materials & finishes[1]

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  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    Materials & Finishes

    Materials & Finishes..........................................................................................................1

    Material Selection.........................................................................................................2

    Bosch Extrusion............................................................................................................3

    Processing of Bosch Extrusion...................................................................................3

    Carbide and custom punches.......................................................................................4


    Finishing and tank sizes .............................................................................................6

    Electropolished Sur"aces..............................................................................................#

    21546698.doc 1!e" date #e$t 11% 2&&6

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    Material Selection

    1. 'se stock (ateria) sizes *hen e"er $ossi+)e to e)i(inate unnecessar,(achining -See $%3 a' Materials & Stoc( asteners ) on the Mechanical

    *ebpage+Purchasing !a* /ateria)s0

    2. hen reuiring too) stee)% 1 distorts *hen heat treating and thus $ro+)e(s*ith not enough (ateria) )eft for grinding% on), use 1 *hen ,ou need

    so(ething +etter than (i)d stee) +ut do not reuire heat treating. ," heat

    treatment o" tool steel is necessar- than use 2. f in uestion consu)t ,oursu$er"isor.

    3. !adia) +earing shafting shou)d +e (ade fro( ho($son7na7Barden or

    #u$erior #hafting de$ending on the a$$)ication. ertain a$$)ications *i))

    reuire the use of #tress Proof #tee) or 1 -*i)) reuire a )ot of *ork forfinishing

    4. here"er $ossi+)e use )u(inu(% it *i)) sa"e ti(e and (one,. # uses it in

    se"era) for(s% 6&616 )u(inu(% 6&616 cracut )u(inu( -accurate),

    cut to *idth% ast )u(inu( oo)ing P)ate -)ess susce$ti+)e to *ar$age% f)atand tight to)erance in thickness% and )u(inu( ang)e. hen +ending

    a)u(inu( use 3&&3:14 not 6&616. )) of the a+o"e (ateria)s ha"e uniue

    to)erances -see ; under re$orts ? shortcut to$urchasing ra* (ateria)s@.

    5. he hardness for too) stee)s *i)) +e )i(ited to three +asic grou$s do not s$ecif,

    an,thing outside these grou$s un)ess a+so)ute), necessar,A

    1. ! 4446 'sed *hen $art shou)d +e tough +ut not necessari), hard.

    -i.e. shafts% $ins% etc.2. ! 5456 enera) $ur$ose *ear ite(s.

    -i.e. gi+s% s)ides% co"er $)ates% "s)ides for he$co ro))ers%

    etc.3. ! 6&62 :ea", *ear surfaces.

    -i.e. cutters% $unches% for(ing too)s% etc.

    6. he to)erances of (ateria) stock (ust +e considered in a)) too) designs. -see

    ;!e$orts on ne*Co+ :fi)e -> under

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    9. :ot !o))ed #tee) *i)) +e ordered either +)anchard ground or sand +)asted.

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    Carbide and custom punches

    1. )) car+ide co($onents *i)) +e done outside. n /E: *hen creating the

    record $)ease $ut ar+ide under the (anufacturer and then for descri$tionca))out $art na(e $er # ar+idePart I> &&1 -!e" if needed

    est $er # usto( Punch

    Part I> &&1 -!e" if needed 2 $er #

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices


    1. )) (ateria)s% if a$$)ica+)e% *i)) s$ecif, a finish. he finish is s$ecified during

    the +a))ooning $rocedure and is noted on the detai) dra*ing. $tions for the(ateria) finish is $ro"ided during the +a))ooning $rocedure.

    2. he fo))o*ing chart s$ecifies the standard # finishes. he standard finishes

    are a)so detai)ed in the ;# .&&&2 .&&&5 inch

    nodize> .&&&2 .&&&4 inch

    B)ack xide> .&&&1 .&&&2 inchicke) f)ash> .&&&5 .&&1& inch

    E)ectro)ess icke)> .&&&4 .&&&5 inch -$er #/ B33% ,$e 4% #2% )ass 1

    :ard nodize> .&&&5 .&&&8 inch

    4. n the design of gauges or setu$ too)s *here there is high to)erance $ieces

    finish the $ieces *ith B)ack xide.

    5. he finishes s$ecified do not reuire a $rocess s$ecification. he sho$ hasdetai)ed $rocedures for the finishing $rocesses.

    6. ertain custo(ers *i)) reuire their co)or finishes for $ainted co($onents.

    his *i)) +e detai)ed in the ;

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    . ertain a$$)ications reuire case hardening rather that heat treat. hese are

    reuired for ite(s that reuire surface hardening% +ut (a, not *ar$ i.e. in)ines.

    Exa($)es of case hardening are>

    rcorP: si(i)ar to tenifer% +ut can go dee$er *ith the hardening -u$ to .&&2dee$

    enifer 7 rinide -u$ to .&&&2 dee$

    itaniu( itride - -u$ to .&&&2 dee$

    8. e)d(ent dra*ings need to indicate surfaces that are not to +e $ainted.

    Finishing and tank sizes

    Process *or(ing rea o"

    an( 1inches5

    *eight estrictions 1lbs5

    )ear nodize 2& x 5& x 92 2%&&&

    B)ack nodize 2& x 5& x 92 2%&&&

    :ard nodize 2& x 5& x 92 2%&&&

    B)ack xide

    (Ampere Metal Finishing)

    (ATS Systems)

    24 x 4& x 18&

    23 x 23 x 24


    :ard hro(e 48 x 48 x 12& 1%5&&

    icke) F)ash 24 x 82 x 92 1%5&&

    E)ectro)ess icke)Metalon Technologies (steel)

    Metalon Technologies

    (aluminum)General Magnaplate

    (Industrial Processing)

    36 x 48 x 49

    16 x 24 x 32

    48 x 6& x 96

    12 x 36 x 54




    21546698.doc 6!e" date #e$t 11% 2&&6

  • 7/27/2019 Materials & Finishes[1]


    Mechanical Design Department

    Design Standards & Practices

    Electropolished Surfaces

    -nsert fro( #/38&

    E)ectro$o)ished surfaces are extre(e), s(ooth% (acrosco$ica)), f)at% (icrosco$ica)),

    feature)ess% and exhi+it high high )uster% ref)ecti"it, and +rightness. E)ectro$o)ishingsu+stantia)), reduces the surface area a"ai)a+)e for conta(ination $icku$ and e)i(inates

    a)) (icrocracks and interna) cre"ices.

    o($arison a+)e