literary terms short stories. 1. fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2....


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Page 1: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting



Page 2: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination

2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

3. Narrator- the teller of the story; sometimes a character; sometimes an outside voice created by the writer

Page 3: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

4. Character- a person or animal in a literary work

5. Plot- the sequence of events in a literary work

6. Setting- where and when the story takes place

7. Conflict- a struggle between opposing forces

Page 4: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

8. External conflict- a struggle with a character and and outside force (i.e. man vs. man; man vs. nature; man vs. society, etc.)

9. Internal conflict- when a character struggles within himself or herself, such as to make a decision

Page 5: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

10. Foreshadowing- when the author hints about something that will occur later

11. Symbol- a person, place, or thing that stands for or represents something beyond itself

(i. e. crown = royalty or power)

Page 6: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

12. Theme- the message or insight about life or human nature that the writer presents to the reader

13. Irony- the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually exists or happens

14. Point of view- the perspective from which a story is told

Page 7: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

3 Types

A) First person- told by one of the characters using the word “I”

B) Third-person limited- told by a narrator who stands outside the story and reports the thoughts and experiences of only one character

Page 8: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

C. Third-person omniscient- told by a narrator who stands outside of the story and reports the thoughts and experiences of many or all of the characters

5 Parts of the Plot

1. Exposition- beginning of story; introduces setting, characters, and conflict

Page 9: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

2. Rising action- complications arise; suspense builds as the characters struggle to solve their problems; the plot develops

3. Climax- highest point of suspense or interest; the outcome of the conflict becomes clear

Page 10: LITERARY TERMS SHORT STORIES. 1. Fiction- writing that comes from the author’s imagination 2. Short story- a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting

4. Falling action- occurs after the climax; shows the effects of the climax

5. Resolution- end of the story; explains how the conflict is resolved