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2014 SOQ400 Life Sciences Life Sciences Facilities Solutions Submitted by: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS

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contactS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Laboratory, reSearch, and containment FaciLitieS overview . . 3

experience overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

corporate overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

oFFice LocationS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

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CONTACTSFor more information, please contact:

Michael Clements, PE, LEED APLife Sciences Business Development TEL: +1-678-303-2521Email: [email protected]

Brad Andersen, RA, PMPVice PresidentLife Sciences Market Sector LeaderTEL: +1-303-751-0741Email: [email protected]

Luis LinaresLife Sciences Business Development+1-204-223-3718 (cell)[email protected]

Paul Langevin, PEngDirector of Laboratory Design ServicesTEL: +1-613-592-5289Email: [email protected]

Gilles Tremblay, CETDirector of Commissioning ServicesTEL: +1-613-592-5289Email: [email protected]

Sandy Ellis, RADirector of Laboratory ProgrammingTEL: +1-613-592-5289Email: [email protected]

Chris Kiley, PEDirector of Life Sciences EngineeringTEL: +1-678-281-0997Email: [email protected]

Ross Graham, DVM, MPH, PhD, CBSPDirector of Laboratory OperationsTEL: +1-703-680-6086Email: [email protected]

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INTRODUCTION“These days, science news is front page news, whether related to avian flu, listeria outbreaks, bioterrorism, west nile virus, or innovations in disease prevention and control. And with this increased focus on science, the need for efficient, safe and secure facilities to support science research, diagnostic and training operations has also grown. For the past 25 years, Merrick’s Life Science team has provided design leadership to our clients, assisting them to make sound decisions regarding their facilities. Our expanded value chain can provide you with guidance on costs of both construction and facility operation, right through to full design, commissioning, SOP development and staff training.

What sets Merrick apart is our well-honed ability to grasp your vision, understand your program objectives – as well as your constraints – and then set in motion a design process resulting in optimum solutions for both your immediate and long-term objectives. Design is all about optimizing choices and Merrick’s unique approach to decision-making springs from our experience and our attitude. For each critical decision, we will frame the issue, provide alternate solutions, outline pros and cons, give examples of how others have dealt with the issue and offer recommendations...then we listen carefully to your answer and implement your decision.

At the end of the day, it’s all about maximizing your ability to do superb science – and making sure there are no surprises along the way. That’s how we do business - and it’s why our business continues to grow. Give us a call and let’s talk about how to turn your project into reality.”

Bradley S. Andersen, RA Vice President, Life Sciences Merrick & Company

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OverviewWith the demanding challenges of today’s life sciences environment, laboratory operators, managers, and scientific staff are searching for solutions. They need flexible, safe, productive, and cost-effective physical environments; places where scientific programs can be adapted to the ever-changing, complex world and deliver viable solutions. To provide those solutions, Merrick offers a full complement of integrated professional services to develop laboratories at the next level of efficiency, productivity, profitability, and success.

� Programming � Planning � Full-service architecture & engineering design � Commissioning � Certification � Operations � SOP development � Federal grant application assistance

Merrick’s full-service Integrated Facilities Design & Operations Program provides you with the resources of a single-sourced, seamless team to assist in developing your next life sciences environment. As you begin the program, the Merrick team will carefully consider the two interests that must be integrated in order to develop a successful facility.

The Scientific InterestsSafety and security are typically at the top of scientific staff’s priorities. Productivity and efficiency in operations, thoughtful places where peers can easily collaborate, adaptability to accommodate future trends and changes, and a sustainable environment that attracts the best and the brightest in science are keys to a successful laboratory environment.

The Facilities InterestsOn the facilities side, owners, managers, and operators are concerned with adaptability and flexibility to ensure the enduring viability of their financial investment. Beyond that is the requirement for the project team to adhere to initial development budgets while planning for long-term operational cost effectiveness. Commissioning, certification, safety, security, and re-certification, year-after-year, also drive the demands on the physical environment. To meet both these common, and at times, divergent interests, Merrick provides you with the expert resources to fully develop a successful program.

The firm’s services include:

Laboratory Planning � Equipment planning � Process flows � Program phasing � Scientific program / facility interface

Architecture � Programming � Building design � Design charrettes � Interior design

BSL-3 Animal Research Laboratory, IA

BSL-3 Animal Research Laboratory, IA

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Engineering � Structural � Mechanical / HVAC / Plumbing � Fire protection � Electrical � Information technology � Security � Acoustical � Civil / site work � Environmental � Process

Commissioning � Full commissioning services � Commissioning plan specification development � Retro-commissioning � SOP development � Facility assessments � Operations & maintenance planning � Training

Laboratory Operations Planning � Laboratory set-up assistance � Risk assessment � Biosafety / biosecurity planning & consulting � Laboratory SOP development � Equipment specification & procurement � Operations & maintenance planning

Construction Administration � Project management � Cost estimating � Schedule development � Submittal review � RFI management

Kansas State University

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EXPERIENCE OVERVIEWA sampling of Merrick’s clients includes:

� U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) � U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCE) � U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) � U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) � U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) � World Health Organization (WHO) � World Bank � Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) � National Institutes of Health (NIH) � The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) � Canadian Food Inspection Agency � University Health Network, Canada � University of California - Davis � University of Georgia � University of Missouri � University of Ottawa � Kansas State University � University of Pittsburgh � University of British Columbia � Public Health Agency of Canada � U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) � Pennsylvania State University � Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) � Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) � Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) � U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) � U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) � Canadian Health Science Center for Human and Animal Health � The University of Texas Medical Branch � UT-Battelle

A brief introduction to the firm’s work includes:

Animal / Plant / Human Health Facilities

BSL-3Ag Large Animal Housing & Training FacilitiesThese large animal facilities are highly specialized to allow large animal operations to be conducted under strict protocols for safe containment of zoonotic and non-zoonotic pathogens. The high containment portion of the $72M, 158,000 SF facility is the largest BSL-3Ag in the world and the USDA’s main center for animal research, diagnostics, and biologics. Merrick provided full-service architecture and engineering.

Small Animal Facility Caging

Containment Effluent Decon System

Glassware Wash Equipment

BSL-3Ag Large Animal Research Facility Commissioning

Building 401 Lab

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Building 401 Lab 4th Floor Build Out, The Centers for Disease Control and PreventionMerrick provided the Electrical, Fire Alarm, Security, and IT-Communications infrastructure design services and Title-3 Construction support services as part of the Design-Build Team for the $16M CDC Building 401 Shell Space Build-out to support and enhance the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases (DVBID) in fulfilling their scientific mission. The spaces included laboratory and laboratory support office floor, and associated interstitial floor over the lab spaces within an existing multi-story laboratory building at the CDC Fort Collins Campus. The shelled area was approximately 30,000 GSF and included BSL-2 and BSL-3 laboratories, and support offices for 52 people, conference rooms, employee break area, incinerator space and equipment. This build-out was completed within an occupied and operational facility where maintaining the security and the research functions of existing CDC operations was paramount.

The electrical effort included verifying that the existing normal and emergency power distribution systems and the UPS had sufficient capacity to handle the loads for the added project load requirements. The project goal has achieved a LEED Gold rating. To this end, all of the lighting and electrical power design was based on the requirements necessary to reach this goal, including reducing the light power levels, providing occupancy sensing, daylighting, time sweeps and multi-level switching as part of the lighting control system.

Biological Systems Research Facility, USDA - Agricultural Research ServiceMerrick is providing a program of requirements to include preliminary planning and sitework for a new 70,000 SF laboratory and office facility, and a 7,200 SF greenhouse/headhouse complex. The laboratories are all modular in design to support many research applications in plant genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry, plant pathology, virology, bioenergy, soils physics and chemistry, and insect genetics and physiology. Support space for insect growth and livestock waste are provided in which noxious odors, as well as insect containment, needs to be maintained.

National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, USDA - Agriculture Research ServiceThe mission of the National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation (NCGRP) is to acquire, evaluate, preserve, and provide a national collection of genetic resources to secure the biological diversity that underpins a sustainable U.S. agricultural economy through diligent stewardship, research, and communication. Merrick provided full architectural and engineering services for this unique project for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service which consists of a central gene bank repository for more than a half million seed samples. While this facility includes research laboratories, conference rooms, office areas, and support spaces, the heart of the facility is the four-level, 22,000 SF seed storage vault designed to maintain seeds at a constant -20°F.

Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL), The University of MissouriMerrick, as part of the design team, provided planning and design of a 31,146 SF new RBL which is a state-of-the-art vivarium and laboratory for medical and veterinary researchers that will accommodate in-vitro and in-vivo research for RCE training programs associated with experimentation and diagnostics. The facility will provide the MU campus with critically needed biocontainment and vivarium facilities to conduct research and training focused on select pathogens and emerging infectious agents.

National Center for GeneticResource Preservation


BSL-3 Research Facility, MO

Research, Animal Vivarium, Decontamination, University of MO

Biological Systems Research Facility

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Krembil Discovery Centre Project, University Health NetworkMerrick’s work involves the 9th floor vivarium and 6th and 8th floor behavioral suites. Merrick is accountable for 100% of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design documents. The vivarium planning process specific to this facility is directly related to site conditions for the core, shell, and vertical transport and mechanical / electrical shafts and risers. The vivarium represents approximately $15M as part of the larger project for the KDC. Neuroscientists here explore the function of the nervous system as they develop treatments for spinal cord injuries, cerebral ischemia, vascular malformation, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Central Reference BSL2/BSL3 Laboratory and Regional Epidemiological Stations, Raytheon Technical Services Company LLCMerrick, under contract with Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC (RTSC) for the US Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP), prepared the design for the new construction of the federal-level Central Reference Laboratory (CRL). The CRL is a four-story structure, plus under-ground garage of approximately 10,200 square meters. This federal-level laboratory, to be built in Baku, Azerbaijan, is a top-level Republican laboratory used in the laboratory response network of Azerbaijan. A Republican-level laboratory capability was required that meets recognition/ diagnosis, reporting, response, and research functions of the U.S. government BTRP program.

The CRL functions primarily as a human and veterinary BSL-2 and BSL- 3 diagnostic laboratory. The facility also includes epidemiological data monitoring, research, administrative, and ancillary support spaces and systems for the Azerbaijan Ministry of Health. The laboratory consists of containment levels 2 and 3 in accordance with U.S. and WHO standards.

Merrick delivered a complete design package and Basis of Design (BOD); the design and equipment selection were localized to the fullest extent possible. The CRL design effort also required close coordination with multiple Azerbaijani design teams, Ministry representatives, and local vendors to ensure a sustainable and constructible design

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) - Ottawa Laboratory Facility (OLF), Building Condition ReportThe Ottawa Laboratory Facility (OLF) is a containment level 3 laboratory facility. The facility is currently in operation and contains animal pathogen CL2 and CL3, large and small animal holding areas, PM suites with incineration, effluent decontamination systems, and solid waste disposal systems. The facility consists of multiple buildings, the main laboratory, and Building No. 201 at a footprint of 33,794 sq.m that was built in 1968. Merrick conducted a series of non-destructive tests at the OLF facility in order to establish existing system conditions; and to identify and quantify deficiencies which might significantly affect the value of the property or continued operation of the facility over the next 25 years.

Renewable Energy Research Laboratories

Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility, The National Renewable Energy LaboratoryMerrick is providing process, mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering services for the new Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility. This facility will be used to conduct cutting edge research and development on cellulosic ethanol production. Merrick was selected for this nationally recognized program due to the firm’s broad and deep knowledge of technologies and systems key to

Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility

Krembil Discovery Center Project

Central Reference Laboratory

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the endeavor. Merrick was also recently engaged by NREL to evaluate and recommend equipment and systems for the rheological mixing of enzymes into high solids concentration biomass slurries. The focus of this study was the optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover cellulose to sugar.

Specialized Outpatient Medical Clinics

Primary Care Clinic Addition and Alterations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City DistrictMerrick provided design services for a $20M, 60,000 SF addition/alteration to this current primary care clinic. Key project features include family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, pharmacy, respiratory therapy/cardiology services, acute medical illness clinic, immunization/dermatology/allergy and health promotions.


Biosecurity Research Institute, Commissioning Services, Kansas State UniversityThe Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) is a state-of-the-art biocontainment facility totaling 113,000 SF and consists of BSL-3 and BSL-3Ag space totalling 31,000 SF. Merrick provided operational startup support and a focused commissioning effort that targeted guideline compliance which included:

� Site review and inspection, observation of testing and review of the lab/vivaria, ventilation systems, lab spaces, HVAC equipment, control system, HEPA filtration system. � Documents review. � Control system testing and analysis. � Assessment and recommendations for upgrades and modifications. � Develop test protocols and documentation. � On-site system and integrated system testing with KSU staff which included normal and failure testing scenarios.

Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, University of PittsburghMerrick was responsible for full commissioning services for the Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) which occupies 30,000 SF of the 330,000 SF Biosciences Tower 3 located at the University of Pittsburgh campus. This $33M RBL consists of BSL-3 and ABSL-3 containment suites which include laboratories, procedure rooms, animal holding rooms, necropsy suites, aerobiology, and an imaging suite.

Waste Management Systems

Effluent Sterilization System Assessment and Concept Design Study, Canadian Health Sciences Centre for Human and Animal HealthMerrick provided an effluent sterilization system assessment and concept design study for the Canadian Health Sciences Centre for Human and Animal Health (CHSCHAH). The objective of this study was to assess options for the replacement of the liquid sterilization system for BSL-3/-4 - CL3/CL4 containment laboratories. The study incorporated an in-depth review of the existing system, various design recommendations for the new system, and phasing recommendations of the new system, in addition to suggested building improvements.

Effluent Sterilization System Assessment & Concepts

Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh

Fort Leonard Wood Primary Care Clinic

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USAMRIID Steam Sterilization PlantMerrick is providing commissioning and biological validation services to the Effluent Decontamination System serving the new USAMRIID Replacement Facility which is a 950,000 SF facility consisting of BSL2/3/4 programs. The system is designed to treat over 126,000 gallons on a daily maximum basis and is comprised of 4 (7,000 gallon) batch heat treatment tanks, 4 (30,000 gallon) storage tanks and ancillary equipment such as ejector tanks, grinder pumps and heat exchangers.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Energy Research Laboratories

Laboratory Design Modifications, Building 325 Life Extension Project, Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryMerrick was responsible for the conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design of modifications to 150,000 SF Research and Development Facility Building 325 at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The design addressed modifications to this Category 2 nuclear facility to bring the facility up to current standards and to address capability enhancements for shielded and enclosed operations. Merrick’s scope included identification and translation of user identified functional requirements into three detailed modular hot cell designs for the construction of six units intended for installation in Building 325 and development of a basic conceptual layout for the modular hot cells in the basement area identified by PNNL. The design activities were performed in accordance with the requirements of Merrick’s NQA-1 compliant project quality assurance plan (PQAP) for the project.

Chemical Metallurgical Research Building Modifications, Los Alamos National LaboratoryMerrick designed electrical and structural system upgrades for this 550,000 SF, three story facility. The facility was constructed in the 1950s and is a secure site, with DOE Q (secret) clearance required. Merrick has designed miscellaneous modifications, upgrades, and new equipment for 26 years. During that time, Merrick has designed facility and system renovations at the CMR Building with a constructed value in excess of $500M.

SOP Development Merrick has developed various laboratory and facility focused SOPs to support high-containment operations and maintenance activities. These operational protocols comprise of SOPs and task instruction documents developed for the specific requirements of systems and equipment relating to and supporting the BSL3/4 program. Some of our recent clients include:

� University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Galveston, National Biocontainment Laboratory, BSL4, Galveston, TX � University of Missouri – BSL3 � University of Tennessee RBL – BSL3 � KSU Biosecurity Research Institute – BSL3, BSL3Ag facility � University of Georgia, Athens, GA - BSL3, BSL3Ag facility � University of Texas at El Paso – BSL3 (on-going) � NIAID Integrated Research Facility, BSL-4, (Fort Detrick), Frederick, MD � NIAID Integrated Research Facility (Rocky Mountain Laboratories), (B28) – BSL4, Hamilton, MT

The following pages provide more specific detail about Merrick’s experience.

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Regional Biocontainment Laboratory Commissioning Services

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) occupies 30,000 sf of the 330,000 sf Biosciences Tower 3 located at the University of Pittsburgh campus. In addition to supporting the University’s Center for Vaccine Research, the RBL is part of a regional resource for the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); it also supports the Middle Atlantic Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases (MARCE). The primary purpose of its design was to develop new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics to protect the general public from infectious diseases and bioterrorism. This RBL will participate in the NIAID Biodefense Network and will be prepared and available to support public health efforts in the event of a biodefense emergency.

This $33 million RBL consists of BSL-3 and ABSL-3 containment suites which include laboratories, procedure rooms, animal holding rooms, necropsy suites, aerobiology, and an imaging suite. The design and construction also included enhancements such as a central effluent decontamination system, a tissue digester, and supply air HEPA filtration.

For this RBL project, Merrick & Company was responsible for full commissioning services which included the following:

● Developed Cx plan at design phase of project ● Provided comprehensive design & submittal review ● Developed & implemented field installation verifications, operational performance tests & functional performance tests

● Developed & implemented all critical systems failure scenario testing

● Ensured that the design intent, installations, testing, and O&M requirements are properly documented

● Managed & coordinated Cx schedule in conjunction with construction schedule

● Provided oversight of HVAC TAB activities critical to containment

Merrick provided unique expertise and services for this project including the following:

● Functional testing of the central effluent decontamination system & double-wall containment drain system

● Functional testing of the tissue digester ● Physical room leak testing of every containment space ● BMBL 5th Edition Compliance Assessment in order to facilitate select agent certification for the facility

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Biosecurity Research Institute Commissioning Services

Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas

The Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) is located at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. K-State’s BRI is a state-of-the-art biocontainment facility totaling 113,000 sf; and consists of both BSL-3 and BSL-3Ag space totaling 31,000 sf.

The BSL-3 space consists of approximately 21 labs along with the necessary preparation space and a small animal vivarium and ancillary support space. The BSL-3Ag consists of five animal rooms, a necropsy area, and ancillary support spaces. The BRI functional cores include animal rooms for research on infectious diseases of livestock and poultry.

The facility was designed to hold up to 32 eight-hundred pound cattle or smaller species, food processing space, plant science research laboratories for the development of plant-based vaccines, and insect vector and basic molecular biology laboratories. In addition to the biocontainment spaces, there is an education and training wing with meeting rooms, conference space, a classroom, and a BSL-3 simulated training laboratory.

The goals of the new Collaborative Biosecurity Research Initiative (CBRI) are to support inter-institutional research to:

1. Develop countermeasures for foreign animal diseases.

2. Provide advanced test and evaluation capability for threat detection, vulnerability, and countermeasure assessment for animal and zoonotic diseases.

3. Support licensure of vaccine countermeasures through essential animal-model testing and evaluation.

4. Strengthen biosecurity capabilities of institutions serving certain regions and populations, such as students underrepresented in biosecurity research.

Merrick Scope of WorkThe facility at project turnover had operational and performance issues which needed to be resolved. Merrick provided operational startup support and a focused

commissioning effort that targeted guideline compliance which included:

● On-site review, inspection and recommissioning services including testing and documentation of the lab/vivaria ventilation, lab spaces, HVAC equipment, Control system, HEPA filtration system

● Developed facility SOPs to support biocontainment operations ● Helped facilitate select agent certification for the facility through the commissioning efforts

● Reviewed documents including, as-built drawings, specifications, punch lists and TAB reports for the project

● Control system testing and analysis ● Assessment and recommendations for upgrades and modifications

● Develop test protocols and documentation ● On-site system and integrated system testing with KSU staff which included normal and failure testing scenarios

● Building automation ● HVAC ● Lab modules ● Power failure

● Develop Cx report and baseline documents

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Plant Pathogen Containment Headhouse/Greenhouse & Effluent Decontamination System Renovation/Replacement

US Department of Agriculture; Agricultural Research Service Fort Detrick, Maryland

Merrick & Company was engaged by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Facilities Division to provide the A-E services for the investigative report to determine the extent of renovations/repairs required for Building 374 and for the Effluent Decontamination System (EDS) at Fort Detrick, MD. Merrick determined and addressed the optimum way to upgrade the HH/GH and addressed renovations and repairs required to bring the facility up to current biocontainment standards.

Some of the key features to the project include:

● BSL-3 facility to remain largely operational and fully in containment during phased construction

● Temporary HEPA exhaust fans to maintain biocontainment during HVAC system replacement

● Redundant HEPA filtered exhaust ● Redundant supply and exhaust fans ● Interlocked supply and exhaust fans to prevent positive pressure scenario

● Emergency generator to maintain backup power to HEPA exhaust during phased construction

● Effluent decontamination system utilizing a batch thermal disinfectant approach

● Replacement of greenhouse glazing ● Addition of a greenhouse shading system

Merrick currently holds an IDIQ Nationwide contract with the USDA-ARS. This project is being designed and constructed in multiple phases due to limited capital funding. The various phases of this project (issued as separate work orders under the IDIQ contract) include:

A. Investigative Report for Building 374 (HH/GH) and the EDS.

B. Design and construction administration of the EDS which is currently under construction.

C. Phase 1 HH/GH – Renovation and replacement of the M/E/P systems located primarily in the attic mezzanine. The construction contract was recently awarded for this phase.

D. Phase 2 HH/GH – Renovation and replacement of approximately half of the HH/GH (half of the HH/GH must remain operational and in containment during construction). This phase is currently in design.

E. Phase 3 HH/GH – Renovation and replacement of the remainder of the HH/GH following construction and commissioning of the previous phase (the Phase 2 portion of the project must remain operational and in containment during construction of this phase).

The following professional services were provided:

● Planning and programming for the facility renovation based on current and future research missions and objectives

● Comprehensive “as-built” services for entire facility including all M/E/P systems

● Replacement of exterior greenhouse glazing and security sensors ● Upgrading of electrical system for the entire facility ● Replacement of all HEPA Air Handling Units (AHUs) including all containment greenhouse AHUs and containment headhouse AHUs

● Renovation of all biocontainment laboratories in headhouse ● Replacement of BSL-3 lab and HH/GH EDS ● Replacement of chilled water, hot water, and steam piping systems ● Replacement of lab plumbing systems ● Renovation and lining of existing GH drain lines ● Development of construction phasing plan that minimizes impacts to on-going research

● Construction schedule identifies and defines facility system downtimes on a system-by-system basis

● On-site commissioning oversite during construction ● Construction administration and observation including resident engineering services

● Cost estimating for all work


Henry Hays USDA, ARS, FD, FEB George Washington Carver Center 301-504-1206 [email protected]

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Integrated Research FacilityNational Institutes of Health

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Fort Detrick, Maryland

Merrick’s specific tasks included the following:

Task 1: Engineering Investigatory and Analysis ServicesProvide independent investigatory and analysis services for the facility, specifically with respect to commissioning of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression systems.

Task 2: Document Identification and ReviewProvide a review of the contract and project-related documents including specifications, drawings, submittals, commissioning work plans and associated reports, test and balance data, and startup testing.

Task 3: EvaluationProvide options and recommendations to NIH Office of General Counsel (OGC) to achieve permanent, durable, and technically appropriate solutions in accordance with the intended use of the facility. Basis of analysis considers the requirements of the BMBL, NIH Design Requirements Manual, requirements of the contract documents, codes and standards, and good engineering practice appropriate for the facility.

Task 4: Work Cooperatively and ProactivelyWork cooperatively and proactively with all identified members of the NIH/OGC Team Dispute Resolution Services Team, including government representatives, all consultants, subconsultants, experts, affiliates, designees, and assigns.

Key Project Features:

● BSL-3, BSL-4, ABSL-3, ABSL-4 ● Chemical showers out of high containment laboratories (BSL-4) ● Small animal, medium animal, NHP research ● GLP research ● Diagnostic imaging equipment (CT scan, MRI, etc.) ● Air pressure resistant doors ● Redundant HEPA filtered supply and exhaust ● Redundant supply and exhaust fans ● Badge and keypad door entry ● Double door steam sterilizer ● Tissue digester ● Breathing air system

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), conducts research to understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases that threaten hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

In 2001 the Federal Government approved $105 million to fund the construction of a facility for biodefense and emerging infectious diseases research. In 2003 the Department of Health and Human Services announced its intent to build the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) at Fort Detrick, MD consisting of a 144,000 SF building with laboratory space for animal research, radiology equipment, mechanical space, waste-handling, and BSL-2 and BSL-4 laboratory suites. Originally scheduled for completion in 2008, the IRF is the first building constructed at the new US National Interagency Biodefense Campus at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

After experiencing a two-year delay in the activation of the BSL-4 components of the facility, due to construction/commissioning failures and design issues, Merrick & Company was contracted by NIH-NIAID to provide direct technical advisory support to NIH to help resolve the challenges with which they were confronted. Those challenges were related to delay, disruption, acceleration, errors and omissions, differing site conditions, process system failures, mechanical failures, and project management associated with the construction, design, engineering, management, and commissioning of the NIAID-IRF.


Stephanie Hixon, Capital Projects Branch Leader National Institutes of Health 202-669-8850

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Laboratory Oversight-RenovationLao National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE)

and Lao National Animal Health Center (NAHC) The World Bank, Washington DC

Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Merrick & Company is providing laboratory oversight-renovation services for the Lao National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) and Lao National Animal Health Center (NAHC) in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. The project was initiated by the World Bank to support the Lao Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Lao Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) with major renovations of their national laboratories. Although the design of the new laboratory spaces was done by regional A&E firms, Merrick was hired to review the design documents and provide oversight on the bidding and construction process.

The MOA’s national laboratory consists of a 4-story shell (9,500 sf) with BSL-2 laboratories and a BSL-3 laboratory being built within the structure. The MOH laboratory (9,500 sf) consisted of renovations of an existing building and will contain only BSL-2 laboratory space.

Merrick’s Participation

Merrick assembled a team consisting of a mechanical, electrical, civil, structural, and construction engineers - along with a laboratory architect, biocontainment engineer, and laboratory operations/biosafety specialist - to review and comment on both of the laboratory designs prior to the tender process. This team is also responsible for reviewing the MOH and MOA acceptance bids; the construction engineer will visit Lao to provide construction oversight.

Specific Activities

During the consultancy the following services are being provided to the World Bank for both laboratories. To date, Phase I has been completed for both laboratories:

● Phase 1 – Bid document review ● Technical document review

● Clarity and definition of work to be done ● Completeness of the design and tender documents ● Internal consistency of the design and tender documents ● Clarity and adequacy of drawings and detailing ● Clarity and adequacy of specifications and other written tender documents

● General constructability of the laboratories ● BSL-3 and animal facility design compliance

● The design of the BSL-3 laboratory in the MOA (NAHC) laboratory was reviewed for general compliance with design guidelines for BSL-3 laboratory facilities as set forth in BMBL (5th Ed) and the WHO (3rd Ed)

● Definition of Bidder Qualifications

● Phase 2 – Review of the selected tenders to support a WB finding of “no objection to award a contract”

● Phase 3 – Site visits during construction


Ms. Hope C. Phillips-Volker; The World Bank Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-5231 e-mail: [email protected]

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Engineering • Architecture • Design-Build • Surveying • GeoSpatial Solutions


Laboratory Consultancy Services Ministry of Health; Georgia Health and Social Projects Implementation Center

Tbilisi, Georgia

Merrick & Company provided laboratory consultancy services to the Georgia Health and Social Projects Implementation Center (GHSPIC), Ministry of Health (MOH), Government of Georgia, a World Bank-funded project in Tbilisi, Georgia. Initiated by the MOH, the project had several objectives:

● Assisting the Georgian government in developing action plans for the laboratory management of a new Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) containing BSL-2 & -3 laboratories for the MOH and the Ministry of Agriculture.

● Assisting the Georgian National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) in defining the requirements for a laboratory quality management system (QC/QA), standard operating procedures (SOPs), and training requirements for virology and molecular biology procedures for its public health laboratories down to the rayon (county) level.

As the project progressed, the ownership of the new CRL changed from the MOH to the Government of Georgia, and the scope of the project shifted to assisting the Georgian government in developing management and business plans for use of the new CRL by numerous ministries.

Merrick’s Participation

Merrick provided the consulting services of Dr. Ross Graham, DVM, MPH, PhD, CBSP to the MOH. Dr. Graham has over 30 years experience in developing and managing research and diagnostic laboratories in overseas environments, including bench level procedures (laboratory equipment specifications and infectious disease assays), quality and laboratory information management systems, laboratory animal facility management, and laboratory management/operation of BSL-2 and -3 laboratories.

Specific Activities

During the consultancy the following services were provided to the Georgian MOH: ● An assessment and review of the Ministry of Health and Agriculture current laboratory systems including surveillance systems, information flow, and laboratory facility assets from the rayon (county) level to the national laboratories.

● Suggestions for revisions of the existing MOH and MOA laboratory systems, identifying limitations and potentials, and how the animal and the human health services could function together at the central level.

● SOPs required for the new CRL for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Influenza Like Illness (ILI) diagnosis.

● Definition of duties and responsibilities required for the proposed MOH and MOV laboratory CRL staff.

● A proposal for the organization of CRL to meet MOH and MOA requirements.

● Requirements for a Quality Management System for regional and national virology reference laboratories.

● A training program and plans on SOPs, molecular genetics (including PCR), and virology methods for laboratory personnel in the national, regional district, and district public health laboratories.

When the ownership and management of the CRL was transferred to the Georgian Government, the scope of the project changed to providing the following for the new CRL:

● Potential laboratory management options with business and staffing plans

● Required core laboratories ● Required and suggested accreditation and certification programs

● Laboratory, biosafety, and quality management equipment requirements

● Quality Management System needs ● Training needs and plans for the laboratory, engineering, and support staff

REFERENCESDr. Anna Archvadze; Project ManagerAvian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and ResponseGeorgia Health and Social Project Implementation CenterTbilisi, 0160 GeorgiaTelephone - +995 (32) 38-82-10e-mail: [email protected]

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Engineering • Architecture • Design-Build • Surveying • GeoSpatial Solutions


Laboratory ConsultancyKyrgyzstan Ministry of Agriculture,

Water Resources, and Processing Industry Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Merrick & Company provided laboratory consultancy services to the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Water Resources, and Processing Industry in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for the Kyrgyzstan Republic State Center for Veterinary Diagnostics, which is the national veterinary laboratory for diagnostic procedures and food safety.

A recent renovation had recently been completed on the laboratory’s virology department that upgraded its biosafety, serology, and molecular biology (PCR) capabilities. Merrick provided assistance to the laboratory in setting up laboratory equipment, establishing laboratory management programs, and providing training on biosafety and laboratory procedures. There is a follow-on contract to help the laboratory in implementing diagnostic programs for brucella, rabies, and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) diagnostic programs.

Merrick’s Participation

Merrick provided the consulting services of Dr. Ross Graham, DVM, MPH, PhD, CBSP to the MOA. Dr. Graham has more than 30 years of experience in developing and managing research and diagnostic laboratories in overseas environments, including bench level procedures (laboratory equipment specifications and infectious disease assays), quality and laboratory information management systems, biosafety, biosecurity, laboratory animal facility management, and laboratory management/operation of BSL-2 and -3 laboratories.

Specific Activities

During the consultancy, the following services were provided to the Kyrgyz MOA Republic State Center for Veterinary Diagnostics (RSCVDL):

● Laboratory-wide Laboratory Information Management System design and implementation plan

● Laboratory-wide Quality Management System design and implementation plan

● Development and practical training on serological and biosafety standard operating procedures

● Recommendations on laboratory equipment and consumables for the Virology Department to diagnose avian diseases including HPAI

● Development of laboratory-wide training plan for RSCVDL laboratory staff on biosafety, hazardous waste management, LIMS, QMS, biosafety, serology, bacteriology, and molecular biology topics

● Assistance with laboratory equipment startup and training ● Development of a laboratory-wide Biosafety, Safety, and Chemical Safety Manual

● Performance of a Biosafety Inspection (BSL-2) of the Virology Department with corrective actions


Ms. Zahifa Omorbekova Director, Agricultural Projects Implementation Unit Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan e-mail: [email protected]

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Engineering • Architecture • Design-Build • Surveying • GeoSpatial Solutions


Animal Health Research Center Facility Process Improvements

University of Georgia Physical Plant Athens, Georgia

Merrick & Company, in association with Whiting-Turner, was contracted to address and correct deficiencies in the University of Georgia’s 74,527 sf Animal Health Research Facility (AHRC) in Athens, GA. This is a $5 million dollar design and construction project for the facility’s existing BSL-3 and 3-Ag biocontainment vivaria and laboratories to allow Select Agent study. Merrick is providing investigative and design services under contract to Whiting-Turner for this design-build project. Due to the biocontainment and select agent registration issues with this project, both the design and construction phases are hands-on collaborative efforts between Merrick and Whiting-Turner.

A list of obstacles was developed with the University to systematically address known problems in achieving this goal. The obstacles addressed include building air-pressure monitoring and control, APR door system controls, effluent decontamination system, and facility containment barriers. This facility will set a precedent for other non-government BSL-3Ag research facilities with regards to “containable space” definitions—specifically finding the balance between infrastructure-driven solutions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

CommissioningUnder a previous contract, in 2008, Merrick conducted a study on the commissioning activities and documents at the AHRC. This report was prepared to summarize the previous efforts by others. The commissioning work was based on the scope of services developed between CES, Boyken, and the AHRC. The design and renovation of the facility by others was based on the 4th edition of the BMBL and the 2002 edition of the ARS guidelines. The 2008 Merrick Report was part of the impetus behind the University’s pursuing the further design and remediation.

RemediationThe second scope of work, in 2010, is geared towards facility remediation to achieve Select Agent registration. For this final stage of the facility’s design, Merrick is providing services in two Phases which consist of:

Phase 1: The University created a list of facility deficiencies which were broken down into three categories: Obstacles to Select Agent Research, Primary Facility Needs, and Secondary Facility Needs. Merrick investigated each of the obstacles and needs individually and produced a list of potential solutions in a narrative format, which included conceptual sketches and product selections. Whiting Turner priced all of the Obstacle’s and Need’s options, after which the University selected the final scope based on the costs and merit of the options.

Phase 2: Merrick will complete the design of the finalized scope, and will provide Construction Documents, Specifications, and a Narrative. Merrick will be “hands-on” throughout the Construction, being present for walk-throughs, punch lists, APHIS inspections, TAB, and Commissioning.

Key features include:

● Individual Animal Suite Gown in/Shower out ● Effluent decontamination tank using temperature and pressure

● Redundant HEPA filtered supply and exhaust ● Redundant supply fans ● Redundant exhaust fans ● Badge, Biometrics & Keypad door entry ● Double-door steam sterilizers ● Cage and Rack washers ● Emergency Power Generator ● Large (5500 lb.) Tissue Digester for Carcass Disposal

● Incinerator for Carcass Disposal

Merrick Activities:

● Reviewed existing drawings, specifications and submittals

● Site investigations and reports ● Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering

● Provided pricing input


Don Hill, BSL Head Engineer The University of Georgia 111 Carlton St. Athens, GA 30606 Phone: 706-583-0776 E-mail: [email protected]

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Engineering • Architecture • Design-Build • Surveying • GeoSpatial Solutions

Merrick & Company was retained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to perform a technical evaluation of select engineered building systems in the Biomedical Research Center (BRC) on Johns Hopkins’ Bayview Campus. The focus of Merrick’s evaluations were centered on mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems of the building, though structural and related architectural issues may be investigated in related future efforts.

The BRC is a twelve-level biomedical research facility, located on approximately 12 acres, consisting of 540,611 gross square feet, including 60,000 gsf of vivarium research space. There is also an independent, dedicated physical plant (Independent Utility Plant [IUP]) housed in a two-level, 22,929 gsf structure that supplies power, electricity, steam, and chilled water for the BRC. The primary tenants of the research facility are the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Systems investigated include:

● Independent utility plant ● Vivarium exhaust & duct system ● Pressurized water systems ● HVAC & piping systems ● Building drainage systems ● Building systems commissioning ● Air handling units & exhaust fans ● Electrical service equipment & systems

Building systems being considered for future review include: ● Structural issues and potential subsoil causes ● Architectural concerns including vivarium coating systems ● Building automation systems; fire protection systems ● Site utilities ● Scientific equipment function, including cage wash equipment, autoclaves, BSC’s, and others.

In addition to investigations, repair and alteration strategies and concept designs were initiated for the vivarium exhaust system, which had failed in the facility. Exhaust ductwork was fully welded stainless steel for the purpose of exhausting the animal facilities within the building, an area of competency in which Merrick is a world-leader in providing solutions.

Boiler repair and replacement strategies were developed as a result of the apparent flaws and problems with the existing systems. Merrick has drawn from leading experts in this field for the effort to provide NIH with world-class information and solutions to the problems facing the BRC facility.


Forensic AnalysisNIH Biomedical Research Center (BRC)

Johns Hopkins Bayview Campus Baltimore, Maryland

Project Features:

● Biomedical research facility ● AALAC Vivaria ● Investigative reporting ● Biosafety HVAC issues & design ● Indoor air quality issues ● NIH contracting environment

Services Provided:

● Existing facility investigation ● Concept design development

● Cost estimating support ● Repair & alteration design ● Animal facility HVAC design

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Engineering • Architecture • Design-Build • Surveying • GeoSpatial Solutions


Biodefense Laboratory CommissioningUSAMRIID Replacement Facility

USACE - Manhattan/Torcon Joint Venture Fort Detrick, Maryland

The $535M USAMRIID (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) Replacement Facility provides the DoD and the Federal biodefense commu-nity with facilities and expertise to safely conduct research on the most virulent pathogens and biotoxins. USAMRIID innovations and research continue to yield state-of-the-art vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics to support the national biodefense effort against anthrax, small-pox, botulinum, Ebola, malaria, and other biothreats. USAMRIID’s facilities must expand to meet high-containment testing and evaluation of promising vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.

Merrick & Company has been engaged as the commissioning agent CxA through the Manhattan/Torcon Joint Venture. Merrick will be providing commissioning documentation and a summary of BMBL (Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedi-cal Laboratories) compliance requirements necessary for CDC and APHIS certification for work with select agents.

Commissioning of the facility will focus on compliance to containment guidelines and standards in support of CDC Select Agent registration, including enhanced commissioning as the building is being constructed as a LEED facility.

Merrick is responsible for:

● Review of design, drawings & specifications

● Development & maintenance of Commissioning Execution Plan (CEP)

● Commissioning guidance, supervision & authorization

● Organizing & maintaining commissioning report

● Commissioning documentation (component verification forms, system tests, integrated system tests & functional operational system test)

● Witnessing equipment startups ● Witnessing & observing operational staff training

● Daily site inspections ● Witnessing room integrity testing (pressure decay) of special rooms

● Review of contractor closeout documents

The USAMRIID Replacement Facility will consist of the following:

● 950,000 gsf of constructed area ● Headquarters, administrative offices, research offices

● BSL-2, -3E & -4 standard & core laboratories & laboratory support spaces

● ABSL-2, -3E & -4 animal housing & procedure areas

● Clinical research area ● Conference & training center ● Building operations & support

Key Features:

● Chemical showers out of high containment laboratories (BSL-4)

● Diagnostic imaging equipment (Cat Scan, MRI, etc.)

● Air pressure resistant doors ● Redundant HEPA filtered supply & exhaust

● Redundant supply & exhaust fans ● Badge & keypad door entry ● Double door steam sterilizer ● Tissue digester ● Breathing air system

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Life Sciences - General

CORPORATE OVERVIEWMerrick & Company is an engineering, architecture, design-build, surveying, and geospatial solutions firm. The employee-owned company serves domestic and international clients in the infrastructure, energy, security, and life sciences markets with a focus on biocontainment research laboratories, health care, renewable energy, military and government facilities, nuclear technology systems, civil infrastructure, and geospatial mapping technologies.

The firm maintains an active Corporate Social Responsibility program serving the environmental, social, and economic aspects of the projects they are involved in and the communities they serve. Merrick is committed to sustainable design and construction practices through its 60+ LEED-accredited professionals and is continually expanding its in-house resources to serve tomorrow’s needs.

Life Sciences OverviewThe mission of Merrick’s Life Sciences team is to provide proven solutions for owners and operators of science facilities who are charged with the execution of unique and challenging scientific programs. Merrick’s expertise focuses on projects within areas encompassing research, diagnostics, product development, and training - and have included some of the United States’ most strategically significant and secure science programs. Merrick’s client list extends across multiple agencies of the federal government, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense, and also includes academic, institutional, and private sector clients.

The success of Merrick’s Life Sciences operations rests with a team of talented, professional architects, engineers, commissioning agents, scientists, and project managers who collaborate together to develop highly effective solutions to the unique challenges of science facilities. They are keenly aware of the need to balance the conflicting demands of safety, mission, efficiency, and budget. The decades of experience shared by our team allow us to offer suggestions, recommendations, and innovative ideas for project specific challenges - and while they are recognized among the industry’s thought leaders, our team also listens carefully to understand the needs and requirements of our clients. In our experience, each new project is an opportunity for us to listen, understand, and then apply ourselves, passionately, to finding the optimum solution for your project.

Merrick’s commitment to excellence also extends to sustainable design and construction practices - an often challenging objective in science facilities. We are dedicated to a definition of sustainability that promotes the triple bottom line of economic viability, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.

Southern Plains Research Facilitiy, USDA

Sandia National Laboratory, NM

MARKETS SERVED: y Life Sciences yNuclear Services & Technology y Energy yGeospatial Solutions y Infrastructure yNational Security Facilities

OFFICE LOCATIONS: yCanada yColorado yGeorgia yMexico yNew Mexico yNorth Carolina y Pennsylvania y Tennessee y Texas yUnited Kingdom yWashington D.C.

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Merrick’s Life Sciences team focuses on science facilities that include: � Biocontainment facilities � Research & development facilities � Renewable energy research laboratories � Animal/plant/human health facilities � Specialized outpatient medical clinics � Commissioning � Liquid & solid waste management systems � Biosecurity/biosafety � Chemical, biological, radiological labs � Nuclear energy research facilities � Clean rooms � Environmental chambers � Gloveboxes � Isolation barriers � Remote material handling � Germplasm repositories � Pharmaceutical facilities

International ExpertiseMerrick has extensive international experience on every continent and has worked with the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, and Defence. The firm provides on-the-ground staff, international partners, and knowledge of U.S. export compli-ance regulation – all of which confirms a strong understanding of cultural differ-ences and executing projects and business objectives in global settings. The firm’s international experience includes:

� Azerbaijan Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture � Ukrainian Ministry of Health � Georgia Ministries of Health and Agriculture � China CDC � Denmark government � National Environmental Agency of Singapore � Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defense, Malaysia � South Korea DoD Virology Research Program* � Indonesia DoD Virology Research Program* � Egypt DoD Virology Research Program* � Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Africa, Easter Europe Influenza

y Surveillance for Centers for Disease Control* � World Bank-Funded Projects in Laos, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan

*Experience of individual team member while with another firm.

Southern Plains Research Facility, USDA

Large Animal Research Facility, USDA

Ames, IA Research Facility

Regional Biocontainment Laboratory Commissioning, PA

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Life Sciences - General

RECOGNITIONMerrick is ranked in the top 125 of Engineering News Record’s “Top 500 Design Firms” and the firm has received numerous local, regional, and national awards for planning, engineering, architecture, and geospatial technologies. The following is a sampling of the awards recently received by Merrick.

Top 300 Architectural Firms (#94) 2013 Architectural Record

Top 500 Engineering Firms (#103) 2013 Engineering News-Record

Top Design Firms Colorado/Wyoming (#3) 2013 Engineering News-Record

Top Engineering/Architecture Firms (#9) 2013 Building Design + Construction

Top 100 Green Design Firm (#40) 2013Engineering News-Record

Top 200 Environmental Firms (#116) 2013Engineering News-Record

Top Hazardous Waste Firm (36) 2012Engineering News-Record

Top Government Office Design Firm (17) 2012Engineering News-Record

Engineering Excellence Award 2013American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC/CO)Chattahoochee River Ecosystem Restoration project

Design-Build Merit Award 2013Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) Brigade Complex Company Ops Facility, Fort Carson

Honor Award 2013American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) National AwardHartland Dam Fish & Boat Passage project

First Place 2013Professional Land Surveyors of ColoradoGIS Mapping, Boundary Mapping, and High Definition Surveying Categories for confidential project

Royal Air Force, Mildenhall, UK, 2011 Honor AwardUS Air Force Design

Honor Award 2008American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) National AwardBSL-3Ag Large Animal Research Facility; Ames, IA; USDA/ARS

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With the resources of 500 professionals and support staff, Merrick easily serves its clients’ needs on a local, regional, national, and international basis.