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Kelly Hampton, Founder Healing Enterprises LLC. Copyright 2011

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Hello animal lover and friend!

As founder, I wish to thank each of you for having faith in a totally NEW, SAFE non-invasive 5thD pure love, cellular healing system for your pets and other small animals. You are being presented with the introduction and level 1. Level 2 of this system, if you choose to come to it at any time in your future, expands upon what is presented here and includes live remote demonstration of some of the energetic techniques as well as introduces more energetic techniques. Ask me how this may be arranged.

For now, know that in many ways this system since it was first given to me in 2011 by Archangel Michael it is still in its infancy. I expect its expansion to follow much of the same lines as Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM for the body which was the first Star family energy modality given to me by Archangel Michael in 2010, which still continues to expand in global awareness touching thousands of lives now since its inception. The energy from this system as Archangel Michael has taught is wise and powerful. Star Healing Equine, Star Healing for Small Animals, along with Ascended Spaces for elevating your home space can be seen as Ascension-based magnified healing systems. I have much to learn about small animal behavior and illness and do not profess to be an animal behaviorist or have veterinary experience. But I have loved many turtles, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, hamsters, gerbils, and dogs in my life and have a respect for all small animals along with a powerful foundation of angelic wisdom which I have been asked to share with the world. Thank you for having courage to try something new for your beloved pets and thank you Archangel Michael for bringing forth such goodness. If you are truly drawn to this system I invite you to consider learning Star Healing for Small Animals level 2, which will include demonstration of further energetic techniques and impart deeper understanding of this young, powerful healing system. I also invite each of you to look for my third book from Archangel Michael coming soon, THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Wisdom & Healing for the Animal Kingdom.

--Extending love and kindness, Kelly Hampton

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“There has always been an insatiable quest for healing since before Creation we have witnessed this. Now is the time for souls who are interested in promoting the healing arts to become familiar with a new form of healing which I will be naming Star Healing for Small Animals TM. Star Healing for Small Animals TM is not meant to replace more familiar forms of healing like reiki necessarily only to enhance it. In some cases however, souls will find that Star Healing for Small Animals TM offers more benefits than reiki. Star Healing was set into motion long, long ago, but like a whisper it wasn't always heard. Now the time is right for all to hear. Consider yourselves light workers and PIONEERS IN ANIMAL HEALING if you are reading this material and are using the individualized learning system! It is my desire that each of you find much to be grateful for as you extend yourselves into other galaxies and other healing dimensions. You will be protected at all times.

Let me describe an overview of what the teaching will involve since the actual course may vary from time to time. I have declared this Star Healing for Small Animals TM because the source you will be drawing from is the energy from the Star Galaxy. It makes no difference if you are familiar with this galaxy or not. My love goes to all. This energy goes to all, goes through all, extends to all. If however, you are drawn to learn more, just look up to the heavens and locate the Northern Star. This is the point most visible to locating the Star Galaxy. The energy from this galaxy is very powerful and wise.

The Awakening is now. The Awakening is a time for celebration! The Awakening

continues to swirl and open up possibilities for all of mankind on a global perspective. The Awakening is a spiritual one. For many pets and other four leggeds their DNA has been restored to a more divine state. Just as Crystalline children, Indigo, Rainbow children and Atlantean children now inhabit the earth with higher vibrations so do some of the small domesticated animal family. How will you know? Ask them. Yes, I said ask them. Many small animals under the age of 6 years of age have such a highly developed sensory mechanism that they too, may be called, Crystalline, Indigo, Rainbow and Atlantean (Aware).

This type of healing naturally lends itself to pulling in and accessing other dimensional healing for this purpose. What is the purpose? The purpose is to restore love and kindness to Mother Earth and to all those who inhabit her. Where there is peace and calm there can be no illness in the small animal (or human or equine) body. You will be providing your pets with a powerful interdimensional form of healing, journeying them to the same 5th dimensional realm where I

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reside at times and in so doing, provide them with insight, peace and calm. When you educate their caregivers to this spiritual truth they, too, will benefit.” –ARCHANGEL MICHAEL

Frequently Asked Questions about Star Healing Intergalactic Energy

for Small AnimalsTM (FAQ’s)

What types of conditions can Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for Small AnimalsTM

help with Archangel Michael?

“Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM uses the same 5th dimensional source of energy, the Star or

Pleiadian Galaxy as its source as does the healing system for the human body. Many if not all

conditions that plague cats and dogs primarily, can be totally eliminated or improved. As

implied, any and all health concerns even the most grave, can be made more whole, more well,

if not lessened or eliminated through this system from the Star Family. Unless a pet has made a

contract to experience an illness for their learning, we, the collective consciousness of angels,

as well as the high council, feel that as a result of the healing frequencies coming to your

Mother Earth, and because of the heightening vibration of many on the planet, that the small

animal kingdom will be served more fully and more completely by this system than at any other

time in mankind’s history. Let me go on to say that some of the older cats and dogs, are

allowing for new healing systems like Star Healing for Small Animals to expand across the globe

through their telegraphic communications. Just as many humans are expanding their

consciousness telepathically, so are your animal friends. Many of them, have told us through

this telepathic communication that they are excited and ready to experience a pain free, peace

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and calm existence upon which to live as a result of being in this 5th D, Pleiadian energy.”—

Archangel Michael

What is Pleiadian Energy exactly?

“Pleiadians and Pleiadian energy is wise and powerful. It originates in a galaxy light years

outside of your own. It is pure love, 5th D energy. The 5thD is also the lowest dimension upon

which I reside. Think of this system as turning your animal’s body into a crystalline light body.

Soon all souls, all animals and the plant kingdom will be pure crystalline energy. For a more in-

depth examination of this loving galaxy you may wish to read my words.” (2012 and Beyond:

The Truth from Archangel Michael) —Archangel Michael

What are the tools needed to conduct a session?

The majority of the tools used in Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for Small AnimalsTM levels 1 &

2 are the same as the tools used in the star system for the body, Star Healing Intergalactic

EnergyTM of which this is an extension. They are gem stones, crystals, sound tools. You fill find

the actual tool list in this training manual.

What if I prefer that Kelly conducts a healing session? Would she be able to help my cat? I live

far away.

Yes. These appointments are arranged individually. Private healing sessions, just like with

people who come to this system may be done remotely without a denigration of the energy.

Kelly will be happy to consider all requests to help you and your pet.

How is this system different than the Star Healing healing system used for treating


“There are many differences, some are subtle and some are more obvious,” Archangel Michael.

“For one thing, animals are generally more telepathic than many souls and they can

communicate with their owners in this manner. Telepathy and how to better communicate

with your animal are part of this system which differs from Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM. I

think that many of you who may come to Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM will find that you will

also be drawn to the system for yourselves—Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM, which has been

in existence since before dawn, but in the hands and hearts of the founder since 2010 when it

was given to her. For still others of you who are animal lovers and pet owners I feel as though

you will easily to drawn to learn the equine system also. They are comparable but different. I

invite you to open your hearts and healing hands to the wonders of the universes”—Archangel


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Will this energetic healing system help my rabbit? I’m not sure what small animals can be

included in this healing work? What about a bird? Does size matter?

Archangel Michael--“Yes, you may include any and all land animals with four or two legs near or

less than the size of a pony, knowing that equines have their own similar yet separate system—

Star Healing EquineTM. There will be a new and separate extension for this system coming which

will include sea mammals.”

How long does it take to see improvement in my pet’s behavior?

“That depends upon several factors,” Archangel Michael. “An animal’s temperament, the

owner’s temperament and the severity of the condition(s) all factor into the timeframe of

healing. It is my humblest opinion that even the most serious of conditions that may affect the

dog and cat and other small animal species in many instances, can be eased after only one


How is this system different than let’s say, Reiki or any other energy healing system?

“In one sense all energy healing systems are attempts to connect with source energy whatever

that energy source. Reiki for animals is a healing system that has helped thousands of animals

and will continue to do so. However, more animals, just like humans are entering in with higher

vibrations and they simply respond better to a healing system that is advanced enough to help

them. Most small animals, dogs/cats under the age of six have entered in with higher

vibrational needs, and thus making them similar to the “Aware” children like the Indigos,

Rainbows, Crystalline, and Atlanteans. Higher vibrational species of plants and animals are also

on your planet presently since the Ascension and will continue to arrive. In the sense that there

are more powerful energy sources like Star Healing, it’s a bit like comparing apples to

oranges.”—Archangel Michael

Does this mean that only small animals under 6 years of age will benefit from this type of

energetic healing?

“This is a good and valid question. However, any animal from birth to advancing age may

benefit from the peace and calm provided by the source energy, which is pure love, 5th D

Pleaidian energy as its source.”—Archangel Michael

Will there be angelic teaching for us how to connect telepathically with our beloved?

‘ABSOLUTELY. Without this, healing with the small animal will be less than complete,”

Archangel Michael. “It takes both the animals and their owners or care givers full intent to

create significant change.”

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My dog has arthritis. I’ve tried everything. Will this healing system help him?

“Since Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM uses the same 5th-dimensional source energy as the

healing system for the human body, many if not all conditions that plague small animals,

particularly dogs and cats can be totally eliminated or improved as with horses and people.”

Is there any harm in practicing several different types of healing to try and help my pets?

“We believe that you will not feel the need to return to other healing systems once a pet owner

is fully trained in Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM. We support you in all loving attempts to

restore health and well being to those animals you love. It is not my intent to limit energetic

healing for the planet, only to direct it to new forms. Just as higher vibrational children have

come to your planet, and continue to come, the same will be for dogs and cats, which is our

primary focus at the moment. That means that there are dogs and cats already on your planet

that have entered in with higher vibrational strands. They will be among the animals that will

benefit from higher energetic forms of healing…very similar to the need and rise in humans.”—

Archangel Michael.

What are the differences in treating a small animal over treating a person with Star Healing?

“There are in truth, very few differences except there is no physical body position to mirror a

star with the pet as in the comparable system for the human body. One will be lucky to get any

animal to cooperate long enough to sit still unless they are of unusual temperament or

infirmed. What remains consistent is the source energy, the techniques themselves can be

modified or moderated and we will be examining this, the placement of the animal’s body as

well as more emphasis placed on teaching telepathy between owner and animal and how to

recognize signs of disease are major points of distinction.

For clarity, birds, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rodents, rabbits, and other domesticated small animals

may all experience this pure love vibration. They may be healed in groups or they may be

healed in isolation, whatever may work for the care giver and the animal. Your goal as someone

who wishes to extend peace and calm to a pet is to limit the distractions in the physical space

when possible.

Star Healing Small Animals follows a slightly different linear healing path than either Star

Healing Equine or Star Healing for the human body. By this I mean, that typically only one or

two sessions need to be conducted on the suffering small animal rather than upwards of three

per the human.” Archangel Michael

Why not allow people to have their pets with them in their personal Star Healing Intergalactic

Energy session?

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“It’s a bit like asking if the sun and the moon are the same.”

Do I also need to have a Star Healing session prior to treating my pet(s)?

While it is not a requirement that every person enjoy the healing benefits of Star Healing

Intergalactic EnergyTM prior to conducting a healing for their pet/animals it will only serve to

enhance your understanding of the system’s origin and it will also help many of you heal. We,

the collective consciousness of angels, invite your personal immersion into the system for the

human body. Thousands of souls now have witnessed all types of healing as a result of their

personal session(s)—pain gone, tumors shrunken or disappearing, fears, phobias, compulsions

and addictions of all types, gone or minimized, depression gone and much, much more. We

invite you to examine what you may be living with unnecessarily. For those of you who have

perfect health or near to it, you may choose to wait to experience a remote healing session

yourself or find it never comes into your personal experience. We honor all...

If I choose not to experience a Star Healing session for myself how do I get attuned to the

Pleiadian energy?

“Believe it or not, by reading this text and using the tools which have already been programmed

cosmically, each of you are!”

How long should my healing session be with my pet?

You may spend 60 min. total at this level with your animal.

If we use gems and they are so powerfully charged, why do we need to learn energetic

techniques? Aren’t the gems alone enough?

“It is my hope and desire that each of you see the interconnectness in all there is in life. In

realizing where the gems were birthed you are already beginning to understand this web of

infinite realities. One might also ask why is there wind? Why is there sunlight? Gems in this

magnified healing system, respond to being brought back to their source….it’s a bit like being

rejuvenated if you were returning home after a long absence. It enhances…it enriches…the

energetic techniques described in level 1 and also later, in level 2 employ a willingness also of

the person or people aiding their animals. You use many of your senses, don’t you; such as

sight, touch, smell, hearing? The same concept may be applied to what you are asking.

Employing multiple senses speeds the process begun by the stones.

Does studying and using Kelly’s level 1 manual allow me to teach this system to others?

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This is intended for private use on your personal pets/animals. You may, however, choose to

become a Certified Practitioner of this system and heal other’s animals by enrolling in the

Certified Practitioner Course. This extended course may be learned remotely and requires

practice on a certain number of animals. The training is expanded and intensive. We welcome

your inquiries.

Must I have all the tools before administering this system to my pets?

Like much following any teaching or recipe, you will have greatest success if you follow all of

the lessons/ingredients. At this introductory level we feel the list of “tools” is minimal.

Link to Star Healing Utube

Partial list of Conditions Benefiting from Star Healing Intergalactic Energy

for Small Animals from Archangel Michael

Cataracts and other eye problems


Skin conditions including dermatitis,

Ear infections


Digestive problems

Arthritis, muscle soreness, hip dysplasia

Feline and canine aggression, and other behavioral issues

Fractures and other wounds which are slow to heal

Teeth trouble including chewing, weight loss, and pain

Feline and canine cancers

Digestive disorders

A sense of calm and peace

Better sleeping

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“It is important that the techniques learned are kept true to their inherent nature. It is NOT wise

for those of you who have extensive healing background (or not) to MIX healing modalities

within a healing session, anymore than you would mix ice cream with lettuce.”—Archangel


Understanding the Healing Power of Stones and Gems from Archangel Michael


The study of gems and their healing properties has occurred in mankind’s mind for centuries and will continue to occupy mankind’s mind for centuries to come. It is important for all souls to immerse themselves into some form of healing practice to help raise the collective consciousness during the shift and to help transition into the Ascension. For those unfamiliar with what I mean by the Ascension, I mean the time of now and the decade beyond 2012. Ascension is a muti-dimensional, multi-galactic rise in vibration. There are certain stones, gems and gemstones that have been in awareness for many thousands of years. What I hope you will also consider before we examine some of them and their use, is to also know that new gems and gemstones will be found on other planets as interstellar explorations speed up. This is very exciting indeed! An entire new horizon of healing awaits discovery! No one be afraid of these discoveries as they sift to your planet. Instead, embrace them with all the hopefulness of greeting a new friend!

Before I explain the healing benefits of specific gems and gemstones I also plan to explore the use of them in collaboration with one another not just simply noting the properties of one versus another. Why is this noteworthy? I believe that it is noteworthy in the context of understanding that any negative situation, encounter, person, place or thing can be corrected vibrationally through the use of stones, gems and gemstones. Think of the implication of this. For some of you this may seem impossible and for others it may seem primitive. However, I will seek to enlighten the majority of souls in new and profound ways. Now let us begin at the beginning.

The beginning to me is the time of the Great Collision. I am speaking of the Great Cosmic Collision which created the galaxies. From this first moment of creation, the stellar and interstellar birth was applauded. During this time, many unusual stones, gems and gemstone were formed, some of them being Herculite, Paconite, Dragonian and Plutonian gems. Stones and gems were not categorized until much later. This is important to understand as our basis so that we can move forward to the present and then into the future. Creation is constantly creating; there is no end to this. In fact, during the time you are living in is considered to be one of the most spectacular and novel expanding times in mankind’s history. Think of this! As you age and change bodily form so does the environment around you. In trying to make this parallel, I am stating that stones, gems and gemstones undergo a genetic metamorphosis similar to the evolution of mankind, that is, they are living organisms which like mankind, will continue to grow and evolve and emit greater and greater frequencies or healing powers.

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Who or what is responsible for this tremendous force you may ask? Is it the angelic realm? Is it God/Pure Source? Is it purely and simply stellar in nature? I say to you that yes, each of these statements is true and none of these are true. Have I thoroughly confused you by now? I certainly hope not. To some degree, all living organisms have an internal infinite mind. Therefore, if there are eight million galaxies with 8 million stars, planets, asteroids and other galactic forms, then I am saying that there are eight million separate infinite minds for each.

It is these infinite forces which keep creating and forming new worlds, new earthly plates and new electro-magnetic grids. More simply put, as the universes expand everything in it expands. So when thinking of the healing powers of stones and gems, I ask you to open your mind to these possibilities. What do I mean by energizing a stone or gemstone? I mean using one’s own innate healing power to draw out the energy. Isn’t it so much more powerful to realize one’s own power than to give it over to another source? So activation means in this transmission, holding the stones or gemstones within one’s hands to collect, revitalize or rejuvenate the healing life force properties within the specific stone or gem. It’s a bit like sleeping in your own bed and warming up the sheets before slipping into them.

By now, some of you may be asking, well, how do I learn what stones aid in healing what? I say to you that I have supplied a basic list of stones/gems for your understanding for this system as an introduction with the hope that many of you will use your strong powers of intuition to refine the number, size and placement of them. At this level, you may find it helpful to bundle some of the recommended stones/crystals in your attunement session. Not all stones, crystals mentioned here need to be used in every session. In no particular order the most powerful stones and gemstone to acquaint yourselves with are—gold, silver, cooper, quartz crystal, blue-veined crystal, gold-veined crystal and violet-veined crystal, opalescent pearl, talc, blood stone, tourmaline, moldavite.

If one is open to the listing of “most powerful” stones and gems listed here, then next I ask you to be open to the idea that these particular stone and gems of which I am speaking are those which have been mined within the last ten years. How does one know the age of a stone for healing? It’s easy…simply ask it. Yes, I said ask it. Remember, it is a living thing such as you with a living life force. If you are willing to embrace this idea then you are ready to start healing. Many aboriginal cultures have known this wisdom for eons upon eons of time. Other vanished civilizations also did like Atlantis and Chiron. Also those who know Gaia or Mother Earth will find this information very easy to digest.

Crystals, gems, of all sorts and varieties, by gems I am referring to stones. This is a partial list. The following list should be considered basic for understanding the infinite possibilities in Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM.

Stones/Gems needed for Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM LEVEL 1

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Quartz Crystal: quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. At a

spiritual level, crystal raises energy to the highest possible level. Quartz is a master healer and

can be used for any condition. (The crystals work on many different levels. To use your quartz,

first you want to cleanse it either by soaking in salt water or by holding it over incense such as

frankincense. Once cleansed, hold the crystal in sunlight to restore its crystal energies. To

reenergize it, which you must do, attune it with the sound tools you have available to you in this

healing modality. Then you hold the crystal in your hand rolling it quickly back and forth, by

doing this you are activating the crystal with your personal connection.)

Hematite: most effective stone for grounding. Protection

Ruby: detoxifies the body, blood, and lymph and treats fevers, infectious disease and blood flow.

Beneficial for the heart, stimulates the kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.

Sapphire: yellow, white--Sapphire crystal can be used to heal and benefit the physical body. It brings harmony to body systems, balancing the glandular, nervous, and digestive systems. It is a specific healing crystal for the blood. It's believed that sapphire helps to eliminate toxins, purifying the circulatory system. It's also said to fortify veins, while increasing elasticity.

*Diamond: white, black, yellow/golden—diamonds are formed out of the "stuff" of the cosmos. The same elements that make up the stars and breathtaking galaxies in our night skies also combine to form diamonds - the "stars of the earth". Known for their power to balance the body's energy, diamonds are especially excellent for opening and balancing the spiritual center and helps one to develop true power, strength, and autonomy of self/may be drawn in energetically.*Jewelry can work for this.

Granite: Granite can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with hair, face and head. Dolomite: Stimulates the metabolism of calcium and magnesium and keeps a balance between

the two. Used to stabilize health, especially blood, the heart and circulation.

Bloodstone: Protecting, healing, strength, courage. Great physical healing stone for blood

disorders, circulation or removing toxins.

Talc: provides energetic comfort. May be bagged. Talcum powder may also be used.

Dragon’s blood/Cinnabar: used for protection and potency. Also treats disorders of the blood

and weight issues. Connects with the source. You may wish to put it in a separate bag. It is

considered toxic to skin.

Black Onyx: is strength-giving.

Tourmaline: Bluish-Green is overall healing. Brown aids in self esteem, self love/black keeps negativity from you. Black serves the same purpose as placing 4 bowls of salt water in the corner’s of a space where you may be conducting your healing as it keeps negativity from attaching to you. Blue Opal: can be used to assist one in communicating with nonhuman intelligence, making telepathic exchange easier. Ideal for interaction with spirit guides, instilling calm, confidence and decisiveness.

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Malachite: It resonates with the female sexual organs and treats any sexual disease. It aligns DNA and cellular structure. Malachite stimulates the liver to release toxins. Helps facilitates deep emotional healing, releases all traumas, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface. May need to be supported by other stones. Moldavite: This may be my personal favorite. Moldavite came from the Star Galaxy and has been foretold of its’ healing properties. When used alone or bundled (as many of these stones, gems should be) it becomes a catalyst for transformation. This is the only stone which may be used singly. All the others should be bundled at this level of learning. Moldavite has amazing properties and can be used as an aid in digestive disorders of a more serious nature, head trauma, soul retrieval. Placing the moldavite near the head is often the wisest position. Gold: Gold is an element high in elementals. An understanding/discussion of elementals is appropriate at this time. All three of these minerals, gold, silver and copper have come into harmonic convergence at this time in your Earthly history, making them in essence, more powerful, more valuable than at any time in mankind’s development. Gold, silver and copper may be used together or in combination or singly. Experiment and see what learning you discover. Gold can assist in elevating the animal’s natural immune system. These three minerals will be discussed and used in greater detail in other advancing levels of STAR HEALING for SMALL ANIMALS but they are worthy of introductory mention now. Silver: Using silver is most effective when done so with pure silver. However, as this is a new and creative form of healing, silver plated jewelry if that is what is available is an example of what type of silver can also be used. The benefits or properties of silver include mind clarity and body waste elimination. May be used to aid in sleep. Copper: Copper is going to be useful at this level for conditions like inflammation reduction, spatial sequencing and any auditory dysfunction. Pennies are helpful with arthritis. A stack of coins can aid in the elimination of body aches and conditions like arthritis, bursitis. Stacking and collecting these elements may prove helpful with your pet. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies. NOT ALL STONES, GEMS LISTED HERE MUST BE USED IN EVERY HEALING ATTUNEMENT. AT THIS




Recommended Tool List

Sound attunes the molecular frequency to the interstellar highway. Some of the items needed

for this INTRODUCTION/ Level 1 to Star Healing for Small Animals will involve:

Unweighted Tuning forks. To begin, use the middle of the Pythagorean scale—c and g.

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Or high pitched chimes able to be struck together to make sound. Metal wind chimes of high

frequency (not wood) will do if tuning forks prove to be prohibitive for any reason. You do NOT

need both.

One set of Tibetan tingshas. High sounding on strong chord measuring approx. 16” long strong

chord separating them. Generally, the decorative ones are too heavy and therefore, the sound

not high enough nor as easy to move by source.


Oils Frankincense oil in spray form. Can be mixed with massage oil and/or myrrh Lemon oil in spray form Crystal bowl c.d. Crystal bowl c.d. avoid music with fluting, tracks of chanting etc. if possible to play during your session with your pet(s). I use Sacred Sounds by Patrick Ray. but there are many others. Some links:

Lemon grass-bagged. Aids in digestion of ideas/digestion. Many grocery stores and health

food/Asian stores may carry

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At this level, there are multiple energetic techniques, 2 Sacred Symbols and two oils along with stones, crystals and sound tools along with the following instruction on telepathy between owner and animal:

Archangel Michael:

There are many ways to begin a healing session with your pet at this level. As she speaks for us, advancing interest may lead each of you to study level 2, which will involve demonstration of some further techniques. If not, please know that what is presented here may be repeated without elevation (level 2) if one desires, and that we hope you freely express your improvements and your animal’s improving conditions with us.

If you are able to maintain touch contact with your dog or cat or other small animal find a place in your environment that has been elevated energetically or you elevate it energetically by playing clear quartz crystal sound as specified. The volume does not need to be so loud that you yourselves find it uncomfortable. More is not always better…and as stated elsewhere in this manual, we advise you plan on spending an average of 30 min. as healing time to start with your animal knowing that it may be done in phases or steps as described below.

The first connection between you and your animal in the first 30 min. should be connecting without any tools, any energy movements except for rocking the baby. Rocking the baby will begin to impart the same peaceful and calming energy to your pet as they felt in the womb. Where there is peace and calm, there can be no illness in the body….the animal body, the human body, the equine body.

Begin playing the crystal bowl sound, snuggle up to one another if it is possible, speak lovingly to each other and set your intention for your time together out loud and/or telepathically. Take as long with this process as you feel is appropriate. If you are aware of the conditions which plague your pet, either psychical and/or emotional make statements out loud in the positive such as: “In our time together, we are going to work together to transmute disharmony and create more joy.”


Some of you already connect telepathically with your animal friends! For those of you who wish to be more open vessels of light, here are my suggestions in no special order, as greater knowing will enhance your sacred heart connection with your small animals and with the universe in total:

Standing upright begin by imagining a golden dome covering your energy body. Draw it in energetically by using your index finger of either hand and begin to draw this golden dome outline starting at your feet pointing down to Mother Earth on one side of your body, and then extend your arm to draw a dome shape over your head and down the

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other side of your body. Imagine or visualize this golden dome. You may also place your pet inside this golden dome with you. You may also create a circle of clear quartz crystals surrounding you and your pet while you are seated or kneeling. No set number of crystals. This is called creating a crystal bed. Take your sound tools and strike once in a clockwise fashion over each crystals. You may find it helpful to close your eyes. Be aware of any knowing thoughts that may come to you. Some of you may find it helpful to create a crystal bed outside on Mother Earth, especially if your home space has not yet been elevated as described. Make sure that you are being kind to your body and your pet’s body by eating healthy foods and supplying them with the same. Drinking spring water will also amplify your energy field. You may find it helpful to have a pen and paper handy. If you are relatively new to enhanced communication jot down any impressions which come to you from your animals regarding their thoughts or conditions. Do not become discouraged if nothing comes to you initially. Many report greater knowing after being in/using Pleaidian energy of Star Healing.

Returning to Rocking the Baby and the Other Energetic Techniques--

Once you have connected with your pet, have the sound frequency going, begin the first energetic technique which I have named “Rocking the Baby.” It can be performed energetically over the animal’s body (or as near to it as you can be in an enclosed space). You may stand and begin or if the small animal is in your lap or lying on the floor, you may even kneel alongside. Begin by opening your hand so that the palm of either hand is open and downward toward your animal’s body. Begin circling it clockwise over the animal’s body in very slow, clockwise circles starting at their head…then if able, walk around the animal at the same time in a clock wise circle/direction—encircling the animal. If you are unable to slowly walk around your animal while doing the energetic healing movement, simply stand/kneel stationary and continue with the movement over the animal’s body as well as imagining the energy body. The energy body of most animals this size is the approx same size as the human body energetic capsule…2-3 feet from the physical one. Your pet is in this shape and imagine it looks like a tanning bed or a pill capsule. Spend at least 5 minutes doing this introductory welcoming energy technique extending your circles over the energy body, while playing the clear quartz crystal sound.

Many of you may notice your animal becoming more relaxed. Continue to communicate with your voice your love and caring for the animal(s). You may as we have taught, have more than one pet in the room with you if you so desire. In other words, if you have 5 cats…each one does not need to experience Star Healing individually. Use your own discretion. Some of you may feel that some of your quarreling pets may never be in the same space with the others, but it is our hope and belief that if you move toward full implementation of Ascended Spaces, that

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harmony for all life forms will be present. Subsequently, the crystal bowl sound will impart molecular peace and calm in a similar manner as does the energetic “rocking the baby” as well as start to elevate the frequency of the room you may be working in.

It is our intent to speak now about the connection between owner and animal for maximizing healing benefit before proceeding any further. Very much like Star Healing for the human body, when certain conditions are present, we advise more than one attunement. They are the same for Small ANIMALS:

DEPRESSION, more than one attunement,

SEVERE SOUL TRAUMAS, more than one attunement,

ADDICTIVE TYPE BEHAVIOR within the animal, more than one attunement,

and if the animal is on a variety of MEDICINES, more than one attunement may be necessary to witness significant change. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO YOU THE OWNER!

OWNER AND ANIMAL have parallel energy fields. By this I mean, especially if the animal you are treating resides in your home space they are picking up elements of energy from all who live in the space whether you realize this or not. Even if your pets are residing outside and their quarters are near your home, they will be in some of the same larger energy fields. Generously, Mother Earth’s healing forces soften any disharmony which may be in a home space so that often we find if a pet has health concerns inside and the interior of the home space has not been elevated, outside they will lessen.


CRYSTAL BOWL FREQUENCY IS ONE ENERGETIC TOOL TO DISPELL FEAR. IT VIBRATES AS 5THD OR PURE LOVE FREQUENCY. We ask that each of you see yourselves, your environments, your animal friends as energy and just as we say with Star Healing Intergalactic Energy of the human body, you will have greatest healing affect with/on your pet(s) if you also implement my 5th D purification system known as Ascended Spaces. In fact, you wish to be to advised to start here first, knowing that elevation of the home space may take 1-3 weeks typically.

Note: You may spend 60 min. maximum total at this level with your animal.

Once a sound, energetic and emotional and/or telepathic current or bond has been established as previously described you may proceed to implementing the other techniques used in this system for Level 1:

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The techniques are listed generally in the order in which they can be given knowing that at times the order will be flexible and changeable. Please note: WHAT I CALL SPOT TREATING WILL BE EXAMINED IN LEVEL 2 as well as the addition of further techniques for those who may be interested.

Rocking the Baby-We are working in the midheavens of the animal’s energy body. For those of you with little energy healing experience this energy body is further away from the animal’s body. The low energy body is closest, where little significant change takes place. The mid-heavens of the small animal body is 6” away from their physical body. This is the region most auspicious. Occasionally, some of you who feel/sense energy may see it or feel it upwards to 8” from the actual physical body. 6”-8” (do not get out a measuring tape!:)) is where this movement will affect most change. There are other energies bodies/energy levels of course, but for now, we are focusing our actions/intent/healing work here.

Placing crystals Do so by placing them in an arch near the pet’s head and tapping over them by striking both tuning forks or 2 high sounding chimes together.

Activation of the animal’s capsule Is done by walking around your pet in a clockwise direction and striking tuning forks or chimes. Use a moderate strike at this level.

Laying the other gemstones (at any time after beginning steps) You may find this the best time now to place the stones/gems around the pet. If the pet is cooperative and is lying on a massage table you would place the stones near the animal on the table. If the small animal is in a cage of some type, consider placing the cage on an elevated surface of any type, and the stones around in groupings. It is not wise to dump all the stones in one place, anymore than it is wise to eat more than your stomach can handle at one meal. If there is no elevated space to conduct your healing session, you may enclose the animal in a space which has been elevated and kneel. Typically, you do want to keep your energy movements near this mid-level energetic level in relationship to the pet’s body. You may also find a friend or other loved one who will hold your small pet off the floor so that you can provide loving healing.

Banding over the animal’s body. Banding is done as if you are peeling away layers from a onion. Visualize this…imagine this…you may even choose to telepathically or verbally share this image with your small animal. Standing at the side of your pets body reach over with both outstretched arms making an arch and rise up and pull back this unseen etheric energy layer. It is helpful if you do not see this domed capsule surrounding the pet body, to imagine it as an oval dome….much like a pill capsule or taning bed. Therefore, reach over the body with an arching movement and pull back one energetic layer (of the onion) at a time.:) How many times? Your intuition may lead you…or no more than 5. 3 is the average. Peeling one layer at a time….extending over…rising up and back to your starting position, then back over the animal (or cage) until this feels complete and/you’re your pet tells you it is or by the number of times previously stated.

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Small banding. Small Banding is like wringing water out of a wet towel. The water is symbolic for any energy which are not pure love (4thD). You do not need to see the toxins. You do not need even feel the toxins (only if you are advancing). If you are wondering how you can learn a system and not see energy/feel energy/or be guided it is so, do as instructed herein and know that you are energies being with innate healing abilities. Sometimes a cover may be laying on top but your abilities, but covers can always be removed.:). After banding, extend your outstretched arms again to approximate being over the middle spine of your pet. In your mind, imagine you are using both hands at the same time to squeeze water out of a rolled up towel. Hands are together and making a squeezing movement back and forth two to three times the length of the animal’s spine. (about 3 feet from their physical body…remember…WE ARE NOT TOUCHING THEM)

Stripping Removes energetic toxins. Think of this technique/imagine this to be like dusting furniture. Energy collects. Energy needs to be refreshed. Next, while still standing alongside your pet take both hands and extend your arms again toward the middle of the animal’s body and pull/strip energy off the top ½ of your animal…replace your hands toward the middle again of the body and pull/strip energy down the bottom portion/1/2 of the pet’s body. You may be lead to repeat this “stripping” techniques 2, 3, 4 times in each direction--though no more. Generally speaking at this level, the more infirmed the animal, the greater the number of stripping movements. Before proceeding to building the pets 5th D DNA (pure love) walk around the animal’s lower body to get yourself to their other side. Once on the OTHER side of the animal as near to their side physical body as you can repeat stripping for this side as you just completed on the other. For example, if your beloved Labrador is lying quietly, you would be walking around in a clockwise circle (direction)…circling your pet….with stripping down on both sides. This clockwise walking pulls up energetic magnetic fields from Mother Earth which are crystalline in nature. One core, the outer core, is activated by a clockwise direction and the inner core of Mother Earth by moving/walking in a counter clockwise one. If I am communicating well with each of you, then next you should be once again at the head or top of the animal…called the column of light. If you pets are very small and caged, then you would use the cage as your guide in the same manner.

Tibetan Tinghas. The tinghas may be used at any time during a session…typically beginning with them here in this order and are used in the energetic capsule space roughly 3 feet from your pet’s actual body. They are a powerful tool which the source energy may facilitate healing in any system. They can work on any system in the animal’s body for cellular repair and restoration: the neuro transmitters in the brain, in rebuilding cartilage, purifying blood, adding oxygen to blood, assist in healing of emotional wounding,

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inflammation, cellular healing for the skin, lymph, and hormone systems—the same work they do in the human body. I advise picking them up 2-3 times during your session for larger small animals such as dogs/cats and used in various positions, while only once in the smaller animals such as rabbits and gerbils. They are to be held—one in each hand by a taught chord over the animal’s spine, while you are standing in their energetic capsule area, away from their actual body with larger small animals. Any time they move, healing is taking place. You will have most success in being the instrument for healing with them with your shoes off! Try it and see for yourselves. Do not be discouraged if you hold them in your hands and no movement at all takes places. Be persistent. Ask your guides to help you. Ask the source energy to help you. Occasionally, they will never move but still emit healing through the metals themselves or by heat you may feel. They may strike, swing, move in all directions, being aware that one tinghas may move in one direction, while the other one may be moved by source in a completely different one. As long as there is movement I advise staying present with them until they stop. Typically, with the most advancing of owners and pets this may be up to 5 minutes. Rarely, will source move them longer than that at this level. You may also, experiment and find that if the tinghas do not move for you, they will for another family member. Also please be aware that they may for some, move and swing fast, slow, and very fast, depending…so be mindful. They are a significant tool, powerful tools…but not what you on earth call a deal breaker if there is little movement. Little movement from the Pleaidian source can for example, however, straighten a spine, regulate temperature. As we say, this is introductory level 1. More will be taught and shared in level 2.

Building the 5th D DNA. This is done while standing or kneeling in the column of light. Both dogs and cats have a unique cellular system. Their DNA restructuring should take the same form as that of human’s, that being the beehive, with ONE IMPORTANT DISTINCTION…IT IS NOT BUILT OR RESTRUCTURED OVER THE ANIMAL’S SACRED CENTER OR NAVEL LIKE IS DONE IN THE STAR SYSTEM FOR HUMANS. INSTEAD IT IS TO BE BUILT/OR RESTRUCTURED WHILE YOU ARE STANDING (or kneeling) IN THE COLUMN OF LIGHT WHICH IS AT THE HEAD OF THE ANIMAL. TO BE CLEAR ABOUT THIS, LET ME RESTATE: THE 5THD DNA RESTRUCTURING IS TO BE CONDUCTED WHILE YOU ARE STANDING OR KNEELING IN THE COLUMN OF LIGHT FACING THE ANIMAL OR AS NEAR TO THE ANIMAL’S HEAD AS POSSIBLE. In an ideal healing session, you will separate yourself from your pet so that you can have movement with your own body. Traveling around the pet doing these energetic movements in a clockwise direction pulls from the magnetic crystalline grid and re-energizes both animal and person.

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To begin this energetic technique some of you will be able to see a gray mass, which looks like a china plate somewhere in the torso of your pet. Some will feel it with by heat, some of you may have a knowing, some of you will be able to ask your pet, “Where is your 4th D disk? And they will lead you to it. Take a moment to feel for it with your hands by opening your hand and feeling for energy change over the animal’s body. Close your eyes if it helps you focus, for those of you who may be completely new or inexperienced in any form of energetic healing, this may help you concentrate. For everyone else, source energy will assist you (including myself) in placing it into your hands. How to begin? Standing over or kneeling at your animals’ head, just imagine that you are going to gather all the energy over them into one lump. Not just the energy over their head…this is simply where their new 5th D DNA will be built. But extending your arms to sweep, feel for and then collect over their entire body. Have one hand extended, palm upward and use your other hand to “gather/brush” this unwanted DNA matter/mass/china plate/grey disk into it. Some of you with healing experience, may see this China plate (imagine this) as cracked, broken or in pieces. If you do, continue to brush it up into your open palm until the majority of the matter is in it. Do not be afraid to ask your animal where it is. As I say, many are more telepathic that humans and I think many of you will find that regular playing of clear quartz sound in your space will produce greater knowing within each of you, along with the suggestions shared at the beginning of this teaching. Once you have imagined this disk, which looks like a china plate, which as I say, may appear to be broken, chipped or shattered into pieces, then begin to draw in the open chambered nautilus shell spiral in a clockwise direction with the index finger of your hand which isn’t holding the 4D energy/matter. Your goal is to shape shift/transform this 4ThD energy you just collected into a magnificent 3 d, 3-tired beehive. If some of you do not know this image, then I suggest you find resources for it. Once a reasonable height has been made by spiraling your index finger upwards from this matter, begin to use both hands and energetically form this beehive shape. Imagine it yourselves. Lastly, for this, once at the top of this newly forming beehive, take your fingers again and create an energetic thread from the top of this “beehive” upwards to source. In essence, this beehive hangs by a crystal thread. Then you are finished. Back yourselves on the back for a job well done! This newly created 5thD pure love, DNA will be locked into place into the pet’s etheric body by myself or another angel and will forever remain as such.

Giving of oils-lemon and frankincense.

Lemons vibrate on the same frequency as joy so you are imparting joy to your animal and frankincense is for protection. You may choose to administer both oil frequencies in separate sprays one after another if it is helpful with your memory in the order presented here. However,

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at this time, it is not imperative that lemon oil/spray be given always before frankincense oil/spray. Allow the size of the small animal determine how much spray is given to them. As with all the energetic movement, a light misting 3 feet away from the physical body is your goal. DO NOT WET OR SOAK THE FUR/HAIR. That would be a misuse of the oil sprays.

Energetically placing/Laying in the figure 8 Infinity Symbol (a sacred symbol) Next, you may come to the side of your pet again and trace in/draw in with either index finger the figure 8 for infinite wisdom and prosperity. I ask you to draw it in as if it is floating over your animal as large as this energetic capsule described to you. If your pet is communicating with you, they may desire it to be drawn in over their head, or in a more upright position by their feet/hind end. If so then do so. Only place this sacred symbol in once however. I am not saying to place it in numerous positions…simply indicating the knowingness some of your animals may be with their communication with you! It will remain with them all the days of their life.

Archangel Michael’s golden halo. The final sacred symbol and final energetic technique as part of level 1 Introduction is the placement of my gold en halo. The purpose of this sacred symbol to ease anxiety. Know that gold is the highest healing element on earth, and by drawing in this head sized halo, over the top of the animal’s head, you are supplying them with another powerful tool. To begin, take either hand and use your index finger to draw in this round, halo. I ask you to draw this circle in a clockwise direction. Circle, round and round until you either feel it complete for those of you with healing experience or 3 times…making 3 complete clockwise circles. You may once again, speak to your pet and say, “Gold is the highest healing element on earth. This sacred angelic symbol will be with you all the days of your life. If you feel anxious, dear kitty, puppy, guinea pig or rabbit, think of a happy memory and grab it in your mind.” Many will think about when they were in the womb feeling safe and secure. Perhaps some of your beloved friends will telepathically tell you others? Like when they joined your family or some other heart-felt moment. IN CLOSING Be sure and supply your pet with plenty of water after your time together as well as offer them nutritious foods. You, yourselves, should also drink plenty of water. There may be times, when releases are noticed by you, the owner. If so, know that these are considered normal and temporary. The most common releases in small animals MAY be brief excitability, looser stools, temporary fatigue as toxins are being released. In small animals, as conducted herein, no releases (if your pet exhibits them at all) will continue longer than 3 days.

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Collect your stones/other tools, get some fresh air afterwards if possible, knowing that level 2 may be conducted as soon as approx. 6 days after level 1 for those that desire to learn this extension. I am asking that everyone, examine your thoughts, examine your space. Extend love and kindness daily out loud to your animals, yourselves, to anyone who may have wounded your animals or wounded you and continue this spiritual exercise for 15-30 min. every day and see how your lives and the lives/conditions of your animals have changed. This will magnify the healing power of love. –Archangel Michael

Please remember at all times, that in the practice of this introduction to the system, that you cannot harm an animal if you do one or two techniques out of order or forget to complete a technique. The Pleiaidan source energy is loving and wise and will work with each of you to help ensure success. As stated, previously, the environment each of your pets occupies and your emotional health is EQUALLY IMPORTANT to their elevated and improved body, mind, spirit state of being.

Because Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM is healing energy, it will never harm you or your pet. If your pet has emotional problems such as those due to a traumatic situation such as abuse, neglect, or an accident this system can help release and heal those emotions for good.

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DISCLAIMER: The alternative practice called Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for Small Animals TM

is not regulated as a veterinary or any kind of medical practice, nor is it licensed by the state, territory, possession, country, or other jurisdiction. You acknowledge that the healing modality may require some physical contact with the animal. Sound and some gemstones and crystals along with energetic movement will be used on the animal and within its environment. You warrant that you hold full ownership rights to the animal, including the right to authorize Star Healing for Small Animals

SM to perform the healing

modality. You further warrant that you are fully responsible for securing any licensing and permissions which may be necessary prior to the conducted session to use any other housing facility. You recognize that Healing Enterprises, LLC and its certified practitioner(s) are not licensed physicians and do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, disability, or affliction, whether physical or mental. You shall not suspend or avoid prescribed medical treatments for your animal. You are solely responsible for continuing any medical treatment for the care for your animal. Healing Enterprises, LLC, its heirs and successors shall be indemnified and held harmless for any loss, damages, liability, or expense incurred or sustained by reason of any act performed or any omission which may occur on the premises as a result of or during or after the conducting of a healing session or workshop, including any judgment, award, settlement, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the defense of any actual or threatened action, proceeding, or claim. If you become aware that someone else is presenting workshops in this healing modality, kindly notify Healing Enterprises, LLC at [email protected]. At this time, Kelly Hampton is the only person able to conduct intensive training workshops. Star Healing Small AnimalsTM, Star Healing EquineTM, Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM and Ascended SpacesTM are registered trademarks of Healing

Enterprises LLC.

By signing below or receiving this information, you acknowledge and fully agree with the above information.

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Copyright 2011, Healing Enterprises LLC all rights reserved. No content may be shared in any manner without

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