latihan soal untuk gambaran umum

LATIHAN SOAL UNTUK GAMBARAN UMUM Choose the best anwers. 1. What is the text above about? A. Asking someone to watch football match. B. Telling about a plan to watch a macth. C. Discussing the football macth . D. Informing a football match. 2. The text tells us about .... A. Gregory, the writer’s persian cat. B. Gregory, a bullet dancing cat. C. Gregory, a gray persion cat. D. Gregory, a growing fat cat. 3. What does the text mainly tell you about? A. A time a birthday party is held . Dear Anton, There is a football match at GBK stadium Senayan between Indonesia All Stars versus Liverpool. What about watching the match with me tonight? The macth will start at 8 pm. I plan to go there at 5 pm. I will pick you up. Be ready at 5. I’m looking forward to your answer soon. Gregory is my beautiful gray persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a bullet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and My special day is coming. I am 17 years old now. My parents are having a special party for me, your smile and bough we hope. So come to the party, and it will be lost of fun. The party will be held at three to five P.M., Monday, January 01, 2012

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Page 1: Latihan Soal Untuk Gambaran Umum


Choose the best anwers.


What is the text above about?

A. Asking someone to watch football match.B. Telling about a plan to watch a macth.C. Discussing the football macth .D. Informing a football match.


The text tells us about ....

A. Gregory, the writer’s persian cat.B. Gregory, a bullet dancing cat.C. Gregory, a gray persion cat.D. Gregory, a growing fat cat.


What does the text mainly tell you about?

A. A time a birthday party is held .B. An invitation to a birthday party.C. An information of a birthday party.D. An announcement at birthday party.

Dear Anton,

There is a football match at GBK stadium Senayan between Indonesia All Stars versus Liverpool. What about watching the match with me tonight? The macth will start at 8 pm. I plan to go there at 5 pm. I will pick you up. Be ready at 5. I’m looking forward to your answer soon.


Gregory is my beautiful gray persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a bullet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat. He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for meow mix and glides.

My special day is coming. I am 17 years old now. My parents are having a special party for me, your smile and bough we hope. So come to the party, and it will be lost of fun. The party will be held at three to five P.M., Monday, January 01, 2012Rina’s house 11 Cikeas street

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What does the text tell us about?A. Coming late to school.B. The writer’s terrible day.C. The reason of waking up late .D. Leaving the homework at home

5. .

The text mainly tells us that ....A. Aisyah’s parents feel proud of their daughter’s achivementB. Aisyah is at the last grade of Junior High SchoolC. Aisyah is the only daughter of their parentsD. Aisyah wishes her parents all the best


Yesterday was a terrible day for me. I got up late. So I went to school in a hurry. I rode my bike fast so that I could come on time to school. I arrived at school as soon as the bell rang. However, when the teacher asked us to submit our homework, I remember that I left mine at home. To prove my word, the teacher asked me to give the homework directly after school. So, when the bell rang, I went back home to get my homework.

Dear Aisyah,

You have worked so hard for time.It’s time for you work harder in your last year of junior high. Let’s celebrate it.Wish you all the best.

LoveMom and Dad

Dear students,

We would like to inform you that we would be having the school Holiday from Friday the 16th of March 2012 to Sunday the 18 the of March 2012. During the holiday period our school plans to make our students care more about nature by having a whole day out bonding activity. It will take place on Saturday, 17th of March 2012. The school is paying for every student from grade 7 to grade 9 to enjoy this activity. Family members are invited to join us at the low rate of Rp. 150.000 per person. This includes snack and lunch. The activity will be sweaty so don’t forget to bring the changing clothes. For those who wants to go please, meet Mr. Anwari at his teacher’s office.

Teacher in charge

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What does the text tell you about?A. A plan of a school holiday .B. A situation in a school holiday.C. Price to pay for a school holiday.D. How long a school holiday lasts.


What is the text about ?A. An annoncement of a wedding party.B. An invitation to attend a wedding party.C. Teddy and Rosalina’s marriage. D. A Marriage vow celebration.


Mainly, Bayu tells Intan...A. the reason why he couldn’t go to schoolB. the reason why Ricky got accident

There is no long distance about love, it always finds a wayto bring hearts together no matter how many miles there are between them.

Mr. and Mrs. Abdul Rozak andMr. and Mrs. Hermansyah Taher

request the honor of your presenceat the marriage reception of their children

Teddy Harliansyahand

Rosalina Taher

On Saturday, the 11th of April 2012at 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.

at Flowery Tower Hall

Marriage Vowat

9:00 a.m.At jasmine room Your presence is a present in itself; however, if you feel the need to provide a souvenir, an envelope gift is appreciated.

Intan, I can’t go to school today. I am at the Mitra Hospital now. Ricky got accident on the way to school. I met him at the T junction near the school. It looks like his left leg is broken. He is still in the emergency room now. I have informed his parents. Please tell the class teacher and other classmates. Bayu

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C. to inform the teacher of his being absenceD. what happened to Ricky.


The text above tells us about ....A. atmosphereB. huricanesC. climateD. weather


What does the text tell us about?A. The origin of turtlesB. The body shape of turtles.C.

Weather is the state of the atmosphere in a certain place at a certain time. Weather always changes and is different all around the world. It depends on many elements. It may be warm and sunny in one place but cold, windy and rainy somewhere else. Climate refers to the weather conditions in a certain area over a longer period of time. Weather is important to everyone. It affects our daily lives in many ways. What we wear depends on the weather. Weather affects the way plants and crops grow. Extreme weather may lead to dangerous situations. Hurricanes and storms may even kill people and destroy houses and roads. Our weather is made in the troposphere—the lower layer of the atmosphere. Our atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen and about 21 % oxygen. Water vapour in the atmosphere produces clouds, rain, snow and fog. (taken from English across Curriculum

Turtles belong to an old group of reptiles that go back to the time of the dinosaurs. Today there are about 250 different types of turtles. The turtle is an animal that moves very slowly, but some sea turtles can move faster. Turtles can be found all over the world, except in very cold areas. Most of them live in freshwater, but some types live in salt water or on land. Turtles haven't changed very much since they first came to earth about 200 million years ago. Some are very small and weigh very little -about 0.5 kg. Others can be up to 2 metres and weigh about 700 kg. A turtle's body is surrounded by a hard shell that protects its organs. Many turtles can pull their heads, legs and tails into the shell. It is very strong and can support a weight that is much greater than the turtle itself. Turtles don't have teeth they tear apart food with their beaks. They have powerful legs and short feet. Turtles can see, taste and smell but they cannot hear very well. Most turtles eat plants and sea animals, like worms, snails, insects, jellyfish or mussels. They can survive for a long time without food. But when they see food they eat a lot and can grow very fat.