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Ethnobotany Alexey Shipunov Minot State University Lecture 25 Shipunov (MSU) Ethnobotany Lecture 25 1 / 52

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Alexey Shipunov

Minot State University

Lecture 25

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1 PharmacognosyPlant remedies for nervous system; stimulantsOther “teas”SedativesAntidepressantsAnalgesicsMemory enhancement

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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants

PharmacognosyPlant remedies for nervous system;


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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants

Areca nut, Areca catechu, Palmae, Southeast Asia

Nuts are chewed with betle pepper (Piper betle, Piperaceae)leaves and slaked lime (Ca(OH)2)Chemical reaction will free arecoline alkaloid (similar to nicotine),agonist of acetylcholine receptors

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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants

Areca nut vendor (Hainan, China)

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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants


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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants

Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, Solanaceae, CentralAmerica

Perennial herb with large glanduliferous leavesContain alkaloid nicotine binding to acetylcholine receptors and(among other effects) increases the level of brain dopamineNicotine is a also a well-known natural insecticide

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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants


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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants

Kava, Piper methysticum, Piperaceae, Pacific

Small shrub, roots are used to prepare sedative drinkActive components are kavactones, stimulate inhibitoryγ-aminobutyric GABA receptors

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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants


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Pharmacognosy Plant remedies for nervous system; stimulants


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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

PharmacognosyOther “teas”

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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

Hibiscus tea, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Malvaceae,Mediterranean

Flower calyces (sepals) are dried and boiledContain flavonoids (e.g., anthocyanin deplhinidin) and organicacids with multiple medicinal effects, e.g., lowering blood pressure

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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

Hibiscus tea plant

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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

Delphinidin anthocyanide

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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

Rooibos tea, Aspalathus linearis, Leguminosae, SouthAfrica

Small shrub of Cape provinceLeaves contain high level of antioxidants such as aspalathin andnothofagin, fermented similarly to tea or yerba mate

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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”


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Pharmacognosy Other “teas”

Boldo, Peumus boldus, Monimiaceae, South America

Andean evergreen shrubContains alkaloid boldine and multipleessential oils (e.g., with anthelminticeffect)Used as a tea in many SouthAmerican countries, typically mixedwith mate

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives


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Pharmacognosy Sedatives


Are often calling “hypnotics”, difference is mainly in a dosePlant sedatives are much safer than synthetic

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Valerian, Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae, Eurasia

Valerianae radixActive components are valerian oils and iridoids valepotriatesInteract with GABA receptors

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives


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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Valtrate valepotriate

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Hops, Humulus lupulus, Cannabaceae, Eurasia

Lupuli flosActive components are unusual organic acids humulone andlupulone and their derivativesHelps to normalize sleep, also have antibacterial effects

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Hops (female inflorescences)

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis, Labiatae, Eurasia

Melissae foliumActive components are multi-component volatile oils includingaldehydesImprove nervous disorders and also gastrointestinal problems;has antibacterial effects

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives


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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Red passion flower, Passiflora incarnata,Passifloraceae, South America

Dried leaves are used pharmaceuticallyActive components suspected to be flavonoidsAs effective as oxazepam (serax) in treating nervous disorders(e.g., hysteria)

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Mandrake, Mandragora officinarum, Solanaceae,Central Asia

Dried root contains atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine andpodophyllin: all alkaloidsPoisonous and hallucinogenic in large doses, hypnotic/sedative insmall doses

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Mandrake, from Tacuinum Sanitatis (1474)

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Pharmacognosy Sedatives


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Pharmacognosy Sedatives

Mandrake roots

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Pharmacognosy Antidepressants


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Pharmacognosy Antidepressants


“Nerve tonics”Plants with anti-depressant activity are rare

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Pharmacognosy Antidepressants

St. John’s wort, Hypericum perforatum, Hypericaceae,Eurasia

Hyperici herbaHyperforin (derivative of terpenes) is the most active componentInhibition of synaptic uptake of several neurotransmitters:serotonin, dopamin, GABA etc.

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Pharmacognosy Antidepressants


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Pharmacognosy Antidepressants

Hypericum perforatum

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Pharmacognosy Analgesics


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Pharmacognosy Analgesics


Cocaine and morphines are sometimes used as analgesicsAspirin-related anti-inflammatory drugs will be covered later

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Pharmacognosy Analgesics

Feverfew, Tanacetum parthenicum, Compositae,Eurasia

Tanaceti parthenii herbaSesquiterpene lactones like parthenolide are responsible for theactivitySuppress prostaglandine production

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Pharmacognosy Analgesics


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Pharmacognosy Analgesics


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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

PharmacognosyMemory enhancement

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

Memory enhancement

Especially important in case of Altzheimer’s disease (dementia)Often are inhibitors of acetylholinesterase

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, Amaryllidaceae,Mediterranean

Contains alkaloid galantamineSlow down the progression of Altzheimer’s disease

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement


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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement


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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgoaceae, China

“Living fossil” from China, natural habitats are lostActive components are diterpene lactones ginkgolides andglycosides such as ginkgetinImprove blood circulation in brain, have antioxidant effects,prevent degradation of synaptic receptorsAlso used to heal varicose veins

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

Ginkgo biloba

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

Ginkgolides and ginkgetins

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement


Most of stimulants / narcotics are analogs of neurotransmittersSedative and hypnotic chemicals are often non-alkaloidsMandrake is real!

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Pharmacognosy Memory enhancement

For Further Reading

A. Shipunov.Ethnobotany [Electronic resource].2011—onwards.Mode of access:http://ashipunov.info/shipunov/school/biol_310

Heinrich et al. 2012 (or 2004).Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy.Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.Mode of access: http://ashipunov.info/shipunov/school/biol_310/heinrich2004_fund_pharm_part.pdf

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