kol emanu-el

Kol Emanu-El Kol Emanu-El September / October 2020 Elul 5780 - Cheshvan 5781 Melvin J. & Claire M. Levine Campus Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach 5781 High Holy Days

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Kol Emanu-ElKol Emanu-ElSeptember / October 2020 Elul 5780 - Cheshvan 5781

Melvin J. & Claire M. Levine CampusTemple Emanu-El of Palm Beach

5781High Holy Days

Page 2: Kol Emanu-El


In This Issue:Candle Lighting Times 2President’s Message 3Rabbi’s Message 3Upcoming Events 4, 5 ,6Adult Eduction 7 Women’s League 8, 9Youth & Education 10Marla’s Recipes 11Birthdays & Anniversaries 12 Calendar 13Contributions 14, 15Appreciation 16Advertisers 17,18Service Times 20

Temple Emanu-El of Palm BeachTel: 561 832 0804 | Fax: 561 832 0811 | www.tepb.org

Mission StatementTemple Emanu-El of Palm Beach strives to be the leading congregation in the greater Palm Beaches, built upon an expansive and inclusive vision of what a Jewish community can be. We recognize that people connect to God and Judaism in diverse ways – through prayer, learning, shared activities, artistic expression and social action. As an egalitarian, Conservative congregation, we are committed to nurturing and facilitating the personal and spiritual journeys of all our members and welcome all who enter our doors. We strive to do so in a manner that resonates with their innermost needs and interests, resulting in increased involvement, observance and participation.

Welcome New Members

September 4 7:18 pm FRIDAY NIGHT11 7:10 pm FRIDAY NIGHT18 7:02 pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH19 7:54 pm ROSH HASHANAH25 6:54 pm FRIDAY NIGHT27 6:52 pm EREV YOM KIPPUR


Kosher Food Pantry

The Alper t Jewish Fami ly Services maintains a food pantry for clients in need: the chronically ill, frail seniors, new immigrants, and people of all ages who live below the poverty line. Please help with this Mitzvah by bringing kosher food items to the synagogue with current usage dates stamped on the cans and packages.

Thank you!

ClergyRabbi Michael ResnickBarbara & Jack KayRabbinical [email protected] David FeuerGilda & Henry BlockCantorial [email protected] Steven M. HorowitzVice PresidentsMembership - Vivienne Felberman IvryProgramming - Dvora Lange CallahanFundraising - Anthony LampertTreasurer Jami Leeson HuberRecording SecretaryHana SiegelsteinPast PresidentRobert C. Gordon

Board of Trustees

Harold Bix

Charles Feldberg

Emily Gardner

Scott Holtz

Michelle Kirschner

Sheldon Konigsberg

Brian Lemelman

Brahm D. Levine

Steven Pincus

Marvin S. Rosen

Ronald Y. Schram

Buzz Solomon

Max Zaretsky

Women’s LeaguePresidentMarjorie [email protected]

Honorary BoardMelvin z”l & Claire LevineDiane BelferHenry Block z”lAlec Engelstein z”lRita Dee Hassenfeld z”lGladys R. JacobsonSidney KohlWilliam LangfanStephen A. LevinH. Irwin LevyDavid MackRoberta RobinsonBill Sandler z”l

Kol Emanu-El Editorial BoardMickey [email protected] KramerArlene KurtisHaviva LangenauerSheri LevineBelle Winston

StaffSynagogue AdministratorDavid [email protected]

Director of Youth Education & ProgrammingMarc [email protected]

Pianist/OrganistClaudio Waisgluss

Administrative Assistant/Graphic Design Natasha [email protected]

Administrative AssistantAmy [email protected]

Ritual CoordinatorJacob Mitzner

Committee ChairsAdult EducationVivienne IvryInvestmentAndy RichmanMembershipHarold BixVivienne IvryRothman Religious SchoolVivienne Ivry

Youth Activities Jami HuberVivienne Ivry

RitualBrahm Levine

Kol Emanu-ElMickey Feldberg

Judaica ArtMIckey FeldbergSheila Josephberg



It is with deep sadness that we informyou of the passing of:

Harriette Baime,wife of Richard Baime

Marshall Berkson,father of Lori Stoll

Mildred Feibusch,mother of Robyn Feibusch

Hedva Kasten,sister of Haviva Langenauer

Alex Levy,grandson of Ellen & Ben Levy

Debra Menin,mother of Craig Menin

Florence Zirin,Temple Member

“Zichronam L'vracha”May their memory be for a blessing.

Mark Frankl & Donna BolshonMichael & Karen MaiselCorey & Linda Platzner

Sandra SrebnickHenry & Beth Whitehill

Page 3: Kol Emanu-El


In This Issue:Candle Lighting Times 2President’s Message 3Rabbi’s Message 3Upcoming Events 4, 5 ,6Adult Eduction 7 Women’s League 8, 9Youth & Education 10Marla’s Recipes 11Birthdays & Anniversaries 12 Calendar 13Contributions 14, 15Appreciation 16Advertisers 17,18Service Times 20

Temple Emanu-El of Palm BeachTel: 561 832 0804 | Fax: 561 832 0811 | www.tepb.org

Mission StatementTemple Emanu-El of Palm Beach strives to be the leading congregation in the greater Palm Beaches, built upon an expansive and inclusive vision of what a Jewish community can be. We recognize that people connect to God and Judaism in diverse ways – through prayer, learning, shared activities, artistic expression and social action. As an egalitarian, Conservative congregation, we are committed to nurturing and facilitating the personal and spiritual journeys of all our members and welcome all who enter our doors. We strive to do so in a manner that resonates with their innermost needs and interests, resulting in increased involvement, observance and participation.

Welcome New Members

September 4 7:18 pm FRIDAY NIGHT11 7:10 pm FRIDAY NIGHT18 7:02 pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH19 7:54 pm ROSH HASHANAH25 6:54 pm FRIDAY NIGHT27 6:52 pm EREV YOM KIPPUR


Kosher Food Pantry

The Alper t Jewish Fami ly Services maintains a food pantry for clients in need: the chronically ill, frail seniors, new immigrants, and people of all ages who live below the poverty line. Please help with this Mitzvah by bringing kosher food items to the synagogue with current usage dates stamped on the cans and packages.

Thank you!

ClergyRabbi Michael ResnickBarbara & Jack KayRabbinical [email protected] David FeuerGilda & Henry BlockCantorial [email protected] Steven M. HorowitzVice PresidentsMembership - Vivienne Felberman IvryProgramming - Dvora Lange CallahanFundraising - Anthony LampertTreasurer Jami Leeson HuberRecording SecretaryHana SiegelsteinPast PresidentRobert C. Gordon

Board of Trustees

Harold Bix

Charles Feldberg

Emily Gardner

Scott Holtz

Michelle Kirschner

Sheldon Konigsberg

Brian Lemelman

Brahm D. Levine

Steven Pincus

Marvin S. Rosen

Ronald Y. Schram

Buzz Solomon

Max Zaretsky

Women’s LeaguePresidentMarjorie [email protected]

Honorary BoardMelvin z”l & Claire LevineDiane BelferHenry Block z”lAlec Engelstein z”lRita Dee Hassenfeld z”lGladys R. JacobsonSidney KohlWilliam LangfanStephen A. LevinH. Irwin LevyDavid MackRoberta RobinsonBill Sandler z”l

Kol Emanu-El Editorial BoardMickey [email protected] KramerArlene KurtisHaviva LangenauerSheri LevineBelle Winston

StaffSynagogue AdministratorDavid [email protected]

Director of Youth Education & ProgrammingMarc [email protected]

Pianist/OrganistClaudio Waisgluss

Administrative Assistant/Graphic Design Natasha [email protected]

Administrative AssistantAmy [email protected]

Ritual CoordinatorJacob Mitzner

Committee ChairsAdult EducationVivienne IvryInvestmentAndy RichmanMembershipHarold BixVivienne IvryRothman Religious SchoolVivienne Ivry

Youth Activities Jami HuberVivienne Ivry

RitualBrahm Levine

Kol Emanu-ElMickey Feldberg

Judaica ArtMIckey FeldbergSheila Josephberg



It is with deep sadness that we informyou of the passing of:

Harriette Baime,wife of Richard Baime

Marshall Berkson,father of Lori Stoll

Mildred Feibusch,mother of Robyn Feibusch

Hedva Kasten,sister of Haviva Langenauer

Alex Levy,grandson of Ellen & Ben Levy

Debra Menin,mother of Craig Menin

Florence Zirin,Temple Member

“Zichronam L'vracha”May their memory be for a blessing.

Mark Frankl & Donna BolshonMichael & Karen MaiselCorey & Linda Platzner

Sandra SrebnickHenry & Beth Whitehill

A Message from the Rabbi...President’s MessageI’m beginning to think that I am a creature of habit.

I normally don’t pay close attention to the little things that make up my day. The side of the bed that I get out of in the morning. The manner in which I get dressed. The route I take to the Temple. The route I take home. The way I brush my teeth. And so on…

Of course, I’m not the only one who is a creature of habit. Simple observation proves this. Allow me to explain…

When we actually used to go to Temple Emanu-El for Services, the majority of you would sit in the same seats Shabbat after Shabbat. After Services at Kiddush, we did our usual routines. The schnapps-drinkers headed to the liquor table for a “l’chayim.” The challah-hoverers waited for me to cut the challah. And the buffet line group pre-positioned themselves at the start of the buffet table. The same people regularly did the same things.

Now, I am not saying that any of this is bad. It’s not. Having routines and habits is the way we free ourselves from thinking too long and hard about mundane things.

The problem, of course, occurs when we allow the more important aspects of our lives to be ruled by habit, as well.

It was Socrates who said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Doing things by habit, without thinking about what or why we are doing them, has the potential to lull us into complacency.

Do we have a habit of not really listening?

Are we habitually rude to others?

Is it our habit to break our promises?

If we fail to examine our more inglorious habits – or even acknowledge them as such – then we risk repeating them forever.

In our Siddur it says, “God every day, in goodness, continually renews the work of creation.” In other words, every day is a day worthy of something new!

The upcoming High Holy Days, especially, are the perfect time to create something new in our lives. May we use them to look at our habits and routines and to decide which are harmless and which need – at long last – to be changed or broken.

Shana Tova U’metukah – Wishing you and yours a safe, sweet and meaningful New Year!

B’shalom,Rabbi Michael Resnick

The High Holy Days are soon upon us. This is my favorite time of year.

The heat from the summer begins to abate and the commencement of fall earmarks new beginnings.

As summers past have concluded, I always looked forward to beginning a new

curriculum at school and reconnecting with old friends.

It is also the time of year when our entire Jewish community comes together to reflect, celebrate and repent. Like most of you, I look forward to this period of introspection and reflection surrounded by our sacred Temple Emanu-El community and friends. New memories are made and old traditions are practiced.

This year, however, is different. The COVID–19 virus precludes us from safely joining together in prayer in our magnificent sanctuary. The extent and duration of this pandemic is unquestionably frustrating as it continues to impact our daily lives.

It is said that the test of character is the ability to meet challenges. The limitations imposed by the COVID-19 virus have indeed tested us. Although we have physically been unable to gather together, Rabbi Resnick and Hazzan Feuer work diligently in their continued commitment to perpetuate Jewish life with prayer and learning through today’s streaming platforms. Temple Emanu-El’s Board and administrative staff wholeheartedly support them in this vital effort.

Despite the challenges we currently face, we are dedicated to providing you and your family with a meaningful, spiritual High Holiday experience. In the near future, via US mail, you will be receiving a detailed schedule of all the services and classes to be streamed or Zoomed. An access code will also be provided.

The pandemic has taught me an important lesson. I’ve come to appreciate that the strength and bond of the Temple Emanu-El family extends well beyond the physical walls of our shul. This is best exemplified by the positive response to our virtual services and classes. The prompt renewal of membership dues thus far indicates the same shared sentiments. I wish to extend a special thank you to all who have already returned membership renewal applications and look forward to receiving the remainder in the near future.

I want to wish you all a year filled with love, health and happiness.

L’shana Tovah,Steven Horowitz


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Payment must be made at time of order.To RSVP, please call the Temple office at 561-832-0804

NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 9.

MenuChallah Rolls • Honey & Apples • Grape Juice

Vegetable Matzo Ball SoupHerb Roasted Chicken with Fennel

Haricot Verts with Pomegranate Glaze Seven-Vegetable Couscous • Dessert

Erev Yom Kippur Take-Out DinnerSunday, September 27, 2020

Erev Rosh Hashanah Take-Out Dinner

Friday, September 18, 2020

Members: $32, Children to age 12: $13

Guests & Non-Members: $40, Non-Members Children to age 12: $18 *Fish (Salmon) & vegetarian (Zucchini-Tofu Loaves / Garden Salad)

options are available, please indicate when making reservation

Members: $32, Children to age 12: $13Guests & Non-Members: $40, Non-Members Children to age 12: $18

*Fish (Salmon) & vegetarian (Stuffed Squash)options are available, please indicate when making reservation

MenuChallah Rolls • Honey & Apples • Grape Juice

Gefilte Fish with HorseradishApple & Pomegranate Glazed Chicken

Roasted Asparagus • Baked Maple Sweet PotatoCarrots & Figs • Dessert

Payment must be made at time of order.To RSVP, please call the Temple office at 561-832-0804

NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 9.

Pick-Up on Thursday, September 17, 202012:00pm - 2:00 pm

Pick-Up on Friday, September 25, 202012:00pm - 2:00 pm

When picking up dinner, please wear a mask. Drive into the garage entrance and present your confirmation. Pull up to the cone, pop open your trunk, and please wait in your car, someone will place your dinner in the trunk. Drive through the garage to exit.

SelichotSaturday, September 12, 2020

7:00pm - 8:15pm via Zoom8:15pm - Selichot Service

Selichot is a night of soul-searching in preparation for the High Holy Days. It’s a time when we reflect on the state of our world, the state of our lives and the relationship between the two.

The Living Mirror: How photography helps us to see

others and ourselvesAn Evening with Hugh Brownstone

As we begin this season of introspection, we will examine classic photographs from such acclaimed photographers as Dorothea Lange, Bruce Gilden, Gordon Parks, Robert Frank, Joel Meyerowitz and Elliott Erwitt. Their unflinching look into the human condition provides us with hope for the future, as well as insight into how we look at the world, at others and at ourselves.

Joining us again is Hugh Brownstone; photographer, writer, filmmaker, photo-historian and blogger. You can learn more about him and his work on his website, Three Blind Men and an Elephant (www.3bmep.com).

High Holy Day Schedule via Streaming or Zoom

Selichot: Saturday, September 127:00pm - Zoom Workshop | 8:00pm - Zoom Service

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Friday, September 18Take-Out Dinner (RSVP Required-by Sept. 9)

7:00pm - Service

Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Saturday, September 1910:00am - Online Service | 3:00pm - Zoom Workshop

Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Sunday, September 2010:00am - Online Service

3:00pm - Zoom Workshop | 6:00pm - Zoom Tashlich

Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre: Sunday, September 27Take-Out Dinner (RSVP Required-by Sept. 9)

6:45pm - Online Service

Yom Kippur Day: Monday, September 2810:00am-12:30pm - Online Service

3:00pm-4:00pm - Zoom Jonah roundtable4:00pm - Mincha Online Service

5:00pm-6:15pm - The Rabbi Asher Bar Zev Neilah Address6:30pm - Neilah Online Service

*Sukkot Day 1: Saturday, October 310:00am - Zoom Service

*Sukkot Day 2: Sunday, October 410:00am - Zoom Service

*Hoshanah Rabah: Friday, October 9

8:15am - Zoom Service

*Shemini Atzeret: Saturday, October 1010:00am - Zoom Service

7:00pm - Zoom Simchat Torah Service

*Simchat Torah: Sunday, October 1110:00am - Zoom Service

*Subject to change

Page 5: Kol Emanu-El


Payment must be made at time of order.To RSVP, please call the Temple office at 561-832-0804

NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 9.

MenuChallah Rolls • Honey & Apples • Grape Juice

Vegetable Matzo Ball SoupHerb Roasted Chicken with Fennel

Haricot Verts with Pomegranate Glaze Seven-Vegetable Couscous • Dessert

Erev Yom Kippur Take-Out DinnerSunday, September 27, 2020

Erev Rosh Hashanah Take-Out Dinner

Friday, September 18, 2020

Members: $32, Children to age 12: $13

Guests & Non-Members: $40, Non-Members Children to age 12: $18 *Fish (Salmon) & vegetarian (Zucchini-Tofu Loaves / Garden Salad)

options are available, please indicate when making reservation

Members: $32, Children to age 12: $13Guests & Non-Members: $40, Non-Members Children to age 12: $18

*Fish (Salmon) & vegetarian (Stuffed Squash)options are available, please indicate when making reservation

MenuChallah Rolls • Honey & Apples • Grape Juice

Gefilte Fish with HorseradishApple & Pomegranate Glazed Chicken

Roasted Asparagus • Baked Maple Sweet PotatoCarrots & Figs • Dessert

Payment must be made at time of order.To RSVP, please call the Temple office at 561-832-0804

NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 9.

Pick-Up on Thursday, September 17, 202012:00pm - 2:00 pm

Pick-Up on Friday, September 25, 202012:00pm - 2:00 pm

When picking up dinner, please wear a mask. Drive into the garage entrance and present your confirmation. Pull up to the cone, pop open your trunk, and please wait in your car, someone will place your dinner in the trunk. Drive through the garage to exit.

SelichotSaturday, September 12, 2020

7:00pm - 8:15pm via Zoom8:15pm - Selichot Service

Selichot is a night of soul-searching in preparation for the High Holy Days. It’s a time when we reflect on the state of our world, the state of our lives and the relationship between the two.

The Living Mirror: How photography helps us to see

others and ourselvesAn Evening with Hugh Brownstone

As we begin this season of introspection, we will examine classic photographs from such acclaimed photographers as Dorothea Lange, Bruce Gilden, Gordon Parks, Robert Frank, Joel Meyerowitz and Elliott Erwitt. Their unflinching look into the human condition provides us with hope for the future, as well as insight into how we look at the world, at others and at ourselves.

Joining us again is Hugh Brownstone; photographer, writer, filmmaker, photo-historian and blogger. You can learn more about him and his work on his website, Three Blind Men and an Elephant (www.3bmep.com).

High Holy Day Schedule via Streaming or Zoom

Selichot: Saturday, September 127:00pm - Zoom Workshop | 8:00pm - Zoom Service

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Friday, September 18Take-Out Dinner (RSVP Required-by Sept. 9)

7:00pm - Service

Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Saturday, September 1910:00am - Online Service | 3:00pm - Zoom Workshop

Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Sunday, September 2010:00am - Online Service

3:00pm - Zoom Workshop | 6:00pm - Zoom Tashlich

Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre: Sunday, September 27Take-Out Dinner (RSVP Required-by Sept. 9)

6:45pm - Online Service

Yom Kippur Day: Monday, September 2810:00am-12:30pm - Online Service

3:00pm-4:00pm - Zoom Jonah roundtable4:00pm - Mincha Online Service

5:00pm-6:15pm - The Rabbi Asher Bar Zev Neilah Address6:30pm - Neilah Online Service

*Sukkot Day 1: Saturday, October 310:00am - Zoom Service

*Sukkot Day 2: Sunday, October 410:00am - Zoom Service

*Hoshanah Rabah: Friday, October 9

8:15am - Zoom Service

*Shemini Atzeret: Saturday, October 1010:00am - Zoom Service

7:00pm - Zoom Simchat Torah Service

*Simchat Torah: Sunday, October 1110:00am - Zoom Service

*Subject to change



Rosh Hashanah, Day 1Saturday, September 19, 2020

Workshop: 2:00pm-3:00pmWisdom, Comfort, & Resilience in Challenging Times—& Otherwise!

Elizabeth Shulman We will look briefly at the science behind the significant benefits of some simple

but powerful breathing and meditation practices and then try them together. We will learn to create a more peaceful inner landscape, and empower ourselves to respond to challenges with more wisdom and emotional resilience.

Our meditation will resonate with the holiday theme of teshuvah-- a return to the divine within ourselves, as a path toward both comfort and empowerment for good.

Participants will come away with simple tools that can be used “on the go” in just a few seconds, or for quieter extended times.

Workshop: 3:00pm-4:00pmHow to Forgive Others and to Forgive Yourself

Rabbi Mark StaitmanWith the guidance of a rabbi and a therapist – Mark Staitman is both –

we will seek insight into one of the most central issues of the High Holy Days.

Rosh Hashanah, Day 2Sunday, September 20, 2020

Workshop: 2:00pm-3:00pmAyekha: Where are you Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually

Elaine Rotenberg, Ph.D. Self-reflection is a core element of our High Holy Day season. Does that construct hold true in the same way if

Rosh Hashanah occurs during a pandemic? During this session, we will have the opportunity to reflect upon some of the key questions asked of us during the High Holy Days, and identify opportunities for growth and

improved coping during this most unprecedented time.

Workshop: 3:00pm-4:00pmThe (Unexpected) Weight of our Sins

Rabbi Joel LevinsonJoin us for a thoughtful discussion of Hilchot Teshuvah - Maimonides’ classic tome on repentance and self-realization.

As relevant today as it was when it was written 800 years ago, these moving and profound passages offer the perfect guide to personal growth, insight and self-improvement.

Yom Kippur DayMonday, September 28, 2020

Book of Jonah Roundtable Discussion: 3:00pm-4:00pmThe Hidden Messages in the Book of Jonah (And how they can change your life)

Rabbi Michael Resnick and GuestsWhy do the rabbis have us read the Book of Jonah every Yom Kippur if not to teach us something important

about ourselves? In this workshop, we will examine and discuss several profound moments in the Jonah narrative and try to place their messages into the context of our modern lives.

Yom Kippur Day: The Rabbi Asher Bar Zev Neilah AddressMonday, September 28, 2020

5:00pm-6:00pmThe Forgotten Name of God

Rabbi David L. Blumenfeld, Ph.D. From year-to-year on Yom Kippur, the prayer leader physically re-enacts an ancient ritual that was practiced by the High Priest in Jerusalem’s Temple.

“And when they, the priests and the people that stood in the Temple court heard the glorious, awesome Name expressly pronounced by the priests (only on Yom Kippur and is no longer known to us)

all the people standing in the Temple Court would bow, kneel and fall prostrate to the ground…” From this dramatic act it is understood that the "awesome" name of God was certainly known at that time.

However, with the destruction of the Temple and the passage of time its precise enunciation has, unfortunately, been lost to us. Or has it? Rabbi Blumenfeld offers an interesting possibility.

5781 High Holy Day Workshops Via Zoom

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Being a caregiver can be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining under the best of circumstances.The challenges of caring for a sick or elderly loved one can result in caregivers ignoring their own physical and emotional health, often to the

extent that they don't recognize or cope with the symptoms of stress that they are experiencing. Temple Emanu-El's Caregiver Support Group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses and challenges of providing care for a loved one as well as strategies for also caring for yourself.

Thursdays: VIA ZOOM10:00AM - 11:30AM

September 10 & 24, 2020October 8 & 22, 2020

Please call the office for Zoom login information.


Have you suffered the loss of a loved one? We can help.

Thursdays: VIA ZOOM

1:00PM - 2:00PMSeptember 10 & 24, 2020

October 8 & 22, 2020

Please call the office for Zoom login information.

Support Groups Temple Emanu-El offers these support groups for the

community as well as our congregants. They are led by trained and certified professionals and are

free of charge.

Via Online Streaming at 7pmJoin a Zoom Discussion after the Movie

Cinema Emanu-El Chairs: Hana Siegelstein & David Ginsberg

Award-winning feature length films are selected to explore issues pertaining to Jewish life and thought.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020NORA’S WILLDespite their divorce, José Kurtz (Fernando Luján) and his ex-wife, Nora (Silvia Mariscal), never stopped caring for one another. So it's no surprise that, when she commits suicide, José is charged with overseeing her funeral. Set among Mexico City's Jewish community, this comedy focuses on the complications

involved with organizing a memorial while others are preoccupied with Passover. Also complicating matters are José's status as a nonbeliever and the unexpected contents of Nora's will.

COLLEGE CONNECTIONLet’s stay connected!

Especially in these uncertain and challenging times.Do you have a child, grandchild or great-grandchild

who will be attending college for the upcoming 2020 / 2021 year?

Women’s League sends complimentary packages filled with holiday- appropriate goodies and a gift card to college

students of Temple members four times a year.


Please submit your teen’s name, mailing address and email by September 4, 2020 to

Sandi [email protected] or 561-389-4186

Grandparents & Great-grandparents can send a package for a $36 donation.

Page 7: Kol Emanu-El


Welcome to Adult Education in the time of Coronavirus.

We have been trying to keep you both entertained and informed over the summer with various programs. So I hope that you have been able to download Zoom and be part of our burgeoning community.

In your Adult Education brochure you will find a mix of

entertainment and education, mostly on Wednesday nights. These lectures will be conducted on Zoom so please tune in.

Some fan favorites are returning: Dr. Robert Rabil, Dr. Matt Levitt and Dr. Jodie Magness as well as Roger Ward. There are also some new and exciting speakers well worth our time. Hopefully we will be able to hear the new JTS Chancellor, Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz when the Zoom logistics have been figured out.

As we continue to be locked down, more speakers will be added from April onwards so keep an eye on your email and the Temple website.

Wednesday morning classes will be conducted via Zoom and we have changed it up a little with Rabbi Resnick teaching at 11AM for the first semester.

Enjoy, sample one or many. Stay safe, wear your masks. Hopefully we will be able to see each other again in person by Pesach.

B’shalom,Vivienne Ivry

Adult Education Chair

Adult Education

Wednesday, October 21, 20207:00PM

“Masada”An Evening with

Jodi Magness

Jodi Magness holds a senior endowed chair in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism since 2002. She is an archaeologist and the President of the Archaeological Institute of America. Professor Magness specializes in the archaeology of ancient Palestine (modern Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories) in the Roman, Byzantine, and early Islamic periods. Her research interests include Jerusalem, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient synagogues, Masada, the Roman army in the East, and ancient pottery.


Every woman has the opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League in support of the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, NY), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, CA), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam, Germany).

The Torah Fund campaign began in 1942 as a scholarship fund. In 1963, it merged with the Mathilde Schechter Residence Hall campaign that provided housing for undergraduate students. In time, the campaign identified needs and raised funds for specific projects, including:

•Women’s League Educational Pavilion (Kripke Tower)•Women’s League Seminary Synagogue•Mathilde Schechter Residence Hall Renovations•Goldsmith Hall•Residence Hall at the American Jewish University•JTS Quadrangle•JTS Library Bookshelves•Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Garden

For the past several years, funds raised by Torah Fund have gone toward scholarships to all the schools. Thousands of dedicated volunteers have contributed to the spiritual, aesthetic and material well-being of these educational communities by supporting Torah Fund projects. Women's League of Temple Emanu-El has always been a leader in these efforts.

The Torah Fund theme for 2020–2021 is B’Yachad, which means “Together”. This theme signifies the joy of Women's League members working together year-round to make important contributions to the Jewish community through their volunteer efforts at synagogues across the United States and Canada. Our pride in being Jewish shows in everything we do. We are high achievers in our professional and personal lives, and we accomplish even more together! Each of us is one small nugget of gold, but together our small gifts reflect and refract the light inside us and help each other shine. Together, the modest contributions of thousands of individuals to this grassroots fundraising effort called Torah Fund have helped to educate and train each generation of rabbis, cantors, scholars, educators, summer camp directors, chaplains, campus Jewish life staff, and committed lay leaders. These are the people who guide and teach, console and uplift our people, one soul at a time, whether in person or remotely, during these challenging times. We make this happen together. Join us! A beautiful Torah Fund pin depicting “b'yachad” will be your gift for a donation of $180. Contact Hana Siegelstein ([email protected]) with your pledge.

This year our Women's League will honor Rhea Zukerman at our annual Torah Fund luncheon on Tuesday, February 23. Details to follow.

TORAH FUND 5781 B’Yachad

Via Zoom

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WOMEN’S LEAGUE "Not for Women Only". Men, if a program piques your interest, please join us!

As we navigate the “new normal”, Women’s League of Temple Emanu-El is more active than ever. We refuse to let COVID-19 define us. Instead, we choose to make it work for all our members in new and creative ways. We safely social distance, wear our masks and plan our shopping trips to avoid crowds as we connect with one another more than ever. We have become addicted to Zoom!

Our summer programming took no vacation this year. Regular “Coronahood Schmooze” sessions engaged a cross section of members of all ages who logged on to share memories of growing up Jewish and just getting to know one another better. Chef Marla shared recipes and cooking demos for Shavuot and the Fourth of July. On Thursday, September 10, Marla will share some delicious Rosh Hashanah specialties.

Our Women’s League Board has been busy planning a year of programs, focusing on our mission – engaging, enriching and empowering Jewish women. Many of us virtually attended our National Convention, “Sisters Journeying Together”, allowing us to connect with Conservative Jewish women around the world. During Convention, we proudly received the prestigious Jewels in the Crown award for our efforts over the past three years.

Speaking of connecting with our Jewish sisters around the world, we have developed a relationship with Bet Israel Masorti Congregation in Netanya, Israel. Our committee, in anticipation of our April program for Yom Ha’atzmaut, has been Zooming with our Israeli sisters, sharing ideas and programming possibilities. Membership renewals were mailed in late July and the responses are flooding in. We are thrilled to welcome both returning and new members. We sincerely hope that all Temple Emanu-El women will join with us this year. Your support is vital to our success. Exciting plans are in the works to celebrate our members in December.

As Women’s League members, you not only benefit from our unique programming, but you have access to WLCJ.org. Weekly emails alert you to a myriad of phenomenal programming, such as the “Challah Baking Day” on September 3, and the Virtual Psalm Study & Kaddish via Zoom daily at noon.

We kick off our season on Monday, October 19, with “What Every Woman Needs to Know—Balancing Your Financial and Legal Concerns”. This informative discussion features our very own Jamie Huber and Dvora Callahan and is chaired by Rhea Zukerman. The Sybil Sanders Legacy Book Club meets on Monday, October 26, to review Naomi Ragen’s acclaimed novel An Unorthodox Match. Zoom links will be provided to all meetings until we can finally meet together in person.

The 2020-2021 Torah Fund theme is B’Yachad, (Together). Although proudly wearing our Torah Fund pins this year during a Zoom service may seem odd, together we can make a difference. Our individual gifts to Torah Fund help to educate generations of rabbis, cantors, scholars, educators, summer camp directors, chaplains, campus Jewish life staff and committed lay leaders.

As we welcome 5781 on Rosh Hashanah and officially start our New Year, I wish you peace, good health and warm connections. Please stay safe. See you on Zoom!

La Shanah Tovah,Marjie

Women’s League President’s Message


Monday, October 19, 2020 at 1:00 pmWHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS TO KNOW

Balancing Your Financial & Legal ConcernsChair: Rhea Zukerman

Monday, November 16, 2020 at 1:00 pmDECEITFUL WOMEN IN THE

HEBREW BIBLEGuilty or Not?

Chair: Dr. Haviva Langenauer

Tuesday, December 15, 2020MEMBERSHIP EVENT

Chairs: Marcia Cohn & Hillary Wohl

Monday, January 25, 2021 at 1:00 pmLIFE UPON THE WICKED STAGE

A Roundtable with Four Provocative Women Playwrights

Chairs: Linda Cooper, Joy Lavin, Sheila Josephberg & Maureen Wise

Friday & Saturday, February 5 & 6, 2021B’NAI MITZVAH CELEBRATION

Chairs: Ilene Goldstein & Hadar Mehl

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 11:30 amTORAH FUND LUNCHEON

Honoring Rhea ZukermanChairs: Marylou Gray & Nedda Pollack

Friday & Saturday, March 12 & 13, 2021SHABBATON WEEKENDChairs: Ilene Goldstein & Sandra Rosen

Monday, April 12, 2021 at 1:00 pmOUR ISRAELI SISTERS

A Yom Ha’Atzma’ut CelebrationChairs: Midge Elias, Hadar Mehl & Hillary Wohl

Monday, May 3, 2021 at 1:00 pmSYNAGOGUES & SALSA

A Taste of Jewish Life & Cuisine in Mexico CityChair: Hana Siegelstein

2020-2021 / 5781WOMEN’S LEAGUE

Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach

-All programs subject to change-


made out to Women's League of Temple Emanu-El

If you have not received your WOMENS LEAGUE MAILING please contact

Yvette: [email protected] or Susan: [email protected]


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“What Every Woman Needs To Know” Balancing Your Financial & Legal Concerns

Temple Emanu-El Women’s League presents

Monday, October 19 at 1:00 pm Via Zoom

In times of strife, stress and surprise, we may find ourselves in need of professional advice.

Our experts will help you prepare for the unexpected and make informed decisions.

Guest Speakers*

Dvora Lange Callahan, CFP®, CRPC® Vice President at Morgan Stanley;

Certified Financial Planner ™; Comprehensive wealth planning strategist

Jami L. Huber, PA Attorney in private practice specializing in probate,

trust and guardianship litigation; estate planning; and estate, guardianship and trust administration

*Both speakers are members of Women’s League as well as members of the Temple Executive Board

Chair: Rhea Zukerman

Women’s League gratefully acknowledges the following donations:

(as of August 15):

Mickey and Charlie FeldbergIn memory of Alexander Levy, grandson of Ellen and Ben Levy

Ilene Goldstein and Greg ThorpeIn memory of Hedva Kasten, sister of Haviva Langenauer

Sheila JosephbergIn memory of Alexander Levy, grandson of Ellen and Ben Levy

Marjie and Shelly KonigsbergIn memory of Alexander Levy, grandson of Ellen and Ben Levy

Joy and Michael LavinIn memory of Alexander Levy, grandson of Ellen and Ben Levy

Belle WinstonIn honor of the birth of Jack Meyer, grandson of

Hiroko and Robert Davidow

Beth WhitehillIn honor of Women’s League

Rhea and Karl ZukermanIn memory of Hedva Kasten, sister of Haviva Langenauer

In memory of Alexander Levy, grandson of Ellen and Ben Levy

Contributions to the Tribute Fund help enable Women's League to continue its work in supporting Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach.

To donate please contact Ruth Stein at 561 585-2357 or email [email protected].

All the Sybil Sanders Legacy Book Club selections are now in the Kramer Library. Please call the office to request a book and the "TEPB Special Drive-Up Service" staffer

will bring it to your car. Please sign the card in the back and return it to the deliverer so we can have a record, Return the book as soon as possible so others can share it.

"The Book of Lost Names," by Kristin Harmel is also available. Vivienne Ivry has scheduled Kristin Harmel for an Adult Education program in January. The book can be purchased at the Classic Book Store in Palm Beach.

Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz is the new chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Her acclaimed book, "The Rabbi's Wife: The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life," is also available.

Book-lovers needed to help in the Kramer Library.

Unlimited Reading Privileges!Call the Temple office to volunteer.

- Arlene KurtisLibrary Committee


Monday, October 26, 20201:00pm Via Zoom

An Unorthodox Match by Naomi Ragen

This is a wonderful tale of a young woman who chose to become part of the Orthodox community in Boro Park, Brooklyn. She seeks meaning and spirituality after living her life as a “modern” woman, with many contemporary experiences. The author presents a wide range of both the positive and negative aspects of life in a defined and enclosed community as the main character has moments of clarity and self-awareness. She ultimately finds family and love within the Chasidic world.



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The school year, as we know it, has taken a new turn. Classes started August 16, via Zoom, as the Temple remains closed. While we all know that this is not the way we hoped to start the year, we are planning many exciting online program options for our children and teenagers.

As always, the Rothman Religious School is ready for another great year! This year we are excited to be continuing our Family Art and Education Series for our students and all Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach member families with children. Each family will learn from Rabbi Resnick the importance of the holidays and the significance of the items associated with these special dates. We will then create the following through various mediums: an Apple and Honey set, a Hannukiah, a Grogger, a Seder Plate, and an Omer Counter. By the end of the Family Art and Education Series, each family will have created a full set of their own to use at home.

We will be continuing our mid-week Skype lessons to help our students practice their Hebrew skills and expand their Hebrew language knowledge. This year we will also utilize the self-paced Hebrew curriculum in the Shalom Learning platform to provide our students and families with another level of Hebrew practice. Rothman Religious School registration is currently open to all families with children in Kindergarten through 7th grade.If you or someone you know would like to receive more information about our school, please contact us or visit https://www.tepb.org/education/religious-school.

Yala! for students in 8th-12th grade, will continue its commitment to teaching our Post B’nai Mitzvah students about Israel. This unique Israel Education program meets every other Sunday from 12-1pm. Please see our calendar for exact dates. Registration for Yala! is also open at this time!

Beach Youth had a great year last year, and this year we are working to continue these successes! We continue to shine as members of our chapter help lead not only the region but also International USY. Michael Pincus currently holds the position of International USY Social Action/Tikkun Olam Vice President and Sophie Huber is currently a member of the International General Board. Involvement in USY teaches our teens to not only love their Jewish identity and Israel, it also teaches them lifelong leadership skills. Please check your email and our Beach USY Instagram pages for upcoming event information.

Please remember that our school and youth programs are open to all families, so if you know of any families with children interested in participating, bring them to an event! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out by phone (561) 832-0804, or [email protected]

B’Shalom, Marc Jacobs

Director of Youth Education and Programming


Important Dates (pending)

Sunday, September 6, 2020 –No Rothman Religious School Classes

Friday, September 11, 2020 – Welcome Shabbat with the Rothman Religious School Classes

Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 9:30am-12:00pm – Family Art and Education Series

Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 12:00pm-1:00pm – Yala!

Saturday, September 19, 2020 – Rosh Hashanah Youth Services

Sunday, September 20, 2020– Rosh Hashanah Youth Services

Friday, September 25, 2020 – Welcome Shabbat with the Rothman Religious School Classes

Monday, September 28, 2020 –Yom Kippur Youth Services

Sunday, October 4, 2020 – No Rothman Religious School Classes

Sunday, October 11, 2020 – No Rothman Religious School Classes

Friday, October 16, 2020 – Welcome Shabbat with the Rothman Religious School Classes

Sunday, October 18, 2020 from 9:30am-1:00pm-Rothman Religious School Classes and Yala!

Sunday, October 25, 2020 from 9:30am-12:00pm – Rothman Religious School Classes

Friday, October 30, 2020 – Welcome Shabbat with the Rothman Religious School Classes

Note: For more information about participating in ZOOM programs, please call the Temple Office.


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A High Holy Day Cooking Pop-Up with Chef Marla

4 large apples, peeled, cored and chopped1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 cup brown sugar, packed3 cups all-purpose flour1 tablespoon baking powder4 large eggs1 ½ cups white sugar1 cup vegetable oil½ cup orange juice1 tablespoon vanilla1 cup chopped walnuts, optional

1 tablespoon olive oil1 large onion1 large zucchini1 large yellow squash1 large potato, peeled1 large carrot, peeled¼ cup potato starch or corn starch3 large eggs, lightly beaten¼ cup dried parsley1/4 cup dried dill1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Spinach Salad with Apples, Pecans, and Pomegranate1 (5-ounce) bag baby spinach½ cup red onion, thinly slice in half-moons1 large tart apple, such as Granny Smith, cut into chunks1 small container “Pom” pomegranate seeds1 tablespoon olive oil

Dressing¼ cup olive oil1/3 cup apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon honey1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper1 cup candied pecans (recipe on side)Can be made up to 2 days ahead. Store in the refrigeratorin an air-tight container.

Committee: Ilene Goldstein

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x9 inch baking pan with the olive oil.Using a food processor, puree onion, squeeze out liquid and place in a large mixing bowl.Use a grater blade in the food processor to grate the zucchini, yellow squash, potato and carrot. Squeeze out all the liquid and place in mixing bowl. The vegetables should measure about 5 cups. Add more vegetables (your choice) if needed.Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Let rest for 10 minutes. Spoon into prepared pan. Bake 1 hour, until golden on top.

Candied Pecans¼ cup brown sugar, packed1 cup pecan halves

In a medium-large skillet over medium heat, toast pecans for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Quickly drizzle sugar over the pecans, stirring for about 15 seconds to coat well. When the pecans are thoroughly coated remove immediately from the heat. This mixture is very hot!Spread on a piece of parchment paper to cool. Once cooled, break the nuts apart. They will be slightly sticky, but will harden within a few hours. Store in an air-tight container until ready to use.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 10-inch tube pan.Mix apples, cinnamon and brown sugar in a bowl and set aside.Combine flour and baking powder in another bowl.In a mixing bowl beat the oil and sugar with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add eggs and continue beating until well incorporated.Pour in the flour mixture alternately with the orange juice and vanilla until smooth and thoroughly mixed.Fold in the walnuts, if using. Pour half the batter into the pan. Layer half the apples on top. Repeat with remaining batter, then the rest of the apples.Bake about 1 hour and 30 to 1 hour and 45 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.Cool in pan for 10 minutes before removing to cool completely on a wire rack. This cake is fragile; be careful when removing from pan.If there is any juice remaining from apple mixture, mix with a little powdered sugar to make a glaze for the cake.

Place greens, onions and apples in a chilled salad bowl. Toss gently with dressing. Add pecans and toss again. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds over the top and serve.

Assorted Vegetable Kugel

Jewish Apple Cake

via ZoomThursday, September 10, 2020


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Ben & Ellen Levy 9/1Michael & Melinda Herman 9/3Richard & Ellen Rampell 9/5Bruce & Ellen Malasky 9/5Richard & Esther Zaretsky 9/6

Andrew & Jami Huber 9/6Charles & Rita Bronfman 9/7Stephen & Madeline Anbinder 9/7Kenneth & Bonnie Kornman 9/13Henry & Elaine Kaufman 9/15

Samuel & Este Sylvetsky 9/16Jason & Julie Bodnick 9/24Jeff & Mei Sze Greene 9/29

Sandra Wilensky 9/18Beth Moross 9/18Steffie Baron 9/20Inge Adler 9/20Morrine Marantz 9/21Rita Taca 9/22Linda Golden 9/22Joel Koeppel 9/23Harold Bell 9/23Cynthia Morgan 9/23Sherry Effron 9/23Dana Koch 9/24Jack Hirschfeld 9/24Ruth Friedman 9/25Jacqueline Wilner 9/25Steven Chinskey 9/25Randi Schietz 9/25Lawrence Pollack 9/26Jodi Kurtis 9/28

Madelyn Greenberg 9/8Frances Eisenberg 9/9Linda Lipshutz 9/9Madelaine Niloff 9/9Phyllis Rubinstein 9/10Carol Chavkin 9/11Hiroko Davidow 9/11Benjamin Gordon 9/11Steve Breitman 9/12Joseph Idy 9/13Miriam Kauderer 9/13Caren Horowitz 9/13Caron Siegel 9/14Laura Sherman 9/15Brooke Pertnoy 9/15Mark Cohen 9/16Pauline Siegel 9/16Andrew Richman 9/17

Alvin Parven 9/1Daniel Marantz 9/1Jay Nisberg 9/1Jackie Brant 9/2Bruce Malasky 9/2Sanford Guritzky 9/3Elizabeth Gordon 9/3JoAnn Gorodetzer 9/4Donna Krasner 9/5Arnold Lampert 9/5Jenny Cyker 9/5Linda Cooper 9/5Esther Zaretsky 9/6Mordechai Hasson 9/6Shirley Kullen 9/6Irvin Saltzman 9/7Jennifer Winton 9/8Roberta Kozloff 9/8

We wish to extend a Mazal Tov to our members who are celebrating a birthday or an anniversary in September.




David Simon & Esther Rosenberg Simon 10/7Howard & Gail Newman 10/9Jerry & Frances Gilberg 10/11Jeffrey & Shelley Greif 10/12

John Bizanes &Jourdan Levy- Bizanes 10/14Alec & Ilana Fisch 10/15Roger & Betty Frankel 10/15Scott & Cecilia Holtz 10/22

Greg & Beth Moross 10/27Henry & Barbara Miller 10/29

Leonard Ackerman 10/19Avishai Mendelson 10/19Barbara Landau 10/20Henry Kaufman 10/20Johanna Zaretsky 10/20Susan Lee 10/22David Ginsberg 10/23Clive Boner 10/26Julia Marks 10/26Marlene Silver 10/26Hillary Wohl 10/27Frances Blumenfeld 10/28Ellen Stein 10/29Ilene Goldstein 10/30Robert Meister 10/30Steven Rosenberg 10/31Leah Nettis 10/31

Malinda Linkhorst 10/10Michael Rubinstein 10/11Arnold Esterman 10/11Rachelle Litt 10/11Bobbi Elmer 10/13Selma L. Smith 10/14Elizabeth Shulman 10/14Donna Hirschfeld 10/14Dora Leopold 10/17Michael Idy 10/17Allan Greenblatt 10/18Peggy Schwartz 10/18Linda Lachman 10/18Sandra Bornstein 10/18Sheldon Konigsberg 10/19

Jan Brezinsky 10/1Jelena Fine 10/2Michael Resnick 10/3Devorah Yisrael 10/3Larry Ochstein 10/3Mickey Feldberg 10/5Sara Hyams 10/5Joan Kahan 10/6Elise Neimark 10/6Brahm Levine 10/6Marylou Gray 10/7Harriet Moskowitz 10/8Helen Stein 10/8Lisa Spatt 10/9Joshua Becker 10/10

We wish to extend a Mazal Tov to our members who are celebrating a birthday or an anniversary in October.




David Simon & Esther Rosenberg Simon 10/7Richard & Robin Bernstein 10/7Howard & Gail Newman 10/9Gerald & Frances Gilberg 10/11Jeffrey & Shelley Greif 10/12John Bizanes & Jourdan Levy- Bizanes 10/14Roger & Betty Frankel 10/15Geoffrey & Sylvia Leigh 10/20Scott & Cecilia Holtz 10/22Greg & Beth Moross 10/27Henry & Barbara Miller 10/29

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5:30PM *BTM

1:00PMWL Program

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11 12

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27 28 29 30




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21 3


24 25

1312 1614 15 17


27 28 30 3129

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22 23 24 25


Zoom Workshop8:00pm

Zoom Selichot Service

Labor DayOffice Closed

7:00PMErev Rosh Hashanah

Online Service

10:00AMRH Day 1


Zoom Workshop

10:00AM RH Day 2 Online Service

2:00PM & 3:00PMZoom Workshops

6:00PM Zoom Tashlich

9:30AM *RRS12:00PM Yala!

Simchat Torah10:00AM

Zoom ServiceNO *RRS

Erev Sukkot

6:00PMOnline Services

9:30AM *RRS

9:30AM *RRS12:00PM Yala!


6:45PM Kol Nidre

Online Service

NO *RRSYom Kippur

10:00AM Online Shacharit3:00PM

Zoom Roundtable4:00PM Mincha6:30PM Neilah

Sukkot Day One10:00AM

Zoom Service

Sukkot Day Two10:00AM

Zoom ServiceNO *RRS

10:00AMShemini At’zeret Service / Yizkor7:00PM ZoomSimchat Torah


5:30PM *EBM

5:30PM *EBM

5:30PM *BTM


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom

1:00PM WL Program


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom

1:00PM WL Book Club


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom11:30 WL

Board Meeting


Streaming/Archive 11:00AM

Rabbi’s Round Table via Zoom











6:00PMShir Shabbat


6:00PMShir Shabbat


6:00PMShir Shabbat


Hoshanah Rabbah6:00PM

Shir Shabbat SERVICEVia Zoom

6:00PMShir Shabbat


6:00PMShir Shabbat


6:00PMShir Shabbat


11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

7:00PM Adult Ed Movie

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom

7:00PM WNL Speaker-

Jodi Magnus

11:00AMRabbi’s Round

Table via Zoom


Streaming/Archive 10AM *CGG

11AM WL ZoomCooking Event

1PM *BRVVia Zoom












Streaming/Archive 10AM *CGG1PM *BRVVia Zoom


Streaming/Archive 10AM *CGG1PM *BRVVia Zoom


Streaming/Archive 10AM *CGG1PM *BRVVia Zoom

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Gifts to the Congregation May 20, 2020 - August 15, 2020

Adult Education FundJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Rhea & Karl Zukerman "Thank you for your gracious and generous support."Mark Glazman & Janyce Katz in honor of the Adult Education program with the JFS on July 8, 2020Shelley & Marjie Konigsberg in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenIrving & Donna Kramer in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenBrian & Vivian Lemelman Claire Levine in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenMarvin & Sandra Rosen in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenArt & Judaica FundJoan Holtz in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Sheila & Rob Josephberg's anniversary and in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyPaul Moskowitz and Harriet Moskowitz in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyJules & Leah Nettis in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyMarvin & Sandra Rosen in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyBereavement/Support Group FundSteven & Caren Horowitz in memory of Robyn Feibusch’s beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschCarmela Kalmanson in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenJoyce Lampert in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenTony & Patti Lampert in memory of Robyn Feibusch’s beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschBrian & Vivian Lemelman Richard & Carolyn Sloane in memory of Craig Menin's beloved mother, Debra MeninMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Robyn Feibusch's beloved mother, Millie FeibuschCindy Bix USY FundHarold & Helen Bix in memory of Helen's beloved brother, Emil Helman, and Harold's beloved father, Irving BixIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Debbie & Bob Burger's wedding anniversary; Helen & Harold Bix. "In appreciation of your friendship and kindness. With all our love"; Rhea & Karl Zukerman's wedding anniversary; Harold Bix's birthday and in memory of Robyn Feibusch's beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschBrian & Vivian Lemelman Ed & Cyma Satell in memory of Sharon Kaliner's beloved mother, Phyllis SolomonGeneral FundShirley Bader in memory of her beloved husband, Sam BaderMort & Diane Brill in honor of Steven Horowitz's special birthdayProf. Maurice CohenJerald & Marcia Cohn in honor Marjie Konigsberg's birthday and Yvette Yoslov's birthdayCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenKaren Fernandez in honor of Rabbi Resnick and

Hazzan Feuer for the Zoom services. "We join you and the congregation from afar."Estelle Garfein in memory of her beloved husband, Nathaniel Garfein; and her beloved father, Joseph PackerGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in honor of the birth of Esther & Richard Zaretsky's grandchild, Liev William ZaretskyRachel Gordon in honor of Temple Emanu-El with thanks for sharing the Zoom classes with the communityRob & Renee Gordon in memory of Harriette Baime, beloved wife of Richard BaimeCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Brahm & Carole-Ann Levine, "thank you for all their help"Mark Glazman & Janyce Katz in memory of Mark's beloved father, Simon GlazmanIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Belle Winston's birthday; Gladys Jacobson's birthday; Marjie Konigsberg's birthday; Yvette Yoslov's birthday; Marvin Rosen's birthday; and Marcia Cohn's birthday and in honor of Temple Emanu-ElJoyce Lampert in memory of Robyn Feibush's beloved mother, Mildred FeibushTony & Patti Lampert in honor of Phylis Newman, for receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Award for JFS serviceBrahm & Carole-Ann Levine in honor of and appreciation of David SchreierHadar Mehl in memory of her beloved mother, Esther Berkovitz; and her beloved husband, Edward MehlHarriet Moskowitz in memory of Julian Light, beloved husband of Sigrid LightPaul Moskowitz in memory of Manny Golov, beloved husband of Karen Golov; and Lori Stoll's beloved father, Marshall BerksonHenry Narrow in honor of the birth of Esther & Richard Zaretsky's grandson, Liev William Zaretsky and wishing a refuah schlema to Richard ZaretskyJules & Leah Nettis in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenPaul & Madelaine Niloff in memory of their beloved son, Jonathan NiloffCorey & Linda Platzner in honor of Rabbi Resnick with gratitude for his assistance with the memorial service of Marilyn PlatznerThomas Rheinstein in honor of Rabbi Resnick and Hazzan Feuer for the Zoom services. "We join you and the congregation from afar."Marvin & Sandra RosenJean Schon in honor of and thanking TEPB for beautiful servicesRon & Leslie SchramJames & Judy Schwartz in honor of the birthdays of Barb & Herb ShearCarl Chernoff & Caron Siegel in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyLeon & Elaine Siegel in honor of and thank you to Rabbi Resnick for Zoom classesHerb & Audrey Weinstein in memory of Ida Bershad, beloved sister of Marcia BartzoffJacqueline Wilner in memory of her beloved father, Irving Kraunz; and her beloved brother-in-law, Charles WilnerKarl & Rhea Zukerman in honor of Donna Kramer's birthdayMemorial FundInge Adler in memory of her beloved husband, MaxRichard Baime in memory of his beloved father, Israel Baime; his beloved sister, Bette Soschin; and his beloved mother, Stella F. BaimeJohn Bergman in memory of his beloved father,

Milton BergmanJudy Bergman in memory of her beloved mother, Ida S. Block; her beloved husband, Milton Bergman; and her beloved father, Isadore BlockJudith Bernstein in memory of her beloved mother, Lila KahlRichard & Sandra Bornstein in memory of Sandra's beloved father, Sol KofflerAlerio & Flory Cardinale in memory of Jack Fischer, beloved wife of Tina Fischer; and Rae Brandt; and Victor CatalanoAlvin & Greta Chaiken in memory of Alvin's beloved father, Isadore ChaikenJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Joe's beloved father, Irving CooperJenny Cyker in memory of her beloved mother, Ciska Grunberg and her beloved mother-in-law, Sophie Cyker; Robert & Hiroko Davidow in memory of 16 beloved family membersAllen Dubbrin in memory of his beloved wife, Norma DubbrinJoan Eigen in memory of her beloved mother, Lucille Kimmel; and beloved husband, Robert J. EigenPaul & Sherry Elias in memory of Paul's beloved mother, Ida EliasEstelle Fassler in memory of Leon Fassler, her beloved husbandCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in memory of Mickey's beloved mother, Rita Velleman; and Charlie's beloved father, Israel FeldbergRobert & Ann Fromer in memory of Ann's beloved mother, Ruth WexlerBonni Geier in memory of her beloved mom and dad, Blanche & William GeierJerry & Ann Gilberg in memory of Jerry's beloved father, Michael GilbergSandi Gladding in memory of her beloved Papa, Abe Zlatkoff; and her beloved Nana, Jeanette ZlatkoffGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in memory of Ilene's beloved mother, Marilyn LampertHerb & Marylou Gray in memory of Herb's beloved father, Morris GoldmanSanford Guritzky in memory of his beloved wife, Brenda GuritzkyCynthia Hertz in memory of her beloved mother, Fay Wasserman, and her beloved father, Emanuel WassermanJack & Donna Hirschfeld in memory of Donna's beloved brother, Jonathan NiloffDavid & Moira Hirsowitz in memory of David's beloved father, Louis Hirsowitz; Moira's beloved mother, Hilda IsraelIrwin & Debbie Horowitz in memory of her Irwin's beloved father, Barnett HorowitzMichael & Jane Horvitz in memory of Michael's beloved mother, Lois HorvitzGladys R. Jacobson in memory of her beloved husband, Paul JacobsonJonathan & Tobye Karp in memory of Tobye's beloved mother, Florence FoxRobert & Michelle Kirschner in memory of Michelle's beloved father, Jay Oyler; and Robert's beloved uncle, William AyervaisRonald Klokke in memory of his beloved mother, Mary McDonaldShelly & Marjie Konigsberg in memory of Marjie's beloved mother, Edythe FlandersPaul & Roberta Kozloff in memory of Roberta's beloved mother, Charlotte FordStephen & Donna Krasner in memory of Donna's beloved father, Jerome Kantor

Shirley Kullen in memory of her beloved mother, Rose RobinowitzArlene Kurtis in memory of her loving husband Alan A. Kurtis, her dear mother Estelle B. Harris and her dear brother Paul D. HarrisJoyce Lampert in memory of her beloved mother, Marilyn LampertPatricia Lebow in memory of her beloved father, Burton N. LeveyBrian & Vivian Lemelman in memory of Brian's beloved mother, Joanne LemelmanAnny Lerman in memory of her beloved mother, Gella BezalelBrahm & Carole-Ann Levine in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva Kasten; and of Carole-Ann's beloved sister, Donna Schwartz; Brahm's beloved father, Boris Levine; and Carole-Ann's beloved father, Dean KernerKen & Sheri Levine in memory of Sheri's beloved uncle, Laurie Holtz; and Sheri's beloved stepfather, Mack EmermanPaula Lustbader in memory of her beloved mother, Rose Segal; and her beloved father, Joseph SegalLois Miller in memory of her beloved mother, Leah GrossmanTom & Cindy Morgan in memory of Cynthia's beloved grandfather, Abraham HorenbeinBarbara Neiman in memory of her beloved mother, Marion FriendRoberta Robinson in memory of her beloved sister, Clarice GreenbergAlice Rudin in memory of her beloved mother and father, Ida & Nathan Ketive; and her beloved husband, Fred RudinEd & Cyma Satell in memory of Cyma's beloved dad, Samuel Altman; and Ed's beloved mom, Sally SatellRichard & Dania Schwartz in memory of Richard's beloved father, Herman SchwartzRenee Seal in memory of her beloved father, Philip SealRhoda Seal in memory of her beloved husband, Philip Sea

Ella Seidenfeld in memory of her loving companion, Dr. Herbert TaubmanRonald & Pauline Siegel in memory of Pauline's beloved mother, Ruth FeldmanIrwin & Cecilia Solomon in memory of Buzz’s beloved mother, Elizabeth SolomonShirley Tenzer in memory of her beloved father, Oscar BudmanPhyllis Verducci in memory of her beloved mother, Estelle Caen LernerPolly Wachtenheim in memory of her beloved husband, Eugene WachtenheimKen Small & Mindy Wexler in memory of Ken's beloved father, Leo SmallEdward Brown & Nancy Yanofsky in memory of Edward's beloved grandson, Taggert BrownRichard & Ester Zaretsky in memory of Alex Levy, beloved grandson of Ben & Ellen Levy, and beloved son of Dan & Sonia LevySuzan Zimmerman in memory of her beloved father, Joseph Zimmerman; and her beloved mother, Jeanette ZimmermanKarl & Rhea Zukerman in memory of Rhea's beloved mother, Jeanette ByersPrayer Book - Lev ShalemRobert Davidow Davidow in memory of Alexander Levy, beloved grandson of Ellen & Ben LevyRon & Leslie Schram in honor of their son, Harrison Daniel Schram, for graduating with honor from Oxbridge Academy; in memory of Lori Stoll's beloved father, Marshall Berkson; Craig Menin's beloved mother, Debra Menin; and Gerald Gladstone, son of Jonathan GladstoneAndrew & Hana Siegelstein in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alexander LevyHoward & Sandy Slavit in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Ruthie Faye Slavit; the 100th birthday of Frances Pensler, Sandy's beloved mother; and in memory of Ronald R. Glancz, Esq.Rabbi’s Discretionary FundJason & Julie Bodnick in honor of Steven

Horowitz's birthdayMiriam BramHowell CohenJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Joe's beloved step-father, Aaron TernerCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in honor of Rabbi & Roni's new homeGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in honor of Rabbi & Roni Resnick's new home; and the birth of Brian & Vivian Lemelman's newest grandchild, Beau;and in memory of Hillary Barletta's birth motherSteven & Caren Horowitz in memory of Phylis Newman with congratulations for receiving the JFS AwardRobert & Sheila Josephberg in honor of he birth of Karen Groffman's new granddaughter, Liza BrookeCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Annette & Joel Levinson. "Thank you for your gracious and generous support."Shelly & Marjie Konigsberg in honor of Yvette & Stan Yoslov's wedding anniversaryBob & Ms. Faith KrasnowPhyllis Kuby in memory of her beloved husband, Aaron KubyMorton & Marilyn KugalSigrid Light in honor of Harriet MoskowitzLawrence & Nedda PollackMarvin & Baylie Rosenberg in honor of the marriage of John Bergmand and Laura HazenMeah TellHerbert & Audrey Weinstein in memory of Phyllis ShepardMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Maureen's beloved parents, Murray & Rosalyn Kamen; and Barbara Neiman's beloved sister, Patricia ShavellStanley & Yvette Yoslov in honor of the wedding anniversaary of Marcie & Jerry Cohn; Marjie & Shelley Konigsberg's wedding anniversary; and in memory of Alex Levy, beloved grandson of Ben & Ellen Levy and Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva Kasten


Page 15: Kol Emanu-El

Adult Education FundJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Rhea & Karl Zukerman "Thank you for your gracious and generous support.Mark Glazman & Janyce Katz in honor of the Adult Education program with the JFS on July 8, 2020Shelly & Marjie Konigsberg in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenIrving & Donna Kramer in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenBrian & Vivian Lemelman Claire Levine in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenMarvin & Sandra Rosen in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenArt & Judaica FundJoan Holtz in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Sheila & Rob Josephberg's anniversary and in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyPaul Moskowitz and Harriet Moskowitz in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyJules & Leah Nettis in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyMarvin & Sandra Rosen in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyBereavement/Support Group FundSteven & Caren Horowitz in memory of Robyn Feibusch’s beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschCarmela Kalmanson in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenJoyce Lampert in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenTony & Patti Lampert in memory of Robyn Feibusch’s beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschBrian & Vivian Lemelman Richard & Carolyn Sloane in memory of Craig Menin's beloved mother, Debra MeninMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Robyn Feibusch's beloved mother, Millie FeibuschCindy Bix USY FundHarold & Helen Bix in memory of Helen's beloved brother, Emil Helman and Harold's beloved father, Irving BixIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Debbie & Bob Burger's wedding anniversary; Helen & Harold Bix. "In appreciation of your friendship and kindness. With all our love"; Rhea & Karl Zukerman's wedding anniversary; Harold Bix's birthday and in memory of Robyn Feibusch's beloved mother, Mildred FeibuschBrian & Vivian Lemelman Ed & Cyma Satell in memory of Sharon Kaliner's beloved mother, Phyllis SolomonGeneral FundShirley Bader in memory of her beloved husband, Sam BaderMort & Diane Brill in honor of Steven Horowitz's special birthdayProf. Maurice CohenJerald & Marcia Cohn in honor Marjie Konigsberg's birthday and Yvette Yoslov's birthdayCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenKaren Fernandez in honor of Rabbi Resnick and

Hazzan Feuer for the zoom services. "We join you and the congregation from afar."Estelle Garfein in memory of her beloved husband, Nathaniel Garfein; and her beloved father, Joseph PackerGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in honor of the birth of Esther & Richard Zaretsky's grandchild, Liev William ZaretskyRachel Gordon in honor of Temple Emanu-El with thanks for sharing the Zoom classes with the communityRob & Renee Gordon in memory of Harriette Baime, beloved wife of Richard BaimeCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Brahm & Carole-Ann Levine, "thank you for all their help"Mark Glazman & Janyce Katz in memory of Mark's beloved father, Simon GlazmanIrving & Donna Kramer in honor of Belle Winston's birthday; Gladys Jacobson's birthday; Marjie Konigsberg's birthday; Yvette Yoslov's birthday; Marvin Rosen's birthday; and Marcia Cohn's birthday and in honor of Temple Emanu-ElJoyce Lampert in memory of Robyn Feibush's beloved mother, Mildred FeibushTony & Patti Lampert in honor of Phylis Newman, for receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Award for JFS serviceBrahm & Carole-Ann Levine in honor of and appreciation of David SchreierHadar Mehl in memory of her beloved mother, Esther Berkovitz; and her beloved husband, Edward MehlHarriet Moskowitz in memory of Julian Light, beloved husband of Sigrid LightPaul Moskowitz in memory of Manny Golov, beloved husband of Karen Golov; and Lori Stoll's beloved father, Marshall BerksonHenry Narrow in honor of the birth of Esther & Richard Zaretsky's grandson, Liev William Zaretsky and wishing a refuah schlema to Richard ZaretskyJules & Leah Nettis in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva KastenPaul & Madelaine Niloff in memory of their beloved son, Jonathan NiloffCorey & Linda Platzner in honor of Rabbi Resnick with gratitude for his assistance with the memorial service of Marilyn PlatznerThomas Rheinstein in honor of Rabbi Resnick and Hazzan Feuer for the zoom services. "We join you and the congregation from afar.Marvin & Sandra RosenJean Schon in honor of and thanking TEPB for beautiful servicesRon & Leslie SchramJames & Judy Schwartz in honor of the birthdays of Barb & Herb ShearCarl Chernoff & Caron Siegel in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alex LevyLeon & Elaine Siegel in honor of and thank you to Rabbi Resnick for Zoom classesHerb & Audrey Weinstein in memory of Ida Bershad, beloved sister of Marcia BartzoffJacqueline Wilner in memory of her beloved father, Irving Kraunz; and her beloved brother-in-law, Charles WilnerKarl & Rhea Zukerman in honor of Donna Kramer's birthdayMemorial FundInge Adler in memory of her beloved husband, MaxRichard Baime in memory of his beloved father, Israel Baime; his beloved sister, Bette Soschin; and his beloved mother, Stella F. BaimeJohn Bergman in memory of his beloved father,

Milton BergmanJudy Bergman in memory of her beloved mother, Ida S. Block; her beloved husband, Milton Bergman; and her beloved father, Isadore BlockJudith Bernstein in memory of her beloved mother, Lila KahlRichard & Sandra Bornstein in memory of Sandra's beloved father, Sol KofflerAlerio & Flory Cardinale in memory of Jack Fischer, beloved wife of Tina Fischer; and Rae Brandt; and Victor CatalanoAlvin & Greta Chaiken in memory of Alvin's beloved father, Isadore ChaikenJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Joe's beloved father, Irving CooperJenny Cyker in memory of her beloved mother, Ciska Grunberg and her beloved mother-in-law, Sophie Cyker; Robert & Hiroko Davidow in memory of 16 beloved family membersAllen Dubbrin in memory of his beloved wife, Norma DubbrinJoan Eigen in memory of her beloved mother, Lucille Kimmel; and beloved husband, Robert J. EigenPaul & Sherry Elias in memory of Paul's beloved mother, Ida EliasEstelle Fassler in memory of Leon Fassler, her beloved husbandCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in memory of Mickey's beloved mother, Rita Velleman; and Charlie's beloved father, Israel FeldbergRobert & Ann Fromer in memory of Ann's beloved mother, Ruth WexlerBonni Geier in memory of her beloved mom and dad, Blanche & William GeierJerry & Ann Gilberg in memory of Jerry's beloved father, Michael GilbergSandi Gladding in memory of her beloved Papa, Abe Zlatkoff; and her beloved Nana, Jeanette ZlatkoffGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in memory of Illene's beloved mother, Marilyn LampertHerb & Marylou Gray in memory of Herb's beloved father, Morris GoldmanSanford Guritzky in memory of his beloved wife, Brenda GuritzkyCynthia Hertz in memory of her beloved mother, Fay Wasserman and her beloved father, Emanuel WassermanJack & Donna Hirschfeld in memory of Donna's beloved brother, Jonathan NiloffDavid & Moira Hirsowitz in memory of David's beloved father, Louis Hirsowitz; Moira's beloved mother, Hilda IsraelIrwin & Debbie Horowitz in memory of her Irwin's beloved father, Barnett HorowitzMichael & Jane Horvitz in memory of Michael's beloved mother, Lois HorvitzGladys R. Jacobson in memory of her beloved husband, Paul JacobsonJonathan & Tobye Karp in memory of Tobye's beloved mother, Florence FoxRobert & Michelle Kirschner in memory of Michelle's beloved father, Jay Oyler; and Robert's beloved uncle, William AyervaisRonald Klokke in memory of his beloved mother, Mary McDonaldShelly & Marjie Konigsberg in memory of Marjie's beloved mother, Edythe FlandersPaul & Roberta Kozloff in memory of Roberta's beloved mother, Charlotte FordStephen & Donna Krasner in memory of Donna's beloved father, Jerome Kantor

Shirley Kullen in memory of her beloved mother, Rose RobinowitzArlene Kurtis in memory of her loving husband Alan A. Kurtis, her dear mother Estelle B. Harris, and her dear brother Paul D. HarrisJoyce Lampert in memory of her beloved mother, Marilyn LampertPatricia Lebow in memory of her beloved father, Burton N. LeveyBrian & Vivian Lemelman in memory of Brian's beloved mother, Joanne LemelmanAnny Lerman in memory of her beloved mother, Gella BezalelBrahm & Carole-Ann Levine in memory of Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva Kasten; and of Carole-Ann's beloved sister, Donna Schwartz; Brahm's beloved father, Boris Levine; and Carole-Ann's beloved father, Dean KernerKen & Sheri Levine in memory of Sheri's beloved uncle, Laurie Holtz; and Sheri's beloved stepfather, Mack EmermanPaula Lustbader in memory of her beloved mother, Rose Segal; and her beloved father, Joseph SegalLois Miller in memory of her beloved mother, Leah GrossmanTom & Cindy Morgan in memory of Cynthia's beloved grandfather, Abraham HorenbeinBarbara Neiman in memory of her beloved mother, Marion FriendRoberta Robinson in memory of her beloved sister, Clarice GreenbergAlice Rudin in memory of her beloved mother and father, Ida & Nathan Ketive; and her beloved husband, Fred RudinEd & Cyma Satell in memory of Cyma's beloved dad, Samuel Altman; and Ed's beloved mom, Sally SatellRichard & Dania Schwartz in memory of Richard's beloved father, Herman SchwartzRenee Seal in memory of her beloved father, Philip SealRhoda Seal in memory of her beloved husband, Philip Seal

Ella Seidenfeld in memory of her loving companion, Dr. Herbert TaubmanRonald & Pauline Siegel in memory of Pauline's beloved mother, Ruth FeldmanIrwin & Cecilia Solomon in memory of Buzz’s beloved mother, Elizabeth SolomonShirley Tenzer in memory of her beloved father, Oscar BudmanPhyllis Verducci in memory of her beloved mother, Estelle Caen LernerPolly Wachtenheim in memory of her beloved husband, Eugene WachtenheimKen Small & Mindy Wexler in memory of Ken's beloved father, Leo SmallEdward Brown & Nancy Yanofsky in memory of Edward's beloved grandson, Taggert BrownRichard & Ester Zaretsky in memory of Alex Levy, beloved grandson of Ben & Ellen Levy, and beloved son of Dan & Sonia LevySuzan Zimmerman in memory of her beloved father, Joseph Zimmerman; and her beloved mother, Jeanette ZimmermanKarl & Rhea Zukerman in memory of Rhea's beloved mother, Jeanette ByersPrayer Book - Lev ShalemRobert Davidow Davidow in memory of Alexander Levy, beloved grandson of Ellen & Ben LevyRon & Leslie Schram in honor of their son, Harrison Daniel Schram, for graduating with honor from Oxbridge Academy; in memory of Lori Stoll's beloved father, Marshall Berkson; Craig Menin's beloved mother, Debra Menin; and Gerald Gladstone, son of Jonathan GladstoneAndrew & Hana Siegelstein in memory of Ellen & Ben Levy's beloved grandson, Alexander LevyHoward & Sandy Slavit in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Ruthie Faye Slavit; the 100th birthday of Frances Pensler, Sandy's beloved mother; and in memory of Ronald R. Glancz, Esq.Rabbi’s Discretionary FundJason & Julie Bodnick in honor of Steven

Horowitz's birthdayMiriam BramHowell CohenJoe & Linda Cooper in memory of Joe's beloved stepfather, Aaron TernerCharlie & Mickey Feldberg in honor of Rabbi & Roni's new homeGreg Thorpe & Ilene Goldstein in honor of Rabbi & Roni Resnick's new home; and the birth of Brian & Vivian Lemelman's newest grandchild, Beau;and in memory of Hillary Barletta's birth motherSteven & Caren Horowitz in honor of Phylis Newman with congratulations for receiving the JFS AwardRobert & Sheila Josephberg in honor of the birth of Karen Groffman's new granddaughter, Liza BrookeCarmela Kalmanson in honor of Annette & Joel Levinson. "Thank you for your gracious and generous support."Shelly & Marjie Konigsberg in honor of Yvette & Stan Yoslov's wedding anniversaryBob & Ms. Faith KrasnowPhyllis Kuby in memory of her beloved husband, Aaron KubyMorton & Marilyn KugalSigrid Light in honor of Harriet MoskowitzLawrence & Nedda PollackMarvin & Baylie Rosenberg in honor of the marriage of John Bergman and Laura HazenMeah TellHerbert & Audrey Weinstein in memory of Phyllis ShepardMurray & Maureen Wise in memory of Maureen's beloved parents, Murray & Rosalyn Kamen; and Barbara Neiman's beloved sister, Patricia ShavellStanley & Yvette Yoslov in honor of the wedding anniversary of Marcia & Jerry Cohn; Marjie & Shelley Konigsberg's wedding anniversary; and in memory of Alex Levy, beloved grandson of Ben & Ellen Levy, and Haviva Langenauer's beloved sister, Hedva Kasten



You become a member of The Emanu-El Society when you designate a charitable gift to Temple Emanu-El of $10,000 or more as part of your philanthropic or estate plans.Options to create your legacy include:• An outright gift, using appreciated stocks, assets or cash• A designation in your will or trust• A life insurance policy• A designation in your IRA or retirement plan• A Living TrustPlease consult with your legal and/or financial advisor to determine the best option for you and your family.

1) The satisfaction that comes with ensuring the long-term viability of your synagogue.2) Prominent, lasting recognition on the beautiful Emanu-El Society Honors Board.3) Current recognition in our Shabbat bulletin and Kol Emanu-El listings.

The words “L’dor v’dor – from generation to generation” express how we, as members of Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach, have a sacred responsibility to make certain that our synagogue is here forever and able to meet the needs of generations yet to come. With these goals in mind, we wish to invite you to become part of The Emanu-El Society by making a legacy gift to Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach. Your gift can have a lasting impact. Help ensure the future of Temple Emanu-El. Together we can.

We welcome the opportunity to speak to you in person. If you have any questions, please contact the Temple at 561.832.0804 for more information.

Join The Emanu-El Society


Page 16: Kol Emanu-El

Shomrim (Guardians)Dan & Ewa AbrahamGilda BlockDavid & Holly DremanHerbert & Marylou GrayRobert & Sheila JosephbergSidney & Dorothy KohlHenry & Marsha Laufer Claire LevineDavid & Sondra MackBonim (Builders)Sanford Baklor & Arlene KaufmanSteve & Randy BreitmanCharles & Mickey FeldbergLinda GlazerAllan & Muriel GreenblattVivienne IvryHenry & Elaine KaufmanAngelica KlebanoffAnthony & Patricia LampertArnold & Jane Lampert William LangfanBrian & Vivian LemelmanH. Irwin & Ellen LevyNelson & Claudia PeltzCyma & Ed SatellMatthew & Tracy SmithPlatinum ChaiRuth AlbertDiane Belfer Judy BergmanJudye BernsteinCharles & Rita BronfmanDvora Lange CallahanCarol ChavkinCarl Chernoff & Caron SiegelAndrew CohenJenny CykerRobert & Hiroko DavidowJoan EigenSheila Engelstein Malka FingoldJeffrey & Ileene FisherStephen & Marjorie FiversonRobert & Ann FromerGerald & Frances GilbergVladik GladilenHarold Goald Harvey & Marianne GoldBenjamin & Elizabeth GordonRobert & Renee Gordon Jeff & Mei Sze GreeneMyrna R. HaftFlora HeilweilLawrence HerbertDiane Hoffman Steven & Caren HorowitzGladys R. Jacobson Sheldon & Marjie KonigsbergRonald & Jo LauderStephen & Petra Levin Brahm & Carole-Ann Levine Mark & Stacey Levy

Thelma LinseyKaryn LutzTom MeierRobert MeisterCraig & Rochelle MeninHenry & Barbara MillerBruce & Marsha MoskowitzLarry OchsteinRon & Susan PertnoyHarvey & Emily PoppelNaomi RaphaelRoberta RobinsonMarvin S. & Sandra RosenIrvin & Robin SaltzmanRichard SchlosbergLillian SchneiderRonald & Leslie SchramHerb & Barbara ShearMarty & Marlene SilverDavid & Joanne Singer Nancy SingerBeverly SommerRobert & Lisa SpattSamuel & Este SylvetskyRita TacaLisa WeisbergJay & Carole WeitzmanJacqueline WilnerBelle WinstonGold ChaiInge AdlerBelinda AgarRichard BaimeElyse BarkinLinda BenjaminAbraham & Dianne BernsteinHarold & Helen Bix Clive & Deborah BonerAlvin & Greta ChaikenMark & Jean CohenKenneth & Frances EisenbergRoy & Margie FurmanGerald & Emily GardnerJonathan GladstoneRay & Linda GoldenHoward & Caroline GoodmanArlette Gordon Steven Green & Cynthia SulzbergerLeonard & Roberta GriffSanford GuritzkyBruce Hindin Andrew & Jami HuberCarmela KalmansonStuart & Tammy KaruPaulette KochIrving & Donna Kramer Steven & Dana KrumholzArlene KurtisBarbara LandauPatricia LebowGeoffrey LeighKen & Sheri LevineJeffrey & Susan Levitt

Ellen LevyJeffrey & Rachelle LittPaula LustbaderEarle & Carol Mack Daniel & Morrine MarantzHadar MehlSusan MeierPaul & Madelaine NiloffNancy OelbaumFrank & Lynn PeseckisLawrence & Nedda PollackRichard & Ellen RampellIrving & Geri RatnerRosalyn Regal & Judi RegalAndrew & Jill RichmanBette RosenbergAlice RudinMark Shapiro & Judy LewentAndrew & Hana SiegelsteinRobert ShoreLeslie SlatkinBuzz & Cecilia SolomonPolly Wachtenheim Richard WeberRichard & Esther ZaretskyMichael & Denise ZeideSuzan ZimmermanRoy ZuckerbergKarl & Rhea ZukermanSilver ChaiAsher Bar Zev & Haviva LangenauerHarold BellMindi BelskyRobert & Debbie BurgerJerald & Marcia CohnBruce & Debra FischmanKaren GroffmanRon & Nancy GuritzkyAnna M. IapaoloJudy IntraubJean Katz Katherine Kraft Milton & Roslyn LachmanRoni Goodman LawnLois MillerRobert Meyer & Suzan Mitchell Greg & Beth MorossHarriet Moskowitz & Paul MoskowitzBonnie Osher & Peter ShermanLynn Rubin-RestucciaRichard & Dania SchwartzElla SeidenfeldDavid & Jill ShulmanKen Small & Mindy WexlerCandee WeitzmanMark & Maggie ZeidmanChaiStephen & Madeline AnbinderJason & Julie BodnickEd Brown & Nancy YanofskyRobert & Jan BurkeJoe & Linda CooperBrian & Sherry Effron

Garrett EllbergerEstelle FasslerRobyn FeibuschSam Feldman & Marilyn MyerhoffDavid FischerFaye GlazerGerald Goldsmith & Roni OkunIlene Goldstein & Greg ThorpeAlaine GorfinkleMadelyn GreenbergJack & Doreen HalickmanCynthia Hertz & Allen DubbrinCarol HerzJoan HoltzMichael & Jane HorvitzRichard & Susan KaplanJanyce Katz & Mark GlazmanMiriam KerznerJoshua & Jeanne KievalRobert & Michelle KirschnerDana & Jessica KochJoel & Carole KoeppelBrian & Andrea KosoyNeil KozokoffRichard KramerStephen & Donna KrasnerPhyllis KubyShirley KullenJoyce LampertLinda LandisRon & Susan LeeHoward Levy & Nancy RossSylvia LewisMiriam LieffBeverly MyersBarbara NeimanAlvin & Sandra ParvenCorey & Linda PlatznerRuth RobertsSteven & Susan RosenbergDebra RoshfeldSusan RothmanIvor & Vera SafroEleanor ShawAlan & Elizabeth ShulmanAlice SiegelLarry SilversteinDavid Simon & Esther Rosenberg SimonJohn & Hinda SnyderHelen SteinShirley TenzerDaniel & Renee TuckerHillary WohlStan & Yvette YoslovDorotAnonymous (1)Estelle GarfeinRicki MargolisStephen Mittman & Ronald KlokkePhil Restuccia & Lynn-Rubin Restuccia

With Appreciation...

Pledged to bequeath a gift of $10,000 or more was pledged to the Emanu-El Society (see page 15).The Temple is grateful to those individuals who have generously contributed to the welfare of the congregation. This listing reflects the higher of this year's dues pledge (2020/2021) and other allowable contributions and such

payments made in the last fiscal year. Allowable contributions include High Holy Day Appeal, Book of Remembrance, Concerts and Memorial Plaques as well as other donations that directly support the Temple. For more information on how you can help support our sacred work, please call our Temple Administrator, David Schreier, at 561-832-0804.16

Adult Education Harold Bernstein Israel Scholarship Fund March of the Living Dr. Cindy Bix USY Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund Memorial Fund Judaica Art Fund

Bereavement/Support Group Fund

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund General Fund

Kramer Library Rothman Religious School Kiddush Fund

Tribute Form Occasion: ❒ In Honor of ❒ Mazal Tov ❒ In Memory of ❒ For Speedy Recovery ❒ OtherName to Appear in Tribute __________________________________________________Address for Acknowledgement _____________________________________________________________________________________________Your Name ______________________________________________Your Phone ________________Your Email ____________________________Your Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unless specified, all donations go to the Temple’s General Fund. To specify a different fund, please indicate below. (Please use a separate form for each tribute).

Thank you for your support of Temple Emanu El of Palm Beach.Tributes are published in our newsletter. If you do not wish yours to be published, please check here. ❒Make your check payable to: Temple Emanu-El, and mail to: Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach190 N. County Road, Palm Beach, Fl 33480

Total Enclosed $ _______


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Just a friendly reminder that Shabbat Services at Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach are now available

live online.

(NOTE: You will need a high-speed internet browser to fully enjoy the experience.

You can watch on your computer, Ipad or smartphone.)

Fridays: 6:00PM Saturdays:

To Watch Live:

Go to our website www.tepb.org


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Temple Emanu-El

Show someone that you care! Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach’s tributes are a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one or friend on a significant occasion. By making a tribute, you are letting someone know how special they are and you are making a difference in Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach through your generous donation.

Make a donation for: • Birthday • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Get Well • Wedding • Holiday Wishes • Condolence • Anniversary • Promotion • New Home

Honor or commemorate special occasions in various ways:• Tribute • Sponsor Friday Night Oneg or Saturday Kiddush• Sponsor Bima Flowers for Shabbat • Sponsor a Bima Food Basket benefitting the Food Pantry at Alpert JewishFamily and Children’s Service

Call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 or e-mail [email protected] to make a tribute.


Members inquire from time to time what the proper protocol is for recognizing the Rabbi and Hazzan for officiating at life-cycle events. The answer is that the Rabbi and Hazzan are paid by the Temple to provide those services to our members. Therefore, separate compensation is neither charged nor expected for those services. However, if a person feels motivated to do more, we recommend that contributions be made to the Temple in honor of the Rabbi and/or Hazzan. Each of them also maintains a discretionary fund from which financial assistance is provided to those in our congregation and our larger community who are in need.

Memorial Plaques Honor your departed loved ones with a plaque installed

in the lower lobby’s Ruth & H. Bert Mack Memorial Room.

Memorial Plaques: $500 eachPlease contact the Temple office for more information, (561) 832-0804, or email [email protected].


Cell: (561) 346-8330

[email protected]

4590 PGA Blvd., Suite 108Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418



Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC.

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Get a Front Row Seat

Just a friendly reminder that Shabbat Services at Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach are now available

live online.

(NOTE: You will need a high-speed internet browser to fully enjoy the experience.

You can watch on your computer, Ipad or smartphone.)

Fridays: 6:00PM Saturdays:

To Watch Live:

Go to our website www.tepb.org


Without Leaving Home

Honor All Occasions through

Temple Emanu-El

Show someone that you care! Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach’s tributes are a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one or friend on a significant occasion. By making a tribute, you are letting someone know how special they are and you are making a difference in Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach through your generous donation.

Make a donation for: • Birthday • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Get Well • Wedding • Holiday Wishes • Condolence • Anniversary • Promotion • New Home

Honor or commemorate special occasions in various ways:• Tribute • Sponsor Friday Night Oneg or Saturday Kiddush• Sponsor Bima Flowers for Shabbat • Sponsor a Bima Food Basket benefitting the Food Pantry at Alpert JewishFamily and Children’s Service

Call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 or e-mail [email protected] to make a tribute.


Members inquire from time to time what the proper protocol is for recognizing the Rabbi and Hazzan for officiating at life-cycle events. The answer is that the Rabbi and Hazzan are paid by the Temple to provide those services to our members. Therefore, separate compensation is neither charged nor expected for those services. However, if a person feels motivated to do more, we recommend that contributions be made to the Temple in honor of the Rabbi and/or Hazzan. Each of them also maintains a discretionary fund from which financial assistance is provided to those in our congregation and our larger community who are in need.

Memorial Plaques Honor your departed loved ones with a plaque installed

in the lower lobby’s Ruth & H. Bert Mack Memorial Room.

Memorial Plaques: $500 eachPlease contact the Temple office for more information, (561) 832-0804, or email [email protected].


Cell: (561) 346-8330

[email protected]

4590 PGA Blvd., Suite 108Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418



Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC.

Page 18: Kol Emanu-El


DISCLAIMERListings, advertisements and information in the Kol Emanu-El are provided by the advertisers, who carry sole responsibility for the accuracy of their graphics and text.

Temple Emanu-El shall not assume any liability whatsoever due to errors, omissions or for any damage or inconvenience caused to any advertiser.Temple Emanu-El shall not in any manner whatsoever be held liable for the performance or non performance for any claims made by the advertisers contained herein.

To place an ad in Kol Emanu-El please call David Schreier, Temple Administrator at (561) 832-0804.

4275 Okeechobee Blvd., Store EWest Palm Beach, FL 33409

Tel: (561) 478-3020Fax: (561) 478-1199

E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Civin

Advertise with Temple Emanu-El of

Palm BeachPlace your ad here

Call the office for informantion at561-832-0804.

Downsizing? Relocating? Investing? Upgrading? I’m here to help.


CALL ME TODAY 561-373-2154

Page 19: Kol Emanu-El


DISCLAIMERListings, advertisements and information in the Kol Emanu-El are provided by the advertisers, who carry sole responsibility for the accuracy of their graphics and text.

Temple Emanu-El shall not assume any liability whatsoever due to errors, omissions or for any damage or inconvenience caused to any advertiser.Temple Emanu-El shall not in any manner whatsoever be held liable for the performance or non performance for any claims made by the advertisers contained herein.

To place an ad in Kol Emanu-El please call David Schreier, Temple Administrator at (561) 832-0804.

4275 Okeechobee Blvd., Store EWest Palm Beach, FL 33409

Tel: (561) 478-3020Fax: (561) 478-1199

E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Civin

Advertise with Temple Emanu-El of

Palm BeachPlace your ad here

Call the office for informantion at561-832-0804.

Hours: By appointment only. Please call Yvette Yoslov: 312-543-3524

or Susan Rothman: 561-222-9392

Proceeds from the gift shop allow Women’s League to provide programs for the enjoyment of members and visitors to Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach.

Our non-profit gift shop carries beautiful items for all holidays and unique gifts for all occasions.


Call for an appointment today.Discounted prices.

TEPB has a section of Cemetery Plots available to our members located at Star of David Cemetery and Funeral Chapel of the Palm Beaches.

Plots are available in our Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach section at a discounted cost to our members.

If you would like more information please contact David Schreier at 561.832.0804

Temple Emanu-El of Palm BeachEnd of Life Decisions

Tree of LifeHonor or remember any occasion

by sponsoring a leaf or stone.

Located in our office lobby | Limited quantity available

Leaf: $360 Stone: $1000

Please contact the Temple office for moreinformation at (561) 832-0804, or email [email protected]



Howard & Sandy Slavit, are proud grandparents for the first time of Ruthie Faye SlavitBorn: June 8, 2020

Temple Emanu-El is pleased to announce the following births:

Richard & Esther Zaretskyare proud grandparentsLiev William ZaretskyBorn: June 3, 2020

7lbs 1oz

Isabelle & Ben Jacobson, are proud parents of

Leon (Leo) Joseph JacobosonBorn: June 19, 20206lbs 3oz, 20 inches.

Karen Groffman, is a proud grandmother of Liza Brooke GroffmanBorn: June 17, 2020

Welcome New Babies!

Roger & Betty Frankel, are proud grandparents of Annabelle Frankel Ferrara

Born: July 12, 20207lbs 3 oz, 19 inches

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Non-Profit Organization

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Worship ServicesServices Are Streamed And Recorded

Friday Evening Services6:00pm Online

Saturday Morning Services 10:00am Online

MinyanimMondays & Thursdays at 9:00am Online