laurel sternberg's neighborhood heroes

Laurel Sternberg’s Neighborhood Heroes

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Laurel Sternberg’s

Neighborhood Heroes

Men We Admire


Laurel Sternberg is the classical artist who will celebrate your legacy in a contemporary, hand-painted portrait. Your energy, ideas and hard

work have made a difference.

In appreciation of your accomplishments, I want to record this moment in history, to tell part of your story.


Avi had a long career in the Israeli army, before

starting his own security business .

On Friday mornings he enjoys preparing the

vegetables for his wife, so has dubbed himself 'Miri's

Sous Chef '.

He also is a trained chocolatier.

Miri’s Sous Chef

Former Bostonian Dave was a body builder in his


Harley Davidsons have been part of his life for many

years, and he commutes to work in Jerusalem on his.

Harley in Jerusalem

David teaches Torah internationally, and he also

loves baseball .

The team of boys he coaches won a national

championship, as evidenced by the huge

championship ring David sports.

Baseball Rabbi

Eric is a quiet man, running his business and

allowing his wife to be the razzle-dazzler.

Reading on his balcony makes mornings his

favorite time of the day.

Enjoying the Fruits of His Labor

Dani was an air traffic controller, who is now


He loves puttering in his garden in the morning

and traveling the world.


Yard Work

Jorge is weighing an important decision,

which will alter his future.


Farmer's Hands

Tzemach's family had a few olive trees in Tunisia. He came to Israel, as a

teenager, in the earliest years of the modern State .

He lived in a tent city for a couple of years, until his group of Tunisians

were dropped off at a barren field between Ramle and Latrun. His

experience with the olive trees somehow gave Tzemach the confidence to

dig a well. This achievement, along with a meager knowledge of synagogue

Hebrew, earned him leadership over his moshav .

As more groups were settled in the area. Tzemach was sent to help them dig

wells. WIthout formal engineering training, he became Israel's first Water

Commissioner, and served in that position for ten years .

Aged 80, he still grows grapes and sell them to the Rami Levy chain of


Yitzhak emigrated from New York, and is well

established in the Israeli art scene.

Tzipora was his magnificent Yemenite wife, who shared

the beauty and hospitality of her culture with everyone

who was fortunate enough to visit their home in Ein


Tzipora has been gone for several years, but her

memory lingers with Yitzhak over morning coffee in his


Remembering Tzipora

Ship's Pilot

From his first sight of a boat in the Black Sea, at

the age of 6, Zemi knew he wanted to be a sailor.

He captained ships worldwide, but now stays

mostly in Israel and works as a ship's pilot.

When oil tankers approach Ashdod harbor, they

send for Zemi to bring them in safely.


Your accomplishments are worth the commemoration of a hand-painted portrait. 

How do we know the great men of centuries past? Some are written about, but we get a sense of the living person from their portraits. Your portrait is part

of your legacy, in continuity with history.

I will celebrate your story in a vibrant oil painting. Let's meet, and I'll hear some of your experiences, from the source himself.

Tel. (+972) 50-246-3254

[email protected]