marketing yourself for your first job

Marketing yourself for your first job It’s all about YOU!

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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10 things that must be included in a first resume. Developed by Jenni Proctor, Career Clarity


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Marketing yourself

for your first job

It’s all about YOU!

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What’s your personal brand?

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Who are you on Facebook?

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Personal branding

Presenting a consistent image Being true to yourself Showing what you are capable of Looking the part Dressing appropriately

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Resumes CV (Curriculum Vitae) Cover letter Portfolio ePortfolio

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Your resume - Contact details

Your name, address, email and telephone number, clearly displayed

Is your email address appropriate? Is the message on your mobile

phone appropriate?

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Only include this if the job you are applying for

Is part of your career plans Is related to a special interest

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Your school Current year level Grades

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Awards Leadership positions in school and sport Certificates Special responsibilities Membership of Associations, Choirs,

Service Groups eg lifesavers Membership of sporting teams and

years of involvement Achievements in the Arts – Music, Art,


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Strong positive action statements

Write your achievement statements starting with a strong verb eg Achieved, Created, Lead, Managed, Won, Assisted or a passive verb eg Awarded, Given.

Let your achievements tell a story

Verb = Doing word

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Languages High level of mathematical ability Musical ability Technology Skills

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Technology skills

Basic computer use (Indicate the level)

Word Excel PowerPoint InternetOther technology

skills Office machinery  Electronics Film making

Advanced computer skills

Graphics Photoshop Video editing Excel Solving hardware

problems Solving software

problems Programming

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Work experience

Paid, informal and volunteer work all tell the prospective employer a lot about you.

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Paid work

Any work that you have done for an employer where you had to give them your tax file number

Job title Name and address of employer Dates that you worked for them eg

Jan 2009 – April 2010 Achievements/responsibilities

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Informal work (paid or unpaid)

Baby sitting, helping in a family business, pet care or gardening, school work experience.

Job title Name and address of employer Dates that you worked for them eg

Jan 2009 – April 2010 Achievements/Responsibilities

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Volunteer work

Fundraising Door-knocking for recognised

charities such as Red Shield Appeal Caring for elderly relative or

neighbour Assisting at a school or church


Tell the story – What was it for? What did you do? What was the outcome

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Let them know something about you as an individual eg singing with a band, running in fun runs, surfing

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Someone who Knows and respects you Is willing to be telephoned by a

prospective employer Believes in you.

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Personal characteristics

Try to show them in the statements you make in the resume and/or cover letter

Can be a separate section …….. but what you say needs to match what you can demonstrate through your resume.

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Simple clean layout One font throughout Consistent formatting No spelling mistakes (Don’t trust

spellcheck on the computer!) No grammar mistakes No typos

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Cover letter

Correct letter layout

Start with Dear …………….

Re: Job you are applying for

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Cover letter content

4 or 5 paragraphs: How you know about the job A bit about yourself and your

availability Why they should employ you Personal characteristics A friendly signing off. 

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Your documents Art /graphics Music Performance Resume

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Your network

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Be about 10 minutes early Smartly dressed Well groomed Dress appropriately for the job

No tats, piercings, or obscene T-shirts

No extreme hairstyles No strong makeup

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Jenni Proctor Career Clarity

[email protected]