life goals (bucket list)

1. Send fl owers anonymously 2. Go to a homet own concert 3. Go to a last show wit h pr ank s 4. Go to a show in a dif ferent state 5. Go to a tropical island ( Haw aii c ounts) . !isi t a fri end in a dif ferent stat e ("re# on doesn$t count) %. &uy at leas t four samosas in !ancou'er fo r yourse lf and eat th em in one sit tin# . lay a n int ens e #ame of *ruth with friends +. See ,ay day ar ade in concer t 1-. See eath /a0 fo r /utie in conc ert 11. /omple te a 35 our nal 12. !isit *he iardin# orld of Harry ot ter 13. !isi t the #ra'e of someone famo us 14. ,eet Garret t 15. See *his /entury in concert 1. earn ra0 ic 1%. 6ly in a Hot ir &alloon 1. See &ill Gates 1+. See a mo'ie s tar 2-. *ra 'el to 7urope 21. pply for the &onderman 6ellowship 22. on$t curse for one whole day 23. Spend a ni#h t on the 0eac h 24. ake up in the middle of the ni#ht and dri'e out to s ee the stars 25. Go to 8 or apply f or ,ed Sch ool 2. See the resident of the 9S 2%. Go to :ew ; ork 2. 7<amine a real ,onet pain tin# 2+. Stay up all ni#ht to watch t he sunrise 3-. *e ll a stran#er a secret no one else knows 31. Go to fr ica 32. Go to Ha= = 33. &uy an e< pensi' e pen 34. >eunit e with /onor 35. al k in a march or pa rade 3. *ry acupuncture 3%. !o lunteer at a Soup ?itchen 3. Get a real payin# =o0@ e'en if i t$s minimum wa#e 3+. *ake a helicopter tour 4-. rite a letter to t en people A know and send in the mail 41. ,ake a Built fr om scrat ch 42. !isi t e'ery sta te in the 9S 43. 6inis h my honors portfol io 44. rit e a lo'e letter 45. Go to !ans arped *our 4. !isi t ra#ue 4%. Grow my own #ar den 4. Go snorkl in# 4+. Ha'e a house wi th a pool or li0rary 5-. Spend a whole day in 0ed 51. ance in the rain

Upload: derek-king

Post on 01-Jun-2018




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