just a piece of realization.hihi

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  • 8/12/2019 Just a Piece of Realization.hihi


    Out of curiosity, as my head bumps and conspires with these bunch of floating ideas and vivid pictures

    of the happenings the society is offering me, the unveiling truths that laid before my very pair of eyes,

    unblinded by the reality of the wickedness of the world I am a part, exposed to the zone that might any

    moment I might as well be acquainted with and I really have to be, underestimation that must be must

    acquainted with because I also dreamt to be like them, to be vehicle of justice.

    The criminality rate is boosted neither any one of us wanted this nor will want this. But this is how

    society works. The more it gets complicated, all the more people wants to be complicated too extending

    to the point that they go against the law, go against the commandments, go against public order. But I

    somehow get confused with a thought that people go against the dictation of the society and well in

    fact, society implicates as it goes with the demand of complexities that somehow people should really

    get to the point that it goes with societal complexities. Should I blame the society? Societys dictation

    versus societys dictations is the game. Run down with the frowning thought.

    People killing people- is there really a need to let the blood shed? Where is justice? This has been a

    question in our world. We are not in a Utopian state; we are in a war freak zones, unsafe portrayals,

    betrayals run in the veins, hatred leading to massive destruction even the humanity can be at stake.

    Child, as innocent as he was, witnesses the dark pages. Good thing time is there to heal and forgive. But

    time can be so playful and cruel that in the end the child becomes a victim too and might be a captive of

    the darkness and will only find its way out if he had to adopt the brutality that flaunts before his

    innocent eyes. Blood, bruises and bandanas might soon be his game too.

    Husband, who had promised to love his wife till his last breathe ended tearing the veil of their vows, he

    found a woman better than his wife that he was caught off guarded that he let the weakness rule him.

    His heart betrayed him; all the surrounding circumstances might too. They ended up annulling their

    marriages as if its just that so easy for them to forget about their days full of colors, romance, and

    sweetness. Where were they now? The harsh result is that their children had to savor the bitter pages of

    their unsuccessful marriage. They ended questioning the reality of the existence of true and real love.

    Theyll begin their quest for true love and when they ended empty-handed of the love theyve been

    searching to they began to hate the word love. They soon know no about love to opposite gender, they

    soon protect their hearts by all means and in the end they themselves might also be the sadist and

    brutality might envelope them.

    Mine is mine; yours is yours. The real score must be like that. But at some points the game can be rivalry

    of properties and ownerships. The tragic portion is the shed of blood over the property. The grim for

    supporting the claim embraces the grave and sooner might be forgotten. Those were the ill pages that

    will haunt the memories.

  • 8/12/2019 Just a Piece of Realization.hihi


    You promised a person a value with a promise to give and settle the same however, when the demand

    time comes you will just hide and just appear when the storm seize no more. You became afraid of your

    own promise. You abandon your obligation and may be you will also just wish that the same will just be

    a list in the large ocean of brokenness. No matter how far you run you will be haunted by the monster of

    your own doing.

    You view using prohibited drugs as a cool stuff and when the police officer apprehended you, your

    oozing coolness and highness now drives you to the steel rods. Youre now behind the bars. The smoke

    of the weeds now traps you. Now, where do you want to leave your smoke?

    To have a balance ecology, is what we want to savor and of course of the generations after us. Sad to

    write in this journal those colorful and free days might leave us. We might together face the bitter strike

    of Mother Nature; the huge stab might hit us. Things might get so sudden that we leave ourselves the

    regrets that we put the balance into viciously unbalance.

    Those were the monsters of the silver sparkling steel castle, plague. Now, the foundations might be

    infected and sadly will grind down the paradise people are up to- the paradise that must enfold and

    embrace us with full healing aroma and erases the cloudy, frowning moments.

    Some would think that the paradises door might close, but in contrary to that, the door will never close

    and its only that we human chose the door for us to close, in our minds and in our hearts without

    thinking that its all because of our transgressions. Its our entire fault; the blame is ours. The door is notclose but our eyes are. The door of hope did not wipe the rainbows but we lose the hope. The door love

    has always been embracing us but we trained our hearts to get stiffened. The door of equality and

    justice and right has always been waiting for us to open our eyes, pin our hopes, unlocked our braced

    hearts. The door has never closed; but we chose to lock ourselves in the dark pages of the society.