j jbstasialt begqbd l thev mjx jmcitief u> [the rqmk...

"! i t i9\ rtfP^"-™nrf-*c-fl^. * I VS-s 4 js srf* -*• g^fgjK-i^f n~» if!l iMij l .ii..i WV ^ .1-1 !. t M in ' i ;i ^..i- 1 ' • " * " . "^ ji;Tniniiiii ' ' -""...."'."_ ' J _ •.' "-'^ •"'"•'"';. ^"' • ~ ' '—If - " )0|, ^ BaroTtataTaUa. -__4*| HsaTaSt" *£*•-*-•—jfcBRMC. _____3t5B»Jf. ezsTALi&iitxm.' gorsa van. „S*AJ*^*aMOae»_--- uaSi-n-Aoocm. 4*«a,taeecav ;i^ - ^ ^ Q ^ ^ S g H W W PARK tW*Wil!«WMF^rh«t IBM -sjHHsav *B»f*n JBStaSiAlT BEGQBD Connors & Hyde, who have the wot-J this fSjllsfliftart Stanwis Pas*, havecom- 1 ntttaeed Rowing -with three teams. Tbe first work which i s to .%d$ueJBg *M«?a done the park is fobeT plowed] l»**^lpgteDftte IE " D E > * 8 S " C F - T WO ' THIS VICINITY. DAYS~H»1 A RIVER CANAL. % 3gtlaV.«ara«h th« MttWWS. ;^*^Sw!^™^|aMe-i^e%SSfe^TOe^3^fit3a^^: »«•«. Michael J. Sh«rt»U, a* Old aYeattaat i^afehia'-M**m- Jkri - B t f e - l t a J H . Mary ] biHnnean is pick! ngjap i ,Thetr*ffi<>0ai, ttpBlBck B i m c p n a t . i t preaentlsa little larger tnaa it na» been. T ^ a n O t e b r a a l r t a tfce-For*atpotfc»*e*a*r boar<? have been going np and down the caa»3riri*I^»ex«»»ey-4n^bo««n«tt, «tt \ im t • Ti aa— aWl 1 l W l i a^Tusa tj.ox.'CSsnm. 1 SJEM. AJaSae fa. SemYcti,OmimriHL Wmtar* SaOnad, Tp8jjiMntrCI««*d>»S.:B.) - - TJUXtniC&X. ] ASLBHKJX BOM*. tJOAjLtfapraaa. BMiaSWfc His. Michael J. Shortall aied at her home, 531 East, Dominick street, at 7tl-5 p. mi Saturday. Several weeks agd she soffeWd a po&al stroke of peralysls bat bad nesr3y-Te«wer^ -ier-ii?s»i. ieslth acpata. Abont 1 a. xo-Sainrday she sot- oblige fee gob- |S ^ CfcEriedaway afiar eacli ^lowjfig. v ItiS also to be harrowed tinee tamee and then gone over wiQi a garden ISM' and the Etoae again pjpked off and CWiieclawmy, a^wi5ichttw3B,be.3iPea. v la fee plowing where good etvth H '-^"^ get tt doneto time tos*«at ^ S S ^ £ , f n £ i , ^ r»T»" y®*m tursn^}^^ J^J,^ j ^ .btraiifiEe./She was Iweiy of Qiea papers changed feHntHafj place to .another, will statins where the paper has been left as well as where itis to be left. Sntftcribera grans name, Bfaee% and mimber, «•*, r-^ji ^ 3 ^ ^ paS^notchmge ^^^^L^^L™ 8 ??^! 1 !^" fo be lowered aHgWy at the il«fe Bear SE£«& TIE^I^T due.. • Xh» Slcbt to X « t l^Mftwyva, Ga.,hasb>»tti«ceiTed at the post offtcsi in. exchange toe a copy of our local dt; Brt^wm4^Kct«yrwM^TK)e^»3ta:-1^Xa^^ WHfej t3thepoe*B»Btsrotthat city a few days The atata-antluwlties ate «e53ia« » lange ioantaiy ofwaier down to theJEgle "both "by w a y ^ - ^ ' B l a ^ t m r ^ ^ j ^ ^ j ^ ^ cafiiy "*t#«E»onHoBpttaa XohawklllTCr. At lock 70, tyo 1 ^ h i — t i e right of Iris xight*j^thoxi«h the thisslde ot-BoowOle, a paadto «»4 H^alonmay ^e^pait«rwiaiaft1«WBi- , half areopen, allowing canal wafer nam ^j^ fl ^jj i:m ^t nmC Hj«ii l goodeye. ftte?ranmtfr ^cwl-tp-go into tte I*iMto«| ^ssSetOBt mmar^jMC^Bm^Vauk Kfll ana thenea into the rreer- Qaepad-' ^tS—^^?^"]^!^ 11611 *•»»*bwailrwagTepajred^tteft^aa-^j^ thangh HtanfllT,MB~ooiaa-nbT»wT^^^ change their re§MeMes iw ra^j^ja^^^^^ Efewe ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y^^g W*aOT8«a«< Oct 16.—Eastern Kew York, foggy and clondytonight and TOES- fiaj raornipft rain Tuesday aftacnoon or night, light ewtwinda becoming fresh 1 this afternoon and tonight and holding] fresh from aonthetist andsonth Tuesday. I Weatem New Toik, fair .tonight, rain and cooler Tuesday, high aonth, shifting to'Sotithweatwmda. '^' ';• OIL '.•' •' - JOTtlNOa. —Common council meeting this eve- ning. ' . i —The Dorcas Gnfld of Zlon Cbnrch will aerre JL enpper at Memorial m i l on •flTednesato erening_at 6 6'clcck, the pro- ceeds of which wilfb»TBed to purchase a sewing rnacMne for the hall '—ProL W. K. Terrettof Hanfuton Col- lege preached two excellent eermons at the PreBhyterlan Church Snaday. At the meeting of the Y. F. S. C. El'Misa L6tf?e state convention to which Bhe went BB a delegate. , • 1 near James street w?ll bafUled^aiid in one or two places mounds will' be raised. A very few of the tree* now in the park will interfere with the walks, and it may be-necessary to take^thesm out, but this wiU not be done until the new trees have grown to some size. bw^w«5-repaiwd^H«e*au-^^j—- dies we» opraeffor a wnfle in orderto.«^ MembaxB of the Utica Command- ^TJT^LSJ^^^J^^^S™ e ^ f c , a** others hive •entinbon- aJJ. oontrJbm>ingj«eod volume of ^ ^ I S S U ^ d j a s b»n«ht abataket of jUat. YjW&m*m-$m^& OT8n ^ ow |a^egalar»W*^Wy«*Un^ **""• ^ of^ormnowat ^ ^ | ^ 2 ^ 2 S S £ r S S anekrh«tn^berofS t ^^ S ^,^g l 0 f^^^ [ ^ i ^ anyway */%$$farm « * . ^ « . ! * Q » W ^be^nae^TSBrt^ti*!* . Bomel^wm^totBlalaty tod^ceveraa •_- -^- —- »-— wsstmastere of,both places tobeable to ^kBp «w addneas «f a letter and ascer- tain wbeOier ornoticbelongainthe other dty, wfthoxit taking the time to forward tPSero'ttoco at* two oieBsnfthe-wme-j ^«ftwwnt'«rateit a, great many it THEV MJX jmciTiEf u> : [THE RQMK SAMTAEIUM «*«t i«* pthMr-»-»aU^ . A mdn* JfrnttltuOpn the jTr.atment r A co»f of -therein V ™ * * * * ™ J^^L Pst»ffoljO«i«h»tad0p«etaUit»-Iiiformai BteeptlcmjOct^Wr-lT^anil 18. • i)nTfflg"ta*'pT«<rwe^^OTitaaonErhave" w ^.« . c< bt»nxecliveaby-inaByofthe'i5e8iaent8t)f BHeK^^Itt-^n^-xonrBB-ofT-* J&& «&»*H^omeraid"^ciail5r-to^ittend-an.-4farforHiai kieal ^f^r«a^naftgc--whieb in mean&jtoj. xe ceptiQn:at.ifcB Kome^ilnltarlnm^t-iJia. peeai • w ™ » « ! - » imJt ^ Sl ._^^—,„„ T Nor £^ ai ^ street -Jn~thfe-c1troa Qct. are made In directing lettere. At GamaenTSf* ?>'* abbnJt-KJ-letterr io»- weelYed dtfly WbW» ba^> t>«» j 1 1 1 ^* to that place by mlatsko ana which should hare gone toCamde^New Jewey. The boat office aera ^ronld b3 very thankful for a few copies of, old directo- rierwhlchth*yeonToTaena tonelgb-bor- ingtowna fMretowtoe., , t7andlS. _ _ Leist epJlng™l>r. c Snmmcf"B ptflngaley bought the splehdidTesideDce on tire cor- ner of .North.'Georgfe. and Bloomfleld Bttee's^ a«djince that time has expended a large amount',*of time and money in bftftuHfying the grounds andHbuildiugun - til.it Is now one of ^Hemottimpoein'g and t H g BEGlfTRATION. Tk« rtxmt Two D a i a a n w lGi X«n'%ba» th* Sam* Days lJUt XUL Satard.ay was &m second day of regis- tration. "TV *-- L --- —- — days loi'.ow: MriShCir«dlwasawi>manaf many ex : ceilentqnalitieB.kiha and charitable to] all, and of very even and generops dispo- sition. Her sympsfchies ever went out to j the poor«ndsfl3icted, and for sach she vlwaya had a pleasant word asd a belie ing hand. She apokfi 111 of no one; if *p£ could not conscientioualy speak well of a person fehe held her peace. She leaves,many friends who will sincere, ly regret her death. Besides herhusband ^te is suxrived by one danghter, Mrs "William J. Grogan, two sor-s, James and aCchaeL all of Rome, one brother, John cause the «inantlty of water being aent downfrom^^lapipna^ck rewdrojrajs iargernowtifflmfe has iseen it for stem* time. Tfcfe-ilSf aSoth the IHaek Bite* kjansl and^tii»M^eandl«siPOini»fWA , ^ffioien#of w*t» in tie J^^wktoJ rnn the city p t # | e . The Lanairig KOI above wiera It^iets the contrlbnHaw from Lock ^> & pwticaUr dry «Bd.t»* WestBrancb^«jas>!miall*-s*PBiim^Mitt^ ipgteesjininiEP, TbeKrto CanaPajget- "Waras. Burns of Kingsbridge, X. Y-, and one sister, Mrs. JElien Bloran of Ghicago. Xn. WMTT Dsont. Mrs. IMtary Daunt, widow of Robert / First Ward, 1st dist 2d »' * - *3d ** Second WanMst "# ** 21 *•' Third Ward, 1st «v. 2d " Fourth'Ward.lst. " •' . 3d " Fifth WarJ, Kl " 2d " W ".. The figures for the'flist fa^|^»nhti died at fkgpa. m. Sunday at the *home>otriier son-in-law, Adam Atder, 233 West Dominlck street, aged ^53 yeaxss^ The •ecessed had been in poor health .since.last February, .but had .notbeen compelled, to take to her bed until a week ago. She was born in County Cork, lie^ land, and her maiden name wOs O'Brien, w^en very young, she, came to America, Sarviving her are three sons, W. J. and RobertJHont of. Bay City, Mich t and John "&* Sandy Creek, and four daugh- ters, Mrs. James Hughes of South Albion, Mrs. AbramBurgey of Taberg and Mrs. Adam Aider and Miss Kate Daunt of: I'Bome. There are also two brothers, Din o . 61 .s . M , CI . re . 61 .101 . 4S . et . 27 O 05 16 its i~ 93 90 76 173 1?S 158 137 1»7 ISO 116 SCO If* u 3CB 243 .72 J07 55 b3 385 •-t PERSONAL. —William J. White of 1C7 NorHiTay street is visMngin Kew York, ^-^^..andr^rs. Arthur M. White haye gone, to New York to be absent several days. * '—Principal Leslie A. Bailey of Oak- wood Seminary at Union Springs, N. Y, is visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Scully. •I—John E. Dunham of this city, has filed a claim against the state for $50 for the taking of land for canal improvement purposes. —3£is» Grace Allen of JBtica; who has been spendine the past three weeks with Miss MedaB.H'nghee 0131^ North George street, has returned home. —lira. Edna B Miner of Chicago, who i&Jne guest of Mi., and Mri J. S. Mowry, will sail from Kew York on Wednesday byHhe.St Paultbr a year's trip througn Europe. ' • •' —Mr. and Mrs. C. W . AvSmith of Chi- csgo, -who have been spending the sum* mer with the former's parents, Mr, and Wrs. Ji H. Smith of 112 Weet Court- street lis ve returned to Chicago. ^Walter Lamb of Kew Haven, Count is visiting old friends in Rome. He left Borne 14 years ago. He was for many ypymthn parJteer_of WttUam H. Davles of this city, " " ' _*~ * ~ ^ Lamb, contractors and builders. hkvebeen mmwma caUem aid'thepa^ He^r*f«ir«p«sdod«clqmie«^e;andre«t. Soir^Wendai!iomBoroe«aBed.onStr^ e»ea of taemby the«r vofeea.' Ti^MKd tb^haacomajto bring ; hrm mare,llghj^ Kueaw, <jeti^5^i-fnner*l services of John G. Griffith i w«» ; »«ftry^rgeiL»^ tended rrotrEbeBapQEt -tahurcls Tit' lr3Q tum; onlSawrday.. : > . *^TheDelta SignWSocfety..wffl gn » mgnfett Wedhelifeyevenfiig. Thepubii& ^itonvitBa, V .' ' J.- - . " • ^ ' Davidfiobeit?, a yotmg man. of tnis »ad he replied, that jMt-W«».i|*.'J*|nhice7 ; h«r»ec **** "" fcife^a^3kP^to|aM|J.. B^w*f Jnospmal, UBca. .•«'•'.•'••_ . .„ / ting well snppiledi; however, boUifrom the Black Blver- Canal and" the WhiteE- boro street f e ^ e r in Romes-and there no danger of Interference with its navi- gation. The season now is so well ad- vanced that, although the Adirondack reservoirs are,low,t r4ehty'of water ia spared for t h e canals, mitartowu.. •WHtXESEC8aD f „Oi|i, 16 -r-Mlaj, L'zzle Streltz left .today for New York to remain during thJi'winter. . N The town boardhas appointed Harvey HWs s. jastJej of the peaccin, place of the lat^ James MarSnT" '"^V "• The mains for the new water works are bting laid on the side streets and the IIMWli ..... „„._„,-_.„ , •asnred that tine doctors' f ^ t encouraged j Sboot his case awad t>«t tfcey were confi- |d«ntthat he would see w i t h Mia r i g h t * ^ E c Golley l i e s In bed on bii back, with ! , hjs head eomewaat etevattcd. He says h^ haihJd little U any sleep. To.begln with the ice e l o ^ were exHitinuauy ap- fo his eye* for twb_ days andthete 762 35 1JST 1T£T The tot»l registration for the second dayiast fall was 1,094, divided among the wards aslbllow!: ^"Irst^oS, second 156, third 210- fonrth 209, fifth 254. The total registration for the first two daVSTlast faH-wasJLTSlS. LOBS thta^year, 161, Ia±S 18S7 the registry of th»firsttwo days waa,|«" 1,597 and in 1896 3;C0T. -,-•' The boards of registry will sit again next Friday and Saturday. Personal ap- plication is necessary. Some of the places of .registry are closed during the week and it is almost lmpos- sibleto get hold of the registry books. This is contrary'to the law which reads es follows, after specifying that the copy raitde4>y-M#^a1rman4iI-axeJboaTfi shatH be called, the public copy of- regtetxatido: Such public copy shall be left in a promi- Jnent position in'the place of registration from the first day of registration until election day, and shall at all reasonable tunes bs open to^ public Inspection and J formaking copies thereof. enfa of the academic depart- ment ol,iae.B»n^Ti|g|b;^Stthool gftve a public t i e ^ c a l ^ o H IfjrJday afternoon. The naotIs*rataking great intMejtintne juuJUI ^ lli . j,^,,^^, _ ^^y^^^,^ t UUUJU aWefepeii^i,TJi^ ^naga^Segj and ^urteous, attractive places to- tneflnescresidence/ piortion of ourcity. It was the design or " Dr. Kingaley to establish a sanitarium for the cure of diseases of the throat^ lungs, nose, ear, eye, skin'ahd all forms of nerv- ous and chronic trouble, and to this end he has equipped Ms sanitarium with all the modern instrument", appliances and apparatus nsed by the most advanced specialists, and hasf associated with him- self several of~tne moatjjromlfient phj si. clans and surgeocs In New York city, who have intemational teputatiorts, un- til today he has thersatfsfaction ofknow- ingthatin eve"^departmenthIsInBtiica- tion is one of the^mosjfcperfect^of its kind m the UnitediStates,. .' .. As one aprasoachesTt^sanitssiran the'e fe not^g s'uggemvftbfWcMess or a I03- pi&, bttc rathef ^-liui&Sious, "stately We, surwHmded by gr«m lawha.and shady ebgas'ano^this|M}mi%impre accentuated as: the visltoj: enters the huualBg. -' Broejft'haJla, Ugbt cheerful TOoms. luxurlon? chairs and conches, htod^m*pIcWr*Bt, api^rfosion of books *o^isbei* g pSshW forward t o eompk,]^^^™. HEW STEEL PLANT. Ooattmct tot t» 3. W. Gerwlr—Oomtrac- tloa Commasced. Theconteact for theconBtructlon of tiie Borne Steel Company's new plant, . , , , f tJOok'i Registration. The regiEtratlon in Utica orrFriday and Saturday was "6.995, jan increase of 734 over* last falL Voting machines will be | used in every district - - - - -«• -" Btrvat ImpioToment Note»... Contractor Cramoud began laving brick on. East Dominlck street near Spring . this morning. The concreting is nearly the firm name being i»avies & [completed on thenoitb side and the curb- ing has been commenced on the south side. . A number of regular concrete mixers came today to go to work on Contractor Spalding's work an West Dominlck street and concrete laying was begun to- day. lei O'Brien of Some and Jeremiah ot Bay €ity, Men. Jennie Slay Oonei- UIICA, Oct. 16.—At the home of her parenisi H Steuben street at 11:55 o^clock last night, occurred the death of Jennie .May, daughter ot Mr and Mrs. Edward ^6nes,'8gWlTyea^llTrronths and three fdaja. Miaa_Jj}ne3 had been ill for the P^st six months, being first taken, with nervous prostration, which developed into aonte tuberculosis- "Mirs Jones *aS born in Romp, where she resided up to five years ago, when she removed with her parents to this city. She attended the academy and was a member of the grad- uating cists last June, when failing healthy compelled her to give up her studies, She.w*%"tf ihemter of the Park Baptist Church and its Sunday school, and was a young-lady who had many friends. Besides the parents, one- sister, Mrs. W. H. Perry of Rome, survives. To the afflicted family the full measure of Sympathy will be extended. * HlaijJenola T«on«r. . - The death of Miss Jennie Tanner oc- curred at the home of. heisister in-law, Mia. L>W. Tanner, 124 East Dominlck street, at 6:30 p> m. Saturday, after an fitness pf about ^ne year. The deceased was the daughter^ the late George Tan- ner. Shs was born in this city 67. years ago and spent her whole life her. When her health permitted she attended the First M. E. Church. She leaves no rela- tives except her sister-ln-lawv ' OUv*r J. Lincoln. UTICA, Ojt. 16.—After an ulnese of „. over nine months' duration, Oliver Jos-4**e~"apse- f -.. tion. Afineconcert will be giveRnextweek in the new Simonda Hall by the*-Presbj- terian Church choir and othiers fronTTtfuIr l«338nowi es^wittsurg^an^.cotioa .„_. .._ b y adhesive strips. He aays he has bad iT^ltttlepainiTn hbreyjaic ~-^. — "~ The pat|B«^ ft>e*. f»&. o i bjtr^'^fl^ of the' sire of av pmheadc«^'ule«. There nxoitbe a hrcodml »kot lodged In 3ils 1'fiicie.andneck- Ihhfefo«*^foityjahot vjrerec^iJmtea. W h e ^ l t f e t ^ n ^ t e d t l i a i e^t'hunm^e^of thesSkmaJl shot are dfs- ~ atonefiringof a, gun, it may not - - -•- '(fToajpfi,In. swollen «ux^ and Mies Nooraekthe ppeceptrese, areput- ©ig&ict^mTicb, energy Wdevielop-tfcis part of the school work. Miss Gourlie =*k -5ft^i.a_^ .and^llewHOTey, the grafle, teachers, are ff^9^§3^f"»-llWa; TiaiaWo&haSfhalarges|tegistra? street and the Borne, Watertolirn &t)g- densbnfgBailroad, was let on Saturday; afternoon to Contractor J. W. Gerwig. The contract Is for a building 80x144 feet and calls for completion by Deo> L ItwlHbe a wooden irame building,, as the company could not wait for a'steel frame from the steel companies, who are a year behind on their orders; The mason* have already commenced on the pfflarsandltr. Gerwig wiU beginworlc on the trame of lis buuumg tomorrow? Itt the spring an addition is to be put on the building, making & 80x224 feet in size. The machinery which is to be used isin course of construction ass^maflthepliaitiB.readyto receive it, BrttkUl Hat Xat B t t l a U T«m. CHiarles C. Tooker of S t Paul, Minn., i s visiting his brother, H. O. Tooker of 113Wea*ThonitaBtreet Thetwobroth- ers had wotiaetln S4 years until Satur- day, when Mr. Tooker walked into his brotte^^lshopon Westl>omlrifiif8trBe* ahdtcldhMwhdhe was. Thebrottiers ^anere. born-^—Jeffeason eoolttaff-mM-^j 1865 Charles want west, where he has stead and bid Meads to Jefferson county before Teturhlng home. Sra>wita«>AmgaU. ,——1 Oct 16.—David Brewster er. TABXEG, and Miss Harriet AbgeH, daughter of the late Henry W. AngeU, were united in marriage Jit 3 p. m., on Saturday at the residence of^theoride on Railroad Btreet; Rev. Dr. Helrne^ officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster. wiE msketheirhomehere. tween Spring and tSeoige streeta. of town. Ns«: YOKK Muis, Oct 16.—Mrs. Leon- ard Cross and'daughter, Mlra, have gone to .Denver f«ri£e winter. tt - =t -; Mrs. J. Lewis, wbo has been fll with diphtheria, SabttTtobe out again, » ' OiosKaKy,i3crr56.-Mrs. rltoyBanks. is visiting her., dftjighter, Mrs. Frank H. Whillcck, in Bochester. Jennie Bcckwitbi attefr Bpenaing a per* tion of the summerW'thher grandmother, his fa^ w h i c h jjfjjjsehbT face fuli *f IliMe'iiuaek Sola, fine sh^ jrentthrbngh bin npper l i p and..crickied|t. tion it has ever had at this season of the year.. Thereis'alaoa larger number of non-residents thanever before,more than half the academic students bslng non- residents. ' Miae Nellie Pierce has gone to Cape cheerful attendantSj at v bhcelmpart their cheering inflnjhee ahio; giye. one an im prlssfonbf comfort, qmetaha rest. TotheleftoftKehafflsCr. BTtngsley's Jjrlvate offloey a•. cheferfnl .yen lighted room equipped with modem office furni- ture, a large safe .for a a care of the„pa- tientB'?aluablfs^and-an^naivel^-ft,rr- Btocked with standatd.'m^llcal and scien- tific workal Aa"j6*JBlbg;ititeibomisthe laboratory which' Ik used fer diagnosis and analysis. H«ra sprae of Hie mo3t Im- Vincentta-Beeheralgter^jpho isfllat the l^^^j^ ^nrk is dob's and thonsandB nf home of Bev. L«,B. -Gray, fotmerly of fotyxs wortb of apb^alds^Bird at hand tp crowned tooth. Two s h o t lodged in tbe.. fclt eye, and «wo in the i i g h t No effort w D l be made'to remove JEtefesnofrttom the «^ea i .amee leswajarl ia Hkelyrto '*asnlt brtHowlhg'ffiemtojcerimfiir- The eye is rather delicate organ for surgical ex- tols place. Edward E. Samuel has rented his farm, kriown as the James Mitchell farm, and will move his family his village resi- dence, by. Dec i, when tljte^eenant will tekepoeseaslonof thefwfm. _— J __j . prorations. i~w~ •— .f^ir. <^ller--«y8-hJte-.«ppetltohaev- nofclageS4goiday v been good, wblch Is not strange,-under '" " Qis clrcums^ancts. He lias eaten very little, though the nurses .presert^deUcatei ana tempting; dishes. With*prospect of iSs. Eastoji.jBBslreinrnedToltallpni^l^ Shoold "be^ an Im- Newark, N. J, The new flats.'which the Waterbtuy firm is erecting are how completed. There are eight bouses all under one roof. Each dwelling cpntalnsave good sized room*. The pumpkin pie social held under the auspices of the Y, P. S C. B on Friday evening at the home ot E. J. Plait, wait a great success, socially and financially. L The recitations and music' by the young |peiple were greatly enjoyed by alL The Jadlrarot'lne Masionary^lSoclety, wiamie43^W«ane5dByi afternoon withj Mrs, Martha Corbitt- - . ;. c •' - Tbebelt^me exp«i*^ hfkve the cats running as far. as S.. Oprbett'a store Vy Tuesdajv " I " - Prof. Wood and his assistant teachers visited the Home be« ffBgar factory on Friday. -. ''••• The iron .pipes are scattered on all the streets N here for the .water' works of Whit*sborp. Some are pleased and others- prpvement in this respect- On the whole it may be said that the otitlook is quite- promising-, and that Mr. Golley will not be blind, as it was feared. aVtfiyutbe woiild.: , * *&& 'GoUey isfedlng *eiy v^today. This morning Dr. FarreH, eye specijallst, v?lth Dr. Case of Albany, another ap» clal- ist, who was in the city, made a very careful examination of both eyes. They rreporii that without, doabt the sight in the Jlghteye will be almoat perfect, but aom^kind of an operation wiil have to beperformed. TheWtey^th*y think, will twin a condition to dlatiogn'sh light, but a cataract is already forraing over the eye ] ball. XlrklaaaaU CusTOJt, Oct 16 —William Llvermore .of Ssngeifieia and Mrs, AdaC. Thomp- son Of Brookfleld were maraedby Bev. M. D. Sjll, pastor of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in this place, at the parson- Fred Evans, who waavweovering from tvphoid fever and able to be out, has had J lyn Lincoln died at his home, 29 Parker street, at 10:85 o'clock Saturday, evening. He was born in the town of Western on June? fi. 1843.-and- ws»asor^of-jSamuel4- *nh«4J* and Bachael Lincoln. WhenaT-merel '" * - - - * - "* *^ -*"-'-'—larents feet, from James~to Washington 60 feet toa had. since resiaea neie. uufW* and from Washington to' George it wffl ****_°} *** ^J" r *? 8 " ved in Com- be 50 feet ' ' n T J » 117th Regiment, and was injured "^ -r <-*—1— . while In Virginia by the falling of a4ree The Oonlcaa Brothan. - upon his foot neceasitatlne his leaving l a the Washington Street Opera House^ the service. He had been employed in The Y. M. C. A. wfll open after * new floor Is laid and the necessary fund* raised. - . '.Lane and T. U. at held at . vwiia. " >...-. Vifeowk Mdus, Oct. 16.—The funerai of John Seybold sr. took place on Friday afternoon. The services were in charge of Rev. P. Becker of the Lutheran Chutch. After a preliminary service In thenouse, !tme mgumera proceeded to the Methodist Caurch at State Bridge, Where a large congi^g4Ipa awaked theni. The next Thursday evening the young roman- tic actor, Harrison J. Wolfe, will be seen in the stirring drarna, The Gorsicanj Brothers. Mr. Wolfe Is well known to those whs keep the rnn of th«fe3ealp3»- dnctiona. As leading; man for Margaret Mather in her Skakssperiah plays Mr. Wolfe divided honors with that consum- ata mistress of her art, and the crit ics " ted in tJuelr praise of him. During this, his fourth season a s a star, Mr. Wolfcbassurronaded himself with la strong company of well-known players, {and la making elabarate scenic and cos- tume productions worthy of the beet days] of the drama. K««T7 Xraae as Uia Oaateal. Traffic, on the New ^York Central Bail- road continues unusually heavy and there [is act likely to 8e any_ftUlng off foxggrae fime.to come. This is the season of the smoereaided. | k w M ; i | 8 & i h * ^ h o n i * ^ paits"bf the connfey go to NeW York city on both business and pleasure tripe and all thS eastbound tratoa^, taxed to their •Utmost capacity. _- - Wjdat arraiafd. This mornmg while getangoutof thej delivery wagon of Fv O. JcbjOson^s lann- dry StepheS'-'iS^lSreMer,' the drfvler, caught jbjta fix* In: "the. lines and 'was thrown d^o^; sustaining a bad sprain bt .one' 43 ^*^""^ id inre- aseaalt'' son Henry Near, com-} "mjtted on Saturday. Th> case was ad- Soarhed^BHOeL IS. ^ A^rewlarriBgtonofWampsviuehas xeceivte aa increase of. pensioa from f6 tofraadSamnel <3olchmgh of Camdesh ailaa*aBefrotaf6tofl2. \ JfwsB, Oct 1&-—Xansing Barker of FaJwier.N. x-,,^sthftgaestof hisoroQi- ••Of'yL-S': Barker. , AtagcaiTetaorial was heldatMrs.W. Morgaa's last Friday evening. . ^elBoa l^lf member of Newport Graagai via«ad Fieyd^raagelast Saiair- di^ et^Biagaad laadeah instoicave ad- Iwaaa aft» w>a»»f!a« ajreralweekawith ^ ^ C. B B 4 « d W » d scmEirlare ^^aaw> f^a^awa*^a^ F *^av ^as^i*' j/^^^'^^P^^^f *•*•!• »awwawaaaaT ^iiiaata ataraauOl. DkiKSBOBO, Oct, VS.—Thr ¥ i P . S . C. E. of the Congregational Church held its fourteenth anniversary on Friday eVe'-}, nrng. The ^furch was veryptettaiy aec- oratea with autumn leaves. Tb« choir, assisted by Ivan Wfllard of CTinton, gave some choice selections. The address was by Bev. W- C. Tayloi,of Dion. He took a5Mssubject"SomfetMhgBetter,"aivid- ing it m^sit^a^^^nj^f^&M^ '•better gitni4" **bj*tei: prayingi" and beloved by a large nambet audience to his wonls, which were helpfnl to bc*h BaudeH of Albany guestsof Set " gf IkTb^^Balata^B^ ^- President, W&JH%. WH1 beheld irithMrs. M i s Grace Gazfey is quite Ql with ih- flammaitoryrheumatfetri. Robert Belandiaquite 111 wi»i malarial .faVBBi " '-.-*.- .-. - - ^ - Jk^ > SPy.H|r|^ i jR^^Wedjaasds| this winter. wfllawet^ afternoon a t 3tf' atthecioEeottae ft comes lWraHy aeari ^ebaaol the different woolen mills abous this city since Chat time. Mr.< Lincoln was a mem- ber of Fort Schuyler CJoitnciL 404, Boyal Arcanum 4 , and alio of the Exempt Fije- men'a Aascciatkm. Hie married Mary A.- Wfckens Is this city on January 15,18<S. She survives, with one daughter, Miss Grace Lincoln of ibis city, and three sons, George S. of Englewood, DL, Will- iam of Lancaster, N. Y., and Charles A. of Utica. Miti Bath Otreaa. OEISSAHV, O c t 16.—A telegram was received on Sunday by the family of Evan Morris announcing the death at Mil- waukee of Krai Bnth Owens, a niece of Mis. Morria and a daughter of Evan R. Evans, brother of^afrs. ^oxrisr -Mrkrf^ Owens was bom in the house 'now occu- pied by Mr, Morris in Shady lanal aa3 win be kindly remiembBred by ttaf friends she made-during her residence here. She was about 30 years of age, of — ~— WaatwBra^SE LowxxS, Oct. b-4&—^ail to represent the Lowell W. G. ihe county convention Ot be Verona on the 19th and 20th. Mr. aha Mrs. BertKbbler are the proud possessors of ayonng Belli The canning factory will open this week for.the purpose of canning apples. Measra. Groves, Haleand^Godyareon theeicklist * • Adam Keasler is adding to. tta beauty ^HfeOBseby *eeaS^#a4sfc- The school is tff0»^a«lng nicely tinker theable managemeit of the new'teAcher, Mies Forbes of Oneida. Bev. J- L. Dowsbn gave a very inter- esting lecture on '"Pexjaoaal Ob»rvafions in China" in the M.SS Church on'Tues- day evening. '.*•'•'•;•_ - pe^tor preacbed upon PsmlmW^S and 24. j Interment vrai made In cemetery at J Stark's Bridge . Bev. liL SinaaUotlfewMarket, y. J. T t jabereon-a vacation f o r a taw .wsskay visiting fate, former parishioners and ' 'i«nv„. Mrs.<~A.. "A".: Curtis -is spending some time with Boston friends. .. WXB.*'V. B. Hamlin and son Charles are jyiaitjmr. in New YorTt Horace B. Shead is on an extendedbos- ineas trip through Pennsylvania, James Cox is laid up with a fractured arm, the result of. a fall eft from a load of straw on Saturday. Terranoe J. Denipsey had the misfor- tune yesterday to fall from a wagon and injure his ankle. Oo Wednesday evening will occur the marriage of WDllam.-E- Bowen and SOss Jennie Roberts, both well known CUn- pton young people. Gu&TOKriOct 16.—A* a meeting of the Cllntou branch-6f -the. Five. States MjOk Producers' Association, in Grange iiall the contract which was adopted.at a re- cent raeetingoftheasaoclatioa Was rati- fied, „Themee^ngw»a largely attended and aH were greatly InfcKssed In the pro- ceedings. The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Frawley, who died on Thutsdayrnornlng, was held from St Mary's Church Saturday morn- ing at 10:80, Bey. Jamea O'Reilly offiolat- lng. The beartrj ware John Keeffte, ITanlel Beagan, J. Beetle and PAIVICV Agau. IntermentwasmadeiaSt Mary's cemetery. . . _,._ .. . '_.,. . - and desirable qualities. She visited here about six years ago: She was married to Mr. Owens a year ago. Previous to going ro Milwaukee Mrs. Uwehs~~ cine, Wis. lived at'Ka- All who knew herwilllearn of her death with regret and extend sym- pathy to the afflicted. ffonn Sail Carrier sad 8ta*a Itilnt. ACanasfota cuTsePoSt-SraBdardsars; *^omehmail carriers and stage driver* are not com- monsbntthJsaecatonofthecomitt^afioras oheinaie„per3on of Mrs Msrgerie-Bbo^ who covers the rente between Gahi""' *" Whitslaw and Oneida Like. Hear IsatUie latter placsj whence eixly every 'week day afternoon she Etartsftfor the Cimastota post; offlci^ six mQesV carrying the Oneifla Like and Whiielaw mail in her stage. Later in the aftea-- t h e govexjoaant for carrying fee waoi" l,etta^fo* ; ttanaeiw v ov:#r: tea<2hei*thkenreiihg;^aBd Syracuae, fotmerly of this"place, have been visiting tilth Mr. aha Mrs. Fred muter, Tbis weeklJavld MaurerwDl fake atrip to Kansas City to visit his son Otto. . . " . - - " ' Mra Frank Follett is o^ulte ID. Hon. C^EL WiUlatra has retained to SJnclairviltaforaftwaaya'stay. Therewjajje^cuiday-eveaiag aervfce aetwralrie the \63?ai*. nature of the pa v - tienra*aHmemt.Extrerae care, and patlant atftdy is giyei). to"diagn0siogeachcps6. Nothing Is gtmaed at 0? taken for grant- ed. Every symptom Is jsaref tflly studied^ rata^n-absoltito-SEa^leage-of every phase of the patient's ailment has been attained, then Intelligent treatinent is given. A beWMer&j|-araamit of appa- ratus is sech in thfs jobs£"Tb<Jxe are ap- pliances for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, an elabbxateapparatpsfor j trea^gajsea9t^of,th t «"throar and nasal t p^SiKSg«iBp5n*S5T»araturfW»pplltag ^om- pfeased.air rp»sssg^o#etat«rnalear, sterilising "ovens, Trdcroscopes, optical in sfcrameats, operating tables ajjd hundreds of strange inmoment9 J .,the names and uses of which are unknown to a layman, "At one end of the laboratory is a dis- pensing department w&wea greht varle' y otthe best medicines ate kept and dis- pensed tinder the doctor's personal super- vision. On. the second floor Is a ba|h room where Turkish, Russian, Medicated and eketrie baihs are gi»e1». 53ie electrical apparatus was made especially for Dr. Kingsley by the Edison Manufacturing Company of Orabge^-"N. j., and is one of |^the most perfect ever thrfiediOut at that e^tabjlsbnijsnt. ^ .Its^M entejy known. anflLroarjiy new forma' oTelec^caTfipeSI^ ment may be given. .In the bath room there Is also a cabinet for administering the needle bath wblch is Texyeftlcacious in certain forms of nervous disease. There are many rooms for the accom modatlonot patients, all furnlihed in a most artistic, luxurious raanner, calcu- lated to make the patiehts' sickness and couvaJeeoence as pleasant as external in floencegftando. .Beside each bed is an electric belt eoosecting with the nurses 1 quarters on the floor above, so that if OitxlDi, Ost. 16.—^Ehace is a great danger of a water^farolne in this place., afmy tifthawaua li»;re3>etcmadxyAaha.tl^ nurse sbooldl^^absaat from aroom, she maybe summoned in a moment. On the third floor are the nurses' sleeping rooms and_re*dtog room, all bright and home- pBopt. Loomis of the water aeparanent ,., .,,,„ teat the water In the reservoir is r^ai^anaTda^^^ for taelr1!uture home M rfew York. . William A. Palmesr, a clerk employed in George L. Schelfele'a grocery store, fractured both hones iri his leit ankle just above the joint While at work on Fri- day aftsrnoon. The Injury was occa- sioned mtiprdngovea:a.baxTelof molasses. ' A teachers' msataSels to beheSdin. fT'i&m- ^Si * Ktw LoKiwif Oct 16.—The Straday school convwitlon WiU b « held in the M. S . Church o n Tuesday, Oct 1?. Moraing J services wSfl commesace at.lOaO and atternoonaearvioe at 1 o'clock. Theioclalhtldat taaa home of J. B. AvA, Oot Ifl—JaatecSiAuamaatjdwife are attenrHng q u a r " ^ *—-^— '-*'*«— morelanxL "17 and Mrs, George Brig«saa,Ve gone toNear| York; Charles Oorhi* William Baxtmaa, Bob- 1 wrt w^fhea^Kid^ast«a^ othaia, laft on Royal -Knight Wooo^rmhHngdeete. There will be a donation at the town Oct 19, fear hall on Thursday evening, Rev. D.U. Smith. ; '-"'•"-"•»" K. H Getbsr, blacaamith, has sold his stock to IT. F. ?ohl and has been engaged to The appraisers are Gnarlw Beyel of Av» and ABayhes and T^xburdauof North Western. Mr. Gferbte^A Jn^^black?- smlth and will be sprritly missed. Mr. PJWWHI run theshbpummbe can secure a gOodblacksraith. - oeedswere3t8-25. Mrs. MalindaCovfl ja viattihg inGkrr- ersTille. MraJHTickharfl ia eaatactaiaing friends ' Jlonroa- Salurday fear theNortat WooqaonahuaV SfaxmaV 01 uua-p poaldoa ja* teaveung VcSQXa. Klairamair Oct fortiie Mrs. Baxel Danhaaa "Been j of Th* Bocks, isablstObe At Clinton on lege won from ^miltqnCol-| . .. POEST' T&XKf G^'m-l^.«BS'Jtni tffcAimyr on Satirrdfty the HerklmerJ Jasper Fa^wn^are vialHag W s ^ t o , IfighScbool foot halfci&te afefea*sa fte - Ai Fort Plain on SatuTuayxhe Clinton 'gaii.*ca«Brayeieve1E^t&^---'- ' - ^$fcS!|iu^th%Mic^ ._ . ^ •«• _ -.,—. ta*xtt ; IS to 8. are attendisg . . ... . -here''are Bef. 8? Sira3da aMdaaghter, Brown MarihnsCkBgwih. . , John Dillniah ofUvis place Is vMttag] his family a* (^evelaiad,N.Y. '• '-.- * :nextwtfk Mtm- day, Ttwa^ar. WednaadaTy Thuraday and rrlday- Irving B. Smith, A. M., Is to act as conductor. Of particular interest to many Oheidans fo the fact that Miss Susan'F. Chate of the Buffalo formal School fa^uliy Is to appear as one of ths Xectnrars.- Miss (Saae was a roember of She local high s c ^ c ^ faculty for aeveri teen years prevlohs tol8S5. '• v - Aaaaaltta. Txsxsa, Oct 16. — The Woman's Christian Temr^maaca-JInlfla Tbe dlrdfig^oom is flniabed in heavy antique oak decorated with plants and palms and^ustaucha-ioom-as one would expect to And in a home of comfort and jfefioement The kitchen, pantries, laun- dry ar^pthex parts offhe house devoted. to domeaiic arrangements' are each fitted up in a-modern manner and presided over by capable assistants. ^Tnroughout, the institution seems to lack nothing: that good, taste, science or money can supply. Dr. Ejngsfey intends to make the tostitutioii. national in its scope and £*¥ gavau yaoa ofsTOay Ifiifte ' aospit*J; apa n*a« the most {eminent specialiststofithimself for the gseat work be bas begun, The instau- t&m is in every, wair a credit and will bring much ravbrable-liotsriety ana many doUanr to otdc *§&.• Thoie who have re- c^ve^.InTitatfe>nsnsbotaanbt fail to avail thsmaelvea^f &ec^portunfty tOEee what spleaioUdfaciliaea axiatinbur city forths care and treatment of the sick, the raaflts of which have already brought a i-^r : —r^r-3-s—- -r . ^ ^ ^ l l i ^ p a f a Q a a j ^ ^ & o h v d C B ^ a t parts of thejraunual harvest dinner at the home the country. ' —— - ihfll^Fanhie^faHeyTmTuesaaytnl^t^ . On Wednesday eveninR. Oct- ic\ ti»| mandoliri club of North Bay, assisted by h^tatalent, will give a vocal ana instra- msntal eareatalnmeaat In the Baptist. Church under the" management of Prof..! On Thursday evening; a large number of the friends of Mrs- Matilda Tafs gmih- L " -' atber home onMains&eet and gave Mrs. county. „Whitraah" , jt,&-4on:tteaa*iiefc William Oram aad. daughter Ida have m BJainDton fobaBeKse W130 W. Wri|3StBtroet,a tfangii.- '&&fijgS&%!^^ mi4 Sltciar;. r oe is. home, rinbtlhefc 7 ryaiaaa*av2au>! 'week,aai*oa Wedneaafi t-je«i,:i-inc«Owii! «tiC' 'high: eateein 'te1taMlb^^fe.#^frie3^ta^ ; FEiL3iirs--TJD a r . aad~ Wrs. H. G Thaiipe of y««oaa ; ^pi^l5i-ia^»idaugater ) whoh«been •fmJWj am. "% tTKisixT—To Mr. sad- 3b« Casrles TaEd<0ey irfCcMysaatiBet, Qriflcaay FaJk, Oct «, IS3Sta otUesof JW1-B- Knappi 3^Mela^Biaiaatt conn- *y, Mich/v^^^^^M^^.^f^i 5 ^'* ^Jfc^amt-Covixr»35-t«i Satarday *Teoh>t, iqftg B icit*r«eWat»iS.i«i. ,— """' ia^Wi^^Sitaemest FaosTAit-Ia Borne, Oct. M, 1B89, atrs. Xkhaet Dwaiaick * 2 s v a t * a j a , sad, jrom k. Peters •ierWaj, daogWec cf Ja«>te%aa*'M*a-a'oaiar |a|^'lT|pea^91attiit»afaad*(Saya - - ' " rTO * an Left Sidai,- SmofterJag; Sensations, jdon'tdelayrtcfle ybntn^bl^c^nhted hi the JongJistof thos% .whOjlaarasone of er w xbe gr^'laaioi^y, becausl' the best .remady; tet'th* *wtold>^1toaay:'w«s not n»6So^ uaedi ^oia'br.BacHli^* 011 & 7 ,**^ asev- , .wtn^ tor. »«CMB« for the kail :J^gg^'»isSa^^2^ Without^ l^r-iWtl&Wraetes.- ISgSpiw^E^^foriawaeaTtiswith- ob^ipee*. Tliar ^^H'ma^j^rtiiisnB instanUy the aoSfe agg^sated -arf dfe- twasiafforinBOf fieatt DfceaSe. T60«- aindsof'timeahastbB nandbfthe &*n aestroT^rbeenstovedhyltaTtte. Iigy X Jeafag%m#»'-31bm.lgwihter with •cbWc ! '#rneama«i.?r- iBto-f t***** 8 - B&v. fJ, M.Ta« f 3i« jrapaata* iti—TKavS^B* jmli),J3p«a*s_i -B«yr=Georg« engaged-in-m spoke at,the.Bi morningandev ice he gave to fol descriptio the work is cai the^eventag g rerhln|!ieeilcS8. ' yeaJ^t^o"'!toni h e ^va^#prbai awayJte'thpdlj and indistinct be Japan. Be th^^steamer gazlngat-tlie- es. -;:M£ loaned wbpi With th« dfeieBi!n h ttiB'fea Taft likened b said that his churches in thi "^5e7c6nfSS t h e pleaBure c

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*B»f*n J B S t a S i A l T BEGQBD

Connors & Hyde, who have the wot-J

this fSjllsfliftart Stanwis Pas* , havecom-1 ntttaeed Rowing -with three teams.

Tbe first work which i s to .%d$ueJBg

*M«?a done the park is fobeT plowed]






% 3gtlaV.«ara«h th« MttWWS.

; ^ * ^ S w ! ^ ™ ^ | a M e - i ^ e % S S f e ^ T O e ^ 3 ^ f i t 3 a ^ ^ :

»«•«. Michael J . Sh«rt»U, a * Old aYeattaat

i^afehia'-M**m- Jkri - B t f e - l t a J H . Mary ] biHnnean is pick! ngjap

i ,Thetr*ffi<>0ai, ttpBlBck B i m c p n a t . i t preaentlsa l i t t le larger tnaa i t na» been. T^anOtebraalrta tfce-For*atpotfc»*e*a*r boar<? have been going np and down the caa»3riri*I^»ex«»»ey-4n^bo««n«tt, « t t

• \

i m t • T i aa— aWl 1 l W l i a^Tusa

tj.ox.'CSsnm. 1 S J E M . AJaSae fa. SemYcti,OmimriHL Wmtar* SaOnad,

Tp8jjiMntrCI««*d>»S.:B.) - -TJUXtniC&X. ] ASLBHKJX BOM*.

tJOAjLtfapraaa. B M i a S W f c

His. Michael J. Shortall aied at her home, 531 East, Dominick street, at 7tl-5 p . mi Saturday. Several weeks agd she soffeWd a po&al stroke of peralysls bat bad nesr3y-Te«wer^ -ier-ii?s»i. ies l th acpata. Abont 1 a. xo-Sainrday she sot-

oblige fee g o b - | S ^

CfcEriedaway afiar eacli ^lowjfig. v I t iS also to be harrowed tinee tamee and then gone over wiQi a garden ISM' and the Etoae again pjpked off and CWiieclawmy, a^wi5ichttw3B,be.3iPea. v

la fee plowing where good etvth H

' - ^ " ^ get tt doneto time t o s * « a t ^ S S ^ £ , fn £ i , ^ r » T » " y ® * m t u r s n ^ } ^ ^ J ^ J , ^ j ^ .btraiifiEe./She was

Iweiy of Qiea papers changed feHntHafj place to .another, will statins where the paper has been left as well as where itis to be left.


grans name, Bfaee% and mimber, «•*, r-^ji ^ 3 ^ ^ p a S ^ n o t c h m g e

^ ^ ^ ^ L ^ ^ L ™ 8 ? ? ^ ! 1 ! ^ " fo be lowered aHgWy at the il«fe Bear

S E £ « & T I E ^ I ^ T due.. •

Xh» Slcbt to X « t l^Mftwyva,

Ga.,hasb>»tti«ceiTed at the post offtcsi in. exchange toe a copy of our local dt;

Brt^wm4^Kct«yrwM^TK)e^»3ta:-1^Xa^^ WHfej t3thepoe*B»Btsrotthat city a few days

The atata-antluwlties ate «e53ia« » lange ioantaiy ofwaier down to theJEgle "both "by w a y ^ - ^ ' B l a ^ t m r ^ ^ j ^ ^ j ^ ^ cafiiy "*t#«E»onHoBpttaa

XohawklllTCr. At lock 70, tyo 1 ^ h i — t i e right of Iris xight*j^thoxi«h the thisslde ot-BoowOle, a paadto «»4 H^alonmay ^e^pait«rwiaiaft1«WBi-

, half areopen, allowing canal wafer nam ^ j ^ fl^jji:m^tnmCHj«iilgoodeye. ftte?ranmtfr ^cwl-tp-go into tte I*iMto«| ^ssSetOBt mmar^jMC^Bm^Vauk Kfll ana thenea into the rreer- Qaepad-'

^ t S — ^ ^ ? ^ " ] ^ ! ^ 1 1 6 1 1 *•»»*bwailrwagTepajred^tteft^aa-^j^ thangh HtanfllT,MB~ooiaa-nbT»wT^^^

change their re§MeMes iw ra^j^ja^^^^^ Efewe^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^ ^ g

W*aOT8«a«< Oct 16.—Eastern Kew York, foggy and clondytonight and TOES-fiaj raornipft rain Tuesday aftacnoon or night, light ewtwinda becoming fresh 1 this afternoon and tonight and holding] fresh from aonthetist andsonth Tuesday. I

Weatem New Toik, fair .tonight, rain and cooler Tuesday, high aonth, shifting to'Sotithweatwmda.

' ^ ' ';• OIL „ '.•' •' • -

JOTtlNOa. —Common council meeting this eve­

ning. ' . i —The Dorcas Gnfld of Zlon Cbnrch

will aerre JL enpper at Memorial m i l on •flTednesato erening_at 6 6'clcck, the pro-ceeds of which wilfb»TBed to purchase a sewing rnacMne for the hall

'—ProL W. K. Terrettof Hanfuton Col­lege preached two excellent eermons at the PreBhyterlan Church Snaday. At the meeting of the Y. F. S. C. El'Misa L6tf?e

state convention to which Bhe went BB a delegate. , • 1

near James street w?ll bafUled^aiid in one or two places mounds will' be raised. A very few of the tree* now in the park will interfere with the walks, and it may be-necessary to take^thesm out, but this wiU not be done until the new trees have grown to some size.

bw^w«5-repaiwd^H«e*au-^^j—-dies we» opraeffor a wnfle in order to . « ^ MembaxB of the Utica Command-^ T J T ^ L S J ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ S ™ e ^ f c , a** others hive •entinbon-

aJJ. oontrJbm>ingj«eod volume of ^ ^ I S S U ^ d j a s b»n«ht abataket of jUat.

YjW&m*m-$m^& OT8n^ow|a^egalar»W*^Wy«*Un^

**""• • — ^ of^ormnowat ^ ^ | ^ 2 ^ 2 S S £ r S S

a n e k r h « t n ^ b e r o f S t ^ ^ S ^ , ^ g l0 f ^ ^ ^ [ ^ i ^

anyway */%$$farm « * . ^ « . ! * Q » W ^be^nae^TSBrt^ti*!*

. Bomel^wm^totBlalaty tod^ceveraa — •_- -^ - —- »-— wsstmastere of,both places tobeable to

^ k B p «w addneas «f a letter and ascer­tain wbeOier ornoticbelongainthe other dty, wfthoxit taking the time to forward

tPSero'ttoco at* two oieBsnfthe-wme-j ^«ftwwnt'«rateit a, great many

i t

THEV MJX jmciTiEf u>: [THE RQMK SAMTAEIUM «*«t i « * pthMr-»-»aU^ . A mdn* JfrnttltuOpn * » the jTr.atment

r A co»f o f - t h e r e i n V ™ * * * * ™ J^^L Ps t» f fo l jO«i«h»tad0p«etaUi t» - I i i formai BteeptlcmjOct^Wr-lT^anil 1 8 .

• i)nTfflg"ta*'pT«<rwe^^OTitaaonErhave" w ^ . « . c<bt»nxecliveaby-inaByofthe'i5e8iaent8t)f BHeK^ Itt- n -xonrBB-ofT-* J&& «&»*H^omeraid"^ciail5r-to^ittend-an.-4farforHiai

kieal ^f^r«a^naftgc--whieb in mean&jtoj.xeceptiQn:at.ifcB Kome^ilnltarlnm^t-iJia. peeai • w ™ » « ! - » i m J t ^ S l . _ ^ ^ — , „ „ T N o r £ ^ a i ^ street -Jn~thfe-c1troa Qct.

are made In directing lettere. At GamaenTSf* ?>'* abbnJt-KJ-letterr io»-weelYed dtfly WbW» ba^> t>«» j 1 1 1 ^ * to that place by mlatsko ana which should hare gone toCamde^New Jewey.

The boat office aera ^ronld b3 very thankful for a few copies of, old directo-rierwhlchth*yeonToTaena tonelgb-bor-ingtowna fMretowtoe., ,

t7andlS. _ _ Leist epJlng™l>r.cSnmmcf"B ptflngaley

bought the splehdidTesideDce on tire cor­ner of .North.'Georgfe. and Bloomfleld Bttee's^ a«d jince that time has expended a large amount',*of time and money in bftftuHfying the grounds andHbuildiugun -til.it Is now one of Hemottimpoein'g and

tHg BEGlfTRATION. Tk« rtxmt Two Daiaanw lGi X«n'%ba»

th* Sam* Days lJUt XUL

Satard.ay was &m second day of regis­tration. "TV *--L--- —- — — — days loi'.ow:

MriShCir«dlwasawi>manaf many ex: ceilentqnalitieB.kiha and charitable to] all, and of very even and generops dispo­sition. Her sympsfchies ever went out to

j the poor«ndsfl3icted, and for sach she vlwaya had a pleasant word asd a belie ing hand. She apokfi 111 of no one; if *p£ could not conscientioualy speak well of a person fehe held her peace. She leaves,many friends who will sincere, ly regret her death. Besides herhusband ^te is suxrived by one danghter, Mrs "William J. Grogan, two sor-s, James and aCchaeL all of Rome, one brother, John

cause the «inantlty of water being aent downfrom^^lapipna^ck rewdrojrajs iargernowtifflmfe has iseen it for stem* time. Tfcfe-ilSf aSoth the IHaek Bite*

kjansl and^tii»M^eandl«siPOini»fWA ,^ffioien#of w*t» in t i e J^^wktoJ rnn the city p t# | e . The Lanairig KOI above wiera It^iets the contrlbnHaw from Lock ^> & pwticaUr dry «Bd.t»* WestBrancb^«jas>!miall*-s*PBiim^Mitt^ ipgteesjininiEP, TbeKrto CanaPajget-


Burns of Kingsbridge, X. Y-, and one sister, Mrs. JElien Bloran of Ghicago.

X n . WMTT Dsont .

Mrs. IMtary Daunt, widow of Robert

/ First Ward, 1st dist

2d »' * - *3d **

Second WanMst "# ** 21 *•'

Third Ward, 1st «v. 2d "

Fourth'Ward.lst. " •' . 3d "

Fifth WarJ, Kl " 2d " W "..

The figures for the'flist fa^|^»nhti died at fkgpa. m. Sunday at the *home>otriier son-in-law, Adam Atder, 233

West Dominlck street, aged 53 yeaxss^ The •ecessed had been in poor health .since.last February, .but had .notbeen compelled, to take t o her bed until a week ago. She was born in County Cork, lie^ land, and her maiden name wOs O'Brien, w^en very young, she, came to America, Sarviving her are three sons, W. J. and RobertJHont of. Bay City, Mich t and John "&* Sandy Creek, and four daugh­ters, Mrs. James Hughes of South Albion, Mrs. AbramBurgey of Taberg and Mrs. Adam Aider and Miss Kate Daunt of:

I'Bome. There are also two brothers, D i n

o . 61

. s

. M , CI . re . » . 61 .101 . 4S . et . 27




its i~ 93 90 76

173 1?S 158 137 1»7 ISO 116 SCO If* u



.72 J07 55 b3 385

•-t PERSONAL. —William J. White of 1C7 NorHiTay

street is visMngin Kew York, ^-^^. .andr^rs . Arthur M. White haye gone, to New York to be absent several days. *

'—Principal Leslie A. Bailey of Oak-wood Seminary at Union Springs, N. Y , is visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Scully. •I—John E. Dunham of this city, has filed a claim against the state for $50 for the taking of land for canal improvement purposes.

—3£is» Grace Allen of JBtica; who has been spendine the past three weeks with Miss MedaB.H'nghee 0131^ North George street, has returned home.

—lira. Edna B Miner of Chicago, who i&Jne guest of Mi., and Mri J. S. Mowry, will sail from Kew York on Wednesday byHhe.St Paultbr a year's trip througn Europe. • '• •'

—Mr. and Mrs. C. W. AvSmith of Chi-csgo, -who have been spending the sum* mer with the former's parents, Mr, and Wrs. • Ji H. Smith of 112 Weet Court-street lis ve returned to Chicago.

^Walter Lamb of Kew Haven, Count is visiting old friends in Rome. He left Borne 14 years ago. He was for many ypymthn parJteer_of WttUam H. Davles of this city, " " ' _*~ *~^ Lamb, contractors and builders.

hkvebeen mmwma caUem aid'thepa^ He^r*f«ir«p«sdod«clqmie«^e;andre«t.


e»ea of taemby the«r vofeea.' Ti^MKd tb^haacomajto bring ;hrm mare,llghj^

Kueaw, <jeti^5^i-fnner*l services of John G. Griffithiw«»;»«ftry^rgeiL»^ tended rrotrEbeBapQEt -tahurcls Tit' lr3Q tum; onlSawrday.. :> . *^TheDelta SignWSocfety..wffl gn »

mgnfett Wedhelifeyevenfiig. Thepubii& ^itonvitBa, V .' ' J.- - . " • ^ '

Davidfiobeit?, a yotmg man. of tnis »ad he replied, that jMt-W«».i|*.'J*|nhice7;h«r»ec **** "" fcife^a^3kP^to|aM|J.. B^w*f Jnospmal, UBca. . •« ' • ' . • ' • •_ . .„ /

ting well snppiledi; however, boUifrom the Black Blver- Canal and" the WhiteE-boro street f e ^ e r in Romes-and there i« no danger o f Interference with i t s navi­gation. The season now is so well ad­vanced that, although the Adirondack reservoirs are,low,t r4ehty'of water ia spared for t h e canals,

mitartowu.. •WHtXESEC8aDf„Oi|i, 16 -r-Mlaj, L'zzle

Streltz left .today for New York to remain during thJi'winter. . N

The town boardhas appointed Harvey HWs s. jastJej of the peaccin, place of the lat^ James MarSnT" '"^V "•

The mains for the new water works are bting laid on the side streets and the

IIMWli ..... „„._„,-_.„ , •asnred that tine doctors' f ^ t encouraged j Sboot his case awad t>«t tfcey were confi-

|d«nt that he would see wi th Mia right

* ^ E c Golley l i e s In bed o n b i i back, with ! , h j s head eomewaat etevattcd. He says h ^ haihJd l i t t l e U any sleep. To.begln w i t h the ice e l o ^ were exHitinuauy ap-

fo his eye* for twb_ days andthete

762 3 5 1JST 1T£T

The tot»l registration for the second dayiast fall was 1,094, divided among the wards aslbllow!: ^"Irst oS, second 156, third 210- fonrth 209, fifth 254. The total registration for the first two daVSTlast faH-wasJLTSlS. LOBS thta^year, 161, Ia±S 18S7 the registry of th» first two days waa,|«" 1,597 and in 1896 3;C0T. — -,-•'

The boards of registry will sit again next Friday and Saturday. Personal ap­plication is necessary.

Some of the places of .registry are closed during the week and i t is almost lmpos-sibleto get hold of the registry books. This is contrary'to the law which reads es follows, after specifying that the copy raitde4>y-M#^a1rman4iI-axeJboaTfi shatH be called, the public copy of- regtetxatido: Such public copy shall be left in a promi-

Jnent position in'the place of registration from the first day of registration until election day, and shall at all reasonable tunes bs open to public Inspection and

J formaking copies thereof.

enfa of the academic depart­ment ol,iae.B»n^Ti|g|b;^Stthool gftve a public tie^cal^oH IfjrJday afternoon. The naotIs*rataking great intMejtintne juuJUI^ l l i. j , ^ , , ^ ^ , _ ^^y^^^,^ „ t UUUJU aWefepeii^i ,TJi^ ^naga^Segj and ^urteous,

attractive places to- tne flnesc residence/ piortion of ourcity. I t was the design or " Dr. Kingaley to establish a sanitarium for the cure of diseases of the throat lungs, nose, ear, eye, skin'ahd all forms of nerv­ous and chronic trouble, and to this end he has equipped Ms sanitarium with all the modern instrument", appliances and apparatus nsed by the most advanced specialists, and hasf associated with him­self several of ~tne moatjjromlfient phj si. clans and surgeocs In New York city, who have intemational teputatiorts, un­til today he has thersatfsfaction ofknow-ingthatin eve"^departmenthIsInBtiica-tion is one of the^mosjfcperfect of its kind m the UnitediStates,. .' ..

As one aprasoachesTt^sanitssiran the'e fe n o t ^ g s'uggemvftbf WcMess or a I03-pi&, bttc rathef ^-liui&Sious, "stately W e , surwHmded by gr«m lawha.and shady ebgas'ano this|M}mi%impre accentuated • as: the visltoj: enters the huualBg. -' Broejft'haJla, Ugbt cheerful TOoms. luxurlon? chairs and conches, htod^m*pIcWr*Bt, api^rfosion of books

*o^ i sbe i* g pSshW forward t o e o m p k , ] ^ ^ ^ ™ .

HEW STEEL PLANT. Ooattmct t o t t» 3. W . Gerwlr—Oomtrac-

tloa Commasced.

Theconteact for theconBtructlon of tiie Borne Steel Company's new plant, .

, , , f tJOok'i Registration. The regiEtratlon in Utica orrFriday and

Saturday was "6.995, jan increase of 734 over* last falL Voting machines wil l b e | used in every district - - - - -«• • -"

Btrvat ImpioToment Note»... Contractor Cramoud began laving brick

on . East Dominlck street near Spring . this morning. The concreting is nearly

the firm name being i»avies & [completed on thenoitb side and t h e curb-ing has been commenced on the south side. . A number of regular concrete mixers came today to go to work on Contractor Spalding's work a n West Dominlck street and concrete laying was begun to­day.

lei O'Brien of Some and Jeremiah ot Bay €ity, M e n . •

Jennie Slay Oonei-UIICA, Oct. 16.—At the home of her

parenisi H Steuben street at 11:55 o^clock last night, occurred the death of Jennie .May, daughter ot Mr and Mrs. Edward ^6nes,'8gWlTyea^llTrronths and three fdaja. Miaa_Jj}ne3 had been ill for the P^st s ix months, being first taken, with nervous prostration, which developed into aonte tuberculosis- "Mirs Jones *aS born in Romp, where she resided up to five years ago, when she removed with her parents to this city. She attended the academy and was a member of the grad­uating cists last June, when failing healthy compelled her to give up her studies, She.w*%"tf ihemter of the Park Baptist Church and its Sunday school, and was a young-lady who had many friends. Besides the parents, one- sister, Mrs. W . H. Perry of Rome, survives. To the afflicted family the full measure of Sympathy will be extended.

* HlaijJenola T«on«r. . -The death of Miss Jennie Tanner oc­

curred at the home of. heisister in-law, Mia. L>W. Tanner, 124 East Dominlck street, at 6:30 p> m. Saturday, after an fitness pf about ^ne year. The deceased was the daughter^ the late George Tan­ner. Shs was born i n this city 67. years ago and spent her whole life her. When her health permitted she attended the First M. E. Church. She leaves no rela­tives except her sister-ln-lawv '

OUv*r J. Lincoln.

UTICA, Ojt. 16.—After an ulnese of „. over nine months' duration, Oliver Jos-4**e~"apse-f-..

tion. A fine concert will be giveRnextweek

in the new Simonda Hall by the*-Presbj-terian Church choir and othiers fronTTtfuIr

l«338nowi es^wittsurg^an^.cotioa .„_. . ._ by adhesive strips. He aays he has bad iT^ltttlepainiTn hbreyjaic ~-^. —"~

The pat|B«^ ft>e*. f»&. oi bjtr^'^fl^ of the' sire of av pmheadc«^'ule«. There nxoitbe a hrcodml »kot lodged In 3ils

1'fiicie.andneck- Ihhfefo«*^foityjahot vjrerec iJmtea. Whe^ltfet^n^tedtliai e^t'hunm^e^of thesSkmaJl shot are dfs-

~ atone firing of a, gun, it may not - - • • -•- '(fToajpfi,In.

swollen «ux^

and Mies Nooraekthe ppeceptrese, areput-©ig&ict^mTicb, energy Wdevielop-tfcis part of the school work. Miss Gourlie

=*k -5ft^i.a_^ .and^llewHOTey, the grafle, teachers, are ff^9^§3^f"»-llWa; TiaiaWo&haSfhalarges|tegistra?

street and the Borne, Watertolirn &t)g-densbnfgBailroad, was let on Saturday; afternoon to Contractor J. W. Gerwig.

The contract Is for a building 80x144 feet and calls for completion by Deo> L ItwlHbe a wooden irame building,, as the company could not wait for a'steel frame from the steel companies, who are a year behind on their orders; The mason* have already commenced on the pfflarsandltr. Gerwig wiU beginworlc on the trame of l i s buuumg tomorrow? Itt the spring an addition is to be put on the building, making & 80x224 feet in size.

The machinery which is to be used isin course of construction ass^maflthepliaitiB.readyto receive it,

B r t t k U l H a t X a t B t t l a U T « m . CHiarles C. Tooker of S t Paul, Minn.,

i s visiting his brother, H. O. Tooker of 113Wea*ThonitaBtreet Thetwobroth-ers had wot iae t ln S4 years until Satur-day, when Mr. Tooker walked into his brotte^^lshopon Westl>omlrifiif8trBe* a h d t c l d h M w h d h e was. Thebrottiers

^anere. born-^—Jeffeason eoolttaff-mM-^j 1865 Charles want west, where he has stead and bid Meads t o Jefferson county before Teturhlng home.

Sra>wita«>AmgaU. ,——1 Oct 16.—David Brewster er. TABXEG,

and Miss Harriet AbgeH, daughter of the late Henry W. AngeU, were united in marriage Jit 3 p. m., on Saturday at the residence of theoride on Railroad Btreet; Rev. Dr. Helrne^ officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster. wiE msketheirhomehere.

tween Spring and tSeoige streeta.

of town. Ns«: YOKK Muis , Oct 16.—Mrs. Leon­

ard Cross and'daughter, Mlra, have gone to .Denver f«r i£e winter. tt-=t-;

Mrs. J. Lewis, wbo has been fll with diphtheria, SabttTtobe out again, » '

OiosKaKy,i3crr56.-Mrs. r l toyBanks. is visiting her., dftjighter, Mrs. Frank H. Whillcck, i n Bochester.

Jennie Bcckwitbi attefr Bpenaing a per* tion of the summerW'thher grandmother,

h i s f a ^ which jjfjjjsehbT f a c e fuli *f IliMe'iiuaek Sola, fine s h ^ jrentthrbngh bin npper l i p and..crickied|t.

tion it has ever had at this season of the year.. Thereis'alaoa larger number of non-residents thanever before,more than half the academic students bslng non­residents. '

Miae Nellie Pierce has gone to Cape

cheerful attendantSj atvbhcelmpart their cheering inflnjhee ahio; giye. one an im prlssfonbf comfort, qmetaha r e s t .

TotheleftoftKehaff lsCr. BTtngsley's Jjrlvate offloey a•. cheferfnl . y e n lighted

room equipped with modem office furni­ture, a large safe .for a a care of the„pa-tientB'?aluablfs^and-an^naivel^-ft,rr-Btocked with standatd.'m^llcal and scien­tific workal Aa"j6*JBlbg;ititeibomisthe laboratory which' Ik used fer diagnosis and analysis. H«ra sprae of Hie mo3t Im-

Vincentta-Beeheralgter^jpho is fll at the l ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^nrk i s dob's and thonsandB nf home of Bev. L«,B. -Gray, fotmerly o f fotyxs wortb of apb^alds^Bird at hand tp

crowned tooth. Two s h o t lodged in tbe.. fclt eye, and «wo in the i i g h t No effort w D l be made'to remove JEtefesnofrttom the «^eai.amee leswajarl ia Hkelyrto '*asnlt brtHowlhg'ffiemtojcerimfiir- The eye is

rather delicate organ for surgical ex­

tols place. Edward E. Samuel has rented his farm,

kriown a s the James Mitchell farm, and will move his family i » his village resi­dence, by. Dec i , when tljte^eenant wil l tekepoeseaslonof thefwfm. _— J __j

. prorations. i~w~ •— . f ^ i r . <^ller--«y8-hJte-.«ppetltohaev- nofclageS4goidayv

been good, wblch Is not strange,-under ' " " Qis clrcums^ancts. He lias eaten very little, though the nurses .presert^deUcatei ana tempting; dishes. With*prospect of iSs. Eastoji.jBBslreinrnedToltallpni^l^ Shoold "be an Im-

Newark, N. J, The new flats.'which the Waterbtuy

firm is erecting are how completed. There are eight bouses all under one roof. Each dwelling cpntalnsave good sized room*.

The pumpkin pie social held under the auspices of the Y, P. S C. B on Friday evening at the home ot E. J. Plait, wait a great success, socially and financially.

L The recitations and music' by the young |peiple were greatly enjoyed by alL

The Jadlrarot'lne Masionary^lSoclety, wiamie43^W«ane5dByi afternoon withj Mrs, Martha Corbitt- - . ;. c •' - Tbebelt^me exp«i*^ hfkve the cats running as far. as S.. Oprbett'a store Vy Tuesdajv " I " -

Prof. Wood and his assistant teachers visited the Home be« ffBgar factory on Friday. -. ''•••

The iron .pipes are scattered on all the streets Nhere for the .water' works of Whit*sborp. Some are pleased and others-

prpvement in this respect-On the whole it may be said that the

otitlook is quite- promising-, and that Mr. Golley will not be blind, as it was feared. aVtfiyutbe woiild.: , * *&& 'GoUey isfedlng *eiy v^today. This morning Dr. FarreH, eye specijallst, v?lth Dr. Case of Albany, another ap» clal-ist, who was in the city, made a very careful examination of both eyes. They

rreporii that without, doabt the sight in the Jlghteye will be almoat perfect, but aom^kind of an operation wiil have to beperformed. TheWtey^th*y think, will twin a condition to dlatiogn'sh light, but a cataract is already forraing over the eye ] ball.


CusTOJt, Oct 16 —William Llvermore .of Ssngeifieia and Mrs, AdaC. Thomp­son Of Brookfleld were maraedby Bev. M. D. Sjll, pastor of t h e Methodist Epis­copal Church in this place, at the parson-

Fred Evans, who waavweovering from tvphoid fever and able t o be out, has had J

lyn Lincoln died at his home, 29 Parker street, at 10:85 o'clock Saturday, evening. He was born in the town of Western o n June? fi. 1843.-and- ws»asor^of-jSamuel4-

*nh«4J* and Bachael Lincoln. WhenaT-merel '" * - - - * - "* *^ -*"-'-'—larents

feet, from James~to Washington 60 feet toa had. since resiaea neie. u u f W * and from Washington to' George it wffl ****_°} *** ^ J " r *? 8 " v e d in Com­be 50 feet ' ' P»nT J» 117th Regiment, and was injured

" - r <-*—1— . while In Virginia by the falling of a4ree The Oonlcaa Brothan. - upon his foot neceasitatlne his leaving

la the Washington Street Opera House^ the service. He had been employed in

The Y. M. C. A. wfll open after * new floor Is laid and the necessary fund* raised. - .

'.Lane and

T. U. at held at

. • v w i i a . " > . . . - . Vifeowk Mdus, Oct. 16.—The funerai

of John Seybold sr. took place on Friday afternoon. The services were in charge of Rev. P . Becker o f the Lutheran Chutch. After a preliminary service In thenouse, !tme mgumera proceeded to the Methodist Caurch at State Bridge, Where a large congi^g4Ipa awaked theni. The

next Thursday evening the young roman­tic actor, Harrison J . Wolf e, wil l be seen in the stirring drarna, The Gorsicanj Brothers. Mr. Wolfe Is well known to those w h s keep the rnn of th«fe3ealp3»-dnctiona. As leading; man for Margaret Mather in her Skakssperiah plays Mr. Wolfe divided honors with that consum-ata mistress of her art, and t h e crit ics

" ted in tJuelr praise of him. During this, his fourth season a s a star, Mr. Wolfcbassurronaded himself w i th

la strong company of well-known players, {and la making elabarate scenic and cos­tume productions worthy of the beet days] of the drama.

K««T7 Xraae a s Uia Oaateal. Traffic, on the New York Central Bail-

road continues unusually heavy and there [is act likely to 8e any_ftUlng off foxggrae fime.to come. This i s the season of the smoereaided. | k w M ; i | 8 & i h * ^ h o n i * ^ paits"bf the connfey go to NeW York city on both business and pleasure tripe and all thS eastbound tratoa^, taxed to their •Utmost capacity. _- -

Wjdat arraiafd. This mornmg while getangoutof thej

delivery wagon of Fv O. JcbjOson s lann-dry StepheS'-'iS^lSreMer,' the drfvler, caught jbjta fix* In: "the. lines and 'was

• thrown d^o^; sustaining a bad sprain bt .one'43 * ""

i d inre-aseaalt''

son Henry Near, com-} "mjtted on Saturday. Th> case was ad-Soarhed^BHOeL IS.


A^rewlarriBgtonofWampsviuehas xeceivte aa increase of. pensioa from f6 tofraadSamnel <3olchmgh of Camdesh ailaa*aBefrotaf6tofl2. \

JfwsB, O c t 1&-—Xansing Barker of FaJwier.N. x-,,^sthftgaestof hisoroQi-••Of'yL-S': Barker. , AtagcaiTetaorial was heldatMrs.W. Morgaa's last Friday evening. .

^elBoa l ^ l f member of Newport Graagai via«ad Fieyd^raagelast Saiair-di^ et^Biagaad laadeah instoicave ad-

Iwaaa aft» w>a»»f!a« ajreralweekawith

^ ^ C. B B 4 « d W » d scmEirlare ^^aaw> f^a^awa*^a^ F*^av ^as^i*' j/^^^'^^P^^^f *•*•!• »awwawaaaaT ^ii iaata

• ataraauOl. DkiKSBOBO, Oct, VS.—Thr ¥ i P . S . C.

E. of the Congregational Church held its fourteenth anniversary on Friday eVe'-}, nrng. The ^furch was veryptettaiy aec-oratea with autumn leaves. Tb« choir, assisted by Ivan Wfllard of CTinton, gave some choice selections. The address was by Bev. W- C. Tayloi,of Dion. He took a5Mssubject"SomfetMhgBetter,"aivid-ing it m^sit^a^^^nj^f^&M^ '•better gitni4" **bj*tei: prayingi" and

beloved by a large nambet audience

to his wonls, which were helpfnl to bc*h

BaudeH of Albany f » guestsof Set " g f I k T b ^ ^ B a l a t a ^ B ^

^- President, W&JH%.

WH1 beheld irithMrs.

Mis Grace Gazfey is quite Ql with ih-flammaitoryrheumatfetri.

Robert Belandiaquite 111 wi»i malarial .faVBBi " '-.-*.- — .-. - - ^ -

Jk^>SPy.H|r|^ ijR^^Wedjaasds| this winter.

wfllawet^ afternoon at 3tf' atthecioEeottae

ft comes lWraHy aeari


the different woolen mills abous this city since Chat time. Mr.< Lincoln was a mem­ber of Fort Schuyler CJoitnciL 404, Boyal Arcanum4, and alio of the Exempt Fije-men'a Aascciatkm. Hie married Mary A.-Wfckens Is this city on January 15,18<S. She survives, with one daughter, Miss Grace Lincoln of ibis city, and three sons, George S. of Englewood, DL, Will­iam of Lancaster, N. Y., and Charles A. of Ut i ca . •

Miti B a t h Otreaa.

OEISSAHV, O c t 16.—A telegram was received on Sunday by the family of Evan Morris announcing the death a t Mil­waukee of Krai Bnth Owens, a niece of Mis. Morria and a daughter of Evan R. Evans, brother of^afrs. ^oxrisr -Mrkrf^ Owens was bom in the house 'now occu­pied by Mr, Morris i n Shady lanal a a 3 win be kindly remiembBred by ttaf friends she made-during her residence here. She was about 30 years of age, o f

— ~— WaatwBra^SE LowxxS, Oct.

b-4&— ail to represent the Lowell W. G. ihe county convention Ot be Verona on the 19th and 20th.

Mr. aha Mrs. BertKbbler are the proud possessors of ayonng Belli

The canning factory will open this week for.the purpose of canning apples.

Measra. Groves, Haleand^Godyareon theeicklist * •

Adam Keasler is adding to. tta beauty ^HfeOBseby *eeaS^#a4sfc-The school is tff0»^a«lng nicely tinker

theable managemeit of the new'teAcher, Mies Forbes of Oneida.

Bev. J- L. Dowsbn gave a very inter­esting lecture on '"Pexjaoaal Ob»rvafions in China" in the M.SS Church on'Tues­day evening. '.*•'•'•;•_ -

pe^tor preacbed upon PsmlmW^S and 24. j Interment vrai made In cemetery at J Stark's Bridge

. Bev. liL SinaaUotlfewMarket, y . J.T t jabereon-a vacation f o r a taw .wsskay visiting fate, former parishioners and

' ' i«nv„.

Mrs.<~A.. "A".: Curtis -is spending some time with Boston friends. .. WXB.*'V. B. Hamlin and son Charles are jyiaitjmr. in New YorTt

Horace B. Shead is on an extendedbos-ineas trip through Pennsylvania,

James Cox is laid up with a fractured arm, the result of. a fall eft from a load of straw on Saturday.

Terranoe J. Denipsey had the misfor­tune yesterday to fall from a wagon and injure his ankle.

Oo Wednesday evening will occur the marriage of WDllam.-E- Bowen and SOss Jennie Roberts, both well known CUn-

pton young people. Gu&TOKriOct 16.—A* a meeting of the

Cllntou branch-6f -the. Five. States MjOk Producers' Association, in Grange iiall the contract which was adopted.at a re­cent raeetingoftheasaoclatioa Was rati­fied, „Themee^ngw»a largely attended and aH were greatly InfcKssed In the pro­ceedings.

The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Frawley, who died on Thutsdayrnornlng, was held from S t Mary's Church Saturday morn­ing at 10:80, Bey. Jamea O'Reilly offiolat-lng. The beartrj ware John Keeffte, ITanlel Beagan, J. Beetle and PAIVICV Agau. IntermentwasmadeiaSt Mary's cemetery. . . _,._ .. . '_.,. . -

and desirable qualities. She visited here about six years ago: She was married to Mr. Owens a year ago. Previous to going ro Milwaukee Mrs. Uwehs~~ cine, Wis.

lived at'Ka-All who knew herwilllearn

of her death with regret and extend sym­pathy to the afflicted.

ffonn Sail Carrier sad 8ta*a Itilnt. ACanasfota

cuTsePoSt-SraBdardsars; *^omehmail carriers and stage driver* are not com-monsbntthJsaecatonofthecomitt^afioras oheinaie„per3on of Mrs Msrgerie-Bbo^ who covers the rente between Gahi""' *" Whitslaw and Oneida Like. Hear IsatUie latter placsj whence eixly every 'week day afternoon she Etartsftfor the Cimastota post; offlci six mQesV carrying the Oneifla Like and Whiielaw mail i n her stage. Later in the aftea--

the govexjoaant for carrying fee

waoi" l,etta^fo* ;ttanaeiwvov:#r:


Syracuae, fotmerly of this"place, have been visiting tilth Mr. aha Mrs. Fred muter, Tbis weeklJavld MaurerwDl fake atrip t o Kansas City to visit his son Otto. • . . " . - - " '

Mra Frank Follett is o ulte ID. Hon. C EL WiUlatra has retained to

SJnclairviltaforaftwaaya'stay. Therewjajje^cuiday-eveaiag aervfce

aetwralrie the \63?ai*. nature of the pav-tienra*aHmemt.Extrerae care, and patlant atftdy is giyei). to"diagn0siogeachcps6. Nothing Is gtmaed at 0? taken for grant­ed. Every symptom Is jsaref tflly studied rata^n-absoltito-SEa^leage-of every phase of the patient's ailment has been attained, then Intelligent treatinent is given. A beWMer&j|-araamit of appa­ratus is sech in thfs jobs£"Tb<Jxe are ap­pliances for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, an elabbxateapparatpsfor

j trea^gajsea9t^of,tht«"throar and nasal tp^SiKSg«iBp5n*S5T»araturfW»pplltag ^om-

pfeased.air rp»sssg^o#etat«rnalear, sterilising "ovens, Trdcroscopes, optical in sfcrameats, operating tables ajjd hundreds of strange inmoment9J.,the names and uses of which are unknown to a layman, "At one end of the laboratory is a dis­

pensing department w&wea greht varle' y otthe best medicines ate kept and dis­pensed tinder the doctor's personal super­vision.

On. the second floor Is a ba|h room where Turkish, Russian, Medicated and eketrie baihs are gi»e1». 53ie electrical apparatus was made especially for Dr. Kingsley by the Edison Manufacturing Company of Orabge -"N. j . , and is one of

| the most perfect ever thrfiediOut at that e^tabjlsbnijsnt. ^ .Its^M entejy known. anflLroarjiy new forma' oTelec^caTfipeSI^ ment may be given. .In the bath room there Is also a cabinet for administering the needle bath wblch is Texyeftlcacious in certain forms of nervous disease.

There are many rooms for the accom modatlonot patients, all furnlihed in a most artistic, luxurious raanner, calcu­lated to make the patiehts' sickness and couvaJeeoence as pleasant as external in floencegftando. .Beside each bed is an electric belt eoosecting with the nurses1

quarters on the floor above, so that if

OitxlDi, Ost. 16.—^Ehace is a great danger of a water^farolne in this place., afmy tifthawaua li»;re3>etcmadxyAaha.tl^

nurse sbooldl^^absaat from aroom, she maybe summoned in a moment. On the third floor are the nurses' sleeping rooms and_re*dtog room, all bright and home-

pBopt. Loomis of the water aeparanent ,., .,,,„ teat the water In the reservoir is r ^ a i ^ a n a T d a ^ ^ ^

for taelr1!uture home M rfew York. . William A. Palmesr, a clerk employed in George L. Schelfele'a grocery store, fractured both hones iri his leit ankle just above the joint While at work on Fri­day aftsrnoon. The Injury was occa­sioned mtiprdngovea:a.baxTelof molasses. ' A teachers' msataSels to beheSdin.

fT'i&m- ^Si *

Ktw LoKiwif Oct 16.—The Straday school convwitlon WiU b « held in t h e M. S . Church o n Tuesday, O c t 1?. Moraing

Jservices wSfl commesace at.lOaO and atternoonaearvioe at 1 o'clock.

Theioclalhtldat taaa home of J . B.

AvA, O o t Ifl—JaatecSiAuamaatjdwife are attenrHng q u a r " ^ *—-^— '-*'*«— morelanxL

"17 and Mrs, George Brig«saa,Ve gone toNear| York;

Charles Oorhi* Will iam Baxtmaa, Bob-1 wrt w^fhea^Kid^ast«a^ othaia, laft on

Royal -Knight Wooo^rmhHngdeete.

There will be a donation a t the town O c t 19, fear hall on Thursday evening,

Rev. D . U . Smith. ; '-"'•"-"•»" K. H Getbsr, blacaamith, has sold h i s

stock to IT. F. ?ohl and has been engaged to The appraisers are Gnarlw Beyel of Av» and ABayhes and T ^ x b u r d a u o f North Western. Mr. Gferbte^A Jn^^black?-smlth a n d will be sprritly missed. Mr. P J W W H I run theshbpummbe can secure a gOodblacksraith. -

oeedswere3t8-25. Mrs. MalindaCovfl j a viattihg inGkrr-

ersTille. MraJHTickharfl ia eaatactaiaing friends

' Jlonroa-

Salurday fear theNortat WooqaonahuaV

SfaxmaV 01 uua-p

poaldoa j a * teaveung

VcSQXa. Klairamair

O c t

fort i ie

Mrs. Baxel Danhaaa "Been j

of Th* Bocks, isablstObe

At Clinton on lege won from

^miltqnCol-| . .. POEST' T&XKf G ^ ' m - l ^ . « B S ' J t n i tffcAimyr on Satirrdfty the HerklmerJ Jasper Fa^wn^are vialHag W s ^ t o ,

IfighScbool foot halfci&te afefea*sa fte

- A i Fort Plain on SatuTuayxhe Clinton

'gaii.*ca«Brayeieve1E^t&^---'- ' - ^$fcS!|iu^th%Mic^

._ . ^ •«• _ -. ,—. t a * x t t ;

IS to 8. are attendisg . . ... . — -here''are B e f . 8? Sira3da aMdaaghter, Brown

MarihnsCkBgwih. . , John Dillniah ofUvis place Is vMttag]

his family a* (^evelaiad,N.Y. '• '-.- *

:nextwtfk Mtm-day, Ttwa^ar. WednaadaTy Thuraday and rrlday- Irving B. Smith, A. M., Is to act a s conductor. Of particular interest to many Oheidans fo the fact that Miss Susan'F. Chate of the Buffalo formal School fa^uliy Is to appear as one of ths Xectnrars.- Miss (Saae was a roember of She l o c a l high s c ^ c ^ faculty for aeveri teen years prevlohs to l8S5. '•

v - Aaaaaltta. Txsxsa , Oct 16. — The Woman's

Christian Temr^maaca-JInlfla

Tbe dlrdfig^oom i s flniabed in heavy antique oak decorated with plants and palms and^ustaucha-ioom-as one would expect to And in a home of comfort and jfefioement The kitchen, pantries, laun­dry ar^pthex parts offhe house devoted. to domeaiic arrangements' are each fitted up in a-modern manner and presided over by capable assistants.

^Tnroughout, the institution seems to lack nothing: that good, taste, science or money can supply. Dr. Ejngsfey intends to make the tostitutioii. national in its scope and £*¥ gavau yaoa ofsTOay Ifiifte

' aospit*J; apa n * a « the most {eminent specialists to fit himself for the gseat work b e b a s begun, The instau-t&m i s in every, wair a credit and will bring much ravbrable-liotsriety ana many doUanr to otdc *§&.• Thoie who have re-c^ve^.InTitatfe>nsnsbotaanbt fail to avail thsmaelvea^f &ec^portunfty tOEee what spleaioUdfaciliaea axiatinbur city forths care and treatment of t h e sick, the raaflts of which have already brought a

i-^r : — r ^ r - 3 - s — - -r . ^ ^ ^ l l i ^ p a f a Q a a j ^ ^ & o h v d C B ^ a t parts of thejraunual harvest dinner at the home the country. ' —— -ihfll^Fanhie^faHeyTmTuesaaytnl^t^ . On Wednesday eveninR. Oct- ic\ ti»| mandoliri club of North Bay, assisted by h^tatalent, will give a vocal ana instra-msntal eareatalnmeaat In the Baptist. Church under the" management of Prof..!

On Thursday evening; a large number of the friends of Mrs- Matilda Tafs gmih-L" -' a t b e r home onMains&eet and gave

Mrs. county.


, jt,&-4on:tteaa*iiefc William Oram aad. daughter Ida have

m BJainDton fobaBeKse W130 W. Wri|3StBtroet,a tfangii.-

'&&fijgS&%!^^ mi4

Sltciar;.roe • is . home, rinbtlhefc7


'week,aai*oa Wedneaafi


«tiC' 'high: eateein 'te1taMlb^^fe.#^frie3^ta^

; FEiL3iirs--TJD ar. aad~ Wrs. H. G Thaiipe of y««oaa ;^pi^l5i-ia^»idaugater )whoh«been •fmJWj a m .

"% tTKisixT—To Mr. sad- 3b« Casrles TaEd<0ey irfCcMysaatiBet, Qriflcaay FaJk, Oct « , IS3Sta


JW1-B- Knappi 3 ^ M e l a ^ B i a i a a t t conn-*y, M i c h / v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ . ^ f ^ i 5 ^ ' *

^Jfc^amt-Covixr»35-t«i Satarday *Teoh>t,

iqftgBicit*r«eWat»iS.i«i.,— """' ia^Wi^^Sitaemest

FaosTAit-Ia Borne, Oct. M, 1B89, atrs. Xkhaet

Dwaiaick * 2 s v a t * a j a , sad, jrom k . Peters

•ierWaj, daogWec cf Ja«>te%aa*'M*a-a'oaiar |a|^'lT|pea^91attiit»afaad*(Saya - - ' "rTO*

an Left Sidai,- SmofterJag; Sensations, jdon'tdelayrtcfle ybntn^bl^c^nhted hi the JongJistof thos% .whOjlaarasone of er w xbe g r ^ ' l a a i o i ^ y , becausl' the best .remady; tet'th* *wtold>^1toaay:'w«s not n » 6 S o ^ uaedi ^oia'br.BacHli^*011 &


asev-, . w t n ^ tor. » « C M B « for the kai l


Without^ l ^ r - i W t l & W r a e t e s . -ISgSpiw^E^^foriawaeaTtiswith-ob^ipee* . Tliar ^^H'ma^j^rtiiisnB instanUy the aoSfe agg^sated -arf dfe-twasiafforinBOf fieatt DfceaSe. T60«-aindsof'timeahastbB nandbfthe &*n aestroT^rbeenstovedhyltaTtte. I i g y

X J e a f a g % m # » ' - 3 1 b m . l g w i h t e r with • cbWc ! ' #rneama«i .?r - i B t o - f t*****8-

B&v. fJ, M.Ta« f 3i« jrapaata* iti—TKavS^B* jmli),J3p«a*s_i -B«yr=Georg«

engaged-in-m spoke at,the.Bi morningandev ice he gave to f o l descriptio the work is cai the^eventag g rerhln|!ieeilcS8.

' yeaJ^t^o"'!toni h e ^va^#prbai awayJte'thpdlj and indistinct be Japan. Be th^^steamer gazlngat-tlie-es. -;:M£ loaned wbpi With th« dfeieBi!nhttiB'fea Taft likened b sa id that his churches in thi

"^5e7c6nfSS t h e pleaBure c