leipzig spring fair 1968: 10,000 exhibitors from east and west

1963 amounted to 2 per cent and up to the end of 1966 to 4.8 per cent. The exceptional increase in the German share during the last two years shows that it is useful for German firms which have not yet fully established themselves in the Africa trade to enter into working partnerships with firms in other Common Market countries--firms, that is to say, with African experience. German Nuclear Ship "Otto Hahn" Delivered in February NS "Otto Hahn" was transfered on the first of February from the "Howaldts- werke - Deutsche Werft AG', Hamburg and Kiel, to the "Gesellschaft ffir Kernener- gieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt LTD', Hamburg. The trial run still took place with an auxiliary motor. The reactor plant has however also been completely installed, but it is still without its uranium fuel elements. The so- called "cold trial" of the reactor plant without its fuel elements is to be completed by March. At the same time the reactor nucleus is to be tested and physically gauged. The fuel elements will be inserted into the ship's reactor plant at the end of March or the beginning of April so that the plant may be gradually started up. After successful per- formance tests in the shipyard of the entire machinery it is hoped to undertake trial trips with the reactor plant in the Baltic in the summer of 1968. Once the reactor plant has been finally accepted, extensive trips are planned for research and ex- perimental purposes. Apart from this research pro- gram, the "Otto Hahn" is, however, also to take part in the regular trade service in order to prove the reliability of a nuclear-powered ship in the role of a commercial vessel. The ,Otto Hahn', built as an ore carrier, will be employed on all kinds of ore routes. To build her costs about 55 million DM. The competition between Good Export the two European colour Chances for television systems PAL and SECAM appears recently to German Colour W have gone in favour of the System PAL German PAL-system. The French colour television industry is troubled particularly by the fact that Walter Bruch, inventor of the PAL-process, has developed a small additional gadget which can be attached to every PAL-set, thereby enabling it to receive SECAM-transmissions. This opens up pros- pects of selling PAL colour television sets not only in parts of Belgium bordering on Germany, in Luxemburg, and in Switzerland, but even in France itself. Thus in Eastern France for example almost no colour television sets have been sold because people are still waiting for reasonably priced sets, capable of receiving both systems. France must therefore expect imports while export chances diminish corres- pondingly. Only recently, even Rumania, which at first appeared to be a certain customer for SECAM, decided in favour of the PAL-system. By and large, the German colour television industry reckons to have good export chances also in Eastern Europe, and that all the more so as the Soviet Union seems to be wavering in its original decision in favour of SECAM. Since colour television began on August 25, 1967, 100,O00 PAL-sets have been sold in the Federal Republic, while a further .15,000 have been exported. The resulting mass production as well as competition between manufacturers have already led to major price reductions. More than 10,000 exhibitors Leipzig Spring from sixty-five countries Fair 1968: have, according to the Leip- zig Fair Bureau, already 10,000 Exhibitors booked space for the Leipzig from East and West Spring Fair 1968 due to be held from March 3 to March 12. Among them are about six thousand foreign exhibitors including the Federal Republic. The tech- nical exhibits, spread over sixty-five branches of industry, will be shown on the area of the Technical Fair. Ther, e are seventeen halls in the City centre for the exhibits of the twenty-five branches of the consumer goods industries. The entire area of the Fair extends over 350,000 square-metres. The Fair promoters expect more than 600,000 visitors from some eighty-five countries. Mainly the East bloc countries will be represented on collective stands for branches of industry more numerously than in past years on the Technical Fair. In 1967 the West German Federal Post Office Post Office was able to Gives Technical Aid intensify technical coopera- tion with the postal ad- to Numerous ministrations of numerous DevelopingCountries developing countries, bi- laterally as well as multi- laterally. As far as bilateral aid is concerned, the Federal Post Office supplied in the year under review to the postal and telecommunication administrations of developing countries 40 experts to work as advisers, planners, surveyors and instructors. It was possible to start various extensive projects--particularly in the sphere of telecommuni- cations. One scheme amongst others that was started under the direction of two experts from the German Federal Post Office was the construction of the teaching block for the Telecommunication School in Conakry (Guinea}. Total expenditure for bilateral measures amounted to DM 3.4 million. For aid measures in the multilateral sector 28 experts were delegated and were used for the most part as advisers, planners and instructors within the frame- work of the United Nations aid program. Special attention was paid to the instruction and further training of staff from developing countries. INTERECONOMICS, No. 3, 1968 89

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1963 a m o u n t e d to 2 per cen t and up to the end of 1966 to 4.8 pe r cent. The excep t iona l inc rease in the G e r m a n sha re dur ing the last two yea r s shows t ha t i t is useful for G e r m a n firms which h a v e not ye t ful ly e s t ab l i shed t h e m s e l v e s in the Afr ica t rade to en t e r into work ing pa r t ne r s h i p s w i th firms in o the r Common M a r k e t coun t r i e s - - f i rms , t ha t is to say, wi th Af r i can exper ience .

German Nuclear Ship "Otto Hahn" Delivered in February

NS "Ot to Hahn" was t r ans fe red on the first of Feb rua ry from the "Howaldts- w e r k e - Deutsche Wer f t A G ' , H a m b u r g and Kiel, to the "Gesel lschaf t ffir Kernener - g i e v e r w e r t u n g in Schiffbau

und Schiffahrt LTD' , Hamburg . The t r ia l run still took p lace wi th a n aux i l i a ry motor . The reac to r p lan t has h o w e v e r also b e e n comple te ly ins ta l led, bu t i t is still w i thou t its u r a n i u m fuel e lements . The so- ca l led "cold t r ial" of the r eac to r p lan t w i t hou t its fuel e l ement s is to be comple ted b y March. At the same t ime the r eac to r nuc leus is to be t es ted and phys ica l ly gauged. The fuel e l ement s will be inse r ted into t he ship ' s r eac to r p l an t a t t he end of March or the b e g i n n i n g of Apr i l so t ha t the p lan t may b e g radua l ly s t a r t ed up. Af te r successful per- fo rmance tests in the sh ipya rd of the en t i re mach ine ry it is hoped to u n d e r t a k e t r ia l t r ips wi th the r eac to r p lan t in the Balt ic in the summer of 1968. Once the reac tor p l an t has b e e n f ina l ly accepted, ex t ens ive t r ips a re p l a n n e d for research and ex- pe r imen ta l purposes . A p a r t f rom this research pro- gram, the "Otto Hahn" is, however , also to take pa r t in the regu la r t rade se rv ice in order to p rove the re l iab i l i ty of a nuc l ea r - pow er ed ship in the role of a commerc ia l vessel . The ,O t to H a h n ' , bu i l t as an ore carr ier , will be employed on all k inds of ore routes. To bui ld he r costs abou t 55 mil l ion DM.

The compet i t ion b e t w e e n Good Export the two European colour

Chances for t e lev i s ion sys tems PAL and SECAM appear s r ecen t ly to

German Colour W h a v e gone in f avour of the

System PAL G e r m a n PAL-system. The French colour t e lev i s ion

indus t ry is t roub led par t i cu la r ly b y the fact t ha t W a l t e r Bruch, i n v e n t o r of the PAL-process, has deve loped a smal l add i t iona l gadge t which can be a t tached to e v e r y PAL-set, t h e r eby enab l ing it to r ece ive SECAM-transmiss ions . This opens up pros- pects of se l l ing PAL colour t e l ev i s ion sets no t on ly in par t s of Belgium bo rde r ing on Germany , in Luxemburg, and in Switzer land, bu t e v e n in F rance itself. Thus in Eas te rn F rance for example a lmos t no co lour t e lev i s ion sets h a v e b e e n sold b e c a u s e people are still wa i t ing for r e a s o n a b l y pr iced sets, capab le of r ece iv ing b o t h sys tems. France mus t the re fo re expec t impor ts whi l e expor t chances d imin ish corres- pondingly . On ly recent ly , e v e n Rumania , which at

first appea red to be a ce r t a in cus tomer for SECAM, dec ided in f avour of the PAL-system. By and large, the G e r m a n colour t e l ev i s ion i ndus t ry reckons to h a v e good expor t chances also in Eas te rn Europe, and tha t all the more so as the Sovie t Union seems to be w a v e r i n g in its or ig ina l dec is ion in f avour of SECAM. Since colour t e l ev i s ion b e g a n on Augus t 25, 1967, 100,O00 PAL-sets h a v e b e e n sold in the Federa l Republic, whi le a fu r the r .15,000 h a v e b e e n exported. The resu l t ing mass p roduc t ion as wel l as compet i t ion b e t w e e n manufac tu r e r s h a v e a l r eady led to ma jo r pr ice reduct ions .

More t han 10,000 exh ib i to r s Leipzig Spring from s ix ty-f ive coun t r i es

Fair 1968: have , accord ing to the Leip- zig Fair Bureau, a l r eady

10,000 Exhibitors booked space for the Leipzig

from East and West Spring Fair 1968 due to be held from March 3 to March

12. A m o n g them are abou t six t housand fore ign exh ib i to r s inc lud ing the Federa l Republic. The tech- n ica l exhibi ts , sp read ove r s ix ty-f ive b ranches of indus t ry , will be s h o w n on the a rea of t he Technical Fair. Ther, e a re s e v e n t e e n ha l l s in the Ci ty cen t re for the exhib i t s of the twen ty - f ive b ranches of the consumer goods industr ies . The en t i re a rea of the Fair ex t ends ove r 350,000 square-met res . The Fair p romote r s expec t more t han 600,000 v is i to rs f rom some e igh ty- f ive countr ies . M a i n l y the East bloc count r ies will be r ep re sen t ed on co l lec t ive s tands for b ranches of indus t ry more n u m e r o u s l y t h a n in pas t yea r s on the Technical Fair.

In 1967 the W e s t G e r m a n Federal Post Office Post Office was ab le to

Gives Technical Aid in tens i fy technical coopera- t ion wi th the pos ta l ad-

to Numerous minis t r a t ions of numerous

DevelopingCountries deve lop ing countr ies , bi- l a t e ra l ly as wel l as mult i -

la teral ly . As far as b i l a te ra l aid is concerned , the Federa l Post Office suppl ied in the yea r unde r r ev i ew to the pos ta l and t e l ecommunica t ion admin i s t r a t ions of deve lop ing count r ies 40 exper ts to work as advisers , p lanners , s u r v e y o r s and ins t ructors . It was poss ib le to s ta r t va r ious ex tens ive p r o j e c t s - - p a r t i c u l a r l y in the sphe re of t e lecommuni - cat ions. One scheme amongs t o thers tha t was s t a r t ed unde r the d i rec t ion of two exper t s f rom the G e r m a n Federa l Post Office was the cons t ruc t ion of the teaching block for the Te l ecommunica t ion School in C o n a k r y (Guinea}. Total expend i tu re for b i la te ra l measu res a m o u n t e d to DM 3.4 mill ion. For aid measu res in the mul t i l a t e ra l sec tor 28 exper t s were de lega ted and were used for the most par t as advisers , p l anne r s and ins t ruc tors wi th in the frame- work of the Uni ted Na t ions aid program. Special a t t en t ion was paid to the ins t ruc t ion and fu r ther t r a in ing of staff from deve lop ing countr ies .

INTERECONOMICS, No. 3, 1968 89