kebo keboan in english

Kebo- keboan

Upload: rino-kurnia

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Kebo-Keboan is one ceremonies that being held by Banyuwangi People. From early begin, the ceremony was held to invoke the rain during the dry season and as a repellent reinforcements. In this ceremony, there are several interesting attractions to see and become an annual tourism event from Banyuwangi.

Someone who elected to become a buffalo man in this ceremony should be dressed to resemble buffalo (Kebo), which was given horns and black color throughout the body. It symbolizes that the buffalo is a powerful beast and become the foundation of the community who are farmers. Kebo-keboan is implemented in almost every Osing village in the Singojuruh district, such as Alasmalang and Aliyan village. In Aliyan Village, determining whose the Buffalo man is not determined by traditional leaders, but the ancestral spirits who choose anyone who becomes keboan. While in Alasmalang, villagers who becomes the buffalo man chosen by Alasmalang village indigenous leaders.


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first kebo keboan occur when banyuwangi got pagebluk disease. in that time many villagers are got sick and many plant attack by pest. many villagers starving and die because of mysterious disease(Pagebluk).

In the critical condition, a village elder named Mbah Karti meditating on the hill. During meditation, mbah Karti is getting advice. It contained, residents were told to hold a ritual kebo-keboan and magnify Dewi Sri, or is believed to be a symbol of prosperity. Wonders appear when residents held kebo-keboan ritual. Sick people suddenly healed. Pests that attack rice plants vanished. Since then, the ritual kebo-keboan preserved. They fear stricken when not performing.


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Kebo keboan held on Krajan, Alas Malang vilage, District Singojuruh, every 10 suro (10 Muharram)

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Pawang & Dewi Sri

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Kebo - Keboan

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