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  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza







    2.1 Blackboard

    2.2 Flashcards

    2.3 Magazine Pictures

    2.4 Posters

    2.5 Charts

    2.6 The Coursebook

    3. !ther Printed Materials


    4.1 !"erhead Pro#ector

    4.2 $lide Pro#ector


    5.1 Ta%e &ecorder


    6.1 'ideo

    6.2 Co(%uter



  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza



    Teaching aids are an i(%ortant asset -ithin the classroo(. Teachers are

    using the( or (an/ /ears and0 their %lace in the s/llabus being strongl/

    (oti"ated0 it see(s that the/ -ill be used as long as the %rocess o teaching a

    oreign language is concerned.

    t the beginning teachers -ere orced to use onl/ their i(agination in

    order to create adeuate (aterials or the classroo(. Then0 as technolog/ has

    strongl/ de"elo%ed and the teacher and0 res%ecti"el/0 the school ha"e beenable to get (ost o the instructional (aterials ro( the (arket. That is -h/0

    no-ada/s0 teachers can choose ro( a "er/ large nu(ber o (aterials0 and use

    or ada%t the( in (an/ adeuate -a/s.

    M/ o%inion is that teaching (aterials ha"e a great i(%ortance because0

    irst o all0 the/ %ro"ide "ariet/ or the classroo(. This %a%er is (eant to

    de(onstrate this %oint o "ie-.

    s -e shall see0 (aterials0 -hether co((erciall/ de"elo%ed or teacher

    %roduced0 are an i(%ortant ele(ent -ithin teaching. &ichards and &odgers 1

    suggest that the instructional (aterials can %ro"ide detailed s%eciications o

    content. For an acti"it/ the/ gi"e guidance to teachers on both the intensit/ o

    co"erage and the a(ount o attention de(anded b/ %articular content or

    %edagogical tasks. $o(e are designed to be used b/ ine%erienced teachers

    -hile others are intended to re%lace the teacher co(%letel/ e.g. there are

    countries -here (an/ schools use co(%uters or testing the students.

    There is toda/ a large "ariet/ o teaching aids that can be used in "er/

    (an/ situations0 -hene"er necessar/ to (ake the link bet-een the student and

    the oreign language he is to learn0 (ore successull/. For ea(%le0 the use o

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    audio "isual (aterials is also i(%ortant0 as a (ain asset in arousing the

    students7 interest and thereore i(%ro"ing the con"ersational skills.

    s a conclusion or this short introduction ) share the o%inion o those

    s%ecialists -ho assert that teaching aids e"identl/ increase the eicienc/ o

    learning %ro"ided that the/ are used in %ro%er -a/s.


    1&ichards and &odgersApproaches and Methods in Language

    Teaching 1896

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    C:PT;& )

    +;F)*)T)!* *+ C teaching aid is a tool used -ithin the classroo( es%eciall/ -hen

    teaching a oreign language. )t hel%s the teacher to de"elo% student7s

    reading0 -riting and co((unicati"e skills. The utilization o the teaching

    aids has also the %ur%ose to (ake the %resentation o the lesson (ore

    attracti"e0 ha"ing in the sa(e ti(e a (obilizing unction.

    The teaching aids ha"e a "er/ i(%ortant role es%eciall/ -hen teaching

    a oreign language to children. ?hen the students are /oung0 the teacher has

    to (ake su%%le(entar/ eorts in order to get their attention. That is -h/ the

    teacher has to ind attracti"e and interesting (ethods so as the child to ocus

    on his tasks.

    !ne o the (ost i(%ortant and diicult ) -ould sa/0 task or a teacher

    -hen teaching ;nglish0 or ea(%le0 is to be able to identi/ the "arious

    -a/s in -hich (aterials (a/ contribute to the learners7 %erce%tion o

    kno-ledge0 language0 learning roles0 to their aecti"e and cogniti"e

    de"elo%(ent0 and to their general stock o inor(ation.

    1.1 There are se"eral criteria according to -hich teaching aids can be

    classiied0 but ) ha"e selected onl/ our o the( that ha"e rele"ance or theissues dealt -ith in this %a%er.

    1 the author@

    - co((ercial (aterials

    - teacher%roduced (aterials

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    2 the technical a%%liances@

    - "isual aids

    -audio aids

    - audio"isual aids

    3 the %ur%ose o teaching@

    - teaching "ocabular/ aids

    - teaching co((unicati"e aids

    - teaching gra((ar aids

    - teaching literature aids

    4 size@

    - aids or indi"idual use

    - aids or -hole class use

    The %resent %a%er -ill deal -ith one criterion or teaching aids

    classiication0 na(el/ (aterials according to technical a%%liances. The

    reason or choosing this criterion is that it is (ore co(%le than the others0

    but ne"ertheless there is an interaction bet-een criteria. For ea(%le0 -hen

    talking about "isual aids -e can also talk about co((ercial or teacher

    %roduced (aterials.

    1.2 )t is -orth considering the i(%ortant role that (aterials ha"e %la/ed

    in dierent language teaching (ethods. )n their book on dierent

    a%%roaches and (ethods in language teaching0 &ichards and &odgers1

    ha"e %ointed out that dierent (ethods i(%l/ "er/ dierent roles or the

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    teacher and role relationshi% bet-een teacher and learners. The sa(e also

    holds or (aterials. For ea(%le@

    The role o (aterials -ithin co((unicati"e (ethodolog/ (ight be

    s%eciied in the ollo-ing ter(s@

    Materials -ill ocus on the co((unicati"e abilities o inter%retation0

    e%ression and negotiation.

    Materials -ill ocus on the understandable0 rele"ant and interesting

    echanges o inor(ation0 rather than on the %resentation o gra((atical


    Materials -ill in"ol"e dierent kinds o tets and dierent kinds o (edia0

    -hich the learners can use to de"elo% their co(%etence through a "ariet/

    o dierent acti"ities and tasks.

    )n his article on (aterials0 &ossner2 ocuses in %articular on the role o

    teaching aids in co((unicati"e language teaching. :e argues that -hile

    classroo( %ractice has continued its Acircu(s%ect and %atch/ e"olution0

    there has been a signiicant change in (aterials0 %articularl/ in the range o

    (aterials a"ailable and in the attitude o (aterials -riters to issues o

    selection and grading. )n &ossner7s "ie- teachers look or (aterials to

    %ro"ide ne- inor(ation on ho- language -orks at a or(al le"el0 to

    %ro"ide ocused %ractice in (ani%ulating language or(s and in %racticing

    subskills0 to %ro"ide Aco(%rehensible in%ut0 gra((atical and

    co((unicati"e Aconsciousness raising on the %art o learners0 to %ro"ide

    o%%ortunities or si(ulating and rehearsing co((unicati"e situations to be

    encountered outside the language classroo(0 or testing and selassess(ent

    and or increasing (oti"ation and interest in learning.

    ?hen selecting co((ercial (aterials it is i(%ortant to (ach the

    (aterials -ith the goals and ob#ecti"es o the %rogra(0 and to ensure that

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    the/ are consistent -ith one7s belies about the nature o language and

    learning0 as -ell as -ith one7s learners7 attitudes0 belies and %reerences.

    ;"aluating and selecting co((ercial (aterials is not an eas/ task. s

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    C:PT;& ))

    *!*T;C:*)C< ')$,< )+$


    Beore this "er/ ast and (ono%olizing de"elo%(ent o electronics0

    teachers -ere orced to use their i(agination in order to ind a%%ro%riate

    (ethods or students to learn dierent oreign languages. !ne o the aids

    used or a "er/ long ti(e is the blackboard. The blackboard is %erha%s the

    (ost useul o "isual aids and the (a#orit/ o teachers -ould eel ha(%ered

    in a classroo( -hich -ould not ha"e one.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    There are so(e things that should be ke%t in (ind -hen using the

    blackboard0 na(el/@

    the blackboard has to be clean at the beginning o the lesson because0

    -hen teaching a oreign language0 the s%elling is "er/ i(%ortant and a

    dirt/ blackboard could (ake the students include so(e odd signs in the

    s%elling o -ords.

    the things on the blackboard (ust not be rubbed as soon as the teacher

    has inished -ith the( or as soon as the/ ha"e been co%ied the students

    beneit b/ seeing the things the teacher tries to teach the( e%osed

    through the lesson

    the teacher should tr/ out dierent coloured chalks on the blackboard and

    see -hich one sho-s u% the best so(e colours cannot be seen "er/

    clearl/0 so the/ %ro"e to be useless

    it is "er/ i(%ortant that the teacher doesn7t obscure the blackboard -hile

    using it

    in order to ha"e good results0 the teacher has to (ake ull use o theblackboard.


    Beore doing a dictation it (ight be a good idea to -rite the tet on the

    blackboard and (ask it -ith a %iece o cloth or a cardboard and re"eal it

    -hen necessar/.

    ccording to . ?right10 there are so(e ad"antages -hen using the


    the -hole class can see it

    tets and %ictures can Agro- in ront o the class

    tets and %ictures can be rubbed0 added to or substituted uickl/

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    %arts o the blackboard can be co"ered

    tets and %ictures on %a%ers or cards can be %ro%%ed against the

    blackboard0 stuck to it or hang o"er it

    a -hite cloth or sheet o %a%er can be stuck to the board or hang o"er it to

    act as a %ro#ector screen

    se"eral %eo%le can -ork on a board at a ti(e

    The blackboard dra-ing is also "er/ i(%ortant. Man/ teachers are

    reluctant to tr/ their hand at blackboard dra-ing0 sa/ing that the/ cannot

    dra-. $i(%le stick igures are "er/ eas/ to dra-0 and can be "er/ useul

    -hen the teacher has no other (aterials to use.

    The teachers can also %lan the blackboard -ork. Much o the chaotic

    and untid/ -ork on blackboards can be a"oided i the -ork is %lanned in

    ad"ance and included as %art o the lesson %lan.

    )deall/0 the blackboard can be sectioned o into areas. There are "arious

    -a/s o di"iding it u%0 but it is -ell to kee% one section ree or things thatcro% out in the lesson0 that -ere not oreseen. !ne -a/ o di"iding the

    blackboard is into our. Thus %art o the blackboard can be ke%t or %ictures0

    %art or -riting tables and or lists0 or %art can be ke%t or %lanned -ork and

    %art or i(%ro(%tu -ork. This is ho-0 -hen (ost things are no longer

    needed and are rubbed o the blackboard0 there is a %er(anent section or

    "ocabular/ ite(s -hich %robabl/ beneit ro( being e%osed on the

    blackboard as long as %ossible.

    The %er(anent %art o the blackboard also ser"es the end o the lesson

    to reresh the students7 (e(or/ o dierent acti"ities that ha"e been done

    and the language -hich arose out o the(.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    s or %icture co(%osition0 this can be (ade (ore interesting b/

    dra-ing the %ictures on the blackboard rather than ha"ing the( on s%eciall/

    %re%ared lashcards. Thus (ore sus%ense can be created a(ong students i

    the %ictures go u% on the blackboard as the/ are -atching.


    lashcard is a card ha"ing as (ain characteristic the act that it is

    Alashed0 sho-n uite uickl/ in ront o the students. The lashcards can

    contain a lot o inor(ation and (an/ sub#ects can be %resented to the

    classroo( -hen using the(.

    For /oung learners0 using lashcards is a "er/ reco((endable techniue.

    The/ can be used0 or ea(%le0 to rehearse the ne-l/ taught letters or

    s/llables0 and also to i(%ro"e the "ocabular/. The teacher can sho- the

    students so(e lashcards containing all kind o ob#ects0 ani(als0 %lants0 then

    ask the( to -rite do-n their na(es. There are (an/ "aried and attracti"e

    eercises0 -hich can be %racticed and sol"ed b/ using these lashcards.

    There are t-o categories in -hich lashcards can be di"ided@

    a%icture lashcards

    b-ord lashcards


    s their "er/ na(e suggests0 %icture lashcards are %ictures dra-n on

    cards. Picture lashcards can be used in "arious -a/s0 in accordance -ith

    teacher7s i(agination and %ur%oses.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    Picture lashcards ha"e the ad"antage that the teacher can %re%are the(

    at his leisure at ho(e. )n this -a/ the/ can be (ade (ore attracti"e and

    colourul and can include details i(%ossible to include in a hastil/ dra-n

    blackboard %icture. lthough the/ are used the sa(e -a/ and or the sa(e

    %ur%ose as the blackboard dra-ings0 the %icture lashcards bring the

    ad"antage o cutting do-n greatl/ on ti(e as -ell as %ro"iding "ariet/.

    !ne can also (ake doublesided lashcards to use -hen drilling certain

    contrasting language ite(s.


    $ide one@ $he usuall/ drinks tea.

    $ide t-o@ but no- she is drinking cha(%agne.

    The %icture lashcards are nor(all/ used b/ the teacher in oral -ork or

    cueing res%onses to uestions or in co((unicati"e -ork or sti(ulating

    con"ersation0 stor/ telling0 etc.

    There are "er/ attracti"e and co(%le eercises using the %icture lashcards

    as %ro%osed b/ =. =erngross 2 like the one entitled Aro( stor/ to %ictureD

    ro( %icture to stor/.

    T/%es o %icture @ %icture stories eaturing stick%eo%le

    $kill areas @ &eading0 listening0 s%eaking

    =ra((ar @ Past tense

    Functions @ Telling stories0 correcting0 agreeing0 disagreeing


    Pur%ose @ Practicing the language o negotiation0 telling stories

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    ro( %ictures

    Pre%aration @

    The teacher needs co%ies o our stories %lus t-o cartoons de%icting the

    contents o t-o o the stories.

    )n class @

    1. co%ies o the stor/ gi"en to hal the class and co%ies o a cartoon

    de%icting the sa(e stor/ to the other hal. The students -ork in

    %airs. Partner 0 -ho has got the tet0 reads the stor/ silentl/ and

    B0 -ho has got the cartoon0 tries to (ake u% hisDher (ind -hat the

    %icture stor/ is all about. B than starts telling the stor/ to . 7s

    task is to listen0 to correct -hene"er necessar/ and to hel% -ith

    "erbal %ro(%ts -hen B see(s to be stuck or co(%letel/ -rong

    concerning the content o the stor/.

    ?hen B has inished telling the stor/0 reads it out. Then the/

    change roles0 using the tet o another stor/ and the cartoon

    de%icting it.

    2. The learners again -ork in %airs. But no- both %artners recei"e

    stories -hich the/ read. The stories are dierent and the students

    are not allo-ed to sho- their tets to one another. Both %artners

    then dra- the contents o their stories in the or( o stick%eo%le

    cartoons. ?hen the/ ha"e inished0 hands his cartoon to B0 -ho

    tries to tell the stor/ ro( the cartoon. guides0 hel%s and corrects

    i necessar/. The roles are changed.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    Picture in action =. =erngross 1882

    nother ea(%le is related to the socalled APicture u7s

    T/%es o %icture @ si to eight %ictures0 at least hal o -hich should sho-

    so(e sort o action

    $kill areas @ s%eaking0 listening

    'ocabular/ @ as related to content o %icture

    =ra((ar @ %ast tense

    Functions @ narrating

    E 3> (inutes

    Pur%ose @ enhancing students7 creati"it/0 stor/ telling.

    Preparation :

    The teacher has to select a set o %hotogra%hs0 to co%/ the( so that to

    ha"e the sa(e set o si to eight %hotos %er grou% o our students or one

    hal o the class. For each student o the one hal heDshe has to %re%are a

    %hotoco%/ o a For each student o the one hal heDshe has to %re%are a

    %hotoco%/ o a -orksheet containing co(%rehension uestions in the %ast.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    There should be at least one uestion %er %icture0 but the uestions need not

    necessaril/ sho- a narrati"e link -ith one another.

    In class :

    1. the class (ust be di"ided in t-o hal"es and each hal should be asked to

    -ork in grou%s o about our

    2. each o the grou%s o the irst hal o the class gets one set o %ictures

    the/ are asked to create a stor/ based on the %ictures

    3. the grou% o the second hal o the class gets the handouts -ith the

    co(%rehension uestions each grou% is asked to -rite a stor/ together

    based on the co(%rehension uestions

    4. each grou% has to read out their stor/ and co(%are the stor/ created.

    There are countless eercises that can be %racticed using %icture

    lashcards. :ere is an ea(%le @ the teacher sho-s to the class a %icture card

    containing action but the students (ust not be gi"en enough ti(e to think to

    e"er/thing the/ ha"e seen. The/ (ust be asked -hat the/ ha"e seen and o

    course that there -ill a%%ear dierences in their o%inions. The act that the

    students (a/ argue -ith each other is alread/ a good eercise or %racticing

    co((unicati"e skills.


    ?ord lashcards contain onl/ one -ord and the/ are used in order to

    drill the ne-l/ taught -ords and thus i(%ro"ing the "ocabular/. The/ can

    also contain a %icture ha"ing -ritten beneath the -ord that deines that

    %icture. The last ones are (uch (ore %roducti"e because the/ ca%ture the

    "isual attention o the students.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    The/ are (ostl/ used in reading and -riting.

    The -ord lashcards can be %re%ared b/ the teacher or b/ the students.

    AThe/ can be dis%la/ed at the sa(e ti(e b/ sticking the( on the board0 b/

    %utting the( on a shel or b/ using a sentence (aker.. ?right 1

    The ai( o this techniue o teaching a oreign language is0 a(ong

    others0 to a(iliarize the students -ith the -ritten or( o the -ord.

    Wor !"#$%r '#() o! 'ro*+$

    -ord lashcard can also be used or structure %ractice. The teacher

    thinks o a sentence containing the structure. The sa(e nu(ber o students

    as there are -ords in the sentence co(e to the ront o the class. ;ach

    student takes one -ord card0 and the/ (ust or( the(sel"es into a line0 so

    that the sentence (a/ be read correctl/. ?ith se"eral grou%s this (a/ be a

    highl/ co(%etiti"e ga(e.

    The teacher can use (an/ kinds o such -ord lashcards -ithin the

    lesson. There (a/ also be dialogue sentence cards -ith sentences -ritten on

    the( used or building u% dialogues0 co((and cards -ith -hich the teacher

    can %ractice the co((ands -ritten on the( e.g. @ the teacher sho-s a

    student a card and the student obe/s the co((and on it.

    $e%arate cards0 each containing a -ord belonging to a sentence0 are also

    hel%ul in that that the student has to arrange the( in the right order. Thus

    the student beco(es a(iliarized -ith the order o dierent -ords es%eciall/

    in ;nglish -hich is "er/ rigorous -ith order in a sentence.

    !ne can also use uestionsD ans-ers cards0 the student7s task being to

    (atch the sentences.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    Pla/ =a(es -ith ;nglish C. =ranger3 1883

    ! course0 -e could go on -ith the ea(%les as ar as the use o lashcards

    is concerned0 but it -ould be diicult because this is a "er/ large area. The

    (ost i(%ortant conclusion on this sub#ect is that the teacher should (ake

    ull use o this techniue -hich0 co(%ared to others0 is "er/ si(%le0 chea%0

    eas/ to use and -ith satisactor/ results. The use o lashcards is unli(ited

    and the onl/ thing that the teacher has to do is to beneit ro( hisD her



    AMagazine %ictures are one o the (ost useul "isual aids a"ailable to

    teachers. Firstl/ the/ %ro"ide "ariet/ ro( other "isual aids0 e.g. blackboard

    dra-ings0 and the/ are oten (uch i(aginati"e than -allcharts.. ?right

    1. The students can be %resented -ith co(%letel/ unusual situations in

    (agazine %ictures0 -hich at the sa(e ti(e are sti(ulating and colourul.

    Magazine %ictures are also easil/ accessible to e"er/one0 the/ are chea%

    and eas/ to ind. Besides (agazine %ictures0 calendars0 greeting cards and

    ree %a(%hlets and brochures can be used. The/ also ha"e the ad"antage that

    the/ can be used or a "ariet/ o %ur%oses.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    These (agazine %ictures (ust not be used in a chaotic -a/ and onl/ or

    one lesson. The teacher has to think about e"er/ ste% in %resenting the(

    irst0 beore the lesson0 -hile he is %lanning it and then0 during the lesson

    itsel. n ideal solution is to build u% a (agazine %icture librar/ b/ storing

    and iling (agazine %ictures0 so that one has a read/ (ade collection ro(

    -hich to dra-.

    Peter :ubbard4 s%eaks about using %ictures in sets. teacher -ould

    rarel/ -ant to use onl/ one (agazine %icture alone considering that it -ould

    be (ore useul to think o %ictures in sets.

    "er/ i(%ortant sub#ect -hich could be dealt -ith using (agazine

    %ictures is the "erb tense0 using a stor/ -hich could be later used or drilling.

    The (agazine %ictures could be used beore %resenting a tet0 so that the

    students get a(iliarised -ith the ne- sub#ect and ind it (ore attracti"e.

    The (agazine %ictures can also be used as cues in controlled drills0 or

    %ractising "arious structures.

    n eercise -ith a satisactor/ result is the %air -ork -hen the students7

    %o-er o concentration is bigger. !nce the class is a(iliar -ith the

    structure0 the teacher can get the( drilling in %airs. ccording to :ubbard0

    the teacher can ha"e a standard sti(ulus in -hich case onl/ the res%onse

    needs a (agazine %icture0 or ea(%le @

    Stimulus (Student 1):

    W%#/ o)$ 0#) #/ !or C%r3$/(#$

    Response (Student 2): I /%3 $%) #/$ # r3'.

    Student 1:

    I o*'%/ 0#) # r3' !or C%r3$/(#$.

    Student 2:

    S%) 37/ #/ # r3'.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    S%) #/) # %##'.

    or both the sti(ulus and the res%onse can be cued ro( t-o connected

    (agazine %ictures glued onto the sa(e card0 or ea(%le @ guessing ga(esare e"en (ore "ersatile than (e(or/ ga(es.

    Magazine %ictures can ob"iousl/ be used in (an/ dierent -a/s or

    ga(es0 or ea(%le0 in guessing ga(es0 bingo ga(es0 (e(or/ ga(es and

    generall/ as cued drills.

    2.4 THE POSTER

    The %oster (a/ be deined as an inor(ati"e0 oten decorati"e -a/ to

    attract attention to the inor(ation it contains.

    Materials o this kind are in"aluable0 %articularl/ or /ounger learners0

    and teachers ind that the/ constantl/ use the(. This t/%e o (aterial can be

    largel/ ho(e(ade gloss/%a%ered (agazines in %articular are an ecellent

    source o %ictures. The/ can also be %roduced b/ students0 dra-n or (ade b/

    collage on a gi"en to%ic.

    The (ain reason or using the %osters is that the/ can dis%la/ a lot o

    inor(ation or e"en instructions. The teacher could ind0 or ea(%le0 a

    %oster containing "er/ (an/ details that the student has to obser"e and talk

    about. This is an ea(%le o ho- %osters (a/ hel% i(%ro"ing the

    co((unicati"e abilities.

    The %oster should be big enough or the -hole class to see it and has thead"antage that0 e"en i not "er/ eas/ to ind or to (ake0 the/ can

    successull/ be used (ore than once.

    There are a lot o to%ics that could be dealt -ith -hen using %osters.

    :ere are so(e ea(%les @

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    The %oster can be a basis or stor/ telling. The teacher sho-s an i(age

    -hich could be the beginning o a stor/ and the student has to continue it0

    using hisDher i(agination.

    For beginner and inter(ediate learners a %oster could be a source o

    "ocabular/ %ractice in that that the teacher could ask the students to look at

    the %oster and than to sa/ all the -ords the/ re(e(ber and -hich could be

    related to the %icture.

    %oster could also be useul in %resenting and drilling the seuence o

    tenses. The teacher should ind an i(age re%resenting action and ask the

    students to sa/ e"er/thing the/ see on that i(age.

    The %osters (a/ also be used in "er/ (an/ co(%le ga(es. ?ith ga(es0

    students7 %o-er o concentration is totall/ no (atter the age and this is a

    techniue that %ro"ides "er/ good results. ;"er/thing de%ends on teacher7s

    abilit/ to ind attracti"e ga(es that it %erectl/ in the lesson.

    . ?right1 gi"es a lot o ea(%les o ga(es. AThe trueDalse ga(e0

    or ea(%le0 allo-s the student to (ake a nu(ber o state(ents0 so(e o

    -hich are true and so(e o -hich are alse. ) this is done orall/0 then the

    students can correct the teacher -hen heDshe (akes a alse state(ent.

    2.5 THE CHART

    chart is an useul -a/ to %resent and dis%la/ inor(ation or

    instructions0 es%eciall/ in a classroo( or other educational situations.

    There are se"eral t/%es o charts @

    l%habet chart

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    Fli% chart

    ?all chart

    'o-el chart

    Consonant chart

    *u(ber chart

    Punctuation chart

    $ong chart

    T%) #"+%#)/ &%#r/hel%s the teacher to introduce letters -ithin the lesson.

    !n these al%habet charts the entire al%habet can be dis%la/ed. The/ can be

    (ore co(%le than a si(%le ro- o letters in that that e"er/ letter can be

    acco(%anied b/ a ke/-ord that begins -ith the ai(ed letter0 or e"en b/ an

    illustration o the ke/-ord.

    A !"3+ &%#r/ is a collection o large %ages that are bound together at the to%.

    The %ages are li%%ed0 or brought u% to the back as the/ are used.

    lot o situations and inor(ation can be dis%la/ed on a li% chart0 this

    being "er/ eas/ to handle.

    W#""-&%#r/$ can be hanged on the -all and can be used or listening

    co(%rehension0 ga(es and %resenting structures. The/ can also be used or

    %icture co(%osition0 and their useulness is urther increased i certain %arts

    o the( can be (ade to change or (o"e0 or ea(%le things can be (asked.

    s other "isual aids alread/ tackled -ith0 the charts can also be used in

    ga(es. :ere is an ea(%le o such a ga(e @

    -all chart sho-ing as (an/ %eo%le as %ossible is dis%la/ed. $tudents are

    allo-ed one (inute to stud/ it beore the teacher (asks one o the %eo%le on

    it. The students then ha"e to describe this %erson. To add realis(0 the/ can

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    be told that that %erson is a notorious cri(inal and the/ are being asked to

    gi"e the %olice his descri%tion.

    s or &o$o#/ # 8o)" &%#r/ the teacher can use charts dis%la/ing

    consonants or "o-els acco(%anied b/ ke/-ords or i(ages.

    *()r &%#r/ is a chart hel%ing the teacher to teach the nu(bers -hich

    can be dis%la/ed on such a chart. The students can be sho-n -ith a tack

    e"er/ nu(ber and asked to sa/ it loudl/. !rdinal as -ell as cardinal nu(bers

    can be taught using a nu(ber chart. n association -ith i(ages could also

    gi"e satisactor/ results.

    s or +*&/*#/3o &%#r/ and $o' &%#r/ the sa(e (ethods could be



    ?orkcards ha"ing a%%roi(atel/ 15c( 2>c(0 and -orksheets are or

    indi"idual student use or or use b/ students -orking in s(all grou%s. The/

    %ro"ide an etre(el/ useul base or the de"elo%(ent o so(e kinds o skills

    -ithout the teacher7s i((ediate in"ol"e(ent. =ood cousebooks %ro"ide a

    lot o such (aterial. :o-e"er0 (an/ teachers (ake their o-n (aterial or

    students no (atter ho- good their coursebook is.

    This t/%e o "isual (aterial can be treated -ith a "er/ -ide range o

    techniues. For an/ indi"idual and grou% acti"ities to be successul t-o

    things are necessar/ @

    1. the students should understand -hat the/ ha"e to do

    2. the language de(ands should be -ithin the students7 ca%abilities.

    Standard exercise types

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    The ollo-ing are -ell kno-n t/%es o eercises and the/ are usuall/ not too

    diicult and ti(e consu(ing or the teacher to %re%are in the or( o cards

    and sheets @

    a tet intended or translation

    a tet and co(%rehension uestions

    a tet or a %icture and (ulti%le choice uestions

    a tet or a %icture and trueDalse state(ents

    sentences andDor %ictures that (ust be (atched

    a %icture to be described

    ga%%ed tets to be co(%leted

    #u(bled tets -ords or sentences to be arranged in the correct order

    -ord ga(es including cross-ords0 anagra(s0 etc.

    There are so(e characteristics and techniues as ar as the use o

    -orkcards and -orksheets are concerned @

    %ictures0 dra-n b/ the teacher or b/ the students or taken ro( (agazines0

    can be co(bined -ith tets either hand-ritten or t/%ed or taken ro(

    authentic %rinted (atter

    the t-o sides o the card can be used or %resenting dierent inor(ation is

    useul in certain t/%es o acti"it/

    a set o -orksheets enables the teacher to gi"e either indi"idual or grou%

    tasks -hich students can %eror( (ore or less inde%endentl/ o the


    the cards or sheets contribute to "ariet/ and interest in the classroo(.

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    The (ost i(%ortant characteristic is that indi"idual students can -ork at

    their o-n %ace and le"el -ith their o-n -orkcard chosen b/ the teacher

    andDor the(sel"es.

    ?orksheets can be used to hel% students learn to -rite in ;nglish. Cards

    and sheets can be designed b/ the teacher to guide the student in the

    or(ation o indi"idual letters and in #oining o letters. The students should0

    irst o all0 -atch the teacher actuall/ or(ing the letters on the board. The

    sheets or cards then oer indi"idual guidance and (e(or/ su%%ort. !nce the

    students beginners and children ha"e de"elo%ed a reasonable degree o

    accurac/ and control in letter or(ation and #oining0 the/ should be

    encouraged to %roduce so(e %ersonal -riting0 or ea(%le -riting their

    na(es or their riends7 na(es.

    !ne o the (ost %racticed eercises -hen using -orksheets is to %ractice

    -riting. $traightor-ard co%/ing is (ind nu(bing and not "er/ useul. )t is

    better to gi"e students a reason or co%/ing. !ne reason or co%/ing is to

    ha"e a co%/ or onesel o a song or a %oe(. The student does not ha"e to be

    a(iliar -ith all the language o the song0 but0 o course0 it -ould be

    sensible i heDshe had heard it and liked it.

    nother ea(%le o eercise is the trueDalse co%/ -riting. Co%/ing does

    not need to be Aunthinking 'arious si(%le Achallenges can reuire the

    student to think o the (eaning o the tet -hilst actuall/ onl/ ha"ing to

    co%/ it. $i(%le challenges could include @

    1. onl/ co%/ the true sentences

    2. sort out the sentences into the correct order and then co%/ the(

    3. co%/ out the sentences -hich go together.

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    These Achallenges not onl/ add interest and reason or using the language0

    but also allo- the teacher to use the techniue or a higher %roicienc/ le"el

    o student. )n this ea(%le the student (ust onl/ co%/ the true sentences @

    Picture@ True or alse :and-ritten or

    (agazine %icture or state(ent t/%ed


    . ?right Visuals For The Language Classroom )


    The ter( Acoursebook (eans a tetbook o -hich a teacher and0 usuall/0

    each student has a co%/0 and -hich is in %rinci%le to be ollo-ed

    s/ste(aticall/ as the basis or a language course.

    I DONT BELIEVE YOU! It "as #eauti$ul% there "asn&t a

    cloud in the s'y%

    (! The path "as easy to $ollo"!

    ! There "as a #ridge o*er the


    +! The stream "as nearly empty!

    ,! -ohn "al'ed #ehind all the time.! I carried the hea*y sac'!

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    )n so(e %laces coursebooks are taken or granted. )n others0 the/ (a/

    not be used at all @ the teacher -orks according to a s/llabus or according to

    hisDher o-n %rogra((e0 using tetbooks and su%%le(entar/ (aterials as the

    need arises. third situation is -here a coursebook is used selecti"el/0 not

    necessaril/ in seuence0 and is etensi"el/ su%%le(ented b/ other (aterials.

    2.9.1 d"antages and disad"antages o using a coursebook

    1. coursebook %ro"ides a clear ra(e-ork and learners kno- -here

    the/ are going and -hat is co(ing net0 so that there is a sense o

    structure and %rogress.

    2. )n (an/ %laces the coursebook ser"es as a s/llabus @ i it is ollo-ed

    s/ste(aticall/0 a careull/ %lanned and balanced selection o language

    content -ill be co"ered.

    3. The coursebooks %ro"ide tets and learning tasks -hich are likel/ to

    be an a%%ro%riate le"el or (ost o the class. This o course sa"es

    ti(e or the teacher -ho -ould other-ise ha"e to %re%are hisDher o-n


    4. book is the chea%est -a/ o %ro"iding learning (aterial or each

    learner. lternati"es such as kits0 sets o %hotoco%ied %a%ers or

    co(%uter sot-are0 are likel/ to be (ore e%ensi"e relati"e to the

    a(ount o (aterial %ro"ided.

    5. book is a con"enient %ackage. )t is bound so that its co(%onents

    stick together and sta/ in order it is light and s(all enough to carr/

    around easil/. )t is o a sha%e that is easil/ %acked and stacked0 it does

    not de%end or its use on hard-are or a su%%l/ o electricit/.

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    6. For teachers -ho are ine%erienced or unsure o their kno-ledge o

    the language0 the coursebook can %ro"ide useul guidance and


    . The learner can use the coursebook to learn ne- (aterial0 re"ie- and

    (onitor %rogress0 -ith so(e degree o autono(/. learner -ithout a

    coursebook is (ore teacherde%endent.

    ! course that there are also so(e s(all disad"antages -hen using a

    coursebook and Penn/ ,r5 %ointed the( out @

    ;"er/ class in act e"er/ learner has their o-n learning needs @ no one

    coursebook can %ossibl/ (eet these satisactoril/.

    The to%ics dealt -ith in the coursebook (a/ not necessaril/ be rele"ant

    or interesting or the class.

    coursebook is conining @ its set structure and seuence (a/ inhibit a

    teacher7s initiati"e and creati"it/0 and lead to boredo( and lack o

    (oti"ation on the %art o the learners.

    Teachers ind it too eas/ to ollo- the coursebook uncriticall/ instead

    o using their initiati"e.

    2.9.2 Features o a coursebook

    The coursebook0 as one o the -idest s%read and one o the (ost used

    teaching aid0 can be characterized b/ the ollo-ing eatures @

    !b#ecti"es e%licitl/ laid out in an introduction0 and i(%le(ented

    in (aterial

    %%ro%riate "isual (aterials a"ailable

    )nteresting to%ics and tasks so as to %ro"ide or dierent learner

    le"els0 learning st/les0 interests0 etc.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    Clear instructions

    $/ste(atic co"erage o s/llabus

    Content clearl/ organized and graded

    Periodic re"ie- and test sections

    =ood %ronunciation e%lanation and %ractice0 good "ocabular/

    e%lanation and %ractice

    =ood gra((ar %resentation and %ractice

    Fluenc/ %ractice in all our skills

    ;ncourage learners to de"elo% their o-n learning strategies and to

    beco(e inde%endent in their learning

    deuate guidance or the teacher.

    coursebook should be related to criticall/ @ -e should be a-are

    o its good and bad %oints in order to (ake the (ost o the irst and

    co(%ensate or or neutralize the second. n/ single unit o a

    coursebook should co"er a air range o language content and skills.

    :ere are so(e categories o content @

    %ronunciation %ractice

    introduction o ne- "ocabular/ and %ractice

    gra((ar e%lanation and %ractice

    recordings or listening %ractice

    listening and s%eaking co((unicati"e tasks

    (ied skills co((unicati"e tasks

    short and long reading tets

    dictionar/ -ork

    re"ie- o %re"iousl/ learnt (aterial

    so(e entertaining unn/ (aterial #okes0 ga(es0 cross-ords

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    ) the tets are too eas/0 the teacher (a/ need to substitute or add urther

    tets. )0 on the other hand0 the/ are too diicult0 heDshe (a/ still be able to

    use the( @ b/ careul %reteaching o "ocabular/0 b/ introductor/ discussion

    o the to%ic0 b/ %reli(inar/ e%lanation or ke/ selections0 b/ careul

    o(ission o diicult bits.

    A The tets (a/ be unsatisactor/0 e"en i o the right le"el0 because

    the/ are boring or tri"ial in content or because all the tets in the book see(

    to be the sa(e genre0 st/le and o"erall to%ic. )nterest (a/ be added b/

    challenging or original tasks but the %roble( o sa(eness o genre can onl/

    be sol"ed b/ %ro"iding su%%le(entar/ tets +a"id *unan6.

    &eerring to coursebook eercises0 so(e o these are (ore like tets @

    brie checks to see -hether the learner kno-s so(ething or not0 rather than

    ra(e-orks or etended and interesting rehearsals o dierent as%ects o


    ) the tasks are too short and do not %ro"ide or "er/ (uch learner

    acti"it/0 the/ can be etended b/0 or ea(%le0 adding urther si(ilar ite(s0

    or b/ (aking ite(s o%enended instead o closeended so that each can

    trigger a nu(ber o learner res%onses or b/ si(%l/ su%%le(enting -ith

    urther acti"ities. The teacher (a/ need to su%%le(ent also in order to

    %ro"ide (ore heterogeneous or interesting tasks or the class or in order to

    %ro"ide (aterial that is (ore rele"ant to their indi"idual or grou% needs.

    ?hen %re%aring to teach a coursebook (aterial0 it is -orth de"oting a

    little thought as to ho- best to acti"ate learners in %articular task in order to

    set o%ti(u( learning beneit out o it and (ake it interesting.

    %art ro( coursebooks0 there are tetbooks. The ter( Atetbook is

    used to a%%l/ to both coursebooks0 -hich t/%icall/ ai( to co"er all as%ects

    o the language and0 su%%le(entar/0 tetbooks de"oted to %articular to%ics or

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    skill areas. ,nless other-ise s%eciied0 Atetbook is used to reer to

    coursebooks. Tetbooks are so (an/ and so "aried0 that it is "er/ diicult to

    (ake accurate generalizations about the(.


    lot o other %rinted (aterials can be used as teaching aids @

    ne-s%a%ers0 (agazines0 %ublicit/0 technical instructions or eui%(ent0 all

    kinds o brochures0 etc.

    $tudents0 es%eciall/ these da/s0 oten co(e in contact -ith di"erse and

    (ore or less authentic %rinted (aterials. ! course that this (akes the(

    curious and this is a %ositi"e thing since the/ ha"e thus the o%%ortunit/ to

    enrich their "ocabular/.

    2.:.1 *e-s%a%ers

    ,sing ne-s%a%ers -ithin the lesson is an eicient and "er/ (uch

    used techniue. The act that ne-s%a%ers contain "er/ (uch inor(ation in

    the nati"e language (akes the( an useul aid or teachers.

    There are a lot o eercises that can be %racticed using the articles in

    the ne-s%a%ers. Besides the act that students can learn "er/ (an/ ne-

    -ords0 the/ can also use their i(agination so as to co((ent dierent

    state(ents0 to (ake obser"ations0 and so on. Thus0 the/ i(%ro"e the

    co((unicati"e abilities as -ell.

    good %ractice or de"elo%ing %redicti"e reading skills is @ the

    teacher cuts se"eral headlines and asks the students to guess -hat the article

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    (ight be about another eercise #igsa- is -hen the teacher cuts an

    article into %ieces0 (ies the( and asks the students to (atch the %ieces.

    For ad"anced learners a good eercise -ould be to stud/ the -a/ the

    #ournalists use ;nglish and their s%eciic %articularities. This is an eicient

    (ethod or the student to co(e in contact -ith the -a/ nati"e s%eakers


    2.:.2 Publicit/ (aterial

    s . ?right 1 %oints out0 %ublicit/ (aterial includes @ the

    ad"ertise(ent o (a#or industries0 the s(all Aads ad"ertising roo(s to

    rent0 #obs0 -ork0 etc.0 %ro%aganda health care and road saet/ .

    There are se"eral things the teacher can do using %ublicit/ (aterials @

    1. sk the students to -rite an ad"ertise(ent or a %roduct0 -hiche"er the/


    2. The teacher can gi"e the( holida/ brochures and then ask the( to choose

    a %lace -here to go the/ are asked -h/ the/ ha"e chosen that %lace0

    -hat the/ intend to "isit0 ho- (uch the tri% costs and -hen the/ ha"e

    chosen to go.

    3. The teacher can read technical instructions or an eui%(ent and ask the

    students to guess -hat that ob#ect is.

    4. The students are asked to -rite an i(aginar/ letter to a co(%an/ in order

    to co(%lain about an article the/ ha"e bought.

    5. The students are asked to list all the %lurals in the (aterial.

    6. The students are asked to note all the tenses used in the seuence.

    . The teacher can sho- the students a nu(ber o ad"ertise(ents and ask

    the( -hat the/ are about0 -hat is being ad"ertised and (a/be -ho the

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    %ublicit/ is ai(ed at. . ?right 1 reco((ends that beginners can be

    allo-ed to use their (other tongue or this anal/sis.

    &eerences @

    1 llan ?right E Visuals $or the Language Classroom 189

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    C:PT;& )))

    T;C:*)C< ')$,< )+$


    !"erhead %ro#ectors are useul or %resenting "isual or -ritten (aterial

    to classes. The/ are (ore "i"id and attentioncatching than the black or

    -hite boards.

    !"erhead %ro#ectors %ro#ect horizontall/ %laced trans%arencies onto a

    screen. The/ can be used both in da/light and artiicial light. The/ are used

    -ith long rolls o acetate or s%ecial cello%hane %a%er that can be -ritten or

    dra-n during the lesson. )t is %ossible to -rite -ith either -aterbased %ens

    -hich can be rubbed out or s%iritbased -hich are %er(anent. )t is also

    so(eti(es %ossible to %hotoco%/ directl/ onto acetable suares.

    The !:P is "er/ useul -ith large classes as the teacher can ace the

    class as he -rites. The -riting %osition is better than -riting on a

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    blackboard0 as the teacher is -riting on a horizontal surace. n !:P is also

    less (ess/ than chalk.

    Masking is "er/ eas/ -ith an !:P. The teacher si(%l/ needs to %lace a

    %iece o %a%er o"er -hate"er he -ants to obscure. !"erla/s can be used0

    -here one trans%arenc/ is %laced o"er another0 and so an increasingl/

    co(%le %icture can be built u%.

    There are o"erhead %ro#ectors in (an/ schools but not al-a/s in the

    hands o language teachers. This is a %it/ because the/ are one o the (ost

    useul tools a language teacher can ha"e. The teacher can use the

    trans%arencies again and again and0 at the sa(e ti(e0 he can ada%t and create

    i(ages o (an/ kinds.

    ccording to . ?right 1 the characteristics o !:P are @

    1. The -hole class can see the %ro#ected i(age

    2. The i(age can be %ro#ected -ithout darkening the roo(

    3. Tet and %ictures can be (odiied in ront o the class b/ @

    adding trans%arenc/ or taking one a-a/

    -riting on the trans%arenc/ or -i%ing lines o

    obscuring or re"ealing %arts o the trans%arenc/ b/ %utting so(ething

    o%aue on the screen or re(o"ing it

    4. Trans%arencies can be %re%ared beorehand and used (an/ ti(es

    5. Per(anent %ens (ake trans%arencies that last or a long ti(e the (arks

    o -aterbased %ens can be re(o"ed -ith a da(% cloth

    6. There are %ens -ith a "ariet/ o thickness o the nib and a "ariet/ o


    . Trans%arencies can be (ade b/ %hotoco%/ing.

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    3.1.1 $ingle un%re%ared trans%arenc/

    Characters and techniues @ the teacher or the student can -rite or dra-

    directl/ on the trans%arenc/ as on the blackboard but -ith the ad"antages o

    %ro#ected size0 brightness o colour and clarit/. :ere is an ea(%le @

    The teacher should dra- a %icture o so(ething or so(eone and ask the

    students to describe it. Then heDshe has to add so(e other eatures to the

    dra-ing and contradict the students0 and ask the( to sa/ again -hat is

    ha%%ening. The students can take o"er the teacher7s role once the/ ha"e got

    the idea.

    1xample :

    Teacher @ ha"ing dra-n the irst stage o the %icture Tell (e about the


    $tudent @ )t is a (an.

    Teacher @ ?hat is he doingH

    $tudent @ :e is standing.

    Teacher adding a skirt and long hair @ *o0 he is a (an Tell (e about the


    $tudent B @ )t is a -o(an.

    Teacher @ ?hat is she doingH

    $tudent B @ $he is standing.

    Teacher changing the legs to running @ *o she is not ?hat is she doingH

    and so on.

    3.2.2 $ingle %re%ared trans%arenc/

    Characteristics and techniues @ one o the basic ad"antage o the !:P

    is that the teacher can %re%are a tet or a %icture and use it instantl/ and as

    oten as heDshe -ishes -ithout urther -ork.

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    1xample ! A$entence construction

    The teacher should %ut a nu(ber o stri%s o tet on the %ro#ector end

    challenge the students to %lace the( in a logical seuence @

    the classroom of the most overhead projectors

    useful tools in are one

    1xample (! A $tor/telling

    The teacher has to %re%are a nu(ber o stri%s o trans%arenc/ -ith a s(all

    dra-ing on each one0 or ea(%le a car0 a (an0 a cat0 etc. :eDshe and the

    students can (o"e these %ictures on the screen and illustrate a stor/.

    3.2.3 $ingle trans%arenc/ -ith a -aterbased %en

    Characteristics and techniues @ usuall/ the trans%arenc/ is %re%ared

    beore the class -ith a %er(anent %en and during the class the teacher or a

    student can add inor(ation -ith a -aterbased %en. The additions in -ater

    based ink can be cleaned o an/ ti(e. :ere are so(e ea(%les o

    eercises @

    1. a tet can be -ritten in %er(anent ink -ith -ide s%aces bet-een the

    lines. The s%aces can be used to (ark in stress and intonation @

    Good morning! How are you?

    Terrible! It is the worst day of my life.

    2. a tet can be %re%ared in -aterbased %en. The class atte(%ts to reduce

    the tet to nothing. The teacher allo-s the( to re(o"e one0 t-o0 or three

    ad#acent -ords. The/ can change the (eaning o the tet but the

    gra((ar (ust re(ain correct.

    3.2.4 T-o or (ore trans%arencies

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    The teacher can add inor(ation or take it a-a/ b/ %re%aring se"eral

    trans%arencies. Translations0 annotations0 additions and (odiications can be

    (ade b/ %lacing a second0 third trans%arenc/ on the to% o the irst one.

    ) the/ ha"e an o"erhead %ro#ector a"ailable0 teachers ind that it is a

    delight to use. )t can do e"er/thing a board can do and lots (ore besides.

    The t-o things a teacher needs to beco(e e%ert at are getting the i(age the

    right size and ocusing and %resenting the inor(ation attracti"el/.


    The slide %ro#ector %ro#ects large i(ages not dra-ings that can be seen

    b/ all the students in the classroo(. s -ith all other eui%(ent0 it is

    i(%ortant to kno- eactl/ ho- to o%erate the (achine beore using it -ith a

    class. =etting the slides into the holder the right -a/ round needs %ractice.

    s -ith all other audio"isual (aterials0 %lanning and %re%aration are

    necessar/ to ensure that the slides are an integral %art o the lesson and not

    si(%l/ an entertain(ent.

    The slide %ro#ector can be used es%eciall/ or de"elo%ing "ocabular/0

    discussion %ractice0 descri%tion %ractice and literature lessons.

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    &eerences @

    1 llan ?right E Visuals $or the Language Classroom 189

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    C:PT;& )'

    ,+)! )+$

    )t see(s to be taken or granted these da/s that listening %ractice should

    be based on cassette recordings.

    Ta%ed listening %assages can be %re%ared in ad"antage0 thus sa"ing the

    teacher -ork in the actual lesson. ?hen the teacher7s %ronunciation is

    noticeabl/ oreign0 recordings (a/ %ro"ide the students -ith "aluable

    e%osure to nati"e accents and their use also (akes a"ailable a air greater

    range o language situations dierent "oices and accents0 (oods0 registers0

    background eects. Moreo"er0 it (a/ see( rather diicult or a single

    teacher to %resent dialogue eecti"el/ in the classroo( using onl/ hisDher

    "oice E a recording can sol"e this %roble(. Finall/0 Athe absence o a "isible

    s%eaker orces the students to ocus on the actual sounds0 thus gi"ing (ore

    concentrated aural %ractice Penn/ ,r 1.

    &ecordings should be used or deinite s%eciic %ur%oses @ to (ake

    a"ailable t/%es o discourse0 accent or listening situations that are diicult to

    be %resented li"e0 to (ake students concentrate on aural %erce%tion o the

    oreign sounds0 intonation or stress %atterns0 or or testing.

    The ob"ious conclusion is that recorded s%eech should ha"e a %lace in

    classroo( eercises.


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    udiota%es are used etensi"el/ or gi"ing students %ractice in s%eaking

    ;nglish the(sel"es.

    Cassette recorders and cassettes are relati"el/ chea% and eas/ to use and

    the/ are the (ain source other than the teacher o s%oken language in (ost

    classroo(s. The/ are (ore (obile and easier to use than "ideo recorders but

    lack0 o course0 the "isual content.

    s or all other eui%(ent0 the teacher needs to (aster the o%eration o

    the (achine beore e(barking on using it in the classroo(.

    !ne o the irst things that ha"e to be ke%t in (ind -hen reerring to the

    use o the ta%e recorder is %ositioning o the eui%(ent so as to (ake good

    use o the classroo( en"iron(ent. The teacher can choose the location or

    the cassette recorder b/ tr/ing it in "arious %ositions and "ar/ing the "olu(e

    and tone until heDshe gets the best results.

    ) the acoustics o the roo( are %oor the teacher can (o"e the students

    closer to the cassette recorder. )t is so(eti(es %articularl/ a%%ro%riate to

    bring the students into a airl/ inor(al grou%. A=ather round and listen to

    the stor/ is a natural suggestion and0 ater the stor/0 the students can go

    back to their %laces to do the -ork related to the stor/.

    There is a great deal o recorded (aterial a"ailable ro( all the (a#or

    %ublishers o ;nglish (aterial0 (uch o it -ritten in association -ith

    coursebooks. $o0 the teacher7s coursebook (a/ -ell ha"e ta%esDcassettes

    that heDshe can use in the classroo( or in the language laborator/. The

    teacher7s book -ill al(ost certainl/ gi"e guidelines on ho- to use the

    recorded (aterial.

    There are a e- ad"antages -hen using the ta%e recorder @

    it gi"es a chance or students to listen to a "ariet/ o "oices a%art ro(

    the teacher7s

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    it is a -a/ o bringing nati"e s%eakers7 "oices into the classroo(

    students -ho ha"e onl/ heard ;nglish s%oken b/ their teacher oten

    ha"e diicult/ understanding other %eo%le

    recorded (aterials are useul or listening to dialogues0 inter"ie-s0

    discussions0 etc.0 -here there is (ore than one %erson s%eaking

    other-ise the teacher has to act the %art o (ore than one %erson.

    ! course that there are also so(e disad"antages -ith this (odern


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    the recording (ust be interesting0 -ith a "ariet/ o "oices and


    the recording (ust be culturall/ a%%ro%riate the students should be

    able to identi/ -ith s%eakers or at least recognize the sort o %eo%le

    the/ are.

    ?hen talking about listening co(%rehension0 P :ubbard3 gi"es

    se"eral t/%es. n i(%ortant %art o listening is being able to Acatch -ords

    and %hrases that the students hear. Those -ho ha"e not (uch chance to

    listen to ;nglish oten ail to recognize -ords that the/ alread/ kno-. The

    cassette recorder is "er/ useul or gi"ing %ractice in this because thecassette can be sto%%ed and a %hrase %la/ed o"er and o"er again. This kind

    o listening %ractice is oten called Aintensi"e listening.

    :ere is a de(onstration o this sort o eercise @

    - the teacher has to introduce the listening and gi"e one or t-o guiding


    - heDshe should %la/ the cassette once -ithout sto%%ing0 and discuss the

    guiding uestions

    - the cassette should be %la/ed again this ti(e the teacher (ust ocus on

    i(%ortant %oints0 %ausing and asking -hat the %erson said each ti(e.

    $o0 the t-o t/%es o listening co(%rehension are @

    1. )ntensi"e listening0 -here -e can distinguish t-o t/%es o intensi"e

    listening eercises @

    a. eercises -hich ocus on detailed co(%rehension o (eaning and this

    can be done through co(%rehension uestions0 su((ar/ uestions or

    logical %roble(s.

    b. eercises based on intensi"e listening o language.

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    These are %ossible -hen the students can understand -hat the/ are listening

    to and the %ur%oses o these eercises in the recognition o gra((ar

    %roble(s or o those o structure.

    2. ;tensi"e listening eercises are those -here a student is %ri(aril/

    concerned -ith ollo-ing a stor/ or inding so(ething out ro( the %assage

    he is listening to.

    ?hen using this (ethod -ithin the classroo(0 irst o all0 the teacher (ust

    hel% the students listen. n i(%ortant %art o the skill listening is being able

    to %redict -hat the student is going to sa/ net. The teacher can hel%

    students listen b/ gi"ing the( so(e idea o -hat the/ are going to listen to.

    ?hen doing listening acti"ities in class0 the teacher can also ask the

    students to guess -hat the/ are going to hear net this -ill hel% the(

    de"elo% listening skills and is also a good -a/ to kee% the class acti"el/

    in"ol"ed in listening. This techniue is es%eciall/ used or telling stories to

    the class a natural %art o listening to an interesting stor/ is to -ander -hat

    -ill ha%%en net.

    There are countless eercises that can be %racticed -hen using the ta%e

    recorder. This can hel% the teacher to introduce and drill "er/ (an/ sub#ects.

    The %ur%oses are also etre(el/ co(%le @ to de"elo% "isualization and

    i(agination -hile listening0 to de"elo% uick interactions -ith a s%eaker0 to

    %ro(ote listening or detail0 to %ro(ote grou% interaction0 to de"elo%

    res%onsi"eness to instructions0 to de"elo% strateg/ o listening or s%eciic

    inor(ation0 etc.

    The socalled A#igsa- listening can also be %racticed -hen using the ta%e

    recorder. For this the teacher -ill need (ore than one ta%e recorder0 usuall/

    three. The class is s%lit u% into three grou%s and each grou% listens to their

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    ta%e and etracts rele"ant inor(ation. The grou%s than echange the

    inor(ation the/ ha"e ound out.

    The grou%s can begin dierent %arts o the sa(e stor/ so the/ do not

    disco"er the -hole stor/ until the/ ha"e echanged inor(ation.

    lternati"el/0 the/ can be gi"en a %roble( to sol"e the best route or a

    %risoner to esca%e0 or ea(%le. The/ are onl/ able to sol"e the %roble( b/

    %ooling all their inor(ation.

    Gigsa- listening can be an ecellent -a/ o integrating the language


    ,sing recorded (aterial necessitates the sa(e attention to %re%aration as

    an/ other or( o (aterial. )t is i(%ortant to (ake sure that the students

    kno- %recisel/ -hat is e%ecting o the( beore the teacher %la/s the

    recording. re the/ to re%eatH To res%ond orall/H To -rite so(ething do-nH

    $i(%l/ to listen and then tr/ to re(e(ber so(e %ointsH )t is etre(el/

    diicult to concentrate on long stretches o recorded (aterial in a oreign

    language. B/ gi"ing the students a clear %ur%ose or listening each ti(e0 the

    teacher -ill hel% the( to kee% their attention ocused on the task. Fatigue

    and boredo( can set in uite uickl/. listening co(%rehension %assage or

    a dialogue o about t-o (inutes duration is %lent/ or earl/ learners.

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    &eerences @

    1 Penn/ ,r ETeaching2 Listening2 Comprehension 1894

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    C:PT;& '

    ,+)!')$,< )+$

    5.1 THE VIDEO

    The "ideo is an ecellent source o authentic s%oken language (aterial it

    is also attracti"e and (oti"ating. )t is leible @ it can be started and sto%%ed0

    run or-ard or back-ard -hene"er necessar/0 Areeze still ra(es in order

    to talk about the(.

    $o(e teachers ha"e "ideo recorders0 and e"en "ideo ca(eras. The sa(e

    kind o care (ust be taken about their %ositioning and use as in case o the

    audio s/ste(s.

    There is relati"el/ little s%eciall/ %roduced "ideo (aterial on the (arket0

    but ;nglish teachers ind that the/ can (ake eecti"e use o (aterial

    recorded ro( T' channels.

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    The "ideo is a %o-erul tool or bringing the outside -orld into the

    classroo( and e%loits the act that al(ost e"er/one in the -orld -ants to

    -atch tele"ision. The teacher0 ho-e"er0 (ust ensure that it is used in %ursuit

    o the learning ob#ecti"es set or the students and (ust de"ice acti"ities

    based on the "ie-ed (aterial.

    !nce the inancial %roble( sol"ed (ost schools in &o(ania do not ha"e

    the %ossibilit/ to bu/ a "ideo recorder and a T' set there are certain things

    that ha"e to be ke%t in (ind -hen using the "ideo recorder @

    The T' (ust be large enough so that all the students be able to see it

    The (aterial and the %lanning o the lesson (ust be %re%ared beore the


    The "ideo recorder can be used at all le"els

    ?hen %lanning a "ideo lesson0 the teacher should al-a/s ha"e a Aback

    u% alternati"e lesson because occasional breakdo-ns and technical

    %roble(s (ight a%%ear

    The ta%es (ust be stored in adeuate conditions.

    disad"antage o the "ideo recorders is the lack o (obilit/. Fe- "ideo

    sets are %ortable0 -hich (eans that classes need to be s%eciall/ scheduled or

    "ideo roo(s.

    Being a co(%le and (odern de"ice0 the "ideo recorder has (an/

    utilities -ithin the classroo( and the to%ics that can be dealt -ith are


    . ?right 1 %oints out so(e @

    a de"elo%ing -riting

    b teaching "ocabular/

    c de"elo%ing s%eaking skills

  • 7/26/2019 Lucrare de Diploma Metodica Engleza


    d de"elo%ing listening

    e teaching literature

    #; D)8)"o+3' r3/3'

    task or de"elo%ing -riting could be or the students to see a (o"ie0 a

    tele"ision sho-0 a docu(entar/0 etc. and -rite do-n their i(%ressions about

    characters0 acts0 action and so on. This -ill i(%ro"e their -riting skills in a

    oreign language.

    ; T)#&%3' 8o*"#r