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  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    The U.K. Economy

    Unit 5

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Contents: 1. A Brief Introduction to U.K. Economy

    2. Absolute Decline and Relative Decline

    3. Recent History

    4. The Current U.K. Economy

    5. Case Study: The Aerospace

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    A Brief Introduction to U.K. Economy

    Britain was the first country to start the

    industrial revolution in the 18th century.

    Britain is a capitalist country.

    The characteristic of the economic system of

    capitalism is that it protects private


    Britain began its market economy about 300

    years ago.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    A Brief Introduction to U.K. Economy

    Britain is a trading nation.(Why?)

    In Britain, the domestic market is limited. So,

    it has to find more markets outside the country.

    It has to find more markets in the world.

    Eg.Each year Britain exports some one-third

    of its gross domestic product. It is the fourth

    largest exporter in the world. Its exports

    account for about 5% of the worlds total trade


  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    A Brief Introduction to U.K. Economy

    Britain is also one of the worlds largest


    Because Britain lacks raw materials, or we

    may say its home supply of raw materials is

    inadequate, Britain has to buy up a large

    proportion of the raw materials sold in the

    world market. Britains major trading partnersare industrialized countries.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Absolute Decline and Relative Decline

    What is absolute decline?

    What is relative decline?

    Does British economy belong to theformer one or the latter one?

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Absolute Decline and Relative Decline

    Britain was the first country in the world to

    start the industrial revolution. It took the lead

    in the development of economy in the world in

    the 19th century. But by 1900, it was overtakenby both the US and Germany.

    In the Post-war period, the U.K. economyexperienced boom and bust (the fluctuation of

    U.K. economy).

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Absolute Decline and Relative Decline

    The reasons of the economic decline:

    1) Being in debt;

    2) The end of the empire; 3) Large military spending;

    4) A catching-up by Germany and Japan;

    5) Lack of a close relationship betweenindustry and banks.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Absolute Decline and Relative Decline

    A Characteristic of the UK economy----A

    low rate of domestic industrial investment

    coupled with a very high rate of overseas


  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Recent H istory

    Britains slow growth of productivity, soaring

    inflation, and large unemployment gave birth

    to the mocking term British Disease.

    In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Britains

    first-ever woman Prime Minister. She carried

    out an extensive program of privatization. The

    new doctrine advocated reduction of taxes soas to stimulate investment and consumption.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Recent H istory

    Thatchers economic policy achieved remarkable


    1) Inflation fell to about 4 percent.

    2) Britain achieved an average 3 percent increase

    in its economic growth.

    3) The workers take-home pay increased by 20


    4) Profitability of industrial companies was high.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Recent History

    Thatchers policy was like a coin with two sides:

    1) High Unemployment;

    2) Widened gap between the poor and the rich;3) High crime rates;

    4) Unsatisfactory social services.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Recent H istory IMF

    The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is aninternational organization of 185 membercountries.

    It was established to promote internationalmonetary cooperation, exchange stability, andorderly exchange arrangements; to fostereconomic growth and high levels ofemployment; and to provide temporaryfinancial assistance to countries to help easebalance of payments adjustment.

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Recent H istory IMF

    Since the IMF was established its purposes

    have remained unchanged but its operations

    which involve surveillance, financial

    assistance, and technical assistancehave

    developed to meet the changing needs of its

    member countries in an evolving world


  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    The Current U.K. Economy

    Division of the economic sectors:

    1. primary industry

    2. secondary industry 3. tertiary industries/service industry

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Case Study: The Aerospace

    Aerospace industry

    Large companies

  • 7/29/2019 Low Soo Peng UK Economy


    Big Four


    Barclays Midland

    The National Westminster Bank Group