laju reaksi.pdf

10/10/2012 Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 1 Reaction Rates Reaction Rates By : Nuniek Herdyastuti Oktober- 2012 Combustion Combustion Corrosive Corrosive Before reaction Before reaction After 10 s After 10 s 4 Definition of Reaction Rate Thermodynamics – does a reaction take place? Kinetics – how fast does a reaction proceed? Reaction rate is the change in the concentration of a reactant or a product with time (M/s). A B rate = - [A] t rate = [B] t [A] = change in concentration of A over time period t [B] = change in concentration of B over time period t

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  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 1

    Reaction RatesReaction Rates

    By : Nuniek HerdyastutiOktober - 2012

    CombustionCombustion CorrosiveCorrosive

    Before reactionBefore reaction After 10 sAfter 10 s


    Definition of Reaction Rate

    Thermodynamics does a reaction take place?

    Kinetics how fast does a reaction proceed?

    Reaction rate is the change in the concentration of a reactant or a product with time (M/s).

    A B

    rate = -[A]t

    rate = [B]t

    [A] = change in concentration of A overtime period t

    [B] = change in concentration of B overtime period t

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 2


    A B

    rate = -[A]t

    rate = [B]t



    Br2 (aq) + HCOOH (aq) 2Br- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + CO2 (g)


    393 nmlight


    [Br2] a Absorption


    Br2 (aq) + HCOOH (aq) 2Br- (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + CO2 (g)

    average rate = -[Br2]

    t= -

    [Br2]final [Br2]initial

    tfinal - tinitial

    slope oftangent

    slope oftangent

    slope oftangent

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Laju Reaksi

    KonsentrasiMolekul - molekul harus bertumbukan agar terjadi reaksidalam konteks ini laju reaksi proporsional dengankonsentrasi reaktanLuas permukaan zatMakin luas permukaan, maka tumbukan makin banyak, sehingga reaksi makin cepatSuhumolekul harus bertumbukan dengan energi yang cukupuntuk bereaksiPenambahan katalis

    Katalis dapat menurunkan energi aktivasi (energi minimumyang diperlukan agar suatu reaksi kimia dapatberlangsung. Penambahan katalis akan mempercepatreaksi

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 3

    Effect of reactant concentrations on rate of reactionsodium thiosulfate, Na2S2O3, in acidic solution and sodium arsenite, Na3AsO3

    laju = k [Br2]

    k = laju

    [Br2]= konstanta laju

    = 3,50 x 10-3 s-1

    Apa pengaruh konsentrasi terhadap laju?



    The Rate LawThe rate law expresses the relationship of the rate of a reaction to the rate constant and the concentrations of the reactants raised to some powers.

    a A + b B c C + d D

    Rate = k [A]x[B]y

    reaction is xth order in A

    reaction is yth order in B

    reaction is (x +y)th order overall


    F2 (g) + 2ClO2 (g) 2FClO2 (g)

    rate = k [F2][ClO2]

    Rate laws are always determined experimentally

    Reaction order is always defined in terms of reactant (not product) concentrations

    The order of a reactant is not related to the stoichiometriccoefficient of the reactant in the balanced chemical equation


  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 4

    F2 (g) + 2ClO2 (g) 2FClO2 (g)

    rate = k [F2]x[ClO2]y

    [F2] meningkat dua kali dan [ClO2] konstan

    Laju meningkat dua kali x = 1

    [ClO2] meningkat empat kali dan [F2] konstan

    Laju meningkat empat kali y = 1

    rate = k [F2][ClO2]


    Menentukan hukum laju dan menghitung konstanta lajureaksi dari data berikut ini:S2O82- (aq) + 3I- (aq) 2SO42- (aq) + I3- (aq)

    Percobaan [S2O82-] [I-]Laju Awal


    1 0,08 0,034 2,2 x 10-4

    2 0,08 0,017 1,1 x 10-4

    3 0,16 0,017 2,2 x 10-4

    laju = k [S2O82-]x[I-]y

    [I-] meningkat dua kali, laju menjadi dua kali (percobaan 1 & 2)

    y = 1

    [S2O82-] meningkat dua kali, laju menjadi dua kali (percobaan 2 & 3)

    x = 1

    k = laju


    2,2 x 10-4 M/s

    (0,08 M)(0,034 M)= 0,08/M s

    laju = k [S2O82-][I-]


    Menentukan Orde Reaksi dengan Percobaan

    Jika diketahui reaksi : O2 (g) + 2 NO(g) 2 NO2 (g)Hukum laju untuk reaksi ini adalah : laju = k [O2]m[NO]n

    Tentukan persamaan laju reaksinya !


    PercobaanKonsntrasi Reaktan awal

    (mol / L) Laju awal(mol/L . s)O2 NO1 1,10 x 10-2 1,30 x 10-2 3,21 x 10-32 2,10 x 10-2 1,30 x 10-2 6,40 x 10-33 1,10 x 10-2 2,60 x 10-2 12,8 x 10-34 3,30 x 10-2 1,30 x 10-2 9,60 x 10-35 1,10 x 10-2 3,90 x 10-2 28,8 x 10-3


    First Order Rate Law

    A productln[A] = ln[A]0 - kt

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 5


    Second Order Reactions

    A product

    rate = - [A]t = k [A]


    1[A] =


    + kt

    - d[A][A]2 = k dt


    Zero Order Reactions

    A product rate = -[A]


    = k [A]0 = k


    t= k-

    [A] = [A]0 - kt


    t = t when [A] = [A]0/2




    ln 2

    k= 0.693


    Half Life of a Reaction (t)

    The half-life, t, is the time required for the concentration of a reactant to decrease to half of its initial concentration


    Summary of the Kinetics of Zero Order, First Orderand Second Order Reactions

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 6

    TEORI TUMBUKAN1. Reaksi kimia terjadi sebagai hasil dari

    tumbukan antara molekul-molekul yang bereaksi

    2. Agar dapat bereaksi, molekul-molekulyang bertumbukan harus memilikia. arah (orientasi) yang tepatb. energi kinetik totalnya sama dengan

    atau lebih besar daripada energi aktivasi,Ea, yaitu energi minimum yang dibutuhkanuntuk memulai suatu reaksi kimia.


    Spesi yang terbentuk sementara olehmolekul-molekul reaktan akibat tumbukansebelum nantinya akan membentuk produkdisebut keadaan transisi atau kompleks teraktifkanDalam keadaan transisi, ikatan-ikatan yang lama sedang mengalami proses pemutusan danikatan-ikatan yang baru mulai terbentuk. Energi yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai keadaantransisi disebut energi aktivasi


    Exothermic Reaction Endothermic Reaction

    The activation energy (Ea ) is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.

    A + B AB C + D++

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 7


    Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constant

    Ea is the activation energy (J/mol)

    R is the gas constant (8.314 J/K mol)

    T is the absolute temperature

    A is the frequency factor

    (Arrhenius equation)


    Reaction Mechanisms

    The overall progress of a chemical reaction can be represented at the molecular level by a series of simple elementary steps or elementary reactions

    The sequence of elementary steps that leads to product formation is the reaction mechanism.

    2NO (g) + O2 (g) 2NO2 (g)

    N2O2 is detected during the reaction!

    Elementary step: NO + NO N2O2Elementary step: N2O2 + O2 2NO2

    Overall reaction: 2NO + O2 2NO2


    Elementary step: NO + NO N2O2

    Elementary step: N2O2 + O2 2NO2

    Overall reaction: 2NO + O2 2NO2


    Intermediates are species that appear in a reaction mechanism but not in the overall balanced equation.

    An intermediate is always formed in an early elementary step and consumed in a later elementary step

    The molecularity of a reaction is the number of molecules reacting in an elementary step

    Unimolecular reaction elementary step with 1 molecule

    Bimolecular reaction elementary step with 2 molecules

    Termolecular reaction elementary step with 3 molecules


    Unimolecular reaction A products rate = k [A]

    Bimolecular reaction A + B products rate = k [A][B]

    Bimolecular reaction A + A products rate = k [A]2

    Rate Laws and Elementary Steps

    Writing plausible reaction mechanisms:

    The sum of the elementary steps must give the overall balanced equation for the reaction.

    The rate-determining step should predict the same rate law that is determined experimentally.

    The rate-determining step is the slowest step in the sequence of steps leading to product formation.

  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 8


    The experimental rate law for the reaction between NO2 and CO to produce NO and CO2 is rate = k[NO2]2. The reaction is believed to occur via two steps:

    Step 1: NO2 + NO2 NO + NO3

    Step 2: NO3 + CO NO2 + CO2

    What is the equation for the overall reaction?

    NO2+ CO NO + CO2

    What is the intermediate? NO3

    What can you say about the relative rates of steps 1 and 2?

    rate = k[NO2]2 is the rate law for step 1 so step 1 must be slower than step 2


    A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed

    k = A . exp( -Ea / RT ) Ea k

    ratecatalyzed > rateuncatalyzed

    Ea < Ea

    Uncatalyzed Catalyzed

    Katalis adalah zat yang meningkatkan laju reaksitanpa ikut terpakai dalam reaksi

    Katalis bekerja dengan cara mengubah mekanisme.Mekanisme yang baru ini mempunyai energi aktivasiyang rendah

    Katalis mempercepat reaksi baik ke arah kirimaupun kanan dan tidak dapat meningkatkan hasilsetimbang akhirnya, namun dapat mempercepattercapainya keadaan setimbang akhir


  • 10/10/2012

    Laju Reaksi - by Nuniek UNESA 9


    In heterogeneous catalysis, the reactants and the catalysts are in different phases.

    In homogeneous catalysis, the reactants and the catalysts are dispersed in a single phase, usually liquid.

    Haber synthesis of ammonia

    Ostwald process for the production of nitric acid

    Catalytic converters

    Acid catalysis

    Base catalysis


    N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g)Fe/Al2O3/K2O


    Haber Process


    Enzyme Catalysis

    See You !!!!!!
