man 213 data analyze

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  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    The study aims to determine the Impact of Human Resource Management practices on

    Professional Performance toward Effectiveness as a variable Organizational Development.

    1. Respondent Profile


    Frequency Percent


    22 6 6.0

    23 5 5.0

    24 11 11.0

    25 13 13.0

    26 15 15.0

    27 5 5.0

    28 6 6.0

    29 3 3.0

    30 2 2.0

    31 4 4.0

    32 3 3.0

    33 2 2.0

    34 7 7.0

    35 1 1.0

    36 5 5.0

    37 5 5.0

    39 2 2.0

    40 5 5.0

    Total 100 100.0


    N Valid 100

    Missing 0

    Mean 28.78

    Mode 26

    Std. Deviation 5.291

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze



    Frequency Percent

    Valid Male 45 45.0

    Female 55 55.0

    Total 100 100.0


    4- Always

    3- Sometimes

    2- Rarely


    Civil Status

    Frequency Percent

    Valid Single 50 50.0

    Married 50 50.0

    Total 100 100.0

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Determining the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices to attain

    Personnels Professional Performance

    Descriptive Statistics - Staffing

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    When recruiting candidates for a job, the HRM keep in mind that

    there are laws that protect job seekers from solicitation and


    100 3.82 .386

    The HRM legally secures a method of recruiting such as placement

    of advertisement to paper, job sites, friends and family, employee

    agencies, etc. with the corresponding qualifications and requirements

    that made them possible to be a candidate.

    100 3.77 .423

    The HRM strictly provides a prescreening of all applicants or

    employees with their backgrounds or previous performances upon

    receiving resumes.

    100 3.81 .394

    The HRM compares candidates experiences to your job description. 100 3.72 .451

    The HRM choose the candidate who has the appropriate educational

    attainment for the job.100 3.65 .520

    The HRM provides a face- to- face interview with the applicants for

    better assessment and so as the behavior observations.100 3.74 .441

    The HRM provides a background check to the candidates like

    consulting their character references.100 3.80 .402

    The HRM puts the candidate into a test either theoretical or practical

    test which gives an accurate assessment for selection/ hiring of


    100 3.82 .386

    Valid N (listwise) 100

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Descriptive Statistics - Classification and Compensation

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    The HRM provides employees a financially stable environment. 100 3.60 .532

    The HRM gives the salary or even merits that are due to their workers and their


    100 3.58 .496

    The HRM allotted a bonus payments or incentives to their employees. 100 3.80 .402

    The HRM honors the high performance appraisal which could lead them to a

    decision of giving the employee an incentives or bonuses.100 3.82 .386

    Valid N (listwise) 100

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Descriptive Statistics - Performance Management System

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    The HRM has provided the setting of objectives together with their employees that

    bounded them in one goal.100 3.74 .485

    The HRM reviews the performance plan with the employees to set direction in

    attaining one desired result.100 3.61 .530

    The HRM directly observes each employees performances and gives feedback

    either positive or negative feedback.100 3.68 .469

    The HRM engage employees in making up the performance appraisal form which

    helps the employees to be more committed in rating performances.100 3.63 .485

    The HRM discusses briefly how to use and rate the performance tool so that all

    raters may have the same understanding of the dimensions of the form.100 3.64 .482

    When there is a positive evaluation, the HRM/ organization gives the employee anencouragement/ reinforcement and even reward so that the performance can be

    done continuously.

    100 3.75 .435

    When there is a negative evaluation, the HRM/ organization gives the direct

    corresponding actions to the employee.100 3.58 .535

    If the performance appraisal form is deficient or contaminated by irrelevant

    dimensions, the HRM readily change the form for effective and accurate evaluation

    of performances, and again together with the employees.

    100 3.80 .402

    Valid N (listwise) 100

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Descriptive Statistics - Benefits

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    The HRM/ organization have provided the employee in return for their

    contributions in them.100 3.73 .446

    The HRM/ organization provides a life insurance, health life insurance,

    disability insurance, etc.100 3.80 .402

    The HRM/ organization provides a retirement plans for the retiring

    employee/s.100 3.80 .402

    The HRM/ organization allow a vacation leave, maternity leave, sick leave,

    etc. with specific days of it.100 3.76 .429

    The HRM/ organization provide other benefits such as food allowance,

    clothing allowance and transportation allowance.100 3.68 .510

    Valid N (listwise) 100

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze



    escriptive Statistics - Employee Protection

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    The HRM/ organization ensure the safety of employees workplace and

    environment.100 3.82 .386

    The HRM has clearly discussed the avoidance of going to work under the

    influence of drugs and alcohol and any dangerous substances that make the

    environment and co- workers unsafe.

    100 3.78 .416

    The HRM/ organization ensure the personal wellness of the employee by

    undergoing to medical test, physical exam, cognitive assessments, stress

    management, etc.

    100 3.76 .429

    The HRM/ organization provides a safe working environment such as

    eliminating hazardous equipment or substances, providing protective gears,


    100 3.86 .349

    Valid N (listwise) 100

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Determining the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices to attain Personnels Professional


    Valid N

    (listwise)Mean Std. Deviation

    Total 98 3.72 .450

    Determining the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices in AssessingInterpersonal relationship of the employee contain by the organization

    Descriptive Statistics - Self- Awareness

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    Has the ability to reflect to ones self and

    performance100 3.70 .461

    Thinking of ones own appearance or behavior as

    these may be assessed by others

    100 3.77 .423

    Has brought up his/ her own positive self- image to

    others100 3.74 .441

    Has reliance on ones capacities and abilities on the

    job100 3.76 .474

    Has confidence in ones own abilities 98 3.74 .438

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Descriptive Statistics - Self- Awareness

    N Mean Std. Deviation

    Has the ability to reflect to ones self and

    performance100 3.70 .461

    Thinking of ones own appearance or behavior as

    these may be assessed by others100 3.77 .423

    Has brought up his/ her own positive self- image to

    others100 3.74 .441

    Has reliance on ones capacities and abilities on the

    job100 3.76 .474

    Has confidence in ones own abilities 98 3.74 .438

    Valid N (listwise) 98

    Descriptive Statistics - Self- Regulation

    N Mean Std. Deviation

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    HR Personnel has the ability to exercise the will so as to prevent

    oneself from expressing strong emotion or acting impulsively

    when stressed out or exhausted or even angry

    100 3.81 .394

    HR Personnel decides from its own form as long as it does not

    destruct the institution/ the other employees

    100 3.69 .465

    HR Personnel are trustworthy and keeps all the information

    confidential when issues come to a very sensitive situation

    100 3.86 .349

    HR Personnel has strict honesty and adheres to moral principles

    especially when conflict urgently needs attention and solution

    100 3.51 .502

    HR Personnel has the ability to put oneself in harmony with

    changed circumstances

    100 3.68 .510

    HR Personnel has the ability to make changes for the betterment

    of the organization as long as it does not interrupt to other


    100 3.79 .409

    Valid N (listwise) 100

    Descriptive Statistics Social Skills

    N Mean Std. Deviation

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    HR Personnel understands each employees/ workers without

    biases100 3.77 .423

    HR Personnel communicate effectively to co- workers and other

    employees100 3.80 .402

    Each HR personnel/ workers has built an interpersonal bond with

    each other100 3.72 .451

    HR Personnel help others to develop employees for their

    professional growth and for the good of the institutions services100 3.78 .416

    The HR Personnel has the ability to influence other employees 98 3.74 .438

    Has the ability to manage conflict within the organization/

    institution98 3.64 .482

    Talked about the solutions to issues and conflicts arises that may

    affect the operations of the organization or institution100 3.61 .490

    HR Personnel work collectively and collaboratively with other

    employees100 3.74 .441

    Valid N (listwise) 96

    Descriptive StatisticsMotivation

    N Mean Std. Deviation

  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


  • 8/8/2019 MAN 213 Data Analyze


    Determining the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices in Assessing Interpersonal relationship of

    the employee contain by the organization

    Valid N

    (listwise)Mean Std. Deviation

    Total 94 3.77 .594

    Impact of Human Resource Management practices on ProfessionalPerformance toward Effectiveness as a variable Organizational

    Development. Valid N(listwise) Mean


    Impact of Human Resource Management Practices inAssessing Interpersonal relationship of the employee contain

    by the organization94 3.77 0.594

    Impact of Human Resource Management Practices to attainPersonnels Professional Performance

    98 3.72 0.45

    Data has shown that Human Resource Management practices on ProfessionalPerformance toward Effectiveness as a variable Organizational Developmentdictatesthat Human Resource Management practices is very favorable for being effective indeveloping the organization.

    The total average score of 3.74 and a very low dispersion range from theaverage given by the respondents indicates that they do believe and feel that theHuman Resource Management practices is encouraging organization development.