j i slow i resume friedman - ufdc image array...

I t j I t THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 7 1909 7 I I Slow Digestion A Frequent Form of Stomach Trouble Readily Cured by Stuarts Dys ¬ pepsia Tablets This complaint continues one of tho most common forms of dyspepsia it Is the bane of those who ignore na- tural ¬ 17 laws and forget that the healthy action of the stomach is dependent on the condition of both body and mind Those whose pursuits oblige them to pass much of their time within doors men of letters and of business whose minds are seldom perfectly relaxed administrators speculators financi- ers ¬ and the various professional men fall ready victims to it Slow digestion occurs in persons ot all temperaments and habits but oftenest in those of irritable or nerv- ous ¬ disposition and anxious aspect- of countenance who are popularly characterized as dyspeptic looking Eating too rapidly is a common ex- citing ¬ cause of the disorder as is al- so ¬ imperfect mastication of food froia loss of teeth There Is also a deficiency of the gastric juices and an insufficiency o the motor and muscular or churning movements of the stomach wails and the food remains entirely too long- in this organ instead of Ibeing pass- ed ¬ down Into the small intestine at the proper time Even a dinner not exceeding the ordinary limits is followed at varying intervals but usually witnin an hour by a feeling of weight and oppression- In tho stomach For several hours afterward the person experiences de ¬ cided discomfort and should even a- light supper be taken horrible night ¬ mare and troubled dreams are certain to result- I should be quite well if It were not necessary to eat is a common statement made by sufferers from this form of stomach complaint Many- of them actually dread the approach- of meal time knowing what disagree ¬ able symptoms they are sure to expe ¬ rience after eating and would doubt- less i1 discontinue the ingestion of food into their stomachs altogether If it were possible to live without eat ¬ ingThere is really no necessity what- ever ¬ y for depriving ones self of the pleasures of the table or to starve the rest of the system because the stom- ach ¬ is derelict in its duty and does not digest the food rs quickly or as thoroughly as it should j Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets compel the stomach to perform its functions properly and assist It very materially- In the discharge of its duties a sin- gle ¬ grain of tIe principal digestive ingredient of these tablets being suff- icient ¬ to digest 3000 grains of food They not only digest the food how ¬ ever but also tone up and strengthen the peptic glands and the motor functions so that the food will not remain in the stomach longer than necessary Every case of slow di- gestion ¬ and all other forms of dys- pepsia ¬ are readily curable by the use of these tablets which make up the gastric deficiency and supply the dis- ordered ¬ stomach with exactly the same digestive juices that are found I In a healthy vigorous stomach Purchase a package of these won q rful digestors from your druggist today for 50 cents and cure yourselt of your dyspepsia Send us your name and address and we will forward you- a sample package free Address F A Stuart Company 150 Stuart Building Marshall Mi- chTHE SWANLA- RGEST MOTOR BOAT Plying Out of Pensacola Stops at A- llChoctawhatchie anGi Santa Rosa SoundPo- ints Leaves Penaacola at 6SO a m every Wednesday and Saturday returning Mon- days ¬ and Thursdays Landings at Harris Mary Esther Camp Walton Garnlers DeaUn Rocky Bayou k and Boggy Bayou Reaches allot the best fishing points in these waters Dimensions feet over all 17 ft 7 in beam 50h p engine Speed S miles 1 per hour Two toilet rooms Large Y cabin Landing Foot of Falafox n teet Passenger and Freight Service E BURLISON Muster Notice The owners will not be respon ¬ sible for debts made by anyone other than themselves SHOE NEWST- he way we sold those 198 Shoes yesterday is a pretty good indication that the women appreciate a good value when they see it We are going to sell them to ¬ morrow and Monday at the same prices Weve a pair to fit you now cant say how it will Monday l Watson Parker Reese Co Everything to Wea- rBOWLINGLEYS Open from 9 a m till midnight I For ladles and gentlemen WEST ROMANA STREET L I I t BROAD CHANGE I IN EAST PASS- IS REPORTEDCA- PTAIN BARROW OF STEAMER TARPON GIVES IMPORTANT IN- FORMATION ¬ CONCERNING THE RANGE LIGHTS IN APPROACHES- TO PANAMA CITY Capt Barrow of the Tarpon in ¬ forms the Pilot that there is a decided change in East Pass and that the range lights as now placed cannot be followed and to do so would result in a vessel grounding at a very danger- ous ¬ part of the ocast says the Pana ¬ ma City Pilot this week When Engineer Turtle made the survey of this pass last year he found deep water making south from near the east end of Hurricane Isladd with but a small sand bar cutting off this channel from the deep waters of the gulfThe water has now broken through- this slight barrier and this is now the deepest channel into the bay as well- as a mile and more the shortest It is evident that the tides are now tak- ing ¬ this channel and it is also evi ¬ dent that owing to this West Pass is filling up the old East Pass is becom- ing ¬ impassable- The attention of the Light House Board has been called to the neces ¬ sity of changing the range lights and the buoys should also be placed where they would make it safe for vessels- to follow them in entering this bay As it Is at present a boat cannot enter the bay in the night time and it is unsafe for any vessel not in charge of some one acquainted with the change- in channels to attempt to enter the harbor through following the outside buoys The officials in charge of this dis ¬ trict should Jive this matter prompt and remedial attention Otherwise there is likely to be some serious disasters resulting from the mislead- ing ¬ lights and buoys The opening of this channel demon ¬ strates the value of Engineer Turtles plan for deepening the entrance to the harbor as it follows almost iden- tically ¬ the line laid out by him as the most logical one to improve and the opening of It by the action of the waters will save some in the matter of dredging The old old story told times with ¬ out number and reDeated over and- over again for the last 36 years but it is always a welcome story to those in search of healthThere is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlains Cough Remedy Subscribe for The Journal tbtlburT- HE TWINS BORN IN PAST WEEK VERY EXTRAORDINARY OCCUR RENCE SHOWN IN REPORTS FURNISHED BY CITY BOARD OF HEALTH AND A RECORD IS THUS ESTABLISHED- Three sets of twins were born in Pensacola during the past week Two sets were to white people and one to a negro couple It is possible that this is the first time in a single week that such has occurred In Pensacola for vital statistics failed to reveal such a like occurrence for many months back and it is believed the past weeks birth record in the matter- of twins broke the record for the city- of Pensacola Parents of the twins as shown by the vital statistics returns for the week their ages and places of resi- dence ¬ are as follows Paul Merlin 32 years old a fisher ¬ man residing at 607 South Baylen street Wife was Cora Simpson 32 years of age One child a boy the other a girl- J A Fontaine 35 years old a car- penter residing at 1415 West Jackson street Wife was Minnie Balkum 26 years old Twins were both boys George W Surles colored 52 years- of age a labprer address not given was the third father to be blessed with twins a boy and a girt His wife was Susan Jlenter 39 years of ageDuring the past week as shown by the vital statistics from the office of the city board of health there were fourteen birth reports a total of sev ¬ enteen new Pensacoliaus on account- of the twins The report shows nine deaths Every Cup of Coffee contains a druS caffeine that does harm to the user some more some less Its easy to quit and take on POSTUMth- e food drink Theres a Reason INDIGESTION Will VANISH JUST A LITTLE DIAPEPSIN MAKES YOUR OUTOFORDER STOMACH FEEL FINE IN ABOUT FIVE MINUTES Take your sour outoforder stOl ¬ achor maybe you call it Indiges- tion ¬ Dyspepsia Gastritis or Catarrh- of Stomach it doesnt matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a 50cent case of Papes Diapepsin and let you eat one 22grain Triansule and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery The correct name for your trouble- is Food Fermentationfood souring- the Digestive organs become weak there is lack of gastric juice your food is only half digested and you become affected with loss of appe- tite ¬ pressure and fullness after eat ¬ ing vomiting nausea heartburn griping in bowels tenderness in the pit of stomach bad taste in mouth constipation pain in limbs sleepless- ness ¬ belching of gas biliousness sick headache nervousness dizziness or many other symptoms- If your appetite is fickle and nothing tempts you or you belcls gas or if you feel bloated after eat- ing ¬ or your food lies like a lump ot lead on your stomach you can make up your mind that at the bottom or all this there is fout one cause fer- mentation ¬ of undigested food Prove to yourself in five minutes that youn stomach is as good as any I that there is nothing really wrong Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear I of discomfort or misery Almost instant relief is waiting for you is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepsin I The Pressing QuestionI- s where can you Ret tlic most value and best satisfaction for your money in Fall Clothes 600 patterns to select from handsomest and most depend ¬ able woolens the market affords tailoring second to none in point of fit style and finish Let us prove it Suits 2000 to 5000 Tailqred to Taste PRICKETT PERSON Brent GARDNER Incorporated FRANK B GARDNER Manager EIGHTEEN HAD- NOLICENSES BUNCH OF PEOPLE TAKEN BY DEPUTIES WHO HAVE BEEN AS ¬ SIGNED TO TASK OF INSPECT- ING ¬ IN CITY AND COUNTY Eighteen arrests were made by dep- uty ¬ sheriffs yesterday on charges of failing to have necessary license as required by law Bond in every case was furnished and all the parties were released A watch maker made some trouble when deputies tried to search his place for needed license- He is said to have openly defied olil cers to touch him but was taken to the county jail and detained some- time in the office He was not locked up Among the defendants for liavlns no license was Isaiah Spears a negro lawyer making the second negro of this profession jailed jn two days Spears was crestfallen when the key was turned on him He was kept there about four hours before tlUul was furnished Four were placed In jail out of a total of eighteen One barber said he had been in business here many years but had never neen called on for state and county license Deputies will continue the search- for several days yet although the criminal court sits Monday FIRE ON ROOF TRUCKS NOT CALLED- Fire on the roof of a small house- at Xo 1014 Xorth Hayne street burn ¬ ed a few shingles late yesterday af- ternoon Occupants busied themselves and stopped the blaze thus not resort ing to the necessity of calling out the fire trucks WILL RESUME RATE HEARING NEXTMONDAYH- ON EMMET WILSON SPECIAL EXAMINER OF U S COURT TO CONTINUE HEARING TESTI MONY IN THREECENT RATE CASE TOMORROW Special to the Journal Louisville Nov GThe hear ¬ In the threecent rate case where- In ¬ the Florida railroad commission is seeking to put a threecent passenger rate Into effect on the L N lines in Florida will be resumed in Louisville Monday Nov IS The hearings in the case were be ¬ gun in Louisville Oct 22 when Hon Emmett Wilson the exaratne ia the case resumed the taking of teslV mony and the fixst matter under conI sideratiqji was to finish the crossex ¬ amination of E W Farnham whose examination was Interrupted at Talla ¬ hassee September 3 by the sudden illness of the witness Upon conven ¬ ing at Louisville on the 22nd the wit ¬ ness Farnham was still ill and the examiner was furnished with a sworn certificate from Farnhams physician I in Chicago stating that the witness I had been continuously ill since the hearing at Tallahassee and was still physically unfit to go on the stand at this time which condition will pos- sibly ¬ last for an indefinite period Thereupon the examiner adjourned the hearing from Friday the 22nd to Monday the 25th to enable him to visit Chicago to see Farnhams physi- cian ¬ and also to see the witness and make an investigation to satisfy him ¬ self and all parties concerned After reconvening on the morning of Oct 25 the examiner made a lengthy statement with the physician- and his examination of Farnham him- self ¬ announcing that from his exam ¬ ination he was convinced that the wit- ness ¬ could not go on at this time and that it was very indefinite when he would bt in condition to go on tne stand again The crossexamination of Fred Petti John was then taken up and continued through the day of the 25th and was finished at noon of the 26th at the afternoon session the president of the Mutual Audit Company Mr C W Hillman took thestand for direct ex- amination and Qontinued until Satur ¬ day evening the 30th when he fin ¬ ished and was tendered to counsel for the L N R R Co for crossexam ¬ ination and who immediately ask d for an adjournment for 30 days wnlcU he afterwards amended to some laie after January 1st Mr Massey coun- sel ¬ for the railroad commissioners- made an argument against the motion and the examiner then stated that re would adjournuntil Monday morning November 1st to hear further argu- ment from counsel after which he would render a decision Convening Monday morning and after hearing ai guments he decided that a postpone- ment ¬ to Monday November 8th was a reasonable time in which to enalIe complainants counsel to prepare him- self ¬ for tho crossexamination of Mr Hillman President Hillman of the audit company has gone into this case in a very elaborate and detailed manner and it is expected that his crossex- amination ¬ will consume a considerable time heneys Expeetoranta quick relief- or toughs colds and grippe All Druggists 25c AGED GERMAN- RESIDENT DEADG- USTAV SIEDENTOPF EXPIRED EARLY LAST EVENING AFTER LINGERING ILLNESSFUNERAL- TO BE HELD TODAY Gustav Siedentopf an aged and widelyknown German citizen died last evening shortly after 7 oclock at 233 Vest Intendencia street after a lingering illness He was a native of Germany but had spent the greater part of his married life in America selecting Pensacola as his home He was 6S years of age and leaves a wife a stepsbor Henry J Cob rger three grandchildreiraM tfrrge great grandchildren All of them reside in Pensacola Mr Coberger being the veteran patrol driver For many years the old gentleman- and his wife followed the upholster- ing ¬ business but of late he has had no strength to continue in that line of work To many Pensacola families he was well known The funeral takes plce this after- noon ¬ the cortege to leave the home about 3 oclock and the interment will be made at St Michaels cemetery- Rev J F V Reinhardt of the Ger man Lutheran church will officiate at the home and at the grave The pall- bearers ¬ will be Messrs John Zirkle bach Emil Pfeiffer Fritz Konstanzer R Parise E Reidel and M Roch PARDON PAPERS DID NOT ARRIVE I Disappointment was keenly felt last I night after the 945 oclock mail had been distributed when it was found that papers giving official notice or the pardoning of Harry Jennette and Harry Davis were not in the mall A wire from Tallahassee to a client re ¬ ceived last night stated the two named had been pardoned so there is no doubt that the first report was true in every particular FRIEDMAN DRY GOODS CO YOU CAN SAVE MONEYH- ERE BY LOOKING 1- r AT Our Line of Ladies Suits Ladies Wraps Ladies Skirts Ladies Waists and Misses and Childrens Cloaks 15 pieces Mercerized Waistings just received in all colorsblack white blue and white brown and white checks and in small plaids at per yard 25c One lot Diagonal Suiting in Old Rose Garnet Gray Nile Dark Greena very pretty Mercerized Suiting per yard only 25c One Lot Minoru Shantong Silks in all shades well worth 65c special at 47c Specials One lot Ladies Net Waists well worth 350 and 400 at 269 One lot Ladies black Nearsilk Petticoats with Embroidery Ruffle well worth 175 at 125 We are showing a very strong line of Ladies Black Voile Skirts nicely tail ¬ ored at 700 and 850 WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR LINE OF BOYS SUITSV L A T COST 300 Suits at 210 450 Suits at 300 I I 550 Suits at 360 l SIZES 9 17 i YEARS J I q SERVICES TODAYT- he order of services at the various churches In and near Pensacola today III be as follows CATHOLIC- St Michaels Church First Mass at 7 a m Childrens Mass 9 a m Last Mass 1030 a m Rosary Vespers and Benediction 5 oclock p m Sacred Heart ChurchCor Jackson and 9th Ave Rev Patrick Turner Pastor Prof Henry Seel Organist Church of Sacred Heart 9th Avenue and Jackson StRe Patrick Turner pastor Prof Henry Seel organist Sunday Services 700 a m Low Mass 930 a m High Mass followed by Sun ¬ day School 300 p m Baptisms 400 p m Rosary and Benediction of Blessed Sacrament Confessions Saturdays and eves of feasts 400 p m St Josephs Church Order qf services at St Josephs church until further no ¬ ticeSundays 7 a m Low Mass and In- struction ¬ 9 a m Sunday School 10 a m High Mass and Instruction 3 p m Vespers Rosar and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament- Conte5slon Saturday evenings from 4 p m to 9 p m Also on the evenings be ¬ fore Hoiy Days of Obligation and 1st Fri days Baptisms on Sundays at 1 p m and 4 V m or by appointment- Mass on week days at S a m BAPTIST First Baptist cnurcnRev Thos M Pastor residence 114 W Gads den street Sunday School at 930 a in S F Fulghum Supt Preaching ser- vice ¬ 11 a m and 730 p m B Y P U and teachers meeting Wednesday even- ing ¬ 730 Baraca class meets every Sun- day ¬ morning at 930 oclock All are cor ¬ dially invited to attend all services East Hill Baptist Church Between Gadsden and Jackson streets on 13th avenue J W Senterfltt pastor Preach- ing ¬ every Sunday at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday School every Sunday at 945 a m Prayermeet- ing ¬ every Wednesday night at 745 p m B Y P U every Sunday at 645 t m West Hill Baptist Church191 West Jarkon Rev 1 E Rice Pastor Sun- day ¬ School 1100 a m Preaching srvil- iuO a m And 730 p m on sfronl and fourth Sundays B Y P IT 630 p m Young num are cordially Invited to visit the Baraca das of the First Baptist church at 93 a ra Sundays We wel- come all EPISCOPAl Christ Church Rev G Monroe Royce rector m cbarce- Spperhateadeltt ef Sunday school Mr W K Hyer- Organi4 Mr WfUtMw Packham B Mus 66 a m Holy Communion S4S a m Sunday School and Bible clan 1100 a m Choral Celebration of the Holy Communion and Srmon 730 p m Musical service Miss Marga- ret ¬ McCtar will stag Hear My Prayer- and 0 For the W p of a Dove Mendelssohn Organ solos Invocation- bv Leimnens Mardi from Tannhauser by WagnMV There are free seats at all servlrw to which friends and visitors are cordially welcome- St Katharines ChurchCorner Davis and Cervantes StreetRev William B Allen Rector Harry E Hoppen Supt Sunday School Holy Communion at 736 a m Sn ay School at f3 a m Holy Communion and Sermon 11 a m- St Johns Church Warrlngton Fla Evening prayer slid sermon 7 p ra Methodist METHODIST- First Cnurcn Hannah 9 HaN j 600 Suits at 420 I 650 Suits at 450 I 750 Suits at H 540 II TO Callaway over automobile garage on West Romana street Services 11 a m and 730 p m Rev C W Gavin pastor Telephone 1404 930 a m Sunday School I Gadsden Street Methodist Church Rev E C Moore pastor Se vices 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday School 930 a- in W R Bennett Superintendent- The Young Mens Baraca class of the Gadsden Street Methodist Church meets every Sunday morning at 930 oclock All young men over the age of 16 years are cordially Invited The Phllathea Class of Gadsden Street Sunday School meets every Sunday morn Ing at 930 oclock as a part of the regular organization but in a Class Room of Its Own A sincerely cordial invitation is extended to all young ladles not other ¬ wise affiliated The Phllathea Class motto- Is We Do Things Come and help ui do them you will find the pleasure mu ¬ tual Mr Ed Campbell Teacher Busy Peoples ClassA Class in con ¬ nection with the Gadsden Street Sunday School for adult persons who Ao not have time to properly prepare the lesson during- the week meets at 930 a m Methodist Mission ChurchCor 11th avenue and DeLeon streets Preaching- on the first and third Sunday nights at 730 p m at Muscogee wharf M E church by the pastor Sunday School every Sunday at 330 p m E T Briggs Supt Rev Geo W Carpenter Pastor M E Mission- At M E Church Corner of Navy Yard Wall Sunday Nov 7 1909Sunday School opens at 1030 a m At 730 p m Song service and Serman t y Rev R W Hlott member Gadsden Street M E Church Pensacola 730 p m Tuesday night Now 9 1909 gong service and sermon by Rev Thomas M Callaway Pastor First Baptist Church Pensacola Fla Song services every Friday night be ¬ ginning at 710 p m- At Gymnasium at Fort Barrancas Sun ¬ day November 7 1909Song service be- gins ¬ at 1015 a m special music solos ctiv see newspaper and sermon by Rev R W Simpson Baptist In charge of Mission Pensacola Fla 730 p m Wednesday November 10 1909 song service and services The public is cordially invited to at ¬ tend all of above services PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian church East Chase StreetRev Julian S Slbley pastor Sabbath School 945 a m Mens Bible class 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 73O p m Prayer meeting Wednesday- at i 30 p m New City Mission 12th St and 13th AvenueC F Zeek Superintendent Sabbath School t3fl p m Prayer meet Ing Friday at 730 p m LUTHERAN CHURCH German Lutheran ChurcRev J F W Reinhardt Pastor Sunday school 9 a m German service 1810 a m English service 700 p m SALVATION ARMY Salvation ArmyHall 20 West Gov- ernment ¬ St Adjutant and Mrs Grim shaw In charge Junior services 230 p m Salvation Army meeting 8 pn Ser- vices ¬ every night excepting Monday at 8 p m A cordial welcome will be ex- tended ¬ to all- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH First Christian ChurchEast Chase St Sunday School 946 a m J A Wilaon Superintendent Preaching at ll0fl a m and 743 p m by the pastor Thomas Lennox Prayer meeting each Wednesday even ¬ ing at 746 A cordial invitation is extended to aU- to attend any of our services The Church of ChrlstCOr Jackson and Ateaniz Sts Bible School 94 a m and preaching at 11 a m and 720 p tn by W T Tracy Prayer meeting Wednes ¬ day at 745 p mF and topic meeting Friday at 730 p m All are Invited UNIVERSALIST CHURCH First Universalist Church East Chase street Sunday School 10 a m Y P C U at 630 p m CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTISTS- First Church of Christ Scientist Rooms 1214 Masonic Temple Services Sunday 11 a m Wednesday 8 p m BARRACA UNION The following churches are represented- in the Barraca Union and have class ses- sion ¬ every Sunday morning at 930 a m Presbyterian East Chase street W B Ferris Teacher First Methodist Hannah Hall West Romana street J A Kirkpatrick First Baptist Church North Palafor Street Mrs Bickerstaff teacher Gadsden Street Methodist Church Miss Edith Lusk teacher Young Menti Christian Association 4r5 pm In p m J H Sherrill teacher- All young men are cordially Invited to attend one of these services Y M C A Y M C APalafox and Belmont streets Open week days 9 a m to 10 p m Open Sundays 3 p m to 6 p m Free public reading room Visitors welcome at all times Bible Teachers Training Class Thursdays 8 p m COLORED BETHEL Bethel Baptist Church Services today- as follows Preaching 1100 a m 3 p m 730 p m By The Blind Preacher at 300 p m and 730 p m Pastor Rev Times TO ORGANIZE A NEW CHURCHR- EV J S SIBLEY OF PENSACOLA NAMED ON COMMITTEE TO ES ¬ TABLISH NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT MARTHURS STILL- IN CALHOUN COUNTY- At the late session of the Florida Presbytery which was held at Pana ¬ ma City Fla a petition was received from citizens at McArthurs Still in Calhoun county requesting that d Presbyterian church be established there- It was ordered that the request be taken up and complied with if condi- tions ¬ for organization were good and the way clear The matter was re ¬ ferred to a committee consisting tit Rev J S Slbley of the First Presby- terian ¬ church Pensacola Rev Clyde Johnson of Marianna Rev J D Rountree of Apalachicola and Ruling Elder John Thomas Porter of Grand Ridge l Subscribe for The Journal

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I Slow DigestionA Frequent Form of Stomach Trouble

Readily Cured by Stuarts Dys ¬

pepsia TabletsThis complaint continues one of tho

most common forms of dyspepsia itIs the bane of those who ignore na-tural


17 laws and forget that the healthyaction of the stomach is dependent onthe condition of both body and mindThose whose pursuits oblige them topass much of their time within doorsmen of letters and of business whoseminds are seldom perfectly relaxedadministrators speculators financi-ers


and the various professional menfall ready victims to it

Slow digestion occurs in persons otall temperaments and habits butoftenest in those of irritable or nerv-ous

¬disposition and anxious aspect-

of countenance who are popularlycharacterized as dyspeptic lookingEating too rapidly is a common ex-citing


cause of the disorder as is al-so


imperfect mastication of food froialoss of teeth

There Is also a deficiency of thegastric juices and an insufficiency othe motor and muscular or churningmovements of the stomach wails andthe food remains entirely too long-in this organ instead of Ibeing pass-ed


down Into the small intestine atthe proper time

Even a dinner not exceeding theordinary limits is followed at varyingintervals but usually witnin an hourby a feeling of weight and oppression-In tho stomach For several hoursafterward the person experiences de ¬

cided discomfort and should even a-

light supper be taken horrible night ¬

mare and troubled dreams are certainto result-

I should be quite well if It werenot necessary to eat is a commonstatement made by sufferers fromthis form of stomach complaint Many-of them actually dread the approach-of meal time knowing what disagree ¬

able symptoms they are sure to expe ¬

rience after eating and would doubt-lessi1 discontinue the ingestion of foodinto their stomachs altogether If itwere possible to live without eat¬

ingThere is really no necessity what-ever


y for depriving ones self of thepleasures of the table or to starve therest of the system because the stom-ach


is derelict in its duty and doesnot digest the food rs quickly or asthoroughly as it should

j Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets compelthe stomach to perform its functionsproperly and assist It very materially-In the discharge of its duties a sin-gle


grain of tIe principal digestiveingredient of these tablets being suff-icient


to digest 3000 grains of foodThey not only digest the food how ¬

ever but also tone up and strengthenthe peptic glands and the motorfunctions so that the food will notremain in the stomach longer thannecessary Every case of slow di-


and all other forms of dys-pepsia


are readily curable by the useof these tablets which make up thegastric deficiency and supply the dis-ordered


stomach with exactly thesame digestive juices that are foundI In a healthy vigorous stomach

Purchase a package of these wonq rful digestors from your druggisttoday for 50 cents and cure yourseltof your dyspepsia Send us your nameand address and we will forward you-a sample package free Address F AStuart Company 150 Stuart BuildingMarshall Mi-



Plying Out of PensacolaStops at A-


Santa Rosa SoundPo-ints

Leaves Penaacola at 6SO a m everyWednesday and Saturday returning Mon-days


and ThursdaysLandings at Harris Mary Esther Camp

Walton Garnlers DeaUn Rocky Bayouk and Boggy Bayou Reaches allot the

best fishing points in these watersDimensions feet over all 17 ft 7

in beam 50h p engine Speed S miles1 per hour Two toilet rooms LargeY cabin

Landing Foot of Falafox nteetPassenger and Freight Service

E BURLISON MusterNotice The owners will not be respon¬

sible for debts made by anyone other thanthemselves


he way we sold those198 Shoes yesterday is a

pretty good indication thatthe women appreciate a goodvalue when they see it Weare going to sell them to¬

morrow and Monday at thesame prices

Weve a pair to fit younow cant say how it willMonday

l Watson ParkerReese Co

Everything to Wea-

rBOWLINGLEYSOpen from 9 a m till midnight IFor ladles and gentlemen



I t











Capt Barrow of the Tarpon in¬

forms the Pilot that there is a decidedchange in East Pass and that therange lights as now placed cannot befollowed and to do so would result ina vessel grounding at a very danger-ous


part of the ocast says the Pana¬

ma City Pilot this weekWhen Engineer Turtle made the

survey of this pass last year he founddeep water making south from nearthe east end of Hurricane Isladd withbut a small sand bar cutting off thischannel from the deep waters of thegulfThe water has now broken through-this slight barrier and this is now thedeepest channel into the bay as well-as a mile and more the shortest Itis evident that the tides are now tak-ing


this channel and it is also evi ¬

dent that owing to this West Pass isfilling up the old East Pass is becom-ing


impassable-The attention of the Light House

Board has been called to the neces ¬

sity of changing the range lights andthe buoys should also be placed wherethey would make it safe for vessels-to follow them in entering this bayAs it Is at present a boat cannot enterthe bay in the night time and it isunsafe for any vessel not in charge ofsome one acquainted with the change-in channels to attempt to enter theharbor through following the outsidebuoys

The officials in charge of this dis ¬

trict should Jive this matter promptand remedial attention Otherwisethere is likely to be some seriousdisasters resulting from the mislead-ing


lights and buoysThe opening of this channel demon ¬

strates the value of Engineer Turtlesplan for deepening the entrance tothe harbor as it follows almost iden-tically


the line laid out by him as themost logical one to improve and theopening of It by the action of thewaters will save some in the matterof dredging

The old old story told times with ¬out number and reDeated over and-over again for the last 36 years butit is always a welcome story to thosein search of healthThere is nothingin the world that cures coughs andcolds as quickly as ChamberlainsCough Remedy

Subscribe for The Journal









Three sets of twins were born inPensacola during the past week Twosets were to white people and one toa negro couple It is possible thatthis is the first time in a single weekthat such has occurred In Pensacolafor vital statistics failed to revealsuch a like occurrence for manymonths back and it is believed thepast weeks birth record in the matter-of twins broke the record for the city-of Pensacola

Parents of the twins as shown bythe vital statistics returns for theweek their ages and places of resi-dence


are as followsPaul Merlin 32 years old a fisher¬

man residing at 607 South Baylenstreet Wife was Cora Simpson 32years of age One child a boy theother a girl-

J A Fontaine 35 years old a car-penter residing at 1415 West Jacksonstreet Wife was Minnie Balkum 26years old Twins were both boys

George W Surles colored 52 years-of age a labprer address not givenwas the third father to be blessedwith twins a boy and a girt Hiswife was Susan Jlenter 39 years ofageDuring the past week as shown bythe vital statistics from the office ofthe city board of health there werefourteen birth reports a total of sev¬

enteen new Pensacoliaus on account-of the twins The report shows ninedeaths

Every Cupof Coffee

contains a druS caffeinethat does harm to the usersome more some less

Its easy to quit and take on

POSTUMth-e food drink

Theres a Reason






Take your sour outoforder stOl ¬

achor maybe you call it Indiges-tion


Dyspepsia Gastritis or Catarrh-of Stomach it doesnt mattertake your stomach trouble right withyou to your Pharmacist and askhim to open a 50cent case of PapesDiapepsin and let you eat one22grain Triansule and see if withinfive minutes there is left any traceof your former misery

The correct name for your trouble-is Food Fermentationfood souring-the Digestive organs become weakthere is lack of gastric juice yourfood is only half digested and youbecome affected with loss of appe-tite


pressure and fullness after eat ¬

ing vomiting nausea heartburngriping in bowels tenderness in thepit of stomach bad taste in mouthconstipation pain in limbs sleepless-ness


belching of gas biliousnesssick headache nervousness dizzinessor many other symptoms-

If your appetite is fickle andnothing tempts you or you belclsgas or if you feel bloated after eat-ing


or your food lies like a lump otlead on your stomach you can makeup your mind that at the bottom orall this there is fout one cause fer-mentation


of undigested foodProve to yourself in five minutes

that youn stomach is as good as anyI

that there is nothing really wrongStop this fermentation and begineating what you want without fear I

of discomfort or miseryAlmost instant relief is waiting for

you is merely a matter of howsoon you take a little Diapepsin


The PressingQuestionI-s where can you Ret tlic mostvalue and best satisfaction foryour money in Fall Clothes

600 patterns to select fromhandsomest and most depend ¬

able woolens the market affordstailoring second to none in

point of fit style and finishLet us prove itSuits

2000 to 5000Tailqred to Taste



IncorporatedFRANK B GARDNER Manager








Eighteen arrests were made by dep-uty


sheriffs yesterday on charges offailing to have necessary license asrequired by law Bond in every casewas furnished and all the partieswere released A watch maker madesome trouble when deputies tried tosearch his place for needed license-He is said to have openly defied olilcers to touch him but was taken tothe county jail and detained some-time in the office He was not lockedup

Among the defendants for liavlnsno license was Isaiah Spears a negrolawyer making the second negro ofthis profession jailed jn two daysSpears was crestfallen when the keywas turned on him He was keptthere about four hours before tlUulwas furnished Four were placed Injail out of a total of eighteen Onebarber said he had been in businesshere many years but had never neencalled on for state and county license

Deputies will continue the search-for several days yet although thecriminal court sits Monday


Fire on the roof of a small house-at Xo 1014 Xorth Hayne street burn ¬

ed a few shingles late yesterday af-ternoon Occupants busied themselvesand stopped the blaze thus not resorting to the necessity of calling outthe fire trucks








Special to the JournalLouisville Nov GThe hear ¬

In the threecent rate case where-In


the Florida railroad commission isseeking to put a threecent passengerrate Into effect on the L N lines inFlorida will be resumed in LouisvilleMonday Nov IS

The hearings in the case were be¬

gun in Louisville Oct 22 when HonEmmett Wilson the exaratne ia thecase resumed the taking of teslVmony and the fixst matter under conIsideratiqji was to finish the crossex¬

amination of E W Farnham whoseexamination was Interrupted at Talla ¬

hassee September 3 by the suddenillness of the witness Upon conven ¬

ing at Louisville on the 22nd the wit¬

ness Farnham was still ill and theexaminer was furnished with a sworncertificate from Farnhams physician I

in Chicago stating that the witness I

had been continuously ill since thehearing at Tallahassee and was stillphysically unfit to go on the stand atthis time which condition will pos-sibly


last for an indefinite periodThereupon the examiner adjournedthe hearing from Friday the 22nd toMonday the 25th to enable him tovisit Chicago to see Farnhams physi-cian


and also to see the witness andmake an investigation to satisfy him ¬

self and all parties concernedAfter reconvening on the morning

of Oct 25 the examiner made alengthy statement with the physician-and his examination of Farnham him-self


announcing that from his exam ¬

ination he was convinced that the wit-ness


could not go on at this time andthat it was very indefinite when hewould bt in condition to go on tnestand again

The crossexamination of Fred PettiJohn was then taken up and continuedthrough the day of the 25th and wasfinished at noon of the 26th at theafternoon session the president of theMutual Audit Company Mr C WHillman took thestand for direct ex-amination and Qontinued until Satur ¬

day evening the 30th when he fin ¬

ished and was tendered to counsel forthe L N R R Co for crossexam¬

ination and who immediately ask dfor an adjournment for 30 days wnlcUhe afterwards amended to some laieafter January 1st Mr Massey coun-sel


for the railroad commissioners-made an argumentagainst the motionand the examiner then stated that rewould adjournuntil Monday morningNovember 1st to hear further argu-ment from counsel after which hewould render a decision ConveningMonday morning and after hearing aiguments he decided that a postpone-ment


to Monday November 8th was areasonable time in which to enalIecomplainants counsel to prepare him-self


for tho crossexamination of MrHillman

President Hillman of the auditcompany has gone into this case in avery elaborate and detailed mannerand it is expected that his crossex-amination


will consume a considerabletime

heneys Expeetoranta quick relief-or toughs colds and grippe All

Druggists 25c






Gustav Siedentopf an aged andwidelyknown German citizen diedlast evening shortly after 7 oclock at233 Vest Intendencia street after alingering illness He was a native ofGermany but had spent the greaterpart of his married life in Americaselecting Pensacola as his home Hewas 6S years of age and leaves awife a stepsbor Henry J Cobrgerthree grandchildreiraM tfrrge greatgrandchildren All of them reside inPensacola Mr Coberger being theveteran patrol driver

For many years the old gentleman-and his wife followed the upholster-ing


business but of late he has had nostrength to continue in that line ofwork To many Pensacola families hewas well known

The funeral takes plce this after-noon


the cortege to leave the homeabout 3 oclock and the interment willbe made at St Michaels cemetery-Rev J F V Reinhardt of the German Lutheran church will officiate atthe home and at the grave The pall-bearers


will be Messrs John Zirklebach Emil Pfeiffer Fritz KonstanzerR Parise E Reidel and M Roch


Disappointment was keenly felt last I

night after the 945 oclock mail hadbeen distributed when it was foundthat papers giving official notice orthe pardoning of Harry Jennette andHarry Davis were not in the mall Awire from Tallahassee to a client re ¬

ceived last night stated the twonamed had been pardoned so there isno doubt that the first report wastrue in every particular




r AT

Our Line of Ladies Suits Ladies WrapsLadies Skirts Ladies Waists and Missesand Childrens Cloaks

15 pieces Mercerized Waistings just received in all colorsblack white blueand white brown and white checks and in small plaids at per yard 25c

One lot Diagonal Suiting in Old Rose Garnet Gray Nile Dark Greenavery pretty Mercerized Suiting per yard only 25c

One Lot Minoru Shantong Silks in all shades well worth 65c special at 47c

Specials One lot Ladies Net Waists well worth 350 and 400 at 269

One lot Ladies black Nearsilk Petticoats with Embroidery Ruffle well worth175 at 125

We are showing a very strong line of Ladies Black Voile Skirts nicely tail ¬

ored at 700 and 850


L A T COST300 Suits at 210450 Suits at 300 I

I 550 Suits at 360

l SIZES 9 17




he order of services at the variouschurches In and near Pensacola today

III be as followsCATHOLIC-

St Michaels Church First Mass at7 a m Childrens Mass 9 a m LastMass 1030 a m Rosary Vespers andBenediction 5 oclock p m

Sacred Heart ChurchCor Jackson and9th Ave Rev Patrick Turner PastorProf Henry Seel Organist

Church of Sacred Heart 9th Avenueand Jackson StRe Patrick Turnerpastor Prof Henry Seel organist

Sunday Services700 a m Low Mass930 a m High Mass followed by Sun ¬

day School300 p m Baptisms400 p m Rosary and Benediction of

Blessed SacramentConfessions Saturdays and eves of

feasts 400 p mSt Josephs Church Order qf services

at St Josephs church until further no ¬

ticeSundays 7 a m Low Mass and In-struction


9 a m Sunday School 10 am High Mass and Instruction 3 p mVespers Rosar and Benediction of theBlessed Sacrament-

Conte5slon Saturday evenings from 4p m to 9 p m Also on the evenings be ¬

fore Hoiy Days of Obligation and 1st Fridays

Baptisms on Sundays at 1 p m and 4

V m or by appointment-Mass on week days at S a m

BAPTISTFirst Baptist cnurcnRev Thos M

Pastor residence 114 W Gadsden street Sunday School at 930 ain S F Fulghum Supt Preaching ser-vice


11 a m and 730 p m B Y P Uand teachers meeting Wednesday even-ing


730 Baraca class meets every Sun-day


morning at 930 oclock All are cor¬

dially invited to attend all servicesEast Hill Baptist Church Between

Gadsden and Jackson streets on 13thavenue J W Senterfltt pastor Preach-ing


every Sunday at 11 a m and730 p m Sunday School everySunday at 945 a m Prayermeet-ing


every Wednesday night at 745 p mB Y P U every Sunday at 645 t m

West Hill Baptist Church191 WestJarkon Rev 1 E Rice Pastor Sun-day


School 1100 a m Preaching srvil-iuO a m And 730 p m on sfronl andfourth Sundays B Y P IT 630 p m

Young num are cordially Invited to visitthe Baraca das of the First Baptistchurch at 93 a ra Sundays We wel-come all

EPISCOPAlChrist Church Rev G Monroe Royce

rector m cbarce-Spperhateadeltt ef Sunday school Mr

W K Hyer-Organi4 Mr WfUtMw Packham B

Mus66 a m Holy Communion

S4S a m Sunday School and Bibleclan

1100 a m Choral Celebration of theHoly Communion and Srmon

730 p m Musical service Miss Marga-ret


McCtar will stag Hear My Prayer-and 0 For the W p of a DoveMendelssohn Organ solos Invocation-bv Leimnens Mardi from Tannhauserby WagnMV

There are free seats at all servlrw towhich friends and visitors are cordiallywelcome-

St Katharines ChurchCorner Davisand Cervantes StreetRev William BAllen Rector Harry E Hoppen SuptSunday School

Holy Communion at 736 a mSn ay School at f3 a mHoly Communion and Sermon 11 a m-St Johns Church Warrlngton Fla

Evening prayer slid sermon 7 p ra


First Cnurcn Hannah9HaN j

600 Suits at 420 I650 Suits at 450 I750 Suits at H 540 II



over automobile garage on West Romanastreet Services 11 a m and 730 p mRev C W Gavin pastor Telephone1404 930 a m Sunday SchoolI Gadsden Street Methodist ChurchRev E C Moore pastor Se vices 11 am and 730 p m Sunday School 930 a-

in W R Bennett Superintendent-The Young Mens Baraca class of the

Gadsden Street Methodist Church meetsevery Sunday morning at 930 oclockAll young men over the age of 16 yearsare cordially Invited

The Phllathea Class of Gadsden StreetSunday School meets every Sunday mornIng at 930 oclock as a part of the regularorganization but in a Class Room of ItsOwn A sincerely cordial invitation isextended to all young ladles not other ¬

wise affiliated The Phllathea Class motto-Is We Do Things Come and help uido them you will find the pleasure mu ¬

tual Mr Ed Campbell TeacherBusy Peoples ClassA Class in con ¬

nection with the Gadsden Street SundaySchool for adult persons who Ao not havetime to properly prepare the lesson during-the week meets at 930 a m

Methodist Mission ChurchCor 11thavenue and DeLeon streets Preaching-on the first and third Sunday nights at730 p m at Muscogee wharf M Echurch by the pastor

Sunday School every Sunday at 330 pm E T Briggs Supt Rev Geo WCarpenter Pastor M E Mission-

At M E Church Corner of Navy YardWall Sunday Nov 7 1909SundaySchool opens at 1030 a m

At 730 p m Song service and Sermant y Rev R W Hlott member GadsdenStreet M E Church Pensacola

730 p m Tuesday night Now 9 1909gong service and sermon by Rev ThomasM Callaway Pastor First Baptist ChurchPensacola Fla

Song services every Friday night be ¬

ginning at 710 p m-

At Gymnasium at Fort Barrancas Sun ¬

day November 7 1909Song service be-gins


at 1015 a m special music solosctiv see newspaper and sermon by RevR W Simpson Baptist In charge ofMission Pensacola Fla

730 p m Wednesday November 101909 song service and services

The public is cordially invited to at¬

tend all of above services

PRESBYTERIANFirst Presbyterian church East Chase

StreetRev Julian S Slbley pastorSabbath School 945 a m Mens Bibleclass 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and73O p m Prayer meeting Wednesday-at i 30 p m

New City Mission 12th St and 13thAvenueC F Zeek SuperintendentSabbath School t3fl p m Prayer meetIng Friday at 730 p m

LUTHERAN CHURCHGerman Lutheran ChurcRev J F

W Reinhardt PastorSunday school 9 a mGerman service 1810 a mEnglish service 700 p m

SALVATION ARMYSalvation ArmyHall 20 West Gov-


St Adjutant and Mrs Grimshaw In charge Junior services 230 p mSalvation Army meeting 8 pn Ser-vices

¬every night excepting Monday at

8 p m A cordial welcome will be ex-tended

¬to all-

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHFirst Christian ChurchEast Chase StSunday School 946 a m J A Wilaon

SuperintendentPreaching at ll0fl a m and 743 p m

by the pastor Thomas LennoxPrayer meeting each Wednesday even¬

ing at 746A cordial invitation is extended to aU-

to attend any of our servicesThe Church of ChrlstCOr Jackson and

Ateaniz Sts Bible School 94 a m andpreaching at 11 a m and 720 p tn byW T Tracy Prayer meeting Wednes ¬

day at 745 p mF and topic meetingFriday at 730 p m All are Invited

UNIVERSALIST CHURCHFirst Universalist Church East Chasestreet Sunday School 10 a m Y P C

U at 630 p m

CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTISTS-First Church of Christ Scientist

Rooms 1214 Masonic Temple ServicesSunday 11 a m Wednesday 8 p m

BARRACA UNIONThe following churches are represented-

in the Barraca Union and have class ses-sion

¬every Sunday morning at 930 a m

Presbyterian East Chase street W BFerris Teacher

First Methodist Hannah Hall WestRomana street J A Kirkpatrick

First Baptist Church North PalaforStreet Mrs Bickerstaff teacherGadsden Street Methodist Church Miss

Edith Lusk teacherYoung Menti Christian Association 4r5pm Inp m J H Sherrill teacher-All young men are cordially Invited to

attend one of these servicesY M C A

Y M C APalafox and BelmontstreetsOpen week days 9 a m to 10 p m

Open Sundays 3 p m to 6 p m Freepublic reading room Visitors welcomeat all times Bible Teachers TrainingClass Thursdays 8 p m

COLORED BETHELBethel Baptist Church Services today-

as followsPreaching 1100 a m 3 p m 730 p

m By The Blind Preacher at 300p m and 730 p m Pastor Rev Times








At the late session of the FloridaPresbytery which was held at Pana ¬

ma City Fla a petition was receivedfrom citizens at McArthurs Still inCalhoun county requesting that dPresbyterian church be establishedthere-

It was ordered that the request betaken up and complied with if condi-tions


for organization were good andthe way clear The matter was re¬

ferred to a committee consisting titRev J S Slbley of the First Presby-terian


church Pensacola Rev ClydeJohnson of Marianna Rev J DRountree of Apalachicola and RulingElder John Thomas Porter of GrandRidge

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