lunchbox habits 2013

SAMPLE EXTRACT Lunchbox Habits: Adults & Children 2013 Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House 32 Sovereign Street Leeds LS1 4BJ Tel: 0113 389 1038

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Evolution Insights split this project into two sections and we questioned two sets of respondents: Adult Section – Primary Shoppers who work full time, and take food/drink items to work (556 = sample size) In this section we look at who takes lunch to work, when and what they take. We look at any extra items that they ‘top-up’ their lunch with, what and where from. We also identify who buys the items, who prepares the lunch and when. We ask the shoppers what was the main reasons for choosing the items for the lunchbox. We also look at changes to lunchtime habits. Children Section – Primary Shoppers who have children under 16, and regularly give them a packed lunch for school (492 = sample size) In this section we look at who buys the items for the lunchbox, who prepares the lunch and when. We look at who chooses the items for the lunchbox and the variety of lunches provided for children. We also identify the main reasons for choosing the items for the lunchbox. We look at the restrictions imposed by schools and pressure parents feel to provide certain lunches and why are lunchboxes chosen over school dinners?


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Lunchbox Habits: Adults & Children 2013

Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House

32 Sovereign Street Leeds

LS1 4BJ Tel: 0113 389 1038

Page 2: Lunchbox Habits 2013

• Evolution offer a range of products & services for clients in the field of shopper research:-

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Evolution is a leading research consultancy specialising in shopper motivation and behaviour. We deliver off-the-shelf, tailored and bespoke research for manufacturers, retailers and agencies.

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As a leading publisher of shopper research, we are ideally placed to offer your business actionable shopper insight.

Our research and analysis helps clients develop targeted shopper marketing initiatives designed to influence shoppers at the point of purchase.

We use a range of research methodologies to discover genuine insights. Our research incorporates a broad spectrum of robust qualitative and quantitative research techniques.


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Executive Summary 5

Introduction 7

The Adult’s Lunchbox 9 Introduction 10 Saving Money 11 What to Pack 12 The Changing Sandwich 13 Lunchtime Habits 14 Changes Throughout the Week 18 What is in the Lunchbox 19 When is Lunch Eaten 21 Who Buys Items for the Lunchbox 22 Who Prepares the Lunchbox 23 When is the Lunchbox Prepared 24 How Shoppers Choose Their Lunchbox Items 25 Where Shoppers Eat Their Lunch 31 Changing Habits 32 What is Bought Throughout the Day 35 Where Shoppers Buy Extra Items 37 Summary 38

The Child's Lunchbox 39 Introduction 40 Nutritional Needs 42 Packed Lunch Vs. School Lunch 43 Lunchbox Products 45 Recent Changes 46

Who Takes a Lunchbox 47 Age of Children Taking a Lunchbox 50 Who Chooses What Goes in the Lunchbox 51 Who Buys the Lunchbox Items 52 Who Prepares the Lunchbox 53 When is the Lunchbox Prepared 55 How Much does the Lunchbox Change 56 How Lunchbox Items are Chosen 57 Parental Pressure 66 School Restrictions 68 Lunchbox Items 70 Lunchbox Vs. School Dinner 72 Parents Opinions 73 Summary 75

Methodology 76

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In this report we questioned two sets of respondents:

Adult section:

Primary shoppers who work full time, and take food/drink items to work (556 = sample size)

Children section:

Primary shoppers who have children under 16, and regularly give them a packed lunch for school (492 = sample size)

The report will be split into two sections based on the above respondents.


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68% of shoppers (who work) take some items to work with them for lunch. Furthermore, 40% take all of their lunch items from home.

Adult Lunchbox – Lunchtime Habits




14 11


I take items fromhome

I take items fromhomeand sometimesgo out and buy extra


I go out and buyitems during the day

I don`t eat lunch Other

What shoppers do for lunch while they are at work: ‘Other’ Inc.: • Go home for lunch • Go to a friends house • Get a free lunch from work • Don’t work past lunchtime


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I take items from home I take items from homeand sometimesgo out and buy extra items

City Centre

Town Centre

Out of town

From home

Retail park


Note here that out of town workers take up the largest portion of shoppers who take lunch to work – likely due to a lack of choice and access to shops nearby their place of work. Those in a town centre are the most likely to top up their lunch.

Adult Lunchbox – Lunchtime Habits



The relation between what a shopper does for lunch, and their place of work:

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8-10am 5%

The majority of shoppers (69%) eat their lunch between midday and 2pm which falls within the traditional lunch period. It is interesting to see that 6% eat lunch before 10am.

Adult Lunchbox – When is Lunch Eaten






12-2pm 69%

2-4pm 6%

4-6pm 1%

10am-12pm 12%

Before 8am 1%

7% graze

throughout the day

Time of day shoppers typically eat the items they have brought from home:

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A whopping 57% of workers eat their lunch at their desks/workspace. Contributing to this could be a lack of time to take a proper lunch break, or the company not having a designated eating space.

Adult Lunchbox – Where Shoppers Eat Their Lunch


Where do you eat your lunch?

57% eat at their


33% eat in their


9% eat outside of work 2% eat elsewhere (Inc.

in a vehicle and at home)

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From the start of the academic year 2008, schools were required by law to meet new food-standard regulations. Since then, it is believed that both school provided lunches and packed lunches have increased in their healthiness.

Children’s Lunchbox - Packed Lunch Vs. School Lunch


Pupils who consumed packed lunches ate significantly more fat, saturated fat, non-milk extrinsic sugars, sodium, calcium, iron and vitamin C and less protein, vitamin A, fibre and zinc than pupils who ate school lunches. Children should therefore be encouraged to have school lunches instead of taking packed lunches.

School lunch


Packed lunch

Compared with pupils eating packed lunches, a greater proportion of pupils having school lunches chose water, salad and vegetables, and fewer pupils chose non-permitted drinks, confectionery, meat products and dairy items. Conversely, packed lunches contained more fruit, fruit juice and dairy items (such as cheese, yogurt and fromage frais).

Over 90% of pupils having a school lunch ate food or drink containing vegetables or fruit (including fruit juice) compared with only 58% of pupils bringing packed lunches.

Pupils having school lunches ate 1.6 portions of fruit and vegetables, whereas pupils brining packed lunches ate only 1 portion.

Findings from the Primary School Food Survey 2009 - Comparing school and packed lunches:

Source: Primary School Food Survey 2009

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In just under ¾ of cases, the shopper makes up the lunchbox themselves, but in 7% of cases, the child is involved in the process of preparing their own lunchbox.

Children's Lunchbox – Who Prepares the Lunchbox


72% - Primary shopper

19% - Partner

2% - Child

5% - Child helps

shopper/shoppers partner

2% - Other

Who prepares the child's lunchbox:

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We asked respondents what factors influence their choosing an item for their child’s lunchbox. We can also see specifically what shoppers mean when they say they choose an item based on ‘a treat’.

Children's Lunchbox – How Lunchbox Items are Chosen


23% - Treat

I always give them a treat

Its only a little it wont hurt

They need something


I think treats are part of a balanced

diet also

Shoppers reasons for choosing items for their child's lunchbox: (Inc. shopper definitions of what the concept means to them)

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Secondary and desk research

Preliminary quantitative survey

Focus Groups Main quantitative



• Evolution carried out a preliminary survey of around 100 shoppers to test questions for the main survey.

• Detailed secondary and desk research is conducted to define the topic area, macro drivers and trends, scope and examples within the research topic.

• Initial insights gained are used to help further design the main survey.

• A main survey is completed by at least 1,000 UK adults who are the primary household shopper for food & grocery.

• Comprehensive and detailed assessment of all the data received was then used to uncover insights.

• Throughout this process, primary research was supported by secondary research drawing on Evolution’s proprietary databases, national statistics, news and industry resources.



Evolution’s methodology

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Methodology - Quantitative Research


(Similar themes for adults and children across questions)

Reasons for taking lunch rather than buying/having school lunches

Reasons for choice of items in lunchbox

When lunchboxes are chosen, bought and prepared

Buying supplementary items (what are where from)

Lunchtime Habits (Inc. items taken and frequency/days of the week)

Demographic profiling

Topics of questions in quantitative survey

• Detailed shopper insights were gained from a survey of 1,021 primary shoppers. The samples were fully representative of the UK population.

• The survey contained 29 questions relating to topics outlined to the left – in addition to standard demographic profiling questions

• The questions were designed to give maximum insight into shopper’s motivation and behaviour

• The survey was carried out during the week commencing 1st April 2013

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This presentation is a Sample Extract. For Details on the full report please contact [email protected]

Evolution Insights Ltd Prospect House

32 Sovereign Street Leeds

LS1 4BJ Tel: 0113 389 1038

Evolution Insights: Shopper Insight Series


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