lyrics heather dale

Como Sou (As I Am- Heather Dale) Suponho que pareço diferente sem as vestes reais e a coroa Venho perante você nesse dia sem riquezas, sem renome Pois aqui não sou um líder, apenas um humilde homem E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou Não estou à procura de perfeição, não ofereço-lhe um santo Não busco um belo pássaro para pôr em uma gaiola A única coisa que quero que que me ame se puder E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou Ofereço-lho uma visão de meu interior, ofereço-lhe tal confiança Preciso de sua força para ajudar-me a lutar as batalhas que devo Preciso que lembre-me da luz que carregamos dentro de nós mesmos Que há mais na vida que lutas e coisas que desejamos conquistar Não aceite-me por obrigação, não aceite-me por orgulho Aceite-me apenas se o homem que vê é um que você ficaria lado a lado com Ofereço-lhe um coração aberto, estou pedindo-lhe sua mão E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou Aceite-me como sou

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Como Sou (As I Am- Heather Dale)

Suponho que pareço diferente sem as vestes reais e a coroa

Venho perante você nesse dia sem riquezas, sem renome

Pois aqui não sou um líder, apenas um humilde homem

E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou

Não estou à procura de perfeição, não ofereço-lhe um santo

Não busco um belo pássaro para pôr em uma gaiola

A única coisa que quero que que me ame se puder

E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou

Ofereço-lho uma visão de meu interior, ofereço-lhe tal confiança

Preciso de sua força para ajudar-me a lutar as batalhas que devo

Preciso que lembre-me da luz que carregamos dentro de nós mesmos

Que há mais na vida que lutas e coisas que desejamos conquistar

Não aceite-me por obrigação, não aceite-me por orgulho

Aceite-me apenas se o homem que vê é um que você ficaria lado a lado com

Ofereço-lhe um coração aberto, estou pedindo-lhe sua mão

E só peço a você que aceite-me, que aceite-me como sou

Aceite-me como sou

Conto de Fadas (Fairytale- Heather Dale)

Não é deveria ter uma carruagem

Com empregados e um noivo

Não é deveria haver um palácio

E eu escapar das cinzas e da vassoura

Não é deveria ter um casamento

Com sapatos de vidro e uma coroa

Você deveria ser o príncipe encantado

Não perseguir garotas na cidade

Você não quer um conto de fadas?

Você não, você não quer este conto de fadas?

Você não quer viver o meu conto de fadas comigo?

Não é deveria haver uma torre

Com espinhos ao redor

E eu deveria ser uma princesa

Lá acima e olhando para baixo

Era para ser importante

Que você venha e me liberte

Você deveria ser um heróI

Não sair com garotas mais fáceis do que eu

Não me conte sua história

Se você pode jogar como peter pan

Com a sua segunda partida até de manhã

E o seu filho dentro do homem

Em um felizes para sempre

Deveríamos compartilhar nosso sonho

Onde você está montando em meu socorro

E eu chegar a ser a rainha

Você não quer viver o meu conto de fadas comigo?

Para Guinevere (For Guinevere- Heather Dale)

Com todos os anos entre nós

Eu conheço o seu coração

Você sabe que eu nunca mentiria

Deixe as outras pessoas nos julgarem

Com todos os seus pressupostos

Você sabe que comigo nunca tem que se esconder

Nós nunca vamos ser essas crianças de olhos arregalados que se apaixonaram

Nós nunca vamos atender dentro dessas linhas estreitas novamente

Nós podemos fingir, podemos fingir

Mas isso nunca nos serviu de alguma forma

O amor é infinitamente surpreendente

Tão precioso para ser esbanjado

Eu sempre serei seu amante,

Eu sempre serei seu ombro,

E eu não me importo o quão longe eles dizem que viajei.

Eles acham que o único caminho é o lugar onde estão indo,

Mas você e eu fomos feitos para navegar sobre o mar.

Nós podemos fingir, podemos fingir,

Mas isso nunca nos serviu de alguma maneira.

Então confie em mim agora

Eu nunca vou pesar você e ancorar.

Eu espero que você sempre me veja dentro de sua vela

Eu posso ver que você está sempre preocupada

Você diz que se eles descobrissem

Se você apenas ouvisse

Poderia surpreendê-los

Sobre o que essa escolha é realmente

Não temos que pedir desculpas para o que nós compartilhamos entre nós

E a cada dia parecemos nos apaixonar de novo

Nós podemos fingir, podemos fingir,

Nós podemos fingir, podemos fingir

Mas isso nunca nos serviu de alguma forma

Então confie em mim agora.

Confie em mim agora.

Confie em mim agora.

Canção de Ninar de Mordred (Mordred's Lullaby- Heather Dale)

Aquieta-se, criança, a escuridão irá surgir

E adormecer-te...

Filho inocente, formarei sua crença

E você sempre saberá que seu pai é um ladrão

E você não entenderá a razão de sua tristeza

Mas você sempre seguirá as vozes dentro de você

Lealdade, lealdade, lealdade, lealdade

Lealdade, lealdade, lealdade apenas a mim

Filho inocente, seu espírito irá odiá-la

A flor que se casou com meu irmão, o traidor

E você irá mostrar que ele age como uma marionete

Pois você é a prova de como ele a traiu

A lealdade...

Filho inocente, a cada dia você fica mais velho

A cada momento estou vendo minha vingança se desenvolver

Pois o filho de meu corpo, carne de minha alma

Irá morrer pegando de volta o direito de nascença que lhe foi roubado

O Julgamento de Lancelote

Os cavaleiros do Rei Artur sentaram-se à Távola Redonda,

Exceto por um, que ficou de pé perante eles.

Apenas desta vez, sem armas;

Apenas desta vez, em desonra.

O acusação do julgamento era traição ao Rei

E quebra de um juramento

E caso sua culpa fosse provada,

Ambos os traidores receberiam a morte!

Os cavaleiros iam aconselhar a difícil decisão de Artur.

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Sou julgado pelo meu amor à Guinevere.

Meu crime foi amor."

O primeiro a falar foi Cai, que tinha a língua mais afiada:

"Ele é um homem como qualquer outro.

As palavras dos reis o comandam,

Mas seu coração não obedece.

Apesar de toda sua força e coragem,

O espírito deste cavaleiro é muito fraco.

Seu crime não tem desculpa,

E ele não deve buscar por favores!

As leis de reis não são flexíveis e não podem ser quebradas!"

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Estou aqui por amor à Guinevere.

Por orgulho do amor."

"Conheço bem este cavaleiro", falou o corajoso Gawain,

"E ele sempre lutou ao meu lado.

Com aço ele respondeu insultos,

Defendeu o código da cavalaria.

E frequentemente este homem lutou

Pela honra de sua esposa.

As ações dele não foram apropriadas,

Mas não deveriam custar sua vida!

Seus serviços prestados deveriam conceder-lhe misericórdia."

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Lutei por amor à Guinevere.

Lutarei por amor."

Sir Tristão falou: "Eu amo a esposa de meu tio.

Por ela eu ficaria feliz em sofrer,

Ela é o deleite de meu coração.

Isolda, aquela que me tenta,

E pela qual mantenho-me puro.

Meu amor por ela me confunde,

E é minha única certeza.

Compreendo as contradições de meu irmão..."

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Chorei pelo meu amor à Guinevere.

Chorei por amor."

Falou Galahad, o mais puro deles:

"Não temam favoritismo de minha parte!

Embora ele seja meu pai,

Ele é minha fonte de vergonha.

Ele uniu-se em um ato pecaminoso

Com minha inocente mãe!

E embora diga ser virtuoso,

Ele deitou-se com outra!

As leis de Deus declaram este ato uma abominação!"

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Menti pelo meu amor à Guinevere.

Menti por amor."

Enquanto chorava, Artur clamou que a ira dos céus recaísse

Sobre os amantes que o traíram;

Sobre o cavaleiro a quem ele havia chamado de "irmão"

E pensou ser digno de sua confiança;

Sobre a rainha que o enganou,

E ainda podia dizer que o amava.

Pela inocência e beleza perdidas,

E em justiça pela culpa de ambos,

O Rei Artur conhecia o único preço para traição...

E Lancelote, mantendo a cabeça erguida, disse:

"Morrerei amando Guinevere.

Morreria por amor."

Rosa Branca (White Rose

Heather Dale)

Contarei uma história de quando o tempo não tinha significado

Quando as lendas e as histórias caminhavam de mãos dadas

Quando as espadas dos poderosos haviam derrotado o dragão

Mas os elfos ainda caminhavam sobre a terra

Rosa branca: Rainha do verão

Rosa branca: Rainha do outono

Rosa branca: a nova guarda seguirá

Rosa branca: A velha guarda cairá

O sol e a lua estavam fixados no paraíso

O mundo inteiro se cansou do verão parado

Uma rainha de grande coragem e o coração do dragão

Pôs o seu trono no monte Elf

Rosa branca: Rainha do verão

Rosa branca: Rainha do outono

Rosa branca: a nova guarda seguirá

Rosa branca: A velha guarda cairá

A rainha no seu trono chamou o Elfo diante dela

E disse: Olhe ao seu redor, o tempo deveria passar

Eu te peço para contar a história do vencedor

O dia das lendas se foi

Rosa branca: Rainha do verão

Rosa branca: Rainha do outono

Rosa branca: a nova guarda seguirá

Rosa branca: A velha guarda cairá

O povo aproximou-se dela para oferecer suas bênçãos,

E cada um trouxe rosas vermelhas para colocar em seus pés.

Enquanto o Elfo veio para a frente para colocar suas flores por último:

Brancas como a derrota do verão.

Rosa branca: Rainha do verão

Rosa branca: Rainha do outono

Rosa branca: a nova guarda seguirá

Rosa branca: A velha guarda cairá

Os ciclos de tempo tecem o mundo em seus círculos

E a rainha coroada de flores está entre nós novamente.

Enquanto os Elfos têm o seu lugar nos versos da lenda

Mas não na história dos homens.

Rosa branca: Rainha do verão

Rosa branca: Rainha do outono

Rosa branca: a nova guarda seguirá

Rosa branca: A velha guarda cairá

CHOOSE- Heather Dale

Another June, another wedding We are gathered here today To watch a girl who chose to be a bride Give promises away

I do, I do The sun is shining I reach out to hold your hand We understand the kind of choices lie ahead

[Chorus] Every morning Choose to love something about him Every day Remember who I choose to be Every evening Choose to say the things that haven't yet been said Then go to bed And choose to love the man I'm with

Another autumn follows summer And the skies are dark with rain I'm so secure in the assumption He's the one who has to change

I do, I do Wish I could take back All the things that I regret The accumulated damage that I do When I forget to...


Sometimes we fall apart Before we pull it back together Do we choose to let it go Or do we struggle through the weather When we've lived in different worlds We have to wonder if it's better To appreciate the changes Or forget about forever

Another year, another challenge There's the distance There's the wait There's a thousand aggravations that keep getting in the way

I do, I do I told you once I know I'd do it all again

Because I meant it when we married And I've meant it ever since


The man I'm with

Come And Be Welcome

Heather Dale

Come and be welcome, O wandering minstrel Spreading your music from city to town Be you harper or piper, your duty is noble You carry the tunes that will never die down

Come from the forest and sit 'round the fire Come from the fields and enter our hall Come drink from the guest-cup Come join in our circle Come and be welcome ye bards one and all

Come and be welcome, O noble court poet The treasure of knowledge is kept in your words So unlock the riches of rhyme and of rhythm And let all the wealth of your wisdom be heard

Come and be welcome, O fair-voiced singer Weaving the magic of music along You can thunder the heavens to raise up an army Or simply bring laughter and peace with a song

Come and be welcome, O rare tale-teller With stories of wonder you wisely recall Now tell of the heroes who dwell in our history For tales that are true are the best of them all

Come and be welcome, wherever you hail from Share all the secrets and joys of your art For every new voice that joins in the chorus Will uplift the spirit and cheer the heart

Come from the forest and sit 'round the fire Come from the fields and enter our hall Come drink from the guest-cup Come join in our circle Come and be welcome ye bards one and all.

Crashing Down

Heather Dale

You must be getting pretty tired Of the man who once inspired you Going back on what he asked you to believe All the promises of power From his glittering ivory tower Where's the height that he once told you you'd achieve?

Those other men believe what you and I will never see But I say why believe in place of proof? Let those others keep on praying You know I'm only saying What the others are afraid might be the truth

Well, they say nothing grows 'Til the oak has hit the ground So let's clear the way, my boys And let the giant come crashing down

Where are all the things you fought for? All the dreams you shed your blood for? Are they shabby now and fraying at the seems? Was this your boyhood vision To endure the world's derision While the culprit sits and laughs behind the scenes?

Well, they say nothing grows 'Til the oak has hit the ground So let's clear the way, my boys And let the giant come crashing down

Let us cleanse this force with fire Strike the fool who leads the liar Let it all come crumbling down Like the firebird from the ashes We will rise to lead the masses The strongest will emerge to wear the crown

Well, they say nothing grows 'Til the oak has hit the ground So let's clear the way, my boys And let the giant come crashing down

Crimson Sky

Heather Dale

Shining pearl within the crimson sky Guide me in the coming night

Perfect seed within a humble husk Ground my feet in soil so I may rise

Patient leaf within the endless pool Calm me when the torrent falls

Gentle wind within the slanting grass Bear me ever on until I rest.

Culhwch And Olwen

Heather Dale

Culhwch, son of Cilydd, a nobleman of Wales was counselled by his mother to seek Olwen as a bride. Fair Olwen, only daughter of the giant Ysbaddaden Who would never let her marry, for when she wed he'd die.

So Culhwch went to Arthur, his kinsman and his cousin To ask for aid in seeking fairest Olwen for his bride Arthur's knights they joined him: Kei, Bedwyr and Gawain With Menw the magician and Cynddylig as their guide

And so they travelled onwards to the lands of Ysbaddaden Where they came upon his castle, and rode their steeds inside. "Chief giant!" shouted Culhwch to the monster king before him "I've come for fairest Olwen, that your daughter be my bride."

"Before you have my daughter bring me Mabon son of Modron Who was taken from his mother even as his lips first cried." "I know that I can do so, 'though you think it be not easy." Said good Culhwch to the giant as he called the knights to ride.

So the sought the oldest animal, the Blackbird of Cilgwri, And said "Know ye of Mabon, stolen from his mother's side?" The Bird showed them an anvil that his beak had rendered small And said, "Though I am ancient, there are older hearts than I."

They found the Stag of Rhedynfre who stood beside a stump and asked him, "Know ye Mabon, stolen from his mother's side?" "This oak was once a sapling rooted first when I was young, But I'm not the oldest animal" the graceful stag replied.

So on the party travelled to the Eagle of Gwernabwy And asked him, "Know ye Mabon, stolen from his mother's side?" The Eagle showed a pebble that was once a mountain high, but he said, "Despite this evidence, one goes more deep than I."

They traveled to the water and the Salmon of Llyn Llyw. They said, "Know ye of Mabon, son of Modron and his bride?" "Indeed I've heard his wailing in his prison all these years, And for Arthur's faith and honour, his companions I will guide."

And so the Salmon led them up the river to a tower, Where they heard the lamentations of the prisoner inside. But the stonework of the castle couldn't stand before the army; Mabon pledged his life to Arthur, and homeward all did ride.

So Culhwch and companions went with speed to see the giant With elation in their hearts and lost Mabon at their side. They severed off the head of the oathbound Ysbaddaden, And that was how good Culhwch won fair Olwen for his bride.


Heather Dale

Believe it, you went and threw it all away, I gave my life, not an inch. Exile, only made worse by the Tiresome hours wasted away inside this cage.

Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters, And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way Into my thoughts. Into my thoughts, into my thoughts.

Social well-being is a state-of-mind, It seems, vagrancy is all I have. Exile, only made worse by the Tiresome hours wasted away inside this cage.

Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters, And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way Into my thoughts. Into my thoughts, into my thoughts.

Innocence, a word that shouldn't be used for such murky waters, And yet, somehow fitting, finds it's way Into my thoughts. Into my thoughts, into my thoughts.

Fisherman's Boy

Heather Dale

Fisherman's boy with a bucket of water goes walking each day on the shore Looking in tide-pools and crannies for fish that were stranded Sure-handed he'd gather them all Throwing them back to the ocean Back to the living once more

Soon he was throwing the nets like his father And hauling them back to the shore Taking the time to be careful and sort the unneeded from those he would store in the hold Throwing them back to the ocean Back to the living once more

He went down in a storm near the rocks of Point Cleary They searched 'til the night drove then home But in the morning the found him, alive and unbattered Where shattered wood littered the stones He'd been thrown back from the ocean Back to the living once more

Fisherman's boy with a son and a daughter goes walking each day on the shore Looking in tide-pools and crannies for fish that were stranded Sure-handed they gathered them all Throwing them back to the ocean Back to the living once more

Flowers Of Bermuda

Heather Dale

He was Captain of the Nightingale Twenty-one days from Clyde in coal He could smell the flowers of Bermuda in the gale When he died on the North Rock Shoal

Just five short hours from Bermuda, in a fine October gale There came a cry "Oh, there be breakers dead ahead!" from the collier Nightingale No sooner had the Captain brought her round, came a rending crash below Hard on her beam ends, groaning, went the Nightingale and overside her mainmast goes

"Oh, Captain, are we all for drowning?" came the cry from all the crew "The boats be smashed! How then are we all to be saved? They are stove in through and through!" "Oh, are ye brave and hardy collier-men or are ye blind and cannot see? The Captain's gig still lies before ye whole and sound, it shall carry all o' we."

He was Captain of the Nightingale Twenty-one days from Clyde in coal He could smell the flowers of Bermuda in the gale When he died on the North Rock Shoal

But when the crew was all assembled and the gig prepared for sea, Twas seen there were but eighteen places to be manned and nineteen mortal souls were we. But cried the Captain "Now do not delay, nor do ye spare a thought for me. My duty is to save ye all now, if I can, so ye return as quick as can be."

He was Captain of the Nightingale Twenty-one days from Clyde in coal He could smell the flowers of Bermuda in the gale When he died on the North Rock Shoal

Oh, there be flowers in Bermuda. Beauty lies on every hand, And there be laughter, ease and drink for every man, but there is no joy for me; For when we reached the wretched Nightingale what an awful sight was plain The Captain, drowned, was tangled in the mizzen-chains smiling bravely beneath the sea.

He was Captain of the Nightingale Twenty-one days from Clyde in coal He could smell the flowers of Bermuda in the gale When he died on the North Rock Shoal

For Guinevere

Heather Dale

With all the years between us I know your heart You know I'd never lie Let other people judge us With all their own assumptions You know with me you never have to hide

We'll never be those wide-eyed kids who fell in love and We'll never fit inside those narrow lines again We could pretend, we could pretend But that never suited us somehow

Love is endlessly surprising Too precious to be squandered I'll always be your lover, I'll always be your shoulder, And I don't care how far they say we've wandered.

They think the only road is where they're heading, But you and I were meant to sail upon the sea. We could pretend, we could pretend, But that never suited us somehow.

So trust me now I'll never weigh you like and anchor. I hope you'll always see me there inside your sail

I can see you're always worried You say if they found out If you'd only listen It might surprise them With what this choice is actually about.

We don't apologize for what we share between us And every day we seem to fall in love again We could pretend, we could pretend, We could pretend, we could pretend But that never suited us somehow

So trust me now. Trust me now. Trust me now.


Heather Dale

I believe that justice is the same thing as the law So I conform my opinion to whatever I've been told. I'll admit that I just shrug, and I don't dwell on everyone When I hear some unfortunate hound got thrown in with the wolves.

'Cause deep down I know that the innocent always go free That there's someone who's watching the watchers--it doesn't have to be me. It's easy to trust that things are going as they should As long as it's no one I know getting nailed onto the wood.

It's no surprise he was arrested--he should have held his peace That's what you get for speaking out in troubled times like these He said, "We've gone astray from where we were when this began." I'm sure it'll all be fine if we just support the plan.

'Cause deep down I know that the innocent always go free That there's someone who's watching the watchers--it doesn't have to be me. It's easy to trust that things are going as they should As long as it's no one I know getting nailed onto the wood.

(Who dies...?...pierce the flesh...?)

Hawthorn Tree

Heather Dale

Arthur's hall is mantled in the carded fleece of winter Guinevere sits veiled in her own thoughts Arthur laughs, but beneath the crown his hair is turning grey And by the fire, Merlin spends his days

The portal opens and a maid as fair as apple blossoms Enters in as all rise to their feet These many knights stand in vain attempts to win her first attention And by the fire, Merlin sits and waits

Hawthorn tree Your body burns away the winter's cold Stand by me And shade me from the sun My eyes are old, but still can see

Threading through as though they were the golden fields of summer Maiden and sage meet within the light 'I have come for your power, and my name is Vivianne.' And by the fire, Merlin knows his fate

From that day, no moment passed when they were not together And she grew in strength, as waning his grew dim Arthur's court wondered if love or enchantment held them bound The strange desire of Merlin and the maid

Hawthorn tree Your body burns away the winter's cold Stand by me And shade me from the sun My eyes are old, but still can see

Then they left, as autumn's leaves upon the moving water Camelot failed to solve the mystery Seasons passed, and a woodsman came from distant Lyonesse Who knew the fate of Merlin and the maid

He had seen a maid fairer still than apple blossoms And an elderly man walking hand in hand They embraced, and when they parted there was only Vivianne And one more tree was standing in the glade

Hawthorn tree Your body burns away the winter's cold Stand by me And shade me from the sun My eyes are old, but still can see

Holly Ivy & Yew

Heather Dale

Guinevere would sit among the holly and the ivy And there in throne she'd hear the pleas of lovers vain and true And there she'd sit serenely 'neath the thorns upon the holly And the creepers of the ivy and the bending boughs of yew.

One day there came before her 'neath the holly and the ivy An uncle and a nephew and the woman both did woo Betrothed to the elder but beloved to the younger And bitter thorns of holly grew between the two.

The Queen with rooted wisdom like the holly and the ivy Said, "Lovers hearts will cling like vines no matter what they do, "But blessed is the woman who accepts her wedded duty, "Like the strong and supple branches of the bending yew."

And so she asked the uncle 'neath the holly and the ivy Were he to have a choice what day of wedding would he choose To have a wife in summer when all goodly things are growing Or wait to take his lover 'til the trees stood new.

So the uncle cast his gaze amid the holly and the ivy And greedily appraised the woman sent to be his due "My lady queen, I'll take her when the trees have bared their branches, "And the nights are at their longest, and diversions few."

So Guinevere sat smiling, 'neath the holly and the ivy As maid and lover clung at what they thought was dreadful news "My dear, you have your answer; you are free to wed your lover, "For this man has loosed the bonds that you could not undo."

"For here where we are sitting, 'neath the holly and the ivy, "Is much the same in winter, when the holly berries bloom, "So go and have my blessing 'til the holly goes unclothed, "And the creepers of the ivy, and the bending boughs of yew."

"These greenest boughs of holly, and of ivy, and of yew."


Heather Dale

I promise you nothing, I take only that which is free I'd give you a life full of risk, and the whirlwind of joy that can be Don't try to bind me, just love me without any greed And I'll give you the world, and my heart, and the air that I breathe

Slip the jesses my love This hunter you own from the hood to the glove When the circling and striking are done, and I land, Let me come back to your hand, let me come back to your hand.

I have no illusions to think that I know what will come I laugh at the concept of life as a simple result of the sun I just want to hold you, and share with you all of this life With the stars in the darkness, and love in the light, and its dizzying height

Slip the jesses my love This hunter you own from the hood to the glove When the circling and striking are done, and I land, Let me come back to your hand, let me come back to your hand

Slip the jesses my love The hunter you own from the hood to the glove When the circling and striking are done, and I land Let me come back to your hand, let me come back to your hand Let me come back to your hand.


Heather Dale

With your grace as inspiration, I will prove my love to you When I stand in polished armor on the field, I will bow towards your beauty As you stand beside your father With passion in my heart, I shall not yield

With your grace as inspiration, I will proudly bear your token When I stand in burnished steel before my foe I will do your honor justice With the strength of arm and spirit, And will fight with all the prowess that I know

With your grace as inspiration, I will strive to be the victor Over one who strives as fervently as I To earn a maiden's favor For the bold young knight before her, To see his love reflected in her eyes

With your grace as inspiration, I will prove my love to you When I stand in polished armor on the field, I will bow towards your beauty As you stand beside your father With passion in my heart, I shall not yield

No, with passion in my heart I shall not yield.


Heather Dale

I am as God made me, I have no desire, For a mouth at my breast or a pot on the fire, I heed the higher voices; I go where I'm sent, To mow down the men who refuse to repent, I'm a scythe, in a field full of briars.

And they won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan. They'll know me as Joan.

The courage of Catherine, the flames of the forge, Sword of Saint Michael, the blood of Saint George, I take what I'm given, I follow my truth, I gladly abandon the bloom of my youth, I'm the lashing, that falls from the scourge.

And they won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan. They'll know me as Joan.

I fight where God tells me, I never ask why, I've bloodied the Devil, with steel from on high, I kill without consequence, heed no Man's law. I sift out the righteous like grain from the straw. I am Judgment, and Heaven is nigh.

And they won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan.

They won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan.

No they won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan.

No they won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan.

They won't call me Mother, or Sister, or Wife, They will know me or not by the strength of my life, I will burn with a light of my own. They'll know me as Joan. They'll know me as Joan.


Heather Dale

The kingsword will stand. The kingsword will stand.

The kingsword will stand it's scabbard of granite. The quicksilver forged in the pools of the sky. A rumour explained by the one who began it. A boy's hand will grasp it, a man's raise it high.

Son of the dragon, of night and the slaughter Whose wisdom his unshaven youth will belie Will wake from her slumber the lake's only daughter To answer the calling she cannot deny

The kingsword will stand it's scabbard of granite. The quicksilver forged in the pools of the sky. A rumour explained by the one who began it. A boy's hand will grasp it, a man's raise it high.

Brought by a queen for the hand of the chosen. From fish scale and currants and winter's reply. Brought from the deep by a prophet who knows in the arms of the water again it must lie.

The kingsword will stand it's scabbard of granite. The quicksilver forged in the pools of the sky. A rumour explained by the one who began it. A boy's hand will grasp it, a man's raise it high.

The Kingsword will stand. The Kingsword will stand.

The kingsword will stand it's scabbard of granite. The quicksilver forged in the pools of the sky. A rumour explained by the one who began it. A boy's hand will grasp it, a man's raise it high.

Martin Said To His Man

Heather Dale

Martin said to his man, "Fie, man, fie!" Martin said to his man, "Who's the fool now?" Martin said to his man, "Fill thou the cup and I the can. Thou hast well drunken, man. Who's the fool now?"

I saw the man in the moon, "Fie, man, fie!" I saw the man in the moon, "Who's the fool now?" I saw the man in the moon, Shining up St. Peter's shoe. "Thou hast well drunken, man, Who's the fool now?"

Well, I saw the mouse chase the cat. "Fie, man, fie!" I saw the mouse chase the cat. "Who's the fool now?" I saw the mouse chase the cat, Then the cheese ate the rat. "Thou hast well drunken, man, Who's the fool now?"

Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now? Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now?

Well, I saw the hare chase the hound. "Fie, man, fie!" I saw the hare chase the hound. "Who's the fool now?" I saw the hare chase the hound Twenty feet above the ground. "Thou hast well drunken, man, Who's the fool now?"

Well, I saw a maid milk a bull. "Fie, man, fie!" I saw a maid milk a bull. "Who's the fool now?"

I saw that maid milk that bull, With every stroke a bucket-full. "Thou hast well drunken, man, Who's the fool now?"

Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now? Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now?

Well, Martin said to his man, "Fie, man, fie!" Martin said to his man, "Who's the fool now?" Martin said to his man, "Fill thou the cup and I the can. Thou hast well drunken, man. Who's the fool now?"

Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now? Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now?

Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now? Who's the fool now? Tell me, who's the fool now? Fill thou the cup and I the can. Who's the fool now?

Measure Of A Man

Heather Dale

Steel on steel Break the blade that called him to his rest And cast it to the deep Light the pyre Name the one whose shield is on his chest And leave him to his sleep

The measure of a man Stands or falls with what he leaves behind Gather on the sand Let your voices carry to the sky Rise in light Let the gods look down on this and wonder

Raise the ring Cast the broken circle to the waves And give the sea her due Push the prow Let him lead the final charge again Where all will follow soon

The measure of a man Stands or falls with what he leaves behind Gather on the sand Let your voices carry to the sky Rise in light Let the gods look down on this and wonder.

Miles To Go

Heather Dale

Walk with me, my heart The gate is much too spare a place to speak And the gardens put to shame the meadow's bloom An Eden set apart I fancy Eve herself knew scent as sweet I see that patch of lilies from my room I'm glad you finally came I watched you ride along the path below I'm turning from that road But even yet I have so many miles to go

I've reconciled my mind To living out my life within these walls It's not what you had hoped to hear, I know But what I hope to find Is better sought within the cloister's halls And peace is all that matters to me now I know you offer love But in me now that path is overgrown I'm turning from that road But even yet I have so many miles to go

I hear he died alone Surrounded by the bodies of his knights And heaven wept until no tears would come I swore I would atone For failing him and shadowing his light With all the things I did and should have done Fare thee well, my love I'll watch you ride along the path below I'm turning from that road But even yet I have so many miles to go

Mordred's Lullaby

Heather Dale

Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and carry you down into sleep...

Guileless son, I'll shape your belief And you'll always know that your father's a thief And you won't understand the cause of your grief But you'll always follow the voices beneath

Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me

Guileless son, your spirit will hate her The flower who married my brother, the traitor And you will expose his puppet behaviour For you are the proof of how he betrayed her Loyalty...

Guileless son, each day you grow older Each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold For the child of my body, the flesh of my soul Will die returning the birthright he stole


Heather Dale

The mountain rose from bonds of earth and showed that all could rise. Some men learned, while others saw with only hungry eyes. And as the prize they conquered, like a bride without her gown. One by one, they mined its bones and dragged the mountain down.

They built a grand cathedral in the image of the mount. The grace was lost on hungry men who feared to be without. And as the bombs fell from the air and shattered in the town, One by one, they broke its bones and dragged the mountain down.

So I see the mountain in this wall of weathered stone. I read the names of hungry men who lie in fields unsown. Rise up had been the lesson, but we put them in the ground. One by one, we laid their bones and dragged the mountain down.

One by one, we laid their bones and dragged the mountain down.

My Only My Own

Heather Dale

Where have you gone, My only, my own? How far have you flown from me? The work of our hands Built a beautiful ship. How could I begrudge you the sea?

Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me? Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me?

Where have you gone, My only, my own? What far-away sights have you seen? Has the world become real? Has your home become small? Has your future eclipsed where you've been?

Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me? Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me?

And when you return, My only, my own, Bring me back tales of the sea. Bring me pockets of gold, Or a shirt full of holes. It'll make little difference to me.

Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me? Alone, alone, My only, my own, When will you return to me?

When will you return to me? When will you return to me?

One Of Us

Heather Dale

Before I got to fighting (or when fighting got to me) I looked to find examples on the field of chivalry I saw mighty arms much stronger than my arms would ever be And I thought perhaps the field was not for me

But I stayed and watched the fighting 'til one figure stood apart In armour newly fashioned and a helm more pot than art But each blow was thrown with honour and a lightness of the heart So I took that step which soon became a start

'Cause she was not the biggest fighter nor one to raise a fuss But I remember being proud that she was one of us And we might never stand together in the shield-wall side by side But because of her I lift my sword with pride

She was ladylike and lively, not the type you would expect With a braver heart than many and a slot-shot to respect I guess she'd once decided this was where she'd like to be And I thought if she could do it, why not me

'Cause she was not the biggest fighter nor one to raise a fuss But I remember being proud that she was one of us And we may never stand together in the shield-wall side by side But because of her I lift my sword with pride

So now as I gather armour, bits and pieces here and there, I think about examples: how you act, and what you dare 'Cause you never know who's watching or how far the story goes And where'er that Lady is I hope she knows

'Cause she was not the biggest fighter, nor one to raise a fuss But I remember being proud that she was one of us And we might never stand together in the shield-wall side by side But because of her I lift my sword with pride We might never stand together in the shield-wall side by side But because of her I lift my sword with pride!

Prodigal Son

Heather Dale

Did you think that you were better, somehow better than me? You come here with your arms thrown wide like that means anything to me You think 'cause you're a big man now you can take what isn't yours You come here in your righteousness and you think that opens doors

Did you miss the one that pushed you out, that womb that gave your life? Did you come to see my father's grave or the man who took his wife? You don't know what I could have been but for an accident of birth But I got only what I could take and you were given God's own earth

And you come running back like a prodigal son You think you can finish what we have begun The cradle will rock and the cradle with fall And I gave you nothing, but you gave it all

Did you somehow feel neglected? Did it leave you wanting more? God, they raised you up like Jesus Christ and then they branded me the whore They say when you get desperate, well, you'd do anything for pride And I've got your little secret, dear--I've carried it inside

Did you think that you were better, somehow better than me? You come here with your arms thrown wide, like that means anything to me You think 'cause you're a big man now you can take what isn't yours You come here in your righteousness and you think that opens doors Oh, yeah, you think that opens doors.

Rose And Lion

Heather Dale

The squire serves the gentleman, And the gentleman follows me, And in so doing learns the ways of skill and courtesy. I ever serve my lady for the love she gives to me.

And the Rose and Lion stand and serve the King, For the King! The Rose and Lion stand and serve the King.

The girl becomes a maiden, And the maiden follows me, And in so doing learns the ways of skill and courtesy. We ever serve the household with our hands and hearts and deeds.

And the Rose and Lion stand and serve the King, For the King! The Rose and Lion stand and serve the King.

We serve as those before us And we teach it to our young. And fair the blooms that face the sky that from our soil have sprung. And oft our deeds are roared aloud when honor's praises are sung.

And the Rose and Lion stand and serve the King, For the King! The Rose and Lion stand and serve the King.

The Rose and Lion stand and serve the King, For the King! The Rose and Lion stand and serve the King.


Heather Dale

Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell, children of the ocean's swell With ice's twinkle given sight She offered them a name, and seals they all became And laughing, took a coat of dappled light.

Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell, ever in the sea to dwell Nimble fingered, quick and lithe She offered them a name, and otters they became Keepers of her secrets in the ice.

Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell, the mightiest of all Slow and gentle as the tides She offered them a name, and whales they all became To tread the paths the lesser are denied

Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone Sedna roamed the deep, the cold forgotten deep, no-one wants to be alone

Tarnished Silver

Heather Dale

Sleep, my tarnished silver Let me dull you once again And let our battle end Sleep, my snowless winter Let me warm you once before I go And I'll pretend to know and understand

Sleep, my fallen cedar Let me have your weakened pride to hold And join my barren soil Sleep, my aimless river Let your torrent rest against my shore And leave me what was washed away before

Time's been kind to you, my love As the world had never been Kinder than to me Strange, the things that we regret You wanted me to leave I found enough to give you that

Sleep, my darkened chapel Let me kneel before you now, as then Unworthy as I am Sleep, my flameless shadow Let me cool the lingering fires of old And carry only ashes in my soul

Sleep, my tarnished silver...

The Carter's War Song

Heather Dale

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

The muscled might of Ealdormere Is climbing up the hill with our goods sent here

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Heed well the northern red When you see it on the field With the eastern dead

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

What means your belt and rowel When your face is turned to white With the north brown howl

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

The army rolls towards the field In the tides of the battle We will not yield

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Hail to the princess wise and fair The finest inspiration Of Ealdormere

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Snow rain or sun beat down We're fighting for the pride Of our sovereign crown

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Fie, why their king bestows They'll be getting their rewards From our swords and bows

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Carting's a good career When you're carting off The foes of Ealdormere

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Salute to the one you hold most dear And do honor to the prince Of Ealdormere

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Lift up your swords and sing For the glories of the war This day will bring

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Hail to the friends from far and near The allies of the wolves Of Ealdormere

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Heave ho with all your might The crown on the mountain Is in sight

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

Raise up your voice and cheer For the patriots that sweat For Ealdormere

Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe Hey hey, Laddie O We'll climb that hill And we'll fight the foe

The Greyhound

Heather Dale

The Greyhound's sinking in the waves, and fast the sea receives her. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave! And Captain Bryce is on her deck, so we, her hands, may leave her. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave!

Curse the Reaper cowled in black, he's laughing at your failing. Pull that oar until it cracks, we're bound for better sailing.

At Bryce's word we went aloft, and caught the screaming bluster Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave! We shortened sails and trimmed the ropes, with all that we could muster Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave!

Curse the Reaper cowled in black, he's laughing at your failing. Pull that oar until it cracks, we're bound for better sailing.

The Greyhound fought to stay aright as, cruel, the wild waves tossed her. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave! But when the mast began to crack, we knew that we had lost her. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave!

Curse the Reaper cowled in black, he's laughing at your failing. Pull that oar until it cracks, we're bound for better sailing.

So put your back into it lads, and haul against the thunder. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave! And cry a prayer into the winds the ship won't pull us under. Curse the Reaper, bend your back and cheat your sorry grave!

The History Of Ealdormere, part 1 and 2

Heather Dale

Also that Spring saw the Waters arise And shoulder a Barony's share Jeweled the Cup that was served by the wise Who would counsel the people with care Steadfast the Princes who hailed from the South But brief would that mantle be worn Ruled by the spinning of Destiny's thread They would soon have a Northerner-born

The last of the Southron, the Otter and Briar Saw Ealdormere prove its worth Sagely they called for a Tournament Grand To determine the Prince of the North A new Knight defeated the Champion of old With Prowess both nimble and sure Certain they were upon seeing his face That the Line of the North was secure.

For tall stood the Prince with the grace of a Stag And the heart of a courtier born Steady the gaze of the Evening Swan Who first lit the skies of the North Together they stood for the peace of the land And prosperity followed their reign Heavy the cloak they were given to wear But golden the hem of its train.

So Ealdormere's Wolves took their place in the world Where the Falcons had once their roost Scarlet would march with the purple and gold When the arrows of battle were loosed Precious the gifts wrought of silver and song That were given as pledges sincere Twinned were the spirits of Ealdormere's throng With the warriors of far Calontir

Singing they joined in the thundering host That fought for the Midrealm Kings Fearless the might of the Wolfpack at war With the valor that leadership brings Sharp were the blades of the triple-edged flower That struck its foes down where they stood Fierce was the light of the Heaven's red eye When the fields were the scarlet of blood

Brilliant, the Warrior watched from the sky And the pride in her gaze was felt Bright would the Princes and Princesses shine Like the points of the stars in her belt

Warm was the frolicking zephyr of change That traded old faces for new Right was the day when an honour was done And the White rose was given her due.

The wise Calontiri gave Ealdormere's Bards A test of a verse to sing And so did the War Prince receive for their words A weapon more fit for a king Deeper the friendships within and without Though challenge and contest were rife The Ram and the Tower stood forth from the Shires And the Baronies' Banners were Five

Upon this foundation their arms would reach wide And the Northrealm would leave it's mark Powerful Monarchs would sail with the tide And would shine like a flame in the dark Ealdormere's people were giving and Kind Each head of pavilion or hall Had no greater pride for a stranger or friend But to give them their best and their all

So Ealdormere grew to a thoroughbred's strength From the first eager steps of a colt The needs of a Kingdom were pondered at length And none could find Ealdormere's fault Officers, artisans, wisdom and youth And nobles of every degree, Women and men full of chivalry's grace Who could lead them in war and in peace

The oldest of Councils held court in the West And as law was their word of assent Respectful the terms of the Northrealm's request And it's finest ambassadors sent Deeply the Elders considered the suit And the winds brought the breathless report Joyful the bell-song tat pealed through the land With the voice of the Council's support

Like bees in the summer, the fever took hold For much there was yet to be done The newest of nobles joined Shirefolk of old In their dreams of a future to come The humblest peasant stood equal to Peer As the shape of their work was revealed Surely the mightiest keep had been built From the stones that were found in the field

And so came the day when the doors were thrown wide To the wondrous hall they built Drawn like a river they gathered inside

'Til the greatest of chambers was filled Eyes were drawn upward and whispers were hushed At the sight of the scarlet-draped throne Their dream in fruition, the moment at hand For a King and a Queen of their own

In song-softened silence the populace stood And the will of the land intoned Sweet was the harvest that grew from the past When the seeds of the future were sown Soft was the shining of Ealdormere's eyes Who gathered to witness a birth Bright was the legacy's circle that passed From the first to the last to the first

And so, First is the wolf, and the Wilds and the Will And the Rule of the Northrealm King.

The Lady Of The Lake

Heather Dale

He was young and he rode along the river Raven-haired The fairest thing to grace those steady banks In ages come and lost for-ever And power laid upon him Like a thousand secrets she would never know And so she spoke

In the lapping of the land Golden-tongued Her whispers fickle jewels along the sand Ephemeral and softly spoken But he was wiser than his years And shed his hooves to meet her there Among the reeds where earth recedes There he stood.

As the silt caressed the bottoms of his feet Circles formed: growing outward, drawing inward Gaining strength and going homeward In the trumpeting of swans In lilies laced upon a pond She rose before him like the ice before the Spring And was a queen

And their touch was like a lover's Clear and sweet, drenching and unfolding With no need for air or sunlight in the deep And in the passions that they bared In pledges won and secrets shared They'd stand together in what destiny would bring And crown a king

he Maiden And The Selkie

Heather Dale

Once a fair and handsome Seal Lord Lay his foot upon the sand For to woo the Fisher's daughter And to claim her marriage hand 'I have come in from the ocean I have come in from the sea And I'll not go to the waves, love, Lest ye come along with me.'

'Lord, long have I loved you As a Selkie on the foam I would gladly go and wed ye And be lady of your home But I cannot go into the ocean I cannot go into the sea I would drown beneath the waves, love, If I went along with thee.'

'Lady, long have I loved you I would have you for my wife I will stay upon your shoreland Though it robs me of my life I will stay one night beside you Never go back to the sea I will stay and be thy husband Though it be the death of me.'

Dae dae dae da da dae dae...

'Lord, I cannot go and wed thee All to watch my lover die Since I'll not be left a widow I have a plan for us to try Let us speak with my grandmother Who has ever dwelt beside the sea She may know some trick or treasure That I may wed my fair Selkie.'

So they've gone to her grandmother's Little cottage by the sea To inquire how a maiden Can be wed to her Selkie For the Selkie's watery kingdom Would surely rob her of her breath But to stay on land past midnight It would surely be his death.

'Lord, I know not how to aid you You may never live on shore

For your kind to live 'til dawning It has ne'er been seen before But my mother had a seal coat That she buried 'neath the tree And she told me that its wearer Would become a fair Selkie.'

Dae dae dae da da dae dae...

So they've journeyed farther inland Though the Seal Lord's getting weak And she's shouldering the shovel To unearth the thing they seek At the rising of the fullmoon Underneath the elfen oak She has unearthed that faery treasure Of which her grandmother spoke.

Just before the stroke of midnight They have made it back to sea And she has donned the magic seal coat And become a maid Selkie Now they've gone into the ocean Hand in hand into the sea She has gone along A fair seal bride for a Selkie.

Dae dae dae da da dae dae...

The Old Duke

Heather Dale

I laugh at those who call me old Who think my age their best defence For often fall the young and bold Who fail to laud experience. My sword and I are much the same: Our actions swift and sure Each scar I wear, each greying hair The life I gave to her.

Throughout my life Ive led my men Where King and Prince command And always does my lady tend To children, hearth and land. My wife and I are much the same: Our actions swift and sure A husband fair, a home to share The life I gave to her

To those who thought my lack of sons Would end a warriors line I laugh and toast my daughter Who upon her throne does shine. My child and I are much the same: Our actions swift and sure A privilege rare, a crown to bear The life I gave to her

So every passing year reserves Familiar rhythms and the new And through it all I lead and serve With joy as I was born to do. My land and I are much the same: Our spirits swift and sure Each oath I swear, each shouldered care The life I give to her

This Endris Night

Heather Dale

This endris night I saw a sight, A star bright as day; And ever amoung, a maiden sung: "Lullay, by by lullay".

This lovely lady sat and sung, And to her child did say: "My son, my brother, father dear, Why liest thou thus in hay?"

The child then spake in his talking, And to his mother said, "Yea, I am known as Heaven's king In crib though I be laid

"For angels bright down to me alight: Thou knowest 'tis [true to say]; And for that sight thou may'st delight And sing 'By by lullay'."

"Yet, sweet son, since thou art a king, Why are thou laid in stall? Why dost not order thy bedding In some great kinges hall?

"Methinks 'tis right that king or knight Should lie in good array; And them amoung it be not wrong To sing 'By by lullay'."

"Mary Mother, I am child Though I be laid in stall; For lords and dukes shall worship me And so shall kinges all.

"So in they arm thou hold me warm, And keep me night and day; And if I weep and may no sleep Then sing 'By by lullay'."

Trail Of Tears

Heather Dale

All the leaves were turning brown as we marched through Tennessee Herding men like Moses did into the dusty sea And though they cried to Jesus still we did as we was told Mother Mercy looked away and the sky was thick with crows

They say there's a difference 'tween the white man and the red That though they pray and work like me they're something else instead President Jackson says it's best, but he ain't the one to go Mother Mercy looked away and the sky was thick with crows

I marched down the trail of tears with a rifle in my hand With orders not to pick them up if anyone couldn't stand And though the sun was shining down that trail to Hell still froze Mother Mercy looked away and the sky was thick with crows

Daniel Thorton held his tongue 'til he couldn't hold it back He raised his voice to the Major's guns so they shot him in his tracks Their bodies fed those feathered coats on blackened wings they rose Mother Mercy looked away and the sky was thick with crows

What do you tell a mother who can't feed her starving child? How can you tell a boy of ten to march a thousand miles? What do you tell your children when they ask what words you chose? When Mother Mercy looked away and he sky was thick with crows

Tristan And Isolt

Heather Dale

Who knows not the tragedy of Tristan and Isolt? The fair-haired Cornish harper whose hands held steel and string? And Ireland's greatest treasure, borne like Helen 'cross the water While the waves approaching bowed before her beauty?

All who've heard the telling know the blind and bitter Fates Placed the cup of love's sweet poison to unconsenting lips And as plank fell home to timber and the king beheld his lady Carols rang within the church and seagulls screamed.

All the harpers laboured on their agonies of passion Unfulfilled and ever straining like lodestones to the north. But few will ever mention how the cold breath of the Northlands Let them lie at last as one without deceit.

When Tristan could no longer bear the shame of guilty conscience, He took ship to far Bretagne, half-hearted and bereft. He cast aside his music, cut the strings which brought him joy, And took solace in the fury of the field.

Praise grew up around him like the corn around a boulder As the Cornishman did battle with demons in and out. In singing sword and thunder, Tristan vainly sought distraction Yet she whispered in the silence of the slain.

In the way of warriors rewarding noble heroes, Fairest Blanchmaine of the Bretons was given for his wife. But Blanchmaine knew no pleasure from her cold and grieving husband For the marble face of memory was his bride.

In that time the country was beset with Eden's serpents And the basest of all creatures can bring the highest low. Two poisons coursed within him, and none could be his saviour But the healing arts of Ireland and Isolt.

Wings of hope departed, struggling North against the tempest With tender words entreating for mercy and for grace. If his love no longer moved her, hoist the black into the rigging But if white brought them together, he would wait.

Daylight creeping downward, Tristan's demons massed against him And the words of his delusions brought hidden love to light, While the woman he had married but to whom he'd given nothing Sat her long and jealous vigil by his side.

Morning framed the answer walking lightly o'er the water. Like Christ's own victory banner, it flew toward the shore. It was white as angels' raiments, but when feebly he begged her, Fairest Blanchemaine softly told him, "'Tis of night."

Who can say which venom took the soul from Tristan's body, And the bells began their tolling as Isolt ran up the strand. The wind grew slow and silent as she wept upon her lover, And in gentleness it took her grief away.

Side by side they laid them with the earth their separation. Even yet, they were divided by the morals of the world. But their spirits spiralled upwards, Ireland's briar and Cornwall's rose, And together at the last, they lay entwined.

True & Destined Prince

Heather Dale

My kinsmen and my brother, My shieldmate and my guide. May my arm always defend you, And your honor lift you high.

You are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

When you sit upon the trillum throne The banner I will fly. The flower upon the scarlet And our voices raised up high.

You are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

When the time for bloody war has come, Your right hand I will be. Where you lead, my prince, I'll follow, As we sweep to victory.

You are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

We will keep the shieldwall fast, my king, That day our foes will die. As prince you'll rein victorous, You will hear the battlecry.

You are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

May you sing the deeds of glory, Of your kinsmen gone away. May they see your glowing pride, If I should fall upon that day.

You are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

For you are true and destined prince And my sword is by your side I will fight for you in glory 'Till I die.

United At War

Heather Dale

A mountain pass, dividing two lands; Two kingdoms were lining for war; The East and the Mid-realm were shield-wall to shield And Eathelmark stood at the fore.

The king of the Mid-realm saw they were few; And sent his own forces to aid; So Ealdormere bold, with the scarlet unfurled, Joined hands with their cousins that day.

And we saw the bright grace, And the light on their faces, Two cousins United at War.

As the Eathelmark prince took the field with his kin, A Princess of Ealdormere bold Embraced a south cousin with joy in her eyes And wonder for Ealdormere Hall.

The Princesses noble walked hand in hand; As two Princes fought side by side; And the Eathelmark, Ealdormere, warriors all; Proved cousins could share the same pride.

And we saw the bright grace, And the light on their faces, Two cousins United at War.

And we saw the bright grace, And the light on their faces, Two cousins United at War.

War Between Brothers

Heather Dale

This one's a nobleman, this one's a squire One man will sing in the heavenly choir One will descend into hell's licking fire But to tell which is which would take better than i

This one's a father, and this one's a son One man was right and the other was wrong But both of them died in the maddening throng Carry them home, boys, to where they belong

War between brothers Sire fighting son Only division where once there was one War between brothers Son fighting sire Kin laid with kin in the funeral pyre

These two were blinded by jealousy's flame One pointing fingers the other to blame One lived in rage and the other in shame But which was the better of what they became?

War between brothers Sire fighting son Only division where once there was one War between brothers Son fighting sire Kin laid with kin in the funeral pyre

This one's a bastard, and this one's a king Both fought for power and what it would bring But fighting each other they lost everything

Heather Dale:The Morrigan

The Morrigan dreams old dreams of flight

The Morrigan sees with another sight

The Morrigan builds with flesh and bone

and The Morrigan fills an empty throne

The Morrigan fills an empty throne

The Morrigan builds with flesh and bone

The Morrigan sees with another sight

and The Morrigan dreams old dreams of flight

The Morrigan knows your time and place

The Morrigan shows your shifting face

The Morrigan stands behind your skill

and The Morrigan sows and reaps at will

The Morrigan sows and reaps at will

The Morrigan stands behind your skill

The Morrigan shows your shifting face

and The Morrigan knows your time and place

The Morrigan chooses when to rise

The Morrigan views without her eyes

The Morrigan sees with another sight

and The Morrigan dreams old dreams of flight

The Morrigan dreams old dreams of flight

The Morrigan sees with another sight

The Morrigan views without her eyes

The Morrigan chooses when to rise

Heather Dale:Story Book

You read me a chapter of storybook love

When the night was a blanket around us.

I think we both knew that the dream would dissolve

When the cold light of morning had found us.

You have what you need,

And it isn't from me.

And it hurts, but it's not a surprise.

The sweetest of words in our storybook love

Are the sweetest of storybook lies.

You read me a chapter of storybook love--

My hope overcame my suspicion.

You spoke of ideals, and you made it seem real--

I suppose we both knew it was fiction.

'Cause you have what you need,

And it isn't from me.

And it hurts, but it's not a surprise.

The sweetest of words in our storybook love

Are the sweetest of storybook lies.

You read me a chapter of storybook love--

We spoke of the union that bound us.

Each time we're together, that story seems real--

When we left, those deep waters surround us.

But you have what you need

And it isn't from me.

And it hurts, but I'm not that surprised.

The sweetest of words in our storybook love

Are the sweetest of storybook lies.

'Cause you have what you need,

And it isn't from me.

And it hurts, but it's not a surprise.

The sweetest of words in our storybook love

Are the sweetest of storybook lies.

The sweetest of storybook lies.