jānis riekstiņš


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Jelgavas 4. vidusskolas Comenius programmas projekts „Mana personība un karjera multikulturālā sabiedrībā” līguma Nr. 2008-1-LV2-COM07-00040. Jānis Riekstiņš. “Dead” enterprises of Jelgava. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Jānis Riekstiņš
Page 2: Jānis Riekstiņš

Jelgavas 4. vidusskolas Comenius Jelgavas 4. vidusskolas Comenius programmas programmas

projektsprojekts„Mana personība un karjera „Mana personība un karjera multikulturālā sabiedrībā”multikulturālā sabiedrībā”

līguma Nr. līguma Nr. 2008-1-LV2-COM07-000402008-1-LV2-COM07-00040

Jānis Riekstiņš

Page 3: Jānis Riekstiņš

“Dead” enterprises of Jelgava

Companies, that used to operate and made production in Jelgava in the past,

but due to different reasons have stopped their activities at the moment

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“Jelgavas cukurfabrika”“Sugar-refinery of Jelgava”


“Sugar-refinery of Jelgava” had been one of the biggest

factories operating in Jelgava since 1926 and the biggest factory of

sugar industry in Latvia. Main product of “Sugar-refinery of Jelgava”

– “Jelgavas cukurs” had been the most merchantable sugar in


“Sugar-refinery of Jelgava” was closed in 2008 due to sugar

market reform in European Union. There was a possibility that

factory could continue its existence, but the new standards limited

factory too much and working in future wouldn’t give any


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RAF (Rīgas Autobusu Fabrika)RAF (Riga Bus Factory)


Used to be one of the biggest van factories in the USSR, its

production was exported to many Lesser developed countries

(developing nations).

At first the factory was located in Riga (1954-1975), but it moved

to Jelgava because here were built new corps for the factory (1975-


RAF was closed because of outdated technique and equipment,

and also because of big competition with new concerns from

Western Europe.

Now in Jelgava in the territory of RAF is getting ready the

biggest industrial park in the Baltics.

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LMR (Jelgavas Lauksaimniecības Mašīnu Rūpnīca)LMR (Agriculture Machine-building plant of Jelgava)


LMR started its existence in 1955. At first the factory produced

harrows and cultivators that were used in agriculture, but the most

popular product throughout the years has been transporters for

removing muck. This product has earned appreciation not only in

USSR, but also in many other countries in Europe.

LMR was closed in 1999. The main reasons for closing the

factory were outdated technique and equipment, and also

privatization of company. That seriously bothered LMR’s successful


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“Jelgavas piena kombināts”“Dairy produce factory of Jelgava”


“Dairy produce factory of Jelgava” started work in 1948 and

since then had been competitive with other companies in this field

until 2007.

The main reasons for closing the factory in 2008 were problems

with finanses and really big competition in the local market. The

biggest problems inside the company started with privatization of

the factory in 2006.

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“Jelgavas maizes kombināts”“Bread product factory of Jelgava”


“Bread product factory of Jelgava” was one of the oldest

factories in Jelgava. This company made bread, which was very

popular all over Latvia.

In 2001, “Bread product factory of Jelgava” associated with

similar company in Liepāja, and made “JLM group”. But in the end

it didn’t work out, and the factory was closed in 2008 due to big

competition in the local market with other, more modern and

contemporary companies.

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