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  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    DRIVE TESTPrepared by

    Ahmed Taha El-Ghazaly

    Hazem Mohamed Mamdouh

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    -Preparation for DT.

    -Types of DT.

    -Analysis of some !ases in the "eld durin# DT.

    -Tools for analysis.


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    Tems soft&are. Tems 'it. 1-Tems (i!ense )Don#ol*. 2- Mobile e+uipments )',i / '0i*.

    - GP. $- Eternal hub )if needed*.

    3pdated !ell "le and 4re+uen!y plan )4P*.Map.5n6erter.

    1-Preparation for DT

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2-Types of Dri6eTest

    r.ite 8eri"!ation.mar:in#.

    al Tests.

    nin#. ;- 5ndoor.

    onal =oomin#. ,-Auditin#.national =oomin#. 0- (o!:in# on !ertain 977H>s?7>s=oads. - Tra!in# !alls usin# TM5 or 5M5

    stin# Tilts ? Azimuth. 1- pe!i"ed Tests.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    Analysis for some !ases in the field durin# D

    %6er shootin#.

    7ross feeder.

    9ad +uality.

    ites ha6in# same 7>s.

    9ad !o6era#e.


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    $-Tools for analysis

    Tems =oute analysis.


    s )Top

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    1-Prepration for DT.


    1.1 7onne!t the e+uipments as sho&n in "#.1

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    .2 Adust the !ommand se+uen!e a!!ordin# to the DT needs as sho&n in "#.2


    1-Prepration for DT. )7ont.*

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    1. 3pload the re#ional map and then the !ell "le as sho&n belo& in "#.


    1-Prepration for DT. )7ont.*

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    1.$ 4i#.$ ? "#.@ sho&s the !ell "le ? 4P for Hua&ei>s 5

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    1-Prepration for DT. )7ont.*

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    1.@ The in6erter is used to !har#e the laptop ?themobile e+uipments .

    1-Prepration for DT. )7ont.*

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.1 Cluster.

    This test is mainly a!hie6ed usin# t&o mobiles for 2G?G.

    4or !he!:in# retainability the !ommand se+uen!e is adusted as follo&B

    - in"nity number of minutes. - !all &ait 1 to 1@ se!.

    4or !he!:in# a!!essability the !ommand se+uen!e is adusted as follo&B

    - 2 minutes per !all.

    - !all &ait 1 to 1@ se!. 4i#.1 sho&s an eample for a !luster route in Portsaid.

    2-Types of Dri6eTest.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.2 Single Site Verifcation.

    There are t&o :inds of sin#le site 6eri"!ation testsB

    2G verifcation.

    - 7he!:in# the hando6er bet&een the se!tors of the site.

    - 7he!:in# the hando6er )in ? out* &ith the nei#hbors of the


    - 7he!:in# the !o6era#e of ea!h se!tor.

    - 7he!:in# !ross feeder.

    -7he!:in# the !apability to a!!ess on the internet

    -7he!:in# the !apability to do&nload "les to 6ie& the GP=

    rate. )%ptional*

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3G verifcation . -7he!:in# the !o6era#e of ea!h se!tor.

    -7he!:in# !ross feeder.

    -7he!:in# the 6ideo !all establishment under the site )lo!:in# on G*.

    -7he!:in# !ell resele!tions from 2G to G under the site )idle mode*.

    -7he!:in# !ell resele!tions from G to 2G &ith attenuation )idle


    -7he!:in# hando6er !ir!uit s&it!h )7 session* by lo!:in# on normal

    mode 1st

    then ma:e a 6oi!e !all /attenuate till the =AT hando6er is a!hie6ed

    from G to 2G.

    -7he!:in# hando6er pa!:et s&it!h )P session* by lo!:in# on normal

    mode 1st

    then lo# on the internet /attenuate till hando6er o!!urs from G to

    GP=. The !ommand se uen!e is usuall ad usted as 2min er !all and

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.3 enc!"ar#ing.

    This test is a!hie6ed by usin# mobiles one for ea!h operator.

    The main aim of this test is to !ompare bet&een the performan!e

    of ea!h operator.

    The !ommand se+uen!e is adusted as eplained before in the

    !luster test.

    The route of this test is de!ided by the Team (eader.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

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  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.2. %ational Roa"ing.

    The aim of this test is to !he!: the roomin# from Etisalat to

    8odafone ?

    Mobinil ? 6i!e 6ersa. After the a!hie6ement of roomin# pro!ess !alls must be made

    to !he!: it>s


    5n !ertain areas as a#reed by the three operators / &hen the!o6era#e of

    Etisalat be!omes so &ea: it must room automati!ally on one of

    the t&o

    operators dependin# on &hi!h area is for 8odafone ? Mobinil.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.3. International Roa"ing.

    5ts mainly the same idea for national roomin# e!ept that

    it>s done to !he!: the roomin# bet&een Etisalat and other

    forei#n operators su!h as El Ga&al/ mt! et!.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    4.4. &ain Roa's.

    This test is done some times to !he!: !ertain areas after a !luster test andit>s usually the main roads .

    5t>s ea!tly done as des!ribed before in the !luster test.4i#.1 sho&s the main roads of 5smallia.


    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.5. (')usting tilts * a+i"ut!.

    4irst of all you must ha6e the updated !ell "le ? 4P as mentioned


    The aim of this test is to ma:e sure that the tilt and the azimuth

    are as in the 4P

    Ele!tri!al or Me!hani!al tilts are a!hie6ed some time unli:e the

    4P to sol6e o6ershootin# problems.

    The 4P must then be updated &ith the ne& tilts for further tests.

    9efore and after tests are some times made to !he!: if there is

    any impro6ement in the site for the spe!i"ed !han#es either in

    tiltin# or azimuth.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.-. (u'iting.

    The aim of this test is to !olle!t the follo&in# data from the site.

    1-ite name. 4rom the 4P 2-(atitude. 4rom GP

    -(on#itude. 4rom GP $-Azimuth. 3sin# the !ompass @-Antenna hei#ht. 7ountin# the no. of stubs &ere ea!h stub is

    meters. ;-9uildin# hei#ht. 7ountin# the no. of oors &ere ea!h oor is

    meters e!ept for the #round oor it>s $ meters


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.. /oc#ing on certain CC0s * SCs.

    The aim of this test is to !he!: the !o6era#e ? 6oi!e !alls of a

    !ertain 977H of a !ertain se!tor.

    4or 2G &e lo!: on a !ertain 977H in the idle mode to assure

    that the ms &ill !ell resele!t on it.

    Then to pre6ent H% to the site>s nei#hbors &e tar#et the H% to

    that !ertain 977H in the dedi!ated mode.

    4or the G &e !an only sele!t the !ertain 7 in the idle mode.

    4i#.1?2 sho&s us ho& to a!hie6e the abo6e test for 2G in both

    idle and dedi!ated mode / "#. sho&s the G !ase.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.. Tracing calls using T&SI or I&SI. The aim of this test is to tra!e !ertain !alls to monitor the si#nal? identify any problem su!h as blo!:ed !alls. 4irst you !all the

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    2.4.1. S$ecife' tests.

    These tests are random meanin# that the Team (eader &ill

    des!ribe ea!tly the aim of the test in!ludin# the !ommand

    se+uen!e su!h asB

    1- 8ideo !alls at !ertain sites.

    2- 1 6oi!e !alls &ith !ertain !ommand se+uen!e in diFerent


    - G silent !alls.

    $- 5dle mode test.

    -Types of Dri6eTest )7ont.*.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3.1 vers!ooting.

    hen &e say that this site se!tor o6ershoots it means that it

    ser6es at 6ery lon# distan!e &ith #ood = (e6el &ere in this area

    it>s supposed to be ser6ed by another !loser site ha6in#

    approimately the same si#nal stren#th.

    This may !ause hi#h interferen!e leadin# to bad +uality.

    3sually the re!ommendation for this !ase is to do&ntilt the


    4i#.1 sho&s an eample for the abo6e !ase.

    Analysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    .2 Cross Fee'er.

    5t>s usually obser6ed durin# a site 6eri"!ation test.

    5t means that se!tor ser6es in the area of se!tor y and 6i!e 6ersa as

    he 977Hs of these t&o se!tors are in6ersed.

    Another type of !ross feeder is !alled T7H 74 &hi!h means that the T7Hs

    of these t&o se!tors are also in6ersed.

    ame 4or G but in this !ase &e are dealin# &ith in6ersed 7s.

    This !ase may !ause also hi#h interferen!e leadin# to bad +uality.

    The re!ommendation is to s&it!h the feeders from the shelter.

    4i#.1?2sho&s an eample for the abo6e !ase for 2G?G respe!ti6ely.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3.3 a' 6ualit7.

    9ad +uality o!!urs either due to bad !o6era#e or hi#h interferen!e

    &hi!h is mainly !o-!hannel &hi!h is :no&n from 75 data in the

    TEM data !olle!tion.

    5f the reason is bad !o6era#e then the infe!ted site or antenna

    must be !he!:ed.

    5f the reason is the hi#h interferen!e the =4 plannin# must be

    re!he!:ed usin# nastar tool to identify the reason for the


    4i#.1 sho&s an eample for the abo6e !ase.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3.4 Sites !aving sa"e SCs.

    5t>s not re!ommended for t&o sites to ha6e the same 7>s as it &ill not

    be ob6ious durin# the data !olle!tion &hi!h site of both ser6es the M

    4i#.$ sho&s an eample for the abo6e !ase &ere as sho&n both sites

    ;1$ ? ;$2 ha6e the same 7>s.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3.5 a' coverage.

    hen &e are tal:in# about bad !o6era#e &e mean abnormal

    !o6era#e/ &hi!h means that &e are standin# &ithin the main beam

    of the antenna at a reasonable distan!e and still the !o6era#e is


    This may be due to &ron# azimuth / the azimuth in the "eld is not

    set as the 4P.

    5t may be also due to lo& po&er transmission from the 9T &hi!h

    is !he!:ed by a po&er meter other&ise hard&are failure.

    4i#.1?2 sho&s an eample for the abo6e !ase.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    3., &issing neig!8ors.

    This !ase may !ause to dropped !alls / bad !o6era#e as the M &ill

    not be able to H% on the tar#et site as it>s not :no&n for the ser6in#


    The nei#hbor list must be then !he!:ed from the (MT)97;*

    /&hile nastar is used to add re!ommended nei#hbors or delete

    unne!essary ones.

    3.- Dro$$e' calls .

    A drop !all may o!!ur due to the abo6e !ase as mentioned.

    5t may also o!!ur due to an abnormal release in the T7H or D77H

    after it Is bein# o!!upied su!!essfully.

    5n the D( !ase the radio lin: time out may de!rease to zero.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    - Analysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT.)7ont.*


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    - Analysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT.)7ont.*


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint



    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

    5n this !ase sho&n belo& ;2-1 o6ershoots in the dire!tion of the uez !analo as a result the si#nal rea!hed up to @'m.4i#.?$ sho&s the abo6e !ase.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    . 0o 9ailure * 'ela7.

    5n the !ase of H% failure the M fails to rea!h the tar#et !ell and so it returns

    a!: to the sour!e !ell.

    he reason for this !ase may be due to !hannel interferen!e or poor !o6era#e.

    5n the other !ase H% delay the 957 of the nei#hbor is de!oded but H% o!!urs

    mu!h later time.

    he reason for this !ase that all possible nei#hbors may suFer blo!:in# or some

    the H% parameters )H% &at!h time / H% 6alid time* need to be adusted.

    nalysis for some !ases in the field durin# DT. )7on

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    $-Tools for analysis

    After !olle!tin# the data in the "eld the lo# "les are then handled to theptimization team so they !an do the analysis &or: in order to sol6e any

    problems fa!ed and try to impro6e the net&or: performan!e.

    The analysis &or: is done throu#h out the follo&in# tools and soft&ares B

    1-Tems =oute analysis.


    -s )Top

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint


    4inally 5 &ould li:e to add that tryin# to do analysis in the "eld durin# the DTas des!ribed throu#h out the presentation sa6es a lot of time for the optimizerto ta:e eFe!ti6e and +ui!: a!tions to sol6e the fa!ed problems.

    9esides that it also adds to your "eld eperien!e and helps you to impro6e

    yourself and start your "rst step as an %ptimizer.

  • 8/9/2019 LTE Drive Testing PowerPoint
