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Assemblies, Instruments and Systems for Measurement, Control, Regulating, Testing, Calibrating of Pressure Mass flow Volume flow Flow rate Leakage Permeability SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS E2007 Catalogue

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Special Instrument


  • Assemblies, Instrumentsand Systems

    for Measurement, Control,Regulating, Testing, Calibrating


    PressureMass flow

    Volume flowFlow rate







    ial i



    ts G



    07 C



  • Dear customer,

    Our catalogue still is our most important salesinstrument. Despite the internet and new mediawe hold on to having a printed catalogue, sinceit creates the first tangible connections to pro-spective customers and maintains the ties tocompanies who have been buying from us foryears.Our manufacturing and delivery programmeaddresses all customers dealing with measu-ring, inspection and control technology for airand gases. On 64 pages you will find ourextensive programme of instruments and sen-sors. Many new instruments have been added,others have been improved substantially.

    In the field of portable hand-held measuringinstruments especially there is lots of news. Inthis catalogue we introduce a new generationof portable pressure and flow measuring instru-ments in a unique design. All of the series 3instruments feature a microprocessor. Thismeans enhanced accuracies, a data communi-cation interface and functions that previouslywere impossible. Prepare for surprise!

    Like previous editions, this new catalogue con-tains much additional information apart frommere product descriptions and ordering data.Explanations concerning physical principlesand application techniques as well as manytables and diagrams will certainly help you toselect the appropriate instrument. I hope not tohave promised too much.

    I wish much success for your projects in moredifficult times ...

    Your Peter BinderManaging Director and Proprietor of SI

    Our new catalogue E2007 does not indica-te pricing.

    Please request a pricelist by E-mail. It con-tains all Euro pricing for our instrumentsand services.

    This extended catalogue replaces the52page E 2000 catalogue.

    Technical properties and prices are sub-ject to change without notice.

    Digima is a registered trademark of SI-special instruments GmbH.

    Catalogue version 1.1 (issued 03/2007)


    The following symbols will help you to find yourway in this catalog.

    Marks new SI products, that appear in this catalogue for thefirst time.

    Identifies a registered trademarkof SI or another company.

    The colours used in the catalogue will help you to find thedesired product quickly:

    gray General informationyellow Pressure measurementred Pressure controlbrown Accessoriesblue Flow rategreen Flow volumemint Calibration, servicesorange Test instrumentspurple Software


    About this Catalogue ...

    Please use our reply card to request detailed information and pricelists!

  • Topical Table of Contents

    www.specialinstruments.com 3

    General Information Page

    About this catalogue 2Table of contents, illustrated 4About our company ... 6We are represented in ... 63Compact terms of delivery 63Ordering options 63

    Pressure Measurement

    Pressure measurement/basics 8Conversion table for pressure engineering units 9Normal pressure table 13

    Digital Pocket Pressure Gauges

    Instrument selection table 10Digima Junior 10Digima Premo 2 11Digima Premo 3 12Digima UNI 3 13

    Built-In Digital Pressure Gauges

    Instrument selection table 15Built-in pressure gauges, DIN front panelDigima FP 14Digima FP auto zero 15Digima Champion N 15Build-in pressure measuring boards for 19 racksDigima FP 19 auto zero 16Twin-channel pressure measuring board 17

    Pressure Transducers

    Instrument selection table 18General information about pressure transducers, standard signals and display instruments for these 18Function principle of an inductive pressure transducer (LVDT) 24

    Pressure transducers for air and gases in2-wire technologyPressure transducer module, type 4 19Type 4CL in housing 20Type 4CL for standard rail mounting 20

    Pressure transducers for air and gases in3-wire technologyDifferential pressure transducer diff-cap 20Barometric transmitter baro-cap 20AP in IP 65 housing 21clic for standard rail mounting 21

    Twin-pressure switch clicfor standard rail mountingwith 2 additional trip points 21Pressure transducer, suitable for liquidsStainless steel pressure transducer ATMwith standard signal output 22explosion-protected 23for high temperatures 23

    Stainless steel pressure transducer DTMwith serial interface 23Stainless steel pressure transducer DRSfor low differential pressures,with high overload capacity 24


    Engineering units converter 25Pressure drop calculation 25


    Tubes, connectors, cases,batteries, power supplies ... 26

    Pressure Calibration Equipment

    Hand-held test pumps 27Calibration case for general applications 28Calibration case for blood pressure measuring devices 28Pressure reference instrument Digima ULTRA 29

    Flow Rate Measurement

    Basic principles of pitot tube measurement 30Prandtl-type pitot tubes 30Micromanometer LPU 3, electronic 31

    Air Flow Measurement

    Basics 32Conversion table for flow 33Table of standardized gas conditions 33

    Air Flow Measurement

    Basic principles of measurement withlaminar flow elements (LFE) 34Laminar flow elements 35References to evaluation units 35

    Mass Flow Measuring Instruments

    Basics of calorimetricmass flow measurement 36Instrument selection table 36DIN front panel installation preflo FP 37H-type transducer 37Portable instruments preflo 3 38Portable leak calibrator preflo 3 39red-y transducer compact 40red-y transducer smart 41Novaflo transducer 42

    Mass Flow Controllers (MFC)

    red-y MFC 41Novaflo MFC 43

    Calibration Services

    Basics 44

    Traceable works calibrationfor pressure, volume flow and mass flow of air 45DKD calibrations for pressure measuring instruments 45

    Mechanical Pressure Regulators

    Mechanical pressure regulators by BelloframPrecision pressure regulator for excess pressure 46Precision pressure regulator high flow 47Precision pressure regulator for vacuum 49Pneumatic pressure transmitters and booster valves 48

    Electronic Pressure Regulators

    EPC 1000 system 50Bellofram Series 2000 51Motor-controlled type 10 51

    Servo Valves

    Modular pressure and flow controllersGeneral information about Kolvenbach valves 52Preferred programme 53

    Leak Testers

    Automatic leak testerSlipstream method NSM 1 54Portable, manually operatedleak tester NSM1-Junior 55Test modules in 19 rack 55

    FlowAnalyser PF 300

    ...for test and certification ofrespirators 56Multigas analyser sensor 56Test lung SmartLung 57

    Problem Solutions and Systems

    Development, design and productionof customised devicesExamples 58

    Display units for standard signals

    General information about standard signals 60Built-in digital instruments forfront panel installation 96 x 48 mm 61


    Repairs, service andrecalibration 62

    Ordering Information ...

    Our representatives 63Compact terms of delivery 63Ordering options 63

  • Table of Contents, Illustrated


    Page 10 Digital pocket pressure gaugeDigima junior

    Page 11 Digital pocket pressure gaugeDigima premo 2

    Page 12 Digital pocket pressure gaugeDigima premo 3, UNI 3

    Page 14 Build-in digital pressure gaugeDigima FP

    Page 16 Digital pressure gauge indesktop housing Digima FP

    Page 16 Pressure measuring boards in Euroformat with auto zero function

    Page 17 Pressure measuring boardsin Euro format, 19 rack

    Page 19 Pressure transducer moduleType 4

    Page 20 Pressure transducer 4CL Page 20 Pressure transducer DiffCap Page 20 Pressure transducer BaroCap Page 21 Pressure transducer clicfor standard rail mounting

    Page 21 Twin-pressure switch clicwith 2 limit values

    Page 21 Pressure transducer APEnclosure type IP 64

    Page 22 Pressure transducer ATMscrew in-type, stainless steel

    Page 23 Pressure transducer ATMhigh temperature version

    Page 24 Diff. pressure transducer DRShigh overload capacity, stainless steel

    Page 25 Software, CDpressure drop, units calculator

    Page 26 Accessories, tubes, connectors,cases, batteries, power supplies...

    Page 27 Hand-held test pump Type Vario

    Page 27 Hand-held test pump Type LPP 30

    Page 27 Hand-held test pump Type 29 Page 28 Calibration case DKG 4 general andfor blood pressure measuring devices

    Page 29 Pressure reference instrumentDigima ULTRA

  • www.specialinstruments.com 5

    Page 30 Prandtl-type pitot tubesstainless steel version

    Page 31 Electronic Micromano-meter Digima LPU 3

    Page 31 Electronic Micromano-meter Digima LPU 3-profiline

    Page 34 Laminar flow elements (LFE)(pneumotachographs)

    Page 37 Calorimetric mass flowinstrument type preflo FP

    Page 37 Calorimetric mass flowtransducer preflo H-Type 2

    Page 37 Calorimetric mass flowtransducer preflo H-Type 20

    Page 38 Portable mass flow instrumenttype preflo 3

    Page 38 Leak calibrator preflo3P Page 40 Calorimetric MFTred-y compact, batt. oper.

    Page 41 Calorimetric MFT + MFCred-y smart

    Page 42 Calorimetric MFT+ MFC typeNovaflo up to 2000 Nl/min

    Page 42 Calorimetric MFT Novaflo7500 Nl/min, low delta p

    Page 45 Calibrations services forpressure and air volumes

    Page 47 Mech. precision pressure regulators, type Bellofram

    Page 48 Mechanical pressure regulatorBooster valves, type Bellofram

    Page 49 Motor-operated pressure regu-lating valve 10, type Bellofram

    Page 50 Electronic pressure regulatorsEPC 1000 system

    Page 51 Electronic pressure regulatorSeries 2000, type Bellofram

    Page 52 Servo valves and pressureregulating valves by Kolvenbach

    Page 54 Autom. leak tester NSM1slipstream method

    Page 55 Portable leak tester NSM1slipstream method

    Page 56 FlowAnalyser PF 300 fortest of respirators

    Page 60 Process displays for standard signals in 96 x 48 mm housing

  • About Our Company ...


    As the proprietor and general manager of SI Iam often asked to come for a visit, beforecustomers decide to build a business relation-ship with us.

    During such visits people always are interestedin those details that are not written anywhereor can be read between the lines at best. Thatis why I have decided to pass on a little moreinformation about SI in this catalogue than isgenerally done. It allows potential and currentcustomers to learn more about SI. I hope thisinformation will aid you in assessing us as asupplier.

    More than 25 years ago I founded our compa-ny in Metzingen, Germany. Many a companyhistory starts in a garage. Mine began on thekitchen table. With the development of a porta-ble digital pressure gauge and the trademarkDigima I managed to start up my busi-ness. 1983 I moved to Nrdlingen. Here thecompany developed continuously, becausetime was ripe for innovative sensor technologyand special measuring instruments. Now weemploy about 10 people. Three of them are

    apprentices. For a number of years we havecontinuously trained industrial electronics andbusiness clerks.

    My employees are well trained specialists, andall of them come from this region of Germany.People here do not move very often and areloyal. Most of them therefore have beenemployed with SI-special instruments GmbHfor more than 10 years. My company and youas its customer are profiting from such conti-nuity.

    Over the past years, my staff and I have deve-loped numerous products around pressureand flow. Our new extended E2007 cataloguepresents our versatile program and may con-tain just the solution for your application.People keep asking me how I achieve so muchwith such a small company. My reply is part ofthe company philosophy:

    Small companies have to learn from the large,without repeating their mistakes!

    Development, final assembly, calibration andquality assurance are all inhouse. Everythingelse, however, that lies outside our core com-petence, is handled by strong partners andsuppliers.

    Since 1998 we are operating on the basis of aquality management system according to ISO9001. For all instruments supplied by us wecan also offer inhouse calibrations. For theworks calibrations of our instruments, we usetraceable reference standards which are sub-ject to regular control of inspection, measuringand test equipment. This allows issuing workscertificates to ensure the accuracy of yourmeasuring and test instruments.We guarantee proper functioning of all instru-ments manufactured by us. Additionally we willrepair older instruments provided their mainte-nance is economically sensible.

    Since we utilize materials from proficient sup-pliers, we have also extended our delivery pro-gramme to include instruments and services ofother high-quality manufacturers. For the mostpart these are products we have successfullyemployed in special solutions before. Thus wecan today offer a full range of products from asingle source. The delivery programme of SI-special instruments GmbH thus certainly isunmatched in the measuring and regulatingdevice market. And we endeavor to maintain areasonable price level for our special offer.

    In Germany we will supply to you directly fromNrdlingen. Outside Germany you will be supp-lied by our foreign representatives (see catalo-gue page 63). Contacting SI and our salesrepresentatives you can rest assured that wewill take care of your technical problems. Wewill advise you competently and serve youcourteously. This customer oriented attitudehas made us grow and it has been a key fac-tor in our business success. As the generalmanager of SI I will continue to cultivate thisbusiness principle in the future.

  • www.specialinstruments.com 7

    Our company is located in Nrdlingen a smalltown in north-western Bavaria. On a map, youwill find us at the centre between Stuttgart,Nuremberg and Munich. From the A7 motor-way, Nordlingen is reached within half an hour.

    In 2001 we moved from Henkersgasse toStrelgasse 2. We bought and renovated anold town house. It offers more space for bothmanagement and production. Future expan-sion of the company have thus become possi-ble.

    These new premises as the previous ones arelocated at the heart of the romantic medievalpart of town. The complete city wall with anuninterrupted walkway is unique in Germany.Visit us! A sketch outlining the way is found onour website.The URL is:http://www.specialinstruments.com

    From the start we have endeavoured to keepour company website up to date in bothGerman and English. In the future we plan tomake all our datasheets available in PDF for-mat for download in additon to the catalogue.All employees have their own e-mail addres-ses, which are found on our home page. Forgeneral correspondence please use the follo-wing e-mail address:[email protected]

    As stated above the company trains apprenti-ces in business operations and production.Additionally, we offer internship opportunitiesnow and then.

    Instruments made by SI are not only sold andused in Germany, but around the world. Themost important fields of application are:

    Training and research

    Automotive industry


    Chemistry and laboratory

    Food stuffs


    Medical apparatus

    Military applications

    Ship building

    Special machinery

    The professional association of our branch iscalled AMA, Fachverband fr Sensorik e.V.We are a member of this association. It aims tochannel the diverse currents in the sensorindustry and to make the results transparent tocustomers. One platform used to achieve thisis the SENSOR exhibition in Nuremberg, heldevery two years.

    SI is always represented there and on nume-rous other special fairs. During the last fewyears we found, however, that the cost/perfor-mance ratio of such fair participations hasdeveloped negatively. As a visitor you may havegained a similar impression.

    In 2006 we celebrated our 25th companyanniversary. That makes us a little proud andinspires optimism, especially since times havebecome harder to deal with.

    Let me assure you:

    Also in the years to come we will endeavour tooffer a special, high-performance programmeat reasonable prices!

    Take advantage of it!





  • Pressure Basics


    Besides temperature, pressure is one of themost important physical variables measured inresearch and technical applications. SI-specialinstruments has been making measuring instru-ments for pressures for 25 years. During thistime we have developed numerous instrumentsfor special applications and supplied these tocustomers. Most measuring instruments traceonly one pressure, check an adjusted tolerancevalue, and output an alarm signal if that is des-ired.

    However, intelligently employed pressure measu-rement allows to do much more than that. Somemeasuring tasks can be achieved by measuringpressure. The solution to the problem often is nota hand, because pressure is not considered adescriptive status value, but an auxiliary physicalvalue.

    The following is a list of numerous applicationsin which pressure measuring instruments of SIhave been employed. It is a random selectionand is not all inclusive.

    Flow volume measurement

    with orifice plates, throttles, venturi tubes,pitot tubes

    with laminar flow elements (LFE)

    Principle: Measurement of differential pressureon throttles. Conversion to standard conditionsby additional measurement of the absolute pres-sure.

    Filling level measurement

    from test tube to artificial lake, from depth ofthe sea to water level of a well

    in open and closed containers,even in pressurized containers

    bubbling-through measurement in case ofcontamination risk

    Principle: Measurement of hydrostatic pressu-re of fluid.

    Density measurement of fluids

    online measurement in processes

    Principle: Change of differential pressure oftwo pressure transducers installed at differentheights.

    Measurement of weight and force

    load weight measurement on hydraulicforklifts and hoists

    pressing force measurement on presses

    Principle: A formula connects weight and force topressure acting on the hydraulically active crosssection.

    Distance measurement

    interior diameter test with test pins pneumatic limit switches peak-to-valley height (roughing depth) mea-


    Principle: Back pressure measurement on sur-faces subjected to flow.

    Measurement of heights and height diffe-rences up to < 1/100 mm

    electronic version of the classic hose levelused in building construction, interior con-struction, gardening and landscaping.Allows levelling even around corners

    inclination measurement on tunnel drillingmachines for constant drop

    alignment of large machines monitoring of settling processes on

    buildings, bridges and foundations monitoring of tectonic

    shifting, volcanic activity etc.

    Principle: Measurement of hydrostatic pressu-re or differential pressure of fluid columns.

    Absolute pressure measurement in theatmosphere

    local altitude, flight altitude climbing and descent speed

    (variometer) weather activity

    Principle: Absolute pressure measurement of theatmospheric column or its differential.

    Tightness inspection

    of containers, bottles, canisters andgas consuming devices

    of piping air efficiency of rooms sufficient combustion air supply

    (TRGI 86)

    Principle: Measurement of pressure rise ordrop versus time.

    Mechanic durability test

    of welding seams of medicalexpendables

    of welding seams of foodpackages

    of glued parts

    Principle: Peak value measurement of burstingpressure

    Monitoring of contamination

    on air filters of any size

    Principle: Measurement of differential pressureacross test item


    of paper, cardboard, textiles of soil samples, bottoming

    Principle: Measurement of differential pressureacross sample

    Size of pores

    of filter materials, (bubble-point test)

    Principle: Measurement of pressure changewhen wet pores are pressurized to force thefluid out

    Volume measurement

    measurement of interior volume andcombustion chamber volume of combustionengines

    Principle: Compare measured value to pressureof a reference volume, application of the gas law

    1000 mp abs = 900 mbar

    p abs = 1000 mbar

    100 m p abs = 11 barp rel = 10 bar

  • www.specialinstruments.com 9

    To simplify the conversion of engineering unitsused in pressure measurement, we have provi-ded the conversion table above. It allows quickconversion from popular to rather unusual unitsof measure.Additionally, we offer a smart software for thispurpose. On page 25 of this catalog you will findthe ultimate conversion programme for units ofmeasure.For little money this programme converts mostunits of measure used in physical technical appli-cations.

    SI-special instruments does not manufacturesensors, but integrates sensors of reknown sup-pliers into its products. Pressure transducers areequipped with housings and pressure connec-tions adapted to practical application. Measuredvalue amplifiers and analog or digital interfacesare added. Some instrumens are fitted with ameasured value display.The result is a host of assemblies, instrumentsand systems for a wide range of measuringtasks.

    All units are subject to consistent quality assu-rance, are adjusted and calibrated to the measu-red value or engineering unit required. Referencestandards used for calibration are certified byDKD and are monitored.

    We have accumulated considerable applicationknow-how gained in numerous projects. Andwere pleased to pass these experiences on toother customers. Rest assured that you will becompetently advised concerning the measu-ring task at hand and the proper selection ofequipment required to achieve it.

    If you should not find a suitable instrument in ourprogramme, we may be able to present a custo-mized solution. Just let us know! The cost gene-rally is lower than most people would expect.In the pressure measurement applicationsdiscussed in this catalogue the following pres-sure types are repeatedly mentioned

    absolute pressurerelative pressuredifferential pressure

    This catalogue lists appropriate devices foreach of these pressure types.Since the terms used for pressure types are fre-quently confused, we are giving our definitionsbelow:

    Absolute pressure measuring instrumentshave only one pressure inlet and always measu-re with reference to the absolute vacuum. Thesign of the measured value is therefore alwayspositive. Upon power-up the instrument displaysthe atmospheric pressure.100 mbar excess pressure is displayed as (airpressure + 100 mbar).

    Relative pressure measuring instrumentslikewise have only one pressure inlet, but theymeasure the pressure relative to the surroundingair. The sign of the measured value may be posi-tive (excess pressure) or negative (vacuum).Upon power-up, the instrument displays 000. Anexcess pressure of 100 mbar is displayed as+100.

    Differential pressure measuring instru-ments have two pressure inlets. They measu-re the pressure difference of the two inlets. Thesign of the measured value may be positive ornegative, depending on the relation to the refe-rence connection. A differential pressure mea-suring instrument can easily be used to measu-re relative pressure when one inlet remainsopen to atmospheric pressure. This type there-fore is a universal measuring instrument.

    Conversion table for pressure

    N/m2 bar kp/cm2 Torr mm WS psiPa daN/cm2 mbar at atm mmHg (convent.) lb/in2

    1 N/m21 Pa = 1 10-5 10-2 1.01971 0.98692 0.75006 1.01971 1.45037

    10-5 10-5 102 10-1 10-4

    1 bar1 daN/cm2 = 105 1 103 1.01971 0.98692 0.75006 1.01971 14.5037

    103 104

    1 mbar = 102 10-3 1 1.01971 0.98692 0.75006 10.1971 1.4503710-3 10-3 10-2

    1kp/cm21 at = 98.0665 0.98066 0.98066 1 0.96784 0.73555 104 14.2233

    103 103 103

    1 atm = 101.325 1.01325 1.01325 1.03322 1 760 10.3322 14.6959103 103 103

    1 Torr1 mmHg = 133.322 1.33322 1.33322 1.35951 1.31578 1 13.5951 1.93367

    10-3 10-3 10-3 10-2

    1 mmWSconven- = 9.8066 0.98066 0.98066 10-4 0.96784 0.73555 1 1.42233tional 10-4 10-1 10-4 10-1 10-3

    1 psi1 lb/in2 = 6.89475 6.89475 68.9475 7.03069 6.80459 51.7149 7.03069 1

    103 10-2 10-2 10-2 102

    Differential pressure

    Excess pressure

    Absolute pressure

    Vacuum Atmospheric pressure(barometric pressure, approx. 1013 mbar)


    Vacuum pressure

  • www.specialinstruments.com10

    Digital Pocket Pressure Gauges

    With its trademark Digima SI has madeportable digital pressure gauges popular.Meanwhile SI offers a wide range of electronichand-held pressure gauges. All units are avai-lable for differential pressure or absolute pres-sure measurement. SIs portable pressure gau-ges are characterized by the following designfeatures:Battery powered: Each device can be operatedalternatively with batteries or rechargeableNiCd batteries. The designs used are standar-dised and available around the world.Meanwhile NiMH cells reach operating timesthat equal those of alcaline-manganese cells.Integrated battery monitoring is standard in alldigital pressure gauges.LCD displays are the most energy saving mea-sured value displays. Thats why we havegenerally installed them in all our portableunits. The 7-segment display units allow aresolution of 2000 or 20000 counts. Thatexplains why they have two measuring rangestages.Most units have an analog output. It suppliesan electrical signal proportional to the pressu-re measured for processing by a printer, loggeror oscilloscope. The output signal is supplied atlow impedance and without reverse transfer. Italways is a true representation of the actualpressure curve. This holds true even of fastpressure signals, because the integrated piezoresistive pressure sensors have a respon-se time of only a few milliseconds. This isachieved by the small diaphragm surface andlow dead volume. If you do not wish this fastreponse, most of our instruments allow toselect electronic damping. A low-pass filterthen calms the digital display and the signaloutput.

    This page presents our anolog instruments.These instruments are suitable for most appli-cations.For more complex measuring tasks requiringhigher accuracy, more conformtable, signalprocessing and computer connection we offerdigital instruments. These digital pocket pres-sure gauges (Digima premo 3 and UNI 3) fea-ture a microprocessor. They are described onpages 12 and 13.

    Please note that the instruments are exclu-sively designed to measure pressure of airand other non-aggressive gases.

    If you need to measure wet media, we recom-mend using our Digima premo SR 2 withintegrated stainless steel sensor (order No.1877) or one of our Digima premo SR 2 unitswith an external stainless steel transducer forplug-in.

    Digima Junior

    This hand-held pressure gauge is our mostfavourably-priced instrument. It incorporatesthe excellent pressure transducer of the otherunits but not their measuring features. Still theinstrument can be calibrated.

    Single-range hand-held unit with integrated sensorMeasuring error max 0.5% f.s., no logger outputManual zeroing with multi-turn potentiometer.Plug-in pressure connection via quick-action couplings,enclosure type IP50

    Units are supplied including quick-action couplingsand battery

    Order-No. Measuring ranges1612 1.999 mbar / Diff.1613 19.99 mbar / Diff.1614 199.9 mbar / Diff.1615 1.999 bar / Diff.1616 7.00 bar / Diff.

    1617 199.9 mbar / Abs.1618 1999 mbar / Abs.1619 7.00 bar / Abs.

    Order-No. Options752 Traceable calibration certificate

    for pressure, one measuring rangeInitial calibration

    600 Adjustment to other measured variable

    Order-No. Available accessories2651 9V NiMH battery block

    079 Plug-in charger for 9V NiMH battery block1849 Storage and transport case

    with molded insert, small

    Digima Junior

    Unit selection tableDigital pocket pressure gauge Digima

    (high-precision portable reference unitsDigima ULTRA with an error limitof 0.02% f.s. are found on page 29)

    Accuracy 0.1 % f.s. 0.25% f.s. 0.5 % f.s.

    Pressure ranges 2 mbar 20 mbar

    200 mbar 2000 mbar

    7 bar 10 bar

    For calibration of blood pressure measuring device 400 mmHg For barometric applications 800...1200 hPa Absolute pressure Differential pressure (also for relative pressure) Relative pressure 20 bar Unit with 1 measuring range Unit with 2 measuring ranges Push-button zeroing Selectable engineering units Available for other engineering units Selectable electronic damping Connection option for plug-in power supply Analog logger output Serial interface RS 232 Enclosure type IP 64 Battery operation with 9 V block Battery operation with 2 x 1.5 V Mignon cell




    o 2

    - SR


    o 2

    - SR





    o 2

    - DR


    o 3

    UNI 3

  • Digital pocket pressure gauges, type Digimapremo 2 have been offered by us for manyyears. These pressure gauges can be suppliedfor one or two ranges. Around the world theyhave come to be part of the basic mobile equip-ment of many machine fitters and service tech-nicians, because these compact pressure mea-suring instruments are so robust and reliable.But also in laboratories and on the shop floorthese units are used successfully for testing,because users can rely on their accuracy.

    Digima premo 2-SR with ext. sensor

    To achieve this device combination, we areemploying a portable Digima premo SR asexcitation source and display unit. Its integra-ted sensor is replaced by an external passivestainless steel sensor, that is plug-connectedvia a cable to the portable premo. The stain-less steel sensor can be connected to the mea-suring point using a standard thread or to aprepared miniature measuring connection.

    This instrument series features:

    most simple operation practical accuracy sealtight housing analog signal output push-button zeroing selectable low-pass filter long battery life available with works certificate pressure connection by quick-action couplings.

    Portable, battery-operated pressure measuring circuit, 1measuring range consisting of a hand-held unit, externalsensor with thread, 2 m plug-in cable, 9V battery,measuring error max 0.5% f.s.

    Order No. Measuring ranges1880 -1.000...1.999 bar / Rel.1881 - 1.00...19.99 bar / Rel.

    1882 19.99 bar / Abs.

    Order No. Options600 Adjustment to other measured variable752 Works certificate for pressure measuring

    instrument per measuring range, initial calibration

    Order No. Available accessories for premo 2 models

    2651 9V NiMH battery block

    079 Plug-in charger for 9V-NiMH battery

    1849 Plastic storage and transport case with moldedinsert, small, space for measuring instrument and accessories

    1849 Plastics storage and transport case with molded insert, large, for the measuring instrument and more space for accessories

    Digima and premo are registered trademarksof SI-special instruments GmbH

    Digima premo 2-SRHand-held unit with integrated sensor and 1 measuringrange (single range)LCD display with range of 1999measuring error max. 0.25% f.s.

    * max. 0.6 % f.s.push-button zeroing, selectable damping,logger output, enclosure type IP 65

    Units are supplied including quick-action couplingsand battery

    Order No. Measuring ranges1620 1.999 mbar / Diff.1621 19.99 mbar / Diff.1622 199.9 mbar / Diff.1623 1999 mbar / Diff.1624 7.00 * bar / Diff.1876 10.00 * bar / Diff.

    1886 -1.00...19.99 bar / Rel.(with stainless steel diaphragm, therebyalso suitable for liquids)

    Order No. Measuring ranges1625 199,9 mbar / Abs.1626 1999 mbar / Abs.1627 7,00 * bar / Abs.

    Order No. Options600 Adjustment to other measured variable

    1654 Higher resolutionof 19999 (not for No. 1620)

    752 Traceable calibration certificate for pressure,one measuring range, initial calibration

    Digima premo 2-DRHand-held unit with integrated sensor and 2 measuringranges (dual range)LCD display with range of 1999measuring error max. 0.25% f.s.

    * max. 0.6 % f.s.push-button zeroing, selectable damping,logger output, enclosure type IP 65

    Supplied including quick-action couplings and battery

    Order No. Measuring ranges1628 1.999/ 19.99 mbar / Diff.1629 19.99/ 199.9 mbar / Diff.1630 199.9/ 1999 mbar / Diff.1631 7.00 * bar / Diff.1878 10.00 * bar / Diff.

    1722 -1.999....19.99 bar / Rel.(with stainless steel diaphragm,therefore also suitable for liquids)

    Order No. Measuring ranges1632 199.9/ 1999 mbar / Abs.1633 1.99/ 7.00 * bar / Abs.

    Order No. Options600 Adjustment to other measured variable

    2507 Traceable calibration certificatefor pressure, two measuring rangesinitial calibration

    www.specialinstruments.com 11

    Digital pocket pressure gauge Digima premo 2

  • Digital Pocket Pressure Gauges


    The series 3 instruments...

    ... are new in our programme. This new instru-ments series will replace the current premo 2devices.The new instruments incorporate a micropro-cessor. This allows unit functions that were pre-viously impossible or could only be achievedwith substantial effort. The technology of thehardware and software is identical in all ournew hand-held measuring instruments. Thisnew device type is also incorporated in ourmicromanometers LPU3 and in the air flowmeasuring instruments preflo 3.The new instruments retain the proven qualitiesof the previous series of hand-held pressuregauges. Special attention was given to leavingthe operating procedures as they were. You willnot really notice that an intelligent computerchip is now working in the background.Data processing in a hand-held unit primarilymeans that the accuracy of measurementimproves and that measured values can becommunicated via a data interface.

    Improved accuracyThanks to a linearisation function we can offereven more accurate pressure measuringinstruments than before. Before shipment,each series 3 unit is crosschecked using high-precision reference units. Deviations from theideal characteric curve are detected and savedin the form of a correction value. The errorlimits indicated are thus always met.The resolution is 20000 counts. The last digitcan be shut off.

    Data interfaceThe units offer a real bi-directional RS 232 inter-face operating at 19200 baud. It is protectedagainst overvoltage and failures (ESD). This seri-al interface allows to read out the entire displaycontents (measured value, decimal point, signand measured variable). Additionally, all func-tions of the instrument can be remote-controlledvia this digital interface. A command interpreterfor this purpose is provided. If you plan to inte-grate the instrument into an automatic measu-ring station, you will appreciate this feature.

    Power supplyThe new series 3 units are supplied with 3 Vdirect current. Two 1.5 V Mignon cells (AA)allow an operation time of more than 80 hours.If you decide to use rechargeable NiMH cells ofthe same size, this will save some money in thelong-run and is a contribution to environmentalprotection by reduction of the amount of con-taminants.

    As standard, the unit can be supplied via a jackconnector in stationary operation. When apower supply unit is connected, the integratedbattery supply is automatically switched off.

    The integrated sensor assemblyA piezoresistive, temperature-compensatedpressure sensor and the measuring amplifierare designed with SMD components screwedto an aluminium block. This design is mechani-cally stable and results in minimal dead volumeat the pressure connections. Two M5 threadsare provided on the sensor assembly. Theseare the pressure ports. As standard, they arefurnished with connecting elements for quick-action couplings. If you are using different tubeconnectors, the connecting elements can bereplaced easily.

    The basic pressure measuring variable is baror mbar. Two further measured variables areprovided for and are computed, displayed, andoutput via the signal outputs upon input ofnumeric conversion factors.

    Analog signal outputIf you are using line plotters, an analog outputsignal is just what you need. The 1 V signal isprovided at 4 mm banana jacks at low impe-dance and without reverse transfer. It is asaccurate as the digital display. If the partialrange is selected, the full 1 V signal is alsoavailable for the partial range.

    Damping of the measured value signalIf the measured pressure fluctuates, e. g. incase of a turbulent flow, this results in a wrig-gly display or signal output. The series 3 unitsallow calming of the measured value signal byactivating a damping function. Numeric avera-ging allows for this.

    Digima premo 3Hand-held instrument with integrated sensor and 1 mea-suring rangeLCD display (7-segment) with flags

    Measuring error in partial range 10...100% < 0.25% f.s.Measuring error in partial range 0... 10% < 0.025 f.s.

    Units are supplied including quick-action couplingsand battery

    Order No. Measuring ranges2224 20.000 mbar/ Diff.2225 200.00 mbar/ Diff.2226 2000.0 mbar/ Diff.2227 10.000 bar/ Diff.

    2230 -1... 20.000 bar/ Rel.(with stainless steel diaphragm, therebyalso suitable for liquids)

    2228 2000.0 mbar/ Abs.2229 10.000 bar/ Abs.

    Order No. Options2508 Traceable calibration certificate for both

    partial ranges Digima premo 3initial calibration

    2509 Supply of series 3 instrument inrobust casted aluminium housing

    Digital pocket pressure gauge Digima UNI 3

  • www.specialinstruments.com 13

    Digima UNI 3Hand-held instrument with integrated sensor and 1 mea-suring range, LCD display (7-segment) with flags

    Measuring error in partial range 10...100% < 0.1% f.s.Measuring error in partial range 0... 10% < 0.025 f.s.

    Supplied including calibration certificate, quick-action couplings and battery

    Order No. Measuring ranges2233 20.000 mbar/ Diff.2234 200.00 mbar/ Diff.2235 2000.0 mbar/ Diff.2236 10.000 bar/ Diff.

    2739 -1 20.000 bar/ Rel.(with stainless steel diaphragm, thereforealso suitable for liquids)

    2231 +400.0 mmHg/Diff.Instrument for calibration of blood pressure measu-ring instruments (engineering unit mmHg/torr/mbar)According to the requirements of the guideline forMetechnische Kontrollen von Medizinproduktenmit Mefunktion (LMKM) as well as the Medizin-produkte Betreiber Verordnung (MPBetreibV)

    2232 800.01200.0 hPa / Abs.Instrument for measurement of barometric airpressure (hPa/ mbar/ inWG)

    2237 2000.0 mbar/ Abs.2238 10.000 bar/ Abs.

    Order No. Options2509 Supply of series 3 instruments in a robust casted

    aluminium housing

    Interface converterAs mentioned above these units include an RS 232 interface. This interface type and itsprogramming are still the industrial standardamong technical or scientific users. If yourcomputer system should not support an RS232interface, we can supply an interface cableincorporating an interface converter. Pluggedinto the connecting cable, this adapter makesthe two standards compatible.

    2510 Interface cable with 9pole SUB D-plug male to USB plug. Cable length 120 cm.The interface converter is excited via the USBplug.

    Pressure calibrator DKG-4

    The portable pressure calibrator DKG-4 iscomprised of the calibration case and a digitalpressure gauge Digima UNI 3. The design ofboth components has been adapted to oneanother, but if necessary, they can also be usedindividually. The calibration case is suitable forall calibration tasks up to a pressure of max.1 bar above atmospheric pressure. The requi-red test pressure is adjusted statically using ahand pump and a variable bellows system. Thehand pump is used for coarse pressure adjust-ment. The bellows system allows very fine vari-

    ations of the test pressure. The volume of themetallic bellows is adjusted using a handwheel and spindle. Even lowest pressures in thembar range can thus be adjusted easily (for furt-her information about DKG-4 please refer tocatalogue page 28).

    Order No.2335 DKG-4 Calibration case

    with manual pressure generation and a slotfor a battery-operated digital pocket pressuregauge Digima UNI 3

    Diverse accessories are available for thedigital pocket pressure gauges type premo3 and UNI 3.

    Order No.2511 Package with 2 pcs. 1.2 Volt NiMH rechargeable

    battery, capacity: 2300 mAh, international sizeLR 6 (Mignon) charge and go type,for 15 minutes charging time

    2512 Plug-in charger for 2 pcs. 1.2V rechargeablebattery NiMH, charge and go type, wide-rangepower supply unit, 120...240 VAC, 50...60 Hz,incl. 2 pcs. rechargeable battery

    1849 Plastic storage and transport casewith molded insert, smallfor the measuring instrument and some accessories.

    1182 Plastic storage and transport casewith molded insert, large; for the measuringinstrument and more space for accessories.

    2250 Wide-range plug-in power supply (100..240 VAC),stabilised 3.3 VDC with jack connector

    2249 Interface cable RS232 SUB D 9,female to round connector on unit, 5 m long.

    General accessories (tubes, tube connectorsetc.) are found on page 26

    Normal pressure values vs geometric height acc. to DIN

    0 m corresp. to 1013.2 hPa 1200 m corresp. to 877.2 hPa100 m corresp. to 1001.3 hPa 1400 m corresp. to 856.0 hPa200 m corresp. to 989.5 hPa 1600 m corresp. to 835.3 hPa300 m corresp. to 977.7 hPa 1800 m corresp. to 814.9 hPa400 m corresp. to 966.1 hPa 2000 m corresp. to 795.0 hPa500 m corresp. to 954.6 hPa 2200 m corresp. to 775.4 hPa600 m corresp. to 943.2 hPa 2400 m corresp. to 756.3 hPa700 m corresp. to 931.9 hPa 2600 m corresp. to 737.5 hPa800 m corresp. to 920.8 hPa 2800 m corresp. to 719.1 hPa900 m corresp. to 909.7 hPa 3000 m corresp. to 701.1 hPa

    1000 m corresp. to 898.8 hPa 3200 m corresp. to 638.4 hPa

    ... well protected and stored

    Measuring instrument in robust housing

    DKG-4 Calibration case

    Interface USB RS232

  • Built-In Digital Pressure Gauges


    In the electronic pressure gauges of the FPseries, pressure sensor, measuring amplifier, digi-tal display and signal output are integrated in onecompact unit ready to be installed. In the highaccuracy class, especially, and in the low pres-sure range, these electronic pressure measu-ring instruments have meanwhile become theindustry standard. Profit from:

    higher accuracy and resolution clearer read-off delay-free conversion high insensitivity to overload a signal output for the measured value simple limit value generation low-cost special scaling

    Built-in digital pressure gauges by SI are characterized by the following design features:The pressure sensor is permanently installed inthe digital pressure gauge. The pressure isconnected to the instrument by means of atube. Therefore, this device type is the bestchoice for applications involving air. For fluids,aggressive media and high pressure, the com-bination of a transmitter and an excitation/display unit is the more practical and safersolution. If nothing else is stated, all electronicpressure gauges operate with piezo-resistivepressure sensors, that is, the measuring dia-phragm is made of the semiconductor materi-al silicon.Please note that these sensors must be usedexclusively for air or other non-corrosive gases!A Wheatstone-type measuring cell is edgedonto the diaphragm. When the diaphragm isdeformed under pressure, the measuring celloutputs a signal proportional to the pressureapplied. After precise amplification, you receivea standard level voltage or current signal forevaluation by your instruments and systems.Depending on the instrument type, the measu-red values are displayed by an LCD or LEDdisplay. LED displays are red and can be readoff even in complete darkness. All built-in pres-sure gauges can be operated on a 24 V directcurrent supply. Generally, operation on a 220 Vsupply is possible alternatively. Built-in digitalpressure gauges by SI are available in two sha-pes.

    For universal application in devices and plants,units in DIN housings have proven practical. Allyou need to install them, is a rectangular cut-out in the front panel of the device. The instru-ment is then held in place by retaining clamps.The circuit board with partial front panel ismeant for installation in a 19 rack assemblysystem.

    Digima FP

    It has been designed as a front panel instru-ment with DIN dimensions. Requiring littlespace, the unit can be enhanced with optionalfunctional modules. This allows to configure aproblem-oriented device for the measuring andmonitoring task at hand.A wide range of measuring ranges for differen-tial and absolute pressure measurement areavailable. And if needed, we are pleased tomeet your special requirements and supply aunit for different engineering units, measuringranges or with higher resolution. In addition tothe digital display, a standard level signal out-put is always available for external processingof pressure values.

    Built-in unit with integrated sensor and 1 measuring rangeMeasuring error max. 0.25 % f. s.

    *max. 0.5 % f. s.

    Basic unitsInclude the pressure transducer inDIN housing 96 x 48 mm, incl. retaining clamps,24 V DC supply power, LCD display andvoltage output 10 Volt

    Order-No. Measuring ranges265 19.99 mbar/Diff.266 199.9 mbar/Diff.267 1999 mbar/Diff.270 -1..10.00* bar/Diff.

    1889 8001200 mbar/Abs.268 1.999 bar /Abs.605 10.00* bar /Abs.

    Order-No. Options606 Line power 220 VAC607 Current output 020 mA

    608 Current output 420 mA1654 Digital display with higher

    resolution (19999)

    609 Limit value switch, 1 trip point externally adjustable, relay output,floating switch-over contact,2 A switching capacity

    610 Limit value switch, 2 trip points externally adjustable, relay outputs,one normally open contact each, 0.5 A switching capacity

    611 Square root extracting amplifier617 Display/signal damping

    (low pass of 2nd order)

    Small built-in unit, front panel 96 x 24 mm,with integrated sensor and 1 measuring range,no extension possible.

    Measuring error max. 0.25 % f. s.*max. 0.5 % f. s.

    supplied in DIN housing 96 x 24 mm, incl. retainingclamps, 3 digit LED display, 24 VDC supply power,signal output with 10 V and 0....20 mA

    Order-No. Measuring ranges1520 19.99 mbar/Diff.

    371 199.9 mbar/Diff.372 1.999 bar/Diff.

    1183 -110.00* bar/Diff.373 1.999 bar/Abs.

    1184 10.00* bar/Abs.

    Digima FP small

    Digima FP

  • www.specialinstruments.com 15

    Digima FP Champion N

    Where high measuring accuracy is required,the built-in pressure gauge Champion N with ameasuring error of only 0.1% is the right choi-ce. In addition to the analog standard signal itoffers a serial interface.

    Built-in unit with integrated sensor and 1 measuring rangemeasuring error max. 0.1% f.s.

    Supplied in DIN housing 96 x 48 mm, incl. retainingclamps, 4 digit LED display, supply power 24 VDC,tare function (not on absolute pressure instrument)signal output 010 Volt.system integration via RS 232 C interface.(RS 485-interface on request)

    Order No. Measuring ranges1521 19.999 mbar/Diff564 199.99 mbar/Diff565 1.9999 bar/Diff.

    567 1.9999 bar/Abs.

    Digima FP auto zero

    We recommend this instrument as a long-termstable unit for very low differential pressures,such as occur on pitot tubes, LFEs or throttles.This instrument eliminates zero-point pro-blems. An auto zero circuit periodically correctsthe measured result if the zero point shouldhave changed due to temperature fluctuationsor aging.

    Built-in unit with integrated sensor and 1 or 2 measuringranges, measuring error max. 0.25% f.s.

    The basic unit comprises the pressure transducer withmeasuring amplifier in a DIN housing 96 x 48 mm, incl.retaining clamps, 24 V = power supply, LCD display andvoltage output 10 Volt,current output 0...20 mAas well a selectable damping.

    Order No. Single range instruments with measuringranges from

    539 1.999 mbar/Diff.540 19.99 mbar/Diff.612 199.9 mbar/Diff.

    Order No. Two-range instruments with measuringranges from

    615 1.999 and 19.99 mbar/Diff.616 19.99 and 199.9 mbar/Diff.

    Order No. Options541 Built-in power supply 220 VAC

    (not for No. 539 and No. 615)

    746 Limit value switch with two adjustable switchingpoints, externally selectable by logic signal, relayoutput, potential-free change-over contact with 2 A switching capacity

    Applicable for all built-in digital pressuregauges Digima FP:

    Order No.600 Adjustment to other measured variable

    542 Special scaling ( x mbar = 10 Volt )

    752 Traceable calibration certificate forpressure, one measuring range, initial calibration

    2507 Traceable calibration certificate forpressure, two measuring rangesinitial calibration

    Digima is a registered trademark of SI-special instruments GmbH.

    Digima FP Champion N

    Digima FP auto zero

    Instrument selection tableBuilt-in digital pressure gauges, 24 VDC supply

    Accuracy 0.1 % f.s. 0.25% f.s. 0.5 % f.s.

    Pressure ranges 2 mbar 20 mbar

    200 mbar 2000 mbar

    10 bar For barometric applications 800...1200 hPa Absolute pressure Differential pressure Relative pressure Unit with 1 measuring range Unit with 2 measuring ranges Unit with 2 measuring channels Unit with auto zero function Front panel installation 19 boards (3 RU with partial front plate) LCD display LED display Standard signal outputs output signal possible Non-standard output signal Serial interface RS 232 Adjustable to/can be ordered for other engineering units Selectable electronic damping Available with limit value switch Available with square root extracting amplifier






    FP C






    FP s





    FP a











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    e m





  • Built-In Pressure Gauge for 19 Racks


    Desktop housing for built-in digitalpressure gauge Digima FP

    All built-in pressure gauges, type FP, can alsobe supplied in a desktop housing with linepower supply. These make for a robust test andmeasuring instrument in your workshop anddevelopment department.

    Order No. Extra charge613 Works installation of an FP unit in a

    desktop housing. Electrically wired and with ready pneumatic tubing. All signals connected toa plug. (Order the FP version with line power supply, Options No. 606) incl. all counter plugs

    614 Works installation of an FP unit asNo. 613, however, with built-in power supply 220 V AC to 24 VDC

    About variants and non standarditems

    This catalogue presents our standard program-me, that is, standard instruments with definedproperties. These products have an order num-ber and a calculated price. Generally, they canbe supplied short-term, within 1 or 2 weeks.But if you need our instruments with othermeasuring ranges or calibrated to anotherengineering unit, that is no problem. Suchchanges with calculable effort will be handledat fixed prices. This includes installation of frontpanel units in desktop housings as describedabove.

    But what if I need a combined unit for pressu-re and flow measurement in my companycolors that operates on American line supply?

    Then you still are in touch with the right peo-ple. We are not irritated or shocked by suchrequirements. As a small, flexible industrialenterprise we are geared to fulfilling your wis-hes.This is a signal of our readiness to adapt ourproducts to solve your problems. Confront uswith your problems! We will quickly and unbu-reaucratically present our quotation.

    19 technology has won a permanent position in the design of electronic measuring systems.Requiring very little space standard-size com-ponents allow building of complex systems.SI is one of the very few suppliers of electronicpressure measuring boards in Euro card for-mat. These measuring boards allow uncompro-mising integration of pressure measurementinto computerized 19 systems.

    Digima FP 19 auto zero

    This unit for low pressure applications is desi-gned as a submodule for a rack. Thanks to theauto zero function, it is stable over a longperiod of time. It incorporates the qualities ofthe built-in unit for DIN housings, but operateswith a digital error correction memory. Theauto zero function and switch-over of themeasuring ranges can be remote controlled.Thus this assembly is easily integrated intomeasuring hook-ups and test devices.

    Built-in unit with integrated sensor and 2 measuring ranges,measuring error max. 0.25% f.s.

    The unit is designed as a 3 RU high 19 submodule.it incorporates the pressure sensor, a measuring amplifier,the auto zero circuit, the signal outputs with 10 Volt and 20 mA, as well as selectable damping of the measuringoutputs. The assembly operates on a 24 VDC supply.

    Order No.575 Submodule w/out digital display,

    8 HP wide with selectable measuring ranges 1.999 mbar and 19.99 mbar

    641 Submodule w/out digital display,8 HP wide with selectable measuring ranges 19.99 mbar and 199.9 mbar

    576 Submodule with digital display,10 HP wide, 7-segment LCD display,3 digit, (1999) 10 mm highwith selectable measuring ranges 1.999 mbar and 19.99 mbar

    642 Submodule with digital display,10 HP wide, 7-segment LCD display,3 digit, (1999) 10 mm highwith selectable measuring ranges 19.99 mbar and 199.9 mbar

    Inquire for submodules w/out auto zero function

    Heavy-duty instruments for fieldapplication

    When a team of engineers travels across thecountry to measure exhaust fume emissionsprecisely under inclement weather conditions,robust measuring instruments are a must.For our customers we have packaged ourDigima FP 19 auto zero modules into arobust, watertight die-cast housing. Thisinstrument type has since made a name for itsreliability. Well be pleased to tackle your mea-suring problem, too.

    Installation in desktop housing

    Installation in desktop housing

    Digima FP 19 auto zero

  • Pressure measuring boardsin a 19 rack

    This pressure measuring board - like manyother SI products - has been developed to meeta customers request. Today this customer isusing many of these boards and measuringsystems. The application will illustrate theadvantages of this solution:

    The customer is a large manufacturer of gasheaters. During final testing each heater istested in a computer-controlled process to meetthe specified QA programme. To acquire datafrom the multiple pressure measuring points,the company opted for the following procedure.

    Use ready-wired 19 racks with many identicalslots. Connect the output signals to an interfa-ce connector. Communicate the pressure mea-suring signals to a computer via a scanner.

    Depending on the unit type to be tested, therack is equipped with standardised pressuremeasuring boards.

    The advantages of this system are:

    - excellent price-performance-ratio

    - accuracy, each board can be supplied withtest certificate

    - a large number of pressure measuring pointscan be processed on very little space

    - modular design in 19 technology with shortEuro card

    - electrical and pneumatic plug connections

    Since its introduction to the market these advan-tages have been understood and exploited bydiverse institutes and companies.

    A 2-channel pressure measuring board can besupplied with 2 pressure measuring channels. It ispossible to provide one or two channels. Thechannels may be different. (Select standard ran-ges or request customer specific range).The total price for each board is made up of basicprice and the cost of 1 or 2 pressure measuringchannels.

    Pressure measuring board in Euro card format, 3 RU, shortwith 100 mm depth, with anodised 4 HP aluminium frontpanel, labeled as equipped, 32pole connector rail accordingto DIN, front-side pressure connections with quick-action cou-plings. Supply voltage 15 VDC

    Order No.1893 Basic price for pressure measuring board

    Pressure measuring channel in three-wire technology.Signal output 0... 10V adjustable variable signal dampingby low-pass filter,measuring error max 0.25% f.s.

    *max 0.5 % f.s.

    Order No. Measuring ranges1894 2 mbar / Diff.1895 5 mbar / Diff.1896 10 mbar / Diff.1897 20 mbar / Diff.1898 50 mbar / Diff.1899 100 mbar / Diff.1900 200 mbar / Diff.1901 500 mbar / Diff.1902 1 bar / Diff.1903 2 bar / Diff.1904 -1. .10 * bar / Diff.

    1905 2000 mbar / Abs.1906 800...1200 mbar / Abs.

    atmospheric air pressure

    We also supply ready-wired racks according to your specifications.

    www.specialinstruments.com 17

    2-Channel Pressure Measuring Board

  • Pressure Transducers General Information


    Pressure transducers convert the physical vari-able pressure into an electric output signal thatis proportional to the pressure measured. Theoutput may supply a current or voltage signal.In most cases it will be a standardized signalwith defined level and adapted impedance.Standard signals allow to combine transducers,controllers, computers or stored programme con-trollers (SPC) of different manufacturers withoutincurring any problem. The standardization sim-plifies both our work as a manufacturer andyours as a designer or company operatinginstruments and systems.Voltage signals are the most uncomplicated.An output level between 010 Volts is themost popular signal used. When the distancebetween transducer and evaluating device isshort, and when there is little electromagneticinterference, the voltage signal 010 Voltscan be used without second thoughts.Current signals are generally used when thedistance between transducer and evaluatingdevice is long and when electromagnetic inter-ference is expected. Transducers with currentoutput supply a constant current related to themeasured value. The correct current alwaysflows, regardless of how high the electricalresistance of the measuring line is. Since cur-rent-driven measuring setups have less impe-dance than voltage-operated systems, noiseand interference will have considerably lessinfluence on them. The most widely used cur-rent signal level is 020 mA. You can use theadvantages of this signal even if your system isnot designed for current signals.

    Tip: Connect a 500 Ohm resistor to a high-impedance voltage input! A 20 mA signal willthen cause a voltage of exactly 10 Volt acrossthe resistor.

    More and more users realize and appreciatethe advantages of the 420 mA current sig-nal. A basic current of 4 mA represents thezero-point, while 20 mA represent the maxi-mum or 100 % value. In addition to the otheradvantages of the current signal, a current < 4 mA can be defined to mean that a line fai-lure has occurred. The most interesting advan-tage of the 420 mA signal comes into playwhen it is generated by a pressure transducerthat functions in according to the 2-wire principle.The 420 mA signal - in this case also referredto as current loop - allows to achieve excitationand signal evaluation with just two wires.

    Instrument selection tablePressure transducers, 24 VDC supply

    Accuracy 0.1 % f.s. 0.25% f.s. 0.5 % f.s.

    Total error or measured value 0.5 hPa Pressure ranges 1 mbar

    2 mbar 5 mbar

    10 mbar 20 mbar 50 mbar

    100 mbar 200 mbar

    2000 mbar 7 bar

    Diverse, between 100 mbar1000 bar For barometric applications 800...1200 hPa Asolute pressure Relative pressure Differential pressure Two-wire technology, 4... 20 mA, standard signal Three-wire technology, 0... 20 mA, 0...10 V standard signal output signal possible Non-standard output signal possible Serial interface RS 232 Selectable electronic damping Other pressure ranges/engineering units available Available with limit value switches, max. 2 pcs. Available with square root extracting amplifier For gaseous, non-aggressive media only For liquid media also, stainless steel version Tube connections Screw-in thread W/out housing Standard rail installation Enclosure type IP 65 Piezoresistive measuring cell Capacitive measuring cell Inductive measuring cell High overload capacity at high static pressure Available with explosion-protection High-temperature version available (medium temp. 150 C)





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  • Pressure Transducer Module 4

    www.specialinstruments.com 19

    For this special technique, the 4 mA basic cur-rent is used to excite the transducer.

    All other transducers operate with 3-wires. Twoof these supply the excitation of the transducer.The third conductor carries the signal output.The negative conductor of the excitation volta-ge is generally also used as signal reference.

    Unless indicated otherwise, SI products incor-porate piezoresistive sensors. For normal accu-racy and constancy requirements this techno-logy allows practical devices at an excellentprice-performance-ratio. However, if there aremore stringent requirements concerning zero-point constancy and longterm stability, the phy-sical limits of the piezoresistive sensor techno-logy will be reached. This is especially true oflow differential pressure or abolute pressuremeasurement in metrology. In such applica-tions capacitive pressure transducers are thebest choice. In these sensors, a diaphragmsystem forms an electric capacitor. When pres-sure is applied, the distance of the capacitordisks changes. The resulting change in capaci-tance makes the measuring voltage rise or fallproportional to the pressure. Sensors incorpo-rating this classic measuring principle haveunmatched characteristics and are among thebest in measuring technology.The differential pressure transducers, seriesDRS, operate with an inductive sensor system.Thanks to their construction these transducersfeature high overload capacity and due to theirmechanical design are capable of measuringlowest differential pressures at high static basepressure. (page 24)

    We offer suitable instruments for excitation anddisplay of the measured values supplied bypressure transducers. You will find differentversions of these devices in this catalogue frompage 60 on.

    If you are not an electronics engineer or desi-gner, or if you lack experience with electronicmeasuring technology, our explanations herewill certainly not be sufficient!Do not hesitate to contact us! Our staff will bepleased to help you to come to a deeperunderstanding and will competently advise youconcerning selection, planning and applicationof pressure transducers of diverse types.

    The basis for the transducer module 4 is ourpressure sensor module 1 supplying a stan-dardised output signal. We have developed itinto a 2-wire pressure transducer supplying a4...20 mA standard signal.The basic piezoresistive sensor used is excitedby a precision constant current source. Thebridge signal of the sensor is amplified by aninstrument amplifier and then converted into acurrent of 4...20 mA, which is proportional tothe pressure. Zero-point and measuring spanare externally adjusted using a potentiometer.Based on the 2-point adjustment an accuracyof 0.25% f.s. is reached.

    Pressure sensor and transducer circuit aremade in a space-saving SMD design. The prin-ted circuit is screwed to an aluminium blockand sealed with O-rings. This assembly is rug-ged and has no mechanic influence on thesensor.

    The transducer module can be directly flangedto devices or block constructions. This resultsin lowest dead volumes. Front panel installationmeeting enclosure type IP 65 is likewise possi-ble. In both installation variants the block isflanged to the unit with 2 screws and O-ringseals. The pressure source is connected at anM5 inside thread. This thread size keeps thedesign open to use of diverse connectingsystems.The available pressure ranges reach from 2 mbar to 7 bar for the differential pressureversion. Absolute pressure measuring rangesreach from 200 mbar to 7 bar.

    Transducer module, type 4, 2-wire system. (4...20 mA)Sensor, SMD print with transducer electronics, robustlyscrewed to an aluminium connection block. Pressure con-nections with M5 threads,

    Pressure sensor piezoresistiveMeasuring error 0.5% f.s.Response time t 90 =< 2 msTemperature range 0...50C, compensatedTemperature error 0.02% f.s./C

    Media all gaseous, non-aggressive media

    Supply power 10...30 VDCBurden 0...500 Ohm

    Electr. connection with 2 wires, red and bluePressure connections M5 internal thread fitted with

    connections for 4x1 tubeMech. fastening diverse M3 threads at the

    front and undersideInstallation position anyWeight 40 gramsDimensions 46.5 x 15 x 19 mm (L x W x H)

    Available standard measuring ranges / differentialpressureOrder No.2513 20 mbar / Diff.2514 50 mbar / Diff.2515 100 mbar / Diff.2516 200 mbar / Diff.2517 2 bar / Diff.2518 7 bar / Diff.

    Available standard measuring ranges / absolute pres-sureOrder No.2519 2 bar/ Abs.2520 7 bar/ Abs.

    542 Special scaling, x mbar = 420 mAor mbar = 12 8 mA

    Pressure transducer module 4

  • The pressure transducer 4CL is a sensor modu-le 4 in a rugged black anodised aluminiumcasing. The pressure connections have M5 thre-ads. In the factory they are equipped with con-nections for 4 x 1 tubes.The electrical connections are wired to an M8miniature sensor connector. We offer ready madeconnecting cables for this round connector.

    Transducer, 2-wire system (4...20 mA current loop)shielded housing, M8 sensor connectorpressure connections with M5 threads.Measuring error max. 0.25 % f.s.

    Available standard measuring ranges / differentialpressureOrder No.2521 20 mbar / Diff.2522 50 mbar / Diff.2523 100 mbar / Diff.2524 200 mbar / Diff.2525 2 bar / Diff.2526 7 bar / Diff.

    Available standard measuring ranges / absolute pres-sureOrder No.2527 2 bar/ Abs.2528 7 bar/ Abs.

    Options / accessories0542 Special scaling

    x mbar = 4 20 mA or mbar = 12 8 mA

    2529 Straight coupling M82530 Angle coupling M82531 Straight coupling with moulded on PUR line,

    2 m long2532 Angle coupling with moulded on PUR line,

    2 m long

    Installation option for standard railsThe pressure transducer 4CL can be used forfastening to standard rails, if it is ordered withthe option order No. 2533.

    2533 Mounting bracket with snap-on clip forstandard rail mounting

    We are supplying traceable works certifi-cates for any of our pressure transducersagainst payment.

    752 Traceable works certificatefor pressure, one measuring rangeinitial calibration

    Suitable devices for excitationand display are found on cataloguepages 60 and 61.

    This differential pressure transducer is equip-ped with a capacitive measuring cell. Even atlowest pressures this precision transducer func-tions with high-precision, noise free and long-term stable. We recommend to use this unit formeasurements in connection with our laminarflow elements (LFE). Thanks to its design, thistranducer is not destroyed even if the differen-tial pressure rises to 1 bar. After such highoverloading, however, the zero point must bereadjusted.

    Three-wire transducer, measuring error max. 0.25% f.s.Tempco < 0.025%/K, signal output 010 V or020 mA or 4...20 mA, Housing enclosure type IP 65

    Order No. Measuring ranges725 0,5 mbar/Diff.726 1 mbar/Diff.727 2 mbar/Diff.728 10 mbar/Diff.730 20 mbar/Diff.


    As the name already tells, this absolute pres-sure transducer is designed for the atmos-pheric air pressure range. The sensor is acapacitive system.Measuring reliable atmospheric pressure valuesis important not only for meteorologists. Sincethe absolute pressure of a gas as a status para-meter influences many physical formulas, preci-se measurement is of vital importance.

    Transducer with wide atmospheric measuring range,three-wire system, highly accurate and longterm stable,24 VDC excitation, signal output 0...5 V, total measuringerror max. 0.5 mbar. (No other versions or measuringranges are availabe)

    Order No. Measuring range731 8001060 mbar

    1324 6001060 mbar

    Pressure Transducers for Air and Gases


    Pressure transducer 4CL



  • www.specialinstruments.com 21

    Pressure transducers AP and clic

    These two transducer types are equipped withpiezoresistive pressure sensors. Both types arefurnished with a sophisticated universal elec-tronic measuring amplifier. This circuit is capa-ble of outputting a voltage and a current signalat the same time. When the pressure is nega-tive, a negative measured value is output. Avariable low-pass filter allows electrical dam-ping of pressure pulses. Additionally, specialscaling and measuring range extensions in the range are available at low cost.


    The clic pressure transducer has been desi-gned for installation on all popular assemblyrails. Electrical connections and snap-onmounting resemble those of electrical switch-gear. Thus these pressure modules can beplanned and processed just as easily. If youwant to install this inexpensive transducer out-side a control cabinet, a mounting plate can besupplied.

    Three-wire pressure transducer, 24 VDC excitation,possible signal output 10 V / 0...20 mA / 4...20 mA mea-suring error max 0.25% f.s.

    * max 0.5 % f.s.

    Order No. Measuring ranges1757 2 mbar / Diff.1758 5 mbar / Diff.1759 10 mbar / Diff.

    300 20 mbar / Diff.303 50 mbar / Diff.304 100 mbar / Diff.305 200 mbar / Diff.308 ...2 bar / Diff.309 - 1....7* bar / Diff.

    311 2 bar / Abs.312 7* bar / Abs.310 800...1200 mbar/Abs. air pressure

    Order No. Options / available accessories542 Special scaling (x mbar= full scale)

    347 Mounting bracket for installationwithout standard rail


    Our pressure transducer AP is very robust andcorresponds to enclosure type IP 65. Thisallows to install the transducer directly at thepressure measuring point, even if it meets withadverse installation and environmental condi-tions.

    Three-wire pressure transducer, 24 VDC excitation,possible signal output 10 V / 0... 20 mA / 4...20 mA measuring error max 0.25% f.s.

    * max 0.5 % f.s.

    Order No. Measuring ranges638 2 mbar / Diff.210 5 mbar / Diff.211 10 mbar / Diff.212 20 mbar / Diff.213 50 mbar / Diff.214 100 mbar / Diff.240 200 mbar / Diff.241 2 bar / Diff.

    1762 - 1......7* bar / Diff.

    242 2 bar / Abs.1763 800..1200 mbar/Abs. atmospheric air pressure

    Order No. Options542 Special scaling (x mbar= full scale)

    1907 Connector instead of terminalsand PG fittings

    619 Power supply unit for 220 VAC/24 VDCfor excitation of a transducer,IP 65 housing, flange-mounted.

    About compatibility with diverse media ...All of the pressure transducers on these twopages are suitable exclusively for measure-ment of air and other non-aggressive and non-corrosive gases. Problematic gases and liquidswill in the long run destroy the sensor and leadto faulty measuring results. The datasheets ofthe individual units contain detailed informationon this. If you are in doubt, please contact uson the problem.To measure aggressive gases or liquid media,we recommend to use transducers with mediaseparation. The separation is achieved by aseparating diaphragm and use of stainlesssteel. Choice of sealing materials adapted tothe task at hand is obligatory. Such pressuretransducers are our types ATM and DRS foundon the catalogue pages 22 to 25.

    Twin pressure switch clic

    There is an addition to our programme of pres-sure transducers for standard rail assembly. Inaddition to the analog signal output these newpressure switches feature two adjustable limitvalues. The switching points can be adjustedfinely between zero and the end of range value.Two floating switch-over contacts with 2 A/24 VDC switching capacity are integrated forswitching. The piezoresistive sensor of the unitresponds fast and with high precision. Thepressure connections have M5 threads. In thefactory they are equipped with connections for4 x 1 mm tubes.

    Versions for differential and absolute pressu-re measurement are available.

    Colour LED indicates the trip point Standard signal output 0...10 V for measuring. To aid in adjustment the voltage of the limit value

    potentiometers can be measured from outside. The hysteresis can be set at a DIP switch One channel can be inverted, to allow achie-

    ving the function of a window comparator.

    Three-wire pressure transducer, 24 VDC excitation,signal output 0...10 V, measuring error 0.25% f.s.2 independently adjustable trip pointsstandard rail mounting

    Order No. Measuring and switching ranges2534 20 mbar/Diff.2535 200 mbar/Diff.2536 2000 mbar/Diff.2537 7 bar /Diff

    2538 2000 mbar/Abs.2539 7 bar/Abs.

    Order No. Accessory347 Mounting bracket for installation

    without standard rail

    Pressure transducer clic

    Pressure transducer AP

  • Pressure Transducers Suitable for Liquids


    Screw-in transducer ATM

    In some applications a pressure transducer withmedia separation is required or is the superiorsolution technically. This is particularly true ofhigh pressure measurement, measuring of liquidor aggressive media and installations in the pro-cess environment.For all of these measuring tasks ATM transdu-cers are the best choice.

    Product properties

    Piezoresistive measuring cell for relative orabsolute pressure measurement

    Compact and robust stainless steel version1.4435 (316L)

    Measuring ranges according to the DIN linebetween 0...50 mbar and 0...1000 bar

    Special calibration to all popular measuringunits and output signals possible

    Conforms to EMC Directive 89/336/EEC

    High reliability

    Short delivery periods, even for customerspecific versions due to modular design

    Reverse voltage and short-circuit protected,with integrated surge absorber

    Transducer version for medium temperatu-res up to 150 C available

    ATM transducers are designed modularly andare custom-made to meet your specifications.The delivery periods nonetheless are short. Sojust compose your ideal transducer. The totalprice results from the price of the basic unitand the extra cost for the different optionsselected.

    Order No. Basic unit1908 Relative pressure transducer ATM1909 Absolute pressure transducer ATM

    Standard measuring ranges100 mbar160 mbar250 mbar400 mbar600 mbar

    1 bar1.6 bar2.5 bar4 bar6 bar

    10 bar16 bar25 bar40 bar60 bar

    100 bar160 bar250 bar400 bar600 bar

    1000 bar

    Order No. Charged extra2738 50 mbar/ rel. type0542 Special calibration

    (x bar = full output signal)

    When ordering be sure to indicate pressure range +connecting thread + plug type + output signal +options

    Available standard connecting threads:RP " Inside thread Fig. 1G " Outside thread Fig. 2G " Outside thread Fig. 4G " Pressure gauge DIN 16288 Fig. 3G " Pressure gauge DIN 16288 Fig. 7NPT "A Outside thread Fig. 8

    Order No. Charged extra1911 G " Diaphragm on front side Fig. 51912 G " Flush with front Fig. 6

    Available plug connectionsNew: The mating connector is includedin our scope of supply!

    Round plug Binder, 5pole Fig. 11Cube plug DIN 43650, IP65 Fig. 10

    Order No. Charged extra1913 Round plug Binder 5pole installed to screwed

    cap, allows opening of the transducer for recali-bration, enclosure type IP 67 Fig. 12

    1914 Plug to MIL C 264821915 Cable permanently connected1916 PUR cable per metre1917 Teflon cable per metre

    Available standard output signals:0.... 5 VDC Three-wire system0...10 VDC Three-wire system0...20 mA Three-wire system4...20 mA Two-wire system

    Order No. Charged extra1918 4...20 mA Two-wire system

    with overvoltage protection (lightning)

    Supplied standard accuracy< 0.5% of end of scale value

    Order No. Charged extra1920 < 0.25% of end of scale value0969 < 0.1% of end of scale value (not for transdu-

    cers with measuring range < 100 mbar)

    Standard temperature range0...70 C compensated(admissible medium temperature 0...80 C)

    Order No. Charged extra1922 - 25...85 C compensated

    (admissible medium temperature -25...100 C)1923 - 25...85C compensated

    (admissible medium temperature -25...150 C)

    Order No. Miscellaneous options1924 Throttle bore (only possible for pressure connec-

    tions shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 4, or Fig. 7)

    Order No. Additional mating connectors663 Round plug Binder, Series 723, 5pole

    1925 Plug Binder, Series 723, 5pole, IP 671926 Round plug Lumberg,1927 Cube plug DIN 43650, IP 65

    Screw-in transducer ATM

  • Screw-in Transducer ATM/ex

    These pressure transducers are required forapplication in environments entailing an explo-sion hazard.This device features the same properties as allATM 2-wire transducers, but additionally, it isapproved for application in environments withexplosion hazard due to its design with failsafeproperties according to class EEx ib IICT4. Thedefinition for this protection class is that no sparkand no thermal effect of the 420 mA currentloop may cause ignition of an explosive atmos-phere during normal operation or in case of failu-re. The application in zone 1 is approved by Kemacertificate No. Ex-92.C.9073

    Order No. Charged extra1928 ATM transducer with explosion protection

    If the medium temperatures rise above 100 C,popular pressure transducers can no longer beused, since the electronic components of themeasuring cell and the amplifier are heated upexcessively. However, with this heat sink designthe transducer can operate at a medium tem-perature of up to 150 C without incurring pro-blems.

    Order No. Charged extra1923 - 25...85 C compensated

    (admissible medium temperature -25...150 C)

    Screw-in transducer DTM

    Our stainless steel screw-in transducers arealso available with a digital serial interface. Youcan choose the classic RS232C interface forpoint-to-point connections or the RS 485 inter-face. This interface can operate on a bus andallows to address and query up to 32 transdu-cers using one computer.All DTM pressure transducers >= 0.5 bar aresupplied with a standard accuracy of 0.1%f.s.. The lower measuring ranges are only avai-lable with an accuracy of 0.25% f.s.

    DTM transducers are identified by unique seri-al numbers. Additionally the user can freelyselect his own identification. The measuredvalue integration time is adjustable in the rangebetween 1 ms and 20 s.

    Order No. Charged extra2540 Signal output RS 232 C2541 Signal output RS 485

    Typical applications for ATM and DTM transducers include: Machinery and plant systems Process industry Environmental applications Food stuffs industry Mobile hydraulics Testing and calibration

    We are supplying ATM pressure transducerswith:

    Special seals Special oil filling DIN or milk flanges As dip or level probes Integrated limit value switches

    If you require ready made connecting cables,please let us have the specification. We willbe pleased to quote on it.

    www.specialinstruments.com 23

    High-temperature version

    Electr. connections Fig.10

    Pin 2 wire 3 wire1 Pout +Vin2 n.c. GND3 +Vin Pout

    Electr. connections Fig.11

    Pin 2 wire 3 wire1 Pout GND2 n.c. Pout3 +Vin +Vin4 n.c.5 Shield


  • Pressure Transducers for Liquid Media


    The differential pressure transducers, seriesDRS, are suitable for measurement of gasesand liquids. The transducers allow measure-ment of low differential pressures at highsystem pressures. Additionally, the devices fea-ture a high overload capacity on one end.Comparable differential pressure transducerswith these qualities are much larger.For a user of differential pressure flow measu-ring instruments or manufacturer of leakagetesters based on the differential pressure prin-ciple, the product qualities mentioned will beinteresting. In such applications DRS unfoldsits advantages.

    Positive features of the DRS transducer:

    Lowest measuring range 1.6 mbar/Diff

    High accuracy(available for up to 0.1% f.s.)

    Compact design

    Low dead volumes

    Stainless steel construction

    Media separation by means of diaphragms

    Standard signal outputs

    Accuracy 0.25% f. s. (non-linearity and hysteresis)

    Electrical connectionDIN cube plug (DIN 63650)

    Pressure connections2 x 1/8" inside thread (BSP)

    Materialshousing, diaphragms of stainless steel 1.4316

    Signal outputsvoltage or current signals, linearvoltage or current signal, square root extracted

    Damping0.4 s analog RC module(longer time constant upon request)

    Dimensions55 mm diameter, approx. 150 mm long

    Excitation voltage8...30 V two-wire system

    15...30 V three-wire system

    Operating temperaturetransducer electronics -10...+70 C

    Temperature errormeasuring span ( 0....50 C) 0.02% f.s. /Kzero point ( 0...50 C) 0.02% f.s. /K

    LVDT functional principleDifferential pressure transducers, type DRS,work with an inductive measuring cell accor-ding to the LVDT principle (linear variable diffe-rential transformer). This transformer consist ofa primary and two sedondary coils which arearranged on either side of the primary coil. Themeasuring system generates a linear electricaloutput signal, if the mechanical position of acore moving inside the coils changes. Whenthe primary coil is supplied with alternatingcurrent, alternating current voltages are indu-ced in the two secondary coils. Since bothsecondary coils are switched in line with aphase shift of 180, the output signal is zerowhen the core is centered. As soon as the coreis shifted from the centre, the magnetic coup-ling between the primary and secondary coilschanges. The output voltages of the two secon-dary coils do no longer compensate one ano-ther. This results in a position related outputsignal with sign. The two separation dia-phragms of the differential pressure transducerDRS are connected. Their pressure-relatedmovements thus directly lead to a signal outputthat is proprotional to the pressure.

    Since the forces acting on the two transducerends compensate one another mechanically,high pressures may be applied to either side ofthe transducer. If one end is overloaded, thecorrugated diaphragm reaches its mechanicalend position and seals the oil filled connectingchannel between the two diaphragms. Sincethe oil filling trapped behind the diaphragmcannot be compressed, high overloading capa-city on only one end is likewise achieved.

    Cross section of differential pressure transducer

    Differential pressure transducers DRS

    P1 P2

    LVDT Output signal from core position

  • Software

    www.specialinstruments.com 25

    DRS - Type XD

    Differential pressure transducer with mediaseparation, due to materials used only suitablefor clean, non-corrosive gases

    Measuring ranges 1.6 mbar...24 mbar/Diff.

    High overload capacity, 25 bar on both endsabove 1.6 mbar measuring range 1 bar on one endabove 4 mbar measuring range 3 bar on one end above 10 mbar measuring range 5 bar on one end

    Order No. Basic unit2542 DRS/XD 10 mbar measuring range2543 DRS/XD > 10 mbar measuring range

    DRS - Type WS

    Differential pressure transducer with mediaseparation, stainless steel diaphragms, for gasesand low-viscosity liquids, wet/wet approved.Behind the diaphragm the sensor system is filledwith silicone oil.

    Measuring ranges 24 mbar...6 bar/Diff

    High overload capacity, 25 bar on both ends>= 24 mbar measuring range 5 bar on one end>= 40 mbar measuring range 10 bar on one end

    Order No. Basic unit2544 DRS/WS

    When ordering please indicate

    Output signals/linear0-5 V, 1-5 V or 0-10 V three-wire system0-10 mA, 0-20 mA three-wire system4-20 mA two-wire system

    Output signal/square-root extracted0-5 V, 1-5 V or 0-10 V three-wire system0-10 mA, 0-20 mA three-wire system4-20 mA two-wire system

    Order No. Extra for DRS options2545 Higher accuracy 0.1 % f.s.2546 Special version for hydrogen applications

    2547 Explosion protected version EEx ia II C T64...20 mA current loop(in preparation)

    2548 High-temperature version up to 150 Cmedium temperature(in preparation)

    Special versions with other specifications arepossible upon request

    Our computing software for PCs is readilyaccepted by our customers. It costs littlemoney and keeps helping you daily. The firsttime you brood over a problem, the programmeis paid. Now a new extended version of thepressure drop programme is available.

    Engineering units converter

    Conversion tables continue to be used widelyin both office and workshop. This programmeallows to convert numerous physical variablesto virtually all standard engineering units. Andits fast. Of course you will also find all popularphysical measured variables connected topressure and flow measurement as well as anumber of unknown engineering units.

    Pressure drop

    This programme offers a host of solutions to allthose who deal professionally with pressureand flow. The software aids in solving applica-tion problems safely and physically correct.Using this software you don't need to be amathematician to get correct results.Pressure drop computes pressure drop cau-sed by friction in liquids and gases flowingthrough pipes. Additionally you can computepressure changes caused by geodetic height(rising pipes) and change in the kinetic energy.Besides pressure drop in simple pipes, you canalso compute pressure drop caused by pipingelements (change in flow direction etc.) and bydiverse types of armatures (valves, expansioncompensators).The individual elements may be combined inany order and the overall pressure drop becomputed. The computing results are output toa detailed, sortable computing table or to aconcise computing display. The entire compu-ting table may be copied to a spreadsheet pro-gramme (e. g. Excel) for further processing.In computing pipes, the programme handlesboth laminar and turbulent flow patterns. Incomputing piping elements (valves etc.), onlyturbulent flow patterns can be handled.To be able to compute pressure drop, the pro-gramme needs data about the pipeline (inter-nal diameter, roughness...) and about themedia (density, viscosity).For popular pipelines and many liquids andgases this data can be adopted from severaldatabases incorporated in the programme.Part of these databases can be extended bythe user as needed. A user-defined databaseallows saving of materials data of media usedand retrieval for computing. In addition to thesebasic functions pressure drop offers the follo-wing functions:

    Rapid specification of pumps

    Database with pipe data according to diver-se DIN and AN