mcq; antiepileptic

CNS Pharmacology Anti-epileptic drugs 1.The mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs is : a) Enhancement of GABA-ergic (inhibitory) transmission b) inhibition of excitatory (usually glutamate-ergic) transmission c) Modification of ionic conductance d) All of the above . 2.which of the following has an impotent effect on the T-type calcium channels in thalamic neurons? a) Carbamazepine b) Lamotrigine c) Ethosuximide d) Phenytoin . 3.The drug which does not produce a voltage-dependent inactivation of sodium channels is : a) Lamotrigine b) Carbamazepine c) Phenytoin d) Vigabatrine . 4.The antiepileptic drug, which produce inhibition of the central effects of excitatory amino acids is : a) Ethosuximide b) Lamotrigine c) Diazepam d) Tiagabine . 5.The drug which is not used for partial and generalized tonic-clonic seizures is : a) Carbamazepine b) Valproate c) Phenytoin d) Vigabatrine . 6.The drug which is used for absence seizures is : a) Sodium valproate b) Phenobarbital c) Carbamazepine d) Phenytoin . 7.The drug which is used for myoclonic seizures is: a) Primidone b) Carbamazepine c) Clonazepam 1

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CNS Pharmacology

Anti-epileptic drugs

1. The mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs is :

a) Enhancement of GABA-ergic (inhibitory) transmission

b) inhibition of excitatory (usually glutamate-ergic) transmission

c) Modification of ionic conductance

d) All of the above .2. which of the following has an impotent effect on the T-type calcium channels in thalamic neurons?

a) Carbamazepineb) Lamotrigine

c) Ethosuximide

d) Phenytoin .3. The drug which does not produce a voltage-dependent inactivation of sodium channels is :a) Lamotrigine

b) Carbamazepinec) Phenytoin

d) Vigabatrine .4. The antiepileptic drug, which produce inhibition of the central effects of excitatory amino acids is :

a) Ethosuximide

b) Lamotrigine

c) Diazepam

d) Tiagabine .5. The drug which is not used for partial and generalized tonic-clonic seizures is :a) Carbamazepineb) Valproate

c) Phenytoin

d) Vigabatrine .6. The drug which is used for absence seizures is :

a) Sodium valproate

b) Phenobarbital

c) Carbamazepined) Phenytoin .7. The drug which is used for myoclonic seizures is:

a) Primidone

b) Carbamazepinec) Clonazepam

d) Phenytoin .8. The most effective drug in status epilepticus in adults is :

a) Carbamazepineb) Ethosuximide

c) Diazepam

d) Zonisamide .9. Regarding phenytoin:

a) It effects on Ca2+ currents, reducing the low-threshold (T-type) currentb) It blocks Na+ channels c) It inhibits GABA-transaminase, which catalyzes the breakdown of GABAd) None of the above .10. Phenytoin is used in the treatment of:

a) Petit mal epilepsy

b) Grand mal epilepsy

c) Myoclonic seizures

d) None of the above .11. Dose-related adverse effect caused by phenytoin is:

a) Physical and psychological dependence

b) Gingival hyperplasia c) Exacerbated grand mal epilepsyd) Steven-Johnson syndrome .12. Granulocytopenia , GI irritation and facial hirsutism are possible adverse effects of:

a) Phenobarbital

b) Ethosuximidec) Phenytoin d) Carbamazepine .13. which of the following does not induce hepatic microsomal enzymes ?a) Carbamazepine b) Phenytoin

c) Phenobarbitald) Sodium valproate . 14. The drug of choice for partial seizures is:

a) Carbamazepineb) Diazepam

c) Ethosuximide

d) Phenytoin .15. The mechanism of action of Carbamazepine appears to be similar to that of:

a) Benzodiazepines

b) Sodium valproate

c) Phenytoin

d) Ethosuximide .16. Which of the following is also effective in treating trigeminal neuralgia?

a) Carbamazepine

b) Phenytoinc) Vigabatrined) Lamotrigine .17. The most common adverse effects of Carbamazepine are:

a) Diplopia, ataxia, and nausea

b) Gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism

c) Sedation, physical and psychological dependence

d) All of the above . 18. Phenobarbital causes :a) Physical and phychological dependence

b) Exacerbated petit mal epilepsy

c) Sedation

d) All of the above .19. Lamotrigine can be used alone in the treatment of all the following except :a) Partial seizures

b) Absence

c) Myoclonic seizures

d) Generalized tonic - clonic seizures .20. The mechanism of action of vigabatrine is : a) Direct action on the GABA receptor-chloride channel complex

b) Inhibition of GABA aminotransferase

c) NMDA receptor blockade via the glycine binding site

d) Inhibition of GABA neuronal reuptake from synapses .21. The mechanism of topiramates action is:

a) Reduction of excitatory glutamate-ergic neurotransmission

b) Inhibition of voltage sensitive Na+ channels

c) Potentiation of GABA-ergic neuronal transmission

d) All of the above .22. The drug of choice in the treatment of petit mal (absence seizures) is:

a) Phenytoin

b) Ethosuximide

c) Phenobarbital

d) Carbamazepine .23. adverse effects of ethosuximide are all the following except :a) Gastric upset such as anorexia, pain, nausea and vomiting

b) Exacerbated grand mal epilepsy

c) Fatigue , Dizziness and headache d) Aggressive behavior .24. Sodium valproate is very effective against all the following except :a) Absence seizures

b) Myoclonic seizures

c) Generalized tonic-clonic seizuresd) Partial seizures .

25. The drug of choice in the treatment of myoclonic seizures is:

a) Sodium valproate

b) Phenobarbital

c) Phenytoin

d) Ethosuximide .26. Which of the following antiepileptic drugs may produce teratogenicity?

a) Phenytoin

b) Valproate

c) Topiramate

d) All of the above .27. The most dangerous effect of antiepileptic drugs after large overdoses is:

a) Respiratory depression

b) Gastrointestinal irritation

c) Alopecia

d) Sedation

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