jokn lay or -

J okn la y or I Au irry Creek One , t,'nz of Descent'

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Jokn layor I

Au irry Creek

One , t,'nz of Descent'

Page 2: Jokn lay or -




One Line of Descent

Mary Frances Carey Certified Genealogist #237

Page 3: Jokn lay or -


Following the Kelly line through ten generations, from John Kelly of Muddy

Creek, Accomack County, Virginia, to present-day Kelleys in the New Church area of

upper Accomack County, has not been difficult. Men of the first four generations

left wills naming their children. John Kelly, of the fourth generation, not only

named his son, but his grandson as well. Although both the son and grandson died

intestate, other records have been found that prove the line.

The Kelly- name appears in early records, at times, as Kely, Kelle, Keile,

Kellye, and Killy. As with most early Eastern Shore families, the first two men

of this line signed their wills with their mark, indicating they could not write.

Richard Kelly, of the third generation, was the first to sign his name to his

will, while his son reverted to using his mark. However, the latter's will in

1814 was the first in which the family name was spelled as Kelley. While public

records, census, marriages, etc., continued using Kelly for some time, this family

has been consistent in the use of Kelley.

All documentation used herein refers to Accomack County records unless other-

wise noted. In addition to a complete search of these records, early Northampton

County records have been searched. References to Maryland documents have been

taken from secondary sources. Undocumented vital statistics on later generations

'were given by the family or taken from two family Bibles. One of these is a small

Nock family Bible, whose front pages are missing. It is presently owned by Mrs.

George C. Seybolt, Dedham :Mk. The second Bible originally belonged to Nathaniel

Byrd, who died in 1877, without children. His second wife gave it to his niece,

Elizabeth A.W. (Trader) Kelley. She wrote this in the Bible in 1880 and that she

would leave it to her children, "to be passed from one to the other as long as

they live". Apparently, her daughter, Susan C. (Kelley) Justice, left it to her

Page 4: Jokn lay or -

daughter, Aressia (Justice) Cutler. It is now awned by the latterls granddaughter,

Mrs. R.C. Barclay, III, Portsmouth, VA. It was printed in 1844 by D. Fanshaw, in

New York, for the American Bible Society. A recording of upper Accomack County

tombstones by the researcher, has been used for dates and locations of graves.

Local people who have given information relating to the Kelleys include: Mr.

Richard W. Kelley, Greenbackville, VA; Mr. Richard Kelly, Bloxom, VA; Mrs. Woodrow

W. Simpson, Hallwood, VA; Mr. Ralph Kelley, Salisbury, MD; and Mrs. Myrtle Sparrow,

New Church, VA. Mrs. Sparrow is the present clerk for Chincoteague Baptist Church.

While the Church dates from its organization by Elijah Baker in 1786, the earliest

current records date from 1876. Mrs. Sparrow has searched these for the first

affiliation of John W. Kelley. with Chincoteague Baptist.

Mary Frances Carey 31415 Horntown Road New Church, VA 23415

May 8, 1992

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Early Kelly's 1

John Kelly of Muddy Creek, The First Generation 5

John Kelly, The Second Generation 11

Richard Kelly, The Third Generation 14

John Kelley, The Fourth Generation 19

Major Kelley, The Fifth Generation 22

Richard Kelley, The Sixth Generation 24

John W. Kelley, The Seventh Generation 29

Horace Edward Kelley, The Eighth Generation 36

Charts 40

Other Local Kellys

References la

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Early Kellys

Northampton County records show Kellys on the Eastern Shore of Virginia from

the time of the first records there. Bryan Kelly was a headright for a John Neale

patent of land in 1636 (Nugent 1, p. 43). His name was given again as a headright

when William Berryman patented land in 1638 (p. 101). Brian Kelly, 20, appears on

a list of names of people "to be transported to Virginea" in the Safety in August

1635 (Hotten, p. 122).

A John Kelly was named as a headright for John Angood in Janua.ry 1639 (Ames,

1632-16140, p. 1 /41). In 16140, Patrick Kelly was a headright for Leven Denwood (p.

167) and Abraham Kelly's name appeared on William Berryznan's patent for additional

land in the same year (Nugent 1, p. 152). No futher reference to any of these men

has been found in Northampton County records. It appears they did not settle in

the area.

On 18 December 1666, the name of John Kelly first appeared in Accomack County

records, as a headright for Thomas Purnell, when the later patented 550 acres of

land (Orders 1666-1670, p. 8). In another patent of the same year, "att Mattapony",

Thomas Purnell's land was adjacent and south of 500 acres granted to Edward and

John Small (Nugent II, p. 18). These grants were on the seaside, north of the

present Virginia line, in what is now Worcester County, Maryland, an area Accomack

County was claiming, until the line was established in 1688 (Whitelaw, p. 1388).

John Kelly of Muddy Creek could have been a son of John Kelly, headright for

Thomas Purnell. This seems unlikely however, since a John Kelly died testate in

Somerset County, Maryland, in 1730, naming sons James Kelly and John Kelly (Som.

Land Records, p. 239). When Thomas Purnell died testate in 1723, he mentioned

a James Kelly in his will, indicating again that this family of Kellys remained in

Maryland (War. Wills 1666-17142, p. 23).


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In 1673, Richard Kelly and Edmund Kelly were both named as headrights for

Christopher Thompson, when he was granted 800 acres of Accomack County land "near

Matomkin" (Nugent II, p. 128). Nothing more has been found on Richard Kelly, but

it appears Edmund Kelly had been on the Eastern Shore for at least ten years before

his name was used as a headright. On 22 May 1663, the vestry of Hungers Parish

made a complaint against "ye wife of Phillip ffifher"(Fisher), Ann Madox, Mary

Connolly, William Aleworth, Richard Bayly, Edmund Kelly, Morgan Dowell, and others

"for breach of Sabath" (Deeds & Wills 1663-1666, p. 4). Each was fined 50 pounds

of "tobacco & cask" and court charges. Edmund Kelly, aged 22 years or "thereabout",

gave a deposition on 16 April 1664 (p. 67). In another deposition in July 1672,

Edmund Kelly's age was given as 35 years (North. Orders, Wills, 1664-1674, p. 139).

Edmund Kelly married Frances List, widow of John List, by 3 January 1666

(North. Orders, Wills 1664-1674, p. 19 and p. 33). He apparently lived in Accomack

County from 1663, when he, the only Kelly in Accomack County, was shown here with

four tithables; through 1677, when he was again taxed for four males (Acco. Tithables,

1663-1695, pp. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20). Edmund Kelly was in North-

hampton County by 23 November 1677, when he was named as an appraisor of Edward

Dolby's estate (North. Wills, Orders 1674-1679, p. 20). He had a cattle mark

registered in Northampton County on 11 May 1678 (North. Deeds Wills, Etc. 1651-

1654, p. 229 on).

On 18 February 1674, Edmund Kelle, planter, bought 105 acres of Northampton

County land from Morgan Dowell (North. Wills, Etc. 1673-1676, p. 106). He bought

150 acres on Nassawadox Creek on 10 February 1677 (North. XI, p. 156) and an

additional 250 acres there on 5 August 1679 (North. XI, p. 189). Edmund Kelly

purchased a final 100 acres on Nassawadox Creek on 1 March 1682 (North. XIV, p. 64).

He sold no land.

Edmund Kelly died testate in Northampton County by 4 November 1682, when his


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will was partly proved (North. Orders, Wills 1678-1683, p. 242). His will (p. 249)

implies he had no children of his own, as he left his large land holdings and per-

sonal property to his widow, Frances Kelly, to her son by a former marriage, Jeptha

Johnson, and to Jeptha 's children.

In his will, Edmund Kelly called Jeptha Johnson "son-in -lawolsuggesting

Jepthals wife Elizabeth was Edmund's daughter. In early records, son-in-law most

often referred to step-sons, and proof that Jeptha Johnson was Edmund Kelly's

widow's son is established by a deed of 4 January 1683, from Frances Kelly to four

grandchildren, "all the sons and daughters of my loving Son Jeptha Johnson" (North.

Deeds, Wills & c 1680-16920 p. 56). Frances Kelly then married Robert Fletcher as

her fourth husband (p. 106).

John Kelly of Muddy Creek named a son Edmund Kelly. This suggests a family

relationship to Edmund Kelly of Northampton County, but no record has been found

to substantiate this. Neither has another

County, nor any other record of Kelly men

time of Edmund Kelly.

John Kelly of Muddy Creek could have

Kelly will been found in Northampton

there or in Accomack County during the

arrived in Accomack County from across

the Chesapeake Bay. A John Kelly was given as a headright for land patented in

Rappahannock County in 1666 (Nugent I, p. 548). The same name appears on another

Rappahannock County patent of 1671 (Nugent II, p. 149). A patent of 1688, in New

Kent and Gloucester Counties, refers to "John Kelly's plantation" (p. 328), and,

on 20 October 1694, Thomas Evans, of King and Queen County, was given title to 200

acres of Gloucester County land "Escheated from John Kelly, deceased" (p. 397).

Early Gloucester County records, dating from 1651, have been destroyed (Torrence,


The earliest record of a will by a Kelly, on the Western Shore of Virginia,

was that of Roger Kelly, who died testate in Lancaster County in 1683 (Torrence,


Page 9: Jokn lay or -

p. 243). Two John Kelly s died intestate there, one in 1691 and another in 1704.

Either of these could have had a son of the same name, who came to Accomack County.

An Edmond Kelly died testate in Stafford County, Virginia, by 13 January 1707

(Stafford Wills, Liber Z$ 1699-1709, p. 358). He named his wife as Sarah and made

her executrix. Edmond Kelly- named his sons as John Kelly, Wilford Kelly and Phillip

Kelly, and daughters Sarah and Rebecca Kelly. Edmond Kelly's will was a rather long

one, but he owned only personal property- and no land to leave his heirs.

A John Kelly, of Stafford County sold 50 acres of Stafford County land on 1

January 1709 (p. 432). The deed was not cosigned by a wife, indicating this John

Kelly was either unmarried or a widower. He could have been Edmond Kelly's son,

his brother, or of no relation. Edmond Kelly's son, John Kelly, could have

settled in Accomack County, at Muddy Creek, some years before Edmond wrote his will

on 18 September 1706.


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John Kelly of Muddy Creek The First Generation

John Kelly was apparently in the neighborhood of Muddy Creek by 19 June 1694,

when he sued John Prettiman for "Afsault and Battery° (Orders 1690-1697, p. 129).

The jury awarded the plaintiff 25 pounds of tobacco. John Prettiman had bought

land near Messongo Creek in 1690 (Whitelaw, p. 1209).

On 15 July 1700, John Kelly of Accomack County, planter, bought 224 acres of

land on the north side of Muddy Creek from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (Wills and

Etc. 1692-1715, pt. 1, p. 423). The only consideration given was "a sum of Tobacco".

The deed stated the land was near that of George Johnson and Phillip Fisher. On 1

August 1701, John Kelly was joined by his wife Sarah in se1ling101 acres of his

land to Edward Bell (pp. 455 and 456). Sarah Kelly's release of her dower rights

was "to brother Edward Bell", giving her maiden name. This deed states the land

was in Messongo Swamp, on the north side of the northern branch of Muddy Creek.

On 7 June 1709, John Kelly bought 200 acres on the south side of the main

branch of Muddy Creek from Dennis Morris (Wills and Etc. 1692-1715, pt. 2, p. 410).

Dennis Morris was indebted to John Kelly for 20,000 pounds of tobacco and deeded

him the land to settle the debt (p. 411).

John Kelly brought an "action of Trefsprefs" against Richard Barnicastle on 4

June 1717 and was awarded 4500 pounds of tobacco as damages (Orders 1714-1717, p.

32). On 4 October 1721, John Kelly complained to Capt. Richard Drummond, one of

the Justices of Peace, against James Spingle, saying the latter had threatened to

"beat, wound, or kill hie (Orders 1719-1724, p. 36).

The next record of John Kelly was the recording of his will on 2 June 1724.

It was written on 6 April 1724 (Deeds, Wills & Etc 1715-1729, pt. 2, p. 201). He

left sons Edmund and Joseph "my land on the south side of Sedgey branch next to

Bayly Hinman". Sons Daniel and David were to inherit "my plantation whereon I live


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with all ye Land on this side the said branch". He gave sons George and Dennis

"land from Edward Bell's line to the Slash by Timothy Coe's old Sawpit". Son John

inherited *my old plantation with all the remaining part of my Land". He stipu-

lated that his sons were not to sell "nor dispose of any part of their Land above

mentioned Except to Each other". He named son John as executor, with the assist-

ance of John Johnson.

John Kelly- named an eighth son in his will as Thomas Kelly. Thomas Kelly did

not inherit land, but he was left seven sows and barrows and one breeding sow.

Daughter Sarah was to get personal property as were sons John and George, who were

each given a bed "now in their possession". Son Edmund was given a young black

horse. Since John Kelly did not mention his wife in his will, it is evident she

had predeceased him.

The children of John Kelly and his wife Sarah (Bell) Kelly were born circa

1685 to 1702, since all nine of them were apparently of age when their father wrote

his will. They were:

1. Thomas Kelly, born circa 1685. Thomas Kelly was the only son of John

Kelly who did not inherit land. He had apparently left the Muddy Creek area by the

time his father wrote his will. Thomas Kelly's name appears in Accomack County

records a few times in 1725 (Orders 172)4-1731, pp. 14, 24, 32 and 36). It could

have been he who died intestate in Northampton County by 13 June 1727, when Sarah

Kelly was appointed administrix of Thomas Kelly's estate (North. Orders 1722-1729,

p. 282). Thomas Kelly of Northampton County could have been the father of Charles

Kelly, who died intestate in Northampton County in 1736 (North. Orders 1732-1742,

p. 198). Another possible son was Timothy Kelly, who was living in the Belle Haven

area in 1736, near Wachapreague in 1749, and bought land near the head of Wacha -

preague Creek after 1772 (Whitelaw, pp. 570, 594, and 854). Timothy Kelly died

testate in Accomack County in 1782, leaving three sons, William, Charles and Isaiah


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(Wills 1780-1784, p. 241), who were the progenitors of a number of later Kelly/

Kelleys in lower Accomack County.

2. Sarah Kelly, born circa 1688. A Sarah Taylor died intestate by 1 February

1758, when Daniel Kelly was named administrator of her estate (orders 1753-1763, p.

223). This Daniel Kelly was likely Sarah's nephew, the son of Edmund Kelly. In

the division of Sarah Taylor's estate, on 29 August 1758, Judith Kelly received 17

shillings, as did Nary Kelly, Catee Kelly, Mary Scot, and Hannah Scot (Wills 1757-

1761, p. 75).

3. John Kelly, born circa 1690. See next section.

L. Dennis Kelly, born circa 1692. Dennis Kelly was to be tax free on 2 June

1724, for he was lame and disabled in his hand (Orders 1719-1724, p. 79). His name

was to be added again to the tithable lists on 4 September 1728 (Orders 1724-1731,

p. 123). Dennis Kelly was deceased by 1730 (see George Kelly below). Esther Kelly,

widow, sold 50 acres "left me by my father Thomas Townsend", on 4 January 1732

(Deeds & Wills 1729-1732, pt. 2, p. 190). This was land she and "my sister Rachel

Royal" had inherited "at head of Kecotank". Esther (Townsend) Kelly, widow of Dennis

Kelly, married his brother, Joseph Kelly, after Joseph lost his first wife, and lived

with him on the seaside at Kegotank, where they were living when Joseph wrote his

will on 7 September 1760 (Whitelaw, p. 1164).

A Thomas Kelly, with his wife Tabithal sold 50 acres land and marsh in January

1784 to Samuel Thomolin (Deeds 1783-1788, p. 1)49). The deed states that Thomas had

inherited the land. Thomas Kelly, apparently the only son of Dennis Kelly, died

testate by 29 June 1784 (Wills 1784-1787, p. 20). He named his wife as Tabitha,

and daughters as: Tabitha C. Hinman, Nary Kelly, and Keziah Hinman, and a grand-

daughter Tabitha Churn. It appears that Thomas Kelly had no sons.

5. George Kelly, born circa 1694. George Kelly, shoemaker, sold 40 acres of

land to his brother, Edmund Kelly, on 3 November 1730, land that had belonged "to

Page 13: Jokn lay or -

me and my brother Dennis late of this county, deceased" (Deeds Rt. Wills 1729-1737,

pt. 1, P. 109). On the same date, brother Edmund sold George Kelly 40 acres of

Brinier land (p. 110). On 24 September 1736, George Kelly gave a power of attorney

to his brother John Kelly, to sell "my welbeloved Brother Joseph Kelly", 40 acres

of Brimer land (Deeds & Wills 1729-1737, pt. 2, p. 64). Since no wife cosigned,

George Kelly was apparently unmarried. No other record has been found of George

6. David Kelly, born circa 1696, died intestate by 26 August 1755 (Orders

1753-1763$ p. 105). David Kelly, planter, sold 50 acres his father had left him

to his brother Daniel on 30 October 1739 (Deeds 1737-1746, p. 122). His wife Sarah

released her dower interest in the land. David Kelly's estate was a small one

(Wills 1752-1756$ p. 318). He could have been the father of Joseph Kelly, Shadrack

Kelly, and Joshua Kelly, all of whom were bound out in 1761.

7. Daniel Kelly, born circa 1698. Daniel Kelly, planter, of Accomack County,

sold 100 acres "whereon Daniel now lives" to William Riley on 28 October 1740 (Deeds

1737-1747, p. 192). His wife Elizabeth released her dower rights in the land. No

later Accomack County record has been found of Daniel Kelly. Somerset County, Mary-

land, records show a Daniel Kelly on the 1744 tax list there. A Daniel Kelly died

testate in Worcester County, Maryland, in 1769, naming a wife Elizabeth and sons:

John Kelly, William Kelly, and George Kelly (Wbr. Wills 1759-1769$ P. 57). This

Daniel Kelly owned 350 acres in Nanticoke Hundred (dic. Land Records).

8. Joseph Kelly, born circa 1700, died testate by 30 December 1760 (Wills 1757-

1761, p. 283). Joseph Kelly's wife was Parthanea Kelly in 1751, when he, a shoe-

maker, sold six pistols and five acres of land to Satathiel Fitchet (Deeds 1746-

1757, p. 315). In his will, Joseph named his wife as Esther and indicated she owned

property when he married her. She was Esther (Townsend) Kelly, the widow of Joseph's

brother, Dennis Kelly.


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Joseph Kelly left land "at the Bayside" to his son Joseph, after his wife's

death. He left underage son, John Kelly "where I now live". He named two daughters

as Sarah Kelly and Warrington Kelly. His son Joseph apparently lived in the Muddy

Creek area and died testate there in 1796, naming daughters; Hessy Mills, Rachel

Kelly and Famey Kelly (Wills 1794-1796, p. 398). He left his entire estate to his

wife Elizabeth for her lifetime, then the plantation "where I now live" was to go

to daughter Hessy Mills. His brother John was apparently deceased, without issue,

then by 1777, for Joseph and wife ElizabethAsold John's land at Kegotank (Deeds 1777-

1783, p. 38).

9. Edmund Kelly, born circa 1702, died testate by 30 November 1762 (Wills

1761-1767, p. 143). Edmund Kelly's wife was Catherine when he, a planter, sold 80

acres of Brimer land to John Cliffe, in 1731 (Deeds & Wills 1729-1737, Pt. 1, p.

152). Catherine was also the wife Edmund Kelly named in his will. Since Edmund and

Catherine named a son Griffin, this could have been Catherine's maiden name, for

Edmund Kelly was named to administer the estate of Oliver Griffin on 28 January

1751 (Orders 1744...1753, P. 568).

On 3 November 1730, Edmund Kelly and his brother George exchanged land. Edmund

sold George 40 acres of Brimer land on Muddy Creek (Deeds & Wills 1729-1737, p. 110)

and George sold Edmund 40 acres that their father had left him and his brother

Dennis (p. 109). In his will, Edmund Kelly left land adjacent to Nathaniel Bird

and to his brother John Kelly, indicating he lived between Muddy Creek and Messongo


The will of Edmund Kelly named his children as: William Kelly, Griffin Kelly,

Daniel Kelly, Catherine Howard, Atharliah Kelly, Mary Howard, and a deceased daugh-

ter, Sarah Rogers. Edmund's three sons continued to live in the Messongo area and

were the ancestors of most of the Kellys found there, in the Muddy Creek area, and

Hallwood, through the 1800s. A chart showing the relationships of this family has

been included as Chart III. 9

Page 15: Jokn lay or -

Will of John Kelly of Muddy Creek Deeds, Wills & Etc 1715-1729, pt.21 p. 201

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Page 16: Jokn lay or -

John Kelly The Second Generation

John Kelly, son of John Kelly of Muddy Creek and Sarah (Bell) Kelly, was born

circa 1690. He would have married (1) circa 1715. He heired only a small amount

of land from his father, what appeared to have been left after his six younger

brothers were given 40 to 50 acres each. Since his portion was part of his father's

"old plantation" it likely included a house in which John Kelly had been living

since his marriage.

On 29 August 1728, John Kelly, planter, bought 150 acres from Major Murrain

of Dorsett (Dorcester) County, Maryland, for 20 barrels of "Indian Corn" and 2000

pounds tobacco (Deeds & Wills 1729-1737, Pt. 1, P. 37). On 31 July 1732, John Kelly

and his wife Esther sold the 150 acres he bought of Major Murrane, "now of Somerset

County in Maryland", to Edward Tunnel' for 6000 pounds of tobacco (p. 223). This

land was in the vicinty of Mappsville (Whitelaw„ p. 1225).

John Kelly wrote his will on 12 May 1758 and it was recorded on 29 March 1763

(Wills 1761-1767, p. 175). He left his only son, Richard Kelly, "the plantation

where I now live adjacent Nathaniel Bird", also his gun, a cross cut saw and iron

wedges. John Kelly named his wife as Ellis and made her executrix. He left per-

sonal property to daughters Esther Kelly and Susanna Fitzgerald and the remainder

of his estate was to go to his two younger daughters, Cady and Mary Ann, after his

wife's death. When the will was proved, his widow "Alice" qualified as executrix.

Unless Esther, Ellis, and Alice were the same wife, John Kelly had married

more than once. It seems likely Esther was a first wife and Ellis/Alice the mother

of his younger daughters. The maiden names of his wives are unknown.

The children of John Kelly were:

1. Richard Kelly, born circa 1720. See next section.

2. Susanna Kelly, married Fitzgerald.


Page 17: Jokn lay or -

3. Esther Kelly.

Ii. Cady Kelly.

5. Mary Ann Kelly.


Page 18: Jokn lay or -

Will of John Kelly Wills 1761-1767 P. 175




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Page 19: Jokn lay or -

Richard Kelly The Third Generation

Richard Kelly, born circa 17200 was the only son named by John Kelly in his

will. He would have been circa 38 when his father wrote the will. He inherited

his father's "plantation", on the north side of Muddy Creek, next to Nathaniel

Bird's land.

Richard Kellywould have married (1) circa 1745. The records indicate his

first wife was Ann Rodgers, a daughter of Jacob Rodgers, who died intestate by 27

February 1750, when Richard Kelly was named to administer his estate (Orders 1744 -

1753, p. 388). The estate was divided on 25 September 1750 and Jacob Rodgers,

Elizabeth Rodgers and Ann Kelly each received one third (Wills 1749-1752, p. 121).

Richard Kelly's last wife was Nancy Bloxom, daughter of Woodman Bloxom. Woodman

Bloxom died testate in 1788, naming a daughter Nancy Kelly and another daughter

Scarbourgh Kelly (Wills 1788-1794, P. 129). Scarbourgh Kelly was then the widow

of Daniel Kelly, son of Edmund. The children of these Kelly widows were first

cousins through the Bloxoms.

Richard Kelly neither bought nor sold land. Apparently he was a waterman.

His name appears on the 1783 tax list as owning two horses, nine cattle and no

slaves. He wrote his will on 7 August 1784 and it was recorded on 1 December of

the same year (Wills 1784-1787, p. 88). He left son John Kelly the land where he

lived. Son William Kelly inherited land adjacent his brother John and "i my boat

called the Dolphin". Daughter Mary Kelly was given 2 acres adjacent to Oliver

Bell. Son Jacob Kelly inherited all the remainder of his land and the other half

of the Dolphin. He left the balance of his estate to his widow Nancy and then to

his three daughters, Mary Kelly, Elizabeth Only, and Nancy Kelly.

The children of Richard Kelly were:

1. John Kelly, born circa 1750. See next section.


Page 20: Jokn lay or -

2. William Kelly-, born circa 1752. William Kelly's name appears on the 1787

tax list for Accomack County as son of Richard. The 1800 census lists him as of

Muddy Creek, over 45 years of age, with a family. He was again over 45 in the 1810

census. On 28 February 1831, William Kelly was to be tax free by reason of in-

firmity (Orders 1829-1832, p. 232). He had died intestate by 30 July 1832, when

Vespasian Ellis was named to administer his estate (Orders 1829-1832, p.

William Kelly's heirs were certified on the same date as: Daniel Kelly, Richard

Kelly and Nancy Smith, wife of Ralph Smith. This certification indicates William

Kelly had served in the Revolutionary. War. Since he was circa 80 years of age

when he died in 18320 the heirs listed could have been his grandchildren. Nancy

Kelly was called "daughter of William Kelly, deceased", when she married Ralph

Smith in 1826 (MLB 1806-1832, p. 119), indicating this as a fact.

3. Mary Kelly, born circa 1755.

4. Jacob Kelly, born circa 1757. Jacob Kelly, likely named for his grand-

father, Jacob Rodgers, was listed by the 1800 census for Accomack County as 26 to

45 years of age. He was over 45 in 1810. His wife was Esther is 1801, when Jacob

sold 2 acres on Muddy Creek to Savage Harmon (Deeds 1800-1804, p. 187). Jacob

Kelly married (2) Rachel Bird in 1804 (MLB 1798-1806, p. 6), and (3) Euphania

Harmon, widow of Savage Harmon, by bond of 13 January 1814 (MLB 1806-1832, p. 72).

Jacob Kelly was also a Revolutionary War soldier (Orders 1832-1836, p. 567). He

died testate by 27 September 1819, when his will was recorded (Wills 1819-1821, p.

16). He had outlived all three of his wives and all but one of his children. He

left all his land "whereon I now live", also $50, and other personal property, to

son William Kelly. This William Kelly was born in 1805 (of age in 1826 - Orders

1824-1827, P. 303), the son of Jacob's marriage to Rachel Bird. Jacob Kelly left

personal property to three grandchildren, the children of Johannas Bird. His

daughter, Peggy Kelly, had married Johannas Bird in 1802 (MLB 1774-1806, p. 4) and


Page 21: Jokn lay or -

was apparently deceased by 13 December 1817, when Jacob wrote his will. Jacob

Kelly also named Anna Harmon and Hetty Harmon, his step-daughters by his third mar-

riage, and Mariah P. Kelly, who was to receive a third of his remaining personal

property. While he gave no family connection to the latter, it appears she was his

granddaughter, the daughter of a deceased son, Richard Kelly.

Richard Kelly married Sally Johnson by bond of 4 March 1800 (MLB 1774-1806, p.

16). Richard Kelly, Gull (of Guilford) was listed in the 1800 census as 16 to 26

years of age, owning seven slaves. On 9 February 1808, Richard Kelly deeded two

slaves to his daughter, Anna Maria Parker Kelly (Deeds 1807-1810, p. 257). No

record of the death of this Richard Kelly has been found, but his name does not

appear in the census of 1810. Mrs. Sarah Kelly, widow, married Zorobabel Mason,

widower, by a bond of 5 February 1817 (MLB 1806-1832, p. 94). Anna Maria Parker

Kelly chose Isaiah Johnson for her guardian on 28 July 1817 (Orders 1817-1819, p.

6). Apparently, Richard Kelly was a son of Jacob Kelly by his first marriage, and

had only the one daughter, who was also deceased when Jacob's heirs were certified

on 28 December 1835.

S. Elizabeth Kelly, born circa 1760, married circa 1780, Onley.

6. Nancy Kelly, born circa 1762.


Page 22: Jokn lay or -

Will of Richard Kelly Galls 1784-1787. p. 88

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Page 23: Jokn lay or -

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Page 24: Jokn lay or -

John Kelley The Fourth Generation

John Kelley, eldest son and heir-at-law of Richard Kelly, was born circa 1750.

His mother was Ann (Rodgers) Kelly. He would have married circa 1775. The name

of his wife or wives has not been found, either in a deed, a marriage record, or

in a will.

John Kelly's name first appears on Accomack County records on the tax list of

1783, when he was called "son of Richard" and taxed for three horses and five cattle.

The following year, he inherited from his father, most of the remaining 30 some

acres his grandfather had inherited, part of 224 acres John Kelly of Muddy Creek

had purchased on the north side of the creek in 1700. John was living an this

land when his father wrote his will.

John Kelly was listed by the Accomack County Federal Census of 1800, in Acco-

mack Parish at Muddy Creek, as over 45 years of age, with one other male in his

household, aged 10 to 16 years. The older female in the home was 26 to 45 years

of age, another was 16 to 26 years, and a third was listed as under 5 years of age.

In 1810, John Kelly was again over 45 years of age, as was his wife. The son was

then 16 to 26 years and two daughters were 10 to 16 and 16 to 26. He owned no


John Kelly bought 10 acres called Gales land from Solomon Boston in 1797, for

15 pounds (Deeds 1797-1800, p. 125). On 20 June 18000 John Kelly bought, from

Elizabeth Bird, 12 acres of marsh on Muddy Creek for 1 pound 16 shillings (Deeds

1800-180)4, p. 6). On 28 September 1813, John Kelly, Thomas Kelly, and James Kelly

signed an agreement to keep the ditches open between their adjoining properties

(Deeds 1812-1815, p. 250). John Kelly signed with "his mark".

John Kelley made his will on 20 March 1814 and it was recorded on 28 November

of the same year (Wills 1814-1816, p. 40). He left his daughter Sally $40. He gave


Page 25: Jokn lay or -

daughter Lucretia Berry 10 acres "where I now live" and 10 acres he had purchased

from Solomon Boston. He left 5 pounds to a grandson, Richard Kelly of Major, "to

school him". Daughter Niecy Bell was to inherit the remainder of his land. He

named his sons-in-law as executors. Witnesses to the will were Southy Northam,

Levi Trader, and Ishmeal Trader.

The children of John Kelley and an unknown wife were:

1. Niecy Kelley, born circa 1782, married 1800, William Bell (MLB 1774-1806,

p.3) .

2. Major Kelley, born circa 1788. See next section.

3. Lucretia Kelley, born circa 1795, married circa 1812, James Berry.

4. Sally Kelley, born circa 1800. Sally Kelly, orphan of John, chose Janes

Berry as her guardian in 1816 (Orders 1815-1817, p. 218). A Sally Kelly married

Henry Baker in 1818 (Wor. Mar. Rec. 1795-1865, p. 68).


Page 26: Jokn lay or -

Will of John Kelley Wills 1814-1816, p. 40

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Page 27: Jokn lay or -

Major Kelley The Fifth Generation

Major Kelley., the only known son of John Kelley, was born circa 1788. He

would have been the male in his father's household in 1800, aged 10 to 16 years,

and again in 1810, at 16 to 26 years. Major Kelley was a witness to a Kelley deed

on 13 October 1810, along with his uncle Jacob Kelley, showing he was of age by

this date (Deeds 1810-1812, p. 34).

Major Kelley married Susanna Wimbrough by a bond of 2 June 1813 (MLB 1806-

18320 p. 72). The marriage bond does not give the name of either of their parents.

John Kelley's will of 1814, naming his grandson Richard as son of Major, proves

his line. The will of Richard Wimbrough, written 5 December 1842, recorded on 24

November 1845, names the same Richard Kelley as his grandson, showing that Susanna

Wimbrough was his daughter (Wills 1828-1846, p. 564). Richard Wimbrough had

married Santer Hickman by a bond of 10 March 1786 (MLB 1774-1806, p. 34). The 1800

census shows him at 26 to 45 years of age, as head of an Accomack Parish house-

hold, with a son and five daughters, all under 16 years of age. The 1830 census

gives Richard Wimbrough's age as 70 to 80 years. His wife was then deceased.

There were two females in his household, aged 30 to 40 years, one aged 40 to 50

years, and a male of 15 to 20 years. Richard Wimbrough, "a revolutionary soldier,

died June 25th 1845" and left only two living children, Mary Wimbrough and Rachel

Wimbrough (Orders 1848-1851, p. 412).

Major Kelley did not live long after he married Susanna Wimbrough. On 28

February 1814, James Berry, his brother-in-law, was named to administer his estate

(Orders 1812-1814, p. 374). His personal property was appraised on 11 March 1814

and sold on the same day, bringing a total of 455..9..31 (Wills 1814-1816, p. 59).


Page 28: Jokn lay or -

His debts amounted to .03..10..4, and included 12 shillings for a midwife, 1..

4..0 for Cuatis Northam building a coffin, and a doctor's bill.

The only child of Major Kelley and his wife, Susanna (Wimbrough) Kelley, was:

1. Richard Kelley, born early 1814. See next section.


Page 29: Jokn lay or -

Richard Kelley The Sixth Generation

Richard Kelley's tombstone, in Wessells Cemetery, states he was born in 1812.

This appears to be two years too early, since his parents, Major Kelley and Susanna

Wimbrough, were married a day or so after their marriage bond was issued on 2 June


Richard Kelley not, only lost his father and grandfather Kelley near the time

of his birth, but his mother could also have died. No record has been found of her

remarriage or any other record of her. She could have been one of the three females

in the household of her father, Richard Wimbrough, in 1830. The only other male

there, aged 15 to 20 years, was undoubtedly her son, Richard Kelley.

On 23 February 1816, when John Kelley's estate was settled, (6..18..7 was paid

to Richard Wimbrough, "guardian to Richard Kelley, orphan of Major Kelley" (Wills

181)4-1816, p. )476). Richard Kelley was, then, raised by his grandfather Wimbrough,

after whom he was apparently named, and by his mother's two old-maid sisters, Mary/

Molly Wimbrough and Rachel Wimbrough, both of whom died testate. Rachel Wimbrough's

will in 1865 left her land to sister Molly for life and "at her death unto Richard

Kelley's heirs" (Wills 18)46-1882, p. 396). Sister Molly died in 1873, naming only

Gillespies in her will (p. 502).

Richard "R" Kelley was issued a marriage bond in Snow Hill, Maryland, on 30

August 1842 to marry Elizabeth A.W. Trader Odor. Mar. Rec. 1795-1865, P. 149). They

were married in Accomack County on 1 September 1842 (Mar. Reg. #3, p. 66). Eliz-

abeth A.W. Trader, born 7 January 1823, died 1 March 1910 (tombstone at Wessells

Cemetery), was a daughter of Isreal Trader and his wife, Tabitha (Byrd) Trader

(Hist. and Gen. of the Byrd Family, p. 18). Tabitha (Byrd) Trader was a daughter

of Major Byrd. Her sister, Peggy/Margaret Byrd, married Thomas Kelly (p. 20).

Thomas Kelly and wife Margaret had a son, Martin K. Lelly (182)4-1879), who was a


Page 30: Jokn lay or -

first cousin to Elizabeth A.W. (Trader) Kelley, through the Byrds.

On 4 August 1847, Richard Kelley purchased 100 acres from Thomas T. Taylor

for $500 (Deeds 1849-1851, p. 40). The land was bordered on the north by land of

Teagle Trader and the heirs of Whittington Trader, on the south by John Northam's

land, west by Arthur Watson's land, and east by that of 'John Groton's heirs.

The tract is southeast of Hallwood and northwest of Mappsville, at Groton Town. It

is bordered on the east by route 687, presently Bethel Church Road.

Richard Kelley farmed this land and his children were born there, with the

possible exception of his eldest daughter. He died intestate on 1 December 1860

(tombstone) and was buried on the farm. On 31 December 1860, Martin K. Kelly, an

posting a bond on $15001 was granted the administration of Richard Kelley's estate.

The inventory, appraisal and sale of his personal property was returned on 25 Feb-

ruary 1861 (Inv. 1861-1865, p. 5). The sale had been held on 9 January 1861 and

is recorded on more than three pages. Among those who bought were: his widow,

Martin K. Kelly, Henry Knight, Hiram Poulson, William Marshall, Richard Summers,

Thomas N. Poulson, and Samuel Trader.

Richard Kelley and/or his family do not appear on the 1860 census for Accomack

County. In 1870, Elizabeth Kelley, aged 50 years, was head of household 368/392.

Her son, Richard, 20, and daughters,Susan, 15, and Elizabeth, 11, were living with

her. In 1880, son Richard, at 29, was head of household 257/258, in Metompkin

District. His wife Susan, 24, was in the household, which included his mother

Elizabeth, aged 56, and sister Elizabeth, at 20 years of age. Elizabeth Kelley

was again in the same son's household in 1900, when her age was given as 76. This

record states she had had nine children, five of whom were then living. It appears

Elizabeth A.W. (Trader) Kelley continued to live on the land her husband bought in

1847 and on which he was buried. When she died in 1910, at 86 years, 1 month and

3 weeks, she was placed beside her husband. Their graves have since been moved to


Page 31: Jokn lay or -

Wess ells Cemetery.

The children of Richard Kelley and his wife, Elizabeth A.W. (Trader) Kelley,


1. Tabitha B. Kelley, born circa 1844 (1850 census). Tabitha Kelley married

Thorogood Fisher, son of Kendal and Susan Fisher, by a bond of 8 November 1865 (MLB

1865-1866, pages unnumbered). In 1880, their children were: Martha A. Fisher,

Kendal Fisher, Martin Fisher, Mary Fisher, Ida Fisher, and 4nnaned infant daugh-

ter. Thorogood Fisher and his wife Tabitha are buried in Wessells Cemetery. He

was born in 18)41 and died in 1918 and Tabitha was born in 1844 and died in 1936


2. John W. Kelley, born 1847, See next section.

3. Richard W. Kelley, born 20 August 1850, died 14 January 1908 (tombstone in

Wessells Cemetery). Richard W. Kelley married Suzan Ross, at Conquest Chapel, on

4 April 1880 (Mar. Reg. #3, p. 62). Susan M. (Ross) Kelley, a daughter of Sil-

vester and Melinda Ross, was born on 18 February 1855 and died on 22 September 1927


On 4 October 1872, Richard W. Kelley bought from his brother and two sisters,

br $300, 3/5th of the tract of "land near Mappsville they heired from their father

Richard Kelley, deceased" (Deeds 1876-1877, p. )401). The deed was signed by Thoro-

good Fisher and his wife Tabitha B., by John W. Kelley and his wife Margaret, and

by George H. Justice and his wife Susan C. On 16 January 1882, Samuel J. Matthews

and Elizabeth A., his wife "(formerly Elizabeth A. Kelley)", sold to Richard W.

Kelley, for $100, "all the right they will have at the death of her mother in the

land which Richard Kelley, Sr., died seized" (Deeds 5)4, P. 598).

Richard W. Kelley and his wife raised their family on his father's land. Their

children were:

A. Richard W. Kelley, Jr., born 22 September 1880 (Bible), died testate by


Page 32: Jokn lay or -

16 September 1926 (Wills 32, P. 297), married 1902, Annie W. Dickerson (Lower E.S.„

Md., Mar. 1865-1906, p. 251). Richard Kelley was a Northampton County Deputy

Sheriff. He and his wife lived in the jail at the courthouse in Eastville and

were responsible for feeding the prisoners. They had two children: Allen M. (Dick)

Kelley and Doris Kelley, who married Howard Lankford of Costin Station, Maryland.

B. Clara M. Kelley, born 30 June 1882 (Bible), died 1947 (tombstone in Down-

ings Church Cemetery), married Revel T. (Tom) Taylor (1879-1972), on 9 January

1901 (Mar. Reg. #4, P. 60). They had two children: Waldon Taylor and Mildred Taylor


C. Otho T. Kelley, born 23 May 1884 (Bible), died intestate 13 April 1941

(Wills 24, p. 159), married 16 August 1905, Josephine Bunting (Lower E.S., Md.,

Mar. 1865-19060 p. 252). They had one daughter, Golden Kelley, who married Earl

Groton of Withams.

D. Ruby M. Kelley, born 30 November 1886 (Reg. of Births), died August 1889,

at 3 years of Typhoid fever (Reg. of Deaths).

E. Custis Kelley, born 1 October 1888 (Bible), died 9 June 1889, at ?months,

9 days of Cholera (Reg. of Deaths).

F. Nannie E. Kelley, born 24 October 1890, died 21 February 1944, married

circa 1910, Everett Thomas Chase (Boston Fain, of Md., p.117). They had two

daughters: Maude Reese Chase Barnes and Meta Grace Chase.

G. Ruby N. Kelley, born 7 August 1891, died 13 September 1971 (tombstone at

Wessells Cemetery), married circa 1910, Carroll S. Mason (1886-1939). They had

four sons: Carson Mason, Garland Mason, Richard Mason, and O.T. Mason.

H. Custis Kelley, born 4 March 1895 (Bible), died testate 13 June 1969 (Wills

31, p. 364), married circa 1920, Lizzie Churn. They lived slightly north of Acco-

mac and had six children: Alvin B. Kelley, Agnes Kelley Bupp, Mary Kelley Montgo-

mery, Grace Ann Kelley Wagner, Betty Jean Kelley Shriner, and Richard W. Kelley of


Page 33: Jokn lay or -


4. Susan C. Kelley, born 19 January 1857, died 14 August 1920, married 15

March 1876, George H. Justice, born 28 September 1855, died 12 May 1917 (Bible).

Their children were: Aressia Justice Cutler, Edna Justice Martin, George W. Justice,

Roger Justice, William H. Justice, Spencer D. Justice, and Rosser J. Justice.

5. Elizabeth Kelley, born circa 1860 (1880 census). Elizabeth Kelley was

circa 7 months of age when her father died. She married on 23 February 1881, at

Temperanceville, Samuel J. Matthews, a 35-year-o1d widower (Mar. Reg. #3, p. 66).

Samuel J. Matthers lived on land he owned next to Elizabeth's brother, John W.

Kelley, near New Church. She died on 18 August 1906 at 46 years, 4 months,

2 days (Bible). Her children were: Samuel J. Matthews, Jr., William F. Matthews,

Columbus W. Matthews, Ruth Matthews Pilchard, Helen Matthews Marshall, Margie

Matthews Grisby, and Carrie Matthews Hunt (1900 census and will of Samuel J.

Matthews, Sr., in 1920 - Wills 23, p. 283). She also had two step-children: Lummy

N. Matthews, and Lillie Matthews White.


Page 34: Jokn lay or -

John W. Kelley The Seventh Generation

John W. Kelley, the older son of Richard Kelley and his wife, Elizaoeth

(Trader) Kelley, Was born on 20 December 1847 and died 16 August 1907, according

to his tombstone in the Brittingham Cemetery at the Virginia/Maryland line. He

lacked 19 days of being 13 years old when his father died on 1 December 1860. He

and his mother must have had the help of her cousin, Martin K. Kelley, not only

in settling his father's estate, but in farming the land and raising the younger


John W. Kelley, 20, married Peggy V. Nock, 20, on 5 January 1868(Lower E.S.,

Md., Mar. 1865-1906, p. 252). Margaret Kelley's tombstone is beside that of her

husband. It states she was born on 26 March 1850, the daughter of James T. and

Rachel A. Nock, and died 18 January 1907, aged 56 years, 10 months, and 22 days.

Rachel A. Nock was a daughter of Samuel Hinman and Betsy, his wife. She had

married James T. Nock, son of Samuel Nock and wife Sally, on 19 February 1845(?)


The 1870 census for Accomack County shows John W. Kelley, a 22-year-old

farmer, in Atlantic Township (District). His wife Peggy was 20 and Samuel Nock,

14, and Mary Nock, 10, apparently her brother and sister, were living with them.

Peggy/Margaret Nock also had two brothers; Edward S. Nock, born 1 October 1853, and

Horace P. Nock, born 13 November 1857(Bible), for whom she apparently named a son.

On 8 July 1874, John Brittingham and Esther ks, his wife, sold John W. Kelley

60 acres of the "William Feddeman Land", near Near Church, for $600 (Deeds 1872-

187)4, p. 70). The tract was bordered on the north by the county road from Chin-

coteague Baptist Church to the seaside and Edward Taylor's heirs, east by land of

Samuel J. Matthews, south by William H. Marshall's land, and west by the county

road from Chincoteague Baptist Church, by the school house, to New Church.


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On 25 January 1876, John W. Kelley and wife Margaret, were joined by John

Brittingham and wife Esther A., in selling the school trustees of Atlantic District,

acre "on which the New Church School House at present stands", for $50 (Deeds

1876.1877, p. 165). The plot was bordered east and north by lands of John W. Kelley.

John W. Kelley and his wife likely joined Chincoteague Baptist Church soon

after he boughbthe land nearby in 1874. Church records show that, in 1878, John

W. Kelley was elected by Chincoteague Baptist Church as a delegate to the Accomack

County Baptist Association. In 1879, he was appointed to help S.S. Townsend

collect monies to pay the minister.

The 1880 census lists John W. Kelley as a 32-year-old farmer in the New Church

area. His wife Margaret was 29. Daughter Laura was 10 years of age and son Martin,


On 25 December 1880. John W. Kelley bought 100 acres of land from the heirs

of Samuel S. Hinman (Deeds 53, p. 685). He had bought Samuel J. Hinman's interest

in the undivided tract on 13 April 1878 (Deeds 52, p. 60). The land was bordered

on the north by the road from Chincoteague Baptist Church to the seaside, and on

the west by the land of Samuel J. Matthews.

Apparently John W. Kelley entered the timber business with the purchase of

this farm. The July 26, 1884 issue of the Peninsula Enterprise, under New Church

news, states that "the house at the saw mill of Mr. John W. Kelly, located near

this place, valued at $100, was set fire to by a spark last Monday, and burned".

John W. Kelley bought 5 acres for $300 from Whittington W. Trader and wife

Lizzie A., on 10 April 1885, land'qn the neighborhood of Messongo" (Hallwood),

bordered north by the county road and east by the railroad.

On 18 August 1887, Joseph W. Buck and wife Elizabeth E. of Worcester County,

Maryland, sold John W. Kelley of Accomack County, Virginia, 100 acres in Worcester

County and 23 acres in Accomack County, for $800 (Deeds 69, p. 262). The land was


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bordered on the south by Pitts Creek and the Virginia/Maryland line ran through

the property.

On 7 April 1899, John W. Kelley was given a deed by S.B. Slocomb and wife Mary

A. for their part of the Logan Farm (Deeds 74, p. 241). He paid them $950 for 98

acres, bordered southeast by the county road from New Church to Horntown, north by

S.J. Matthews, and west by Miss Sallie Jones and S.J. Matthews.

The 1900 census shows John W. Kelley at 52 years. His wife Margaret was 50.

They had been married 32 years and had had eleven children, six of whom were living.

At that time, their household consisted of daughter Nora at 19, son John at 15, son

Horace at 13 and son Archie at 10 years.

John W. Kelley bought 86 acres at Wagram on 31 October 1905, from Littleton

C. Godwin and wife Olevia A., for $3000 (Deeds 84, p. 261). He and his wife Mar-

garet sold this tract to Alfred W. Sparrow on 2 November 1905, for $2500 (p. 262).

On 13 March 1906, Walter H. Smith and wife Enna sold John W. Kelley 65 acres,

for $1200 (Deeds 86, p. 499). This was land along the road from New Church to

Silva, bordered west by the county road, south by E.W. Taylor, east by Joseph H.

Watson "or the place called the Reed Field", and north by William Payne and Edward


NI-. John W. Kell of New Church met with an accident on Thursday of last week,

which, it is feared, will result seriously00 reported the Peninsula Enterprise,

August 10,1907 issue, under Oak Hall news. The article continued by saying he had

been thrown from his buggy and received injuries to his spine, causing paralysis

to the lower part of his body. Another news item on the same page suggests the

blow that injured Mr. Kelley was "foully dealt him". He died on 16 August 1907,

as the result of his injury fifteen days before. Funeral services were conducted

at his home by Rev. Charles Clement on 18 August 1907, before burial in the Brit-

tingham Cemetery (obituary in Pen. Ent., August 24, 1907 issue).


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John W. Kelley made his will on 3 August 1907. He left daughter Laura Colona

"the farm where she now lives in Maryland, called Buck farm". He left son M.K.

Kelley the farm "where he at present resides", also the two tenant houses on the

farm and "a parcel of wood all ready lined off on the Hinman farm containing about

20 acres" and "one parcel of woods off the Logan farm all ready lined off, con-

taining about 18 acres". He gave son M.K. Kelley liberty to use the road between

the Logan farm and Miss Sallie Jones' land as an outlet. He left daughter Nora

Twyford the Rounds T. Payne farm in Maryland, except for some timber there. He

left son John C. Kelley the Logan farm "where he at present resides" including two

tenant houses and excepting the woods land given to son M.K. Kelley. John W. Kelley

gave sons Horace E. Kelley and Archie Kelley his Hallwood property, timber from the

Payne farm and $7500, to be divided equally. He directed the Hinman farm be sold

and left directions for the disposal of timber he owned. John F. Nelson, Jr., was

made executor of the will. John W. Kelley signed his will with his mark. It is

supposed this was because of his injury. The 1900 census shows he could read and

write. A codicil was added to the will on 7 Auguest 1907, leaving horses to sons

H.E. and Archie. The will was presented for probate on 27 August 1907.

Of the eleven children of John W. Kelley and his wife, Margaret (Nock) Kelley,

only ten have been found. They were:

1. Laura F. Kelley, born 1870(1880 census). Laura Kelley, 16, married Lee

Colona, 20, on 9. January 1886, in Worcester County, Maryland (Lower E.S., Md., Mar.

1865-1906, p. 86). Laura Colona lost her husband the same year her father died.

His tombstone in Brittinghams Cemetery gives his birth in 1865 and death in 1907.

Her stone there records her birth in 1870 and death in 1942. Her obituary in the

October 16, 1942 issue of the Peninsula Enterprise, states she died on 11 October

and was survived by four daughters; Mrs. John Holland and Mrs. Reamy Shay of Cedar

Hall, Maryland, Mrs. Julius Shay and Mrs. George Shay of New Church. There were


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also three sons; Letcher Colona and Edward Colona of Cedar Hall and Walter Colona

of Jenkins Bridge.

2. Martin K. Kelley, born 1873 (1880 census). Martin K. Kelley, 21, married

Clara V. Johnson, 18, on 25 December 1894 (Mar. Reg. #3, p. 128). She was a dau-

ghter of William J. Johnson of S and wife Sarah W. (Jones) Johnson. Martin K.

Kelley farmed the land near New Church his father left him, his father's home farm.

His tombstone in Nelsons Cemetery gives his birth in 1873 and death in 1942. His

wife was born in 1875 and died in 1951. Their children were (Bos. Fam. of Md.,

pp. 126, 189, and 466):

A. Jesse Woodston Kelley, born 7 August 1896, died 21 March 1956, married,

12 November 1917, Ella Claudine Garey. He was a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Armand had

one daughter.

B. Perry Johnson Kelley, born 24 June 1903, married November 1928, Edna

Chapman. He workedfti Sun Oil Co., Spring Haven, Penn. and had no children.

C. LeRoy Thomas Kelley, born 4 May 1907, married 1935, Hilda Cole. He

worked at the Naval Research Lab, Annapolis, Md., and had no children.

D. Sarah Wise Jones Kelley, born 24 June 1909, married 25 May 1946, James

Rayne Kelly of Berlin, Md. They had one daughter.

3. Florence Kelley, born 1875, died 5 September 1876 at I year, 6 months

(Reg. of Deaths).

4. Margaret Kelley, born 1878, died 15 September 1879 at 1 year, 6 months

(Reg. of Deaths).

born 5. Nora L. Kelley0ovember 1880 (1900 census). Nora L. Kelley, 22, married

Thomas W. Twyford, 28, at New Church, on 1 April 1903 (Mar. Reg. #4, p. 86). He

was the son of William H. and Jane Twyford. Thomas Wise Twyford, born 4 August

1873, died 22 June 1936, and wife Nora Twyford, born 12 November 1880, died 8 March

1967, are buried in Edgehill Cemetery, Accomac, with his parents (Graven Stones,


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p. 260). They had an only daughter, Margaret Twyford.

6. John C. Kelley, born April 1885 (1900 census), died intestate 26 December

1936 (Wills 23, p. 22), married circa 1906, Mabel P. Yingling, daughter of Rev.

Yingling, pastor of the second Conquest Chapel. The old church building, at which

he preached, stands today on U.S. 13, south of Temperanceville„ at Hallwood Road.

John C. Kelley farmed the Logan farm his father had left him and had a dairy there.

Mabel P. (Yingling) Kelley, born in 1875, died on 19 March 1934 (Wills 23, p. 382).

This couple had only one child, a daughter, Ida M. Kelley, born 29 April 1907, died

17 July 1908. All three are buried in Brittinghams Cemetery near his parents.

7. Horace Edward Kelley, born July 1887 (1900 census). See next section.

8. Archie James Kelley, born December 1889 (1900 census). Archie James

Kelley, 29, married Mary Elizabeth Parker, 27, at Onley, on 24 December 1918 (Mar.

Reg. #4, p. 262). She was a daughter of George F. and Enna Parks. The tombstone

of Archie J. Kelley, at Edgehill Cemetery, gives his birth on 22 December 1889

and death on 24 July 1840 (Graven Stones, pi, 141). He and his wife had no children

(Wills 2)4, P. 57 - a list of heirs).

9. Unnamed male Kelley, born 23 July 1893, died at 1 day (Reg. of Deaths).

10. Roberta Kelley, born July 1895, died October 1895 at 3 months (Pen. Ent.,

October 26, 1895 issue).


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John W. Kelley (18)47-1907)

and wife,

Margaret V. (Nock) Kelley (1850-1907)

From the family pictures of MargaretTwyford, a granddaughter


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Horace Edward Kelley The Eighth Generation

Mr. Horace Edward Kelley, the third son of John W. Kelley and his wife,

Margaret V. (Nock) Kelley, was a very prominent man in New Church, indeed, in

upper Accomack County. His life and business activities affected many of the

people who lived there. An account of the first 63 years of his life appears in

The Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia, Personal and Family Records, which


HORACE EDWARD KELLEY—One of the out-standing business men of Accomack County is Hor-ace Edward Kelley of New Church. He was born near New Church, July 29, 1887, the son of John William and Margaret Virginia Nock Kelley, both long deceased, and received his education in the pub-lic schools of New Church and from private tutors. His father was a farmer and lumber manufacturer, and both Horace Edward Kelley and one of his brothers, John Cleveland Kelley, worked in the busi-ness before and after they completed their schooling. Upon their father's death, the two brothers took over the business as a partnership and operated it for approximately five years. The partnership was dis-solved and Horace Edward Kelley continued the busi-ness, adding the manufacturing of produce packages.

In 1917 Mr. Kelley began the canning of tomatoes and sweet potatoes in what he describes as a "small way." This enterprise has grown steadily through the years, adding green and wax beans, peas, lima beans, tomato juice, and Irish potatoes, and today cans sev-eral hundred thousand cases each season, employing as many as a thousand people in the canning plant and on farms where the vegetables are grown. The farm lands aggregate several thousand acres. The canning business is a partnership, H. E. Kelley & Company, fcrmed in 1940, composed of Mr. Kelley, his wife, and three children.

Horace Edward Kelley has always had a keen interest in the growth of his community. He was in-strumental in establishing an accredited high. school at New Church, and was the president of the Com-munity League for many years. He helped organize the New Church Volunteer Company of which he is the president. He was a charter member and treasurer of the Ruritan Club of Atlantic District. He is vice president and a member of the board of directors of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Onley, Virginia. A leading Democrat, Mr. Kelley has been a member of the Accomack County Democratic Committee since 1928. A descendant of two Baptist families, he is a member of the Chin-coteague Baptist Church of New Church of which he has been the Sunday school superintendent, church clerk, and member of board of deacons for the past thirty years. In Masonry, he is a member of Cres-cent Lodge No. 178, Pocomoke City, Ancient Free

and Accepted Masons; the Chesapeake Consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, at Baltimore. and Khedive Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Norfolk, Virginia; and is vice president and member of the executive committee of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Shrine Club. He is a member of the Tri-State Packers' Association; vice president of Eastern Shore of Virginia Canners Association, and a member of board of directors of the National Canners Association.

In 1913 Mr. Kelley married Eglantine Witham Horsey, daughter of Kensey Custis and Nellie Wit-ham Horsey, of New Church. She died in 1918. In 1920 he married Reva May Poulson, daughter of Lorenzo Da11 and Elizabeth Smith Poulson, of New Church. By the first marriage there was one daughter, Margaret Virginia Kelley, now Mrs. William Allen Perry. Following her graduation from New Church High School, Mrs. Perry was graduated from the Ward-Belmont School, from Mount Holyoke College with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and from the Uni-versity of North Carolina with a Master of Arts de-gree in Sociology. To his second marriage were born a daughter, Hortense Edwina, and a son, Horace Edward, Jr. The former is now the wife of George Crossan Seybolt of Bronxville, New York. She is a graduate of New Church High School, Ward-Belmont School, and the University of North Carlo-lina with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Dramatic Art, and did postgraduate work in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Seybolt are the parents of one daughter, Reva Blanche, born September 29, 1949. Horace Edward Kelley, Jr., was graduated from New Church High School, Riverside Military Academy, and was a student in the School of Commerce of the University of Virginia when World War II began. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps Reserve, and served as a pilot. After the close of the war he returned to the University of Virginia and continued his studies. He is now actively engaged in the canning business of H. E, Kelley & Company of which he is a partner. He married May Gunter Edmonds of Accomac, and they are the parents of Susan Edmonds Kelley, born June 23, 1949.


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Mr. Kelley died in his office at New Church on Friday, 5 July 1963 (obituary

in the Eastern Shore News, July 11, 1963 issue, front page), 13 years after the

above article was written. His obituary restates much of the same material, saying

that his packing firm, H.E. Kelley & Co., had grown to be one of the largest on the

East Coast, His funeral services were conducted at Chincoteague Baptist Church on

7 July 1963 by Rev. Elmer Prior. Masonic burial services were held in Nelsons

Cemetery at the Virginia/Maryland line.

Accomack County records show that Horace Edward Kelley, born 29 July 1887$

died testate 5 July 1963 (Wills 29, p. 224), married (1) 24 March 1913, at New

Church, Eglantine Witham Horsey, daughter of Kenzie C. Horsey and wife, Nellie W.

Horsey (Mar. Reg. #4, p. 202). Eglantine (Horsey) Kelley was born in 1891 and

died in 1919 (tombstone in Nelson's Cemetery). Horace Edward Kelley married (2)

30 October 1920, Reva May Poulson, daughter of Lorenzo D. Poulson and wife, Eliza-

beth (Smith) Poulson. Reva (Poulson) Kelley was born on 31 December 1894 and died

testate on 20 April 1984 (Wills ).i.2, p. 274).

Horace Edward Kelley was the father of four children:

1. Margaret Virginia Kelley, born 13 January 1914, married 23 April 1935,

William Alva Perry (1907-1962). They had two children: Beverley Perry, born 23

August 1945, and William. A. Perry, Jr., born 21 March 1954.

2. Hortense Edwina Kelley, born 31 July 1921, married 2 September 1947$

George Crossan Seybolt. Their children are: Reva Blanche Seybolt, born 29 Septem-

ber 1949; Edwina Porter Seybolt, born 20 May 1952; George Crossan Seybolt, Jr.,

born 20 September 1954; and Calvert Horace Seybolt, born 6 December 1957.

3. Horace Edward Kelley, Jr., born 13 July 1923, died testate 9 April 1986

(Wills 45, P. 328), married 12 June 1948, at Accomac„ May Gunter Edmunds, daughter

of Alfred B.G. Edmunds and his wife, Sadie (Norris) Edmunds (Mar Reg. #62 p. 173).

May Gunter (Edmunds) Kelley, born 8 January 1924, died on 28 February 1976. They


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had six children:

A. Susan Edmunds Kelley, born 23 June 1949, married 18 July 1986, Douglas

Wayne Tillison.

B. Horace Edward Kelley, III, born 18 March 1951, married 10 August 1985,

Linda Susan Devine. This couple have two children: Horace Edward Kelley, IV, (Ward)

and Matthew Kelley. Eddie Kelley and his family own and live on the farm his great-

grandfather bought in 1874.

C. John Poulson Kelley, born 7 May 1952, married 6 January 1979$ Mary

Bradley Kilgour. They have two children: Patrick Kelley and Megan Kelley.

D. Sarah Jane Kelley, born 23 April 1954, married (1) 1970, Brian Purdy,

(2) 8 January 1978, Ronnie Wolff. Sarah Jane has two sons: Travis Purdy and Jamie


E. Margaret Ellen Kelley, born 22 October 1956, unmarried.

F. Perry Norris Kelley, born 17 June 1963, unmarried.

4. John Poulson Kelley, born and died 1932.


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Horace Edward Kelley, Jr. (1923-1986)

Picture taken in Charlottesville, VA, circa 1942

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1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation

John Kelly

Thomas Charles Timothy

Niecy b.c. 1782 m. 1800, 14414 Bell

Major b.c. 1788 1814 m. 1813, Susanna

Wimbrough see Chart II

Lucretia b.c. 1795 114C. 1812, James

Berry Sally

b.c. 1800

b.c. 1685 d. int. North Co.?

Sarah b.c. 1688 d. in 1758


John b.c. 1750d.t. 1814 Richard

b.c. d.t. 1784 m.(1)c. 1745, Ann

Rodgers (2) Nancy Bloxom

Susanna Fitzgerald Esther Cady Mary Ann

m.c. 1775

Mary b.c. 1755


b.c. 1690d.t. 1763 m.(1) Esther (2) Ellis/Alice

Dennis Thomas b.c. 1725 d.t. 1784 w. Tab itha

b.c. 1692 dec'd by 1730 m.c. 1720, Esther

Townsend George

rani el Richard ancy, m. Ralph Smith

of Muddy Creek Joseph b.c. 1752 b.c. 1660 d.t. 1724 m.c. 1685,

bought 224

Sarah Bell A in 1700

b.c. 1694


Shadrack Joshua

d.t. 1832


William b. 1805

Peggy in. 1802, Johannas Bird

b.c. 1.9 1755 John

bought 200 A in 1709 w. Sarah

Daniel '?

William b.c. 1757 d.t. 1819 m. (1) Esther

(2) 1804, Rachel Bird

? Richard 1800,Sally

Johnson George

b.c. 1.9; d.t. Wor. Co.? Joseph w. Elizabeth d.t. 1796

w. Elizabeth (3) 1814, Euphamia

Harmon Joseph John

underage in 1760 deceased by 1777


Elizabeth b.c. 1760 m.c. 17800

b.c. 1700 d.t. 1760 m.(1) Parthanea (2) Esther Kelly Warrington (f) Onley

Edmund b.c. 1702 d.t. 1762 w. Catherine see Chart III

ancy b.c. 1762

Page 47: Jokn lay or -


5th Generation 6th Generation

Major Richard b.c. 1788 b. 1814 d. int. 1814 d. int. 1860 m. 1813, Susanna in. 1842, Elizabeth

Wimbrough A.W. Trader

7th Generation

Tabithal b. 1844 d. 1936 m.o. 1865, Thoro.


John W., b. 1847 d.t. 1907 in. 1868, Margaret

V. Nock

Richard W. b. 1850

8th Generation 9th Generation

Laura F., b. 1870, d. 1942 m. 1886, Lee Colona

Martin K., b. 1873, d. 1942 in. 1894, Clara V. Johnson

Florence, b. 1875, d. 1876 Margaret, b. 1878, d. 1879 Nora L., b.1880, d. 1967

in. 1903, Thomas W. Twyford John C., b. 1885, d. 1936 MC* 1906, Mabel Yingling

Horace Edward, b. 1887 d.t. 1963 m.(1) 1913, Eglantine

Horsey (2) 1920, Reva M.

Poulson Archie J., b. 1889, d. 1940

in. 1918, Mary E. Parker 1 b. and d. 1893 Roberta, b. and d. 1895

d. 1908 m. 1880, Susan Ross

Susan C., b. 1857 d. 1920 in. 1876, George H.


Elizabeth, b. 1860 d. 1906 in. 1881, Samuel J.


Richard W., b. 1880, d. 1926 Clara M"b. 1882, d. 1947 Otho T., b. 1884, d. 1941 Ruby M., b. 1886, d. 1887 Custicep b. 1888, d. 1889 Nannie E., b. 1890, d. 1944 Ruby M., b. 1891, d. 1971 Custis, b. 1895, d. 1969

Margaret Virginia b. 1914 114 1935, Wm. A.


Hortense Edwina b. 1921 in. 1947, George

C. Seybolt

Horace Edward, Jr. b. 1923, d. 1986 in. 1948, May

Gunter Edmunds

John Poulson b. and d. 1932

Page 48: Jokn lay or -


2nd Generation


•P'" I\

3rd Generation

b.c. 1680 d.t. 1762 w. Catherine


4th Generation

d. int. 1782 w. Elizabeth


Vianna m. 1801„McKenny

Bens ton James

d.t. J 37 m.(1) 1806, Anne

Berry (2) 1829, Agnes

Bloxom Polly

d.t. 1802 in. Laveniah


Daniel d. int. 1784

Scarburgh Bloxom

Catherine Howard Atharliah Mary Howard Sarah Rogers

Thomas d.t. 182 in. 1805, Peggy

Byrd Laben Catherine, in. 1794,

Severn Bloxom Euphamy, m. (1)

Savage Harmon (2) 1814, Jacob


William Reubin Dennis

th Generation

George W., d. int. 1839 Nancy B., in. 1837,

Levin T. Ross Elijah B. (1831-1900)

m. 1 Eveline Byrd

Griffin, d. int. 1832 Thomas, m. 1836, Sophia

Bloxom Samuel, d. 1845 Margaret A., in. 1848,

John D. Nelson Arminda P., in. 1838,

Selby Byrd Martin K. (1824-1879)

m. 1864, Eliz. W. Gibb

d. int. 1853 w. Caty in 1810 widow Barbara

Jessie d. int. 1840 in. 1807, Anna

Woods Daniel d. int 1848 in. (1) 1806, Bridget

Brimer (2) 1828, Nancy


William, m. 1828, Rebecca Marshall

Mahala, in. 1829, John Wimbrough

Dennis, Junr, in. 1821, Tabitha Smith

Edward, m. 1833, Rosey Bradford

Melina, in. 1837, John Wimbrough

Richard Samuel John Mary Ann Louisa, d. int. 1832

Michah, m. 1826, Noah Davis

lijah, d.t. 1892 m. 1836, Hetty- Ann Byrd

Jeorge W. (182)4-1896) /114 1848, Eliz. Duncan

aniel, m. 1946, Nancy Wess ells

6th Generation Annie W., in. 1874,

Thomas T. Byrd John W. (1872-1918)

m. 1894, Eveline C. Wessells

Mary L., in. 1883, Alfred B. Somers


LIJames T., d. 1877

Edward F., in. 1858 Sarah A. Hart

Parker, 1116 1859 Pamelia Prescott

? James (1836-190)4) m. 1859, Critty Lang

Thomas C. (18)40-1929) m. 1866, Sally C. Nock

Elijah, Jr. - went west b.c. 1845, d. 1885

in. 1879, Mary E. Gladding Augustus C.

m. 1881, Mary E. Conquest Mary E., m. 1870, John

W.H. Nock Arzilla F., in. 1878,

Laura T. Johnson

Daniel B. (1850-1903) in. 1875, Malinda Churn

John R. (1853-1909) Parker S. (1856-1932)

m. 18830 Annie S. Byrd Lucretia, 1716 1881,

Samuel A. Trader George W., unrn. in 1900 Jesse M., m. 1888,

Elizabeth Trader Amberet Jane, in. 1911,

John T. Davis

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Other Local Kellys Descendants of the Sixth Generation on Chart III

1. John W. Kelly, who married Eveline C. Wessells in 1894, bought 106 acres near

Oak Ball on 11 July 1901, for a home farm (Deeds 77, p. 60). This was land on the

road from Oak Hall to Miona and was bordered on the east by land of Frank Hickman,

presently Robert Parksi trailer park. John W. Kelly (1872-1918) and wife (1876-

1931) are buried in Downings Cemetery with two of their sons, Fred W. Kelly (1899-

1934) and Elmer T. Kelly (1900-1977).

2. Edward F. Kelly, born circa 1837, married Sarah A. Hart in 1858. They were the

parents of: Mary Jane Kelly, married William D. Bull in 1879; Elizabeth A. Kelly,

married John Thornton in 1880; George Thomas Kelly, married Ocie Chesser in 1885;

Sarah P. Kelly, married John S. Ball in 1886; Henry Kelly, married Eva Trader in

1893; and Matilda F. Kelly, married Severn T. Evans in 1893. The 1880 census

lists an additional daughter, Amanda S. Kelly, aged 13.

3. Parker Kelly, who married Pamelia Prescott in 1859, was listed in the 1870

census as 36 years of age. His wife Amelia was the same age. They had four child-

ren: Wilbur, 9; Charles, 7; Lee, 4; and William, 1. Parker Kelly, sun of Edward,

died on 10 February 1876 (Reg. of Deaths). The 1880 census shows his family living

at Franklin City. Amelia Kelly, as head of the household was then 45. Her family

included: Corbin Kelly, 19; Charles Kelly, 15; Roland Kelly, 12 and Willie A. Kelly,

10. Charles F. Kelly (1866-1927) and his family are buried in the Greenbackville


4. James Kelly, who married Critty Lank in 1859, appears to have been the son of

Edward Kelly and his wife, Rosy Bradford. While no proof has been found, he named


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his oldest daughter Rosa. Rosa Kelly married William W. Townsend in 1897. Other

children were: Alexander Kelly (1860-190)4)/ married Edna Parks in 1888; Adeline E.

Major (?) Kelly (186)4-1944); Bowman W. Kelly (1867-1953); William (?) Kelly, born circa 1872;

and Clara Kelly, born circa 1874. James Kelly owned land near Greta Post Office

(Deeds 91, P. 1)41). He and most of his family are buried in the Atlantic Baptist

Church Cemetery. Son Bowman W. Kelly married Annie Whealton in 1898. They are

buried in Downings Cemetery. They lived at New Church and were the parents of

Leon Kelly, Carrie Kelly Silverthorn, Burkley Kelly, Percy Kelly, Hilton Kelly,

Milton Kelly, Harold Kelly, and another daughter.

5. Thomas C. Kelly, who married Sally C. Nock in 1866, was a Civil War veteran and

Accomack County Commissioner of Revenue. He lived at Hallwood. He is buried in

Grotons Cemetery, with his wife (1850-1919), seven children who died young, and son,

Marion C. Kelly (1883-1961). A daughter, Mattie L. Kelly, married Samuel M. Nock,

at Mappsville, on 23 December 1896 (Mar. Reg. #4, p. 8).

6. Augustus C. Kelly was 28 years of age when he married Mary E. Conquest, 19,

daughter of Alfred Conquest and wife Delilah, on 21 December 1881 (Mar. Reg. #3,

p. 70). He was deceased by 1898, when she, a widow of 35, married Eli C. Coryell,

widower. Eli C. Coryell (1860-1926) and wife Mary E. (1863-1931) are buried in

Assawoman Methodist Church Cemetery with her parents. Another stone with them

states: Augustus C. Kelly, born 1886, died 1955.

7. Arzilla F. Kelly, who married Laura T. Johnson in 1878$ was the father of two

sons: Arzilla Guy Kelly (1881-1906) and Elijah T. Kelly (1886-1952). The former

married Effie Smith in 1899. They lived at Atlantic and are buried inJ.W. Taylor

Cemetery near Temperanceville. Their children were: Richard Lee Kelly (190)4-1961),


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Arzilla Kelly, Doris Kelly, Loretta Kelly, Fay Kelly, Madge Kelly, and William

Bryan Kelly (1897-1973), who is buried at Downings. Elijah T. Kelly married

Stella Mears circa 1910. They lived at Hallwood and are buried in Grotons Cemetery.

Their children were: Fairy Elizabeth Kelly Miller, Agnes Kelly (1911-1922), Margue-

rite Kelly Hall, Isabelle Kelly Simpson, Randolph Kelly (1923-1974), and Augustine

Kelly Gill.

8. Daniel B. Kelly (1850-1903) married Malinda Churn (1851-1925) in 1875. They

lived near Hallwood and are buried in Grotons Cemetery with three of their four

children: Cornelius Kelly (1875-1945); Alexander Waller Kelly (1877-1950); and

Bertha Long Kelly (1882-1957). A third son, Ashton Ray Kelly (1880-1956), married

Flossie Evans of Horntown, and was a merchant there. He and his wife are buried

in Nelsons Cemetery.

9. John R. Kelly, 25, married Mary-A. Matthews, 17, in 1882 (Wor. Mar. Rec.). The

1900 census gives John Kelly as 46 and wife Mary- A. Kelly as 34. They had only one

child in their household, Florence E. Kelly, 15. John R. Kelly, alone, is buried

in Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery.

10. Parker S. Kelly (1856-1932) married Annie S. Byrd (1860-1941) in 1883. The

1900 census lists their children as: Byrd P. Kelly, 14; Martin T. Kelly, 12;

Joseph A. Kelly, 8; George E. Kelly, 5; and William J. Kelly, 1. A daughter, Elsie

Annie Kelly, was born in 1896 and died in 1897. Most of this family is buried in

the large Byrd Cemetery, east of Whites Crossing. J. Arnold Kelly (1892-1955) is

buried at Grotons Cemetery.

11. Lucretia Kelly married Samuel A. Trader (no close relation to the writer's


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father, Samuel L. Trader). His tombstone in Wessells Cemetery states he was "born

at Sanford in 1858 and lived at Hallwood, his business was wheelwright and black-

smith for 40 odd years". Her stone calls her Critty Ann Trader, wife of S.A.

Trader, and states she died at her home in Hallwood on 29 November 1937, aged 78

years, 7 months, and 26 days.

12. Jesse M. Kelly married Elizabeth J. (Lizzie) Trader in 1888. She was a sister

to Washington L. Trader, the writer's grandfather. "Aunt Sis" (1870-1954) is buried

in Grotons Cemetery with a son, Jesse N. Kelly (1894-1904). Other children were:

Donnie Kelly, born circa 1890, married Josephine Stant; Maude Kelly, born circa 1892,

who also married a Stant; and G. Marvin Kelly (1898-1970), who married Eva Conquest

(1899-1927). The last couple are buried in J.W. Taylor Cemetery. They were the

parents of: Keith Kelly (1922-1944 - died in WW II); Sabra C. Kelly (1923 -1980);and

Elizabeth Grace Kelly, who married (1) Robert Matthews, (2) Walter Colona, Jr., of

Jenkins Bridge.


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Accomack County Circuit Court Records: Deeds, Marriage Licence Bonds, Marriage Registers, Orders, Wills, Inventories, Orphan's Accounts, Chancery Orders, Land Causes, Fiduciary Accounts, Surveyor's Records, Register of Births, and Register of Deaths, located in the County Clerk's Office, Accomac, Virginia.

Accomack County Federal Census from 1800 to 1910 (the 1890 census is missing), Accomack County Loose Papers, and Accomack County Tax Lists, on microfilm at the Eastern Shore Public Library, Accomac„ Virginia.

Ames, Susie M., ed., County Court Records, Accomack-Northampton, Va., 1632-1640$American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., 1954.

Ames, Susie M., ed., County Court Records, Accomack-Northampton, Va., 1640-1645, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VA, 1973.

Byrd, Colwell P., History and Genealogy of the Byrd, Family, published by the author, Pocomoke City, MD, 1908.

Clark, Charles B., The Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia, Vol. III, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1950.

Dryden, Ruth T., Land Records of Somerset County, Maryland, privately printed, San Diego, CA, 19857 --

Dryden, Ruth T., Land Records of Worcester County, Maryland, privately printed, San Diego, CA, 0377.

Dryden, Ruth T., Lower Eastern Shore, Maryland, Marriages, 1865-1906, privately printed, San Dj:gEETGA, 1991.

The Eastern Shore News, published weekly at Onancock, VA, from 1937, on microfilm at the Eastern Shore Library.

Hotten, John Camden, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, Geneal-ogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MIVITE. Originally printed in London in 1874.

Houston, William R. and Mihalyka, Jean M.„ Colonial Residents of Virginia's Eastern Shore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1987:

Lewis, Mark, Genealogical files at the Eastern Shore Public Library, which include Accomack County Marriage License Bonds, 1806-1832.

Mariner, Kirk Chapman, Revival's Children Peninsula Press, Salisbury, MD, 1979.

Mihalyka, Jean M., Marriages, Northampton County, Virginia, 1660/1-1854, Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, MD, 1991.

Mihalyka, Jean M. and Wilson, Faye D., Graven Stones of Lower Accomack County, Virginia, Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, Md, 19861


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Mihalyka, Jean M., Northampton County Bible Records, a collection on file at the Eastern Shore Public Library.

Miller, Rebecca Furniss, Tax Lists, 1730, 1733, 1739, 1744, 1748, County of Somer-set, State of Maryland, published by the compiler, Princess Anne, MD, 1991.

Northampton County Circuit Court Records: Deeds, Orders, Wills, Minute Books, Mar-riage Registers, Inventories, located in the County Clerk's Office, Eastville, Virginia.

Northampton County Federal Census, on microfilm at the Eastern Shore Public Library, Accomack, Virginia.

Nottingham, Stratton, Accomack Tithables (Tax Lists, 1663-1695, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1931.

Nottingham, Stratton, Certificates and Rights, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1929.

Nottingham, Stratton, Land Causes, Accomack County, Virginia, 1727-1826, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1930.

Nottingham, Stratton, Marriage License Bonds, Accomack County, Virginia, 1774-1806, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1927.

Nottingham, Stratton, Marriage License Bonds, Northampton County, Virginia, 1706-1854, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1929.

Nottingham, Stratton, Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors from Accomack County, Virginia, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1827.

Nottingham, Stratton, Wills and Administrations, Accomack County, Virginia,1800, published by the author, Onancock, VA, 1931.

Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666, Vol. I, The Dietz Press, Richmond, VA, 1934.

Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1666-1695, Vol. II, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, 1977.

Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1695-1732, Vol. III, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, 1979.

The Peninsula Enterprise, published weekly at Accomack, Virginia, 1882-1962. On microfilm at the Eastern Shore Public Library.

Skinner, Vernon L., Jr., Worcester County Wills, Will Book 1666-1742, abstracted and published by the author, Brookville, MD, 1987.

Stafford County, Virginia, Circuit Court Records: Wills, Liber Z, 1699-1709. Reel

7, on microfilm ordered from the Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA.


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Torrence, Clayton, Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1800, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1981. Originally published by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, Richmond, VA, 1930.

Trues Ransom B., ed., The Biographical Dictionary of Early Virginia, 1607-1660, The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond, VA, I983. On microfiche at the Eastern Shore Public Library.

Turman, Vora Miller, Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia, 1800-1860, com-piled and printed by the author, Parksley, VA, 1979.

Whitelaw, Ralph T., Virginia's Eastern Shore, A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties, Vol. I and II, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VA, 197.

Wise, Matthew N., The Boston Family of Maryland, second edition, The Delmar Company, Charlotte, NC, 176.

Worcester County, Maryland Marriage Records, 1795-1865, located in the County Clerk's Office, Snow Hill, Maryland.