jeopardy for ap history project

Jeopardy Vocabula ry People Places Dates Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Cultur e

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Page 1: Jeopardy for ap history project

JeopardyVocabulary People Places Dates

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy


Page 2: Jeopardy for ap history project

$100 Question from H1

The Paleolithic Revolution started this way of life.

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$100 Answer from H1

What is a life based on hunting and finding edible nuts, berries and plants?

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$200 Question from H1

Most scientists believe that this particular rise in temperatures is increased by burningfossil fuels.

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$200 Answer from H1

What is Global Warming?

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$300 Question from H1

The transition from hunting andgathering to farming is marked by this.

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$300 Answer from H1

What is the Neolithic Revolution?

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$400 Question from H1

These are sacred ceremonial pits used byearly Native Americans.

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$400 Answer from H1

What are kivas?

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$500 Question from H1

The word “Anasazi”, used by the Navajo Indians to refer to their predecessors, means what?

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$500 Answer from H1

Who are the “Ancient Ones”?

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$100 Question from H2

After the spread of this crop in North America, many Native Americans created sedentary communities and centered their lives around it.

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$100 Answer from H2

What is corn?

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$200 Question from H2

What food was created by interbreeding various types of grasses in southern Mexico?

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$200 Answer from H2

What is Maize?

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$300 Question from H2

In Europe, improvements in this technology made it possible to cast bronze and iron in much stronger forms.

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$300 Answer from H2

What is mettalurgy?

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$400 Question from H2

Africa and Eurasia were also hit by the NeolithicRevolution and two lead crops were introducedto the areas.

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$400 Answer from H2

What are wheat and rice?

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$500 Question from H2

In Europe, the treatises of Martin Luther and JohnCalvin initiated this Reformation.

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$500 Answer from H2

Protestant Reformation

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$100 Question from H3

These hunters were named after the long stone blades that they made to cutthick hides.

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$100 Answer from H3

Who are the Clovis hunters?

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$200 Question from H3

The Native Americans that lived in Southwest present day United States.

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$200 Answer from H3

Who are the Hohokam, the Mogolon, and the Anasazi?

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$300 Question from H3

This religious icon of the Native Americans, linked the fertility of the earth to the fertility of a women.

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$300 Answer from H3

Who is the Corn Mother?

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$400 Question from H3

These mound builders flourished inOhio and Illinois.

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$400 Answer from H3

Who are the Hopewell people?

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$500 Question from H3

This man had a hypothesis of the Clovis people called “overkill”.

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$500 Answer from H3

Paul S. Martin

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$100 Question from H4

This gorge located in western New Mexicowas home to a group of corn cultivators known as Anasazi.

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$100 Answer from H4

What is The Chaco Canyon?

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$200 Question from H4

This was the first true urban centerlocated in what is now the U.S.

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$200 Answer from H4

What is Cohokia, located in the vicinity of St. Louis?

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$300 Question from H4

The earliest sedentary community was located here.

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$300 Answer from H4

Where is Poverty Point, on the Mississippi River?

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$400 Question from H4

The Iroquois Native Americans, settled in what present day states?

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$400 Answer from H4

What are modern day New York and Pennsylvania?

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$500 Question from H4

The capital of Mali, which in 1500 was a major city and important Islamic University and Library.

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$500 Answer from H4

What is Timbuktu?

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$100 Question from H5

By what year were most of the large mammals of North America extinct?

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$100 Answer from H5

When was 8000 B.C.E.?

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$200 Question from H5

Around this year, the development in Cahokia peaked.

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$200 Answer from H5

When was 1150 A.D.?

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$300 Question from H5

By this year, Cahokia was completely deserted.

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$300 Answer from H5

When was 1350 A.D.?

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$400 Question from H5

The year that Timbuktu had become a majorcity where an important Islamic university and library was created.

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$400 Answer from H5

When was 1500 A.D.?

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$500 Question from H5

The year that Spain and Portugal expelled the Jewish minority due to overpopulation.

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$500 Answer from H5

When was 1492 A.D.?

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Final Jeopardy

This large cliff town had buildings more than fivestories tall in its community.

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Final Jeopardy Answer

Where is Pueblo Bonito?