lu a2 poster ptrait template b

Sub Heading/Author (edit via View > Slide Master) Insert your department name (edit via View > Slide Master) REFERENCES (edit via View > Slide Master) 1. Author’s Name, Book Title, (Publisher: Year) pp. XX-YY 2. Author’s Name, ‘Article title’, Journal title, publication info, pp. AA-BB 3. Researcher’s Name, Institution 4. Author’s Name, Book Title, (Publisher: Year) pp. XX-YY 5. Author’s Name, ‘Article title’, Journal title, publication info, pp. AA-BB 6. Researcher’s Name, Institution ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (edit via View > Slide Master) Area for any thanks or any other us of this box here… (edit via View > Slide Master) CONTACT INFORMATION School/Department of XXXXXXXXX Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK E. [email protected]

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Sub Heading/Author (edit via View > Slide Master)

Insert your department name (edit via View > Slide Master)

REFERENCES (edit via View > Slide Master)1. Author’s Name, Book Title, (Publisher: Year)

pp. XX-YY2. Author’s Name, ‘Article title’, Journal title,

publication info, pp. AA-BB3. Researcher’s Name, Institution

4. Author’s Name, Book Title, (Publisher: Year) pp. XX-YY

5. Author’s Name, ‘Article title’, Journal title, publication info, pp. AA-BB

6. Researcher’s Name, Institution

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (edit via View > Slide Master)Area for any thanks or any other us of this box here…

(edit via View > Slide Master) CONTACT INFORMATION

School/Department of XXXXXXXXX Loughborough University

Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UKE. [email protected]

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Sub Heading/Author (edit via View > Slide Master)

Insert your department name (edit via View > Slide Master)

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