developer needs [19].Furthermore, when devising testing strategies or writing test cases,their effectiveness needs to be evaluated. To this aim, mutationanalysis has been defined as a process for evaluating the efficacy ofa test suite and functions by injecting small changes, meant to rep-resent common bugs, into a “correct” program and then evaluatingthe number of injected faults uncovered by the test suite [8, 11]. Thehigher the ratio of uncovered bugs, ormutants, the more effective atest suite is said to be. However, mutation analysis typically relieson a concept called the coupling effect that states that “complexfaults are coupled to simple faults in such a way that a test data setthat detects all simple faults in a program will detect most complexfaults” [23]. The validity of this effect has come under scrutiny fromthe software testing research community [2, 3, 7, 15, 20], and whilestudies have generally indicated a correlation between mutants andreal faults, they also point out that non-negligible portion of realfaults do not effectively map to mutants [15]. The number of simplemutants mapping to real faults in the mobile domain is likely tobe lower, due to heavy usage of APIs and frameworks that enablethe varied feature sets of mobile devices. Thus, in order to developan effective mutation testing tool for Android, one must take intoaccount the software domain, and model operators according tofaults that naturally occur in mobile software development.

In this paper, we describeMDroid+, a mutation testing frame-work for Android apps that aims to support developers in writingmobile tests.MDroid+ includes 38 Android and Java specific mu-tation operators that were designed according to an empirically

Page 2: MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Androidmtufano/publications/C7.pdfMDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Android Kevin Moran College of William and Mary ... with operators

ICSE ’18 Companion, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden K. Moran, M. Tufano, C. Bernal Cardenas, M. Linares Vasquez et al.

derived taxonomy of common, naturally occurring faults in An-droid applications [17]. The main contributions ofMDroid+ canbe summarized as follows:

• A set of empirically derived mutation operators designed to sim-ulate commonly observed faults in Android apps;• An efficient, automated methodology for deriving a PotentialFault Profile (PFP) from subject apps, dictating possible locationsfor mutant injection;• A process for applying operator transformations to locationsdictated by the PFP to create mutant apps;• Built-in extensibility that facilitates new operator definitions.

2 APPROACHIn order to ensure that MDroid+ is an effective, practical, andflexible/extensible tool for mutation testing, it takes into accountthe following design considerations: (i) an empirically derived setof mutation operators; (ii) a design embracing the open/closedprinciple (i.e., open to extension, closed to modification); (iii) visitorand factory design patterns for deriving the Potential Failure Profile(PFP) and applying operators, (iv) parallel computation for efficientmutant seeding. MDroid+ is written in Java and available as anopen source project [18]. In the following sections, we describeMDroid+ according to its workflow described in Figure 1.

2.1 Implemented OperatorsAs mentioned in Section 1, in order to create a mutation testingframework for Android, mutation operators must be defined ac-cording to naturally occurring faults to ensure a strong couplingbetween operators and faults likely to befall an Android project. Tothis end, the authors undertook an extensive empirical study fol-lowing a procedure inspired by open coding [22]. More specifically,the authors analyzed 2,007 documents, assigning a label describingan observed bug, from the following sources: (i) bug reports ofopen source Android apps, (ii) bug-fixing commits of open sourceAndroid apps, (iii) Stack-Overflow discussions, (iv) exception hi-erarchies of Android APIs, (v) bugs described in previous studies,and (vi) reviews from Google Play. The open-coding procedurewas supported by a custom designed web-application, where eachdocument was tagged by at least two authors, and labeling conflictswere resolved. For the complete methodology, we refer readers toour previous technical paper [17].

The study described above resulted in a taxonomy of faults forAndroid apps that spans 14 different categories. We implemented38 operators corresponding to ten different categories, excludingcertain categories of operators such as hardware configurations, asthey do not map well to the process of mutation testing. A detailedlist and description of all implemented operators is available on theMDroid+ website [18].

2.2 Derivation of the Potential Fault ProfileIn the context ofMDroid+, we define a PFP that stipulates locationsin analyzed apps—which can correspond to source code statements,XML tags, or locations in other resource files—that coincide with po-tential fault locations, given the empirically derived taxonomy [17].Consequently, the PFP stipulates the locations where our definedmutation operators can be applied. To extract the PFP,MDroid+statically analyzes a target mobile app, looking for locations where

App Src

1 PFP Derivation

AST Analysis Text Analysis

Activity Not DefinedInvalid LabelNull GPS Location

Invalid URIInvalid Date

Android Operators

Potential Fault Profile

Activity Not Defined

Invalid Label

Null GPS Location

Invalid URI


2 Mutant GenerationParallel Project Cloning& Operator Application

Mutant Projects + Log

Mutant Log

Figure 1: Overview tool Workflow forMDroid+operators can be implemented. The locations are detected auto-matically by parsing XML files in the case of resources or throughAbstract Syntax Tree (AST) based analysis for Java code.

For implemented operators targeting one of the Android resourceXML files (i.e., archives in the /res folder), the structure of eachXML file is analyzed and a pattern matching process for differentattributes within the XML is used. However, for operators thatare applied to the Java source code, a two-phase AST-based andtext-based analysis is utilized that is capable of identifying thelocation of target API calls. The identification of API call sitesis implemented utilizing the visitor design pattern, allowing forextensible, decoupled operations to be performed on the AST ofa target app. This helps to ensure that MDroid+ is capable ofsupporting additional operators in the future that may require moreadvanced AST analysis. After the AST-based location of specific APIcalls, a fine-grained, text-based pattern matching is performed onidentified API calls to derive the precise textual location where themutation operator transformation will be applied. The end result ofthe PFP derivation process is a list stipulating all potential injectionpoints in code of the Android-specific mutation operators.

2.3 Mutant CreationGiven an automatically derived PFP for an app and the catalog ofAndroid-specific operators, MDroid+ generates a mutant for eachlocation in the PFP. This process is performed using text or ASTmanipulation rules specific to each implemented operator. Thus, foreach location related to an operator, the text/AST transformationis applied to the specified location in either the code or .xml file.

Due to the event driven nature of Android applications, testingis generally performed at the GUI-level and is centered around appuse-cases [19]. Therefore, in order to operationalizeMDroid+ tofit in a typical testing workflow, the mutated applications must becompilable to an .apk file that can be run on an emulator or realdevice. Thus, during the mutant creation process,MDroid+ createsa project-level clone of a target and applies a single mutation toa specified location in the cloned project, resulting in one mutantproject for each seeded instance of a mutation operator. It is impor-tant to note that the cost of applying the transformations to thecloned projects is trivial in practice, and a majority of the executiontime cost is related to the cloning of the app project, and is thusI/O bound. To ensure the cloning and mutant generation processproceeds as efficiently as possible,MDroid+ implements an option

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MDroid+: A Mutation Testing Framework for Android ICSE ’18 Companion, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

to parallelize the process, utilizing the multi-core architecture ofmost modern hardware. The end result of the mutation creationprocess is the set of cloned mutant projects and a log that delin-eates the operator and location of injection for each created mutant.Currently, we do not offer a universal interface for the compilationof mutants, as the parameters and build systems used by Androidapps can vary dramatically. However, the compilation process canbe easily scripted using the CLI support offered by ant, gradle,and the Android SDK1.

2.4 Tool Usage and ExtensibilityMDroid+ is implemented as a Java command-line utility in whichthe user can select the specific set of mutation operators to beapplied during mutant generation, as well as an option for enablingmulti-threading. A Readme and user guide can be found on theproject repository, which is accessible from the tool website [18].

Given that the Android platform is prone to rapid evolution [5,16], it is important that MDroid+ allows for easy modification/ex-tension of the operators list, in order to keep pace with rapid evo-lution. To add a new operator to MDroid+, there are two majorcomponents that must be implemented: (i) an operator locator/de-tector, and (ii) the operator transformation rules. If a proposedoperator applies to the source code of an application, then eitherthe target API-call of the operator must be added to an existing ASTvisitor or a new visitor to identify the AST pattern required by theoperator must be defined. Next, an operator specific pattern locatormust be implemented to derive the precise operator location afterAPI-calls in question have been detected via AST-analysis. To allowfor streamlined extensibility,MDroid+ offers a generic Locatorinterface that includes a findExactLocations() method thatcan be implemented to support additional operators. An exampleof this interface implemented for the BuggyGUIListener opera-tor is given in Listing 1. This locator simply returns the start andend of the API-call location passed in the MutationLocation ob-ject so that it can be manipulated later. Note, that this is a simpleexample, and most of MDroid+’s pre-defined operators need toparse particular properties or patterns from identified API calls.If the proposed operator applies to the resource .xml, MDroid+implements a TextBasedDetector abstract class that can beextended to account for matching the patterns of xml attributes.

Listing 1: Example of Operator Locator1 public class BuggyGUIListenerLocator implements Locator {23 private void findExactLocation(MutationLocation loc) {4 //Fix start column5 loc.setStartColumn(loc.getStartColumn()+1);6 //Build exact mutation location7 loc.setEndColumn(loc.getStartColumn()+loc.

getLength());8 }9 }

Once the precise locator/detector for a proposed mutation oper-ator has been implemented, the actual transformation rule must bedelineated so that it can be applied to any detected injection pointsduring theMDroid+ analysis. To facilitate this process,MDroid+includes a MutationOperator interface and implements the fac-tory design pattern for managing and instantiating operators. To


add an additional transformation rule for a desired operator, theperformMutation()method of the interfacemust be implementedaccording to the MutationLocation. An example of theNullInputStream operator that sets an inputStream to null before itis closed is shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2: Example of Operator Definition1 public class NullStream implements MutationOperator{2 @Override3 public boolean performMutation(MutationLocation

location) {4 ObjectMutationLocation mLocation = (

ObjectMutationLocation) location;5 List<String> newLines = new ArrayList<String>();6 List<String> lines = FileHelper.readLines(

location.getFilePath());7 for(int i=0; i < lines.size(); i++){8 String currLine = lines.get(i);9 //Null object10 if(i == location.getLine()){11 String newLine = mLocation.getObject() +

" = null;";12 newLines.add(newLine);13 }14 newLines.add(currLine);15 }16 FileHelper.writeLines(location.getFilePath(),

newLines);17 return true;18 }19 }

3 EVALUATION3.1 Study ContextTo evaluate MDroid+, we conducted a study with the followinggoals: (i) understand and compare the applicability of MDroid+and other currently available mutation testing tools to Androidapps; (ii) to understand the underlying reasons for non-compilableor non-executable (i.e., trivial) mutants. To accomplish this, wecompareMDroid+ with two popular open source mutation testingtools (Major [14] and PIT [6]), which we adapted to be applicableto Android apps, and with one context-specific mutation testingtool for Android called muDroid [9]. We chose these tools becauseof their diversity (in terms of functionality and mutation opera-tors), their compatibility with Java, and their representativenessof tools working at different representation levels: source code,Java bytecode, and smali bytecode (i.e., Android-specific bytecoderepresentation). The modifications to the PIT and Major tools canbe accessed using our replication package [18]. To compare theapplicability of each mutation tool, we used the Androtest suite ofapps [24], which includes 68 Android apps from 18 Google Playcategories. The mutation testing tools exhibited issues in 13 of theconsidered 68 apps, i.e., the mutant-injection process rendered themnon-compilable. Thus, in the end, we considered 55 subject apps inour study. For more information see our replication package [18].

To quantitatively assess the applicability and effectiveness of theconsidered mutation tools to Android apps, we defined three met-rics: Total Number of Generated Mutants (TNGM), Non-CompilableMutants (NCM), and Trivial Mutants (TM). In this paper, we con-sider non-compilable mutants as those that are syntactically incor-rect and cause compilation/assembly errors, and trivial mutants asthose that are killed arbitrarily by most test cases (e.g., crashing onlaunch). The trivial mutant study was supported by a large-scaledynamic analysis framework [17].

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ICSE ’18 Companion, May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden K. Moran, M. Tufano, C. Bernal Cardenas, M. Linares Vasquez et al.

(a) %Non-Compilable Mutants



Major MuDroid MDroid+





(b) %Trivial Mutants





Major Pit MuDroid MDroid+0




(c) # of Mutant Generated per App

●●● ●

●● ●● ●● ●●

● ● ●●

●● ●●● ●●





0 5000 10000 15000

Figure 2: Non-compilable & trivial mutants per app.

3.2 Study ResultsFigure 2 reports the results of (i) the percentage of non-compilablemutants (NCM), (ii) the percentage of trivial mutants (TM), and(iii) the total number of generated mutants per app. On average,167, 904, 2.6k+, and 1.5k+ mutants were generated by MDroid+,Major, PIT, and muDroid, respectively for each app. MDroid+ hadan average runtime of 19 seconds per app on server-class hardware.While the number of mutants generated is high for other tools, thisis mostly due to the fact they implement far more general opera-tors with a higher number of potential injection points. However,MDroid+’s operators are more specific, and coupled to features thatmay or may not be implemented by a given app, resulting in fewer,but stronger, mutants. The average percentage of non-compilablemutants (NCM) generated by MDroid+, Major and muDroid overall the apps is 0.56%, 1.8%, and 53.9%, respectively, while no NCMare generated by PIT due to its mutant assembly process (Figure 2a).Thus,MDroid+ achieves the lowest ratio of non-compilable mu-tants by a statistically significant margin (Wilcoxon paired signedrank test p-value< 0.001 for Major and muDroid – adjusted withHolm’s correction [13], Cliff’s d=0.59 - large for Major, and Cliff’sd=0.35 - medium for muDroid), allowing for a mutation testing pro-cedure more capable of evaluating the efficacy of a set of tests . Theoverall rate of NCM is very low for MDroid+, and most instancespertain to edge cases requiring more robust static analyses.

All four tools generated trivial mutants, and the mean percent-age of their distribution over all apps for MDroid+, Major, PIT,and muDroid is 2.42%, 5.4%, 7.2%, and 11.8%, respectively (Fig-ure 2b). MDroid+ generates significantly fewer TM than muDroid(Wilcoxon paired signed rank test adjusted p-value=0.04, Cliff’sd=0.61 - large) and PIT (adjusted p-value=0.004, Cliff’s d=0.49 -large), while there is no statistically significant difference with Ma-jor (adjusted p-value=0.11). While these percentages may appearsmall, the raw values show that TMs can comprise a large set ofinstances for tools that can generate thousands of mutants per app.For example, for the Translate app, 518 out of the 1,877 mutantsgenerated by PIT were TM. For the same app, muDroid creates 348TM out of the 1,038 it generates. The biggest underlying reasonfor TM inMDroid+ results from null objects or references in theMainActivity, causing a crash on startup. Future improvementsto the tool could avoid mutants seeded in components related tothe MainActivity.

4 DEMO REMARKS & FUTUREWORKIn this demo, we have presented MDroid+, a mutation testing toolfor Android applications that supports 38 empirically derived muta-tion operators, automates the process of detecting potential mutantlocations and generating mutants, and facilitates the addition ofnew operators and the maintenance of existing operators throughan extensible architecture.MDroid+ was evaluated against otherpopular mutation testing tools for the Java language and was shownto generate fewer non-compilable and trivial mutants. In the future,we plan to add to the functionality of MDroid+ by allowing usersto stipulate specific activities for mutant injection and supportingthe increasingly popular Kotlin language.

Acknowledgments. Bavota was supported in part by the SNFproject JITRA, No. 172479. We would like to thank Sebastián Sierraand Camilo Escobar from Universidad de los Andes for their helptestingMDroid+.

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