major religions of india hinduism islam buddhism

Major Religions of India Hinduism Islam Buddhism

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Major Religions of India



3 Main Gods Brahma Shiva Vishnu

The Creator The Destroyer The Preserver

Hinduism Sacred Text: Vedas/Upanishads Every individual has a soul which is part of a

larger soul called ATMAN. The goal of life is to “free the soul from

individual existence through a reunion with Atman” This takes more than one lifetime.(belief in reincarnation)

Hinduism encourages: Truth, respect for life and detachment from the material world.

Hinduism Caste System: A division of society

based differences of wealth, inherited rank or occupation.



Farmers and Workers




You work your way up the Caste System by following the rules of Hindu society and having good KARMA.

Karma-All actions in a persons life that affect his or her fate in the next life.


Belief in many gods. 3 main gods-Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva.

Believe in ATMAN. Believe in the CASTE SYSTEM. Belief in KARMA. Belief in REINCARNATION.

Hindu Belief System

Islam Islam=Submission to gods will 1.1 Billion adherents worldwide Founder-Muhammad

“Let the Koran always be your guide, do what it commands; shun what it forbids.”

5 Pillars of Islam

Believe in one god

Pray 5x per day

Give Alms

Fast during Ramandan

Pilgrimage to Mecca

1st Pillar of Islam


2nd Pillar of Islam

4am 12:10 3:20 5:30 7:20

3rd Pillar of Islam

Concern for the less fortunateConcern for the less fortunate

4th Pillar of Islam

No eating during daylight hours No eating during daylight hours of the holy month of Ramandanof the holy month of Ramandan

5th Pillar of Islam

Take a trip to Mecca at least once in Take a trip to Mecca at least once in your lifetime-Worship at the Kaaba.your lifetime-Worship at the Kaaba.

Muslims believe in...

Equality (no caste) The Koran (holy book) One God (Allah) Final Judgement Abraham, Moses and Jesus

as prophets


334 Million adherents worldwide

Founder: Siddhartha Gautama

Founded on the 4 noble truths

4 Noble truths

#1 Pain and Misery are universal#1 Pain and Misery are universal

#2 The Cause of pain and misery is #2 The Cause of pain and misery is desiredesire

#3 The way to end suffering is to overcome #3 The way to end suffering is to overcome desire by reaching the state of NIRVANAdesire by reaching the state of NIRVANA

#4 The way to reach nirvana is to #4 The way to reach nirvana is to follow the Middle Wayfollow the Middle Way

The middle way

Good Conduct and compassion for living things, right knowledge, right intentions, right speech and right conduct.

Buddhists believe

In no gods that all people

could achieve nirvana by following the middle way

in equality (no caste system)