jgraphic n1ws stor m wm. 14/new york...tttat ba aoam meet -tbe motasa tar etbar papers a iweet...

——' \ £ WWW YORK HERALD, SATURDAY, JGRAPHIC N1WS - m All Parte of tt*e World. RUSSO-TURKISH WAR tltrttki Male ky the Russia Enroy at CmsUBtloopIe. 1 1 SMOOLDIUK V0LC1IB ny, Itttrti, Elgin* lad Crtetc (••• Mt Wig I m i i i MwirtL MORE TALK OP PEACB [•V CABLE TO T B S »BBtl|Bj| UWMI, Apru 14, UTT. a eeat*. WltBta B lit day*, at farthest, tin part Of Ul« gT*»t COB Kit t*t*t«B KBMU tiraey will dart begaa. For s o r t tttaa years, ti'BlBiBlBg WttB fM apparently iftraat rebellion la taa fterxegovtaa as4 t wit* taa breaking ap «f IB* Conference, e baa beea perplexed, warned and slanted at to regard to the Beater* focatlam. A clostd, a* greater taaa a provincial us. la ao empire tBat never vaa af lite qulat- •to-day ended la, prectpltattag apon Earopa imnMH to ba tha greatest war of hi»tory. e lBJoTiaatlon from the UIAALDS correspond. la to. Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna and de ta »:i of ooo tone. The Mate. are unanimous ta the optnloa tttat at iopeteaa and that war will bo declared the Beat twenty-fear beam, If It baa not y beea done. Tbe Bertta Krrut grttung, aa •ttaure paper la German military circles, at ar at to amy:— "According to a circulated la tbo sweat positive term It ta rd, oa the gromad of newt received from st. oarg, tttat inatrncUona were aent yeaterday on. to tbo Russian Cnergd d" Affaires at Con- tople to declare war against tbe Porte." TUB ATTACK TO BB MAPB IK ASIA. Iret great natation la to know where Bnssla inke. Aa wa Bave long maintained it now aettled tbat Russia's attack will ba made entral Aata> * A letter receive d by tbe Foreign from Captain Bttrnany aays bo baa aacer- that a aeeret alliance exlata between Rnaata srsla, Rtporta from all qnartera indicate uaeta la massing her men for an advance rnteaia. Tbe better elaae or lnbaottanu are I Ttftla for the interior. Rnsaiaa officers Iron report tbat 40,000 rcratao troops are con- 1 * ted aear the Tarklah frontier. Tbo Czat tart 00 tbo Mtb lost, for the tfldait* t army. A manifesto baa -been leaned. apcrtor office re of the southern army have lu.uicuij aummoned before a graad council of la 81 Peteraborg, ta ba board tweaect-, preparations tor marching aso.ooo tnea 1 the Pratb eaeat week. The army baa ly advanced, but baa sot paasad tbe fron- tadoed. it ta doubtful if any thing mora tbaa a able paaaage through Roumantawill be asked. retty autbontaurely stated tost Germany doea tab to aee the neutrality of-Roamaala rto- consequebUy the principal Russian attack e on.the Astatic atde. Meauaegna illegal as bad a Baal interview to. Mb Balrat Paeaa, wba declared tbat tbe Porta re. > the* demand* Sabeeoeeatly tbe Oread r telegraphed Pnaoe Nicholas tbat tba ttea bad aadea, and weald not ba aaeaV Meateaefra will deter tba reaamptloa ituittee aatii Beaeta'a Baal dentate* letelttgeaee awwaraaaa, dated April a. aaaaaaaea tbat Turkish reparations are keiag pushed leeward aa Tig or- aad eiteaatvetg as tba state af tba ter parasite. Tba atreagtb of the Turkian 1 • estimated at la, 00a Tba Earda aad aalana are to be eallad eat, aad It la aeUeeed tbat wilt readily respond. It ta pat expected ta >y lbs* tb. Raaataaa wtll be earn te adeaaee ae. be 1MB et May, ewtag to the want af rsasarbsa ta wastry through wblcb taey mu*t paaa The *V***MI hiaaaeaaeaa tbat reialoreemeat. bare beea seal « Tarkteb torcee ta tba Vitajai ef tba Danube. ar veeaets will be erOared te S»IIB» oa tbe BucB tad Baa frtfitte te eratae la tbe Medlterraaaaa. tava TUIIII uacct-»a is riauimutr. tba ilouae »t l ord», yeateraay aluraeaj, tba I'S circular ta reply ta tbe protocol waa laid aa ibte ef tbe Haaao. Lord Derby aatd tbat ba re- hl ta Mr it was a** ef a aauatactory cbarae'er, »*« »t tead ta a peaeatat esHleeneat. tart ml* gave »«ttc« tbat be *MM e+n aueatteai ta abject oa MoaOar. * Baa U<mm ef Cesaiaaa Sir Stiafford N'ortboaia, cwllar ef tba Kxcbeeaer, ta reply ta aa laqairy, d tbe atata«a»t of tba Biaeaal'a .Vaed of April aat Lord Darby bad wnttea to Ceetetaaiiaeplo arteally daelanagx tbat tbe Porta aaaat ta aa way ipsa gagtaad.- - / Margate of lartiagtaa, la wta-riag ter further ra aa f araay, aa be b«d aaaaaaeed. «a tbe. latb ba woatd do., cwaaotalaed ef tba ataagreoaaa of tba MHU preweatcd m t t tba protoeoL tte aata 1 prodaced coavata ssaca tbat is htgbty aaaatw. ry aad appear to wake Kaglaa* atreuUy raapoaatoie ae prawaat attaattaa. Toe attnade el kagiaed aot jaattHad by tba papara beteee tae Boaac. Ma "It tbara is jeattBcatiaa tbara te a*bias. In papara te stow it.**" Tba pea team waa tae Brat •wledgateat by tba goeorameat t tbe eaaae a* its M. Marer iratioa tbat ineadly odetea It waa a tbat tbe ceveraaaeat raeagaiaed it bad datte* rd tba Cbrtauaa eabjcaw el BO' teagar be a*ftewed Tba dartaaaee ceatemptatcd aotbiag, eaateaaptated tea at paatpeaed eoare««a. It M caateqiphated bawaaald tbey raeeaatla it w»tb tba prerasas *a: oa af tbe tadeaaadeaca of tbe Porte '• Ibt Moa i.jubwrao Hardy, Setertary el State tea wateadad tbe goteraataat eaargeticalty aad aatd aagaa^e^ tb* Marauta af Bactiagioa waaeeBsa. to eadaacer BBBB1 Be retaaad tbe draft ef tba * C pteeeatad aw Osoat OcaaaeaiedT Marab 11 ba> > tbeataer PewdVa abyeot te tta prod eat lea. Beaten tttat ba aoaM meet -tbe motasa tar etbar papers a iweet aegattra XatwwbaBtedtag tbe anew** eey character af' tbe Pwrta's o rcaUr gagtaad area ad aat atawed tte teat warden behalf ef aaaee. . M«rsy said tbat. be. dtdi aee balwre tbat way ta beaedt tba Cbnataaa aaljeaia af Parte waa 'by •raaad BBM ' 'a* right te lata tea af tba Cbrtetteas M Tartey. tba lateeaeta at laatbai ) . —— —— 14, 187T.--TOIl?IiS SHEET. af waa eet tettewwg tet bam aak far astd ana s'etest •ae Bargaaf af Barttagtea nieia'a arraAtiaa w two arawr aw waa. T*rfea aaesaasaa Bbat Baa Baa t less Bare aat gate aat ssbwrtif Bbt taa raajatbattia TaraisB fag baa aat beea tbe I—U lease Bawaral etbar autttere •portaaee era meaWened as betag ta aateia&ed atapuhniaas agreed opoa M* was stgaed Bererst Tarkisb officials tnafc eat batween Batata aad Hilary would eoastder tbraagb at »e bat 1 atbafi aay gaa ywna. tao Tatab* - Tarkteb let faery, Mrtted welsh might be gg deteaea. This ,• poesibla eeaupaUaa af tap aa Daaaba, aopaarte Baamaatea tarn- Z ,rrraet the Reesiaaa ereestsg aear n r taa treaties establishing tba 4 Berrta sad Baumaala tba Tarks hare STORM wm. litCTttllu UtenUw Wit. I. U Terrier, W- mtar Bf tfct ftrtf IticmtafT* THX STSTKM A SUCCESS. Previous Effort* to Predict At- lantic Storms Fall. - A MCTEOROLOGICAL ALLIANCE. ta taetr terrttery wMBaak dava af Ignoring \ btT « grawa atora or ttm tbe pragrrsa af ereaia, tt at improbable Z* eueutieu »tU Be paid ta aay axloung trwty l!«,^wteite.sbaaMbema.ue.br«.ke.L It is suud 1! LSgaTsTreies here tbat tba Tarabtb army - suffer- i gmtlyftew. w ^ ef praetam^ ^ " J J - threatened with starraUon. It M felly ea- _ tbat there will he maaaaens ef Chrtetl^s wba. Tarkah artdi«a «• mdaaad ta d^peratloa by s a a l a a IsaBtasl r* Rc»sia aaA»T. TbefcasalsnMlanaer ef War hueeraerad tbaeaUtef JI t a.^tte-«i«*^ m*m of St. rwterrtmrgof !y aaMssfa •> larteega belera the « d Inst, Tbe •!«*, arraayaaawacs'i »t, feteriberg despatch - ^ L a g r a a d a o e a a d e f wsrisbetaa bate tbera The Cabinet regarda tbe Tarnish circular ss n 00m- „„, rewetto. ef tbe pret^l, -d therefor, da. %L \Z ?<**• props*- »• fail a SJMM *. q) potaaiUrTiaSl.P«mrsaor, aa lurther aegotta- JH a^aasteia B ^ l s u eftcers. helosging to the brigade efrola.teere at Oladera. wba bare been on lc*e in Belgrade for some days, Isft there an Wedaas. day for Temseeeria. •OVBASIA rmxrAarxo. Tbe Ransaaalaa Cableet Couaeil a* a ilttlag en ear formally deeidad to call oat the reserve* As CbarUWgoeer.».»t -a. alr-aydeatemd lhatltwiil M .t i. its let with Beasts in lbs ereat of war, this prepamuea la mere essineas tasa it would otber- Tho International System of Europe arid tiie Special Service of France. As Fnnea WAB wmaoa raoa rA*a White wa bare always sndesTored ta exercise a careful discrtmisatiOB is stiag wsT news wbict. eontes Ireas Parts, thjere era eoca- »K>Q< la wbleb tbat great Bewaoentra. aL tboagh tary far from the Bospboras or the Neea, eaobot be lanored. A Psrts aeapatcb aays it Is stated ib«t aeeeral RassisB C a s s i s in Turkey baTS received order* 10 prepare to lesve tbe country. Count Orlofl, 1 he Kotsiao Ambaaaador. bad so lBterrtaw with lbs Dee Deecses yeaterday. It ts sasertad that tba former protested against the statement that Rus- sia would immediately enter on a campaign against Turkey. OB the contrary, she is not disposed to reject fresh negotiations la case the Powers wished to nuke fortner attempts at conciliation. IT ts BlSMABCE's aBVlCB. At bat eae of those eminently accurate correspond* eats of the provincial preea has found Bismarck in the faster a woodpila The London correspondent of \tbe Msacbester Gttardtea mys be has lbs statement frdbj ae good a source that be deems It oeceaaary to re- A peat it, tbat tbe Terkiab Charge a'Affaires at Berlin baa telegraphed 3ai¥et Pacha that Prince Bismarck ad- •wed Tarkey to rclact Rnsata's demand* if tola bad been priotod earlier wa might hare guessed why be had retired Irom public Ufa Bat BOW it seems a mere joke of a yoaag Kero of the press white all I" u rope la ia Basse*, T I B T AMCSJXO SSA0I50. A* sbowlag tba change which tne reported declara- tion of war will briag ia the press within a few hours sa extract from the Pall Mall G<u«tU of yesterday will be interest! eg. It said :— Repreaeotation and remonstrance are still going on, doaottesj with more urgency than ever, bnt represen- tation aad remonstrance have been at work officially and aaofflclally mtar months past, and though they may now bare all the empnaaw of a last appeal tt ia difficult to suppose them animated by more substantia] argument than we bare long been familiar witb Tbe Russians hare goaa too tar. There la talk, tadeeo, of some mention oa their part to appeal to tae protocol, but the Czar a to BO position to appeal to the protocol. The use his government made ot that inurnment—a ase tbe exact contrary ol what it waa asked lor and iBieaded for—forbids any such course, TBS UTT LB WAB KOW IX r BOGBBSS. righting has beea going oa la tbe Mlrtdlte country since Sunday, Dervish Pacha bartag rejected aO«fedi- ttion. Tne urst day the Turks wsre beaten aVMenadl, bat a* tbe second day tbey captured tbe position of Maela, a half day's journey from Scutari. Tbe result ef the last two days' fighting Is unknown. The fteaer' correspondent at Cettlnje represents tbat the Turkish army has aot beea able to enter the couatrr of the MtrldUe* Tbe fighting ao ter baa been confined to the territory of Satirima. Tne lasass have been small oa both side* A movement of tbe Turks la expected toward Gosausko, wbleb fort- ram Beads provision* BKTBOrOUTaX GOBSir. Br. Glsdstoae has accepted tbe candidacy for tbo Rectorship or Glasgow University. The Piste* says it wsa not Br. Job* Walter, of tbat aaroal, bat his brother. Captain Walter, who waa Be- wailed at Rome on the 4th last. Mr. John O'Connor Power (liberal), member for the eaaaty et Mayo, Ireland, Intends to resign bis ssat in Psrliameat and settle in America. SOT ALWATS BO. The weather yesterday waa fair. BAROMETERS AND BONAPARTISTS. [ST CABLB TO THB HJULIXD.1 HERALD BUREAC, 1 M ogy! Bow do yoa dJflerent elements? BLgTmiia-l Bwaas af tao political parte* make gift* of the** Instruments aa a means of propagandiam of their sdeaa, bat I care little Btr that; all that conccrna me Is tbat tbo communes shall have their barome- ters. I aead them to all taoaa that ask for them. As to others they can got served aa they please. BABOMKTBBS ABB B05ATABTISM. Bar* af. La Tomer showed goo a Bat of seven communes, for each of which a Bonapartlst Deputy bad asked for a barometer. Ba said that three of these communes were already Inscribed on tbe reg- ular sen-tee list, and tbat It* should oaly aead four barometers. Just aa he made this observation a servant brought ta a letter, whica M. Le Vomer asked my permission to opoa. It ao happened that it was from tbo Deputy of whom be had spoken. Be begged M. Le Terrier not to have bis name inscribed on the dun plate of tbo barometers which be intended to present, fearing, ao doubt, that tbey might bo reiused. A similar mortification bad been inflicted a few days before on one of bis colleagues of too Department of tbe Sartbe. TIMS AJTO ELECTRlCITT. M. Le Terrier now aakod ma to accompany him to one of tbe pavilions in tba garden of tbe obser- vatory, where be bad established a model clock wblcb ta to give tbo time to tbe whole ol Paris. He explained the mode of regulation by a new electric process, which ha Intended to make use of lc con- nection with it, bnt tbe elockmaker intrusted witb tbe work came in while we were speaking and immediately occupied M. Le Terrier's attention. I therefore begged permission to take my leave. In bidding me goodby tbe distinguished director made me promise not to forget bis recommendations, and begged of me to assure tbe meteorologist of the NEW YORK HERALD tbat be would always find in bim a zealous cottaborateur. DOMINION AMNESTT OP .CANADA, TOB O DONOOHUK DEFEATED. OTTAWA, April 18, 1STT. In tbe House of Commons last night, on a motion te go into Committee of Supply, air. Coetlgan moved a long amendment to tbe effect tbat the partial amnesty granted to Rial and Leptne In connection with the Xortawest troubles should be extended to W. B. O'Donoghne, contending mat as there was BO proof of O'Doooghue's participation in the Fanlan raid, and aa tbe ill ieetiug engendered by tbe events of that time bad died out, U'Uonogbue should be pieced on tbe same fooling aa Riel and Leptne. Bon. Mr. Blake condemned the attempt to excite sectional and national prejudices. He went on to show the inconsistency ol Br. Coatlgan's action now, seeing be bad expressly voted to exempt O'Donoghue irom amnesty in It75. Tbe debate wblcb followed was long and acrimonious, and ended In a division, the amendment being lost by 105 to «tt THE OBXAT WESTERN RAILWAY BBIDOE ACCI- DENT. \ HAKILT05, OBt., April IS, Ittt. Tbe accident to tbe bridge at Cayuga caused no delay to the trains on the Great Western Railway, which, until tbe repairs sre made, wtll run via tbe Main Line and International Bridge. TO BE HANGED. SAJCDWICB, Oat, April 13, 18TT. At tbe Essex assizes to-day Austin Humphrey waa convicted of tbe murder of Frederick Appal, aad sen- tenced to be hanged Hay 2 i KOTJNDBT BUBXED. ST. GBOBOB, Ont., April 13,1877. A foundry and machine shop owned by Boll & Son were destroyed by fire this morning, Tbe bawls esti- mated at $84,000 THE CONTINENTAL CONGBES& ran CUBA. PBcoBxsa or MAETtxxr CABTros' COM- Q U EST—MOM ET A ET. Bavaaa, Tla Bar TBT, FIA, April IS, u n . General Banises Campos baa began a forward move- avent tato the Central Department. He la reported to be at Puerto Priacipe, but the bulk of tbe troop, are tat there yet. The predecessors of General Campos were accustomed to continually report tbat the Cinco rules ware cleared, bat in all cases after the lasuryenta awparaed tbey invariably reappeared. Geaeral Caupoe b) awre prudent, aad oaly aays tbe Cinco Villas are •anciently pacified to allow hia forward movement, Mavtag part ef tbe troops behind tor aay emergency. TBB TOIUCCO CBOe. Everything ia qatet i . vu«lu Aoaja There baa beea Bipieadid tobacco crop, BkaTBccrtox oa BUUTABT SToaaa. A satSttary camp aad settlement called Ddminguex, at tbe Treeba liae, caught Bra aad was entirely de- Bfeyed tt contained military provision warehouse., 1 barracks far wouaded men, bakeries, a telegraphic aauea aad cavalry atablea, Tbe loss is said te be A large provision train te reported te have beea cap- Baximo Gomes ia tbe aaighborhood of rtXAjaCUl CXCBBTatXTT. •eat ia Havana la rising ; causa, partly ipeculatioa, B*vUy aaaaay feeling occasioned by the Banco Saa leaf catasiropn*. The beak bas aat resumed pay. •seat, aad ts considered broke* It atada heavy ad- 1 ta planter, who can aot meet their ebUgatleas alleged targe dwiateaay et tae scjar THE BENDKK FAMILY. » a m in TBXXCBAPB TO T B I BTSBAXZX] , I.AWCXXCR, Kan., April 18, HTT. taa aaaoaacesaeat reeeatiy maoe, aaa mora reeeatly te the effect tbat tbe Bender family, famoa. wboleaale murders three or loar year. PARIS. April 13, 1S77. time ago aad telegraphed yon tbe fact that M» La Tomer, tba Director 01 tbo Paris Obaervstory, bad boon much struck by tbe accuracy of tbe storm predictions which bad boon cabled over hero front tbo HBBALO Weather Bureau in New York within the last two months. I felt anxious to ascertain what bis exact impressions were re- garding them. This being one ot iho.days on wblcb be ia usually found at tbe Obeervatory I made up my mind to call upon bim, and on sending in my card waa Immediately admitted. Be received me with hia usual courteoosness, and being fortunately disengaged talked freely with mo for upward of an hour. The following la tbe substance of our conversation:— LE YERRIEB AMD TBB HERALD ntXDICTIOMB. HERALD CORRESPONDENT—I nave recently learned M. La Terrier, tbat yon bare directed one of the astronomers of the International Meteorological Service to prepare for yon a report on the meteor- ological despatches aent over here by tbe NEW YORK HERALD and I have come to thank you on tbe part of tbe proprietor of the HERALD for this proof of tbo interest yon take in our enterprise. M. L B VERBXER—I take all the more interest in it from tbo fact tbat some years ago, for a period of about eighteen months, we had an arrangement witb England to forwatd as similar despatches from Newfoundland; bnt England discontinued it because the greater portion of the storms signal- ized disappeared In the north without reaching the European Continent. HERALD CORRESPONDENT— Yon bad, then, a regu- larly established meteorological service in New- loundland* M. La VKRRUSR—By no means. But wa received advices from that station. Tbey would no doubt have been useful to oa bad there been meteor- ologists there who had previously watched the rente of these storms on the American continent HERALD CORRESPONDENT—That is just what we are doing. Tbe proprietor of tbe HERALD bas es- tablished at bis own expense, at New York, a special service witb this object. It la a purely journalistic creation. M. L B VERKIER— He deserves great credit for it, and I will do everything In my power to encourage the enterprise; bnt I should like to havb some pre- cise details regarding your organization. HERALD CORRESPONDENT—I shall write to New York to procure them for you, so that yon may be tbe more readily enabled to appreciate the princi- ples which guide onr meteorologist in the predic- tions which have attracted your attention. A VISIT TO M. LE VXRRIER'S STUDY. M. Le Verrler now rose and, conducting me into his study, showed mo a series of meteoro- logical maps indicating the routes of storms which cross tbo Atlantic so far as tbey can be traced on tola aide. After some tune spent in examining them he turned to me and expressed a hope tbat wo would have a similar sot of maps prepared from tbe large body of acquired data which we must have at onr disposal. He added that to bis regret he bad been compelled to interrupt tbe work tor tba last two years, owing to the arrangement by which all meteorological observations are now cen- tralized at the Ministry of the Marine. It Is, how- ever, continued In another form, and be showed me tbe proof sheets of a volume in course of publica- tion which contains twenty-six different memoirs on the subject. "U tbe NEW YORK HXBALD," said M. Le Tamer, "will send me a descriptive memoir of its means of observation and of tbe results which It has obtained 1 will give them a place in this collection, no matter what space taoy may cover or what number of charts may be necessary to illustrate them." HERALD CoRRESPOSDsxr—Witb your permission I wUl send yon copies of the meteorological de- spatches which I receive from America. I save not > T done so hitherto because I did not know whether they would bo acceptable to yon. M. LB YKRRIER—Be assured that I shall always receive them gladly, and that I shall make good use of them. ZCROPEAM DTTSXMATlOHAL METEOBOLOOICAL BY9TEX. HERALD CORRESPONDENT—May 1 aak what is the extent of your international service T M. L B TXBJUIK—It extends all orer Ecrope and over soma parts of Asia, thanks to M. Coumbary, tbe director of the Constantinople Observatory. Tbe aomber of stations is between seventy and I eighty/ ran raxMcji STKCI U. WEATHER SERVICE HERALD CoRRBsroNDENT—Does that comprise tbe whole of your meteorological aervtcot M. LB TatBBixa— By no means. 1 am at present occupied witb tbe organization of the service of the agricultural notices (attrtisxmenU). Sere is tao sheet of notices commencing from tbo 1st of April. It embrace* 2*0 mora communes than that of the 1st of March, t will send on the 1st oXAu- the express tram-and was instantly kitted, being _„ -^v,,^ . . . . „_„., ^ m »i^.. w *^* thrown a distance ef twenty ieet. Mr. Uayden, who gust nonces to seven or eight hundred commune*, j h , a n o taaiisy, was a stockholder in the l-eggei Manu- MINISG ACCIDENT. BILLED ABO BIX SEVEBXLT EWTTBED ST A CATTXO B A S S . TELXGBAFB TO TBS BXB4XD. ] i SAX FRASCTSCO, April 13, 1ST7. A special despatch irom Smartsvitie, Yuba eaaaty, Cal.. aays tbat at one o'clock P. M yeaterday tbe bank ta Blue Potat Hydraulic Claim tail without waralBg, corertag ap aad killing outright seven men woBadaag six others, same of them badly. TBI XIMSb. , Tb. aames of tba killed are;— B. G. Henderson. Junes H. Monk, alienee! Sweeny. David RotbacB. Michael MeVUltam* Thomas McDonald. Samoei Sherman. ThelBjuredare:— Michael Conroy. Thomas Conboy. Michael Flanigaa, Jamea Kelly. Robert Hamilton. Michael Brosnan, Tbe wouadeo men were taken aat aad eared far as soon as possible, and then water waa turned on to wash oat the dead bodies, wblcb was not accom- plished until late in tba afternoon. To-day busineaa is entirely suspended here, to pay respect to tbe tnaerals, which take place this afternoon from the Protestant and Catholic churchea Tbe funerals were attended by the whole people for mflee around, and the melaaaboly accident has cast a gloom over tbe whole community. Oaly two mea escaped without injury out ef fifteen who were at work la tbe mine at tbe time af tbe accident —•» --—'—""• ••• BB) • " ! !•••'•' 1 a i AMUSEMENTS. Catted guts* Navy, are at the Fifth Aveaaa. Professor T, 8. Loonsbary, of Tale Cottage, ts at tba Stertevaat. Daalel Dougherty, of Pbtledelpbla, aad ex-Congreaaman Caariea B Adams, of Coboee. N. T„ at* at taa Wtadaac Bishop William U BarrB, of Cb :cago, aad Baa. Dr. B. L Maaoaa, of are at tha St Deal* THE WEEKLY HERALD. OKB DOLLAB PER YEAS-POSTAGE FREE. AMD BEST KEWSFAPES IB WOBLD—MOW SSADT. Tba WassLT BitaaL* tor this week coau'.na tele- graphic news from all parts ef tae world; Waehiagtoa Correspondence; Political News; Destruction »t tba Southern Bote) at St, Louis; interview with ex-Presi- dent Grant; Tweed* Position; Lea'e Confession aad the Mormon Question: a Dangerous Cask af Wine; tba Scaoloa Murder; tbe Jewett Tragedy; PngbtrBl Death Scene ta a Bouse of Shame; Oie Bolt Interviewed, Bow Savings Backs are Managed. Mismanaged aad Ruined; Marine Disasters During tbe Past Four Months; Bares at Mlddletowa, and a sermon by Henry Ward Beecaer. It also contains editoru! article. 00 tbe promtaect topics of tbe day; Amusements, Per- sonal Intelligence, Religious. Literary and Sea Notes, Reviews of tha Dry Goads, Horse and Cattle Markets: Financial and Commercial Reports: Agricultural and Sporting Matters; instructive borne article*, and tbo moRi important evesu ol tba week. TERMS—One dollar per year, postage paid; single copies, three BBSS* An extra copy will be sent to i every dub of ten or mora [BY TELEGRAPH TO THB HERALD.] , WASHTxawMt, April 13.1877. Work was begun to-day at the government printing office upon the republication of tbe Records of the Con- tinental Congress, recently ordered by Congress. These antiquated and Interesting records have been carefully revised by Congressional Librarian Spofford, and will be prirtedjin a series of eight volume* It is not ex- pecteJTfitt the work ol republication will ba finished for three or four mootbs yet. THE UNEASY INDIANS. HOBSE STEALING ON BEAB CBEZS. CBSTE95B, Wy. T., April 13, l$7T. Indians ran off thirty-two head of horses from Bear Creek, thirty miles distant from this city, on Wednesday Btghk INTERESTING BELIC OF CUSTEE'S BATTLE—A NEW ENVOT TO CBAZT HOBSE. CAST ROBIXSOX, Neb., April IB, 1877. Lieutenant Clark, of General Crook's cuff, received from one of the 1.S0O Indians who arrived at the Spot- ted Tail agency to-day, the seal ring of Lieutenant if. W. Reilly, ot the Seventh cavalry, who was killed In the Custer massacre. CRAZY HORSE'S BAKU. It Is not positively known whether or not Crazy Horse, with his band proper, will come In, though bis reply to tne co01 mission, sent to them by a runner, waa that he would come v In and hold a mnciL Sloee then, however, nothing bas bee*, beard from him, and to ascertain ' fully as toHils whereabouts at present and his inventions re- carding the surrender, a new envoy, under charge of old Red Cloud, bas departed. Tbe party wuo arrived at the Spotted Tali Agency constat principally at Northern Cheyennea, while about forty ot tbe same tribe arc en route for the cantonment en Tongue River, and will surrender to General Mile* ZOHS H'COXLODOH AS OTHET.LO, A splendid audience greeted Mr. John McCulIough aa Othello last atgbt at Booth's Theatre. The perform- ance made a great popular success, and tbe tragedian waa called before the curtain three times at the end ot the third act. Ot all Shakespeare', characters Othello, with tie possible exception of Macbeth, ts tbe hardest to play. Ramlei plays itself to a considerable extont, and tbe sublimity of tbe text ctten compensates for the weakness of the perlormanca A bad Hamlet can often be tolerated, but a bad Othello is unendurable. Mediocrity in that character means utter failure. Tbe Moor at of all Shakespeare's lovers the greatest, aad compared with his passion that of Romeo Is but tbe fancy of a boy. Romeo was never Jealous of Juliet, and therefore his sorrow, however deep, was simple, not complex. Tbe one merely lost his wife by death, the other lost faith itself, almost lost love, and ataiaod bta happiness with murder. We pity tbo anguish of Romeo, bat are ap- palled by the agony of Othello. Tho love of the Moor is *o auensliied by Jealousy that it becomes terrible and colossal, and we behold a giant soul struggling In hell wttb Invisible bonds, and haunted by the face ol an angel wbtch bides, bo be- lieves, tbe tcaturea of a fieud. Love Is tbo principal element of the tragedy, not jealousy, for jealousy Is only used as a means of revealing the grandeur ot Othello's love. The hatred which he ap- pears to express is only tbe armor with which he would dotend bis bleediug heart Complex passions which begin with the third act demand much of tbe actor, and we are glad to say mat Mr. McCulIough caught the true spirit ot the character. He never at- lowed the audience to forget that Othello lovmt Desde- moua, and tbus kept their sympathies with bim, for the moment that Othello aeeras to bate, not love, be become, hideous. The pathetic passages ot tbe play were beautifully revealed, and we have seldom seen tne third act given with as much ten- derness In all other respects bis Othello was a direct and honest one, free from affectations. The faults of tne personation were chiefly In the more violent passages. In which Mr. McCulIough sometimes drops his voice Irom an Impassioned key to totto conver- sational tone, which I. neither natural nor pleasing. He read tbe part witb both force and ease, excelling In tbe rapid, passionate and pathetic portion of the text. Some of tbe oratorical and eloqueut passages were not, we think, fully sustained, as, (or instance, that begin- ning, "Had It pleased Heaven," and In tbe soliloquy, ••Oh, now, forever, larewell." These may bo matters ot opinion, but there ran bo no question that Br. McCallough'a Oihell > is one wblcb is a noble acquisition to the American stage. Tbe lago ol Mr. Warde was spirited and subtle, and made plausible tbe plot by which the Moor was de- stroyed. Casslo bad a line representative in. %lr. J. K. Collier, wbo was recalled at the close of his great atene. Miss Maud Granger was pleasing as Des- damoaa. Tbe Emilia of Mm>\ Ponisl, ot course, was excellent. This afternoon Mr. McCulIough will Dlay lago and Mr. Warde Othello. THE PONCA INDIANS. THEIB BEMOVAL TO THB INDIAN TEUBITOBT TO BE PBBSSED BT THE DEPABTMENT. WASHIXOTOX, April 13, 187L An animated contest has been in progress for several month.-* regarding tho proposed removal of tbe f onca Indians from their reservation oa tbe tf laaoun River in Northwestern Nebraska to tbe Indian Territory. The last Congress appropriated 140.000 for tbe purpose of effecting this removal and asublisning tbe Poncas— about seven hundred and dtty In number—opoa a new reservation In the laulan territory, provided they Should consent to tbe removal. orrosBD TO rax BXXOVAL. Tbe Nebraska settlers and several missionaries at tbe aeighboring Saatee agency have strenuously op- i posed the removal of the Poncas, apprehending that their departure Irom tbe reservation will result in us 1 speedy occupancy by the Sioux, wbo are aot regarded as desirable bcighbors. It has also seen allegeo that the consent of tbe Poncas was given audnr a misun- derstanding, if., bet after lull investigation ot the subject the Department has finally decided to presa tbe removal, and at .as; advice, nearly ail the Indiana were expected to start southward m a few days. tawtr THE TELEPHONE. PKIUAOELFBU, Pa, April 13. 1877. Tba Strakosch concert In the Academy of Music to- night, at which Professor Elisha Gray's tele- phone was exhibited, tbe music being playeu IB Sew York by Mr. Boseoyits, gave much salislattlon. A now feature ol the telephone playing two part tunes was tried for the first time and proved an entire succesa Proteasur Gray was Introduced to tbe aadieoce by Professor Barker, ot the University of Pennsylvania _^ MCSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. Theodore Thomas and bis orchestra will give a grand testimonial concert to Mr. John Lavtae on Monday evening. A sjirde musicals, in aid or tbe Peaoody Borne tor Aged Indigent Women, will be given at Chlokertng Hall an next Monday evening. Ole Bull will play on Sunday night at Booth's Thea- tre for the last time In New York. He will be as- sisted by Siguor Tagltaptetra and Miss Isodore Marti- nez. The Oratorio Society or New York will give a grand public rehearsal ot "The Creation" this afternoon at Stcmway Hall. The soloists will be Thnrsby, Simpson and uoddaru Tbe charming "Mistletoe Bough" entertainment will be repeated this evening at tbe Academy of Music. A few choice seats and boxes remain unsold, and may be had by application at the residence of Mrs. Marshall 0. Roberts, No. 107 Filth avenue. There will be a manned performance of •'Faust" to- day at the Academy of Music, with a very atrong cast Mile. Morel as Marguerite, Mile. Rambelli as S.bel, Signer llertolaat as Valentine, Dal Negro as Mephis- topholes. Signor Zenarl will make his first appear- ance as Faust. Tbe managera have wisely adopted popular prices for this occasion. A charity entertainment will be given this afternoon at tbe Cooper Institute under the direction of Mil Arabella Root for tbe benefit of the "Industrli Schools of the Children's Aid Society." The chief aiX tracuon will be Mr. Henry F. Bryant, a ventriloquist! and humorist well known In the West. Several other artists wtll also assist, and as tbe object is a good one 1 it is to be hoped tbe public will give tbe undertaking a generous support. CHASING A DESPERADO. BELIEVE IN NO OLD WOMAN'S RP.CIrE FOR A *>ad cough Delavaot aa boar in aung Uata's Uoaav or HORHHOCXP AMI T^R. t.l* infallible. I'TKK'S TOOTBACBXDROPS cure in one minute. WONDERS olHiioTJEfRN SCIENCE.—TBB PER- feet Accuracy with which scientist* are enabled to dadnee tbe moil minute particular* la their seaeeel Uepart.-ucuts appear* *tma«t mlracnlea* if wa tiew It In tbe llg:it of tba •ar'.r aeas. Take for example tbe e!eetr»-u>agnatic tela- f rnprt. the creaaen inveaiino of tb* *ge. Ia It sola mar- reieKJ degree df accuracy watch enables an operator to exactly locate a iractnre ia a submarine eabte nearly turee thousand mile* lose * Our veeer- able "clerk of the weather" has become thoroughly familiar with tbo«« noet a-ayward elements of nature that he can accurnteiv predict their movements. He sea sit In Washing.>i» and foretell what the weather will be to-morrow in Florid* or Sew fork aa well aa if sev- eral hundred miles did not Intervene between him >nd tbe places named. And sw in all departments of modern sci- ence, e/hat is required is tbe knowledge of certain signs. Kr»m these the scientists deduce accurals conclusions re- rardlesa of distance. I few fossils sent to the expert ceol.v Cist enable him to accurately Jet ermine the rock formation from which tbey were taken, lie eaa describe it to you a* perlectly aa It a cleft ot it were lying oa his table. So »!-o .the chemist can determine the constitution of lh« sun a* accurately aa it tbat luminary war. not St3.000.000 mile* from hut laboratory. The sun tends certain siens over the * litiinitmle of space." and the chemist classifies them by passing them thmitjrh the spectroscope. Only tha preaenca of certain substances conhl produce these solar stuns. So, alio. In medical science, diseases have certain unmistakable signs or symptoms, and by reason of this fact Dr. Pierce, of tha World's LHspensary, baa bean enabled to orieiiMte and oerfect a system of deteriuutittir. with the createat accu- racy, the nature ot chronic disease* without seeing and personally examining Ins patient*. He baa spared .either pam< nor expense to associate with himself, as the Faculty of the World's Dispensary, a lariro number of medical gentlemen of rare attainments and Kill graduate, trora some of the most famous medical col- leges and universities ot both Europe and America. By aid ot Or. Pierce's system of diagnosis these physi- cians aad surgeons annually treat, with the most grati- fying success, many thousands of invalids without ever seeing them in person. In recoenising diseases without a personal examination of tbe patient they claim to possess no miraculous powers They attain their knowledge of the patient's disease by the practical application of well established principles of modern science to tne practice of medicine. Ana it Is to the accu- racy with wblcb this system bas endowed them that they owe their almost worldwide reputation for the skilful treatment of ail lingering or chronic affections. This sys- tem of practice and the marvellous success which hat been attained through it demonstrate tbe fact tbat diseases dis- play certain phenomena, which, being sttojected to scleu- tide analysis ar synthesis, furnish abundant and ntitias- takable data to guide the Judgment of the skiltut practi- tioner aright in determining the nature of diseased condi- tion*. Tho amplest resources for treating lingering or chronic diseases and tha greatest skill are tbus Dlaced within the easy reach ol every invalid, however distant be or she may reside from tbe physicians making tbe treatment of such affections a specialty, i he peculiarities ol this scien- tific system ol practice are tally explained in the appen- dix ol "The People's tUimmon Sense Medical Adviser.'' a book of over 900 targe pages, which is to popular aa to bav. raacbed a tale of almost lDO.000 copies within a few months ot its first publication, tt is »eut, post paid, by tha author " V. PIKBCK, to any address on receint of $1 SO. Address R. M. D.. World's Dispensary. Buffalo. >', y. A.—BENNE .T BCTLDING. K1REPKOOP. LOCATED ON NASSAU. ANN AND FULTON BTB. MANDSOMK AND VVBLL HEATED OFFICBB TO LET ON VERY KKASONABLB TERMS. SUITABLE FOB LAWYERS' BANKER'S' AND INSURANCE OFFICES. APPLY ON THE PREMISES. A THB PUBLIC HAVS~L0N0 BEEH FAMILIAR with tbe KNOX HAT. and bare learne«Wo look for (t at each succeeding season as a model of elegance and taste. Jntt now the BJrOX S r a i s o STVLKS are tbe objects of general ad- miration. Tbey are to be had at KNOX'S. 212 droadway, corner of Fulton at., and under the Fittb Avenue Hotel A.—"THE APPAREL^OFFP'ROCLAIMS THB MAN." tays the poet; and of no article is this more true than the UAT; h ;nce tbe wisdom of getting the best. For this go direct to the manufacturer. KSl'ENSCH Et D, 118 Nasaau St. FOOD DETE~RMtNES BEAUT?! Clear complexiou, health and strength guaranteed by taking CoLDS.Va LISBIG'S Ltacto Btckr. HENRY UUBBAN A CO.. Agents. KEEP SELLS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SHIRTS In the world. Also COLLA.S. elegant stylet, best quality, ft SO per dosen. 6 for tie. 623 Hroadway. MALTHOPTONIQL'E.—SLEEPLESSNESS AND DE- bility cured by MaLTHorro-vittu., the essential substance ot malt and hope; It i« a liquid luxury; your grocer and druc- gist keep it. E. C. HAZAKD A CO.. 192 to 198 Cb.mbets tt. THE ADVANTAGES DERIVED FROM RENEW, log and preserving tbe natural color and vigor ot tbe Hair can be appreciated by those who use PABK.R'S HAIB BALSAM. We commend it as the one article certain to pleas* the most fastidious. WIGS, TOUPEEST—G. RAUCHFUSS, PRACTICAL Wig Maker. Switebes, Carls, Invisibles, Baodeaax. 44 East 12tu at. near Broadway^ WEAK, SUFFERING AND DEBILITATED WOBEM And permanent relief by Bate* UBAKrxtfBBBG MARSHALL S CATHOLICOH. Sold by drogglsta $3 HATS, $1 90 (SPECIALTY, FINE DBRBYS); Silk Hats.ta 80. worth *U 15 New Church at., ap stairs. NEW PUBLICATION'S. AN PICB- EATAli BAILK0AJ> CASUALTY. EL«A*sTg, X. J. April 18,18TT. Be*. Gilbert B. Harden, aged fifty, waa killed oa the Central Railroad la this city last atgbt. While corn ng from New York oa a local train, wbtctt stopped oa a siding at Stager's factory for tbe express train to pass, be left the platform aad stood ea the track la froat of I co ** Mr. Stuws aoticeti two men foliowiag tbem aad 1 Tin i aBataft thar>t sttsl » r\ 1 Its* .1 #M A r* f* V •*> ^ CMsTuiri/i I OFFICERS ENCOCNTE3 WITH A POCKET—-A PLUCKY CAPTCBE. WBile Mr. Cyrns W. Pearsall, or No. 28 Lewis street, was riding on a „ar on avenue A OB Thursday night s valuable gold watch and chain were stolen from him. When tba car on wtiica Mr. Pearsall ! was riding reached the corner of Seventh street he I called Officer Peterson, of the Seventeeth precinct, aad I told Bim ot his loss. Robert Stafford, who was stand- j Ing e.o.-e sy Mr. iVarsad, was recognized and arrested j by the ' officer as a notorious pickpocket | and was locked up In tbe station bouee. He waifakeu ; to the Essex Market Ponce Court yesterday and bciore Superintendent Walling. Detectives Rbbiuson and I Bisaet were detailed oy Captain McCulIough to follow j tbo officer aud prisoner and keep a sharp loox ; out for bts confederates. Mark Stuns, a Graad street clothier, roitbed of a gold »atch and chain valued at | SiUdt was with tne detective*. On the way irom the "T~B^tLXlANT'NUMBEK.' HARPTR'S BEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR MAY, 1S77, t CONTAINS;- 4 OCR FAMILIAR BIRDS (Second Paper). Ulnstratlons.—The Mocking llfrd-The SoaaUn Bayonet in Flower—The great Caroliua Wren—Fruiter the Span- ish Bayonet—The Cardinal Uroabeak—KiHdee Plov.r— Kingfisher. A SEASIDE STORY. A Poem. THE FAWN. A Poem. ON THE t'BB. Illustrations.—Ctk Castle from within—Ahergarenny— "From America I"—Valley or the llsk—"Cattle Stealers, Sir."—lisk Church and Priory—Roman Dog Sculpture. Caerleon Museum—"A Saapence!"— Fragment of Roman Tile-r'rsgiuent of Santiau War.—Raman Lamp found in Caerleon Cburcb Vard— King Arthur's Round Table- Polly— Inscription, with Name of Consul— The Ideal and the Actual —Newport Cattle—St. Woollot Chnteh—Down the Kiver at Low Tide—Mr. 'Opkias—Oa Stow Hill Tredegar House. Newport. 1BRAF1L. A Poem. Illustration*.— Israfil.— "Lo! Down tb* Airy Wast* Po.r Shining Angels Haste"—'t-or the Night Deepens, aad without tbe Gate Evil Spirits Hide and Walt"—"Tba ser- pent King with Envious Hate Whispers to Tempt Tny Angelhood''—"The Angel Linger* anil, and Murmur* Low •Datiguter of Earth, how Fair I" "—"The Shadow of t b . Grave Forever r'oilow The* I"—"To Calvary's Cross wblcb I Must Bear Alone "—"From Abel's Biooil Split ea tb* Altar Stone." AT THE GATEWAY OF THE CATSKILL8. illustrations,— Bishop's Falls, on the Esopos—Sbokan Maiden Spinning—Branch of tit* Esopus Below Old >ho- kan—Tbe Old Mill—A Bear Wallow, or Drinking Place— Eae. Brewa at Home-Setting the Irap-TUe Start from Brown's Cabin—Baiting tba Trap—Mre, Brow., a la AN'oLD GENTLEMAN'S RECOLLECTIONS. tl'natrattoat The Beacon. Bustou, ITdO—Tbe erlgtaal Faneuil Hall. Boston. \H2~Dutch Houses iu New \ or», lTsVZ-FriLC* Tallevrand SOLOMON PODDY'S COURTSHIP. A Story. Illustration*,—"Here was a Predicament for Solomon"— •Is it really \oa. Mr. Poddv •" I A WOMAN IIATER. Part XL FLO KEN CE. Illustration*.—Plasia dell* Sign or! a. witb tb* Towar ef the Vacca—The Centre ot Florence -Interior of th* L'roxl Gailerv ~Giotto—Ponte Vecehio-Th. Arno. looking We»t from Post* Vaccbto—Mieb*«t Angeto—Mkbael Aagclo'* Mudy—Autograph Poem ol Michael Angela—Virgau and Child—"La None," Tomb ef iSiolie*d da M*diri-9tttvriw A'.aleri— Bead ot An^el—Figure* irom Organ .-ere*, ta tbe Cathedral—tomb of Micb**i Angelo—.iuiengo-Ves- pucet—"Devil.'' in M*rc*to Vaccbio— I'omb »( tialfU Dante—Loggia del Land, or deil' Orcagna-Sevunaroia- t>avuu*roia'> t.'*l!—Autograph roem ot Savonarola—Mar- tyrdom oi Savonarola—Lautern, Palasti rtroaii Loreato de .*!edict—lotcb-Holder lor external liluuiuttton*. CUiKRoN'S JOURNEY ACROas* AFRICA li:o*tr.:ton».—Fi.atiax Island* o. L*»e Tanganyika— Trera'"* and Mparantuti Tree*—Wa.ogo CoiBares—Camp. I'teohe—Kutratice ta tb* Lakng* River—Mead* al tne Lake l'c>.».e lie .d» af Mea ot Mauyuema—Njraugw*. from the Uiver—Baasana and one ot bis Wives—Waru* fiaides ta Alricaa Waddsag-Slav. Gai.g—Domiago* BREMA: OK. MY FATHER':* SIN. Chapter X.WI At tbe Bank: Chapter XXVUL Coatsn 11. 1U '.ague. Chapter KAVUL A C At the Pair. p. THE ftOStj fHAT.TBB BLCEBtBD BINQB. Che**; C.aptar XXIS. A POEM. of which yoa see there communes ta provided with aa aneroid barometer oa a woodea case, la onter that these notices isajr be placed.proporiy under the eyes ol the public. S 1 1, 1 .. < * > CBetry ^J^aK at this staae, \ The service Is gratoitoos. but the eocinianes h*Te Kteh AT tl i taetnrlag Company, ot this city. Hta last pastorate was Ule8e ! in t h . t o w . of Phiaix, X. Y. His relBttreVtttw ut Es- captaraa la Ar«aaaas Bev»» aa* obtained .a kaaaaa Taa Benders were eitaer »e«r*tiT [scBed at tue tia>* ef ih.;r supposed escape ur eta. SBBf r ^ i l y Bt. « s cape asd bav. takea tbemseives . etry Km dastaace away irom tbe see*, of vaa:r tern- asaatraciua* IlIOTEBb ARRESTED. ATIAXTA, ©a., Apnl 11, u n , aaa TBoaaaa Siaaa. two t Lai. Joha- ta taa Crawford riot, were .rrasted Heaaso* •<»w*sta%at aad seat beck far tnai ta-a^. M^'teta aawtaaa aB^aea**" " *** "**" I BBBBVVV BMBtBl BBBBBBBBB BfaaaBBal to pay the acm of thtrtj-dre franca tor the barometer, lIXBALB (^ajtHrpoNDEST-Do taey j»ay arUlair'.j I M. LB Yrasixs—A freat ©any of these tnstrq- faeau are ftrea by pnvate todftrtdaai*. whose t*a*ae* are lascnbed bf agreement an the dial plate. This occatuonally give, rise to conons Inci- dents la which pottOce BBT* their share. POUT1CB AND sex. Conn. RHODE ISLAND ELECTION. PBOVIBSSCE, April It, IsTT. Tha second elect ton lor State Senator aad tea Kepre- eenutivcs in this city to-day resulted tb the election of aiae republican caadidates tor Representatives by 400 majority. There was ao choice tor the tenth can- didate nor tor Senator. ones, on seeing the oihors, ran away. Detective i Hobiason, alter aa exciting cbase, came up witb one j ot thorn at tbe corner of lilvtagtoa aad Allen streets j and" said, "Yoa are mr prisooert'* He had hardly tittered the words "wuca the man levelled a revolver at Kobmsou'e head, saying. "Let me got'* There was a struggle to*, the weapon, ano the men rolled oa tbe sidewalk and Robinson got tbe, pistol, . wbtch tbe prisoner succeeded in recptunng. He dealt KA * fc "* th. officer a blow wtih ttaad made oft. ltomnson was stunned for a tew tuouienis but recovering recaptorcd tne desperado, wbo qatotrjr sttbmitted, and was taken to the staiion hou.-e, where be gave bis name as Joha Whitney, or No. 43 itaatoa street. He w u identtded by Br. stuns as one ot the men wbo robbed him LABOR TROUBLES SETTLED. Srautcriaxn, IU, April 13, 1ST7. Tae trouble which has existed ta the rolling mill here for some day* between the company aad tbe em- ploy e« ta regard ta wages baa beea settled. Tne tnea saala to the wishes af th. company, acceded |* tbe while taa tatter arranges with ta* wishes el taa details t a a c A ! J 4«iAN ROMANCC A etory. .oPRiNU POr.MS. POPULAR KXPUSfTjOX OF BOMS fCIBNTtriC EX- PEKIMENTS. Pan lit. With at, lUMUatie*. ELLEN HABiWlN. itsJUOOLBA'AB. A dtary. hyt'ri^TKlANOPATHY. CO.MO IN MAY. A Po*m. ED.TOR'S EA!»Y CHAlX. EDITOR'S LITESAHY RECORD. EDITOR'S aCIti$Tlr*IC RECORD. EOITOK'S HISTORICAL BEOOttD. HOTEL ARRIVALS. fessor Alexander Agassis, of Cambridge, Mass., Is st the Everett. Senator Franklin VV. I Obey, of Port HeatT, N. Y.. is at tbe St. Jamea BaUBew Bale, of Albany, aad Surgeon B. C. Nelson, Called States Nary, are at the Gtlacy. Cha-les P. Conant aad John P. Blgataw. af tba Treasury Department; F. Gordon Dex- ter. af Beatoa. aad Uentenaat Commaader Fredertcl 1 i HARPER'S MAOAZTNE. WEEKLY AND BAZAR. Postaga tree to subscriber* 1st tba Catted aaate* sod Can- ada. HARPEK'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S WEEKLY ar HAB- PEtt'a BAZAR will be tent for on* year so aay saSKrit>*r In tb* Untied Stat.* ar Cauada, p«*tag* prepaid ay tbe publishers, on receipt of H HARPER'* MHGAZIXE. HARPER'S WECKLT aad HARPER'S BAAAB. for eae year, *10; er eay twe far f7; post ax* (rtt. A Complete Aatsviytteal l a d . , te tbe art. Pifty volume* of 1! ,thi'KK'.» MAOAZtNE his just bean pabissaed. BtBaBer* tag available (or reference tae vast and v.ned wes.tu of inlormation wbtch ni.ae* this periodical a part*** tli.*- trwed .iterary eye oixdia. Sva, clwtb, *W. half call, Ba 36. feat postair* area>su4. Ajdraa* HARPER A BROTHERS. K*w Tovk. C BEAPBaT BOOK STORE IN TUB WOBUX Lsfcrarieaaad a*aaa Bwega*. 5BW PUBLICATIOBB. BEBT SBLLINO TTORKS OP TBB DAT. I. falthfel Barrar.t—Novel. i»v A a . l . Aaaaaera... JJt M B, Freaa Dasra te Beea-Paeant. by Tiilet Pea*. I Sf B All Pot Ber.BaJ.de* "A^UIMI-AK.**!.. t t 4, A.B.U el a Bafcy—Cotapanio. ta H•.**'» B.BtSB.. 0 BO 5. Pe«rlw* Cathie*.-A Novel, by Car* Aga.w ...... 1 SO d BplritaallstaaBdDetectlvvt-A. Ptakart**.. IBB 7. Badaaee—A NevaL by Frank Le. B»»Stet ........ I a a B Throwa Oa tb* World-Xov*i. by Bertha Clay ... 1*9 *-Off..bach 1. Amariesk—Jam.** OB*nba*a... 1 10 ta OatertBeCaga-A Newel. »y O. W. Owea I BO 11 BaUU Lyl*—5*^*U by M"r*~Mary J. Netaaee I SO 11 tafellc*—Novel, bv A.imsta Ersma WUse* IB Bate Da.teo-Nov.1. by M.y Agee. Pteattag ...... 1 Tl 14. By Little Leve-A BweeiaV B.rlea Battsad ..... I » 15. Ills Yoaag Wife-Not«:. ly Jo*.i* P Smith \ 73 18. A P*r«*et AeeaU—By.aiber *T Ratledce. M ~...~ 1 68 17. A Wemae%Wtlel-Ncwr^»^C*tiaGB»wBer 1 » IB. Modern SeUaUftc Game el Wh.st-W. Pot. I » 1* Ch.ries DtcksBs* Works-Carl.tee'sedHte*. 1 » 3a Beeefw«fta* Year—Baono volnnte*. I*T*, ........ IB* Aay beak seat by mat:, post paid, ea receipt of prtre. a W. CARLE TON A CO., P.blitaara, Madlaea *..ar». New Tot*. ^ A PPLBToIVB JOCR'NAL ~ " rOK MAY. DBWBIPTIVE TABLE OP OUMBBIwj PBONTISPJECE IlUstratlwa sa poem ••Barbara,» , ay Al- fred Krederick*. THK ALSTRIAN ARCTIO EXPEDITION. I . Twa Parta Pan II. The Secoud Winter to tbe lee and tb* Return Horn*. (With ten Illustration*.! Hv A H. tlo*ru»*y. Illustration.:—AUaii4onltig tb. fliip—Tb. Or*** of t b . Arctic Bl.de.r—Tbe Httrlat of kriarb—Tb. 1K>*> ao4 th* Yountr 1HM»—The Winter Hot. of a Bear—Host we recelv. Rear*—r'aillag- lato aCrev.ase —View el Cap. Auk-Ta. Sledge ia . Snow Storu-Sc.a. ea the to*. BAR1IARA. A Po.m. Br Nor. Perry. mmmm __ -CHKRRV RtPE'." A Nev.i. CUaptar* XV., XTt, XVII., XVitl. aud XIX. Hy Helen ». Mather*, authei of '•Comia* Tbro' th. Ry." aad "As He Come* np the Stair." (This ch.rmlnr serial story waa begun la th. nnmbei lor February, 1877.1 _ KEELER HILL A short st.ry, eorapUl.. of early Yla inula Colonial Life. By Constance Keuituere Wools.. FRENCH ErtUtKTTE 1. Marrying ia Kranea II. Taa Etion*tte of visiting, A c , In Parts. By Lsiey H. lioopvr. A SPRING RKFRAiN. A Poem. By John Moran. ABOUT GARDENS AXD GARDE »IXH. L Tb. Coaatry Oardea. II. City Oarrlens. rty Ella Rodman Cbarea. HCOSONIA A satin Poem, -fly *.. «. P. _ THB TOWER Of' PtiR«:KMONT. A Nw»eL By Gears. Sand. Concluding rhaptart. THE WALKINU rBRN. A abort atory ot American Ufa in fo.r chapters, eoniptete. fly Matilda Joalya Gaga OOINO HOME. A Bohemia. Souc. By SL H stoddarrl. THE OBBAT WUITE WALL. A ftk.tch «.f t b . En S il«b South t'oaat. t. Pag IL Rorf 11L Sbin^l.. IV. Chalk. V. Upa and Down* VI. Lifa. By Julian Haw. BVadlAB DIRSENT. HEB^SY AND RCni«B. A Pepe* o. the Carious Re.iglou* Faith* Prevalent la Russia. By Geor/e Oary Etrleston. THE STORt OK A RC8Y WOMtN'B LIPR. Prem •Autobiography ot Harriet Martina..." By George M. BANS AND FRITZ. A Humorous Dialect Poem. By O. r\ Adam*. '-, EDITOR'S TABLE:—Deeor.tiv. Art—Plot M.klop IB F t * tlon—»»oct*t I aremouv In Prance—Duelling ta Franc— Tbe New Core-All—American aad Kngiitn Pnjrsta.*— Popular Liaaders. Tit BOTICEdOF NEW BOOEs. cents per nu D. APPLKToN * U Twenty-flv. cent s per nunitier * . S3 per annum. O . Publish •r*. N.w Tiwk. A FASCINATING WORK ON AN ENTRAKC1NUTOPIC HE WILL COME, by_ STEPHEN IL'TV.VO. J r . D.D. This work tt not prophetical. It diseatses th. tool, a* a Divine promise. Its plan I* to follow the narrative of a Christian'* experieuc of the revealed facts in tbe next dla- peu-ation. -Tber.l* not a Una of coutrovany I. tb. volntea. Y*t it l*tu l.foold and original thoueht. apt illustration, and torcsble writing, and it I* a work wnieh ao oa. wba IS "watenfn^ and wattinst'' for the Lord rait afford to mis* lSmo..dl6pp..Sl i;>tu Uteeai WWIo Moreeoa Bold by BookMilara. or prepaid on receipt of pnc*. BtCKLOW A « SIMON, PUBL1SHEBS. Madison av. aad 43d st.. New Ter*. miABMlNU BOOKS for BPBINil AND SUMMER RBADINQ. 1—A POINT OF HONOR. Mrs. Annie Edwardt' las* atory Bl or t l 5U. "Mrs. Edward* is on* of th* briaht.st and fre*b**t of tba novel writers ot th. day *'—.loarn.l, Bottou. 2-LIFE ON THE PLAINS. By General Oeoree A, Cutter, lllnstra.ed. t'2. The belt book en tbe Icdi.n* ever published. S-THK PLEASURES OF ANGUNG. By Oeera* Dawson, of th. Albany Evening Journal, a Vetera* sportsman. Co. vol, tinted paper. Elegantly lllus- tiated. SI 50 4—TEMPEST-TOSSED. By T6«odor* Tiltoa. t t 75. b—MKLLS' NEW MANUAL OF FAKLIAMENTABY PRACTICE. Tbe most compact and raiiabi* book ef Its cl*ft publltbad. Cloth bindinsT- T5 cent*. NOVELS RECENTLY PCBi^fBHEa BY MRS. ANNIE EDWARDS. Ought We to Visit Her f Svo. $1 or $1 75. Archie Lovell. Svo. Slorgl 75. 1, 2. Archie Lovetl. Svo. ft or fj I 75. 1 Steven Lawrence, yeoman. Svo. Sloe SITS. 4. Pbltip Earusclfa., Svo. florll 75. 5. Leab I A'Woman of Fashion. Sva SlerillTB, d. Ette.le. 12tnn. ( I or *1 M, BV JUSTIN M'CARTHY. 1. Lady J.dlth Svo. SI or $1 75. 2. i inlev Rochford. Svo. (I or SI 75. 3. Dear Lady Disdain. Svo. Si or SI TS. 4. A Kalr daxon. l2mo. *T or II 5U. 5. Paai Maatle. l2aio. Si or *l Su. Either of the above Mot by man, post paid, MI receipt ef tbe price. SHELDON A CO., >*J __^ 8 Murray «... N.w Tor*. C iaEAWfeT BOOK STORP."7N r NEWTORK. J Books oouirbt. Libraries purchased. JOHN PYNE. Bookaeiier. I0B Naasao •». C CHRONIC-KIDNEY. BLADDTR, THEIR COGNATB /and hitherto fatal ai**s**s, witb full directions for their cure, la Dr. HEATH'S book ef 100 pages, gratis, at *X> Broadway, N.w York. I MMENSE SUCCESS OF THE NEW LAWN GAME, "Vexillo," a tfreat improvement on "Croquet." Patros- lie. ny the elite, (sold at all flr.i class book and stationary store.. E. t. HORSMAN. Importer of Gam**, m and M William tt., N. Y. .->enrt stamp for detcriptiv* price lisv pRBAT OFPORTWt'ITY ter book buyer* prior to removal. /ABES MILLER, baoks.ller aud station**. *47 Broadway, offer* hit extent!ve stack ef Bowks and Stationery (TOT twenty days only), at a reduction of 33 1 3 per cent. L IPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE tor May. Handsomely IlluMraUd. Mew ready Containing I. DOWN THE RHINE. Illustrated. By Lady Murphy 1 IN ThE VALLEY* OF PEBC. m.strated. B LONGINGS. By Chart*. D. Kay. * THE ABBESS OF IsCIUA. A Story. By Robert A, Mo Lead. 6. PARISIAN CLUB LIFB A Sketch. By a B. He*» * TUB CHOICE. By Ma-y B Do«g«. 7. A HPERKLUTV OF NAUGHT.NESS. A Lov. Story. By E.iuard Bellamy. * SOME NOTES ANENT8CULIEMAKN. By Ctsuevy Hickox. B SPRING. (After a elctere by A. C*4). TrantlaMd tmm the Preach of K**v\coi» Coppe*. By Emma Laaaras. 1iX A gi'EKN OF BLRLHStjUE. AMorr. IL BUUIALS AND BLE.AL PLACER. By Walter Mitchell, 12. THE MARQUIS OP LOSSIE. By Georga author «f Malcolm." "Alee Forbes.' Ae. 13. DAMNED PLAVX By- Br.«d*r M.ttaesr* 14. APRIL l»AY> By Skii/aerfb H. Coat.. 15. OCR MONTHLY GOisalP -Ihe Cbataaa ef St. Oes> main-eu-Lay*. Buieaiian Rose Uarv**Ms Selling a Hwnse, Joel T. Hart. Koreipu Books oa America. Id LITERATI RE OF THE DAY Per aat. by all boa* aud aew*4*ai«r*. TBRM8:-Yaarly s-.baeripuou. $4, peatag. paid; .amb.r, 35 cents Libera, clabhine rates ^p*ctm*B number mailed, aeatag. paid, te Bay •8 receipt of 20 ceutt. J. B. LIP^tNCOTT A C a . P.bilrtev*. 715 »ud T17 Market «*.. PbiU.elpbta. rxvBj POPCLtR SCIENCE BONTBLT. CONDIVTED BY B. L YOUMANS. CONTBNTS OF THE MAY N1MBER. L G.r l'ik*a. Old aud Vauag. 1. By Ptafaaetw Bert 4* Wilder, tilliin rated.) IL Mesmerism. Ouvusm, f.bi. T.ralng and Sptrtt.al- lam L By WtUiatu B. Carpenter, LL. D.. F. K. a, III. Aaueducts. By William E Simmoo* .lllu*ir*tad.» IV. Graruaiuta. aad Ho* is Work*. By Graj»vtlt. f. V: Oa the Habit* of lata By Sir Jala Leak at*. Ban. VI. The New Star t. tha CentieUation ot ta. Bwaav By Ataedee Guillemtr. .1. .-..s: rated . VII AatiQu. Marbles. c By John D . hatnpll.. Jr. VIII, Oa taa Botuteriol Dlri*:»ility of Gold .ad Otbae Metal*. By Alexander r.. tiut«i-knd-«. Jr I X Biss-etueat* of Jupttcr't C;O»MI Maaa.*. By Richard A. Proetov. X. Tosastoot Eating By J sua* A. Palmar, Jr. XL s-keteb of Pee.uWat Sxraarx tWita Portrait.) X.L CoRBESPuNDENCR. X11L EDITOR'S TABLE: Mesial Ovarwovk Under rbe Competitive Pru# System—Tit* rfalrnr.Iipeaiaai. #* teats—C.-ncersJna "Biste Glaaa** UTEBABY NOTICES: Baseh** * Ea^liab CaHitatiwa aad Other rj»*j»—Spencer I Pnactpla. *f aWteaV *aBr~rTe*c.'lt's electricity aad tit* Electric Te.a- prsob—fyudail's Loe^ns Iu Electricity—Wrtgti'. PbP«>*o©tk-al Dt»cn<»io!t» - W a l l a c e - , *.*»!., Ac. FOPCLAK MISCELLANT; Cotton Ceitare ta Bgypt— Tea'iwi.otaU to Mr. Larwn.—.»a*Haat gatavf>rt<m PvasRu-tioii m Near Btgaaadaass la >itsB.lt bin nem.cal "o>erv.tiaa« . a t b . R.-cky , Baser. M Uaat oa ualvaai. I'aaiSafttTttt. eta. BOTES »»»».*>** TEBBS-dS per aaamm, aeetag. free, ee MeoaMB«ea»B*> - ..? J; >s. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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    • •


    m All Parte of tt*e World.


    tltrttki Male ky the Russia Enroy at CmsUBtloopIe.


    ny, Itttrti, Elgin* lad Crtetc (••• Mt Wig Imii i MwirtL


    [ • V CABLE TO T B S » B B t l | B j |

    U W M I , Apru 14, UTT.

    a eeat*. WltBta B l i t day*, at farthest, tin p a r t Of Ul« gT*»t COB K i t t * t * t « B KBMU

    tiraey will dart begaa. For s o r t tttaa

    years, ti'BlBiBlBg WttB f M apparently

    iftraat rebellion la taa fterxegovtaa a s 4

    t wit* taa breaking ap «f IB* Conference,

    e baa beea perplexed, warned and s l a n t e d

    a t to regard to the Beater* focatlam. A

    clostd, a * greater taaa a provincial

    us. la ao empire tBat never v a a af lite qulat-

    •to-day ended la, prectpltattag apon Earopa

    i m n M H to ba tha greatest war of hi»tory.

    e lBJoTiaatlon from the U I A A L D S correspond.

    la to. Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna and

    de ta »:i of ooo tone. The Mate.

    are unanimous ta the optnloa tttat

    at iopeteaa and that war will bo declared

    the Beat twenty-fear beam, If It baa not

    y beea done. Tbe Bertta Krrut grttung, a a

    •ttaure paper la German military circles,

    a t a r a t to amy:— "According to a

    circulated la tbo sweat positive term It ta

    rd, oa the gromad of newt received from s t .

    oarg, tttat inatrncUona were aent yeaterday

    on. to tbo Russian Cnergd d" Affaires at Con-

    tople to declare war against tbe Porte."


    Iret great natation la to know where Bnssla

    inke. Aa wa Bave long maintained it now

    aettled tbat Russia's attack will ba made

    entral Aata> * A letter receive d by tbe Foreign

    from Captain Bttrnany aays bo baa aacer-

    that a aeeret alliance exlata between Rnaata

    srsla, Rtporta from all qnartera indicate

    uaeta la massing her men for an advance

    rnteaia. Tbe better elaae or lnbaottanu are •

    I Ttftla for the interior. Rnsaiaa officers Iron

    report tbat 40,000 rcratao troops are con-1*

    ted aear the Tarklah frontier. Tbo Czat

    tart 00 tbo Mtb lost, for the tfldait*

    t army. A manifesto baa -been leaned.

    apcrtor office re of the southern army have

    lu.uicuij aummoned before a graad council of

    la 81 Peteraborg, ta ba board tweaect-, preparations tor marching aso.ooo tnea

    1 the Pratb eaeat week. The army baa

    ly advanced, but baa sot paasad tbe fron-

    tadoed. it ta doubtful if any thing mora tbaa a

    able paaaage through Roumantawill be asked.

    retty autbontaurely stated tost Germany doea

    tab to aee the neutrality of-Roamaala rto-

    consequebUy the principal Russian attack

    e on.the Astatic atde.

    Meauaegna illegal as bad a Baal interview to.

    Mb Balrat Paeaa, wba declared tbat tbe Porta re.

    > the* demand* Sabeeoeeatly tbe Oread

    r telegraphed Pnaoe Nicholas tbat tba

    ttea bad aadea, and weald not ba

    aaeaV Meateaefra will deter tba reaamptloa

    ituittee aatii Beaeta'a Baal dentate* letelttgeaee

    awwaraaaa, dated April a. aaaaaaaea tbat Turkish

    reparations are keiag pushed leeward aa Tig or-

    aad eiteaatvetg as tba state af tba

    ter parasite. Tba atreagtb of the Turkian

    1 • estimated at la, 00a Tba Earda aad

    aalana are to be eallad eat, aad It la aeUeeed tbat

    wilt readily respond. It ta pat expected ta

    >y lbs* tb. Raaataaa wtll be earn te adeaaee ae.

    be 1MB et May, ewtag to the want af rsasarbsa ta

    wastry through wblcb taey mu*t paaa The *V***MI

    hiaaaeaaeaa tbat reialoreemeat. bare beea seal

    « Tarkteb torcee ta tba Vitajai ef tba Danube.

    ar veeaets will be erOared te S»IIB» oa tbe BucB

    tad Baa frtfitte te eratae la tbe Medlterraaaaa.

    tava T U I I I I uacct-»a is riauimutr.

    tba ilouae »t l ord», yeateraay a luraeaj , tba

    I'S circular ta reply ta tbe protocol waa laid aa

    ibte ef tbe Haaao. Lord Derby aatd tbat ba re-

    hl ta Mr it was a** e f a aauatactory cbarae'er, » * « »t tead ta a peaeatat esHleeneat. tart ml* gave »«ttc« tbat be * M M e+n aueatteai ta abject oa MoaOar. * Baa U > tbeataer PewdVa abyeot te tta prod eat lea. Beaten tttat ba aoaM meet -tbe motasa tar etbar papers a iweet aegattra XatwwbaBtedtag tbe anew**

    eey character af' tbe Pwrta's o rcaUr gagtaad area ad aat atawed tte teat warden behalf ef aaaee. . M«rsy said tbat. be. dtdi aee balwre tbat way ta beaedt tba Cbnataaa aaljeaia af

    Parte waa 'by •raaad BBM ' 'a* right te lata

    tea af tba Cbrtetteas M Tartey. tba lateeaeta at laatbai



    —— ——

    14, 187T.--TOIl?IiS SHEET.

    af waa eet tettewwg

    tet bam aak far astd ana s'etest

    •ae Bargaaf af Barttagtea

    nieia'a arraAtiaa w two arawr aw waa. T*rfea aaesaasaa Bbat Baa Baa t less Bare aat gate

    aat ssbwrtif Bbt taa raajatbattia TaraisB fag baa aat beea

    tbe I—U lease Bawaral etbar autttere •portaaee era meaWened as betag ta

    aateia&ed atapuhniaas agreed opoa M * was stgaed Bererst Tarkisb officials

    tnafc eat batween Batata aad Hilary would eoastder


    at » e bat 1 atbafi


    gaa ywna. tao Tatab* - — Tarkteb let faery,

    Mrtted welsh might be gg deteaea. This

    , • poesibla eeaupaUaa af tap aa Daaaba, aopaarte Baamaatea tarn-

    Z ,rrraet the Reesiaaa ereestsg aear n r taa treaties establishing tba

    4 Berrta sad Baumaala tba Tarks hare

    STORM wm. litCTttllu UtenUw Wit. I . U Terrier, W-

    mtar Bf tfct ftrtf IticmtafT*


    Previous Effort* to Predict At-lantic Storms Fall. -



    taetr terrttery wMBaak dava af Ignoring \

    b t T « grawa atora or ttm

    tbe pragrrsa af ereaia, tt at improbable

    Z* eueutieu »tU Be paid ta aay axloung trwty

    l!«,^wteite.sbaaMbema.ue.br«.ke.L It is suud 1! LSgaTsTreies here tbat tba Tarabtb army - suffer-i gmtlyftew. w ^ ef praetam^ ^ " J J

    - threatened with starraUon. It M felly ea-_ tbat there will he maaaaens ef Chrtetl^s wba. Tarkah artdi«a « • mdaaad ta d^peratloa by

    saa laa IsaBtasl

    r* Rc»sia aaA»T. Tbe fcasalsn Mlanaer ef War hueeraerad tbaeaUtef

    J I t a . ^ t t e - « i « * ^ m*m of St. rwterrtmrgof !y aaMssfa •> larteega belera the « d Inst, Tbe •!«*, arraayaaawacs'i »t, feteriberg despatch - ^ L a g r a a d a o e a a d e f wsrisbetaa bate tbera The Cabinet regarda tbe Tarnish circular ss n 00m-„ „ , rewetto. ef tbe pret^l, - d therefor, da. %L \Z ?Q< la wbleb tbat great Bewaoentra. aL tboagh tary far from the Bospboras or the Neea, eaobot be lanored. A Psrts aeapatcb aays it I s stated ib«t aeeeral RassisB C a s s i s in Turkey baTS received order* 10 prepare to lesve tbe country. Count Orlofl, 1 he Kotsiao Ambaaaador. bad s o lBterrtaw with lbs Dee Deecses yeaterday. It ts sasertad that tba former protested against the statement that Rus-sia would immediately enter on a campaign against Turkey. O B the contrary, she is not disposed to reject fresh negotiations la case the Powers wished to nuke fortner attempts at conciliation.

    IT ts BlSMABCE's aBVlCB. At bat e a e of those eminently accurate correspond*

    eats of the provincial preea has found Bismarck in the faster a woodpila The London correspondent of \ tbe Msacbester Gttardtea m y s b e has l b s statement frdbj ae good a source that be deems It oeceaaary to re-A

    peat it, tbat tbe Terkiab Charge a'Affaires at Berlin baa telegraphed 3ai¥et Pacha that Prince Bismarck ad-• w e d Tarkey to rclact Rnsata's demand* i f tola bad been priotod earlier wa might hare guessed w h y be had retired Irom public Ufa Bat BOW it seems a mere joke of a y o a a g Kero of the press white all I" u rope la ia Basse*,


    A* sbowlag tba change which tne reported declara-tion of war will briag ia the press within a few hours s a extract from the Pall Mall G CASUALTY.

    EL«A*sTg, X. J. April 18,18TT. Be*. Gilbert B. Harden, aged fifty, waa killed oa the

    Central Railroad la this city last atgbt. While corn ng from New York oa a local train, wbtctt stopped oa a siding at Stager's factory for tbe express train to pass, be left the platform aad stood e a the track la froat of I c o * * Mr. Stuws aoticeti two men foliowiag tbem aad

    1 Tin i aBataft t h a r > t sttsl » r\ 1 Its* .1 #M A r* f* V •*> ^ h « C M s T u i r i / i I


    WBile Mr. Cyrns W. Pearsall, or No. 28 Lewis street, was riding on a „ar on avenue A OB Thursday night s valuable gold watch and chain were stolen from him. When tba car on wtiica Mr. Pearsall ! was riding reached the corner of Seventh street he I called Officer Peterson, of the Seventeeth precinct, aad I told Bim ot his loss. Robert Stafford, who was stand- j Ing e.o.-e sy Mr. iVarsad, was recognized and arrested j by the ' officer as a notorious pickpocket | and was locked up In tbe station bouee. He w a i f a k e u ; to the Essex Market Ponce Court yesterday and bciore • Superintendent Walling. Detectives Rbbiuson and I Bisaet were detailed oy Captain McCulIough to follow j tbo officer aud prisoner and keep a sharp loox ; out for bts confederates. Mark S tuns , a Graad street clothier, roitbed of a gold » a t c h and chain valued at | SiUdt was with tne detective*. On the way irom the



    FOR MAY, 1S77, t CONTAINS;- 4

    OCR FAMILIAR BIRDS (Second Paper). Ulnstratlons.— The Mocking llfrd-The SoaaUn Bayonet

    in Flower—The great Caroliua Wren—Fruiter the Span-ish Bayonet—The Cardinal Uroabeak—KiHdee Plov.r— Kingfisher.


    Illustrations.—Ctk Castle from within—Ahergarenny— "From America I"—Valley or the llsk—"Cattle Stealers, Sir."—lisk Church and Priory—Roman Dog Sculpture. Caerleon Museum—"A Saapence!"— Fragment of Roman Tile-r'rsgiuent of Santiau War.—Raman Lamp found in Caerleon Cburcb Vard— King Arthur's Round T a b l e -Polly— Inscription, with Name of Consul— The Ideal and the Actual —Newport Cattle—St. Woollot Chnteh—Down the Kiver at Low Tide—Mr. 'Opkias—Oa Stow Hill — Tredegar House. Newport.

    1BRAF1L. A Poem. Illustration*.— Israfil.— "Lo! Down tb* Airy Wast* Po.r

    Shining Angels Haste"—'t-or the Night Deepens, aad without tbe Gate Evil Spirits Hide and Walt"—"Tba ser-pent King with Envious Hate Whispers to Tempt Tny Angelhood''—"The Angel Linger* anil, and Murmur* Low •Datiguter of Earth, how Fair I" "—"The Shadow of t b . Grave Forever r'oilow The* I"—"To Calvary's Cross wblcb I Must Bear Alone "—"From Abel's Biooil Split ea tb* Altar Stone."

    AT THE GATEWAY OF THE CATSKILL8. illustrations,— Bishop's Falls, on the Esopos—Sbokan

    Maiden Spinning—Branch of tit* Esopus Below Old >ho-kan—Tbe Old Mill—A Bear Wallow, or Drinking Place— Eae . Brewa at Home-Setting the Irap-TUe Start from Brown's Cabin—Baiting tba Trap—Mre, Brow., a la

    AN'oLD GENTLEMAN'S RECOLLECTIONS. tl'natrattoat The Beacon. Bustou, ITdO— Tbe erlgtaal

    Faneuil Hall. Boston. \H2~Dutch Houses iu New \ or», lTsVZ-FriLC* Tallevrand

    SOLOMON PODDY'S COURTSHIP. A Story. Illustration*,—"Here was a Predicament for Solomon"—

    • I s it really \oa. Mr. Poddv •" I A WOMAN I I A T E R . Part XL

    FLO KEN CE. Illustration*.—Plasia dell* Sign or! a. witb tb* Towar ef

    the Vacca—The Centre ot Florence -Interior of th* L'roxl Gailerv ~Giotto—Ponte Vecehio-Th. Arno. looking We»t from Post* Vaccbto—Mieb*«t Angeto—Mkbael Aagclo'* Mudy—Autograph Poem ol Michael Angela—Virgau and Child—"La None," Tomb ef iSiolie*d da M*diri-9tttvriw A'.aleri— Bead ot An^el—Figure* irom Organ .-ere*, ta tbe Cathedral—tomb of Micb**i Angelo—.iuiengo-Ves-pucet—"Devil.'' in M*rc*to Vaccbio— I'omb »( tialfU Dante—Loggia del Land, or deil' Orcagna-Sevunaroia-t>avuu*roia'> t.'*l!—Autograph roem ot Savonarola—Mar-tyrdom oi Savonarola—Lautern, Palasti rtroaii — Loreato de .*!edict—lotcb-Holder lor external l i luuiuttton*.

    CUiKRoN'S JOURNEY ACROas* AFRICA li:o*tr.:ton».—Fi.atiax Island* o . L*»e Tanganyika—

    Trera'"* and Mparantuti Tree*—Wa.ogo CoiBares—Camp. I'teohe—Kutratice ta tb* Lakng* River—Mead* al tne Lake l'c>.».e — lie .d» af Mea ot Mauyuema—Njraugw*. from the Uiver—Baasana and one ot bis Wives—Waru* fiaides t a Alricaa Waddsag-Slav. Gai.g—Domiago*

    BREMA: OK. MY FATHER':* SIN. Chapter X.WI At tbe Bank: Chapter XXVUL Coatsn 11.1U'.ague. Chapter KAVUL A C At the Pair. p.


    Che**; C.aptar XXIS.

    A POEM.

    of which yoa see there

    communes ta provided with aa aneroid barometer

    oa a woodea case, la onter that these notices isajr

    be placed.proporiy under the eyes ol the public.

    S11,1.. CBetry ^J^aK at this staae, \ The service Is gratoitoos. but the eocinianes h*Te

    Kteh AT tl i taetnrlag Company, ot this city. Hta last pastorate was U l e 8 e ! in t h . t o w . of P h i a i x , X. Y. His relBttreVtttw ut Es-

    captaraa la Ar«aaaas Bev»» aa* obtained .a kaaaaa Taa Benders were eitaer »e«r*tiT

    [scBed at tue tia>* ef ih . ;r supposed escape u r e ta . SBBf r^i ly Bt . « scape asd b a v . takea tbemseives . etry K m dastaace away irom tbe s e e * , of vaa:r tern-asaatraciua*


    A T I A X T A , ©a. , Apnl 11, u n ,

    aaa TBoaaaa Siaaa. two t L a i . Joha-ta taa Crawford riot, were .rrasted

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    5 B W P U B L I C A T I O B B .


    I. falthfel Barrar.t—Novel. i»v A a . l . Aaaaaera... JJt M

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    5. Pe«rlw* C a t h i e * . - A Novel, by Car* A g a . w . . . . . . 1 SO

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    I B Bate Da . t eo -Nov .1 . by M.y Agee . Pteat tag . . . . . . 1 Tl

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    15. Ills Yoaag Wife-Not«:. l y Jo*.i* P Smith \ 73

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    17. A Wemae%Wtlel-Ncwr^»^C*tiaGB»wBer 1 »

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    a W. CARLE TON A CO., P.blitaara,

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    PBONTISPJECE IlUstratlwa sa poem ••Barbara,»,ay Al-fred Krederick*.

    THK ALSTRIAN ARCTIO EXPEDITION. I . Twa Parta Pan II. The Secoud Winter to tbe lee and tb* Return Horn*. (With ten Illustration*.! Hv A H. tlo*ru»*y.

    Illustration.:—AUaii4onltig t b . fliip—Tb. Or*** of t b . Arctic Bl.de.r—Tbe Httrlat of kriarb— T b . 1K>*> ao4 th* Yountr 1HM»—The Winter Hot. of a Bear—Host we recelv. Rear*—r'aillag- lato aCrev.ase —View el Cap. A u k - T a . Sledge ia . Snow S t o r u - S c . a . ea the to*.

    BAR1IARA. A Po.m. Br Nor. Perry. mmmm _ _ -CHKRRV RtPE'." A Nev.i . CUaptar* XV., X T t ,

    XVII., XVitl . aud XIX. Hy Helen » . Mather*, authei of '•Comia* Tbro' t h . R y . " aad "As He Come* np the Stair."

    (This ch.rmlnr serial story waa begun la t h . nnmbei lor February, 1877.1 _

    KEELER HILL A short st .ry, eorapUl.. of early Yla inula Colonial Life. By Constance Keuituere Wools . .

    FRENCH ErtUtKTTE 1. Marrying ia Kranea II. Taa Etion*tte of visiting, A c , In Parts. By Lsiey H. lioopvr.

    A SPRING RKFRAiN. A Poem. By John Moran. ABOUT GARDENS A X D GARDE »IXH. L Tb . Coaatry

    Oardea. II. City Oarrlens. rty Ella Rodman Cbarea. HCOSONIA A satin Poem, -fly *.. «. P. _ THB TOWER Of' PtiR«:KMONT. A Nw»eL By Gears.

    Sand. Concluding rhaptart. THE WALKINU rBRN. A abort atory ot American U f a

    in fo.r chapters, eoniptete. fly Matilda Joalya Gaga OOINO HOME. A Bohemia. Souc. By SL H stoddarrl.

    THE OBBAT WUITE WALL. A ftk.tch «.f t b . EnSil«b South t'oaat. t. Pag IL Rorf 11L Sbin^l.. IV. Chalk. V. Upa and Down* VI. Lifa. By Julian Haw.

    BVadlAB DIRSENT. HEB^SY AND R C n i « B . A Pepe* o . the Carious Re.iglou* Faith* Prevalent la Russia. By Geor/e Oary Etrleston.

    THE STORt OK A RC8Y WOMtN'B LIPR. Prem •Autobiography ot Harriet Martina.. ." By George M.

    B A N S AND FRITZ. A Humorous Dialect Poem. By O. r\ Adam*. — '-,

    EDITOR'S TABLE:—Deeor.tiv. Art—Plot M.klop IB Ft* tlon—»»oct*t I aremouv In Prance—Duelling ta Franc— Tbe New Core-All—American aad Kngiitn Pnjrsta.*— Popular Liaaders.


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    Twenty-flv. cent s per nunitier *. S3 per annum. O . Publish •r*. N.w Tiwk.



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    This work tt not prophetical. It diseatses t h . tool , a* a Divine promise. Its plan I* to follow the narrative of a Christian'* experieuc of the revealed facts in tbe next dla-peu-ation. -Tber.l* not a Una of coutrovany I . t b . volntea. Y*t it l*tu l . f o o l d and original thoueht. apt illustration, and torcsble writing, and it I* a work wnieh ao o a . wba IS "watenfn^ and wattinst'' for the Lord rait afford to mis*

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    Mo Lead. 6. PARISIAN CLUB L I F B A Sketch. By a B . He*»

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    author «f Malcolm." "Alee Forbes.' Ae. 13. DAMNED P L A V X B y - Br.«d*r M.ttaesr* 14. APRIL l»AY> By Skii/aerfb H. Coat.. 15. OCR MONTHLY GOisalP - I h e Cbataaa ef St. Oes>

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    L G.r l'ik*a. Old aud Vauag. 1. By Ptafaaetw Bert 4* Wilder, tilliin rated.)

    IL Mesmerism. Ouvusm, f . b i . T.ralng and Sptrtt.al-lam L By WtUiatu B. Carpenter, LL. D.. F. K. a,

    III. Aaueducts. By William E Simmoo* .lllu*ir*tad.» IV. Graruaiuta. aad Ho* is Work*. By Graj»vtlt. f.

    V: Oa the Habit* of l a t a By Sir J a l a Leak at*. B a n . VI. The New Star t . tha CentieUation ot t a . Bwaav By

    Ataedee Guillemtr. .1. .-..s: rated . VII AatiQu. Marbles. c By John D . hatnpll.. Jr.

    VIII, Oa taa Botuteriol Dlri*:»ility of Gold . a d Otbae Metal*. By Alexander r.. tiut«i-knd-«. Jr

    I X Biss-etueat* of Jupttcr't C;O»MI Maaa.*. By Richard A. Proetov.

    X. Tosastoot Eating By J sua* A. Palmar, Jr. XL s-keteb of Pee.uWat Sxraarx tWita Portrait.)

    X.L CoRBESPuNDENCR. X11L EDITOR'S TABLE: Mesial Ovarwovk Under rbe

    Competitive Pru# System—Tit* r f a l r n r . I i p e a i a a i . #* teats— C.-ncersJna "Biste Glaaa**

    U T E B A B Y NOTICES: Baseh** * Ea^liab CaHitat iwa aad Other rj»*j»—Spencer I Pnactpla. *f aWteaV *aBr~rTe*c.'lt's electricity aad tit* Electric Te.a-prsob—fyudail's Loe^ns Iu Electricity—Wrtgti'. PbP«>*o©tk-al Dt»cn** T E B B S - d S per aaamm, aeetag . free, ee MeoaMB«ea»B*>

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