json schema: your api's secret weapon

JSON Schema: Your API’s Secret Weapon API Craft Boston / 2016-03-10 Pete Gamache / [email protected] / @gamache

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Page 1: JSON Schema: Your API's Secret Weapon

JSON Schema: Your API’s Secret Weapon

API Craft Boston / 2016-03-10 Pete Gamache / [email protected] / @gamache

Page 2: JSON Schema: Your API's Secret Weapon

JSON SchemaDescribes the structure of JSON data using a JSON-based language



Great at nested objects

Generally treated as documentation

Good library support, though

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Example: Event

{ "name": "button_click", "timestamp": 1457437187, "attributes": { "button_id": 271828, "page": "/" }}

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Example JSON Schema{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "Example Schema", "definitions": { "event": { "type": "object", "required": ["name", "timestamp"], "properties": { "name": {"type": "string"}, "timestamp": {"type": "integer"}, "attributes": {"type": "object"} } }, // ...

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Example: Event Collection{ "events": [ { "name": "button_click", "timestamp": 1457437187, "attributes": { "button_id": 271828, "page": "/" } }, // ... ]}

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Example JSON Schema{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "Example Schema", "definitions": { // ... "event_collection": { "required": ["events"], "properties": { "events": { "type": "array", "items": {"ref": "#/definitions/event"} } } }, // ...

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It would be a shame for a lovely, machine-readable doc like that to be wasted on humans...

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JSON Validation with Elixir and ExJsonSchemaiex> schema = File.read!("schema.json") |> Poison.decode! |> ExJsonSchema.Schema.resolveiex> event_schema = schema.schema["definitions"]["event"]iex> ExJsonSchema.Validator.validate(schema, event_schema, %{})[{"Required property name was not present.", []}, {"Required property timestamp was not present.", []}]iex> ExJsonSchema.Validator.validate(schema, event_schema, %{"name" => "hi", "timestamp" => 1})[]

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JSON Validation with Elixir and ExJsonSchema, cont.iex> event_collection_schema = schema.schema["definitions"]["event_collection"]iex> ExJsonSchema.Validator.validate(schema, event_collection_schema,...> %{"events" => [...> %{"name" => "event 1", "attributes" => %{"awesome" => true}},...> %{"name" => "event 2", "timestamp" => "whenever"},...> %{"name" => "event 3", "timestamp" => 1234567890}...> ]})[{"Required property timestamp was not present.", ["events", 0]}, {"Expected \"whenever\" to be a valid ISO 8601 date-time.", ["events", 1, "timestamp"]}]

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Use Case 1: Input Validation

Writing data validators is a pain, especially for anything complex

Not only do we have to validate input, we need to generate coherent error messages

Lots of opportunity to reinvent the wheel, but let's not

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API Input Validation with Elixir and ExJsonSchemadefmodule MyApp.EventsController do use MyApp.Web, :controller plug :validate_params defp validate_params(conn, _params) do case JsonSchema.validate(conn.params, :event_collection) do [] -> conn |> assign(:event_collection, conn.params) errors -> json_errors = errors |> JsonSchema.errors_to_json conn |> put_status(422) |> json(%{errors: json_errors}) |> halt end end def save_events(conn, params) do event_collection = conn.assigns[:event_collection] # ... do something here conn |> put_status(202) |> json(%{ok: true}) endend

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Use Case 2: Output Validation

Pointing to the JSON Schema in API docs is great for humans

Performing JSON Schema validation in API tests ensures your docs aren't lying*. This is also great for humans

* at least not about output data structure format

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API Output Validation with Elixir and ExJsonSchemadefmodule MyApp.EventsControllerTest do use Plug.Test test "it returns well-formed event collection" do resp = conn(:post, "url goes here", %{params: ...}) |> MyApp.Router.call(MyApp.Router.init([])) resp_object = resp.resp_body |> Poison.decode! assert([] == JsonSchema.validate(resp_object, :event_collection)) end # ... more tests hereend

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JSON Pointer -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901




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