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    2005 / 2006

  • MALUKU DALAM ANGKA 2005/2006 Maluku in Figures 2005/2006 ISSN : 0215 - 4471 No. Publikasi / Publication Number : 81000.0601 Katalog BPS / BPS Catalogue : 1403.81 Ukuran Buku / Book Size 22 x 16 cm Jumlah Halaman / Number of Pages = 661 halaman/pages Naskah / Manuscript : BPS Propinsi Maluku BPS - Statistic Propinsi Maluku Penyunting / Editor : Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi Statistik Integration Processing,and Disemination Statistical Division Gambar Kulit / Cover Design : Bidang Integrasi Pengolahan dan Diseminasi Statistik Integration Processing,and Disemination Statistical Division Diterbitkan oleh / Published by : BPS Propinsi Maluku BPS - Statistics Propinsi Maluku Dicetak oleh / Printed by : Offset CV. Aman Jaya Ambon Boleh Dikutip dengan menyebutkan sumbernya/ May be cited with reference to the source


    Pemekaran Kabupaten No. 40/ 2003- Kab. SeramBagain Barat- Kab. SeramBagian Timur- Kab. Kep. Aru



    Batas Provinsi

    Batas Kabupaten

    Ibukota ProvinsiIbukota Kabupaten



    Deputy Governor Of Moluccas

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xiii


    1. P E R I S A I

    - Sebuah alat pembela diri melambangkan kesiap - siagaan. Berbentuk 5 (lima) segi yang melambangkan LIMA DASAR POKOK NEGARA " PANCASILA ".

    - Berukuran 5 : 3 dalam satu wadah yang bulat, melambangkan PANCASILA DAN EKA SILA, adalah seluruh potensi Maluku.


    - Kelapa adalah hasil utama daerah Maluku Utara melambangkan potensi kemakmuran.

    - Jumlah pucuk kelapa 17 (tujuhbelas) buah melambangkan hari ke-17 dari bulan PROKLAMASI.

    - Warna kuning melambangkan kejayaan. -

    3. M U T I A R A

    - Hasil yang khas dari Daerah Maluku Tenggara - Jumlah Mutiara 8 (delapan) butir, melambangkan bulan ke-8 dari Tahun

    PROKLAMASI. - Warna putih melambangkan kemurnian. -

    4. DAUN SAGU

    - Sagu adalah makanan pokok di Maluku melambangkan daya hidup (vitalitas). - Jumlah daun sagu adalah 45 (empat puluh lima) melambangkan / menyatakan

    Tahun PROKLAMASI. - Warna hijau melambangkan kehidupan dan harapan.

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xiv


    - Hasil utama dari Daerah Maluku Tengah melambangkan Daerah Maluku sebagai kepulauan rempah - rempah, kekayaannya dimasa lampau dan kemungkinan - kemungkinan dimasa depan.

    6. T O M B A K

    - Melambangkan kemauan dan tekad untuk mempertahankan meningkatkan hidup.

    7. G U N U N G

    - Daerah Maluku bergunung - gunung yang melambangkan 3 Daerah Maluku Utara, Maluku Tengah, Maluku Tenggara yang dalam sejarah adalah satu.

    - Gunung - gunung yang hijau melambangkan kekayaan hasil hutan yang berlimpah - limpah.

    8. L A U T

    - Melambangkan infrastruktur utama dan kekayaan laut Maluku. - Gelombang melambangkan perjuangan. - Gelombang berjumlah 9 (sembilan) melambangkan Patasiwa dan 5 (lima

    melambangkan Patalima sebagai dasar susunan kesatuan masyarakat Adat di Maluku.

    - Warna biru melambangkan kesetiaan kepada Nusa dan Bangsa.

    9. P E R A H U

    - Melambangkan Pemerintahan yang didasarkan atas Persatuan dan Kekeluargaan menuju Kemakmuran.

    - Warna putih melambangkan perjuangan hidup yang Suci

    10. WADA LAMBANG YANG BERBENTUK BULAT, berarti semen bundeling dari

    segala potensi dengan dasar merah sebagai tanda keberanian. 11. WARNA DASAR LAMBANG HIJAU MUDA, melambangkan masa yang gilang -

    gemilang. 12. SIWA - LIMA MILIK BERSAMA

    Atas dasar Siwa Lima, kita memupuk Persatuan dan Kesatuan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan bersama.

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xv


    1. S H I E L D

    - A device for self - devence, symbolizes the state of being prepared and on the alert : The 5 sides of the shield symbolizes the "FIVE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE NATION" : PANCASILA.

    - 5 : 3 size ratio in a round tray symbolizes Pancasila and Ekasila, as then whole potential of Maluku.


    - Coconut, the main commodity of Maluku Utara, simbolizes the potential for prosperity. - The 17 shoots simbolizes the 17th day of the proclamation month. - The Yellow colour symbolizes supremacy.

    3. P E A R L S

    - A specific product from Maluku Tenggara. - The 8 pearls symbolizes the 8th month of the proclamation year. - The yellow symbolizes genuineness / purity.


    - Sago the staple foof in Moluccas symbolizes vitality. - The 45 sago leaves stand for the Proclamation year. - The green colour symbolizes life and hope.


    - The main product of central Moluccas symbolize Maluku as the spece islands, its wealth in the past, and its prospect in the future.

    6. THE SPEAR

    - Symbolizes the will and determination to survive and to raise the standard of living.

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xvi


    - The Maluku is mountains. The three mountains symbolizes the three main regions of the Maluku Utara, Maluku Tengah, and Maluku Tenggara which are historicallly one unity.

    - The green mountains symbolize richness of the forests which is in abundance..

    8. S E A

    - Symbolizes the main infrastructure and richness of the seas of Maluku. - The waves symbolizes strugle. - The 9 waves symbolize Patasiwa ; both are the basis of the structure of traditional

    communities in Maluku. - The blue colour symbolizes loyalty toward the Nation and Homeland.

    9. B O A T

    - Symbolizes a Coverment based on Unity and familial aiming at Welfore. - The white colour symbolizes aholy struggle for life.

    10. THE ROUND FORM OF THE SEAL, means : consolidation of the whole potential ; the

    red background symbolizes breavery / courage. 11. THE LIGTH GREEN BACGROUND OF THE SEAL, symbolizes a bright and brilliant

    (glorious) age. 12. SIWA - LIMA, a common possesion. On the basis of Siwa Lima, we foster unity and

    integrity toward a common welfare.

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xvii


    Halaman Pages

    Sambutan Gubernur Propinsi Maluku Foreword the Government of Maluku ................................


    Kata Pengantar Preface .................................


    Penjelasan Lambang Pemerintahan Propinsi Maluku Symbol Province of Maluku ...........................................


    Daftar Isi Contens ......................


    Daftar Gambar List of Figure .............................................


    Daftar Tabel List of Tables ...................................... Penjelasan Umum Explanatory Notes ................................................



    1. Keadaan Geografi dan Iklim Geagraphical Notes and Climate .............................


    1.1. Keadaan Geografi Geographycal Notes .....................................


    1.2. Keadaan Iklim Climate ........................................


    2. Pemerintahan Administration............................


    3. Penduduk dan Ketenagakerjaan Population and Employment ..............................


    3.1. Penduduk Population ......................................


    3.2. Ketenagakerjaan Employment .....................................


    4. S o s i a l S o c i a l .................................


    4.1. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Education and Culture ..........................................


    4.2. Kesehatan dan Keluarga Berencana Health and Family Planning ..............................................


    4.3. Agama Religion ....................................


    4.4. Peradilan Yudicature .............................


    4.5. Sosial Lainnya Other Social Affairs...........................................


    5. Pertanian Agriculture .............................


    5.1. Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Food Crops ........................


    5.2. Perkebunan Estates .................................................


    5.3. Kehutanan Forestry .......................................


  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xviii

    5.4. Peternakan

    Animal Husbandary..........................................

    218 5.5. Perikanan

    Fisheries ........................................

    218 6.

    Perindustrian, Pertambangan, Listrik dan Air Minum Industry, Mining, Electricity and Water Supply ............................


    6.1. Industri Industry ............................


    6.2. Pertambangan Mining ..............................


    6.3. Listrik dan Air Minum Electricity and Water Supply ......................................


    7. Perdagangan Trade ...................


    7.1. Ekspor Export .. ..................................


    7.2. Impor Import.. ....................................


    7.3. Perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor Trend of Export and Import ...............................................


    7.4. Perdagangan Lokal Local Trade .. ...............................................


    8. Transportasi dan Komunikasi Transportation and Comunication ......................................


    8.1. Jalan Raya Roads ........................


    8.2. Angkutan Darat Land Transportation ...........................................


    8.3. Angkutan Laut Sea Transportation ................................


    8.4. 8.5.

    Angkutan Udara Air Transportation ............................................... Pos dan Telekomunikasi Post and Telecommunications ............................



    9. Hotel dan Pariwisata Hotel and Tourism .............................


    9.1. Hotel Hotel ............................


    9.2. Pariwisata Tourism ............................


    10. Keuangan dan Harga Harga Finance and Prices ......................


    10.1. Keuangan Finance .........................


    10.2. Harga Harga Prices .......................


    11. Konsumsi dan Pengeluaran Rumahtangga Consumption and Household Expenditures ........................


    12. Pendapatan Regional Regional Income ......................


    13. Perbandingan Regional Regional Comparison ..................


  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xix


    Halaman Pages

    Gambar Figure

    1.1.1 Curah Hujan Beberapa Stasiun di Propinsi Maluku Rain fall at some Stations in the Province of Maluku , 2005.......


    2.1. Keanggotaan DPRD Propinsi Maluku Number of Parliament Numbers of the Province of Maluku 2004..........


    3.1.1. Penduduk Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Population of Maluku by Regency / City 1990 , 2000 ,2003 dan 2004


    3.2.1. Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas Menurut Angkatan Kerja di Propinsi Maluku, Population Aged 15 Years and over, by Labour Force and Non Labour Force in the Province of Maluku 2004............................

    75 3.2.2.


    Penduduk Berumur 15 Tahun Keatas Menurut Kegiatan Utama selama seminggu Yang Lalu di Propinsi Maluku Population, Aged 10 Years and Over by Tipe of Activity During the Previous week in Province of Maluku 2004.... Persentase Penduduk Berumur 15Tahun Keatas Yang Bekerja Menurut Lapangan Usaha Precentage of Working Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Sector, 2004...


    77 4.1.1. Penduduk Usia Sekolah di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/ Kota

    dan Kelompok Umur, School Age Population in the Province of Maluku, by Regency / City and Age Group, 2004.

    109 4.1.2. Ratio Murid Terhadap Sekolah, di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Tingkat

    Sekolah dan Kabupaten/ Kota, Pupil to School Ratio, in the Province of Maluku by School Level and Regency/City 2004 ..

    110 4.1.3. Ratio Murid Terhadap Guru di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Tingkat

    Sekolah dan Kabupaten/Kota Pupil to Teacher Ratio, in the Province of Maluku by school Level and Regency/City , 2004 ...

    111 4.2.1. Jumlah Fasilitas Kesehatan di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan

    Jenis Fasilitas, Number of Health Fccilities in Maluku by Regency / City and Kind Facilities 2005 ...

    160 4.2.2. Sarana dan Prasarana KB di Propinsi Maluku

    Famili Planning (FP) Facilities and Infra Structure in the Province of Maluku 2000 2004 .

    161 4.3.1. Jumlah Tempat Ibadah di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

    dan Jenis Tempat Ibadah Number of Worship Places in the Province of Maluku by Regency/City and Type Places 2005 .

    182 5.1.1. Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Padi Sawah dan Padi Ladang di

    Propinsi Maluku Harvested, Yield Rate and Production of Wetiand and Dry Land in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 .


  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xx

    5.2.1. Perusahaan Perkebunan Besar Dirinci Menurut Luas Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Large Estates and Land areas, in the Province of Maluku, 2001 -2005...

    251 5.3.1. Rincian Kawasan Hutan di Propinsi Maluku,

    Detail of Forets Land Areas, in the Province of Maluku, 2005..

    268 5.3.2. Produksi Kayu Olahan Di Propinsi Maluku,

    Production of Fabricated Wood, in the Province of Maluku, 2003- 2005 M3)..

    269 5.3.3.


    Realisasi Produksi Kayu Bulat Di Propinsi Maluku, Production of Logs, in the Province of Maluku, 2003 2005 ( M ) .. Realisasi Export Hasil Hutan Kayu Olahan di Propinsi Maluku Realisation of Export Fabricated wood from the Province of Maluku 2005..



    5.4.1. Populasi Ternak dan Jenis Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku Livestock Population and Kind of Animal in the Province of Maluku 2005.


    5.4.2. Produksi Telur Menurut Jenis Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku Production of Eggs by Kind of Poultry in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005


    5.4.3. Produksi Daging Di Propinsi Maluku Production of Meat in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .......


    5.5.1. Perkembangan Produksi dan Nilai Produksi Perikanan Menurut Kabupaten /Kota, Trend of Fishery Production and its Value, by Regency / City, 2005..

    312 6.1.1. Perkembangan Industri Aneka di Maluku

    Growth of Miscallanecus Industries in the Province of Maluku, 2001 - 2005.....

    339 7.1.1. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor di Maluku

    Trend of Export Value in Maluku ,2001 2005 .

    364 8.3.1. Kegiatan Bongkar Muat, Kunjungan Kapal dan Arus Penumpang di

    Pelabuhan Ambon Ship Calls, Stevedoring Activies and Passenger Traffic at the Ports of Ambon, 2001 - 2005.....

    402 8.4.1. Jumlah Penumpang dan Pesawat Melalui Bandara Pattimura Ambon

    Flow of Air Passenger Trough Pattimura Air Port of Ambon 2001 - 2005 ..

    416 9.1.1. Akomodasi, Hotel di Propinsi Maluku

    Hotel Accommodation, in the Province of Maluku, 2001 - 2005...

    470 9.2.1. Wisatawan Asing Yang Datang di Maluku

    Foreign Tourists Who Visited in Maluku, 2001 2005 ...

    477 10.1.1. Target dan Realisasi Pendapatan Daerah Propinsi Maluku

    Targeted Actual Regional Income of the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 .

    485 10.2.1. Laju Inflasi Kota Ambon

    Inflation Rate of the City of Ambon, 2004 2005 ..

    550 12.1. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan

    Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Gross Domestic Regional Product in Province Maluku by Sector at cuurrent Market Prices 2001 - 2005 .


  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxi

    Daftar Tabel

    List of Table

    Tabel Halaman Tabel Page 1.1.1. Letak Geografi

    Geographical Location 2005 .............................

    6 1.1.2. Luas Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Per Kabupaten/Kota dan Kecamatan

    Total Area of the Province of Maluku by Regency / City and District 2005................................................................................................................. 7

    1.1.3. Nama - Nama Gunung, Tinggi dan Lokasinya Menurut Kabupaten /Kota Names, Altitudes and Locations of Mountains by Regency/City .......................... 9

    1.1.4 Nama-Nama Danau dan Lokasinya Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Names and Locations of Lakes, by Regency/City.............................. 10

    1.1.5 Nama-Nama Dataran Rendah, Luas dan Lokasinya Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Names, Areas and Locations of Low Land by Regency/City ............................. 11

    1.1.6 Nama - Nama Pulau Serta Luasnya Dirinci Menurut per Kabupaten / Kota Names and Areas of Island, by Regency /City............................... 12

    1.1.7 Klasifikasi Golongan Umur Pulau/Kepulauan Di Propinsi Maluku Group Classifications and Ages of Island in the Province of Maluku ................. 13

    1.1.8 Jarak Ibukota Propinsi dengan Ibukota Kabupaten dan Beberapa Ibukota Kecamatan serta Jarak Kabupaten dengan Beberapa Ibukota Kecamatan Distances between the Province and the Regency Capital Cities and Between the Regency capital cities Some District Capital Towns (Km) ............................ 14

    1.2.1 Banyaknya Pelayanan Penerbangan Stasiun Meteorologi Pattimura Ambon, Number of Services Offered to Flights, by the Pattimura Meteorology Station in Ambon, 2005 .................................................... 16

    1.2.2. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Pattimura Ambon, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Pattimura Meteorology Station in Ambon, 2001 2005 .................................................................. 17

    1.2.3. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Tual, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Tual, 2001 2005 ................................... 20

    1.2.4. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Saumlaki, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Saumlaki, 2001 2005 .................................................................................................................... 23

    1.2.5. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Banda Neira, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Banda Neira, 2001 - 2005 ......................................................................... 26

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxii

    1.2.6. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Kairatu,

    Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Kairatu 2001 2005 ............................................................................. 29

    1.2.7. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Amahai, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Amahai, 2001 2005 .......................................................... 32

    1.2.8. Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Geser, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Geser, 2001 2005 ... 35

    1.2.9 Data Klimatologi Bulanan Stasiun Meteorologi Namlea, Monthly Climate Data Recorded at the Meteorology Station of Namlea, 2001 2005 ... 38

    1.2.10 Banyaknya Gempa Bumi Yang Terjadi dan Tercatat oleh Stasiun Geofisika Ambon Number of Earthquakes Recorded by the Geophysics Station of Ambon 2001 2005 ... 41

    2. Pemerintahan


    2.1. Nama-Nama Ibukota Kabupaten/Kota, Banyaknya Kecamatan dan Desa / Kelurahan Names of Capital Cities / Town and Number of Districts and Villages /Kelurahans by Regency/City 2005 ...... 47

    2.2. Nama - Nama Ibukota Kecamatan dan Banyaknya Desa/Kelurahan di Propinsi Maluku Names of Capital town of Distircts and Number of illages/Kelurahans in the Province of Maluku 2005 .. 48

    2.3. Nama-Nama Gubernur Kepala Daerah dan Sekretaris Wilayah Daerah Tingkat I Propinsi Maluku dan Masa Jabatan Number of Governors and the Regional Secretaries of the Province of Maluku in Office Periode 50

    2.4. Nama-Nama Wakil Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tngkat I Propinsi Maluku dan Masa Jabatan Names of Vice Governors of the Province of Maluku on Office Period... 51

    2.5. Komposisi Keanggotaan DPRD Tingkat I dan Tingkat II Hasil Pemilu Per Partai Politik Propinsi Maluku Composition of the Province and Regency Parliament Member ship as a result of the general elections held by Political Party and Functional organisation in Province of Maluku 2004 .. 52

    2.6. Nama-Nama Pimpinan DPRD Tingkat I Propinsi Maluku (Ketua dan Wakil Ketua) Hasil Pemilu Names of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Provincial Parliament of Maluku, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 , 1999 dan 2004 54

    2.7. Jumlah Keputusan DPRD Propinsi Maluku Hasil Pemilu Number of Provincial of Maluku Parlemental Decrees, by General Election Years 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 , 1999 dan 2004 ........................... 55

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxiii

    3. Penduduk dan Ketenagakerjaan

    Population and Employment 3.1.1. Penduduk Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Menurut Kabupaten/Kota

    Population of the Province of Maluku by Regency/City s 1971, 1980, 2004 dan 2005 ... 64

    3.1.2. Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Hasil Sensus dan Supas Population Growth Rate of the Province of Maluku by Regency/City Based on Population Census and Supas 1971-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-2000 dan 2000-2005 ... 65

    3.1.3. Persentase Luas Daerah, Persentase Penduduk dan Kepadatan Penduduk Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Percentage of Total Area,Percentage of Population and Population Density by Regency/City 1971, 1980, 1990, 2000 dan 2005 .. 66

    3.1.4. Rasio Jenis Kelamin Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Sex Ratio by Regency / City,1971, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2005 ... 68

    3.1.5. Warga Negara Asing Di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kewarganegaraan dan Jenis Kelamin, Foreigners in the Province of Maluku by Nationality and Sex, 2004... 69

    3.1.6. Penempatan Transmigrasi Umum selama Pelita I sampai dengan Pelita VII di Propinsi Maluku Placement of General Transmigrants during the First to the Sixth year Development (FYD) Period in the Province of Maluku 2005 73

    3.1.7. Penempatan Transmigrasi Di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Daerah Asal dan Lokasi Penempatan, Location of Transmigrant Settllement in the Province of Maluku and of Origin, 2001 - 2005.................................... 74

    3.2.1. Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Labour Force Participation Rate by Regency/City 2001 2004............ 78

    3.2.2. Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun Keatas Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Kegiatan Utama Selama Seminggu Yang Lalu di Propinsi Maluku, Population Aged 15 Years and Over, by Regency/City and Type of Activity During the Previous Week in Province Maluku, 2004 ................... 79

    3.2.3. Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas Menurut Jenis Kegiatan Utama Selama Seminggu yang Lalu, Population Aged 15 years and Over, by Type of Main Activity During the Previous Week, 2001 2004 .................................. 81

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxiv

    3.2.4. Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas Menurut Jenis Kegiatan Utama Selama

    Seminggu yang Lalu dan Jenis Kelamin Population Aged 15 years and Over, by Type of Main Activity During the Previous Week and Sex, 2004 .... 82

    3.2.5. Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas yang Bekerja Selama Seminggu yang Lalu Menurut Jenis Pekerjaan Utama dan Kabupaten/Kota, Population, Aged 15 Years and Over Who Worked During the Previous Week, by Main Sector and Regency/City, 2004.... 83

    3.2.6. Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas yang Bekerja Selama Seminggu yang Lalu Menurut Lapangan Pekerjaan Utama dan Jenis Kelamin di Propinsi Maluku Population, Aged 15 Years and Over Who Worked During the Previous Week, by Main Sector and Sex, in the Province of Maluku , 2004 .. 84

    3.2.7 Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas yang Bekerja Selama Seminggu yang Lalu Menurut Jenis Pekerjaan Utama dan Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Population, Aged 15 Years and Over Who Worked During the Previous Week, by Main Employment States and Regency/City, in the Province of Maluku 2004 85

    3.2.8 Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas yang Bekerja Selama Seminggu yang Lalu Menurut Status Pekerjaan Utama dan Jenis Kelamin di Propinsi Maluku, Population, Aged 15 Years and Over Who Worked During the Previous Week, by Main Employment States and Sex, in the Province of Maluku 2004 86

    3.2.9 Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas Yang Bekerja Menurut Jumlah Jam Kerja dan Kabupaten/Kota Population, Aged 15 Years and Over, by Total Working Hours Per Week and Regency/City, 2004 .... 87

    3.2.10 Penduduk 15 Tahun Keatas Yang Bekerja Menurut Jumlah Jam Kerja dan Jenis Kelamin, Population, Aged 15 Years and Over, by Total Working Hours Per Week and Sex, 2004 . ..... 88

    3.2.11 Pencari Kerja yang Terdaftar Pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Propinsi Maluku Menurut Jenis Kelamin, Number of Job Applicants, were Registered at the Regional Office of the Manpower and Transmigration Service of Province Maluku, by Sex ,2005 . 89

    3.2.12. Pencari Kerja yang Terdaftar Menurut Tingkat Pendidikan dan Jenis Kelamin, Number of Job Applicants, Registered by Educational Attainment and Sex, 2005 .. 90

    3.2.13. Banyaknya Pencari Kerja yang telah Ditempatkan Menurut Lapangan Usaha dan Jenis Kelamin, Number of Job Applicants, who have been Placed by Sector and Sex, 2005 91

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxv

    3.2.14. Banyaknya Pencari Kerja yang Dihapuskan Menurut Tingkat Pendidikan dan

    Jenis Kelamin, Number of Job Applicants who have been Conselied by Educational Attainment and Sex ,.2005 .. 92

    3.2.15. Jumlah Lowongan Pekerjaan Menurut Lapangan Usaha dan Jenis Kelamin, Number of Job Vaccansies, by Sector and Sex ,2005 .... 93

    3.2.16. Realisasi Kegiatan Proyek Perluasan Lapangan Kerja dan Pengurangan Pengangguran, Implementation of the Project for Employment Expansion and Elimination of Unemployment, 2005 .... 94

    3.2.17. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pendidikan Ketenagakerjaan Menurut Jenis Kursus Di Propinsi Maluku, Realization of Manpower Training Courses, by Type of Course in the Province of Maluku 2005 . 95

    3.2.18. Peserta Latihan Kepemimpinan (Bimbingan dan Pengembangan Tenaga Kerja) Menurut Balai/Kursus Latihan dan Modulasi Kejuruan Di Propinsi Maluku, Participants of Leadership (Extention and Manpower Development) Training Course, by Training Centres and Vocational Modulation in the Province of Maluku, 2005 ....................................... 96

    3.2.19. Peserta Pelatihan Produktivitas Menurut Paket Kejuruan Di Propinsi Maluku, Participants of Productivity Training Course, by Vocational Package, in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .. 98

    3.2.20. Perusahaan Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan (UU.No.7/1981) Dirinci per Sektor Di Propinsi Maluku Number of Companies with require to report their workers Condition (Law No. 7/1981), by sector in Maluku Province 2000 2004 .. 99

    3.2.21. Upah Minimum Propinsi (UMP) Sektor-Sub Sektor Sesuai SK Gubernur Minimum Wage Province Sector-Sub Sector on the Minister of Governur 2005 100

    3.2.22. Rata-rata Kebutuhan Hidup Minimum (KHM) Menurut Kebutuhan Hidup Di Propinsi Maluku, Average Minimum Living Requirement, by Worker's Household Composition, 2000 2005 ... 101

    3.2.23. Pegawai Negeri Sipil Pusat dan Daerah Otonom Menurut Golongan Kepangkatan Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of National and Autonomous Region Civil Servants, by Rank in the Province of Maluku, 2005 ..... 102

    3.2.24. Pegawai Negeri Sipil Otonom Daerah Menurut Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) dan Golongan Kepangkatan Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Civil Servant of Autonomous Regions, by Regional Administration and Rank, 2005 ..... 103

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxvi

    4. S o s i a l

    S o c i a l

    4.1.1. Penduduk Usia Sekolah di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Kelompok Umur, School Age Population in the Province of Maluku, by Regency/City and Age Group, 2004. 112

    4.1.2. Penduduk 7 24 Tahun Menurut Jenis Kelamin, Kelompok Umur dan Partisipasi Sekolah, The 7 24 Year Old Population by Sex, Age Group and School Participation, 2004 113

    4.1.3. Banyaknya Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru dan Lulusan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenjang Pendidikan Negeri dan Swasta di Propinsi Maluku, Number of State + Private Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Pupils, Teachers and Graduates, by Regency/City and Educational level of Province Maluku, 2004/2005. 114

    4.1.4. Banyaknya Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru dan Lulusan dan Jenjang Pendidikan Negeri di Propinsi Maluku, Number of State Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Pupils, Teachers and Graduates, by Educational level in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2004/2005 116

    4.1.5 Banyaknya Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru dan Lulusan dan Jenjang Pendidikan Swasta di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Private Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Pupils, Teachers and Graduates, by Educational level in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2004/2005 .. 117

    4.1.6. Banyaknya Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru, Lulusan dan Jenjang Pendidikan (Negeri + Swasta) di Propinsi Maluku, Number of State + Private Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Pupils, Teachers and Graduates, by Educational level in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2004/2005 118

    4.1.7. Ratio Murid Terhadap Sekolah, Ratio Murid Terhadap Guru dan Ratio Murid Putus Sekolah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenjang Pendidikan Negeri dan Swasta di Propinsi Maluku Pupil to School Ratio, Pupil to Teacher Ratio, and Ratio of Drop Out Pupils of State and Private Schools, by Regency/City and Educational Level, in Maluku Province 2004/2005 ... 119

    4.1.8. Ratio Murid Terhadap Sekolah, Ratio Murid Terhadap Guru dan Ratio Murid Putus Sekolah Menurut Jenjang Pendidikan Negeri dan Swasta, Di Propinsi Maluku, Pupil to School Ratio, Pupil to Teacher Ratio, and Ratio of Drop Out Pupil of State and Private Schools, by Educational Level in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2004/2005 ... 120

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxvii

    4.1.9. Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru dan Lulusan Bidang

    Pendidikan Umum Menurut Jenjang Pendidikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Teachers and Graduates of General Schools, by Educational level in the Province of Maluku, 2001/2002 - 2004/2005 .. 121

    4.1.10. Sekolah, Gedung/Bilik, Ruang Kelas, Murid, Guru dan Lulusan Bidang Pendidikan Kejuruan Menurut Jenjang Pendidikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Schools, Buildings, Class-Rooms, Pupils, Teachers and Graduates of Vocational Schools, by Educational level in the Province Maluku, 2001/2002 - 2004/2005 . 122

    4.1.11. Jumlah Sekolah, Murid dan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Number of schools, Pupils, and Teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiiyah by Regency/City in Maluku Province, 2001 2005 ..... 123

    4.1.12. Sekolah, Murid dan Guru Madrasah Sanawiah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Madrasah Sanawiah Schools, Pupils and Teachers , by Regency/City in Maluku Province, 2001 2005 .. 125

    4.1.13. Sekolah, Murid dan Guru Madrasah Alliyah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Alliyah schools, Pupils, and Teachers ,by Regency/City in Maluku Province, 2001 2005 ... 127

    4.1.14. Murid, Guru dan Lulusan Sekolah Perikanan Menengah Atas di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Pupils, Teachers and Graduates of The Fishery Senior High School in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2004/2005 .. 129

    4.1.15. Murid, Guru dan Lulusan Sekolah Pertanian Menengah Atas di Propinsi Maluku, Pupils,Teachers and Graduates of Agricultural Senior High School in Maluku Province, 2001/2002 2005/2006..... 130

    4.1.16. Ratio Murid Terhadap Guru SD, SMTP dan SMTA Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Pupil to Teacher Ratio of Primary School, Junior High School and senior High School by Regency/City, 2005 ... 131

    4.1.17. Ratio Murid Terhadap Guru SD, SMTP dan SMTA Pupils To Teachers Ratio of Primary School, Junior High School and Senior High School, 2001/2002 2004/2005 , 132

    4.1.18. Persentase Murid Putus Sekolah SD, SMTP dan SMTA Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Percentage of Drop Out Pupils of Primary School, Junior High School and Senior High School by Regency/City, 2005 ., 133

    4.1.19. Persentase Murid Putus Sekolah SD, SMTP dan SMTA, di Propinsi Maluku Percentage of Drop Out Pupils of Primary School, Junior High and Senior High Schools by, in the Province of Maluku, 2001/2002 2004/2005 135

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxviii

    4.1.20. Calon Mahasiswa Yang Mendaftar dan Diterima Menurut Fakultas dan

    Jenjang Program Pada Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Number of Student applicants, and admitted to Pattimura University Ambon, by Faculty and Study Program, 2001 2005 ..... 136

    4.1.21. Mahasiswa, Dosen, Lulusan serta Ratio Mahasiswa Terhadap Dosen pada Universitas Pattimura Ambon. Number of Students Lectures & Graduates, and Ratio of Students to Lacturee at Pattimura University Ambon, 2005 ....,, 137

    4.1.22. Tenaga Kerja Tetap Menurut Fakultas, Jurusan dan Pendidikan Tertinggi pada Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Permanent Academic Staff at Pattimura University Ambon, by Faculty and Educational Attainment, 2001 2005 .... 138

    4.1.23. Calon Mahasiswa Yang Mendaftar pada Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku, Student Applicants to the Maluku Christian University of Indonesia, 2001 2005 140

    4.1.24. Calon Mahasiswa Yang Diterima pada Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku, Number of Student applicants who are admitead to the Maluku Christian University of Indonesia, 2001 2005 .., 141

    4.1.25. Mahasiswa Aktif, Dosen, KKN dan Lulusan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku Number of Aktive Students, Lectures, Graduates and Student who Partisipated in Village Extension Service Activity of the Maluku Christian University of Indonesia, 2001 2005 .. 142

    4.1.26. Calon Mahasiswa Yang Mendaftar dan Diterima pada Universitas Darusalam Ambon Menurut Jenis Kelamin Students applicants registared and admitted to Darusalam University, Ambon, by sex and Faculty, 2005 .. . 144

    4.1.27. Mahasiswa Aktif, Dosen pada Universitas Darusalam Ambon Active Students and Lactures at Darusalam University, Ambon , 2005 . 145

    4.1.28. Mahasiswa KKN dan Lulusan pada Universitas Darusalam Ambon, Number of participants in the Students Extension Service (SES) Activity and Graduates at Darusalam University, Ambon , 2005 146

    4.1.29. Calon Mahasiswa Yang Mendaftar dan Diterima Menurut Fakultas dan Jenis Kelamin pada STIA Trinitas Ambon, Student Applicants registered, and admitted to Trinity College for Administration Science Ambon, by Departments 2005 . 147

    4.1.30. Mahasiswa Aktif, Dosen, KKN, Lulusan dan Rasio Mahasiswa Terhadap Dosen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi ( STIA ) Trinitas Ambon menuurt Jenis Kelamin Active Students,Lactures, Participants in SES, Graduates, Ratio of Student at Trinity College for Adminitration Science Ambon by Sex, 2001 2005 ... 148

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxix

    4.1.31. Jumlah Mahasiswa Yang Mendaftar dan Diterima pada Sekolah Tinggi

    Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Ambon menurut Fakultas dan Jenis Kelamin Number of Student applicants and admitted to Hight School Islamic Religion by Faculty and Sex, 2005 . 150

    4.1.32. Mahasiswa Aktif, Dosen, KKN dan Lulusan pada Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Ambon menurut Fakultas dan Jenis Kelamin Activa Students, Lacturens Participants in SES Graduates at Hight School of Islamic Religion by Faculty and Sex, 2005 .... 151

    4.1.33. Majelis Pembimbing Cabang Andalan Kwarcab, Pelatih Pembina Pramuka di Propinsi Maluku, Boards of Branch Counseiors, Branch Quarters Chiefs, and Trainers of Explorers of Pramuka in the Province of Maluku, 2005. 153

    4.1.34. Gugus Depan Anak Didik Pramuka (Sumber Didik) Majelis Pembimbing Andalan dan Pembina Pramuka Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Advance Groups, Pupils of Pramuka, (educators), Board of Counselors, Chiefs and Explorers of Pramuka, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku. 2005 . 154

    4.1.35. Anggota Tambahan Pada Perpustakaan Nasional Daerah Maluku Additional Members of the National Library of the Regional of Maluku , 2005 .... 156

    4.1.36. Pengunjung Pada Perpustakaan Nasional Daerah Maluku, Visitors at the National Library of the Regional of Maluku, 2005 ... 157

    4.1.37. Tambahan Koleksi Pada Perpustakaan Nasional Daerah Maluku, Additional Members at the National Library of the Regional of Maluku, 2005 ........ 158

    4.1.38. Perkembangan Anggota Tambahan Pengunjung dan Koleksi Pada Perpustakaan Nasional Daerah Maluku, Growth of Members, Visitors, and Collection at the Regional of Maluku 2001 2005. .... 159

    4.2.1. Rumah Sakit dan Kapasitas Tempat Tidur Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Kepemilikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Hospitals, Number of beds, by Regency/City and Owners in the Province of Maluku, 2005 ... 162

    4.2.2. Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Puskesmas Pembantu Milik Pemerintah dan Posyandu Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Hospitals, Public Health Centres (PHC), By-PHC owned by the Covernment, and Integrated Services Posts (ISP) by Regency/City in Province of Maluku, 2005 .. 163

    4.2.3. Puskesmas dan Tenaga Kesehatan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, PHC and Health Personnel by Regency/City in Maluku of Province, 2005 ... 164

    4.2.4. Sarana Obat-Obatan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Medicine Providers by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2005 . 165

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxx

    4.2.5. Balita Yang Diimunisasi DPT 1 dan Polio-3 Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di

    Propinsi Maluku, Intans having been immunited by DPT-1 and Polio-3 by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .. 166

    4.2.6. Cakupan, Frekuensi Kunjungan Ibu Hamil dan Cakupan Imunisasi TT2 Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Persentages, Frequency of Visits by Pregnant Women and percentages of pregnant women having immunited by TT-2 at PHCs, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 ... 168

    4.2.7. Persentase Balita (2 4 Th) Disusui dan Tidak Disusui Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Percentage of children aged to 5 years who have been/not been Suckled, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2000 2004. 170

    4.2.8. Bayi Lahir, Lahir Mati dan Persentase BBLR pada Rumah Sakit Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Numbers of Newborn, death by birth and Percentage of low weight by birth babies, at hospitals, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 172

    4.2.9. Sarana Prasarana KB menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Facilities and Infrastructures for Family Planning, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 - 2005 174

    4.2.10. Pencapaian Peserta KB Baru Mix, Kontrasepsi menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku New Family Planning Participants Using Mix Contraception, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2005 .. 176

    4.2.11. Pencapaian Peserta KB Aktif Mix Kontrasepsi menurut Kabupaten/ Kota di Propinsi Maluku Active Family Planning Participants Using Mix Contraception by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2005 .... 179

    4.3.1. Tempat Ibadah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Palces of Worship by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 . 183

    4.3.2. Persentase Pemeluk Agama Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Percentage of Religion Adherents by Regency / City in the Province of Maluku, 2005 ...... 184

    4.3.3. Jumlah Jemaah Haji Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, Moeslem Pilgrims by Regency/City in the Province Maluku, 2001 2005 . 185

    4.3.4. Nikah, Talak, Cerai dan Rujuk di Propinsi Maluku Mariagef, Divorces and Reconsilations in the Province Maluku 2001 2005 ... 186

    4.3.5. Taman Pengajian AlQuran Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku, AlQuran Training Centres (ATC) by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 ... 187

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxi

    4.3.6. Penyuluh Agama Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku,

    Religius Counselors by Regency / City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005.... 188

    4.4.1. Jumlah Pidana Diproses di Lingkungan Kejaksaan Tinggi Maluku Menurut Jenis Tindak Pidana Umum dan Tingkat Pemrosesannya, Criminil Cases processed at the High Prosecutor of Maluku by Type of General crime and stage of Processing 2001 2005 .... 191

    4.4.2. Perkara Tindak Pidana Umum di Lingkungan Kejaksaan Tinggi Maluku Number of General Criminil Cases at the High Prosecutor Office of Maluku, 2001 2005 ... 193

    4.4.3. Perkara Tindak Pidana Khusus di Lingkungan Kejaksaan Tinggi Maluku, Number of Specific Criminil Cases at the High Prosecutor Office of Maluku, 2005.... 194

    4.4.4. Tahanan pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Menurut Bulan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Prisoners held in Correction Institutes,, by Month in the Province of Maluku, 2005. 195

    4.4.5. Narapidana pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Menurut Bulan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Convicts held in Correction Institutes by Month, in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .... 196

    4.4.6. Tahanan pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Prisoners held in Correction Institutes,, in Province of Maluku, 2005.... 197

    4.4.7. Narapidana pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Convicts by Correction Institutes in Province of Maluku, 2005 . 198

    4.4.8. Tahanan pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Propinsi Maluku Number of Prisoners held by Corretion Institutes in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 199

    4.4.9. Gangguan Ketertiban Masyarakat yang Diselesaikan Polisi Menurut Polres di Maluku, Cases on Viclation of Law and Order, Settied by the Police by Police Sector, in Maluku, 2001 2005 .. 200

    4.5.1. Jumlah Korban Bencana Alam Menurut Daerah Tingkat II dan Jenis Bencana, Number of casualities of natural disasters, by Regency/City and Types of Disasters, 2005.... 201

    4.5.2. Wanita Tuna Susila Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Tingkat Pendidikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Prostitutes, by Regency/City and Education Attainment in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005.. 203

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxii

    4.5.3. Penyandang Cacat Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Kelamin di Propinsi

    Maluku, Number of Handicapped,, by Regency/City and sex in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ... 204

    4.5.4. Penyandang Cacat Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Tingkat Pendidikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Handicapped People, and Educational Attainment by Regency/City the Province of Maluku 2001 2005.. 205

    4.5.5. Anak Nakal Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Tingkat Pendidikan di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Deliguent Children by Regency/City in and Educational Attainment in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ... 206

    4.5.6. Gelandangan Pengemis Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Tingkat Pendidikan Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Homeless Drittera and Beggars, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 . 207

    4.5.7. Fakir Miskin Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Tingkat Pendidikan Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Indegents by Regency/City in and Educational Attainament in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005.. 208

    4.5.8. Anak Terlantar Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Di Propinsi Maluku, Number of Negiected Childrens, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku, 2005 ... 209

    4.5.9. Panti/Sarana LBK/Liposos Di Propinsi Maluku, Children Orpahanages and Old People Homes in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .. 210

    4.5.10. Lanjut Usia Menurut Kategori, Number of Old People by Category, 2005 ... 212

    4.5.11. Lokasi Taman Makam Pahlawan Menurut Status Pemakaman Di Propinsi Maluku, Locations of Hero's Cemetry by Status, in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .. 213

    5. Pertanian


    5.1.1. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Padi Sawah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Wetiand Paddy by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 220

    5.1.2. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Padi Ladang Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Dryland Paddy by Regency/City 2001 - 2005.. 221

    5.1.3. Luas Panen, Rata - Rata Produksi dan Produksi Jagung Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Maize by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 222

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxiii

    5.1.4. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Ubi Kayu Menurut

    Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Cassava by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 .. 223

    5.1.5. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Ubi Jalar Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Sweet Potatoes by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 .. 224

    5.1.6. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Kacang Tanah Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Peanuts by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 .. 225

    5.1.7. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Kacang Hijau Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Mung Beans by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 .. 226

    5.1.8. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Kacang Kedelai Menurut Kabupaten /Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Soybeans by Regency/City, 2001 - 2005.. . 227

    5.1.9. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Kacang Kacangan Menurut Kabupaten /Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Pulses by Regency / City 2001 - 2005 ...... 228

    5.1.10. Luas Panen, Rata-Rata Produksi dan Produksi Umbi - Umbian Menurut Kabupaten /Kota Area Harvested, Yield Rate, and Production of Tubercrops by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 ... 229

    5.1.11. Luas Areal Panen dan Produksi Sayur-Sayuran di Propinsi Maluku Total Area, Area Harvested, and Production of Vegetables in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005.... 230

    5.1.12. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Sayur-Sayuran Dataran Rendah Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Low Land Vegetables, by Regency/City 2001 2005 . .. 237

    5.1.13. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Sayur-Sayuran Dataran Tinggi Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Highland Vegetables, by Regency/City 2001 2005 ....... 240

    5.1.14. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Advokat dan Jeruk Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Avocados and oranges, by Regency/City 2001 2005 .... 243

    5.1.15. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Duku/Langsat dan Mangga Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Lanch/Lansium and Mangoes, by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 .... 244

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxiv

    5.1.16. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Durian dan Pepaya

    Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Durians and Pepayas, by Regency/City 2001 2005 ...... 245

    5.1.17. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Salak dan Nenas Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Zalacca and Peanapples, by Regency/City 2001 2005 .... 246

    5.1.18. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Pisang dan Rambutan Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Bananas and Rambutans, by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 ... 247

    5.1.19. Luas Panen, Produksi dan Rata-Rata Produksi Buah Jambu dan Buah-Buahan Lain Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Area Harvested, Production and Yield Rate of Jambu and Others Fruits, by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 ... 248

    5.1.20. Produksi Buah - Buahan di Maluku Production of Fruits in Maluku 2001 2005 (Ton) .... 249

    5.1.21. Daerah Potensi untuk Pertanian Potencial Areas for Agriculture 2005 ... 250

    5.2.1 Perusahaan Perkebunan Besar Dirinci Menurut Luas Areal Di Propinsi Maluku Number of Large Estates and land areas, in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 .. 252

    5.2.2 Produksi dan Produktivitas Menurut Komoditas Perkebunan Besar Negara dan Swasta Production and Yield of State and private Owned Large Estates, by Type of Commodity 2005.... 253

    5.2.3 Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Kelapa Land area and Production of Coconut Small Holders 2001 2005 . 254

    5.2.4 Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Cengkih Land areas and Production of Clove Small Holders 2001 2005 ... 256

    5.2.5 Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Pala Land areas and Production of Nutmeg Small Holders 2001 2005 .... 258

    5.2.6. Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Coklat Land areas and Production of Cocoa Small Holders 2001 2005 . 260

    5.2.7. Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Kopi Land areas and Production of Coffee Small Holders 2001 2005 ..... 262

    5.2.8. Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Jambu Mete Land areas and Production of Cahew Small Holders 2001 2005 ..... 264

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxv

    5.2.9 Luas Areal dan Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan Rakyat Tanaman Kapuk

    Land areas and Production of Capok Small Holders 2001 2005... 266 5.3.1. Luas Lahan Kritis Di Maluku,

    Critical Land Areas in the Province of Maluku 2005 .... 272 5.3.2. Rincian Kawasan Hutan Menurut Daerah Tingkat II di Propinsi Maluku,

    Detail of Forets Land Areas, by Regency in the Province of Maluku, 2005 (Ha) 273 5.3.3. Luas Kawasan Hutan Per Pulau Di Maluku,

    Forest Land Areas, by Island in Maluku, 2005 (Ha) .. 275 5.3.4. Daftar Nama-Nama Perusahaan HPH Di Propinsi Maluku,

    List of Companiesholding HPH in the Province of Maluku, 2005 .... 277 5.3.5. Produksi Kayu Olahan Menurut Perusahaan Di Propinsi Maluku,

    Production of Fabricated Wood, by Company in the Province of Maluku, 2003 2005 ...... 279

    5.3.6. Realisasi Produksi Kayu Bulat Menurut Perusahaan Di Propinsi Maluku, Production of Logs, by Company in the Province of Maluku, 2003 2005 ( M ) 285

    5.3.7. Realisasi Export Hasil Hutan Kayu Olahan Di Propinsi Maluku, Realisation of Export of Fabricated Wood from the Province of Maluku, 2005 287

    5.3.8. Realisasi Produksi Hasil Non Kayu Di Propinsi Maluku Production of Non Wood Forest Product From the Province of Maluku, 2003 2005 ... 288

    5.4.1. Populasi Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Ternak Livestock Population in the Province of Maluku by Regency/City and Sort of Animal 2001 - 2005 (Ekor/Tail) .. 292

    5.4.2. Pemotongan Hewan Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Per Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Ternak Livestock Slaughtered in the Province of Maluku, by Regency/City and Sort of Animal 2001 - 2005 (Ekor/Tail) ...... 295

    5.4.3. Produksi Telur Di Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Per Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Ternak, Production of Eggs in the Province of Maluku by Regency/City and Kind of Poultry 2001 - 2005 (Butir/Grain) ... 298

    5.4.4. Produksi Daging Di Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Per Kabupaten/Kota dan Jenis Ternak, Production of Meat in the Province of Maluku, by Regency/City and Kind of Animal, 2001 - 2005 ( Kg)... 299

    5.4.5. Populasi Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku, Livestock Population in the Province of Maluku, 2001 - 2005 (Ekor/Tail).. 302

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxvi

    5.4.6 Populasi Ternak Di Propinsi Maluku Dirinci menurut Kabupaten/Kota,

    Live Stock Population by Regency / City, 2001 - 2005 (Ekor/Tail) ..... 303 5.4.7. Populasi Unggas Di Propinsi Maluku,

    Poultry population in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 (Ekor/Tail) .. 305 5.4.8. Produksi Telur Di Propinsi Maluku,

    Production of Eggs in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 (Butir/Grain) .... 306 5.4.9. Konsumsi Daging, Telur dan Susu Perkapita Di Propinsi Maluku,

    Meat, Eggs and Milk per Capita Consumption in the Province of Maluku, 2001 - 2005 .. . 307

    5.4.10. Pemasukan Ternak dan Hasil Ternak, Import of Livestock and Livestock Products, 2001 - 2005 . 308

    5.4.11. Pengeluaran Ternak dan Hasil Ternak, Export of Livestock and Livestock Products, 2001 - 2005 .. 310

    5.5.1. Produksi dan Nilai Produksi Perikanan Hasil Budidaya Tambak dan Kolam Menurut Jenis Ikan Production and Product Value of Aqua-Culture Fisheries in Brakish and Freshwater, by fish Species, 2003 2005 ... 313

    5.5.2. Luas Areal dan Produksi Ikan Darat Pada Usaha Budidaya dan Penangkapan Di Perairan Umum, Land Area and Production of Inland Aqua Culture and Open Water Fisheries 2001 - 2005 ... 314

    5.5.3. Rumahtangga Perikanan (RTP) dan Perahu Tanpa Motor Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Di Propinsi Maluku Fishery Households (FHH) and Non-Powered Fishing-Boats in the Province of Maluku, by Regency/City 2001 - 2005 ..... 318

    5.5.4. Perahu Kapal Penangkapan Ikan Pusat Pendaratan Ambon Number of Fishing-Boats by Landing Ports in Ambon 2001 - 2005 .. 319

    5.5.5. Alat Penangkapan Ikan Menurut Jenisnya Di Propinsi Maluku Number of Fishing Gear by Type on the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 ..... 320

    5.5.6. Alat Penangkapan Ikan Menurut Jenis Penangkapan Pada Pusat Pendaratan Ambon Fishing Gear by Landing Ports and Type of Gear in Ambon 2001 - 2005 .... 323

    5.5.7. Ikan Yang Didaratkan Pada Pusat Pendaratan Ambon Volume of Fish Landed, by Landing Ports and Fish Species in Ambon 2001 - 2005 (Ton) .... 325

    5.5.8. Rumahtangga Perikanan Menurut Jenis Budidaya Di Propinsi Maluku Number of Fishery Households by Type of Aquaculture in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 ....... 326

    5.5.9. Luas Usaha Budidaya Kolam Menurut Kabupaten Maluku Tengah Total Land Area Used for Aquaculture by Regency of Maluku Tengah 2001 - 2005 327

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxvii

    5.5.10. Perkembangan Produksi dan Nilai produksi Perikanan Menurut Jenis Ikan

    dan Kabupaten /Kota Trend of Fishery Production and its Value, by Species and Regency / City 2001 - 2005 328

    5.5.11. Produksi dan Nilai produksi Perikanan Di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Jenis Ikan Fishery Production and its Value, by Species in Province of Mlaluku 2003 2005 332

    5.5.12. Eksport Hasil Perikanan di Propinsi Maluku Export of Fishery Products From the Province of Maluku 2003- 2005 .. 333

    6. Industri


    6.1.1. Industri Aneka di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Industry of Miscellaneous in the Province of Maluku by Regency/ City 2005 340

    6.1.2. Perkembangan Industri Aneka di Maluku Growth of Miscallanecus Industries in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005.. 341

    6.1.3. Industri Mesin Logam dan Kimia di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/ Kota Industry of Mechanicad Metal and chemical Industries in the Province of Maluku by Regenciy/City 2005 .... 342

    6.1.4. Perkembangan Industri Mesin Logam dan Kimia di Propinsi Maluku Growth of Mechanical Metal and Chemical Industries Province of Maluku 2001 2005 .. 343

    6.1.5. Industri Hasil Pertanian dan Kehutanan di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Value Agriculture and Forests Industry in the Province of Maluku by Regency/ City 2005 ... 344

    6.1.6. Perkembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian dan Kehutanan di Propinsi Maluku Growth Value Agriculture and Forestry Industry in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ... 345

    6.1.7. Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Menurut Sektor di Maluku Dan Kabupaten/ Kota Smal Scale and Handicraft Industries by Sector in the Province of Maluku by Regency/City 2005.. 346

    6.2.1. Usaha Pertambangan Menurut Kegiatan Kuasa Pertambangan (KP) dan Kontrak Kerja (KK) Di Propinsi Maluku Mining Companies By Mining Right (MR) and Work Contract (WC) in the Province of 2001 2005 .. 348

    6.2.2. Produksi Pertambangan Menurut Jenis Hasil Tambang di Propinsi Maluku Production of Mines in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 . 350

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxviii

    6.2.3. Produksi Bahan Galian C di Propinsi Maluku Dirinci Per Kabupaten/Kota

    Production of Type C- Excavated Material in The Province of Maluku By Regency/City 2001 (ton).. 351

    6.2.4. Penjualan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Pada Pertamina Cabang Ambon. Volume of Oil Fuels Sold at the Pertamina Branch of Ambon 2001 - 2005 (KL) .... 353

    6.3.1. KWH Produksi, KWH Terjual dan Nilai KWH Terjual yang Disalurkan Oleh PT.PLN (Persero) Wilayah IX Cabang Ambon KWH Produced, KWH Sold, and the Value of KWH Sold by the State Electricity Company, Region IX Ambon Branch 2004 . 354

    6.3.2. KWH Produksi, KWH Terjual dan Nilai KWH Terjual yang Diusahakan Oleh PT.PLN (Persero) Wilayah IX Cabang Tual KWH Produced, KWH Sold, and the Value of KWH Sold by the State Electricity Company, Region IX Tual Branch 2005 .. 356

    6.3.3. Tenaga Listrik yang Diusahakan Oleh PT.PLN (Persero) Wilayah IX Maluku Menurut Cabang Electric Capacity Generated by the State Electricity Company Region IX, Maluku by Branch 2005 357

    6.3.4. Pelanggan Air Minum Menurut Kategori Pelanggan dan Kabupaten/ Kota Water Supplay Customers, by Category and Regency/City 2005 ....... 359

    6.3.5. Produksi Air Minum Menurut Bulan dan Kabupaten/Kota Water Production by Month and Regency/City 2005 (M3).. 360

    7. Perdagangan


    7.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Maluku Per Komoditi Export Growth of Maluku By Commodity 2001 2005 ....... 365

    7.1.2. Realisasi Ekspor Maluku Menurut Negara Tujuan dan Komoditi Export of Maluku by Country of Destination and Commodity 2005 .... 369

    7.1.3. Nilai Ekspor dan Negara Tujuan Utama Propinsi Maluku Value Volume of Export of the Province of Maluku and Main Country of Destenation 2001 2005 ( US $ 000) .. 372

    7.1.4. Nilai Komoditi Ekspor Andalan Propinsi Maluku Volume Principal Export Commodity of the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ( US $ 000).. 373

    7.1.5. Volume Ekspor Menurut Pelabuhan di Propinsi Maluku Volume of Export of the Port of the Province of Maluku 2004 - 2005 (Ton) ... 374

    7.1.6. Nilai Ekspor Menurut Pelabuhan di Propinsi Maluku Value of Export of the Port of the Province of Maluku 2004 - 2005 (US $ 000) .. 375

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xxxix

    7.2.1. Realisasi Nilai Import Menurut Kelompok Barang di Propinsi Maluku

    Value of Import by Goods in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 (US $) .. 376 7.3.1. Perkembangan Realisasi Ekspor Maluku

    Trend of Export Realitation of Maluku 2001 - 2005 .. 377 7.3.2. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor Maluku Menurut Kelompok Barang

    Trend of the Value of Export of Malukus by Group of Goods 2004 - 2005 (US $ 000) ...... 378

    7.3.3. Perkembangan Nilai Impor Maluku Menurut Golongan Barang Trend of the Value of Import of Maluku by Group of Goods, 2004 - 2005 (US $ 000) . 379

    7.4.1. Pasar di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten / Kota Number of the Market Places in Maluku by Regency / City 2003 2005 . 380

    7.4.2. Perusahaan Perdagangan Di Maluku per Kabupaten/Kota Number of the Markets in Maluku by Regency / City, 2001 2005 . 381

    7.4.3. Pengadaan dan Penyaluran Menurut Jenis Bahan Pokok dan Strategis di Maluku Procurement & Distribution of Principal and Strategic Goods in the Province of Maluku 2005 (Ton) 382

    7.4.4. Realisasi Pemasukan dan Penyaluran Beras oleh Dolog Maluku Realitation of Rice Procurement and Distribution in by The Logistic Depot of Maluku 2005 (Kg) .. 383

    7.4.5. Volume Penyaluran Beras Oleh Dolog Maluku Volume of Rice Distribution by the Logistic Depot of Maluku , 2005 (Kg).. 385

    8. Transportasi dan Komunikasi

    Transportation and Communication

    8.1.1. Panjang Jalan Nasional dan Propinsi di Propinsi Maluku Length of National and Provincial Roads in The Province of Maluku 2005 (Km) . 391

    8.1.2. Panjang Jalan Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Length of Regency/City Roads in The Province of Maluku 2005 (Km) .. 392

    8.2.1. Pengusaha dan Armada Angkutan Jalan Raya di Propinsi Maluku Road Transport Companies and Vahicles in the Province of Maluku 2005 393

    8.2.2. Kendaraan Wajib Uji dan Yang Diuji Pertama Kali Menurut Jenis Kendaraan dan Kabupaten/Kota pada Kantor LLAJ di Maluku Compulsorily Tested vehicles and vehcles Which have been tested for the first Time, By Type and Regency/City in LLAJR Office of Maluku 2005.. 394

    8.2.3. Fasilitas Lalulintas di Maluku Menurut Unit Kerja & Jenis Fasilitas Traffic Fasilities in the Province of Maluku by Operational Unit and Type 2005 396

    8.2.4. Angkutan Penumpang dan Barang pada Lintasan Penyeberangan Ambon-Namlea Passengers and Freight Traffic at Ambon Namlea Ferry Boat Line 2005 397

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    8.2.5. Angkutan Penumpang dan Barang pada Lintasan Penyeberangan Hunimua -

    Waipirit Passengers and Freight Traffic at Hunimua Waipirit Ferry Boat Line 2005 .. 398

    8.2.6. Kecelakaan Lalulintas di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Daerah Maluku dan Akibat yang Ditimbulkan. Traffic Accidents in the Maluku Police Legal Region and the Casualties 2005 . 399

    8.2.7. Kecelakaan Lalulintas di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Daerah Maluku Menurut Kesatuan Resort. Traffic Accidents in the Maluku Police Legal Region By Police Region Resort 2005 400

    8.2.8. Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Daerah Maluku Menurut Bulan Traffic Rules Viciation in the Maluku Police Legal Region By Month 2005.. 401

    8.3.1. Armada Angkutan Laut, Perusahaan Pelayaran, Expedisi Muatan Kapal Laut dan Perusahaan Bongkar Muat di Maluku Numbers of Ships Liners, Shiping, & Stevedoring Companieses in Maluku 2005 . 403

    8.3.2. Jumlah Pemilikan dan Armada Kapal Penyeberangan di Propinsi Maluku Ferry boats Owners and Number of Boats Owned in the Province of Maluku 2005 . 404

    8.3.3. Pelabuhan dan Kedalamannya di Maluku. Ports and the Depths of Their Waters in Maluku 2005 .. 405

    8.3.4. Potensi Dermaga Laut di Maluku. Quay Potential in Maluku 2005 .. 407

    8.3.5. Kegiatan Bongkar Muat, Kunjungan Kapal dan Arus Penumpang di Pelabuhan Ambon dan Banda. Ship Calls, Stevedoring Activies and Passenger Traffic at the Ports of Ambon and Banda 2001 2005 .. 410

    8.3.6. Arus Penumpang dan Barang Yang Dilayari Kapal-Kapal Penumpang Cepat PT Pelni di Maluku Passengers & Freight Traffic of Fast Ships of PT Pelni in Maluku 2005 412

    8.3.7. Kegiatan Pelabuhan Kecil Se- Maluku Small Ports Activities in Maluku 2005 ... 414

    8.4.1. Bandara Udara dan Keadaanya di Maluku Airlines and Types of Aircrafts Operating in Maluku 2005 ...... 417

    8.4.2. Perusahaan Penerbangan dan Tipe Pesawat yang Beroperasi di Maluku. Airlines and Types of Aircrafts Operating in Maluku 2001 2005 418

    8.4.3. Frekwensi Penerbangan Teratur (SKED) di Wilayah Maluku Menurut Rute Penerbangan. Frequency of Regular Air Traffic in Maluku by Air Route 2005 419

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xli

    8.4.4. Pesawat Terbang, Penumpang, Barang Bagasi dan Pos Paket Melalui Bandara

    Udara Pattimura Ambon Aircrafts, Passengers, Bagage, Freight and Airmail Passing Trough Pattimura Airport of Ambon 2001 - 2005 ... 420

    8.5.1. Kantor Pos, Kantor Pos Pembantu, Tambahan Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Post Office and Inplementtary Post Offices by Regency/City 2001 2005 422

    8.5.2. Surat Pos Tercatat Dalam Negeri yang Dikirim Melalui Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Regional Domestic Letters Sent off Via The Post Office Ambon and Tual. 2005 . 423

    8.5.3. Surat Pos Tercatat Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan yang Diterima Melalui Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Regional Domestic Letters Received Via The Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 . 424

    8.5.4. Surat Pos Biasa Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan Yang Dikirim Melalui Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Common Domestic Letters Sent Via The Ambon dan Tual Post Office by Month 2005 . 425

    8.5.5. Surat Pos Biasa Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan yang Diterima Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Common Domestic Letters Received Via The Amboina & Tual Post Office by Month 2005 .. 426

    8.5.6. Surat Pos Kilat Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan yang Dikirim Melalui Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Express Domestic Letters Sent off Via The Ambon and Tual Post By Month 2005 ..... 427

    8.5.7. Surat Pos Kilat Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan yang Diterima Melalui Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Express Domestic Letters Received Via The Ambon & Tual Post by Month. 2005 428

    8.5.8. Surat Kilat Khusus yang Dikirim, Diterima Kantor Pos Ambon Number of Special Express letters Sent off and receivied at the Ambon Post by Month 2005 (Rupiah) 429

    8.5.9. Hasil Penjualan Benda-Benda Pos pada pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Money Value of Postal Articies Sold by the Ambon & Tual Post Office by Mounth 2005 (Rupiah) ... 430

    8.5.10. Hasil Penjualan Benda-Benda Materai Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Money Value of Postal Material Sold by the Ambon dan Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Rupiah) .... 431

    8.5.11. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang Diterima Melalui Setoran Gir-5 (Giro Pos) Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Receipts and their Value Received Via Gir-5 (Post Giro) at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month. 2005 (Rupiah) .. 432

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xlii

    8.5.12. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang Dibayarkan Melalui Setoran Gir-10 (Giro Pos)

    Menurut Bulan pada PT Pos Indonesia Cabang Ambon dan Tual Number of Payments and their Value Paid Via Gir-10 Deposits (Post Giro) at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Rupiah) . 435

    8.5.13. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang Diterima Untuk Dikirim (W3) Melalui Wesel Pos Biasa, Kilat, Kilat Khusus, Westron dan berlangganan dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Sending & Cheir Value Sent off (W3) Via Common Domestic Money Order, Special, Expres Subscibet Money, and Elektronic Order Service at the Ambon dan TualPost Office by Month. 2005 (Rupiah) .. 438

    8.5.14. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang Dibayarkan (W4) Dinas Wesel Pos Biasa, Kilat, Kilat Khusus, Westron dan Berlangganan dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Payments and their Value Paid (W4) Via Common Domestic Money, Special, Express, Electronic and Subscribed Money at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Rupiah) .... 441

    8.5.15. Perbuatan dan Besar Bea yang Diterima melalui Dinas Paket Pos Dalam Negeri Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Reveived Postal Via The Post Parcel Service Domestic at The Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month. 2005 (Rupiah) 444

    8.5.16. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang Ditabung Melalui Dinas Bank Tabungan Negara (Prom IV) Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Savings and their Value, Saved Via the state saving Bank Service (Prom IV) at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Rupiah) .. 447

    8.5.17. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang Pensiun (TASPEN) yang dibayar menurut bulan oleh Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Payments and Other Value Received Paid Pension (TASPEN) at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month, 2005 (Rupiah) .. 450

    8.5.18. Perbuatan dan Besar Uang yang ditabung melalui Bank Tabungan Negara (Prom VIII) Menurut Bulan oleh Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual Number of Savings and Other Value, Saved Via the State saving Bank Service (Prom VIII) at the Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Rupiah).. 453

    8.5.19. Besar Uang Bea Wesel Pos Yang Diterima Menurut Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon dan Tual The Amount of postal Ratye Money Order Ambon and Tual Post Office by Month 2005 (Tupiah) ... 456

    8.5.20 Banyaknya Pendapatan Porto/Bea Tunai Surat Pos Per Bulan pada Kantor Pos Ambon The Amount of Porto,s Income/Cash Fee Post Leters by Month of Post Office Ambon 2002 .... 457

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xliii

    8.5.21. Sarana Telepon dan Telegrap di Maluku

    Telephone and Telegraph Facilities in Maluku 2005 ... 458 8.5.22. Station Radio Telegrap dan Sentral Telepon Kabupaten/Kota di Maluku

    Radio Telephone Station and Telephone Centrals by Regency/City in Province of Maluku 2004 ..... 459

    8.5.23. Kapasitas Sentral Telepon Menurut Lokasi di Propinsi Maluku Capacity of Telephone Centrals in the Province of Maluku by Location 2001 2005 460

    8.5.24. Langganan Telepon Berbayar Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Reguler Telephone Subsribers in Province of Maluku by Regency/City 2005 .. 461

    8.5.25. Percakapan Interlokal & Internasional Serta Pulsa Telepon di Propinsi Maluku Interlocal and International Telephone Calls and Telephone Pulses in the Province of Maluku 2005 . 463

    8.5.26. Station Ratelda dan Tenaga Kerja di Propinsi Maluku Number of Regional Radio Telephone Service Station and Personal 2001 2005 . 464

    8.5.27. Berita Percakapan Yang Diterima dan Dikirim Melalui Jaringan Kantor Perhubungan dan Ratelda Propinsi Maluku Oral Messages Received and Sent Off Via the Communication Office Regional Radio - Telephone Service in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2004 . 465

    9. Hotel dan Pariwisata

    Hotel and Tourism

    9.1.1. Akomodasi, Kamar dan Tempat Tidur Yang Tersedia Menurut Kabupaten/ Kota, Number Of Accommodation, Rooms & Beds Available by Regency/City 2001 2005 471

    9.1.2. Persentase Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel dan Akomodasi Lainnya Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Occupancy Rate of Hotel Room and others accommodations, by Regency/City 2001 2005 ... 472

    9.1.3. Malam Kamar Terpakai Pada Hotel Berbintang dan Non Bintang Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Room Night Occupied at Star and Non-Star Hotels by Regency / City, 2001 2005 473

    9.1.4. Rata-rata Lama Menginap Tamu Asing dan Dalam Negeri Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Average Night Spent of Foreign and Domestic Guests, by Regency/City, 2001 2005 474

    9.1.5 Jumlah Tamu Asing dan Dalam Negeri Yang Datang Menginap Pada Hotel/Akomodasi Lainnya Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Number of Foreign & Domestic Guests Who Spent the Night at Hotels & Other Kind of Accommodation by Regency/City, 2001 2005 475

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xliv

    9.1.6. Perbandingan Tamu Asing dan Dalam Negeri Yang Datang Menginap Pada

    Hotel/Akomodasi Lainnya Menurut Kabupaten/Kota, Number of Foreign & Domestic Guests Who Spent the Night at Hotels & Other Kind of Accommodation by Regency/City, 2005 .. 476

    9.2.1. Wisatawan Asing Yang Datang Ke Maluku Menurut Kebangsaan, Foreign Tourists Who Visited Maluku, by Nationality 2001 2005 ... 478

    10. Keuangan dan Harga-Harga Money and Prices

    10.1.1. Target dan Realisasi Pendapatan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Maluku Tahun Anggaran Targeted Realization Regional Income of the Province of Maluku Budget Year 2001 2005 ( 000 Rupiah) .... 486

    10.1.2. Rencana dan Realisasi Penerimaan PBB di Maluku Menurut KP PBB Planned and Actual Receipts from Land and Building Tax (LBT) in Maluku, by LBT Service Office (LBTSO) 2001 2005 (000 Rupiah).. 494

    10.1.3. Perkembangan Wajib Pajak Terdaftar Pajak Penghasilan di Maluku Trend of Registered Taxable Population For Income Tax 2001 2005 499

    10.1.4. Perkembangan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) Dari Pajak Pertambahan Nilai di KPP Ambon Trend of Registered Taxable Entrepreneur for Value Added Tax at the Ambon Office for Taxation 2001 2005 ... 500

    10.1.5. Perkembangan Wajib Pajak di Maluku Trend of Taxable Population in Maluku 2001 2005 . 501

    10.1.6. Rencana dan Realisasi Penerimaan Pajak Negara di Maluku Planned and Actual Receipts from Taxes for the State in Maluku 2001 2005 ( 000 Rupiah ) .... 502

    10.1.7. Rencana dan Realisasi Penerimaan Pajak Negara di Maluku Planned and Realization Receipts from Taxes for the State, in Maluku 2002 2005 (000 Rupiah) .. 503

    10.1.8. Rencana dan Realisasi Proyek Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri Menurut Bidang Usaha dan Kabupaten/Kota Planned and Realization Domestic Capital Investment Project, by Sector and Regency/City 2005 ... 504

    10.1.9. Rencana dan Realisasi Proyek Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri Menurut Bidang Usaha di Maluku Planned and Realization Domestic Capital Investment Project, by Sector of Maluku 2005 ... .... 510

    10.1.10. Rencana dan Realisasi Penyebaran Proyek Penanaman Modal Asing Menurut Bidang Usaha dan Kabupaten/Kota Planned and Realization Project of Foreign Capital Investment, by Sector and Regency/City 2005 ... 511

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xlv

    10.1.11. Rencana dan Realisasi Proyek Penanaman Modal Asing Menurut Bidang Usaha

    Planned and Realization Distribution of Foreign Capital Investment Project, by Sector 2005 .. 517

    10.1.12. Kantor Bank per Wilayah Kerja Bank Indonesia Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Number of Banks in the Authority Region of Bank Indonesia in the Province of Maluku, by Regency/City 2005 .. . 518

    10.1.13. Kantor Bank di Maluku Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Number of Banks in Maluku by Regency/City 2005 . . 522

    10.1.14. Aktiva Bank Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Bank Assets, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 .. 523

    10.1.15. Posisi Penghimpunan Dana Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Rupiah and Foreign Exchange Funds Accumulation, by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ( Juta/Millions Rp ). 524

    10.1.16. Posisi Giro Bank Umum Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Position of Demond Deposits Bank Giro by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 (Juta/Miilion Rp) ..... 525

    10.1.17. Posisi Simpanan Berjangka Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Position of Outstanding Time Deposits and Foreign Exchange by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rp).. 526

    10.1.18. Posisi Tabungan Bank Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Position Saving Deposits in Banks by Regency/City in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ... 527

    10.1.19. Posisi Kredit Perbankan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Menurut Bank dan Sektor Ekonomi di Propinsi Maluku Position of Credit Granted by Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Exchange, by Bank and Economic Sector, in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 (Juta/Millions Rupiah) 530

    10.1.20. Posisi Kredit Perbankan Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Position of Credit Granted by Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Exchange, by Regency/City, in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rupiah) ... 532

    10.1.21. Posisi Kredit Usaha Kecil (KUK) Menurut Kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Maluku Position of Small Venture Credit Granted , by Regency/City, in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ( Juta/Million Rupiah ) ... 533

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    10.1.22. Perkembangan Koperasi di Propinsi Maluku

    Growth of Cooperatives, in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ...... 534 10.1.23. Perkembangan Koperasi / KUD Menurut Kabupaten/Kota Semester II

    Growth of Cooperatives/Village Unit Cooperatives by Regency/City Semester II 2001 2005 . 535

    10.1.24. Nasabah Menurut Golongan Pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Ambon Credit/Loan Extended by the Ambon Branch of the Pawn Shop Company,by Customer Group 2001 2005 537

    10.1.25. Kredit/Pinjaman pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Ambon Menurut Golongan Nasabah Credit/Loan Expanded at the Ambon Branch of the Company by Customer Group 2001 2005 538

    10.1.26. Pelelangan Barang Jaminan Kredit / Pinjaman Pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Ambon Menurut Golongan Nasabah Auctioned Off of Warranty Goods at the Ambon Branch of the Pawn Shop Company,by Customer Group 2001 2005 ..... 541

    10.1.27. Saldo Kredit / Pinjaman pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Ambon Menurut Golongan Nasabah Credit / Loan Balance at the Ambon Branch of the Pawn Shop Company by Customer Group 2001 2005 . 544

    10.1.28. Tebusan/Pelunasan Kredit/Pinjaman pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Ambon Menurut Golongan Nasabah Redeeming of Credit / Loans at the Ambon Branch of the Pawn Shop Public Company, by Customer Group 2001 2005 .... 547

    10.2.1 Indeks Harga Konsumen Kota (IHK) Ambon dan Nasional Tahun Kalender Menurut Bulan The City of Ambon and the National Consumer Price Index fore the Calender Year , by Month 2005 .... 551

    10.2.2. Laju Inflasi Kota Ambon Inflation Rate of The City of Ambon 2001 2005 .... 552

    10.2.3. Laju Inflasi Kota Ambon Menurut Kelompok Barang dan Jasa Ambon Inflation Rate for the Group of Goods and Services 2005 . 553

    10.2.4. Kurs Tengah Beberapa Mata Uang Asing Terhadap Rupiah di Bank Indonesia Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency Against Rupiah at Bank Indonesia 2001 2005 . 554

    11. Konsumsi & Pengeluaran Rumahtangga

    Consumption and Expenditure

    11.1. Rata Rata Konsumsi Kalori Per kapita Sehari di Propinsi Maluku Menurut Jenis Bahan Makanan Average Per Capita Daily Calorie Consumption in the Province of Maluku, by Food, 1993, 1996 dan 1999 ....... 559

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xlvii

    11.2. Rata Rata Konsumsi Protein Per kapita Sehari di Propinsi Maluku Menurut

    Jenis Bahan Makanan Average Daily Per Capita Protein Consumption in the Province of Maluku, by Food Item 1993, 1996 dan 1999 ..... 562

    11.3. Pengeluaran Rata Rata Per kapita Sebulan Untuk Sub Golongan Makanan dan Bukan Makanan di Propinsi Maluku Average Percentage of Per Capita Monthly Expenditure for Food and Non Food Items in the Province of Maluku 1993 ,1996, 1999 , 2001, 2003 dan 2004 .... 565

    12. Pendapatan Regional

    Regional Income

    12.1. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Gross Domestic Regional Product in Province of Maluku by Sector, at Current Market Prices 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rupiah) . 576

    12.2. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Gross Domestic Regional Product in Province of Maluku by Sector, at 2000 Constant Market Prices 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rupiah) .. 577

    12.3. Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga yang Berlaku Distribution of Percentages of the Sectoral Gross Domestic Regional Product at Current Market Price in the Province of Maluku, 2001 2005 578

    12.4. Distribusi Persentase Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Distribution of Percentages of the Sectoral Gross Domestic Regional Product at 2000 Constant Market Prices in the Province of Maluku 2001 2005 ... 579

    12.5. Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku (2000=100) Growth Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector , at Current Market Prices in the Province of Maluku (2000=100) 2001 2005 . 580

    12.6. Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (2000=100) Growth Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector, at 2000 Constant Market Prices in the Province of Maluku (2000=100) 2001 2005 .. 581

    12.7. Indeks Berantai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku (Tahun sebelumnya=100,00) Chain Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector, at Current Market Prices in the Province of Maluku (Previous Year=100,00) 2001 2005 .. 582

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xlviii

    12.8. Indeks Berantai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut

    Lapangan Usaha Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (Tahun sebelumnya=100,00) Chain Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector, at 2000 Constant Market Prices in the Province of Maluku (Previous year = 100,00) 2001 2005 . 583

    12.9. Indeks Implisit Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Lapangan Usaha (Persen, 2000= 100) Implisit Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Privince of Maluku by Sector,at 2000 arket Prices (Percent , 2000=100) 2001 2005 . 584

    12.10. Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Regional Income and Regional per Capita Income in the Province of Maluku at Current Market Prices 2001 2005 .. 585

    12.11. Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Regional Income and Regional per Capita Income in the Province of Maluku at 2000 Constant Market Prices 2001 2005 . 586

    12.12. Indeks Perkembangan Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku (2000=100,00) Growth Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Province of Maluku at Current Market Prices (2000 =100,00) 2001 2005 ... 587

    12.13. Indeks Perkembangan Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (2000=100,00) Growth Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product in the Province of Maluku at 1993 Constant Market Prices (2000 = 100,00) 2001 2005 . 588

    12.14. Indeks Berantai Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku (Tahun sebelumnya = 100,00) Chain Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product in the Province of Maluku at Current Market Prices (Previous year = 100,00) 2001 2005 . 589

    12.15. Indeks Berantai Pendapatan Regional dan Angka-Angka Regional Perkapita Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (Tahun sebelumnya= 100) Chain Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product in the Province of Maluku at 2000 Constant Market Prices ( Previous year = 100) 2001 2005 ... 590

    12.16. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Penggunaan Propinsi Maluku Atas Dasar Harga yang Berlaku Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Province of Maluku at Current Market Prices 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rupiah) 591

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 xlix

    12.17. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Penggunaan Propinsi Maluku Atas

    Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Province of Maluku at 2000 Constant Market Prices 2001 2005 (Juta/Million Rupiah) ... 592

    12.18. Distribusi Persentase Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Percentage Distribution of Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product at Current Market Price of the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 ... 593

    12.19. Distribusi Persentase Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Percentage Distribution of Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product at 2000 Konstan Market Price of the Province of Maluku 2001 - 2005 ... 594

    12.20. Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga yang Berlaku (2000=100,00) Growth Index Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product at Current Market Price (2000 = 100,00) 2001 2005 . 595

    12.21 Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (2000=100) Growth Index Type of Expenditures as part of the Gross Domestic Regional Product at 1993 Constant Market Price (2000 = 100) 2001 2005 .. ... 596

    12.22 Indeks Berantai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga yang Berlaku (Tahun sebelumnya =100,00) Chain Index of Gross Domestic Regional Product in the Province of at Current Market Price (Previous =100,00) 2001 2005 ... 597

    12.23. Indeks Berantai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 (Tahun sebelumnya = 100,00) Chain Index of Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Province of Maluku at 2000 Constant Market Price (Previous =100,00) 2001 2005 .. 598

    12.24. Indeks Implisit Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Propinsi Maluku Menurut Penggunaan (Persen, 2000=100,00) Implisit Index of the Gross Domestic Regional Product of the Province of Moluccas by Usage, at current Market Prices (Percent,2000=100) 2001 2005 .. 599

  • Maluku Dalam Angka 2005/2006 l

    12.25. Perkembangan Beberapa Agrerate Pendapatan Regional Propinsi dan

    Kabupaten/Kota Se-Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Growth of the Some Agregate of the Province and Regency/City Regional Income, at Current Market Prices 2001 - 2005 . 600

    12.26. Perkembangan Beberapa Agrerate Pendapatan Regional Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota Se-Maluku Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 Growth of the Some Agregate of the Province and Regency/City Regional Income, at 2000 Constan Market Prices 2001 - 2005 . 601

    13. Perbandingan Regional

    Regional Comparison

    13.1. Penduduk Menurut Jenis Kelamin dan Propinsi di Indonesia hasil Susenas 2004 Population Projection, by Sex and Province in Indonesia 2004 (000 Jiwa/ People)..... 606

    13.2. PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Menurut Propinsi Gross Domestic Regional Product at Current Market Prices by Province 2001 - 2004 (Juta/Million Rupiah)... 607

    13.3. PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Konstan 1993 Menurut Propinsi Gross Domestic Regional Product at Constan 1993 Market Prices by Province 2001 - 2004 (Juta/Million Rupiah) . 608

    13.4. PDRB Perkapita Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Menurut Propi