mahurangi matters, 18 june, 2014

PROUDLY NZ OWNED Puhoi • WarkWorth • SnellS • Matakana • oMaha • leigh • Pakiri • WellSford • Port albert • kaiWaka • MangaWhai June 18, 2014 FREE WATERTECH PLUS WELLSFORD Wellsford Plumbing Equipment 6 Worker Road, Wellsford Ph/Fax 09 423 8061 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Serving our community is our top priority Calf Milk Pumps 12 Volt 24 Volt Petrol 240 Volt Pumps suitable to transfer calf milk WE ARE NO. 1 IN PRICE AND SERVICE Come and talk to us about your water needs or home and farm requirements PRICED FROM $135 INC. GST Busy start for new Warkworth appliance Warkworth Fire Brigade volunteer, Tania Wood, has some fun with Ted Cash, 2, from Warkworth Playcentre. Warkworth Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new appliance has had a busy first month, with a number of car accidents and house fires. The new $400,000 appliance attended four car accidents on Sandspit Road in one day last month, as cars ignored a temporary 30km speed limit and skidded on loose metal left following road works. Senior station officer Devan Flewellyn says three of the cars rolled and were extensively damaged, while the fourth became lodged in a ditch. Those involved received only minor injuries but a member of the brigade was nearly hit while attending the second crash when a car skidded after failing to slow down. continued on page 11 continued on page 2 Members of the Rodney Local Board went on a spending spree this month when they discovered $170,000 of unspent funds in their current budget. They were told it was a case of ‘use it or lose it’. At its June meeting, Board chair Brenda Steele said any Local Board money not spent by the end of June would go back to Auckland Council. Board members were given little time to identify projects for the funds. Some members weren’t aware of the situation until the day of the meeting. As a result, more than $50,000 of new spending projects were identified within an hour-long debate, while the remaining funds were identified in the preceding three days and spent with a low level of scrutiny. Some Board members described the last minute spend as “farcical and unacceptable”. Kumeu member Phelan Pirrie said the ad hoc spend “makes us look incompetent”. Warkworth representative Greg Sayers said he only became aware of the funds on the day of the meeting and was frustrated by the process that lead to the unplanned spend. “I was in shock,” he said. “It’s completely unacceptable. People were scrambling to come up with spending on the spot.” Warkworth member Beth Houlbrooke was also unaware the funds had to be spent. She said the lack of scrutiny and planning around the spending was “farcical” and called it a “reverse auction”. “It’s not a good look. I think we will be criticised for rodney finds unexpected $170,000

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Page 1: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

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Busy start for new Warkworth appliance

warkworth Fire Brigade volunteer, Tania wood, has some fun with Ted Cash, 2, from warkworth Playcentre.

Warkworth Volunteer Fire Brigade’s new appliance has had a busy first month, with a number of car accidents and house fires.The new $400,000 appliance attended four car accidents on Sandspit Road in one day last month, as cars ignored a temporary 30km speed limit and skidded on loose metal left following road works.

Senior station officer Devan Flewellyn says three of the cars rolled and were extensively damaged, while the fourth became lodged in a ditch. Those involved received only minor injuries but a member of the brigade was nearly hit while attending the second crash when a car skidded after failing to slow down.

continued on page 11continued on page 2

Members of the Rodney Local Board went on a spending spree this month when they discovered $170,000 of unspent funds in their current budget.They were told it was a case of ‘use it or lose it’.At its June meeting, Board chair Brenda Steele said any Local Board money not spent by the end of June would go back to Auckland Council.Board members were given little time to identify projects for the funds. Some members weren’t aware of the situation until the day of the meeting.As a result, more than $50,000 of new spending projects were identified within an hour-long debate, while the remaining funds were identified in the preceding three days and spent with a low level of scrutiny.Some Board members described the last minute spend as “farcical and unacceptable”.Kumeu member Phelan Pirrie said the ad hoc spend “makes us look incompetent”.Warkworth representative Greg Sayers said he only became aware of the funds on the day of the meeting and was frustrated by the process that lead to the unplanned spend.“I was in shock,” he said. “It’s completely unacceptable. People were scrambling to come up with spending on the spot.”Warkworth member Beth Houlbrooke was also unaware the funds had to be spent. She said the lack of scrutiny and planning around the spending was “farcical” and called it a “reverse auction”.“It’s not a good look. I think we will be criticised for

rodney finds unexpected $170,000

Page 2: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

2 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

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this, and rightly so.”The unexpected windfall came mainly from the fact that two reports, commissioned by the Board, were not done. One was for $70,000 to look at maintenance and renovations for community halls and the other, for $30,000, was set aside for a north Rodney swimming pool feasibility study.The community halls study was funded through other avenues and cost less than anticipated, and the swimming study was delayed pending the Auckland Council Community Facilities Network Plan, which was due out about October.Beth, who campaigned on her support for a swimming pool in Rodney, was disappointed the pool feasibility study was not completed.“We were fully aware there was a wider plan being conducted but we wanted the study to go ahead anyway. I will be asking the officers to explain why this wasn’t done.”Board member Steve Garner said the Board was able to draw on earlier consultation with community groups and organisations to allocate the funds, but the situation shouldn’t get to that stage.He said he was alerted to the unspent funds about three weeks before the June meeting and projects were identified for funding, but the last $40,000 to $50,000 was “pulled from the thoughts of the Board members” on the day.Board member James Colville had to leave the meeting before the matter was debated so was not present to advocate for projects in his area.Greg said he was going to recommend that the Board’s quarterly financial report include exactly what work was underway and what progress had been made so the situation did not happen again.

Where the money was ...

Local Community Facility Initiatives .............................. $136,000Local Board Relationships with Community/Iwi/Governing Groups .................................... $4700 Local Board Discretionary Initiatives ................................ $29,869

How the money was spent ...

Tabled in the agenda –Renovations to the Kumeu Arts Centre ............................... $1700 Rodney Rams to help re-establish a club base and uniforms and sporting equipment ............................. $25,00011 privately run community halls .................................$3500 eachToilet upgrades ................................................................. $25,000 Kumeu ($4000) Wellsford ($6000) for repainting and ($15,000) for interior upgrade and repaint of Warkworth toilets.

Tabled at the meeting –Shelley Beach pest control ................................................... $3000Omaha Spit bait stations ..................................................... $2000Study tour of Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle and Portland for Brenda Steele and Steve Garner ....................... $7500 Mahurangi community education programme ................. $10,000Neighbourhood Support in Rodney .................................... $5000 Equipment for Rodney community response groups ........... $5000

Put forward at the meeting –Environmental work on the Kaipara River ....................... $14,869Restoration of the cenotaph at Parakai Recreational Reserve ... $8000Muriwai Village Green restoration work ........................... $15,000Exercise station in Coatesville .............................................. $6000Construction of a boardwalk along the Warkworth cement works track ........................................... $8000

Local Board spending spree from page 1

Page 3: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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The Mahurangi-built 3000-tonne barge has started dredging in front of the Sandspit yacht Club where the first pontoon arm of the marina will be installed.

The Rodney Local Board is going to harness the power of social media to rev up its image and better engage with its constituents, particularly youth.The board has agreed to fund a social media pilot for six months, costing $16,800. The money will be used to employ someone for 20 hours a week, at $35 an hour, to post comments on existing community Facebook pages.If it is successful, the project could be recommended to other Local Boards in Auckland. The idea was suggested by Kumeu representative Phelan Pirrie.

“Northern Rodney is lucky with Mahurangi Matters covering the Board’s activities, but in southern Rodney it’s difficult to get information out about what we’re doing,” Phelan said.In a report tabled at the June Board meeting, communications advisor Francis Martin stated that “traditional print media is not so popular with a younger demographic” and the “traditional print media environment, particular [sic] in the west of Rodney, is impacting on the Board’s ability to reach and engage with its communities in a meaningful and effective way”.Rodney Cr Penny Webster wanted an

assurance that negative or offensive feedback would be monitored.“What I have read on Facebook from colleagues hasn’t been the best. Some of the stuff I see is pretty awful,” Cr Webster said.Board member John McLean was concerned the initiative might have unintended consequences.“$16,000 can give you a lot of footpaths. I recognise it’s an area Council needs to embrace, but it might come back to bite us. If it goes horribly wrong, we will all cop it,” John said.He also expressed concern about

ratepayers fund rodney local board social media trial

Dredging for the Sandspit marina has begun and the first of five pontoon arms will be installed in August.Marina spokesperson Graeme Maker says construction of the pontoons for the 131-berth marina began in April, but dredging did not start until the end of last month following delays in getting the Construction Management Plan approved.“But everything is within the timeframe and we don’t expect this to affect the completion date,” Graeme says.The $18 million project is due to be completed by the end of next year.Australian company Pacific Pontoons and Silverdale-based company Hoppers Construction are contracted to deliver the project with about 10 to

12 staff on site.There are still 31 berths to be sold, but Graeme says that won’t affect the delivery of the project.“We are delighted with that result, but we hope to have them all sold before the marina is completed.”The first area being dredged is directly in front of the Sandspit Yacht Club, where the first and smallest arm of the marina will be located.The sandstone dredged from the area is being used to construct a bund that will serve as a temporary storage area to drain dredgings.Two barges are expected to arrive on site in August when they will begin shipping the spoil to a dump-site off Great Barrier Island.

Sandspit dredging underway

ongoing funding of the project.“Rodney can’t keep propping it up at $32,000 a year. It’s not our job to pick up loose ends of Council communications.”Board member Steve Garner said the cost was relatively high and questioned the investment.“Is 20 hours too many to do this particular job?” he asked.Thomas Grace was the only board member who voted against the motion to fund the trial.

onlineforumShould the local Board spend ratepayers’ money on social media?

Page 4: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

4 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

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we welcome your feedback but letters under 300 words are preferred. we reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. unabridged versions can be read under opinion at

letters can be sent to [email protected] or Po Box 701, warkworth You SaY

Call for bypassMuch as everybody concerned will be heartily relieved once remedial work is completed at the Hill Street intersection, I believe it would be a mistake to start any major roadworks there unless and until an alternative route is provided – preferably a bypass, or at the very least a short western corridor to join up with Hudson Road, plus – even better – a link road from there across to Matakana Road.It would be surprising if the NZTA can give any assurances that major delays and traffic chaos will not prevail for several weeks (months?) while their proposed roadworks at Hill Street are being carried out unless an alternative route is in place first.I should be very happy to be proved wrong.Val Strachan Warkworth

Safety firstI was very keen to read your article on the Warkworth intersections (MM Jun 4) as I walk my daughters to and from Warkworth Primary School everyday through town.In this car-entric town it has not been safe nor have drivers been courteous to us crossing with a pram.I was keen to read a zebra crossing is to be installed across Elizabeth Street on

the existing raised section in your article.I wondered if you would be able to clarify with Auckland Transport these exact plans as the only raised crossing at the moment links across Queen Street opposite the old ANZ. A safe link is desperately needed to link to the old bridge and shops along Elizabeth Street.It is sad to hear Warkworth Primary has dropped its Gold Status for a Travelwise School to Bronze as parents feel it is not safe for their children to walk to school.Caroline EdgeLilburn Street

An Auckland Transport spokesperson responded: “Designs are being developed to introduce a small mountable roundabout, to add a formal zebra crossing to the existing raised table and provide a pedestrian refuge island in Mill Lane. The existing raised table is on Queen Street outside the former ANZ bank. It is this table that we are proposing to formalise into a zebra crossing. We are not proposing a zebra crossing on Elizabeth Street.”

kaipara’s debt liabilityThe Kaipara District Council rates (and other matters) fiasco is a constitutional crisis that will affect all property-owners throughout NZ.

The ultimate resolution will determine whether NZ is a democratic state which is governed by the rule of law or is, indeed, an arbitrary state in which government ministers can ignore their obligation to enforce the Acts in their respective portfolios.The Mangawhai Ratepayers association has been pleading with the Ministry of Local Government to enforce Section 83 of the Local Government Act but they refuse to perform their role. The role these Ministers played seems to have escaped our attention and that of our media.Our judiciary is unable to comment on the way our government pushed through the Validation Bill to pass it into law last December before the Judicial Review was held in Whangarei High Court early in February. The Validation Act was designed to limit the scope of the jurisdiction by the judiciary. It worked.After Section 117 (Protected Transactions) of the Local Government Act, the Kaipara District Council Validation of Rates (and other matters) Act is New Zealand’s second piece of fascist law. It must be rescinded.Because the Ministers in the National government refused to enforce compliance by the Kaipara District Council, and did not ensure that the Office of the Auditor General carried out due diligence on the proposed loans, they have a natural responsibility and, therefore, liability for the outstanding debt, regardless of

off the reCord

final strawAuckland Council’s plan to start charging residents to scatter loved ones ashes brought howls of disbelief from northern Rodney. One reader emailed to say she read about it and nearly threw up the lunch she was eating. She says she has a much better idea for revenue raising. “Perhaps they could just start charging us to breathe!”

lost laundryItems of clothing invariably go missing on school camps and it seems teachers are not immune to this phenomenon either. One teacher managed to mislay all his camp clothes only to have them reappear on Monday morning – washed, folded and ironed. His colleagues are now wondering if they could “lose” their laundry to the same student’s mother.

Concert ticketsreunite old friendsOne of Lloyd Cole’s childhood friends won the Mahurangi Matters draw for a double pass to the British singer’s concert at Ascension Wine Estate this month.Sandspit resident Steve Jenkins went to school with Lloyd in Derbyshire, England, in the 1970s.They used to play rounds of golf together when Lloyd’s parents became the custodians at the local golf course.“We spent many hours wandering around the golf course, looking for lost golf balls and doing club chores like picking up empty beer glasses,” Steve says.Steve and Lloyd lost touch when Steve’s family moved to Sydney in 1975, but he hoped to catch up with the singer at the Ascension concert.“The last time I saw Lloyd was about 1989 when I went to a concert in Toronto, where I was living at the time. We caught up back-stage for about 15 minutes.“It would be great to say hello again.”

Page 5: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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Section 121 of the Local Government Act that says they don’t.Our government has engineered and overseen the dismantling of our democratically elected institutions to install commissioners whose role is only to recover money for the banks. We should be asking ourselves why they acted to do what they have done.Was it just sheer incompetence or did they have an ulterior motive?What have they achieved and how is this going to benefit our community, our region, our country and us as New Zealanders?Alan Preston Mangawhai

Clock appreciationCan I just say “thanks” to Joy Bell, the artist who refurbished the Warkworth Town Clock. Many times I passed by and watched her tirelessly working away at the project and while I have no idea what her commission was, I was aware of the commotion attached to the project and opposition surrounding it.I’m sure I’m not the only local resident or visitor that has fallen in love with it and feels uplifted every time they pass!Glen Harris Snells Beach

Pay after you go, tooI must applaud our Council for getting revenue after we pass over. A proposal has been mooted that an application must be applied for, and a fee paid, for us to get permission to scatter the ashes of our loved ones.Also again “well done Council” for stopping us from filling the graves of our nearest and dearest. What a risk it has been all these years with the danger of falling into the grave.As for the restriction on the amount of burials allowed per day at Council

cemeteries, “well done, Auckland Transport” for reducing yet another traffic jam.Neil Furby Whangaparaoa

amazing volunteers I want to say a huge “thank you” to all who generously volunteer their time to Hospice. Whether you are part of our building project group, our advisory board, fundraise in our shops, garage sales, rags, catering and events teams, or provide office, electrical, plumbing, building, gardening, mechanical and lawn mowing skills, or working directly with our patients and their families – you are a crucial part of the Hospice Team.I am in a privileged position where I see your generosity on a daily basis and I also see the difference it makes to the families in our care. Your support makes it possible for us to provide services that not only make it possible for family members to care for their loved ones at home, but also help patients and their families deal with the emotional stress that comes with a terminal illness. Thanks to you we can offer our nursing, counseling, social work support and all other services free of charge. Your support also allows us to provide bereavement support groups, massage therapy, art therapy, and family support volunteers to offer companionship or record a patient’s life story. This care really does show families that their community cares for them.We are very lucky to live in a community where people like you give your time and skills so willingly and we never take that generosity for granted.Kathryn Ashworth General Manager Warkworth Wellsford Hospice

email letters to [email protected] SaY

More letters next page

Page 6: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

6 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

food trade-offChristine Rose (MM Jun 4) talks about “a good food ethic”. Concurrently with the industrial revolution, the growing of our food devolved away from subsistence farming towards specialist farming operations that provided food for the industrial workers, merchants and other workers in our towns and cities. The concurrent advancement of science sped up the development of higher yielding crops and animals at a rate far faster than had been achieved over 10,000 years by artisan farmers.Without these advances in the growing of crops and animal rearing, that were driven by innovators and then rapidly commercialised by farmers, starvation would have been common (as it was in Ireland in the 1800s) and the world’s population would have been far lower than it is today. Nor would New Zealanders today be able to afford the products of the industrial world that we take for granted, if it were not for our farm exports.I do appreciate the work involved in growing veges but can see no reason to do so myself; just as the vege grower relies on my engineering skills to provide the means to preserve his crops and deliver them to markets.Robin Johnson Mangawhai Heads

history appreciatedIt was with unbounded pleasure that I read the fantastic Local Folk article in the last issue (MM Jun 4) and found it was on the Smith family.

We have owned one of the original two farmhouses in Smith Road for six years. We have photos, old items and history from the previous two families that lived here – the Kelsey and Buxton families. But we could never get any information further than that.We have tales of hangi and barn dances held by the Kelsey family with all the local families attending. We have an original shearing record mentioning, the Schollum and Torkington families, all driving their sheep over the hills to be shorn in our woolshed.And then to find that the Smith brothers married two maids from Mansion House. Well, you won’t believe it but four weeks ago I attended a swinging event in the cafe by the Mansion House and under head torch light I made my way through the dark into the garden (yes stumbling ...) and availed myself of a rather wonderful lily cutting. The best part is this lily will now live in the original pond of Governor Grey’s maids in Smith Road. What a wonderful article; you’ve made my year! I’d like to invite anyone with connections to our wonderful farm to come at any stage and have a look at all the original buildings and enjoy a cup of tea and some fine hospitality. I’d love to know if our original homeowner was the maid who lost her arm in the fire and whether the old Shacklock we love and still cook in was there then. We haven’t sold the house as we’d planned to do and with this further history we don’t want to.Nicky Jordan Matakana 422 9047

email letters to [email protected] SaYContinued from page 5

Consultation on a bus service from Warkworth to Auckland will start next month when Auckland Transport (AT) seeks feedback on public transport in Rodney.An AT spokesperson says the consultation for a connection to Auckland will not centre on any specific proposals, but feedback will be used to improve public transport in the area.“We want the people of Warkworth to tell us what they want in the way of public transport,” he says. “Some people may want a bus to take them to the local shops, or a bus to connect to services to Auckland, or an extension of the local Kowhai Connection service. We will look at all of the options, see if they are workable and then go back to the community with specific

route proposals.”The month-long consultation period starts on July 14.In April, Gubbs Motors operations manager Ian Davies proposed a range of changes to the Kowhai Connection, including stopping the service on Sundays and public holidays due to the low passenger numbers. But AT says further consultation will be conducted before changes are made.Meanwhile, passenger numbers for the service have been steadily increasing. Daily usage for May was 46 passengers per day and 1439 for the month. This is up from the 44 daily passengers in April. But this is still well below the daily target rate of 66 passengers.

What sort of bus service does Mahurangi district want?

Two local bands will bring swing and laughter to the Warkworth Bowls Club this month in support of the local hospice.The Jazz Connection from Warkworth and The Amigos, a humorous musical duo from Wellsford, are playing at the club from 7pm to 10pm on Saturday June 28, and promise three hours of pure entertainment.Band leader David Spivey has organised the event to raise funds

for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice, which provides care for patients and families who are affected by a terminal illness. The hospice receives limited government funding and needs to raise $1900 a day in the community to keep all its services free-of-charge. Finger food will be served. Tickets are $15, available from Hospice House, phone 425 9535, and the hospice shops. Limited tickets. info:

From left, Phil, laurie, david, Val and Glenys make up the Jazz Connection.

Swing and fun for hospice concert

Lions quiz nightA Quiz Night will be held at Bowls Warkworth, Mill Lane, on July 22. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry is $10 per person. The bar will be open, but supply your own nibbles. Proceeds from the evening will go to the Kowhai Youth Trust, an organisation that helps youth of the area. Door sales on the night. The evening is being organised by the Lions Club of Kowhai Coast.

Page 7: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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Architect Malcolm McAll of Stanmore Bay (pictured) was elected unopposed as the Green Party candidate for Rodney. Malcolm has lived on the Hibiscus Coast for seven years after moving from the UK. He is managing director of Ecos Homes and an advocate for sustainable housing, as well as resilient, socially-inclusive communities. He says local issues include traffic congestion, the need for public transport improvements and health, because the area is not served by a local hospital. The health of the Hauraki Gulf and maintaining the Northland rail link are also key concerns. Through his career in the building industry Mr McAll has been involved with non-government organisations

Malcolm McAllconcerned with environmental stewardship and conflict resolution. His interests include social history and architectural archaeology.

Green Party chooses candidate

Rodney MP Mark Mitchell is talking tough when it comes to the possibility of a deal between National and the Conservatives that could see him lose his seat in Parliament.Conservative leader Colin Craig is asking Prime Minister John Key to do a “cup of tea” type deal in either Rodney, East Coast Bays or Upper Harbour electorates, assisting the Conservatives to get into Parliament by not standing a candidate in opposition to Mr Craig in September’s general election.Mr Key has not ruled out a deal: a seat for Mr Craig has become more important for National as it seeks to shore up potential coalition partners following the resignation of Act MP John Banks. However, Mr Mitchell said last week that there will be no deal done in Rodney.“I will be the candidate and that’s that,” he says. “I am in this job to serve people, I earned that right in the last election and it means a lot to me.”Mr Mitchell romped home in the last election despite a concerted effort on behalf of the Conservatives, who polled a distant second. Mr Mitchell achieved a majority of more than

no rodney deal, says Mitchell

12,000 with more than 20,000 votes to Mr Craig’s 8000. However, as a backbench MP, he would not be high on the party’s list and if a deal is done in Rodney, he could potentially miss out altogether.Both East Coast Bays MP Murray McCully and Paula Bennett, who received National’s nomination for the new Upper Harbour electorate, have said they do not want to roll over for the Conservatives.Ultimately, the decision of which electorate Mr Craig will stand in is dependent upon any discussions with the Prime Minister and it will be up to the National Party to decide which, if any, MPs it is prepared to put on the list.

Mark Mitchell

Page 8: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

8 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

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Marine biologist Dr Roger Grace is speculating that climate change could be playing a part in the continued death of large numbers of cockles on the beds at Whangateau.Samples were taken last month after rotting cockles were reported in the bay in March. The samples are still being analysed by the Department of Primary Industries in Wellington, but Dr Grace says it looks like a bacterial infection may be responsible.The cockle population in the harbour plummeted by about 63 per cent in 2009 from a parasite and bacterial infection. Large cockles were most affected, with cockles larger than 30mm declining by up to 84 per cent.Dr Grace says this year’s event isn’t as bad.

“There appears to be two factors involved – the dead cockles were weakened after spawning which made them more susceptible to infection, and other environmental factors such a hot temperatures coupled with low midday tides.”Dr Grace believes that as sea temperatures rise, the distribution of cockles could change with higher concentrations moving south.“We’re already at the northern end of their distribution range. But any changes will be gradual.”The initial three-year ban on harvesting cockles and pipi in Whangateau, which was introduced after the first environmental episode, was renewed for a further three years last year.

whangateau’s cockles have suffered another major blow and it looks like a bacterial infection could again be the cause.

Whangateau cockle deaths linked to climate change

Draft Hauraki report discussed Aquaculture and freshwater management are two issues which may need closer scrutiny in the Hauraki Gulf in future. An update of the State of the Gulf report, which will be released in September, says that while significant progress has been achieved in some areas such as the development of island sanctuaries, substantial issues remain around marine protection. The report points to new areas being made available for dredging scallops without proper study of the existing benthic habitats and snapper stocks, which are below interim management targets. The draft report was discussed at this month’s meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum.

Page 9: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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lina Kim accepts her winner’s envelope from Mark Mitchell.

Lions speakers impressSix college students participated in the Lions Young Speechmaker contest, held at Totara Park Hall in Warkworth, on Sunday June 8. The contestants presented a prepared speech on a topic of their choice, as well as an impromptu speech. The subjects were varied and well-presented and the judges commented on the high standard of the presentations.The winner was Lina Kim, from Westlake Girls High. Helan Sun, from Auckland International College, was second, followed by Andy Song, from Takapuna Grammar, third.Lina will now represent Rodney at the national finals, in Tauranga, in August.Judges were Rodney MP Mark Mitchell, Toastmaster Murray Chapman and Past District Governor Robyn Walker, from Lions Clubs International.

Re-construction of a sea wall at Algies Bay struck a problem – or rather a problem struck it – as a 35-foot yacht was left stranded in the construction zone following Cyclone Ita in April.The boat was moored in Algies Bay before the cyclone, but came loose and founded on rocks as waves battered the coastline.The owner has secured the concrete-hulled yacht and has been patching it up, but it had not been removed at the time Mahurangi Matters went to print.Craig Davis, of Davis Coastal Consultants, expects the boat to be removed by the end of the month.Wharehine construction manager Jared McGee says work has started on the 130-metre long sea wall where the yacht is stranded, but the boat needs to be removed “sooner rather than later”.The $690,000 project is expected to take six weeks to complete. Algies Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association chairman Richard Papworth says it has taken nearly three years to get the resource consent for the repairs.Rodney Local Board member Steve Garner has proposed a blanket consent for existing sea walls from Cape Rodney to Waiwera, and a set of guidelines and standards to streamline the process.The association has also asked the Board to fund an engineer’s evaluation of a sea wall at the southern end of the beach, which is also disintegrating.Meanwhile, work is planned to extend a sea wall at Snells Beach to stem the tide of erosion, which is threatening the walkway.Auckland Council has so far agreed to extend the existing sea wall by a further 60 metres. Protection of the remaining 20 metres of foreshore is still being discussed.A further 17-metre sea wall will be built to protect an area eroding beside the Snells Beach boat ramp.It is hoped resource consent to extend the existing sea wall will be lodged shortly and work is planned

Progress made on sea wall repairs

to start in October. Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association chairman Bryan Jackson says the time taken to get a solution in place has been frustrating, but he is pleased the issue is finally being taken seriously.“Another storm and the walkway is gone,” Bryan says.About $15,000 has already been spent by Council on plantings and wooden posts to stop erosion, but this was washed out by Cyclone Ita.There are also calls to move the waterfront walkway back to its original route after it was diverted when a section of deteriorating sea wall was removed in November last year.

A large yacht awaits removal at Algies Bay ahead of repair work on the $690,000 sea wall.

Page 10: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

10 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

Help shape Rodney

Have your say to help create the world’s most liveable city.

Come find out about the Rodney draft Local Board Plan and what it means for you at one of our community meetings. Visit our homepage or Facebook page to find out more.

Tuesday 24 June 20146.30pm-8pm6.30pm-8pmKumeu Community Hall

Thursday 26 June 20147.30pm-8.30pmHelensville War Memorial Hall

Tuesday 1 July 20146.30pm-7.30pmWellsford Community Centre

Thursday 3 July 20146.30pm-7.30pmWarkworth Masonic Hall Warkworth Masonic Hall

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Advancing major roading projects for Warkworth is one of the key initiatives in a three-year plan drafted by the Rodney Local Board, which will be out for consultation next month.Community meetings to discuss the plan’s priorities will be held in Wellsford on July 1 and Warkworth on July 3. Board chairperson Brenda Steele says it’s important that Rodney residents are updated on what’s in the draft plan so their comments can be considered in the final plan.“With the pressures of growth, especially in Warkworth and Kumeu/Huapai, it’s vital we get this plan right,” Ms Steele says.The plan recognises the need for

improved sports and recreation facilities, including access to a local swimming pool, and suggests working with local businesses to identify and deliver projects that will make town centres grow.Residents can view the draft Rodney Local Board Plan from June 23 by clicking into the ‘plans’ section of the local board’s homepage at A summary including a submission form will be delivered to households in mid-July.Public meetings will be held at the Wellsford Community Centre on July 1 and at the Warkworth Masonic Hall on July 3. Both meetings will run from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

roads dominate board plan

The lions Club of Kowhai Coast has donated $1000 to Snells Beach School for the purchase of reading books for junior and middle school students. Support for reading programmes is being backed by lions Clubs worldwide. Some of the funds for Snells Beach were raised through a raffle. The winner of a grocery voucher was S. williams and second prize of a petrol voucher, donated by Mobil Service Station, was won by B. Milligan. Pictured, from left, are lions member June Brown, assistant principal Cherylene Neels, principal Jill Corkin, and lions member liz Price.

Kowhai Coast Lions fundraise for books

Page 11: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

11 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters realestate

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Kowhai Coast Lions fundraise for books

Property market values riseLocal property continued to attract strong buyer interest last month and while city-wide the price trend for the month was down, local home values increased by three per cent over the average 12-month price.“The number of homes sold during the month was down on those sold in May last year. However, the average price achieved for the month topped $532,000,” Barfoot & Thompson managing director Peter Thompson says.“It brought the average selling price for the past 12 months up to $516,000, which is seven per cent or $33,000 higher than it was a year ago. Homes in the Mahurangi and Hibiscus area remain in great demand and strong buyer interest, coupled with a shortage of supply, continues to see prices rise. This area is seen as representing great value for money and is now enjoying similar price increases as those experienced by other parts of the city some months back.”The highest activity in the month was at Snells Beach, Orewa and Mangawhai.

Warkworth businesses have been encouraged to get behind a push to set-up a Business Improvement District or BID in the area.At this month’s Warkworth Area Business Association meeting, held at the Bridgehouse, North Harbour Business Association chairman Warren Kitchin said a secure budget for the association was integral to creating a cohesive business environment.He said the North Harbour association had gone from 30 volunteers to a 2000-strong membership, which attracted sponsorship and grants.“North Harbour has three tiers of membership – businesses who pay a targeted rate up to around $225, associate members who may not be directly involved but who see value in being a member, and sponsors who pay $3500 annually.“Once you have a structure, you’ll be surprised at your ability to attract other funding. The association becomes a portal for local issues and a central point of contact. As well as a strong advocacy role, members can access mentors, training and workshops at no extra charge.”Warkworth association chair Rachel Callender said running the association was becoming too much of a drain on volunteers.Association volunteer Nicola Jones said although previous BID campaigns had failed, it was time to recognise that big changes were on the horizon

business chair backs Warkworth bid

for Warkworth, citing the proposed Grange development on SH1, the growth predicted in the Unitary Plan and the new motorway proposal.“The association has grown its membership and does have a stronger voice now, and it’s time to think about taking the next step.”The association committee was due to meet this week to decide whether

or not to pursue a Warkworth BID. If it does, then a vote is likely to be held around the middle of next year.Part of the discussion will include defining a BID boundary and only businesses within the boundary will be eligible to vote. Warren said to succeed, 25 per cent of eligible businesses have to participate in the vote and the majority of that group must vote “yes”.

Fire truck from page 1Auckland Council contractors put more cones and warning signs in the area to emphasise the dangers.Meanwhile, an elderly man was lucky to survive a house fire after clothing he left draped over a heater caught alight.Devan says the fire burned in the lounge and then went out due to lack of oxygen.“The house had no working smoke alarms and the man did not wake up until a carer arrived the next morning and found the house full of smoke,” he says.The man was taken to North Shore Hospital where he was treated for smoke inhalation.“He was very lucky.”Devan says it is a timely reminder for people to ensure they have working smoke alarms installed and to be extremely cautious when using heaters.The brigade also had three call outs overnight on June 10 as high winds and heavy rain flooded homes and blew iron from building sites.The new 2014 Iveco appliance is specially designed to attend vehicle accidents, which make up about half of the station’s call outs. The appliance replaces a 2009 model, which is being rotated to a less busy station. The station of 30 volunteers has had 134 call-outs this year, up 14 on last year.The new truck was given the once-over by Warkworth Playcentre this month. The children also had a go at manning the fire hose.the fire Service offers free home safety checks and can install smoke alarms for free. info: 425 8888

Page 12: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

12 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 realestate

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Wastewater upgrade causes disruptionsThe installation of a new wastewater main in Elizabeth Street, Warkworth, has hit a snag or, more correctly, a hard rock.About two-thirds of the pipe has been installed, but the remaining one-third will be completed using open-trenching, rather than underground drilling.Watercare says the change is necessary because the contractors ran into unforeseen rock.It will mean traffic flows, as well as parking, will be affected in the construction area for the remainder of the project, which is due to finish at the end of next month.Meanwhile, Rodney Local Board member Steve Garner is seeking feedback on the works being done in Warkworth, around Queen and Neville Streets. “I thought the general feeling amongst businesses was that improved pedestrian safety, additional parking and making the intersection easier to understand was positive,” he says.“But it’s been reported by Cr Penny Webster that there is significant dissatisfaction with the planned changes, which is contrary to the feedback I’ve received.”Steve says he is very concerned about the price Auckland Council is paying for services and capital improvements and, in particular, the cost of works on roads.“But given that this is a plan conceived and driven by safety concerns, via Auckland Transport, I would be reluctant to chastise them for being proactive and actually delivering improvements in our space.”

A proactive graffiti removal programme, which Auckland Council started last year, has more than halved the amount of graffiti in Rodney.The new programme has implemented new rules for contractors.Council vandalism prevention adviser Rob Shields says that for every one reported case of vandalism, the contractors are required to find and remove 20 other unreported pieces of graffiti.“Removing graffiti quickly tends to reduce the amount of new graffiti because the vandals don’t get the attention and notoriety they are looking for,” Rob says. “Less graffiti also makes a place feel safer.”Council is now also responsible for removing graffiti from street frontages on private property and graffiti is also photographed and catalogued on a database, which is used to catch and convict vandals.“A tag works like a finger print,” Rob says.Rodney is one of the better areas when it comes to graffiti, with an average of 140 incidences a month. Auckland-wide, around 8000 to 10,000 incidences of graffiti are reported every month.

new approach halves rodney graffiti

Wellsford patrol progressedInitial steps have been taken to set up a Community Patrol in Wellsford. A small group of keen volunteers attended the first meeting held at the Wellsford Police Station on May 29. Station officer-in-charge Jason Homan says vetting of the volunteers is underway and their training will start soon. “We’re holding another meeting in a couple of weeks so if anyone is interested, please get in touch,” he says. Sgt Homan says the patrol also needs the loan of a vehicle for a few hours on Friday and Saturday nights, and he would welcome enquiries from any business that might be able to help. Community patrols are involved in everything from area patrols to surveillance, assisting at accident scenes and reporting signs of suspicious activity.

Support the businesses that support Mahurangi Matters

Council says graffiti and tagging that isn’t removed quickly can lower property values and encourage more vandalism and other types of crime.

Page 13: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

13 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters realestate

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Andrew SteensAngela Wain027 493 6800(09) 422 7067Pt Wells, Leigh

Ian BatemanSally Brown0800 PUHOI 1 (784642)

Puhoi, Mahurangi West

Monique Rowe021 978 877Kaipara Flats, Ahuroa, Kaipara Coast, Makarau

Jeff Montrose027 621 3765(09) 425 7131Warkworth

Carol Kaye021 474 232(09) 425 7874 Warkworth

Debra Fokkema021 168 1821(09) 423 9577Wellsford, Port Albert, Pakiri

Valerie Hunter027 289 9532Mahurangi East,Algies BaySnells Beach

Jodene Mildon027 647 7775(09) 422 9343Omaha, Matakana,

A working group has formed in Warkworth to ensure there is public input into a new parking plan for the town.Auckland Transport (AT) has released a discussion document to explore changes to parking in the region and to make parking rules more consistent. Suggestions include introducing paid parking in town centres where parking demand regularly takes up 85 per cent of available parking spaces.The Warkworth Area Liaison Group and the Warkworth Area Business Association have banded together to make a joint submission.At a liaison group meeting this month, members were concerned that the review would be an urban-centric parking plan imposed on Warkworth.Mahurangi East Residents and Ratepayers chair Bruce Scoggins said the parking situation will only get worse as the population of Warkworth increases.“We want to have a comprehensive

parking plan developed in collaboration with the community that reflects Warkworth’s needs, not what someone sitting in an office in Auckland has thought up,” Bruce says. “We don’t want a ‘one size fits all’ solution.”There was also discontent that the one-month period of consultation was not enough for community groups to develop a submission.Business association chair Rachel Callender says parking is a key issue for the town.In a recent customer insight survey, 57 per cent of respondents stated that parking was the thing they liked least about shopping or doing business in Warkworth. The Auckland wide parking strategy is expected to be released by the middle of next year.Submissions on the AT parking document are open until June 30 at

groups unite over parking

Unitary Plan submissions releasedSubmissions and a summary of the decisions requested by submitters on Auckland Council’s massive Unitary Plan were notified on June 11. More than 9400 submissions on plan were received during a five-month formal consultation period, which closed at the end of February. The most frequently addressed topics in the submissions included rezoning, residential rules, urban growth, and business rules. Submissions can be searched by submitter details, or by themes such as air quality, business, residential, earthworks, natural hazards, flooding and transport. People now have 30 working days to make a further submission if they are a person with an interest greater than the general public or represent a matter of public interest. To view the submissions and for information on the further submission phase visit

Parking is a perennial issue of contention in warkworth.

Page 14: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

14 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 localbusiness

Sandwiches, Bonjour Patisserie

pastries & pies & “Organico”

Take away coffee.

Gourmet freezer meals, consisting of soups for the

winter, fish chowders, lasagne’s etc

Fresh Produce grown in

Point Wells. Matakana

Butchery Meats & Matakana

Free Range eggs.

Roast Night Mondayorder before 10am Monday Fish & Chips menu from

Wed, Thurs, Fri 4-8pm & Sat, Sun - 12pm-8pm

Shop Hours Mon & Tues 7am-6.30pm

Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat 7am-8.30pm Sun 7.30am-8.30pm

Tuesday - no takeaways

“Come in, make yourself comfortable and stay as long as you like.”That’s the message from Rebecca Lane, the owner of Bramble espresso shop & honest canteen, formerly The Speckled Hen Café, at Matakana Country Park.“I want customers to feel at home here,” she says. “We’ve got a great fire to keep everyone warm and I’m going to put in a library so people feel they can just hang out here if they want to. There’s always something happening at the park and having people around creates a great atmosphere.”Rebecca moved north from Auckland five years ago. She’s a familiar face in Matakana, having worked as a barista for Lindesay Smith, at The Love Shack, for four years.“Lindesay taught me a lot about business and dealing with customers. We’ll be selling his Matakana Coffee brand at Bramble.”Rebecca has gathered in some experienced hands to help her launch her business with Lynette Curry, the former owner of Brookview Teahouse, doing home baking for the café.“I want to offer as much homemade food as possible including our sauces and dressings,” she says. “Keeping it local and fresh is important, and I’d also like to give people healthy take-

A young entrepreneur has taken over the iconic Point Wells Shop with plans to keep locals “interested and surprised”.Caroline Alexander, 22, says the shop is already a meeting place in the village.“I want to build on that reputation by consistently offering the best fish and chips, burgers and coffee in the area, a good selection of grocery staples, and then some quirky/funky stuff to keep it interesting,” she says.Caroline grew up in the area, went to college in Auckland and after finishing school, started a training course with Foodstuffs.“I was managing the deli section at Pack’nSave in Glen Innes with the idea of eventually becoming an owner/operator,” she says. “It was a great grounding but I’m not one to work for others.”She headed to Europe for two years where she worked in restaurants in Holland. With her OE behind her, she returned to grow vegetables on her parents’ property and sell them at the Matakana Country Park market. But a summer job at the Point Wells Shop convinced her that, if possible, she wanted to own and operate her own store.“I’d arranged a trip to India with a group of friends, but as soon as I got back, I approached the owners of the Point Wells store and here I am!“I love anything to do with food – growing it, cooking it and selling it – and owning a shop is such ‘a kid thing’


home options, particularly as we are right next door to a gym.”During June, Bramble has been screening World Cup Soccer matches and offering special breakfast deals.“If someone has an idea and needs a venue, then they should come and talk to me. The Country Park is a great space with lots of flexibility to cater to different venue needs.”

to want to do.”Caroline says she has a million ideas for her business. “You get creative when you haven’t got any money and it’s quiet, and winter is a great time to try out new ideas,” she says.She’s already added locally grown fruit and vegetables, a gourmet range and gluten-free food to the shelves, and has introduced ‘roast night Mondays’ to boost business on what would otherwise be a slow trading day. A different meat is slow cooked every Monday, and the takeaway meals include roast veges, greens and gravy. Caroline says she is looking forward to the store expanding along with the area around her.

rebecca lane

Caroline Alexander

Bramble Point Wells Shop

Espresso Shop & Honest Canteen�amble�amblep


mBreakfast, Brunch, Smoothies, Salads,

Soups & Take home dinners.Locally Roasted coffee.

Enjoy & relax by the fire place or take it on the run.

09 42271331 Omaha Flats Rd, Matakana Country Park

Page 15: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

15 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters localbusiness

Need an Independent

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People wanting to get in shape or maintain their fitness have a new option in Warkworth.Sportswoman and former international bodybuilder Tracey Frost has opened GymSpot in Morrison Drive. She says it will cater for all ages and fitness levels, with special memberships for students and seniors.“Some people know what they want to achieve and just need guidance and support,” she says. “But I’m also here to help people who’ve never stepped foot in a gym before. It can be intimidating. If that’s the case, then it’s best to come in when the gym is quiet or if possible, meet off the premises. “Obesity is a real problem in NZ, particularly amongst men and the younger generation. It’s quite terrifying when you consider the health repercussions.”Tracey was born in Warkworth but her family moved away when she was young. She says it’s good to be back in her “home town”.Her first contact with a gym was in Dargaville when she was 14 and training under Brian Froggatt.A keen sportswoman, she participated in athletics, swimming and gymnastics, and from 2001 to 2012 she competed nationally and internationally in bodybuilding.


“It’s a gruelling sport that takes a lot of discipline and can become addictive.”Tracey believes the best thing a gym can offer members is a clean and comfortable place to workout, where they feel supported.She has new machines for a full workout and offers body-conditioning classes, as well as personal training and ACC rehabilitation work. More bikes for spin classes upstairs will be installed in coming months.

Tracey Frost


Opening SpecialsNo joining fee for the first

100 members on payment plans.Join for a full 12 months get

one month free.Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 5.30am-9pm, Fri 5.30am-8pm,

Sat & Sun 8am-2pm, Public Holidays 8am-2pmUnit 1/9-23 Morrison Drive, Warkworth

09 422 2600 [email protected]

Puhoi Valley Ice Cream has scooped six medals at the NZ Ice Cream Awards, held recently in Blenheim.The company was awarded gold medals for Puhoi Valley Dutch chocolate, as well as nougat and Kamahi honey. It also won silver medals for fig and Puhoi Valley Matakana Blue, lemon meringue pie, dark chocolate truffle ice cream and feijoa sorbet.“We are very proud that our delicious

ice creams have been recognised at these prestigious awards,” Puhoi Valley Cafe & Cheese store manager Mark Lane says. “The results are just reward for the entire team who work hard to create these sensational products.” It is the 18th time that the New Zealand Ice Cream awards have been held, and just the third time that Puhoi Valley Cafe has entered the competition which saw 302 entries received from 32 companies.

Puhoi flavours win top awardMichael Blain and Tasha Crombie display one of six awards from this year’s New Zealand Ice Cream Awards.

Page 16: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

16 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 Morrison Drive WARKWORTH

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Pioneer vintnersThe Levet family from Ely, Cambridgeshire, were among the first Albertlanders to leave England. Charles, Kezeiah and their five children, Joseph, Charles, William, Frances and Emma were on the Hanover when it sailed on 29 May 1862, arriving in Auckland on 17 September. Charles was a coppersmith but had been reading about viticulture so decided to buy land and become a wine-maker.Through emigration sponsors, Charles bought 180 acres of bush and scrub on the banks of the Whakapirau River, near Wellsford. With the help of his sons, he painstakingly cleared and cultivated the hilly site where their first seven acres were planted. Over time, they learned which grape varieties were most suitable and how to prune and care for them. They also had to learn how to make wine. With pit-sawn timber and planks they built a wine house and press. Meantime, the family lived by floating out kauri logs for sale, mill work and splitting kauri shingles for Auckland homes.One major obstacle to a successful wine business was the fact that no hotels were allowed in the district because Albertlanders were mostly anti-alcohol, and licencing regulations meant wine was only allowed to be sold in hotels. The then MP for Rodney, Seymour George, took up their case in 1879 and two years later the law was amended to allow vineyard sales and the licencing of wine shops. Levets rowed their barrels eight miles along Whakapirau tidal creek to Port Albert then shipped them to Onehunga and on to Israel Wendel’s wine bar in Karangahape Road, the country’s first licenced wine shop. By 1881, an amendment allowed wine makers to sell their wine in quantities of two gallons or more for consumption off the premises. Governor Sir William Jervois was a regular customer during his term of office. An article about Levets in the the Auckland Star (November 5, 1964) quipped: ‘If the teetotal Albertlanders were shaken by the stacks of wine-cases on the Port Albert wharf addressed to Government House, Auckland, they must have been shattered when his successor, the Earl of Glasgow, allowed the Levets to call their property Lord Glasgow Vineyards, in his honour.’Unfortunately, in 1905 Charles’ son William died, aged 56, and Charles passed

Charles and william levet at the winery.

historylyn Johnston, Albertland Museum

away two years later at the age of 85. There was no-one left in the family old or experienced enough to carry on the business and some of the vines had phyloxera. Vineyards became pasture. The winepress was used for cheese-making and casks sold to Henderson winemaker Assid Corban. The labours of more than 40 years were over.The Levet family name is immortalised as one of the Ls in the name Wellsford and descendants still live in the district. Historic Levet items housed in the Albertland Heritage Centre include their (very heavy) wine press screw and a 1872 viticulture textbook.Sources: Levet Family History (by members of the Levet family) and Auckland Star.

Page 17: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

The fi ne print: Offer applies to children aged 12 or under. Menu choices from kids menu.Free ice cream and sauce fl avours subject to availability.







The fi ne print: Offer applies to children aged 12 or under. Menu choices from kids menu.Free ice cream and sauce fl avours subject to availability.



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Wineben dugdale, Chairman, Matakana Winegrowers Assc.

Of two tastingsI attended two local winegrower tastings in the previous month. Both were what we call vertical tastings – the same variety from the same vineyard block, over a 10 to 15 year period. The aim of these tastings is to look at character – the flavours and textures of the wines at this single point in time, and style, which is how the variety defines itself within the region. The same variety grown in other vineyards, regions and countries will produce different (but not dissimilar) characters and styles. Hence, the flavours are a defining feature of that grape in this soil and environment. This is the uniqueness of wine – the slight character shift from vintage to vintage. At The Vintry, Hyperion’s John Crone presented seven of his cabernet sauvignon wines called The Titan – from Greek mythology which is a reoccurring theme of his nomenclature. The grapes are destemmed with a slight crush, typically between 12 to 26 April in most years. John states that the grape gets through the harvest and is usually the last to ripen. He bottles single varietals in the years he considers met his quality specifications. There is a complex, non-primary fruit note to these wines. A pencil shaving character combined with that typical cabernet sauvignon black currant conserve note (but not dramatically so) and dark berry flavours. Aged wines have a rich, savoury character that reminds me of grilled tomatoes and slow cooked casseroles. These were fascinating wines of complexity and quite removed from the simple, fruit jam on toast styles you get at the supermarket dump stack at $9.99.The second tasting was in Herons Flight’s front room and was centred around Dolcetto. This grape is from Piedmonte in Italy and Herons Flight is the first in New Zealand to produce it. Others like Matavino, just off Hamilton Road, are beginning to follow. It had great colour, even going back over seven years, and had characters of cherries, earthy spices and a little baked plum note. Two of the wines were Rosé styles – and were a very good way to get to know the variety first up. They had a bright, fresh intensity with a clean palate and no rough edges – a perfect, light style wine for summer lunches or late afternoon pre-dinner sipping. The darker red table wine styles had plenty of appeal on a simplistic, easy red style. What interested me was consistency of this variety over quite variable vintages. Several less than brilliant vintages of this wine were still of an above average quality – this aspect is one that winemakers seek. We wish to make good wines every year and have the opportunity to make extraordinary wines in great years. Both of these tastings demonstrated key aspects of winemaking – understanding a variety long-grown in this country to unlock its potential on its particular site, and exploring a new variety and exactly what it can achieve in its new home.Cheers

Funding grants availableCommunity groups in north Rodney have until July 15 to submit grant applications to the Rodney Local Board. This will be the only funding round this financial year. Large grants are available for community, recreation and youth initiatives, and there are all small funds for community and youth projects. Applications must be submitted online at

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18 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014



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winter featuren

Anyone heading out on winter fishing trips will be rewarded with tastier fish and quieter seas, according to Warkworth Gamefish Club president Dave Adams.“Snapper tend to move into deeper waters to find more stable temperatures in winter, but gurnard, tarakihi, john dory and hapuku become more common,” he says.“These fish are at the top of the New Zealand culinary ladder in my opinion.”But the snapper are still biting. The club hosted its annual 10kg tournament at the end of last month, where fish must be caught on a line with a capacity limit of 10kg. A 9.9kg fish took out the snapper section, while the heaviest fish was a 16.7kg kingfish.There were 68 entries, down from the 90 entrants last year due to bad weather. Dave says winter fishing can be a bit more challenging, but all the more rewarding when you get one on the line.“As the weather cools, fish metabolism slows down so they require a little more enticing and burley becomes more important.”He says less fishermen on the water and no queues at boat ramps are a bonus. But colder sea temperatures also means safety becomes increasingly important,

Top right: Father and son team lu and Cam rathe with their entries in the warkworth Gamefish Club 10kg tournament last month

oliver Adams, 8, with the winning 2.9kg junior snapper at the warkworth Gamefish Club 10kg tournament last month.

especially for kayak fishermen.“Cold water temperatures can cut your survival time in half if you end up in the water.”On Queen’s Birthday Weekend, Dave rescued a kayaker who had rolled in choppy conditions near Kawau Island and was unable to right his craft.“He was an experienced kayaker and was well-prepared, but he was stuck waiting to get rescued. He’d been in the water only eight or nine minutes, but was getting exhausted. You always need to check weather conditions. You can’t afford to spend a few hours in the water in winter.”Trout fishing is also a focus in winter, when the fish migrate upstream to spawn. Dave says New Zealand trout came mainly from California and they haven’t given up their northern spawning habits.The Kai Iwi Lakes, north of Dargaville, are one of the best rainbow trout fishing spots in the area.

Plenty to catch when weather cools


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Page 19: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

19 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters winterfeature

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Up to eight pairs of takahe will be settling in to Tawharanui soon, but in the meantime winter is the best time to hear kiwi calls.Auckland Council open sanctuary coordinator Matt Maitland says between six and eight pairs of one-year-old takahe will arrive at Tawharanui towards the end of September.The birds are coming from a captive breeding programme in Southland and are expected to breed at Tawharanui by the following spring.Matt says that with nightfall happening earlier, winter is a great time to hear kiwi calls. During the summer months, kiwi are also a bit run down, incubating eggs and trying to feed during the short nights, so call less frequently. But winter is the mating season when calls are most frequent, both to attract a mate and to patrol their territory.Matt has completed a call count survey of the kiwi, which is the main method used to keep track of numbers. He estimates the population to be around 80 birds.“But it is a great time to see all kinds of birds,” he says. “As food becomes scarce it tends to concentrate bird numbers on what little is available as they try to bulk up for winter. It is also a time when birds are starting to check out prospective mates and can be very energetic.”Winter is also planting time at Tawharanui. The Tawharanui Open

The Tindal Foundation has donated $15,000 for material to build a fence to protect the takahe coming to Tawharanui.

takahe destined for sanctuary

Sanctuary Society Inc (TOSSI) held two planting days over Queen’s Birthday weekend, with 170 volunteers planting 10,000 trees.The next planting days are on July 6 and August 3 with 5000 plants to be put in each day. The 20,000 plants will account for two-hectares of new native bush.The Tindal Foundation recently donated $15,000 for material to build a fence to protect the takahe. Together with Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth’s contribution of materials, this means all the fencing material is now provided.The organisation is looking to raise a further $10,000 for tracking equipment for the

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20 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 winterfeature


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A free movie night to celebrate Matariki, the Maori New Year, will be held at Te Hana Te Ao Marama on July 4.The cultural centre, in conjunction with Auckland Council, will screen the 1990 feature length documentary film Mana Waka, directed by Merata Mita.The film was made from footage shot between 1937 and 1940 when Princess Te Puea Herangi commissioned the building of three large waka taua for the 1940 centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.Black and white footage follows the long, slow and unfolding construction of the waka. The spiritual element of the work is evident in the film and the soundtrack was especially composed for the silent footage. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.Meanwhile, Te Hana Te Ao Marama will host a Matariki Kaumatua Ball on July 25. Organiser Karie Adolph says the ball will celebrate local kaumatua and kuia aged 50 or over, representing a

te hana celebrates Matariki

number of hapu and iwi.“The idea is to show our respect and love for this generation and to celebrate the Matariki,” Karie says.The evening will include dinner and entertainment.Info: Ph 423 8701 or [email protected]

Princess Te Puea Herangi

The Mahurangi Under 19 team continued its winning streak when it downed Massey 18-14, in the first game of the second round, on home turf in Warkworth on June 7. Coaches John McKittrick and Bernie Kose are expecting a number of the team to be chosen for the North Harbour under 19 or under 21 development squads in August.“The boys are fit and they’re keen, and the team has a good lead over the other

sides in the competition,” Bernie says.Open side flanker Brooke Wilson-Beckett, half-back and captain James Wyatt, second-five-eighth Scott Fabricius and hooker Jordy Riggle are in particularly good form.Bernie says the semi-final next month is likely to be played on the Mahurangi Club grounds, with Northcote, Silverdale and Takapuna shaping up to be the most likely qualifying teams, along with Mahurangi.

open side flanker Brooke wilson-Beckett streaks

towards the Mahurangi try line.

U19s maintain winning streak

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21 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters winterfeature


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Wearable Arts Show, the Home Tour Show and Martakana Art Show. Her generous nature and kind heart are always noticeable in her being the first to offer help in the community. She makes light of the amount of time she gives to others and must truly be the angel in dozens of people’s lives. I do think she well

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U19s maintain winning streak

Page 22: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

22 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 winterfeature

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Comedian and West Auckland icon Ewen Gilmour will perform at the Leigh Sawmill on June 28, along with three other comedians.Ewen has been making Kiwi laugh for more than 20 years.He was an inaugural Billy T Award winner in 1997 and in 2010, was awarded the Decade Award at the NZ Comedy Guild Awards. He has starred in a range of TV shows including 7 Days, Dancing with the Stars and Celebrity Treasure Island and even had a stint on the Waitakere City Council.MC at the Leigh show will be Matt Stellingwerf, who was voted best newcomer in 2012. Matt brings a world view inspired by alcoholic shearing gangs, bizarre Dutch relatives, and criminological theory to the stage.Irish-kiwi Darren Jardine will also perform. Darren has been on the local

westie icon ewen Gilmour performs at leigh Sawmill this month.

Comedy line-up at Sawmill

tiCket giVeaWaYWe have a double pass to the Ewen Gilmour gig to give away. Enter on the Mahurangi Matters Facebook page by sending a message marked Ewen Gilmore or email [email protected] with Ewen Gilmour in the subject line. Competition closes on Tuesday

June 24 at 3pm.

comedy scene for a number of years and was a 2005 Billy T nominee. Comedian and promoter David Oakes has organised the gig and will also perform. David says he is hoping to bring more comedy acts to Mahurangi and Mangawhai over coming months.

Building business onlineKaipara District Council has put its building consent process online. Council general manager Fran Mikulicic says that the aim is to enable repeat users to lodge an application in 10 minutes. “The system remembers details and pre-fills parts of the application to make it easy,” she says. While an over-the-counter service will still be available, Council is encouraging people to use the new online option. A workshop was held in Kaiwaka to introduce the new system, attended by 40 clients including franchise and independent builders, planners and architects. info:

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23 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters winterfeature

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The shortest day of the year on Monday, June 21, can leave many Kiwi feeling a little flat and unmotivated as they settle in to winter.About 10 per cent of New Zealanders have Seasonal Affective Disorder, but many others experience what is often referred to as the ‘winter blues’ at this time of year. The Mental Health Foundation wants people to know there is a lot they can do to promote wellbeing.The foundation’s chief executive Judi Clements stresses that despite the fact that most of us feel like hibernating over the colder months, it is important to continue doing the things that support wellbeing at this time of year.“We can drop out of our networks

and become more prone to depression in winter, so it’s important for your mental health to keep connected to your friends and family and keep doing the things you enjoy,” she says.The Mental Health Foundation encourages people to practise the Five Ways to Wellbeing – connect, give, take notice, keep learning and be active.“You need to think about how you can adapt them from a summer routine to a winter environment. Mix it up a little, try something different every day, such as a new walking route, cooking a special meal or setting small tasks or goals to get you through to spring. It is these little things that can make a big difference to overcoming the winter blues.”

Shorter days and less activity harbinger for winter blues

... feeling SAD?

Shortest dayMahurangi will only see nine hours and 40 minutes of daylight during the winter solstice, on June 21, the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. On March 21 and September 21, Earth’s plane of the equator passes the centre of the sun, which are known as “equinoxes.” These two dates mark the point at which hours of day and night are nearly equal. NIWA

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a form of depression linked to autumn and winter time when sunshine hours are shorter. Symptoms include low mood, weight gain, food cravings for carbohydrates and sleeping more. SAD is believed to be caused by changes in serotonin levels in the brain. The disorder is treated with light therapy or SSRI antidepressants.Mild symptoms affect up to 20 per cent of the population, with women seemingly more susceptible. It is believed about four to six per cent of people are severely affected. The risk of SAD is highest in people with a history of depression.Changes in sleeping patterns, serotonin levels and melatonin secretion have all been suggested as

possible explanations for SAD.Light therapy (phototherapy) is the main treatment recommended by some doctors. This involves spending time under a special bright light in the morning or the evening. However, symptoms often return once the therapy is stopped.A small study of the herbal remedy, St John’s Wort, combined with light therapy was also found to be beneficial, but further studies are required before this treatment is routinely advised.Taking a holiday in a warmer climate may also be helpful for seasonal depression.People who suspect they are suffering from SAD should talk to their doctor about their symptoms. The doctor will be able to rule out other conditions and recommend appropriate treatment.NZ Mental Health Foundation

Page 24: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

24 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 health&family

0800 924 432 Best Care for EveryoneBest Care for Everyone Check Yourself Out

I’ve taken the test - have you?

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, June 2014.When cancer is found early, your chances of recovery are higher.If you are aged between 50 and 74 years and live in the Waitemata DHB area you should have been invited to check yourself out with our free BowelScreening programme.

If you have not received an invitation, or you have moved house, let us know by phoning 0800 924 432 or email [email protected] your doctor now if you have any bowel symptoms that concern you.

Bowel screening helps find early signs of cancer – have you

taken the test?

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

This event is being run in partnership of:

Saturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at Wellsford Community Centre Hall, 1 Matheson Road

He Kāwai OrangaRaising awareness and wellness for future generations

FREE Community event

Presentations on:BowelScreening/Bowel CancerBreast Screen/Breast CancerDiabetesVitamin D

Healthy living demonstrations on:Toi TangataPodiatry

Bread Making and Healthy Kai from: Te Ha Oranga and Whakarongotai Nikora

Community health stalls

Face painting!

FREE entry

Collect your health passport for spot prizes and giveaways

FREE Community eventSaturday, 12th July 201410am - 2pm at WellsfordCommunity Centre Hall,1 Matheson Road

health advice on Wellsford expo menuResidents of Wellsford and surrounding districts will have the opportunity to learn about screening programmes, listen to health and wellness talks, and observe healthy kai demonstrations at the He Kawai Oranga event next month.The health expo, on July 12, is being organised organised by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua’s Te Hā Oranga Wellsford, Waitemata District Health Board’s bowel screening programme and Health Link North. It is free and will be held at the Wellsford Community Centre from 10am to 2pm.Health Link North spokesperson Anne Curtis says the purpose is to raise awareness of health and wellness issues. Activities will cover blood glucose and blood pressure testing, information on bowel and breast screening, diabetes, healthy nutrition and podiatry, experts speaking on bowel cancer, vitamin D and zinc deficiency and nutrition, and a tour of the Breast Screen mobile.

Also available will be healthy kai cooking demonstrations, mirimiri, traditional weaving, and demonstrations by Toi Tangata who are specialists in the area of positive health, fitness, nutrition and exercise. Anne says people will also have the opportunity to participate in the ‘health passport’ challenge to increase their knowledge of health and wellness, and have the chance to win prizes and giveaways. A free lunch of healthy soup and bread will be provided to anyone who registers for the challenge.BowelScreening community awareness team leader Elizabeth Brown says the He Kawai Oranga health open day will be a good opportunity to find out more about bowel screening and who’s eligible to take part.“If you live in the wider Wellsford area, and are aged between 50 and 74 years, you should have been invited to take part in the free BowelScreening programme. The open day is a good chance to meet us and find out more about what it involves,” she says.

Ngati whatua Kaumatua Ben Hita and Te Hā oranga wellsford health worker rita olsen get a taste of what’s on the menu of the health expo in wellsford next month.

Booster seat subsidyACC and Plunket have joined forces to subsidise more than 10,000 new car booster seats for community service cardholders. The seats can be purchased from Plunket’s Car Seat Service for $50 each. Following a recent law change, all children under seven years of age must use an approved child restraint appropriate for their age and size when travelling in a motor vehicle. Each year, ACC receives around 30,000 claims for injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes. Around 1000 claims involve children aged seven years and under. info: Contact Warkworth Plunket or visit

Alzheimers supportAn Alzheimers support group meets at the The Estuary Arts Centre in Orewa on Wednesday mornings, for a short walk, coffee and conversation. The group is for people who have cognitive difficulties or dementia, who are already being supported by Alzheimers Auckland. info: emily on 09 421 1425.

health briefs

Playground fundedPlans to build a new playground at Snells Beach got a $33,000 boost this month after Rodney Local Board reallocated funds earmarked for lighting the town’s waterfront walkway.Last year, many Snells Beach residents were alarmed to learn that $32,877 would be spent on the lighting and lobbied for the money to be put to another purpose. The Local Board agreed that the lighting project was no longer appropriate. The Snells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association surveyed its members and decided that funding the playground was a priority. The funds will be added to the $60,000 already allocated to build a playground on Sunrise Boulevard, making a total of $92,877 for the project.

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25 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters health&family

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Shaving hair and beards paid off for the Prostate Cancer Foundation recently, when warkworth’s Mitre 10 Mega handed over a cheque for $4000. The money was raised at a trade breakfast where locks were shorn, from heads and faces. At the cheque hand over are, from left, Mitre 10 Mega trade manager Neil race who lost his hair, foundation chief executive Graeme woodside, and Jack Milham who shaved his beard.

Doctor promotes bowel testingIt’s Bowel Cancer Awareness month and Warkworth doctor Bruce Sutherland says it’s a good time to remind people to take part in the free bowel screening programme.Dr Sutherland, from Kawau Bay Health, says more than half of eligible participants from the practice have taken part.“It’s great that so many people have completed the bowel screening test, but I would like to encourage others who may still have the test sitting at home to also use this opportunity,” he says. The test helps find cancer early, often before it has the change to spread.“The good news is that when bowel cancer is caught early, it can usually be successfully treated. Bowel cancer can be present with few or even no warning signs.”The four-year BowelScreening pilot programme is now in its third year and the results will be used to decide if bowel screening could be rolled out nationally. Ministry of Health results for the first 21 months (from January 2012 to September 2013) show that of the 107,637 people tested, bowel cancer was found in 129 cases. Symptoms of bowel cancer may

include blood in your bowel motion or changes in your normal pattern of going to the toilet that continue for several weeks such as diarrhoea, constipation or a feeling your bowel doesn’t empty completely. Anyone with those symptoms is urged to see their doctor immediately.Anyone aged between 50 and 74 years who lives in the Waitemata DHB area should have received the free BowelScreening kit. If not, phone 0800 924 432 or email [email protected], the health advocacy group Beat Bowel Cancer says the government is failing to invest in the resources needed to properly diagnose and treat bowel cancer nationwide.The group’s chief executive Megan Smith says the Ministry of Health is failing to meet its own targets for investigation and treatment, and colonoscopy service provision varies widely across NZ.“The government has earmarked less than $2 per New Zealander of new money to address the problem of bowel cancer,” she says. “In contrast, $307 million was allocated to road safety, when bowel cancer is killing five times the national road toll. The numbers don’t stack up.”

trade breakfast fundraiser donates to prostate cause

Page 26: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

26 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 welcome home

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Page 27: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

27 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters localentertainment

19b Queen St, WarkworthChristian Herbulot021 0755 896

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Fans of the big Broadway musicals such as Annie Get Your Gun and Les Miserables are in for a treat.The Matakantata Choir, under the direction of Susan Hayday, is presenting a programme of Broadway hits at shows in Puhoi, Matakana and Warkworth.They will be accompanied by Fiona Longuet-Higgins and Ana Williamson on piano, Barbara Hamilton on double bass and local musicians Colin Jarvis on blues harp and Terry Hicks on jazz piano.The Mahurangi College Jazz Band under the direction of Lyn Dashper will be guest artists at the Matakana concert.As in past years, proceeds from the concerts will be donated to a local cause.In Puhoi, the money will go to the Puhoi Volunteer Rural Fire Force, which is raising money for a fire station.The Matakana and Warkworth concerts will be donated to the youth-based training and employment programme Springboard Community Works, which is fundraising to buy its premises in Hamatana Road, Snells Beach.The Puhoi concert will be held in Centennial Hall on June 27, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from the door or by calling Carole on 422 0706.The second concert will be held at the Matakana Hall, Matakana Valley Road, on Saturday July 5, at 7.30pm. The final show will be at the Warkworth Presbyterian Church, on Sunday July 6, at 2.30pm. Tickets for the Matakana and Warkworth concerts are available from Warkworth’s Lee and Hart Pharmacy and at the Gull Service Station in Matakana. Tickets are $15 for adults and a gold coin for children. Info: Jenni Francis on 423 0094.

Broadway Magic is the theme of the Matakantata Choir’s mid-year concerts.

Matakantata singers take on broadway show stoppers

Take four good-looking, hip-swaying, suave Maori guys crooning a mix of modern day and classic songs in Te Reo and English, and the result is The Modern Māori Quartet.Group members Maaka Pohatu, Matariki Whatarau, James Tito and Matu Ngaropo will present their special form of showmanship in Wellsford and Puhoi as part of Matariki celebrations.The Wellsford concert will be held at the Wellsford Community Centre on June 30, while the Puhoi concert, in Centennial Hall, will be on July 1. Both performances start at 7.30pm.The quartet members are Toi Whakaari/NZ Drama School graduates who have established theatre careers with a combination of more than 20 years in the industry.The idea of the quartet was born from the need to make money between acting gigs.They describe themselves as “the creative love child of Flight of the Conchords, Prince Tui Teka, the

The Modern Maori Quartet are promising a fun night at their concerts in Puhoi and wellsford.

Maori quartet performs in north for Matariki

Māori Volcanics and the Quin Tikis”.The group has impressed audiences throughout NZ with their humour, charm and magnificent harmonies.

Page 28: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

28 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 localentertainment









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Art and song will combine under the banner of ‘freedom’ at a Local Vocal Choir concert in the Wellsford Community Centre on July 6.Choir president Sally Randall says this year’s theme promises to be an uplifting and liberating experience.“We started the choir three years ago with the idea of getting people singing together and bring in the wider community,” she says. “This year, we’ve reached out to encourage children in the district to express their ideas and feelings about freedom and being free.”Art work selected by school teachers will be displayed in the foyer of the community centre from 6.30pm on the evening of the concert.Prizes, donated by iCater of Wellsford, will be presented in two categories chosen by three local artists. Some of the art work will also be displayed at the Wellsford Library from June 22. “We will have a digital image show

of the art work projected behind the singers throughout the concert, along with images of the young artists’ words describing freedom and how it feels.“There will be around 60 singers on stage; it will be brilliant,” Sally says.Creative Communities Auckland has again funded the annual 10-week choir programme, which is under the leadership of Max Maxwell and trainee choir leader Denis Newhook.Sally says the choir has learnt a range of song genres, all with the ‘freedom’ theme, sung in four-part harmony, with several smaller group items included in the programme. Geoff Pickstone of Port Albert will be the MC and the Wellsford Ukes are back by popular demand to perform a few robust sing-a-long numbers.Doors open at 6.30pm, for a 7pm start, with gold coin donation at the door.Info: Sally randall on 423 9393 or email [email protected]

Songs of freedom ring out on Wellsford stage next month

Tara Moyle concentrates on her artwork for the Songs of Freedom exhibition.

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29 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters localentertainment

The creative talents of people with intellectual disabilities will be on show at the old Masonic Hall, in Warkworth, later this month.The exhibition will feature the work of Timothy Ruskrudge, David Prictor, Susan Copestake, Kevin Fabian, Shane Sherman and Jenny Pound who live with IDEA services and attend the vocational services in Morrison Drive.Local artist Leigh McIntyre-Lomas has supported the artists.“The work represents very personal reflections of how we each see the world and viewing these bright honest art pieces is quite uplifting,” she says.

“The group has been working for two years with ink, dyes and pastels, each developing their own styles. Inspiration is drawn from still life compositions, nature and portrait, turning an everyday objects, like fruit and vegetables, into a visual feast for the eyes.”IDEA services thanks IHC Charitable Trust, Creative Communities NZ, Warkworth New World and Factory Frames Mairangi Bay for supporting the show.The exhibition will run from June 20 to 22, from 10am to 3pm. Work on display will be available for purchase.

david Prictor’s Blue leaves.

Colour expressions on show


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30 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 rurallife

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CountryLivingJulie Cotton

Burglaries prompt security reminderThere has been a large increase in burglaries on rural properties on the Kaipara Coast Highway. Police say thieves are targeting properties which don’t appear to have anyone at home or, if someone is home, they have a story prepared. “They pretend they’re looking for a lost dog or need something for their car,” Wellsford officer-in-charge Sgt Jason Homan says. “If you’re going to be home late put a timer on so a light comes on and it looks like someone is home, make your house look lived in, and make sure doors are locked. People need to take a certain amount of responsibility and ownership in securing their houses and farms.” Neighbourhood Watch is valuable in any community and if anyone wants to register a group, they are invited to speak to Wellsford’s Community Constable. To report suspicious behaviour call Wellsford Police on 423 8228 or report information anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Winter farm feed challengeFarmers are facing a tough winter as many have used up their winter feed trying to get through the summer drought.Dairy NZ Northland regional leader Tafi Manjala says the price of feed has also risen with the increase in demand, but warm rain at the end of autumn provided some late pasture growth, which alleviated the problem.Some farmers have been hit with a triple-whammy, with a dry spring last year creating a shortage of silage, while ongoing drought meant increased demand for feed and increased prices. There was also a shortage of palm kernel extract, Tafi says. This has meant many farmers have been forced to use feed usually reserved for winter. Compounding the problem is that about 15 per cent of cattle are calved in autumn, when the need for food is at its greatest.“Rain in early this month has helped to restore the water table in drought-affected areas, but more rain may

work against farmers. When the ground becomes water-logged, stock trample pasture into the ground, which reduces grass cover for spring.“The poor growing season earlier in the year will also have a flow on effect, with less grass cover for calving. This will mean many farmers will have to buy in surplus feed, adding to costs.”Tafi says that fortunately, milk prices were relatively high over the summer, which has meant most dairy farmers have been able to afford the extra cost of buying in feed.However, Dargaville dairy farmer Kylie Harnett says most farmers in drought regions have had to dry off cows earlier than usual, missing out on about two months of production. “This has meant many farmers have no money for any development or even maintenance. The flow on affects from the drought will be at least two or three years,” she says.

A salute to gumbootsWell, the rain has come and brought with it the usual suspects – green grass, muddy cars and gumboots. I find gumboots practical, fascinating and absolutely hilarious. They are our most necessary of all evils and they rubber stamp us as farmers. Go a day without them in winter and we run the risk of catching a bad case of gumboot flu. Sometimes they become so attached to our feet that we forget that we have them on. Not a bad thing when you are cruising around with your rural cousins in these parts, but hop out of the car in Queen Street with them on and you could very well end up being shunted out of the city by the fashion police.Every farmer has their own particular style and brand they like. Short ones, tall ones, ribbed ones but nearly always black ones. I have an intense aversion to the black ones. Farming can be boring and monotonous enough without us all wearing the same colour. This attitude proved a problem last year when I adorned a pair of pokka dot ones for an article I had in a farming paper. It caused outcry amongst the gumboot establishment. One reader wrote in and inferred that I could not possibly be a farmer wearing those gumboots – whatever! This year I took that old gumboot law to task and ordered the craziest pair I could find on the internet –just for fun. However, for all the styles, brands and shapes the most heart-warming thing to remember is that, the ones who wear them will almost always be the polite people that leave their shoes at your front door.Gumboots have much more than one use. They work well cut up into a seal if your toilet seat is loose, look fab filled with dirt and petunias in your garden if you are short on pots, and are great as a weapon to hurl at one of your kids when they have bolted outside after pinching your warm baking off the kitchen table. Couple this with the national gumboot throwing competition, draws full of socks with the heels worn out and you have a national icon.One day I might post a pair to one of those famous Hollywood types. You never know, if they start wearing them down Hollywood Boulevard, us gumboot toting farmers may become the coolest dudes on the planet. Until such time though, our humble gumboot will remain our best friend in winter and our greatest defence in our war against soggy wet cold feet.

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31 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters rurallife

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A spate of cattle duffing in the Tapora/Wellsford area is proving costly for some dairy farmers.At least two farms have been targeted, with losses estimated to be in the “tens of thousands of dollars”. Colin and Cathryn White put a reward up for information leading to the recovery of their missing dairy cows, but so far have had no luck in identifying the culprits.Although the couple has just recently sold their Tapora property and moved to Paeroa, they’ve supported a call for surveillance equipment to be installed on a strategic site along the Tapora road.“That’s what’s being talked about and I hope it happens,” Cathryn says. “There’s only one road onto the peninsula so it wouldn’t be hard to do. These people are stealing our livelihood. It’s not just $2000 a head – it’s the ongoing loss of production and the loss of the calves that those cows would have produced.“We were gutted to lose the cows. Our herd is quiet and friendly; it was like losing a pet dog or cat.”Wellsford Police officer-in-charge Sgt Jason Homan says he suspects the cattle are being removed from the area by truck during the night.“We’re urging farmers to be vigilant,” he says. “There must be someone out in the community who has heard something or been offered cheap dairy cows and we want to hear from these people. If anyone sees any suspicious behaviour don’t just ignore it, call the police immediately as we have the best chance of catching people while they

Information wantedAnyone with any information is asked to call Wellsford Police on 423 8228 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers can also be contacted via the web at All information is anonymous and no names are recorded. The Police website has good crime prevention advice, as well as a rural scorecard to see how safe a farm is:

Stock owners told to beef up farm security

are on the scene. Also note down the registration numbers of strange vehicles or trucks and any descriptions of people which will help our investigations.”Sgt Homan says CCTV is very helpful if installed in a good location but it needs to be of a good quality and capable of recording at night.“Sometimes CCTV is the only lead we have in investigations and can lead to property being recovered and returned to the rightful owners.”Another Tapora farmer said it appeared whoever took the cows was “in the know”.

Meat warningFederated Farmers rural security spokesperson Katie Milne says people who take black-market meat are playing with fire“There’s just no way a rustler knows of withholding periods after drenching or veterinary medicine,” she says.She says CCTV is being used where several farms are in a cul-de-sac setting, with only one road in, and the cost can be shared.“Things become more problematic when a property abuts a road or highway. CCTV at night only has a limited range, even with IR lighting, so farmers tend to use it around implement sheds as opposed to protecting stock. “There are solutions coming forward from sensor pads to DNA but, realistically, for wide area security coverage, we anticipate within the next decade autonomous drones equipped with forward looking infrared will provide the optimum solution.”In the meantime, Federated Farmers encourages farmers to report thefts to the Police.“Log thefts on an online map found by Googling ‘stop stock theft’. That’s a good way to share intelligence with the Police too,” Mrs Milne says.

“They’re no good for meat and they’re hard to sell, so the theory is that they’re being stolen to build up another herd. You can’t insure against stock theft so it’s a straight out loss.“For a small farming community like Tapora, it’s a real kick in the guts.”

Winter farm feed challenge

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32 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 rurallife


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Unwanted pampas or native toetoe?In Southland, native giant tussock grass known as toetoe Austroderia grace road side margins with curved dainty golden flower heads swaying gently in the breeze. Not so in the far north. Vast areas of unwanted clumps of tall erect white or purple pampas flower spikes dominate every corner of waste ground. Two species of pampas Cortaderia were introduced from South America as wind breaks for farmers. Like many introduced plants, pampas has a more aggressive growth pattern than its native cousins. In no time, the seeds had blown further afield and pampas was off across the North Island becoming a serious weed.At Tawharanui Open Sanctuary, volunteers have worked tirelessly over the years removing pampas by digging out small specimens and spraying larger specimens with herbicide. However, large clumps still remained on the steep coastal cliffs sending windblown seeds back on to the cleared areas especially on the plateaus on Tokatu Point. Last year, Auckland Council provided $7000 to spray pampas on the steep cliffs with the use of a helicopter. This year, TOSSI matched the investment with a grant from the ASB Community Trust to second spray to eliminate any re-growth. This has boosted the moral of the volunteers. Hauturu out in the gulf will also benefit from removal of pampas from Tawharanui. Volunteers along with Council staff will be vigilant making sure any further pampas growth is quickly dealt to. Managing pampas at Tawharanui is ongoing because there is plenty of seed source outside the park. This could be helped by property owners removing pampas from their land.There are five species of native Toetoe. The largest toetoe, Austroderia splendens, is a species of lowland sand dunes, cliffs and rocky places and is confined to Northland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato. A couple of original specimens grow tucked away in gullies on the Tokotu Peninsula. More have been planted in wetlands.Telling the difference between unwanted pampas and native toetoe.• Toetoe has drooping cream golden flower heads in spring and early summer. • Pampas has erect dense white or purple flowers from January to late May.• Toetoe has rich green leaves with prominent veins either side of the midrib. • Pampas has silvered leaves with one midrib.• Toetoe dead leaves are straight.• Pampas dead leaves curl like wood chips.

To see toetoe growing at Tawharanui regional Park, take a walk on the Thompson track in the Mangatwhiri wetland. The entrance is across a field opposite the lagoon carpark and a kiwi has been seen frequently in this wetland shortly after dusk.

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33 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters rurallife

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Fruit trees for any landscape Many people think that to plant fruit trees you need to have a large section or a designated orchard area. Wrong. You can incorporate them anywhere in your garden including amongst the flowers to add interest and provide shade to tender plants over the summer. Likewise, fruit trees can be grown in containers on the deck, used as hedging or espaliered on fences. Some varieties such as apples, peaches and nectarines only need one tree to produce fruit while others, mainly pears and plums, need more than one variety to help pollinate.Fruit trees are best planted when the soils have cooled and the autumn rains have arrived. Garden centres have the widest selection available in winter so it is a good time to choose your trees. Prepare the soil by digging over well and blend in sheep pellets. It is important to stake the new tree firmly and water in well. Add a layer of mulch around the base of fruit trees to keep the soil warmer over winter and keep the area weed-free. As the mulch rots down it adds nutrients to the soil.Pruning of most deciduous trees is done from May to July when they have lost their foliage. There is no mystery to pruning fruit trees. Once shown, you can soon master the simple techniques. Probably one of the most confusing aspects is understanding which trees fruit on the old wood and which fruit on new season’s growth. We run fruit tree pruning workshops once a year in June and some people like to come back each year just to brush up on what they have learnt previously.Pruning needs to be done on a dry day to prevent infection of fungus spores, which are transported in the rain. As an added precaution, cover all pruning cuts with a pruning paint. Begin pruning with stone fruit trees, as their spring growth commences earlier. All deciduous fruit trees should be sprayed with a copper oxychloride fungicide and Conqueror oil (don’t mix the two sprays) for a general clean up.Growing fruit trees is a rewarding and enjoyable pastime. The trees not only enhance your landscape, but also provide fresh produce which children especially like to pick. If you strategically plan your fruit tree planting you will have an abundant variety of fresh fruit year round.Two of the most stunning examples of fruit trees enhancing your property would be persimmon and Malus jack humm, more commonly known as crab apple, which have amazing autumn colours. You need to be vigilant with the fruit ripening on the persimmon, as the birds seem to know when they are ready to eat before we do!

gardeningWendy Schick, Tumbleweed

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-3, Sun 10-3939 Matakana Road, Matakana • Ph: 422 7338 Fax: 422 7638

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34 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014 rurallife

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(next to the library, opposite McDonalds)

Phone 423

First aid for horsesThe other week a good friend of mine had a horse that injured its leg. Thankfully, it was only small skin lacerations. But, she told me that her horsey first aid kit needed a revamp and asked if I could put together a kit for her…and suggested that I write something about first aid for horses in my article. Let’s go back to basics. R.I.C.(E) Rest Ice Compression applies to animals also. Any kind of injury should be iced, or cold-hosed, during the first 24 to 48 hours as much as possible. Glad ice cube bags are great to cool legs or any sore spot. Add a little water to the skin to make it contact better. Ice slurry is the best way to cool a foot with acute laminitis or stone bruise. Ice is faster acting than any painkillers you would have available, and rapid cooling and disinfection at the time of injury enhances recovery from a wound.When skin is cut or bitten, sterile tissue is opened up to the environment. The wound is immediately contaminated with microscopic bugs from the object that caused the wound and bacteria that settle on to the wound from the air. These contaminants multiply within hours to cause the onset of infection. Even with the antibiotics that we can administer for injuries, prevention of infection is better than cure. Cleaning wounds ASAP is paramount and 20 to 30 minutes of cold-hosing dilutes these contaminants. If the wound is severe, then sedation is usually required, but if the horse stands for cleaning its wound (maybe with a twitch, a bin of feed or a leg held up) then you can decontaminate the wound yourself and help prevent further damage due to infection. Disinfection is best done with Vetadine. The more thoroughly you can clean the wound, the faster it will heal.After cold hosing and disinfecting, the wound should be covered to prevent further contamination. There are various ways to cover an injury such as bandages, barrier antiseptic creams or iodine-based udder cream, medicinal clay poultice and stitching. A lot of horse wounds respond poorly to stitching, depending on the location and age of the wound. Consulting with your vet will come up with a way to deal with a wound that best suits your horse and your budget.So, a first aid kit should at the very least have Vetadine, Gamgee padding, bandage shears, tape and bandages of various kinds. Stable wraps are washable and are very handy to learn how to apply when your horse isn’t injured so you will know how to wrap if necessary. An antiseptic cream and or poultice. A wee soft scrub brush can be useful to clean wounds, no matter how small. And those glad ice cube bags in the freezer.

animalsrachel blackie, Wellsford Vet Clinic

Page 35: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

35 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters localsport

Auckland Area Sea Watch




Moon*Not for navigational purposes. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu FriJun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun 30 Jul 1 Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul 4

5:03am 0.411:25am 3.3

5:22pm 0.411:56pm 3.5

5:58am 0.512:19pm 3.3

6:18pm 0.6

12:51am 3.46:55am 0.51:15pm 3.27:17pm 0.7

1:47am 3.37:52am 0.62:14pm 3.18:19pm 0.8

2:44am 3.28:50am 0.63:15pm 3.19:21pm 0.8

3:41am 3.19:47am 0.74:15pm 3.0

10:20pm 0.8

4:37am 3.110:43am 0.7

5:12pm 3.111:14pm 0.8

5:31am 3.111:36am 0.7

6:05pm 3.1

12:05am 0.86:23am 3.0

12:26pm 0.66:54pm 3.1

12:52am 0.87:13am 3.01:11pm 0.67:40pm 3.2

1:37am 0.87:59am 3.01:54pm 0.68:22pm 3.2

2:20am 0.88:43am 3.02:34pm 0.69:03pm 3.2

3:02am 0.89:25am 3.03:13pm 0.79:42pm 3.1

3:42am 0.810:04am 3.0

3:52pm 0.710:20pm 3.1

4:22am 0.810:43am 2.9

4:31pm 0.810:59pm 3.1

5:03am 0.911:22am 2.9

5:12pm 0.811:39pm 3.0

5:44am 0.912:03pm 2.9

5:55pm 0.9


















B 4:35am5:02pm

Best AtB 5:28am


Best AtG 6:19am


Best AtG 7:08am


Best AtG 7:58am


Best AtG 8:47am


Best AtG 9:37am


Best AtG 10:27am


Best AtG 11:17am


Best AtG 12:07pm

Best AtG 12:31am


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Best AtG 2:06am


Best AtG 2:50am


Best AtF


Best AtF


Best AtF


Best At



11:46amSet 12:08am12:22pm
































G Good Fishing F Fair Fishing B Not So Good

50 Matakana Valley Road Matakana • Phone 09 422 7822 • Mobile 021 429 955Email [email protected] •

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:



Your one stop shop for your marine needs!

Matakana Marine Seawatch


A roundup of sports activities and events in the district

list sports news free by emailing [email protected]


ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of

THE scorEBoArD

ToTalspan Rodney 229 sTaTe HigHway 1 waRkwoRTH pHone 09 422 3149

a Roundup of spoRTs acTiviTies in THe disTRicTibus omnimolumIs quas vendipsantus sint restincti blaborr umquisi muscius idipitae la et qui nus autatur sanissit, conseri onsequi denimod magnametur? Qui omnimet as magnima gnihil il ilictati te nam qui blaboria is amusanitio. Nam excepelenis nima con pore etur? Derum est andia perfernatem fugit qui dit auditi cum eum vendusant volupta quam evelit ipitessum aut ut am.

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Cross Country resultsThere was a good turnout for the annual Hoteo North Cross Country last month, with a field of 40 runners taking the starting line.Results are as follow: Girls under 10 – Lucy Illingworth 1, Stella Theedom 2, Millie Brierly 3; boys under 10 – Sebastian Kashammer 1, Jeff Beecher 2; girls under 13 – Katie Heaven 1, Bree Illingworth 2, Molly Illingworth 3; Boys under 13 – Jackson Brierly 1, Bryson Theedom 2, Rex Beecher 3; girls under 15 – Catherine Kashammer; boys under 15 – Zane Illingworth 1, Kieran Burgess 2; girls under 17 – Julie Weisser 1, Jade Marshall 2; veteran men – Ian Calder 1, Armin Kashammer 2, Darren Heaven 3, Neville Bassett 4; veteran women – Janice Powell 1, Jackie Grant 2, Christine Heaven 3, Anne Beecher 4.

The warkworth Badminton Club is keen to let newcomers to the district know that new members are welcome. The club plays on four courts at the Mahurangi east Community Centre on Tuesday and wednesday mornings. “we’re a friendly club and fees are kept to a minimum,” spokesperson Brian Henshaw says. “we’re also located next to the library and close to the kindergarten, so it’s ideal for young Mums.” Info: Phone rhondda on 422 3565 or lynne on 425 4999.

badminton invitation

BadmintonSocial badminton Tues 9.30am – 11.30am, Wed 9am–11am. All welcome. Fees: $5 each day played or $3 for members. Membership is $20 per annum. Info: Rhondda 422 3565 or Lynne 425 4999NetballThe Rodney Rams senior netball team is looking for new members. Practices Sun 4pm at the courts in Whangateau Domain. Games Fri evening at Wellsford. Info: Eddie Watts 422 6039TaekwondoWarkworth Taekwondo meets Tues & Thurs at Warkworth School Hall. Ages 3-10 meet from 5pm-6pm. 10 and above from 6.15pm–7.45pm. Classes are $65 a month, or $40 for those under 6. Group deals available. Info: [email protected] 021 0709 112Karate/KickboxingKarate classes are held at Warkworth Showgrounds. Kids beginners karate Monday 3.30-4.30pm, adults/teens karate Monday/Thursday 6.30–8.15pm, women’s karate Tuesday/Friday 9.15am–10.30am (female instructor), women’s kickboxing Wednesday 6pm-7pm. Info: 0220 988 310Cycling Road RaceWilkinson Trophy 10km Road Race, Saturday, July 19. There will be a 10km route for men and women, as well as shorter courses for runners aged 16 and under. Registration from 11.30am at Kaipara Flats Hall, race start at 1pm. Info: Caroline Marshall 423 7191Indoor BowlsThe Snells Beach Indoor Bowling Club plays in the Snells Beach Community Hall on a Monday afternoon from 1pm–3.30pm. New members always welcome. First day is free, then $2 per session. Membership $20 per year. Info: Joyce or Graham 425 6276GymnasticsClasses on Monday nights at the Mahurangi College old gymnasium. All ages welcome. A competitive squad is run on Wednesdays, along with Rhythmic Gymnastics. Info: Liz Davie-Martin [email protected] or 425 5705

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36 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014

COMPOSITE JOINERY Ltd Composite Joinery Ltd7 Glenmore DriveWarkworth 0941

[email protected]

We specialise in:• Vantage Aluminium Joinery• APL | Architectural Series• Metro Series• Internal and External

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Freeview Sales & InstallationTV & FM Aerials

GAVIN BROUGHPh 09 425 5495

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5 min past Warkworth • 425 9030



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Leadlight LampsCustom Built Leadlight LampsCustom Built Leadlight Lamps

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Page 37: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters



Kitchens | Bathrooms | Laundries entertainment units | WardroBes & offices

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Good food that’s Gluten Free18b Glenmore Drive, Warkworth

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• New Residential & Architectural Joinery• Replacement Windows• Specialty Units

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Landscape & garden designDigger hire & earth works

Project managementPalm & tree

installation & removalDecks, fences, paving

Water features & damsWetland design & planting

Quantum Landscapes MatakanaCreating Great Spaces

Page 38: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

38 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014




REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Ph Ron 423 9666CARPENTER Fences • Decks • Maintenance, etc • Pensioner Rates • Jobs Big or Small. Ph Bryan 431 3101 021 025 76521




TV SERVICES Aerials, Dishes, Freeview sales, installation and service. Extra outlets serving the area for 18 years.Phone Gavin 027 476 6115.

FREEVIEW TV, Audio, Installation, Faults & Supply. Andrew 021 466 394 or 422 2221.


BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge,

Baxter Street, Warkworth, 7pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertise your classifi eds and church notices here for only $4.40 inc GST per line or $11.20 per/cm inc GST for boxed adverts.



CASH PAID TOOLS & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139.CARS WANTED Any cars, any condition. Top $$$ paid. Ph/txt 021 857 007.





1 6 5 4 2 3 8 7 94 9 7 5 6 8 2 3 18 3 2 1 9 7 5 4 6

6 4 9 2 7 1 3 5 83 5 1 8 4 6 7 9 22 7 8 3 5 9 6 1 4

7 2 4 6 1 5 9 8 35 1 3 9 8 2 4 6 79 8 6 7 3 4 1 2 5


RENTAL REQUIRED I’m seeking a small one or two

bedroom home for a staff member. The property needs to be within 20 minutes drive of Warkworth. He is

a tidy and quiet young professional and is prepared to mow the lawns

etc. If you think you have something that might be suitable, please

phone 425 9068 or email [email protected]

FREE JP SERVICE Auckland Council service centre,

Baxter St, Warkworth.Every Monday, 10am to 2pm.No appointment necessary.

Service includes signing, witnessing, declarations, certified copies,

immigration & marriage dissolution.Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters If it’s local news,

let us know!Mahurangi Matters425 9068

AERIAL & SATELLITE DISH INSTALLATIONSProfessional Installation of Satellite Dishes and Freeview UHF Aerials.

Wall mount TV Installations, Multi-room Solutions. Audio and

Home Theatre. TV Tuning Services. Phone 425 5431.

Massage For HealthMassaging locally for 18 years - Qualified

Relaxation, Deep tissue, Pregnancy Home clinic/Mobile. New clients welcome

Ph Evelyn 09 - 425 6479 Mob 021 148 1779Diploma Therapeutic Massage NZ College of Massage

PART TIME HAIR STYLIST Required for small, professional, friendly hair salon in Matakana. Proficient in all aspects of hair colouring. In salon training given. Call any time on 021 181 1163

TANK WATER TESTING Find out what bad-bugs are in your drinking water. We collect, test and report. Ph Simon at 09 422 9345 or [email protected]’S MAINTENANCE lawns, hedges, waterblasting, rubbish removal, section clearing, property maintenance. No job too big or small. Phone Steve 029 770 7101 or 09 425 9966. Serving Warkworth, Snells, Matakana, Sandspit.WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit

HANDYMAN – THE MAINTENANCE MAN Your one stop fix-it-man. Phone Jim 422 3725 or 021 254 2048 or visit

A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.


FOR RENTCABINS FOR RENT 3 sizes avail. Carpet & Curtains incl. from $65.00 pw + delivery. Ph: 0800 587822/021 2812066


HAY - NEW SEASONS Top quality, no kikuyu, $10-$12 a bale. Phone 09 4257479 or 0274970980.

PLANTS, Quality groundcovers, shrubs and trees. Large and small grades. Wholesale direct to the public. Contact growing and pre-orders welcome. Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery, 90 Jones Road, Omaha 09 422 7307.

RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 425 8851

HAND CRAFTED BEVERAGES (Home Brew) Beer, Wine, Spirits, Cheese and Preserving supplies available at Woodys Winners, 221 Rodney St, Wellsford Ph 09 423 8258

FIREWOOD Firewood, dry, shed stored, delivered. 021 0228 4013 CABINET MAKER

We have a vacancy for an experienced cabinet maker (minimum 5 years)

to join our small team building and installing high quality kitchens and

other cabinetry based in Warkworth. We offer a friendly working

environment and competitive rates of pay.

Contact Tony or Peter 09 422 2001 or 021 681 140.

NOT JUST HATS Cabin Bag Winner - Krista Fletcher.

ADULT UKULELE LESSONS Warkworth, absolute beginners. Ph. Kathy 021 902 736. [email protected]

PLASTERER Is your house in need of a face lift – modernise your home – wallpaper removal, skim coat walls, square stop, cornice, cove, skim coat block walls, supply and stop gib, insurance repairs, phone Jason on 021 429 317 [email protected] PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282

PADDISON Mike, Mel, Holly and Hannah are

pleased to announce the arrival of Alyssa Katie born 2 June 2014,

8lb 7oz. Thanks to Sue & the team at Warkworth Birthing Unit.

KIDS MARKETJune 21 20149am-12noon

Senior Hall Warkworth Primary SchoolGrab a bargain,

Cakes & Sausage [email protected]

Page 39: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014 June 18, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

WARKWORTH SHOWROOM10 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday, 10 am – 1 pm Saturdayor view our website

29 Glenmore Dr, Warkworth 021 425 488

Still looking for your perfect car? Call us now

12 months WOF & 6 months registration, 6 months mechanical warranty incl. AA Roadside cover, fully serviced, professionally groomed, Finance and extended warranty available

2007 Audi A3 1.8 TFSI Sportback Silver $ 15,9502006 BMW 320I Low KM’s Blue $ 15,995 2006 BMW 530I Leather Grey $ 17,995 2005 BMW 320I Very low KM’s Silver $ 14,995 2007 Nissan Dualis 20G Silver $ 16,990 2008 Ford Escape 3.0 XLT-Sport Silver $ 17,995 2006 Honda Airwave L Glassroof Grey $ 8,950 2005 Honda Odyssey M 7-seater White $ 9,9752007 Honda Stream X 7-seater Silver $ 11,9502007 Mazda CX7 2.3 Burgundy $ 17,9902009 Peugeot 207 Metallic Blue $ 12,9502007 Toyota Hiace DX 9-seater White $ 19,9902006 Toyota HiaceDX Twin Sliding Doors $ 18,9902006 VW Golf 1.6 FSI Very low KM’s $ 12,9952009 VW Polo Sportline Blue $ 11,995




WE RECYCLE BATTERIES • WHITEWARE • ANYTHING STEELComputer linked to over 250 autopart supplies

$$$$ CARS FOR WRECKING ALWAYS WANTED $$$$Phone (09) 425 7835


WOFwhat’s on

For links to more information about some of these events, as well as listings through to the end of the year, visit the

What’s On calendar online at

email your events to [email protected]


18 Public meeting to discuss planning for Sandspit Harbour, Sandspit Yacht Club, 7pm

18 Talk by Trish Allen on Cuba; at Bramble Café Matakana Country Park, 1pm. Book: Gill 422 6959

19 Forest & Bird Winter Talk, Totara Park, Warkworth, starts at 7.30pm. Guest speakers Gill & Kevin Adshead will talk about the restoration of their land at Mataia on the Kaipara

20 Mahurangi College Hockey Club Trivial Pursuit Night, Mahurangi College Hall. Tickets $10/head and available from the school office. Door opens at 6.30pm with the bar open at 7pm

20 Matakana School 80’s quiz & auction, Matakana School Hall, from 7pm Tickets $20 ea or book a table of 8. Info: or 422 7309.

20-22 IDEA art exhibition ‘Expressing in Colour’, old Masonic Hall Warkworth, 10am til 3pm daily (see story p29)

21 Kids Market, Warkworth Primary School, 9am-12noon27 Broadway Magic, a concert presented by Matakantata Choir,

Puhoi Village Hall, in support of the local fire service, 7.30pm start. Tickets $15, children gold coin donation (see story p27)

27&28 Art n Tartan Wearable Arts Awards, Waipu Museum. Info

28 Puhoi Dance, Puhoi Hall, celebrating the villages 151st anniversary and to fundraise for the new Puhoi Museum. Entertainment by The Blue Jays. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets $10. Bookings 422 0183 (evenings)

28 Jazz and Comedy night, Warkworth Bowls Club, 7pm. Raising funds for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice (see story p6)

28 Ewen Gilmour and three other comedians, Leigh Sawmill from 9pm. Tickets $20 at (see story p22)

30 Modern Maori Quartet, Wellsford Community Centre, 7.30 pm (see story p27)

1 Community meeting to discuss Rodney Local Board Plan, Wellsford Community Centre, from 6.30pm-7.30pm (see story p10)

1 Modern Maori Quartet, Puhoi Centennial Hall, 7.30 pm (see story p27)

2&3 Wellsford Middle School presents Cinderella Rockerfella, a modern twist on the classic fairytale, Wellsford Community Centre, start time 7pm. Tickets available from Wellsford School office or Take Note in Wellsford or by e-mailing [email protected]

3 Community meeting to discuss Rodney Local Board Plan, Warkworth Masonic Hall, from 6.30pm-7.30pm (see story p10)

3 Giant Auction and Trivial Pursuit Evening, the Mangawhai Club. Organised by Zonta Mangawhai. Tables of 6 at $12.50 per person. To book, phone Isobel on 431 4882

4 Matariki Movie Night - Mana Waka, Te Hana Te Ao Marama.Doors open 6.30pm (see story p20)

5 Broadway Magic, a concert presented by Matakantata Choir, Matakana Hall, 7.30pm. Supporting Springboard. Tickets $15, children gold coin donation (see story p27)

6 Broadway Magic, Matakantata Choir concert, Warkworth Presbyterian Church, Pulham Rd, 2.30pm. Supporting Springboard. Tickets $15, children gold coin donation (see story p27)

6 TOSSI planting day at Tawharanui from 9am. Info: 6 Gary McCormick & Hammond Gamble, Ascension (see ad p27)6 Local Vocal Choir concert, Wellsford Community Centre (see

story p28)

242 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach

P. +64 9 425 5588 E. [email protected] W.

New Winter Menuboth a la carte and bistro

Mid Winter Christmas Functions for Staff or Family - call and secure a date.

Mid Winter Buffet. Saturday 21st June $30.00 per person. From 6pm. Bookings Essential.

Winter Christmas time at Salty DogWarm fires and heaters glowing,

Hearty meals and Alcohol flowing,It’s Winter Christmas here at the Salty.


Salty DogINN

In the heart of the Matakana Coast

Page 40: Mahurangi Matters, 18 June, 2014

40 Mahurangi Matters June 18, 2014


For further information and new enrolments, please contact any of our clinics

For a full range of family health care, including A&M services in an integrated system24 hours per day, across our region, including public holidays

Wellsford 220 Rodney St (Cnr. SH1 & Matheson Rd)09 423 8086 ALSO AFTER HOURS Snells Beach 145 Mahurangi East Road09 425 6666

Matakana 74 Matakana Valley Road09 422 7737Mangawhai 4 Fagan Place 09 431 4128

Maungaturoto 138 Hurndall Street09 431 8576Paparoa 1877 Paparoa Valley Road09 431 7222

Wellsford BirthingUnitFull 2 bedroom birthing and post natal care facility with your own LMC &

Registered Nurses 24/7 in attendance. Birthing pool, FREE baby car seat with admission.

218 Rodney St, Wellsford Health Centre, Wellsford • Enquiries Admin 09 423 8745

The Mahurangi Junior Rugby Club is riding a wave of new memberships this season.Club spokesperson Melissa Nicol says player numbers are up by more than 25 per cent.“Part of this is probably because the area is growing, but could also be attributed to a reinvigorated committee and the effort we’re making to make club more family-orientated,” she says.There are currently 215 players in the Saturday competition, aged from four to 13 years. Early grades play in the Rippa (non-contact) competition in Orewa, while tackle rugby starts from age eight years. Melissa says the junior competition is non-competitive.“It’s about learning the rules and rugby skills, participation and having fun,” she says.“We’re well-supported by parents who make-up the committee, as well as volunteering as coaches, referees and team managers.”The year opened for the juniors with a pre-season camp at Pakiri attended by 150 children.This was followed by a trip to Sydney to play the Seaforth Raiders at Manly. Seventeen players took part in the tour, which included two games with one win and one loss.For the first time in a number of years, the club has fielded a J1 team, made up of 12 and 13 year olds. They will play in a competitive knockout tournament for J1 to J4 teams later in the season. Enquiries from new players welcome.Info: Maria Schollum on 021 481 1222.

Junior rugby in good shape

Mahurangi has been able to field a J1 team this year and although they may be small, there is no lack of intensity in the junior rugby competition.

View more photos online