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Traffic. Death ! CS vtUey. WM._ aa S 5Slo.v.ner.l»M--'3l, ' «^'5f£ S nS f ■«'TJ9 .N 0 -1 6 ° r ' _____ I Boy,ll»Is _ j; Hanged on E I ^BopeLooR^ BICHFIEI-D. Sepl. .24, — . , n'ytnM lii boy wo« .’trail- S to dMth Monday in « , SSnl r«ilch houso whero ho Sronlly h”'l boon p lw in ; iTnt H»m» »' cowboy nnd S^l«|jJ| m-MTy. ;lon. ES. »iui » loMe loop «(. eloU'M- “J iS hU n ~ t or.nt F M . I K t ftiraer who BTiiifi cowi On lhe F ^M j .tound tn i lloiiM, iu - ' P.MU. lh. boy. : \ “i „M urry l.lt hU hom. | P“ . Miryins “ "P" f}** -w ^Srin.He wd Jiwt been wauh-; ^ UlevUlon. J «ws “B“)wn-t relura for wpper but ,1? -olher »ld «h# thought he SJhthire gone t« a trlend'. houM Iriod't houte i>nd found ha nadn t ___ end two older wns I H B l fXsM out ta Uttls B tuided .eroM.th# road townrt the flid nneh house and were met by , ^ ,. I 5 k ^ » W"* *** S ru ”^^‘H u S I d a 1 Ulht In the empty houee, which lUU tl connected for elecUlcal eerv- 9S IM.' Vbu he went to the houie to ttt ibo WM there, he uld. he 'mi Um boy on bia kneca with a .o^.Ap KO, loop on the end of a rope auiot monl-bti-iietltrThe-ftlher-etxd-et- go-uiV:U« : ibiropevu Ued ta a door hup and tax revei _ “• “ • “ P lion over TiK«iti eountr Sheriff Thomti' state is i " CBBDtr and W chllel^^M m ^ , S;^^id€k 'Bhi Prc ^ fepTMeniH a»i>.-Tbfy;lheorlMd --------------- U m boy Duit have fallen olf the hdisd e*u»ht hU-aeci ------------ --------------------- m boy hid severe rope bunu n Ui chin and wa» atrangled. Hli Ita vu not bitieo. Although the A local f Boffa Hirinjof Kthe; - . P , Areas i r0SE»Bandifr-Sf«g|S " '’WProbersZfnti lUn gsJoQ builDCU agent under S m ith to 5- peBJUoUuy on W» pro m U a to be f a v o r a b l y Kholtf u d ft gentlem an* project. IC/trtwf *u the first wltnea to city Ens eiUiyu lhe senate rackets InvestU explnlned t nUotccqunUtee reopened hearings combined I loio t2u fcUvltles of Hoffa. Mid* courage thi *nt7teuUrs' boas who Is seeking bonding lio: noUonal pres- aia small a CilItnKtfi Sct^wJ *I«u« et officer* due In midweek. J Ja earlier eommltlea hear- 4^,7 N iBOla Ainiist. was nceused of mis- ,V w of union funds and poven and , .f *^tlon Wllh gangstera. / , ®««f the queatlons the oommlt- ilw . II wooia ,.t Into th i cor- S ^Wclnj*Iswhethermoneythat ^Th« nte to Hoff» rewesented would h^vi >««klckScU. T about two I ^ Iloffa scored ,/ «luare.foot ajwpenlng the hearlrtgs, Chsir* .B ids rec« ’•» McClellan. D , Ark.', a&ld they accepUble »l»oiaht on-by-tho/comrtlttee's the reslden In the August hearing <c«atiaM rt L^-. 91 candidness, •. . ^lU ly'or unwllllhgneas to co. yt . 1' I Utah said It la -* ^ b * b iu " here from .norida eon* ■■■ ^ lessions for testimony, al- ' j,. - W ItSl.’t ” - -Health o battled an ijj 1 *”d othei'ac II Htness R eveals V ^DeathWas‘Joke’“S'“;i- - 2 tA ° A » a ra . Japan. Sept. 24 reetoV of. th M Soldier tesUfled today partment. t - k‘ C T yn 8.,.qinir(lJii»t,.for • epWemlc.-H ,, 1 '^ an empty cnrtrtdge case the threaU - n» « .K,f •»«P|‘n“ e woman after *iniek.“ VtSi range.Howerer.: »r. at an out- tary chief 0: iniitf^u." Japanese uld It woui Wal, Mid he tossed days belor • ‘n*n 10 brass cartridge cases whether th : ;^:^i*thlntuguir;BinplBcement Aslijrmfrr swarding a t Olrard'* *ug- .-’Kealer ai . ____________■ ipraa M I . Earnings Rise : T '- ='«■« «^Ti“ storm « pf*nde Western rail- f^A. yestrday Its gross Infc I !2?,® *h» flr»t eight montha t «P M.03WW over the • J '" '' •«<»• Net Income I TV. , Increase of 11 ja s iS7 ther out In i . __ ■—------------------------ -- U. a. malnl baseball Today sf'-iif «aw, city ...... 7Z"~7 aald Jt. woi ®'“ ^J'^‘'2 n in e t and Sf i^ UlV ......... MANILA. Philadcinh.» New York P^ye’s wlndi .So • hoor,toa.»l ■J A Regional Nev •• •. ofd.fti ri„ ......... S«.ir.(..r Police H( ':*■ < 7 " ' . '•........ & Q|L 1« Rock eity poHco hold back erowd in I Khool. Th* crowd was dlrerUd while «h nortly ftfter U ws» fcnown Ua Nena ilu( aho Property Rise Despi ISE, Sept. 24 </P) —ldaho’.<5 propc rd«apite-fr-16--miliiDTPT)ollirrtTOHT jvenue estimated at 51 million doll ver thnt of Inat yenr. The Btatc U: ia up 2.2 per cent from that of li •otests Cause V ote in Se\\ )cal improvement dUtrict, LID 81. s Sor two separnte areas of tlic ci ly night by the city commissioi ;he areas involved protested becnu« sa Involved would have been the £ s^^fttTmclu^in^-WJ'.-norft-t^d-Spr ecK bouleyard area nnd Mornings: b'igorously were residents from th wrthiarea. When a fin- ---------- - B-was called from Com- n Chairman Lyons 1\CUS to determine the atti- .w r..] only-four-perBonfl-voted - W itl .bly for tho Blue Lnkes t M i, EnRlneer ^orman Crossley (d lhe two areas had been WASKIN sd Into one project to en- united Su I the sale of bonds. He snld -Drlmary « [liouses did not like ta han- [enslora u III amounts. mlnatlon t icles were received from in the area nstruction flm u lo give resl- In a nol in Idea « t how mueh tUt ministry. *l would cost. Al worked out ilvered by sley after the bids were read, siste -depat fe Lakes project would have vlet arms « >otit fivo cents per squnre a'ch.-tln 01 properly. To some ot tlie present dar is of the area lhe sewer , coat aa hish as J6.M0. Eilxabeth boulevard project JM I* “ -f, h^ve oost property ott-ner* lojJ u wo and two-tenths cents pa j„ \ . . It chargi received and recommended hare tmpec ble by Crossley, providing ,,ona-M d- idents desired the project be jenu.- tla««4 rat* 11, CsUva l> ~ _~r The Ame th Battling^ ' ■ ' xsry-EMUDi lu Outbreak ' aggression. By United'Press “There s h officials In UUh today tf. 8. note an epidemic of Inftuenu went of tl: ei'aerlous flu outbreaks oiua- lo carry ou leath of • soldier In‘Arizona lorth In th students In Texas. Iowa and ~— ”■ T w o S oseph T. Kesler, acting dl- J. »»w a- f- the UUh .aUte health de- T_ It. termed the outbreak an 111 J C.-JIO, ssld "It Is evident thal AtQMia reatened flu epldamlo-has 34 tfv_The rer. Russel! 6. Praser. Isbora- .nces rems ef of the health departmenf. tran n n u would ba a t le u t ’two' more wo a lr lelore tosts would ahow i^ui ^ tha outbreak_U_.stualli 17blosiv7 JS L 'u X " Of the' disease would Indl* Swhitnev" lew virus U Involved. of^sls scribed as m Swerving ntb Mid-Ocean [I, Sept. M (IB-Tniplcal rleda gradually swerved far- ; In the open AUanUc today 0 miles eaat of Jacksonville. r;weatliec_liur£au.a&ld;ihere aUtaa loti It chanct it would strike the f ■Inland. > » I ^ . m..the weather burtau-plh- T the howler at near latitude X •tn and longitude 73J .west. noving to the north at about | s per hour but forecasters neWPOI would v?er lo tha north- -j j.ji pj It at an accelerated pace of ^111 enolao •n hour during the next 12 * -- -------------------------------------------mi Aw -; _■ — —.. ■ , ...I—yii tntvmatlM TYPHOON FADCa tf LA,-Sept, 34 (A — lyphoon " rinds dropped to 7S miles an LONDO^ lay from a peak of 120 miles ing ship P* swept westward acro*a ths AU 1 P b U lp p l ^ other lifebi '•'Wjipaper Scr>ine lT ^ ' ■ TWI x N FALI Sold Back Crowd .^kw_ - In utile nock. Arkn after elsht Negro stud« 9 the -N*tro«* went In the «hooVs soulh enl iludenU had entered th* schooL (AP wirep y Tax Rate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir- 3.n in.vniuation of thcir property, w Jollnr.s. The total rcvemic represent.**; tax commission unid the over-nll pn if Inst yenr, even thcufrh the a.‘».se.ssed on which th ■- j - v f three other* ll werrPlan'-"■S""’” *t*xa property owr 81, designed lo provide The co 'lS i^iuion ! city, was disapproved per jio of Bsst )ioncrs after residents ' lowest ux n e“S „ “o 'S 5 ,'£ c v .rd S ;a ipruce-stt«ct?^-find' the ecaUve“«crea Igsidc drive. Protesting “««• Ji« -aaid .the Blue Lai.eBbo.le- S .™ * , he said the Ic Is C harged ’ “'i " ^ ^ i ; , _ ^ levy of s m * Ith baUSUlff - rnWrku " r. -m eompri»e«»K [ i d e a s t W o e s '.?n.'‘Sfo'“ ilNGTON. Sept. at (B-The *oU,er*^ SUtes today Inld to Russia yrcsponslbllliy-for Midcast j“ ie> .«ir2t I and reainrmed lU deter- n to preservi independence -nfa jonjposl n o i la the Soviet foreign ‘‘“‘V ru*! slmUar to otlurs btiw dt- by'rvanee and Brlialn. the ' <c*aiia*w .1 ipartmcnt-declored that 80- . M ahlpments "set-ln motion _ 1_ . I of events lending to the L ^raSll dangerous sltuaUon.- > r.a!'nl.w'dl‘pli“ d a previous W cilt note as "offensive In tone" . .w r I It •'eynleally distorts" U: 8. , W r( in the-Middle East. . . u^cd soviet propagsndUls qoodWO. I ip'eded « '; * '* ? ' killed In ,Msgl< ,4-mlre-MHUI.-li<nl pmb- ^,1,1^ .ieia.o Bliss early Mor .. Ald.Plcdied Agtilmr. 31. Ln American note cited the Mid- Keith Anderso t resolution, adopted by con- He said the dea ils year, which plcdgedjmUl? tjy papers foun iHDnUcTilit. liidudlng-t^'-Br MuuUay iilght’ II reQ\it»\td. to Mlddla . ^ i Agulnt.l»-aUv« M lubjected to commiinui moiher in Lare ion, • . Sheriff Andf « should be no doubt, the i,g„ lOte said, “thal Uie go«rn- ,Q„nd on the f th# UnlUd SUtes niend.1 ^ r out the naUonal policy set ^^und I this ttsolutSon, Issued.to Jose i ------------- -, cast a doubt or , Shots Slated »-*“ « - 1 A-Test Series p ^ r .^ S ino TEST-srrE.«v. M t. The atomic energy comm^- Agu ao and VI only two more perfoAn- Aguirre Wld ^ n .in In iiA 1U1 nuclear ex* had been mlsi KS>“. He also told' tl ntt-^th ^ll«n ^ ^ , the t n iiu « J S Jd for" rtng %ir*hexiff“i inatton f»m ^eil«a»r* eSSarmiBe-C] ,«•■ ahol was the resson. and.that he dl Uis S d the next shot__,de- ttie automobile M Swve.nomlnal In yield, istered m Agulr fired at,8:J0 ajn. tomorrow, i. cwtlnulng^h )ABO GETS VACCINB of lhe deed ma IV R*nt M tf) — The U. 8 . He said the ( S iam f service hss allocsted parenUy fell as ,5?2.S7l *.l.n no ..mm £ , news BULLfil ^oT ni I Sect. U (1» - P resld en v Ei-«n»;>ow T.S tid.y’fw lhe Quonset Point naval al plan» for Waihlpgton. ^ _ .‘RtiiSSni u iV i-ya. . v»M Ri-nt 3< '(.tv-Flve crea-men from the 111 lM?"t“£m chrt 1»Ior. 4i™ t« .tniel TO. "H —4 T W ^ FA L L S J^LS, IlUno. -TUKSDAY; SEPT ^ P r i aHw mui the stilt' vacation quii Tue.stl.iy nig ; Wil.ion to fi Little Rock ' been obeyed Elsenhower ' . ' JU son 10 call ou' r - , . ' f l troops—nslde f I 'r J f l —a.i Wilson mi I H fl with the ft El.^enhower ■ ' ' 1 ^ 1 would uae thi P United States' foree necessor> StrucUon Rock sehool lr He followed 'X l23il lamallon denri calling out fe tudeols caierrd Central in his exe enlrsnce. A fljht brak* signed al 13:2: rlrtphnlni . said: ~ * ^ a cease a ^ ill I Faubii 1 J # NEW YOR] aluation Its a Rnin of 2> j mil- the situation property tax in the «” «'• "f nwp sed value df property I I the tax is based is “ ' V iSyttteat :r-nUTnx raieTediiced, In der still exists i r* (here was no ehanse tlnue'* Im ll oihen the tax rnte Elsenhower .1 order shortly ai ownrrs In Coeur d AIene - iqo white men e hlKhesi ux In the stnte. Lime rocVj alon said, a levy of $Mi7 . assessed value. .. IX rate will be In llie un- -v-i d^areas of Boise county, j ^ g y p j rew!''^Io»a*^ng^ "TV aSftP aid Ihey Inckala-rcportt the_<4 counties, with only rn « dnho county missing. But I'Sfm e levies In Idaho .county U IU ilerlslly affect the totals, ^ lilU ha* lh* highest rlly Kasaer has off Jiir Johnson Hild, -but ,nd that nro-V Bd-to Uvl** of other tB»- 5ftUon” aanour It* czlitlng In the cllr It eeptlnr. » toUl Ux levy 0M 12JX. _ The-announi TalosUon. WM made by ’ of Coeur d’Alene has a to Cairo. Alta f- Wao Jjut. when added confirmed by ll ler existing' levies makes nls. [;h U the largest Ux levy M nst properly In the stale In Tunis, a s slon would lea position levy U made up to fix condlUoi :ounty, city, school and weapolw. He d S unit levies. It avcmjes of wennons wci I " . ■' I' ■» r i — ............ PJ'esldenl II Victim f,S“,'rh ';?S* 1 I- ' hcen having H tttifiedby SXXiC ' •' AtUtod roiiff iName rtS”r’-a'S C' way the attltut O. Sept. 34 -* The man cardto the Wt fsgle_Valley's~371h''/alil He a^deiTlt idem s~ix nillu wesi' ol effeel' on Tuni Monday was not Hugo S. an ImmlnenttJ . Laredo. Mexico. Sheriff request for am- erson reported Tutvlay. ed. the U. 8. g dead man was IdenUfled theUc to the ound In his elolhlng bul kanU tb go sit ght-he-establtshedrrthat uirTrenchT^ aUve and.Uvliic-wlth his ",TunUla-*Uo ■ Laredo. accord Tuesdi IndfiMii sald Immlgra- CiechoslovakU and automobile rrgblry thorlUes u ld I ;ha dead roan Indicated for arm*. IWAguirre. He «ald offi- ---------- ind a social security card T f?! «.• ae Anjri Roralraz. which f l i l e C T l I It on the belief th* dead cerUln of the Identity of J O F Jt J man,. Slierlff Anderson :lepltono call to Laredo TVT iht-and-Ulked-to-bolh — i-lC \V ’ Id Aguirre's mother. 1 the 'sheriff his papers OOODINO missing for some tftne. county comml* :d' the sheriff he h u a ^ay lo call a t he United SUtes but Ihe u nosslble ta : of the dead man did not Sw wSnty « ifrmiB-language^irrer^ -THTffecIsIotr s conversatioir" lUfftcule onOtwfltng”coi e did not esUbllsh how night In Ihe o bile hsppened to be reg- sulker, Idaho : gulrre's name. He said he ed preliminary lg his Investigation and «t)lch placed ( 0 esUbllsh the IdcnUty house at an man. - - malnder ot-the he driver of the car ap- used for fumlsl 1 asleep, causing the car Daly and V leadon with a Oarrett estimated the I truck driven by Veryl would require Boise. Neill was not In- 30 years' to set e accident. ' ’^Ulker** pre ^ — - - iby 10« feet, w ]TINS--^ jSiKM hower Wit by helleopw P lan t .1 ftlr suuon. Where h* An utlmated 3. hem eonferent^ hti»n*?_5^J.‘». ' . lag to work, f e m-faled aerman sail- newsman sala. A leaking lifeboat In the botUes and rod a Ulht from the, only out. but tb* i Plvo bodies ware found, charg*. ^ -------^ Nine It 3PTEMBER 21, 1057 resident In Arka Duty ORT. R..I,. Sept..21 (rP)—Presidi jtHte's Air imtionnl kuui-iI I d deni v quarter* niinoiinccii he will fly b; n ig h t on the crisi.s. He i-xpect.'^ to 0 federalize the Arknn.sas gunrd ock rioters hnd not *' I’er also aulhorlrxd WU* \ 1«1rT 1 out such United Slntes f~% I tVC de from the guard iinit.i n may deem ncce-wnry lo the altuatlon. ' ver said yesterday he ' tho full power of, tlie fttes—Including whatever LITTLE ' s'ST'f.rr.s.rLsf; i>" ii™ . i>e»i ol InUgraUon crisis. th a t I’rc.Hidt wed that up with a proc- lhe citv. I t ' I'SM'p; m ’’S: ««!»■»»> ‘b ' executlva order today. 13:23 pm., the President and desist eommand ibus Blamed ^ roRK. Sept. 34 tfl—Vice . Involuntni . Richard M. Nixon jmld PocatcHo. m' the .-dlsgradeful LltUe tegratlon sltuaUon” Is ‘“ '* 7 ''= ' ll. fBiiltnr Ar^iiniun Qnv tO tnC Stnni iitouB. Hniikins les i Paubus- ■Handling Of which Mrs. VZifm . i'i'uS’S ' llmkins ""i' ln.pl.lo, ..U.ml.1 rlc- I crn.sh. Howe In that proclamaUon tof MilCH, drivej haa not been obeyed and him ho “onl; u-ucHon-oj-saia-courv-or- bCers.'’ Ists and Uireatens to con- - Prosecuting - — -— - - ----------- - • Cunningham o h'er .signed his executive (jon of Hankl: lly after a crowd of about "teij everj-thlnc uen and women watched Rccldcnt." Eatl ock'j Central high school Admission fror .a p.f.. t. bjiaa SI • had not told a! ' accident. )t Leader , p aS ' ser ; Gives 'S'WhJ 1 band for not . nisia Arms „„ Kramer quo Sept. 24 tf)~President gardlng how lo I offered arms to Tunisia Twin Falla cou ro-Westem North Afrlcnn chargos wero fi aounced“today~Jt~Is~M- kins snld Mili Jail when relei louncement-of-iccrptance ley-Memorial 1 by Tunisia'*, ambassador Ing medical tn Altayer al Sanbanl. and “I believe It by the government In TU- Juno 30. wher ^ with Miles at I NegeUaU mal charges I. a spokesman Ssid » mLi- drawn up that I leavft-shortly for Cs'ro arraigned In pr llUons for-dellYery.-Jf the said. Ie (lid not say what khid Tlio Mile* ca I were Involved. ' 11:45 p .m ;ju i UlanspokesmansaidNM!* Both Uie pro waa made a week ago the defense at Ident Habib Bourgulba m Lloyd Walker, ppealed to-"brolhcr coun- <c*ai]n«H «■ lelp Tunisia. Tunisia haa ---------- ‘.i?oiZf'S„*r.';sFive]V!i - been bocder clislies. . Utada Unehangtd Tk*' ce«man said 'mnUla’a ic- M lft ■doe* not change In sny Utudeof.Tuntsla.wlthre- LOS ANOEl J W^tjsrp bloc." fiery freeway < (Tit also would have no lives of . five m Tunisia's alUlude toward A'slxtH'wias :ntU S. reply toTunlskf* the accident, m nrms. U haa been report- SanU Ans fre 8. govemment Is sympa-’ bello district so the Tunisian r^uest but Los Angeles. 0 slow lo avoid offendlsg The car In . i. -rr= .... ------- wenmoinrgM also 1* expeeUd to sign an crtto base ot a nesday wllh eommunlst way and burst akla and Tunisian au- uomla tilghwa sld this also may provide inn motorist pi Tlie dead wi -------------------------Ramos, 21: Pi T? 1 Pfc- Donald Me tion Eyed rt, neth N. Egr. 11 IV Budding JO. Sept. 24 — Ooodlng BURLEY. 8 nmlssloner* declde<t.Monr Dworshak. R., i 1 a bond eleeUon a* soon Defense Charic to finance building of a ug has found ;y courUiouse. Eitlmated ,-bond-lssu|^ls>W.OCO.— ^ t r i n ^ a U o t slotTegmc anervm eetinj j^jerv^ tralnlni r«**old courthouse. Uoyd leave To'^r'^sea aho PalU archlUel, show. 1 ^ ^ ,' ttill t nary sketches and plans S a ^ " *d ewt of a oiw court- S „TI?nies D estimated t46T.M0. Re- . <,,1,^ to u,e Whe bond Usu* would Ije ulro • 3JS-mm levy Jor , i service ths bonds. ' <3 XT I preliminary pUns call iT lay i , top of the second story. a-bo-abo-ut^JO-ofn^us a «■ ^ c.!...^). .hlpments to t , _. ,. _ be intended to nt JPicketed tAR. Tex, ^ t . 24 Ift- sembly that Br ed 2.000 strlken formed a tlon In flyrla *: kin around entranc«to He also ^ re s k. Plant officials and a menu of Iraq sala the .striker* threw Jordan, rocks In keeping worker* '■ Lloyd declaj i)* strikers denied the ipeech last; we Jt« Andrei an , ‘ • * •• . • • 1 ' Ine irrigated Idaho Counties .r Au-lll riur»i> rl ______, AMwmlftl rr«.» and Un t Order! :an«as t for Cr resident Eisonliowcr today onlen Iciil with Little llock,school intofj fly bnck to AVn'shington' later in I :ts to go on tho nir nbout 6 p.m., .mrd units in nn executivo order ' *' A .* A *. ^n sa? Stunn Presidenti 'LE nOCK, Ark., Sept. 24 (/P)— people in LilHo.Rrtck rcnctcd wit rc.Hident Eisenhower hns ordered It was electrifying news here. 1 nt the capitol nnd ofHcera of tho j urt Hears De] On Auto Dea untnry manslaughter trinl of. P lo, moved into the second dny Tuc court with Deputy Sheriff'Wnj _sinnd ,forj:ross;examlnatiQiiJ)y_ B lestifietl he investiRnled the i Mrs. Dan Fornn, I’ocntello, wan 1 s said under cross-examination b^ ? Krnmer that Miles hnd been dr iowcver, Hnnkins snid ------------------- Iriver of the car. told “only hnfl a cnnpln nf \-< l C W I <tlng Attorney Jnmes M. li i^|*i lam on redirect-examlna- Hankins directed that he Tthlng he knew aboul Uie • Earlier Ktamtr drew an 1 from Hnnkins that he xrerAjj 1 told all he knew about the hea^/ eq^p sputy sheriff then lold of ViTi empty beer botUes In Uie i.ke lfiS5 Chevrolet and over- Pavcua n conmwtwn—MWees Id his wife. Hankins, said les wns berating her'hus- JS5Sn]dV* • not letung her driv* th. b a ^ ^ d /* r questloned-HanJclns-r- how long Miles was held in lla county Jail before fom ul Two men vere filed against him. Han- of tho fire i Mllesmrn*"Uken~to the described as \ released from Magle Val- fair condllli orial hosplul after rteelv- only sllghUj cal treatment. Keith W eve It was after 1 a, m. en Brown's Tie ' when they were Uirough of McCall. « es at the hospital. The for- of logs sllpp irges agnlnst Miles were beei\ tumec > that afternoon and he was when he er 1 In probate court.” Hankins had gone to pump watei lie* car overturned at about allpped and m; June 29,. . Hurt onl tie prosecuting attorney and strangeUnd nse attorneys, Kramer and employes N 'alker.-questloned'Hanklns while eseapl >«H «■ r>i« II. c«Uma '4) ■Tho - bla « --------------------------- with which I ; Marines . ef Oranlte Mein Wreck :ive marines today. . (i was crlllcaUy Injured In lent, \fhlch occurred on the na freeway In the Monte- Tlct souUieaat of downtown n«n? sr In which' th# marines :nriMmmMntit6-tKe-tbn~ P o ^ T P I e ot a bridge over.the Irce- a iXj I 1 burst Into flames. The'Cal- Tk2_ Ighway. patrol aald a pass- • iJl\ rlst put out the fire. WASHmr sad were Pfc. Angellno C. U: Pvt. Jerry Partin. IS; »ld Monroe Collyer. 18; Pfc. iiveri li'rt aais. 31. and Ptllx Rlc«. Jr. lly injured, was Pfo. Ken- for making ------------- -- ^ stock feed. • I f o r GjUBrd, , proir«n.i^5 eserves Scored nf. Sept. 24-Sen. Henry e. R., Ida., told Secr^uty of Charles E. Wilson yesterday « found -widespread crlU* j " ’, Idaho on any retrench- 5aUwiOuacLjfna_annr; _______ raining programs. . Mu/i» uld-be-tragle-for-you- to BOISR Se] ir secretarial post wUhout of 38 rmnehes full compliance with the cauae of an < ef -congress to malnUIn being lifted JvTUes.” Dworshak said lo matlcally, St 0 the secretary.__ - • Schneider sal ish Spokesman Fei ly Move tb Middle DyATIOrla;'NrY.78ept.-24 m ^ jip ; as'i lh Pttrelgn SecreUry SeV- West inlo dl d aaid today, there Is rea- Ing a t the aa Ueve Ui« heavy Soviet acjns Union “wou s to the Wlddle East may vert with 1 led to stock forward bases area* which ovtet UBlon Itself.. contrQl." 1 the S2-nat]on.general as- Tti» most lat BrlUln views the sltua- promoting w lyrla fwlth grave concern." the delivery expressed concern over the tena upon t< usaUna-atalnst-the-ffOverD- .-^^Tttere-ai t ir«iq,.lr«n. Lebanon and believe that Is to pre-stc declsMd that the poUey Soviet.Unit iat;week-brTortlgn-MlnU: we'Mfgueli tl Q r^ k o could bt wm* color to ttil • • .1 '. 5: ' :S".'iS7“ ; - ........ I rs Guarc to Fede risis Ac ilcred federalization of the Arknr iitegmlinn crisis.'A t the aiimb in the dny for a nationwide telci .ni., MST. Kisenliower ordered S( Icr which said a presidential cense * * * * . # ined by News tial A ction ii *)—stunned by tho rioting nnd st ivjth surprise uiiii relief today to red government-commanded troo; •e. It apparently came as n comp ho Arkansns national gun rd—wh ii ---------------- ideht’s ort eputy « jathCaseSS r. Percy B.^M lles’ 35, 7«i;l'ltbv°s‘5] Tuesday in TwiiiJ-alls ceke 0? atlj iVnyne Hnriliitis cniled President ai by_deftmB8.attornoyfl, 10 one-cnr accident in go“ ^ ’n°er nn killed last Juno 29. tothecapiu 1 by Uefense Attorney Pnubus w drinking prior to the _ _ Southern O vvs ^ -------- r—-- -------------- inon tha“di U’est Blaze JSSKi,., ^ _ _ quest and t: Vear McCall ________ LltUe Rock LL. Sept. 34 ffl—Crews using down with 1 quipment fought today to icy I fire burning In beovy Um* At centn far from scenlo Payette of the 2-da o-nallonat-forsst-ofnclals Id the burned area at 100 Tiey said If wind condition* -rv d favorable the,flro shouTd I I l l V j ! aa under control within a ■■“'•A T C >f hours. ‘V T *' Two Hari yKQ nen were Injured aa a tesuU fire and ono—with injuries ' n d as crttlcal-w«sTeport*d1n----------- r idUlon. The oUier was hurt . .. ihUy.: • . - POUT A' Webb, an employe o f 24 (W—Mot Tie and Lumber company today a le ill. was crushed when a load Pntncols D illpped.from a truck. He had dentlal ele< imed] back with his truck ' They aL e encountered the fire and fraud by hi le to nearby Otanlte lake to DoJoIe. coi vater onto the logs, which that Haltit and rblledTnto him. cept the rli o n l y ' sllKhUy waa Ottry . land. anoUier of Brown^* . Dojole k s, He.melved a l?g.lnjuiy Junta of rl caplif7rom the fire. ttlase started when a. fire plurmlltlea : Ich a forest service crew was Jola ilronj brush got'out of eontrol In ' c :adow». one-fourth mU* weat T»-iunu ilte lake and some IS miles r Payette lake. Baehe b Heavy only five i< ilase licked Into heavy tlni- DeJole e by nildaftenioon yesterday party leada ' pall of amok* bung over aret two d -------------- ---------------------- *n4v,tJ»t:L heavy earthimovlng ina- InUmltaUd irere being used to fight tbe fore the^ba Uld the crew* numbered 70 Official ,r cn. of L« Ooai - ' ' gavo Duvall Planned ;to~SSi )ivert Potatoes . ^ tINOCrON,-8ept-24-tfl—The ire department announced f'® y. It WUl pay producers to ‘“ iS i r t of tht. year's 'big po- f " “ *5„“5 p from food markeu. Kira poUtoes would be used Ing surch, flour and live- lb’ said the purpose of the ^ _*lniilar_to_DaB_ln_effect ,-u 10 ,hoptmont ... jsifo^MUloSaCloSSo'iSS. trkeu 'to bee. Jl. 40 eenU ^ 191; and 30 ^enta thereafter luraUM of theprogramy.' Jjlbeia uABAjmNE-BNbs-------------- T irflt ; ^ t . 34 A quarantine ■“ 'if., ehea in Pranklln county be- an outbreak of anthrax U :ied gradually and ayste- VH‘« * su te Veterlnartan A. P. ?, rsald today______ <______ uondiraL _ _ Return* ft ^earsReds £: V « , , Uberal* poi le East Area tSSiSJ M in;.iuspt:itiuiuti»sSES.'TS 0 dlsaiTOlDg, while promls- nresident o « aame Ume that.the flovlel would Infiltrate and aub- h inttcased Intensity all ElecUon. B ilch-iCfc not already under nost serious new'factor In ng world Unslon, he said, “la H eJ very'of Soviet bloc arma-^ in teas of million* of pounds POBT. l I r-"- ' ; lllUlaU aft ft-aro-*omt^'he-8aldr“«fto houao-eor that the purpose t>ehlnd Ihla Uwular af 9-stock forward basea lor the on the Pt Union Itaelf. Tha doUverlea Oct. 14 aJ gueh a'aeaU t t V jlT* a ^ hear teiti . tU*.|U|gMttoa.-;.- -• ;-T aalM .- - ^ ---------------- -- I 'il '"’1 INAL I IT IO N PRICE 5 CENTS” I ^ ,1 eral ction rknnsas national guard ’ mb tlma Elsenhower's televlsion-radio nddress d Secretary of Defense :nse-nnd desist order'to * * . * * s of in Crisis d Rtrifo of the past 24 1 y to tho announcement troops to take over In ompleto surpriso to of>' which, under tho Pr'es- I order, will be federal- low nnd directed by ngton.’ God, line.he'.don# that?"- «d Claude Carpenter, ona Or\al B. Pnubus' kcy aldes. iilormtd by the Associated >day. Oov. JlnUinn. Qordon. also by surprise, said "I can’t con- .' I anything.1 con do If tha nt as Uken that actloa** ' 1 Ifered-na-other-commont.-------- ,J Otn. Bhenruin T. OUngtr, I nder of the guard, hastened I :apltol'to confer vrlUiOordon. |l iis wns reported flying bade ' e Rock from Sea Island. O a. >j he has been attending tha I m Governor* conference. l* )&s been InsUttng th at I ha'danseririddenHtUeTloac" | n. He said federal troopa I io Ijrought In only at hU re« I nd that he had no Intention I :lng any such request. I Mvt came while hatd-pnsatd Yj] Rock pollco were cmeklnff— I (1th a genuine get-tough poi* I cntral high school, focat point .]| 2-day*old racial cantrovetay.rj cooped up 11 persomuifaflKd-.'t :«tim«g M . y*iT^ tv£illierli ^ictor ft^eir -P a ir o f-Foeg- t au prdjoe . sept. ■ -Mounting, return* Indicated .. a landslldo victory for Dr.' Ils DuvaUler Haltl‘a..Qrtal> I eleoUons Sunday.:' ■■ r also spurred charge* of by his major opponent. LouU . coupled with the vaznlog i laltian people ■ ‘will not. ac* 10 rlggttl election- of Ouval* lie accused the ruUng miUtary - of.rlgging the_ret«ro#_whlcjx-_ ler p o l l l n f overwhelmlntf .■ lUes In areaa regarded a* De< trongholds. . GeU I1vaVo(M^ im» from the town eft CaiH lear Port au Princo, ahowqci 19.000 votaa for OtmLlU«r«ad>Ie< IV* for DeJol*. ' ^ * >1* charged that I'Tof -hi* leaden were arrested In Oa)>- vo d an befora the aloottoa B»tim:poai«»tch8r».-r.'w*c«— . aUd andmced to leav* ba* le baUou.wera counted. . .J lal returns from'lha Island . - Oouve, off port .*u'Prince, ' i mvalllen 17,SM vote* to 4S0 ahowed. leu than-l«;)Oll-ell*— )ten on tho Island. Charge Denied okasmaa.Jor the ^ t s d*» - eJole'a charges and a**orted supporters were responsible 1 Isolated Instances of vlo* 3» aiso said fc w m ber olD *- ; were anested ior att«iq>t< ljuy .votes. , - has been wltbout.A.ooDstt'* ' I govemment (Inco.tast Oe* . . when .suaaaslva-nslsunc* jnt-forcod-atnrngman-Oen: ;. liftglolrt .Into, exile.-Til* , has been ruled since b r pro* . -govemmeata and-tba 4nlU*—- Ita. . , • , . ■rais Triumph : Honduras Vote— ' iOIAaALPA.Honduraa.8ept. I me Liberal party of Dr. IU* leda Meirales baa won a mo* 11 tbe constituent assembly U d r a f t . coMtiluUtmJar_:„. n* from Bundsiy** voUnc sav* eraU » aeaU. tlie National* ^ and- th< RefonnUU .V .T t» 'C I polled 306,090 vote* to B^* . the NaUonallsU and wm .> I Reformist*.. . •• aaemUy-.ean-4«>liii«'ltatil:»—t kl-«ontrcH^^«>d>ai9olak=^»^^ mt or calL tor » pr^entlal i: n. V U l^ Morale*, iotm er a m*. : or to Washington; fayon la n. Ha 1*-popular anoas tba *' te a rin g S lat^: \T wiLL. Sept. M -oommHtee-ul tetariai. ^ ~ • I affair* win W ld » hearto«. - le Pt.-BaU,Xndlan reaervatloo' •. I 14 and IB and U .« p o ^ » -.V | testimony oa-*ap9r w d ta ^ -;v j

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Page 1: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

T raffic . Death !

C S vtUey. WM._ aaS 5Slo.v.ner.l»M --'3l,

' « '5f£ S n S ■

f ■«'TJ 9 . N 0 - 1 6 ° r ' _____ ‘

I B o y , l l » I s _j ; H a n g e d o n EI ^ B o p e L o o R ^• B IC H FIE I-D . S e p l . .2 4 , —

. , n 'y t n M l i i b o y w o « .’ t r a i l -S to d M th M o n d a y in « ,S S n l r« ilc h h o u s o w h e r o ho S r o n l l y h ” 'l b o o n p l w i n ; iT n t H»m» » ' c o w b o y n n d S ^ l « | j J |

m -M T y . ; lo n .E S . »iui » loMe loop «(. eloU'M- “ J i S hU n ~ t o r . n t F M . I K tftirae r who BTiiifi cowi On lhe F ^ M j

.tound t n i lloiiM, i u - 'P .M U . l h . b o y . : \

“i „ M u r r y l . l t hU hom . |P“ . M iry ins “ " P " f}** -w^ S r in .H e w d Jiwt been w a u h - ; ^

UlevUlon. J

«ws “ B“ )wn-t re lu ra for w p p er bu t ,1? -olher » ld «h# though t he SJhthire gone t« a tr le n d '. houM •

Iriod't houte i>nd found ha nadn t

___ end tw o older w ns I H B lfXsM out ta • U ttls Btuided .eroM.th# road tow nrt theflid nneh house and were m et by , ^ ,.

I 5 k » W"* *** —

S r u ” ^ ‘H u S I d a1 Ulht In the empty houee, which lUU tl connected for elecUlcal eerv-

9 S IM.' V bu he went to th e houie to ttt ibo WM there, he u ld . he 'm i Um boy on bia kneca w ith a .o ^ .A p KO, loop on the end of a rope a u i o t

— m onl-bti-iietltrThe-ftlher-etxd-et- go-uiV :U « : ibiropevu Ued ta a door h u p and t a x re v e i _ “ • “ • “ P lio n o v e r

TiK«iti eountr S heriff T hom ti' s t a t e i s i " CBBDtr and W c h l l e l ^ ^ M m ^

, S ;^ ^ id € k 'Bhi P r c^ fepTMeniH a» i> .-T b fy ;lh e o r lM d ---------------

Um boy D uit have fa llen o lf the— hd isd e*u»ht hU -a ec i------------ ---------------------

m boy h id severe rope bun u n Ui chin and wa» atrangled. H li I ta v u not b i t i e o . A lthough th e A lo c a l

f Boffa Hirinjof Kthe;- . P , A r e a s i

— r0SE»Bandifr-Sf«g|S " '’W P robersZ fnti

lU n gsJoQ builDCU ag en t under S m ith to

5-peBJUoUuy on W» promUa to be f a v o r a b ly

Kholtf u d ft gen tlem an * p r o je c t . IC/trtwf * u the f ir s t w ltn e a to c ity Ens

eiUiyu lhe senate rackets InvestU explnlned tnUotccqunUtee reopened hearings combined Iloio t2u fcUvltles of H offa. Mid* courage th i*n t7teuU rs ' boas w ho Is seeking bonding lio:

— noUonal pres- aia small aCilItnKtfi

S c t ^ w J*I«u« et officer* due In midweek.J Ja earlier eom m ltlea hear- 4 ^ , 7N iBO la Ainiist. was nceused of mis- ,V

w of union funds a n d p o v e n and , . f * ^ tlo n Wllh gangstera. /, ®««f the queatlons th e oommlt- i lw .

II wooia , . t In to t h i cor-

S^ W c ln j* Isw h e th e rm o n ey th a t ^ T h «

n te to Hoff» rew esented would h^vi > « « k lc k S c U . T about two I

^ Iloffa sco red ,/ « luare .foo tajwpenlng th e hearlrtgs, Chsir* .B id s rec« ’•» McClellan. D , Ark.', a&ld they accepUble »l»oiaht on-by-tho/com rtlttee 's the reslden

In th e A ugust hearing <c«atiaM r t L ^-. 91 candidness, •. . —

^ lU ly 'o r unwllllhgneas to co. y t . 1 'I Utah

said It la - * b * b i u "

here f ro m .n o r id a eon* ■■■^ lessions for testim ony, a l- ' j,.

- W ItSl.’t ” - - H e a l th o■ battled an

ijj 1 *” d othei'acI I H t n e s s R e v e a l s •

V ^DeathWas‘Joke’“S'“;i-- 2 t A ° A » a r a . J a p a n . Sept. 24 reetoV of. th

M Soldier tesUfled today partm ent. t- k‘ C T y n 8 .,.q in ir( lJ ii» t,.fo r • epWemlc.-H

,, 1 ' ^ an em pty cnrtrtdge case the threaU- n » « .K,f •»«P|‘n“ e w om an a fte r *iniek.“

V tS i r a n g e . H o w e r e r . : »r. a t an out- tary chief 0: in iitf^u ." Japanese u ld I t woui

W al, M id h e tossed days belor • ‘n*n 10 brass cartridge cases whether th

: ; ^ : ^ i * t h l n tu gui r ; BinplBcement A s li j rm f r r swarding a t O lrard '* *ug- .-’Kealer a i

. ____________■ ip r a a M I

. Earnings Rise : T ' -='«■« « Ti“ storm

• « p f* n d e W estern rail- f ^ A .yestrday Its gross I n f c

I !2?,® *h» flr»t e igh t montha t «P M.03WW over the• • J ' " ' ' •«<»• N et IncomeI TV. , Increase of 11 j a s iS7 • th e r out In

i. __ ■—-------------------------- U. a . malnl

baseball T o d ay s f ' - i i f

« a w , c i t y ...... 7 Z " ~ 7 aald J t. woi®'“ ^J'^‘'2 n i n e t and

Sf i ^ UlV

......... MANILA.Philadcinh.» New York P^ye’s wlndi

.So “ • h o o r,to a .» l

■J • • A Regional Nev

•• •. ofd.fti r i„.........S«.ir.(..r

Police H(':*■ < 7 " ' . '•........&


1« Rock eity poHco hold back erowd in I K hool. Th* crowd was dlrerUd while «h nortly ftfter U ws» fcnown U a Nena ilu(

a h o P r o p e r t y R i s e D e s p i

ISE, Sept. 24 </P)—ldaho’.<5 propc rd«apite-fr-16--miliiDTPT)ollirrtTOHT jvenue estimated a t 51 million doll ver thn t of Inat yenr. The Btatc U: ia up 2.2 per cent from that of li

• o t e s t s C a u s e

V o t e i n S e \\)cal improvement dUtrict, LID 81. s Sor two separnte areas of tlic ci ly n igh t by the city commissioi ;he areas involved protested becnu« sa Involved would have been the £ s^^fttTmclu^in^-WJ'.-norft-t^d-Spr ecK bouleyard area nnd Mornings: b'igorously were residents from thw rth iarea . When a f in - ---------- -B-was called from Com- n Chairman L y o n s 1 \ C U S to determine the atti- . w r . . ]

only-four-perBonfl-voted - W i t l .bly fo r tho Blue Lnkest M i ,EnRlneer ^ o rm an Crossley (d lhe two areas had been WASKIN sd Into one project to en- united S u I th e sale of bonds. He snld -Drlmary « [liouses did not like ta han- [enslora u III am ounts. mlnatlon ticles were received from in the area nstruction flm u lo give resl- In a nol in Idea « t how mueh tUt ministry. *l would cost. Al worked out ilvered by

sley a fte r the bids were read, siste -depat fe Lakes project would have vlet arms « >otit fivo cents per squnre a'ch.-tln 01

properly. To some ot tlie present dar is of the area lhe sewer ,

coat aa h ish as J6.M0.Eilxabeth boulevard project JM I* “ - f , h^ve oost property ott-ner* lo jJ u wo and tw o-tenths cents p a j„ \

. . I t chargireceived and recommended hare tmpec ble by Crossley, providing ,,ona-M d- idents desired th e project be jenu.- tla««4 ra t* 11, CsUva l>~ _ ~ r The Ame

th Battling^' ■ ' xsry-EMUDi

lu Outbreak 'aggression.

By U n ited 'P ress “There sh officials In U U h today tf. 8 . note a n epidemic of Inftuenu w ent of tl:

ei'aerlous f lu outbreaks oiua- lo carry ou le a th of • soldier In ‘Arizona lo rth In th s tuden ts In Texas. Iowa and ~—” ■ T w o Soseph T . Kesler, acting dl- J . »»w a- f- the U U h .aU te health de- T _It. te rm ed th e outbreak an 111 J C.-JIO, ss ld " It Is evident tha l AtQ M ia reatened f lu epldam lo-has 34 tfv_The

rer. Russel! 6 . Praser. Isbora- .nces rems ef of the health departmenf. t r a n n n u would ba a t le u t ’two' more wo a lr lelore tosts would ahow i ^ u i tha outbreak_ U_ .s tu a l l i

17blosiv7 J S L 'u X "Of the ' disease would Indl* Swhitnev" lew v irus U Involved. o f ^ s l s

■ scribed as

m Swerving ntb Mid-Ocean[I, Sept. M (IB-Tniplcal rleda gradually swerved far- ; In the open AUanUc today0 miles eaat of Jacksonville. r;weatliec_liur£au.a& ld;ihere aU taa loti It c h an c t i t would strike the f ■Inland. > » I ^ . m ..the w eather burtau-p lh- T th e how ler a t near latitude ‘ X

•tn and longitude 73 J .west.noving to th e north a t about | • s per h o u r bu t forecasters neWPOI would v?er lo tha north- - j j . j i p j

I t a t an accelerated pace of 111 enolao • n h o u r during th e next 12 *

---------------------------------------------m iAw -;_■ — — . . ■ , ...I—yii tntvm atlMTY PH O ON FADCa t fLA,-Sept, 34 (A — lyphoon " rinds dropped to 7S miles an LONDO^ lay from a peak of 120 miles ing ship P* swept w estw ard acro*a th s AU1 P b U l p p l ^ other lifebi

'• 'W jipaper S c r> in e lT ^


Sold Back Cr owd

.^ kw _ -

In u tile nock. Arkn after e lsh t Negro stud« 9 the -N*tro«* went In the «hooVs soulh enl iludenU had entered th* schooL (AP wirep

y T a x R a t e W i l i te H i g h e r V a lo p e r ty o w n e rs w e re to ld lf>t ln v J i in ir - 3.n in .v n iu a t io n o f th c i r p r o p e r ty , w Jollnr.s. T h e to ta l rc v e m ic rep resen t.** ; ta x co m m iss io n unid th e o v e r-n ll pn

if In s t y e n r , e v e n th c u frh t h e a.‘».se.ssed o n w h ic h th

■ - j - v f three other* ll

w errP lan '-"■ S""’”* t * x a property owr

81 , d e s ig n e d lo p ro v id e The co'lSiiuion ! c i ty , w a s d is a p p ro v e d per jio of Bsst ) io n c r s a f t e r r e s id e n ts ' low est u x n

e“S „ “o ' S 5 , ' £ c v . r d S ; a “ip r u c e - s t t« c t? ^ - f in d ' t h e ecaUve“« c r e a Ig s id c d r iv e . P r o te s t in g “ ««• Ji« -aaid . t h e B lu e L a i .e B b o . l e - S . ™ *

, he said the Ic

I s C h a r g e d ’ “ ' i " ^ ^ i ;, _ ^ levy of s m *

I t h b a U S U lf f - rnWrku "r . -m eompri»e«»K

[ i d e a s t W o e s '.?n.'‘Sfo'“ilNGTON. Sept. a t (B -T h e *oU,er*^ SU tes today Inld to Russia y rcsponslbllliy-for Midcast j“ i e > .« i r 2 t I and reainrmed lU deter- n to preservi independence -nfa jonjposl

n o i la the Soviet foreign ‘ ‘“‘V r u * !slmUar to otlu rs b t iw d t-

by 'rvanee and Brlialn. th e ' <c*aiia*w .1 ipartmcnt-declored th a t 80- .M ahlpments "set-ln motion _ 1 _ .I of events lending to the L ^ r a S l l dangerous sltuaUon.- >

r.a! 'n l.w 'd l‘p li“ d a previous W c i l t note as "offensive In tone" . . w rI It •'eynleally distorts" U: 8 . , W r ( in the-Middle East. . . ’ u ^ cd soviet propagsndUls q o o d W O . I ip'eded « ' ; * '* ? ' killed In ,Msgl< ,4-mlre-M H U I.-li<nl pmb- ^ ,1 ,1^ . ie ia .o

• Bliss early Mor. . Ald.Plcdied Agtilmr. 31. Ln

American note cited the Mid- K eith Andersot resolution, adopted by con- He said the dea ils year, which plcdgedjmUl? tjy papers foun iHDnUcTilit. liidudlng-t^'-Br MuuUay iilgh t’II reQ\it»\td. to Mlddla . ^ i Agulnt.l»-aUv« M lubjected to commiinui m oiher in Lare ion, • . S heriff Andf « should be no doubt, the i,g„ „ lOte said, “tha l Uie go«rn- ,Q„nd on thef th# UnlUd SUtes niend.1 ^ r ou t the naUonal policy set ^^und I th is ttsolutSon, Issued.to Jose i ------------- -, cast a doubt or

, Shots Slated »-*“ « - 1 A-Test Series p^r.^Sin o T E S T - s r rE .« v . M t .The atomic energy comm^- Agu a o and VI only two more perfoAn- Aguirre Wld ^ n . i n In iiA 1U1 nuclear ex* had been mlsi

K S > “ . He also to ld ' tl n t t - ^ t h ^ l l « n ^ ^ , the tn i i u « J S “ Jd fo r" rtng

% ir * h e x i f f “ i inatton f » m ^ e i l « a » r * eSSarm iB e-C ] ,«•■ ahol was the resson. a n d .th a t he dl Uis S d the next shot__,de- ttie automobile

M Swve.nomlnal In yield, istered m Agulr fired a t,8:J0 a jn . tomorrow, i . cwtlnulng^h

)ABO GETS VACCINB of lhe deed ma IV R*nt M tf) — The U. 8 . He said the ( S ia m f service hss allocsted parenUy fell as , 5 ? 2 . S 7 l * . l .n no ..m m £ ,

n e w s BULLfil^ o T ni I Sect. U (1»-Presldenv Ei-«n»;>ow T .S t id .y ’fw lhe Quonset Point naval al plan» for Waihlpgton. ^ _ •

.‘RtiiSSni uiVi-ya. .

v»M Ri-nt 3< '(.tv-Flve crea-men from the 111

lM ?"t“£ m c h r t 1»Ior. 4 i™ t« . t n i e l T O .

" H — 4 T W ^ F A L L S

J ^ L S , I l U n o . -T U K S D A Y ; S E P T

^ ™ P r i

a H w

m u i t h e s t i l t ' v a c a t io n qu ii T ue.s tl.iy n ig

; W il.io n to fi L i t t l e R o c k

' b e en o b e y e d Elsenhower '

. ' JU son 10 call ou' r - , . ' f l troops—nslde fI ' r J f l —a.i Wilson miI H f l w ith thef t El.^enhower■ ' ' 1 ^ 1 would uae thiP United States '

foree necessor> StrucUon Rock sehool lr

He followed 'Xl23il lamallon denri calling ou t fe

tudeols caierrd Central in his exeenlrsnce. A fljh t brak* signed a l 13:2:

rlrtphnlni . said:~ * ^ a cease a

^ i l l I F a u b i i1 J # NEW YOR]

a l u a t io n

I ts a Rnin of 2> j m il- the situation p ro p e r ty ta x in th e «” « '• "f nwp

sed va lue d f p r o p e r ty II th e ta x is b a sed is “ ' — V i S y t t t e a t

:r-nUTnx raieTediiced, In der still exists i r* (here was no ehanse tlnue'*I m l l oihen the tax rnte Elsenhower .1

order shortly ai ownrrs In Coeur d AIene -iqo white men

e hlKhesi u x In the stnte. L im e rocVj alon said, a levy of $Mi7 . „assessed value. • . .IX rate will be In llie un- -v-i d^areas of Boise county, j ^ g y p j

r e w ! ' ' ^ I o » a * ^ n g ^ " T V a S f t Paid Ihey Inckala-rcportt the_<4 counties, with only r n « dnho county missing. B ut I ' S f m e levies In Idaho .county U I Uilerlslly affect the totals, ^lilU ha* lh* highest rlly Kasaer has off J iir Johnson Hild, -bu t ,n d th a t nro-V Bd-to Uvl** of other tB » - 5ftUon” aanour It* czlitlng In the cllr I t eeptlnr.» toUl U x levy 0M 12JX . _ T he-announi TalosUon. WM made by’ of Coeur d’Alene has a to Cairo. Alta f- Wao Jjut. when added confirmed by ll ler existing' levies makes nls.[;h U the largest Ux levy Mnst properly In the sta le In Tunis, a s

slon would lea position levy U made up to fix condlUoi :ounty, city, school and weapolw. He d S unit levies. I t avcmjes of wennons wci

“ I " . ■'I ' ■» r i — ............ PJ'esldenlII Victim f,S“,'rh';?S*

• 1 I - ' hcen having H

tttifiedby SXXiC' • ' AtUtod

roiiff iName rtS”r’-a'SC ' way the a ttltu t

O. Sept. 34 -* The man c a rd to the W t fsgle_Valley's~371h''/alil He a^de iT lt idem s~ix n illu wesi' ol effeel' on Tuni Monday was not Hugo S. an Im m lnenttJ . Laredo. Mexico. Sheriff request fo r am- erson reported Tutvlay. ed. the U. 8 . g dead man was IdenUfled theUc to the ound In his elolhlng bul kanU tb go sit g h t-he-establtshedrrthat u i r T re n c h T ^ aUve and.Uvliic-wlth his ",TunUla-*Uo ■ Laredo. accord TuesdiIndfiMii sald Immlgra- CiechoslovakU and automobile rrgblry thorlUes u l d I

;ha dead roan Indicated for arm*.IW Aguirre. He «ald offi- • ----------in d a social security card T f ? ! « .• ae Anjri Roralraz. which f l i l e C T l I It on the belief th* dead

cerUln of the Identity of J O F J t J man,. Slierlff Anderson :lepltono call to Laredo TVT ih t-a n d -U lk e d -to -b o lh — i - l C \ V ’ Id Aguirre's m o t h e r .1 the 'sheriff his papers OOODINO missing for some tftne. county comml* :d' the sheriff he h u a ^ay lo call a t he United SUtes bu t Ihe u nosslble ta : of the dead man did not S w w Snty «

i f r miB-langu a g e ^ irrer^ -TH TffecIsIotr s conversatioir" lUfftcule onO tw fltng”coi e did not esUbllsh how night In Ihe o bile hsppened to be reg- su lk e r , Idaho : gulrre's name. He said he ed prelim inary lg his Investigation and «t)lch placed (0 esUbllsh the IdcnUty house a t an t» man. - - m alnder o t-the

he driver of the car ap- used for fumlsl1 asleep, causing the car Daly and V leadon with a O arrett estimated the I truck driven by Veryl would require Boise. Neill was not In- 30 years' to set e accident. ' ’^Ulker** pre

^ — - - iby 10« feet, w

]TINS--^ jSiKMhower Wit by helleopw P l a n t .1 ftlr suuo n . Where h*

An u tlm a te d 3. hem eonfe ren t^ hti»n*?_5^J.‘» . '

. lag to w ork, f e m-faled aerm an sail- newsman sala. A leaking lifeboat In the botUes and rod a Ulht from the, only out. bu t tb* i

Plvo bodies ware found, charg*.

^ ------- Nine It

3 P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1057

re s id e n t In A rk a

D u tyO R T . R . . I , . S e p t . .21 (rP)— P r e s id i j tH te 's A ir im tio n n l kuui-iI I d d e n i v q u a r t e r * n iino iincc ii h e w ill f ly b; n i g h t o n th e c ris i.s . H e i-xpect.'^ to0 fe d e ra l iz e t h e A rk n n .sas g u n r d o c k r i o t e r s h n d n o t * '

I’er also aulhorlrxd WU* \ 1 « 1 r T1 out such United Slntes f~% I t V C de from the guard iinit.in may deem ncce-wnry lo th e altuatlon. ' •ver said yesterday he '

tho full power of, tlie fttes—Including whatever L I T T L E '

s'ST'f.rr.s.rLsf; i>"ii™. i> e » iol InUgraUon crisis. t h a t I’rc.Hidt wed th a t up with a proc- lh e c i t v . I t '

I'SM'p; m’’S: ««!»■»»> ‘b'executlva order today.

13:23 pm ., the President

i» and desist eommand

ibus Blamed ^roR K . Sept. 34 tfl—Vice . I n v o lu n tn i. R ichard M. Nixon jmld P o c a tc H o . m' th e .-dlsgradeful LltUe

tegratlon sltuaUon” Is ‘“ '* 7 ''= 'll. fBiiltnr Ar^iiniun Qnv tO tn C StnniiitouB. H n i ik in s le si Paubus- ■Handling Of w h ic h M rs .

VZifm. i'i'uS’S' llmkins ""i'ln .p l. lo , ..U .m l.1 rlc-

I c rn .sh . H o w eIn th a t proclamaUon tof MilCH, d r iv e j haa not been obeyed and h im h o “ onl;

u-ucHon-oj-saia-courv-or- bC e rs .'’ — Ists and Uireatens to con- - Prosecuting- — -— - - ----------- - • Cunningham oh'er .signed his executive (jon of Hankl: lly a fte r a crowd of about "teij everj-thlnc uen and women watched Rccldcnt." E atl ock 'j Central high school Admission fror

.a p .f .. t. b j ia a SI • had no t told a! ' accident.

)t Leader , p a S 'ser ; Gives 'S'WhJ

• • 1 band fo r no t .nisia Arms „„K ram er quoSept. 24 tf)~ P res iden t gardlng how lo

I offered arm s to Tunisia Twin Falla cou ro-W estem North Afrlcnn chargos wero fi aounced“ today~Jt~Is~M- kins snld Mili

Jail w hen relei louncement-of-iccrptance ley-M emorial 1 by Tunisia'*, ambassador Ing medical tn

Altayer al Sanbanl. and “I believe It by the government In TU- Juno 30. wher

w ith Miles a t I NegeUaU mal charges

I. a spokesman Ssid » mLi- draw n up th a t I leavft-shortly for Cs'ro arraigned In pr llUons for-dellYery.-Jf the said.Ie (lid not say what khid T lio Mile* ca I were Involved. ' 11:45 p .m ; j u i UlanspokesmansaidNM!* Both Uie pro

waa made a week ago the defense a t Ident Habib Bourgulba m Lloyd Walker, ppealed to-"brolhcr coun- <c*ai]n«H «■ lelp Tunisia. Tunisia haa ----------

■‘.i?oiZf'S„*r.';sFive]V!i- been bocder clislies. .U tada Unehangtd T k * 'ce«man said 'm nUla’a ic - M l f t■doe* not change In sny U tudeof.T untsla.w lthre- LOS ANOEl J W ^tjsrp bloc." fiery freeway <(T it also would have no lives o f . five m Tunisia's alUlude toward A 'slxtH 'w ias : n t U S. reply toTunlskf* the accident, m ■ nrms. U haa been report- SanU A ns fre 8 . govemment Is sympa-’ bello d istric t so the Tunisian r^ u e s t but Los Angeles.0 slow lo avoid offendlsg The c a r In.i .-rr= . . . . ------- w e n m o in rg Malso 1* expeeUd to sign an c rtto base o t a nesday w llh eommunlst way and burst ak la and Tunisian au- uom la tilghwa sld this also may provide inn m otorist pi

T lie dead wi-------------------------Ramos, 21: Pi

• T ? 1 Pfc- D onald Metion Eyedr t , • ne th N. Egr. 11

IV BuddingJO. Sept. 24 — Ooodlng BURLEY. 8 nmlssloner* declde<t.Monr Dworshak. R., i1 a bond eleeUon a* soon Defense Charic

to finance building of a ug h as found;y courUiouse. Eitlmated ,-bond-lssu|^ls>W.OCO.— ^ t r i n ^ a U o t slotTegmc a n e rv m e e tin j j^jerv^ tralnlni

r«**old courthouse. Uoyd leave To'^r'^sea aho PalU archlUel, show . 1 ^ ^ , ' ttill t nary sketches and plans S a ^ "* d e w t of a oiw court- S „T I?n ies D estimated t46T.M0. R e- . <,,1,^ to u,e W he bond Usu* would Ije

ulro • 3JS-mm levy J o r ,i service th s bonds. ' <3 XT I

preliminary pUns call i T l a y i

, top of the second story. a -bo -abo -u t^JO -o fn^us a «■ ^ c . ! . . . ^ ) . .h lpm ents to t

, _. , . _ be intended tont JPicketedtA R . T ex , ^ t . 24 I f t - sembly th a t Br ed 2.000 str lken formed a tlon In fly rla *: kin around e n tra n c « to He also ^ r e s

k. P lan t officials and a m e n u of Iraq sa la the .striker* threw Jordan, rocks In keeping worker* '■ Lloyd declaj

i)* strikers denied the ipeech la st; we J t « A ndrei a n

, ‘ • * • • . • • 1'

Ine irrigated Idaho Counties

.r Au-lll riur»i> rl ______, AMwmlftl rr«.» and Un

t O rder! :an « as t

f o r C rr e s i d e n t E iso n lio w c r t o d a y o n le n Iciil w i th L i t t le l lo c k ,s c h o o l intofj f ly b n c k to A V n'shington ' l a t e r in I : t s to g o on tho n i r n b o u t 6 p .m ., .m rd u n i t s in nn e x e c u tiv o o r d e r ' * ' A .* A * .

^ n s a ? S t u n n P r e s i d e n t i

'L E n O C K , A rk ., S e p t . 2 4 (/P)— p e o p le in L ilH o .R rtc k rcnctcd wit rc.H ident E is e n h o w e r h n s o rd e re d

I t w a s e le c tr i fy in g n e w s h e re . 1 n t th e c a p i to l n n d o fH c e ra o f th o j

u r t H e a r s D e] O n A u t o D e a

u n tn r y m a n s la u g h te r t r i n l o f. P lo , m o v e d in to th e se co n d d n y T uc

c o u r t w i th D e p u ty S h e r i f f 'W n j _sinnd , f o r j : r o s s ;e x a m ln a t iQ i i J ) y _ B le s t i f ie t l h e in v e s t iR n le d th e i M rs . D a n F o rn n , I’o c n te llo , w a n 1 s s a id u n d e r c ro s s - e x a m in a t io n b^ ? K r n m e r t h a t M iles h n d b e e n d rio w c v e r , H n n k in s sn id -------------------I r i v e r o f th e c a r . to ld “ o n ly hnfl a cnn pln n f \ - < l C W I

<tlng Attorney Jnmes M. l i i ^ |* i lam on redirect-examlna- Hankins directed th a t he Tthlng he knew aboul Uie• Earlier K ta m tr drew an1 from Hnnkins th a t he xrerA jj 1 told all h e knew about the h e a ^ / eq^p

sputy sheriff then lold of ViTiempty beer botUes In Uie i.k e lfiS5 Chevrolet and over- Pavcua n

c o n m w tw n — M W ees Id his wife. Hankins, said les wns berating h e r 'h u s - JS 5Sn]dV *• no t le tung h e r driv* th . b a ^ ^ d /*

r questloned-H anJclns-r- how long Miles was held inlla county Jail before fo m u l Two menvere filed against him. H an- of tho firei M llesmrn*"Uken~to the described as\ released from Magle Val- fa ir condllliorial hosp lu l a fte r rteelv- only sllghUjcal treatment. K eith Weve It was a fte r 1 a, m. en Brown's Tie' when they were Uirough of McCall. «

es a t the hospital. The for- of logs sllppirges agnlnst Miles were beei\ tumec> th a t afternoon and he was w hen he er1 In probate court.” Hankins had gone to

pum p wateilie* car overturned a t about allpped and m; June 29,. . H u rt onl tie prosecuting attorney and strangeU nd nse attorneys, Kramer and employes N 'a lker.-questloned'H anklns while eseapl >«H «■ r>i« II. c«Uma '4) ■Tho - bla« --------------------------- w ith which I

; Marines .ef O ranlte

Mein Wreck:ive marines today. .(i was crlllcaUy Injured In lent, \fhlch occurred on the na freeway In th e Monte- Tlct souUieaat o f downtown n« n ?

s r In w h ich ' th# marines :nriM m m M ntit6 -tK e-tbn~ P o ^ T P I e o t a bridge over.the Irce- a iX j I 1 burst Into flames. The'C al- Tk2_Ighway. patro l aald a pass- • i J l \ r ls t pu t o u t the fire. W A SH m rsad were Pfc. Angellno C.U : Pvt. Jerry Partin . IS;»ld Monroe Collyer. 18; Pfc. i iv e r i l i 'r t a a is . 31. and P tllx Rlc«. Jr. lly injured, was Pfo. Ken-

• for making --------------- stock feed. •

I f o r G j U B r d , , p ro ir« n .i^ 5

eserves Scoredn f . Sept. 24-S en . Henry e. R., Ida., told Secr^uty of Charles E. Wilson yesterday «found -widespread crlU* j " ’,Idaho on any retrench-

5 a U w iO u a c L jfn a _ a n n r ; _______raining programs. . Mu/i»u ld -b e -trag le -fo r-y o u - to BO ISR Se] i r secretarial post wUhout of 38 rmnehes fu ll compliance w ith the cauae of an < e f -congress to malnUIn being lifted

JvTUes.” Dworshak said lo matlcally, S t0 the secretary.__ - • Schneider sal

ish Spokesman Fei ly Move tb MiddleD y A T IOrla;'NrY .78ept.-24 m ^ j i p ; a s 'i lh Pttrelgn SecreUry SeV- W est inlo dl d aaid today, there Is rea- Ing a t the aa Ueve Ui« heavy Soviet acjns U nion “wou s to the Wlddle East may vert w ith 1 led to stock forward bases area* which ovtet UBlon Itse lf.. contrQl."1 th e S2-nat]on.general as- T ti» most la t B rlU ln views the sltua- prom oting w lyrla fw lth grave concern." th e delivery expressed concern over th e tena upon t<

usaUna-atalnst-the-ffOverD- .-^^Tttere-ai t ir« iq ,.lr«n . Lebanon a n d believe th a t

Is to pre-stcdeclsM d th a t the poUey S oviet.U nit ia t;w eek-brT ortlgn-M lnU : w e'M fgueli t l Q r ^ k o could b t w m * color to ttil

• • .1'.

5 : '

:S " . ' iS 7 “ ; - ........ I

rs G uarc to F e d e r is is A cilc red fe d e ra liz a t io n o f t h e A rk n r iiteg m lin n c r i s i s . 'A t t h e aiim b in th e dny f o r a n a t io n w id e te lc i .n i., MST. K ise n lio w e r o r d e r e d S( Icr w hich sa id a p r e s i d e n t ia l c en se * • * * * . #

in ed b y N e w s t i a l A c t i o n i i*)— s tu n n e d by th o r i o t i n g n n d s t iv jth su rp r i s e u iiii r e l i e f to d a y to red g o v e rn m e n t-c o m m a n d e d troo; •e. I t a p p a re n tly c a m e a s n com p ho A rk a n sn s n a t io n a l g u n r d — w h ii

■ ---------------- id e h t ’s o r t

e p u t y « j a t h C a s e S Sr. P e rc y B .^ M lle s ’ 3 5 , 7«i;l'ltbv°s‘5] T u e s d a y in T w i i i J - a l l s c ek e 0? atlj iVnyne H nriliitis cn iled President ai b y _ d e ftm B 8 .a t to rn o y fl,10 o n e -c n r a c c id e n t in go“ ^ ’ n°er nn k illed la s t J u n o 29 . to th e c a p iu 1 by U efense A t to r n e y Pnubus w

d r in k in g p r io r to th e_ _ Southern O

v v s ^— -------- r — ----------------i n o n tha“di

U’est Blaze JSSKi,.,^ _ _ quest and t:

Vear McCall________ LltUe Rock

LL. Sept. 34 ffl—Crews using down with 1 quipment fought today to icy I fire burning In beovy Um* A t c e n tn

far from scenlo Payette o f the 2-da

o -n allo n at-fo rss t-o fn c la ls Id the burned area a t 100 Tiey said If wind condition* - r v d favorable the ,flro shouTd I I l l V j ! aa under control w ithin a ■■“'• A T C >f hours. ‘V T * '

Two H ari y K Qnen were Injured aa a tesuU fire and ono—with injuries ' nd as crttlcal-w «sTeport*d1n----------- ridUlon. The oUier was h u r t . .. ihUy.: • • . - PO U T A'

Webb, an employe of 24 (W—Mot Tie and Lumber company today a le

ill. was crushed when a load Pntncols D illpped.from a truck. He had den tlal ele< imed] back with his truck ' T hey aL e encountered the fire and fraud by hi le to nearby O tanlte lake to DoJoIe. coi vater onto the logs, which th a t Haltit and rblledTnto him. cep t the rli o n ly ' sllKhUy waa Ottry .

land. anoUier o f Brown^* . Dojole k s, H e.m elved a l?g .ln ju iy Jun ta of rl c ap lif7 ro m the fire. ■ttlase started when a. fire plurmlltlea : Ich a forest service crew was Jo la ilron j brush got'out of eontrol In ' c

:adow». one-fourth mU* weat T»-iunu ilte lake and some IS miles r Payette lake. • • •

B aehe b Heavy only five i<ilase licked Into heavy tln i- DeJole e by nildaftenioon yesterday p a rty leada

' pall of amok* bung over a re t two d--------------—----------------------*n4v,tJ»t:Lheavy earthimovlng ina- InUmltaUd

irere being used to fight tbe fore the^ba Uld the crew* numbered 70 Official ,r cn. of L« Ooai

• - ' ' gavo Duvall

Planned ; t o ~ S S i)ivert Potatoes . ^tINOCrON,-8ept-24-tfl—The ire department announced f'®y. I t WUl pay producers to ‘ “iSi r t of tht. year's 'big po- f " “ *5„“ 5 p from food m arkeu.Kira poUtoes would be used Ing surch , flour and live-

lb’ said the purpose of th e ^_*lniilar_to_DaB_ln_effect,-u 10,hop tmont ...jsifo MUloSaCloS So'iSS.trkeu 'to bee. J l. 40 eenU ^191; and 30 ^enta thereafterluraUM of theprogramy.' J j l b e i a

uA B A jm N E -B N bs-------------- T i r f l t; ^ t . 34 A quarantine ■“ ' i f . , ehea in Pranklln county be- an outbreak of anthrax U

:ied gradually and ayste- VH‘« *s u t e Veterlnartan A. P . ? ,

r s a ld today______ <______ u o n d ira L_ _ R eturn* ft

^earsReds £: V «, , U beral* poi

le East Area tS SiSJM in;.iuspt:itiuiuti» sSES.'TS0 dlsaiTOlDg, while promls- n residen t o « aame Ume tha t.the flovlel would Infiltrate and aub- h inttcased Intensity a ll ElecUon. B ilch-iCfc no t already under

nost serious n e w 'fa c to r Inng world Unslon, he said, “la H e Jvery 'o f Soviet bloc arma-^in teas of million* of pounds P O B T . l

I r-"- ' ; lllUlaU aftft-aro -*om t^ 'he-8ald r“« fto houao-eor th a t the purpose t>ehlnd Ih la Uwular af 9-stock forward basea lo r th e on th e Pt Union Itaelf. Tha doUverlea O ct. 14 aJ gueh a'aeaU t t V jlT* a ^ h e a r te iti . tU *.|U |gM ttoa.-;.- - • ;-T a a lM .- -

------------------ I 'il'"’ 1



• ^ , 1

e ra lc t io n

rknnsas national guard ’ mb tlma Elsenhower's televlsion-radio nddress d Secretary of Defense :nse-nnd desist order'to * * . * *

s o fi n C r i s i sd Rtrifo of the past 24 1 y to tho announcement troops to take over In ompleto surpriso to of>' which, under tho Pr'es- I order, will be federal- low nnd directed by ngton.’God, line .he '.don# t h a t ? " - «d Claude Carpenter, ona O r\al B. Pnubus' kcy aldes.

iilorm td by th e Associated >day.

Oov. JlnU inn . Qordon. also by surprise, said "I can ’t con- .'I any th ing .1 con do If th a nt as Uken th a t actloa** ' 1Ifered-na-other-commont.-------- ,JO tn . Bhenruin T . OUngtr, I

nder of the guard, hastened I :apltol'to confer vrlUiOordon. |l iis wns reported flying bade ' e Rock from Sea Island. O a . >j he has been a ttending th a I m Governor* conference. l*)&s been InsUttng th a t I

h a 'd an se r ir id d en H tU e T lo ac " | n. He said federal troopa I io Ijrought In only a t hU re« I nd th a t he had no Intention I :lng any such request. IM vt came while h a td -p n s a td Yj] Rock pollco were cmeklnff— I (1th a genuine get-tough poi* I

cntral high school, focat po in t .] | 2-day*old rac ial c a n tro v e ta y .r j

cooped up 11 persom uifaflKd-.'t :«tim«g M. y*iT^ “

t v £ i l l i e r l i

^ i c t o r f t ^ e i r

- P a i r o f - F o e g -t “a u p r d jo e . se p t. ■ -M ounting, return* Indicated .. a landslldo victory fo r D r.'Ils DuvaUler \» Haltl‘a..Qrtal>I eleoUons Sunday .:' ■■r also spurred charge* of by his m ajor opponent. LouU . coupled w ith the va zn lo g i la ltian people ■‘will n o t. ac*10 rlggttl election- o f Ouval*

lie accused the ruUng miU tary - of.rlgging the_ret«ro#_w hlcjx-_ ler p o l l l n f overwhelmlntf .■ lUes In areaa regarded a* De< trongholds. .GeUI1vaVo(M im» from th e town eft CaiH lear Port au Princo, ahowqci 19.000 votaa for OtmLlU«r«ad>Ie<

IV* fo r DeJol*. ' ^ *>1* charged th a t I'Tof -hi* leaden were arrested In Oa)>- vo d a n befora the aloottoa B»tim:poai«»tch8r».-r.'w*c«— . aU d a n d m c e d to leav* ba* le baUou.wera counted. . .J lal returns f ro m 'lh a Island . - O o u v e , off p o r t .*u 'P rince , ' i m valllen 17,SM vote* to 4S0

ahowed. le u than-l«;)Oll-ell*— ) te n on tho Island.

Charge Denied okasm aa.Jor the ^ t s d*» - eJole'a charges and a**orted supporters were responsible

1 Isolated Instances of vlo*3» aiso said fc w m b e r o lD * - ; were anested io r att«iq>t< ljuy .votes. , -has been wltbout.A.ooDstt'* '

I govemment (Inco .ta st Oe* .. when .su a aa s lv a -n s lsu n c* jnt-forcod-atnrngm an-O en:;. liftglolrt .Into, exile.-T il* , has been ruled since b r pro* . -govemmeata a n d -tb a 4nlU*—- Ita. . , • , .

■rais Triumph : Honduras Vote—'iO IAaALPA.Honduraa.8ept. I m e Liberal party of D r. IU * leda Meirales baa won a mo*11 tbe constituent assemblyU d r a f t . co M tiluU tm Jar_ :„ .

n* from Bundsiy** voUnc sav* eraU » aeaU. tlie N ational* ^ and- th< RefonnUU .V .T t» 'C I polled 306,090 vote* to B^* .

the NaUonallsU a n d w m .>I Reformist*.. . •• aaem U y-.ean-4«> liii« 'ltatil:»— t k l-«on trcH ^^«> d> a i9o lak= ^»^^ m t o r calL to r » p r ^ e n t l a l i: n. V U l ^ Morale*, io tm e r a m * . : or to W ashington; f a y o n l a n . H a 1*-popular a n o a s tb a *'

t e a r i n g S l a t ^ :\T w iL L . Sep t. M

-oom m H tee-u l te tari a i . ^ ~ • I affair* w in W ld » h e a rto « . - le P t.-BaU ,X ndlan rea e rv a tlo o ' •. I 14 and IB and U . « p o ^ » - . V | testimony oa-*ap9r w d t a ^ - ; v j

Page 2: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

I ■, P A G E f T W O

I n Swift A.crion I ■ ByPreadentI Is Surprisingjn i '• (F na rwO>M)IH In c two youth i who ap p etrtd to beI I o f M th Khool a te . AU w m white.! .[' « J * t b r o u fh t th e toU l o f ,a r m u -I , f o r two d a r t to 44, Includlns both;

Uj ■ '«b]t« iitx i4 Im . ' A D -b u t on« were booked on 'm , l . e h a m t o f Ind tto f lo riot, cairyln*,W » w eapon, or dU tu ib ln#-th#-PM «. (■ Motorejreto police aitd police iguadH ‘ e a r» need -aU o rer the d ty . T hey, vm B I. w ere itopplnc and eearchln# au to . "® '■ mobile* and rrtoUng people iorn i w eaponi. ' __________ Valle.— ------ A'Ne*ro, CUrenco R. Saunders, a t - 1 _ _

ta eh e d to the LltUe Rock a ir force _) b u e . w u fined $900 and riven a \ 90-<JaT laU •eatetteri {oc u m u t t «IU i M. F t }, I in te n t io kUl.

.. - police Bald he tr led 'fo 'r tiB down m I » poUceman with hU car. X l S■ ; A t Ceotral hl«h achool. ■ crowds ___IE r sa ttte red , an hour or eo before the 1 ?■ I f in a l buxw r n n c for clateee to be> X < I t i n ' a t 8:48.I PoUce th e n moved gulekl/—and . ,Ifl t n eomplete c o n tm t to their aoUoni P IM w h en the rlotlns broke ou t j ta tM ty “ coap |U I —b r p ic k ln s’up known a « lU tb n -- P o r c ifl ] e&riy In th e mom lnf. io n UitV • o v e r th e paet two weeka. the men comblnl

w b » aeem to be ]eadln« the dlaord* county a r t, h a re become fkmlUar flsurcA. county.

' w ith o u t walUns for anything to Tha • happen today, o tricen.ew lftiy tur* lO 'thelr rouiMled five of them 'and carted down fr

; - ttiem ott to JtU. t l 3«a tc

> -you tha w ho looked Uke high echool *io«a- < r *** enxoUed a t A nthonj

. r ' C ontraL tOJlB to; Few er itudenle reported for Khool T b u t bow xoan; ftUed to appear InI W . K 't No N e* » ftudentj thowed up. •


; teUo, S e p t 3 4 -lo m n ‘nioma*. B u r- thnl ! ley; K m ett Rathbun, H anten; Pftvld f R aybom and T eny A nderten. Twin ; M ia . and Robert Adamt, WendeU. lojl

! “ *•“ M S‘ ' •__________ th a t f lp! I _

: H o s p i t a l s

l - ^ - ^ M a g i c - V a l l e r - M e n i o r i B l - - E a i; : v w u n f h o u n a t M ade Valley . ,

; A O M H T ID . ' “ S ? ' .| . ; . . - C ta » I t io o ju , U lo h u l Porlu i,

• R odney K epheh, Oynthl* .Jodoln.; PhoebA W rniami, U n . U u r a Lewta J f i ! ■ ^ M n ^ u l j . Brier a ll Tw in p if y

: H a n i k b o th Je n m e; J o h n ^ B a r!

I . n m n » » t p S t i S S S

■ 0 b « i i W g S i™ I B ifttlb O lena* F m y ; Rhood Owen,

B ub l. ta i O tncer MeNaUy, BUUnfa, I------------

UXM. 2 ^ J . Xrler, Tw in FU li.

S t B e n c d l c t ’a , J e r o m e ,, V Jaltta t houTB a t Bt. Beneflot-B

hoepltAl are f r o m a t o 4 a n d 7 t o « ^ * - p . m . M 3 p j

A SM IT X ro ^---------!Celt*i-8hlnn--Bi«l'Pr*Beef Brtw= **“ *•_ _ M n ^ b o te J 4 n 3 c n e ? _ M n . B arbara

l i ' j M M l S S i J s h c l h ^ ^ j 2 5 f n S

G o o d i n ? M e m o r i a l o i l ^ ^VlBlUox h o m a t aoodlttv .C ounty e<l a t lo

, M e m o fl« rh o e p lU Ian fro m 3 to 4 :8 0 w a r d ld and 7 to« :3 ft Pin.. e dat7 :S i

.‘A D H R TZD m ortuanU ra . f . D.. ReolTQW. M rt. Rodney lA ter. Fl

■ L eeper and M n .*J. M. Jam et. aU Tw in P a a o o d lo i : M rs. Ramon Salasar. Vale,

- O w .. f tsd S a n a Bavehotn, H»Bcr- BURQ a a a . Simon K

n i8 M I8 8 S D ' Thurtda:M rs .' 0 . J . Bartholomew a n d w ith the

4 a u f h te r. Ooodlni. Masonle...... •■ . . •• « t Pleaei--------- 8ona .w ere b o m -to -M r/an d M r». w n o w e i

RamOB S a la n r . Vale. Ore.. and M r. trlbuUon and M n^J..M .,JanuiB,-Q«odlnr,~^— bullO lnr

K n . P A n k H o d ^ n . E dith Louise b J t S T K lnit and. Gordon D arrln iton . aU S S i S , B ^ la y ; M n . y o nn* M l n t M ^ S o ^ ^

t o . M lnnlo Y e l t^ * J u n a a * r » . ^ t e h! a n T M ra . Sylvia Kelson. aU Burley.

A a o a w as Sm Mr. and M rs. CUI Ployd, M lnco. H an lton . ^ f f W

V - A M I

-------------- -DISMISSEDL arry Sm ith in d Q aiy W airlck.

bo th Rupert.B IR T aS ______

----------A -i la w r t i te r T m T » ftn o T * .“ a"ndWrs._C«rm«Uo O e n t c i and’ eon to d i f . . . . Mr. a n d Mre. Red Tracy, a ll R u p « . .

Weather ** >MAGIO. V A U E T -F a lr and e o n . ' (

tinned w»*m. nU h near BS and low '44 tn Barley area, 45 a t Twin FalU \

-. and M a t Ooodlar- H ifb yesterday I » . low U rt n t tb t le , 48 a t • a . n i '• a d 7S a t nooa.

: &*»«• Utiu Wl*: Tt». \

= : d E i ^ = l d ! r r j .

• k JT Vork 14 l i ( » l c Otd*a ............... J - ___ _ 7»- .41 .

------- - Tl 44 ' S ^ m

'S o lti . - r t t ^

, w i H " y A u r n = z : S t l S S 3

Keep the White FUg Gu o t Safety Flying _

- j. - .. -Jt

today.a _ In cora N y nine h

ytetert not on

T h o> order

. » > v . ■ tn d p ; _ w J,

AToifl one dav without d ' ■af/ic death in our Magic mentoi alley. - " Umfe ii

I of tore rw t Pra<roperty Tax

l> - ~ ' - r » * Attomita le s to R ise rs,iS F o r Idahoans

(FrM. P*(* Om >16 per tloo o f a u e iie d va luatlai uiuiT i ompared w ith I9.M In 19M. «weor comparison piupoees John- umg u

Uiled th e oVer-all U x n t e — Uon wl iblnlnr a li thoe& levies —In the ' i r 1 Bty seat o r m ajor e lty In each w h k h :

. Uon'wlhe seven.dU es listing reduetlont on beh heir over-all levies w«re Coundl. And n from »S40 to t8J9 . PocnleUo. Uonal 10 to tl3 .03 ;.sandpoln t. $11.71 to out of 46; B onnen Perry. $10.70 to EUer s«: Orofino. $11.83 to $11.76: St. troops hony. $9.07 to $9 J7 . and SsUnon, been d i to $a.sa. bus ofachancM wlU be over-all tevles Tokii irco. $0M ; OeodlDf. |16 J0 . and Ha*ert ser, $6J4. V. S. aifjeat percentsce of Incretse^ln ^ over-aft ta x ra te U In American I. which jum ped 333 p e r cen t to “ ■ I. However, thU levy sUll Is be. P*®?** th n t In m any o ther d tle s . In . ine some of those which show- “ * ^ le^lnei th is year aa Compared

tinson noted th a t Idaho 's to ta l X U C erly valuaUon for ta x pu rposa 1967 U $e07JI>6.0S9. a gain of 'T l * 73.003 from th a t of 1066. tJiIng U l flcure h e estimated tha total

revenue from th s property levy T Dproxlmately 61 million dollars, J U >ared w ith 648.306,890 la st year.

aridng-FiDes^ 7 the old

^ ta l of $19 in bonds was po tted boy sp lay w ith T w ta Palls police for one Ing violations. Dr. Rorge Yam a(faU and Edw ard ly coroi 4 e tc h posted $3 In bonds fo r ddent. vIoUtlons. Eusej


iMij’TRoliCTl'NOTd, R ichard Bo- Bruneai Ben H arrlsoan. R alph Welch, Survl^

Hutchison. K ar l F teem an. E m - two bro lean Sorenson. L eiter P e h n o n . Paddls; ita ln s u te a Telephone and Shortt, T a p h ^ js a n y ..a v .P .J > e K lo t* , P a d d t T elsTJoe Hackney a n d N oim a Claude

>n- • • , and Mi- . — and mai

Magic Valley Funerals

W P A U B -P u n e ra l services P o itephen H arold PhUUp* wlU be a t th e W hite m ortuary ehapel OROl

p » . T h m d a y . Concluding » ln ln g » s wUl bo a t Sunset M emorial m ent U

----------------- -- a t-the-— — ___________ ordered

[ * R ^ R « t j y - 1 6 n i r a . H elena sgemen ns WlU be red te d a t 7:S0 p « . The day a t th e Jonea funeral home, achedul on. Requiem’m ass will b« cele- h e ln o id a t th e s*lm on Catholic verlHejl :h - a t 0:80 a a i . W ednesday. Olearwi ludlng serrlces wUl be h e ld .ln hearingon oemeteiy. M rt. Sim ons I s ----------[ taken to Salm on by Twin I m ortuary.

m t PA L L W U qulem m ass for enee B. K eating wUl be ee leb n t- 1 10 a jn . Wednesday a t S t. E d . . O N I’s church. Rossry will be rec lt- . lU U i 7 :S 0pjn . Tuesday a l tho W hite C T uaiy by the Rev. P s th e r Morse v \ r. F inal serrlces wUl be he ld In W k PaUs cemetery.

fR tS Y — Puneral lervlces for a K inney wUl be held a t 3 p jn .«day a t th e Methodist church 'the Rev. H . N, Yoet offlclatU>g. Whj

mle graveside rites will be held inviteleasant V lew_cem ctety..In U e u --------e v e n tKe-fam lly requeeta c o n - ___ _Uons be m ade to Uie M asonic .. ilng-fund .-W ends may cell a tMcCulloch funeral hom e W ed- J Wsy and T hursday. v

IHL—F \w e n l se rv lea ftff 'A l. ' ' CAI Lee E aton wiU be held a t 3 p jn . aesday a t the Albertson Me- a l.chspel w ith th e Rev; Roy L. i r p u to r -o f ih B 'F ln t-ch r ls tlan ch. OfflciaUng. CondudUig rites !» held a t th e B uhl cemetery. I

m E T 'S ^



L W ith B d rg .

ruard G d le d | ■ ']u x t - v f 7 n r u i u I

.j-v Twin 1

O rd e r O f Ik elay. •n .e iih ;U ''h S n ‘^ violence-^, con tr a i t to yeiterday—b u t the _ . le Negnjes who e n te r r t th e tchool Cow T eit terday and then w ithdrew wero _ A cow ' ; on hand todsy; Fallie re were some Incidents o f dU- of milk a ler during the n igh t, however, «» * 3M-' ] police huiUed off five white H oIM ln □ from the Central h igh school America.

St ~ e ^ w l^ d e n t i t was » mo- ntous decision. H e m ade i t d e a r “ efe ind 'sB fllh he wss against use Monday 1 torce to compel compliance. • n s i Secretary Jam es H agerty P“W <• P> I a oewi conference thU m om - Caiuilo V th a t Eisenhower had taUied w «h c jm p, anx omey Oeneral Brownell, who I In W ashington. shorUy eJter ^ - Ivlng a t hls office a l tho U. S.'Si base here a t 7:67 n jn . JT OOlCagerty then menUoned th e El- bower proclamation com m and- ^th e UtUe Rock r io te n to cense J . 9 V

I dcslit and td disperse from the He Bock high school grounds. ^ 1 ,We ara wslUng a t th e p ^ n t 1.^11 fl to lee-w hether th a t-p ro d a m a- - ~ - X WlU be obeyed.- H agerty snid. Ernest If n U not obeyed by those to of the d t leh I t was directed, additional nc- partm ent t' wUl be taken by th e President fourth dli behalf of the United StAUs." soelnUon j>d Hsgerty left no doubt “addl- P*}}* Wm » l acUon'* would be th e caUlng ‘“ ■'.offic o t troops. quftUfled

iMnhower’s legal r ig h t to order 8 f l ^ .» s Into LllUe Rock a lready has n chaUenged by Oov. O rvnl pnu- weekly lui of AHtnnsai, among others.

akm c note o f such challenges. h“}*' lerty quoted provisions of Uie 3, code-under which Elsenhower o r te r to 9d la st n lg h t-a n d asserted wiUj- P»« quail naming names;;t would seem to m e th a t oU>erpie QUoUng laws on th e Presl- P^JL,f s acUon do no t know w hnt they wi.orouRnij

i S b S L

ich fie ld B oy• • common i

)ies in R o p e ".“'".s.. 1 ; dUtrlct I

Loop at Play Sg".:h sd UkenonIy*one p iece of rope fHw nnw u U>ome the_ofllcera.sald_U ierc o ienns-P t I severaT pieces of rope Ued to vaiiev 1a < old bed. The rope on w hich the t - ' spparently strangled was not renorled o'

one h e had taken from h is home, hum uiii> r. Royal o . Neher, Lincoln coun- ^ in g to h otoner, Urmed Uie de'aUi a n ac- tor

jg w e Pnddls. Ul# faUier, Is ^ ly - r t <>y^e B ro n e a u ^ le p h o n e om nf i if

neau a t Uie Ume o f th e deaUi. t o w a ^ ^ irrlvlng besides th e paren ts are nroJcct brothers, Leo Paddta a n d Bobby program

S B ^ k r O r V ? " ^ SE;tern“ [dVddu,'*SOTmMto. i£’ ServilMrs. O. Caldwdl. O alax. Va;. t i

m aternal g n n d p a re n ts . M r. snd H o n p ran k O vertun , Columbui,


^ 8 for Mines « J Being Considered SSii'iRO rm O .-Sept. 34 (A -SU tU S of Mondny. Ing claims loci^ted on - govern- The fsm it lands waa under s tudy today sge of 03 Ih e fim -o f a series-of h e a r in g s --------------m d by tha hiirfmi nf lanrt m an. _______ Ml

ns hearltigs originally w e r e schoolstal iduied to begin yesterday but Uie Asfcm t o f LeU KnutM n w ithd rew a P- m. Prld flejl.fltatement o t c laim s In Uie t = ^ = irwater naUonal forest and the ring w at vacated.______________ ■

iVby If It U>at every Ume youIte trottblB I f l ready to accept? ______^

' g r KAYLER LODGE I] . .T” / ^ N O . W , A .P . iL A J H .

?AIXED COMMUNICATION^ ’ rThursday, Sept. tft—8 PJVL

■ r . c . D .„ « _ : ..

| ' K « ' I M

N G ! I H

5 E I


T w in FaUs Newsm -c u u g -OBt--------------- — . [ViBU-iaIn PaU s. llrem ea. w ers eaUed Mrs. E 4 Second avenue east Mon- ter. ftem oon w here » canvas cur- vlilted > s a bock porch w as burning. PaUi, 8* .ge was s lig h t

--------- Prograznrested Trum#ow owned by L. J . Tencklnck, wUl spea F a lU .-produced-l» .n i pounds on th e e

Ik and 6 « pounds of bu tte rfa t a l the t 334-day te st conducted by the Orange^ tin - PWeslan assoclaUon of . lea. ■ 8«m,Ber

^ --------- Mr. a;fer Intez ieatlen parenU

I men were fined $35 and costs Cottage »y in Twin PaUs j>otlee court U » aon larses of being d runk in a Uie moll : pinee. P in ed . were EmUlo and Mn lo Vlllslon. 20. T w in Palls U bor PaUs. nnd Robert H o laa K tu p p , 39,

PalU Auto court. SnhsUin

>otbaU P la y I O utlin ed a t :iu b M eetingest c . Craner. superin tendent a boII ; d ty parks sn d recreaU on de- be eondi lent and commissioner of th e nesday a 1 district FooU>all Officials as- m eni ot lon told members o r tbe Twin north ' Lions d u b T uesday th a t loo t- ( in t sho jfflclals m ust be thoroughly Uie secoi led bdore allow ed to w ork of i ^

rier. guest speaker a t th e S ^ n iS d t luncheon meeUng o t the or-kUon n l th e A m erican Legion __«lnted ou l'thA t officials m ust l i V o t i 1 two d im es In early faS In T r d H Ul Icam ru le changes and to t i

luallfleaUon eznmlnaUons. rner u id th a t each o f/ld a l _ take boUt a n open and dosed examlnsUon nnd .m ust be /w r u iw

iRhly acqiiiUnted w ith all rules J*!**’' . ? ’' uie changes fo r th e coming iJjS U Mojon. “ I " . ? !plementing h la speech wns a ntlUcd.-PooUmU fo r Millions," Ooodmw lllu.itrnted m ony o f the more X n*r, '■'

en rvle In fm cllo ttt and how Bnrl Ws Jcs nre discharged. Htmon»I90 explained lh a t th e fourth " P .'" '* * t U one of * lx dlitrlcU I[hout the s ta le . T h e district S i ^ ®P s some 25 schools wlUi gnme "«<* ™ Ja . AcUve

fourUi dU trlct., M id Craner. 3?“,Vi*®' possM the a re a of from Metlhew s-P c rrrtoM alts-and -from Stin M cSyiai U> Oakley. • ' '

Jther. buslnesiL' D onald Zuck eefi (d on the LlonAsponsored Ught utle nnd snld ne fe ll It wns n : to be n huge a c c e s s . He also T 1 for help fo r '^ e s d s y eve- m o n t

uUe acUvlUes. H e noted U ia t ,3M ^ u lb p . ^ k a '^ w ,re.-left

I U w c lS 's ° /rg h 3 lm p ro v ^

ram chairm an » r th e dsy'wks ; /? ! ! ,•I Cnrlsonr 7 •

vice Slafted for amed^Composer ■SD(k:. F in land . Bepl. 34 UT— . lltyltiiii w in h«i buH M , « t hly ^ u e s t. to th e tu n e s of his I symphony. T h e slow move- from the sym phony will be a t Uie s ta te funera l for the

wr In the H eU lnkl cathedral

famous com poser died a t the '03 Inst Prlday.JUEETIN G -O A LU SD ’--------------SHONE. Sep t. 34—A Sunday sta f f meeting. Will be held by ifembly o t O od church a l 8 Prldny a t th e ch u rc h .________ ' 1 ^ 1

1 Our IA. P A R K I N

P A T I O . .

_ F 6 r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e a n d s a i

u r p a t r o n s , w e h a v e a ^ d e d a p

p a r k i n g p a t i o b e s i d e Ql

T w o e n t r a o c e s o f f F o u r t h

w i l l g i v e e a s y a c c e s s , a n d a n i

w i l l b e o n h a n d t o p a r k

) r y o u . '

falls. Id a ho

tvs In Brief ^[ n EUzabeth Lyons and dauch- _ t S aesUne. G rknd island. N ebr,

led M n . Agnes HoUtoger, Twin IS, Saturday a n d Sunday.

--------- flreproolrram Listed „ Eachruman S tu n rl a n d W aync'D um ll 5 mo jqi speak and ihow moUon pl^uxres building Ihe openU on of dial telephone* trin ,.- Ihe meeUng of th e Twin PaUs count nge^tonlghi. son Pug» ■ --------- Irow. V,

.®«™ Goodlni't. and M n . Ployd Mingo are p|.»mi mts of a son b o m Tuesday a t «lage hospital. Burley. Mlngo Is wcUon aon of M rs. O race rhUngo and .tundc t m other u th e daughU r of Mr'. *M n .' G eorge W ebb. aU Twin

•• , Lincoln

- » u r . ; i r - ■ ■ MI the absence o f tb e B er.-E rerett u * . p f aon.'pastor o f th e Bible Mission- ^OOOO church, th e pu lp it wUl be flUed cq„'q, . , Uie Rev. H . A. Erdm an for 11 nm0. and 8 p . m . services sdnday. ^

Rev. M r. D am oo wUl be a t- j,^ g ft ch ureh cooferenc* lo

recent--------- broughl

• CUnle P tansed - - Since 'polio tinm unlisU on cUnlc wlU bonded

nnducted from 1 to 6 p jn . W ed- lowest 1 lay a t th e county health depart- owns Ui It offices. 913 Shoshone street of the lh. Those who received the ir feel noi i shots In A ugust are reminded build s second ones a re due. New series critlel ihols sUIl a re being given. T he house li s are adm inistered free to chU- gtoraie 1 and to adu lU a t $1. crowded

--------------------------— wiring.

:ankA.TerriU « PaidLastHonor

in e n l services fo r P rank Allen seven b: rUl wore held a t th e Whlta mor- bunks, 1 y chapel a t 3 p . m . Tuesday wlUi ench. T Rev. W. A -•M acA rthur and Illes fo

T David- Moyes offlciaUng. makeihl duet was sung by M n . N orrli n e r ouU

dman nnd M n . D w ane Perkins, y were accom panied by Mrs. r1.WnUs, o rgan is t. . - I onomry p a llb ea ren were PerryInesu. P au l Q uesnell. Oeorge SHOS er. A. Craner. Ployd Morrison. PIdcock t. Sparkm an. E v ere tt PuUer and Rlchflel1 Poss. car nccl :Uve pallbearers w e r e Pred shone-t iitweln. Rudy Hochhnlter, Lee nnd 3 s. thews. W nrren M cParlnnd. Allan Conner 'arland-and-M lko-Randall.-.oon- —SheriJIng services w ere held a t T » ln SheriffI cemetery. Pntrolm

----------------------------- • vIn.Wri

Pilot Is SavedONTEREY. C alif.. Sept. 34 IIP - both PiII (JO) Roycroft C. Jones. 35, *J

lerdny shorU y.before It crashedhe ocean five m iles offshore. ' ’hes. who was a ttach ed to f ish t- BURLqundron 311 a t M offett nnvsl e rts. EtStaUon. w as found bobbing In by polli:er&tt and. picked u p by a. heU> on a etvie r crew. ._________ _______ ru n loo

Newest StiN G ■ ‘ i

s a f e t y o f ---------------- .

I a p a v e d -

e o u r m o r t u a r y .

r t h A v e n u e E a s t

a n a t t e n d a n t ’ •

i r k y o u r c a r B ^ H p i

' ' ' ___

Election Eyed g

New Building S'( r « « pIstaJ

[reproof starsge vaulU for recotxls. itreet Each floor would cover sboul m g p

*30 n u a re feet. The outalde of th e noon ulldlng would be brick wllh stone T h i« rim * * _ IntoCounty commlsslonen are Emer- womi

Ml pugmire. H agerm an: Jerry W n - into J row. W enddl. and Harold Steele, driva loodlng. e h e ^Pujmlre conducted the meeUng *ngrj

•hleh was called to obtain a cross *ioud •cUui of opinion. About 60 people eess»Headed.____ . . — . of MiCounty offices, s t present, a re north

Kated In tbe no rth wing of th e boy c incdn inn, which w u deeded to pa rla ne city In » 1 4 by the Ooodln* . . . E 'ownslta -jompany. of which Uie walk ■t« P. R. Ooodlng-was president, for drops JO,000. In J u l y . 1916. Ooodlng foldle ounty obtained-a 99-year lease on Ing It He property. taFbr a number o f y e « n many resl- w tth

enU have f d t th e p resent court- overt ouse facilities a re Inadequate and m U]0 x e n t community ipowUi h a s this, rought th e problem Into focus.Since Ooodlng .county has no «

onded Indebledness, has oae of th e J ^ n ( n m l tax n te s in th e sta ta and wns the block of M ain itre e t north Mw f the high school, m sny persons * wl now would be a good Umi to u /i ulld s new courthouse. crulUCriticism of th e present court- Tuesc

ouse Inelfides Inadequata fireproof g n m »rage §pSee fo r records, over- wUl d rowded offices, poor heaUng and Ser Irlng. undesirable qu a rten for woulc etalnlng. JuvenUes and poor JaU frienc kciUUta. T%fi courtroom and Jail. tageU )cated on Uie th ird floor. boUi are m eat nnll. The ceU block consists o f ss we »o small celts, each approximately p j nren by eight feet- wlUi four wall enUst unks, on£ U llel and one bnsin in u e r tch. There aro no washing fsd l- les for prisoners .ftnd only one Falls lakeihlft shower bu ilt Into a cor- er outside the celta.

Two Injured .SHOSHONE, se p u 34 — Oerald *■

Idcock and Lnvon Byronster, boUi ichfield. were Injured In a one- , xr accident l l mUes easi of Rho- f; lohe-on highway 03A, between 1 nd 3 s. m . Sunday. Sheriff Thomas onner r e p o r ts Tucsdny.-Sheriff C onnsr.-essm edbrD eputy — heriff Charles Peugh and S tate / ntrolmen WUInrd.Bnker nnd M ar- n . Wright invcsUgated the crash, h e sheriff said the cnr. a 19S0 ulek. missed, a curve and rolled rer tel'cral Umes. throwing out Dth PIdcock ai}d -Ml.u Bymnster. hey were taken to SU Benedict’s wroltfll fo r trffttmgQU___________J __^----------- - I d

' DOG OWNER FINED -]BURLEY. Sept. 24—O rin B. Rob- „

rts. Burley.-wna firicd $5 Monday1- police Judge H enry W. Tuckcr P

a etvuge o t permltUnst h la dog to O in loose, second offense.


I V J u


Seen Today Vsi• •_________ I . i ‘® ‘’ne h a n d whOe he holds squlnntng K in nd ba rk ing ,dog wlUi oUier . .... on «t« m o d d ear wlUioul Ucense ,j. ta les pa rked by f ^ plug on ^ c o n d Q ct Lreet w est . . . Employea qddcen- * ig pace on way back to office as M n whUUe sounds a l ta u n d ir . • • beei b ie e h igh school students getting jto topless old model s e O a n - ^ - . /o m lB -ca rry ln r- opened umbreUn Ito M ain avenue store . . . ’Truck river getUng down from cab to h e ^ Ures on trailer and Ignoring ngry s ta res of driven forced to puU round vehlde . . . CaUfomla-11- cBsed c a r rocking ta ha lt In center f M&ln avenue and Second s tree t “ Orth IntersecUon to avoid striking oy o n blcyde . . . Two men pre- a rlnc * W orld Series basebaU pool *ou< . . S y « tSass case bouncing on sMe- H 'alk a s owner bends over ta retrieve Flrt reppc<L lelU r . . . Fton csrefully R ild ln s r e s t a u r u l cbeck'then band- Uon ig I t to w U e. . . O n y sedan pari:ed The J aUey whUe owner loads rear trunk Mrs rtU iem p ty ca rd b tA rd b o x e s...A n d and rertJeard: I t ta easy ta forget about serv nU -O ^et* fo r a c a r on dsys like ili.^ . .

Special Eidistment | Program Reported IM /S g t. Max L. B ndley. army re - I

ru ltar. in Twin PaUs. announced ■'UMday a spedal enltatment pro- En m fo r a "gyroscope” un it which ■rlU d e p ar t fo r Europe In 1958. ■ S e rgean t Bn41ey said Uie program

rould b e on a ’‘buddy" basta whereriends who enUst togeUier wUl s tay Iogelbw through the entire eiUlst- <le n t a n d through European duUes , s well.T he desdllne for th s gyroscope

nU stm ent program li Oct. 3L Pur-her InformaUon may be obtained 1rom Sergean t Bradley a t the Tw in Sch■slta a rm y recruiting office. •_________

d o n ’t ^ o u {illlt'« sort of funny

T hat bonks don't hcA sole on money?

Until they do . . . you )i ' so-cal!cd “fftntaatic prici

ons . . . “give-awnys" .

dcccptive claims ; . instead, ' shop with confidcncc in the ca o f friendliness . . . where quali p c r ts will moke your visit plet ordcall

Save time . . . m oney. a t a fine store I

U f c o u r s e . . . y o u y o u r p u r c h a s e . . .

iblic Servii

-------------T h e s a m e t h o u g h t f u l

, a t t e n t i o n t o d e t a i l w h i c l

c h a r a c t e r i z e d W l

s e r v i c e f o r '^ m a n y y e a r s h ;

^ . . _ _ _ _ J > u i l d i n g - o f - t h i s - p a t i c

- b e a u t i f u l a s w e l l a s ;

= ■ .W H I '

I ' “ r / i e C h a p e l b y

D A Y . ^ . T E M B e R J l , JJ

' Hours ReducedSHOSHONE. Sept. H _ i,

Oie lookout sta tion s tta be open *'“ ' ' e h e e n e u y ^ ^

on Sepu 30. «!<•!TTie official fire sewon

Oct. l- bu l U Uie condiUo A j a fire haxard sUII exliu. wm be extanded. been repo rted by Uie tu r f su ^ ,‘= m a n n g cm e n u n the p w i -^ t.7 5 wna iO -acres Uint bumrd one-ha lf m ile s .c a s u s n d -S l? : N otch B u tta sundny s l i t ^ ^ !

, Lesson Presented■ SHOSHONE. &a)U : t - » ^

on various religion.^ n u D tf^ a t th e M eUiodlst Youth P e f f i m eellng Sunday n igh t nt the

H asel HftU, BeUt McK»i . Plrebaugh w ere’in chorgV '•

RecreaU on was undtr ih.^ n of Howard-^Hom snd cJ Thom as. G roup slnRlni; k u w Mrs. Ja m es Pranks. M yrns-iju and E arlena E lam led ttii


“ S S -1 c l a « » b y I t s e l f ^ m • i n e * 1 8 3 0 ^ si

f<OOf------- I*8J«nd»d Seel'ch WHjly H B 5

SehUIUIIn « Co, N«w Y o f l^ ^ W S

^ ^ = = = = = = = = 5 ;

I l i n i l I

* * ° y ]

3U have a rig h t to. (juc.itioii - price rcductionR” . . . com ^ 1 b" , . .and *0 forth. wn

•• the

id. we invite you to ? e calm surroundinRs , .ualified diamond cx- , gJJpleasant . . ; not an ' iiu

. w hp

• . . . M d erabarassment... ^

'OU m a y b u d g e t . . . i f y o u v A s h S !


' n ( ^ l ^ e w e i r i ^ S

i T rod itlon Since IP/0" ^

'ice - , ji- , i i I

j.................... - . ■ ' Wj

^ I Ir i

^ S p H W P B B I

, , -

ful care,.pJanninganiJ ^ hich has W hite Mortuary ■8 has gone into thd |a t io rm a k in g it" aspracH cal.T ~.— -------------- i “ t ar

........... _ ______ Ger

[ I T E ; ■; |

b y t h e P a r k "

Page 3: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

\ . 1 • ' • ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ j O ^ A Y , . S E P T E M B E R 2 4 , • W 5 T

% 0;S,. Asked to ?? jppideirbeweF^r , Tradel«l: United BtAt«s- *nd f

*PP“ * ^ _______

S S S r ^ S S S . a * = -/■“■*» In -ahak r currencies, I ., . J A« I i PBBd pool ' •

' M nlne-bllllon-<»o”“ ’ fund. a^ T n c le i on which mem ber ^ B k

‘‘"^^ZTrv^ortaties 'O dollars o r rir exchange, ti holding

^ ! L £ ® a u T - V > r own■ 1 ^ . ^ ^ of o ther countries E SaAiMch measures aa th e reduc» -

>nd th e en- 'Lfoment or capital exports.”

It did n o t nam e specific g S y Iq th is recommendstlon.

u i d th n t am oos the JjH toM untiles ‘‘on ir th e United

5flr»nd the Federal Reput)llc of M n r are Urge enoue)i lo r th e ir Harold R

3 5 5 i o haVo alsn lfican t •ffect" which »i*lti . olher aatlons. tlie Jun ior

“ m to re Feared the tr*Te(ln- n Boted lh a t the ovcrseaa spend- AiJflfUiBU.S.KOvcnmienuthrouBh

SS'^o.Sri” “Ators s egulllbrftUns fac tor of

S li(Si f“ pan ted Its indefinite con- .

on the ^ l e o f recent .^ ^ n ^ A to m

" problems of r ls ln f prlCM andirtUW finances In * nuipber of PnH*

I & . the fund -aaid , cnn be Wnh°- wWcl ttriWled primarily to "over spend- v e t. i i .

Isf In TelaUon.t« a v a ila b le -re - Sponsored nace*-" ' • Chnmbcr ol

------------- . • Oak RldRc. 'T clcnr studlenJayceesMalte JlaiLiii Sho-W_By Hypnotist Ko 'ns'I^Mh

Til* ‘Twin rWU“ ju n l6 r 'C h n m b c r which lllusU et cwunetce m et M onday n ig h t a t um nlum , spl Wfftper’s Coffee ahop to p lan for reaction, Inc thetppeannce of Dr. OcorRe Singer, power, and i I u tiouU r known hypnotist. ecu .

li lh* high school gym nasium on h t J b e c n uti lhe etenlag of Oct. 18 followlpg a ju n io r Ohnn

. ipreUl.pre-riiow demonRtrnUon In4)mt«im.Twln Palla during the _ .

*‘} r ^ »M announced th a t the 1 W O , 1 )>rtt« w o u ld ipowior Hnrlem - _ ^ ittetrolters Dec. 17 a t th e high t > l ^ ,

, dm! jywnaalwm. AU proceed* wlU '• L l U lI tom(d over to the high achool . __ijiURbaM •. new ,football score-

■■■till! I Twfr*ftll*nicn*.Ia other business, th e Jaycees de- drowned-sho

(ided not to sponsor the theate r dox when U {HUnI thW year. crashed Into

Eeniulh O nham , chairm an of off from thi Ihttolcjrdewdrty proBTom, reported ftt H .« a. m. th# prejeel U a nntlonal • Jaycee Dead wen proram.-'Tbe projeot- Includes In- Elton Walkei iirucUon for joungsten on how to mount .btrclM,-give proper hand P,?f,Hmm. laprtrre bicycle ability, nnd a afety thKk of the-blcycle‘a me- P;ehioletl ptrls - l'** * I

It » « lutRHted th n t one Week ?"■> ^ ® iwlM Uie school yenr be se t aside i ' ’” " •

= II -blryde wfety week." Callfomlft clt Eden Jsckman wna appointed 'The eoant

ffiilrsun for the "Voice of Dcmoc- from about 'K T project for 1057-88. towed It to n ^ — ----------------- K wns holslt

Park O p e n i n g . I s

: T o B e C o i i s i d e r e d: WAaniNGTOM. Sent. 34 W -S e n - j to toufleW. D . M o n t. aoks th a t a oOOOOOOC

■1 Hosunan be Included on n aur- H «I tew u> sludy w hether Yellow- B l l | A^ M tlo n a l pa rk ahould be kept S " I l f lW tne yenr nround. 5 . .^ I c l d snid in a le tte r to Con- { kA {

M t Wlrth, pnrk scrvice director. I ^• Odcrstood the Wdm haa no I C T* « « from Montftnn. and W yo- < <» ■ ■£He r w u e s t^ th n t members i ‘ ‘pwlnled-from thoso'lw o /iwtea, f l - O t = toYellottsione park lies between 8 r h O I I

' • • ' i 2 4 ^ 8• .„ i»® ’^TURN8 HOME . I


' A l l o u r

I ^ s

Laraosf Authorized | S ^ ^ S 5 G en e ra l E le c tr ic D e a l e r - — U T 0 J 7 -------

5 2 0 S o i i t h M a i r

E V E R Y T H I N Q f O R T H E .

^ d r i v e OUT ANP ?

Peaceful Use I

^ ■ U to»

***'•'>'1 m anafer of th# “Ato '1* 5 . . ^ ' ° Menilay. welcomM C lior C h a n b er of C;iRimeree atama for rejlng exhibit. The mobile unit li » proj

oms for Peace” E> liown in T. F. on Iitoms for Peaep" exhibit, all unit* are •ftling Uie vnriou* pence- Chamber rt

of ntomic poaer. vl&lled communlly !i i)U Mondny on .« U)ur of While in /hlch wilt contlnuo until wa/i pn rk^

Mheo! pnrkred by the U. B. Junior Mudcm* pitfi■ of Commerce and tlie during cloaa gc. Tenn,, Inslllule of nu- to«rs.dieii. tiie exhibll ts main- “n 'e unit t I d huge mobile unit, tour- "“ y he r y of the Pnclfic northweiil RO lo Wem lie re nre six Jmeh mobile nre being n tlve a ll over the United wntaUvca.

Hit )» operated by Hnrold T . n c f C exhibit mnnnger. and hnJi VJand m echanitid pxhlbiu A f luslrnw the proccMlns of A l I c

splllllng of Atoms, chain gAN nPrtu indiwtrlai use of atomic a ,h n » n iT i

nd m any _o_lhcr-»uch proj- |n,t. ,0 moi_____________________ , , t lm btrtd_»rM0111A lo r t^iace " proprSiiT 7ioine. unhnri , UcwIerUken bj- the y . 8 , yrnlerduy by rhnmber of Commerce, and aenrch icnm.-------------------------------------- 'The Rlri J

1 • nlffhl In nn), Killed in• ■ 1 were huntln

ane’s CrashBAY. Ore,. Sept. 24 (in-

len-from-Bakersfieldrcnllf::• shortly after noon yMter- wo^U on. n the ir Ce«na 182 plnne " t pnto Coos B«y nfter taking V |. r B « . d

E ■a--''- EpSS'"■ . ices here Su

p a rtn e f In tlie Oreen and Durfee waa rilling company of Bakers- eoun.vlor. n piloting the plane and •>Patty T nj

a f ligh t plan from North secretnry. Mi ' Bakersfield. -Walker, a director, nni ;n.t en route back to tlie Mrs. B e rlT r \ city .with Green. ' M tj. Rlcharc an t guard lifted the plane hoon nnd Pn m t 40 feet of water, and to n rock a t ^ p l r e , where Dlsted-onto the pier. WItr Id tt)R plane look off wllh ' H B g a t only 300 feet and wns emerge from n fog pntch unging Into tho bay. 'They - a irc raft sank Immedintely.

S erg? !M O V I N G I T l

S T O R A G E I ■ ■_ g Sale Rl

168 ”

L lE D _ y A N J J N E S _ _ - -1 9 5 3 - S nh&p

SSSSSSSi^^SSS^ B e e t BI ' • trnct

V D ' V ---------------- T— r 7 - f t . h:

• , .. ■ 16-inch

■ PRICES s-S21T060

New I(MM. CuUro-

]:/. . I Superii! - S i U ^I W U i ^ i m S m ' 12-fooi

li in imm I’f f l l U H flaM M t f ' I 3<Plece_ ! — 1 ■ J Various

j Goodpo

af g —I Y| y f l ------- “ irA u itr

H I Bi"'M ' 'jM M Ohalnj.

* Ten-I '— [ -~Buokst< i Other ai

i m - \

e of Nuclear Energy

4 i l e e x h i t ?

s e n f e d b y - . . ,


Atomi for -Peaee“ e ih lb it ,Tenn- Inndlute ■ Carl lliff, chairm an of Commerce. Tht Of |»eaee eommlKee. Inlo In r tot a ll dar orojeet of the Oak R idie. Ing elaaa break* * * * • —

iixM^itis r ^Idalio Visit

are arranged for by Junior „ ^"'"‘1’' 1represcnutlvei on the » “naay to »n

ly level tha t.'iu n m edin Tft-ln PnlU th e un it “"f* "ed nt. the Tvfin Fnll* high > ?mrklng lot. High'- »choo1 " pnMed through the exhibitaaa brenks, and on special ?*"'* *' Jumped the till traveled to Jerome nfter I’*'® *"'*here land from there will « oum ./endell. All am ngem enta I . - ■ . -

I. ■ State PeiGirl Found

ter Long Hunt ;a"r.'3!,vt;■OINT. Sept, 24 m -Jo y c e «n driving Insl

,12. Sandpoint, who wan recklew dri more than 24 hours In a « J o r neglHten'

» r e a -^ o r th _ o f-here .--to - ^ t o C - d ^ l r o ttnrmed, 8he wa* found lite “ *‘r ^ i M » » b . „ . . .

rl aaid she spent Sunday resulted from uj nn abandoned cabin alter eiulP'nent- me separnted ' from hrr f i v r r» -n cxn* ^ h n ffn e r , as Uie two . o q l LEOE OI

Se?u 2 “ ^ - in 7 *h. —>»• . . V iM've b e ta tlte\i

College of Idsl ; ng out of the woods on w n.- »nri Pvi.'

;______________and vice piiwld- the freshman <

Sept. Si—MTS. Bert Tracy < iln e d 'f ts 'flrs t counselor of - 'N iw ■ m

'^ u n d n y ^ n d ” ra? °H a ^ d n o ^ ASivna lustoined as aecond 8uir.«ri ao« «c»t

Tftylor w a .'su sU in e d ' as Mrs, Elbert Durfee, music and Mrs. WlUlam TWcy.,T rac y . Mrs. Jack Erickson. lard Jones. Mn..Arley Ca- K u ! iS iv V .S 'i

Pfttty Taylor, tencher*. ______________

> u b l i c iive are quitting farm ing we will sell

east of the Motor-Vu corner. Twin

H U R S D A Y /nUrtfi 14:30

MACHINERYU S uper^C !iJH C U racto tJn_ top^^ lape, ready to ufie; end bean cultivator fo r Super C actor ■ ;. hnnfir-on-Tnowcrfoi^Super.'"Gi“-----ist new ■•nch hang-on plow for Super C actor ^ , . .in t hitch to fit Super y oot .John .Deere phosphiite drill. .

i J lH C tavern disc. In 'top ah a p e___r Idea 4-bar side rake •To-mulcher cultivator to fit any

erior becLand bean'pl&nterp r - ^ .p n ln t hitch_DI?fie thinner oot grain bed, well b u ilt-—

TTOUSEHOUD G00DS“ -see overstuff living room set bus other household artlcte#1 power lawn mower

CHICKENSMl«.« h ra ., u « w !«»> »»»■

MISCELLANEOUSnj. shovels, forks, n.gaUon milk cans

TERMS: CASHBxcepl on tii« IHC.Supsr "C” IrncU

C L Y D E A Un i O N E E R S : K la M a r d h u m


g y Noted i l l P i . s n l a

9 • $ - U

p | | U

llute of nurlcir oludlri. «nd th e 11. S. 3 The exhibit wa* located a l th e J r» ln Falli day Monday. lUxh Klidol ttudenU vlilte reaks and In ipecUl t lu a toura. (SU ff phi

in’tMiss - 1 S e r v i c e ]

Si'i'.a.r.S , Jljoot:1 JuK about enough, G O O D IN O ,, t Illy pinyed aurtden ho.M■ an oul.of.eonlrol ear ill" P ®ned through the ^crch I?ra n

I. th. mS “ u -.mi S , £ “

I: ‘5'“ " invoeatloi

sisiirrV. W. Goodwli

— ■ ^ I jum ua Cleverlc}

P c r i t i i f s f n r S X r ’ ”

ing R e v o k e diept. 24 ift—Tlio IdaliQ PnUbeiivtrji % of law enlorcemeni re . Aldon Jolmson.

lver«‘ lleenici lor drunk- DnumRrirtner. I Insl Ti'eek, suspended 44 were Elda Jenk

driving and suspended Dixie Dixon nn Igenl driving. ■ Concluding rlte<

».Mk cn cliaige* ol Imf- T?!... X- intlona. Fifly-slx nrresta Jt 1 661 n u « or r . a . r d tln llnB ,_____________ m-The hilKhtlirt-O AT COLLEOE H' S-nnval and : OP IDAHO, Cnidweil, M edltermnean i R-ln FnlLi area students rnnwcd off Uie ;lteUd to oltlcea n t the th e nUnlcgtc D« Idsho. U rry Harvey, mllim ry exerclm^Ytli'a_abols,-ell_jna;ln i. ---- =.been elected prwldenl ^ _■esldent, respecUvely, of 3 - R tn class, non Plppilt.

has been elected vice I / S E C I / ^ l Voorhees hall.________ U r r l d

i S I I i B A ; : , ™t.'C«aihlat 4n« ettflcall

I i n s o c oaV oo '^T A w kjit^^ iii (Across from i»f8iiehl»llabn. rimot* I

roACO«t‘«nii? • P hoii*ek lutruK t. '_________ Ail.fril.mcnt ( _ _ i—

A i i c f i aBell th e following loci^ted 8 miles win FallB.

, ^ p t e m b eLunci

LIV ESTO---- ------- K A T H X ^ -B e g ls tc r e d - H o ls

milking now w ith 2nd ca cow

SPOT—Grade cow, milkin;— — calfrduein-January— :

BESSIE—Grade cow, due . 5-galIon cow when fresh BLOSSOM—Holstein 1st <

milking now -BRINDLB—Grade cow, n

with 2nd calf---------STAR=Grado cow milkini

calf, giving S'gallonn a_______ AU-tba-Abov»-caws a ra .u ce p tio

cowi.-AU.wiII be tested before da are vaccinated a n d tattooed. AU;

•^— — heTe-de#iH )lll-ef-heellh:-B ree production records will be give Entire herd bred to Bluffvlew Ir

----- — heUenu B from-Bhiffrlow-lnaer

YOUNG STOHolstein heifer eligiBle for

coming 2 years old, open Holntein grade heifer., eon

oia, bred.2 grade Holstein heifers, «

years old, bred Holstein heifer, eligible for

6 months old ... 2 Grade heiferK, borti laaf;

SH DAY O F SALEtc tO f a n d h a n g -o n e q u ip m e n t . T e r th e a o c tio n e e r d a y r f s a l e . ................

L E N , b w n c_____CLERK: 1

L S . ro A H O . ' ,

Jay__" _|. F l u Hit■ ■ ■ PRESTON. Be

flctN\« in Prealoi anabsencepupils .enrolled

In cas<

made to clo»e

. 'n n m------- nOLLTSTRR,

the Pence EK 1‘ned W. Wlllli

on nn expired lli ; i : S ^ P a ^ M I M anfredl, ‘T>vln

‘ charge nt »nd *10 a

of Inlluro (o ob

[ W

s . Junior Chamber ot |K S A ^Fall! high school park- ■ S b B ' trlsited tbe exhibit dur- P g B H | f photo-engraving)

e Held for fiOODloting Victim o.w„ h»O ,. sep l. 24 - PunernI V f rc conducted Mondny n t S o n o to n e ;hUKh for L cflle 'B lckI lati.'st Innis:

rrss,r i-'W-'.s™ho diSd Pridny of a but- W o rn ns odn Ule iieort when Uir .33 cIstitoW curlol with whleh hr wwi «»wi„c fn r Identnlly discharged.:ntlon wns given by P. J . w o m e n . I.Ul Bishop Vcrle H. Dixon whtlc hcari nnd giving Uie obllunry.

s;.™r,r5;'„.3Kj-nve *-ns dedicated by Z, FREE DEI eiw n-'nhff-D H oi'jrjaim - ' C / V K I 7pnnled by Mra. Ferman tnnlst. snng. ‘ra were Richard U o jd , HEARINison. U y l Tnlbot and Joe i c k u «Jiier. In chnrge of flowers " S "Jenkins. Luclle Bennett. T W IIn nnd Betty Hocklunder. L J C l ^r ltea wero held n t Elm- __H - C y

et Gathers ^S. #Ui FLECT. Sept, 24 uiKhUest concentmtton of v .and marine forces in the •<.’-•can alnce the w ar todny • "S' >Uie Aegean entrance to

lc DardftneUsa to r NATO erclscs. f •. '

3 - R o o M r m ICE SUITE '>R RENT— ^ ^•a d 'J Ie n t yum lshed

Second Sf. W e r t / /rrom th i Post Ofllce) ■ I /

hone 719

o n ! IlilQg south and 1 ' .•

i e r 2 6 ^lUnch OR grounds

OCK 'l o l s t f i i t t ^ w ,— :— — ^ ^ d calf, 6i/4-gallon

Iking with 8rd __________p

jue January 8th, -rcsh 'isk call heifer,' .

r, milking heavy

Iking with 2nd -- s a day now KjW/epUonally ftna milk ' ^re date ot aale. Som* N, AU young itook wlU ; S m .B roed lB t-^Jtl^H ind - --------- . 'given day of aale. ' ^

rw InsemlnaU_on. All • ^

t o c kfor registration, K'a • re

•pen. . ■ 't e wWelcoming.J year*.

rs, coming 2 ^

for registration. ., ^

asfsTJrlng--^^ - - 'f ' '- E f o i

-- ••........V- -u r a t lx ''

Terms WlU......... - •. - - p f e »h»

g g Q u

l e rC: TomJUworU.-

H its P rp s tn n3n7 ^ U j i t t v - ^ h c w l o f -1?re»lon sairt yMicrdny th a t /ak orinttuenTin rniLted the W lw>t week n( 3M nt Iho 1.4411 Wnrolled In Prr.'ion c ity , . • ■

it eases the nilnirnt wn«j ■ - Halfl anld, and nn move was] . / .M l ;lo»e Uir school*, .

DRIVrrHS FINEP' . J .. l / VSTER, Sl'pi, 24-.1intlce Of \ M \!C Elwood }<(■n l<)rk hn. 1|»

W llllnn«, T \iln F.ills, J3- »ijt* on n chnrgr-cif ilrivlng |■ired license nmi April Jnan.;‘T>»’ln FnlU, »2 and $3 cc-jt.1 : ••

•ge ot driving wiilinut a It-i .1 IIO and M.40 on n c iwrKf; lo obi'y n triutie Vlt.-vtion.l

ID LOOKING! I -.. '. ous.

.sc r i

' N o

- ' Pla

L ik e ’

IDHEAPGlI highljrs h a v e t r ie d - - n o w fc is s ioto n e h n s h i d d c n . i l s pO U tldInn isisto r he.irii»g a id | t i o n Uit.grtvccCulcycglrtsses. ' . ;in s o n e n n i t - n o t l i i i i g e iJi-.pijW cu r .C tio icc o fsm n rt i • - - s f o r b o lh m e n n n d en . L ook your b est . /icun 'ng j/o» r ^ t'sf. I m |


N bTON E ~ n SRING SERVICE iM e In A v en u e W e s tT W IN FALLS i P R I

EDNER^S j-pH...


I. mt .* *,(W < T V ; « -

- 9 © B t e e e w = ^ — —

1 d f c n d a w in « ^ l iX B n e ith f t* f b e i^ n

I a rep U ca o f t h e o r fg f i ia l b o t t l e

w H ieh Old Q o a i e r f i i s t b e a a i s » ^


I P L E D G E ^

| P F Q U A L . I T Y ^a We twrahy pledg» fhrt 1 S "*' |th«whhl(eylnthbbottle -A^ (sobsolutalyand madly i^th* torn* fine ” II ^ Q u a t i a r o i , J n |

> ii6or iT iA icH T l o u i e o N wHitKftir

. ] ' . • ' ■

^ ~ A D


^ N kSQ b o

\ woll-stockedjnedicine chesty n every home. But, choosing •eiiiGilies to treat ah illness can )us. Lot your doctor diagnos 5ci‘ibc, then let Kingsbury’s i scription with meticulous accu

lothing Tokes 1 lace Of Sound rofessional Skillke your physician, r pharmacists are rhiy slcillerf pro- ' isionals who com-. 1 ^ ^ ^ jnd every prescnp- |* | n with the great- ’.precision. .

mmediote FREE DEL“Our Precieion /« Tour Pr


B f t iO TTIE I

f e

^J>19 ipnga i t t Wtrejif - -

(bir * o u QUAKU O ltT (U lM »-«O bU

P A e i c t t tWtctc < |j

LWAYSEEOUROCTORIRST!st has its place ling your own. _ " can be danger- > Tiose and pre- |j '’s fill his pre- I iccuracy. I

The IIill


W [ r ^HARMACY--------T ^ T w I n T F o I t f ^ j |

p : a

■ i r i i s r i n M i J

a u y j e i e i i i m M i g M t t t * 'p.

Page 4: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

| rf&*1?TSi.*ral LnHV

i I . . . ^ . i S L - c ^ S S i ^ j S S ^ ' S ^ , ^ c

l l HXr «iJ*S.Sffr‘-~ ' ■ ~

I * «l‘iri£rSiB.*stJ!:,“ ''"“M • Br tta mooUu—____ __. I 1,11- -

1 - ' - - ’ .

i i s : ? ~ - M ■ ■ - ~ ~

i i i “ ' s s i i o a ' f f s i ^ t S L ™ ' _I L ---------~ '~ t u MiiV^ a u S ^ n l^eU H i, C.Hf,

B i ' B Y -P R O D U C T O F " P R O S P E R I T If l * : By many guuges,- American life ti U J.y iatly better than tt waa even a deca M » Likewise, the Arperlcan people are li IU <’w ays more complsto Individuals tha In Jw ere . ■IU * They are better informed and have i H I 4- seruB o t their responaibUitlea as votiiII * tens. They havs a blgger'grasp of woI I I , io lrs and the lrxountry’s place In the MU * ••They take better care of thediaelvi Ifl f th a t Includes engaging more actlv I] Csi>ort« ra th e r than Just watching othej

ffl; Thelif level of interest in cultural th U higher,'vapeclaUy in such fields as

Uj'^ihuslc.flfj.,! B ut the picture is not all bright. As L ca n s.lia v e .g o n e .booming along, the .t V ‘‘P^oipisrlfy/' M their* cities have gn L .the’purstlng point; Individual'characl I f o ften suffered.n . According to the specialists who Ice I scientific glass trained on us, our blgge

Is discipline.' The crime experts say lack of parent

clpUne Is a main factor In the rise of ]i - dellnQuenoy. They spoak no t merely of

I homes but of “whole" families which, exercise fjrm control over growing ch

V . O ff to a bad start, such chll^rcn a ^ easily controlled in school, in church, c g l where else.H . In ' countless Instances the coma Ijll'JI. w hich can only be th e sum of Indlvldui r r ; — esnitnn»out.the.m atter, seems indlffei P’ ■■ rea l corrective measures. People are i • ij cupled with the enticem ents of mode: I:f| Ing. Tbe problem of discipline hardl I I I Is te n . ’

H tlon Is Itself frequently handicapped b

p i ^^^^^lle'isehavlor—considerate attent |||Q tb e d ther fellow—Is a t a low ebb In ma |H cities. The line between legitimate ar | i y ..honeist activities in business and pollIBI . ' shaitowy. —----------- —I I I • .E i ^ e t l e devotion to h a rd work ai HnR deve^pm ent'of craftsm anship in a tr l | | | ' profes8ion~now and~then'secu^ ~AlUio SfU obsolete traits. Shoddy, indifferent wor j - shlp;And mere time-serving are all to< X - mon, “I wont to be paid fo r doing pra< l l ._nothlnK!ili.ailJinspol(en.mottoJn.Bom( | r ters.;'

O f course-it's not only dlsclpllne-1}U' 3 —pelfsonal caring—th a t enters Into thi

• - ter-o f-w ork ipg 'hard an d 'well.' Bnt, ( I a lo t o t people Just-can’t school ther I to db i tI . Americans are blessed with rlC | r ' o th e r people can m atch . Yet In the er 9'.. • m ayinot be'worth th e scramble if we f

i have .not developed th e g reat resou character^-character founded.'on sturi clpUhe—to the fullest o t our .powers.

•B A T C H ’S S O U R N O T E Zxjuls ' ‘Satchmq" Armstrong, Justly

Negro trum pet player and Jazz singei _ « h a t th e boys in' the trade'-call a "i

hom ." B ut In politics, i t Is evident r ' blows sour. .

I n th e past "Ambassador S a t^ ,'! as ■ loya 'be ing dubbed, has. gained a lot ( . -wlU-iXor th e United BUtes on hUi.Jaz

. abroad. .^ ' H e m a d e a g r ie v o u s e r r o r , h o w ev e r * _ . h e p u t h i s h o m d o w n a n d . b l a s t e d ’P r ^ ; E ls e n h o w e r , “ tb e g o v e m m e n j .* ' a n d

o t h q r p e rso M tA Q d ^ p lM M l o r t h e i r h i r; be t h e N e g r o ip f o b le ia ' . lh . th iB jD n lte d <

r r r ^ T H w g a t f a t . : r ^ ^ ^

. em m ent an'd.ln.iUl.fields.'bt endeavbi -- th a t,.th e 'e x erc ise o t th e 'm o s t pain . statesm anship is needed to meet thi

— cultfes linked sith-school-segregatlott- phoses of clvU’rlghts.

They believe th a t th e settlem ent o ' Issues,, no.roatt.er how. troublesome..s

achieved through th e orderly proce government acting un d er law. They v. .violence. They re ject the.use of force

— side’, —Obviously, from th e . ten o r and con

th e President’s meeting a t Newport wl O rval Faubus of A rkansas, this Is the law and o rd e r» th a t Mr. .Elsenhower to 'tread . And the gbvem or has said ho

------- The-dlsputfr-ln-Little-Roclc4s-to-be-r- — ln-the-court^ .-~ -—^ -----------

For Armstrong tb charge the Pr w ith “no guts", because he has taken derly road Is to\lnd,ulge in polhtle^ :

----------------------! H Q F E ^ ’S C A M P A I G I fW hether or not th e senate rackets &

■ . tee actually‘summons Team ster Vice _ d en t James Hoffa before its resumei

hearings, wo.can be sure th e investlgat n o t oontribute any-favorable material

' f a ’s eampflign for the union preslder , The’seOfioned ■6nldbkefs“are from i

_ about the chances_p_Oeeplng_Hoffa , thatJob .B u th ed o esh av » so m esp lr lti

petition. ..And e.vldently th e commltt . th a t a n y th in g 'it can do to assist hi

----- Is w orth dolilg............. ^r " would'agi

f ' Autolsts. t tu i t pedestrians and pedi -------tnist4iatol8t«-and-thei-result^-too‘mi

' ■' .--------


i J t ^ u ' r S i t ' W A8H m O TdN -K n*cl M th c r th in Uw mera b

t i t i m . . elecUon »* T e w n iU n 't■ ■ U n o f * h jijo rttr of tha

S u i i l R n im e i ' JU tnratliCKUoiIH <M«. f in r e— . S S S 5 !3 tf fV AlthiJJC* . . . . . Ton A. I IH t f f th a c lo

. . . .' ! i 'H *nd7 \ -t.ia- siky

— liw e . (U tc t I. i.te reveUt

,■1...— t ;.oo- ihown ......... »lx laci ' . . expoM d cornipllon Mnoi

------------t*pedmJlr*tti<rnti«uw-«f-—-------- - qu lred to p»y by law. TlIITY”e - to d a y I s . ' •lecade a g o . c o n t e n t io n ; r e p o ire In m a n y ■eeUona of th s country i

rU h t-ta -w o rt it*lute» »th a n t h e y sou ih .-m ey th

. . . lueh lejUUtlon. ' ive a fu l le r .'O tlng C ltl- ' niUoiiwlde Uneup

w o rld a f - w ith lO p«r cent h*vUth e m . unton membenhip U lly

,e lv es , a n d f . r . n ^c t lv e ly I n view».t h e r S p la y . lnd lan» , K Brenl Jndai1 th ln t tS I s w hich 'now hnve *ucJi

P ropo«al'pa»«d the Idflla s s e r io u s defeated m a ci

fo m la counties havo.adA s A n ie r l - county’* law h u bele ^ ro o d o f *’r • California court. ^

g ro w n t o KNOWLAND'8 SlONlir a c te r h a s W llUam 7. Knowland’a «

question Inlo naUonal \t V onn i h * « « a rd e d a* extremely allK eep i n e for B0»em0r c f <Iggest la c k k j* n o t believed Uiat 1-

s ta n d on this controverstr e n ta l d l s - Jeopardlio 5f J u v e n ilen rh rn v -n n Indeed. K ro f b r o k e n ch)^,. Qoodwin j . k i

icn .do n o t th a t h# oppaies the rlgl; c h i ld r e n . o n tha-Democratic aidn a r e n o t Ohio aupports the propiil « « « •how. ho Mid:h , o r a n y - . - i th ink Uiat the j t a h

Ju sl ns sound as tha rig)im m u n ity , ju ry tria l. I don 't belleiId u n l c o n - ou r c o u n lr /a h ouldirrorA nf tn American: 'You al

niy orsnnlMHon.- •re p r e - o c - - r h f t t to me U the »<o d e rn U v - contem plated by the <ir d ly r e g - S ta te s .- ^

Q U ES 'nO N VITAL 1 J t.p o p U la -- Prcsldent-EU enhow er-ha id b y p o o r m en t on ^ ^ jt sublK ^^s^^

;e n t lo n to entlro'aym pam y w ith enf< w innv h r» W hen Labor Secretarym a n y b ig J,e dW no t support the i

I a n d d ls - w h lttt House luued k ap o li t ic s i s b e w as n o t ipeaklns fo r i

- h e m ay have'cbangM l i

t. n r t t h « den t. R ichard M, JJIxon’a n d t h e conclualon th a t he a m e i

X t r a d e o r . T hus, u a resu lt ofIm o s t- llk e - ^ tja t t ia i-d e ju iB ii i r t fo -^w o rk m a n - OM rgio. Tennessee. CalllI trtft pn™ - ^ **>e sovem m ent. man

o m e q u a r - ______ (iui«>i»(i by_Me<nui

« v r E ^ s 0. t , t l - a r l y r - i r r

h a p s the re never has bet r ic h e s n d , 'm lo v a products and pi

» e n d th e y industria l u d profeaslor

iso u rc e o t gu cb a lUUns can a e r i tu rd y d iS - pose*. The chambcr n a ra. o f them . He says It will

cat« sources of supplies a lso 'th a t I t will t>e of yi IsU.

ig W . p la y s quetUonable advanUsea k " g a n g o ’ th e InJuncUcn: Know U I t n o w , h e . M ost likely i t is th a t \

,lt will bring to attentl'

! a s h e e n - iMtltuUons. larse and sn o t o t g o o d know n much i t anythin Jazs t o u r s m ay p a te Uie wfiy for I

local enterprise, which I '■ _ « lo p m e n t of the commu

jv e r, w h e n m e n t [.’P r e s i d e n t . . T hen , too^.the listing x n d v a r io u s present trade ai

s “. jS ”Ss ? u e ; ' :

rel-O t-tO V *^ reftnrrta.-and-settliig-abo » Q r ~ k n o w cbim ber-

Im porU nt underU l

th e d l f f l - w ithou t incurring new : lO tt-a n d -a ll- -ploym ent of * surrey age

upon a mailed surrey i ,f tu rn ed by Uie recipients>t Of t h e s e ^ view of th e manlf< e . .m u s t . b e ta k lo s . i t U to bo hoped rocesses o f fuUy “ n 't promptly in s sy w a n t n o —» * > » s u ttsm an. re e o n a n y ^

«« . » »■• J*ycee* of the Pacific c o n te n t o f rep o r t this week ab i w i th G o v . T h s report, based on th e p a t h — Aenta. was presented a t » c r w is h e s11 'jk nm*AAB H ere. Jaycees were tol 1 n o a g re e s . ^ majority of the « -rC 5 0 lv e d - ■prcfer.Jaw ..^.iu i(L secu----------------- : — (3l>AboUt-7S-per.c«nt

T>TAHrionf Strong leader a tU..n to h . . . . ««»1 to:

,en t n e o r - , ( j) som e so per cent :ss i n s u l t , tio n 's bill of rlghu .

(4) Aboiit i i per cenl . t h e press.

................ (S) Large- pci^enUge:

/I c e P r e s l - th u s wo cannot vouch U tm ed . la b o r s tudy m ight (if accura' Ig a to r s w illr ia l to -H O f- ‘Idency . , . .^ u t . th « - > e p o tt ls dlsi m M is s o u r i I t ahows, df accuriU . J tfa .O U t_O t. i r l te d c o m - ; S , t v

p rincip les on which ourI h i s r iv a l s Many, factors have cc

o u r young people. Affioia irre e w i t h d rprc ida g re e -wivn.

I ' ■ -w nm ent and Che decUi - ' A m erican InstltuUons.

) m a n y a c - enterprlM « .............—N am pa Free P ress.-

■ V ' ■

; s _ N A T I O N A L | r r -

R l . l G I G - Pnactm est o f * rlght-to -w ork law fm a blocking of Jam es R. H o ffa l I' U nion president Is the objec* k J l l th e McClellan eomffllttee.'.whlch lUon of th e discredited DeU'olt ire today on capltol hill. *I t h o t ^ Senator McClellan fa- I a ftfderal law. w hich would ba r _ p o t ah clooed ahop. he has. no e zp e cu - p o rt this

I lh a t the - libe ra l- DemocraU S u u - h o . 1 Republlcana would perm it pass- ,. B u t he does believe th a t legls- on freeing worker# of arb itrary w a.K e, -I legal domlnaUon by the Unions h m ™ , t bo enacU d by a numBer ofc s a s a resu lt Of th e Beck-Hoffa _ i,o n , , t :laUons before hU committee. r _ . - e no tes th a t Uie m ovtm ent has ^ u m .n t t wn greatest momenUim In t t e to d m onths during whleh he has ®

m ong » num ber of unions, and “ o f-dues-w hich-they-are-now -re- . T he Issue th re a ttn s to become i?* ■rcMloo.1 U ld IW d a .n U .l . ] « - “ ,3

p‘uDUTi’» -a .u » P P.U. In .1. S S 'S . 'l7 repudiate Ute contenUon th a t d z e t oclc s a re popuU r only In th e coo* wi»n aald ' Show U u t a na tional m ajw lty »embled i n . T ha percentsgea were SB In th a t I t w « u th , 86 In th e M idw est and Sl be tter . A

lup w u ea*J7 In th e afflrmaUve, avlng no opinion. The strlcUy thU time lly was significant. AlUiough 61 . pluiEe< 1st rlght-lo*work provisions. 33 somrane nd ilx per cen t h a d no deflplCe nected U

ou tle t ard a itr la l lU te , Joined th e o lher cold wat< iuch sUtuCes on th e books. The H as v9 Idaho house a t Uie la st session. ia.u\j7 a close senate vote. Three Call* .a d o p U d :th e sUvtute, although p t lf . been declared unconstltuUonyl ^

............ .................a collie. ■]m riC A N T ATTtTVDr. — Bta.•a endorsement h as thrown the f,'II politics, and hU attitude Is “ “ r significant. As a possible con- ** If CaUfomla and for president,It he would have tnken siich a J* erslal m a tU r. If h e had thought llze h is am bitions, airly sUong In cerU ln sections Knowland-s prospccUve oppon*K night, Is telllnit union rallies

rlRht>io>worlc philosophy. »cr»c». side. Sen. F ra n k J . Lausche of

roposaL O n a rec en t television

:lght to work In o u r country Is „ r ig h t to vole a n d the righ t to slleve lh a t any organization In

u sha ll no t work unless you Join

s very anUilUiesU- of liberty as B consUtuUon. o f Uie United

B u t If }• • • . s teps an£

, TO TIIE G O V eaN M E N T -' B«l'« hOW -haa-ftYolded-any-«peclflc*eom« “ ‘‘*he-ol since ho Is n o t y e t involved dl- borhood. icsrlndlcnted-thftt h e was no t In bed long snforced m em bership In a union, over towr iry Jam es P . M itchell sa id .th a t “ 18 rlght>to-w ork movement, the jeaiiy-an; a sU tem en t to Ih o ' effcct th a t “ '’* .^ “7 ' o r th a adm talstraU on. AlUiough puo'*® d “ alnce he 'b ec am e vice presl-ton’s house record JusUfles the “ “ " u ln rees wlUi K now land. modesl.of the McCleUan eroose a n d _________

) and con In several stales— . . Jallfomla—thU quesUoa so v lu i . nanagem ent and labor Is pro- _ nd the courU for f in a l adjudlca- 81^:

D on 't kiOlur* M»<ns*p«r ayndicai*) _ pemUve i

-------:-------- ally. If y

3 F O T H E R S i S S . " ' ;N O W -O U nSEtV ES---------- ----- 5 *e In Boise's Cham ber of Com* m ight be 1 th a t there Isn 't now. and per- becn. an adequate Ib tlng of the i processes offered by business, slonal firms and offices In Uits f a :lded th a t It's about Ume to do *■... c

please?"serve several h ighly, useful pur- m anager hns enum erated some will help outside business to lo- lies and processes In this area; f value to newcomers nnd tour. ■

be reeognlted th a t I t wUi help iI to gain m any o the r and un« M{es deriving from fulfillm ent ol Mt thyself. Aa t when tho record Is completed inUon th s existence hercabouU mber of business a n d Industrial 1 sm all, th a t m any of us haven't iiln g about. And so perhaps It ir Increase of local patronage of •A Is. an essential factor In de- u sunlty 's stren g th and advance-

ig m ay disclose som e deficiencies I and IndustrUl s«t-up, and so irtunlty th a t may be selred upon ss and Industrlea coming ..ln_. to

l ic k o f ^ r o d u e U and processes'* ~ - •boul-to -corT M t-U ^ll^irlkes-iisw r has launched upon one-oMU ---------rUklngs. I t Is to be commended, w ith Uie facilities a t hand and w flnnnclal obllgntlons for em- agency, to do lhe Job. It's relying ly form to be flUed In and re- enU.n ifes t ImportAnee of the under- ped th a l evcrjono will cooperate n making I t 'a compIeU success.

E ATTITUDESflo Northwest received a disturb- aboul-students ' ntuuides.

on a naUonwlde survey of slu- a t Lewiston lo a regional meet- Pec

tam bcr of Commerce. told. Is w hat th e survey found:

Lhe stu d en u questioned Mid Uiey T in >ccutlty_lQ.hlelL.pay_iind.rlsks_ —pi«i «al-*ald-lUU-m or«-Im portant-to -*^-‘0’

a t the head of th e goveirimenl K a t congress. Ton

e n t disagreed with the consUlu-

rent favor resuicU ng freedom df J u n Jer!

i^ es approv# wire .U pping and H ol

Idn't s a y w h o made Uie survey. Blai h for lu accuracy. And while the CJurate* reflect the attlludw and J f.r. ■centnge of the naUon's iiudenu present a u ^ e picture ot Idnho

disturbing.-— - ...................................... -lU. how fa r manj- of our youni.£lonperlng .aplrll-U iu one»-pre- _____1. And 'It Indicates either unJa- ement wlUi many of the ' basic our nation wns founded.* contributed to*ihe attitudes of; mong them, without doubt, have' esidon through which Uielr psr- en l th e growUj of- big gov-T " blSOT U Q

_iuch_lde*s-raUM seriour-doueiT ------ --I of Affl-erlcan pioneer spirit, ihel m .nnd our na tioa’s basic rlghu,



- ' '■ EiToS---------------------------- ^ W o v en

. L criB A N D E O ' . - faUs .» 1 8 h o l» w ou ldn t heslUU to re- th is ona If I t happened to aome “ *>*, hom e handym an, so here g o u l “ uon.

aut a week ago. Mr*. Po l StsoU . ilslned Uial h e r automsUe ” P " ' e r wouldn’t: do anything exeept n a n d not too loud a t .Uiat. nuch as- Ulll .was before the s s trike , we colled Uie appll-

store, described Uie washer ” m t-to th a repair m an and asked to do something aboul It. ' you w ont to save a repair blU.-

can fix 11 yourself. SomeUilng m uua to light in Uia pump.-w im Mrs. P o t ShoU standing “ 5*“*

IV hfildlnff a club, wa fjlsman- tSCK. i a ie i« s h e r , discovered a sm all- J j J ^ t e i lock In the pump, Jiist like th s 1™ }“ aald. T ho washer was duly os- led a n d Mrs. PoC S hou noUfled a e ie ^ u 11 w as a s good a s Dcw-^poulbly r. A fter giving I t a Uial. Mrs.IhoU disagreed. ^eventually, we tackled i t again, lime dtagnoslng the trouble as “ igged hose, i t wasn’t. 11 jeems one h a d sneaked In and eon- d th e cold w ater lo Ure sewer ? “ “ “ ' t and tha aewer outlet to the “e te s u i w aterl I n hiI your w ater tasted like sewage raised s '7 Ing teni

• • • • nelghboPUPS FO R KIDS D E FT . Immedli le m o lhe r of'these four pups la WbHe le. T ho pup# are o b o m s Week# md -very pretty ." p>om « » e s eost. go Uiree miles east, J miles souUi and one-fourUi of {"* ‘v *

s west. Y oull find them a t the “ *ocn , Berry place on Uie right aide .B u t . :

r r o o d . O r phone OArfleld 3- the post a fte r 4 p. m . the n »

• • • neo-S U ehlldless couple always m sn - foi to find oUier troubles to flU W * t 1' acancy, Uid Olfice Paren t ob-I, ..........................had bee

• , • • T h a t WELL, YESI tenilon

POU: . . be odde(lellmes the customs o f : the of R u u -a»e-quite d ifficu lt-to -under- nnd In I . T ake, for Instanee, thU m a t- venlent

15 a rm s w o u n d \ g a T a n r ia k e I t mo steps out on a danca floor, no sentlol.

vould give them even a f irst the 60 I e. le t along the second glance. H ungar , If you should forget aboul the between and slAnd ou t In fron t o f a W est c

house a t 3 o'clock In U ^ a. m.. And foi e-old-busybodle»-1n-the-netgh= nchlevet cd. w ho should have been to Sue* Is }ng ago, will ba wagging It all prIde. lown shorUy a fte r sunup. Creati t can anyone leU me If Uierc's to stop ■-any-dlfferenca-between 'p u l- U iF has rour a m is around a girl on a tlons ci 1 dance floor and ou t In fron t posed I r house on a dark n ight? I The pre o ln lh a t th e la tte r U fa r more relucton )l. a fte r a

_______ JnsU Lover t hreater- — . ^ ^ ^ci’wi n T f l a r bowh: -

JU S T A B IT WARMER EgyrSw Sir: U sUll.I't know w hy you Uilnk It’s lm - force In ive fo r u# .lo have frost. A ctu- sunUln If youH rack, -your two lltUe Uie con cells, youH discover Uint th e lion do

.er we've been having the past the toU eeks Is no d l K e r ^ thnn w hal has no t nually liave. E x c e p f lh a t l l th e 'p r e ; be a degree or two wanner. the sma

Ima B eeiter on the (Twin Palls) question


. . Could 1 have aaoUier ileak . nnUonnl leT” . Ing the

GENTLEMAN IN THE Those w ________ FOURTH ROW being m

AUCTl3 Miles W eit oi

One Mile

S e p te m b e• -_ LU N CU B l

— mA. C. Tractor, Model B.New Idea Side Bake ’A. C. '^ c t o r cultivntor A. C. 'Tractor Mower A. C. Tractor Hang-on Plow Tnndcm disc (6-foot)

. _ ^

Peggj', Holstein Cow, springer. Blue, Holstein Cow, fresh day of 1 Tiny, Ayrshire cow, springer. F J o s ^ z A y r a h i r a :c o w ; :* p r ln B o r r = Kate, Holfltcin cow, springer. Tommy. Holstein cow, aprinfcer. Tinny, Black Jersey,' springer. June. Guernsey, springer Jersey heifer, milking with 1st ca Holstein heifer, milking yvith 1st t Black Jersey heifer, coming with

Jersey cow, milking. • \

Complete line household furr

____________________T _ E i i

A . L .5Q EK INS-& -S0N — -----



VASHINGTON CAM R Q T U S (fNTTED NA-nONS. N. Y . - A l - UlS flrn ugh nearly a year has t>assed. U tsl 01 *hodow o f th e crisis preclpIUt- coma l

by th e B rtlU h.prench-I#t»ell aU O JI. pt t o n Bues la s t - - ,v e m b e r s U U ^ ^ ^ ^ M M tenatlc s .a c r o u . t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l WUUsni beroUons BdenceI world o r g a n ^ ^ B K S S ^ ^ H u r b e ~ Ion . . NaUoni ( would be I d U ^ f e l i i ^ n ^ H mends pretend . t h a l H M S ^ W r ^ H caU upc deep f U s u r e c ^ l M S u ^ H ths'flvi

ned up by t h o l ^ B S I ^ ^ H elemeni ck hove b e e a ^ ^ H p f f V H b e 'r tsd sired. G a t h e r - ^ ^ B l | K f l of Uies he re a ra m o s t ^ ^ B ^ V ^ H (okeep Uio p r l n c l p a U ^ ^ * ^ ^ of offlc > took p a n in o iU t secretoiI ra m a .U ia t narrowly skirted a transpo eral w ar. Ing.elwyn-EJoyd.“ B rlt4 ln '|- to re lfn ” i f «ui lis ter th e n and now, was one of Bungar se In the eaM net'of Anthony E d- domino d e U m ln ed to push the S u n a t - moted t ChrUUan PInesu. foreign lesslysi lU ter In- Uie government, of VJf. ot nee th a l planned the attack. Is alon to ling to he ad Uia French U.N. WalUto ^gaUon w hen Alserla Is debated. 60 to X' ohn Foster Dulles U Uie.'same Budapc retory of sU te who Joined w ith In*th Soviet U nion in censuring Uie Uia U J

u k e n up to and Including a Uilrd aad. In D In th e generol assembly whleh Uia got n e d In P a ris ond London more Hungor enge thon rebuke. The. dislike of med do les in Europe become widespread (Cepi uU U on a n d contem pt.'II hU speech lost week Dulles ~«d * cry of olorm orer develop- W f - n tensions between SyrU and her i - 'M t

ihbors b u t he did n o t suggest any nedlate action by Uie UJJ, | |rtille Uie surfoce Is polite and V .wardly honnonlous, Uie Western ...... ..uic« hos been Impaired. In In- | ice a fU r InsU nce, a t the work- v level th e re U evidence th a t the " wxvd

K b hos n o t been closed......-—ut. fortunotely. os so olUn In h . wm post, Soviet Russlo hos -come to ^ (T n d rescue. By resuming a lough, i ,.

-S tollnlst line. Moscow would e forced th e Western'powers In- " , a t least m semblonce of unity, ‘n If the breok of last November ’I been m oro neorly fatal. ^ » »’ho t th is U n o t Uie beneficent In-'Uon of th e SovleU need hardly added. T h e tough line grows out V " “ , Russia's own troubles o t home 1 In th e #at«lllt« bloc. I t Is n eon- len t facode to hide the fissuresth e -co m m onurw ow s---------------t mny have been considered es- n ,m y ’ Uoi. loo. In order to brazen out #nd by 60 to 10 vote In the as.iembly on hunten

ngary. Ju s t here In the contrast , “Whl ween. H ungary and Sues the w t s l can take g rea t consoIsUon. e ssarr 1 1 for th e United Nations Uie .n d h i levement ' ln 'UiB ~iftgnntO l~B r ekee a rs Is a m a tte r for Jusllflsble pouii,!) Je- port otreated o u t of a dcspernle need ihere v itop the conflict from spreading. Uiot h' hasUly lih'prbvlscd United Na- put out

IS emergency forco was Inter- camp fl ed between E gypt "and Israel.I presence of th e U Jf. force was tf ictontly accepted by both sides \T agonizing negotiations th a t tmms catoned- r«[>eat« lly _ to _ h rc a k .

• were fO'N E P is today potrollng Uie „er rc pU on-Israell armUUce line. I t darmea ‘“ 'V Searc:e In th a t ways nnd means to *red b A ln ll .a re n o t regularized.. How jK m ed continuing cost—aboul 33 mU- .«>— t>

1 dollars n year, roughly half ----------toU l U J«. budget—will be m et H . - w

.n o t been determined. How long |f | |S p resent troops conuibuud by " , ZT

sm aller powera can i u y on duty UPT P, Uie armUUca Una U anoUier

stlon.:ut w hat Is Important Is tha t EP h as proved Itself u an InUr- lonal force capable of m alnU ln- O ira » th e peace In o crlUco] situaUon. <

iso who helped bring UNEP Into Ig and who w atched It through

ION Sit o f Buhl on Deep Creek R iile South; H Mile W est

ie r2 7 - 1 2 :3 C[ B Y - D E E E - C R E E I U J U A N G E —

lACHINERY'47 -Vi-ton Internationa Phosphate Drill 12 10-ga|lon milk can.^ 2-unit Milking machin'

ow 25-ton 1st cutting, ha:

CATTLEr. Holstein cow (Daliof sale. Pet, Holstein cow,

Blo.ssom, Holstein ,. . • • • Molly.^yjahira-co

Freckles, Holstein < springer.

<1 Holstein heifers,' Jersey heifer, sprir

. 2 Holstein heifers, it calf. Bull calf.Ir tc a lf. Holslcin Bull, 16 i 'I lh l> t good one. ,

Breeding dates ond m . . day ol

furniture and anpliances in excel

E I L M S j - C A S H — —

. EATO------------------------ — , . C

CALLING” B Y ^I G H IL D S ;be f i t doubtful doy# are hopeful *«,. £ h s t m il of Uils expenm enl msy nomj offlo the nucleus ol o pennaoent ^

idence MonlUnr ta 'do-» study. «oon rb o T tle o s e d .-o o #uch-o United

aU upon member sUtM -oUier than hs flve great powers* (o designate lunenU V Uielr arm ed forces to

I . r ™ .1 ,™ u » f Uie secunty councU coDs on toem ,

; S c S . ' S S 4 K “ S ' S S i

■lf «uch a force had e*lsled-when — lu n n ry revolted. ogsUist Soviet ominotloo. It. m lfh t hove chock- u te d the Soviet troops th a t n iU i- « “ *■

I r ^ l u l S y o W t ^ ^ U ^ a r ^ ^0 to 10 vote on Hungary to go to ludopest, olso will be turned bock. - ' ln .th l i.lle * Uie c o n tra s t I n Sues « r u

tia U JI. helped restore Uj« peace «**!» ad. In so doing, took o sU p toword Th ha gool of world order-keeping. I n n m e lungory the Iron curta in has alom- b u t i led down. I s lu

■‘•--'■"iA'Jh.var'""'" sl.State Season ,„f, OnFiresMay is‘

...... > ; ................ T .............Go on Longeri ^ I S E , Bept. 24 W -S U t« W rest- P lf* r 'T toger Guerhs*y.:s«!d ygsterday e wlU ask Oov. Robert E . Sm ylle to xlend Uie closed fire season beyond " f e i IS normal explmUon daU of SepL 1 0 unleaa an Inch ot ra in falls in Uw B ut ex t wetk. ™gh• T he sU te’s ranges and foresU re again getting dry and explosive, luemsey reported. ,-AU U iat b needed," ho said, “Is a "

Ir# and a wind and tho fire bill and omage ean run Into Uie tens of nousondi in Jusl o lew h6ur#." *««»' ••Along wlUi tbe critical fire dan-

ep_ tbe-Job -« f-U ie-llr» -flghU JW gencles hos been compUcotorf-By w n t lany worker* relum ing to school in a nd by the expected g rea t Influx of

’ V ^ le o m - s S ^ ’sUte# of Oregon M ( nd W oshlngton hove found I t nec* u a ty to close Uie woods to logger#n d - h u n k r » . J g - jp no t w ont toloM- areas to hunU w Tlf » e con osslbly avoid It. We bovo h o d re - e d h o rt o t one hunU r flro and we hope t h t i Here will be no more, l l U urged Fir# dot hunU rs remember always to homi u t o u t completely ony w om lng or Hi

- ■ . X Climbers Die ™

INNSBaUCK, Austrlo, Sept.'34 U) Ml^,

'ere found dead In the Gross Clock- p,-m. er region today. - AustrUn gen- votll am ies reported. g s sSearchers aald .all four were cov-

red by o small avalanche . and tem ed-to hove died’ ImmedlaUly fter Uiey fell down a precipice. j

lusbands! Wives! -let Pep, Vim; Feel Younger, i

40, Ity Oitft* Teni«

rt &™c«7 u r . II.B7. Afl i n u i .u .

lALElja k R o a d . 1

s t

30 p .m .;e^------------------------------------ . 1

tional Pickup

can-qichine.g. hay, (baled),

(Daisy) milking. jcow, milking, itein cow, milking.r ^ c o w .^ iI W n g .^ :^ -----------^ iie ih cow, heavy I

fers, springers.springer. ' 0.[ers, open i

16 months old. E xtra !

>nd mlUc flow will be g lv la ’' ' i lay o f sole.'

fiiceUciiLcondition.-------- . —



^ e r i c a n Econom Be Stalled; N o I

I T » boost. * 0''®!The long business boom is show- froi

n g ilgns-of getUng Ured. B ul ench moi in * slnbe World war IT Uiat 11 hns s tn lowed down someUiing b ss shown, to ip lo booel 11 to 0 new .level. few

Businessmen wUh toey could sight Eos onitth in g new 'on the 'horltoo now. hns

ImmedUtely o lte r Uie war there sua ro j th e .big 'pent-up donond for D f ltw uner goods. I t took o few years Wn o 'fU l-oU -theso-deslrea. ond busl- dov t e a boomttLdiirtttg.UiB jiroces#. n ;«

T hen. ju s t> h e n induitrU l octlvlty Inci r u tu rn ing down, there was a sud- Asli len spluge of d e f ^ spending as o Ji b e trn lted SU tes T faim ed to f igh t cou h e .K oreon w ar ood prepare Itself S o m eet any communist, th reat. froi_ Jh e _ J)? .ak _ o r Jlefensajspendlng Wg>asied ond - cutbacks In defense goU irdtrs s e n t Industry downhUl for a ' C ta e . . • nbo

But a long came- Uie audden con- for umer spending q iree o r 1955. Sov- wat Qgi w ere drawn down ond credit E oU li w ere buUl up 'to record highs, i s luslness boomed while 11 turned Uie u t all the.I)lg ticket lU ms Amerl- sell « ns wmnted to buy, w hether for goo s s h o r on Uis cuff. . mu

TU# spree ron IU courie. Con- u n e r spending has sUyed high T w l such Increase os I t shows now J j . B largely a m a tte r of higher pHces. m d Industrial durable goods aren’t | vbst th e public U seeking U u m osl I o buy.

Bul I n Uim th e consumer ^ n d - n g ip ree w u succeeded by a record utpsnslon In business spending for capital goods lost year and Uils. ^ rh e economy haa been boosted once neo igsln to new helghu;

Now th is spending for new p lanU “ PI ind equipment shows signs of top- *en ling o u t, wlUi o decllni) believed BosIkely n e x t year.----- - ------------ - B

Mosl o f Uia business sUUsUcs o f t ire h igh—If you close your eyes to slor h e p a r t tha t inflated prices play, two 3ul w h o t Is Uiere lo send them CItl ilgher? «no

Exports have Increased this yeor 'V ind helped to g ivt Uie economy a E. lltle nudge. B u t other naUons are ure: aylng poor now. Their gold and H at loUsr ttaerves ora dwindling. They tu n >nce a g a in s tress.the dollar g a p ^ Col Tiesnlng they buy' more from -us iia n w e do from Uiem. Many here Uili n w -ie o r- Uiat - t hs-esport-bUBlneM hoti » n 't tM pushed higher becauso of will ;he financial situaUon oversea*. . ova --------- ----------------------------------------- H

Meeting Held by »j Camp Fire Girls

“TfffrP S nfW ogensen demonstrat- ^ !d how to make sweater bobbles a t ^ t meeting of the O k lc h » i^ m p P irt g ir ls Saturday a f l ^ n aome o f Mellyenea M ^ n s e n . X

lh a meeUng w u called to ordek zz— ay S idney UtUefleld. presldenll P rtnces Peavey ted Uit singing, and I I J ie song U u t will be sung a l the I ' PTA meeUng Monday evening In ■ (Vashingtoa school w u pracUced. ■ . 2!«J^P8en»_en M O edjeltcjh raenU . I _ i rb« n e x t meeting will be held a l 3 ■ 9,'m. S a turday Ui Uie home of Jpyee I yoslto , 167 Quincy #treeL__________ k


«igvtoriy $21.95 ' C l ...N O W M 4 1 - O H M WO N tY ' I S ® ®

• EXCLUSIVE WINKING.AC o tilom afico lly lu r n i ln fra .re< a t n e e d e d .

• COLOR CONTROL DIAL e a r f liv* y o u lo o i f jo i t ih e woy

= , * EXIBA UFT UP , o i , . „ m a l | -f in i o r w a R lo i o n e x t r a Inch

>«« CAK B eS U R E .„ iF rri!V

~ ^ T w i i v r F * L i : ^ 4 i r BURLEY: 1333

A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 i,

>my Appears to Boosts-Sighted

over WheUier home bulldina from th e peak becau« ,,«! m oney m aking financing ir StrucUon ha rd ..o r w heilitr th.In fam ily formations li .. few er' custom ers for Ofu. t,E asing. Of Uie mortgafff

D efense spendlng.stayrhlsh 'k- W njh lng ton U trying to dow n-and stre tch i t out. Vn!^ J n sw .w b re m ttllng Increases In Uie Middle’ East Asia. Uicro seems little chsnfTis^ o Jum p In defense spending counted on to boost the econto,^

som e Jico 0 chance for » from Uia • #pendlng • on iht hlghway_program which going strong n u t year. ^• OUiers bellevS Uie con.iumtn'..

abo u t.ren d y to spend frwlr ».TiI fo r autos, new TV sci.,, , u , ( ^ w ashing m achines.nnd ih« lit.

B u l uiitli ony of these, or L00 y e t undetccled thing. deVei»Uie m ojorlly now seems re id r . setU e fo r conUnuonce of (»»• good tim es a t o high level, buic m uch of o fu rther climb fnr s i).

Long Hearing Predicted for Rivals in Gas

BO ISE, Sept. 2« W _ A Ifari h earing wos foreseen Udny u V neases continued to testify m, n applica tions of two companitt s c r re Shoshone county wKh oitc gns.- R ulon E . L a r« n , ullilllet dims o f th e Id ah o public uUllties cona slon, sa id th e proceedings mtthtb two weeks. Seeking outhorlutlea i C itizens UUllUes company sndQ shone N otural Oas company. (

W ltneasc# yesterday Ineludrt E. G riff in . SU m ford, Conn, Un u rc r of CltUcnA. a n d DoniU i H am ilton , m anager of Cltueoi'ti tu m l gns opemUons In Ls Jb Colo, ,<1

H am ilton told th e commlula > ^ th inks som e 15 pe r cent o^ba -i! h o tden rnounoo ltlng with'electft: wUl convcrl to gas a fte r It beca ovnllable.

H e esUmntcd » p e r cent wiu a v e rt to gns for wnter hestln] c SO to 90 pe r cen t fo r heaUni t i ** houses.

_ _ _ J O U B N B r .8 T A B T g — - 5 VIENNA, Austrlo, Sept. ] | J.

R adio B udapest reported thil m ie r Ja n o s K adar and Mlnliin S to to Gyoergy Morosiin lelt u by ftir fo r red Chinn.________

T p u m p r S / S g1 SALES AND SEBVICT I AU mokes repaired prompHj,m iiff1rt#nf1yI P H O N E -7 S B -W I WEBB PU M P'* EQlrtrMKW

V \ / 7 * n

U " / c


•• i tw iv r l


C latfkallr *»p«ntloU bl tfirM m» ■»

)miIm ond

•ACTION THERMOSTAT >-red eldm enU on and off

c a n b « precision tel to ^oy y o u w a n t it whalh«f... le V r rye .

lo K - s l lc o f - o ^ b r f la d r r m r f '^ — Inch fo r e a iy rem o v o V


i s ^ r t r n g h o u s c

. E C T R K zi a i ' w s s r t i s r — —33 Overland

I . • . ' '

Page 5: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

ii „ a P A Y ,^ S W E ™ E R -2 4 , 1D5T

Societies fo r ^ :r:g^hooLEiclv_

35 in VaUey ^■ a^ who ji#ve pledged fra tc r- . H I

» f ® !f the U n l« r4 iy o r id a h o thisMasle valley. .- r J H H

•& ■ S «" ir -sv rT .^ g y,', oS nm, •”'1 3hH>14 i J«rt®* -,e l« -W -K «rbcrt-C ftrlM n .“ ti» T^ffiJon imtHViiilsm-ewwer - I g l Mw 2 't h o sn n r m a y: Je -' J f t i H^ “* S S n r^d Kenl Hove. KliAberly. , ^ H g• “* " S f iifc h l-A u s tln e Dereln. Bellk- >•’'t« » e U l Sehuttt. Eden, nnd P M ^ f tOf. • }UnMn. Shoshone.Wia P h l-R lch a n l WIL-.

•_.T .nd Kent Antlerbauer. bo th ^ B O C ^ *•■ !2.m F^lls: niehard Oraveji «nd *t*i r i2 ,n n d Wlltlftrw, boUi O oodlnc: W m M

Lynn Sm ith, bolh % J ^ e a n d OWfRe Dlekln5on. M B

S tsm a-John OreeSslroct.

'T he la -Jo seph Jo h n -

“= “ filBmaAlPha Bpisllon-Theo 8p«n- - f ^ J a r t l n Krnlm a n d Jnme*Sri.hL all Goodlni: Jame* K irk - V -d S JjM

^ S t S " Hazelton: M. W. Oatc.v • A g i 5 wtodell: Dan llu n U i. Rupart, « \d • J y d B i

) f ‘^ a S a " '^ C h i^ !l ie Merrick. O ary ^ J rSS^BPf »nd K ennelh Radkp. a lt R -

"sfim a N u-C eral;l U m y and ,,,^ ; f ; | V i Mellcr. both Rupert, and Xewls [• » - S S . . " ' " " " " ' " - " " " * ' ” - "sT rlll.b .11' berlr- _______________ waya to k

“ Campaign Slashes S Rabbit Population Spelar JORDAN VALLEY. Ore.. Sepl, 24 " a ; u d ° M « '« l lr .p p .r ..W y o i.tra .y

r 'ihTi aome 50W3 rnbbiu have been "*• mf' J S w in the ^ r d a n VaUey area In ,1 I ^ r o r t to reduce damage caused

h? Sem to the a llalfa crop. Olen Cij S to o r « ld aome S.DOO pounds ?*"««,

w af DolMned r e e n alfalfa Ups were '‘*'d Lloyd d u c t e d In Uie area. He.aald Uie

••■ S i ' "

I ""^T is its ListedSPBIN0ALE, Bept. 34 -M r. a n d , J K

Ma. JluiseU Johnson. Vallejo. Calif.. • Ph t are vbltlnff Mra. Wilma M nrchant. i

“ Ur. and Mrs. Irvin Thurston. S a lt /Uke City, have been vlsltlnit h e r I Mea pirrnU. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Larann.

/ -- ■ ■


^_______ ■ Hiberoadoo-io^ejwii

people.h*ve diffetent'’!

l i ig 'f e 'd G e ^ I i la f ^

T a . \0»»


r . , .

'’ A iryE xcn ii

s . navr fljhlera and bombem, nom* ol deek of. Amerlcsn a ircraft carrirr Korrm In the Norlli Allanlle IrtaSr nrtanliail jebatk.- One of Die prime olijeci. n( thf to keep the AlUnllc h lih itay nptn aralnil fircphflttv'

i j ^ e a k c r s M e e t | A U lO .'icr Rclnke wn.< awnrded llii* •-'•""'‘ f ' ' 1 r tlie nio.n Impioi'td *pcnk.v .(.in,.,. meetlnR of thr l.'B . P rrrinc'

iflsicr club Mondtiv evenliic in |~ . ilterson coffee *hop. r \ a i I Cannon received the blue '

for lhe bf*l lonn»\ jipeeeh • Repolra .loyd Hamlllon received lhe

for Ihe-be.<l table loplc . Millard E«.lns prcjiented an np tu ipeech. _________•__^ | NO

Auction ServicBnONDED CLERKS C

Phone Jerome OM-Rji •.or 0IM -J3 ' t

AUCTIONEERS :<9 >ui,MeaacnmUh A Duftfk p ^

O R : ^

w m tc t; t i f l ie fw o £ k s -f io e -fd r -b e a x $ i

f b c ^ r c o l d w ea th c r~ (» n 5

' ■j i t j b t t T t n i e n a r i n J w w io m f h m * * *

f S S o T i l ' i ^ Y O U JT fii

■ y, c o "

‘“'•'“ aw"'"' VJH*"

’’t l i W'in > * ' ° ' > . , « \ » « ' * ’ ' " ’ h o n J

^ IN H I^

- ' - . T l M t

"ses ■ ■ ' iTwo F State

Ip tiynw le^kiii

»hmie counlv. ^

mils' -.0 (llitril

lose.' Oabuni. '

, PIsui for fll of iii^ (liMribi v.ere outlined 1 ttto flrmx.

Boili ciiniitA naiurr.l j j* ir<PipMliie COI [)i


lil'- irn 'a r tn i I utday.

n prosram

sembly anii > r the Rad nivrr achoolt. Lunclt

01 inem. jet-powered, line r.oi''K!,"u',i'? rr»I»l duHt,. I t. partlclpa. *'wtlon-. M ercl.^-known a J" thf »\frtlip I. to work nut u i r r n w .M

L." S------------- - - • '___________ lieraon . pmiip

VI.SIT nEPORTED »fm. UUh.----0. Sjpi. :4 _ M r.,and Mr*, fp Eilci.«>n, Idaho !rn1l». and

chlcaco. ha\<“ h rrn ': Mr. and Mr*. 0 - L. Krick.«m. ^ _ _ _

' e n t a l P l a t e sllred Ke-linad R«-madi

R E • B un o t h i h g _ d o w h - \ ■.------ -----------

Gmall Paymenia f

V WOrtK O U A R iG ^E ro T


Main Wen In KTP'I Bldj,P H O N E 3 6 8 6 _______________

ai UC-------- - -—flmforr.

ipfioth’ ■rfiome! ■ ■ —

i to O " ' I _______,

I*'"*' 1I

..K"”*' 1,

g g ; - , ,, o a i ^ , y ■, , “ 7 ^


Firms in tluardS teSecIviii<rrK^)k c ? I BOISE. Sepi

. / - I Ertcar Erlctvii

on Gas ""t' "'“SnMrt vtMtrdaySm)1. u ,r --n i« liiuim tiou KiMrd i.»Illlf'- fomniiMion he.ird ready li^sn exfi ,.ve>i(i(l«v-irnm rival b' i. ' Erickson mad fkiiis Io urovidf nutur.ipr’eu* tojilereiiC' lo'nofiiifjn idjijg., g ljg , throueliout the

an enscrne.u U lic jnu C ili/c ir» e le n cy .•oriK'r.iioii.. «|iici, „o«’ .Erickson cam iK aif-p ftrrr a n j u .u rr ’» n'aerica'cITJ luce. Mmiiu. uiii- Biii.;p-fU cnnfeience. M. .Ild (He ShB^ho^^t u lraito ii. train' iMViilinuiiy, linfrt .*

i,iird PUc Ilir- ' • ' — — ’“ roiiKl.o.it' • .

coiiiih, incliiclinK ilie e« 0 Sniflinvilir, Kel- .

.M unaa-aiid__ ;------------------

r ;in.iiin.is-r„„M uiciion. .\uHMun nn tim n rc k .i lert by for^iht ■

miwn.f* pi,,n m ouhdn!» irom pjcllir Nnrlhivrsi ! ■ A .

vMilcIi lu s

en t PlannedSei'i. :4-Siu(lrm . ami S C O TPalt Hivfr hisli »ciw>r)i

Ini for hnmecomins s a i- O rig in iii

>m «iii be pw enird al , folloaed by a pep w -l KI % fooib.MI Kame bcin’cen , r A 8^ llvrr *11(1 CH.ilfforrt lir.-V. . JilVl'l ineU Mil be urned bv tlir S 10 A p.m, Mid » rtaiice I r y ^ is S r ^ d *1 8:30 p.m,

ETim.VS HOME'JAN. Sepl. 24—Mr* El*ie ' - ^ F y S S s s »a fMDTned Irom vblilnc

.1 Boun- BlEBOSli KOI


E d s e l I ”

T e l « t o u c h ~ D r i v e eSJ P“

____________L « J 5 _ y p j t 3 ! u f t d 5

without IM n0 ^Ed

f l h a n d 2 ;

f r o m t h a r w h e e l «

' ■ ' ' -------------- S a r 7 0 u

Gbbde )ii l h J t. - A- ■ ‘.

LLS.sIDAHO _ ■ ‘

1 S a i d t o B e I P T A I

i d y f o r A c t i o n .S .P ..- J . O r„,

* S s j "

is t"'™-I the n a llon 'hav e »Uosin - ,v .r.« 10 increa-'e th e lr •pro- refrcihm enla.t

.^<-re iS-aitCaiLDUC-^ U ECa of nallonal B'larrt recion-. BLISS. Sepl nee. PfOOleniJ o f ,ac1niin -.fr/ lectpUon iralntHs a««i fecrmwufvi; fvniinB. Mt».1 »*^dlM:ii»inn topic.'*, flurert ilje facil

- m .(flliamjO T C H W H I S K Y ^ ^ ^ ^

,in tii) ' " th e K in g ’s whisky*'. . . t o d a y o n e o f (he

g rea t na m es in Scotch^



T h is Is t i i e El'It p u t s s l i i f t in g

ftf/ ..

Y oa c m d r iv a t lw E d a e l— p v k i t ~ n v e r M i t —r o c k i t —w hil* b o th h a n d s a i iS L J i t t h » -w h e tl. F o r E dM l’i f trc liu iv * T alfttoQ cb D rive pu te th e e b i / t o o n t r o b r ig h t w hereth e y be long : in t h a e e n tw o f th e ___

-« teenngIifl»e*L — ?---------------------------

A nd a ll eb ifU ng , e v e n in to p a rk position, ia eCTortlesa. becauee th a E d ae r a c tu a l ly a h if ta itae lf. T h e

' T e l e to u c b D r i v * b u t t o n y o u to u c h d g n a la a ru g g e d , p re d a io n " b ra in ." a n d i< d o M th e w o rk — c n o o tb ly . K u t ly . OtetrkoUy.

y o u r E d H M t e i i l a m n i l - d r i v r

M otor :K u pert/ idono"

• IN • T M V II A R 'fA * a i C

l O l e e t J I e l L - l - ^ S:elker ahowed eolored alldes ” 'e til for.K r tv o ' i;.vk,s «i Ilie flr.1 »’«lr 8ve.Mi of Uir achool .yr'nr of Uie P m. Wednei I’ l'A. Monday evcnlns In Mr*. RodfTr clioot. . nomle* challh Shew’, pre.ildrnl. Intro- refre*hm le FTA exfiiiliip jiml CalllMW, Icilrr»on.'prliiclpal. inimduced Program. :hci*. Ml*. Miii-vm Ciutrr.S Colonel Sioopnagle, the I ■asarliie *»lr.im»n. save a I) 'Ik. The alxih Rra<lp *#rved ) R E N

______ • I . E m .JlE e L E U a 'i-J liX D -------------\-.--------- »1, Sepu 2 4 --n ie P!-A ifaeh*:) »CPtlon W.1.V .held T hunday J

Mt». Calvin BnrueM inuo-

V -

t■ • L

^ ficii« p o » iE « s ,,m ., « .v .

S S E L "l g w h e re it bei c

c I t Y ou’U find th a e n tir* E dae l ia ith o rig in a l a n d * d v a n c« d «« T a 'o r to u c b J X h iL £ d id 'B * U g a n tU » [va . i t a v e r t ic a l 'g r i l la a n d tow , w i are f i lg b td e c k p r o m ia e y o t i th a t Aiie ____thft h ig K dael V -a*a-H aw aitin t______ w o r l d ^ v ^ y ^ t . b e y o n d k d o u lirk ' See y o i i r E ^ ^ D ea le r fo r a ro a h a ta a t. E d ae l prioee ran g e ^ m j t j b e a b o v e th e lo w e s t t o ju a t b d c pu th e hJgheat. Y ou c an a fford i on E d a e ) . 'A n d y o u e a n e b o o a e f r e

fo tir aeriea, 18 m odela.• ■BsiLBmsiGK.*.roia aereK BH M

r i v r : 1 9 5 8 ’n n i i 5 t 7 e m i i r k a b l i

T ^ T h e i s e n

a i s r e u * l s c a i k b m k l b k

■ ' ■ ■ '

:VENT BCIIEDULED —« n . L r ^ P l '—»4—B o w e r —sr.K ln* •m il a ra n s e r i and S U l - ie.iii will be obaen'ed a t t q r H *ln«day a l the Orange hall. 0 wltTey Ruberry. hmne eco- k ’ chairman, v lll be in charce o ' A i ahm enu and Mra. Clifford 8 . lecturer, will handle the g , ^

^ “K:„747s;'“ n l SIIENT-ALLS CO. 3 rieverything Y ou.Need } » ___

u str«#t Prom KrengeV* (


F t D E L i r r B A N K BLOG.

i lo n g s ”

1 9 5 8.Usee. .

;|i t L . L / V / b l. fnm Nsw tnembtr ot Ihi

Ford family of fina


n Edsel Soles, IkVCo/ft* iw iiira iii


M «rritt& Js« I


9U ft •*< rUkiMm»m4 (U.I

i^ a U . ^


t w t t w . s

— I

Iht -7.ina tars ■

, Inc. ,i l l l f I Q Q I I O . .

Page 6: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

( M S B S E C .

I' i Riiperit Hosts t . r i957^fect o f L _ ;. Gem FiriEwmen

.• R 0P B R T , 6«pt, .a t- i lto # tU ip trt• J in d tp a rtm en t w u bM t to -the cos n « . i

3 ,1, ta n u ’Al 8ouU )em Id*ho n r e m e n ’* g i ] M iociiU on convention held Sund*yi l l r t l . R i v e r k 'i o r fire deptrU nenU 7 n i u d rI I from 'B uhl, B u rle r. Ooodln*. Jerome. J;”H I K etchum . P au l u d Wendell. S ; ; ;H I BpeclAl Kueat« were Mr. and M n . ' ' ! fH I a iR i D av U .B 6 lM ;IH rU U wllh the M t n ? < H I m »hn • RurvftTing and R»Jag_bii4 »!»*:?«,?»H I rc»u : J . OurtU. w ith j . u C u rtu *nd {!]}; a 'i i fn g son. S a lt Lake City; Harold Rob- ■«!» »<•>

JH bins, driver fo r Ihe-alom ic enercT | | '? J fi*"I ' com m lulon.A reo. and Oeorge B tv d . l{i|Scl>uai

; Denver. Colo.. execuUve aecretary for n i .th o m uM uU r dyitrophy aatocla- j ■«

~-tloR rB e»rd-ahow ed-flloi»-ocrm n»eu- } !’» i i ; „ ,W dyauophy. 1 j5 kS"?

|j{| The buiIneM m eetln t waji h tld ;n n«k«H BunOay m om lns In the (lr« hall, 'i liii '** 'M il Z A tertalnm ent. fum tahed by the 2*”,*IIN ladles’ auxlUsTT. conflated of a igi muihHU Minlco boys’ quarte t, T hale 8eal. miib« H i B ill Moellmer, lUiatell Dockater andin n M nrrell Johnson, with Sharon T u r- »:0i t<imjIN s e r as accompanist. i i i i d*vmfi I ' iT ie dinner was p rep ftr td 'a n d tieo'si«<in served by St. Anne'a Altar itoelety . _ I H In th e R upert a m o ry . Richard Bee*n son waa m asK r o( ceremonies. • »io» N .*,

T ho R upert fire departm ent atafr* u wltd a dem onstration u tlne a lank *iof kay:

|_ tn i c k with hJsh pressure fonm nos-ales. A one-room shack was moved T - -in to town and tho wiUls and floor J j a H l were aaturated w ith oil and l«-

jlH n lted. A fU r tho fire had a five. f I fl| mlriuto s ta rt, the departm ent pu t ll X l l S

I --------------------------- -— - I , c .

I Which One? ,,I | ( | ■ ■ SPARTANBimO. 8. C.. Sept. Idaho’a sU9 fl M lf>-A lrport M anager C. R. slate.owneIIU] Moss answered tho telephone y e s - no m aI R u rd ay and heard a woman nsk: Montpelierl i “W hal's the s ta tu s of Frieda?" . (iroin u -S he’s a t th e postolflce now InndholdliIH D an d on the w ay to the a ln » rt ,“ • •IflW h« replied. Phnte mlnH “YSu r n « n she's th a t cW e?“ Uons In .thfl aaked the caller In an excited

tolce. '• OvemlBlI ' Sensing som ething odd, Moss tomorrow

' asked. “You do m ean -P rie d a W ednesdaj: • Lamb, my secretAry?" and T liu rj: ;; "No." the woman ccplled. “I ro u r orjljli m ean J lrJeda .,the h u rnaine ." ...

I ^ ' S o b e r ' ™|

Higher Postal jr Rates Termed “ Priiriary-NeedSrls

p o ilW . S i « lo r tho poitolllct - w m . a n a ssistan t postm aster senerol a .vX . t«,

u t d , « t « r a « . t o m ^ u i bO rm onde A. K leb, head of th e mino insoe-

poatofflce departm ent's bureau of eomi la e ll ltlu In W ashington, sa id postal ouem sey lerrlco now U "BOOd, Ihougti weYe _ 1

— oeb-eatisfledi"-------------------------- :— ^ -----------K e spoke a t> th e openlnc of th e l i p i i r i A

NaUonal Lea«u# or PostmBSter* con.

K leb said th o burenu of sU ndards d l 3 t (■ jl haa forecast th a t by IBBO popula- c a l d w *. tlo n a n d a a l l grow th will be so ^M f r t a t them w ill be an Insufficient H. ..num ber in tho country 's work force honorad u n to h a n d le .ih o volume o l mall by9 . prtseriTV ninual m ethods. ' f g J S t l i

■ _ ------------------------------ Honored

Knowland Is SrSc'fo a tlc n a t

‘Supersonic’ i t f t l f i s ;J r D em ocrat

M )8 A NpELES, Sept. 14 M — officials. I

I Ben., WUUam P . Knowland. R.. p rior com

C a lif , h as flOTO In an P-100 Super and aen t 1 Sabreje t a t » speed In .fxeess of - —

. . „ u , H a r

M o ' S K ' S i n 'M S i S ' o S ?fligh t. la t« yesleiSay from In lem a- UonU airp o rt In a two-place ver* ^ alon of tho la te s t model o t North Am erican AvUUon's faster-thon- Svfr th» sound Je t c ra ft. m J ?

H ie 4S.year.old senator said h# ^ in .i«» •T»rok6 th e sound ba rrie r- wlUi XI. S.

. a ir force M sJ. Clyde Oood In a fllRht over th e jo u lh e m CaUfomla desert - - ^ a rea , • - .'rr-

•■It Blifcs you a sense' o f security • . - - • to reallsQ th e U . S . Is golDK to m ain. t* in 4 ts a ir force a s second to nonp." :?>he, aald aa ha recelved a cerUflcate a.-;of memberahip In the exclusive A“M a o h B u ste rte Ju b .* .- ' ■

“ TJatSmtKIid:":::=rA -tola!-«r-W .W 0^plU 8-lnleresl-Js —

so u g h t- In a civil complaint f ile d - Monday In Tw in Palls district court ; . by H. W . Ire land a g a liu t the Radio Sales corporaUon.

Ire land , represented by Blandford •n d B landford. Kimberly law firm, claim a th a t on Aug. 34. 18S9. he loaned th e corpohiUon I3,5'0 to be ^

' repa id on dem and. He s ta tts nothlhc - i . haa been paid although a demand h a s been m ade.

_________ T E ST -R E P O R T E D ----------------------^-------- JERO M B .-eept.-a4—I n - a - i lW a y --------- :

te s t conduct«d by th e H oU teln.Prle. a lan assoclaUon of America, a cow ;owned by A rchie Malone, Jerome. :produced 13.007 pounds o t milk and 4W pounds of bu tte rfa t.

— ______

TUESDAY ■ WEDNESPAY Scott Brady . Anne Bancroft'

^'RESTLESS BREED" - -l a Color

- —

TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY^ _ ; ^ ^ bM»-RCTi>oia« - • ----------

-------^^AM M ¥-AND-THE--------------- ---BACHELOR" ^



'T H E Q UIH’ MAN" —

M A S I C ^

KAYT“ " KBAR0 K llM y d n l Kilseyckslrn>NESD*T“ TteSDAT

rop -o Wsrtiim .r»»dl*l Po«l *!;« All«MawB ABd W«mik«v ' >ullOB Jf.EddT AfB*M N.«1“ !di)"«. ■ «>»• o*"'"*

H % ,\ W,tli.r • WEDNCSOAYt«Tbn>rd Kt»«ri 4.H..flit Csrtal (lOO Muilt,TI«i*

Maito- '

i'll SS:,r. . !;?i U rrr illTlin*''*'

a w ...b .r

s:;'.s-wir.„ ■ir""'''"'’

SS‘-“' ■t -liM.nnbaad lt>7

rBU U PA t i : l t K»ek<i.l.I [10 llarnr Wlimrr

4«*t a W tilbtr l a t I ^ ,{ K<w.^Hdllnu «:J0 KuIlM UwO. Jr.fey*. y .v a , iiii a:?-,-.'; i's. nd Board’s ;ispection Is '----Bet for Idaho8E. Sep t. 34 W -M em ber* of >-» s sU te land board will inspect i:i:2 5V;) iwned properly m eastern Ida- ilbo t - •

a tour boglnnlnir toany a t *■« kii e ller. . “ f-,sroup will Inspect timber and to;i)« Twd oldlngk In nn nrea .as fnr norlh ii i>9 KU .nd Pa rk and wlU view plios. „ „ m ining nnd procesalne opera- n the Soda Springs area.

Btopi Ket fligh t fetops nro planned for l U l t ■ow n igh t n t Soda Springs. _ sday n lg ltt a t laland Park P liursday n ig h t a t Idaho PnlLi. MJ

of th e flvo elective sta te Is,.who m ake u p _ ih e board1 on th e tour. T hey sre G ot. i'l***® ^ E . Smylle. SecreU ry of StaleYoung. A ttorney Oeneral m h t- to -

jn W. Sm ith and Bupt. of culated Insin icU on A lton B; Jones, [delved

U navailable UUons frfif th m em ber. S U te Auditor “ Itect s Swenson, sa id h e could no l . th e tour because of another trlbuled UiVftnt,~He a n d 'S l a te T m is - 'tu lh 'M o o n will atU nd the T T vl convention of th e National I I S f t itlon of S ta te Auditors, Comp.. and TJ-casurers a t llarUord, n

alonff on th e land board il! bo a e o ^ e McDowell. sU te ' r f l l upecto r; A rth u r WlUon. atate I | commissioner, a n d R o g e r ley. su»lo forester. PORTI

_____z :________ :j .____ Bonneyil

no Lawmakers shortage

Ited for Honors»D W IU *. SepU 34 (fl — The 9m «raU o membera of Idaho 's mainiv i aalonal delegation will be >— d th ls evening a t a mecUng „ r«d by th e Canyon counly “ mUo club . the con srcd will be Sen. P rank Columbli :» and Rep. O racle Pfoit, and *» 3crt -L. M iller. Idaho Demo- There naUonnl commlttcewoman. ever, wh invited was M rs. Rulh Moon, be able t t rea su rer w h**^s the .only e r to .h t i :ra t among th e sta te 's elected B u t U Is. She was prevenied by a two new com m itm ent Irom attending line Oct. :n t I w ^ r e l s . a to r will

------------------------------ DaUes t

m e st ReadiedHO PA U iS , Sep t. 34 (Jt) — -:rs were readying for w hat DECU10 a record po ta to hnrvesl in high solpper* Snake river valley to- the projf te r a fro st blackened vines the ho t;he w eek-end, Ing of tlt of th e crop 4s expecled to tho futustorage because of a drop In Uon will

. nesday c


1 ' W i i t w u w f . w . j s ' r

U IfM N A L U Y 'S . . .

--------------------- "/r'S Good! \" • % .


V • ■ ; T T M


I) . (14M KUecyclsa) ' i (U II K TUMDAT *“

».m. TUI

■' ' i S 5 n : ............,i- :s • isssIf! iilB Kmp Knr*

cno Yognt ml lU»r» Ji«« ai»n, lijg K»'t> .Irai*

K«p r...W

Kr«i> rrr.if.1 • »i:« Slrt*

aT/ • HprliitllB'.«I»fduH T:U W»iln ':sK r> p ro "M ' l i u Uilt

«P'‘i>k|l«'SUfduH ' jjj®

WEDNrjinAT l^itl uliJ•.m. p.*. . •

oc. t:lt fllfn >in itifls nian<1 *:00 Tk« buKxr SIda i t ; « o ’la

1:30 Stuia l t l I <PiuloS. I : i l Kmp TotUd l! 4 tdan

Tb« Aunnr KM« s- o MtiilT:OS Tba 8unn> KMa i- i Himi S K S a : ! ! : ; ! ; i : l b

Jr. KM»’a Scrapbook i:U 'Orr■»a 11:00 Kmp> KsmpanV i:aOJun*’ " y Iijjo «PB^6t=p.nr. I.JO Klu

T e l e v i s i o nKLIX-TV. . , i i S

(Channel U ) s:oo Comad]U»r«nt« wlnfT^p Tun.a AHO * :» KUX*) HUUS Uunt(«n Cflff S:ll naudi:Hbtrili or CorbU* . I::S InduitrJ?,?;'..;*;" " " ,‘?,S "s;Ur. lIuiliuB____________________ .SiOO-VlcUiiI'hit »ll>ria CRA S:30 l'»ar.alTwn «n (h« Alila Kaalura COU I'ta CoKUX llra.lllnri *::ia Ill()i I.

i i i i s a r

terest Said “Surgiii Right-to-Work La-tCATELLO. Sept. 34 tlH — The work comn ) "Parm Bureau-ledsnrtjim - to- f6-w6rk mi reported •‘aurglng" in terest in election ba •to-work pellU oiu being elr- Uva would ed In Idaho and ssld It hnd sliops In th >ed num erous rcfjuesls for p t- Idaho n a from volunteers who w .tn i to q Martin t signatures. person lo s 9 InlUative pelUlons. being dls* work Dctlti ted by the Idnho treedom-to;. month wltr

__ Holte^ 'Abb

ie of PowerMarUn u

Running Less S S ?C ' ship In the

rhan Guesses r.K S'. terday nt&(

flTLAND, Sept. 34 (fl — The Uons of tineylllc_Dj>.%i.t_«dm!nlsJrfitl.on nry_cominltesterday th e Norlhwesl's power jo h n Hage.Is a little less acut« than L-iry-treasu ited because dem nnd ts running gald ons re<O .kilow atts behind enrUer es- mito dlasat^ over govei» reduced caU for power li the ir bustmly from homo heaUng pinnts He - snld[orest-bnsed Industries. ' mended thi B BPA aUo said th a t dcspllecontinued h o t weather, the practical anbla river h a s n o t dropped as S'JPWI as anllclpalcd. " ere sUil Is no Indlcallon. how-when U>e ndm inbtrntlon.w lll •

lie to restore InterrupUblo pow- / ' __heavy Industrial users. - -

t the admlnlsUaUon sfid th a t U A ntrnb naw generators 'w lll-go on the w. h . ^5ct. 15. A 7a,000.kllowatt ifener- 0^,“ ^ . wlil go Into operaUon a t T l« t o a« dam, and a C4.000.kllowall “ I ) " ra.tor a t c h ie f Joseph dam.

REPORT GIVEN | i ■ —:CIX>, Sept. 34-Lovell Turner. I f l K I

sohogl principal, rtported on H I Kirogress of th e gymnasium and n i l l lo t lunch program a t the meei-)f th s Declo P T A ^ m rsd a y . In W Auture, meeUngs of the organlui- tT /*will be held on Uio th ird Wed* p ty of each: m onth.

r :


) iLXi n - p ' - ,

IpnKVlMmrinfl s t ^ V - .

M lU Ura>k«)*<k.’.-. ’ ' 4lNHe*4atfw.R's-»«een ' ' ' h L ”'T O rH N O l f o u a U n ^ ' - V •

41N0iw iS w -------------H 'O M m .'rM ltM M aM M '..- v

I M E S - N E W S ; T V .1 N FALI

)I0 SCHEDUL]K UX , KTFIII KU«oyclM) . ( I f l l KUoeyctoi)

tUBS siB um ' iXM;* -nJesuAiTUBOAT

g ' " £ * j c i j j ■

ShliJi."- ? !«SporU Fmu S:09 inaviKill Kaiayan ■ J j# *£»*’ *TV

i i i i iS S --wcajN WoA? , .

.E D SE snA t;

mrtiifih f»r |S« ailoB* 'r.dlll»»Jla^'*.U«mail»d------ i i 2v -n « fn r tr% m n -Kllx KI<Kk Klub iiO» HtlMr CerntrW»aih--/ NawiUiltllna Idabg iNiwf

■!;!! a “ E ! , . -•Uraahfail Cluh .. Ijlu >IU4«i'Strl«laC<( TDttibar :iU*(.S««a -UlnntrbalJ .Tima X:Ot i r i i tS u r Ualln*

iiU KlUrtIa Klambafnianobtll Tlm* i:l« iNa>a af W«rMDaiallna idabo (lOt Wotbrr ■•Paul K irxr >:li N««a Sgminanrt(lai>i««( ib« naj siie JublUa C*(«ua«lsar.,'".-..™ !S :a r .* a c " "j|Qi|a lR»t Kill T lO

Toinrtiind Aiic > (Irowned 1;

; , ? T . S ! L ->a Cot . Harr.l 0119 ' “n ie Vlc(h u -N I IC Who had I

■ hero prej' University• «i»i ^ ~ englneerln;uig” Over .

evening w

aw Liitiativenmmlttee.,would-put a-rlgh i: t measure on Uie-WSa Idaho howe" ) baUol. T lie proposed Inltia. . . _ ould ouUaw union or closed w an the O e ^ s ta te .3 Parm Bureau President L. about a 'c. rtln. Caldwell, was Uje f ln t cltoUon e10 sign tho original rlght-to- Conrndl s letltlon wlilch wns filed last sklndlver with the secretary of-stale a l the only < ■AbbUl'“ Zi;000'-slgnalUre.»~ot U ia f ^ l e ’ivoters will be needed to put seised by i

tIaUve on th e ballot. ~In said yeaterday th a t he ftU ' D „ c Q ilsory unionism places an un- X I U S V. >m6 power over the member- the hands of a few leaders.” U l Fnrm B ureau federaUon dl- Ha t Ihelr meeUng hers yea- 34 w —Thi also reviewed recommenda- >» n,M * ■

r.tlie s u t« commodity advls- yu terday

H. Webb. Pocatello, secrf. * '’<^0 <jri easurer of the Pnrm Bureau, m iiumDe s recommendation noted def* began I t ^ Issatlsfactlon am M g farmers *chool. T l lovemment Interference In gers aboar uslness. j j .mid tho committee • recom. »nd Lola ■I th a t th e P a rm Bureau Insll- study to determ ine the most I -

11 approach for eliminating' , . upporia and producUon con-: P A r nU agricultural products ^s'as possible w ithout unduly, . -

Ing Um agricultural ecCQ. I '.Under

HAYRTDE HELD Open «ERMAN. Sept; 34-:-The PPa I ®

hayrldo and wiener roasll ly evening. W llllma Ohoulta. M E R C fIvlsor, was chaperone. O arth ________PPA presldenl; was In charge ngements. U I T


PHONE 2468 | ! M

. •

ilK B ,

Mat.^ Sic Eve.



V L L S , I D A H O -

LES; - .||SM|

TUWDAI Northwes■ s^uJ'aw.'ri. Englands ,ij» T -a ■njecoi

- I ? s ! & ri« ., . s .«i*rT ar;,7cb.». Tueveasc

■ Jill “E-’ "'S"• IS.OI tt«« C.g* ■ ' um. Mas.

w tn hH io*T ___ jam m ed.'; reacUon

, Siw c X l «? O a.i aeeomplU' ■ - t i « Spon Liibi of benefl

V m K®'*.* come.'" h', » iu u'aM , Stap UsUt-

1S:«« I'lnk aa< Blu BalUmon, ,11 , i . t ____ 8t0tlS..-W

----- -I UW Klub N«1« gaUng al" . 1 lOt KIUt>B Klab of the.-Ul

? •% Ill M.-. - pack, ice,'> l i » r . » { r u . . PhllUpi

• I DO Soap tbap -------------

1;. Ip fim ICAnT»b»aU I T * !

2 , I . S - K ! ,funnr :g( JUMr^'shsp HI*' „ !<l Tkaaur Qui* ■■J

w a s h :« ,« iuSi*'** tom ey 0

Ur to rtl 1440 Club ' fUcd an------------ tr lc t COUI

• r ^ . e n u l Baver Drowns ^hile Trying I’o Spear FishAT3UE, Sept. 3«- /VJ-An 38- »le Ingreld sklndlver from Ha^'all milk, toled In PUBCl sound waters near Ihelr preyesterday while sUlklng » perio r-to fU h .- -

I vlcUm was Sloven Stedman , ,la d been eU jIng w ith relaUves „ " ™ i ‘prepara tory to entering the P » 8ram ,rsity of W ashington scliool of J"®* **“serlng. ^ Pf®''*' dm an and Dale Conradl. 18.le. were aklndlvhig yesterday ,IK When they spotted a "large ^ o rk . hrlsh, resem hllig a ray ," ' country 1Im an borrowcd_ConraOl's_un.' n'^tlonall: v a p e a rg u n 'a n d se to ff m pur.f the fish. He began flounder. M o r ilowever. nnd sank In about 20 i ' l o i s )f^watec before Conradl could g ^ j

Jm an 's body- was recovered 0 6 0 D] a hn lf hou r luter bu t resus-

)n efforts were unsuccessful, uvesiock>dl said Stedm an was a good c S iIver w ith good equipment and F>«irfleld nly theory he could offer was"Bledmnn couFd lfave~T)eeh w m 8 w . . r . r o .

s S a v e d A f t e r r H H

D r i v e r C o l l a p s e s g S E i;.'f f HYDE PARK. N, Y.. Sept. heavy f« -T h re e school glrU teamed up Stew art, Ide a school bus to a safe atop whllefact day when Uie driver coUapsed

I driver, Anthony Bacigalupo, ..J® ? PJ imped a t th e wheel as the bus >1<U0, b , Its run to Herrick Junior high «•1. T he glrLi, the cnly passen- •board, were Idenlllled as Carol I , -IS;. V irginia McCjirthy, 14,I| a />U P fa ff . IS._______________ jl •


ider New Monogemen^ I•en 8:30 a. m. la 10:30 p.m . I

Dally and Sundays. I 1 x 6 1




V C 0



S t d f t ^ s T O M O R


I T i T l T f T r

S I !® H B " ^ D 0 R IS DAY*JoHn1

h ip s G om plete I

rthwest paasagt sailed Into New tag th« flfPrt ports loday. •TheTje coast guard cutters Storls and -Wp. P unble arnved her* and Uie C ut- wer« sl

Soar sailed- Into Bristol. R . I. years a t vS iels wir* given a thunderous tim e.- 1

S u t* fjg> Paul Totten, Arllng* s ^ u e M ass, navigator of Uis StorU.

U e d .u p Jh f .o fflc « rs^ a n d ,c rr« • rtlon to Uielr hUtorlc f e a t “We ompllshed w hal we fe<l will t e benefit to mariners for yean to

j!u t.* 'c^d r." Robert c . phllilps. lUmore. execuUve ofllcer of the iH*. -said "we were radar n a rl-

:k.lce«" T h e i>hllUps said th a t io r several days of CmC

" “ 7 ^ I ^ Ue circ

ajunction Is £ Filed Against ffiS

___ _ unchar

Bread BakerVASHINOTON, Sept. 24 IJU aV !ney Oeperal Brownell yesterday ^ ‘1 ^ ' d an injunction In federal dU- :t court her* challenging ConUn- " a l Baking company's lebeUng of ™ ne of Its enriched breads. Then»« court was asked to enjoin Uie I of the word "buttermilk- on “ # lo 1 labels. Ven<

CzplalUUsa the fL-ood and Drug Commissioner North orge P. Larrlck said:Continental U expIoiUng a sin- 1 ?

Ingredient, powdered butter- C j k. to creal the Impression lh a t lr product U different and s'J- niCflJ. io r-to SUndard enriched bread. 2 ty of

Carapalgn Mrs.■niU Is the first step In a PDA PhoenI gram to obtain better cflmplU mother :a wllh Uie bread standards, nnd sister, prevent exaggerated claims lo r ,ads." family.ionUnenlat. headquorten a t New rk. hns plan(.i UirouthouC th e .(j .n try 'a n d distributes lls products Aberde Jonally.

[arket Steady „ol Sale of Livestock

lOODINO. Sept. 24—The m arket on ch« d steady a l Friday's Gooding estock Commission sale. ionsignors were Wnlt Rowland. PlahU: rfleld, whlteface steer cnives, J' < a0_nnd_whllefaccJicifeia..i20J3' costs_< M. Sagers. Fairfield, whlteface A»U> <

er xnlves. JMJO. and whlteface » cosl Brs, hcnvy feeder clifM. »21J0; Pacific « H uy«r. BUM, Hereford sUers., fonte. JO. and whlteface heifers,, heavy de r' cIsM. »10.40: Henderson and th rle. Ooodlng, whiiefnca steers, I ivy feeder class, 120.10; W. E, ' w art, BeUevue, • heavy, feeder Iteface steers. «30.70; Jlm W ll- , ns. Ooodlng. heavy feeder w hits- '

'op prices were t20.SQ,.(at hogs;JO. bulta;:«14J0, cows; 424,10, .•rs; »20J5, heifers. ________ " }

• p e a r s I

• PEACHES IMcIntosh 1


K e n y o n G r e e n



' I I

irJea i H I— - M I

l O N d e W I L D E . . . I

M<JaM>*lir(,K«KNCKia’ H

?RROW; I* I I I I I ^

THE ;___JJ.

M 6AME T "'o h n k o iU » C o ro l H oney ------^

" . ■ ' TUESDAT!

j ^ i r s t S u c c e s s f i

ships were' " iw e f 'b y 1« . Ho wateri Uie crews'm orale WM good d u r - Cokit

the dangerous passage. CalThe crew had high Interest I n th e [ouw J. partly because we knew we » * ' m slated for It for the p u t th ree BriU ITS and InWrest b'ullt up over th a t ,o .- h o .a J M . • , ,n ™lie voyage began last Ju ly 1 ki ^ittle.-w ash.— -nortl:l ie vessels wer« ordered to par* Th, pate In the-annuat-r*-supply-of cattse

no rtb em ..baset.by the O. S . m ent ry’S mlUtary sea U »nsportatfon a u all vice. A fter compleUng Uils m is - polnt a they were to conduct a survey brief Arctic waters and to probe fo r a unlo« ler rou te of sufllclent dep th to tu rn iport-three-deep-draft-shlp*—th e oU b r thw ect passage. ed tcrhe sm all convoy, under command Cmdr. K an ld L. Wood, the ch ief 1 1 iccr of Uie Storls, passed th a A rc- i U < circle tn Uis Bering stra it on Ju ly

)n Sept. 13 It re-crossed th e c ir .In Davls stra it. compleUng th e BO

isage and roughly 4.S3S m iles cf withling over' unknown and largely U kechart«d waters between these Alcoim u. m an.rhe Spar’s arrival In BrUtol, h e r BoUeme port, marked Uie first Ume a Idsip ' h a s ' circumnavigated N orth anno(lerica. Ttie Bramble's home p o r t com 'Miami while the Storls Is n o r - newsilly based a t Kodiak, A lu k a . . speakrh e search for Uie passage w as ^M C essed by the world's sea pow ers In» HU» century. Repu liTenetlan John Cabot Is believed 9 flrat to attem pt sklrUng the irth American continent r ia ArcUc

' ' ............... ME

Events Related siEYBURN, Sepl. 34 — W nyne wnrd own h as enroUed a t the .U nlver- Loi f of U tah, Salt U ke City. tenchrfrs. Joe Logsdon has returned to oenlx. A rlt, after. vlslUng h e r f « n ' lUier'. M n . Stella Dyrum, and h e r Nil ter, Mra. Earl Dtkcn.«r. and Mrs. Reuben W eber and nily. M r. and Mrs. Elwln Steube d fam ily and M n. Ida Croft v isit- . . .

Mr. and Mrs. ^oha C roft In ,o r lte n aum l.y. ^

Truckers Fined . ■■BOLLiaTER. S*pt. 34 — T our . B i J ickers have been fined by Justice K J th e Peace Elwood Henstock here ■ ■ chsrses of drtvlng overu-eltfiiied

icks on Idaho highways, rhey are Dawson and Sannon. shUU. Mont., $10.30 and » co^Li;J . Ccnnrrusa, Csrey, »15 and M

yU_oji_ew hjif lwo_counts; C^^ _____Ito company, liniiermnn, $15 i.nd cQsU on each.of two counts, nnd

elflc Transnnl company. Bell- nle. Cnllf,, $H and $3 costs.

I Need Listingsa n d ta la s i

PHONE 59T or 1665

— G E O R G E -------------------

W I R S C H I N GHome rhsoe U31

T o l i l t or buy F o rm s , o c re e g it , H om eg . /

Twin Falls <Realty & Ins. lo p ^

l U M o i n E o i t . I | | £

>2 BILLION YEARS I N I I t Will Amaze You—Th. Story of Life on. E arth M an..

t N O T E :W e personally I amazing motion picture i ' family should eee togethei

-------------— i --------------- ------------ 3

b e f o r e A W 6 r U > Y q y o u r e y e s . i l E V t


1 0 ^ i l i A ^r - <

AnimalVorld S t a r t s 7 :3 '

Action Filature ' ^ 8 8 ~~ A t9 :10 piiiy


f u l V o y a ^ I

: e s i - E a s s a g e ’^

C abofs cruise took lilm . ■ oundland and the Plorifla H t was on thU voysse th ^Jrltnln sU ked her c la lm ^Vmerlca.

T h e quest wns revived bv ih. K n orSer to fmd an a U e r L i . 'S ' '® •or deep d ra ft ships rtsiipnj lo rU iem mUlUrj- lnsiaiiMioi"“ ‘f E

T he need for sueh a r i^u H ia u s e d - ^ t h d - u n p n a ic i n b ^ '^ ^ H ^nenU of a polar ice pnck lually recedes from the Point Barrow, A al.^.. perm S ? / ® jrlef shipping-sca.ion. shioi « * H “4nload a t n o r th e rn 'point* aM ^ ^H *ium to southern w»tfr« or h! H <

Alcom Will See 1; ■ . L e a d e r s o f G O p K

BOISB. Sept. 24 (>l « M»".

take up m'ost .of the Ume or u ~!t^ F Alcom, naUonal Republican c liS H * man. during hU one-day » iu P 'H * ' B oU eO ct-7 .

Idaho Republican hrn(lQuittr.,H’' announcing the schedule (nr k H** » m 's visit, aaid he win meet newsmen In the afternooi) md speak a t a public meeting « iiJH ^ ^MCA building In Uie eveninz ^ H . rem.ilnder o f his time win b« «">■ ' Republlcnn groups.

Award Given KHEYBURN, S ep l 24 C t rc h K

rhax lon was presented «itli ’H » ipeclnl award for her nuU U nct^E i! :eachlng In Uie primary ni |he f ^ F 0 vnrd services Sundny evening, 'H i r t

Lorene Manning w a s n ts ^ E ^ encher In th e Junior Sunday ind L auren Davls w u g rsd iu^B i' 'rom prim ary Into MIA. H

Nile O reenhalgh gave a te n - i ^ tu n ik and speakers for Ihe vcra Mr. and Mrs. Harlow C bm K -^

RETUnNS HOMR H > I ALMO, Sepl. 24 - M n, J i> A a :

l.loyd h as returned from vuiiiu^K tr ia l t Lake City! - _ • .

drl«f of lh# dry , H ^

S m im o jf M,lhi.B «rt«t Bams Is V O DK A K *

10 Pwl. Dill. lrM)tf«tn,S1i.fliff» jijfiafi ■ ? > ,


N T H E M A K W G - — 1 ^

• T h e W h o l e R a g in g I w ?

t h B e f o r e D a^ y n o f K : ! !

l y r c c o m m c n d t h i s H } ;;^

r e a s o n e t h e w h o le

t h e r ......

— The-M^nagm enl- .M t^

WvE ' J l!V e r K n o w i i K

. f x c n ic y o in e Mowcmtc r - « f m « iw iO M lV rr^ L H u , , .

f e


M f f lM i i l l - -

7 : 3 0 — O u t a t 9 . : ( i O - „ B ,

Page 7: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

r jflidiesFound Cci:e“- ^ r J VTni<- Is mi Torn by Blast r o ^f s | S

a r B ! ^ ^ , :A 7 .r A - M

gn, t> jrftet bo d lu « e re — B a yb<rtr« the IM t iw> viclliM

na feiTs. p ^ - . ,i*i« mine In ipectori D B ^i B l^ A J N *m rtfused to W m B S a

SSiW on •*’" “'-® .HHIwere tr»PP«l In

5* 4 ^»uSi

* 3 ^ «nU U tlon. tha m in t ?«««, j W f o f t h e d .y . O th e ^ U e .f o r ^ JOO m ln««' « »-4 S J d to *oflt « " Uie 8:00 a.m.*ndta b lu l oeeurred a t 7:10.

« Visits Reportedw a i r o iD . s e p t 24-O W 7 h m .

iDDTtnUW teftin tn a t San 1 ^ ^ r u TltlUne. his parents.r Ben Haubric}). He hasSii?

? f e i S T s £ = sa S a - » w * “ s - i i

ur u d Mr*. Tom Sulloclt. Elko. ‘ O fra’ '"*! *1"J! S ^ « ,l»H5rishersUt«rs. M w .D . . *S,3 .»««»■ O'”'*" “ ''-■; i ’s^ .rhrbS^ 'tL K ^

‘ TOUR 9TAEXED T he Mngli BOfflt S tp l.-3 1 .in -I le p . H am er cerl awocli SL - B.. Id a , le tt yesterday lo membership S ^ e m Idaho forest aretis Its 1037-53 ! Ith s fcresf service oHlclal In an T h e drive ,mUt»tlon of the feaslblUly o t eonUnup un -Mcsed land exehangei.' K inney, pre ---------------------------------- ------------ reported thlegal ADVERTiSEMENTS

------ —T rre -o f - tALL! COUNTY, 8TATB Or IDAHO been arram , lh MttKf »f li* Tduu 1 announced■ n WILD <K»...4. { • P«‘Kn ''■«>'•XroCR IS IltnEUY RIVKN th .t T-ln TUCMn boyi

mmJ. WIU wll *i «tl»i«'iil*.-iub]K( - T h e conct>tb iMllmilleA »t lb« tbev* tnlllltd ah ia Otllv ft Id. •> sF 'ihtr n> SStb nt 8«[» w iif Se >nld

Ilil. >11 Ib. Hfht. tllU. InltrtilM r^hf. dwrnlr! •i'l HM* ' LEGAL i

___ rf Itumt IKit iiH br OMrMlon vrtTi7M?~

r.fC,.'.'.';i".'-“;iSiu,:,''..te .jiHfl?.®al l> lU CmiMr ®f T*ln r . iu . S u u tU i^ te tr lM u followi. ta-wlt: ^^^MTnr* Lm T»»»irHl«Ki <J«I. Illock fitymij-

fr ' S.SI,' .“ Sotob S

>HiUii «Iltn «r bUa vlll b« rM«lv«] *V’

; , r « , s a , s :; f i t srKA »l ll» ii«> of (ontlrixMlon of"«* iw ,«l Tllu Vn.,?,*iLVr.;i rUhl. tl.1. ..4

w 'JhJfw liuV ro„r7, li; I m rrisV ti! .," ::H l-r . / Ill rttomliMiieM. Metnt for lh> }5 ‘J"*' T,'___ . «i« tut IU ,n t im . or upnn tuch l«rm>M V * ! »* ^ a«i»tmlnH hr . ‘

Jf ^ 1 . . “*• J»«rlb«lBUro !Usl.mw'l. 1»ST.

Tl'lN KALI-S RANK S TAUST J f .J.......srvK r,..,*..,

, M i . i t am :i.> a^iwUr ID. n . «nj 8<. tm .

' ■ XOKINC NOTICB loa /'•«( P4iJ^snct IS llEnKDY OlVM Ihtt Iht <*f •••■! lo« i {-'<■yUB.inii.loBm of lh* Cllr of TBIlMfl OF Ttli r>Ili, Idlho, Kilt hold « public «llh MH •• c ^■'lar Iir Ibt nrpo ttt of btarlni prt» Ibit biiMfr wl ;*■ *M <il;tiiilon <11. th» fnllowfnj tilb. liW. lo b« tpi J"-* !• r»«inl In th« tonlnr «t l»ml H.ICD'<l><Clir nf T .ia ralla. Mahol ••K baliritf .

1- (• lh< artt boun<l*.l br Adillion •lalmtnu of , *|"M. Iltrburn Av«nu». IUrr‘tnn appllKl Hr«l

_ ^ tnd Iht tlltr Iwlwttn Mnrro* num from da jw >a< Qolner HliTitt. htlni mer« *d4 b« ttcurtri {^iltrlr dnrrlbtd ■». OWki 1. t. en lh« pr.mli M I, I. <ut htif et T and |h* Ui h*

ifu ti. Iht nlnlmum rrenl buitdlw lUaranlMlni I ntiihuii dliunrt from : i ft«i t t pmctrir.*" •I'®’' "-Inlmum N« «U1* ,l». _ {■"I kuiUlln# Iln* tttbitK t«-b«-*oual“ Mid.r unlll .

.>'UiHln« iln. Tn'b.l. Coiirl^ g . . ; : iir

ir*J*»nI"«.Lelj; I. 1». ll.iftH JI. «rlllnV lod

" '=■'■ “•■•'■' la r '-S r13 rtlRTHEn ntVEN that lh. of Twti. T.llt

UmnlttJonm ol ili. Cllr e t SXTU>Th1< "> M . will hold th. tald .UBlk a r.r . . Vrr^ lh. tb«>» 111 forth a a tu r t nn Adn“•». OtlnWr T. t#JT at IU# o'cIikV HT.I< I I^ommlitlon Chambtra at Ihi ADI?l<>ll. l : i HMend A.tnu. Rate. T>In tnd

Htbfl. «hri> and whtr. ••nr«n« Pol.H*hl S^iU

S ;. Cl„ . . T .I . u^‘>"1 Ihl. lJ,h d tr of 8.pl.mWr, IIM.

“ “ ”. » : = & " ” CRESS’£5KmNcy.®.Vr"..

i« Ihn. fl,,. I,

- ...... .. .............

1 6 O n l y — P q r t i q l l y F l

S I .7 0 0 .0 0 D .! l« r .J

A. C. C U R--------------, P h o n . g R c h a t d B - S M 7 , l i

"oncert Officials 1

M X gM t K w

K T f ® " M ■\ ^ J l

JaiBW Kinney, p retidenl of the Mitli Ilor. r ith l. » ■peclil repm enU tlT e of tli ir . membership eem nittce chalrmin. t w ia t io n b • group dedicated lo Ih* pi

* . * * * ' *

sm bership Camp C o n cert Assoc

,{ftgle Valley community eon- held in Fil»uioclatlon Is sponxorlnR a Irw-capicll' ■ship cnmpftlBn UtLi week for . a membe-53 proisram activities. n,e ,our locIrive began Monday nnd %’ilt Valley ncrlep unlll Snturdny. Mrs. Jtimcs Bolne. Bwli , president of the m oclatlon , Pulls.,1 the group has tcntnllvely Memlicnl cd four concerts a t the Filer 'White's Mulooi auditorium. or rescrvnt: o f^ h e fo u r i;uiicert*""tiitvi; phontniTTir rranged and others will be a klckotfced a t the end of th e cam- Town Tave ;eek, Alrendy signed nre lhe evenlnR altboy* choir and soprano U - and Mrs. HPrice. . of dinneroneerts are open lo m em ber; photte-comil r and no single admlsJlons In Motion" sold. The concerts n rc'b'elng Officers o± ADVERTISEME 'N fs" ~ “

A ^ ^ B r A i ! ^ j ^ r ' ^ ^ S P G f l kpnonATr. c o tiiir ok tw in 1 ? ^ ; ,

C, nOUKTIlEK ANt) APKI.t. POCATE mr^K. HUSHAND AND WIFE. p , ^ „ ^ „ B IR GIVEN 711.1 VtrlanJ I~ niftn C. Aal

Adminiiirtior of ih> «.ut». the Amerlc

.air. .iibjetl in tonflrraalln" h> Burtau ton II. Courl I>f Twin Kail. Cfluntr. 2J.23. m o n S f f l . l i ” . !! *h ' Womcn'S

. and Inl.rnl of N.tl C. ilnunlrr* Hflrold ItolI itouBif»». and of ihfir »iUi»*. member ot,* r l b T « of AIT5.tr io f 1.01 1'ifit.n I lil. Iiiifhrr l-Vftsslstnnt Ion. Twin Fall. Counir. Idaho, dItv dlvislot a. ^folloiti: , __!•I.ut Fl>lr^n"l3[' :&} f<‘t Soulh pL'" lI.nr'IhrK .'.V !5‘n!I'of”*.'ild TORONT h.nc* Wt.l 100 fn i pirallal death wa.1 I'‘t* V "! ’»i: f>uen» ou

of“a.hri<.t?Vi:i!.'j. r i i c ^ .C.parallrl -llh. Iht North I>t<. ' j - ......... ......:Jo‘F^fiA hE ^£nK /jw Amcrii“ w*ir” UTr'‘w^lh''l2rm"‘ rf"h” j UTAH ri.Scf.flS'rMh 'o ' rTnmrnMirn'of $1-1.75rif» of hl.l to IM p.rabir In In--I.;! “ l"V,n dal* et confirmation of tal. Thone ISI«ur«l-br flrtl or »«ond motl***. ____ _r*mlM«; I .i n of iht r ' t r lt*T ' .=w .t.d ai nf OflnWr 1, IM?;II furnlth till* Iniutnar. fw<Ilcr - {lit Iniuranr. Cnmpvr In Id.hn line Ih. MUIO' a n . W lh.fc— :ourl of Twin FalU Counir. H.hA,

or tht pr.ml>N nurl M I"

S S v f S SFall. Cntmtr. tdaho. • ■ •'Thlt »rS dar et Bnil.mb.r. vrniAND t- ROUNTnKl- ,AdmlnlalraUr nf th. Ratal', ot MBAI. C. nOtJNTttr.K •"<!ADEl.I, ROltNTnKK, hu.btnd and wlf*. PM«itnl.

SniU 14. Orl. t * I, 1»7.

' g a ra g eT ^IMPROVEMENTS

paym ents .'N mot. to payESS.6LD6..$Ui*PLYiaberty Xm «. Ph . 44S8 Ira a < iK O rM o S tu n p i


J l J

" . ' " T l ____

Furnished■r*j -------- :— T7—

4 U R U ¥ ----------- ------------------- ^

RK - ^\ ; | . mot

- ■■ - . .TIM ]

3 Prepaid Season’s AS g ,.


k \.

tsiie Vslley C om nuntly Conccrt ssuciitlon, t the eammunlty eenecrt program from S>« ^ to dlaeius plana (e r the aiioelstlon's 19J7 • PfomoUon et th i elaatle a r u In Magic Va

* * * * * *

p aig n o f Gommui ic ia tio n G ets UndPil»r because of larger seat- K innty. preildoi • ' ‘‘y- lirs i vice preslcmbcr^hlp ticket U good for >ng. second vl ' loc.ll concerts’In the M»]ie Vaughn M. Pot 'cries, plus conccrts held n t dent; Mrs, L, iw ley.-pocnello and Idftlto tary. acvd c . 0 ., .' Board meml>elertlilp cards are arallable nt lusky. Duitl; h Musle centcr in Ttt'ln I 'alls dorf and Mrs.

rvntloiUL may bc made by Filer; Mrs. Pete r M r r ^ n m j '~ jm 7 8 iP N r ^ •Jranriand'TJiii kotf dinner wns held nt lhe HfJH?";. ‘" n ' •aveni in Kimberly Moncl.iy with Mrs, J . O arland Gibbs *"

s. nobcrt D enton 'in clinrre ler entertnlnm ent. A lele- *“ ‘e>'Wd. 1)0 nimpnny fllm-cnlled "Music Concert work on" wns sitown. MacDonald.' Ei


ik e r - L is t - S e t - S Sw Farm Bureau S M SlTEUX), Sept. 21 ifl-R ogcr “ J!?'! Of W ashington snd Her-Aaberg, CWesgo. officlaU oferican Porm Bureau federa- ^U speak « t th e Idaho F^rmtonTtT»t5on-1n-PocHello Nov.

^ Mra. MBrshnll:n s speakers will be Mrs. Houston and K' Itobinson. Ashlsljula, 0 .. a Twin Pnils am ' ot the women's commlltee Klmberlv ' kPBP In the Mldwesu Aaberg • 'Innl director of the commo-.’islon of the lederattoiv W ■

PLU 8PBEAOINO )NTO. Sept. 24 «W A fifth ' a.» reported today Jn the In- Seri)f(outbrsak. spreading across All T>

J ‘ PHOirica n S to k e r S la ck ^ 1 . ' ^■AH - o n . T R E A ipD I75 p e r Ion D e liv e re d RADIA

. . ni-VVay 3«-c rm o u n tn in F u e l Co» Radiator* At

ISO Twin Falls Net i

1 : — Id , h a s m a k i

t f

I o i a i n

— T ru-th isM ghtet,jn iM i 8 6 P roo f Old Crow-

. ' m o r e p e o p l e a s k f o r i

than a n y o th er bourbq

^ tO CIO»,l)l«IU-«Y'>' F«AHKfO«t, H . »l

M J:s' .? ;e w s . t w i n f a l l

Activity Hai-m 1 -----------T .T P E

L '• * Fon. . NEW YORK.

Q l | ^ . -----------------ifucks made In' 7 - ., citpnble of kllH

eng Idiots of A presently on

U across Uts natio dav.

Ute Imiwrtrd to «'Fek*end to 3( beallh departin

c uUes.b«BantionslenL the dar dint aieps K m r


b r the Toy said the |>osilb disclosed in i«u on Irecommended p

Melvin Fteui council, isid conclusive. Six. indrprndfn t lead ch igh a i 33 per < bu t otie labori eonslstenlly lo«

One the lest stream a

health deparlmi is

TO}The toys'usti

trie fan autos ranging In length i The mlnlnture n rd Cnu.1 smi

m S l B ! 6 9 i l H B i ti^ck nnd two 1

s s r '.L '’,«f.* '® '‘‘ compsniM hnd13S7 mrmberihlp d rite . ihelr nnmes a » alley, (btaff pho lo . ioy*. which run

lion jiroceisfs. * , * * . « t »»JtS tlw

• toys a t retail m

unity . s /Tp.!??,_ . nia to be lhe

id e r W ayUdeni: Mm. Oren Boone. ■ • ' ^ P o l i o ' ' . resident; M erritt Qreel- BOISE. ScotI vice president: Mrs. eases of oomT

: 6. '.rlh.'.S 'S,•mberi arc Dr. p . A. Knl- T he cases ref 1; Mrs. Henry W csien- those of a i .irs. Lymnn Ehgle, both couniy boy, n Peter Link. H ansen; Mrs^ coun ty bov s m TJlbbs nnd“ ftrs . Robert W lls boy. TJtey Olh Kimberly; Welden total lo seven.De.in Affleck. Mrs. Teal- ---------nm RoUerUon, a tl Tvi’in . CARnYOVI Mrs. Clyde Dncon and R. VALE. Ore.,I. Ijolli Jerom e.----- . voirs-ln easierworkers are Mrs. Irving ^ s n water fror , ■ Eden; Mrs. WUUam " “ on but tha 1; Mrs, Ivan Anderson. >>* *«» ‘I'an a n L ierman.' Mrs. Roger ^ = S ^ = oth Filer; Mrs. Robert Jio rm an.H ardnger.-M rs. - T l ;— — • I. Mrs. L. B. H inton. Mrs. I n S F O »ver,-Mra, K. Z . Otto, - , ■ . Mo».». Mrs. Ross Bevan, - ^ s j b s f l l

Docne, U llis O raham ,Bulelltfe. Mrs. M nry HeUMr. and Mrs. Ross Jo h n . C X D e f l 'Id Mrs. T . O. O ray . Mr.: .’Roy Hcndersoit^_HaM| y % w k [ra. Donald YoUtt. M rt.i ' I i k I ner. Mra. O. P. Duvall. I ^ f c l :»nll Lebitron. Mrs; Paul td Mrs. Lou T h o ru n . nil' D l, and Mrs. Haroid Hove.i ■ L

^ • SER idiatorsEW AND USED 23 years tn Irt>lce .ii J icp a ir t^ ' • t p a n s f e i :» Type*~KJnds • BELINES '

f l O N E 6 9 5

LYDE'S M et9 IA T 0 R SH O P D E N T' 3«-O o Tm ek (OpposIUt Are Oor B ustae ti «>. ■<__ t...M . S I M I . . (

r i t A m e r i c a 'S i

6 V o t t t b o n t -

O M Q WL...MxiisiBR... e o - fa a a r—

.. -pi - K t N T U c r t r ^ ^ iIder________^x b m o h t M

g BOUWaON W — ^ W H I 8 K B V

r i t f ■bon! ' I


XLS'. IDMo” ' ■ ■

11 Found IniPaints oil; ■ b«n°K°’M

the bearh ai . __ ' r i ^ br(*en up ea>reigu. I p y

JRK. Sept. J t W — Toy culling ilte ( le In Ja p an and poiuibly tn th ird bAM.

kllHng or liihVinc life- r y.. of Amcrlcnn children n r f , n . . . „)n Mie a t toy co tintrn»g-^ ^ » TIMES- nation, It w asreported to-j ^ ^ ^ ^

lg ot potential d»nB<“r Inl t • * * *.U ~ g ^ n tg n t~ e f-^ tn r—tn i| .r --------^d toys u'lU sent ov rr th c * .«10 30 s ta ts and 3^ city!.* . ' arunents.' i V H i f lt CUy atid «la(e aiul\c<n-|*>

litdependeiil invcsttsa .. JL -:—:day lo detentimp Ht* rx -l t ! danger and take re ine .'t** ifm ceessan’. | > ,Ihoan Id T e iti { *nlng repori wns ^ellt ot'it;*A*■ Quldance council which ossibly deadly palh t waaj {\ routine laborator>- te s ts ,%,♦K’ss considering listing as A led playthings. }Reud. president of thr'% **J Id the te s ts iM rt n o t ^ fl *%Six. toys lesled by four J •

It Isboratorlrs show ed , n t ot pn ln l ranging its per cent In one in jtnncr, \ aboratory's reports were

lower th a n the o thers . ^ lead reaches the blood t

I child i t cnn cnune d ra th . tlenl brnin eftevis. T lie ' |irtm enl snid no tren tm eitl i or its effects. ' V

Toys Listed *1*' icsted '•.'«(« o n t toy «\e^- I Id five m eU l trucks mtd Y Ing from 10 to 13 inches '*>Uld selling for t l a n d S2. > . ture vehicles included a smbuJancp. s SJjcU «}

two Pord cars. Preiid snld ^ ' - . hnd no knowledre ns to ^ I |{|[|||||1le Red, Cross or the lu o .... .

hnd authorltcd u se M S rs and insignia on the £I run by wind-up or fric- ucs.tl>e ctm ntll bought lh e

sit in New Y ork and dors who .manufactured them , a r (rom tradem ark inslg- ihe products of several ■

apanese makers, he said, V

10 R e p o r t e d -Sept. 24 tf t-T h re e - new . , alio, all In eastern Idaho .(ht Idaho's official countir lo 3], compared w ltli s i ^le ilme a 'yen r ago. ^rs reported yesterday were m . ]1a 17-year-old Jefferson 3 I*

>y. A 14-ycar-old C lark s •(<t-«iniL iU Lyetr;0Hl ■ idtOio _________•Tltey brought the m on th 's j

^OVER ANNOUNCED 5re„ Sept. 24 Ifu -R cser-asiem 'O rcgon will e u ro ’ " I' (rom the lfi&7 Irriga tion ith# supply genemlly wUl A

sn g year earlier.________ ^

re's“No------- — ®stitute For a j erience in

ENTAt^r ly PUTEERvicE r ;erlencs represent* ove r Itn the business. ■ — i


cDOW'S S—^NTAL LABSlU Idaho T heatcfi IesboBS N o . - P h . SU

— P E

T i11d f_ L

- p " '

r O lO tM O d

- ^ "

>- M B '. i e x v ^ i

Las PtOOUCTS'CORP« I H l ■ !

Intruder . I<0 ,- Sepl. 24 i.Ti-A base- me among 20 youths on *’" * ‘1 " »fh a t Olsu. hnd to b* up early when a hn isrd ^ * . 'V *LilV ed in Hie Infield; ^ “ ‘ ‘"5.

vhslt-'.•ashed Mhott,Itie diamond from first *'“ *

> • - I A giant cl.

3MES«NEVVa WANT ADS, teet and »eli

p j mNITE -

$ 9 ‘■ I s t h e M i n i m u m I f '

C A c m


TOEiL rH M jljf lH K


A C T U sfj^ e\TWEDN

Stariin.A L L .1c a n ]


l i A c t u s P E f e r ^ i i i : !c?«>«a. Nt»<

J t l - ■' .1

•yfaVeSSKBaiS W TO A C O ^ B V ’ W

u - m m m m m m .

eds. Praised .. ■„KONO'.' t: 34 Wv-lnrtln‘ssldent sa ru a p alli Radhak-; C o l o nleft Peiplng today nder a ,'i s l t ln red China's csiiltal i i ,-•hich ho said he was lm*[ * oy the " s « e t reasonable-' ' the Chinese, p

t c lam ..the world's largest W « -(•].> itsy r ra ch a length of four ® "* w eigh '100 pounda. .—

0 - G 0 1TONIGH

1 0 1 1I f Y o u W i n t h e P o t - 0



flSUHu i n :^ Join the fun -

, W l l- — -------- 5 ^ 1

o p t o A a. All the Big Moi

, it Still in the—------G heih .-.-i ond-*Iie

Not Mony Lel


f r w e d ^

F R I E Ij H l C K I3NESDAY-ting a t 6:00. ^ ■i Y O U W m' ^ E A T ! ■

l ^ h i s X I


5 " D “ o | ! e :l f c » B d d ;_ y « i» e > a o y Of T haiw loya

^< j»v^JAOTOBpsi»:a


-Beat-by-Tat-------^lonial Concrete.Using Wood River Sand and Grovel -

P H 0 N E '4 1 S lire S&H G re e n Stompi

I D F I- ' ' I ;

- 0 - G o l d ' I

r E ' S llilllllllllllllUIIIIIIIllllllllllilillllilH

E ' S I

RlIT!- J- you can | |H ^ I

Aoneythetl iereore-i— - Left

h o u n d T ILAT

I d a y — f :

I h M k

J L L A R - ^ - - - -

^D O LLA ^la'::'

Page 8: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

~ M i s s ~ N e y m a r r r s

■ W e d t o N o r t h c o t f H

I n C h u r c h R i t e s a !K A ILEy. Sept. 34 — Tijft LDS K l

H church WU tho Bccne Of a ’fAll w «lr 0 9 ■ U <llns eaturdnjr evening when JImmIo n i l ' JoU ns .N eym nn 'b tcnm e tha bride

o t ThORiM E. J^orthcatt, .Jr. The . « ■ f l n double ring ceremony w u per-, G o a l u l l Tormcd’ a t 7:30 p. m. by HAroId I I Sm I - ...... B uhler. b lahop.of. U u:H ailey ward I l HU lll In (ho prctence of tome 300 friend* | ^ l M i l «nd reUUvM of the younR couple. H H m i T ho bride w u (iliteti th mftnlaae; | H by he r father, J a m n Neyman. She I H I W l wore » soKf) of ro^epotnt Ince endS H --------luiiji. 'iUft m r rT CTturra n- rm r i treg - * ■B | | panel and a ch ipci trnln Rrneed the s m bacKTThVbOdlU'Ufiii uprlnkKli v lih

I '. ’ peorU end irgulns. H er fioRertlp W B s •' Tell of (illk lllutlon vim cnunlu to a K K !

"cr6w n~ hair:nn t~of'roM poin t-lnce. S ^ - pearU and Mqulns, Her bridnl bou* K T *

Ique t n -u a noM tay of tallKmnn roM's K r ^

- and .-frenehed w hite carnations Mt l;i tulle. R tv ' ’

Mrs. Mnx P o tlr r vnx mntrnn At honor for her AlKter, W ith hrr ycl-

J o w tnffeU ballerinn-lrnitlh 'sow n th e wore m nuhlne’ tullo"mUl.i, n ;1 B H golden head bandeau Inced with yellow tulip nnd cnrrlrd n nounay L m m

. bouquet ot tnlUunan rasebudt, yelIo« frenehed Riadlnlf and w)tlt« cam a- ■ f | | Uons M t In yellow tulle.

Velma W ntti, maid of honor, and M rs. Keith Pnttenon nnd M n. Dnvld ' Patterson. slJiler o f llie hrldecroom, WF-'/ wero brldcwjiftldj. They wore gon'tw, tnlttd nnd bimdenux Identlenl with cL.W’ . thtWo worh By tho mntron ot honor In paatel ahades of sreen, blue nnd pinlc. T heir bouquet* were In mntch* trig ahndea of frenclird RladloU and carnations set In tulte. - Rradun

Elisabeth Ann Neymnn. aUler or In loa - . tho bride, and M ints May Schmidt, In Jun . h e r cousin, were.flower, Klrl.v They nnd Is

wore dreiuies of nlle Rrren ta trcta coiuitri and carried b u k e ts of anowberrlrs xhpj And pink and.tt'h lt« Ahattcred Rind- gimit s loll. U ttle Debbie Newmnn. s itter - , of th# bride, and Jimmy Schmidt carried the rlnRS on lin y henrt- J « >

• -shaped lace pillows decornted wllh forRet-me-nota and elfe rose*.

Tho bride’s m other wore a flecked da rk gray evening ault w llh .blue nc- , , cessorles. The bridegroom’s m other *■ wore a blue dreas with rhinestone i tr im . Bolh wore corsages of pink . eUe rose* and .leathe red pink i

'•• • - gladioli.......... Lawrence Peak attended N orth-

eo lt u best man, U shen w ere K eith .Iilii P a tK rw n . Jack O 'D onnell, Jr,, sn d *Ig ' Z>ennls~Johnson. LltUi19 Ja y l ^ l e s , soloist, accom- waking

1^ ponied by Mrs. Fowles a t the 'plahb.' «ometh > - ' Immediately following th e wedding hands

rfl* ''cetem cm y a .reception wr* htW In « i ih « tho church. M n . Velva Jones, Mr. weary

ii a n d M n . TIoyd M arsh tn d Mrs. hnleep

WUma Buhler w ere reception as* they r . tls ton tc . Mrs. Leo Rice w as hostess, grown

eharsB ot the guest book.' M rs, Bher- try. I l m an Young, K n , Von Poller, Mr*, are yc B a r t 'W right and M n . C arl Worth* youth i IngtoQ presided over the g if t Ubles. » u M rs. Jam es Schm idt, M n . L aO rand unn n Young. Mr*. Russell W earer aod ^ w l n M rs. U nils eUTcns served.

T h e refreahm ent table w as covered v l th a Uaux cloth o f hand-cu t work and w as cenU red with t h a brlde'a i.'S fuJ

candelabra, a s th iw ddln* annlver- “ sa ry s« U e ( th# brtde'a p a n a ts ,

. graced each end o f th# U ble.I t jo church waa decorated with

ta ll baakeU of yellow h n d w hlta ” chry»anthemum*, Riant yellow snap- d n s o n a and yellow a n d white gladlolL n rap w y bouqueU wsre of y e U o irn a p < lra f fa n a ^ -p o (n ia e tH i huckelberry. Low arrangem ent o t ° chrysanlhem um a a a d gladioli deco- ra t«d th a piano . and flreplac*

. ”SS?’w u ,p HTellowstona natlonU p a rk , ih e brtda wore • black tweed ault w ith ttlack acceasorie* w ith tho talism an ■ roaebud center of h e r b ridal bouquet a s h e r corsage.

T h e new Mrs. K orthcott w aa •

M a r i a n M a r t i n “

P a t t e r n

O ^ .

m \

1IALF.81ZE BTinLE •W ith our new printed pattern.

- aewloR btoomea a pleasure.for short- —_ _ jx »am H :r.tlgu re» l,T h ls rtr^.ia assuraa ~ ^ . ■ -* -p c rfe c t - fit—wotuierful flattaryl

Q niceful aklrt, sew*euy tueks,'— --------- P rW « a-p S lttn rO M 5 :-H a U ilses "

14H. lOH. 18^ , 3 0 4 ,32S, 34H, 99H,.S l to 104 requires 3 !i yarda St-Inch Xabrlc. • - —

P rin ted directions 6n cnch pattern p a r t Easier, accurate. .

. ._S tnd39cent« '(eo ln*) fo r th lsp aU . ' tenv^-add-flve cen ts for each p a t-

te rn Jor u ra ^ iia s s msumK, Sencl to M ariao M artin , caro.of Tlmee-Netk-s. p a tle ro deparCment, 333 .W est 18lh a treet, New. York : i , N. Y. P r in t pla inly nam e, addresi wlt^t cone. m

I - alxo a M style num ber. | ^ H |

1 ■.' ; pA.eE EIGHT

V o w s E x c h g n g e d

W- ' A t J . _„L1M R. AND MBS. THOMAS E, i

la taff engravhi

idunted from lUlley hish school of th 10A7. N orthco tt w u gradunUd cn ri

June from Bellevue high wliool d Is employed by the Bod Peak pKnin luilrucUon compnny. ' Mnrnrhpy will m ake Ihelr home a t Uie mut, na apartm enU In Bellevue. Maho > tuo r* low n guests Included V. Albloi Neymnn, Albion, the brlclfs pa* t" * ;,

Tinl g rnnd fa the r; Mr. nnd Mrs. D, Pny‘‘l Hendry. Jerome, tier mnlemal Tlie

m riparcnts; Mrs, Jnhe Winter*, nuptli rke. m o th e r of Uie bridegroom: Walts s. Divvld Patterson, l^ lse , sister week.

Care of YourBy A N G E L O P/

:,UUe ch ild ren are active every m ust, king m om ent. They musl be doing Uilng ne lh lng -w tth-anns-and-legs-and I"™ ' nds, th e ir tongUM keeping tim e aeepn

every movement their. nry m otheni wish Uiey would fnll o eep for a few minutes so th a l *>■ • •y m ight have a brief relief. No iwn peraon can keep up to a t •IVlKi! yftU hgllir sHS hitte-slioinff

I t Is a good thing U u t mothers .^ he I younger these days for only i th c>n cope w lth«u^ acU v lty . * « r l :t is essential, Ui'u c ^ U n t mo* n. The ch ild ren are e ^ a g e d In iwlng a n d .developing Uielr bodies “ " “J 1 minds. In ste ad of frowning upon Ilr curloaity, the ir .-geUtng tnlo irythlng.'* wa ahould provide for wllh a s m uch margin o t relief for ^ j o o U ^ j ^ ^ o o * l s l e n t _ w i l h ^

rhe ch ild ren need obleeU to do on i TisUiIng w ith 'a n d Uie household hour ulpm ent o ften furnishes Just w hat j h # 'l ey need. A Un pan and a spoon, hla n: n a old-sty le cloUtes pins? (Uie (a tht sp*on ones a re dangerous to Uny the h igers)—* neat of boxes, a rag mnih II. S low bench light enough to sh o i ca rry about. Stich odds and ^ wt ds n*lU-amuse a busy child and tn d j ow-niitt~th»"«ensory experiences i heeda. \ti,The ap an o t attenUon In thesa lit- > onea la a ho rt so their m others luns;


AB e a u t i f u l ■

— Sw Jf^:----------------------------------- 1- S c r o » -------------

C O L O R S : . . IB « ig«S a n d a lw o o d

— N u tr ia

LeesS P A R K L E T U F T

W ith R u b b 6 ^ .

------------- P o d - ln s h j l lo d j___________

8.95- S q r Y d .------- ---------

B u d g e t T e r m s - 3 6 M e

I M j C S ! !

3 d i n ~ H a i l e y — ■: F | ^

T he tl U n Woi

m eet al M6Mllla G roup t

nue eas'the hon' of Uie a t the h

' ' H | | i 2J l ^ l ' x o s

dinner home Jerome, to.' brln scrvice. drive on easl anc n o rlh «l

club fnll sem th e (or d in n e r « a mceilr 'memben


1 Browngram.

MB, N O R 'n iC O T T, JR . , of l^o , jvtag)__________ ;_______________ _

the bridegroom: Mr. and Mn, tr l W orlhinRton and Mr. and chrL\t rs. B e r t Wright. Jerom e; Mrx, th e Vn msy sch roeder nnd Mrs. Jnmes gpon.ior nrtln . S a l t Lake City: Vlrgll Ney- Salurda' u>. W rangell, Alaska; Afrjt. Oaila souUi. ahoney and Lawrence Mahoney, blon: M r. and Mrs. Leo n ice and Mnry rs. Ja m ea Schmidt. Ooodlng snd 1:30 p,n lyllls Ju d y , Cnrey. • of Mrs.Tlie b ride wn-n honored a l a pre- apartm e iptlnl ahnwer given by Velma a lts a n d Mrs, Oladys Young lu l K A f^ •«

—— ... — — I Fo r Children ’ mnrrlaRi

P A T R I ......................... ‘u " i b .*i i . . . ■ I I deni, an

uat. expec t to see them drop the Jam es F Ing th e y aro playing w ith and received m to som ething else. T h is mesns T he v

h.rirty SUPerlOt also m ean* an e ffo rt to keep bu l V t m t t

le or tw o playthings on the floor . a Ume. A piny pen.com es In *'‘” - indy a* th e toys can be kept In ^le place and changed as needed, at-la -m ore '.enslly- lh sn ' otherwlter- aniploye There .la .no th ing easy aboul thU sge of chlldliood’s growth. I t is ‘;arlng on the m others «nd they ust, fo r the sake of the chlldten. id fo r themselves and the ir hua- ,nds, ta k e Ume o u t fo r rest. Tills A j ay ba in th e sh sp e o f a nap.aw nlk. vtsll w ith a friend. U klng Uie child r d e n ong .o t_coune. I f he will Uke a T -a ., ci ip th a t U fln's‘T>ul'tf-heTTOn'l-he Pruiihrt* in ’t a n d the m olher m ust safe* tn>i lanl-herttm am aT ierhealU fsO ffle:>W. T her* U always a way.O ne WW la to taUW lah the quiet ••chrlst< VU. U sually UiU comes.after lunch, ru, baby U trained to sleep after S iSuQ n a m eal a n d If th is can be carried munltv I the u m e when he is running about n i.e k a le house I t will be a g rea t help to p t a t oUier a n d child. Looking ahead . thia U m e and preparing for It Is -rh* „

wise precauUon agaln st 'ls tlgue i .> th Td i u siUled difficulties. ^ y i o rl( » a w»nt m r h»b» In (im > rftnfij^nt* ”. . T i n s T . s :: :»nS." latluJ«« Ui» w r . t o h«ndt« chit- HuUoci (i

i s a x s o L y — L e e ^

A------------------------ - - ■ I


- A llAonths To Poyl


KS B L D G .. .................. TV


o d a i X q l e n d d f - l

le four grou(>» of the Presbyter* . . iWomen's association will meet Ip jn , Thursdsy. Oroup one will '

t a t the home of M rs..B ruce _llllan , i m Poplar, avenue. ^up two will meel a t the home of '. J . P. Johnston. I3« NlnUi ave- ™ ‘ east. Oroup Uiree will m eet a t

home of Mrs, Boaer U w ls. west h e city. Oroup four will, meethehom eof-M rs. W iliu^am pson Mr*.VddisoD avenue easu Paulln

* * * M r. a i 0 8 elub will meet for a poUuck Cracki ler a l I. p,m. T hursday a t the L.' O. le or Mrs, Howard C h o s t ' In r o r ;SerTho.ie“ » lte nd lng-are-uked aecora brlns covered d ish and Uble gi»dlol lee, To Ret to Mrs, Choal's home formei e one mile nonlTor Jerom e, tu rn „ p u o .and 11 I* the first house on Uie provld

,h side of-Uie road.------------------- and'JM■ * * * The

Mts and BusUcs Square dsnce ^ver i will hold IU f irs t dance of Uie q u m -

sesion a t 0 p.m. Wednesdsy a t , former "N" d u b . . A ' poUuck

ler will be served a t l.p-m . w ith ijimio. ceilnit and election to follow. All ^ ibera are-ursed-to-attend.- • -

jodwill club will meel a f 3 p.m, “ j ™ inesday « i Uie *om e of Mrs. ard Ehresman. , 380 Plllmore ‘5 • :t. Boll cnll will be a harvest S L ? " iBRC exchange, Mrs. Hsrold vn vbill be In charge of the pro*

"■ * « «, MnrUins guild of the Church ‘*f,! ho Ascension will m eet a t B p. “ V, 'L" n iursday a t Uie home of Mra.,ellB Miller, 303 FlfUi avenue

■ It. - If if ir t\tian Women'a Fellowship ot

Vnlley ChrlsU an-.church will ,* ‘'® uor a rummnije sale Fridny snd jrday a t 337 Shoshone street

*'■ « » : w <1«* 'nrif Davis Art club will m eel a l

p,m, Wednesday a l the home Mrs. sesa Honey a t the SUte

, , , S S

□ r r i a g e T o l d o f j j » ; "

F o r m e r R e s i d e n tMLEY, Sepu 34—News of the o( th# rlage of Joanne Seymour. daughT eelved of Mrs. Clyde L . Wilson. Mon- ^ rra lo. tJU h, form er Hniley resl*.. and John Seymour. Kellogg, to jPgji,, es p. Hebert of Mullnn. Ida., was . . . . . i Ived here Uils week by friends. p „ |^ . le wedding was held SepU 1 a t tr ior. Mont., a n d Uie couple ^ g i

; and John chrlstopherson. Mul-

he new Mrs. H ebert is a gmrtu- ' of Hniley high .school nnd Is et^e^th

pa iiy. 'Wallace. T h a couple wll* a t Kellogg. • ,

* I Klmb*I s c u s s i o n - H e l d

A t E d e n M e e t i n gJEN .Sepl. 24—T h ep m iec t. "The ephon It Coin,” -wu discussed when the ^ byterian-W om en'a-organiia tloa . jM t_w eek jil.U ie_cliu rc li_w U h — r ;, Ira Hayes u hostess. •le topio of th e lesson ■ w u rlsts W ay Every Day tn the i imunlly.** A t the b tulneas session g lUons of th e church and com- ^ illy, were discussed. Mrs. Donald :k gave a U lk on the Valley I. T he meeUng w u closed wlUi itlonals by Mrs. Ouy Dixon.le next meetlng.KlU be.held Oct. ____; the church w ith Mra. H. L. lor u program chairm an.

, To «bu1a k^epr. atai IS e*nU Iti

? s . - —

Lees1 0 0 %

AUt. WOOL Le ClairITe^gular 1 4 .9 5 '

w ith r u b b e r p o d _____I n s to llc d . . _____

f ^

. T h U o f f e r UG o o d o n l y i— ^

w h i l e p r e s e n t s t o c k l a s t s :

j Klsi

^ _

^ N YT W I N FA L L S ■ -

<r f a l l s ; Id a h o

i e c e p t i b r i F e t e s ” “

I n T e m p l e R i t e s BK m S E R L Y . Sept. 3 t - A r ice p - W i >n Pridny n igh t In Uie K Im berty m m ard LDS church honored Mr. and I B rs. Lee R . MeCrscken w ho were arrlcd in a double ring ceremony H tiursday afiem ooa m th e LDS H mple a t Logan.Mr*. McCracken, the . form er lullne Crane. U the slau gh te r of r . and Mrs. Ralph O, C rane. Me- racken U th e aon. of Mr. a n d Mrs.: D . M cCracken. Twin PalU . ' ■ P ^ t h e recepUon. the church w u ■ xb rated wjUi arraogementg of adloll and u t « n and a w hite arch ^ B 'R ned-the background for the re* ^ B

•ovlded_by’ Rulh_S tanger_H ansea, - H id 'M arg le Davenport. Boise.T h e .b r id e wore a gown of laee ’cr u U n . I t was styled w ith a B E ueen Ann collar. Illy point sleeves B Id the bouffant laee sk ir t w u H ahloned of Isyen of ruffles. H er ' H usion sheer ve ll-w u a ttached to ^ B small crown accented w ith ’ ae^d ^ B

raH a.'She ca iT l^ a~'whlte orchid H H iclrcled w ith pink rosebuds,' > KJo a n C rane, maid ot honor for her ster. wore a baller1na*length gown M g

deep pink chiffon. Veon H ansen, f f g win Falls, Carma Crane, sister of ^ le bride, -and Colleen H utchinson ere brIdcsmMds, Miss H ansen's m ffnni ballerlnn-length gown was -

deep pink net: Miss C rane's was : ligh t pink chiffon and Miss utehlnson's w u of llghl pink net.II carried bouqueu of rose u le rs ed w ith p ink net.Ronald c a r te r . Suht. aerved u '< rst man.T he bride’s moUier chose a two- ece lavender dress wllh m atching , ^ ceuories-for the reception. The Pf,-* o the r of U e bridegroom selected a /.r irk blue lace dress %'lth compll* tV 'J .enUng actessorlts. BoVh •Kcie co i- f J iges of rose and white eamnUons. t ;., Russell Jensen w u m u te r of rremonles fo r the program. Vivian avenport, Boise, sang, "Because Kf. ou're m ine" and "Desert Song" and f?/'. onald CarWr, Buhl, sang, "Be* .-uj use," ^ M elba WhUUe was In charge of e guest book. Lesley Crane, sister

the bride, and Kay M organ-re­ived -the ___A rranging the g ifu were' Norma ^an Fisher. Diane Punke. Twin . D Uis. and Lois Oresson. Serving ' pre Mrs, Oeorge W lrschlng, Twin BU >lls; M n, F tank K arsh^ Mrs. Hudii >hn E. Pranks. Oa&ley. and Mra. lowsV 1 SU stny, M urUugh, T hey were caver

e»..>v,y M lf - T"»'’U jerlte Pranks. Oakley.Aa a '^ v e l l n g ensemble the new Irs. McCracken chose a black vae<t leath-dress w ith paten t leather ae- hostr a s o n e s - in d th B -w n ttro re n n r tro m er bridal bouquet. ‘ 'T he bride was graduated from ; Jmberly hISh .school In -lOSS and h e

employed by M ounUln S U tes Slrai elephone and Telegraph company I Tw in Falls. The bridegroom Is by V< nploj-ed u a foreman by th e te l- Joan jhone company In Twin Pall*. # . Hans Pre-nupUal evenU honoring ' the by ^

ride were » kitchen shower given bride

C ^ lia m p a ^ n eS P A R K L I N G

F d r f

.. ■ "Cl' ~ E o c h

- -'Marry; in: Logan

■ p f ~

^ / ' I*

V '

p i : < , r ’H

: MR. ANP MBS. LER I (Album photo—ttafi

Pictures Shown leveBUHU SepU 34 — Mr*. Leland “

Hudion presehUd pictures of Yel- lowstont naUonal paVk and Carlsbad caverns a l-th e Thursday afU m oonTn««nn» nf j'fi f *‘ vb. -—

Roll call was answered with a description of a U-|p U ken . during vacittlon. Mrs. Earl D unbar wns

^ .V ------------------------M1S5 18 FETED

HEYBURN, S e p t ' 34—Mra. Jack Strauss enterUlned a t a birthday

by Veon Hansen, Diane P m nks and Joan Crane a t the home of Miss Hansen, and a bridal show er given by Mrs. RuUi Rogers.* a u n t of the bridegroom. ln_T w ln_l^l8,____________

ne ejCadi

W e h a v e j u s t r e c e i v c c

e s i n s p i r e d b y t h e L a w

— ,— i n - i ' i c h e m b r o i d e r e d - c r

l e c t i o n n o w .


"CHAMPAGNE LADSach dress carrica the "ChampnRii ajr with a mcssnRC from Lnwreiici 3H this tag, mail to 'Lawrence \V Mi Rutogrnphed’ pictur# and » pla current recordings. -

~ ^ 'S p a r /c l in g -F a J s l i in i t ^ ■ w i t h i h e J la i r f c

h y th e i i ic o m p a r a l f i t t i n g d i a t t h e y be Ini

' a i id lh e h o lid

- - - Y o g r s

■ ■ .TUESD

n . LDS'TempIe . (

• ^ B M 'i n T r T P I f I 11 b

S s

- ^ ^ B B w f W f f l g H f ' ' ' 1'- ^ - 1

f S — -ll


- V W '

EB R. McCKACKENiU ff cngravlngl_____________________S

party of gnmes and dancing Pridny « evening Ior her daughter, Elelna, on -her 15Ui anniversary.___________ F

H o w t o R e d ' " " S w e l l in g

[ ~-with home i--------

lonure of simple pllea a t home. I t 's ealled 's taln iess Faxo*, and

< brought (nifont relle/ In docwr a / Usts: InUmal and external relief I

No other preparation offers such , proof of results. M any who suf** lered foryearsnow enjoy realcom- » fort. Here's why. Paso combines fl 1 medically-proved ingredients. In- e «Tndmatk«t Grera UboraUrlM,



Lawreiv e d th e n e w c o l l e c t i o n o f " C

.a w r e n c G W e lk T V s h o w . F a !

- c r e p e s r s a t i n s - a n d v e l v e t s . - l

n^ENEXCEIXEFR^(Three Ktyte.i In h a lf sizcR ,nnd

T he flame liresse.s you 'scc mode Champagne Lnily in th e Lawxc:

\D Y " LABELSinRne L idy" label nnd a hnn^r ence Welk,.Fill in y o u r name, i Wclk and you will rece ive plastic record o f one o f h is - •

to v " - ia yn u ys . . . s e e ' t h e s e n »' f o r Ja il c lc fja n cc o f f a s h i o n i. n 'ablc w m ic n f L a io r e n e e W e \

In ihb ly , U yh t i n m o o d , s p i r i t

M d a y s ahead .

r s t o d a y o r t o l a y a w o y o l

C o u p l e M a r r i e d

; I r i T e m p l e R itp ,

7 H o n o r e d a t Fw<k DECLO. Sept, 24-M . , , '? Paul Egbert were honr.lS'’ >14 wedding reception Snium.Vvr,.’; jJ Uie home ot Mr. nnd j D arrlngton wUh Uie brid, , a M r . . M M n . p T O P , S S “ »

The couple was m.irriej f,i, the I^ g n a LDS temple ^ | O M « e luymond

They were acsompanita ^ temple by tlie bride's bridegroom's motlier, \ u ^ \ - Egbert: Vern Esbert, bfoidf,

- brldegroom.-and-M rranaTj;,'^ron , M oort and Mr. *ntt Schrunk. brothcf»v,„.,„« ters of the bridegroom. >|i .

- Ujn=-^-------- ----------- '-------F o rh e r wedding snd rectpiia,

former Florence Penrod tK w hite nylon organdy ko»ti Ina length, over while tnfieu » loned with a- hlsli nfckline . buttons down tlie b.tci; 'ii].'- sleeves and a plenleil cuinmK?Her finger-lip veil ol nei m , ,

. ln-PlRce„wlth_a.»wtcUieArLu»..orange blossoms, Slie wore • of pltik ro&cs. “*

.A ttending Uie brldt l a i te r, Cliarlcne Penrod, ui,o green net ballerinn-lriisiii

' a pink carnation cor^^ise. u , . Penrod, brother of the briiit'. forrted the duties of best 11111

Mrs. Penrod chose for her <1. ter's recepUon a nylon iqui ,> noon dress w ith white scccb and a pink cnmntlon corstEt

T he D nrrington home l u 1 rated with b.iskets of pjcj w hite glndloll, Tlie tlirtt weddlsg cnke wns placed on«i covered tnble on a mirror siun ed by pink rosc.^ and pink T he cake wn.i ci:t and jertrt punch by Mrs. Joaeph Preit«i Leroy D arrlngton and Mn. Kj Wood. Mrs. Pred Pre.Mon mj E arl Cobbley were Iri cliar» gift room, Charlene Ptnrod, j of the bride, attended tiie i book.

Out-of*tovm guesU w rrt U.'Mrs. Byron Moore and Uj.Mra, M. Schrenk, Preston.

T he form er Mias Penrod Ui grnduaU of the Declo high a

— A fter a short trip tha nerKi nv will make Uielr home in Prou la, # ¥ ♦


id u c e P a in fu l ig o f P i le sl e m e d i c a t i o n 'm- eluding wonderful Trlolyt*. 1

ne. p ile ’prepara tlon. This atuand substance h u remarkable cuir's fftetlc acUon lh a t stopi p ib iefi Itch ing in ifon (lir .,.w h lli I

S* the** iwelUng, p r^ e tln gm- Oel new sUlnless Pawj. Was fl *UlncloUies.Modemsupp(uitcrIn- or ointment both a t dniniiuiorlM, Ise. OlBlBtBt u d 6a»p«lterW

J ( f c t o / i f r 0


Slice Well' " C h a m p a g n e L a d y ” D r J ( F a l l ’s n e w e s t r a d ia n t slfl s . - M a k e - y o u r g l a m o r o u iB - ’

m d 7 sty les in 12 to 20 r i lodeled by flinRcr Alice Los w ri^n rn W nHcShow.



--- ;------------- --------------

^e w o n d e r fu l 'd r c s s e s - - - ^

m i n s p i r e d 'WelJc. I t i i o n ly i r i t e d f o r p a r t i e s

_ •- ■ ------- £ 4 .

' a t -


Page 9: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

y a r n e d G h a m

I n S t a t e T r i a

t i i i t S e n t , 2 4 - S l i * » lV p . »b y R u lo n E y c r t o n : , ^ w m 1

“ iS l in In t h '‘S S d o v s r th e W M k-ond by . t h e I d n h o “ S n " T h u tw o ^ la y o v o n f w a s concluig w g i . ■• ------C a m p F a r m

p . -r- q u i a . O th e r i— - I - M M f t ! ^ d u r in j the mo

u J m X i i i r \ w J / m *<■ by Jim no

■ v f * ■ •V i " • . owned b r Lom ■ ^ a O » C B - u u q u * , Explorer Seoul

_____ _ . LaUMna ne r_«id_A cc«____________ i;* |{‘ }f? i: ! owned .bx te n

_____— l i )!I ” 1 ’.m ftdjudged the iAi«« —— ------ ir< i«» j»* *M AftioclaUon pST1Z7-_____" * !J1 t u ‘>’e3 » --- --------- 1 ! ! J _ J i - ___ “ Il m'wt

IK l i t tfO »M In th it aren, Tt---------------- and-the-good-tt

^ m iM »« very l « t e w aikr ^ •— - m »i i5* **• Aiken u ld0 ,—— -------;;;;ii4i UI i«< < » sam e depurUne£ * ; r ^ : : : : ; — ii; }» '}*; «> vw ins u phe*-3! ! ? ^ - — ------ ■'* J l ! J l i J ! f o th e r winne

■_ •!» i n *»’ **>« Hambone,I«ui« -------- --------- t«rw orth. M»itr

Ty*on'« PlyInKi ^ r ---------------f i l T , *1 BuH tlo. Pocau• f i S . ' I I i r , — MS i» ** I n Ihe 6ti

-------------- iJ* }‘J J*1 J! Polnllnc Dand------------t l III IS* U Blalte, Paul, I

. -----------— •— — - — aecond: and D______________ " • T** *“ * Bob«rU, Burlt;

tu A ll-ise p oa4k.» — -----------J ,, 4f 4H Bftbe'» OnljT I

----------■» >5* ,J „T 8 . C. Beard,----------IU i*» M « • rivor-4 vnitgi

— -------- i Hi t J Ml O . D. Aiken, P„ ,m u ~ -------- n « n » c r-« p lr

___________11* »» M» wa» Don'ji no<, by Dick Tucke

J l , . . .......... ..... _ 1M IM 10* »i» p lace w ent to_________I'O }<» «*» owned by Lenn

1 ____ r--------- J; joi 111 « tt Aiken report------------ -----ltl IIT iR« »« tlon meet will

I2 y _ _ _ ______ ua H9 iM *M week*«t\d k l 'i i i i . "IT« MIT Trem onton, Utr ^ u -------• » « » he ld a t Blickf

in n » «« ■ Judgea Jor UU'JJJ'__________n i 117 i»* M* Greener, Burlt■UM---------------- jJ! IjJ IJJ {{J plea: Rulon Ev("^tj;;------ U Z H i H » • * « '*11 cron , Rupert, dl

....... ....- ___m t:« iiio «n over, PocnKlio- E J s ; s s J S “ s

M«tbWlil....................... .............

----------l ' l Ul U9 *n MANAGUA.■££4^^ . - T ~ r i M i»« }»» Ul im -T h a SenUI.n, MK*tii«ir-------- in IM IM e ldc cooal leigi

tm i i------------- _2!I J l i . ___ American tour........... -ii« «4 112 J i l l Victory over •

■‘' “'‘• ^ ' i w r 'w u u r -------------------K «H b#im »iH n........... ....."u ? iiM S S i ” wJnnlns pltchei

m i ____ .Z„.;-IM in IIJ * M ----------------------*Wfl________in 1*1 It* <«» V

■•M ------------- !!J }” |» f *” IlnnrtlctP .. ........*W --------— — »« n i 191 »»■ A. Monro* .........iw k ---------------»<7 *11 I J * »«» w. *‘jIT'i?*"

MBSCflANTS I.BACOB • p. ” Tu« ' ----Z -IrrwU* A Wtlk«r

i£ u h i l z z r ™ m II* t«K “ » n .

s = = g i n ! ^ ^ £ S i s t ' E

- r . t r i i S . ............ »•iuik>» _________V n 71 JJI w , . , .m \ t ------ ----------Itj 111 UK t«t ---------■;

.......... ...." H U \ \ \ !5i u i n « -» I*1!^ . , —ip 141 i<* «u n»B^i{ji»

T rtib------— • *«i »Ji « io Jf; ‘.!_Zoktr • ----------

' ' & r r z z : z { M jS? ] « J5! ‘■’o u i . :_____} « }SS. J il — ■

i.ilfSr * j“ }J2 « t r ~——..... ........... ,!m ■»« T lz m i '.“ 7,*"“ — — ■■

t . — = •^o“ '* z z r z ;

c f T t ' ' --------------“ ” »»» ” • M lailisippl qiS i i -------------- -*J « n i }*• Brow n led Uie

• "*“ ------------- '" _ l ! ! e n c e la paa»ln------ ------- m t u lia t J«« Plet«d 40 paiie

- Times-News

GRipCASTiNGCOI. ________ H o5p le '* .: . '_ . : . . . .T o n r .C h a

Qwoet . Cfiolea '

«k - Colgftt* •Cornell • I 4.8 , ....

Nolrt D»m« . Purdua—!tP u rd ta ----------------11.,t - ■■ ■ ■„. ,

------------------, Lehl 7.5 • _____________' ] ^ n l f t Ouka

•I Dukfl 21-14 --------------------Idaho a t A ri» n » .Arltona, - t M i^........................ . ^

^ 3 e ta tc K a n m 8 t» t«« BYU 35-18 -----------------

w«MnRUin M lnnew U i« M ln n e « l* 37.13 _____ ________ _W itoniift a t W aahlnaton S U U

’’“ f'inRion e u t e a j-i# ............. «... _J/lfh Colorado -Colorado •. jl .jO ....^fbraaka • , Army« Army IS.7 _____________

— ______ __

---------------^ -

Orin"*’ • P^tt^burBh___ ° « s_on • : as. i i --------------W ahb S U U

- -----------------21,14_____________________

^ A i S L -

.J '™ ™ J m m .Burley aa.IS • _____________

ft's. s - . ____.........

. : . . .

Na m e ________ ' ■'• .'

a d o h e s s ' ■ •

■.CR»— . ■ '- | I ;• ■ - ;

,(plCM8. p ^ t > - —

( ^ W e a m uat u ^ t m a r k e d ' or deUvc w * T ta t a - K m o*U o tt»ror« DOoaP:

- F 0 0 Ir r e g ’Car-oW E n s l i . * „Ul F a l l s , w a a n a m e d ^■nnunl f a l l f ie ld t r i n l s \ j r r O :ih o S t a t e F i e ld T r i a li t iu c te d on th e S . A . amo

w n n s tlm im n . p i i , “ I*

w t auccfMfui to be held

M th , , u i . ,m .n a s s r i ; ; ™ ;

In t h , p„p„y run ^)one, owned by Bert B u t- dictpd ih l rfaima. Utah, wcond. and ch

>’‘« ' ‘* ' w«"l

derby’ nina.’ Minidoka ’ "n'lewmij'D )andy, owned , by R onald E d .„ i Jl, Paul Explorer Scout. “ ?AnVln «

Bm ch, p .n ,d h). Jlm

pou p • runner-up waa lo . tW n !.ly One, owned by Dr,

n ? ;,.1 -"Iv n ilw d o t;1 Pi’ l*"rd, la -lli» touti i>

JP In the Run dog dlvlalon Honor.hi. S Rocket .Chiqulta, owned ^ ^

Ucker, Ofden. and th ird ^ °; to W ar Pilot's Ooldle. I

iported another aasocla- F i l e s !will be conducted thU l NEW YOR

n l KontW VftHty. n earl Interoatlontil . Utah. Another will be] nounced Mot ackloot Oct. 6 and 6. I U. s . bureauor the trla ta' were Byr'on hnd Jlltd a n Jurley, and Aiken, pup-j SuRnr R ay 'I 1 Everiottand Dean Cam-{ to tSH,aio, IIrt. derble*: Clyde Schoon. aented Incom KHo. and Cameron, nil-1 nolle# »a.i cp iciioonover and O w endo-' Hen,Burley, gun 'doga. Roblnnon'a

---------------- night'* Hgtit

UA. N icaragua, Sept, 34 -aourcei inc' laUIe Ralnlera of the P a - m te, nidlo 1 leigu# opened the ir SouUi h id two .tIU tour Sunday with a 6-4 Fullmer In IS :V a N icarasuan alU aU r I iM T B i« -F n a n iin i. 's r tn f "

-----------------------------B r a v e i

I ; ! i | i H j C a r d s

E E E | i J J f i i i W i n P

...S! n l “ 1 leagMB pennai" :™ " Z u 4 M i« tot H ank Aaron h---------- -J‘2. I!i J ;; the n th Innlr

______________ nerup St. Loul— ------- TH I t l HI J t i i ' Aaron-a 43rd. . L .- W ,« c ^ i ^ bSl________ lai :o* ies s ti 928 partlaaa------------- j«J 111 IM MO I, g.gsD

— ...... i” , , , } | | 41J with live gami-------------ltl I t t j i t m Aarons’ drat------------J » i J H „ l,„ ^ u j.„ -a :

.... ,r-«t i t t m i« » *lnee the eluidak* r t w t Boston In IflJ

................. ,*• by Johnny Lo.

.. ......... .... i « llo it» t n l-ouls pitcher,-------------|1‘ 1” **' The acore hi--— ... --'{JS , 1, iJj 100 aeventh innlni■■ -----------------------in which start................ Ml »*t 11* *»K Card reliefer

,1 quarterback Raym ond “the Southeaatem confer- M io i in 1958. He com- ,1 . ^ . . r K i

W tid for a pli Aaron ama

- pitch to him ____ ___ cenUr field fei

pNTEST £U,a.;'n i o l f ' g e o f • J ! ___

__________ •_________ 1 • . n

eiivertd to - a P r ld * ;^

_ ■ . , . y- . T I M K S - N

3tball Ties am oans From Pem j s i h y s i ; ' ; . , r r s

raah lm i.ltn f plncfs so to * i"Pfd in nil llio 'litchtlrld; Clilfoii

" 7 Ifl lorrirli the w lii.fFallj; Evrrflt'.Mar!.1 Sabala. BcUtvu-

«'»! prrriicilon*. wiiich'n ld n , w inon E iMion «ncl furtiier ntudy.: pc irlcu predicler*

»>e t>cmr,»,ihi* arnnd coniPM .. „ . •"iniluctfd on Jan.■ v l r Pfriions In! w ith thn bonus • \«i,ry had be lirr In .jo u i.n f the «ay. 1

m yw lf Ihli week's predict I

",‘' ‘^ < ^ ta u B h . M w xfd Ziia.i#Mnn form inm l.wlnc c / u*0 Uf* brtwern MLwourl- I l h■ »nd WaaiilnBion-Colo- S J — n. Hut tv fn (ijiinundlnR ^ / V »*fy «llh which he p r c ^« * f . It wnn h ^ nblliiv ^t h ^ *corp» th a t mnde / > ^ :

«»>y winner nnd he will | p /I tM US» elloruv , ”S \ V, ( _id pl«e W0.1 Jlm K napp. S r iI Did not prt>vc Qullc a.i • f M _ 1 score predicting ns Toll'- ' " n X v mTfk 'rr, my ijiickers are nrnd- I ,» to UiB leading prog- ^ K - - J | K 5 of Eden, Tlilrd place and - be /orwardcd pw i-hnsle Pean, JJurJe}-, u’fto likr- 1 onlv Die ties, b u t failed li polnl column.Is mrnilons th is week go■ Ollleaple, Rupert, nnd 100 PER CE^

L i e n i O n l v !'ORK, Bept. 24 I f l -T lif i V ' J * nnn) Boxing club nn-MondAv night th n t the — .cau of inienial revenue I 5 1 O T Ga notice of levy nRnln.il * ' * ' 0 •

ly'Robln.wn amounting , ,0, II said I4D7.435 repre- U lU ltc rs pliUllcome lax for 1057. TJie m u.st o b ta in ths enJled an anticipatory ;d e p a r tm c ii t o r '

.«■. p«n» I . r JW na.ylilt With Cormen Bnaiilo ;M a rm n KhOtlC.S.

including thenier-TV. i^fam c d e p n rtm c lo and movie*. He alao nn m n n«Wrpq-i . •tlUe flghU w ith o en e n 1J57. b e r o f '1 9 5 7 lice

I i l i ro c t to th e e jgaTno rtcpnTlm c

' p c I I l 'r k 'T k 1^10 tag isusunl manner, Rh

I ^ ^ License vendorsa Z L V ndjnccnl to the

hunts also handle ond-deer tag. The;

M A n i l o i i f - Ornndvlev„Jilount r t ^ n i i a i l l us. smmon; MeCal n r r e C.M I J in Orncc. PrcjUJKEE, S«pt.-a4- MW-Tho H avenrst. Charles. .S O U L J ^ n U ia U f i i lA l Sptiaga-and-Erttd inan t Monday n igh t as The Iwo-deer hi n h it > ICT.nin hom er In J " !»• “

s S c “. , r . £ t l a ” t S 'd , ?u r t homer ol Oio . to io n S o 'S u U i r u V '

■.”.m ‘ “ . r , l r 5 S 'C .!5 . ' “ >• ■" j l i L _

jramatlc blow, p ^ u c ln g B a s e b a l l ^a f l r a t ciiBmplonahlp nationai.elub moved here from j , r^u,,1853, followed a alngle iiii-.uVM ":...-...aiLogan off the Uilrd St. Miifii.. jackt^n c i

ler, Billy M uffetu ?r.nj.,le had been tied front the — •nlng of a tense contest ' amkhicanta ru r Lew Burdetto nnd chicu# --------------fer Larry' Jackson had ^ity — —in a brUUlng moun_d duel. {i“ «< ■le r ot this historic" som e K«iiii»r. Tmci* i»i, lUA Oene CorUey. who D“7'*“; <•> »■< »"e .fa m e ,a t Uie a ta r t ot „J " , ____ ,liter Burdelto had been . ..“ o. plnch-lillter. . iiuonim, rm i* <1imashed M uffetfi f lra t U'!! miJ h™-*-im In the l l t h over the ....... ............1 fence. The blow touched ** •7“wTi'; 1 Impromptu celebraUon (tn i aty Itadlum itAnds. .mt Ptrixwi.______

stJisrjK e n t u c k y

•*' — vW

K O ie e r fu ta s itiftom tf” — B j ^ P ^ i s ;

N OTB T o l f S tB N D .

B U T BItS i S

: W h r a ^

- n e w s : TW IN.FALLS. ID

id Upsets, Bi 'eefless.Predd tu.y AHiom Ilf per-1 recommend to 'a l l ' } ihrrr, bu; cloec in .;c a * im InterraleU li

V. * . *”•’“ 1'” P"i ‘'dlllo Hooj M I ’f' t' r. laja^ihu* uv ln g t ifo d h,,,,,!,. T« :n }-(5ln«.iror.aV m :

Mar.iii.niihl. Mamipl Suprrlor'inU llec m a Mv«.- A. n - have ahown me tl 7 «l«luiiiare will con

le™ w:ii ,f-,ucn ,j, wrek-end as the T nic I. wludi Ulll be BO down 13-1 ti

V I nlumni may be veJrlnc l..pie „r money r w t of a lo » t« I). ,no«- mine Inlo i, m n,p Gdlcilon*. w h ifh im a y my ciiolee to tJvrc — 2i»7-defeaf;— -

Thow of you p n r \ out nn your own tl

warned tha t thla ■‘' " I footbiill

multliudo of pltf I* v i f have cauRhl my fa, . - , r \ J ■■) * bentlng Burley 38

^ league. Bll't'o lce. wlitelv trut!

' Murtaugh and 'D l foaled, ending UP

Minlco and Buhl problem and (

^ N y s tilt I hnve decld B ut Buhl ai

, am my eiiolcca.fio with thoee cu

lrap% I WlU alt bk( . first 100 .per

ngain remind, yoi - H ^ H U S K S i "dlllo Hoople" 0 CENT nOOPLR , ItarumphI

State Can Is 5 for Second ]liuu ]iii(;^o p a r t i c ip a t e in n tw o-dcci

th e '« Q co n d d e e r Lap f ro m th e f o r 'f r o m v c n d o r.t lo c a tc d in o n ly I b e Iw o -d e e r a r e a s , s a y s C o iis e r

Jc.s. H e s a id h u n te r s could o b ta in i I h e j i t a t e f i s h a n d l___

S d L ! ; L r n t " S t a n d i n f f slictri.sc a h d $ l f e e i.« io N » t;le s t a t e f i s h - a n d ■— — !.mCnV. )lrt>oVI,r. ______ If is purchaacd in the V'hn!?iirnw.~..... . 1

Rhodes noted. • - .v". Y rk. _ “ Z 'r 1tors in a few plac.ea I'liiiburfK _______ <he .ipecial tr.o-deer — ----- --- Indle the special acc- amkhicanThey are located n t N.w York ........... 1junu ln Home, c h n l- c>ii«*i<> ......... .......1eCall^Caacndc, B an- ------------- ]rM ton.'F ranklin, P ish n.i[h;<,r.“ r ' ; : ~ :rles^ Montpelier, Soda — j

f hun t on th e mid- --------‘Salmon river opened C ? - , - •closes Dec. 15. H ie ^ p o r t s m e i

leer hunt ru n s .fro m yJf- , , id from Nov. 15 to 3 0 .1 h p r k i n p ' ' s t Idaho tw o-deer V U C C m i l g m Oct, 1 to 31 and LEWISTON. Sei

ing.opposition haa ------------------- iportamen In nort

11 S c o r e s ■

.':: aia »oa laa «:<ETu 0 game department I <:i..Mufr>it l t l 'a n d Uoue.operating th' i ih .iiait UunKiif, Co*, luual manner" dui ‘"■I'K- tn d elk aeaion.CANTiAcim A aimUar reaolu___e«« ,0, }oo_i to 1 l“ t week by tha 1!___ oil tig o ix - i I t s eratloa. which 1ph (t). Datrincioa II). Idaho panhandle. iii< L.jiiir. luiirir (Tll tricta takei In Li < ‘ W tho. LewU and

__ lat aia no a o -4»1 Th* department— eia ail »o» 01—1 a s will operate only t I* (IS) and }I»UM| ‘Mt- atcad of tho usual

county area thU }

N -r ^ B Xk 3 r ^ t r a J g h t l f i o u r b o j i _

i ^ e g r e a t b o u r b c L s ; w i m i i i i c g : . 3 i e - v r f r

■ The smoothest o f fine i taste, the m adness, the qu

The men who won th s Old WeTSunny-Drook J fe d f ly ;b E f lr tW jj^

savoring SiJnny-Brook's mlii


I D A H O _

^ — “ x > —

Gro\^------------------------ XICW' YORK■\ • th e w o rld ’s m i^ V 1 n ( T liccision - M ondn - f X A l l ^ m iiiK lcd w i th n

^ faJl o v c n iiijf a aidictor [pred. I would hearlllyl „ „ ~ ~ H r ^i a ir y o u ’felTow fote.t O IL t-^rT E . W leU in w inning, mrrrlyi P ' Hoople'- on your h,il-| “ “ "C T . 'Jg^ tln ie and l - r l u g ! «

leilect -and deduclion'

e vexed With my fore-; a to Colorndo bu t 11. »*'ow eould ■a. Getlyaburg also l> — ^, h , o , B . o > „ , , l t o . ^ , g ^

)U planning lo atrlke —

thU*we'k” *^acUon°on P c i l H f l l l itbiill acene offers a ___

, r ! S ' , i - ” £ r W i i h 6 - iy 38-13 In the Crow

B ut m y crowning " f Tha Aaa« truly la Innplted. haa Tlia New Vork

d -Declo. both unde- American league -UP in a 13 -n tlr, night wiien the Ki

Buhl also poae a tick. 1» dcfenled the r md Carey anil Camna White Sox 6-5 01leclded will be verj- CwVa ancrlJlca fIU and Cnnias county Inning,I. Chlcngo’i lo.u» cunningly contrived 8?* fr° '« «I back a n d wMch my chance of wiu;cent week unfold, I ■ « 0‘>. you to merely put Y»nkx-and have </ o n your i^ilota, V«nks,

______ :_____________ Ted Willlnma t>_ ber of conaecutlve

without retiring t I S S I I P - u>n Red Sox unloai 1 . 0 0 t l . V ' . inRioR piichera foi Wllllama alappetDeer s - ^ ’M 'h i'

■ u jj„ Dick Hyde'id e a r h u n t t h i , fa ll 1C f i s h a n d B arnc moWo DloK n r . )n ly a f e w p la ce s single, hU u i i r d .: i s e r v a l io n O ff ic e r icored rookie B l J in t h e a e c o n d ta n

( r c Tlia winning n IvaT . P resko. H c enUre<INAI. LEACUB ,ou, jn n in f In re • M « ftiT - nlng. who failed-

E:!!-:: I!-irGiants’'' '“".■•'{f"'., _ Talks Pii iii fwithPC: z : IT M :>» s a n f r a n c i s (

u - lli .»ii - tu, p j - a w i n n r e m r ----------r r — New York O Unt

nen Oppose ig Program i « a ? 2 S

Sept. 34 Ln—G row - D uring th e m I haa appeared among aUtcd flatly, “we' northern Idaho to a I?rancl»co“ and C

«ck of h u n te r check- he felt the BrooklpcratloM. ------ be-ln-Los AngeleaD istrict 'WlldUfa fed- -nie.N ew Yorke tho Idaho flih and would like to pu rd

nent Sunday to con- of the present Sa: g the aUtlona»*'ln the and operate I t In " during tb e 1BS7 deer realigned PCL. n. O'Connor, who iesolutlon w as adopted al/n of th e POL « th i P in t D istric t fed- utence, told Ston :h encom pusei the men ( h a i h e ha£ idle. T he Second Dls- make any conih a L atah , Clearwater, alnce th a PC L bai and N ei Perea coun- action.

n e n t h as sa id tb a t U Ulnly will look tnly three su tlo n s , In- added tb e PCL leisual five. In thU fl?e pre^iM leagua dlthla yeaf. T ha stations the majora hadnated for only the first vlousiy w itb (he Jle season, while hunter He aald aurveyavy, tnstead of during of other cltlea foieason a s In th e past. PCL but would ;

R O O Ki r t W h l f l k e y . ‘ ■

n f l K f ^ . W l N N I N * THE W SST t_ I

S g g ^ M M FH<OBmC-W»MIWaTON I ____"'CtMiii »• lit QnU’’ [

’b o n o f t h e O l d 'W

^ e n d s : e x e r 3 ^ J i e

le Kentucky bourbons has thi ! quality that will w in you ^

I West prized fine boufboas (Iks' ' A V e a » i-m o f^ m a rt-< trin k « f» -th an -< v i

m ildness an d ra re Kontucky flavor.


'" ♦ ■ i • • _ r r i 1 ‘ ■

►wn From {O R K . S e p t . 2-1 (/P)— B lo o d -a m ca r ’« m id d le w c iR h t c h a m p io n s h ip f r lo n d a y n ig h t a f t e r 15 g ru c ll ii if r r i t h 11 fe w catciiH s f ro m th e bijr c r j r .a a Baflilio 'vvn.i h o is te d h i j j h in tr

- — n w h e n R obinsi ■ h a v e r u n o u t !

U A C a sensational lajir s . Wyo^ Sept. : t tn — late rounds to n ing pressure niuit be Both .Judges V( ghty heav}- In north- welterweight chi yomlng. ee. Al Berl hadind doe-deer retreated 9-0. Judger d rlve-in movie where >5 ®*5;1 {pf Da* in Iro n l o l Ui# *creen R«lehie-«-V.Tlv ho movie*. Doth men weilector operator finally .the-m achine and pa- J^fee.wlieellng b; ed th e deer away -0 i,'u n»Iiii^‘’» •ould continue - son h it Baaillo w .ouio continue,. icfi 1,00k th a t flj“ ’■J --------' n illm er In Chli. J Cnrmen merely )

u d - b o x — “ r K S S

a n t H o p e s p.?°.“ " S n c '" . :■ 1 around Baallio’n

6 - 5 W i n " ■ S S ' i t S S, , . - _ left check throm

. Aaaoelaled Pre** su g a r Ray tried York Yankee* won the over Uie klUer. ;ague-pennant Mondny ~I{-(t)ipcurcd the K ansas Clly Athlel- must go the way the runner up Chicago bo Olson In the

6-5 on ex-Yankee Dob atagRcrcd him » >lcs fly tn the eUtitb hook before Ui

, . tried to follown 10.U eliminated (h i and escaped uni

rom even a mnthemat- Again In Ihe )f w iunln* the pennant. Robinson d u j di I 'i games behind Ih i reservoir of atr have only ilx game* to right hand bomt links. Idle Monday, havi p ll of Bnalllo-a

— m arine from~fl ims extended his num- u p iu te New Yc cutlve trips to the plate remained on ring to 18 as Uie Boa- through a acreei unloaded on flve Waslj. ^ ----- -

s r p S V . - i . t ' : ; ’ i „ . Q u i c k - &

Hyde'a pitches for an- MOSCOW, 8eirip to first before leav- kick which Idi« In the eighth. HaU booted agaek Brown's l l t h Inning day was no t aJilrd .h it o f the game, ferenco record, le Billy Harrell from rackman aaid to and gave the Cleveland Varying aels o •4 victory over th i De- ured t h e p ^

ing ru n cam i otf Joe determined the inU red the gaAie In th i — h b ^ ^ ^ h In relief of Jim Bun-

a iled 'In h i t second try

t s ’ O w n e r

3 P r i c e .

P C L H e a d,NCISCO, Sept. 34 («V-ofltSiTatonUiam' otnKFO lanU opened .-aisciu- 'aclflc Coast league Pres- .I O 'C onnor Monday onif U klng over the Saa \ V v f K fftseball territory.he m eeting, Stonehamt, “we're coming to San ^ ' a r aand O 'Connor IndicatedBrooklyn D odgeit woUld migelea nex t year. •Y orker said tb a OlanU ->purchaaa th e franchise Y O I I n l S a n Pranclsco 6eaU "^]t In ano ther city of a - ’' f H

who declared the No. 1 ’.POL w u to sU y la ez- 1 Stoneham and sowa- le h a d no authority to commlUsenU UosiSay

A baa ta k e s s o formal

„ „ r - H . r « 'look fo r compensation,'' 1 . Ram•CL leader who h u ex* - n ,u ,lie disappointm ent th a t _

h ad n ’t conferred pre- *• J'*®1 (he PCL. . 8#oiurveya have been tnadi 3 . I n iplea for Inclusion In th e 4 . Cheiould r w e a l no names. J ’

- « ------------------------- Joct- --------------------- < — -A^-Can

E = ^I 0 X : _ . 2. C o rr2 .3 ” =^''=.' 3 . Corr-^ S a - g (*b«

4 . Intpi

l a i d i

i l" - 1 . Prt

S S pB T t _ H 0

rON k J S ...................... ......- t e , . You


I W e B . e .

r h t e r e l r ^ - ^ ^ - = b * < | " P

’bu tool ;

' i ;

— - . -

>R*ODUCTS ,410 Sou, M iR J T J ■’

. . . .............. ll- ........... :0 . . : • ■ ; . . - . . ,■ .

^ Tl y r * • ! , •

Sugar Rac a r e d C a r m e n B a .tlllo . a dojrffcd b(

f r o m 3 7 -y e a r-o ld S itR ar B o tr r o t tn d s a t Y niiB ce s ta d iu m . T h r c ro w d o f a b o u t 35 .000 In th o br n m id r in j r b y h is c o -m a n aR crs anlin so n ap p e tx c o J t o ------------------ ---a i t o f R as, h r flta fjed C « , ^ J 1 laat gap finish in the k j f l l l C l e ito make 11 close,, — ----------cs voted lo r Basilio. th e _ •. ¥

champion, but. Refer- ^ O u S l 1 had ■Robinson .way out id«e Artie Aldala scored l > . f . Baailio and Judge Bill 1 C l i a l t '

.T l«A P cM rtw aa« -8 .3 . were alunricd and be- LOS ANOEL

dU frrcnt alages of thla committee of st g baitlD 'o f champions tlgallng the P< would'go down.,Robin- ciice Monday li10 will) Ihe aame wicked Henry (Red) t It flattened rugged Oene penalUes again Chicago InM May but ahd the teams

ely rocked back, ducked Ington State.Sa-to-p\jneh-away -Com m ttlM m e

ands. guarded Rosafell bnck on lila old su- ures divulged.' Ig skill to sinah a cu l The tesUmon lio'n left eye u early u the sta la atscj ound, on California lrearned down Carmen's acUvltlea, whit trough Uie late atagei u actlvlUea. aa tried desperMely to p u t schools, ler. Ot the bancd Ihnl" Baailio surely football a t UCL way of Fullmer imd Bo- *on,.Sanders di the I3ih when Robinson "I can 't lun iin wjih a cnislilng left how dUpIeased 1 Uie bell. White Ray Sanders folloi ow ^lp. Carmen covered er Victor O. Scl un til the round ended, stand. B oth v

Ihe J4th, a dead tired nfiM*. Undej-fl IS deep Inlo his waning (nan Frank Boi

slrengUt to throw a Park. Sclimldt wmb th a l landed A the itatcmenls of llo'a aiomacli. Tlie ex- State-Iowa Ros n~Ths—onton~land* of The grand r r York doubled up bu t penses, and Ini sn hla feet peering received for n :reen of blood. ' righu. waa 173: ^ — ' Tlie PCC anc

K i c k D o e s K 2 . S , ?

• e a k R e c o r d,8epi:34(W —The quick- Beavers also re

Idnho fullback Ken »h*re of »23 against Oregon Satur- »mount w ent <

t a Pacific C o u t eon- ford, Oregon ird, atatlstlciaa Al B a- State. Idaho re d today. ' ' ' ,its of figures had m e u - Idaho’s 18 to O un t a t from 77 to 83 of 71 yards. Th B B rm m in m a li wu act by idah(>’s~l the ball tra velled from Washington Sti

A v \ T ~ ■

I U S A V E A L M O S T $ 1

r H E S E 3 S A F E T Y iS E R

BRA KE J p ln ‘t W l i a f W « D o ^

Ram ov* Ffoni W h«*U ond Inspect Bro D rum s a n d Lining.; i* a r t, In ip ac i a n d . Rapock Front V/h*< J#orIng*.n iP « e t.G r ta t« S e « ls ..:heclc a n d A dd Brflk* Fluid rf.N *td*( ^ d iu s t B rak* ShoM to S tc u r t Full Cor ac t-W llh Drums. Z ar*fu lly 'T«it'B rak |H .\

r H E E t A U d i l lr « * 4 - W h o t - W ® - D o . . ^ — :

:e rr» e t C o i t a r . ^lo rrec t C e m b « r \^ 'l o r r a c t te e - ln a n d tM -o u ).A b ove o r* ch ief o a u set o f Ijra w eor.) n tp a c t, T Ieh len , A djust S i t t r l n g . ^ ^

W H E E £ -B A |Ai r o ' * W h o f W a O o . V . j

P re c U fo n E >ynam le B o l d h ^ :

P r e c is io n S f a l le 'B a ta n c e . t •; 7

, I f i ifo l l . n * c M » o ry ’w e r g h ! i \ ^

011 Get AH TIihr.T— j i

V A I U E V " ■


■ P A G E N IN B . j i j l

ay Iid body puncher, won H I

R obinson on a split MT h ere w ere checra, I H

0 ball p n rk th is cool ' I M s anil handlers. Ju s t 1 1 1

lers Hits 11 t League . HI lity RuleOELES, Sepl. 34 c r-A of sta te legialators In rtt- IB Pacific Coast confer- lay henrd football Coich ■d) Sanders blister PCC Igalnst hln UCLA team ams o t u s e and Waah- U.Mmen-also-haaid-cloMiy—:cui4 Bowl financial fig- :ed-'Imony w u given befors assembly'a subcommittee Ua Intercollegiate aUiletlo which U probing p c o aa they affect, state

ban on aenlora playing UCLA and U s e thU sea- rs declared: '

lumm on words to lay used I w u nbout it.” followed PCO commsslon- I. Schm idt on Uie wluiesa M i l Ul were volunteer w ll- i l I te rque jtlon fttg c f chair- M i l : Bonnellt o t HuntlngUin ' M nldt confirmed financial I M

of the 1S57 O rtion M l Ross Bowl game. M i l

nd n e t total, after ex> |F I1 including th e *500,000 | j i l )r ’m dlo and televbloa H u | 1733,344.fi0.

I and the Big T in each l l |3S«.n72&. S u h divUtS I ■

3U l« received «4flJMo'for I Ihost In the game. T h t I I

M received their regular I I133,13339.'-T h e same \ l

:n t (o CaUfomla. Stan* , ! | |gon and W aahin|toa l |10 received ♦9,740,60. I I

to Oregon's T, a dlilanca III i;T T iow or5U l_H jU lD ll— | H io T ^ flp K leffn tr against p ifi tt S tate In 19M._______ - ^

t f l

$ 1 0 . 0 0 O N ]


9 B ~

B rok* , .


S t e =

' * B tfloiflr, . ' . 1 1^ c e « » ■W M

liicrT J_ . . ' j u g « i « _ - — H

Phona 3750 I

!•' I '* ii" " '"‘'I'Ti > '" 'I

Page 10: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

I '-.t i i s H r o

A O SO Ba S S .C neU « |> • ^ 0 * ■ I

a.iw nk *®idSS“ ■, -J 5 .1 ^ d « ! 4 i s S l ” “ - ■

,29.X7ttrafined 43.Annbon«aetal 4a.Not&E_ ».

' ~ 17rP«n!tentW'^4riUbblt ^nuoB 49. FUb eiga ]

34. Soft drink . . ganui 4.A. 38.FroUc( • ST.OivljIoa 8.L

29.Gemi o fad ir 0.P^ Is f i t tu tc d . ee.Dijtr(Ucall .7.B33.A1M . Sfi.RefW , rlv

.rA IT U U SH W ,

B O A R D I N G H O U S E - »

N tce O P s b u TO v jh jp o p '

T(? IM S BUTCHBR. V O O'RB/ ' ) ? -

l l L IF E 'S T.mK I m T

“I've got to get hom e. . . Mom'i policy!” . ; _


D O N A I J ) D U C K

' '' ''

■■ — ; - - s : ; ^ - — T -.......... ' —

^ . m

••lutlM YNt«rda/a Piml*-j>OWl1. . • Succeedf

l . B r ^ l h I c k _ a ^ u | n i e n t — — — 7 ^ )“ ® .1 u W .SejT eule s jp h i ip p in .

1 4 S ? S 3 l« . » " o £ , 'r „?:E 3 'iu . , p 5 5 " '

§ . K r f

t t . A ilendinU

I — I -illHutened '

“ f n S iS ^ 'M n h d lftn W----- ----------. T J e m d d

36. U nden ttnd 44.G1VB

m r --------- 4 e S ^ -_ 47. In w hat •

^ WBggBM condition ^ W ^ m 4 8 .T o p »

^ ' comb, fonn

- t I - L I 83. U?l'T""*•-• .4

■ M A J O R H O O P L E

lAVBS VOl'RE U K e tH e ^SOUNOeO O FP WfTHOOT n • CAW S/--. tFY<3U u s e \* W A T O M Y O U R X V S H ^ ^ i . COWMlSSIOfJ ^ S i l i l / I !*-.«? u/u


B y N E H E R

■- , r •■■ ..................; . ■ ■

)m'a changed to a ‘get tough’ ^

■ . . ,3 AvsFor If m s ia sv t e a *wvB A l a TMIRD'HMB ORAtOR,.B THAM ^ TO CAPSP/ KIS O-'M

W 5 i . ’S i . ? S “SON WHOtB

•T ■ • • • '

_ O U T - O U R - W A Y .— ^

■ p i i p ' - ( s• jji ir i . . , _ ‘* | \ w s w ci

k I

,1 iri|ir~ ilP ^

; eoaMTHigTVVBAB^-rpoflooM -


■ •®-r '< 1

"L isten, Miss Blue, I waa twic when I was in BChool—ju s t use yo

I \ ■ T T r " * * • •• • • • ------------••'* . J(

* t e' ’w I l lO

“W hy, ho, th e epitedomeler ha th e second time around I”

/■ 1 MMT tW*J>POIK I T > THirM — r/A TM*.M ^ b O ■ ( TVra WM3 wesJM ? l - I ^ ' \ I f 30«1T«IV»*V I > eN»BW*90W—W l

I C IVPBWOPOWQ b » W /^ . I s evsKVBow fcn.

^ m k i . I f SOMETXIM*,'

By W A I


— b F w I L L I A M S p

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;wlce as ornery as my aon g I your sense of hunior!” _ ^

______ . - Gt y m n r f t t t r n e r _ S

1 | I

J o e ^ s . ; N

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h asn 't been le t back—it's C•S

i L T P i S N E Y - ^

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uGAN _____

W e u o e , j a x o M ^ K f m c ^ ^ i a / A w s r /a e ^ ^ w thi

- o — - — ^ - 1 R — : : ^

H ' Z f l nY,

t ( a i eI ' / IMOW ■' ( 'O JM W A N D .y_ V WIFE//

J j ____ '„ . J ~ ^ ------------- i


E m £ ^ 2 c x ^E ^ S r p r ) .

1^ — ^ ^ * y TMCTS*55i-A -----11 -=_<-C«M ONST

, 1 1 / ^ TW eVTa \ TO ^ MfJL U i Nuiy BAoc I wojtu.T ® IN W JaE M T i ATTWE ^ ^ ^ < 3 R f f iC e ? y f V ^ HI

Vi lA u j m S i


^ w S i « o 5 w w w « l n * 5 5 ^ !

M K K l F i r S h ^ieffECt&>‘U)'^CARKVlM6 eVER5lUCEI

D" ^ ||M C T E '% T M e^\^ QDVTH y O O \ WPM X ^

:r SEfivooe, ^3 UXftBETH\ i

T m ie likes . \ I / i t n e r e . S k c ^ i * . ] • 7 '^ '^

5 / T a k e j t f m n m o , i — . J \ 3,' I s h a c f c c s n l p l a n / ^ i r j f | N ^

rS H C % I I Z p l a c ^ bk INTHESm

T JT V -S O T H E ICy V » i r ^ t u - w e u

s 'R H a + r - v v e R T V * ^ / welL,w6 have jo N s iP O T K e -A T H fi-JS irw w -o ^ a ic rI ^ MRS.. . EB.f MACHIME \ ATCN PER- »JTU I ICOK I HAS BEEN CENT r TWE NAME \ 60L D ?/ DEPOSIT. OM HERCHECKI

: • ■• ■ • t u e s d a '3

« * J A \ W c A L F ' ^ np . a y £ / g

ICE I OOT w a . I* vou EX£BCT T O , ^ v


s : a / 2 ^ a 2 S s i ^ r a ! S S

LVN& 1 WPWE T O R . ■ y - ^ < © & v l

to'^y. dcSs mean th^l have to J S ---------------------- , tolerate AI h e r / ^ ^

N / 'w u T w s i w T T r r B B 1 / i F t i VSauel! ll

Ml^ _ f « S P . 0 C C ! A i E 6 j s N C L n J - l ^ ^ UPKI ASMNgVwXJLD B e IT 1PER- A MIUJON y A BMJQAlN' R fi

FORTT, ^A T T W C E \f T w w F ia jB e / ^

i W l

d a y , S E ^ R f f iE R 24 ■

mUl IX MKSHrvB o o rm b i.p \ w v r S s B * JOBBACKIFIHADVX ElMOwIvS

S w POUMP PAWTOH wy V v o u o w rM '^ J BOft» Wrt£M

!CM. MP>tJCOLW. SK>1 r i l S B E S O W ftP P V T O M N W H ?

Il / ' l f sW? « t a y * " \ ^ — ^

■ anot^her n ig h t, y O b ,’, «o

IF tJCBE WAS, IM 5J« \ . X<®eOAMJ?5rH^ EMOOfiMy ■ '

nAOREANDM^ V " ^ \

■ ■ s ; —

\ M i ^ A " ' ' D fiCMETHlKia ) MOMEMTS.J ‘VrtT ^■^WQNIQ? / ^ I;- i:S:''!;

Page 11: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

Ig^'sETTE M BEB 24. 1957 / '

~ S ^ c k s i iv iw TOf*- ui»*5hr'ln "

;fl S f e r '*■“ “ :S-S.rf^ ^ S s A T A G L A N a ^

, « . n .— >U .te - i.r

■ ' ! E S i£

ir’* j n w v i ' i

I f I s i r * — •;^ K S “ ; i : ; | | ; 5 , ,? o - i ; ! S ^ ' K S i .

' | ! y " £ j ; . 's ; i ^

!& s r . ? = . . ! . . a ' " f J ; i„

5=2 ......K r,*'**** « '* flilf “i" Ca ’."i^ U3 N o "' w V 1,

tin Tri«n Co 1K..MUIff,7S; >

ilsE ri- - :;y a ^ c - i IfH/fe”— ' !!m ! } j'i u" on rlfelfl* 2SU Ciill* S.JflO: .ic

^ t n P h U " i i i ' ^ s ’S it »ik »«>■•■; n ~ . 20Uion IJO Union 17>IU Wn( Alrbr HV, I,nn

i ' f«tr»l *:S 'VmI r.Ue «l ■,. I/)S ANnPI.KH.K - . .S r i s - i r K

^ Knii fow gn<t4UniCAN KXCRANGIt mo<llr ttind»rd h

n* TOU. ».i*i " I ’l" fif* utib" w.'su*

^ ikUi ^'.i I »'•• 2I-OM3.0— ^ Hozi 6(10: b«rr.

Stock Averages Sl'W te- " " . ' BhW noli*.’OwM It Tfc. A ^ U U d P , - . , ;

! 71-4?;!sEiitiriiili -sria ; % M H' u Y a iZ A 7 ~ ,n iJ« i fl_______

5 !s*" rrL ’. 'r . i e r ’h!”> Ibbkrb u i c«Bp*nr> t M c iir tn s:_ HM • AaVM «holr» tnd prim*

S a R f T i r z ' !:!! • ! : ! ! ;!r,T„ K r „ . l , t i S t e z = L l ! L _ f f i S L ^ ,ULIi m M m ---------- * ,:i t,12 Hthrt: .L urtltr

^ -------- ,------ 1I-70 ! ! • « •iipplr.X, J.M 6,S« #»« 4.60.(1.00.^ w« li r~ *S;i* r!w rrnoM I I __________ »,ns CIIICACO S<i>w± Z ' ^ i l —------------- 25-*0 Inwtf*■ * ? • " ---------------- tn,(!4 ll.«) IOO.JM lh, bu(fhf

™** f* ................ . 1S.5& » 510-5S4 lb.. l»A'1 ?Ll----------------T.7# H.4< Ibl. I7.00.IT.7S:

■^}|"«5 'nA L "!Z Z !o!n xslii fo*"Sleek i» .« « .m » - • t u , i t 10

■mw n ^ B l f i ------- 11,07 12.01 Itmi.ly; hkh <holc------------------- ll.iis kulli I»<xl

i flimandsIdled, S H By Car Walkout IS i f f a

\ otntoiT. ^ p t . i t K B -ae n ew i " - ' t i i i i i

I off »bout 16.000 w orkers S p Y l f i n ii w o plMla c(»st-to -coa*t be-

“ * (* •triko a t .y ia h w body T k • a n U u u fle ld . O., a n d M arion, J o W t f l

Aga& S T ..’s ‘'p';a.s A ifr™

#na Bulcka Idaho co-ec ---------- — . ed anll-AmerI<

Child Dies_ei,»TO,_6hn

Bl i i ( J i \ r “ ” ? I^nvld homn economicBlty of Idaho, n

a m t c ^ ^ trea tm e n t a four-monUi b

«n told a J

5>» Kimberly; ^ e r r S n ^ n S - “S “ ne of t « . Mrs. Helen M . H eaton . ^

m utcm al Brandfft. homea.” ] f .^ W .jM to n ; A rlrona; p a te r- had rece ‘ TOt.Bn»ndmoiher. M ra. M ead ^rom tho movl(

and paternal trrandm oth- “» Americans *«*• Nannie Phillips, bo th Avn. nnt* K'^ls ]

, every nlR htMrvlcea will b« held a t 2 "IV e chanee«l

cSwT^nL' *’; E n B l l s h people

■ ftk sra p3” -“w 'l . Sept. Si—Amos A nder- MlssShuldbei

1« peopl. who »K1i on ll pvT.J. *'* OeorgB Red< exohanRs prosr '* S b llccmic'* “ w ithout NaUonal 4.H <

: i : iT w iu F a lls M ark.r. _____ UVESTOCE, . \ " TO'L'’ __ =-------:*i».oo.j*.ao u . «. Nfl. *1 _:—

^ ' - ----- ------ -miOMllM ’*H T !------------ Soft wbtii. i>

1, ----- -----------• U dfilen'agow.

; : i ; :g ; iS E ;= = = = : ! ! J S & !? K ^

ua!;: it''... '.... r i :— r r s s ' r t i j T :.................. ........ •.__ {*;« ■ (1 dMkn qBOlli

’‘•"S'V"" ------------— 11.80 * ‘"{{’‘te'lj

Jiisirsas; ”■ * • ■■‘.■iJ;

*' (D fld m ^ q a

A N d T i n I— I

[v e s to ck G


'OfiDKS ’l('iri.V(,„'''’<«pt. : t (.)''tn«'l* '" N t " /? '; ' '" "JshUr. H.hi: sn'V^iV [J~- M i',.'* - '0 uiiiiv^ u I,.., . . . .J , . , . i J i ' I'^r.. i , : j ', . i . . .

■ rllnir lotrk air..'. <r im. i . *.... . in.( :... mr.ll»nt'1 (..vuir, n,|. ........ .. ......... n*»r. o,ocV hrltfra l,'.,n<l.|«.r,n; • •

S ir v i r .;,rr:r.;l.."P'',iF”- .f-'- s r " ■"" - " " f t’i.;..',-''-,,'"

""lr •r.ll.-ri.l >(-«. off»r,.1 So,!.,;,.."*»• , <(i"i Idlr..;.'■ ',".h^r"'!‘n'?r„/7i','„h*.‘i:ir »iitTrV r ; f- .^1 • 4 ,In(.hl« „ ,i . • • ■1'^ 11 Ut.h <prlni.rt SJ-»0 c i ||ru - ( /’".i''

P'HITI.AM> n " * ""

l i p i M i ' - ’ jj

tt-WS |I»,- 2n,5i).:«:;,;

•• f'w Nfl. 1 ot 3 <:0.500"lbi. p “ " ,:.»'-oi(i mn.d, ,w .» 2 " •prlnit i.mU a t n,sn.;o.oo: ?*.' '• '•‘i■- I r 'ln Ic, I9.M; ,00.1 .n,| ': t - .

- M S " ', nKNVrR '" r i 'h ”/ . ^ , , ' '/ r ,

mn.ll, ;s I„-rr: m t..,' (Wn 11 I I harrovi nmi «llu IBMJS ,l„»„ . y / . ' » : N o :: >mi 1 .0. . iflj.su i.«o.i,j.;s':o»V ‘•'•u .t.r.;- tim i;' m'oitV, '" a J .

stnsr'lsii !.a!';:ii',»"lrr lamb. 72-*-* ll.i. li(,60. b.rl^r »S.|,o:S^ , 0: .if f r . Klnut "iM.ir: hHI«i•** .lrrh l«h"iX .r '* ''iv i? .« | ~ ^

iJiti Potato• rt and cutlvn 1I,5(M3,60: rr.o.1 init .choi^ v<al,r. nnd Im tlxiul a t«d r at 17.00.

- - IDA--------- IpAIIO rAI.I."

i.oH ANnKi.iwi:4 on-(FSH N }~ M 'kH't.r .

?.ilS ,fSiiS5 s r S a*i«»1 >3S n>i. ::.iO; auncUrri «i,. » . i. ""T* »1 MO.1.070 Ib*.. :o.j(w;i.sd: j , , . J ,* ''* '•“•• <rd hfltfr. »1S 11... ...Id 10,5(1; "5.V f?. 7,', V"tnmnirrrUI ^owa^ tl,OS.Hi,M; tni %,

b.rMw. «nd »lll» .loir. S5.J0IS Ibl. US No. 1 >nd ] iralr. ,IS.-.SV!

' • BuppI, tno.l.r.1■• ______ ______________ firm a« US

OMAHA '«»pl. J4 (.r>-(U.HDAl-lto». „i.«S l?5 1 «fr. ind *flvi alr.dr ui « , 'I US No. I to 3 lOW4a Ib, tl« ?«-fill. 1M0-1.5O! -nl.fd Nfl. " " .r tl 'is5: % Stifr* .nd ?o''',.1l" 7 " " '

:a,oo:,™.j„,i„ Vm : ii'prlmi hiJfiJ.' .n ld ‘'i l ‘ m * ^ 1 "°j" l^ ^ ,’‘;•hol.‘ • «” r r : ”„*"i2

ji;‘r'‘. r * . 7 d '7 r . ^ . “ ;;'‘ !S : 4 S r " 5 . v ‘»l»adr: cull 10 r « d ilMlhl.r W .K^r«*. ,,1

_____ _ . j-v' c«icniCAfio . wi,H.*f. .,(‘.h Vl

S^U 24 m X ,; l iS i ijInwaf on buleSfr*: Nfl. 1 tn * j „ j i , , l„ulthar* l7.J0.1K,10i Ko. 2 .nd j Inrh VnVl.frf. l*A9 U> tm«Vl» WM»J , [„,i,J i: tow, 1J.0M«.10. I tj.1 to- inldVj.lo»7r.T«lfS™MMdr'u » r7 "

.■S'il'iSrlr iSEW^Mj^i^ehok. h»lf«ra^l»,6l). p■ni: ri.;Htim'I!!S*S>od"«JM7» „ ? ( 5 w «rt Ilt.SO.20.69. **■>1 tittd r lo .tranvi tood .n j


iment in . tain Runs' gainst-U. S.lOTON. Sep t. 24 Ml - <:o-ed says she encounter- . * • ' nerlcan senU m ent while jj 'v 'B riJS rf i gland u n d e r th e Interna. 4S-ui n 40.1” c n yo u th .e x ch a n g s

---- e»»lcl«!|M Kor*B hu ldbene-ef-T T O cten : wnlcs s tu d e n t a t Dnlver- V ‘" ‘ ” i 10. retu rned recen tly from jn dinir. » ; < Ul stay o n fa rm s In Sng - --------

a new sm an sh e had a *time despite th e an ti- o«u l iu n s » .

feellnjr. w hich ahe said M.r n to iii Ju I a fle r ahe- sp e n t some „17 fam lliej. ■ v S i•r them to ld m e they on. « « « : »«< I to have m e come Into gi". a," Miss Shlildberg said. c.ni(icii>d tp. received bad Impression* (g-uidi N-Hom novles . . . th e idea th a t _ _ins h a re btjr farm s a n d u h n Q l k Iris have a new dress for .■• i i » “ *

need m y Ideaji about th e * ople. I a )w t^ _ th o u s h t _KlMBEnLY, t<J0‘ pr6p< r"and rcsetred.' «rvlccs for 1 se of hum or. B u t I le am - Hansen were •e lot* o f fun—Juat like lD S chnpcl at w . , BUhop PtaydIdberg: ts one o£ 135 young The Invocat vUlted E uropa under a n Orlo McEatn

rogram conducted by th e read by Slell •K Ctub fotm datlon a n d aeorge Bennel tUve ext«ns]on serrtee. organlit, Mrs.

• ............... A spcclsl .- = ~ r ............................. 1 aaeob 'orourt

r k c t S j S S l^ '^ ^ y e r•- * »i« I Olsen. >■ “ .

............... . r a ;uo rm i;4a rfc .

n fliol.d) . Biiriil w u a t■------------------------------------- where the gn J'.M ------------aMTMCOrttt

j - _ j II.7M.10 Qiiahei. BEANB r NEW VORK

j"irQ’i5u iif' 11.2s I portham un*OB. not aagu««»^,. „ joday. . .. <

lUDllDf U .2 l t tq o e U n itU f : Th« Bcv.

■ iters 'is ... -?s^srss ,‘s s r" , ■■ -J iS.'Svii

. , ' . t im e s .

a S c E S ^ i ^i ^, , l-:-j;estifli< Grain Fatal-yr-.". -I -V,-Ur,I f.iturr. , .. f.,

I i.,.„| rfc»rrtini: thp nunJ '< .nd ..')-t-,n. wnich hnve Ofcurr>•’ ’.'.rr S„. p .,„ , , "f tll5lU-ny « 1U(

l.rd drflin^'M . Hn«fv?T. Juil-jr ylivilly Mopped ih«

I.II '.'ir;lii<: oti.Ihf Broimd.1 I" tliU r.n.l ,.„p mullntfiy protfRW

— —— -----[‘l^loHnc-thnrTTTiBJ"* ''.,rrrrt llic ciirvp rtsi

1 "»•' '.!• I ‘rria 'lim fr" <l'e-Jun- J;,... i Monday nJtTtlil'M

I" .. . Miif, niovpd Io Rir• "“" ''" J In tlip tnm phlni

--------- ’• ‘Irlviiiff wlllle undri■,»sil HIUIV . .'• !t»tnxlC.HlU(; llnunr.

-W h.«t'vv ; hnd -been - ''rlnklns when a r

VrV,?; -h h . u >'!>»l'r'd.■ ,1 „ „ k „ , . , Jiidsr Balccr.ovpi

' ' • ’i ’...ih '; nioUoii..........•• : : ‘.i',>n: f ' ^ ' V i - i WUnf^NM ciillpd M.iv ...^ ' ' RnlJT'‘.M ' >fnerr In th r cnr n

■ tii.h n«.. '•'■fW'''''. Jn'w T, ri.^ ,!;> M - i S - r i r - M .* ,lttho * f ir In ^en^ '• i—* 1 ': . • U li - • t - 1- 'fhlclp nnd wrre I• I’. ' 'i^ ' Wf'nr n f thp cir* ' «''»}■'’<' »'>'■ S"! J,('n., S.r-nv, iiKoftlCfr.'•'1 T .::\ 1 -I Mpmbtr* nf ihi.•;!> i " ’i i . n ' i 1!;-.'* Uirdlni;, Jlfnrj- U

IMI* ‘" J 'i H'llJp-Ertrl.- Pmnk<•• .. l.]l , 1,1; chllqulsl. Hnrvpy

1'!‘ •“ ’« .*7 Vftdcf. O, J . Bei•‘rii’ •Illl' ■‘'•'( Andtrwn. H. s.

' ts: ‘ ■« '* ‘{.'I' McIntyre',' • nnjTOond H, Adt

!•'* i.:« i.-\n been fined M ai v '* I 'l i ’' Pnllcp JU(

: is >■:•■■■' i!;*"; op a chivrse of n

*h« V '£ uU ::_Nd. 2 h.M .(J,! " I ' l W eoii4 on a i-0i“ .;M3i.iN;;No.*'» !,(i«;: "o u y U Durlon,• MI nomln.llr .mrh.nsH lo », s «hii.,),ift.t.ii(i.v; N„, .1 to one dny In ilie

,.iuw a „ ,„ d 1.J , , ; . ftiter pi„d lnp gull•r 'tm ln .ltr nnrhan»».l- Nn !«'''«« '<> »1IN: Ko, » /w a N i i i i , •rn.i,"; nn hour on the M

ott" p.._______ ' . Chargpd wllh d

“ ' '} plcadtd Innocfnt f

i t o e s - O n i o n s i r a s ' i i s T ; ; : , ?______________ jcontlnufd. Trial m

' la t ir dnle..; Tvrily WM cited

■; '.ST"'; ’* man D. L. Cnln on: •..Vii. \.rr,l;;v 'K u*!r;;; m u e « « ot n i*r.

• t . ...h jd un 1. ■ or 4 ni, t^Mt t MowlaY wUh

™Sto7rtii.«:a.js Mr <.n( in 01. lar»,r vokcd cost John|V",'..KS‘:'! .““Z '. 'l i ="b f.<b ir.rii. )60 lb. .»v H Mondayie^:s P»p Mnl 10 o», l.rtrr Justlcfl COUrt, Il

--------- mile sone on truckciiiCAnn wcAVtr dtctIous

»««».o n * ^ ch“ I 'r .u : drm.nd .1o<r; m.rkn driving. Ke hOd nO S'»; ■m,%y on-Mhm: tum.ii ^IccnM. judgc j . O MOD?) lis lA. ii.K o .or,,.. Moudny night Vi r « i .T 4 ! . t '» ;» r u K 7 A " Twin PaJls countj

Binhjie. D.r-iiun.ir*Hwritht the tine. I ts was ( lu i’i » « 7 »‘V J'**"'"*!".’’ llcc.Ur .I>n W l.«;,ln rSuni! i'rdi AmOS MUTOiy. J

Justice of the FenI tiw r 5 :‘|.Y ?(5- Shoshone, on a ch itn fflund rr<i. tflnf driving, Miirmy wa im i i.7j.j,(io; moillr 5,00. d(iy by Deputy - iMr mod.r.u: dim.nd . 1. . : p jugh on highway « - a ( h ) i ' C.tlhTrnlr-7*ngw —D«*n-Elqulst,-16i, t lMt> >104 litir r ) car i.JO. I tlttd tO TlUptrl“ .'■^(iir'K-"’; w*r*. “s"*'"5 Q «n ie ncdford tw

i»«»>2.(or moxir :.:s. .cm* 2.ai; had posted a bond (II 1 1«h .nd I .r» r 2.1B-2.U: of running througl

2s:n"i:s ^ o-id ot« on a•rcrr i,ti>: c.iiforni. T«iio< a t night cn a dayu. .r>d J.nifp M s.tw ; mtdixm Benny MarUne*.

,ii,'7 ,.T.r,0»:,w.ir York r.Ilov «lol« f <*“flie c1,40; «.rioR< 111 I lb. fiin the right cf way. ilob,« mr.iiu(i uo.1,41. Leniy Adams, li

avenue eaat, was cl

L w. iV i" w rt r .f ld T » » ;" t ' ’0-car traffic aed Tuesday on Addlso

Oolan. A 1UA Rtiirirhnki Hl.h U n........i,i: i:»i i;« 12 by Jackie Sharp, 1U »W. 11.14 ..Ufj; nfl . . I n Damage to Ul# 8tU(— Pai^L. niated »t »25 and1.10 bid. 11.90 , . \ . i , »fl a.in . ISO by city police: v10 bid, S4.2S uknJ; na a.Ita. Injured.

■' I Bert Harbaugh. Ct r - i fined ttO and $3 c

e r . a n d . E g g s -■ —. Baumgartner also 1

cnicAco ' ' l<<Kl(e. Ooodlng, lie 8.01. :4 lUr) - C!it«.i a charge ef specdli

t. d.i>k« .nd lonihorBi W. A- Loughmlllt?! C JM«” ‘ *>“1,000 )fc .;n rm iJJK or.«» i: costa by justice ol ;% iitn r« im :» i< » r* » % : wood llenstoelc. 1 r ” :i” ii*'a ] ” ''fi r •’--TT- chWOT ot »'

" c u to V '^ ip u R onald4 .n'udjr, ( * ' «>■»«>'* fined | « and t t co

, 5 s a r . : ; ' . ? J iL;^.a':i‘s....w,S”S S .r r ’’J)K. n«.oii.. u.reii )3<.;h: ja is e Weldon h a

; Ju ir 171.JU; o<t. jJU Bt va ldei,T « ta Palls.1 m l wMi'tflw '171.00.. on a charge of n it Nominal) stop Sign and 13 ai ---------------------- ^ • charge of driving

R i t e s H e l d . c

r M r s . H a n s e nILY. RppL a< — p u n t r a l ________if Mrs. LotUe Parmella r M W•re held a t Ui# Kbiibwly I I l J■I a t 10 a. m. Tuesday with V f ^ «lyd H. Olsen p rw lil^ -..

ra z .t ts ? > s n ic r O

3u rti7 iK .-T ^-^d W i< m frgding Sby Lewis D..Bobbin«. A .

o i were clydB Goodman. ■ T U K L .

j j E u y j'm rT.“ S l S w ^ \ .

r Consuljes Recorded T -

\ o N E O:

S : B e « lI i» > w lU io , \ ______ ■gnltudi » t lUchtar t . ^


^ Q . ^ Y j Q I I I anno Mitchell li 1 ■* * I . ;hortfshoea brlngl

■1 Mishau-, ;!:«‘.;r:'S• r .« . Dn.i ■*• Pinc one on her numbpr of npcident* L - ------------

UE Local" S S - ™ ; Distric

Dis-SDMinfl l,Pr„ *Pi„rrri - •

t'"- conUnued. were, fc Mrikp «ny rpipfpnce varcl. »ia,-;94, es

J ' A. Clawson C nnv 'tV '" '■ '■ fnf "f P«n>-: Blue Lukes unr.1lipj-m am t.nnrd aoti Evneuallon co . '0 f«r con.?trucUon otR P fltm innry^icxr. and »V3fllO. DeVw

, . a piimpinR statlot•O'pmilrM (»nrt denlpd AdmlnlsiraUTe t

, ' ' Lnkp* area wouldOlpd Mond-iy ,f ,p r- dllloiwl HAOO an brrt liPiiyrr. a pn.,. Ellrjibeth. boulevai nr n t 1 ir time of Ihp In o ther busin R T.. »n>rs, co.inir Blonrr* voted to ., and >lrs. McMillpn. tennnce of the esp cnr bphlnd the. Mllo* more boulevard be

•re first in nppp.^r a t the nrpa will not le crnsh. and Dppuiy awPMPd by the c

Hnnkins. lnvp.<!iKAi- Uio city manager ,, , (o rpdWenta ot Ithe Jury are -R , O, dttem ilne If city

y LuU:, U ora Dwypr. tho cjplonada loo mnk Clianillpr, Tom bo continued, rvey M, Cook, Roy A , proclnmatlof

Bcllwotxt, C. d(jslffnntlnR the W(S. Oaiilt and Mrs, National Buslneas

*• T hey authorlsciAdams, Ooodlnc, has ney to draw up a

5 and 13 costa by Lincoln Jfatlonal ■ Judge David Collptt pnny to provide h (f runnlne through a enl insuranee for i :lRp CollPtl abo hnn eompany will pay ?p«ude. Gooding. IIS up ta laoff and « n a charge of speed- after and 80 per

Klcnl bills. Cost rion. 19. 4«S Locust ploj'o will be I3 i Pd *35 and senlencpd half of thi* amour the clly Jnll Monday A resolution na guilty In TVln Falls clerks lo servo a t

0 speeding 40 mile* nlclpal elecUon w e Main avenue south are, ward 1. M n

Mrs. H enty Jenkl; 'rdy. route 1, Filer H a ^ n ; ward 3,

drunken driving, phr'ey. Mrs. W. O. n t Monday when he Charles York; wai •In Palls lusUcfl court. O raberl, Mrs. J . C irevlously posted was R. O. Finney; wb Hi will ba s ^ lo r a ard W beman, Mrt

gomery and Mra. Ited by S tate Patrol* ward S, Mm, Tlay n on highway 30 ont Abraham Amos an Her. He appeared In ry, ' "Elth Altomw_Iioy-lL —Clcrks-are-w art

Parish, and Mra, F R his license whs re* 3. Mrs. Richard 1 >hn E. W eaver. 18. John Nye: ward rect south. I7S and G ray and Mrs. Joh day In Tw in FalU 4 Mra. A A. Spen

In police court Hanel. a n d ward «.«L»25-ntJ[LcofltiJor W4rt}ersjuid_Mrs. lies an hour In a 35»

SSwiy“*£d.iost his 2>Auto A(charge of -negligent •1 no t been reissued a j L v 6 p 0 r i ( J . O. Pum phrey said. ^ 7It W eaver was In the Two » ln o f unty JaU In lieu of r e p o r t to

A“ a u S ’.»t was arrested Satur- driven by A f t y ^ ^ K a i d e s 163^1* streeU No w ay03A . Pojl***- , j^-IS.-Burley.-has-for- - ^ - « w c n s ^ ip tr l PoWca Juds* w « iu (i lou t d two bonds amount- ^traffic vlolaUona. He t v 4m d of IIB on ft Chance ough a atop algn and n a chnrKo of driving w « sbghiayUmo license. _ :K f“,T5M".S: Property.

Entereds, 19. 1313 S c m U l A peUUon to esti u cited for faJlu re io right of successlc , of way followlB* a properly in lh e es accident a t 8:35 a jn . ^ ^ ea n waa filed

Idlson avenu# west. probato com!baker d r l« n by Ad- jjegn diedUt a 1053 Pord driven jje r e itato conslst4 TJ, 16, routo 1; Flier. property ■s tudebakw » « esti- „ ,u e . * X t « Ju.

s.s.S's.r.L‘“,ssja&':sw B aum gartner on .a ^:lcss cUrlvlns. JudgeIso haa fined W a lta r ...... - M a f f n a '

110 nnd 13 coals on xt*a*C jaM * MONTCLAIR, N

«m=r, m il l . 1. Twin ° 'S > "

" ...... ■'■ ijiutfuiti'a''fftthcdJr, Gakloy, haa been Inflon H artford. I 3 costa by JusUce of In ^^9- Weldon on a chante Ig e ^ c ld o n suspend- Snyder on. • char^i fln^. R udy also WHS Jng on a ^omplalni E3 costs on a charge vat« dU sen. SUt< I expuJred driving 11- Thomas ' baa floe, e W eldon auspended Heyburn. on a chi

dim the ligh ts on I h a a fined O llberto George E. SmlUi Ills, 130 a n d 13 costa lined l ib by Bu>

nm nlng through a H enry W. Tucker J and 13 costa on * speeding and Earl ng on a n expired ley. has been fine

of m aking a n Ule. Oakley., h b b e e n ------------------------ r»atrolntan.M arvla.J.

i P l ® fouNT ynI to anya'Stoitipi ® 1O N . m C ML'TOIL— ^^ R iE s ;, ' . . . I ® :

imer's. H' _ . mods wllb - C

rket“ ? L . _

ND ^ R Y *6rtte1.6lrt.<TMiinb.INGER, •

3 .- ID A H 0 ' , •

nlucky___LDS Cli 3 S ^ ^ r ^ « s t a i ir-old girl had to b« ! ' D l . . , ! , hOf.pUnl after drop-. I . / • J > l S l l (

- , , , J SHOSHONE. Se , ■ • ft* new blahop for

hew.er r.rtlcrji?• -----------------------------n w K i .to Pocatell *ict JrJail--^C ounselors for .X V I . A T hom e a

------ TT—----------------- sTOj'Tialph firnliSa p p r o Y e d f c : '- '. r■« r w OMI VaWo D . Bensore. for Elltnbelh boule- of Dlnlne stake,

es submitted by (he sec^•lcf. sun ilny .i m Construction com- enspn conducted .' Jikes area, Rex John- nnd a ll th e new m company. 131.954 ai. blnhoprlc spoke : w of pipes and ilrHlnn, t>aiiM8on, Rlchf >Vw«Utr broihti* . tor councllnmn wns ■ atlon. er. .

X'SV'iUV:,i:! “ » s , T vS~ Ai>™to .dlsconllniie mnln.

e esplanade on Sopho- . S c o ^ a w a i •d because resldpntx of ^ Conrnd T hom e not pay for tlip work he city. Tlipy advised SUmpjon and Lcager to send a letlpr — ---------ot Larkspur ,dtWe to . PARTY ;

day a l the LOS aUon was approved ve rl G . King anc le week of Sept. 23 as ar# moilnK to Po ness Women’s wppk. mov ng w ojrlscd Uie. c ity altor- r e a d TIM ES-N jp a contract with the ■ ■ ■onal Insurance com- Ide hospital and surgl- tor city employes. The A m cizlfig > pay aU hoapltal bill* _ —

t r ” cff.'o"''.hXV- U t *lost for a alngle rm .• I3 i3 . Th# city poys tiount.n nam ing Judges and V ^ C g i .'0 a t the general mu- '■ m was passed. JudgesMrs. Robert Watson, AmaiJnilv efTe«

enklns and Mrs. I. L. to genii? islm1 3. Mrs. J . O. Pum- ALVA-TaAHQWi

G. W alstra and Mrs. aent a new kindward 3. Mrs. Adeline NowavalUbleaJ . a . Lath, and Mrs. dsiivt. ttawivil

; w ard 4, Mrs. How- ik s ln g a ld ro rnM rs. K enneth Mont- jworry.cmoUom

M ra .'P ran k Haynes; ih e id ac b o . i n■Ray Humphrey.-Mrs. iPTOsuro . .u and M ri. Vcrll Per- inervouinefl. N

ling. ALVA'Ta>

:ra, Ray D uqken; ward " K .ird Howard and Mrs. boHles. 13.50-ard 3, Mrs. Jam es E. • . f t , . A l w * . 'I. John D , Reddy; ward ( 0 « A I T » - ,Spenc# and Mrs. I. A,ward 9, Mra. RobertM rs -J r , ThrrlkMrt------- -----------------------

Accidents rted in T. F.automobll# accldenls

a lo Twin Palls city ___ :y aftem oon .,; a l tha Intersection of .a# and Eighth street /J.s-iyp.JPonL'iriTciU ir._____________ / —iglelon, U . 1S30 H igh- /■aat..and a 1040 Chcv- /t>y Alma H. Wells, 77. / .U No tojurlcf wer# n>

south. Involved a lOSSven by Willard Lundln,mue north.' and a car,n Updegraff. 347 Mad-ries wera reported and VsUght. . • \

ty. Petition \ed in Estate ^0 establlshfa husband’s :esslon to tcctnm unlly ne eslato 01 M n . Lula filed Tuesdwr In Twin • court by R. A. Bean.

died Intestato May 37. . . 'nslst4 of r e a l 'u d per- yiy of undetermined • /6 Judge P . O. fihene- - y/V^pointed Lee M athers, //j I

and Ralph O . B ut- / / | '*• ' IIIa w in b t heard a t 11 \ H \ ,

nate Dies V-R , N. J.. S e p t 34 S » - rm Hartford. Chairman / -o t the G reat AUanUc Irea octnpany, died tn - \1 n lsb t a t h la horac - \< 1-93.— ^ r a t t t f .- Oeorre^Htmt^ —rd. lounded th e chain V

hartt# of reckless driv- . ^)lalnt.»lfned by a p r l - • - - - - - SU to Patrobnaa Roy fined H al G. Worr. .

a charge of faUure to s on hU automobile.mlU».*Burley. h as been ‘' Z r

B uilty poUea Judge V > Jicker on a charge of r - « ^ \Earl Darriflgton, Bur- - \fined $5 on a charge AU

a UJegal turn.tmm “ 'Ef V '0



W »M iV |j=-j :

{ ■ u a t t a v O D K A ' ^ H k

Chm-cli Kims,12 tainsNew

1 O i 0 0 **nd Suncld’shop, Staff KS-Vj•re. Sep t,'34 . - Suslnlnrd Rn'u?m !'*«4ii"‘i >p for theShM hone LDS . ‘JLy n igh t wa* Lloyd Smlih.

i for Bishop emlih are a film, dp.ncrl ■me and W ame Boren- by-U»«-R<*v^W S ^ i h IS wnru cltix niid jhow n n t 6:45 r ir j ^ r ^ ” » “ * i ^ Ending- tng t^o fMm iWcBenson. Oiiey, prwUlfnl Bible Prophccy iiake, ottlclnifii c(i the a sprehil 1 iilny .n igh t. Wnyne Sor- dc ta lb will be ic ted .T he retiring bUhop lij attcndnncp » new ihembprs of the souvenir of Un Mke briefly ftnd Abno Ings are open Richfield, *l«lie high ----------

Mrs;M(» ta lk was by Dana Lee 'D _ : JK aren Dllle and Mrs, F a l f l 'n played an orgdn nndR onnle Thomf, Jtroiiie,ip a n l^ by Kay Blake. M cOlM i'an wj;

^Sme'V na''*l^d’'r 7 i :? b ‘' ^ ^ ' n ^ ^ S r b:iiom e and Rrdrle Mab- n t.e io tm ni

nd Lcw b Holl,,.. o n ,n n l.l M r..----------------- ------ pallbearers tR’tY PLANNRn M errill- OrcPlm . ScpC 34-A farewell JenWns,■e held a t 8 p, m. Snlur- B. K- Slmklns. LDS church tor Bishop ConcluillnR ,

lg and hLV family. ’Tlioy Sunset Mcmorito Pocatello. ----------

----------------------- T he ru ler olES-NEWS m U T ADS "The I>lon of J

In g N e w M *dicd F o rm u la f o r —

6 N S 1 0 N 1,1y effective In helping S o f * / T r O f i q U calm jangled nerves. r k ' f w i

.AHQtnu tablets repre- ~ A L . Vwklndormedicsiloa

ssyjis'tfs l r A I I <d for relief of anxiety.a “ ' X » . T A B I E T S, . due to slmplo '

lefl. N ot hsbit form. . M O . ,rA'Ta.ANOuii. U isfel j P R E S C R IP T IQ l^a»-dirt«td-oivUbeL—IS, $2. (Economy^lw L " . . ' H ” ? .* * '' .i i . s o - j5 ~ j io ) . , X n T - : . ,

l T « > T r a B q « l l T a b l e t * A> A ll

/ . i t t£

iGet the job done

|T 3 ^ Nitrogea is -availa jaeeded by your p]

r C ^ Apply feitUizer w: • ■ y ith soft fields ani

" r l0 ^ ~ '5 p r e a d yduTT^lc

y o u ^

U ic U S S 'N itfo g c n....... ind your profit. S«


iTalks..Set._,|Placfeligion-M eEt^^^1 talks aro planned Pri-I| . vnday n le h l ln the 8pUl-l W A t y TI evangelistic cnuado In iD»Md .in Legion hall. 1 r^..V night, Uie Rev. Don H.' ‘ i'»>i 111 speak on ■•Chrl*l vn.lPreceding the talk thel iJi.^i m” il

srlcs of films on the llfp: • - p , - - ,Paul will be shown. Vm \ ___"r shown a l 7 p , m, —y"'^* ' ‘ 1f.icrlbed a* a tnmlly fllm[ '—L

:45 p; m. Sundny'.'Pollow- ,- I^— L _ i I the evnngpllit will speak I • ^ d ^h irM ld d tiT E Jisn n ' „.hi,

■hiHrnturo Sundny night! .be Klvcit.on how lho.ic;

icp mny recclvp a Dlblel ' sv-m. p . ' tlip mpctlng. All meet- sjnd .r.— >en to the public ..

U \b* .McGlashan j id Last Honor Iservices fnr Mr*. Nellie; *"'* *"*I wjjte cosid«clert a t 3 p . _ ~

n t the Tivin f AII* mor- / ’ A o n t l by Ui6 Rev. Donald B.

''■«i:iho*«'Jo';' aa Sleriing c , Larson and .,ni>.ihr. duri :rs. charies Allen. our .pprKi.iirs wpro Enri Haroldsen, ircpllng, D ea ir -Dietrich, uV t »mt Mr clns, Thomas H acked and Ur. .nd sin.':1ns.------- '< p c r tnc nen'lce* wero held a tmorlnl park. ^'T lo'‘h HPHa'i‘ i!

.r « EMW. » O.Wof Jurtah.“ w.Uan.

■I I . I. I ^ 1. i. T R A V E LCAIl'LtAViWo

V J n i A S w l Uta!

q u illz ing Aidr . V A l ' ' L .l« f 1117 IOI

I? JIL,-'----------------

J ® / - . - ■ sl.»«.«IW,Ah,U*-~r*« .M l D ru g C o u n u r i

; a l ^ s

x n B J x ^

.. . F o r . F A U

- F e r t i l i z a l ; ]

I t takes N , Mcq—N itrog

/ ------ for-m axiinucn-pro itfrJli

arc some of the reasons y

should fertilize this fall wi

USS N itrogen Fertxlizcrs-

ne before the spriDg rush.------- !— ----r-1------=-----------------------------

xilable when, it is most r plants.• when there’s less problem and ro a^ .i r l T l ^ . '

get fertilizer on your crops;

gea FertiUzcn iM; fdl in S increaie yi , See your USS Nitrogea Fcrtiliier dc;


. ■ P A G E E M V E K . i | j

L S S lfied i::VlT AD RATESU.4 oa MaVpw>vord)

z z rr f .s is s f s 'f f inlmiim or 10 vord. U r*.ID «nx OB* cUmUM .dl

liwpU. .w ,t.Vl.'^lfl»i • '

'I' r ”TOOr-cf»3li .au bMn « u ^I mu«l .cfOBMBI ®bS«. l.INR for Cl.iUUd fliiln r’. .d . - s p.tB. 8.tgrd*n

ijr;—I p.B. B.lurd.;a.d> .r« .trlcllr MBtldnU.] iS T A fe r '• " : s ; . ‘:ire 's i* s" i's :lotorrwl luartloB. , .

I'.njTlMlillrfldt/nJ.I** **’*

RD OF THANKSiiMrily iMlafui ta rtl«»d« .ad

for thtlr m.njr kind u t e( durins aur a.4 Ur*.>«aMAt.

rackllom ...flfll b« .4a(tu.ulr nh. y.u>it Ur. Iiobtrt r.I.ah .nd {.nitr Mr.. Turn K.t..S .nd f.mllrECIAL NOTICES~WIUun uprlihl d*rp frm n .■Il.l b,.!.. 7i> Loru.l.CCOKUIUN IniinKllM., B.b T-lB F.llt Du.ln,M Cfllln..Ilds. Qr.al Studla. rboa. II».B

i^EL AND ftE$ORTS ~~^N0~ (7r O.m.arl. C.IKoraU,T.ka 2 er t. Inaulr. D.Bkla, talkM 5fluUL i*SoB. 1I40.R. II U kH U»h . lUncb. c U .. . Ind p.ck barM. .t.i: .k l. (»r 11 I. or 0u°u!!li* 4?°lt.?l^* II

AVIATION I Ii.lrueilon. .nS alrcnui rtalai lit ■ Kl»ln« StTYlfC Pb»n» 2»l. I I

A I R T A X I . I

t7 lOS m.a,b. A lrtr.ft I It PllflU »IUi lailniBiwt rtk- I I

•lr C.rrl.r P.rmll Kfc T-IIS. IIot Air ’r .i l CaBfarvBC* a»> J |r-.ll U.Jar AJrlla-. -jll

Sauan.M. &tt«. IlliEN-ROUNDY-----------1 I

Skyways . ' I)IUlwr4 *.7t7tr-BarI.r. Ua. v


f V H

M .,.. • .. ..-. l - i i m ~t r o g c n ■ 11

, ^ c fc . - ^ • ^ 1

IS y o u ■

I w i th tle r s — ■ .



a ' . .

?s; , . ;

»e ytjtir yield ^r dealer DOW.

[ l i Z E B SWtO>omAMM0>iiA- .

Page 12: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

■-■■'t- r • ' ......... .

— I i s..I1 1 - y - ' g

£o*oi!i«V*'' '° ^lutriRiKM(iEb'~'«onlilaitieR c«^*' asA A<


EXPERIENCED *• l a u n d r y WlCK^l^;



HELP W A K T E D -M A tr - ^

“ “ “■■ “ ^ D E L T O r a ^ N

EMPLOYMENT r a : SE C lnilT Y AGENCY_ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ A I . Q i j C B l - ^ ™

^ g S i jSALES'OPPORTUNITy * iwm‘.

p i ? 7 “r„;r.^ ..7C | J

^ i l S i i li i S i l i’= = = = M

W S ij a j o r o i l c 5 m p a n y l i f S

i l f i l i f ^ ^ s J Hg ^ a s s s l j

f f i ! . f ; r z . r . s r ; - . " " " “ | = - ^

; ^ a m ” ' i ; i 5 r z s r i ; f p s

z :, = .., • \M s

^ BACON.AGENCY. '. f ^

j S E r z I lJ^LKSPINO r-om. U „ . « . . > „ ; . . «•■«

«rj •Ji’;

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Z j^ V T sij^ ' '1 - g l

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ai!' ..OMh u"^ Wi:rl^r'I.J-hon, OiCVm Hhr.ih«n,, i

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GI SPECIAL | ! | =

b..., „ n n ^ . u m,h' f J S j f

CHUCK WALLS i'S K :. -Ij a f r

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i S r T 'S ? " ‘ ■&&

—; _ _ _ ,.— ;. • _ - - - —:i-— : ; ■ _ ■«' v-1- • ': ' ' --*

-T IM E S-; N E W S , T W I N P j

, HOMES FOR SALE \____ 1

■ E . ^V H IT E A G E N C Y ' | ^

-s^ B s - jhiT I R I N C ? . ' .':

: r s s \V A P • - • i

p l ^ K IREALESTATE-- I p_

■Service, Inc. | j

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s s s s » | . . l

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KEY REALTY 11"^SbotlMxi SL W..I rb. 4400 l>mid!

---- OUT-GROWN---------- 1!~ y 6 u r h o m e ? ~ ^ ~ ; ■ «

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F R O N T I E l t R E A L T Y . ' S g

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------- ^ J i a - b o D 'S r i i S i . r „-■'" “S .-i/;r “ ■ s;»i

— ' =i ' . : . - ■'YOUR SALE

IS ] • 'IM PO R TA N T iJ‘ 81

' TO BOTH OF US ____

BDLLIVANT 4: ASSOCIATES VUCnONEERS & REALTORS iptsS !Oj.aAW Avr. w. f h o n e 4h ».n a k


s s s s i

S i i ^ p

A. G. HOLLAND K i’i'

g g ^ ' l

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e a i3 s t i M l

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l i l l iS " ■L U K E ’S •


■ VERY GOOD 40 | |=

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KEY REALTY f i |[j

R E A L E S T A T E ----------M

ii-a K i M n S n o A i -

L IV E -S T O C K Li

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P O T A I^ E D S I JO im E B N O W “ I


S A V EOb BMt m r ’* •upslr


.TwiB r ill.. I.I>h« ', ^' . - - J-K O V A R ^ I J


.A U . : . . n o j c

SEEDS A N P P IJkN T S ~ | 5‘.

ilAV uy" UAlj:" 'cr ».n. c a

BAHDb: or P..I. bur.,. 7 r . a r ^ J r r . l *

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™ m o M P T . I ’

r e m o v a l -- I—

, L lV E S T O g n . ’. . : i |

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CUT-UP nEADV TO Cl*. ?1.20 Ench

• ^ o u l t r y j u p p l y


Page 13: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

'■ '?SI |5 B f P lB f f i E i i ,2 4 , - 1 8 W

^ W*"

,„*ffi^HO TniN O S O P P I ^ - ? uy- 9 our

nlJ^W I , A»i O"” * *™ . MIN^ ^ ^ Y - K O P P E I ^ C O . ! P ia m o n i

■ ■ '— a

!'***^ ^ 5 B ^ u f . * tu **S-"- A T ON^ ^ v o TV .liiL » » X iin U ,t ,^ Im z z z :

S - S « . . . . .> ' "»• '• " “ M O B IJ 2 J j^ ^ ^ ,a » f» u r . Onir HI-m 1

------ tT .^ I ll AiiUfn W«L

r - M O E'*'11. »» Cm.«U;_______ _ •

“L , « * * * L i^ i i).7Ti KM C.rff T,i!5 ' tm* * ^ 1 ,1 .1 ..... I......... l«rt»lBt. IItiTtS >“ * *” ” • ®“” “'

^ ‘ ----- — I--------— -------n S P S i F S M . l e u

{,?...*^mltDf.. gh^"* » » • ■

JN a. . ■ H*J.“J?.1. *in U.ln AT»nu. Nftflh. J’ ^ «7 tL L »...IIU .... «»rp... ,ub. TUEtJ}

i* L . lilhl (Ilium I tUlBlm ilMl ILY I o.rf n9UMh.

tttTi: ar.-wfinr»f-»rMW.-«_>»«w [= L j f t " I ■-"■• ■”".?TT* r Ju I S<ll w< TrUt w«> lunilltir* 1»M—11 ft. :

" _i .—Rmm*. 0»«r n«tr <l»T In l i t I ^ i m - u r u a


S m> At* Mroom Mt; twin M t ; > ■• n S ^ k l i u * lr»ll.r: Vitrihtrji. .w. -----------------'■ i

^I S . r o w m i i ' ” * *^ 4 « a «W ., »«1^ . « '■laft J It D»«e»« PliW*.__ IlKlmi nfriffn tari UarUr j««i> , L L

2 i & ■rtVVu.i'Avr.j^'tji « « « « • T «£ i M ).« ^ n | M nom Mt: f u r» f t . ItU «** AUI ~ Ht LYMNWOOD ■ tIH II* FI.*

W ~E X ol6 k U o ' tA i iH t I S M U, . , aiilH T VH*« »lolla. *0.1 H i Mil“ift !■«»*• HIWJ.«ni«ii. • - . „ . g „ u .


— ^ W ^ r S E R V I ^ ' TRADE! **" limc TiNK-il«ininc, npalHat and■sii ,i5rj:vfe-'»-;.?.’aT r"- t r a i ^ S p M r S i X K ■ Tr£f!‘J Inicuik (U alrr. AarkUrt. aanU r. ADDIIIOI ^ w a nifr ‘‘” *'*“ '*• D* 'T itifll t r 1 __ irhc Tihlt. Cna l-Mircltantd. r*> '

^ . Q l


i E B ^ g ^ _ : s s E :

• * ^ U h i I whMl \u ll .r . 211 4th ■ iTrlkM.'^’l__ ?g»»* “ ■■•_________ _________ TinnH.•. » *"il t,.U.r. L.wii.bl., 83 CHI^ -* 7 “» W t . rhn»» MO. - 61 C H i

1 , i i ^ ^ " g g g .

— ■ "' - . SI

I Lkii'L ii.^?' *atr, (in<Kl «ontfliii.a SS WILLY;

3" a HnUll'Y In h u.------ i------m ,—- M OHE

“ S K S ‘" ' - . 5 " . r , K “ : i « s l S i S_ , . I

- ■ g l e >

;; S ! P v « e m CH]

2 £ v " ’ S s ' S AUTI

^ TIIU(“ -------------- 111 f«.llfni .W l‘‘ fl« ; iii?o^Jt‘ paU- V tV X - ‘~*'>‘. ij‘f^"pi.oM ***“ * ■*_:

' ^ = = = d : • Cl‘ n a o w n ^ s _ l - - u s :

I M E n c u n y


i* !T~~- ' ' ‘ • ’I IJOO B»lo» >I ---------------------------------- ---- -63 P

• , • ' ■ ‘ ■ •■Ob OMa l m a c . C L A R K . “

3rket place I - sof

a g 4 G - V G H ^ - = =

:ks a n d trailers | a u t

MN THAII.MI f.„- hu,,,— I l l s / ' ■*V)»n Mulnpf.1, lJU.M. -------------------------

Jiinfn. Anr r«V*nlh> i{(",!lT .“ - * 1957 c;^

EMEMBER! I £ " 'i r ’:,>UR TnucK Kirou TnucK ; aQC-.J’l'i*,UINDP.D DKAUKItS • i »■■'' lOND T TRUCKS ARSK 3 N as OF THE r \>

H ia invA Y S • 1

S S I’E R N M O T O R ^T r u c k , In c .

ONTTED OIL CO. ' ' 'ifctiir noa< , •• r>OT» m .— —

. - _'-“ i r R O C ...■ m M . ]

B I L E H O M E S : « > » Sv'!:,

, ________ - ......... »H n.Y»icNEED ■ ’J“

DRE ROOM? ir a u c K s

jpplin.h a

- ■ — - ^^MOTL E a s n ^ HOMES . . : * "

OLDMBIA HOM ES' |----------------


U M boH V lllbla/i ■ F m A ^Tf.ll.r Pam * aupplln , ■- _

lUirr bout* u U Bix'tiJ, «tib ! -rlKO. , ON A LL«

ft. MoHrrn Oorltnd Trall<>,I B»<tf«oi«u MH nujcx

:u >)ixitrii fl»aruii. 1 D«dco« I ■itr*':.'; HiiAiir

“ S I J f P S O N ------------------- ” “ i : ? r a -lO B I L E H O M E S ‘ “ ‘J t h

IIIRIIWAT 10 I »;” IIAttup«rt I m « J7)»ID

. .I ^gl^cllRVIl


L I K E M I N K ? IJtblr.T « WJ4. 4N0ELU8. U tl CIIKVtlAUEIUCAK.PI.A1IWC0. JtS*N


M OIIUA 1 OtrfrMCD. I — o p :

AMEKICAN. um4. : lEBOUKEWAT, Bifd. . . | t- •

lO T R A B B IT T O O lU ------EHIOR 1»«. V.rr Bi»4 ’ A S H W O SAMUTE !»<«. Cl«n. A O tlW U ,

•ERMS THE BEST U S E D>DE8 T H E LONGEST - „ „ c „ „ y s

dan. Co- - biiAitr

A T ) E R H O R N ” “ £ S

f r a i l e r S a l e s .lAON W UT PlioHE U ir j REAL B/ 71m EMMny 0( QuallV I l i l DE80T

■ Pawtr

_______IMl IIUICK' <1io. btl


Q U A L I T Y , . „ w i s

- O K - , . „ - H

3 E C T R U C K S —

ItNATIONAL 1>,4 Tb’n. T»i>- whi.li'*^!i«‘-* .l^ H tr r . 'iV b r .{ ;..• NEW liC0x20-ID PLY . CHEVROLET 3 TON ’m t CUEVICHEVROLEnr a TON:H E V R O u rr i i i t o n ,. . J**?''IHEVROLET IH TON _________ 1

™65 OMC >.i TON »» »’'■< *••S6 OMO ’i TON OF

.J^YS 4 WHEEL DRIVE L _ : ______:H E V R 0L E T >i TON I------------ ^3HEVROLET H TON '(----------------5HEVROLET 4 TON n rr :SH EV BO Lirr H TON

,E N - G . . J E N K I N S

H E V R O L E T , l o c a t i

---------UTOS FOR SALE i ?.n,i

1____II"--*»rln» and brakt*. r»m« Htidtf | t t | OLDSbit* wall Ur«. Pk«iif Jrramt Kadio;

er i n t lu r I P.M. Can bt i i . . rPau Mtui Worka._________ ^ m s

• “ ' 'I CLEA.C H U C K ’S ■ ■•“ SHI*

J S E D G A R S — S 'A ON

ft VOLUMS , DEALER) ............prALE O F G O O D B U Y S ” ! » »

: i A L J E O B - 3 - D A I S i : . |

I ITORO 'ConverUbU I i>ii c u e>• W balnala----- : ..... - l i l t j ' ' .imlB*3 PONTIAO Coupe jTd i

i m . = i ana-To CHOOSE r n o u - i i « ur

. ' ' . ' I UaB :-SAVE A B U C K - i .W* UAVK

> C S r « iF ! . o p i lI Old nica Bawl L«»i1ob

al E u l ».r«lnt>'’ OLDS

K - g . ? ' : H S b y A - ~ . | i

__________________ . , . T T M I

f o r SALE I - a u t o s

5 A y E j ? L 5 0 ( L --------- G j E y S HCADILLAC DfVILLS , . ,

nin'iu"' wpi“ nV.’f.r

• r.lan. IIa.ll. I'ONTIAC C

t o u r e e ■

Motor Co. "'*'1’h o n e i 818

lAr.Mi Jr..™ S .n .i auoni.ilc I- • m o joiii) Club■ *.f»Ilnil»r. ------—------------ - l»l> I-OIID i.il..

)CK BOTTOM— '■ ■ - - •••• PRICES BEL T

) N U S E D C A R S « ’ w m t « m

’ '^‘■ T m 'S n ra '.r ’*YMOlmi Klall..n W.ti.t, ---------- -------------EVHOUT Huil„n Ua,„n f ---------------------VUOUTIl SusUm Wta«n M-I0JS.1O54 SEDANS


HO r» wllh N»w »oinr NTS-Ntw lIJT'DODCi: Truck*

5 A R B A U G H , . - r d a r ) T O E C O . I n c .

.■'■?"■■■ I .1I m r a m .■— — O.SK OW.N

— ■ - I LOADKP .] ItJI VOlin }ilall

F R E E ! !i « i ri.v>iouTi

A N C E C H A R G E S "___ ___ . -JIU no jc ii-*^.

R S T G M O N T H S -------


ICX T pMlat ll.rdlsp Coupfc 8'*'i

Mir -----------------------tit>i . ' —R D ^-.l.l»a.-i-U .,_Ti..«itr- • -llil.ClIEVJlOLl lla. Tr'a’lr.* Knr.I'iim»llc?*'Md » « STUDKnAK•'hllt :.Tiifir. low nilkair. with tutomiTHA c u :an ______ tieis„ „ . , ' ' U tl nijiaHoni'■KD Cii.lom J.door. Krtib Air Jlaid-l..r 'mA l*"'’' ' “J’*"''- , paw.r bftli.CIAI. dift. htntr.- RVH0l,ET^8Mtlln. Dtluit »•ni. mAbLY’ciXAN ".I^IMJ ■Q’l '

:O M M E R C IA L S MOTCRO r.too ..i'Ton Pickup, i- rd lr»n»nlM!nn. tiira toadb«r. fmh alf b ttl tr .__ | | i » ^ “ 1rVROLET Vl Ton Plrlm^ • _________ 'ivjr dulr whHit and rubUr. ICAN ** '" ‘* llOtl - — -

t t U R 'C H M A N '

[ O T O R , I N C . • •OPEN EVENDJOS— V m

• ---------- - : ........'436 NOI

I fO n T H M O T O R CO . i ,s , c i i S S S

ID C A B S P E C IA L S ' '

nv!Li!«. Compimlr tqulppt.L EXTltA m :p _____________

L . I . , I rf»»r s!dt*n! I »•* ClIEVROLi;

BOTO Klrtdatnt w»«f B«!.n. W«l«n. . - BlT O R D S A

ICK s w t JU iiw c w t . K»-. btawr. pawtt tlnrlcu. powtr' •ktt. tlr.-irle wMowt^aii.l^ataU FOKD VieU,,*.............................. U M dlo, httltrICK Ctfltur7 llanltap Coup..■ttr ilmlBi. pwwir brikri. IHI >0R0 fliall:ltle window l i f u ------IICll drirt. cKan.YUOUTII Brl*»Jtrt Woor K»- l»SI KORD Crai1. Ilaillt. hr.ttr. automaUfl jlraullful rainiRilMlon __________III» lnl»rlnr. CLINTIAC "I" S-d»r Rtdtn. IIa> TOOTH., htatrr.' hjdiamtllc.' cbnimt 'H H POUO VlCtitlt. Ilnltd l l m -------- Ml) I tu PLYMOUTHHYSUIU. V.I Mtw y.aiker 4- CLEAN CAIr SaJin, lUdlo. hitltr. aui^ itSI ItlllCK !!«?■

E V S 'V l « . i i n :D . I - . . J j „ „ S 'J S,s ir s ..m m .a W »r. n . ^ . • X . l n ^ tII.r. .and ov«rdil.« --------wi» r U m

I tu OLOflUOnilV O R T II M O TO R CO. , a“n‘1?Y SL E R -PL Y M O U .T H »•«»AiniDa (Ull ---- Pb.«ti:J .^1 UNITS TOOPEN EVENINOS O P E N E

— ? m t

! - Y E A R S O F

I R D E A L I N G ^


i5 W 5 iS T i™ n 3 » f » * ;S : - ■ ,

s r S ? K i s s

“ »» * ----------------T ito r .. . . . i - ~

E 5 5 5 1 3 A

L 'p a w w ^

A ^ H j Ii o t o r 1

li ......P H O

F A L L !


= = = = = ■ \ Q U J

5-BA-Ntyi;ES- ■■uX «:

•du, 1*14 KIIID Rai.'l-TH **~'-Ita.lln, 1»J: PK .»OTO.V

* "■ ■ J»;: niiiric Sp.jVr.i.r * JUSTRKCC

, TRlie lr.i>.tni..,.in. .■ ]|J] i.stk RNATClub Ili.liB kralir»r.i.,l..„ , . , |„ V.I R.Jit

MOTORS**i'il^» —- Jr.nOMK IIH rilKVnoLV . i .1.,.


0 ^

. R ------ -----D - LAS!

i-D-E LN'Sro Jltfdotnt V.I l.ilnnr. ADW.NKlt CAK THAT 1.1 r-l,»;p ---------------_|j9i Cne^.a.lo. W.ron (Our nAj-------------------------m i l M ode l)UTII niatlnn Wtcon llxiw

^ 5 7 ^ 7 ^ ™ - .- - DI,RD Cllpptr C|i.b Br!iir,__________________ IIH I Cft javirt wMIt

, Ntw -tT Ch«>l<aSlaliaa W«on_____ll l l T»n. BtlAlra. ai

1 from otir Iltful. lOLET JKKNir <Vtrr '

-----------------: weT# UAdlntrlO L E l- i^ , ---------- 1; « - i - rc » d y -fe r-« ^;nAKF.R Und Cruim V.*Utom.uo_______ „ | J H pocket from

««!iAadjl"^^iull?r4 ie»i- • B t^N O _IN ' * (

UNION - IW™’ TORS, Inc. BE KEAiJvIlrr - Ja k t BetbOP PARK HOTEL

Lou Clott Sundan“ GLEN C

^ ^ ^ i = = | | _ _ C H E 5

^JTOWN L - ■■

;OUREE RICE CItO T O R C O .-^ ^ O K T H 'M A IN l U G I O

[E V R O L E T S ' T R A D IN: m .tclual mlln. UrautUsI P btaiar, wl

wn rinl.h,, SHARP. 1 «<'•'*• ■»«OLET Rtl Air ll.rdtap 1 » « MBO WoRadio, htaur.-auUimttIt «dl«. btal•>lan. Bad and' WblU . alMrlDi, p<cLt:AN.

lOLCT V .| Maor BtlAir. . quIpM. • wbllawallUlOLET 110 V.I SUIIan I ntullle. Rl

. BUadard IraniailMloa.. , m i CHIHmOU

AND OTHERS ^iTriiidJ.^. . u f e r . y ^ ’s'

ll.COfl actual mllr., o.tr.!rl.t. a.':i',“ :'n‘d“o'? ;^s:rLi"K ‘i Sa-ji'S u- h,

fl.a.lo. Wa,a, V.I a.tr- ' COMM tl«n. ti l l CJIEVnOLJCrawn VktaKa l ^ w ........{lt"l'l7‘ arw

l 'c “EAN"A8*A’H0'UNt>8 nV w ' I

VIctarla-Htrdiop-CoBW. **** mi'iulUTIf 4.door BHan. NICE C plr lUt^!

CAU ALL OVKII, AUOVE A'flurwp iMlaar R^.n Ki. REBPECT .

tIfM. «ood orlslnal |>aliit. H»« KOM) I'T iAPK ALL OVER. •"■};


ORILK - l l - «-door., Ei- . MANY MO a'nd CLfel'N aEl'ov'^'i!:: t r u c k s TO -AC <1 4 ^ , M aa. u g 2 D

ITO CHOOSE fR O .V -N EVENINGS' ° ® —lONE 1818roa. rrom 8tan"


• I R E (N E E D A ^

O ne o f T he se.TP A V IN G •-E XC A VA TIKwin >aJla. Vl««l tw»fc , A Ullwan. PbaSALES and SEHVICE » K L E O « in 7

W, uawj. UKPAIKINI* ' Contract bout..la—Oadlltaa.-Mai« —muiB^-CUtirt: S A L l^ • H IH N A t:t <

a n d w A T c n nEPAtu

iA N lN G • •O-Ilnd Iti.-WMU-Vaaaa.aii.. ^ - p u x j H SAN: IN Sm U C T lO N S _ t,-A IJ»U.rI, Pbana « W pf-741-ll. » • fU £ L UIL

STOP!YOUR BT3SIMES3 ~ / } o h s£ s h J3

a d v e r t i s e ^

M N E .38- 7|



n ? 1955! U A i I T Y . , K / Z V t .

^OI.KT 4.du.<r iliaili'n W .t..1 M»tor. A UUOl) ONt.

Ra’nth Wacn M.'ban..«v«. KXTUA CLIIA.S, .TO.Vi Hardtop. A .MUnr ' '

: « ^ l a . U O .U ^RKCONOITH).SKI). ^ 171

T R U C K S ■ ^

INATIONAt. ‘ i-T..n • I. W llh Elp>

ROI.KT *,.Tan PlrlxiP. P~■b.^.fatd, romm.Ttl.lil,,.. _____

' • g <

............ .. ■ TVIOTCROLCT^Ton T.uA,


■ n ■ I .ST CALL! . SI

■ -57 ■, lo s e Fo

iiAiiDTnr t.3<C h e v ie s O n ’ a^T i'rT aV 'ra ;

)del Y c n f - E n d , , p 5 6 C<v' RtlAir Htrdlap ; iww»r.slld». ‘tin

DEALS ■ i, 1955 FoI VICTORIA 11.

wMI. Uia (•ltln« I. »oo<l. 1 rtallir’th .rp r I h«.l.a On. Klflr. T-cw I

powtr.*lld». wkidlntr hiBli-M we rcI i » “‘"- •-•nolhep-ncTT-CJievyr : -----:|lm lu r ?.S!Jr ■ "ARDTOP C«uom one 0( our year > matle irtnkmlal!LSI ' ' Urn. Ilntrd (lai

I :i—UNITS TO INJXO-UR_EBESENX_ , ---------------------

pA Rl V A L L E lrJO YO V RTTTLE ’ l o ? ‘j


N g : J E N K IN S I g l e n :

lEV-ROLET— • ■— ^GHE


D IN G ” D E A L E R S A M E

v“ '\^hlt«"u.*p*.lJile"*,'lr« , -67 CHVRO

: . - d ir B):i.nbcatir. • a.trdrix. Jww.r "efl CHEVR

II, paw.r brakn,.wbluwall /m m r otlnt«l Kl».. a U WTtra, '58 CHEVRlEO. VERY CLEAN _I10II ^ CHRYS"d to .'^ 'K It.V ’. « S i a % I *8“ BUICK

V V n fU f y r '^ S I *53 CHEVRla. REALLY NICI! - . - 'msI '63 CHEVR ■nOLKT“SIO—lilaar M a n :' ' "~ ’63'WILLYJllldt, I'loat’ piila*!.* V^*U8 '63 PONTI/

'M f ' - ’ iM cl» . U ..II..I llm, >un. Uk. 'S3 PLYUOS .- i,rT iifo “S . V i ! . ° S 11= P1.VM0

IM M E R C IA L S - i” ;

• S S , - - m b x h o h ,.■ c \ v S . ”, K “ i . S

.... ,■....'...... ........... IHI ’62 DODGE»l.V^S!w '62 PLYMOllttt.' now mllt.'«t, WAY . *61 CHEVR

"• " S S - .tC H E V K .“ S ,j^S iS ■“ *



PHONE «M G ■__OPEN---- )Z. ■


C T 0 1N L E J ^ E E Rse C an He l p -You!m N a . ■■ • ~ M \v w - a f o i

r.k V L L A N tS l i~ ~ ~

!i » ^ - c « i i s i a t . ^ . . . . • pa/NT c o n

iiiiiiniii' i iTiTin i 'ii' * ' '] T .r r ^ n ^ W » VvTBMa * »»»U. IU »!»*>• n .~ I l- lU

-j.J 'n rr--— ' ~iTI ' ' • S A F B n DlI Pboii. tiao. Matatj Dapuatl Itwl

>HO£lNG D«j uaiwrtwd

fN C .* ,H £A 1iN C ;-- - - •-WTTTEJTSC]»«■ <!> t a i g a M4i w.

.............. _____ V

M | ^JT 0S_F0R _SA 1,E .„ —— ^ u t<

1955 DESOTO---------1'■."b’aVt. j:'.7;ir.i| ,| r o y -s;____________nlfktt. f _ 2 L _ L _ a i---------------------------------- - l t » roNTU

n N.w 11

i lo'll CIIKVRl..!nor,„

S WEEK ONLYl sHA'irn. I lo u iiDnitoi

I GALS. GAS S .T?T?T?T? ' cHKVitir £v£i51i . Club Co

; m j PoNTi> Ilh Ench Uied Cir ' | c lk 'an

Purclju fd I MANY UORI. WILL HUY ■ i 4 ie NO. Ml

GORE'S ""3T0RMART , ' r ~ ^• BET'

1011 ro.vru, . Waton,

— . ' — l « l CHEVR— ■ ~ m i TACKA

l l l l PLTUOf i v e ' lUI.DODOE

SHARP - .... IJARDTOPS !; Itio DODGEi6 Ford V-8 $2295 ' «*« « bo »

I’l ' s a p e w n i■ar warranlr. ^ PONTIACS

6Chcv.V.8?2295 '* «lardlap Coupr. RaHUi, b.tltf, °

; WORKi5 Ford V-8 $1795 i - P nIA ll.rdtap Coup., fan l.^ Iow.r itxrinr, radio, fcwi.r, PONTIACarp. I , . . r ..rrantr, , ^ U L HEml.954 C hcv . $1295 L------^IP Span Coui», Radis, hMltr, ■ ■ ■ 'Id., wklw irtll.,,1 )it.r war-

955 B u ic k l m 'IP CAup.. Radio, bttltr, Auliw T

; S - ' s r - s or s TO CHOOSE r « o u - » i ____gTUL L E Y la O T O R CO . ' C A R SM^Lol^On^^^T.rra..” j i

OP.B Etnlnit

— - — I W

,E N G . J E N K IN S | T W I N


— 2 9 — . ■ price

y e a r s .iA M E d e a l e r '

m s L O C A T IO N i

HVR0L7T J-tfoor ' CERT3FreVROLET Convenrtlblo u u btude; HEVROLET 4-doorHEVROLET 3-door \ 2 ; rll?.HRY8LER’4*dOOr | i » | btude UICK i^ o o r " HEVROLET 3-door - o /tio>HEVROLET 4-door ' HM BTUDE'ILLYS su tlo n W ifon ' I " JCTbhDNTIAC 4-door . I IIU soDGiLYMOOTH a-door ' 'LYMOUTJl 4-door' • ' • ITI.IntlLYMOOTH BU. WifOJJ ; ,ORD 4-door . . . i w e o . . *ORD 3-door . T*. HO... •

nroEBA KER 4 - d C w r , ! _______ ??LD8M0BILE 4-door' . [ODGE 4-doorLYMOUTH 4*door <rHEVRO Lrr 4-doorHEVROLCT 3 ^ o o r USEDHRYSLEr 4*d00r ' _ _CfICK 3-doorl d s m o b il e 3-docr OFFE

5 im A C 3.door ’ ' "^"SEE]l d s m o b il e 3-door M>DNTIAC ■ • — *«b«* Wlk

« « «G M A C WTERMS j

~ ~ i S ;, IIM CHEVRi

13 ' AT V S iK . JL ■ ”“1 1

____ _ I f l l CHEVB(

] " ; h i ' } -____________________ _ J IM« yPRO Vn tO W E n SERVICE „ „ DODOB. la.t abarpatlat aad rtpalrlai. HEADY

««r»Ua. I ll lad A.fc 5—tt. IH I PORD Blnr 7 0 LOAN „ „ r d ; i * vt oa iMBi far boM.' <am-<s>.------- b taur.-llla. Pbaa. lilt. Cata Stata lnr'liit«i •-flBPBlf-Ca.--------- ■■•-:«- ------- DITION• COWrflACTUflS >»»» 2 ^ “ “ “

T m i S V ^ w l^JcB i^ S iS ; -■.— c t ean*

tt;£nA X IO N .S£fiV iC £_^ J ! “ .|2diS-S'Anallaaa., l l l l . AVERAl

^ ' --------- T9 SEIr r DEPOSIT flENTAL .m . b, o iWuati llgn-htamt. I ll Main Ca.1.VISION SERVICB ■ ” ”

Phan. HWB. ■ 11E JT S O m ? ^£ n S - l " W b . .« c »D r T 7 5 s r i 5 s r T c r a : * ‘'"""rT—

— -------------- ' \U T O S -F O R ^ S A IE — ‘ j <a t y o c

T. m i «.<ln..r. L h . »14I« HUVSi"i»t 4» l .n.rnsonL DTnaf

— ! - tInUb.

Y'S USED CARS * rgg .

STUC Sll,.«.„ak

IKVROLJrr Bul.llnt Dtluia ' * *’*' y i & ' W i v " " - ”" - ' 'A n n ------------------------- I 4 „ puy-D!tON roRimodor* L Radio. - .. . di.ir,

£ ’ " '™ P 'l tn u r r M>i.iin. n iiu .. ’ ' w .b C»up,. CLEAN____ L |l« • " •u7‘''.i'bii.'..ll‘ « !l^- e a s y .iKAN------------- -------^ I J P , 303 aMORE TO CHOOilR FROU. t UY YOUR CAR OR EQUITY.. •DT;M iln Phon# 453-N . .lArroM Twfn Btawl A .U t

roRKMAN’.q I- CTTER BUYS ,; ^A.VriAp I Ptiua. «.do.r Slatlea '

EVROIjrr 110- «.4o.r Stdaa C .^CKARD Cllppn iHlaar Stdaa ! (00<TUOUni InSoer M as |DOE V.I t.daer S«l.a gg,EVBOLET I OOT Btdaa ' ' C qNTIAO I 0.1.1. i- l« r M a . ! ' g 2 CNTIAC I D.IU. l- to r M « , 'DGE H To. Pkkap [



RKMAN BROS. |Pontiac Co. j -n.0 ' CADILUAO CUC I gEmkMk RUPEttt' ' .

- — - ■ CASEE ' j 601

T H E N E W I ^ O N T

SCOTSMAN — . eUDEBAKER— !p-------R S A N D S T A T IO N ' ?


■ A T '

W Y IilE 'S ' ^I N P A L L S M O T O R S j C -0 -104 4th AVE. WEST ■

i-J» m i l . a in o n U7 k now car lo r th* Aaaia,rice o f « UKd ons. j

1-DOOR SEDAN |dHroatar, u ra altiali. >rt aU i llahti eU lllur. l-laUlau UrM. vTaB- 1 1 9 9 5 " - 1


RTIFIED TRUCKS ' ’ Jijli *S!t » « dodq

a ,


, , i ? ! * £ . £ L , s s S

s . ^ f S i S : s i i s - S i i ■’“ S I T ’I BHAP« -,.,„ , IJHI tloflalIDGE 1 Tan TrtKk. Wllb I- I ' - WASNd. »tW TttbUr M U» na r >4 I.W .n lb. /f.nl. V-I Biatar. : "»*!a m -fc*** ^ ! . A

■ ■ • ' ! WAS* a . ^ Sludtbakar as4 fMkutl { HU PLYk

rkM . l i n w toM -------------------------------------- I ---------Wa s -

■ . B( "WILLS” I . M

;D CAR DEPT.Vuck Lane West I'- i'FER THIS FINE ELEC’i'lON-AMU— j — T -A -n MANY MOREWlMr. Car. Xm » Salllaf- A T


”“ P a 'w ------------------ - - - » » » » ouabjEVROLET V.I Moat Sutlas I l»M HEIun fas. Radla. bMUr. -»evm> [ . btMb l

EVROLET V.t .(-daar BalAIr rPPK l

. ’’" SRVSOLET III l-daer M an. UKc'»S- cS S S ftioS ”j! ! I_ 5 * .! i ! V & '

“ » S 3 ri .- .t-? . '? - ' " “ *• U S; ' “ T s s : ;

_______B s" “ a K i

;n - i 'c ? - o T = ' . : : i= : r K r . . “ Eto Vl< VklOTU Cegp.,' Kadla. TKZD

: “ S V K t e . E s r ™ . t 1

UD CnatoRilln. I l-don^ Badan. , . . t ^.wnrHo.-h«Ur.-fordom»tle.-ABOTE-ERAOX CONDITION. PRICED ISELL -------------------- lU II I ;

ikar Modal* T* ChMaa Praa I OWN- ALSO - - • . ■ '

a - s . y f f l ' y s . y s ® U m p o i i

I B E r a S T S B = e K = =

I Caatoaan S«b4 T M ! rrtasdt'

■ P A G E T H IR T E E N -jjl


s b e t 6 e s e

VALUESYOOil BUICK DEALER)ItlVS k MM BUICK Moor.}TnaIlow; radla,. btattr, a rm InUb. A-l CONDITION. *JUYB A 19SI CHEVROLtT Club 'ii*iA?l'i> — i r a

S*aOUHD AND CLEAn” ** *’1UYS A IIU BUICK Baptr *. iMr. D;naflaw, radio, kaattr,■t.t tar.ra. SEE THIS VALUE. lOYS A ,» « nUICK nirpar *.».r. Radio, b.at«r.‘ .OjTBaflaw.- - >•> Ital . -.1IIUYS A“ r«'u BUICK Suptr Sl.- tra Coiip«. -Drnatlow. radl^ i Matla. TUIB UAKDTOP IS A-L j!

lSYOMAO PAYMENTS 303 and Avenue North ■

BROWNING luto Company


6 0 S p e c in is S c d n n D eV ille s . . «

: C o u p o D oV illcfl )2 C o u p e H a r d to p ]

’O N T IA C ____$2106IH E V . B A . ______51995iL D S H T . _______ $2195IH E V . V - 8 ______?1495(GOOD SELECTION)


T h o L o t T h a t S h in e s 'T i l 9


— ■$75,000.00 ,[

J Q U I D A T I O N - U S E D 11

C A R S (!_ A N D T R U C K S -------------- IjD -O -N -T -I-N .U -E -D Iim g . g i o c g t . « - D N r r 8 ------- l l

MUOT BB SOLDI I IrORD V*t CaaURiUna l-door. I IRadla, bm ar. m.rdrlta. wbll.. | |'M ;*A 8% «’i r ! l j 4 0 w m u ' IrORD V-I CuU nlb . Moar. 'I IPmb air bMUr. dltwlional IIIfhla. rordamall^ wbllawalla. Illi/ ab I im — IZLnow i h u j IrORD V.t ralrUaa U ^ r . Badlo. i ilaat.r, Psrdoaatlc. l-wa)r pawn l l.MU. o«««r ttaarUc. vUUwaUa. IUW<U*|%1 — ..L-HDW IIIH UlESOTO V.i 4-dMr. RailbL bail- H•r, pa«.r ataniBf, sowar btakaa. II

}ODQE Roiral V-1 l-daer. i lIlia uanamkaloB. dlraallOBtl II? i f , R S r _ ! ! ^ i j r o V T A 5SUICK Spwlal JUrilop Caova.

:aEVKOLET B.UII «4aof. n*t. _IlO, ^liwUf. gdww ll]^

S - ,S ? l2 S 6 W . . . . .PONTIA<3 -4Hjaar SUnblat. V -t radio, baaUr, dBal rant. hHra- Baila, »I*bJ Uiltu. whliawalta, .

BOB REESE . IMOTOR C O ......... U. . . BI«k .MM. Bm U, I I

w o r r r . b b u r r o E M o u i i i | |

iATE M ODELS^ lT NEW LOW I [NTEE PRICES I'OSD CBttaaUaa 44aar. With ' I Is . : w ' . s 5 « 4 « t -U A R A ^r*!-^!—[ERCUar Uaatafw'tardlap. J»l


f i^ ’j a s - ’i s s - i s r i a s :iS 'N EW raiQU O iSoW lllS* -3BO dab 6ada». W lam m tigf

;ERCpRT-t^,-J.*-bU ab-«B.- —hSSur. iA m ~ ” * ^ “

lIROUOiiOUT - -IM IlOICK .Bbatjal W a«. Oiia'Z to S iiu r r ta W S w m S S o m p zCVRia _______ ,.., - ..... „ .W I

Vnnt.ia> T1~ a~»«« _ Haraoa with blaak in . AU laat^


T— -

U S E D ^ C A B L O T "

v r o i - M A I N - K - ^ - . - -

'. ■'■r. A

Page 14: kuui i d k - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF186/PDF/1957_09_24.pdfy Tax R ate Wi lite H igher Val operty owners were told lf>tlnvJiinir-

, PAGB P P 'D E T ^

W o m a n S a y s ___ L

P l a n A l t e r e d H

O n R e s t I d e a HCKXOAOO, S e p t 3< Ifl^ U rs . Fred

I A. D o it bM dcclded to taka » nor*m a l YMatlon and fo rte t »U about ^

- - h im o t te hlbernaU on.. ’ - ____• ••• ‘Iliat «M « !• O B p lin itton -e t a ‘ trlend o{ tb* U*7aur*eU Xact Otal*

- e«BO, I n d , iridow w h o . yeeterdar • — »baadoned-ptaa*Tttf'caten'lip '6n'b«r

n e t ir lth tire day* of bypneUo aleep.8«nda W ire'

. Edw in S * ro n .d ln e to re r th e H jp - ' H H | . noaU lu U tu te of Ohicaco w hich wai m H

to conduct the hibernation experi- lj T . m e n t. learned of M r^ D uit'e cbange W |1M I :> In plans by telegram* 'I t' “Canceling out on adrlce o f otberI i •uthonuet.'* the w ire read. 'UX . Long K«at

Mr*. Duat. a tw ltchboard operator. i H l h a d a d n d th e lu U tu U to p u t . ber 1 * 5

. In to five dayi of hypnoUs h lb e n w S = S tio n a n e r he r doctor advlwd b e r to ta k e a long test.

- - B aron aaJd Mr». r>uit talked dur- Ing th e week-end to BUhop Andrew C ru tka of tha Roman OaUullo Dlo- cese of Oan^. Ind^ and th a t while

- th e bUhop did not forbid the experi- m ent. K n . Duet ‘ got tbe idea’ th a t L M i h e o b jec t^ ^ ______________ B w

L i n c o l n S c h o o r s ^

; : P T A H a s P a r l e y ^A ta lk waa given by Clayton

O ckert on tbs new attendance policy K S a t tbB f lr tt meeUng tbU year of th e Lincoln achool PTA Monday e re .

' n ln g in tbe Lincoln achool. 'M n . Kenneth O lren, h o t lunch

c h alnnan , ; t p o ^ th a t 4.060 ho t lunchei hiTo been Mnred th U year.M rs. Myron D oeuU urged a ll par-

' en ta w no-bave boya 6-U to algn H H them up for Cub Scouta M ary Anne W ^ e ) M errlU pneentedtw oT lollnaoloaac-

' eompanled by Mrs. Ja y M errill.C lark lOelnkopf Introduced tbe H | B

executive tward. A ak lt on member- sh ip a n d magaslne* was given by M rs. M arrln Custer. Mrs. W lU laa I ^ g and Mrs. f ta n k Mogensen. Re- t re tbm en ta were served by M r. and M n . N oah Oliver and Mr. a n d M ra ■ ■

W K enne th Poe, boepltallty ehalrm an. a n d th e executive board.

■ K BBIOK DXMANDBD • th e «1III -------LONDON.-8ept:-3«'t!»=Jrhropi 'BedcTU l poalUon Labor party la s t h lg h t de- th e all j y m anded th a t Pztme M inister Mao- t h e eij

MiUan ifcan parliam ent fo r an ' — ; urgen t debate oa B ritain 's econoolo

; . iltuaU on,

f c — ^^ iw A K E in V E R T IB P O R T iI ^ ______ _______________ here. V

. c f T .u . m r< r m i»»«iU kr BmrM* •! lU tU tuilta.

CMloe1nl|ZifT.r >»4 | R BflUllon - ' OlMl^aTcmL Itorad Nora.JMluea L a» _ lll.MOd)

------p 2iu!!4w - b» Z III.JMU) - ^l u j i * ..... ........ . . 1.1*9 t.iie i,tle I P P I

. SbtUnr ___ __ 4 .t» • MtO 1,110 B i .fDUekfoet ------- l.lOO l.tO» n t ■> ' i

MtnMekA 8 8 _ (tS) ■ IBt U l ■■■■ “ B . “ i ! . ‘ “ ! K

ss:;:j.v-iii 'st ,.! ‘"i -. i r ’• « ! , . • iH h

j | !:!i! . 2 ; | ) f - (■) Alktr ««MUUa ia »mt*-

II . ,S‘=u£a,TiSS;s'.it'-s ■Dl mUHDALL ■H I f j5 * ^* iu ^w !tin j2 /l2 r*B l

SIGN OP SUPER SAFETYI In- t io n w h ere tills s ig n a p p e a rs , pe

do llars, a re in s u re d a g a in s t lo s s i I ( tb e fu ll c o s t o f t b e i ia u 'r a n c e ,I ' ~ b o rn e b y .th o in s t i tu t io n a n d i ts I • th e r o i C ) . M o re o v e r , th o s e doI — — = ^ b y s o u n d - m a n a g e m e n t , - c o n s e ;I ------ p o lic ie s , p e r io d ic e x a m in a t io n ,I ------------- — g u a rd r —^ -c o m b in a t io n -D fs a fa

J _ _ ___o n l y a U ^ a n k . F o c p n l y . a b a ni | m e m b e r . . « c a n o f fe r f iv e -w ay ;


H ■ w i WILL W E IC O M I Y OU

II: 3% I N T E

l j _ ^VE W E L C O M E Y O U

p ... , T w i n F a i l s B o n k f

i j l • TWIN FAtLS ,ffi I . * ~ ^ : :T ^ C T n b e r - F e d « ro l -D e p e s l t J n s i

: Pwmmeled by -^

Ffegre A U s WUeea. a ew n ja n fo r tb e 1 g re pabUeatlsn In MempbU. T e n a ...t i » ^eat.jMtt<>m,_br,wlim«.09UldiLXi d b A rk . a tie r a g n n p ef N egro studi » all-white school. L ater U tU e Rock bl i e igh t Weire stndenU who en tered th«

KLECTED treasuIN O HILL, Sept. 34-C oro lyn s e an t

mB. WUton Preeman Is vice p resl- .■t. V ldtla Parke la aecretary-

■ L I F m M l D O W n X HD eto x aA an M M e-tak e * ear* . H• t l l t t l f wbOe yea Btoepl* ZHd- - H you know a mllUonalre picka Oentury because he can’l buy:a n y better? n boma alsea. He ^ . O t e e n Stampa. H

r k s M t T w laTaD e i H t H JerM M MS-W Ooodlng lU -T H CANADA B n r S E 'H O M E S

I In a financial institu- I people's hard-earned |

3SS as the sign specifies ice, by the way, being ; its fellow members'of

: dollars arc protected jnservative" investment 'ons, and physical safe- iafetytactDrsavallable '^ n k CM be an FDIC______ ____'ay; super safety.

rH u s ; W E s u o o m t O U R ACCOUNT.

EREST I 'n g a - A c e o a n t s — " - — ; -OiOOO— — ---------- : —

) U R A c c o u n t

{ & Trust Co. *

KIMBERLY ‘lnsurQnc<L_Corporotlon ^

White Mob - Boi?■ ■ ■ ■ I : Ma

Aj’ BEiR u R eporu i and fear cd SyrU’.

-M a] .0Df-staff.-certain

' in yesterdaj socUted he decia only to p

A rtpo Syrian 1 equlpmet under eo TurkUh

only nai guards aHe said

"■I. ' . %'■' . I V z ^ ^ B M I reinforce

' '1 l # D .B luy


are-wlilli one (roi America]

>1w ith hei nounces -given a n a ly it i arle* specUvel

The pi employm Oregon, A luka. Uonegency c

There Uvlng

e T rl-S ta te I>cfender. » weekly ,.ts poshed. t«p, a n d kicked in F ^ h T r j :e u tc a l - b l ib je h o o l .U i - U tU e ;BdenU had gained enUanee io ( high aehoet.effk iaU w ithdrew th e aohooL (AP wlrephoto> •

. ' ofllce. asurer and T erry H elwlch Is ta r m t a t e m u . ________ READ I

H LAUNDRY SEI ~ Phone 66

NEW-SERVICEE v ery th in g g e r tt ly w o sh e d . . . w e a rin g o p p a r e l , th e n o ir d tu r n e d t o y o u . . . 9 0 % REAE

NEW PROTEClY o u r th in g s w ill b e w a sh e d ir n e ts ta k e th e .w e o r , th e cloth*

NEW SPEEDCALL 66 NOWI Y o u c bun d l

________o n d re tu r n e d r e o d y to u s a -th:

Spedql Epioii■ ' O. fu l l w e o lc 'i lo u n d ry 'f o r

. ^ f a m ily o f fo u r (9 Ibl.)

ADDITIONAL--------— - i L ^— P G U N D S T M l y T Z r T f O F l b T - *

— 5 H i l L T S ^ f i n i s h f l J , ^ —

odditional .........2 3 c l^


•■ . t im e s -Ne w s , tw in

)rder Being lade Tigbter Ground Syriam in*; Lebanon. Sept. 24 t n - rU of Syrian troop moven>enU tear of subversion have prom pl- n la 's p ro -w e sw m neighbors to en the ir border-defenses.- • iJ. Oen. A ll! B lsry . Syria’s chl^faff.-iald :8 jrria -U '-carry lngok lt -In defense maneuvers."

PteeauUon t in an Interview In Damascus rday w ith W llllw n L. R yan . As-ted Pr*»a-forelKiuJewA-analy»l,JeclarrH the movem ents were to prepare ag a in s t surprUe. report circulated tf i^ eU n it said in troops and Soviet-supplied unent were m o rtn g a c ro u Syria r cover of darkneM tow ard the I :Uh border. Iay denied th is . K e told- Ryan

national police and custonu ds are on the T u rk ish frontier, aid he does n o t Intend lo send ;orcements. ' .

Not Com munU t , ur denied W estern rep o rts .h e i , lommunUt o r pro-communUl, ig Ryan;assure you. I never was afflllat- I'lth o r was a m em ber of lhat

try said he a n d th e government vllltng U> U lk dlrecUy w llh any. irom Ihe U nlled S U tes oo

rlcan-Syrlan re la tions. •

ists Are Listed In Federal Workle l l t h V. B. civ il s ^ c e region,

headquarters ia S eattle , an- ices th a t examlnaU ons will be \ for positions a s m anagem ent y |l and budget exam iner j i t sal- I of W ,«0 a n d $8,390 a year re- • Uvely.le positions will be a t places of P ” loymeni Including M onUna,:on. W ashington. Id ah o and ka. except w here a n exam{na-

U announced for a specific cy or agencies.lere U a 3S p e r cen t co tt of , g allowance fo r employment Ini M ka. AppUcaUons for these po«t- » will be accepU d u n til 'O c l. 18. - '4her inform a U o n -re g a rd ln g - th e l____ sITons may b e ' obtairicH” from] es A. SU onk,- exam lner-ln- ge. U 5 . bosrd of civil serrlce niaers. In th e T w in PalU poil-


[ if

^ 1 rf r T _'


E ---— I 'R. . . f lo tw o r k ir o n e d . . . 'r d r ie d , f o ld e d a n d re- EA D Y T O W E A R .-----------' - -

: t i o nd in n y lo n n e t s . . . th o o th e s g e t . th e w o s h . _

jn d le w ili b e p ic k e d up ' i . th i s - w a c k - o n d .- ^ - , -----------------------

imy PrlceT ;fo r a n a v e r a g a -----------------r — r

.1.) only . . . j


I N F A U a r ’I D A H O

A - ■ ■

H U N T I N <

J A C K E T )' H cro^a-B R ty ie t h a t ’s lo n g bee

u l a r w i t h o u td o o r m e n e v e r y

G o o d lo o k in g a n d ex t

, w a r m . 1 0 0 :« p u r e v i n

■ w o o l b y , w o o lr ic h — ri

d a r k r-ed p la id — g a m e po<

. e t— 4 la r j te p o c k e ts p lu f h a n d w a r m e r p o c k e ts— b'

t o n f r o n t . S i i e 3 8 to 46.

mO thers a t 16.91

FLANNaSRich solid-color, cotton luede shirts In red or new shade of gold. Me­dium welRht. soft, warm all-purpose

. th ir t. T ightly n-ovfn for coM and ' Wind resutance. 3 flap pockets—

lon^^talU s ta y , tucked in . Sizes m i

BOOTSOX, . .L a r g e n c lc c t io n o f w ool n n d

p a r t w o o l b o o t so x — .«ihriiik- r e s i s t a n t — w h i t e o r g r a y col­o r s .

5 0 c -1.49


-63 to75/a ' I

' e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S o l r n q n - R i v


R u i» e1 l'i 'T a ln o iu i“ 'da lu « * ^


I N S U I U T E ^ ^ S

N G ~ W H its .i g b c e n j» i v _ .■ v c D ^ h e re .- \

I e x t r a; v i r g i n — • - ' .

:h— r ic h

a e p o c k -

1 p lu s 2 . ^ ^

ta— b u U y / / 7

emH H m D e v e lo p e d f o r th eW f l " f a b r i c t r a p s bod yj i J ^ - • a g a i n s t " c o ld w ith '

■ h a s n y lo n - r e i l n f o r »ng '. T r im f i t t i n g '. t

K ^ ' — . h e a t - r e s i s t a n t cIb.'j ' e m a il , m e d iu m a n d

.SHIRTS! Ishirts

i m i ^


coi- W


C A P S ! 1Reversible crown duck hunting ,rap. Bru5h-bro«TJ. w aler-repcl- ,, Ienl duck, reverses to a brluht U Ired. Cotton suede llnglns. -ln- A lsand ear fUps. \ u

1 . 4 9 II

-RivororSouth-Hills“ “ ”

Siting BOOTSled w ith Vina foam. Braw ski and eyes. L eather laces. Pull

t lined vamp and quarter. Kush- tmforl, vlna-foam Insoles.

! 9 ^

cs 1 5 .9 5

/ / / / I S

Unde;h’e n a v y . A m a z in g n e w)dy h c a t ^ i n s u l a t e s yq^it______^Mth~ u n d u e ' b u lk . S h i r t w ifo rcc d n c c k t h a t w o n ’t ' i M i g 'd r a w e r s h a v e sp c c ia l d a .'jtic w a i s tb a n d . S iz e s • — m d la rg e .

”r e d_ _SWiALSHlRTS_

liishly absorbent collon, Nylon reinforced non-sag ncck. Soft fleece lining, ribbed ncck, cuff ahd bottom. Sm all, medium, large. White, gray . . _ _ <

'------- bluo~aU o~aVaU -"V ' ^ V B '1.98red HUNTIh

.- - • <>■

R e d f e l t - h u n t in g h a t . i . L i w e ig h t f o r c o m fo r t . Syo to 7V i.

n ^ lA S T -W IS t

^ C T y f e w NORTH'SOUTH


\ - SH IR T S O ti

■ '^THERMO-INSUIBIUTCHER!C a lifo rn ia o ll- ta n u p p e rs . N o red M a rk sm n n w i th w h i te no tw in p lu g in .« r t s . F u l l b e doub le le a th e r r e in f o r c e d .

3 8 1L a d ie i ' S a n ta R o ta

HUNTING BOOTL o d io ' A l l t . > |. le . .c o l i> r i


K a w a n d ^W.,SEPL28,T.F.H.S





— A * LIonoft A ; *


ING HATS!!' L i g h t 4 " A A

V 1 , 9 8--------------- ------------------------------•

T a i lo re d o f f in es t pu re v i r g in wool f o f free-

■ d o m of • a c tio n f i t^I w h e n d v c r and w here- ' e v e r y o u go . Com e in

a n d choo-ie fro m -d u r m a n y ’ n e w Pcndlclqn

• p a t te r n .s a n d colors.M a d e in r e g u la r or s p o r t a h i r t s ty le ,

11“ i rO lh e r W o o l S h i r t , , . 7.9S


N o m a r k ■B

b e llo w s ,

)is , .1 3 .9 5,

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iONCERTvr..^ i

BiELiS t

*iin Foils