jan. 6 saline city council meeting agenda

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  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda




    MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 20147:30P.M.

    PRESENT: Mayor Marl_, Councilmembers: Bourgoin_, Girbach_, Sibo_

    Rhoads _ Roth_, TerHaar _

    STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ca mpbell _, City Clerk Royal _, City Superintendent/Engineer Roubal__, Parks &Recreation Director Scruggs _



    MOVED SECONDED to approve the agenda as submitted I amended.

    MOVED SECONDED to excu se the absence of- ~



    Jean Bondie Retirement ProclamationWater and Sewer Rate Study


    Under the Open Meetings Act, any Citizen may come forward at this time and make comment or question

    on items that appear on this agenda . Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Anyone who wouldlike to speak is requested, but not required, to state his /her name and address for the record.

    CONSENT AGENDA (Items preceded by the letter C )

    The following Consent Agenda will normally be adopted without disc ussion , however, at the reque st of anyCitizen or Co uncilmember , any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda for Council discussion.

    C-MINUTES To approve the minute s and synopsis of the December 2, 2013 Regular Meeting as submitted .

    C-MINUTES To approve the minute s of the December 9 , 2013 Special Meeting as submitted.



    To approve the payment of bills consisting of payees in the amount of$ as submitted. (see memo)

    That the following named employees be and hereby are appointed Deputy Clerks for the period ofJanuary 7, 2014 to December 31, 2014 for the so le purpo se of takin g voter regi strat ions and acceptingAbsentee Voter Application s and Ballot s under the direction of the Saline City Clerk: Mickie Jo Bennett,Carol Chapman, Aimee Rutl edge , Mary Partridge , Joyce Witt , Catherine Scull, Joanne McDonough , GailLaDuke , Con nie DeHaan and Kathy Corf man .

    Sa line City Council Regular Meeting Monday , January 6, 20 14 Page I- Agend

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda








    That Police Chief Larry Hrinik be appointed to serve as Traffic Engineer for 2014.

    That Police Chief Larry Hrinik be appointed Deputy Treasurer for the sole purpose of collecting parkingenforcement bureau fines.

    To confirm Mayor Marl s Council appointment s to Boards Commissions for 2014 as submitted.

    To confirm Mayor Marl's Staff appointments to Boards & Commissions for 2014 as submitted.

    To confirm Mayor Marl s Citizen appointment s to Boards & Commissions as submitted.

    To approve the application to fly the French Flags at the four comers from February 19 through March 7,2014.

    MOVEDSECONDEDTo approve the consent agenda as submitted/amended


    SECONDEDTo acknowledge the memo dated November 26, 2013 from Parks and Recreation Director Scruggs and toapprove OR not approve the Saline Rec Center Rules and Policies a s subm itted.



    APPOINTMENT O F MAYOR PRO TEM FOR 2014MOVEDSECONDEDTo appoint Council member Linda TerHaar to serve as Mayor ProTem for the year 2014.




    SECONDEDTo acknowledge receipt of the January 3, 2014 memo from Mayor Marl; to confirm Mayor Marl'sappointments to the Saline Community Addiction Ta sk Force and the Saline Code and Ordinance task forceas outlined in the memorandum.

    RESOLUTION FOR WASHTENAW HEALTH INITIATIVEMOVEDSECONDEDTo adopt R not adopt the Resolution authorizing the Saline City Council to become a Wa sh tenaw HealthInitiative Charter Member and contribute $500.00 for 2 1 4 .


    Saline City Counc il Regular Meeting Monday , January 6 , 2014 Page 2- Agend

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    SECONDEDTo acknowledge the memo from City Supt/Engineer Roubal and to approve OR not approve payment 2 fthe Wa ste Water Treatment Plant improvements in the amount of $113,985.90 as submitted.

    14-11 APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY EVENT-THE CORNER SK RUNMOVEDSECONDEDTo acknowledge receipt of the Application for Community Event/Use of Public Ways from Derek Stern onbehalf of the 5t Corner for the SK Run ; to acknowledge receipt of the December 19, 2013 memo fromPolice ChiefHrinik and the December 20 , 2013 memo from Public Works Director Fordice; to approve Onot approve the Winterfest SK Run to be held on January 25, 2014 beginning at 11 :30 a .m utilizing theCity s streets as depicted on their map , su bject to the following condition s: 1) that the Traffic Engineer issthe required Temporary Traffic Control Orders ; 2) that Saline Main Street provide liability insurance withthe City of Saline a s an endorsed additional insured party for this event (on file) ; and , that all costs for thisSK event for Police and DPW services, ove r and above normal operating costs, estimated at $896.00 bewaived OR paid y the applicant


    SECONDEDTo acknowledge the December 19, 2013 memo from City Manager Campbell and the Dece mber 18, 2013memo from Joyce Witt ; to approve OR not approve the request of Joyce Witt to purchase an additionalcredited services as outlined in her Application for Additional Credited Service with the calculation date of1211/13 at a cost to the employee of $36 ,849 and that the City Council has read, under stands and approvesthe Governing Body Resolution at the bottom of Ms. Witt' s Application for Additional Credited Service.

    DISCUSSION: Co mmission , Committee, and Task Fo rce reports from Councilmembers Reports and Other Announcements Snowman Building Contest


    Under the Open Meetings Act, any Citizen may come forward at this time and make comment or question to CityCouncil. This public comment period will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Anyone who would like to speak isrequested, but not required, to state his/her name and address for the record.



    MOVEDSECONDEDTo excuse the absence of

    MOVEDSECONDEDTo adjourn at p.m .

    Saline City Council Regular Meeting Monday, January 6, 2014 Page 3- Agend

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    WHEREAS Jean Bondie has dedicated her life work to a career in public service workingmore than 20 years for the City o f Saline; nd

    WHEREAS Jean Bondie graduated rom Saline High School nd the University o f Michigan;her career path includes : teachingfor the Ann Arbor Public Schools ; medical research for theV Hospital nd University o f Michigan; realtor s license nd local rea l estate; nd inally,public service for the Saline Police Department; nd

    WHEREAS Jean Bondie has decided to retire nd spend more time with her family , whichincludes Jean s daughter, Susan nd her husband nd their two children nd Jean s son, Chrisnd his wife nd also Jean s 98 year old ather, Joseph Bondie who still resides close by here

    in Saline .

    NOW THEREFORE I Brian Marl, Mayor o f he City o f Saline, on beh lf o f he Saline CityCouncil nd citizens o f Saline , do hereby thank Jean Bondie for her dedicated service to theCity o f Saline nd Saline Police Department with sincere best wishes for a long nd enjoyableretirement .

    I hereby set my h nd nd seal thisSixth day o f anuary, 2014.

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Water and SewerRate Study

    January 6, 2014Vic Cooperwasser , P E

    Brian Rubel , P.E.Tetra Tech

    Red Bull Energy Drink

    Orange Juice

    Bottled Spring Water


    Coca Cola

    Kool-AidHome-brewed Coffee

    Saline Drinking Waterat the Tap





    3 .510

    2 .2000.580


    Cost of a Gallon of .. Rate Design Considerations

    Saline's Water and Sewer RateFinancial Goals

    Rate Calculation Assumptions - Inputfrom City Staff

    Equipment Replacement CapitalReserve Targets

    Current and Proposed Rates Projected Typical Total Residential

    Quarterly Bills (2014 to 2017) Next Steps

    Recover Costs:- O M

    - Equipment Replacement


    - Debt Service

    olt Opinion (Defendable) Bond Covenant Compliance Equipment Replacement Fund

    Requirements (Cash Reserves) Potential Billable Flow


  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Saline s Water and SewerRate Financial Goals

    Revenue from rates recovers netexpenses

    Recover net expenses fromappropriate rates:- Billing Charge- Readiness to Serve Charge- Consumption Charge

    Contribute to equipment replacementfunds

    Reasonable percentage annual

    adjustment to typical residentialcustomer

    Annual contributions to equipmentreplacement funds meet current M EQrequirements. A lar ger contribution is usedfor sewer to anticipate proposed SRFprojects: Water : 70,141 annually Sewer : 140,000 annually

    f City constructs proposed SRFprojects in FY 2015 or later, sewer MDEQequipment replacement annual contributioncould rise to 210 ,35 7

    Sewer rates would be reviewed annually forFY 16 - 18 beyond those shown in thispresentation .

    Rate CalculationAssum pt ions - Input from

    ity Staff

    Current MDEQ requirements forequipment replacement fund (capital

    reserve) contributions. Can be less than orgreater than those mandated by the City'scurrent ordinance.

    Largest industrial user 60% sewer billableflow reduction (approximately 80,000revenue reduction).

    Billable flow based on average for FY 12and FY 13 .

    Zero percent growth. All assumptions will be subject to annual


    -Water Billing Charge, Per Bill 6.26 5 .72

    Wat e r RTS Charge/per Quarter, 12 .79 13 .97ase Meter :

    Water Consumpt ion Charge, 4.46 3 .84per 1,000 Gal :Sewer Billing Charge, Per Bill 6 .70 5 .78

    Sewer RTS Charge/per Quarter, 16.42 20 .69a se Meter :

    Sewer Consumption Charge, 3 .73 4 .64per 1,000 Gal :

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda




    MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 20137:30P.M.

    PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tern TerHaar , Councilmembers: Bourgoin, Girbach , Peters , Rhoads, Roth

    STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Campbell, City Clerk Royal, City Superintendent/Engineer o u b a l ~ParksRecreation Director Scruggs , Public Works Director Fordice , Deputy Treasurer McDonough, Fire Chief Hoeft, PoliceChiefHrinik

    OTHERS PRESENT: D. Basso , J. Basso, M. Hess, M. Lirones, C. Rheingans , D. Kolano, R. Mangan , T. Sibo , B.Westlake , P. Greve , A Bell, G. Driskell

    MOVED Roth SECONDED PetersTo approve the agenda as mended removing Old Business Item 13-194 and changing the amount of2013 Street Projectsto $15,395.

    MOVED Bourgoin SECONDED GirbachTo excuse the absence of Mayor Marl.


    Presentation of Proclamation to Council Member PetersSwearing In of Sergeant HartwigWashtenaw Health InitiativeReinhart Realtors Statu s Update on 207 Monroe Street




    Under the Open Meetings Act, any Citizen may come forward at this time and make comment or question

    on itemsthat appear

    on this agenda. Commentswill

    be limited to 3 minutesper

    person. Anyonewho

    wouldlike to speak is requested, but not required, to state his/her name and address for the record.

    Mary Hess addressed City Council regarding consent item s C-13 -87 88 and 89, concerned about lack of attendance atthese board meetings . Al so addre ss ed Council regarding the Rec Center having a thre e month member ship for senior s.

    Gretchen Driskell addressed City Council to thank Jim Peter s for his year s of dedicated service to the City of Saline .

    CONSENT AGENDA (Items preceded by the letter C )The following Con sent Agenda will normall y be adopted without discussion , however , at the request of anyCitizen or Councilmember , any item may be removed from the Consent Agenda for Council discu ssion.



    To approve the minute s and synopsis of the December 2, 2013 Regular Meeting as submitted.To approve the payment o f bills consisting of 93 payees in the amount of $150,559.13 a s submitted.To approve the first Amended FY14 EDC Budget as submitted.To approve the first Amended FY14 LDFA#l Budget (Shelton Industrial Park) and First AmendedLDF A#2 Budget (Sauk Trail Business Park) as submitted.To approve the first Amended FY 14 TIFA Budget as submitted.To acknowledge receipt of the December 1 , 2013 e -mail from Marc Taylor resigning from the

    Saline Ci t y Council Regular Meeting Monday , December 16 , 2013 Page 1- Minut

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  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    13-202FORD ICE

    HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT - OAKWOOD CEMET ERYMOVED Girbach SECONDED BourgoinTo acknowledge receipt of the December 12, 2013 memo from Public Works Director Fordice and toapprove the resolution reserving 6,400 as the City s 40% match to the State Historic Preservation OfficeGrant for the Oakwood Cemetery Mausoleum Windows Restoration , and to authorize City ManagerCampbell to sign the necessary application and documentation required for this grant application.



    To acknowledge receipt of the December 12 , 2013 memo from City Manager Campbell and to approve anadopt Amendment Number 1 to the City of Saline Cafe teria Plan , to eliminate the grace period from the pland allow for the implementation of the Flexible Spending Account Carryover Provision for the 2013 planyear going forward; and to authorize City Manager Campbell to sign the necessary documentation requiredfor thi s Amendment.


    DISC USSION: Planning Commission - Council Member Girbach New Board Appointments will be made at the beginnin g of the year - Mayor Pro Tern TerHaar 3rd Annual Chili War s on Saturday March 1 2014 from 11 :3 0 a.m. to :30 p.m.


    ~ n d e rthe Open Meetings Act, any Citizen may come forward at this time and make comment or question to CityCouncil. This public comment period will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Anyone who would like to speak isrequested, but not required, to state his/her name and address for the record.

    No one from the public wished to speak.



    MOVED Peters SECONDED BourgoinTo adjourn at 8:52 p.m.


    Teresa Royal , City C ler k Linda TerHaar, Mayor Pro Tern


    Saline C ity Council Regu lar Meeting Monday, December 16 , 2013 Page 3- Minut

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda




    THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 20136:00 P.M.

    PRESENT:Mayor Marl Councilmembers: Bourgoin Girbach Peters Rhoad s Roth TerHaar

    STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Campbell City Clerk Royal City Assessor Scull

    MOVED Girbach SECONDED Rhoad sTo approve the agenda as amended


    Under the Open Meetings Act any Citizen may come forward at this time and make comment or questionon items that appear on this agenda . Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person. Anyone who wouldlike to speak is requested but not required to state his/her name and address for the record.


    MOVED Bourgoin SECONDED Roth to convene into Closed Session for the purpose o discussing pending litigationThe City Council WILL reconvene to Regular Session t the conclusion o f he Closed Session

    Roll Call Vote:

    Councilmember Rhoads-yes; Councilmember TerHaar yes; Councilmember Girbach -yes ; Councilmember .Peters - yes; Councilmember Roth-yes; Councilmember Bourgoin- yes; Mayor Marl - yes

    CARRIED UNANIMOUAdjourned to Closed Session at 6:09 p.m.

    MOVED Girbach SECONDED Peters to end the Closed Session and return to the regular open meeting.

    Roll Call Vote:

    Councilmember Rhoads - yes; Councilmember TerHaar - yes; Councilmember Girbach - yes; CouncilmemberPeters - yes; Councilmember Roth -yes; Councilmember Bourgoin - yes; Mayor Marl - yes

    CARRIED UNANIMOUSReconvened to Regular Session at 6:51 p .m.

    MOVED Girbach SECONDED RothTo proceed with negotiations of Tax Litigation as discussed n closed sess ion with City Attorney.


    Saline City Council Special Meeting Thursday December 19 2013 Page 1- Minute

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda



    Under the Open Meetings Act any Citizen may come forwa r d at this t ime and make comment or question to CityCouncil. This public comment period will be limited to 3 minutes per person . Anyone who would like to speak isrequested but not re quired to state his/her name and address for the record.

    MOVED Roth SEC ONDED PetersTo adj ourn at 7:02 p.m.


    Teresa Royal City C ler k Brian D. Marl Mayor


    Saline City Council Special Meet ing Th ur sda y D ece mber 19 2 013 Pa ge 2 - Minute

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda



    Arts Culture Committee

    Business Development Association

    Celtic Festival CommitteeCemetery Board of Appeals

    Environmental Commiss ion

    Historic District Commission

    Labor Liai son

    Local Access Cab le Te levi sion Commissio n

    Michigan Municipal League - Delegate

    Michigan Municipal League - Alternate

    Parks CommissionPlanning Commission

    Planning Commission

    Raisin River Water shed

    Saline Area Fire Executive Board

    Sa lin e Area Fire Execut ive Board

    Sali ne Area Fire Executive Board - Alternate

    Saline r ea Senio r Citizen Executive Board

    Saline Youth Co unci

    lSauk Trail Business Park Development Comm itte e

    Southeast Michigan Cou ncil o f Governments

    Southeast Michigan Counci l o f Governments - Alternate

    Special Projects Comm iss ion Mayor)

    Sp ecia l Projects Commission Planning Comm ission)

    Sustainability Circle - Delegate

    Sustainability Circle - Alternate

    W.A.T.S. Policy CommitteeW.A.T.S. Policy Committee - Alternate

    Washtenaw Urban Co unty Exec utive Committee

    Zoni ng Board of Appeals

    counc il.bd s and c omm appt list for 2014

    Linda TerHaar

    David Rhoad s

    Brian MarlLee Bourgoin

    David Rho ads

    Dean B . Girbach

    Brian D Marl

    Jim Roth

    Brian D Marl

    David Rhoads

    Teri SiboBrian D. Marl

    Dean B. Girbach

    David Rhoads

    Brian D Marl

    Teri Sibo

    Dean B. Girbach

    Brian D Marl

    Jim RothDavid Rhoads

    Brian D. Marl

    L inda TerHaar

    Brian D Marl

    Dean B Girbach

    David Rhoads

    Lee Bourgoin

    Brian D . MarlLee Bourgoin

    Linda TerHaa r

    Linda TerHaar

    c tL \ D

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda



    Arts Culture Committee

    Business Development Association - Staff Liaison

    Cemetery Board of Appeals - Staff Liaison

    Civil Rights Commission - Staff Liaison

    Economic Development Corporation - Staff Liaison

    Economic Development Trust Fund - Board Admin.

    PSAP /8 Committee

    me rgenc y Telephone District Board

    Environmental Commission - Staff Liaison

    Historic District Commission - Staff Liaison

    Local Access Cable Television Commission

    Local Development Finance Authority - Director

    Parks Commission - Staff Liaison

    Planning Commission Voting Member)

    Planning Commission - Staff Liaison

    Saline Area Chamber o f Commerce - Staff Liaison

    Saline Youth Council - Staff Liaison

    Sauk Trail Business Park Development Committee

    Southeast Michigan Council o f Governments - nd Alt

    Special Projects Commission - Staff Liaison

    Tax Board of Review - Liaison

    Tax Increment Finance Authority - Director

    W.A.T.S. Technical Committee

    W.A.T .S. Technical Committee - AlternateZoning Board of Appeals - Staff Liaison

    staff.bd s comms 2014

    _ \L\ - DSMary Partridge

    Kathy Corfman

    Terri Royal

    Terri Royal

    Kathy Corfman

    Kathy Corfman

    Jay Basso

    Larry Hrinik

    Robert Scull

    J. Jeffery Fordice

    Todd Campbell

    Kathy Corfman

    Carla Scruggs

    Catherine Scull

    Gary Roubal

    Todd Campbell

    Carla Scruggs

    Todd CampbellGary Roubal

    Todd Campbell

    Kathy Corfman

    Catherine Scull

    Kathy Corfman

    Gary Roubal

    J. Jeffery FordiceGary Roubal

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda




    Heidi McClellandKeith McGuireCindy Baxter4 Vacancies)


    Mary Nehls-FrumkinDon Makins

    eff UlrichAndrew SutherlandTerri Murphy

    Amber Sotelo


    F. Marilyn CrosbieSteven KenzieRobert Lane

    am e s T uttle


    Steven Diebol

    Mary HessLeslee NiethammerBruce We st lakeJohn PriceJoseph Freeman


    Michael BrownRobert LaneCynthia Chri st ian sen


    Brian D. MarlDavid GuentherAlicia PingBari Livsey

    2014 Citizens Appointments to Board s and CommissionsJanuary 2014

    Term Expires


    12-3 1-1412-31-1 412-31-1412-31-1412-31-14



    2 -31-1412 3 1-14


    12-31-1412-31-1412-31 -1412-31-14

    2 -31-14


    2 3 1-1712-31-1712-31-1712-31-17

    c ulp

    Page 1

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda




    Christopher Loftus


    Jim PetersNeil MoormanSheila BourgoinMike JohnsonErick Harris


    Scott Fosdick

    Scott Lemm


    Steve Diebol Alternate


    V C NCY


    Mary HessMary Lirones


    Gene Corfman LDFJohn Beckett


    F. Marilyn CrosbieJohn Philip Smith

    2014 Citizens Appointments to Boards and CommissionsJanuary 2014

    Term Expires

    12-31- 18

    12-31-1512- 3 1-1512-31- 1512-31-1512-3 -15

    12 3 1-16

    12-31 -16

    12-31 -14

    08-01 -15

    12-31- 1412-31- 14

    12-3 1-1412-31 -14

    12-31-1612 3 1-16

    Page 2

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Saline Middle School7190 North Maple Road

    Saline , MI 48176Phone : (734) 429-8070Fax: (734) 429-8 076

    Principal : Mr . David Rafi 429-8071

    December 4, 2013

    Dear Saline City Council Member s,

    RE e\\JEO

    Dt l ~ \ l

    - rV LERKS UNE C\,c _ 4 b\l

    I am writing to respectfully request plac em e nt on the Agenda at the next Saline City CouncilMeeting (before Februf ry 2_1 _01_ .4). A Sal ne .J.1iddle $cho9l r ~ . lc h -_American x c h n g estudent would like to attend the meeting to explain the anticipated February 21, 2014a rrival of the French Exchange Stud ent s . It is our desire to fly the French Fl ags indowntown Saline while the French students a re living in our community for 2 weeks withhost families.

    Please iet me know when our Saline Middle School student should be prepared to attend

    Leslie Ku nskasPublici Committee MemberCon:imissioned by Jamie Aumend, French Exchange Program Director


    - -

    We Simvlv Care bout Everv Kid

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda



    he CITY o f S LINECity Clerk s Office

    100 No rth Ha rris Street Sali n e, M I 48 176 -16 42Phone 73 4 .429 -4907 Ext . 22 09, 2216, 2214 Fax 7 34-.4 29]528

    ww w .city o fsaline.org www.besali n e .t o m


    ZZi8 ~

    APPLICANT CONTA CT E R S O N : _ _ _ , - ' . . . . . , . . _ L . . - - _ - + - . . u < . . . ' = L . ~ ~ ~ -

    CONT ACT PHONE U M B E R: . _ _ _ . ' - L L - - + - - - : t - ' - = 2 ~ q _ - _ L / = 2

    l \ i

    t ~ /f Are 7 2CJ/NUMBEROFF L AGS/BANNERS: A 5 / Y l ~ J~ /Lrc.., A V ~ A ~' - - - ' - - - ' - - - r - - - ' = - < = . : . = . : . . . .~ c . = . =



    DATE: _ _ _ _City Manager


    Te re sa Ro yal, City C lerk, ext. 2209 A imee Rutled ge . Deputy C lerk, ext. 2216Con nie DeHaan, Assistant Clerk, ext. 2214 Carol Cha pman , SAF D Offi ce Ma nage r ext. 22 15

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    ii ihil



    TO Saline City Council

    1866 Woodland D r Saline, MI 48176-1613P h one : 734-429-3502 F a x 734-429-5208

    Approved City Manager

    FROMCarla Scruggs, Parks and Recreation Director

    DATE November 26 , 2013


    I am seeking City Council 's approval on the updated Sa line Rec Center Rules andPolic ies which is attached to this memo.

    Parks Rec staff worked diligently to update the document to clearly state the rulesthat all Rec Center guests should abide by . Though our normal guidelines have not

    changed significantly since the previous handbook was published n April, 2007, theree some additions regarding the new Rec Center features.

    The policy handbook s n a general format right now. Once approved by City Council,we will reformat it to a user-fr iendly handbook style document.

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Everyone is required to enter and exit through the front entrance, check n t the frontdesk and give their name to the reception staff . Other doors are for emergency useonly . Failure to check in at the front desk may result in expulsion from the premises .

    Children two years of age or younger are admitted free when accompanied by an adult.

    Children must be ten years of age or older to enter and use SRC without direct adultsupervision . Children under twelve years of age are not allowed on the second floor ofSRC unless they are participating in a program or attending Kids Corner .

    Class registration entitles a guest to participate in that particular class only. A registrantwho is not a member must purchase a day pass to use any SRC amenity (such aspools, gym, and hot tub) before or after class .

    Spectators are allowed to attend classes and special activities n SRC withoutpurchasing a d y pass if:

    The spectator has checked n at the front desk.

    The spectator is considered an aide, or s supervising, assisting, orchaperoning a person in a scheduled class, program or activity in whichthe participant ca nnot attend without the aide 's assistance.

    ctive Mili tary Personnel on Leave

    Active members of the Armed Services, Reserve, or National Guard who have returnedto Saline for no longer than 30 days for either leave or furlough, are eligible for free dailyadmission to SRC .

    Eligibility: Saline Area School District residents who are active members of the U .S .Armed Forces, Reserves , or N a tional Guard . Active Services shall mean full -time orpart-time status in one of the branches of the U .S . military forces. Inactive service statusdoes not qualify.

    Proof Required : U.S . Armed Forces Identification Card showing active status (MilitaryID) AND authorized leave of furlough orders.

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    General acility Rules

    SRC is completely handicap accessible . No person , because of his/her handicap , shallbe excluded from participating in recreational activities . Specialized services directedtoward the social, personal and physical development of the individual are provided for

    those persons needing special programmingor

    assistance . Please call the Parks andRecreation Director at 734) 429-3502 . Saline Parks and Recreation complies withAmericans with Disabilities Act ADA) regulations and guidelines .

    SRC has the right to reserve or restrict the use of ny area of SRC for any reason suchs classes , and special events , and maintenance and certain areas or all of SRC may be

    closed at any time for maintenance and repairs . Advance notice will be given whenpossible .

    Unauthorized use of recording devices of any kind is prohibited in any area of the SRC .

    Washtenaw County no smoking la e is prohibit Smoking is prohibited within the SRC andwithin 20 feet of the building . People The use or possession of alcoholic beverages orliquor , illegal drugs or other controlled substances is prohibited on SRC property.Persons found using , possessing or under the influences of such substances will bedenied admission under the influence of , or in possession of alcohol , drugs or othercontrolled substances , will not be allowed on the property and m a y be rep orted tolaw enforcement personnel. for further investigation .

    Open flames such s lit matches , lighters, candles , sterno, etc . are not permitted in thebuilding SRC .

    Removal of SRC property from the building is prohibited.

    Search of personal belongings - For safety and se curity reasons, SRC staff shall havethe right to s earch all bags and personal belongings on the SRC premises . Anyonewho refuses a search may be asked to leave immediately , and further be restricted fromthe property indefinitely subject to trespassing. Anyone refusing to submit personalbelongings to such a search when requested or who interferes with such a search m y

    be refused admission, required to leave or barred from further admission to or use of theSRC .

  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Children are expected to be picked up promptly upon building closing time or conclusionof program .

    Guests may use SRC 's athletic equipment such as racquets and balls , free of charge .The person checking out the equipment is responsible for its return .

    No person shall use SRC premises or equipment for private gain . Instruction of ny kindincluding personal training , unpaid instruction , and unauthorized coaching inside SRC oranywhere outside on the Tefft Park property, by anyone other than SRC employees is

    strictly prohibited .

    Pets or animals of ny kind , with the exception of service animals , are not allowed in

    SRC . Please contact the Saline Parks Recreation Director at (734) 429-3502 ifspecial accommodations are required.Comments and suggestions are always welcome to assist the Parks and Rec staff inmaking positive changes . Comment cards are available at the front desk .New member cons ultations are available in 15-30 minute increments. Contact the frontdesk to schedule n appointment. Fitness Room orientation classes are available andrecommended.

    xercise Precautions

    The following precautions should be considered before beginning an exercise programor effort :

    Exercise t your own risk. Use of the SRC is at the risk of the user .

    Guests are encouraged to consult a physic ian prior to engaging in anexercise program and limit activities taking into account physical conditionand skill level.

    Refer to the instruction placards when using all exercise equipment.

    The City of Saline and SRC staf f are s not responsible for injuries ordamages which may occur on or about the premises of SRC .

    To earn authority to use Nautilus and cardio equipment without a parentor guardian present, youth ages 12-15 are required to attend andsuccessfully pass a fee based orientation class . Youth will receive a cardto carry with them to prove they are authorized to use the equipment.


  • 8/13/2019 Jan. 6 Saline City Council meeting agenda


    Guest onduct

    Guests are expected to be courteous towards others and follow SRC rules andregulations . The following act ions are proh ibited and may be cause fo r suspensio n ortermination of facility use privileges and/or legal prosecution :

    Harassment , intimidation, or similar actions towards SRC staff a00 orSRC users guests .

    Vulgar, obscene, abusive, derogatory , taunting or demeaning commentsor gestures.

    Destructive or dangerous behavior towards people, equipment or

    facilities .

    Violation of common law or any appli cable laws , ordinances, rules orregu lations .

    Theft , attempted theft , tak ing control over or possessing another person sproperty without their permission, destruction or damages to anotherperson s property .

    Public display of affection

    The City of Saline and SRC will not tolerate sexual harassment , including but not l imitedto, any unwarranted or repeated verbal or physical sexual ad vances, sexually exp licit,provocative , or suggestive statements.

    Patron Dress and Hygiene

    Appropriate dress is required at all times . All clothing must e xhibit g ood taste andcontain no obscene or offensive words or pictures . SRC staff shall have the right todetermine vhat is appropriate .

    Guests must wear a shirt, shorts or workout pants and shoes while using the facility,including the gymnasium and the weight room . Shoes must be clean and free of dirtbefore entering the work out facility . Use of separate gym shoes is encouraged .

    w imsuits are required in the pools and swim attire shall be su itable for public use .Men /boys swimsuits must have a se wn in liner. Street clothes , cut-offs and athleticapparel are not allowed in the pool.

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    Wearing wet clothes outside of the Aquatic Center and locker rooms is not permitted .Guests must be fully dressed and wearing footwear before leaving the locker rooms, andare encouraged to bring a dry change of clothes to wear.

    Personal hygiene shall not be offensive.

    Fire and Other mergency vacuation

    In the event of fire, pull the fire alarm. Exit the building through the nearest exit and proceed to a safe area t least 100

    yards from the building . Emergency evacuation plans and shelter areas are posted in each room . Do not use the elevator . Follow instructions from SRC staff. Keep away from entrances and drives where emergency vehicles will be located .

    Do not re-enter building until authorities permit you to do so.

    Inclement Weather

    Severe weather conditions may require actions necessary to ensure guests ' safety.

    During a tornado wat ch , SRC staff will monitor local radio stations and maintaincommunications with Saline Pol ice Department. All activities will continue s usualduring a watch .

    During a tornado warning , SRC staff will suspend or cancel all activities and monitorlocal radio stations and/or ma intain communications with the Saline Police Departmentuntil an all clear is issued .

    Do not use elevator Avoid upper level and glass areas Go to the multipurpose room Guests 18 years+ may leave at their own risk Guests age 17 years and younger are required to remain unless accompanied by

    their parent or adult guardian Children in Kids Corner will be taken to the multipurpose room


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    Every attempt will be made to maintain normal operations during extreme snowfalls andice storms. Scheduled classes and programs may be delayed or cance lled . Day andevening classes will be decided separately . Every effort will be made to contactregistrants i classes are delayed or cancelled. For up-to-date information on openingdelays, building closure or cancellations, call 734-429-3502 to l isten to a recorded voice

    message, check updates on Facebook, or read notifications in local media outlets .

    Accidents and Injuries

    911 will be called in an emergency situation.

    Lifeguards and some staff are CPR and AED cert ified.

    The City of Saline is not responsible for accidents or inju ries arising from activities anduse o the facility or equipment at SRC.

    There are two AED Automated External Defibulator) machines. One is located on thewall between the reception desk and the racquetball court, and th e other is in the AqtuicCenter . The use o AED machines is limited to trained staff .

    First aid for minor injuries is ava ilable at the front desk or the pool office . Supplies suchas ice, band-aids, gauze , rubber gloves are available at the front des k These itemsshall be self-administered .

    SRC staff will not provide transportation for an injured guest.

    All accidents and injuries requiring assistance will be documented in an Accident Report .Everyone who receives first aid is required to complete an Accident Report with SRCstaff regardless o the extent o the injury .

    Food Beverage Policy

    Spill proof , unbreakable containers with wate r only are allowed in activity areas gym ,fitness rooms , aerobic studio, pool , racquetball court, and locker rooms) .

    Food shall not be consumed in the activity areas gym, fitness rooms , aerobic studio,pool, racquetball court, and locker rooms). Food is permitted in the lounge anddesignated rooms during facility rentals .

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    Guests are expected to use waste receptacles for disposal. Report accidental food andbeverage spills immediately .

    Gum chewing s not permitted n the building .

    Report money lost in the vending machines to front desk staff.

    Lost Found

    Saline Parks Rec is not responsible for loss , theft or damage to guests ' personal or

    valuable property such as keys, wallets , phones, bags, purses, or electronics. Frontdesk staff s not permitted to store personal items . Do not bring valuables in to SRC. Ifa theft occurs, it s the patron's responsibility to file a police report with the Saline Police


    Lost Found is located in the main hallway area for general items such as bags , towels ,and clothing. Unclaimed items are stored for no longer than ten days, and then donatedto a local charity . Lost valuables such as jewelry, phones, electronics, and keys arestored at the front desk or in the safe then sent to Saline Police Department. Personalcare items may be discarded immediately .

    Bulletin Boards/Literature Racks

    Non profit Locally based groups/organizations requesting to display promotionalmaterials for specia l events that are open to the general public may submit items to thefacility manager . On ly non profit community events will be cons idered. Pri'Jate orcommercial announcements will not be allowed . Postings will be permitted no more thanone month in advance o an event and will be removed immediately after the event.


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    S E C T I O N B M E M B E R S H I P

    Membership Definitions

    Resident Definition

    A resident is considered anyone who lives, works, or owns property within the SalineArea School District.

    ge Definition

    Child - 3 - 17 years o age

    Adult - 18 - 59 years o age

    Senior - 60 years o age or older

    Family Definition

    Those persons living together as parents/guardians and those claimed on their incometax as dependents . SRC may ask you to show a copy o the previous year 's income taxforms to verify dependent status.

    Family extension plan : May be purchased at n additional cost o 50 person and mayinclude grandparents, extended family, nannies , au pairs, exchange students or anyoneelse residing in the same household who is ot claimed as a dependent on income tax .Family extension plan applications must be approved by SRC administrative staff .

    Membership Information

    When applying for a membership , guests are required to show their driver's license , autility bill, voter's registration card , tax forms, or paycheck stub to receive the residentrate .

    Falsifying information on membership applications, using a membership that is not yourown, or allowing someone to use your membership, are all cause for disciplinary action,which may result in expulsion from the facility and revoking of the membership .

    Annual members receive discounted rates on activities as advertised in the brochure .

    Members are eligible to take approved land fitness classes for free .

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    Photos will be taken of all members using the photo I entry system.

    If a child is two years of age or younger, the parent must have an annual membership forthe child to receive the member rate on swim lessons and receive free child care in KidsCorner . Children three years of age or older must have their own individual membershipor be included on a family membership.

    Membership Refunds

    No refunds on memberships using recurring billing will be permitted while the 12 monthcontract is in effect.

    Memberships paid using recurring billing will continue to be in effect and billed after the12 month contract is complete. To cancel, a member must provide a written cancellationrequest to Saline Rec Center at least 30 days in advance of the cancellation date.

    Temporary Membership reeze

    Members who have a prepaid annual membership may request to have theirmembership placed on hold or frozen by completing a membership freeze form in

    advance of the freeze, and paying a $10. 00 processing fee due at the time of therequest.

    Freezes are subject to approval of the Parks & Rec Director .

    A temporary relocation freeze may be honored for a minimum of two months and amaximum of six months , but only one occasion per year .

    Memberships using recurring billing may not be placed on hold or frozen at any time.

    A medical freeze may be honored for a minimum of one month and a maximum of sixmonths. Freeze requests must be made in advance . SR may require physician'sauthorization for a member to resume using the facility.

    Medical reeze

    A medical freeze for members suffering a medical condition precluding use of the SRC

    may be honored for a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months . In somecircumstances we may require written author ization from a physician indicating themember's inability to use the facility . Freeze requests should be made prior to the event.


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    Upon return, members may be asked for authorization from their physician to resumefacility use . All freezes are subject to approval of the Parks & Rec Director.


    RegistrationsClass, program and event registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis .All registrations must be paid in full at the time of registration. Class fees are notprorated .

    Registration Methods Online : www .salinerec .com , Phone-In : (734) 429-3502, ext. O

    Walk In: Saline Rec Center 1866 Woodland Drive Saline, Ml 48176

    Payment Methods Cash; Credit Cards : Visa, MasterCard , Discover with securitynumber ; personal checks made payable to City of Saline. City policy requires a validdriver 's license number or other ID number on the check . There is a 28 .00 fee for allreturned checks.

    Classes Events and Programs Cancellation

    When SRC Cancels a Registration - A minimum enrollment may be required to beginor continue an activity. SPR reserves the right to cancel an activity based on insufficientenrollment or other conditions beyond our control. Every effort will be made to promptlynotify registrants of program cancellations. When SRC cancels a program, registrants

    will receive a refund or credit on a Rec Center account. f a class or program has alreadystarted, the refund or credit will be prorated . f a class is cancelled for one date only, amakeup will be scheduled or a credit placed on a Rec Center account only .

    When a Registrant Cancels a Registration - To receive a refund on cancellation for aprogram/event, or class enrollment, guests are required to complete and submit aRefund Request Form . f you do not submit a refund request, you will not receive arefund . When applying for a refund or credit on account after the start date of a class orprogram , the refund will be prorated regardless of your attendance . No refunds will begiven after the conclusion of a class or program.

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    RefundsCredit card refunds take 2-3 business days to process and will be credited to back to thecard used . A 10 administrative fee is deducted from the refund amount. A 25administrative fee for Kids camp full week registrations is deducted from the refundamount.

    Cash and Check refunds take 4-6 weeks to process; a refund check will be maileddirectly to your home . A 10 administrative fee is deducted from the refund amount. A

    25 administrative fee for Kids Camp full week registrations is deducted from the refundamount.

    Credit on you Rec Center account takes 2-3 business days to process. Your credit willbe stored on the Rec Center computer system and may be used for any future class,program or daily pass for any member of your family. Credits expire two years after dateof

    issue . Credits on accountm y

    not be used with online registration . A 1administrative fee is deducted from the refund amount.

    pplying for a Refund

    When applying for a refund after the start date of a program/event or class (other thanswim classes and Kids Camp) the refund will be prorated regardless of attendancebased on the date you submitted the request. No refunds will be given after theconclusion of the class/program/event.

    If SRC facility closes due to unforeseen circumstances, daily pass holders that areaffected by the closure will be issued a token to use for a daily membership another day.

    Swim Lesson Refunds - Prior to the second class you may transfer or cancel a classsubject to normal cancellation fees . After the seco nd class there will be no refunds ortransfers on swimming les so ns regardless of attendance unless there is a documentedmedical excuse in which case you will be removed from the remainder of the session .Refunds will be prorated and subject to normal cancellation fees. There are no makeupclasses unless the Rec Center has to cancel a class .

    Kids Camp and Fun Day Refunds - You must notify SRC prior to 9 pm the Fridaybefore the start of camp if a ca mper needs to be taken out of camp and a refund issuedfor that week . After 9 pm on Friday, there will be no refunds issued on weekly or dailyregistration s. There is a 25 administrative fee assessed per child for weekly


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    registration refunded, and a 10 administrative fee for each daily registration refunded .Refund requests submitted one week or more prior to the start of the camp week havethe option of placing the refund amount on account for a 1.00 fee .

    No refunds will be given on lost or stolen punch cards.


    General quatic Center RulesNo swimming is permitted unless a lifeguard is on duty .

    An adult must accompany children under ten years of age and the adul t must remain in

    the aquatic center at all times .

    All children under 42 inches tall must be accompanied by n adult who is in the waterwithin arms ' reach of the child at all times .

    All flotation devices including life jackets must be U .S . Coast Guard approved .Inflatable arm bands, swim aids , baby boats , etc ., are not allowed in the pool. Guestsusing lifejackets must be d irectly supervised at all times and may not enter de e p waterwithout an adult in the water within arms ' reach with them .

    Guests are responsible for recognizing their own limitations and acting in the bestinterest of their own safety .

    Lifeguards are authorized to enforce ny rule or use co ndit ions , ei ther written orunwritten, which will ensure the safety of our guests and staff .

    SRC staff reserves the right to deny use of the pools to anyone at any t ime.

    Gue sts should not visit or engage in unnecessary conve rsation with lifeguards while theyare on duty .

    Guests to take a soap shower before entering the pools or spa . Lifeguards areauthorized to refuse pool use to guests who have not showered .


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    Persons with infectious or communicable diseases or open sores may not use the poolor spa . Do not enter the water if you have had diarrhea or a contagious disease in thepast two weeks . Band Aids must be removed and disposed of properly before enteringthe water .

    For everyone 's safety : Do not enter water if you are ill with diarrhea Diaper aged children must wear swim diapers Change diapers only in the restroom Do not drink the pool water Take frequent restroom breaks Wash hands after using restroom or changing diapers

    Saline Parks and Recreation classes have priority use of the pools. Use of specific


    the Aquatic Center may be restricted due to SRC programming .

    Children who are not 100 toilet trained must wear a tight fitting swim diaper under theirswim suit. Regular disposable diapers are not allowed. Swim diapers may be availablefor sale t the front desk.

    Swimsuits are required to be worn in the pools . Street clothes, cut -offs and athleticapparel are not allowed in the pool. Men/boys ' swimsuits must have a sewn in liner.

    Street shoes are not allowed on the pool deck. This is for sanitary reasons and thesafety of all sw immer s Pool sandals or Croes may be worn.

    Diving is allowed in the deep end of the lap pool only . Front dives only. Flips, twists,backward or inward dives are not permitted.Starting blo cks may only be used with permission from aquatic staff.

    Lap lanes are available for continuous lap swimming only. Circle swimming will benecessary when there are more than two swimmers in a lane . Be courteous to otherswimmers as lane sharing will usually be necessary.

    No running , pushing , wrestling , rough play , dunking, throwing other swimmers, riding onshou lders , foul language, sp itting , pollution of the water , hanging on pool dividers/lane


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    lines or any other behavior which would distract the lifeguards from maintaining a safeenvironment for everyone.

    Use o equipment is limited to lap swimmers . Equipment must be used properly andreturned to its storage location after use . Fitness equipment is or adult use only . Pool

    noodles are not to be used by weak or non-swimmers in deep water .

    Towels and swim gear are allowed in the aquatic center. Store towels, small bags, andnon-valuable items in the cubbies adjacent to the Cabana. All other belongings must bestored in the locker room . Always use a lock on lockers .

    No hypoxic training or prolonged breath holding .

    In the event of severe weather, guests may be asked to leave the Aquatic Center . SRC

    staff will provide safety instructions to guests .

    Food, drinks , gum , and glass containers are not permitted in the Aquatic Center. Onlyspill proof plastic bottles containing water are permitted.

    The patio is available for use , weather permitting . Patio doors are not a buildingentrance or exit and are to be used only in an emergency . Food and drinks in plasticcontainers are permitted . Deck chairs are available for guests use . Shower before reentering the pool. Smoking is prohibited .

    Special needs in regards to social, personal or physical issues may be discussed in

    private . Contact the Parks and Recreation Director at 429-3502.

    eep Water Test

    The deep water test consists o comfortably and confidently swimming 25 yards (onelength o the pool) freestyle or breaststroke with face in the water and treading water or

    one minute without the head submerging. Guests under the age o 16 years of age maybe required to pass the deep end test before swimming in the lap pool. Guests 6 yearsand older are permitted to use the lap pool without passing the deep end test. However,

    lifeguards may request any patron (regardless of age) to take and pass the test beforeusing the lap pool.


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    Hot Tub Rules

    Children under 14 years of age are not permitted in the hot tub .

    There is a 10-15 minute time limit for anyone using the hot tub .

    Pregnant women elderly persons and persons suffering from heart conditions diabetes high or low blood pressure or any other health condition should not enter thehot tub without prior permission from their doctor .

    Do not submerge your entire head in water .

    Warning : Long exposure m y result in nausea dizziness or fainting .

    Maximum water temperature is 104 F

    quatic Center Special ttractionsInflatable Volleyball

    Do not stand or jump on the inflatable .

    Do not hang on the security ropes.

    Keep away from the side of the pool.

    No jumping stepping or crawling onto the inflatable from the side of the pool

    Tot Slide

    Must be under 48 inches tall to use.

    Only one person at a time permitted on slide. No zippers metal buttons or snaps on clothing.

    Must ride feet first while sitting upright.

    Diving Board Rules

    Guests must pass the deep water test to use the diving board in the lap pool.

    The diving board is not to be used unless a lifeguard is stationed at the board.

    One person on the board at a time . No one on the ladder until the diving board is



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    Do not dive until the previous diver has cleared the area below the board and hasreached the side.

    Dive in a forward direction only. No flips, twists, somersaults, back or inwarddives .

    No running or horseplay on the diving board

    Only one bounce on the diving board

    Swimmers must stay out of the diving area while board is in use

    The fulcrum must stay in the forward-most position

    nflatable Turtle Rules

    Do not climb on the ropes

    Never swim under the turtle

    No pushing or shoving

    No standing on the turtle

    Feet first o ff the side

    You may plan on the turtle only if you can comfortably stand on the bottom of thepool or are a confident and competent swimmer

    Absolutely no weak or non -s wimmers unle ss they are accompanied by n adultwho is in the water within arms reach

    No other toys allowed near the turtle

    nflatable Pirate Ship Rules

    Do not climb on the ropes

    Never swim under the pirate ship

    No pushing or shoving

    You may play on the pirate ship only if you are a confident and competentswimmer

    Absolutely no weak or non-swimmers unless they are wearing a lifejacket ANDare accompanied y an adult who is in the water

    Feet first off the side and down the slide


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    No other toys near the pirate ship

    Floating Toy Rules inner tubes, fish mat, flat water rolls, etc.)

    Sit or lay on them, do not stand on them

    Keep them away from the edge of the pool

    You may only use them in areas of the pool that are no deeper than shoulderdepth . Deeper areas of the pool may be used if you are a confident andcompetent swimmer or accompan ied by an adult who is in the water within arm 'sreach

    Do not drag them across the pool deck

    Maximum of two kids per toy at a time

    Do not try to jump from the pool deck to the toys o not try to dive through the hole of an inner tube


    The Cabana is open for guests to use when it is not reserved for parties or meetings.The room i s equipped with tables and chairs, toys and game s

    Looking for a fantastic place to ha ve a pool birthday party? Look no further than theCaba na Party Room a t the Saline Rec Center. For more informatio n visit:http ://www.cityofsaline.o rg /?modu le=Page slD=birthday -parties

    S E C T I O N E : L O C K E R R O O M U L E S

    Family Locker RoomThe family locker room i s located in the aquatic center . Acces s to the locker room isthrough the pool walkway .

    Use is reserved for parents /guardians with opposite gender children ages5-9 and those who require ADA accessible facilities or specialaccommodation

    All other guest s mu st use their respective locker rooms

    Use changing rooms qu ickly as other guests may be waiting

    Don 't leave belongings in changing room ; use lockers and lock them


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    Guests must be fully dressed in the public use area o locker room

    Men s and Women s Locker Rooms

    Boys and girls age five and older must use their gender appropriate locker rooms or

    family locker room.

    SRC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lockers are available on a first come,first served basis. Bring your own lock .

    No cameras, cell phones or any other devices capable o taking still and/or videopictures shall be allowed in any locker room , changing room or restroom .

    Prohibited : running , rowdiness, food and drink .

    Water in plastic spill proof containers is permitted.

    ry off in the shower area before entering the locker area.

    Guests must clean up all powder, baby oil, etc. spills.

    Notify a building supervisor or the front desk staff immediately if you witness any unusualactivity such as theft , unruliness, etc . in the locker rooms .

    Locks are not allowed on lockers over nigh t All locks left on lockers over night w ill becut off and all items will be placed in the Lost and Found.

    Turn showers off after use.


    Children are not allowed in the aerobic studio.

    Report damage to fitness instructor or front desk staff.

    Plastic water bottles only are permitted .


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    Personal items are not allowed in the aerobic studio. Use a locker with a lock.Guests must wear appropriate clothing and footwear; only non-marking sole shoes .

    Wipe off equipment after each use . Wipes are located on the aerobic studio wall.


    Exercise/lift at your own risk .

    Guests must be 6 years of age or older to use the fitness equipment in the cardio andnautilus fitness room with this exception: youth from 12-15 years of age are allowed touse the equipment when accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian. Or they

    may take and pass a fee-based class that qualifies them to use the equipment withoutparent or guardian in attendance.

    Guests must be 16 years of age or older to use the free weight room.

    Youth ages 12-15 are NOT permitted to use free weights at any time.

    Strollers, baby carriers and children are not allowed in ny of the fitness areas .

    Proper use of fitness equipment is expected . Observe instruction placards on theequipment. If you require further assistance, please ask at the front desk. Fitness roomorientation classes are available and recommended for all new guests.

    Sign up boards for the cardiovascular equipment are posted on the wall . Write yourname on the appropriate board and pay attention to your turn . Cross your name off thelist just before using the machine.

    There is 30-minute time limit on all cardiovascular equipment. If there is no one waitingsigned up on the board) when the 30 minute time expires, you may continue using that

    equipment for an additional 30 minutes . Be aware and considerate of others waiting touse the equipment.

    No foul language or disruptive behavior.


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    Only water in plastic spill proof containers is permitted.

    Store personal belongings in locker rooms or coat cove .

    Guests must wear appropriate clothing and footwear .

    Wipe off equipment after each use using the wipes that are located in each weight room .

    Do not drop or bang weights .

    Re-rack weights.

    Use equipment for intended purpose only .

    Chalk use is not permitted .

    Televisions located in the fitness area have an M transmitter with preset stations tunedto a sports channel local news and national news that require personal M radios tohear . To request a channel change see the front desk.

    Headphones are required for all personal music devices.


    Guests must wear a shirt and appropriate footwear at all times . Separate work-outshoes are encouraged . Clean dry non-marking athletic shoes must be worn t alltimes . Boots sandals or street shoes are not permitted.

    No food or drinks permitted in the gym . Water in plastic spill-proof containers is allowed.

    SRC is not responsible for personal belongings that are lost stolen or damaged. Allpersonal belongings must be stored in a locker and locked.

    Do not leave anything on the track or gym floor . Do not stand or sit on the track .

    Prohibited : Hanging from the nets rim or backboard dunking spitting gum fightingfoul language unsportsmanlike behavior.


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    Full court basketball is allowed in Gym A only. If the dividing curtain s down for a leagueor other activity, full court basketball s not allowed .

    Any guest who s bleeding must stop play and report to the front desk for First Aid andfor appropriate c lean-up .

    Gym doors are alarmed emergency exits only. Letting someone n through these doorss not allowed. Both parties involved n this act will be asked to leave and will besuspended from the facility .

    SRC classes and events will take priority on gymnasium use . The gym schedule will beposted outside Gym A on the bulletin board. Events that affect the normal use of thegym will be posted with as much notice as possible.


    Kids Corner is a drop-in child care service for ages two months to nine years.

    Capacity : 20 children total n the room ; two infants per attendant.

    Parents are required to remain n the building when their child s attending KidsCorner, with the exception of using the tennis courts which are directly visible from

    Kids Corner.

    o qualify for free child care the child who is attending Kids Corner must be acurrent member on a family membership, have an individual youth membership , orbe under the age of 3 and accompanied by a parent or guardian who has amembership.

    Non-members and daily pass holders do not qualify for free child care and mustpurchase a single use pa s s or punch card at the front desk .

    On the first visit to Kids Corner , a child information sheet must be completed andon file. Update information when it changes . Follow policies n the ParentHandbook.

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    Parents are required to report all contagious diseases to the Kids CornerSupervisor .

    Parents must sign their child ren) in and out o Kids Corner .

    If an adult who is not listed on the emergency card leaves a child in Kids Cornerboth parties must complete a waiver beforehand.

    Kids Corner staff will not change diapers, clothes or assist in toilet training. If thechild needs any o these , the parent will be contacted promptly . Diapers are to bechanged on the changing table in the bathroom only.

    Children are not permitted to have bare feet in Kids Corner .

    Drinks and bottles must bein

    plastic spill-proof containers . Peanut-free snacksand drinks are welcome .

    Label all belongings.

    In the event o a tornado warning, children will be taken to the multi-purpose room .n the event o a fire or emergency evacuation children will be taken to the tennis

    court on the east s ide o the building where parents should meet their children .


    Only clean , dry court shoes are permitted; no street shoes are allowed .

    Everyone must pay the co urt fee, except league players during league games .

    The racquetball court is available to rent by the hour on the hour. All reservations mustbe paid for at the time they are scheduled. Warm up time is included in the hour fee .Reservations are non- transferable and non-refundable.

    Reservations will be held for 15 minutes past the scheduled court time, and thencancelled i no one has shown up.

    Limit o four people playing racquetball and 12 playing wallyball on the court.


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    Eye protection is strongly recommended for your safety and is required or league play .

    Wallyball set up and take down time is included in the Wallyball rental hour .

    Saline Parks and Rec reserves the right to cancel and reschedule court times as


    Change date after approved . Approved by Saline City Council, April 6 , 2007


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    The CITY o f SALINEity Clerk s Office

    100 North Harris Street Saline, MI 4817 6 164 2Phone 734.429 -4907 Ext. 2209, 2216, 2214 Fax 734.429.0528

    www. cityofsaline.org www. besaline.co m

    TO: Saline City Council

    FROM : Terri Royal, Saline City Clerk

    DATE : December 19, 2013

    SUBJECT: WHI Resolution

    Attached is the Resolution authorizing the Saline City Council tobecome a Washtenaw Health Initiative Charter member, and;contribute 500.00 for 2014

    Carrie Rheingans was at the December 6 1h City Council Meeting and did a presentation to Council.

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    January 6, 2014

    WHEREAS, the Washtenaw Health Initiative {WHI) is a voluntary, county-wide collaboration oflocal leaders focused on how to make heal th care more accessible and improve carecoordination for the low-income, uninsured, and Medicaid populations in Washtenaw Countyby identifying and, where possible, addressing gaps; and

    WHEREAS, there are an estimated 349 {4 ) City of Saline residents uninsured or who willbecome eligible for Medicaid in 2014; and

    WHEREAS, the Initiative's work across the whole County and with the major health systemsserving City residents will impact access to coordinated, integrated care for City residents; and

    WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City to become a voluntary member at this time toparticipate with a group on the forefront of recognizing and attempting to address current gapsthat exist in the health care system, and as a way to participate with an organization committedto analyzing changes that will occur in the City as many provisions of federal health care reformtake effect; and

    WHEREAS, a membership fee of 500.00 will be funded through the general fund .

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saline City Council hereby authorizes the Chair ofthe Saline City Council to sign the Washtenaw Health Initiative Charter 2014 Statement of

    ommitment making the City of Saline a voluntary Charter Member of the Washtenaw HealthInitiative, and;

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the Saline City Council hereby approves a membership feeexpenditure of 500.00 for 2014 to be funded through the general fund.

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    W S H T E N WH E L T HI N I T I T I V E

    2 14 Statement o Commitment

    The mission of the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) is to help to improve the health of the low-income,uninsured, and Medicaid recipients in Washtenaw County by bringing together organizations to :

    Coordinate and leverage resources; Share informa tion on gaps in care, opportunities to fil l those gaps and organizational plans; Consider opportuni ties to work together on specific projects and or functions; and Generate innovative ideas, plans and implementation approaches to improve care and access in

    the County

    The Washtenaw Health Initiative is a voluntary, county-wide collaboration of local leaders and organizationsdesigned to improve the coordination and delivery of health care for low-income, uninsured, and Medicaidpopulations in Washtenaw County . Participating individuals and organizations recognize that we have aresponsibility to assist those in our community who lack access to high -qual ity health care.

    The leadership of the undersigned organization supports WHl s goals and mission as set forth in theattached Mission Statement. s a Charter Member of WHI, the organization understands that WHl s successdepends on the active engagement and support from all sectors of our community. Otherwise, the promise ofhealth care access for low-income, uninsured, and Medicaid populations cannot be achieved.

    By becoming a voluntary Charter Member, we pledge to work with other members to help make WHI asuccess. Our signatures below express our commitment to develop and implement solutions that will improveaccess to high quality health care for everyone in our community.

    At a minimum, we commit to assigning our staff to participate on appropriate WHI committees and

    other WHI activities . We will also provide in-kind contributions, including data, which will help identifyopportunities for increased access to health care. To the extent possible, we will identify and offer financialresources.

    We will also promote WHI programs through our newsletter, social media , web and other outlets. Inreturn, WHI will recognize Charter Members leadership and involvement in its marketing efforts.

    Our organization appreciates that time is short and requires continued momentum to accomplish WHl svital goals. Working together, we can make access to health care a reality for underserved populations inWashtenaw County .


    Executive Director (date) Member, Board of Directors (date)

    WHI Co-chair (date) WHI Co -chair (date)

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    W S H T E N WH E L T HI N I T I T I V E

    WHI ission

    The mission of the Washtenaw Health Initiative is to help to improve the health of the low-income,

    uninsured, and Medicaid recipients in Washtenaw County by bringing together organizations to : Coordinate and leverage resources;

    Share information on gaps in care, oppor tunit ies to fil l those gaps and organizational plans;

    Consider opportuni ties to work together on specific projects and or functions; and

    Generate innovative ideas, plans and implementation approaches to improve care and

    access in the County

    CH RGE

    1 To develop a county wide strategic plan on how to best organize and provid e ccess to care with a

    focus onth low

    income population specifically: The current Medicaid eligible populat ion , enrolled and not enrolled

    The current uninsured population (some eligible for Medicaid and some not)

    The newly eligible Medicaid population, come 2014

    Those who will remain uninsured po st 2014 (principally, undocumented immigrants)

    2 . The plan must include the following services scope:

    Access to primary care services

    Access to s pecialty outpati ent and inpati ent care

    Chronic care needs

    Emergency room diversion Integration of mental health, long term care, dental care, public heal th with the physical

    health/medical care system

    3 The plan should reflect and describe futur organizational roles relevant to this charge fo r :

    Safety net providers in the county

    The Washtenaw County Health Plan

    Any connections between the newly forming ACOs/PCMH efforts in the county and the

    target population

    Key public sector entities : public health and mental health

    4 Functional operational issues should be considered such as:

    Local roles for enrollment and eligibility

    Relevant ACAgrant opportuni ties available at the local level with organizational leadsidentified

    Funding and structura l needs necessary to carry out the county wide plan


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    In Washtenaw County, Michigan, more than 40 provider, payer, safety net, and serviceorganizations have come together to create the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) to helpto improve the health of the low-income, uninsured, and Medicaid recipients in WashtenawCounty. This voluntary, non-governmental collaborative focuses on identifying communityhealth needs, emphasizing primary care over emergency care, and increasing communication,which sho uld lead to better access to quality care in the county.

    The WH I originated in 2010 when a retired health system CEO talked with community leadersabout what the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ACA) would mean for countyresidents. A 12-member steering committee, chaired by two prominent community leaders,formed to clarify the goals and scope of the initiative and to identify organizations and


    participate. Importantly, leaders from St.Joseph Mercy Health System and theUniversity of Michigan Health System sponsored the initiative, and The Center for HealthcareResearch Transformation CHRT), a nonprofit agency in the community, agreed to facilitatethe effort. The VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System has also joined the collaborative, given thatmany low-income individuals in the county access care both in the VA system and through theprivate health systems.

    The steering committee formed work groups organized around primary care; dental care;mental health and substance use disorders; social determinants of health; and Medicaidoutreach, eligibility, and enro llment. The workgroups acquired local data from safety netproviders, county public health, and other sources to define the current state of access andcare provision for the county s low-income population. From this data, the workgroups draftedrecommendations to address identified gaps. These recommendations resulted in communitybased projects that have enro lled people in Medicaid and other public programs, allowedsliding fee scales at dental clinics, coordinated care across various health systems, and muchmore. An evaluation of the overall initiative and each project is under way, and the workgroupscontinue to add projects as the environment changes and new opportunities are ident ified.

    The WHI would not be possible without the generous and tireless support of our funders andcommunity members:

    Ann Arbor Area Community FoundationCity of Ann Arbor

    City of Yspilanti

    Individual donorsSaint Joseph Mercy Health SystemUniversity of Michigan Hea lth System

    Washtenaw County Board of CommissionersUnited Way of Washtenaw County


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    W S H T E N WH E L T HI N I T I V E

    Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation

    Ann Arbor City Council

    Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Regional Chamber

    Arbor Hospice

    Blue Care Network

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

    asa Latina

    Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County

    Center for Healthcare ResearchTransformation

    Chelsea Community Hospital

    Community Action Network

    Community Dental Center

    Community Support and Treatment Services

    Corner Health Center

    Dawn Farm

    HIV/AIDS Resource Center

    Hope Clinic

    Huron Valley Ambulance

    Huron Valley Physicians Association

    Integrated Health Associates

    Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County

    L S Associates

    Neighborhood Family Health Center

    Packard Health

    Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan

    Policy Initi atives Consulting Group

    Regional Alliance for Heal thy Schools


    Shelter Association of Washtenaw County

    St. Joseph Mercy Health System

    United Way of Washtenaw County

    University of Michigan Health System

    University of Michigan School of Dentistry

    University of Michigan School of PublicHealth

    VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

    Washtenaw Community Health Organization

    Washtenaw County Board of CommissionersWashtenaw County Department of HumanServices

    Washtenaw County Medical Society

    Washtenaw County Public HealthDepartment

    Washtenaw Health Plan

    Washtenaw Success by 6

    Women's Center of Southeastern Mich igan

    Ypsilanti City Council

    Ypsilant i Health Center

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    November 2012

    Dear Community Partners,

    We are pleased to share with you some of our early successes with the Washtenaw Health Initiative(WHI). The WHI kicked off in January 2011, and over the first two years, we've made a positive impactfor our community members who are Medicaid recipients, are low-income, or lack health insurance .

    A key feature of the WHI is its voluntary nature . As of November 2012, more than 90 people participatevoluntarily in WHI working groups. From July 2011 through June 2012, more than 8,200 hours werededicated to the effort all across the county, from safety net medical and dental clinics to variouscommunity outreach locations . Another key feature ofthe WHI is the facilitation and research supportprovided by the Center for Healthcare Research Transformation .

    The WHI has worked to leverage and coordinate financial and human resources throughout thiscommunity to support the various initiatives . We thank our numerous funders, and especially our twomajor sponsors: St Joseph Mercy Health System and the University of Michigan Health System .

    Next year's work will consist of continuing the planning and pilot project implementation th t has begun,as well as potentially developing new ideas to improve access to coverage and better coordinate carefor our community's most vulnerable.

    Thank you for your participation and support of the Washtenaw Health Initiative. We look forward toworking with you to continue these successes in 2013 and beyond.


    Robert Guenzel Norman Herbert

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    The Washtenaw Health InitiativeIn late 2010, community leaders agreed on the importance of developing local solutions to theproblems of today while focusing on planning for the future. The Washtenaw Health Initiative(WHI) had its formal start with a planning group meeting in January of 2011, as communityleaders came together to discuss how best to help Washtenaw County plan and prepare forimplementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. With thesponsorship of both the University of Michigan Health System and Saint Joseph Mercy HealthSystem, a 12-member steering committee was formed. From January to March 2011, theplanning group expanded to include more than 4 people from multiple communi ty sectorsworking together to assess the state of health care for Medicaid recipients, low-incomeresidents, and the uninsured in the county. By July 2011, this group made recommendations toimprove access and coordination of care for these populations . The WHI has grown from 40participants representing 20 organizations to more than 70 participants from more than 40organizations.

    Community EffortWe are particularly pleased and proud to acknowledge the generous and tireless support of ourfunders and community members . To date, WHI members provided more than 8,200 volunteerhours in support of WHI projects. The WHI received more than 25,000 and another 86,000has been committed by our generous community partners :

    Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation City o f Ann Arbor City o f Yspilanti Individual donors Saint Joseph Mercy Health System University of Michigan Health System Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners Washtenaw County United Way

    We are especially grateful for the University of Michigan Health System and Saint Joseph MercyHealth System, without whose sponsorships we would not succeed.

    Our Goalsith a focus on Washtenaw County's Medicaid recipients, low-income residents and the

    uninsured, the WHI is working toward two major goals for these priority populations:

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    Increasing and maintaining insurance coverage. Improving access to coordinated, integrated care.

    Additionally, the WHI seeks to be a model and a resource for othe r communities consideringhow best to serve the needs of its most vulnerable citizens.

    Our AccomplishmentsSince inception, the WHI has made considerable progress toward our goals .

    Increasing and Maintaining Coverage

    The WHI found th t approximately 2 700 residents were eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid.To address this, Department of Human Services caseworkers were co-located within theWashtenaw Health Plan offices to streamline eligibility determination and enrollment. As aresult of this new process, more than 1 700 people in our community enrolled in the state s

    Medicaid program for the first time or were able to maintain their coverage with the help ofthese caseworkers. In addition, this program employs two full-t ime AmeriCorps members whodetermined eligibility, enrolled residents for Medicaid and othe r benefits, as well as educatedorganizations about eligibility for benefits at more than 4 0 locations .

    Improving ccess to Coordinated Integrated Care

    The WHI is improving access to care through better coordination and integration of care.Specific accomplishments include: Worked with a major dental plan to clarify policies th t prevented dentists in Washtenaw

    County from using sliding-fee scales for their uninsured patients. This enabled the creationof a new reduced-fee dental program . Since June 2012, six dentists agreed to see low

    income patients using an income-based fee scale. In the first four months of operation, 19patients were enrolled in the program.

    Conducted a detailed analysis of safety net clinics capacity to accommodate new primarycare patients. The project team developed a detailed business case th t is now beingconsidered by the sponsors . The goal is to augment staff in four safety net clinics in thecounty. Once fully integrated , the intent is for these clinicians to handle an estimated15,000 additional primary care visits per year.

    Developed a countywide protocol to streamline the referral process for substance usedetoxification and tre tment process for patients in the safety net setting .

    Developed a pilot program to improve access to primary care providers among those newlyenrolled in Medicaid. This wil l be tested in one safety net clinic in 2013 and includesassessment and referral for social service needs as well as processes to improve thelikelihood of the newly enrolled receiving their first visits with their primary care providerswithin 90 days of enrollment .

    Building a odel for Community Collaboration and Planning

    Additionally, the work of the WHI generated many collaborative activities with WHI partners,demonstrating the synergy th t is occurring in Washtenaw County thanks to this initiative:

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    Co-wrote and submitted a 10 million Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesInnovation grant in collaboration wi th the University of Michigan Health System and theUniversity of Michigan Depression Center.

    Facilitated connections between Washtenaw County and the Michigan Department ofCommunity Health th t enabled successful submission of a Screening, BriefIntervention, Referral and Treatment grant. This grant will place care managers in localsafety net settings to assist residents struggling with substance use .

    Received several inquiries from other communities to learn more about the WHI andhow they might replicate the effort in their own communities .

    WHI activities have been highlighted in 15 publications .

    ooking headIn just a year and a half, the WHI accomplished a great deal; however, there remains much tobe accomplished. Projects on the horizon include :

    Supporting primary care clinicians in diagnosis, treatment, and management ofdepression symptoms.

    Enhancing the capacity of the dental care safety net to provide acute and on-going carefor uninsured and Medicaid patients.

    Improving care coordination across the county by supporting care and case managersfrom many systems to interact and work together on a regular basis .

    Developing a tool kit for other communities th t wish to implement their own voluntary,community -based efforts.

    Throughout the next year, the WHI will continue to reassess the needs of the community anddevelop additional projects to address emerging needs . We look forward to continuing ourwork improving health care coverage and access to care on behalf of Washtenaw County, andespecially its most vulnerable citizens .

    For more information, contact:Carrie A Rheingans, MPH MSWWashtenaw Health Initiative Project Managerww w .washtenawhea thi n tiat ive [email protected](734)998-7567Fax(734)998 -7557

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    Un ins ur ed25,2498




    Washtenaw C o unt y HealthInsurance Cover ag eRes iden ts Age 0-6 Year s Old)

    Cov er age Brea kdow nI I Employer-sponsored

    I I Direct-purchaseI I Med icare

    Medicaid/means-teste d


    Uninsur e d

    I II I

    Uninsured, currently Medica id e ligible
