magic of values aiesec y2b 2012 - phil clothier


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Page 1: Magic of Values AIESEC Y2B 2012 - Phil Clothier
Page 2: Magic of Values AIESEC Y2B 2012 - Phil Clothier

Magic of Values Workshop

Page 3: Magic of Values AIESEC Y2B 2012 - Phil Clothier

The purpose of our lives is to be happy ~ Dalai


Happiness is the extent to which we live in love, as opposed to living in fear.

~ Phil Clothier

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How can this be useful?

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materialisticshort-term focuseducational opportunitiesuncertainty about the futurecorruptionelitismmaterial needswasted resourcesgender discriminationblame

accountabilityfamilyemployment opportunitiesfinancial stabilityoptimismdependable public serviceshonestysocial responsibilityhuman rightspoverty reduction

Iceland National Assessment 2008

familyhonestyresponsibilityaccountabilityfinancial stabilitytrustfriendshippositive attitudehumour/funadaptabilityrespect

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 53%

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Iceland Economic Collapse 2008

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Iceland National Assembly

1200 Citizens + 300 Government, + 500 VolunteersThemes: Education, Economy, Equal rights, Family,

Environment, Public administration, Welfare, Sustainability

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How were we able to predict this?

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Organisation A Organisation B

Valueclient satisfaction making a differenceintegrity teamwork humor/fun quality ethicsfinancial stability


Valueblameshort term focusinternal competitionbuck passingrisk aversecustomer satisfaction information hoardingprofit


A Tale of Two Companies

ServiceMaking a DifferenceInternal CohesionTransformation



= positive values = potentially limiting values

Cultural Entropy57%

Cultural Entropy8%

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Organisation A Organisation B

A Tale of Two Companies

People Financial viability

Excellence Ethics Resilience

ServiceMaking a DifferenceInternal CohesionTransformation



Cultural Entropy57%

Cultural Entropy8%

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Cultural Entropy

Cultural Entropy measures that percentage of fear, dysfunction, negative and destructive energy in the organisation

40% = Crisis

10% = Healthy

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Story of a Full Spectrum Organisation

Service to humanity and societal contribution

External collaboration, community involvement

Sense of purpose & strong internal community

Ongoing improvement and employee participation

High performance systems, high quality output

Positive relationships that support organisation needs

Financial viability and employee safety

4 Transformation

1. Survival

7. Service

6. Making a Difference

5. Internal Cohesion

3. Self esteem

2. Relationship

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Survey Questions

1) Personal ValuesPlease select ten of the following values/behaviours that most reflect who you are, not who you desire to become.

2) Current Organisational Culture ValuesPlease select ten of the following values/behaviours that most reflect how your organisation currently operates.

3) Desired Organisational Culture ValuesPlease select ten of the following values/behaviours that you would desire for your organisation to achieve it's highest performance.

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cost reductionbureaucracyconfusionprofitinformation hoardingshort term focushierarchicalresults orientation client satisfactionempire building

client satisfactionemployee fulfilmentcontinuous improvement effective communicationteamworkfinancial stabilityadaptabilitytrustprofessionalismvision

CBT Technology

honestycommitmenthumour/funreliabilityenthusiasmadaptabilityfamilyintegritytrustbalance home/work

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

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AIESEC 2012 – Values Assessment

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Please close your eyes

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AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

leadership developmentteamworkdiversitycommitmentachievementgoals orientationcooperationcontinuous improvementorganisational growthcontinuous learning

leadership developmentteamworkinnovationbrand imagecommitmentaccountabilitycoaching/ mentoringcooperationsustainabilitycreativity

ambitionhumour/ funfriendshipcommitmentcreativityresponsibilityadaptabilityhonestymaking a differenceindependence

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 10%

Page 19: Magic of Values AIESEC Y2B 2012 - Phil Clothier

AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

leadership developmentteamworkdiversitycommitmentachievementgoals orientationcooperationcontinuous improvementorganisational growthcontinuous learning

leadership developmentteamworkinnovationbrand imagecommitmentaccountabilitycoaching/ mentoringcooperationsustainabilitycreativity

ambitionhumour/ funfriendshipcommitmentcreativityresponsibilityadaptabilityhonestymaking a differenceindependence

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 10%

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AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

confusion (67)long hours (65)hierarchy (64)

bureaucracy (63)information hoarding (23)

power (20)silo mentality (8)

internal competition (54)blame (38)

manipulation (19)empire building (18)

cost reduction (68)short-term focus (67)

caution (58)control (54)

job insecurity (19)exploitation (6)

Cultural Entropy 10%

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7 Levels of Organisational Consciousness


Making a Difference

Internal Cohesion








Core message…Let’s transform and make

a better world for everyone

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AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

leadership developmentteamworkdiversitycommitmentachievementgoals orientationcooperationcontinuous improvementorganisational growthcontinuous learning

leadership developmentteamworkinnovationbrand imagecommitmentaccountabilitycoaching/ mentoringcooperationsustainabilitycreativity

ambitionhumour/ funfriendshipcommitmentcreativityresponsibilityadaptabilityhonestymaking a differenceindependence

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 10%

Step 1. (In pairs) Choose one of the personal

values in the list above that is important in your life.

Tell your partner why this is important and how you live this


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AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

leadership developmentteamworkdiversitycommitmentachievementgoals orientationcooperationcontinuous improvementorganisational growthcontinuous learning

leadership developmentteamworkinnovationbrand imagecommitmentaccountabilitycoaching/ mentoringcooperationsustainabilitycreativity

ambitionhumour/ funfriendshipcommitmentcreativityresponsibilityadaptabilityhonestymaking a differenceindependence

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 10%

Step 2. a) Choose one of the values which of the values in the desired culture

list are critical in bringing Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Corporate Responsibility to life?

Page 24: Magic of Values AIESEC Y2B 2012 - Phil Clothier

AIESEC: Global 2012 (697 Participants)

leadership developmentteamworkdiversitycommitmentachievementgoals orientationcooperationcontinuous improvementorganisational growthcontinuous learning

leadership developmentteamworkinnovationbrand imagecommitmentaccountabilitycoaching/ mentoringcooperationsustainabilitycreativity

ambitionhumour/ funfriendshipcommitmentcreativityresponsibilityadaptabilityhonestymaking a differenceindependence

Personal Values Desired CultureCurrent Culture

Cultural Entropy 10%

Step 2. b)How can this value create a

culture of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Corporate


c) What are the next steps to create this type of culture in

your organisation(s)?

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Step 3. Tell your partner……

…….what insights you have had about your own life through this exercise?

…….what ideas you will be taking back to your organisation?

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Hello my name is Phil, I am very happy to be here.

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Take a stand from a place of love

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AIESEC: Overall Group (697)

leadership development 277 6(O)

teamwork 240 4(R)

diversity 198 4(R)

commitment 165 5(I)

achievement 164 3(I)

goals orientation 164 4(O)

cooperation 161 5(R)

continuous improvement 159 4(O)

organisational growth 155 1(O)

continuous learning 147 4(O)

leadership development 231 6(O)

teamwork 207 4(R)

innovation 195 4(I)

brand image 190 3(O)

commitment 185 5(I)

accountability 175 4(R)

coaching/ mentoring 160 6(R)

cooperation 149 5(R)

sustainability 149 6(S)

creativity 148 5(I)

Values Plot August 16, 2012Copyright 2012 Barrett Values Centre

I = IndividualR = Relationship

Black Underline = PV & CCOrange = PV, CC & DC

Orange = CC & DCBlue = PV & DC

P = PositiveL = Potentially Limiting (white circle)

O = OrganisationalS = Societal


PV - CC 1CC - DC 4PV - DC 2

Health Index(PL)

PV-10-0 CC-10-0 DC-10-0

ambition 262 3(I)

humour/ fun 212 5(I)

friendship 201 2(R)

commitment 199 5(I)

creativity 197 5(I)

responsibility 184 4(I)

adaptability 180 4(I)

honesty 163 5(I)

making a difference 162 6(S)

independence 152 4(I)

Level Personal Values (PV) Current Culture Values (CC) Desired Culture Values (DC)








IRS (P)=8-1-1 IRS (L)=0-0-0 IROS (P)=2-3-5-0 IROS (L)=0-0-0-0 IROS (P)=3-4-2-1 IROS (L)=0-0-0-0

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AIESEC: Overall Group (697)

This depicts the number of potentially limiting values per level in the Current Culture that were chosen by the survey participants. These represent all the potentially limiting values that were chosen and so may not be included in the top ten values on the Values Plot. Potentially limiting values are found only at levels 1, 2 and 3. This is a reflection of the degree of disorder within a system.

Level Potentially Limiting Values (Votes)Percentage



confusion (67)long hours (65)hierarchy (64)

bureaucracy (63)information hoarding (23)

power (20)silo mentality (8)

310 out of 1237:4% of total votes


internal competition (54)blame (38)

manipulation (19)empire building (18)

129 out of 469:2% of total votes


cost reduction (68)short-term focus (67)

caution (58)control (54)

job insecurity (19)exploitation (6)

272 out of 535:4% of total votes

Total 711 out of 6970 10% of total votes

Entropy Table August 16, 2012Copyright 2012 Barrett Values Centre

This is a low and healthy level of cultural entropy.

Entropy Report