madison rally june 8

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  • 7/31/2019 Madison Rally June 8




    JUNE 8, 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Madison Rally June 8


    n January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a mandate under the Affordable C

    Act (also known as Obamacare ) that requi res al l employer health p lans to provide free contraceptives,

    ter i l izations and abort ion- inducing drugs, regardless of any mora l or rel igious objections.

    The minist r ies of inst itutions l ike Cathol ic schools, hospitals and char it ieseducating the young, car ing for t

    ick, feeding the hungryare not considered suffic iently rel igious to qual ify for the Mandates nar row

    re l igious exemption.

    Not only wi l l such institutions be forced to provide serv ices that di rectly contradict the teachings of thei r fai

    butmore ala rm inglythe federa l government is c laim ing the r ight to decide for rel igious institut ions what

    constitutes thei r m in istry.

    No: contraceptives are al ready widely avai lab le. Access to something does not mean having it paid for by

    omeone elseespecia l ly against thei r mora l convict ions.

    But the HHS Mandate doesnt stop with free contraceptives: it also requires employer health plans to provide

    ree ster i l izations and abort ion- inducing drugs.

    n February , P res ident Obama offered an accommodation whereby insu rance providers , rather than

    employers, would pay for the serv ices to which re l igious employers have moral objections. But this does not

    olve the prob lem.

    At the end of the day, the HHS Mandate stil l forces al l employers to provide health plans with free

    contraceptives, ster i l izations and abort ion- inducing drugsor face cr ipp l ing f ines.

    Moreover, the assault on our cher ished freedom of re l igionwith the federa l government now defin ing for a l l

    us what constitutes authentic rel igious minist r ycontinues.

    oin our Post -Ral ly Strategy Session on June 11th f rom 7-8:30 pm at St Paul s Un ivers ity Cathol ic Center ,

    723 State Street, downstai rs in Newman Hal l. This w i l l double as a brainstorm ing session to plan for the

    upcoming Fortn ight of Freedom events in June/July in the Madison diocese and to plan other events to ra ise

    publ ic awareness of the HHS assault on re l igious f reedom. Detai ls at

    Go to http://standupfor re l igiousf for additional resources and information on the national effort t

    top the HHS mandate; inform your f r iends, fami ly members and co-workers of the site.

    Cal l the Capitol Switchboard at 202 -224 -3121 and ask your Congressman and both U.S. Senators to support

    egis lation overturning the HHS Mandate.

    Vote for candidates who respect freedom of re l igion and freedom of conscience in the pr imary and general

    elections this year.

    Visit http://laetificatmadison.comto learn more ways we can work together in our communit ies and churches

    top the HHS Mandate.