knowledge management australia 2013

6 @KMAustralia Social Media and Collaboration Change Management and Culture Learning and Performance Content and Information Management Communication and Leadership Knowledge Management Strategy #kmaus Current Congress Partners Wine Tastings brought to by: Two-day congress and workshops 23-25 July 2013 Crystal Palace, Luna Park, Sydney KM Australia 2013 focuses on the importance of knowledge as a strategic asset, featuring successful case studies from professionals who have made a real difference with knowledge management in their organisation.

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The ninth KM Australia Congress - KM Australia Congress: An Academy of Knowledge Management and Content Social Media and Collaboration Change Management and Culture Learning and Performance Content and Information Management Communication and Leadership Take part in conversations with: University of Oxford United Nations Development Programme (Thai land) US Army Wood Group PSN U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bangkok University Strategic Knowledge Solutions Working Knowledge CSP Glentworth Genea Hunter Water Department of Primary Industry (VIC) Ezypay Cancer Counci l Austral ia NSW Treasury Ernst & Young


Page 1: Knowledge Management Australia 2013

w w w . k m a u s t r a l i a . c o m


A n A ca d emy of

K n owle dg e M anag ement and Content

S o cial M edia and Col lab oration Chang e M anag ement and C ulture L e arning and Per form ance Content and In form ation M anag ement Co mmuni cation and L e a d ershipK n owledg e M anag ement Strateg y

# kmau s

Take part in con vers ations ab out less ons le arned and

b e st pra cti c e s a pplie d within :

University of O x ford

United N ations D evel o pment Pro gramme

U S Army

Wo o d Group P S N

U . S . Nu cle ar Regulatory Commission

The Institute of K n owledg e and Inn ovation ( I K I - S E A )

Strateg i c K n owledg e S olutions

Work ing K n owle dg e c sp


G en e a

Hunter Water

D epart ment of Prim ary Industry ( V I C )

Ez y pay

Can cer Coun ci l Austral ia

N S W Tre asury

E rnst & Young

C u rrent Co ng re ss Par t n ers

Wine Tastings brought to by:

Two - day co ng re ss a n d worksho ps2 3 - 2 5 Ju ly 2 01 3

Cr ystal Palace , Lu na Park , Sy d n ey

K M Au stral ia 2 01 3 fo cu s e s o n the im p or ta n ce o f kn owle d g e a s a stra te g i c a ss e t , fea tu ring su cce ss fu l ca s e stu d i e s fro m p ro fe ss i o nal s who have m a d e a re al di fferen c e wi th kn owle d g e m a na g em ent in the ir org a ni s a t i o n .

Page 2: Knowledge Management Australia 2013

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2 0 1 3 C o n g r e s s

8.30 Registration and refreshments 9.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks Cory Banks, Knowledge and Information Strategist, Glentworth

9.15 Examining knowledge management: Past, present and future The past: managing knowledge before knowledge management »Where is KM now? »Where is KM heading? »

Ruth Bird, Bodleian Law Librarian, University of Oxford

10.00 Creating an environment of collaborative knowledge culture across the organisation

Embedding knowledge sharing and collaboration practices »Encouraging content creation from all employees »Building and maintaining a culture that values knowledge management »What are the determinants and pitfalls to avoid? »

David Millar, Global Head of Knowledge Management and Innovation, Wood Group PSN

10.45 Exhibition break and networking - KM Conversations

11.15 The role of KM in inclusive innovation Inclusive innovation is more than innovation for the poor; it can be a blueprint for effective governance and a model for inclusive growth and sustainable development.

What is Inclusive Innovation? »How and why does it add value? »How does KM play a role? »

David Galipeau, Co-lead, Knowledge, Innovation and Capacity Group, Asia-Pacific, United Nations Development programme 12:00 Facilitating the advancement of knowledge management through effective change management: A Case Study Presentation

Implementation of knowledge management initiative to improve knowledge » management and prevent knowledge loss

Introducing electronic collaboration tools in a rigorous, process-driven field and » effectively managing the change Jutta Von Dincklage, Project Manager, Wiki Development, Cancer Council Australia

12.45 Findings from knowledge management survey: Chris Kirby, Head of Research, Fifth Quadrant

1.00 Exhibition break and networking(Please let us know of any dietary requirements two weeks prior to congress)

1.45 The changing focus of knowledge management: Improving business processes and efficiency: A Practical Case Study Examining the capabilities and role of KM to improve business processes »Using KM to support lean manufacturing to raise performance across a global company »Using KM as a tool to train new staff and to facilitate eLearning »

James Grey, Best Practice Transfer Specialist, Alcoa World Alumina

2.30 How do data and KM work together?Integrating data management and knowledge managemente »The impact of big data on knowledge management »

Richard Vines, Knowledge Management Specialist, Department of Primary Industries

3.15 Exhibition break and wine tasting by Hungerford Hill Wines - REDS 3.45 Knowledge continuity in a changing workplace

Identifying key knowledge holders across the organisation with a focus on the retiring workforce »Creating programs to share their knowledge before they leave »Developing frameworks to support knowledge continuity once they are gone »

Cateen Quayle, Knowledge Manager, Hunter Water

4.30 The leader challenge: Using a video case-based story telling approach Capturing, sharing and developing tacit knowledge within a community of practice »A case example from U.S. Army Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders »

Nate Allen, National Defense University, US Army

5.15 What have we learned so far? Group discussion

5.30 Chairperson’s concluding discussion and onto drinks by Hungerford Hills Wines plus nibblies

DAY ONE – Tuesday, 23 July 2013

# km a u s

This year’s Congress focuses on the importance of knowledge as a strategic asset, featuring successful case studies from professionals who have made a real difference with knowledge management in their organisation.

Knowledge management only works when it’s a practical, every day, living process right across your organisation. Knowledge management theory that doesn’t apply to your organisation is useless, and knowledge kept in a silo is wasted.

Social MediaStory TellingCollaboration

ROIBest Practice Technology

Page 3: Knowledge Management Australia 2013


2 0 1 3 C o n g r e s s # km a u s

8.30 Registration and refreshments 9.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks Cory Banks, Knowledge and Information Strategist, Glentworth

9.15 Why should your CEO care about knowledge management?Getting buy-in from senior management on knowledge management initiatives »Communicating the benefits of knowledge management across your organisation »

Simon Cheung, Asia-Pacific Knowledge Leader, Ernst & Young

10.00 Creating organisational memory: Building a knowledge management program in lean times In 2008, the NRC found itself with increasing retirements and 50% of its staff with less than 5 years experience. It was time to create a KM program. Management allocated one staff person and $50,000 for the first year with $10,000 for the next two years. In 2010, NRC received the Merit Award for its KM program. Hear about:

How NRC built its KM program with a limited budget »NRC’s KM business case »NRC’s KM tactics and initiatives »How KM saved NRC 59 million dollars in the first two years »NRC’s internal KM marketing tools »

Patricia Eng, Senior Advisor for Knowledge Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

10.45 Exhibition break and networking - KM Conversations

11.15 Ongoing commitment: sustaining interest in knowledge management practicesHow do you keep knowledge management alive after the implementation stage? »Motivating your organisation to stay committed to knowledge management »

James King, Chief Technology Officer, Ezypay

12.00 Managing the risk of workforce turnover and knowledge loss What is knowledge loss? »Why does knowledge loss occur? »Managing and mitigating the risks of workforce turnover and preventing knowledge loss »

William Kaplan, Founder and Principal Consultant, Working Knowledge csp 12.45 What have we learned so far? Interactive discussion

1.00 Extended exhibition break and networking (Please let us know of any dietary requirements two weeks prior to congress)

2.00 Change Management – KM’s symbiotic partner or alter ego?Are we managing change or are we managing knowledge relating to the change and does it matter? »To successfully change culture we need to successfully manage change. »

Jeanette Allom-Hill, Change Leadership Director & Chair, NSW Public Sector Community of Change Professionals, NSW Treasury

2.45 Panel Discussion: People make or break KM – how do you develop intrinsic motivation? In this session, delegates will have the opportunity ask questions and start discussions with the panellists on the role of motivation in successful collaboration and KM initiatives. Panellists: William Kaplan, Founder and Principal Consultant, Working Knowledge csp

Nate Allen, Chief, Business Transformation Division, US Army Vincent Ribiere, Managing Director and Co-Founder, Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia – Thailand Office, Bangkok University Facilitator: Cory Banks, Knowledge & Information Strategist, Glentworth

3.30 Exhibition break and networking

4.00 Rethinking Knowledge Management

Case study: » What we have learned from knowledge assessments from 20 military and 5 corporate and aid organizationsHow KM programs can enhance shared understanding, organizational learning, and individual and team decision-making »Audience participation: Practical solutions for delegates to apply immediately within their organisation »

Mike Prevou, President, Strategic Knowledge Solutions

4.45 Concluding discussion: What have we learned? What will we take home? What will we do next?

5.00 Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of congress

DAY TWO - Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Social MediaStory TellingCollaboration

ROIBest Practice Technology

Social Media Facilitated By: Alister Webb, Telstra

Page 4: Knowledge Management Australia 2013

About the workshop:

Planning, developing, and implementing a Knowledge

Management framework follows a proven and logical

methodology. Using the Working Knowledge Concept

I Strategy I Practice (CSP) Model, this workshop will

address the components of this model and how you

might approach its use in your organization.

Attendees will complete the workshop with an

understanding of how to apply the model in their

organisation’s context.

This model helps you to focus on:

• Easily stated and easily understood outcomes

• Tied to select measures of (KM) success

• Tracked to existing strategic initiatives and measures

of value.

Each phase focuses on a critical component for


1. Knowledge Concepts:

Developing a concept for KM in your organization

based on your desired outcomes, identification of what

is critical and relevant

knowledge, the culture of your

organisation, and an assessment of your KM maturity,

and your readiness to take on a KM investment.

2. Knowledge Strategy:

Understanding the strategic plan of the greater

organization of which you are part and the ensuring

that the business case for KM investment over the

longer term can be made. This includes developing a

KM strategic plan that is linked to the overall strategic

plan of the organization to ensure that there is funding

and resources to sustain the investment.

Measures of success are also discussed.

3. Implementing Practices:

Your KM implementation should be based on your

unique environment and desired outcomes - what

makes sense in your context.

Registration: 8:30am

Workshop starts: 9:00am

Workshop ends: 12:00pm

Facilitated by: William Kaplan, Founder and Principal

Consultant, Working Knowledge csp

Workshop BBlueprint for creating a sustainable knowledge

management framework

POST-CONGRESS WORKSHOPS Morning: Thursday, 25 July 2013

Registration: 8:30am

Workshop starts: 9:00am

Workshop ends: 12:00pm

Facilitated by: Vincent Ribiere, Institute for Knowledge and

Innovation Southeast Asia –

Thailand Office, Bangkok University

Workshop AKM Strategic Alignment: A top down and bottom

up approach

About the workshop: KM Strategic Alignment: A top down and bottom up approach

Many organizations struggle with demonstrating the benefits of KM. This is often due to the lack of a clear KM

strategy definition at the early stage of a KM initiative. We believe that an emphasis should be put first on the

most critical knowledge domains of a company. Knowledge criticality is often perceived in different ways by

people at the operational level than by people at the strategic level, so the idea is to collect both points of view

and to look for an alignment later on.

This workshop will present

Steps and tools allowing to first identify critical knowledge domains from different points of view •

Align these points of view in order to identify where KM activities are most needed•

Registration: 8:30am

Workshop starts: 9:00am

Workshop ends: 12:00pm

Facilitated by: Patricia Eng,

Senior Advisor for Knowledge Management, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Mike Prevou, President,

Strategic Knowledge Solutions

Workshop CIdentifying and capturing expertise: How to elicit

the knowledge of your experts

About the workshop:

The lifeblood of any organization is its experts and their expertise. Locating, capturing, and sharing this

expertise is not always easy but critical to an organization’s success. In this workshop you will learn:

• How to define and identify expertise/critical knowledge

• Methodologies used by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a large international oil company,

and the US Army to identify, capture, and transfer core knowledge from experts to others in the


• Methods and tactics for transferring and using knowledge to think like an expert

• Ways to capture and effectively transfer expertise to different skill levels

• Audience participation: attendees will learn and practice techniques for capturing and codifying

organizational knowledge

KM Conversations

At this year’s congress, we added to the opportunities to collaborate and learn!

So that you’re able to get more value out of attending, during the breaks, you’re welcome to join in on the

informal ‘KM Conversations’ focused on six different aspects of KM, facilitated by experts and prominent leaders in the KM space.

Social Media Facilitated By: Alister Webb, Telstra

Best Practice Facilitated By: Helen Paige, The Paige Group

Collaboration Facilitated By: Bridgid Costello, Comcare

Story Telling Facilitated By: Michelle Lambert, KMRT

Technology Facilitated By: tba

ROI Facilitated By: Arthur Shelley, Intelligent Answers

Page 5: Knowledge Management Australia 2013

Registration: 12:30pm

Workshop starts: 1:00pm

Workshop ends: 4:00pm

Facilitated by: David Galipeau, Co-lead, Knowledge,

Innovation and Capacity Group, Asia-Pacific,

United Nations Development Programme

Workshop D Designing a community of practice (CoP) for

Strategic Purposes

About the workshop:

Communities of Practice (CoP) have traditionally been implemented to gather people with a common area of

interest with the hope that they will participate in an open and common dialogue to resolve issues and solve

problems. Many CoPs are left to languish in multi-focus information sharing and low participation. However, some

can be very successful.

In this workshop, we will explore these sustainability and vibrancy issues facing CoPs and go even further.

In the style of a clinic we will focus on defining results and how those results can be achieved (similar to an

incubation model), we will to use examples from the participants and see how CoPs can be leveraged for both

non-profit and for-profit business purposes - business intelligence, trend spotting, inclusive innovation, social or

behaviour influence and product/service development and delivery improvements.

A few themes to highlight are:

• Role of CoPs as ‘Change Agents’

• Leveraging Change to increase CoP Engagement and Impact

• Communities of Practice as Business Intelligence

About the workshop:

What if you could find a quick and easy tool to help you:

• Identity skills and knowledge gaps among a group of people?

• Forge links between participants and enable effective networking?

• Identify subject matter experts as well as areas for expertise?

• Create a burst of energy during an event?

What if you mastered a tool that would then help you:

• Design your knowledge management strategy?

• Support the building of a community of practice?

• Design the community’s activities, learning plan, FAQs and e-forum topics?

In this hands-on workshop you will be able to experience the “Message in a Bottle” tool designed by Danone and adopted/

adapted later by Alexandra Lederer in multiple situations at Amadeus. You will also receive valuable tips and tools to be able

to run one of these activities yourselves in the future. We will leverage our innovative minds to brainstorm about ways to

further improve this knowledge mapping tool.

Registration: 12:30pm

Workshop starts: 1:00pm

Workshop ends: 4:00pm

Facilitated by: Alexandra Lederer, Genea

Workshop F“Message in a Bottle”: Experience it, learn about

it, and use it for mapping your knowledge and

Pre-requisite for the workshop:

Bring a stack of business cards with your contact details

About the workshop:

Paul Jay and Aprill Allen bring their wealth of knowledge and experience in knowledge management, project management

and operational service support to deliver a workshop that covers the below objectives:.

The workshop below covers the below objectives:

• Introduce you to the KCS Concepts and methodology,

• Demonstrate measureable results

• Implementation Strategies

• Answer common Questions & Objections

Knowledge Centred Support is a knowledge management methodology that was formulated in 1992 by the Consortium for

Service Innovation. KCS challenges traditional knowledge management approaches, but addresses many of the struggles

that knowledge support professionals face on a daily basis, and delivers measurable results.

Registration: 12:30pm

Workshop starts: 1:00pm

Workshop ends: 4:00pm

Facilitated by: Paul Jay, Knowledge Management

Specialist, Director, Best Practice

Establishment Pty Ltd;

Aprill Allen, Knowledge Bird, Dev Logic

Workshop EMaking it real: Knowledge Centred Support (KCS)

introduction and overview

POST-CONGRESS WORKSHOPS Afternoon: Thursday, 25 July 2013

What is a conversational event?

This congress will follow an interactive conversational format. Each speaker will present a case study for 25 minutes and conclude their presentation with a question to the audience. The remaining 15-20 minutes of each session will be given to the audience to discuss the speakers talk and the question at their tables before going into a traditional Q&A.

This conversational format is intended to create an informal, relaxed atmosphere in which you, the conference participants, can get to know each other, learn from each other and build relationships.

# km a u s

Remember to tweet - over the past three years KM Australia has become one of the most tweeted KM events in the Asia-Pacific

Page 6: Knowledge Management Australia 2013

Phone: +61 1300 550 662Fax: Send the completed registration form to +61 1300 550 663email: [email protected]: Send the completed registration form to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd, Main level, 83 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

To sponsor and exhibit at KM Australia, contact the Sponsorship Manager

Phone 1300 550 662 or [email protected]


Bookings can be submitted at any stage prior to the 1. event, subject to availability. A limited allocation is being held and booking early is therefore recommended. In the event of the booking not being accepted by Ark Group Australia the total amount will be refunded.Payment must be received in full prior to the course.2. All speakers are correct at the time of printing, but are 3. subject to variation without notice.If the delegate cancels after the booking has been 4. accepted, the delegate will be liable to the following cancellation charges:

Cancellations notified over 45 days prior to the event �will not incur a cancellation fee. In the event of a cancellation being between 45 and �30 days prior to the event, a 20% cancellation fee will be charged.

For cancellations received less than 30 days prior to �the event, the full delegate rate must be paid and no refunds will be available.

All bookings submitted by e-mail, fax, or over the 5. telephone are subject to these booking conditions.All cancellations must be received in writing.6. Ark Group Australia will not be held liable for 7. circumstances beyond their control which lead to the cancellation or variation of the programme.All bookings, whether Australian or overseas will be 8. charged Australian GST at the prevailing rate at the time of booking.Delegates are responsible for their own travel, 9. accommodation and visa requirements.

We occasionally allow reputable companies to mail details of products we feel may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive this service, please tick this box q

Please note: Payment must be received in full prior to the event to guarantee your place

o Payment enclosed (Cheques should be made payable to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd)

o Please invoice me

I have read and accepted the booking conditions


Card number

Expiry date

Cardholder’s name

Cardholder’s signature

Booking conditions

o Mastercard o Visa o American Express

organisation name

Postal address

state Postcode

Fax Phone


Put your details here (Please Print):

To maintain an interactive

environment there are only

15 spots available for

each workshop.

delegate 1

delegate 2

delegate 3

delegate 4

delegate 5

delegate 6

delegate 7

delegate 8

given name surname Job title email address con








ps (s


t a /

b /

c /

d /

e / F



Half Day Post-Congress Workshops

Workshop A $695 + GST = $764.50

Workshop B $695 + GST = $764.50

Workshop C $695 + GST = $764.50

Workshop D $695 + GST = $764.50

Workshop E $695 + GST = $764.50

Workshop F $695 + GST = $764.50



Early Bird (exp: 29/06/13)

Member (exp: 29/06/13)

The member discount is available to members from our supporting organisations listed at

$1495 + GST = $1644.50

$1445 + GST = $1589.50

$1695 + GST = $1864.50


conference/exhibition venueCrystal Palace, Luna Park1 Olympic DriveMilsons Point NSW 2061 Ph: 02 9033 7540

Workshop venue Harbour ViewHotel North Sydney17 Blue Street,North Sydney NSW 2060 AustraliaT: +61 2 9955 0499

Toll Free: 1300 785 453

Preferential accommodation rates are available at the Vibe Hotel. Please book directly with hotel quoting “Ark Group”.

