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Company Overview Engage Mobile is a small mobile development company in Kansas City, just over the river. They are dedicated to the creation of mobile applications that will continue to push and drive mobile apps further into the future. The founders have been involved with bleeding edge mobile development well before mobile devices such as, the IOS and Android OS, were a even considered. Together, they combine for decades of experience with everything from HTML to SEO and are dedicated to an experience that goes well beyond mobile development. Client Offerings When strategy, development and deployment are combined, they are the essence of what Engage Mobile is capable of doing for their clients. They are a mobile application development company, but they are not just limited to the development of the application. They work beyond the development of an application, seeing it as just a small part of a bigger picture. They dive deep into the client’s metrics, mindset and desires to come out with a superior application based on an extensive strategy that will in turn, effectively promote the application that the strategy is paired with. They focus on simplicity of development and transparency of work. The clients are not just receiving a mobile app, they are receiving full service technical support, strategy development and implementation and a streamline interface that is easy for all users. Datacus In recent years, Engage Mobile has created a mobile application that can replace the clunky, form-filled, mobile collection of data with a streamline, easy to use application. The app not only eliminates paper all together, but organizes and simplifies how users catalogue data in the field, as well as gain access to the data in a central database. The app moves all information to a central location where the data can be digested in a way that allows the company to easily make decisions based on the 1

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Post on 12-Sep-2015




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Company OverviewEngage Mobile is a small mobile development company in Kansas City, just over the river. They are dedicated to the creation of mobile applications that will continue to push and drive mobile apps further into the future. The founders have been involved with bleeding edge mobile development well before mobile devices such as, the IOS and Android OS, were a even considered. Together, they combine for decades of experience with everything from HTML to SEO and are dedicated to an experience that goes well beyond mobile development. Client OfferingsWhen strategy, development and deployment are combined, they are the essence of what Engage Mobile is capable of doing for their clients. They are a mobile application development company, but they are not just limited to the development of the application. They work beyond the development of an application, seeing it as just a small part of a bigger picture. They dive deep into the clients metrics, mindset and desires to come out with a superior application based on an extensive strategy that will in turn, effectively promote the application that the strategy is paired with. They focus on simplicity of development and transparency of work. The clients are not just receiving a mobile app, they are receiving full service technical support, strategy development and implementation and a streamline interface that is easy for all users. DatacusIn recent years, Engage Mobile has created a mobile application that can replace the clunky, form-filled, mobile collection of data with a streamline, easy to use application. The app not only eliminates paper all together, but organizes and simplifies how users catalogue data in the field, as well as gain access to the data in a central database. The app moves all information to a central location where the data can be digested in a way that allows the company to easily make decisions based on the information compiled. Their app has incredible potential and can be molded and shaped for a wide variety of industries. Specified IndustriesWhile the application can be molded to fit a large spectrum of industries, there has to be a starting point. Two industries have been selected to start Engage Mobile in the right direction. They were selected for their need of data collection and decision making, as well as their need for technological advances that the application can greatly improve. The industries are also a foot in the door and have great potential for expansion into an even more diverse collection of industries that relate to the recommended industries. ZoosZoos have incredible potential for this application. Through research, it has been found that there is a wide variety of data collected within a zoo. Zookeepers and caretakers both keep extensive records of individual animals, not just species as a whole. The records include eating habits of which they record what time of day the animal likes to eat, what types of food they eat in different periods of the year, what kinds of food they like and what kinds they dont. They record ailments, medication intake, medication history, mating habits, daily habits and how the animals get along with each other and the zookeepers and trainers they work with. This type of data can be complicated due to the wide variety of species divided in a number of different exhibits. It is especially complicated because they completely rely on paper forms that are carefully cataloged in an outdated filing system. Forms get wet, dirty and lost all due to the complex system in place, as well as the extreme environments that they encounter in the exhibits everyday. Zoos were also selected for the ability to move further into the animal care industry. While zoos are the main goal, there are many other sub-industries that encounter the same situations that zoos do. These include breeders, show animal competitors, shelters and veterinary services both of large and small animals. HVACThe other industry recommended is HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Services). As far as field data collection, HVAC technicians collect all kinds of field data in the various institutions they manage. They are in charge of temperature control of buildings and the units the building uses. They collect data on air quality and the types of material in the ducts, serial numbers and part numbers. Repairs and maintenance must be done and carefully cataloged. Parts must be ordered and inventoried. Each specific piece of data holds its own subset of questions and answers that must be carefully thought out to service the needs of each individual tech, as well as the company they work for, to enhance their ability to maintain their units and buildings efficiently and effectively. HVAC is also a well dispersed industry with units and companies scattered evenly throughout the United States and worldwide. Target Audience IntroductionThere are several things to consider when capturing the desired audience. There are a lot of different people involved in both zoos and HVAC companies. Most would believe that the target may be involved in the management hierarchy or perhaps that they need to be the people who are actually involved in purchasing the product. While this is true to an extent, ultimately it comes down to who is going to benefit the most from the product in question. It is a ground up process; get the people who are at the bottom of the pyramid, the ones who support everything and you will have everyone else. The bottom of the pyramid is bigger; it is the support and the structure. Without those at the bottom fully on board, it does not matter who introduces the product, it will not be effective. ZoosJustification for ZookeepersZoos are a conglomerate and they involve a multitude of different departments to run. You need people to run ticketing, the gift shops, the back and front end maintenance and people to take care of and train the animals in every exhibit. While all of these different departments are necessary, when it comes to data collection and the overall upkeep of the zoo, the zookeepers are indispensable. They hold the biggest responsibility and are the ones who would benefit a great deal from the use of this application. As said above, zoos use an outdated method of collecting and using the data they collect. It is completely based on paper forms and filing cabinets. If the zookeepers are on board with the application, eventually, everyone else will be too. Zookeeper DemographicsThere are two types of zookeepers. The first are those who receive their secondary education in biology, zoology and other animal related degrees. They are usually considered some form of zoologist and have an expertise in a certain type of animal species, whether it is as broad as ocean animals or as narrow as penguins. Then there are those zookeepers who go through a generalized program such as an Exotic Animal Training Management Program and lack a secondary education to the degree of the first. They are more involved with general upkeep of all of the animals and are seen more as the caretakers versus the experts of the animals. Both varieties of zookeepers are in the age range of 30-40 with an average age of 35.4 years of age. Most have around 10 years of total experience and when they find a zoo they like, they seem to stay with it for an average of 7 years. Their average income is around 30,000, but it can range from 18 to 40 depending on the zoo and the amount of experience and education each zookeeper brings. HVACJustification for HVAC Technicians Within a large HVAC company, there are the standard departments of human resources, upper management and custodial, but like the zookeepers in zoos, HVAC techs are the employees who do the majority of the actual data collection. They are the targets of the bottom-up method that is being employed. If these technicians see the obvious benefits that the application can provide for their everyday life, the application will move up the ladder. HVAC Technician DemographicsHVAC techs are almost exclusively male with only 0.6 percent of jobs belonging to females. There are around 280,000 HVAC technicians in the United States alone. 77 percent of all HVAC technicians falling between 25-54 years old and the remaining percentage are split between the youth and those over 55. Their median salary is 29,585 and ranges between 18,000 and 40,000. They, on average, work around 41.1 hours a week, but 60 to 80 hour weeks are not uncommon. Geographic LocationBoth zoos and HVAC are prominent all over the United States and have a strong presence globally, as there is a need or desire for each industry virtually anywhere a person goes. Engage Mobile is currently a small company and cannot possibly grasp a global or nationwide campaign, at least not yet. It is in the best interest of Engage Mobile to start small and narrow their focus for marketing of the application to that of the midwestern states. Initial focus would start in the Kansas City area and move outward as the audience and demand for the product increases, as well as the ability for Engage Mobile to expand their company and accommodate the increase in business. Both industries have their biggest presence in large cities like Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Des Moines so the campaign must centrally fit within them. Media Strategy Each campaign will be treated differently, but revolve around a two phased system. The first phase will involve a much more centralized campaign that focuses more on direct marketing, social media and word of mouth. The second phase will be a more traditional digital campaign involving Hubspot professional, banner ads and native advertising. ZoosPhase OnePhase one will be more grounded towards direct emailing, social media and trade shows. It will function for six months or until followers start to build up and leads begin to generate. It is recommended that an intern is hired to handle the bulk of social media posts, blogging and general upkeep.

Hubspot BasicHubspot is an inbound marketing tool that brings keyword trafficking, social media, direct mailing campaigns, blogging and landing page generation all together into one command center. It also allows for a detailed metrics on lead generation and trafficking metrics among other data collection tools. For phase one, it is recommended that the basic version is used to get a feel for the basic tools and learn about the customers without spending a lot of money. Hubspot basic is 200 dollars a month and allows for 100 contacts, 1,000 emails a month and 3,000 site visits. Phase one should generate enough links and provide the proper incited into web driving that will then allow, in six months time, Engage Mobile to move to the professional version. Trade Shows Trade shows are another central lynchpin within the phase one campaign cycle. Trade shows are where Engage Mobile can show off the product they have, as well as show their dedication to service before and after the launch of the product. There are three trade shows offered that would be the central focus of Engage Mobile. The first is the Super Zoo Show which begins on July 21st and sees around 2500+ visitors. The second is the AZA Association of Zoos Trade Show which begins September 12th. The third will be the IAAPA Attractions Expo which is for all attractions and can be a useful way into an alternate market similar to zoos. Trade shows will be the most expensive of the three methods used in phase one on average ranging from 500 to 3000 dollars depending on the trade shows themselves, as well as the area that Engage Mobile will be taking up. While it is expensive, this will be the best opportunity to show off what Engage Mobile does best to an audience that is specifically in attendance to find new and exciting ways to advance their industry. Trade shows are mentioned in this first phase, but will continue into the second phase as they occur throughout the year and are a stand alone method to generating a network and leads within the two chosen industries. Social MediaSocial media will be used throughout both phases of the campaign and will be structured around three social media sites which include: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. LinkedIn will be the most important social media platform for zoos because of the professional version with the Sales Navigator Plan which has been shown to be an effective lead generator and sales booster with sales navigator LinkedIn users boasting 45 percent more opportunities created, 51 percent more likely to achieve quota and 80 percent more productive. The plan is 79.99, but is a key social media tool for B2B, as well as for generating leads with the right people. While LinkedIn is an efficient social media platform to capture the business-oriented side of the target audience, Twitter will be a more ground-up method of communicating. It will be far more frequent and involve campaigns that focus more on what the zookeepers want. The Tweets should focus on the everyday life of a zookeeper that includes posts about the common problems seen everyday in the exhibits. Each Tweet should offer some kind of link to the website or a product demo. The account should be following Twitter Whores of the industry; people who have a lot of followers and tweet a lot and should send messages to them periodically to gain recognition from their followers. They may not respond, but it is an effective tool to generate followers.Facebook will be used similar to Twitter and follow an organic, ground-up method. The posts should be spaced every other day and include an in depth, small blog-like story with lots of pictures, graphs and general statistical information about the zookeepers daily life in a zoo as a zookeeper. It would be effective if each post highlighted a certain exhibit, animal or zookeeper.Phase TwoPhase two will become relevant once 300 followers is achieved or 6 months have passed, whichever occurs first. The social media structure will remain, but trade shows will be removed and Hubspot professional will take over from the basic version. Social Media Social media will follow the same basic structure as it did in phase one only on a greater scale. Facebook will continue to post every other day and Twitter will remain a daily occurrence. The one big change that will be implemented is the LinkedIn structure. At this point, lead generation and sales should be taken over completely by Hubspot thanks to the landing pages and email campaigns that it allows. LinkedIn should stay in the premium format, but transition to the grow and nurture plan. This will continue to make the sales generation method created. The scope of followers will increase, but the general structure of the social media campaigns, other than LinkedIn, will remain. Hubspot Professional Hubspot professional is very similar to the basic version only it removes the parameters of site visits and emails sent monthly. It also expands contacts from 100 to 1,000 and allows the user to dive deeper into what Hubspot can offer. It comes at a price of 800 dollars a month, but the lead generation and follower generation from phase one should justify the increase in price, as it will increase traffic to the site and leads generated.HVACHubspotHubspot will be used in the same way for HVAC as it was for the zoo. Phase one will use the basic version for six months and then transition to the professional mode in phase two. The email campaigns will derive off of VIPs within the HVAC community such as: leaders of HVAC unions, United Association and field managers who are regarded highly in their respective companies. Trade ShowsSimilar to the zoo campaign, HVAC will focus on three major trade shows for the industry. The AHR Expo which sees roughly 62,000 visitors, The Flow Expo which sees around 4,000 and the ASHRAE Conference which sees about 3,000 visitors. They are strategically set apart from each other so that Engage has time to prepare and travel to each one of them the AHR Expo starting on the 25th of January, The Flow Expo starting April 23 and the ASHRAE Conference starting on June 29th. The first two will require Engage Mobile to have a table on the floor of the expo showing off their product and the conference will require a general sponsorship similar to the Association of Zoos conference. This will again, be the most expensive portion of phase one, but it is important for lead generation which is the focus of phase one.Social MediaSocial Media will also remain the same with HVAC utilizing the same three platforms, but the way the target will be attacked will be a little different as the two industries are quite different in their mannerisms and structure. LinkedIn will ultimately remain the same as the zoo structure as it is used predominantly for targeting businesses as a whole rather than individuals. The only real change to it will be the focus on the HVAC industry rather than animal care and zoos. Twitter and Facebook will see real change in strategy. They will both continue the same pattern of Tweets with Twitter cycling everyday and Facebook posting every other day. Tweets should focus on common problems seen in an HVAC technicians day such as: broken ducts, air conditioner and heating units. They might also focus on a specific piece of data that is collected and highlight how Engage Mobile can help to better process that information. Again, Facebook posts should be blog-like paragraphs that should include pictures or graphs. The Facebook posts should center around the various types of HVAC machines and when they are in season such as: air conditioner information and data collection during the summer months. Ventilation and air quality issues should be addressed in the spring and of course heating issues should be the focus of the late fall and summer months.Pricing StructureThe pricing structure will be a two tiered system plus a demo. The demo will be free. It will only include a small amount of forms and questions so the customer can get a feel for the application and its layout. The other two models, the Basic and the Professional, will be priced at a competitively lower price than most other data collection applications at 4K and 8K. The difference will mainly revolve around the amount of forms question, variability of the questions, amount of uploads and storage capacity. This format is similar to what a lot of other mobile data collection applications are doing and it seems to be the most effective method for pricing the product. As said above, the application is priced lower than most competitors who generally set their price around 5K for basic and 10K for professional mode. This was done do to the fact that Engage Mobiles app is new on the scene and it would better benefit them to be the more reasonably priced option on the market for the time being.