korea sports tourism

Sports tourism trade news and features www.sportstravelnews.info THE HOME OF TAEKWONDO With 50 million participants, taekwondo is big business for Korea’s tourism industry TURN TO PAGE 6 WILL THE BOLT STRIKE AGAIN? Daegu aims to benefit from the ‘Usain Bolt effect’ in 2011 BUSAN’S 2020 OLYMPIC DREAM SPORT and government officials in Busan have announced that the city will bid to host the 2020 summer Olympic Games. Korea’s second biggest city – population of more than 3.6 million – will aim to bring the Olympic Games back to the country after Seoul held the sporting festival in 1988. TURN TO PAGE 7 IT’S THIRD TIME LUCKY FOR 2018 PYEONGCHANG will again bid to host the Winter Olympic Games in 2018 – after missing out on the 2010 and 2014 events. The county has big plans for the bid – including the new $1.8billion Alpensia Resort, which features hotels, Olympic-standard ski facilities, an alpine-style village and three world-class golf courses. TURN TO PAGE 7 KOREA GEARS UP FOR ITS FORMULA ONE GP DEBUT HISTORY will be made when Korea hosts its first ever Formula One grand prix in 2010. The world’s F1 global community – drivers, teams, officials and thousands of spectators – will descend on the country on October 17, 2010. The event will take place at a purpose-built circuit in a new tourism development called the ‘J Project’ in Jeonnam, located in the Jeollanam-do province in the south-western corner of the country. The $35billion J Project will regenerate the province and will feature golf courses, theme parks, hotels, a casino, a shopping mall and sporting facilities. KAVO (Korea Auto Valley Operation) is managing the F1 project, which will play a major role in Jeonnam’s long-term development plans. TURN TO PAGE SIX EVER since Usain Bolt smashed three world records at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games everything he has touched has turned to gold. The Jamaican sprinter – nicknamed the ‘Lightning Bolt’ – not only won three gold medals in China, but at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin in August 2009 he broke his own 100m and 200m world records and won a gold in the 4x100m relay. This success has meant Bolt has not only become the biggest star of global athletics, but he has also emerged as one of sport’s most recognisable faces – with a fanbase to match. Similar to the ‘Tiger Woods effect’ in golf, Bolt has equally become a must-see icon. Bolt’s efforts not only gave Berlin front and back-page media coverage, but sports market information portal Sportcal.com (www.sportcal. com) also ranked the German city at number one in its 2009 Sport Cities and Nations Guide. While Berlin looks back at a fantastic year, one city eagerly watching the developments has been Daegu – the Korean host city for the next World Athletics Championships in 2011. Not only will Daegu hope that Bolt can shine again in 2011, but event organisers, tourism professionals and sporting officials in Korea will be aiming to benefit from the same success and positive feedback as received by Berlin. The mountainous city – population of 2.5 million – prepared for 2011 by hosting the Colorful Daegu Pre-Championships Meeting on September 25, 2009. A high level of sporting talent, including sprinters Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell, were watched by a television audience of 46.7 million households worldwide. The IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) and its Coordination Commission visited Daegu for the first time from September 25-26, 2009 to make checks on the city’s progress and developments ahead of 2011. The Coordination Commission will also visit twice in 2010. Being held from August 27-September 4, the 2011 World Championships will take place at the Daegu Stadium, which has a capacity of more than 66,000 and is the largest in Korea. The $265million facility is only eight kilometres away from the Daegu International Airport and three kilometres from the athletes’ village – a purpose-built venue for the event. The village itself will have its own state-of- the-art training zones, accommodation space for up to 3,500 people and is due to be completed by March 2011. The Daegu Citizen’s Stadium will also be utilised as a training venue for athletes. Daegu has previously hosted FIFA World Cup football matches in 2002 and in April 2009 the Daegu Marathon was held on the same route for which the 2011 World Championships will be run. For more information on Daegu and the 2011 World Athletics Championships see http://english.visitkorea.or.kr and http://english.daegu2011.org This special supplement has been published by Sports Travel News in conjunction with the Korea Tourism Organization

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Page 1: Korea sports tourism

Sports tourism trade news and features www.sportstravelnews.info


With 50 million participants, taekwondo is big business

for Korea’s tourism industry TURN TO PAGE 6

WILL THE BOLT STRIKE AGAIN?Daegu aims to benefit from the ‘Usain Bolt effect’ in 2011


SPORT and government officials in Busan have announced that the city will bid to host the 2020 summer Olympic Games.

Korea’s second biggest city – population of more than 3.6 million – will aim to bring the Olympic Games back to the country after Seoul held the sporting festival in 1988.



PYEONGCHANG will again bid to host the Winter Olympic Games in 2018 – after missing out on the 2010 and 2014 events.

The county has big plans for the bid – including the new $1.8billion Alpensia Resort, which features hotels, Olympic-standard ski facilities, an alpine-style village and three world-class golf courses.



HISTORY will be made when Korea hosts its first ever Formula One grand prix in 2010.

The world’s F1 global community – drivers, teams, officials and thousands of spectators – will descend on the country on October 17, 2010.

The event will take place at a purpose-built circuit in a new tourism development called the ‘J Project’ in Jeonnam, located in the Jeollanam-do

province in the south-western corner of the country. The $35billion J Project will regenerate the province and will feature golf courses, theme parks, hotels, a casino, a shopping mall and sporting facilities.

KAVO (Korea Auto Valley Operation) is managing the F1 project, which will play a major role in Jeonnam’s long-term development plans.


EVER since Usain Bolt smashed three world records at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games everything he has touched has turned to gold.

The Jamaican sprinter – nicknamed the ‘Lightning Bolt’ – not only won three gold medals in China, but at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin in August 2009 he broke his own 100m and 200m world records and won a gold in the 4x100m relay.

This success has meant Bolt has not only become the biggest star of global athletics, but he has also emerged as one of sport’s most recognisable faces – with a fanbase to match.

Similar to the ‘Tiger Woods effect’ in golf, Bolt has equally become a must-see icon.

Bolt’s efforts not only gave Berlin front and back-page media coverage, but sports market information portal Sportcal.com (www.sportcal.com) also ranked the German city at number one in its 2009 Sport Cities and Nations Guide.

While Berlin looks back at a fantastic year, one city eagerly watching the developments has been Daegu – the Korean host city for the next World Athletics Championships in 2011.

Not only will Daegu hope that Bolt can shine again in 2011, but event organisers, tourism professionals and sporting officials in Korea

will be aiming to benefit from the same success and positive feedback as received by Berlin.

The mountainous city – population of 2.5 million – prepared for 2011 by hosting the Colorful Daegu Pre-Championships Meeting on September 25, 2009. A high level of sporting talent, including sprinters Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell, were watched by a television audience of 46.7 million households worldwide.

The IAAF (International Association of Athletics


and its Coordination Commission visited Daegu for the first time from September 25-26, 2009 to make checks on the city’s progress and developments ahead of 2011. The Coordination Commission will also visit twice in 2010.

Being held from August 27-September 4, the 2011 World Championships will take place at the

Daegu Stadium, which has a capacity of more than 66,000 and is the largest in Korea.

The $265million facility is only eight kilometres away from the Daegu International Airport and three kilometres from the athletes’ village – a purpose-built venue for the event.

The village itself will have its own state-of-the-art training zones, accommodation space for up to 3,500 people and is due

to be completed by March 2011. The Daegu Citizen’s Stadium

will also be utilised as a training venue for athletes.

Daegu has previously hosted FIFA World Cup football

matches in 2002 and in April 2009 the Daegu Marathon was held on the

same route for which the 2011 World Championships will be run.■ For more information on Daegu and the 2011 World Athletics Championships see http://english.visitkorea.or.kr and http://english.daegu2011.org

This special supplement has been published by Sports Travel News in conjunction with the Korea Tourism Organization

Page 2: Korea sports tourism

WITH the designation of 2010 as ‘Visit Korea Year’ and the hosting of mega events such as the G20 Summit, the 2011 UNWTO General Assembly and the 2012 World Expo Yeosu Korea over the coming years, Korea is set to be firmly in the spotlight.

Korea’s reputation as a formidable host of international exhibitions, conferences and events stretches back decades and includes the 1988 Olympic Games and the 2002 FIFA World Cup.

Using our expertise, knowledge and passion, we welcome the pinnacle of sporting endeavour to our peninsula and will use previous successful events as precedent to promote the country’s first ever Formula One race in the Jeollanam-do province and the World Athletics Championships in Daegu over the next two years.

Another first is my appointment as president and CEO of the Korea Tourism Organization – and the first naturalised Korean in history to take up a top government post. My appointment reflects the Korean government’s willingness to open up a high level government public office to a foreign born professional individual.

With my extensive understanding and experiences of cross cultures, I will do my best to elevate the Korean tourism industry through measures such as promoting cultural tourism and expansion of tourism infrastructures from the perspective of a consumer.

Korea remains an economic powerhouse and regional hub in Asia, strengthened by Incheon International Airport being voted ‘2009 World’s Best Airport’ by Skytrax.

Therefore, it is a great honour to introduce our

sports tourism supplement showcasing Korea’s great diversity through the objective eyes of Sports Travel News.

As you will gather by reading this paper, Korea is both a place to invest in and make dividends from. Using the magnificent facilities available throughout the country, from major exhibition complexes and stadia, through to traditional palaces, dojos and hotels, the country is ready for business.

Whatever the event, there will be a place, space and expert ready to organise your biggest or smallest requirement.

We would like you to join us on this journey of opportunity.

Charm LeeKTO President and CEO

2 www.sportstravelnews.info

‘We welcome the pinnacle of sporting endeavour’

DID YOU KNOW? 369,218 stadium fans watched Korea in their seven matches when they hosted the World Cup




This supplement was first published in November 2009 by Sports Travel News in

conjunction with the Korea Tourism Organization

Sports Travel [email protected]

Korea Tourism Organization3rd Floor New Zealand House, Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4TE

[email protected] – www.visitkorea.or.kr

EDITORMike Starling


PHOTOGRAPHYAll pictures are copyright of the KTO unless stated

PRINTING INFORMATIONPrinted by Sharman & Company Ltd

Newark Road, Peterborough, PE1 5TDwww.sharmanandco.co.uk

NEW ROLE: Naturalised Korean

Charm Lee was appointed president

and CEO of the Korean

Tourism Organization

in July 2009

FACTFILE■ Name: Charm Lee■ Date of birth: April 3, 1954 ■ Place of birth: Germany (naturalised Korean in 1986) ■ Position: President and CEO of the Korean Tourism Organization■ Career highlights:• 1992-1994: Director of Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry • 2000-2002: Member of Visit Korea Year Committee• 2009-present: Member of the Korean Food Promotion Body


Sportingmap of Korea

PAGE 6 Major investment in golf

PAGE 7 A land of opportunity

PAGE 8 WTM exhibiting partners

www.sportstravelnews.info 3

KOREA’S OPEN FOR SPORTS BUSINESSThe Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) is the first point of contact if you wish to discuss business opportunities. The KTO can provide assistance and expertise in the following services:

■ Destination information – cities, sporting facilities, resorts, UNESCO World Heritage sites.

■ Ground handling services – a network of partner travel companies that can deal with all logistical issues on the ground.

■ Tourist information services – through educational seminars and press trips, presentations, provision of information, brochure display materials, DVD and image library access and assistance with the development of tour products to Korea.

■ Cooperation with autonomous governments and affiliated organisations.

■ Cooperation with international organisations such as PATA, ASTA, WTA, APEC and ASEAN.

■ ‘International Conference One-Stop Service’ – for any organisation wishing to host a convention in Korea, the KTO can provide for all your needs (including information on procedures, documentation and sponsors).

■ One of KTO’s roles is managing the Jungman Golf Club on Jeju Island. Contact the KTO regarding golf tournament hosting and use of the club for MICE and business events.

■ The Seoul Global Centre: provides expats living in Seoul with services and information on daily living, international exchange, business and administrative affairs. The website is also an excellent resource for any traveller visiting Korea on business. For more information on The Seoul Global Centre see http://global.seoul.go.kr

■ Contact the Korea Tourism Organization via email at [email protected]

Korea’s reputation as a global sports destination has helped attract events such as the Olympic Games in 1988 and the FIFA World Cup finals. With F1 and the World Athletics Championships on its way there are huge business opportunities.

■ Agents and operators: devise tours and packages to events such as the 2010 Formula One Korean GP; the 2011 World Athletics Championships; Taekwondo-theme holidays; and pre-season football trips.

■ Cruise industry: there are now more than 10 ports for which liners can dock. Currently under construction is an 18km-long canal linking the Han River in Seoul and the West Sea nearby Incheon, which will allow cruise boats/tours to dock in the heart of the capital city.

■ Hotels: with the potential hosting of a winter or summer Olympic Games, International Olympic Committee guidelines state that the winning bid must have the right number of hotels beds on offer. There is potential for emerging destinations and the expansion of Korea’s lodging options.

■ Medical tourism: Korea offers a diverse programme – from Zen meditation in a Buddhist temple, spa and wellness, to treatment and healthcare. The Council for Korea Medicine Overseas Promotion (CKMP) is a government-private joint initiative founded to internationally promote healthcare in Korea. Currently more than 30 hospitals and clinics are actively involved as a CKMP member. See www.koreahealthtour.co.kr

■ Players, clubs and associations: pre-season football events and friendly matches can be arranged – not just for professionals, but also for amateur teams. Korea has hosted many international sportsmen and women – tennis players, golfers, athletes, triathletes and winter sports competitors to name a few – who have trained in state-of-the-art facilities.

■ Sports business: with world-class MICE facilities all over the country, Korea is an ideal destination in which to host sports exhibitions, meetings and conventions.

With world-class international events and state-of-the-art facilities, Korea has many opportunities for the travel and sports industries to generate new business in a sports-mad market with huge potential.



January 2010■ Daegwallyeong Snow Flower Festival

Taebaeksan Snow Festival http://festival.taebaek.go.kr

■ Polar Bear Swimming Contest■ Seogwipo Penguin Swimming Festival

March 2010■ Seoul International Marathon, Seoul


July 2010■ Boryeong Mud Festival, Daecheon Beach


August 2010■ The World Taekwondo Hanmadang, Seoul


September 2010■ Chungju Martian Arts Festival, Chungju


October 17, 2010■ Formula One Korean Grand Prix, Jeonnam


July 2011■ Chuncheon Open International Taekwondo Championships


August 27-September 4, 2011■ 2011 World Athletics Championships, Daegu


September 16-October 1, 2011■ 2011 AIBA World Boxing Championships, Busan


July 2010■ World Taekwondo Culture EXPO, Jeonju


November 25-27, 2010■ Asia Tourism Promotion Symposium

Seoul Kyoyuk Munhwa Hoekwan (TEMF), Seoul

2011■ United Nations World Tourism

Organization (UNWTO) General Meeting

May 27-June 3, 2012■ FIS (Federation International de Ski) Congress 2012

High 1 Resort, Jeongsun, www.fis-ski.com

May 12-August 12, 2012■ 2012 World Expo, Yeosu, Korea


Page 3: Korea sports tourism

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SIGN UP FOR THE LATEST NEWSLETTER: For sports tourism news and features see www.sportstravelnews.info DOWNLOAD THIS SUPPLEMENT: For a copy of this supplement see http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/OO/OO_EN_13_2_2.jsp

Korean sport and cultural destinationsSEOUL■ Population: 10,456,000 (2008 statistics); 258,000 non-Korean residents.■ Features: UNESCO World Heritage sites; more than 63 airlines from 40 countries connect to Seoul.■ Transportation: Seoul has an extensive range of bus services and a modern subway network. ■ Sporting history: Seoul held the 1988 Olympic Games with more than 160 nations taking part. The city’s main stadium – known as Sangam Stadium

– was built for the 2002 World Cup finals and held the opening ceremony. The state-of-the-art facility has a capacity of 68,476.■ Sports on offer: Football; horse racing; baseball; basketball; volleyball and martial arts.■ MICE: Seoul is a top convention city with the COEX Convention and Exhibition Center the main facility. See www.coex.co.kr for more information. ■ More information: www.visitseoul.net and www.seoulwelcome.com


(as numbered on map)

■ Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka

Koreana Woodblocks

■ Jongmyo Shrine

■ Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple

■ Changdeokgung Palace Complex

■ Hwaseong Fortress

■ Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites

■ Gyeongju Historic Areas

■ Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes

■ Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty

See http://english.visitkorea.or.kr for more information on Korea’s

UNESCO designated sites


Seoul to host UNWTO 2011 general meeting■ EXHIBITIONS: The Korean capital Seoul has been chosen to host the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) general meeting in 2011.

UNWTO members approved the decision during a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan. The UNWTO meeting is regarded as tourism’s biggest international conference and is worth more than $13million to the local economy.

■ CULTURE: In August 2009 UNESCO added a ninth site to Korea’s World Cultural Heritage list – the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty.

The Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, scattered over 18 locations, were built over five centuries and represent one of the most precious cultural and historical assets Korea has preserved.

In 1997, two more sites – Changdeokgung Palace Complex and Hwaseong Fortress – made it to the World Heritage site list.

Gyeongju Historic Areas and Dolmen sites in Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa were included on the list in 2000, expanding the country’s cultural heritage portfolio.

In 2007, the UNESCO committee inscribed Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes.

■ G-20 SUMMIT: Korea will chair the G-20 Summit in 2010 and several cities across the country are preparing for hosting duties.

The G-20 summit will attract more than 15,000 foreign delegates to Korea.

The host city will be announced by the Korean government at the end of November 2009.

■ AIRPORTS: Incheon International Airport was named the 2009 World’s Best Airport in the World Airport Awards announced by Skytrax.

The World Airport Awards are based on the results from 8.6 million questionnaires completed by airline passengers in 2008-2009, covering more than 190 airports worldwide.

■ TOURISM: With an aim of attracting more than 10 million tourists by 2010, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has designated 2010 and 2011 as ‘Visit Korea Years’.

■ HOTELS: In September 2009 Marriott opened its new hotel in Seoul – The Courtyard by Marriott Seoul Times Square.

The property includes 214 rooms, 10 suites and 59 executive rooms plus a gym and business centre.

■ AIRLINES: Passengers of Asiana Airlines will be able to benefit from a new ticket – Star Alliance’s Circle North Asia Fare.

The multi-carrier fare is valid on Asiana Airlines, Air China, ANA and Shanghai Airlines for flights between China, including Hong Kong and Macau, Japan and Korea. See http://ukflyasiana.com

■ HOTELS: As part of Accor’s expansion plans for the Asia Pacific region, a new Mercure hotel will be built in Seoul. The 150-room Mercure Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun will be opened in the fashion district.

■ AIRLINES: To celebrate its 40th anniversary, Korean Air has embarked on the refurbishment of all its mid and long-haul passenger aircraft by installing them with next generation premium seats.

Until April 2011, Korean Air will refurbish 32 mid- and long-haul passenger aircraft with the installation of the Kosmo Suites (first class), Prestige Sleeper (prestige class) and New Economy (economy class) seats.

■ HOTELS: The Sheraton Incheon Hotel opened its doors in August 2009.

Based in the Incheon Free Economic Zone, the property is Songdo’s first international deluxe five-star hotel and the first LEED rated (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) hotel in Korea.

■ HOTELS: Business class lodging options were increased in Seoul in June 2009 with the opening of the Lotte City Hotel.

GWANGJU & JEOLLANAM-DO■ Features: Gwangju is the largest city in Jeolla-do and is developing into Korea’s cultural capital. ■ Population: Gwangju – 1,406,324; Jeollanam-do – 1,994,011.■ Sporting events: On October 17, 2010, Yeongam will host the Formula One grand prix – the first ever in Korea.■ Outdoor activities: The major tourist attraction is Mount Mudeungsan Provincial Park. The top has three rock peaks called Cheonwongbong, Jiwongbong, and Inwonbong, also known as the “Jeongsang Three”. Climbing, mountaineering and hiking are popular sports. ■ Aviation: Gwangju Airport and Muan International Airport.■ MICE: The Kimdaejung Convention Center opened in 2005 and the Gwangju Convention & Visitors Bureau was launched in October 2007. For more information see www.kdjcenter.or.kr■ More information: www.gwangjucvb.or.kr and http://eng.gwangju.go.kr/

JEJU-DO ISLAND■ Features: Jeju is the premier tourist destination in Korea. The volcanic island is 73km wide and 41km long and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2007.■ Sporting history: The PGA Tour Shinhan Korea Golf Championship was held at the Jungman Golf Club in November 2004. Popular sports on the island include scuba diving; deep-sea boat fishing; horse riding and clay shooting.■ MICE: State-of-the-art facilities include the ICC Jeju (International Convention Center Jeju). Its largest space – Tamna Hall – can accommodate up to 4,500 participants. ■ More information: http://english.jeju.go.kr and www.jejucvb.or.kr

DAEJEON■ Features: Located in the centre of Korea, Daejeon is an international city renowned for science and technology. It is the fifth largest city in Korea.■ Sports: Daejeon was a host city for the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals. Its stadium boasts 41,000 seats and was Korea’s first soccer facility with a retractable roof. Baseball is a popular sport and the city is home to former

New York Mets player Dae-Sung Koo.■ MICE: The Daejeon Convention Center (DCC) consists of a convention hall, 24 meeting rooms and a wide range of accommodations. See www.dcckorea.or.kr for more details on the DCC.■ More information: www.daejeoncvb.or.kr and www.daejeon.go.kr

GANGWON-DO■ Features: Gangwon-do province is home to Korea’s top winter sport attractions and destinations – including Pyeongchang, Phoenix Park and the Yongpyong Resort.■ Destinations: Pyeongchang County is in the Taebaek Mountains region, which attracts more than 800,000 tourists visiting every year. Phoenix Park is one of Korea’s most famous destinations and Yongpyong Resort on Mount Balwangsan was the first domestic ski resort in Korea when it opened in 1975.■ Olympic dreams: Having missed out on hosting the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympic Games, Pyeongchang will aim for third time lucky by bidding for the 2018 Games.■ Sporting history: Yongpyong hosted the

1998 World Cup Ski competition and the 1999 Gangwon Winter Asian Games. In January 2009 the FIS Gangwon Snowboard World Championships were held at the Hyundai Sungwoo Resort in Dunnae-myeon Hoengseong-gun. ■ Development: Currently under construction is Alpensia – an all-year, purpose-built alpine-style village in the Taebaek Mountain region. The development will include the InterContinental Pyeongchang Resort Alpensia (opening in 2010); world-class Olympic ski facilities and three golf courses. ■ More information: http://en.yes-pc.net/ and http://english.visitkorea.or.kr

GYEONGJU■ Features: Known as the ‘museum without walls’, tourist attractions include the National Museum, Tumuli Park, Cheomseongdae Observatory, Mount Namsan, Wolseong, Daereungwon and Hwangnyongsa. ■ Culture: Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple are registered on the list of World Cultural Heritages.

■ Sports and facilities: Gyeongju city has two stadiums, a number of gymnasiums, tennis courts and is a destination that can cater for many sports including field hockey, horse riding, archery, athletics, cycling, walking and traditional events.■ More information: www.gyeongju.go.kr

ULSAN■ Features: It is the largest industrial city and major tourist attractions include Ulgi Park, Ulgi Lighthouse and Mount Gajisan Provincial Park. ■ Sports: Ulsan Munsu Football Stadium is home to K-League football club Ulsan Hyundai Horang-i (Ulsan Hyundai Tigers).

Ulsan is also home to Korea National League side Ulsan Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.■ Activities: Factory tours; walking in Ulgi Park; and the Shin-myung Jeong-ja Beach area welcomes visitors all year round.■ More information: http://english.ulsan.go.kr/

BUSAN■ Features: Korea’s second biggest city, Busan is the country’s number one port – giving easy access to southern Japan. It has also been ranked the eighth most popular city in Asia.■ Sporting history: The 14th Asian Games were held in Busan from September 29-October 14 2002. The success of this event has prompted Busan city officials to launch a bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games. ■ Activities on offer: There are

40 different kind of sports enjoyed in Busan, especially sailing.■ Festival city: Busan’s festivals attract thousands of tourists each year. Events include the Busan International Motor Show, the Sea Festival and the Polar Bear Swim.■ MICE: The city has a large selection of exhibition venues, with the biggest being BEXCO (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center). See www.bexco.co.kr■ More information: www.busancvb.org

DAEGU■ Features: Daegu is the fourth largest city in Korea after Seoul, Busan and Incheon – and it is a basin surrounded by mountains. Three UNESCO World Culture Heritage sites are situated in the city’s vicinity.■ Sporting events: The 13th World Athletics Championships will be held in Daegu from August 27-September 4, 2011. The city has previously hosted the 2003 Summer Universiade

and three 2002 FIFA World Cup matches. The Daegu Stadium was the biggest stadium at the 2002 World Cup and also hosts the Daegu Marathon every year.■ MICE: Opened in 2001, EXCO (Daegu Exhibition and Convention Center) is undergoing expansion plans which will see its size double by 2011. See www.excodaegu.com■ More information: www.daegucvb.com and http://english.daegu.go.kr

Picture courtesy of http://mapsof.net












■ Features: Incheon is a port city and a major business hub in north east Asia.■ Sporting history: From September 18-October 4, 2014, Incheon will be the host city of the 17th Asian Games. See http://eng.incheon2014ag.org/■ Golf: SKY72 is the largest golf course in north east Asia and is located at Incheon Airport. The course includes the Dream Golf Range; the 54-hole Bada Course and the 18-hole Haneul Course. ■ Outdoor activities: Songdo Amusement Park Sledding Hills is open throughout the year. Walking and cycling are popular at Mount Manisan – 496.4 metres above sea level.■ Business: The Korean government has designated Incheon city as the country’s first Free Economic Zone. ■ MICE: The new Songdo ConvensiA – located in the Songdo district in Incheon – offers 102,166 square metres of exhibition space. ■ Transport: The city is home to Incheon International Airport - the world’s top airport as voted in the World Airport Awards. ■ More information: www.into.or.kr












Page 4: Korea sports tourism

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A new direction for Formula One

DID YOU KNOW? Mountains cover more than 70 per cent of Korea’s land area, making it perfect for outdoor adventures

2010 GRAND PRIX WILL INTRODUCE A WHOLE NEW MARKETFORMULA ONE has had its fair share of negative news stories in 2009 – however one positive for the sport is Korea’s inclusion on the 2010 season grand prix calendar.

While Korea will use the grand prix to regenerate the south west region of the country, F1 officials, teams and the travel industry will be introduced to a new market in which to do business. Korea is no stranger to the auto industry and is known globally for its car production and companies such as Hyundai and Daewoo.

A seven-year deal has been

agreed between Formula One management and KAVO (Korea Auto Valley Operation) – a joint venture between the South Jeolla provincial government and M-Bridge Holdings.

Under the deal, the race will be held once a year for seven years and there will be an option to extend for a further five.

Taking place on October 17, 2010 at Yeongam-am in the Jeollanam-do province, the new Korean International Circuit will be built as part of a development called the ‘J Project’.

The J Project will help develop the south west coast as a top

tourism destination, with the F1 grand prix and motorsports the main attractions.

J Project will cost in the region of $35billion, but with F1 races attracting an average of 200,000 people and more than 600 million TV viewers worldwide, the exposure of the new destination will be extensive.

In addition to the circuit, the leisure complex will include hotels, a water park, marina, casino, golf course, theme park, shopping malls, watersports and a number of restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

The Korean International Circuit is designed by Hermann Tilke and

will include the following features:● A 1.25km straight allowing speeds of 320kmph ● 5.45km race circuit with a total of 17 corners● Costing $264million and will be built on a harbour side● Seating for 135,000 spectators● A separate 3km circuit

■ The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has been in negotiations with agents and operators for package and tour options for the 2010 Korean Formula One grand prix. To discuss business opportunities email [email protected]

A NEW LOCATION FOR F1: Korea will host its first ever Formula One grand prix at the new Korean International Circuit on October 17, 2010

Taekwondo is not just a sport, it’s big businessWITH an estimated 50 million participants, there is no doubt that as the home of taekwondo Korea does not just regard the martial art as a leisure activity, it is also a major part of the country’s culture.

Taekwondo is the national sport of Korea and the world’s most popular martial art in terms of people taking part – and this popularity has prompted the launch of tour packages, museums, festivals, shows and exhibitions.

Meaning the ‘technique of kicking and punching’, taekwondo has helped increase inbound tourism to Korea and of all the developments taking place, the biggest and most unique is Taekwondo Park in Muju, North Jeolla province (Jeollabuk-do).

The construction of Taekwondo Park, a world-

class theme park, will be completed in two phases by 2013 with a budget of public and private funds totalling more than $185million.

The site will include the World Taekwondo Academy, Taekwondo Hall of Fame, a gymnasium, training centre, World Culture Village, accommodations and a sports complex.

Another attraction in Muju is the annual World Taekwondo Culture EXPO. The event attracts more than 4,000 people who want to discover the origins and history of the Olympic designated sport. Muju County in North Jeolla Province is predicted to become the world’s top location for taekwondo.

One other attraction is the Jincheon Taekwondo Museum, which was founded in 2004 when the

World Taekwondo Hwarang Festival was held. For more information see www.koreataekwondo.org, www.kukkiwon.or.kr, www.wtf.org or www.tpf.kr/eng

EVENTS CALENDARJuly 2010: The World Taekwondo Culture EXPO (Jeonju and Muju) – www.wtcexpo.net

August 2010: The World Taekwondo Hanmadang (Seoul) – www.kukkiwon.or.kr/english

September 2010: Chungju Martian Arts Festival (Chungju) – www.martialarts.or.kr

July 2011: The Chuncheon Open International Taekwondo Championships (Chuncheon) – http://koreaopentkd.org

TOP EVENT: The 2004 PGA Tour Shinhan Korea Golf Championship at the Jungman Golf Club

WHEN Y.E. Yang beat Tiger Woods to lift the 91st US PGA Championship in 2009 not only did the three-shot victory enhance his own reputation, but it also boosted Korea’s standing as a golfing nation.

Yang became the first Asian-born player to lift one of golf’s majors and the timing could not have been better for the country’s growing golf industry.

Since the Jungmun Golf Club on Jeju Island became the first Asian course to host a PGA tournament (the 2004 PGA Tour Shinhan Korea Golf Championship), golf has exploded in Korea – not only as an activity, but also as a booming industry.

When the spectacular Pine Beach course opened on the west coast of Korea in August 2009, it was one of 62 new courses to have opened in a 12-month period.

To further highlight the investment in golf in Korea, it is predicted that a further 100 projects are under construction.

The most ambitious development is the $1.8billion Alpensia Resort project in Pyeongchang county in the Gangwon-do province.

Golfers can get to grips with three top courses in a development featuring two hotels, a village and state-of-the-art ski facilities – Pyeongchang is aiming to be host location for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

The Alpensia Golf & Country Club will become one of only 300 courses in Korea, serving more than three million golfers. It will feature 45 holes of championship golf, including 27 holes designed by world-renowned golf course designer Robert Trent Jones Jr.

With five courses in Korea, Trent Jones Jr will also add the Rainbow Hills Country Club in Eumsong, Chungcheongbuk-do to his portfolio in spring 2010.

Jeju Island is now regarded as a world-class golfing destination, with two of its courses – Nine Bridges and Pinx Golf Club – rated in the world’s top 100.

Off the fairways, golf exhibitions are a growing trend in Korea. The biggest expo of the year is the Korea Golf Show – which will be held from April 8-11, 2010 at COEX in Seoul. The 2009 show saw more than 72,100 visitors attend. See www.kogolf.co.kr

Other major golf MICE events include the Seoul International Golf & Resort Fair and the Global Golf Course Marketing Conference.


Third time lucky for Pyeongchang?

www.sportstravelnews.info 7

THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITYSPORTS TRAVEL NEWS looks at Korea’s top facilities and sporting potential.

ATHLETICSThe Seoul Olympic Stadium (capacity 69,841) held the 1988 Olympic Games and the 10th Asian Games in 1990. The Busan Asiad Stadium has a capacity of 53,864 and was built for the 2002 Asian Games. Every year Seoul hosts an international marathon. Opportunities include marathon tours and event hosting.

FOOTBALLAfter hosting the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals, Korea now boasts state-of-the-art facilities and stadiums. English Premier League teams have played many pre-season matches in the country – most recently Manchester United played at the World Cup stadium in Seoul (the club’s preferred destination partner) and more than 64,000 fans came to see Korean midfielder Ji-sung Park. Opportunities include pre-season tournaments (the Peace Cup was played in Korea in 2003, 2005, and 2007);

Busan dreams of hosting 2020 GamesAFTER successfully hosting the 14th Asian Games in 2002, officials in Busan announced that the city will launch a bid for the 2020 Olympic Games.

Korea’s standing as a sporting destination has been highlighted since Seoul successfully hosted the Olympics in 1988 and the country held the FIFA World Cup finals in 2002. Busan’s governors and residents will be aiming to revive the success of Seoul, and its bid was launched under the theme of: ‘Busan 2020, Again 88’.

However, Korea’s second biggest city – population of 3.6 million – may drop the bid if Pyeongchang wins the right to host the 2018 Winter Olympics.

With two years before the 2018 decision, Busan officials are busy preparing and stating their intentions. Busan has already won the rights to host the World Boxing Championships in 2011 and also previously held APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 2005 Korea and FIFA World Cup matches in 2002.

Busan Metropolitan City Mayor Hur Nam-sik recently said: “Busan will make all-out efforts to host the 2020 summer Olympic Games. The 2020 Games will be held in Asia, and Busan is one of the strongest candidates to host the event.”

He added: “The 2020 Busan summer Olympics will be a turning point for Korea, allowing it to

strengthen its efforts at unification and making it one of the world’s advanced countries.”

Big developments are planned and the mayor revealed that Busan will expand facilities and upgrade the city as a world-class international sports destination. There is also talk of a new airport, which is planned to become Asia’s number two hub.

The International Olympic Committee will announce the 2020 Games host city in mid-2013. Busan will be up against many destinations, such as Cape Town, Doha, Dubai, a joint bid from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Rome and Lima.

See http://busancvb.org/english/

DESPITE narrowly missing out on the 2010 and 2014 bids, the Korean county of Pyeongchang will be aiming to make it third time lucky in hosting the Winter Olympic Games, this time in 2018.

Pyeongchang, in the Gangwon-do province, is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to finally fulfil its dream of hosting winter sport’s biggest spectacle.

The county will have tough opposition though, with rival bids coming from Munich in Germany and the French town of Annecy.

However, when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announces the winner in 2011, Pyeongchang officials will have their fingers crossed that their developments and ambitions are enough.

Investment in the winter sports industry is evident – and the biggest development being realised is the Alpensia Resort (www.alpensia.com). Costing more than $1.8billion, the Alpensia Resort includes Olympic-standard ski facilities, five and three-star hotels, three golf courses and an alpine-style village.

The region is no stranger to hosting events. In 1998, Yongpyong hosted the World Cup Ski competition and the 1999 Gangwon Winter Asian Games. Then in January 2009 the FIS Gangwon Snowboard World Championships were held at the Hyundai Sungwoo Resort in Dunnae-myeon, Hoengseong-gun.

While taekwondo and football may be recognised as Korea’s most popular activities, winter sport enthusiasts have many destinations to choose from.

Mountainous Gangwon-do is the most popular destination for skiing in the country. The province has eight of the country’s 15 main ski resorts and the most popular are Yongpyong Resort, High 1, Vivaldi Park and Phoenix Park.

Korea’s first ever modern ski facility was Yongpyong Resort, which opened in 1975. The internationally- renowned resort attracts foreign visitors with its excellent snow quality and 31 ski slopes.

Festivals play a big part in the winter sports calendar. Events include the Daegwallyeong Snow Flower Festival; the Taebaeksan Snow Festival; the Polar Bear Swimming Contest and Seogwipo Penguin Swimming Festival.

Away from the ice, the thriving international winter sports industry will converge on the country from May 27-June 3, 2012 when the FIS (Federation International de Ski) Congress is held at the High 1 resort in Jeongsun. See www.fis-ski.com

Whatever your sport, Korea has the facilities

Increased interest in the great outdoorsWHILE football and taekwondo get the limelight for Korea’s sporting identity, one area of tourism which is seeing growth in numbers is the outdoor activity sector.

In Korea, hiking and mountaineering enthusiasts have some of the best peaks and walks on offer. The country’s highest mountain – Mount Hallasan (1,950m) – is situated on Jeju Island.

In a country that is dominated by mountains, Korea can offer great activities such as hiking, walking, running, rockclimbing and cycling.

There are several mountains for hiking and more than 1,700 trails across the country. Bukhansan

Mountain is regarded as the best location and is easily accessible from the Seoul metropolitan area. Bukhansan National Park covers 80 kilometres.

Seoraksan Mountain on Korea’s east coast is popular in autumn and in the south of the country Jirisan Mountain is popular among climbers.

Seoul has 37 mountains in its region and the Han River, running through the centre, also offers cycling facilities and watersports.

For the more active outdoor sportsman, Jeju Island is regarded as a top triathlon destination and in 2009 many teams and athletes trained there before the Ironman World Championships.

a training destination for the mid-season winter break; team tours and a MICE destination for football business meetings and incentives.

MOTORSPORTSThe new F1 Korea International Circuit will bring motorsport to a new level. With seating for 135,000 fans and a separate 3km circuit for domestic events, the south west region will become an ultra-modern motorsport destination. Korea has the potential to host superbikes and other major motorsport events.

SAILING & WATERSPORTSBusan is growing as a sailing destination and has held the Busan Sailing Federation Cup Regatta and the Busan Cup Yacht Race – the first time Asia had ever hosted an ISAF Grade 1 women’s match racing event. The Korea Yacht Association and Korea Ocean Category Union are both based in Busan.

TAEKWONDOKorea has big plans for its national sport and is aiming to capitalise on the huge target market with the construction of Taekwondo Park – a theme park costing more than $185million in Muju, North Jeolla province (Jeollabuk-do). It will include the World Taekwondo Academy and Taekwondo Hall of Fame. Opportunities include the introduction of new package tours and taekwondo-theme trips.

WINTER SPORTSKorea has a strong reputation for hosting snow events and the 2018 Winter Olympic Games is a realistic ambition for Pyeongchang county. The 1998 World Cup Ski competition and the 1999 Gangwon Winter Asian Games were held in Yongpyong and the FIS Gangwon Snowboard World Championships were hosted at the Hyundai Sungwoo Resort. Korea has some of the top skiing resorts and facilities in

Asia – including the $1.8billion Alpensia Resort.

Page 5: Korea sports tourism

This supplement has been published by Sports Travel News in conjunction with the Korea Tourism Organization



WTM 2009: KTO’s exhibiting partners on stand AS3100

CHUNDO TRAVEL#356-3 Kyungsuh B/D 5f. Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, KoreaTel: 02-320-4300 Fax: 02-322-4843Email: info@ chundo.co.krWebsite: www.chundo.co.kr

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Tel: 031-907-8044 Fax: 031-907-2393Email: [email protected]

Website: www.koreabound.com

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HOLIDAY PLANNERS2F, Dong-Gang Building, 368-28,

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Email: [email protected]: www.holidayplanners.co.kr

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READY FOR BUSINESS: Come visit the Korea Tourism Organization and its exhibition partners on stand AS3100 at this year’s World Travel Market

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Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, KoreaTel: 02-725-0808 Fax: 02-725-0832

Email: [email protected]: www.ryetour.com

US TRAVELGwangwhamun officia B/D #1110, Shinmunno 1-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, KoreaTel: 02-720-1515 Fax: 02-733-2536 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ustravel.kr

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