lantern april 2914

visit us at The Lantern APRIL 2014 Deal St Andrew in the Diocese of Canterbury The Church of England Parish of North Deal

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Page 1: Lantern April 2914

1 visit us at

The Lantern

APRIL 2014

Deal St Andrew in the Diocese of Canterbury

The Church of England Parish of North Deal

Page 2: Lantern April 2914


Who’s Who in the Parish

Parish Priest:

Father Stephen Young SSC 01304 447947

Honorary Assistant Clergy:

Father Ian Shackleton SSC 01304 379773

Father Roger Marsh SSC 01304 362851

Canon Fred Arvidsson SSC

Father Robert Farrell


Peter Gibson 01304 380860

Waveney Brooks 01304 367961

PCC Officers

PCC Secretary: Ali Robertson

PCC Treasurer: Mike Carey

Electoral Roll: Bryan Evans

Director of Music: Tim Woodhead

Lantern editor: Peter Gibson

Editorial adviser: Fr Stephen Young

Lantern advertising: Kate Rushbrook at [email protected]

The Parish Office:

St Andrew’s Church, West Street, Deal CT14 6DY

(01304) 381131 - Email: [email protected]

The Parish Office is not manned full-time but mail and telephone

messages are checked regularly.

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St. Andrew’s Church Hall

Our Church Hall is able to be hired for events or by groups for one-off

or regular lets. It has catering facilities, lavatories (including for

disabled) and a small garden area.

For your occasion, please leave a message for our Hall Manager, Rose-

mary Lanaway, on 01304 381131, for details of times and hire charges.

The Lantern thanks our advertisers for their support; please,

look at them when making your purchases.

The Small Print

Views expressed are not necessarily those of St. Andrew’s PCC.

Advertisers are not endorsed over other suppliers.

Editor: Father Christopher Lindlar.

Need a Venue either for your Special Occasion

or for your Regular Activity?

Thought about St Andrew's Church


It has a small kitchen, lavatories (including disa-

bled and baby-station facilities), cinema system

and paved area.

From 01/01/2013 Hire Charge is £8.00 per hour.

For more information contact Rosemary Lanaway on

01304 366589



A roving diner’s club organising group meals on

off peak evenings in a different restaurant each month.

£12 for a steak night, a Chinese evening, a curry night,

a quiz night & 2 course dinner at Dunkerley’s,

Friday tapas & live band, a day trip to France by coach

and more.

Email [email protected]

to request more information.

Page 4: Lantern April 2914


In Church each week at St Andrew’s

Matins is said at 8 am on Saturdays; otherwise at 9 am on weekdays.

Evensong is said at 6 pm.

Sunday 8.00 am Low Mass (Book of Common Prayer)

10.00 am Parish Mass (Common Worship)

6.00 pm Evensong (BCP) and Benediction

Monday 9.30 am Low Mass

Tuesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Wednesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Thursday 9.30 am Low Mass

Friday 9.30 am Low Mass

Saturday 8.30 am Low Mass (see below)

A priest will normally be available for spiritual counsel after Evensong on

Saturdays or otherwise by appointment.

On Festivals and Holy Days, service times may vary - please see our Notice

Board or website.

Please note:

1st Saturday 11.30 am OLW cell Mass, Angelus and Rosary

1st Wednesday 9.30 pm Low Mass and Healing Rites

3rd Sunday 6.00pm CBS attend Evensong and Benediction

Holy Baptism, Weddings and Funerals

Please contact Father Ian Shackleton on 01304 381131 for inquiries about any

of these services.

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Father Stephen writes …….

When April in sweet showers fall,

And pierce the drought of March to the root, and all

The veins are bathed in liquor of such power

As brings the engendering of the flower,…

Then people long to go on pilgrimages….

So Geoffrey Chaucer began his great poem The Canterbury Tales (translated

here into modern English), and put into words that deep-down sense of new beginnings that many people feel each Springtime. This universal intuition

draws its power to move us from a sense that all human life can be seen as a

pilgrimage, a journey from birth, through the ups and downs of life to our


How we understand that journey varies from person to person. Each journey

is unique. Whatever words we may use, Nature, Destiny, Fate, Chance…or even God, the human experience is the same, but what we make of it depends

on us.

Sometimes we may feel we are on a journey we did not choose to take; we didn’t ask to be born! Seeing life as a pilgrimage is much more positive than

that. It is a way of choosing to see life as something imbued with purpose and

hope. Yes, there is the daily slog of coping with difficulties, upsets, and mo-notony, but that is part of most journeys that are worthwhile. Excitement, the

sense of possibilities, of wonderful things to come, that is at the heart of all

journeys with a purpose. Life as a pilgrimage, the pilgrimage, is about


This year, Easter is in late April, when spring is in full swing, and summer

just around the corner. The narrative of Christ’s suffering, death, and resur-

rection reflects the rhythms of nature. In the Holy Week services we journey

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Mums and Toddlers

at St. Andrew’s every Wednesday

(during school term-time)

Coffee &



10 o’clock to 11.30

put on for all by St Andrew’s

Mothers’ Union.

with Jesus from his arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, we sit with him at his Last Supper, we watch in the Garden of Gethsemane, stand beneath his

Cross. We are on an imaginative pilgrimage with Jesus, identifying the suffer-

ings of our lives with his.

This may seem to end with tragedy on Good Friday, but in fact that is not the

end of the journey at all. Easter with its sense of nature and life renewed, is

the story of the seemingly impossible. Death is part of the rhythm of every human life, and many people cannot see further than this. Yet Nature and

Faith tell a different story, that life is bigger than anything we can imagine.

Jesus’ resurrection is a sign and symbol of the eternal life that is waiting for us to recognise it. The pilgrimage of life is not a pointless journey with a sad


Maybe it is fashionable to see life in this way, but we do not have to. Life is endless, and if we take a long and thoughtful look at the universe we live in,

we may begin to see how human life, our lives, fit into its eternal rhythms.

This April, why not join the other pilgrims who are on the journey to eternal life?

Fr Stephen

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Calls will be taken Monday to Saturday between 8am and 8pm.

Traditional &



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information contact Rachael

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Or email:


St Andrew’s

Journey into Space

Children’s Funday Thursday 10th April in the hall.

Blast off 12 noon, Splash down 4pm.

Astronauts and aliens welcome. Outdoor /indoor sports and activities

depending on the weather.

Tasty food capsules at 1.30pm





Children’s races and games, Dog

Show, Free micro-chipping, variety of

stalls including Pet Supplies, Vets

and Animal Charities.


Page 8: Lantern April 2914


N.V.Q City & Guilds CSCS

B.Hardy & Son Property Maintenance and


Painting & Decorating


Partition/Plasterboard walls &


Tape & Jointing



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Page 9: Lantern April 2914


Dancing in God's Grace

This fund raising dance class offers the opportunity to learn easy

circle dances, danced to Christian worship music.

Through the dancing we can, in our own ways, express our gratitude to God and share our joy for the blessings we have received from Him.

The classes are open to all ages and abilities.

Participants will be asked to make a donation towards St. Andrew's Church Stained Glass Restoration Fund.

Classes will be held at St. Andrew's Church Hall

on Friday mornings from 10.15 to 11.00

(except every 3rd Friday of each month) starting Friday 31st January 2014.

Places available on a first come – first served basis.

For more information contact Miss Els Van Hoof on 01304 - 449 705 or

07513 – 43 88 01 or e-mail her at [email protected]

Somebody, Everybody, Anybody and Nobody

There was an important job to be done and everybody was sure that some-body would do it.

Anybody could have done it but nobody did it.

Somebody got angry because it was everybody’s job.

Everybody thought that anybody could do it but nobody realised that every-

body wouldn’t do it; so everybody blamed somebody when nobody did the

job that anyone could have done.

This is a story about teamwork and communication. If they had talked to

each other they would have all some something.

Marjorie Baker

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What’s on in April

Thursday 10th April

Children’s ‘Outer Space’ Fun Day…

Following the success of the Pirates Fun Day, children and families are

invited to our Space themed fun day. It should be out of this world!

Good Friday, 18th April at 10.30am Families and Children are warmly welcome to our Good Friday Fami-

ly Service and Easter Egg Hunt, with seasonal refreshments. This has

been very popular and great fun.

Good Friday is an important and moving day. This year, in addition to

our usual services, the Swell Singers will be performing John Stain-

er’s much loved oratorio ‘The Crucifixion’ at 7pm in St Andrew’s.

This will be the opening of our programme of events that commemo-

rate the centenary of the Great War. The performance is dedicated to

the memory of the fallen and to world peace.

Saturday 5th April: Re-Dedication of the Restored Organ at


This is the completion of a long and successful project involving many

people and we are pleased that the newly restored organ will be dedi-

cated by the Bishop of Richborough. This will be followed by a recital

given by Paul Stubbings, formerly organist at St Martin’s in the

Field’s, London, and St Andrew’s.

The programme is as follows;

Buxtehude: Praeludium in G Minor

Franck:: Chorale no 2 in B Minor

Whitlock:: Plymouth Suite

Reception in the hall afterwards. Everyone is very welcome.

Looking Ahead - Confirmation

The Bishop of Richborough will be confirming candidates at 7pm on

Thursday 25th September in St Andrew’s. If you wish to be confirmed

please let the clergy know as preparation classes will begin in the sum-


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Services in Holy Week and at Easter

Sunday 13th April - PALM SUNDAY

8.00 am Low Mass 10.00 am The Parish Mass will be preceded by the Blessing of

the Palms in the Union Street Car Park and Procession

to the church.

6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction.

Tuesday 15th April - The Bishop of Richborough’s CHRISM MASS

12 noon In the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral.

Thursday 17th April - MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and foot washing. Watch

at the Altar of Repose until midnight.

Friday 18th April - GOOD FRIDAY

10.30 am Children’s Service, Egg Hunt and Hot Cross Buns 1.00 pm Stations of the Cross

2.00 pm The Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

Saturday 19th April - HOLY SATURDAY 8.00 pm Paschal Vigil and First Mass of Easter

Sunday 20th April - EASTER DAY

8.00 am Low Mass. 10.00 am Procession and High Mass.

6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction



The church will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm each day.

Each morning and afternoon there will be a showing of a filmed

version of one of the Bard’s plays or of an opera based on one.

Come and Go as you please.

Wander round to see the church and the floral decorations

or sit and have a cup of coffee and a biscuit.


Saturday 3rd May - BLESSING OF THE SEA

2.00pm at the church or meet us at the front opposite Farrier Street at 2.15pm. Tea in the hall afterwards.

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Deal Parochial School - Pilgrimage

Geoffrey Chaucer tells us in his famous book The Canterbury Tales that

spring is the perfect time to go on pilgrimage, and this year our Parochial

School did just that! Pilgrimage has never lost its universal appeal to all age groups, and every year millions of people worldwide make their way to holy

and special places.

At 9.00am on Wednesday 12th March the whole school - children, teachers

and some parents - set out to make their way to Canterbury Cathedral, the

ancient centre of Christianity in our land, and a much loved destination for pilgrims down the centuries.

An important part of pilgrimage is the way you travel to your destination, so

each class went by a different route, using a variety of transport, including walking (only a small part of the way), bus and railway, all converging on the


It was a perfect, bright and mild morning, and Fr Stephen was with the five and six year olds, who began their journey with an invigorating walk to

Sholden school, where they shared items of work and songs with the children

as well as enjoying morning break in the playground. Bananas and fruit were

very popular!

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Then we took a bus to Canterbury, driving through the sunlit Kent country-

side, where the green buds and spring flowers were beginning to show. The

first sighting of the Cathedral brought many gasps of surprise and delight

from the children. There was much singing! Making our way through the busy city streets we were soon having a tasty packed lunch in the huge and

echoing Chapter House.

Peter Gibson accompanied Year 5. Because the children were older they

were allowed to travel by train from Deal via Dover to Canterbury. We

walked from Canterbury East Station, across the old walls, past the Poor

Priests’ Hospital and Greyfriars, to St Peter’s Methodist school. Here we were royally welcomed by Year 6. The Parochial children took it in turns to

explain their pilgrimage to their hosts and then, after a break in the glorious

sunshine, they exchanged information about themselves and their school. After a short walk to the High Street we entered the precincts via Mercery

Lane and Christchurch gate to join Reception class and the rest of the school

in the Chapter House for lunch.

Then we all entered the Cathedral, past the site of St Thomas a Becket’s mar-

tyrdom, and into the Crypt where we were warmly welcomed by Canon

Clare who led us in lively worship in the beautiful and light filled Undercroft. The children seemed to sense the atmosphere of this holy place and the

school excelled itself with its vibrant singing.

Then it was time to return home. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed them-

selves and behaviour was exemplary; not a few of us had a pleasant sleep on

the homeward bus. No one was lost and we were all safely back to be greeted

by parents at the school. We felt privileged to have joined that worldwide and centuries-old throng of people who have made a spiritual journey to a hal-

lowed and special place. Thanks are due to all who made such a big and com-

plex, but wonderfully worthwhile occasion, so very successful. It was an ex-ceptional experience of how it feels like to be a pilgrim.

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The Parish of Anivorano, Madagascar

Regular readers will know that Bishop Oliver visited us at Candlemas on

2nd February this year. During Mass he was given gifts which he was

asked to take to our linked parish. These were the book Deal through Time, a small statue of Our Lady of Walsingham together with a Pilgrim Manual,

a DVD A Year at St Andrew’s and a candle made from card created by the

Sunday School children; this was to be given to the children of Anivorano. Here is the email and the pictures we received four weeks later.

Dear Fr Stephen and Peter,

Last Sunday (Quinquagesima - March 2nd)) I was at Anivorano Nord

where I was able to hand over the items which you kindly wanted me to

bring back. I also read them your letter. There was a great round of ap-plause for the children's candle. That image spoke deeply. People were very

appreciative and it’s hoped there will be a special place for our Lady of

Walsingham as and when the church which they desperately need to replace the present space in the clergy house is finally realised (the church was de-

stroyed in a cyclone some years ago now).

I very much enjoyed looking at the DVD myself before handing it over.

Here Bishop Oliver holds the candle.

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Every blessing as we begin our journey through the season of Lent. At mass this evening we are apparently going to read the commination liturgy - when

did you last hear that? One of the ‘curses’ which is particularly relevant

here is the one which says “Cursed is he that removeth his neighbour’s land-

mark!” Here the appropriation of other people’s land is rife - among Chris-tians as much as anyone else.

+ Oliver

(The Commination Service is found in the Book of Common Prayer after The

Churching of Women.. It comprises general sentences of God’s cursing against sinners taken from the Old Testament. In England it fell out of use

during the early part of the last century.)

The statue of Our Lady of

Walsingham stands on the

altar to the right of the


A general view of the

congregation taken from

in front of the altar.

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Two Reflections on St Andrew’s Quiet Day I have great trouble with quiet and stillness - neither of these comes easily to

me. And praying is for me a difficult exercise (except in emergencies), so it is with some trepidation that I approach ‘Quiet Days’.

What a joy it was when, on Saturday 15th March, our Bishop led us in ad-dresses and quiet times. I found myself listening intently to his serious but

amusing talks about the late Archbishop Michael Ramsay, reflecting on his

life and commitment to the Christian Faith. In the quiet times I found I could really do what St Anselm said, and I quote. “Enter into the chamber of your

mind and put out everything except God”. These words, Bishop Norman told

us, were quoted by the Archbishop on a visit to the Abbey of Bec where An-

selm had been abbot before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury.

The bishop also read to us, during the silent lunch, from a biography of the

Archbishop, and gave us two further addresses in the afternoon followed by more quiet time.

The day finished with Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament,

followed by tea. I am most grateful for this special day, as, I’m sure, are all who came. We are greatly blest with our church and our ‘Father in God’,

Bishop Norman.

Brenda Lovelock.

When Bishop Norman told us that he was going to focus on the life and cath-

olic theology of Archbishop Ramsay I had little idea of what to expect. But as the day progressed, I found myself looking forward to each new chapter so

beautifully presented by Bishop Norman.

Lunch was as usual a choice of delicious soup, bread cheese and fruit, eaten in silence. What more could you ask.?

The fact that the day was spent in silence made it a rare experience in our noisy world and I would recommend it to anyone.

There is to be another quiet day later in the year. Do join us.

Wenda Telfer

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Some reflections from Archbishop Michael Ramsey.

Glory and transfiguration.

When our Lord went up to be transfigured he carried with him every con-flict, every burden, both of the days behind and the days ahead, to be trans-

figured with him. So when we go apart to be with Jesus in his glory, it is so

that our frustrations, our pains and our cares may be carried into that super-

natural context makes all the difference to them. These frustrations are not forgotten,; they are not abolished; they can still be painful. But they become

transfigured in the presence of Jesus, our crucified and glorious Lord. And

when we have carried our frustrations up to our Lord in his glory, we find in the days which follow that he so generously brings his glory right down into

the midst of our frustrations, saying: My peace I give unto you.’

Eucharistic reflection.

If we receive the Sacrament upon our knees, nothing more befits the rever-

ence and adoration in our hearts; if we receive the sacrament standing …. Nothing more befits our attitude of obedience as men and women ready to

go out, to act and to do. For Jesus who is the Word of the Father feeds us so

that we may increasingly share with him in the world’s recreation. He does

not feed us in order to draw us away with him into a separate world of

religion, but in order to draw us into participation with him in his work

of moulding the world into his likeness.

The Heart of Love.

Amidst a vast world with its vast empires and events and tragedies Our Lord

devoted himself to a small country, to small things and to individual men and women, often giving hours of time to the few or to the one man or wom-

an. For the infinite worth of the one person is the key to the Christian under-

standing of the many. You will never be nearer to Christ than in caring for the one man, the one woman, the one child. His authority will be given to

you as you do this, and his joy will be yours as well.


There are people who make God near. That is the most marvellous thing one

human being can do for another.

Archbishop Ramsey was such a person. His writings continue this work.

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John Stainer's

The Crucifixion

Performed by The Swell Singers

(from Shepherdswell)

St Andrew's Church Good Friday, 18th April at 7pm.

This performance is dedicated to Peace and to the Fallen

in the conflicts of the past century.

Free entry.

Karen’s Home Hairdressing


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the hairdressing industry Classic styles, such as shampoo &

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ion styles, such as: up-to-date col-

ouring, cutting and bridal hair

techniques. Affordable prices, free consulta-

tion and advice Contact Karen on

07969790604 Day or evening appointments

Children, join the Easter

Egg Hunt on Good Friday

at 10.30pm.

There will be Eggs Galore!

Page 19: Lantern April 2914


Page 20: Lantern April 2914


Deal Welfare Club Cowdray Square, Deal.

Quiz Night-First Friday of each month. Free drinks for each round winners!


Phone for details.

Bingo on Sunday night from 7pm.


Function Rooms for hire.

Large function room: Seats up to 180 guests, Own bar, Dance area, Stage.

Large garden for wedding photo’s or play area.

1st Floor function room (max.100people): Own bar, Seating, Dance area, Kitchen, Toilets,

Air Conditioned, Stair Lift.



01304 374335.

Page 21: Lantern April 2914


Alexander Technique Lessons

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mance. Email: [email protected] Tel: 07939 347099

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Page 22: Lantern April 2914


Something for children.

The Vicar began assembly by asking the children to guess what was in his head. He told them that walking through the churchyard that morning he had

seen something in a tree.

“I had such a surprise. There it was, poking its little grey head through the

branches, its great bushy tail twitching and its little darting eyes staring at

me. What do you think I am talking about?”

“Well”, replied a boy at the front, “I know that it’s Jesus, but it sounds very

like a squirrel to me.”

Easter Picture and Puzzle

Colour in this cheerful Easter picture and at the same time see how many eggs you can find hidden. Some are obvious but others are quite well


A Very Happy Easter.

Page 23: Lantern April 2914



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Deal north end

junior football


If you are in years 4 to 9,

and enjoy playing football,

then join us at the western

road recreation ground

on Saturdays from 10..30 to

12 noon.

Page 24: Lantern April 2914