john's job interview adventure: can you help him win?


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Page 1: John's Job Interview Adventure: Can You Help Him Win?
Page 2: John's Job Interview Adventure: Can You Help Him Win?

A Job Interview Adventure, Part 1 Starring: Y O U

Beyond the Bridges Media


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John Doe Has an Interview

And you are going to help him.

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You will be presented with a series of situations. The situation will be described orally

and on the screen.

This is what is happening to John next. He has arrived for his appointment, but he…

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You will be presented with a series of situations. A series of possible responses to the

situation will be provided—each response in a box of a different color.

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You will be presented with a series of situations. Click on the box that you think is the

best response.

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John Doe is running late as he gets ready for his job interview appointment. He’s a bit hungry, but doesn’t’ think he has time to make a full breakfast. And he hasn’t made coffee. The only thing he has at hand is an onion bagel and cream cheese. He reasons, “That would be easy to take with me. Maybe I can get a quick cup of coffee in town to go with it.” But he has to get out the door. John…

…should relax, make coffee, eat his bagel with cream cheese. He needs breakfast in order to be at his best during the interview and to make a good impression. …should skip the bagel but pick up a cup of coffee in town. He can take his coffee with him to the appointment. It will help him collect his thoughts before the interview. …should pass on both the bagel and the coffee. He can get breakfast later. He doesn’t need onion or coffee breath during the interview. He should plan better in the future.…should stop all the panic. He needs some breakfast--something substantial. It won’t take that long. He’ll only be a few minutes late.”

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John waits 3 minutes and knocks. The employer greets John at the door. John walks into the office and sits in a chair across from the employer’s desk.John knocks. The employer greets him at the door. John acknowledges the greeting and says, “ I’m the one you’re looking for.” He then offers to shake hands.

John knocks on the employers office door and then opens it. He has a scheduled appointment. He says, “Hi”. Then he takes a seat. John knocks, and the employer greets him at the door. They shake hands, and John introduces himself and says why he is there. John waits for permission to sit.

John arrives for his job interview and presents himself at the receptionist’s desk. As he was told, he asks for Mr. Whately. The receptionist calls Mr. Whately, and he says to send John back. The receptionist gives John directions, and he soon locates the designated office. John stops in front of the office door. He is three minutes early. What should John do?

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…carefully explains that he has moved back to Indianapolis after his divorce to have family around him and a good support system. He now feels recovered enough to get a job.

…says nothing about the divorce but explains he has returned to Indianapolis to be with family and friends. He then mentions his felony conviction and explains why that will no longer be a problem. He learned from it and grew up. He is now an adult.

..says he was born here and likes the city because of the good environment and positive work opportunities. He then lists his major skills that match the job, offers to work flexible hours, and states positive characteristics about himself as an employee.

The employer begins with his first question. “Tell me about yourself?” John recently moved back to Indianapolis, shortly after his divorce. Here he has family and supportive friends. He has several years experience in the field in which he is applying, but he also has a felony conviction from trouble he got into as a young adult over 10 years ago. To reply to the question, John…

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The employer then asks John the challenging question, “Why did you apply to our company? What makes you think that your experience and career aspirations would make a good fit here, as opposed to other companies you might apply to?” John drew a breath and thought for a moment. He then replied…

Why did you

apply to our


…Your company offers a good work environment, which encourages employee growth. In addition, you equip employees to take on new challenges with good training. Moreover, you are committed to quality. These are the reasons I have applied here. …Your ad in the paper describes the kind of work that I am good at. I have the skills and experience you are looking for. So your opening would make a good career move for me. That’s why I have applied.…I am looking for a position that will use my skills, and your open position will do that. In addition, I am looking for security—a good salary, health and retirement benefits, and vacation time. You offer these. That’s why I’ve applied.

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Thank you but no; coffee disagrees with me. So I am not much of a coffee drinker. But you go ahead. That would be fine.Yes, please. I could use a cup. I missed getting coffee this morning. I was pressed for time. And if you don’t mind, I could use one of those muffins, too. I didn’t get breakfast.

I appreciate the offer, but no thank you. I’m fine.

I am currently boycotting coffee right now. The farmers in South America are not getting good prices for their crop. The money is going into the pockets of big business. So I must decline.

The employer gets up from his desk and walks to a coffee pot on the other side of the room. As he pours a cup of coffee for himself, he looks over to John and asks, “Would you like to have a cup. It’s Starbucks. John is really feeling some stress, and he didn’t get coffee this morning. A cup of coffee really sounds good. It would help him stay alert, he thinks. So he replies to the employer…

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I would like to know more about the job. That’s important to me. Would it be possible to see the area in which I would be working?

Excuse me, I wanted to ask for this when we began, but we got started before I had a chance. Would it be possible for me to get your business card? I have heard wonderful things about your company. My research shows significant growth over the last three quarters. Do you have plans for expansion in this market.

I have heard your company offers a good employee benefits package. Could you tell me more about it?

As the employer returns to his desk, John is struggling to remember something from the workshop. The instructor told him to be sure to ask for something. He pledged that he would. But now he can’t remember what it was. If he can think of it, he will be able to ask the employer before the next interview question. John racks his brain. Finally he remembers to ask…

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That’s Correct


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How did you do Did your advice help John advance to

the next level?

Or does he have to start again from bottom?

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No Matter! You’ll get another chance. Why

is that important?

Because when you go on your job interview, we want you to have all the right moves.

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A Job Interview Adventure, Part 1