life before birth

Good News Publishers 1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, IL 60187 For helpful Christian literature, please write to the address above or visit our web site at Bible references: ESV. ©1985 Good News Publishers. Redesign: ©2007. Printed in U.S.A. Cover image: ©Dr. Ranier Jonas. Other images: ©Life Issues Institute (www., used by permission. can cause severe birth defects in any child that survives this self-induced abortion, and severe side-effects for the mother. Several maternal deaths have been reported due to the use of this “miracle pill.” Long-term psychological and spiritual effects include guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, sense of loss, nightmares, death scenes, deterioration of self-image, and even suicide. Cervical lacerations and uterine perforation can result from suction and D&C procedures. Convulsions, severe vomiting, and diarrhea are common with prosta- glandin abortion. Cardiac arrests and maternal deaths have also been reported. A life-giving AlternAtive But there is hope for both the mother and the child. If you have a problem pregnancy, we want you to know that God cares for you and the unborn child growing within you. He knew about you before you were even born: “O Lord, you have searched me and known me… My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret… the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them” (from Psalm 139). God wants to bring life—not death—out of your difficult situation. He has already provided lifelines to help you. Support is available to help you care for your child or provide a childless couple with a baby. Financial aid, emotional support, medical services, and, most impor- tant, a future free of guilt and full of hope for you and your unborn child can be yours. Choose life todAy If you picked up this pamphlet at your local crisis preg- nancy center, you already know the quality of people who work there. But if not, you can look in the Yellow Pages under the heading “Abortion Alternatives” or call toll-free 1-800-848-LOVE (or go to any time, to find the nearest crisis pregnancy center. You can find someone who genuinely cares about what hap- pens to mothers and their unborn babies. WhAt you dont knoW CAn hurt you Few women faced with an unwanted pregnancy are told of the marvelous development of the life growing within them. In the absence of information, abortion seems to be the right decision at the moment. But they are not warned of what will really happen to their baby or of the possible physical and psychological effects of abortion that may stay with them the rest of their lives. And they are rarely told of the alternatives to save the life of their child. Some doctors say that abortion is a routine operation to remove “fetal tissue.” But in truth, it is the destruction of a living human being. One young woman, who later regretted an abortion, stated, “The doctor said, ‘A little fluid out and some fluid injected, severe cramps, and then the fetus is expelled.’ That isn’t what it was. I felt my girl thrash around for an hour-and-a-half until she died a slow death.” The mother is also exposed to long-term complications. Incomplete abortions resulting in blood clotting, bleed- ing, hemorrhage, and infections are not uncommon. Menstrual disturbance, miscarriage, tubal pregnancies, and sterility are always risks and tend to multiply with successive abortions. RU-486 and other abortifacients Image © Life Issues Institute. life before birth

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Life Before Birth


Page 1: Life Before Birth

Good News Publishers1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, IL 60187

For helpful Christian literature, please write to the address above or visit our web site at Bible references: ESV.

©1985 G

ood New

s Publishers. Redesign: ©2007. Printed in U

.S.A. Cover im

age: ©D

r. Ranier Jonas. O

ther images: ©

Life Issues Institute (ww, used by perm


can cause severe birth defects in any child that survives

this self-induced abortion, and severe side-effects for the

mother. Several maternal deaths have been reported due

to the use of this “miracle pill.”

Long-term psychological and spiritual effects include

guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, sense of loss, nightmares,

death scenes, deterioration of self-image, and even

suicide. Cervical lacerations and uterine perforation can

result from suction and D&C procedures. Convulsions,

severe vomiting, and diarrhea are common with prosta-

glandin abortion. Cardiac arrests and maternal deaths

have also been reported.

A life-giving AlternAtive But there is hope for both the mother and the child. If you

have a problem pregnancy,

we want you to know that

God cares for you and the

unborn child growing within

you. He knew about you

before you were even born:

“O Lord, you have searched

me and known me… My

frame was not hidden from

you, when I was being made

in secret… the days that were formed for me, when as yet

there were none of them” (from Psalm 139).

God wants to bring life—not death—out of your difficult

situation. He has already provided lifelines to help you.

Support is available to help you care for your child or

provide a childless couple with a baby. Financial aid,

emotional support, medical services, and, most impor-

tant, a future free of guilt and full of hope for you and

your unborn child can be yours.

Choose life todAy

If you picked up this pamphlet at your local crisis preg-

nancy center, you already know the quality of people who

work there. But if not, you can look in the Yellow Pages

under the heading “Abortion Alternatives” or call toll-free

1-800-848-LOVE (or go to

any time, to find the nearest crisis pregnancy center. You

can find someone who genuinely cares about what hap-

pens to mothers and their unborn babies.

WhAt you don’t knoW CAn hurt you Few women faced with an unwanted pregnancy are told

of the marvelous development of the life growing within

them. In the absence of information, abortion seems to

be the right decision at the moment. But they are not

warned of what will really happen to their baby or of the

possible physical and psychological effects of abortion

that may stay with them the rest of their lives. And they

are rarely told of the alternatives to save the life of their


Some doctors say that abortion is a routine operation

to remove “fetal tissue.” But in truth, it is the destruction

of a living human being. One young woman, who later

regretted an abortion, stated, “The doctor said, ‘A little

fluid out and some fluid injected, severe cramps, and

then the fetus is expelled.’ That isn’t what it was. I felt my

girl thrash around for an hour-and-a-half until she died

a slow death.”

The mother is also exposed to long-term complications.

Incomplete abortions resulting in blood clotting, bleed-

ing, hemorrhage, and infections are not uncommon.

Menstrual disturbance, miscarriage, tubal pregnancies,

and sterility are always risks and tend to multiply with

successive abortions. RU-486 and other abortifacients Image © Life Issues Institute.

life before birth

Page 2: Life Before Birth

ConCeption: life begins! Life begins at conception as a single, separate, living

cell. Nothing new is added except oxygen and nutrition.

Fertilization occurs when a sperm and ovum join to form

a single cell, full of life and bearing the unique genetic

imprint of a person who has never existed before. The

DNA in the 46 chromosomes of that small cell contain

full instructions about that new individual’s sex, eye color,

foot size, brain capacity, and other physical traits.

1 Week: implAntAtion On about the sixth day, the growing baby attaches to

the wall of the mother’s uterus. That rich nutrient lining

welcomes the tiny tenant, and soon the child is sending

out the chemical signal that can be detected in a home

pregnancy test. Before the second week is over, the cells

of the child’s body will have already begun segregating

themselves into the various layers that will give rise to the

brain, nervous system, skin, digestive system, muscles,

bones, and circulatory system.

3-4 Weeks: A beAting heArt The baby’s heart begins its first beats as early as 18

days after fertilization, often before the mother even

suspects she is pregnant. Between the third and fourth

weeks, the baby’s head and spinal column become easily

distinguishable, and arm buds appear. Legs will begin to

appear days later. The umbilical cord forms, transporting

oxygen and nutrients to the child.

6 Weeks: brAin WAves Fingers are forming, and the child’s mouth and lips are

apparent. The child begins his or her first movements. At

six weeks, the baby has brain waves that can be mea-

sured with an electroencephalogram.

10-11 Weeks: orgAn systems in plACe The baby has eyelids, fingernails, and fingerprints, and

can grasp an object. The kidneys begin to form urine.

All body systems are in place and active: the baby has a

skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation.

12 Weeks: movements And ChArACteristiCs Though too small to be felt by the mother, the baby

reaches peak frequency of movement during the third

month. The baby’s sex can be visually determined, and

the child’s eyes, ears, and face begin to display distinctive


14 Weeks: A mirACle of development Eyebrows have formed, eye movements are seen. For a

couple of weeks now, this baby has had all the body parts

required to experience pain, including the nerves and

spinal cord.

16 Weeks: mAking his or her presenCe knoWn The baby becomes large and active enough for the mother

to feel movement of turns, kicks, and somersaults that at

some point even become visible to the outside.

20 Weeks: heAring mother’s voiCe In the fifth and sixth months, the baby responds to music,

sudden noises, and voices, especially that of his or her

mother. Over the coming weeks, the baby will increase

seven times in weight and nearly double in height.

23 Weeks . . . or eArlier: viAbility Viability is the time when the baby can survive outside the

mother. Not long ago, viability was at 30 weeks, then 25.

Today, babies at 22 or 23 weeks have been saved, and even

some younger babies

have survived. What will

viability be tomorrow?*

Photography: ©Dr. Rainer Jonas.

Photography: ©Dr. Rainer Jonas.

Image © Life Issues Institute.

2 MONTHS: This

miniature infant

is preparing for

thumb sucking.

Every organ is

present. The heart

beats steadily. The

baby’s fingerprints

are formed and

will never change

except for size.

5 MONTHS: This baby

is sensitive to sounds

and is comforted by

his mother’s voice. He

responds to music and

reacts sharply to pain.

*This chronology of life

in the womb is adapted

from “A Baby’s First

Months,” published by

the National Right to

Life Educational Trust

Fund (

and used by permission.

life before birth

Page 3: Life Before Birth

Good News Publishers

Life Before BirthThis tract tells of the development of a child from conception to birth, and the

damaging of abortion.

Bible references: ESV.Package contains 25 tracts. cuRRENT iSSuES

in secret… the days that were formed for me, when as yet

there were none of them” (from Psalm 139).

God wants to bring life—not death—out of your difficult

situation. He has already provided lifelines to help you.

Support is available to help you care for your child or

provide a childless couple with a baby. Financial aid,

emotional support, medical services, and, most impor-

tant, a future free of guilt and full of hope for you and

your unborn child can be yours.

Choose life todAy

If you picked up this pamphlet at your local crisis preg-

nancy center, you already know the quality of people who

work there. But if not, you can look in the Yellow Pages

under the heading “Abortion Alternatives” or call toll-free

1-800-848-LOVE (or go to

any time, to find the nearest crisis pregnancy center. You

can find someone who genuinely cares about what hap-

pens to mothers and their unborn babies.