learn apply communicate project by helen ashdown and gregory eve learn apply communicate project by...

Learn Apply Communicate Project Learn Apply Communicate Project by by Helen Ashdown and Gregory Eve Helen Ashdown and Gregory Eve

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Learn Apply Communicate ProjectLearn Apply Communicate Project

by by Helen Ashdown and Gregory EveHelen Ashdown and Gregory Eve

• To make large cultural and sport events more sustainable• Opportunity to reduce negative impacts caused by high volumes

of attendance• Potential to have a far reaching positive influence to a wide

audience due to media and commercial entertainment attention• Finding win-win options: environmental and economic


• Though there are many differences, most of the relevant issues are common (waste, energy transportation)

• Temporary residence vs. permanent structure, time-limited vs. time-extended (sport seasons last months, music festivals several days)

• Try a shared knowledge approach to address the common factors but maintain specific solutions for different situations

• If successful possibility of drawing a template for generic large scale events

• Collect data from partners and directly on the field to estimate the impacts in different sectors

• Elaborate corrective strategies and interventions with evaluation of relative costs-benefits and propose suggested schemes to partners

• Comparative analysis (also with expected results)

• Calculate the direct benefits (i.e. savings from reduced consumption patterns, subsidies..) but also emphasize indirect ones (image, prestige of brand and organization)

• Music festivals are often temporary venues within large green open spaces (parks)

• The indulgent nature of such festivals often creates vast amounts of waste

• The influx of large volumes of people to such sites often has little or no regard for the ability of the site to cope once the numbers have left

• Secret Garden Party (SGP) is still small enough to make data collection possible without being too daunting - however the numbers are growing with the festivals popularity

• SGP is unique in that it survives without corporate sponsorship giving the team full administrative control – would should make future sustainable proposals easier to implement

• The festival attracts good media attention which can be harnessed to convey an educational message about sustainable habits and promote by example

• The ultimate high end goal would be to have the involved musicians thinking , and ultimately performing, in a more sustainable fashion.

• Sport Seasons are capable of moving huge numbers of people on a regular basis, yet little environmental care can be appreciated in such events

• The enormous amount of money involved often turns them in wasteful ands over-consuming happenings

• The great attention from media could encourage a domino effect if some important clubs and events approached a greening process

• Sport’s educational and emotional attitudes might help to amplify the sustainability-oriented messages

• ACF Fiorentina is the football team of the city of Florence (Italy). It will be playing in UEFA Champion’s League for the 2nd season in a row.

• The current stadium (built in 1930) holds up to 47,000 people and is very close to the city centre

• The team owners and the municipality are currently finding an agreement for the construction of a new stadium in the outskirts of the city

• Dario Nardella, President of the Municipality’s Cultural and Sporting Activities Commission is supporting this LAC project and has directly submitted it to the attention of the team’s president

During such large scale events vast amounts of litter and waste are produced mainly due to

• Food and Beverages• Advertisement & Gadgets• Camping paraphernalia (festival specific)

Our efforts will concentrate on developing effective strategies to• Reduce litter and wasteful products• Reuse and re-integrate components where possible• Recycle – as much as possible a last resort..of distributed and consumed goods

Interested areas suffer a lot of traffic pressure in the days of the events..• Private transports over use – inadequate parking facilities to cope

with sudden influx• Poor and often inadequate public transport

Objectives• encourage the use of public transport already in place and

improve the system through event links • promote carpooling initiatives as many people cover the same

routes in such occasions thereby reducing the volume of traffic on the roads

In different ways both music festivals and sporting events can be intensively energy consuming • Lighting • Amplification• Maxi-screens

With our proposals we shall try to encourage• Efficient instrumentation• Cuts to unnecessary consumptions• Potential for energy production (solar, wind...)

Music Festivals

• Noise• Local involvement for food

and beverage producers (food miles)

• Camping waste

Sporting Events

• Stadiums Sustainability: Construction – Management – End of Life phases

• Recreational and social potential for such structures all-year round


• Achieve specific and practical results on specific events

• Address common guidelines for generic large scale events

• Pass along a message of profitable sustainability

Further dreamed collaborations

• International European Music Festivals and World Tours

• FIFA for South Africa’s 2010 World Cup