lillian otieno-omutoko phd senior lecturer …alice n. nderi thesis- “an assessment of causes of...

Page 1 of 27 LILLIAN OTIENO-OMUTOKO PHD SENIOR LECTURER, ASSISTANT PROGRAMS COORDINATOR AND CHIEF EXAMINATION OFFICER University of Nairobi P.O. Box 24386-00502 Nairobi, Kenya Open, Distance and e-Learning Cell phone: +254 722 630 202 School of Distance Learning [email protected] / Department of Learner Support [email protected] Profile Dr. Lillian Otieno-Omutoko is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Learner Support, Open, Distance and e-Learning Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya. With over sixteen years working experience at the University, she has refined her research, administrative, and project management skills. Her qualifications include but are not limited to Education, Administration and Planning, Health Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct in International Research. She lectures in Project Planning, Design and Implementation, Total Quality Management, Gender Issues in Development, Training & Curriculum Development and Research Methods. Her research activities include supervision of postgraduate students, conducting research in education, gender, management, project management, research ethics and bioethics. In her previous position, she was the Resident Lecturer in charge of Nyeri Extra Mural Centre, a position she held for eight years and during her tenure, she was instrumental in the introduction of a successful Master’s program in Project planning and Management at the Center. Under her leadership, there was an expansion in student enrolment, completion rate and infrastructure. She also spearheaded the first publication and launch of African Journal for Project Planning and Management of which is the deputy editor. She is an accomplished author and a reviewer of journals. Dr. Lillian headed the Postgraduate Studies Committee at the University of Nairobi (UoN) for three years and is a social scientist with keen interest in bioethics in which she has focused since 2010. She is an active member of the National Bioethics Committee and University of Nairobi- Kenyatta National Hospital Ethics Research Committee. She also serves as the Secretary of the Bioethics Society of Kenya, Vice Chairperson of Research Association for Southern Africa, Member of East Africa Research Innovation & Management Association and International Association for Ethics Education. She has undergone training in Responsible Conduct in International Research and Health Research Ethics and is currently pursuing a course on Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals. She is a trainer of Bioethics, Health Research

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Page 1: LILLIAN OTIENO-OMUTOKO PHD SENIOR LECTURER …Alice N. Nderi Thesis- “An Assessment of Causes of Gender Disparity in the Appointment of Women to Management Positions in Learning

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EXAMINATION OFFICER University of Nairobi P.O. Box 24386-00502 Nairobi, Kenya Open, Distance and e-Learning Cell phone: +254 722 630 202 School of Distance Learning [email protected] / Department of Learner Support [email protected] Profile Dr. Lillian Otieno-Omutoko is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Learner Support, Open, Distance and e-Learning Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya. With over sixteen years working experience at the University, she has refined her research, administrative, and project management skills. Her qualifications include but are not limited to Education, Administration and Planning, Health Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct in International Research. She lectures in Project Planning, Design and Implementation, Total Quality Management, Gender Issues in Development, Training & Curriculum Development and Research Methods. Her research activities include supervision of postgraduate students, conducting research in education, gender, management, project management, research ethics and bioethics. In her previous position, she was the Resident Lecturer in charge of Nyeri Extra Mural Centre, a position she held for eight years and during her tenure, she was instrumental in the introduction of a successful Master’s program in Project planning and Management at the Center. Under her leadership, there was an expansion in student enrolment, completion rate and infrastructure. She also spearheaded the first publication and launch of African Journal for Project Planning and Management of which is the deputy editor. She is an accomplished author and a reviewer of journals. Dr. Lillian headed the Postgraduate Studies Committee at the University of Nairobi (UoN) for three years and is a social scientist with keen interest in bioethics in which she has focused since 2010. She is an active member of the National Bioethics Committee and University of Nairobi- Kenyatta National Hospital Ethics Research Committee. She also serves as the Secretary of the Bioethics Society of Kenya, Vice Chairperson of Research Association for Southern Africa, Member of East Africa Research Innovation & Management Association and International Association for Ethics Education. She has undergone training in Responsible Conduct in International Research and Health Research Ethics and is currently pursuing a course on Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals. She is a trainer of Bioethics, Health Research

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Ethics, and Research Ethics. She trains researchers, health practitioners and Institutional Research Ethics Committee members. Her experience in research regulatory activities include project planning and management, research and development, protection of vulnerable populations and community engagement protocol review, development of Standard Operating Procedures and regulatory compliance. She has been involved in monitoring and evaluation of research sites and Institutional Ethics Review Committees, development of bioethics & various curricula and study modules for graduate students.


Msc - February 2019 Anahuac University, Mexico - Pursuing Masters in Global Bioethics PgD - Jan-December 2014 University of Stellenbosch, South Africa - Health Research Ethics Project: Building Community Partnerships: Understanding Community Engagement as a Pillar for Ethical Conduct of HIV Vaccine Research in Selected Countries in Africa PhD - August-December 2007 Catholic University of Eastern Africa- Doctor of Philosophy in Education - Educational Administration and Planning Dissertation: An Exploratory Study on Masculinity and Boys’ Academic achievement in Selected Secondary Schools in Nairobi City Med- April 2001 – May 2003 University of Nairobi - Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration and Planning Thesis: An Assessment of Factors Affecting Quality of Early Childhood Education in Nyeri, District of Central Province, Kenya. Area of Specialization – Administration Bed- October 1994- November 2000 University of Nairobi – Undergraduate degree Area of Specialization -Linguistics and Literature Dip.ed – 1990 Kagumo College – Education Area of Specialization: English and Home Science


Senior Lecturer, Department of Extra Mural Studies, College of Education and External Studies, University of Nairobi

Chief Examination Officer, Department of Open Learning, Open, Distance and e-Learning Campus, University of Nairobi

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Faculty, CBEC-KEMRI, Bioethics Training Initiative, Kenya Medical Research Institute in collaboration with Pakistani University

Trainer, National Commission of Science and Technology, National Bioethics Committee



85% Scholarship to study Master in Global Bioethics at Anahuac University, Mexico 2018 Grant Award; European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership for Strengthening Research Capacity in Kenya 2018 Centre of Medical Ethics and Law, sponsorship to attend the 7th Annual Research Seminar at Cape Town, South Africa 2017: Action Contre Faim, sponsorship to attend Hunger Conference on Research for Nutrition, Operational Challenges and Uptake in Prevention and Treatment of Under nutrition at Pavilion De L’eau, Paris Centre of Medical Ethics and Law, sponsorship to attend the 6th Annual Research Seminar at Cape Town, South Africa

2013 Scholarship Awarded by Fogarty International Centre of the National Institutes of Health to study a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research Ethics 2011 Grant offered by International Aids Research Training Program(IARTP) for grant writing workshops for Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi Ethics Review Committee 2010 International AIDS Research Training Program and Kenya Free of AIDS Award for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at University of Washington

2007 Missio Grant; partial award offered by Catholic University of Eastern Africa for PhD Studies

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Duties and Responsibilities

Chief Examination Officer, Senior Lecturer, Chairperson- Postgraduate Committee

Responsible for all examination processes by providing administrative leadership for all examinations in the Campuses and learning centers in the Country which are in line with University Policies and Procedures.

Supervision of examination activities included but not limited to setting, moderation, invigilation, marking and processing of results

Revised the curriculum and developed new curriculum to meet accreditation standards

Coordinate postgraduate programs

Reviewing postgraduate research in the School which included scheduling of meetings, defenses and examining students for final examinations and registration by Graduate School

Develop and participate in curriculum development

Ensure implementation of academic programs

Attend seminars, workshops and conferences

Engage in philosophical discourse Academic Teaching

LPD 802 : Advanced Research Methods (PhD in Project Planning & Management)

LPD 805: Project Planning, Design & Implementation (PhD in Project Planning & Management)

LDP 603: Research Methods (MA in Project Planning & Management)

LDP 606: Training and Curriculum Development (MA in Project Planning & Management)

LDP 607: Total Quality Management(MA in Project Planning & Management)

Key Achievements & Curriculum Development Key Achievements

2017: Participated in developing a Monitoring and Evaluation tool for evaluating Compliance of Institutional Ethics Research Committees

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2017: Developed a Performance Ranking Scale for auditing Institutional Ethics Research Committees

March 2016: Developed a Curriculum for Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation and Master of Science in Project Finance

February 2016: Participated in harmonization of Bioethics and Responsible Conduct in Research Curriculum in collaboration with Prime-K and KAVI Institute of Clinical Research

2015: Spearheaded the first publication and launch of African Journal for Project Planning and Management

July 2015: Participated in writing Mentorship Guidelines for Undergraduate Students. This was done under the flagship of PRIME-K, University of Nairobi

2007 to 2015: Revamped activities and programs in Nyeri Extra Mural Centre and started off Masters in Project Planning and Management

2007 to 2015: Initiated four sub-centers, namely Kerugoya, Kangema, Nanyuki, Muranga and Karatina

2010: Participated in developing the PhD Curriculum in Project Planning and Management

2012: Participated in developing a Bachelor of Arts Curriculum in Project Planning and Management

2008: Participated in reviewing Masters in Project Planning and Management Curriculum Development

Development of Curriculum for Philosophical Foundations, Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics

Development and Review of Certificate in Research Ethics Course for Institutional Research Ethics Committee Members

Reviewed the Curriculum for Ethical Issues in Research, Postgraduate Diploma in Research Methods

Participated in curriculum Development for Bachelor of Arts Degree in Project Planning and Management

Participated in curriculum development for Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Project Financing

Participated in curriculum development of Doctor of Philosophy in Project Planning and Management

Spearheaded reviewing of Certificate Courses in Project Planning and Management, Business Management, Public Relations, Guidance and Counseling and Human Resource Management

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Grants 2019: Resource Person in a grant application titled Bioethics Support for County Level Research to be sponsored by National Institutes of Health. Grant 12854980, Principal Investigator-Dalton Wamalwa 2018: Co-Investigator in the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) grant award for Strengthening Research Capacity in Kenya. Grant Award Number: CSA2017ERC-1857. Principal Investigator-Prof. Walter Jaoko 2012: Submitted a research proposal for funding by Council for Development of Researchers in Africa (CODESRIA) for a study titled ‘A Situational Analysis of Mentorship Programs to Enhance Institutional Objectives in Kenya.’ The grant was worth $US 35,000 2011: Initiated constitution of a Collaboration Team with members of the Department of Extramural Studies and Distance and Educational Studies for the development of a proposal for ‘Pan African Mentorship Support Program’ which was successfully submitted to USAID for funding. The call was on Development Innovation Ventures. We were applying for seed funding which was worth $US 100,000 for the first year. 2010: Constituted Grant Research Collaboration Team made up of faculty from College of Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Biological and Health Sciences and faculty from University of Washington. In 2011, we submitted an Application Grant Proposal which was worth $US 23,000 per year, the project was to run for two years.


PhD Students Examined as an Internal Examiner 2009

Peter Keiyoro Njenga Thesis - “Factors Influencing the Effective Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning Science Curriculum in Kenyan Secondary Schools: The Case of Cyber and NEPAD e-Schools.’’


Angelina Sabina Mulwa Thesis - “The Influence of Institutional and Human Factors on the Readiness to Adopt E- Learning: The Case of Secondary Schools in Kitui District- Kenya.’’

Isaac Odhiambo Abuya Thesis - “Project Design Orientations, Social Capital and Orphaned Learners, Educational Achievements: The Case of Orphan Support Projects in Homa Bay County, Kenya.’’

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Daniel Kemei Thesis- “Project Leadership Competencies, Strategic Factors and Enterprise Resource Planning System Project System Project Implementation in Selected Energy Sector State Parastatals in Kenya.’’


Beryl Namalwa Mutekhele Thesis- “Utilization of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, Organizational Culture, Leadership and Performance of Educational Building Infrastructural Projects: A Case of Bungoma County, Kenya.’’


Penina Mbithe Mbuva Thesis- “Internal Control System, Innovation, Tax Compliance and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise Projects of Machakos County, Kenya.’’

PhD Students Supervised to Completion 2011

Solomon Mburunga Thesis- “Influence of Capital Structure on Sustainability of Community Water Projects in Kieni Constituency. Kenya.’’


Petronilla Nduthu Thesis- “Project Implementation Strategies Affecting Performance of Indigenous Chicken Projects Supported by Agricultural Sector Development Support Program in Machakos County. Kenya.’’

Mary Mwenda Thesis- “Contractor- Related Ethical Concerns in Completion of Urban Road Construction Projects, Nyeri County. Kenya.’’

PhD Students under supervision


Vincenzio Manyah Wangatia Thesis- “Influence of Project Management Practices on the Performance of the Aquaculture Project in Taita Taveta County, Kenya.’’

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Julius Cheruyiot Thesis- “Influence of Participatory Management, Community Participation and Performance of Mau Forest, Kenya.’’


James Mushori Thesis- “Influence of Knowledge Transfer, Project Control on Improvement of Implementation of Railway Infrastructural Projects in Kenya.’’

Supervised Masters Students to Completion 2006

David Kinyua M’Mugambi Thesis- “An Assessment of the Impact of Knowledge and Attitudes of Employees on Acceptance of Reforms in Selected State Corporations at the Ministry of State for Planning, Development and Vision 2030


Kihagi Allan Mwangi Thesis- “Influence of Human Activities on Sustainable Conservation of Forests and Wildlife in Kenya: The Case of Mt. Kenya West.’’

Irene N. Kiarie Thesis - “An Investigation into Factors influencing the success of Youth Enterprises in Nyeri Municipality, Nyeri Central District.’’

Joseph M. Ng’ang’a Thesis- “An Assessment of Factors Influencing Sustainability of Community Water Projects In Embu District, Eastern Province.’’

Alice N. Nderi Thesis- “An Assessment of Causes of Gender Disparity in the Appointment of Women to Management Positions in Learning Tertiary Institutes, Nyeri Town Constituency, Nyeri Central District, Central Province, Kenya.’’

Geoffrey M. Mutuaruchiu Thesis- “Factors Influencing Implementation of Youth Income Generating Projects in Kieni East and Mathira District, Central Province, Kenya.’’

Charles K. Macharia Thesis- “Influence of Financial Management Practices on Performance of Micro Credit Self Help Groups, In Tetu District, Central Province, Kenya.’’

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Kimani George Kinyanjui Thesis- “Influence of strategic responses on project performance of the Telecommunication sector: A case of Telekom Kenya limited Nairobi County.’’


Winfred K. Murimi Thesis- “Factors Affecting the Growth of Women Entrepreneurship in Kirinyaga East District, Central Province, Kenya.’’

Boniface Mwangi Thesis - “Factors Influencing Continuous Process Improvement on Sustainability of Pastoral Industries, Nyeri Catholic Archdiocese, Central Province, Kenya.’’


Jane Wangui Thesis- “Factors Influencing the Performance of Micro and Small Entrepreneur, A Case of Nyeri town Constituency, Nyeri County.’’

Mercy Njeri Njogu Thesis - “Factors Influencing Performance of Informal Laborers in the Construction Industry in Karatina Municipality, Central Province, Kenya.’’

Stella Moraa Omare Thesis- “Factors influencing access to youth enterprise development fund by Youth group in Nyeri central District, Nyeri county, Kenya.’’


Cyrus Munini Karani Thesis- “Factors Influencing Women Access to Credit from Financial Institutions in Mathioya District, Central Kenya.’’

Mureithi Wycliffe Kahindi Thesis- “Factors Leading to Adoption of Biogas as an Alternative Source Among Farmers in Mukurweini Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya.’’

Joseph Mwenda Thesis - “Role of Aquaculture in Youth Economic Empowerment in Sagana Fisheries, Kirinyaga County, Kenya.’’

Mary Nyawira Mwenda Thesis - “Gender Mainstreaming in Upgrading of Karatina Market, Nyeri County.’’


Peter Murigo Thesis - “Influence of Revolving Loans Among Self- Help Groups in Financing Household Projects in Laikipia East District.’’

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Ann Margaret Wangui Kinyua Thesis- “Role of Management in Performance of Economic Stimulus Projects in Educational Institutions, Nyeri South District, Kenya.’’

Njeru Emma G. Muthoni Thesis- “The Role of K-REP Bank Group Based Loans on Small Scale Enterprises in Nyeri County, Kenya.’’

Sicily Gatiti Thesis - “Influence of Management on Implementation of Police Basic Training Program, Kenya Police College Nyeri County, Kenya.’’

Sarah Ngatia –Thesis- “Effects of Management in Men Self- Help Groups in Influencing Performance of Income Generating Activities Within Communities of Nyeri Central District, Nyeri County, Kenya.’’

Charles K. Wahiu Thesis- “Socio –Economic Determinants of Gender development in informal settlements in Mukuru-Sinai in Kadara District, Nairobi County.

Kinyua Michael Muchemi Thesis- “Demographic factors influencing the uptake of community based health financing schemes in Mathare valley, Nairobi County, Kenya.’’


Anthony Kihuro Mwangi Thesis- “Community based disaster risk reduction in enhancement of household live hood security in Laikipia north district Laikipia County Kenya.’’

Li Nianjun Thesis- “Socio-economic Factors Influencing Implementation of Road Construction Projects by Selected Contractors in Nyeri South Sub- County.’’

Chami Natalia Stella Thesis- “Factors Influencing Funding of Public Private Partnership Road Projects: The Case of Infrastructural Development of Thika Road in Kenya.’’

Malenya Raphael Mutisya Thesis- “Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations Initiatives on Poverty Alleviation: Case of Innovations for Poverty Action in Sinai Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya.”

Clement Paul Ochwada Thesis- “Influence of Risk Governance on Disaster Management in Communities: The Kenya Red Cross Society.”


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Mote Nyambura Irene Thesis- “Socio Economic factors influencing the women in small and Micro enterprises in Nyeri Town, Kenya.’’

Wilson Wangombe Wahome Thesis- “Contribution of community based health insurance on access to Health Afya yetu scheme Chehe, Nyeri, Kenya.’’

George Migwi Muiruri Thesis - “Influence of Farmers Participation on Sustainability of Kinyaiti Onions Farming Project in Kieni West District, Nyeri County, Kenya.’’


Kamau Mary Nduta Thesis- “Influence of Entrepreneurship Training on Business Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises Among Youth Driven Initiatives in Nairobi County, Kenya.’’


Fredrick Onyango Rabongo Thesis- “Influence of community participation in forest protection, Gathiuru forest, Nyeri County.’’

Mchungwani Saad Rashid Thesis- “Influence of Early Grade Reading Assessment in Tusome Program on Literacy Levels Among Early Learners in Tana Delta Sub-County, Kenya.”

Roselyn Njeri Githinji Thesis- “Influence of Entrepreneurship Training Projects on Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls in Informal Settlement s in Selected Community-Based Organizations in Nairobi County.’’


Mohamoud Abdi Osman Thesis- “Influence of Community Participation on Sustainability on Development Projects by Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya: A Case of Shofco Organization in Mathare Informal Settlement.’’


Books Amugune, B. and Otieno-Omutoko, L. Social Science Research Ethics in Africa, Sharing Benefits in Social Science Research, an African Perspective. Springer Publishers, (2019). (In Press)

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Jaoko W., Anzala Omu, A. Langat Simon, Omutoko L., Omosa, G., Mutua G., Bashir Farah, Nyange Jacqueline. Health Research Ethics Training Manual. Springer Publishers, (2019). (Under Review)

Otieno-Omutoko, L. (2011). Masculinity as a Gender Dimension in the Education of Boys, Discourse of Masculinities in Schools, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH & Co. KGDudweiler Landstr. Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-36238-1

Otieno-Omutoko,L.(2011). Developing Early Childhood Education to Achieve Educational Goals, Quality of Early Childhood Education as a Foundation for Intellectual Growth and Development, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller GmbH & Co. KGDudweiler Landstr. Germany. ISBN: 978-3-639-36972-4

Book Chapters

Otieno-Omutoko, L. and Rugut, I. (2006). The Role of African Universities in Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowering Women pp. 95-107. In The Role of African Universities in the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Kenyatta University.Nairobi.ISBN:9966-776-05-2

Otieno-Omutoko, L. (2013). Making Right Decisions: Ethical Issues for Social Science Researchers. Environment, Power and Development in Africa. Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi. Kenya. ISBN 978-9966-015-64-8

Otieno- Omutoko, L., Gunga, S.A., Inyega, H. and Ogutu, J. (2013). Strengthening Research Capacity and Research Management in Health and Social Science Research in Kenya. Education and Development Perspectives in Africa (ed) Amutabi. M .N. Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Nairobi. Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-015-67-9

Otieno-Omutoko,L. & Mwaura, P. (2014). Gender Policy as a Management Strategy in Education, in Nafukho, F.M., (Ed). Muyia. H. M. A., (Ed) and Irby, B.J. (Ed). (2014). Governance and Transformations of Universities in Africa: A. Global Perspective International higher education, Information Age Pub. ISBN 1623967414, 9781623967413. Available at

Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Gunga S. (2016). Value Based Education as a response to Emerging Challenges in Africa: In Search of Global Citizenship for a Peaceful World, in Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa (ed) Amutabi, M.N. & Hamisi,L., African Interdisciplinary Studies Association(AISA), Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-1933-9-1

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Journal Publications

After Promotion to Senior Lecturer

Otieno- Omutoko, L. (2012). Re-thinking the Management of Higher Education Institutions: Transformational Leadership. Management Digest. Journal of the KIM School of Management Kenya Institute of Management. Nairobi. Kenya. Vol.(1) pp.214-221.ISSN 2074-4730

Otieno-Omutoko, L., Ndunge, K. and Macharia, P. (2012). Towards Quality Assurance in Higher Education – Management Digest. Journal of Management University of Africa, Management University of Africa. Nairobi. Kenya. Vol. (4) pp.110-118. ISSN 2074-4730

Mwenda, M. & Otieno-Omutoko, L. (2015). Gender Mainstreaming Strategies in Upgrading of Rural Projects in Karatina, Nyeri County, Kenya. African Journal of Project Planning and Management. Nairobi. Kenya. Vol. (1) Issue 1. pp.29-50.ISSN 2306-594X

Otieno-Omutoko, L. (2017). Collaborative research: Assessing the value of interdisciplinary research in African countries. Interdisciplinary Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Vol. (4); Issue 9. Pp.59-65. Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979.

Otieno-Omutoko, L. (2018). Integration of value based education in the Kenyan education system as a response to emerging challenges. Vol.5 (3). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. ISSN: 2349-4182.

Mwenda, M. N., Otieno-Omutoko, L. and Gakuu,C. (2018). Feasibility assessment as the panacea of risk management in realization of quality buildings in Nairobi county, Kenya. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.Vol.5 (4) pp.147-154 ISSN 2349-4182.

Mwenda, M., N.,Otieno-Omutoko, L. and Gakuu, C.(2018). Laying an Ethical Foundation in Project Negotiation Process: A Case of the Building Industry in Nairobi. Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies(JAIS).pp.15-29.ISSN 2523-6725 (ONLINE)

Nduthu,P.W. , Omutoko, L.O., and Mulwa,A.(2018). Project Implementation and Performance of Indigenous Chicken Projects Sponsored by Agricultural

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Sector Development Support Programme, Machakos County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. ISSN 2278-0211. Vol.7(2)

Nduthu, P.W., Mulwa, A.S., and Omutoko, L.O. (2018). Resource Mobilization and Performance of Indigenous Chicken Projects Sponsored by Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme in Machakos County, Kenya. International Journal of Creative Research and Studies.ISSN-0249-4655. Vol.2 (3) pp.1-12 March

Nduthu, P.W., Omutoko,L.O and Mulwa, S.A. (2018). Influence of Project Planning and Performance of Indigenous Chicken Projects Sponsored by Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme Machakos County, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS).pp.25-36. ISSN 2523-6725 (online)

Cheruiyot,J. K.,Omutoko,L.O & Rambo,C.(2019). Institutionalization of Forest Conservation Program for Enhancement of Participatory Forest Management, Bomet County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection. Vol.7 (5) pp.28-38. ISSN 2309-0405

Newsletter Publication

Otieno-Omutoko, L.O. and Amugune, B. (2018). Development of Responsive Curricula and Training Programs for Teaching Bioethics in Kenya. Research Ethics Committee Association of Southern Africa. Newsletter. Pp.7-9

Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)

Otieno-Omutoko, L. and Rugut, I. (2006). The Role of African Universities in Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowering Women pp. 95-107. In The Role of African Universities in the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Kenyatta University. Nairobi. ISBN:9966-776-05-2

Otieno- Omutoko, L., Gunga, S.A., Inyega, H. and Ogutu, J. (2013). Strengthening Research Capacity and Research Management in Health and Social Science Research in Kenya. Education and Development Perspectives in Africa (ed) Amutabi. M.N. Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Nairobi. Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-015-67-9

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Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Gunga S. (2016). Value Based Education as a response to Emerging Challenges in Africa: In Search of Global Citizenship for a Peaceful World, in Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa (ed) Amutabi, M.N. & Hamisi,L., African Interdisciplinary Studies Association(AISA), Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-1933-9-1

Otieno-Omutoko,L.O. and Amugune, B.(2018). Development of Responsive Curricula and Training Programs for Teaching Bioethics in Kenya. Research Ethics Committee Association of Southern Africa.

Otieno-Omutoko,L.O. and Amugune, B.(2018). “Institutional Research Office as a Strategy in Governance of Kenyan Universities, held at Mt. Meru Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.

Otieno-Omutoko,L.O. and Amugune, B.(2017). A Systematic Approach to Prevention of Research Misconduct in Research Institutions: The Kenyan Institutions of Higher Learning Scenario, held at Malaika Beach Resort, Mwanza, Tanzania.

Otieno-Omutoko, L.O. and Amugune, B. (2017). ‘Closing Gaps between

Accreditation and Performance of Institutional Ethics Review Committees in Kenya

Improve Service Delivery, held at The Nairobi Hospital Anderson Convention Centre

Nairobi, Kenya. Study Modules __________________________________________________________________________ Masters in Project Planning and Management Department of Extra Mural Studies

1. Otieno-Omutoko,L. & Mbwesa, J. (2011). Training and Curriculum Development, University of Nairobi Council, Kenya.

2. Otieno-Omutoko,L. & Wambugu, L. (2011). Gender Issues in Development, University of Nairobi Council, Nairobi, Kenya.

Bachelor of Arts in Project Planning and Management- Under Review

1. Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Mwenda, M. (2018). Training and Development, University of Nairobi Council, Kenya

2. Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Mwenda, M. (2018). Ethics in Project Management, University of Nairobi Council, Kenya

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3. Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Mwenda,M.(2018). International Project Management


Paper Presentations

International Association of Ethics Education held at Spier Hotel & Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. Presented a paper “Development of a Responsive Curricula and Training Programs for Teaching Bioethics in Kenya,” 6th International Conference on Ethics Education held at Spier Hotel and Conference Centre, 3rd- 5th October 2018.

Presented a talk on ‘Positioning of Bioethics in Kenya’ in Collaboration with Dr, Simon K. Langat of NACOSTI, at Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Nairobi. Sponsored by Bioethics Society of Kenya and European Development Clinical Trials Partnership, 28th September 2017

4th EARIMA Conference at Mt. Meru Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, and 27th-30th August 2018. Presented a paper on “Institutional Research Office as a Strategy in Governance of Kenyan Universities”

7th Annual ARESA Research Ethics Seminar, held at Spier Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, 23rd - 25th May 2017

4th EARIMA Conference held “A Systematic Approach to Prevention of Research Misconduct in Research Institutions: The Kenyan Institutions of Higher Learning Scenario,” EARIMA Annual Conference, Malaika Beach Hotel, Mwanza, Tanzania, 28th to 30th August 2017

2nd Bioethics of Kenya Society Conference held at The Nairobi Hospital Anderson Convention Centre Nairobi, Kenya on 1st-2nd December 2017. Presented a Paper on ‘Closing Gaps between Accreditation and Performance of Institutional Ethics Review Committees in Kenya to Improve Service Delivery Session Chair at the 2nd Bioethics Society of Kenya Conference, on Faith, Fertility and Free Choice, held at Nairobi Hospital, Anderson Convention Centre

Action for Hunger Conference on Research for Nutrition, Operational

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Challenges and Uptake in Prevention and Treatment of Under nutrition, held at Pavilion De L’eau, Paris on 13th November 2017. Panelist in a Panel Discussion Debate on How to Improve the Engagement of Communities in Research

Eastern Africa Research Innovation and Management Conference, Presented a paper on ‘A Systematic Approach to Prevention of Research Misconduct in Research Institutions: The Kenyan Institutions of Higher Learning Scenario, held at Malaika Beach Resort, Mwanza, Tanzania on28th-30th August, 2017

6th Annual ARESA Research Ethics Seminar, held at Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa, 11th-12th May 2017

KESSA-Multimedia University of Kenya Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, held at Multimedia University Hotel Kenya, June 22-25 2016

Bioethics Society of Kenya Inaugural Conference on Fostering the Development of Bioethics in Kenya in the 21st Century, Presented a Paper on Building Community Partnerships: Understanding Community Engagement as a Pillar for Ethical Conduct of HIV Vaccine Research in Selected Countries in Africa held at Kenyatta University Conference Centre, Nairobi on 16th to 17th December 2015

Beyond 2015: Gender Milestones in Education in Developing Countries Association of Commonwealth Universities and University of Nairobi, Kenya on 25th August 2014

Second Interdisciplinary International Conference on Challenges of Development in Africa, Presented a paper on Making Right Decisions: Ethical Issues for Social Science Researchers. Environment, Power and Development in Africa, held at Catholic University of Eastern Africa on 25th to 29th June 2013

9th Annual Ethics and Bioethics Conference, held at Strathmore University on 25th- 26th October 2012

First Inter-disciplinary International Conference on Africa’s Golden Jubilee: Assessing 50 Years of Scholarship and Development in June 26th-30th 2012

International Conference on Educational Reforms and Innovation in

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Enhancing Quality & Equity, presented a paper on Gender Policy as a Management Strategy in Education at Kenyatta University Conference Centre on 20th- 22nd February 2012

3rd Annual International Conference on Industry and Higher Education, presented a paper on Towards Quality Assurance in Higher Education held at Management University of Africa, 28th-30th September 2011

1st Annual International Conference on Management, presented a paper on Re-thinking the Management of Higher Education Institutions: Transformational Leadership, held at Kenyatta International Conference, 26th-29th September 2009

Regional Conference on Financing of Higher Education, poster presentation on The Role of African Universities in Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowering Women at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi.

Accepted Abstract To attend the 7th Conference for International Association for Education in Ethics, to be held at Porto, Portugal, 22nd-24th July 2019. To present a paper on “Nexus between Law and Research Ethics: Mechanisms for Dealing with Scientific and Research Misconduct towards Achieving Research Integrity for Quality and Creation of Trust.” Accepted Paper for Publication under Review Otieno-Omutoko, L. & Amugune, B.(2018). Institutional Research office as a Strategy in Institutional Governance in Kenyan Public Universities. EARIMA, Journal of Research Management &Governance. Keynote Addresses

4rd -5th April 2019 Keynote Speaker at the 8th ARESA Research Ethics Seminar, presented a paper on ‘Challenges of Research Ethics Committee in Kenya’, at Marriot Hotel, Crystal Towers, Cape Town, South Africa.

15th -16th March 2019 “Ethics Training for Healthcare Professionals in Low Resource Settings,” 3rd Bioethics Society of Kenya Conference on Contemporary Ethical Challenges, Anglican Church of Kenya.

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September 2014 Annual ARESA Research Ethics Seminar, Southern Sun Newlands, Cape Town, Ethics of treatment and research during the Ebola Crisis: Participated in leading a discussion by 2014 Advanced Research Ethics for Southern Africa trainees.

Workshops April 2019 CBEC-KEMRI Curriculum Development Review Workshop held at Silver Springs Hotel. March 2019 Research Misconduct Workshop, organized by Moi University- Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital Ethics Review Committee, at Kenya Commercial Bank Leadership Centre, Nairobi. January 2019 Strategic Planning Workshop for development of a Strategic Plan for National Bioethics Committee, National Commission of Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) organized by Strengthening Research Capacity in Kenya (STReK) Kenya at Panorama Hotel, Naivasha. October 2018 Facilitation of Sensitization and Awareness Workshop on Establishment and Operation of Hospital Ethics Committees in Kenya Organized by UNESCO and Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, held at Kenya School of Monetary Studies. August 2018 Training and Information Communication Technology(ICT) Needs Assessment of NACOSTI ICT Department to develop an online registration system for registration, reviews, renewals and submissions of research reviews held at NACOSTI Headquarters. July 2018 Induction Workshop for National Bioethics Committee, held at Agricultural Resource Centre Hotel, Egerton University. January 2018 Retreat for National Bioethics Committee Members to Review Guidelines and the Curriculum for Institutional Ethics Review Committees,held at Masada Hotel, Naivasha. December 2017 Stakeholders Workshop on Development of the Curriculum for Institutional Ethics Review Committees Training, Held at Agricultural Resource Centre, Egerton University. November 2017 Stakeholders Workshop on Strategic Planning for Kenya National Innovation Agency, Held at Lillian Towers.

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August 2017 Project Management Workshop at Malaika Beach Hotel, Mwanza, Tanzania. June 2017 Self-Appraisal Workshop for Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi Ethics Research Committee held at Masada Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya. November 2016 Stakeholders Meeting Workshop to finalize Health Research Ethics Training Manual, held at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi. May 2016 Workshop on Creating and Enhancing Trustworthy, Responsible and Equitable Partnerships in International Research, organized by TRUST and Partners for Health and Development in Africa and funded by European Union held at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. April 2016 Writing Workshop for Review of Research Ethics Manual in Collaboration with Kenya AIDS Vaccine Institute – Institute of Clinical Research(KAVI-ICR), National Commission of Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), held at Traveller’s Beach Hotel. January 2016 Curriculum Review Workshop for Department of Administration and Planning, College of Education and External Studies, University of Nairobi, held at Central Catering Unit, University of Nairobi. November 2015 Writing Workshop for Bachelor of Arts in Project Planning and Management Study Modules, Department of Extra Mural Studies, University of Nairobi, held at Central Catering Unit. October 2015 KAVI-ICR Workshop for writing of Research Ethics Manual at Traveller’s Beach Hotel, Mombasa. October 2015 Self-Appraisal and Development of Policy Guidelines for Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi Ethics Research Committee Workshop, held at Fish Eagle, Naivasha, Kenya. July 2015 Development of Undergraduate Mentorship Guidelines for undergraduate Students, University of Nairobi, Olive Gardens Nairobi, Kenya. Sponsored by PRIME-K September 2014 3rd Annual ARESA Research Ethics Seminar, held at Southern Sun Hotel, Newlands, Cape Town, South Africa. August 2013 Women, Gender and Leadership in Higher Education: Training of Trainers Workshop, Association of Commonwealth Universities and University of Nairobi, held at Lillian Towers, Nairobi, Kenya.

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July 2013 Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi Self-Appraisal Workshop held at Lukenya Getaway, Machakos, Kenya. November 2012 PhD Supervision Training Workshop, hosted by University of Nairobi PREPARE- PhD Project Team held at Central Catering Unit, University of Nairobi. November 2012 Orientation Workshop for Tutors to Support Students on-line, Multi- Media University College, Kenya. October 2012 Curriculum Review workshop for Diploma and Masters Courses offered by Department of Extra Mural Studies held at Kenya Wildlife Staff Training Institute, Naivasha. October 2012 Research Ethics and Good Clinical Practice Workshop: Conducting Research responsibly, hosted by Pfizer and Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics, University of Witswatersrand, Sponsored by Pfizer at Panari Hotel, Nairobi May 2012 Stakeholder’s Workshop for Kenyatta National Hospital –University of Nairobi Ethics Research Committee Strategic Plan, held at Maanzoni Lodge, Athi River. February 2012 National Institutes of Health Grant Writing Workshop, held at Kenya Commercial Bank Leadership Centre, Karen. February 2012 Induction and Appraisal Workshop of Kenyatta National Hospital- University of Nairobi Ethics Research Committee (KNH-UoN ERC), held at Rahimtulla Wing, Kenyatta National Hospital. February 2012 Strategic Planning Workshop for Department of Extra Mural Studies, University of Nairobi, held at Kenya Wildlife Staff Institute. January, 2012 Workshop on Testing in Higher Education, held at University of Nairobi, Central Catering Unit. January, 2012 Bioethics Training Workshop in Collaboration with Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi- Ethics and Research Committee, sponsored by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) held at Kenya School of Law, Nairobi. October, 2011 Journal Publishing Seminar organized by Kenya Institute of Management, held at Hilton Hotel, Nairobi. September, 2011 Strategic Planning Workshop for Department of Educational Studies, University of Nairobi, held at Kenya Wildlife Staff Training Institute.

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September, 2011 Kenya DAAD Scholars Association Grant Proposal Writing Workshop Sponsored by DAAD, National Council of Science and Technology, held at College of Biological and Physical Sciences, University of Nairobi. April, 2011 Grant Writing Workshop on Bioethics and International Research Ethics in Kenya, held at Lenana Conference Centre, Nairobi February 2011 Grant Writing Workshop on Bioethics and International Research Ethics in Kenya, held at Lenana Conference Centre, Nairobi April 2011 Launch of Nyanza Women’s Education Initiative at Kenya Institute of Education, Nairobi April 2010 Workshop on Improving University of Nairobi facilitated by University of Nairobi Enterprise Services Consultancy and Training at Chiromo Conference Centre in Nairobi January 2010 Writers Workshop at Kenya Wildlife Staff Training Institute in Naivasha, organized by Department of Extra Mural Studies November 2009 Facilitation of Workshop on Instructional Methods at Kiganjo Police College September 2009 Writers Workshop at Kenya Wildlife Staff Training Institute in Naivasha organized by Department of Extra Mural Studies March 2009 Workshop on Pedagogical Training at Central Catering Unit at University of Nairobi January 2006 Training Workshop on Teaching & Learning Higher Education at Catholic University of Eastern Africa 2005 Open, Distance Education and E-Learning workshop, held at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi January 2004 Dissemination Workshop of Assessment of Capacity Building Needs and Property Rights in Soweto Kibera Slums, at Catholic University of Eastern Africa February 2003 Youth Advocacy Workshop at Grand Batian, Nyeri, organized Society of Women and AIDS in Kenya. March 2003 Paralegal Training in Relation to HIV/AIDS at Green Hills Hotel, Nyeri, organized Society of Women and AIDS in Kenya.

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Globe Ethics Academy- 2019 Ongoing Pursuing a course on Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals, Globe. Net Academy Course Training on Handling Complaints, Service Delivery and Servant Leadership, University of Nairobi Training for Chairman of Chairmen and Chairmen of Postgraduate Committees, University of Nairobi SALT Institute of Kenya - 2018 Certificate in Sundoulos African Leadership Training (SALT) Post-Doctoral Fellowship- University of Washington, United States of America- 9th September- 23rd October 2011 sponsored by International AIDS Research Training Program and Kenya Free of AIDS (KeFA)

Responsible Conduct in International Research

Courses in Biomedical Ethics, Medical Ethics, AIDS: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Attended Institutional Review Boards at Seattle Children’s Home, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre and University of Washington, September 24- October 2010

University of Washington – 2010 Certification of Training in the Protection of Human Research Subjects Consultancy May 2019 Training of Institutional Research Ethics Committee Members at Egerton University, Agricultural Resource Centre March 2019 Training of Board of Management, Senate Members and Institutional Research Ethics Committee Members, St. Paul’s University. Faculty for CBEC-CKBTI Bioethics Training Initiative, sponsored by National Institutes of Health: Project Number: 1R25TW010509-01Contact PI / Project Leader: Bukusi, Elizabeth Anne. Awardee Organization-Kenya Medical Research Institute; collaborating with Pakistani University

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April 2019 Developing Curricula for Bioethics training in Kenya through the CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative, sponsored by National Institutes of Health 2019 Training Initiative (CK-BTI), Curriculum Development meeting at Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi

February 2019 Coordinator of the Bioethics Course run by Partnership for Health Research Training in Kenya (PHERT), Program funded by National Institutes of Health to University of Nairobi to develop and implement a research capacity program for Junior Researchers and Faculty, held at Pediatric Training and Clinical Centre, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi

February 2019 Facilitation of Bioethics Training for Partnership for Health Research Training in Kenya (PHERT), on ‘Recruitment of Participants,’ Research Integrity and Publication Ethics,’ Application for Ethical Approval,’ and Institutional Research Committee Protocol Review, held at Pediatric Training and Clinical Centre, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi

September 2018 Training of Institutional Research Ethics Committee Members at Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya, on. This was a pilot test of the newly developed curriculum by National Bioethics Committee, National Commission of Science Technology and Innovation

May 2018 Training of Researchers and Research Ethics Committee Members at University of Kabianga, on ‘Integrity and Scientific Misconduct, Teaching Bioethics in Universities in Africa, Ethics in public health emergencies and disasters,’ held at Sunshine Hotel, Eldoret

2018 Training Research Ethics Committee Members at Strathmore University ‘Research Involving Vulnerable Populations, Governance of Research in Kenya,’ held at Strathmore University

March 2018 Training of Research Ethics Committee Members at Mount Kenya University, held at Mount Kenya University, on Ethics regarding multi-site/ multi-country research projects, Conflict of Interest, Protocol Review in practical groups, Emerging Issues in Research Ethics

February 2018 Participated in Monitoring and Evaluation of Institutional Ethics Review Committees in Nairobi and Nyanza. The Exercise was conducted by National Commission of Science Technology and Innovation and National Bioethics Committee 28th September 2017 Presented a talk on ‘Positioning of Bioethics in Kenya’ in Collaboration with Dr, Simon K. Langat of NACOSTI, at Department of Philosophy and

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Religious Studies, University of Nairobi. Sponsored by Bioethics Society of Kenya and European Development Clinical Trials Partnership.


Kenya Medical Research Institute, CBEC-KEMRI, Bioethics Training Initiative- Faculty

National Bioethics Committee, National Commission of Science, Technology and Innovation- Member

Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi Ethics Research Committee- Member

Establishment of Hospital Ethics Committees Committee- Member

International Scientific Committee, Ethics of Climate Change - Member

HATUA Community Sub-committee, Kenya Medical Research Institute - Member

Bioethics Society of Kenya - Secretary

Research Ethics Association of Southern Africa- Vice Chairperson

Eastern African Research and Innovations Management Association - Member

Kenya Chapter, East African Research Innovations Management Association - Executive Member

Kenya Chapter, East African Research Innovation and Management Association – Steering Committee Member

International Association of Ethics Education- Member


Peer-Reviewed Articles:

African Journal for Project Planning and Management. Kenya. Vol. (1) Issue 1.

pp.29-50.ISSN 2306-594X

Reviewer, Educational Administration, Study Module for Masters in Distance Studies, Department of Distance Studies

Reviewer, African Journal for Pharmacology and Therapeutics, A Journal for Research in Basic and Applied Pharmacology

Reviewed a paper for Emerald Publishers, European Journal of Training and Development, Coaching the 'ideal worker': Female Leaders and the gendered self in a global corporation Manuscript ID: EJTD-01-2019-0011

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HATUA Community Sub-committee

Hospital Ethics Committees

Board of Directors, Five Star Gardens Limited

Financial Freedom for Families, All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi from 10th February to 4th August 2015

School of Prayer All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi from 2nd February to July 26th 2015

Mizizi Training for New Believers All Saints Cathedral from September to November 2014


Applications: Proficient in;

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint REFERENCES

Dr. Omondi Bowa University of Nairobi Open, Distance and e-Learning Campus Department of Learner Support P.O. Box 30197-00100 NAIROBI Cell Phone : 0722 842 075 ; 0733 725 879 Email : [email protected] Prof. Charles Rambo University of Nairobi Open, Distance and e-Learning Campus Department of Learner Support P.O. Box 30197-00100 NAIROBI Cell Phone : 0721 276 663 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Prof. Walter Jaoko KAVI Institute of Clinical Research (KAVI-ICR) College of Health Sciences University of Nairobi P.O. Box 19676-00202 NAIROBI