life of albert einstein

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  • 8/15/2019 Life of Albert Einstein



     The text is about the life of Albert Einstein. My source is http:/!

     This article can be classi"e# as a factual recount$ an# is an exa!ple of

    bioraphy/leal #ocu!ent. %t retells a life of a person speci"cally &ir Albert Einstein.

    'is life was retol# by a person. (irst was his chil#hoo# )he was slow in learnin to

    spea*$ an# ha# a rebellious nature towar#s the con+entional styles of learnin at

    school,. &econ# was his teenae years where at the ae of sixteen$ he was writin

    his "rst research science paper$ an# he was atte!ptin to s*ip the last few years of

    hih school. 'e atte!pte# to enter the school na!ely &wiss %nstitute of Technoloy

    but he faile# the entrance exa!. An# lastly$ was tol# the #isco+ery of Albert

    Einstein when he has ae# )!i##le ae to his last breathe,. % can say that it was tol#chronoloically base# on his ae because the chil#hoo# co!es "rst before the

    teenae life an# !i##le ae co!es after. 'is #isco+eries was also retol# in

    chronoloical or#er base# on the ti!e or #ate he #isco+ere# his #isco+eries. The

    place an# se-uence of e+ents where also tol# in chronoloical or#er.

    Also$ past tense was use# in each sentences. &o!e of these are: %nspire# by a

    co!pass$ his sacre# little eo!etry boo*$ an# classical !usic$ his interest in

    science an# !athe!atics rew an# by the ae of sixteen he was writin his "rst

    research science paper. The use of wor#s of the author such as chil#hoo#$ ae of

    sixteen$ an# the #ates shows clearly se-uence of e+ents that it happen ti!e after

    ti!e )chronoloically,. Also the text was retellin a story of a person base# on its

    true to life story so % can say that it is factual. Therefore$ % can say that this is a

    factual recount type of text.

  • 8/15/2019 Life of Albert Einstein



     The text is about an A!erican irl who ha# a +acation in ietna!. &he was with her

    ietna!ist frien# an# they saw a person that ha# been shot. They foun# out thatthe person was shot because the person ha# been robbe#. The author is Alicia

    0ilson$ a fe!ale$ she li+es in Unite# &tates of A!erica$ 0est 1al! 2each an# her

    profession is a stu#ent.

     This article can be classi"e# as a factual recount$ an# is an exa!ple of a 3ournal. %t

    retells a story that ha+e alrea#y happene#: (irst thin that happene# was she went

    on a 4iht. &econ# was she !et her frien# )a ietna!ist, in ietna!. Thir# was they

    went "shin. Then they saw a person shot an# #ie#. The last thin was that niht

    after they saw the person #ie#$ they watche# the Tele+ision an# foun# out the

    reason that the person was shot because she was robbe#. The series of e+ents was

    se-uence# in ti!e an# happene# chronoloically. 5ust li*e the author )who li+es in

    A!erica, went to the 4iht "rst before she !et her ietna!ist frien# in ietna!.

    An# since both of the! saw the inci#ent that a person was shot$ The e+ent where

    they saw the inci#ent shoul# happen after they ha+e seen each other. An# this is

    actually what %6+e seen in the article so % can say it was chronoloically #one. Also$

    past tense was use# in each sentences. &o!e of these are: % ha# one on +acation

    with !y frien# to his ho!elan# an# it was absolutely a!a7in to experience

    another culture. 0e went hi*in$ "shin an# e+en went to festi+als. An# that niht %

    watche# the news an# foun# out the person was shot because she was robbe#.

    0hich really shows that it happene# in the past. The use of wor#s of the author

    such as yester#ay$ one afternoon$ that niht after the inci#ent$ shows clearlyse-uence of e+ents that it happen ti!e after ti!e )chronoloically,. Also the text

    was an experience so it is consi#ere# as factual. Therefore$ % can say that this is a

    factual recount type of text.

  • 8/15/2019 Life of Albert Einstein



     The !ain i#ea of the exposition is that all people shoul# ta*e responsibility for the

    en+iron!ent an# for the sur+i+al of ani!al species. The writer is Eric$ Manly. Thereare #i9erent types of exposition. %n this text$ it is an exposition text in expository

    writin. 0here the writer tries to chane the attitu#e of the rea#er by presentin

    an# elaboratin his point of +iew by presentin his si#e of aru!ent % can classify it

    as an factual exposition type of text an# is an exa!ple of e#itorial. %t presents a

    point of +iew of the writer )when are people oin to accept responsibility for the

    en+iron!ent an# ani!al, an# it persua#es others that we shoul# be responsible of

    our surroun#ins. The !ain purpose of the text is to chane the attitu#e of the

    rea#er by presentin si#e of his si#e of the aru!ent. %n this text$ The writer #oes it

    by !entionin reat #estructions that the hu!an beins ha+e #one in the short

    ti!e that the hu!an beins ha+e been here on this planet: so!e of the sentences!entione# in the text are: the continual #estructions of the ani!al habitats to !a*e

    way for sprea#in urban populations or increase# far!in lan#s for rowin foo#.

    1eople are pollutin the earth to such an extent that !any waterways are not "t for

    swi!!in an# 1eople #u!b toxic waste at sea or bury it at the #esert. The

    structure of the text also pro+es that it is an exposition type of text. On his "rst

    pararaph$ you can see his state!ent of position: 0hen are hu!an beins oin to

    accept responsibility for the en+iron!ent an# for the sur+i+al pf ani!al species

    On his secon#$ thir#$ an# fourth pararaph$ you can see the aru!ent stae where

    he supports his state!ent of position: the su!!ary of his aru!ent stae is$ it

    shows that in the short ti!e people li+in in this planet$ people alrea#y annihilate#

    thousan#s of ani!al species$ #estroye# +ast areas of irreplaceable rainforests an#

    pollute# lan# an# water. An# on the last part of the text$ you can see the

    reinforce!ent of the state!ent position of the writer: % ure all people to ta*e

    responsibility for this earth we share with other creatures an# which we hol# in trust

    of our chil#ren6s chil#ren. 0e can #o it if we wor* toether. &ince all the

    infor!ation are all base# on truth$ then it is factual. The lanuae features in the

    text is an e+i#ence that the author spea*s persuasi+ely. 'e e+en uses e!oti+e

    lanuae for our feelins to arise such as: #estroye#$ annihilate#; an# so to chane

    our attitu#e towar#s life. %t also uses hih #eree of !o#ality such as !ust an# can.

     The use of con3unction such as that to show cause an# e9ect. An# he uses passi+e

    +oice such as it sa##ens !e to thin*... to *eep focus on his point of +iew. Therefore$ % can conclu#e that this text is a type of factual exposition.

  • 8/15/2019 Life of Albert Einstein



     The !ain i#ea of the exposition is that 0e shoul#n6t cra+e for horror !o+ies The

    writer is Richar# Nor#-uist. Richar# Nor#-uist$ 1h.