madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Arabic to Understand Qura'n Book I (Reader 1 and 2) Madinah Arabic Reader by Dr. V. Abdur Rahim Guide in Bangla prepared and compiled by bangla.arbi . [email protected] draft version 02 date 14-Apr-2015 -- -.- Page 1 of 107

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Page 1: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Arabic to Understand Qura'n

�� ��� ������ ��� ����

Book I (Reader 1 and 2)

Madinah Arabic Reader

by Dr. V. Abdur Rahim-./�� ���� .�0��

01� 2�.�3� �4�� �5�-

��67� 85�.3��

Guide in Bangla

prepared and compiled bybangla.arbi


2�7 �>=7 /3� �=� ����=��? [email protected]

draft version 02 date 14-Apr-2015 G-H�I�J-GKLL LK-��.�.J��-GKMN

Page 1 of 107

Page 2: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Page 2 of 107

Page 3: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

� ��� � ��

�। �

�। � �

�। � ��

�। � ��

। ��

�। � ��

�। � �

�। � �

�। � ��

��। �� ��

��। �� ��

��। �� �

��। �� ���

Main Index

������� ����� demonstrative pronoun

�����, -�����, definite indefinite

�/� �/01

��2 ��3�0�4 verb introduction


��8� 9 �:;7 �� female and male names

�=��>> diptote

->:> �?�0� sound plural

��� substitution

�'4 ��'A4 ����7B �����74 adjective noun

�3D/ ���/� �EF3 subjective objective genetive (possessive)

�:�4� J�3 subject predicate

E3-�EF3 ��L21 -�M2 preposition

�:�D-�:�D-N�N�8 possesed possessor

����� pronoun

Page 3 of 107

Page 4: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

� ��� � ��

Main Index �/� �/01


Page 4 of 107

Page 5: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � � �������� ����� �

�। � �� �� this �, � , ��

�। � � �� �� ��� What is this? � ��?

�। � � �� �� ���� Who is this? ��� ��?

�। � ������� � �� ����Is this

a house?� �� �� ���?

�। . ������� Yes. ��।

�। , � . �� !"�#�� � �� ��

No, this is

a masjid

�, � �� �স���।

�।   �%! � & That �, , !


� ��� #�$ স%&' - Lesson Index

Lesson 1


Page 5 of 107

Page 6: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

  ������� � �� �� � �� ���। This is a house.

  �� !"�#�� � �� �� � �� �� ���। This is a masjid.

  ��� �� � �� �� � �� ���। This is a boy.

  ����' � �� �� � �� *$। This is a star.

  ()!* � �� �� � �� ����। This is a cat.


"." �� ��#�/(� � �($-স%&� স�/�� ��1�2#3� 4 �5��� demonstrative pronoun।

�#C$ ��#� �D � 5+' � ��EF � G����CE, . ���&� ��H IEJF-�*'K।

� �� �� this �, � , ��

� �� ��

���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,






Page 6 of 107

Page 7: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�H#$�' "is" � �H� "K"-�$ N$�'#* ��#� 5�*() �$�$ K �।


what (is)

� �� ���



� ��?

�� �� �� ���� ��?

What is this?


স��'� �H�

What is this?�� �� �� ���

Page 7 of 107

Page 8: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)




�� �� �� ���  �+��,!- � �� ��.

N$�'   �+��,!- � �� ��স��'� �H� � �� ��।

�+��,!- � �� ���� �� �

(is) a book this

�H#$�' "a/an" � �H� "��� "-$ N$�'#* ��#� 5�*() �$�$ K �।

"��*�E�" � "Proper Noun" �K। � ��� ��� (Common Noun)।

��� ��#�$ �L#M �(#F$ U� �I( � *���� ��#V N�$ �EW#* I�$ () "G����/X" "indefinite" (�.#�#� �� )।

�H#$�' This is a book.

Page 8 of 107

Page 9: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)



স��'� �H� ��� ��?

�� �� �� ���� Who is this? ��� ��?

��� ���� �(L�।

�E�Z�� 5+'$ (��EF, �[#$(*, (K*�) �L#M N�$

"�\ " " ����" ���$ ��$।G#�] 5+', ^CI�, �� I�#_/$ �L#M N�$

"� " "���" ���$ ��$।

� �� �����



who (is)

�H#$�' Who is this?

  �.���� � �� �� �� �� �� ������� ��?

N$�' �� �� �� ����

Page 9 of 107

Page 10: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

This is a house.


�� !"�#�� � �� ��  , � �,

� �� �� ���।

  �� !"�#�� � �� ��� ������� � �� ����

� �� �� ���।

� �� �� ���?

Is this a house?


  ������� � �� ��� ������� � �� ���� �������

� �� ���।

� �� �� ���?



this is a masjid.

Is this a house?

This is a masjid.

� ������� � �� ����� ��

�� ���?Is this

a house?

��� � ��?

������� � �� �� ��

������� � �� ��

Page 10 of 107

Page 11: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

  ������� �%! � & ! �� ���। That is a house.

  �� !"�#�� �%! � & ! �� �� ���। That is a masjid.

  ��� �� �%! � & ! �� ���। That is a boy.

  ����' �%! � & ! �� *$। That is a star.

  ()!* �%! � & ! �� ����। That is a cat.



  �%! � &

�%#$$ ��#� �D � 5+' � ��EF � G����CE, . ���&� ��H IEJF-�*'K।





That �, , !

  �%! � &".���" �� ��#�/(� � �($-স%&� স�/�� ��1�2#3� 4 �5��� demonstrative pronoun।

���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,���#$$ �LM,

Page 11 of 107

Page 12: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। N` .��.*E ��� ��� �।

The house A house

�। N` .�� .��.U ��� �� ��� �।

The masjid A masjid

�। N` .�-.�E ��� �$� �।

The door A door

�। N` .��b .*-.c ��� &�� �।

The key A key

�। N` .�d .*.�E ��� � ��� �।

The table A table

�। Ne .C.$'.J ��� ��C� �।

The bed A bed

�। N` .�E f .C'.�KE ��� �&K$ �।

The chair A chair

"। N` .��.*-.�E ��� �� "।

The book A book �+��,!/� �� �+��,!- ��.*-.�E\

�0��1!0�# �� �0��1!0�2 C.$'.J\

34 !2�0�/� �� (4 !2�0�- �E f .C'.�KE\

�5��, �6!7� �� �5��, �6!� ��b .*-.c\

�8�, �/�7� �� �8�, �/�� �d .*.�E\

�� !"�#�7� �� �� !"�#�� �� .��.U\

�+��9� �� �+��� �-.�E\

5_� �� () (common noun ��*�&� ��#(F�) ():�

����/X (Definite) G����/X (Indefinite)

������9� �� ������� ��.*E\

Page 12 of 107

Page 13: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

����/X (Definite) G����/X (Indefinite)

g। N` .h.�.�E ��� ��� g।

The pen A pen

�i। N\ .�j .�E ��� *$ �i।

The star A star

��। Nk .l.�'.�E ���� 1m$ ��।

The doctor A doctor

��। Nk .l-��.�E ���� CM ��।

The student A student

��। N` . K.�.U ���� ��� ��।

The boy A boy

��। Nf .$.�E.�E ���� IEJF ��।

The man A man

��। Nk .*-.��.J ���� ���সK' ��।

The business-man A business-man

��। N` .�E.�f .�$.CE ���� �(L� ��।

The teacher A teacher

��। N` .�.�-.�E ���� ��� ��।

The imam An imam

�V#� স�� ()-� ��*�&� ��I� � ��#(F� Common Noun (��#� ���m � �D��#(#F$ �� �K)

�.���7� �� �.���� �E.�f .�$.CE\

�;��� !�<�� �;���!= �.�-.�E\

�>�?�0 �� �>�?� $.�E.�E\

�0!?��, �� �0 !?��@ *-.��.J\

�8! ��A �� �8! ��B l-��.�E\

��� �C� �� ��� �� K.�.U\

�� �"�D �� ����' �j .�E\

�8��!9�A �� �8��!9�B l.�'.�E\

���E�F� �� ���E��* h.�.�E\

Page 13 of 107

Page 14: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)









����/X (Definite) G����/X (Indefinite)


Page 14 of 107

Page 15: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � - �


�� �� ���� ���� � � �� ��������

��� � �� � � �-������

Discover Patterns and

Develop Rules for


Common Noun


�� �� ���� ���� � � �� �������

��� � �� � � �-������

Discover Patterns and

Develop Rules for


Common Noun


�� !" #! ������������

��� � �� � � �-������

Examples and Rules:


Common Noun


�� !" #! �����������

��� � �� � � �-������

Examples and Rules:


Common Noun

������ % ������� ��� � �� � � �-������

��� � &'()

Lesson - 2

Page 15 of 107

Page 16: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। ������� *.� .�,- .��� ��� A pen �।

�। ����� ��.� -.�,- .��� �/ A book �।

�। � ������ � � .��.0� .��� �&��� A masjid �।

$। ������� � /.�,- .��� � �1 A house $।

2। ���� � -.�,- .��� �!� A door 2।

3। ����� �� �,.� 4 .�!.5,- .��� ��6� A teacher 3।

7। ������ /.� -.�,- .��� /� � An imam 7।





2। ��8! ���� "� - �/�" : ��� ;:�� #< �� �&�� �!?

� >� � "�������"-! #� �� ��? />�!����?

.� �� ;��� �8/ ��� � �� #! �������। .��� � a � an �A�� �� �A�� �� �A�� �� �A�� ��

.�� .�� .�� .�� � any one ��:� ��� ! �! ���5।

�� E - ������� ��� � �� (Indefinite Common Noun)

Discover Pattern Develop Rule

�6� �F� .�> �(G �F��

#!�� .�� ��8! ��� � >� � />�!�� 0�� �8 ��� ! �! ���5।

� � "� ���� ���� � � -

#!���� "�������"-! #� �� ��?

Page 16 of 107

Page 17: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। ���������� #< .*.� .�, ����� The pen

�। ��������� #< .��.� -.�, �/�� The book

�। � ���������� #< .� � .��.0 �&����� The masjid

$। ������ ���� #< .� /.�, � �1�� The house

2। ��� ���� #< .� -.�, �!� �� The door

3। ����� ������ #< .�,.� 4 .�!.5, The teacher

7। ���� ��!�� #< ./.� -.�, The imam






#!���� "������"-! #� �� ��?

��8! ;:�� #< : ��� ���� "� - �/�" �� �&�� �!?

�6� �F� .�> �(G �F��

Discover Pattern Develop Rule

�� E - ������ ��� � �� (Definite Common Noun)

� � "� ���� ���� � � -

.� �� ;��� �8/ ������। .� �� "#< the ��" ������ ��:� ��� ! �! ���5।

� >� � "������"-! #� �� ��? />�!����?

Page 17 of 107

Page 18: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। .��� ��� A pen

�। .��� �/ A book

�। .��� �&��� A masjid

$। .��� � �1 A house

2। .��� �!� A door

3। .��� ��6� A teacher

7। .��� /� � An imam

�� � �� � �� � �� � / / / / �6��)���6��)���6��)���6��)��

��!! &��� �8/ ��� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ��। .�> &�K�� / ����������������������������।

��!! #!�� ;���� ��8! ���� 0/ ��-� L � � ��/� #�5।

.��� � a/an "�A�� � .�� " "any one" ��:� ��� ! �! ���5।

�:� M .K�� "������" � "indefinite"।

���� � -.�,-

����� �� �,.� 4 .�!.5,-

������ /.� -.�,-

����� ��.� -.�,-

� ������ #< .� � .��.0

������� � /.�,-

������� ��� � �� ���������� � �� �� � ����� ���Q, ��� � �S! � � ��; �!> ,�! � ��� ��/

�� U �।

�� !"�

������� *.� .�,-

Page 18 of 107

Page 19: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

(��� � ���! �6�W "�������' � "indefinite" � ! #� �� ��

�8� ! ����! � ��/�।)

�����Z �� ��� ! ��� ��!

��!! ����� \],� W\],� W\],� W\],� W ��� � ���! ��� ;�A ��; �; ! � ���!

��� ��।

#�! ��5, �! �� !"& .� ����� ।

���� �।

�8� A�� ��� � �� � #! ���� � ��/� : ��, ��� �&�

"�������' � "indefinite"।

Page 19 of 107

Page 20: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

a house

(any house)

������� ������ ����� �1 � �1��

a house the house

������ � � �� #�! � >� � ".�� " �: � ���� ���� ���� "-��" � "-

� " �& /। />�!���� a � an ���� the �& /।

#! #!���� #�! �8� ! \F�� "#< -" (-��, -� , the) �& /; #!

����! � ��/��! ���� .�� !� � ! ��।

�� !"�

� /�,� .�� "�������" ��� � �� � /� �। #�! \F�� #�

�& �� #! ����! 0/ ��-� L ! � � ��/��! ���� .�� � L

! ��� .� "������" �� A ��। #�-� /�, ������ #! .! �:� ��

� �1�� � the house।

������� ������

� /�,� .�� "�������" ��� � �� � /� �। .� �� #�! ��Z ��

"������" � � �� ?

������ ��� � �� ������ ���� ������� � /�,�

(�A�� �� )

.�� � �1

Page 20 of 107

Page 21: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

���� �।

� ���! \F�� #� : ��� �&� ������ definite.

���� �।

#� #! � ��/� � ,̀ ��।

(\F�� #� : ��� ���� � ��/� �&�� � ।)

Page 21 of 107

Page 22: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�8 ��)

Page 22 of 107

Page 23: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

� �� � ��� � -�� � স� ব-

�� � �

� ।


� ।


Lesson 3

� � � � �� স� � � - Lesson Index

ব� ��� ��� � � �� !ব� ��, ��!ব� ��, স#$%ব� ��

ব� ��� & & ব� ��� � � �� !ব� ��, ��!ব� ��, স#$%ব� ��

& ব� ��� � � �� � , �� � স� ব & �� � �

' � ( )�� & ��� �� ��� � , �� � স� ব & �� � �

Page 23 of 107

Page 24: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


� ।

� ।


* ।


� ������ ��

&� �� �?

� �� স�ব��� ��

&� �� �?

possessive objective subjective

স #% ব��� �� !ব��� �� ব���

স� �

� �� � � �� স� ব � ��

স� �- � স� �- � �

� �� -� ��স� ব-� �� � �����

ব���� � ��� ( Noun)

� ;� �# �- � �

) < = �- � �

>� ���� �

&?@ - � �

) ব���- �

� ;� �# �- �

) < = �- �

>� ����

&?@ - �

) ব���- � � ) ব���

� ;� �# �

) < = �


>� ��

Page 24 of 107

Page 25: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�� ��� )ব� �� -� � ��� )ব� �� -�� �� ��� )ব� �� �।

� ����� � ;��# �-� � ����� � ;��# �-�� � ����� � ;��# � � ।

����� �� )<= �-� ����� �� )<= �-�� ����� �� )<= � � ।

����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� � ।

������ &?@ -� ������ &?@ -�� ������ &?@ * ।

�������� স�� -� ������� স�� -�� �������� স�� + ।

� ������ ��

&� �� �?

� �� স�ব��� ��

&� �� �?

� �� � � ��

&� �� �?


���� ���স� ব �� �

� �� -� ��স� ব-� �� � �����

&ব� - ব���� � ��� ( Noun)possessive objective subjective

স #% ব��� �� !ব��� �� ব���

Page 25 of 107

Page 26: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


� ।

� ।


* ।


� ������ ��

&� �� �?

� �� স�ব��� ��

&� �� �?

� �� � � ��

&� �� �?

� �����

� �� -� ��স� ব-� �� � �����

&ব� � ��� ( Noun)

����� �� ����� �����

���� ���স� ব �� �

possessive objective subjective

স #% ব��� �� !ব��� �� ব���


�������� ������� ��������

�� ��� � ����� ����� �� ����� �����

������ ������ ������

�� ��� � ����� ����� �� ����� �����

� ���

Page 26 of 107

Page 27: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। � ��� �� � � ) �A�

� । � ��� �� � � ) ��� �

� । � ��� �� � � ) �) ��

�। ����� ������&B -

� ;�� C ) স ;

* । ����� ������&B -

� ;�� C ) স �

+। ����� ������&B -

� ;�� C ) ) স

� D� � � D� � � �� ব� � � �E�। � D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= �� �� � � � � � I(!� J A> � E<�� ।

<�H '�K ব� �<F �ব� ) � � �EL � �� -� ��স� ব-� �� �

�� � Subjective �� ব� ��

�� � স� ব Objective ��!ব� ��

�� � � Possessive স#%ব� ��

&ব� � � ��� '� K ব� � <F ব� �� &�� <H) D � <F I= � � � � � � ( � E<- P ব-� P ব� �� # � - � Q � � - � � � � ) � ব� G � �ব� ।

� D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= �� �� � � � � � I(!� J A> P ব- � � ।

� D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= �� �� � � � � � I(!� J A> � P - � � ।

� D� � � D� � � �� ব� � � �E�। � D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= ) R �� � � � � � I(!� J � � � E<�� ।

� D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= ) R �� � � � � � I(!� J � � P ব- � � ।

� D� � <F ব� �� &�� � ব� G � ব <�H � <F I= ) R �� � � � � � I(!� J � � � P - � � ।

Page 27 of 107

Page 28: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

S । �� �

T । �� U স�V

W। �� X � C

& ব� �� �� � Y ��Z I)[ � � � < < � H �< � F �E < - � � #� )�� Z ব� "�� � "-� � E । �� � - � �� &� � �� �E < ।�� � স� [ � �� �� ]< ^ )ব� [ Z ( Subject Predicate � ;ব� � � � b ব) )� স� � ব ব^ ব� � � � � Z ।

& ব� �� ��- � �< � F P ব- � Q � � বস� � �� E � D � � � &� � "�� U স�V ব� � ব� । �� U স�V - � � �� &� � �� P ব।Adverb , Object & I�^ � �^ � �!ব� �� < � H � �^ �� U স�ব ব^ ব� � � � � Z ।

& ব� �� ��- � �< � F �P - � � d � বস� � �� E � D � � � &� � "�� X � C ব� � ব� । �� X � C - � � �� &� � �� �P ।I)[ � � � , সe � !� � � , �� )� �, )' � E � )� < �- � � )� Z < � H � �^ �� X � ব^ ব� � � � � Z ।

&ব� � � ��� '� K ব� � <F � (�� &�� ব� �� ^ <H) D ব^ব� � ) � ��] <^ ব� I(! ব ;G �� E� �ব� ।

Page 28 of 107

Page 29: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � � �����-��




Lesson 4

� ��� ��� ���� - Lesson Index



!� !"� �#$ ��� ��!�� ���#�%

$���� &� �� �� �!'� $���� �(

$���� &� �� �� )�* �!'� �#$ ���#�%

Page 29 of 107

Page 30: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)






����� ��

$���� &� �� �

�������� ���� ����!'� $���� �( ,

Subject Predicate

Nominal Sentence

The book is new.

����� ���

��� �!�

&"� ���।

����� )� �� ��� ���-� । ()�* �/��� )��� 0�� 01��।)

( �������� ���� ���) ")4 -�!�-� $���56 " � "&"� ���" �& ��!� )���

&"� �78�! )��0 !��'।

����� ( ���� ���) "�!�-��" "&"�" subject � ����� )��� "�����"।

&"� �78�! �@ A� � B�"� data � �� �� � #��� ��"� predicate � ��� (���*)। ����� ��� � $���5� �H"� predicate. )��� �J�B�!"�! )��� "��" ��।

�@ �!� ���� � �J����� ��� KL # (MA8�N KL� �O � A��! ��) ��� �!��! )��� ���-�!� � nominal sentence � )��� "$���� &� �� �" ���।

)��� @�� "$���� &� �� �" 0���, �� 5�"� �$��( ��$��। �!"� ����� subject )��!"� �� predicate. ��!� �@ ����(, J�%� � U �7�!8 )��0 !�� # , ��"� ����। )� ������ �0��� �@ �V�� � A� �� � # , ��"��! �� �� # ।

Page 30 of 107

Page 31: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)





����� ��� ����� ��� ��� �����

subject predicate subject predicate predicate subject

����� �� ����� �� �� �����

�। The pen is old !��"� 0������। ������� ���������। The pen is broken !��"� [�\� ����� � �� ����������। The door is open ��$�"� ����� ������ ���� �������। The boy is sitting ��!"� �� ��

��� �� ��������W। ��]!�" ��1̂���� ������� !���"���X। The book is new &"� ��� �������� ���� ���Y। The pen is old !��"� 0������ ������� ��������Z। The donkey is small _���"� �'��"� �#��$�%�& ���"��'�

$���� &� �� �� )�* �!'� �#$ ���#�%,

����� M��!�V� �� & ����8̀ । �!a !��* !��* M����8̀ * #� 0���।

����� M��!�V� �� & ��!�� KL� ��। �!a !��* !��* 0��* �� 0���।

�� M��!�V� �� & M����8̀ । �!a !��* !��* ����8̀ * #� 0���।

�� M��!�V� �� & ������ 0�� ��। �!a !��* !��* ������ )�_* �� 0���।

The teacher is standing

Page 31 of 107

Page 32: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

����� ��� ����� ��� ��� �����

subject predicate subject predicate predicate subject

����� �� ����� �� �� �����

�b। The horse is big �c�1�"� 1 �#��$�� �( )��*��'���। The chair is broken �� ��"� [�\� ����� � �� +, �-�# �����। The water is cold 0���"� d�e� �.����/ 0� �"�����। The moon is beautiful ���̂"� ��f� �1�$��2 #�"�������। The house is near ��1"� !��' �3���#�� 4�$�������+। The masjid is far ���$�"� ���� ���$�5�/ � �6���"����W। The stone is heavy 0�A�"� [��� �1�$

���7 #�6��'��X। The paper is light !�_$"� #�4 !� ���$���8 9��������Y। The milk is hot 5�"� _�� :���; �<=�����Z। The shirt is clean $���"� 0��g�� ���$�>�? @�$�"������b। This is a book �"� �!"� & �����( � �A�B��। This is a pen �"� �!"� !�� ������� � �A�B��। That is a house h"� �!"� ��1 �4�$��/ �C�� D �E��। That is a masjid h"� �!"� ��� �$� �� �6���� �C�� D �E��। This is a teacher &�� �!$� ��]! � !���� � �A�B�+। ��� �!$� &��� �F����G ��B He is an imaamm

Page 32 of 107

Page 33: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � - ��



Prepositional Phrase ���-�����-�� �!�



Lesson - 5 ���

Preposition &'�(!% ")*!

� ��� +�� ,-.% - Lesson Index

/ 0� Preposition &'�(!% ")*! )� ��� - 1'�2�3 4� &*0�35 �'+6 �!� )���+��

Page 33 of 107

Page 34: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

। ������� �����#2�7�+'�


Muhammad ���� 1&+� ।

�। � ����� �����8�� �,#+��


a prophet ���� 29+: �।

�। � ������� ����on

the prophet ���� '+8 �।

। ������ ���� 4;�< � 1&� on Allah � �� �+=* ।

�। ������� ���� ���#+>� 1&� on

the people �� ,�+? /


/। � �! �"�� �����80� �0 )+��


a table � ��* /।



( ����) '4��-� &+�� $E0�� �$+> 8 :��19� ),+: &�+�?

( ����) '4��-� &+�� $E0�� G?+� 8 4H ( � �) ),+: &�+�?

$E,� IJ+�� 4��� �80# �' 6

( ����) '4��-� &+�� $E0�� �$+> �8�K 2��8�:?

( ����) '4��-� &+�� $E0� ���L- , ���,-) �� �����?

�N* 8O� .P� 8O�Q

���-����� ���Prepositional Phrase &'�(!% ")*! Preposition

Page 34 of 107

Page 35: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

।�� �' 0�

'+8 �� �#�$����� ���� �� �#�$�� ���� ���� 1&+� ।

�। 4;�< � '+8   ������ ���� ���� 29+: �।

�। to the prophet � ������� ���� � ����� ���� ���� '+8 �।

। )�R% 0� '+8 �&�'�()��� ���� � �� �+=* ।

�। S#� 0� '+8 �*���� ������� ���� �� ,�+? / A���


/। 4+��� '+8 ���+���  ���� � ��* /।

T।, U8 &+?�


�,��� �-  ���� �.'�/�! �$��



( ���) 9��-� &+�� $E0�� �$+> 8 :��19� ),+: &�+�?

( ���) 9��-� &+�� $E0�� G?+� 8 4H ( � �) ),+: &�+�?

�N* 8O� .P� 8O�Q

( ���) 9��-� &+�� $E0�� �$+> �8�K 2��8�:?

( ���) 9��-� &+�� $E0� ���L- , ���,-) �� �����?

���-����� ���Prepositional Phrase &'�(!% ")*! Preposition

$E,� IJ+�� 4��� �80# �' 6

Page 35 of 107

Page 36: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

1�0 )� 0�


���� � �! �"�����

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�8 0

�0 )+��

1&+� ���� 1&+� 1

2�, �' 0�


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�8 0

�, �+'�

'+8 ���� '+8 2

3)�R% 0�

�+=* �&�'�()��� � �� �&�'�(0 � ���8 0

)�R%� �+=* � �� �+=* 3

4)�R% 0

29+: �&�'�()��� ���� �&�'�(0 �����8 0

)�R% 29+: ���� 29+: 4

58�� 0�

A��� �.���/����0 �.���/�0�8 0

8�� A��� �� ,�+? /


6 $N8 0�

��* ��1��������� ��1��������8��


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$E,� IJ+�� 4��� �80# �' 6���

&'�(!% ")*! Preposition

Preposition )� ���-�� &+�� $E0�� G?+� 8 4H ( ْال) ),+: &�+�?

Preposition )� ���-�� &+�� $E0�� �$+> 8 :��19� ),+: &�+�?

Preposition )� ���-�� &+�� $E0� ���L- , ���,-) �� �����?


Prepositional Phrase

�N* 8O� .P� 8O�QPreposition )� ���-�� &+�� $E0�� �$+> �8�K 2��8�:?

Page 36 of 107

Page 37: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

। ������� ���� 21��- ���� 1&+� ।

�।   �3�����4� �� �#�$����� ���� ���� 29+: �।

�। �5�6� �7� �� �#�$����� ���� ���� '+8 �।

। ������ �8�'�)�� � �� � �� �+=* ।

�। ������ �. �$�0 �� ,�+? / A��� �।

/। ������ �� ����4� � ��* /।

$E,� IJ+�� 4��� �80# �' 6

�� �V� 4W ,�� '+8

4;�< � ��X�! (��X�� 1&+�)

4;�< � ��+� (��+�� ,�+?)

Y�):%! G$Z,� 4;�< � ��*

���-����� ���

Prepositional Phrase &'�(!% ")*! Preposition

�#2�7�+'� 1&� 4$%> )>53 8+��

�� �V� 2���� �?+8

Page 37 of 107

Page 38: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�� �0� �80� preposition. "?5 2+�� �+=*, \:+�, in.

���� �0�] �80� preposition. "?5 2+�� 1&+�, on.

। )� R 0 �&�'�()���

�।)� R 0�

\:+� �&�'�()��� ��

�। �8 0 )� R 9&�'�(0

।�8 0 )� R�

\:+� �&�'�(0 � ��

�। �0 )� 0 � �! �"�����

/।�0 )� 0�

1&+� � �! �"����� ����

T। �8 0 �0 )� 9 �! �"��


�8 0

�0 )+��

1&+� � �! �"�� ����

L% ),�� 8��+3 ��1�0� ����� 2+! �_+`।

��a ��-�� �-� 4���: �Y� )+,+`।

Preposition ��� &'�(*!% ")*!

4�)% ��1+�� 4+_ G+&� �$� )� ��� )� +� ��1�0� ����� 2+! Y�!।

�����-�� �-� 4���: �Y�। �Y��Q

�0� ���L- । �-� 4���: �&$ )+,+`।

L% ),�� 8��+3 ��1�0� ����� 2+! �_+`।

��a ��-�� �-� 4���: �Y� )+,+`।

�0� ���L- । �-� 4���: �&$ )+,+`।

L% ),�� 8��+3 ��1�0� ����� 2+! �_+`।

��a ��-�� �-� 4���: �Y� )+,+`।

�0� ���L- । �-� 4���: �&$ )+,+`।

L% ),�� 8��+3 ��1�0� ����� 2+! �_+`।

��a ��-�� �-� 4���: �Y� )+,+`।

�0� ���L- । �-� 4���: �&$ )+,+`।

Page 38 of 107

Page 39: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Prepositional Phrase Noun Preposition

���-����� ��1� ���

। � ����� ���� = 9 ����� + �����। � ������� ���� = � ������� + �����। &�'�(0 ���� = 9&�'�(0 + ���� । &�'�()��� ���� = �&�'�()���� + �����। � �#�$�� � �� = 9� �#�$�� + � ��/। � �#�$����� � �� = �� �#�$������ + � ��

"�#$%��% Exercise

��#��� "�#,�+3 $+E� �$+> 2��8�: '�

see the worked out examples and


(put vowels at the end of the words)

Page 39 of 107

Page 40: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Prepositional Phrase Noun Preposition

���-����� ��1� ���

। *����<� �◌ ���� = �*����<� + ����>���� �◌ ���� = �>���� + ����

"�#$%��% Exercise

��#��� "�#,�+3 $+E� �$+> 2��8�: '�

see the worked out examples and


(put vowels at the end of the words)

�। >���� �◌ ���� = �>���� + �����। &�'�(0 ���� = 9&�'�(0 + ���� । &�'�()��� �◌ ���� = �&�'�()���� + �����। .�$�0 = 9. ���� + ��/। �1��������� = ��1�������� + �

Page 40 of 107

Page 41: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � - �








� ������ - ������� - step-by-step

"�#$%�� - - &'�� (��, &'�� *���ক ,� &'�� ���

Lesson - 6

Mudaaf and

Mudaaf Ilaihi-#��* ,� -#��*-.��.��

/ ��� 0�� &'1% - Lesson Index

&234ক��% ,� &23�4ক5 �


������ ,� 789��: ��0; ���- ����0��

��<��� &234ক��% ,� &23�4ক5 �-/� ������

��<�� ,� ,��% ������

�- ������ - ������� - step-by-step

�� ������ - ������� - step-by-step

"�#$%�� - �

Page 41 of 107

Page 42: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�- $= � $="�>ক��% / &@ক:ক��%

"�>ক5 � / &@�ক:�

�। ,A�B + ���D = ,A�B � ���D

। ,A�B + �. = ,A�B � �.

�। ,A�B + �&'� = ,A�B � �&'�

�। -��#F + �� = -��#0F� ��

। -��#F + -���ক = -��#0F� -���ক

�। -��#F + .��B = -��#0F� .��B

�। ����� + �. = ����0�� �.

�। ���-� + ক�- = ���-0�� ক�-

�। �$Gক + �. = �$G0ক� �.

�H। .-�- + ���D = .-�0-� ���D


। "�>ক��% �� &@ক:ক��% -��*' , -�I &'� �� -�J K�?

$= ,� $=&-�M60�� ,-�� /ক9# ���;

�G8 কN� �1O� কN�P

��<��� "�>ক��% �� &@ক:ক��%-� �$0F �ক?

Page 42 of 107

Page 43: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। ���� � �� ��� ������। ����� �� � ��� ������। হ� ���� �� ������ ������। ����� ��� ������� �����। Pen of the teacher ���������� ����

��-�� ����� ���� ��� !� "

Page 43 of 107

Page 44: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

# $���� # $�% &

�'�(���� �' �(&

�)*���� �) *�% &

� ��+ ,��, হ � ��+

�। ��� ����� = ��� + ������। ��� � ���� = ��� + � �����। � ��� ����� = � ��� + �����-। ������� ���� = ������� + ����.। ���������� ���� = ���������� + ��� ���






� ��+ ,��, হ� !��1 !��2 হ����&? (!5�, 7� 5� 7� !8�?)

� ���+� !��1 � &�7/,7 ��:?

� ���+� ;<�� ?:�� اَل �

� ���+� !��1 � =$ , !8�? 7�- � !5� � 5�> ��& 8���?

�: ;? (?)

���� � ��

���� � ��@�

����� ��

����� ���

��� �� ���

Page 44 of 107

Page 45: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)









�!"��� ����� #$ ���%� � ���হ� ��@��� B����� �।

�"��7 ����� � ��+ �C ��7�@।

� ��+ �� � ��+-,��, হ� ���D !���7� �� ��& 8��� 7�।

� ��+ ���+@ � ��7�@ � ��EF� !5����7���, হ�& 8���। ��� ���G Gহ���� /8� 7B(� ���। /��হ�HI

�!"��� � ����� ��"��&� হ�J� ���� � ��@�

�"��7 � ����� � ��+ �C ���+@ ।

�!"��� � ����� '�( ���)*+� � ���� � ��@��� ���: K�L :।

�"��7 � ����� � ��+ �C ��EF�।

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Page 45 of 107

Page 46: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 46 of 107

Page 47: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 47 of 107

Page 48: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Step-by-step )��(�* - :

Page 48 of 107

Page 49: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 49 of 107

Page 50: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 50 of 107

Page 51: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Lesson - 7

Female and Male

Names���� � �� �� ���

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Page 51 of 107

Page 52: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 52 of 107

Page 53: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 53 of 107

Page 54: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 54 of 107

Page 55: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 55 of 107

Page 56: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 56 of 107

Page 57: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 57 of 107

Page 58: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Lesson - 8

Diptote �������

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Page 58 of 107

Page 59: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 59 of 107

Page 60: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 60 of 107

Page 61: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 61 of 107

Page 62: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Lesson - 9

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Page 62 of 107

Page 63: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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। Student Students

�। Hand Hands

�। Book Books

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Page 63 of 107

Page 64: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)





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Page 64 of 107

Page 65: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)






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Page 66 of 107

Page 67: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


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Page 67 of 107

Page 68: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)




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Page 68 of 107

Page 69: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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Page 69 of 107

Page 70: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

1 36:03 ����������� ������ ����Truly, you (O Muhammad SAW) are one of the Messengers,

2 36:06 ��������� �� ���� �� � ����� ���� � ��� �������� ����� ���In order that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are heedless.

3 36:08 ���������� � ���� ������ �!" �#� �$���� �%�&�'�� ����������(�� �) ����*�+�, ���Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced


4 36:13 ���������� � ��-��, � � �.�/�0�1��" �2��3�4�� �&�5�� � �6 �2�0�7"�8And put forward to them a similitude; the (story of the) dwellers of the town, (It is said that the

town was Antioch (Antakiya)), when there came Messengers to them.

5 36:14 ��������� � 9�:��� ��� "� ���1��� ;<����5�� ���=�>�+��� �� ?� � ���9�� � �@�����A" ����:��� ����*�B���� � �When We sent to them two Messengers, they belied them both, so We reinforced them with a

third, and they said: "Verily! We have been sent to you as Messengers."

6 36:16 �������� �� �� 9�:��� ��� ��*�+��/ ���C���� "� ����The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you,

7 36:19 ����� ���� DE����� �� ��� �F�� G�0HI ��J�� �� 9�+�� �� I 0�J��K "� ����

They (Messengers) said: "Your evil omens be with you! (Do you call it "evil omen") because you

are admonished? Nay, but you are a people Musrifoon (transgressing all bounds by committing

all kinds of great sins, and by disobeying Allah).

8 36:20 ����������� "� +�L�M" �E����� ��/ �N��� O�+ �P�/ DF ,�� �.��/�Q����" O�R���� ���� -��,�8And there came running from the farthest part of the town, a man, saying: "O my people! Obey

the Messengers;

9 36:21 ������ ���� � ��8 �"0 �,�� �� 9 ��S �P�/ �% ��� "� +�L�M""Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves), and who are rightly guided.

�������� - ��� � �� ���। ���� ��� �����

���। ����� ��� ���� ���।

Page 70 of 107

Page 71: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�������� - ��� � �� ���। ���� ��� �����

���। ����� ��� ���� ���।

10 36:27 ������ ����� ���� �T�*�+�,�8 HU�� �V �0�W�' ���X"That my Lord (Allah) has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!"

11 36:28 ��������� ��� I ����8 �-� ���P�" ��H� ;Q� , ���� �Y�Q�+��� ��� �Z������� O�*�( ������>�� ����8And We sent not against his people after him a host from heaven, nor do We send (such a thing).

12 36:29 ��������� �� � "� �[�� �\ �Q �]"�8 �.�3�:�4 �%� �̂ �� �I ��It was but one Saihah (shout, etc.) and lo! They (all) were silent (dead-destroyed).

13 36:32 ���� ��� �����/ �Q�� D_:��̀ � ���� aF I ���8And surely, all, everyone of them will be brought before Us.

14 36:37 �������!�� � � "� �[�� ���������" Z�� �� b�* �P� F�:�*�" �� �6 D.�/��8And a sign for them is the night, We withdraw therefrom the day, and behold, they are in


15 36:46 ��� �"��#� � ������( "� � �I �%� ���Hc�� �d��/� ��H� ;.�/� ��H� ���:�M�S�M ����8And never came an Ayah from among the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs,

revelations, etc.) of their Lord to them, but they did turn away from it.

16 36:48 ����$�%��& �� �� I �� Q�(����" " ���� �e�� ��� �� 1��/�8And they say: "When will this promise (i.e. Resurrection) be fulfilled, if you are truthful?"

17 36:52 ���������� �f�Q�4�8 ���g�0�" �Q�(�8 ��� " ���� ���Q���0�� ��� �����5�+��� ��� ����*��/�8 ��/ "� ����They will say: "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep." (It will be said to

them): "This is what the Most Beneficent (Allah) had promised, and the Messengers spoke truth!"

18 36:53 ���� ��� �����/ �Q�� D_:��̀ �� � "� �[�� �\ �Q �]"�8 �.�3�:�4 �%� �̂ �� �I ��It will be but a single Saihah (shout, etc.), so behold! They will all be brought up before Us!

Page 71 of 107

Page 72: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�������� - ��� � �� ���। ���� ��� �����

���। ����� ��� ���� ���।

19 36:55 �����'��� ;F h i �) �E����:��" �.����j" �2��3�4�� ���Verily, the dwellers of the Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things.

20 36:56 ���(��)�� ���J"��� �!" O�*�( ;N �&�k �) �� � ,"�8�=���8 �� �They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones.

21 36:59 ����� �*��� � ��C�/�� �E����:��" "8 =��� ��"�8(It will be said): "And O you Al-Mujrimoon (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the

Islamic Monotheism, wicked evil ones, etc.)! Get you apart this Day (from the believers).

22 36:61 +,����� ���� Dl"�0 �4 " ���� �m8 Q L�(" �����8And that you should worship Me (Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods

with Me). That is a Straight Path.

23 36:70 ��-�������� O�*�( N���1��" �n��o�8 ��p: �] ����I ��� ����� :��That he or it (Muhammad SAW or the Quran) may give warning to him who is living (a healthy

minded the believer), and that Word (charge) may be justified against the disbelievers (dead, as

they reject the warnings).

24 36:71 ��������� ���6 �� ���� �����+���� ���/�Q�/�� �̂ �*���( ���q �� �6 ��� �1�*�r ���� "�8�0��/ ��s�8��Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so

that they are their owners.

25 36:75 ���� ���� DQ� , �� �6 �� ��8 �� ��0�R� ��� +:�t�� �P�/ �%They cannot help them, but they will be brought forward as a troop against those who

worshipped them (at the time of Reckoning).

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Page 73: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)




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Sound Feminine Plural

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Page 73 of 107

Page 74: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)





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Sound Feminine Plural

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Page 74 of 107

Page 75: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


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Page 75 of 107

Page 76: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


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Page 76 of 107

Page 77: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

Lesson - 10 �� - �� �������

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Page 77 of 107

Page 78: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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'.&��/ ব� Phrase.

�"�� " ���� ����" ব�&�5 " � �"-� ব6��। �� " ��� ��"-�� ��, "�" 7�, ��� 8�-�5।

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. ��� �� � �

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Page 78 of 107

Page 79: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�। ��� ���� ব���। This is a boy.

=। �! ব����� "���6। This boy is Khalid.

>। ��� ���� ব��)। This is a house.

?। �! ব��)�� ব)। This house is big.

@। ��� ���� ব!। This is a book.

A। �! ব!�� #* । This book is new.

B। ��� ���� ���। This is a pen.

C। �! ����� #* । This pen is old.

D। E ���� ���। That is a pen.

��। E ����� #* । That pen is old.

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"�! ব��)��" - ��� ���� ����* � ব��� -। ���

'.&��/ ব� Phrase.

. � � � � ��. ���� � �� � ��� � ��

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  ���� � � ! "�� #�� � $.

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Page 79 of 107

Page 80: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

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G6�8�H Example :مثال

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…………… ………. ( :5;<�) ?।

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…………… ……. ( :5;<� �=� ) B।

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…………… ………. ( >��?� ) D।

…………… ………. ( >��?�)…………… ………. ( >��?�) ��।

Page 80 of 107

Page 81: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)








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Adjective and the Qualified Noun

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Lesson - 11

( �� ��� )*+� - Lesson Index

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Page 81 of 107

Page 82: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


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Adjective Noun

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a new house

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("�+�-�!*�+�, ��!��-B#C�, ��� 0D-'��� 0D, ���E* -���)*�-��FG� - H���? �IB���J ������ )�0�K��� ������� ������ �� !��।



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�������� ������� � ��

���������� ���������� ��

("�? ��#� ���@� ��LI

in a new house

��#� ���@�?� ��LI

in the new house

Page 82 of 107

Page 83: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��"I ������ �������

�। ������� ����   ���� !"�� #���� �$� �M �%��&�' �(�)��� ���� !"���+� �-�+� �-�+�

FN�� B#C���+" B#C���+"

��� 0D ��� 0D

GB ���)*� ���)*�

�। ������� ��  ���� �� � �* +�$ �M �%��&�' �(�� ���� ���+� �-�+� �-�+�

FN�� B#C���+" B#C���+"

��� 0D ��� 0D

GB ���E* ���E*

�। � ������� �� #,-�� �� �%�$#����� ����.�/ �M # ,)��&�' �(�� #,-�� ���+� �-�+� �-�+�

FN�� B#C���+" B#C���+"

��� 0D ��� 0D

GB ���)*� ���)*�

�। ������� ��  ���� �� +�0�1 �%�2��� �2����/ �M �%��&�' �(�� ���� ���+� �-�+� �-�+�

FN�� B#C���+" B#C���+"

��� 0D ��� 0D

GB ��FG� ��FG�

(������-�������) (Adjective-Noun)

��'�-���'��-(� �"=# � �!��>

Page 83 of 107

Page 84: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�। ��-� �%��3��4� �56� �&����/ �%��3��4� �56� �&���By the wise Qur'an the wise



HQ�B*�0 "# ����� �B$ HQ�B*�0 "# ���

�। ��-� �%��&�' �(7� ���� �� +8�9�: �%��&�' �(7� ���� ��On a straight path straight path

)�� B�$� �B� )�� B$

�। ��-� �%� �;< �� �=��=����� �>��=��? �%� �;< �� �=��=�����[This is] a revelation of the Exalted in Might, the


�!�B��R����� B�� "C���% "�S 0" '����0B��


�। ��-�� �@� �A � ���B�/ �C� ��D��E �F� !G����H �@� �A � ���BSo give him good tidings of forgiveness and

noble rewardnoble reward

'�(� �# �� ���" T�� U �!�� B#�V���� )#)��� �U

�!�� B#�W��

(������-�������) (Adjective-Noun)

��'�-���'��-(� �"=# � �!��>

Page 84 of 107

Page 85: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�। ��-�� �I��7� �J#���1 �� �F#�� ����" �;�B �K �L�M <>�A�/ �I��7� �J#���1and all things We have enumerated in a clear

registerclear register

)��"=# ���� (" XD �"���� )���T� ��Y�=

XD �"����

�। ��-�� �I���)��� �N �O����� <P�1 #�� ����9�: #���/ �I���)��� �N �O�����And we are not responsible except for clear

notificationclear notification

"�� XD H+��J ���� "�F XD H+��J

�। ��-� �%����B �Q��*�: #<�!� %�3<�<(�)�����/ �%����B �Q��*�:and there will surely touch you, from us, a

painful punishmentpainful punishment

���� � BT $�" ����� � �B� (" "D �%" ���Z ��� �)��

"D �%" ���Z

। ��-�� �R�9���� �� �%�2��'<��!S�T #���9��U #<��B �%�<. ���6�/

�5��V�G�)��� �5��V�G�)��� �R�9����

And a sign for them is that We carried their

forefathers in a laden shipladen ship

��[�J �\"�

]। ��-�� �I��7� �W �O�X �� <P�1 �%�'��B �5�1 �I��7� �W �O�XYou are not but in clear error clear error

����� �� XD ^��_� ��LIJ ��%�=� XD ^��_

Page 85 of 107

Page 86: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�`। ��-� �%� �;<S YQ<S Z!� ,P����[ �J �O�\ �%� �;<S YQ<S "Peace," a word from a Merciful Lord Merciful Rabb

B�� "C���% ���� BT $�" ��� !�� ")����"

"C���% ��

��। ��-�` �I��7� ]/���: �%�3�� �̂<��1 �I��7� ]/���:indeed, he is to you a clear enemy clear enemy

'��IJ ) ����� � H"��I �b H"��I �b

��। ��-�� �%��&�' �(7� ���� �� � �*+� �$  ۚ �_/�����:� �5�B�/ �%��&�' �(7� ���� ��And that you worship [only] Me? This is a

straight pathstraight path

(�� ����J J�� � "���? (?�J �� )�� B$।

)�� B$

��। ��-�] �I��7� �56� ��[�/ � �A�T <P�1 ���$ �5�1 �I��7� �56� ��[It is not but a message and a clear Qur'an clear Qua'n

(J �"��� �� ("?� d��"Be �� XD "# ���

XD "# ���

��। ��-�� �I��7� �%� �"�̀ ���$ ��T�a�H �I��7� �%� �"�̀then at once he is a clear adversary (opponent)? clear asversary

�� ) �"�� !�% f�% H"��I [g@��?? H"��I[g@��? (H��BT)

Page 86 of 107

Page 87: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

��। ��-� �%��9����� �b <O��c� ���$�/ +8�9��� �%��9����� �b <O��c� Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator

'��IJ; ����J �� )�0Q �!�iD� )�0Q �!�iD�

��। ��-�� �I�27� �Q��*�: �%��. �R�d+���/�e�H �I�27� �Q��*�:for those there will be a humiliating punishment

��। ��-�� #,��(�; #,[�f�S �̂ <9�� �%�2<����[�f� ����� #,� �(�; #,[�f�SAllah will surely provide for them a good


�। ��-]� �I�)��#<g�� �J���&��� �� �h�9����i �O�H !Q�S �I�)��#<g�� �J���&��� My Lord, then do not place me among the

wrongdoing people

�]। ��-�`� �I!�#�X #,�����[ #<��A�/ �I!�#�X #,�����[and we were a people astray

Page 87 of 107

Page 88: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�`। ��-��� 7j��4� �R�9�)��� �̂ <9�� �0#����'��H 7j��4� �R�9�)���So exalted is Allah , the True King!

��। ��-��� �@� �3��� �k� ����� 7Q�S ���$ <P�1 �̂ +����1 �P �@� �3��� �k� �����there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Noble


��। ��-�� �Q��*�: �̂ �� �%�2��� �� �F� ����A +<0����? l�*<���/

�%��g�: �%��g�: �Q��*�:

and he who took upon himself the greater

portion thereof - for him is a great punishment

��। ��-�� �I��7� �R�H�1 � �*+� �$ ����#�[�/ �I��7� �R�H�1and say, "This is an obvious falsehood"

��। ��-�� �%��g�: �Q��*�: �̂ ��H �%��g�: �Q��*�:by a great punishment

Page 88 of 107

Page 89: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


�%����"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

��। ��-�� �%��g�: �5#�' �2��� � �*+� �$ �%��g�: �5#�' �2���this is a great slander

��। ��-�] �C� �̀ �m��/ #����� 7��� �� �%����B �Q��*�: �%��. �%����B �Q��*�:Indeed, those will have a painful punishment in

this world and the Hereafter

��। ��-�� �%��g�: �Q��*�: �%��.�/ �%��g�: �Q��*�:and they will have a great punishment

�। ��-�� � #��!�����7� � #��6 �%�3�����1 #�����=��B ���&���/ � #��!�����7� � #��6And We have certainly sent down to you distinct


Page 89 of 107

Page 90: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

adj noun

��"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�। Abbas is a businessman � � ��#�? �n#<��:

�। Abbas is a

rich businessman ] �h�o � � ��#�? �n#<��:

�। Hamid is a teacher �n!S���� ����# �;

�। Hamid is

a new teacher ������� �n!S���� ����# �;

�। The apple is

a tasty fruit �C �*���*�� ��2�A#�H �p#<7�'��

�। The sparrow is

a small bird �q�D�� � �r#- �S����"����

�। Arabic is an easy

language ��9 �2�\ ��D�� �<���� �����

। Arabic is a beautiful

language ��9 ��� ��s ��D�� �<���� �����

]। I am a new student �������� �t��#�- #���B

�"=# � �!��>

Page 90 of 107

Page 91: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�`। Muhammad is an old

student ��@���[ �t��#�- ��<)��u

��। This is an easy lesson �> �2�\ �n�S�v �*$

��। Bilal is a big engineer � ����� �A �n���� �2�� �W �O��

��। Are you a rich person? w]�h�o �>���S �����B �B

��। Cairo is a big city �C� ����� �A �������� �C� �$#�&��

��। Are you an old

teacher?w��@���[ �n!S���� ������B�B

��। Is Hamid a lazy

student?w�5 �O�(�A �t��#�- ����# �;�B

Page 91 of 107

Page 92: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

adj noun

��"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�। w �n!S����)��� �Z���B

�। . �>� �"���� �� ���$

�। Where is the new

teacher? w���������� �n!S���)��� �Z���B�/

�। . � �����)��� �����: ���$

�। Where is the new

student? w���������� �t��#<y�� �Z���B

�। . �����' �3�)���� �0�1 �t�$�T

�। Who is that tall man? w�>��!�<y�� �>��< �� �R��T �Z��

। . ����������� � ������)��� ���$

�"=# � �!��>

Page 92 of 107

Page 93: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

]। and who is that little


l*�� �qD"�� ������ Z�/w>"�� Z� 5m� z `

�`। He is son of the new

manager. . ����� ��{� Z�� �$

��। w�9�) ��� �CS#�(�� R9? �Z�)��

��। It is for the new

manager. . �������� � ��)9� L$

��। �$B w�q�3�� �Q#'3�� �*$ �Z�)���w �nS�)9�

��। . �������� t�#y9� �$ P

��। Where is the small

spoon? w�CqD�"�� �&�9{� Z�B

��। .Q���3�� � L$

��। Where is the broken

chair?w �S��(3{� 7L�\ 3�� Z�B

Page 93 of 107

Page 94: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��"I �� ��"I��� ������ �������

�। .|#��$ �$

Page 94 of 107

Page 95: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � - ��







Lesson - 12

Pronoun ������

� ��� ��� ���� - Lesson Index


������ ������ ��! "� ($%"��&���')

�&) �����


������ *� %+�,'� $�-'

Page 95 of 107

Page 96: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��. �/ *�� *0 &/� *0 &� 1� 1'�

����� ���� ������� ����� ��� ����*��� *"� �&���� &/ "� &�হ��� ��

we I you you they he

��. �/ *�� *0 &/;� *0 "& 1;� "হ'�

����� ���� � ������ ����� ���� ����

*��� *"� �&���� &/ "� &�হ��� ��

we I you you they she

�"হ�� female �/'�;��

���A/���A/���A/���A/ ----B�% ������B�% ������B�% ������B�% ������ Personal Subjective PronounsPersonal Subjective PronounsPersonal Subjective PronounsPersonal Subjective Pronouns

%/LM male �/N�O�P

Page 96 of 107

Page 97: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��- Q �/ � �� 1� 1

��� �� ��� �� ��� ��*���+��� *���� �&���+��� �&����� &�হ��+��� &�হ���

us me you you them him

��- Q �/ ;� "� 1;� হ�

��� �� ���� �� ���� ���*���+��� *���� �&���+��� �&����� &�হ��+��� &�হ���

us me you you them her

����/�����/�����/�����/�----B�% ������ B�% ������ B�% ������ B�% ������ Personal Objective PronounsPersonal Objective PronounsPersonal Objective PronounsPersonal Objective Pronouns



Page 97 of 107

Page 98: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�S/��- �S� �S/�/ � �S/�� �S/1� �S/1

�������� ����� ������� � ���� ��!����� �"����*���+� �� *��� �� �&����+� �� �&���� �� &�হ��+� �� &�হ�� ��

��- Q �/ � �� 1� 1

��� �� ��� �� ��� ��*���+� *��� �&����+� �&���� &�হ��+� &�হ��

our my your your their her

�S/��- �S� �S/�/ ;� �S/"� �S/1;� �S/হ�

�������� ����� �������� � ���� ���!����� ��!�����*���+� �� *��� �� �&����+� �� �&���� �� &�হ��+� �� &�হ�� ��

��- Q �/ ;� "� 1;� হ�

��� �� ���� �� ���� ���*���+� *��� �&����+� �&���� &�হ��+� &�হ��

our my your your their her

��TL���TL���TL���TL�----B�% ������ B�% ������ B�% ������ B�% ������ Personal Possessive PronounsPersonal Possessive PronounsPersonal Possessive PronounsPersonal Possessive Pronouns



Page 98 of 107

Page 99: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

����/� ��TL�

�। �� &�হ��� &�হ�� �। �� ��

�। ��� &�হ��+��� &�হ��+� �। ��� &�হ���

। �� �&����� �&���� । ����� &/ "�

�। ��� �&����+��� �&����+� �। ������� �&����

�। �� *���� *��� �। ���� *"�

। ��� *���+��� *���+� । ����� *���

�। �# �$�%��� হ��� these �। �&�� হ� This.m

�। � �' �$(� Uহ��� those �। �)�&�� হ� This.f

V। ���*�&�+ N��� । � �+�, WX� That.m

�। � �-�. WX� That.f

�। ���&�+ �N, N� Who,


। � �/�+ �N, N� Who,




� �/�-QZ��� "��+�Z�-������ Demonstrative Pronoun

*�\ ��'�X� T���� "�M']

U%��� "��+�Z�-������ ������ ��! "�। ����� �^�\ %"��"&�& হ�� ��।

��P A/ , ��TBP *� ��0 ��! "&�B�% �� �����। ���X_` �� $a� �a�� �/b�& হ�� �^0 ��P A/ , ��TBP *� �^0 ��0 ��! ।

��! "���! "���! "���! "� $%"��&���'

Pronoun ������

������ ������ $%"��&���' �� ��! "�।

��0 �/! -��c BP ���A/

Page 99 of 107

Page 100: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

%+�,'� $�-'-�� %�� ������

Pronouns after Prepositions

&�হ��+� T�-

&�হ�� T�-

���0 = ��� + �2 �"�+ = ���� + �2 ����+ = ������� + �2 � �+ = ����� + �2����+ = ����� + �2 � �3 = ���� + �2

&�হ��+� U%� &�হ�� U%�

��!�4�-�5 = ��� + 6�-�5 �"�4�-�5 = ���� + 6�-�5 ����4�-�5 = ������� + 6�-�5 � �4�-�5 = ����� + 6�-�5��� ��4�-�5 = ����� + 6�-�5 ���-�5 = ���� + 6�-�5&�হ��+� "+�� &�হ�� "+��

��!�4�+�7 = ��� + �8�7 �"�4�+�7 = ���� + �8�7 ����4�+�7 = ������� + �8�7 � �4�+�7 = ����� + �8�7��� ��4�+�7 = ����� + �8�7 ��3�7 = ���� + �8�7

Page 100 of 107

Page 101: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

��� � - ��








Lesson - 13


� ��� ��� ���� - Lesson Index

���� �� ������ (���� �� �!���-"� #$�) -&� �� -&�


������ - )*-�

������ - )*-

������ - )*- +�� - ��, -� ���

������ - )*-�

Page 101 of 107

Page 102: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�'(� Verb �����

���� � � � � ���-��� �.(��/ �� �.(��/

����� � � ��� � ������� �.(��/� �� �্� �.(��/�

� � ��� � � ��� � ����� �.(��/ ��� �.(��/

���� � �� � � � �� ���-��� য�( �� য�( / য��2 / য��

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� � �� � � ��� ����� য�4 ��� য�4

�'(� - ���� 5�� - 5�6&� �7# -�( �.�/

�'(� � �!��� � "� #$� 5�� � 5�6&� �7# -(�� �8�3

Page 102 of 107

Page 103: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

(�� he)

(�� ��)



(����) � � �� �<��(� ��� ����� = )*-�

�'(� ������ ( �!��� �� "� #$�) - )*-�

Do-er *�5�&5�6-�A���5��� ��5���� Hidden

� � �� � � � �� � � ��� �

Page 103 of 107

Page 104: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)




�'(� ������ ( �!��� �� "� #$�) - )*-

��� ��� - ��� য�(

Nun Comes - Nun Goes

���� � �� � (*�;#)



(�� ��)



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Page 104 of 107

Page 105: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

������ )*--�� �N"�!O

+�� �5&� ���(।

+�� �� �� য��2� ( � য�� )।

+�� �P �� ��, -� ���।

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(�-6� ��-��)

��, -� ���

Page 105 of 107

Page 106: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)

�� � �� � !��� � ������ (��-��)

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�'(� ������ ( �!��� �� "� #$�) - � )*

QR� �� �� R� ��S �� �*�� �!��(

�� � �� � "� ��-��� (��-��)

�। T& / ���V

। ������� �����V

�। ��S �� - �*�� �!��(

�। 5�6-�A���-5���V

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Page 107: Madina book 1 (bangla reader)


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