letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor Linda Ward and David Abbott The article by Alyson Williams in the September 2000 issue of the British Journal of Learning Disabilities assessment and management of auto-erotic asphyxiation in a young man with learning disability) raises many serious issues, of which `Joe's' sexual behaviour is not necessarily the most proble- matic. In particular we would like to ask: 1 What attempts were made by the authors to seek and gain `Joe's' consent to the article being written particularly in the light of the extremely intimate and sexual information contained within it) and why was no account of this presented within the article? 2 Why was such scant attention paid within the article to the fundamental ethical issues raised by it ± namely the restriction of Joe's choice and freedom not only in relation to his sexual behaviour but also in terms of his `indepen- dent access to the community'? 3 Why was Joe's situation presented entirely in `pathologi- cal' terms, given that we know that auto-erotic practices are not uncommon in the general, `non-disabled' popula- tion and presumably many men have masturbated while fantasizing about the Spice Girls!) and why did the article contain no recognition of the plurality of sexual behaviours practised `behind closed doors' in our society? 4 Why are details of the proposed intervention given but none at all on the OUTCOMES of this intervention? Indeed, where is the evidence for the assertion made that `This multidisciplinary approach proved successful to Joe and his family.'? 5 Why is there no recognition within the article that a `successful outcome' for Joe's family for whom the whole issue was undoubtedly very distressing, not least because of concerns about his personal safety) might be different from a successful outcome for Joe? It is clearly important for professionals to come to terms with the fact that people with learning dif®culties will, when they have the choice and options for doing so, engage in the same wide range of sexual behaviours as the rest of the population. We recognize that this can be both challenging for their families, supporters and professionals and distres- sing if `risky' behaviour is involved, and that some debate in these dif®cult areas is to be welcomed. Nonetheless, we have profound concerns about the British Journal of Learning Dis- abilities publishing an article that: 1 contains no re¯ective commentary whatsoever on the real ethical issues involved and the ways that these may or may not) have been explored by those involved. Did Joe give permission for the sexual fantasies he reported to his psychiatrist to be shared with the far wider audience of this article?); 2 is neither person-centred and respectful of Joe's autonomy, dignity and privacy in its approach, nor evidence-based in its presentation of ®ndings; 3 gives absolutely no indication or assurance that appropri- ate consents were sought and secured for the article con- cerned, and therefore risks suggesting to readers that such research/writing practices are to be tolerated. We are concerned that, so far as we can judge, the editorial policy and guidelines for authors intending to write for the Journal do not currently contain a requirement that articles should include full details about ethical issues involved and addressed by studies or interventions reported including issues of consent) or that the `subject' of such articles be afforded as much dignity and respect in their written treat- ment as we would expect in any other kind of intervention in which they were involved. Norah Fry Research Centre, University of Bristol Bristol Joyce Howarth Sexual Health Consultant and Trainer, Bristol 34 # 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 34±36

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Page 1: Letter to the Editor

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