
Itll.l.l.\i:i>AND FOOL TABLKS. MANL'FACTL'RKRS c,r Lilliird and pocl table?- Bleu grade L•..%!.;.„ ali^y Uuildn*. lowest pnee^. MARX UUOSi.. C* Unto.l SQuarw. -York. May 1"< H«1-» THE WASHINGTON STORAGE WARE- UOCSK & VAN CO.. Ltd.. 2.29»'>. 2.3*. 2.300 Eighth Avenue. To whom It m.iy concern: The follow-in* described propeity. to wit: Beds, chair*. tables, bureaus, linen, silver, glass, china and other household goods, pictures, musi- cal lnstrum-nta. bn<--a-brac. trunks, boxes. barrels pars r>al efT cts. merchandise, et?.. belonging t j or held for account of George r Barrett his heirs ar.i admlniytratcrs; Miss v rWo%n. Miss r. M. GUI. -Mrs. Mary E. McKnight. Mrs. R. McGregor. V Kenredy. Harlem Loan Assam-U- tlon Mr- E. Newton. Mis A. Purdy. Mrs. A. T 11.-.tun. Mr«. A. B. Reese. Mrs. P. Stuart. Mrs. A Sins -r. J Tobln. E. H Thorn, W. W. W. Uttsr. will be sell to Fatisfy the lien of the underM«n»«i there-^n. at public au<-tion. to the hi«h*st bidder, at Merle's Rooms, 190 East l^th-?t.. IVr<->usri of Man!-., New York City, on Tosadar. June 14, HHI4. at 10 .(\u25a0> \u25a0 m.. and on such, sul>se<iuent days to which caM sal-- may be adjourawt rand. New Tatk. May 2S. irn>4. Tim WABHIXGTON STORAGE Vl' Art E- HOI'SE .<: VAN CO.. Lti.. 2 1."."'. 2.2U->. -2.3>*> Eighth Avenue. New Ink <"ltv. LAJ>DEKS AND FLAG POLES. ItOAKD AND SIOOMS. Controller, However, Advises Ac- ceptance of Trust's Latest Offer. Controller Grout. at yestrrSaya racttir.j of the Hoard of Estimate. pr«a«Tit<Hj, MA hit lnd<»r«e- Commiaiilotier Oax>v« report oa the offer <.? the Cortolidatevl Ga« Company to tun:: sh and Jiluminate 22,.«U> «'«tabac* atreaj hmpi at t2« . J .Ifcinp « year [l baa already i*>en ur.nouricej^a Tli» ->T.-r-if. that Mr Grout would Co trjis. «• IM mm*aAe& that .he L,.«; 1 luihorire Mr Oakley to tnak. Hi- contract, a:t-r ron«idfcMria; It for a -u.-.k. ,v.'. stM* toward »«oh action w«-re taken. \u25a0" » y 's iJ'C.^k'.yr oin.tted from tIM repo:t. : \u25a0', l .;rr '?: i i'M:&%« romp-ny &<*.*« fUTTitBh *.-«s :n Brooklyn." rolled Mr. <;r..ut '' 1I »• Cotnnjlaalon*r h«s to deal with one monopoly lier^ tnd another monopoly trvr*. haa ilHMl abl* to make advantA«-oui terms for Manhattan and T:- Hmm but. pwawMy success as m Vi- 3&kk££:£Zs?l£3t r.....,;;,r wJO. and \**i >^rs bfOt "«MMtbt pail unless U.f ooofts rtfcirted npaln?t hi» onnten- Eca lat J.'j a lam was an excessive chaise. RETALIATION ON CHIII. 6T. AL3ANS. 7 EAST 31ST ST. i:.-. .-\u0084 single. en sure, with private batLb, doctor's orllte; dining room parlor Boar; sssclrta tlsbl; txcaOaM .able board. L.... PORTLAND LAU- IILIII i k-QX per CO. 130 Oi- Brge _ st .. Newark. N. J Tel. 78 4 W. Eest of ladder* delivered at -'00. e*r toot- RESTAURANTS. 4CTH-.ST. IS WEST. Attractive rooms, with board, parlor din- ing room. 71 MADISOX-AVsT. Beautiful, eaal rooms; asadc for t^.e eunun-r. b«aid optional. ROCaUNQ STONE RESTAURANT. N. T. Zoological Take. 3d aye Lor Har- l<»ni R R. to Fordharr.. aervlc* X 1-- carto. A DESIRABLE LOCATIONfor doctors or dentist's o-U-e. fii.nlsh-»d. IncludinK <1.- v r attendance, srattini roooa and laboratory; reaaunabie. Mi Eitjecomb-ave , MJMI 137th-st HELP WANTED. IOTII ST. m EAST. Caal corner, second- four windows; others, parlor ilnin,; eh .1. c table.; *-'\u25a0<\u25a0 \u25a0 "-. raßjaoaaWai tat»i» guests. transl'-ntß. Male. ANT INTELLJOHNT PERSON may earn t:>n to $100 monthly corresponding fur newspapers $5 a column for work In srers time; no canvassing. Send for particulars. NORTHERN PRES3 SYNDICATE. Lock- p.»rT. N. T. Femula. CXL.TURED SPANISH LADY. speak:ng English. Spanish. Italian s.n<l rranch, wishes position for the summer In country or travelling as companion to la-ly. «"v- erness or chaperon, excilent r»f"rsa*as\ ELJTE. Box .10 Tribune office. SOTH BT 7 EAST, Saeoasi floor; suitable f..r two or three, gentlemen: prtvats a."-, aw*ai« from room on thi.l floor; gen- tleii:»n only; reference. COMPANION— By a Canadian «!rl. M dress CC Trlbuno Ofllc». WANTKD— The best coachmen. «ar<leners, married fanners. grooms. farmhands. herd*m»n. p^ultr'-men. etc. Places raady at CAItPENTBR'S. 154 Bth-av« 1090 . M \\ r> . I fooaae : ono or two gentlemen. Cull •venings. VAN VI.MI X In August. l!Vi3. this Company insured the title to a piece of property In the Bro::x. It is now discovered that th*» property BELONGED TO AN INFANT, to whom it had been conveyed by his mother Just prior to her death; that the father changed his name to agree with the In- fant's, and made the broker and the notary be- lieve that he was the real owner. He ccnveyel the property, end there was nothing to warn any one. not knowing the family and the real names of father and son, of the deception and forgery. As the purchaser had his title guaranteed, any loss involved will fall on this Company. In a city like New York, false personations are almost Impossible to detect, and this risk alone Is quite sufficient to make a GUARANTEED TITLE In every case the only safe one to take. Title guarantee andTRUST COMPANY ClpiC Ipit ss a s $8, 500,000 146 Broadway, New York. 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn. Mar.ufrs Branch, 108 Montague St., B'klyn. and Forgery False Personation Female. WANTED a helper, a yours; wom- an of refinement, education an.l Ju-lg- m<>nt. t.-> teach ,:r:d .-are for youn? children: Pritlsh «"**na.llnn or German preferred. S. <\u25a0 V . Boa Wv Sea CUsT. N. Y. GOVERNESS By young lady teacher during summer In family expecting t.i travel Arldre«# EXPERIENCE. X .m l.f"J3. 19S Broadway. NICCLT furnished, l.i.ce room, In quiet, private hou atca aaWAafkaad; all i "Q- venlences PBOBIN, »»To l.exiii«T..n Countervailing Duty on Wines Ordered by Treasury Department. Washington. June S.— The Secretary of the Treas- ury feu« issued a circular of Instructions to cus- loma officials a«sessing a countervailing duty on wines and rertm>d alcohol* Imported from Chill. Following the text of tha circular; It has bf-tn ascertained that the tunajmarnt "i Chi!: para Mexport t.ounty of flve cents prr litre c-i wii.-s and aX r»ctifird alcohols produced In that countrj-. Additional dutfcw. therefore, hereafter will \te levied at a rate equal to live cent« per Mr* «,n all winrg and rectified alcohols th« product of Chill imported either <llrectly or Indirectly from Ibal cvjinrv in'o the XTlted State*, in accordance. vi.h Section 5 of Out tariff act of July H. IW7. The rem^sion of the amount of internal revenue tax :f any. on all such winea and rectified alcohol* , ln.-ludf-d in the Mr.-ipimarket value thereof f r 'h<- pu',ll*" 6t assesEm<-nt ot the additional as •a.'; th< n-gu'.ar duties. 15 EAST 4.-.TII ST .\u25a0- Arrange ment made for temporary or pretraoterl resldanca In co '.. ua lo date rooms or \u25a0 lite ncamnca. LADY READER wishes few more engage- ment, day or evening; shorthand dicta- tion specialty; would call at residence, ladies preferred. E. FERREL, 134 West 17th-st. NHI'RALGIA? fl«\« absolutely Infallible cure. For aartlciilan adstiaas O. CREW- TAIN. 427 r.i klyn. CS WASHINGTON PUA.CE Parlor Boor; larße_ small : \u25a0 > IBrlBi; king DOMESTIC mCATIONs u .^> M:u». "\u25a0—^ FARMEIt— By Amtrtcan \u0084 . fully understands every ,-et... '<*'»», date farming: no children V?£ mM Vauahans seed store. 14 ' BaJcia*"'* * I *" A R.\! ER. -"-y Amer.can7^i)~l I*. boy U. girl H. «*?<. io?Tssssl work who can; thorouxhk- ir^l'*!\u25a0 family man. experienced *£?» ' s "^l: in every trWh: «r1.71y t^?»rS care poultry, milk. buttewnalu. i*- »J enc- can seen in city : . -S" .-bJ pent«r's. 154 frth-ave. ' *«i-*Mr,aa GE.RMAN 'Ol I U!C. man cos^s^r^ man. wife cock: . uy. com.™. best reference* c. c ., u?*Jsag a i 3»1 Cth-ave. Tel. 1.57.1 l^;^ C*s OAR r EiVKK. -- Coni^eTent "T^^-n man a country :•• ssa] woula a.-sl*t In " jj family. 413 S:ate-«. rlfmZi 'T^bbl GrtCOM. -Veiy tidy N-r-iTT^r^ 1 tant. SB; can te sWoad or *»« »a«j trlctly temperate. kMd rr> , lni ** *. tin, a; C>>T-; i^» W h^- 1, LUNCHMA X. -«:.od i^Tir~r~~— i- y lunchr. r.* : ateody po^tlaa; SLSU gas- W. KRETTAG 4ui »•,"?'« -'d tl.<or. c " i * t Uii, aTE'.VAKD in.l iinii.-,-^ In ,l»b or sinail h..-.-|. both L-% fit and have exp»::.-r.. - '*• c 0,., A.ldr-as H.. 80, 31. Trihur.- oj^ C X USEFUL MAN in orT^te"?^ j. country . best rererenc* I {, '\u25a0 <*y Uptown Office. 1.31 I iSroa.l wajr *\u25a0 Trj, cnarri. bocbesjui liT^rivT caii wait en table; »., be^ V?*Jm refer-nc*s. cltv r.r country. i** 1 - 2 RIOAARD. 47 Kirn M * n> *aii VAI.KT ATTENDANT, -Tan~^>" tlenian. experienced, fl> > it«d^'sa able, companionable, a:'-ntiv» \u0084*\u25a0• New-Yr.rk references. PRaw 100 Ea.-t 2Sth-st ** «i VALKT or «X>MPANION- 377^ . man: hotel. iur> or private- aSL 1 * 1 bachelor Address Mi Nni"^*"s»B t-ahl. ikston Road, Bronxdai^ «?J? ** P. O. '' *' -v VALET.—Youna; man. 2«: towa •* *\u25a0 references: no asenta: 3co-s W i^ \u25a0ram »'•« »— a * VAI.ET or BUTLEB.--By . JT"~«i highest recommendati.- ..* as t^r! \u25a0 l?y an.i character fr.m preißMi' previous employers. A.lJrss» FrTS. *? TATE. IM Broadway < - iE * t WORKING GARDENER— SItua^^ \u26664: understand-* everything njTtlw^ a gentleman's country resldtnca^ Class and out do.-™, lawns, carriiß»2! all kinds of vegetables, horses, «L, poultry; married, no family ii !?' best references, wtfo first class linvL' If required. Adrlres- M. C X fS? hurst. L. I. PO. box m ' ' *>\u25a0 TOT-NO MAN. 32. as »-r.«ral utir" with r«rined family t>iln< to NtuS »»i»lde resr.rt. JOHN W HAVEN'?-" 370. Laltewood N. J. * '"4 5, 41 \VH>:T 12TH BT Slcely furnished, well kept rooms; hot bat) ultaanna. CITY VIBITOBB and renldenu will find lark- an.l small cool, abeolu'ely clean furr.:-h<-t re mi al 37 West I2th «t. STET»Oi;RA-FHER. OS« assistant; neat and v-llling; not afr*l<l of worl»; good penman, lives at home; operates Reming- ton and Hammond: moderate- salary to bo- gin wltjl. Address Latter Bo* C. X2S Mcn- rna-st ALGOMA STEEL PLANT TO START UP. Bda \u25a0»*\u25a0• Mich.. June S MesasßMM Is mnrts t!:«t the plant of the Algorra strt>l Compar.y v. .'. iMrt '.Ills DMBth turning cut rail* for the Grand Trurk Pa 'lflc at the rate atlMttMll rtny. It v.lll ba tta first of the consolidated I-.i1.0 BO* jjf-rior pleats to resume. AU'VEHTISKMENTS and suDScrlptions for Th* Trllune received at trielr fptc»n Ctflc« No. l.Mi liroajway. between 3Hth and 37th its until B o'cloclt p m. Adver- tisements receive! at the following; branch olTcen at reKular office rates until » o'clock v. m.. viz.: 2T» Sth a\e.. s. c. cor. 23d-st; 1.-.3 Oth aye c-jr 12th si . ; \Ti East 14ttl-st; 237 West 424 st.. between 7th and Bth avea. 14TII ST . "11 WEST. Furnigrie.i rooms; i. . board gentlemen onl> . cool rooms; central 1-.. al .11 «oi:k \vantei>. iRAPIirR d—lr-^ home work; calls for dictation: manuscripts copied. VISIT- ING SECRETARY. 2f13 West 123th-st. TYPEWRITING and copylns; don^ at horaa at reasonable rate* Address Miss BELT, 170 Waal JOth-nt. IM»Mr.»TIf Siri\riONS WVNIID £1 Kri. MIRASMEHNIL, Champa 1 (yseea, Par) - -M»4»mt CMnwjst. fTotta—m ''•• franrals: srn.ill room and board. *\u25a0»•'. btf room Js.*' I'.r .ne wina, t*?> lat twu r-r- i.r.s MMwtt, Km Parra Canim. 4.u«ja \v«! ptaa r.i . i-.ui«. •3D-9 U FJAST. !i..-.f!te Beta] Man- hattan - Ijurse Nam, with r>rlvni« \>nth: aK-- pleasant hall r.K.r:i. reasonable; tele- , Ml.'* ACCOUNTANT- X ok» .;-e'. audited. systertuitlieU. t: la! ralanre, *c ;will t ik» charge of set \u25a0( books *.\enln*s. terms moderate; reierenccs. C. •-'. iI»OUE. M Ka»t Mt st. EROOM TRUST PLAN FALLS THROUGH. AmFU-r<*nm. N. . fOM I.—Announcfinent c m<-» boa CUob«« "-Jay Bait Us* Pl«|t«t«d broom bnwt, a* be formed under the r.ame at the National J'.room company, m which Mohawk Valley Ma-"s- fi, tj.ers wrr.- interest. .1. has fallf-d of accotnpHan- inriit Bad tho plan, urder way for more than a year, has h«-on abandorif <l. Th* proposed capital \vus redu^d from .».•'«• to tl.C«'0.«oO and l.onrt*. a fir.aa amount of cash for th. :r prop«>r- ti-y w.r. offtfwd frfotory own***, but th^y r«-fu««<>.l ro «-nter ttit- oral favo on a cas'a hasiP. This Is trie scr-oiui tlm*- The aiteriira has fallen tliroußli. and it is now jirolially at an end. BOOKKEEPER. £. lntell!<ent. soDer. In- dustrious". •»;eri«n-ed bookkeeper, salesman and Uriver, «• any thins; line ie'- araaccs; email \u25a0'•<•• city im country. O. WALKER. .*> Charles ?t. Doubtful questions of title arc sub- mitted to the most careful scrutiny and •re referred to the Committee or" Coun- •el, which is composed of the best known real estate conveyancer i in the ciy. Applicant has selection of coun- sel should he so desire. CAPITAL and(?n flftfj fiftf- The Lawyers' Title Insurance Company of New York 37 Liberty St.. Manhattan. 38 Court St., Brooklyn. Doubtful Questions of Title CAKPFT «I.r.\MNO Oldest, Largest, Most Modern. 4.;7 i 43D WEST 15TH 9T. Tel. all— 3Mn-st. titabllsli.d ISI7. \\. 11 JORDAN. a. LCNTZ BOOKKEEPER el ability, with a t-.iMnesa h..use re.^uir.nic ..-ar. correct an.i syst-- matlc work . »:.i?;.-^t ref.-.-r..e». v»age» mderate. ACCOUNTS. IV* s. Tribune Oftloe. BOOKKBEPER, a?fistunt r.o.kkeeper or any ottOS »i th.. b] married man, 33, thoroughly ccmp»-iT.-. UisjlsiaHnj; rapid pe.iman; MCCViaM »t tiuutt-s. ref^r^n^es last •mployed: bond. L. J. T-. Trll>un« Latweja Orrice. 1 .•'.* Br< ad»ay J. & J. W. WILLIAMS, 353 W. 54TH ST. r T CAJtPVT '-i.FANIN'I EataMtohed l«M BOOKKEEPKK, -'''•. Bins yars experience. full knimi«.|« SMssaa c:.:.-. . balanraa. hoMtng aaatttoa with ravpswatlasx <!«••''• evening. Sun-lay aoatttaau b^st «ef»ieaca. 8.. L' 47 «Ul *\.e. Mala. ATTENDANT. VALET, to an lnvalM gen- tleman; .-xpertenced, educ-Atod, present- atle. co:np«tnionable, attentive to duties; | New-Yom references. FRANK SUOTT. 100 ; East ;>th-tt. BLTLtR. VALET. —Thoroughly -xpen- : aawadl; accustomed, and would like to , tra.^l as courier an<l valet; spe&icit sev- ; eral languages; highest city reference*. i JOSEyH. >C"» sth-ave.. present employer. j BfTLI.R anil —Competent English | tialii^.l servant, keeps silver In excellent | o:der highest city personal reference, lady \u25a0Jan De seen. HYLAND. 'Mi East «uth-st. j 111 TLEK or Thoroughly compe- : trnt in all brancnes; expert silver cleavn- i ar; strictly sober, willing! .i 1 . or. „•.:.,. first \u25a0 class references . will go aaywber*. MUEL- I.X!;. '.-3: East MUs-at lIUTLKR EriKll«h; thoroaghly understands business; competent reliable; first class references BLTLER, 2A3 Adelphi-st . Brooklyn. LOOK. First class, all round; strictly so- ber and reliable; hotel of private house preferred, city or country; German. E. M . ii..x ::<>. Tribune Office. COOK an.l WAITER —Man an.l wtfe. col- .re.i, expeiienced. boarding; house, road- hous«i or clul»; city or cuumry. i'HILli'S, cara Janitor. 227 East. l*th-»t. CARETAKER. Trustworthy couple want •a u»<i cars of private house '. r sum- I mer. husband la employed as letter car- rier wolfs. 281 fcaat TOtn-st. CARETAKER By small German family. cajra ol fll»ala huuke (or summer, city reference. •;< . £aat Ottth-st.. (round floor. CARETAKER.. By man. to take care of lawn tennis arts, also baa4y wlta tools. M. 'NAN. 1«> Amsterdam aye. i.'ARBTAKER.—By youna ctuple. for pri- i vats bouse: can furnish first class ref- erence. E. JBNaEN. 3«t: West a«tn-st.. -Task, CHAL'FyEl'R.— City or country; can fur- nish best of reference, not afraid of work, W. MVAKTHT. 705 Eaat 164ih st. C >AiItMAN. - -Gentleman selilna; horses wishes to secure pl»«-e far his coachman. thorou*hlv understand* hie busin^»s. care- ful city driver. Call or address 221 West t. Oi ACHMAN.— Brgltsh, 3V-: marrle.l. eigh- teen \u25a0cars' reference. Addrcu r'RANK HAI.U Xl* East M)th-st. OUACHMAN—Married: thoroughly under- stands his business; be»t reffrenc-ss. HOWE. 3V* West SOth at. ii' \>"H MAN—Married: thoroughly und»r- st*n.l» tils duties. Address 11.. 27 West 3Cth-st. COACHMAN. GARDENER— First class. ; first .Use references; wa«ee net if" than $23; steady situation. A. M . I*' Bleecker. * ——————^ | COACHMAN. *- COOsV —By r.erman ; Frotestan: couple; teat, competent, re flneO. man ccacrunan. gardener, gererally I useful. -»lfe first class cook. good refer- . •nc.s Mrs COLLIER'S. 122 West JOd-st. O'AiHMAN —ny German, In private fam- II) thoroughly competent: careful: three years' boat reference last place. H.HNKY. IM> iTiiraUrMt. cts;ar store COACHMAN. -A gentleman de*!r»s a sit- uation for his ««clniiac. a ynung man who understands his business thoroughly and Is honest, sober and reliable Ap;>ly present employer's private stable. lir. West loth- st. COAi'IIMAN. Young man. married, first class oltv driver; will be hUhly rm-.m- mende.l. WALSH. I*3 Eaiit 7Hth -»t. | COACHMAN.— English; first claaa personal , references; understands the care of flue I horses and harness, capable to care for flno ' stable. FLAHERTY. 4^5 Coiumbu»-av«.. near P3il-st. Tel. 7*l J— River. COACHMAN.— SingIe; city or country; thoroughly understands hi* business, careful city driver: 10 years references. last employer can be seen. Call private \u25a0.table. IST Park-aye. iX>ACHMAN. GAKDBXKR. Mar-led. no family; wants house, «\u25a0»:« excellent laun- ! dreas; both young; strictly sober and relia- I hie in every respect. PATRICK, at Car- penter's. 134 6th aye. COACHMAN.—CoIoro<i; city cr country. beat reference. 111LL3. :3b West ••«\u25a0 m., car* of Janitor. COACHMAN, gardenei. sjaajaaaj man on gentleman's place; can milk, ears '.awns. fires, drives. Ac; best references. WILL- | IAM,at Carpent-r's. 134 6th aye. To Let for Business Purposes. Buildings, Stores, Lofts and Offices TO LET IX NEARI.T AI.I> DOWN-TOWN STREETS. RIXAM> Si WUIBO CO., ft 11--1..M .-• .-.:..•... BTOHE TO LET In a very k<* 1 Ivatlon. sjoad >r - <- K7 turner. halrriiester. or 'n la t. a:.-. i.r. •• !<: .!..nal ress CHARIJ^S Ml!.'.\Ni, No to W. •-••\u25a0 st City Property for Sale. KI.Kd.WT corner apartment hou«». v!t»T^Thr<^» stores; upper We«t aide, New Tors <"lty; nil modern Improvements: 14.'.. 001 :yearly rentals Ji- i.nlv $l.'.. r mn cash required BoM close an cstat*. HARTti HORNE. INBL.ET * LEAKB. Attoracys, 111 Wash- lnirtf>n •\u25a0• . er««y City, N J ————— , Furnished Apartments to Let. <5T DAM HflTPl NK ' V fireproof 01. riiUL nuILL, BBAUTIVUU.T furnished. tpotn M. (.rullNtlt CULUatUUM AVk. htflncil Home fur Fainlllca, \u0084«.'# .1.1 1 ranaiaata 60 rcoms. detached bath, I.OU Bet week. 73 rooms, 1 rl-. •'• t<ith. 1.00 an.l up. 'Mli»H tarlor. I- .--\u25a0!-; Lath. 14 .«» and up. p.estauran' . telci'h'jne awry rw.m. transy^rtuttoa ao- ceaslblllty unexcelled. Brooklyn Heal Estate For Sale. PLATBUSH CHOICE LOTS, $250 EACH. Clr-ums'un<-»s c,-.rrr*l me to cell it once spl«tt4M t-n \u25a0 pro\ed rwifhborteood. my terms: titles guaraatsxd; r|,g Sundays BDWAIUM O1 Ptetbusfa ais. Id ,<:\u25a0,„ City Property for Sale or to Let. Bra \lyn. KEALTirUL, Q«een Anna i "a-- . In nathtiati rlnsa ta I levati J Raili « 1 ,-*.iti \u25a0 90 minutes M an ha'tan City Hall: 1" ail large, light rooms ar.l bata la carfare •\u25a0 the bea.-hes at N.» v.. . 1:> . block fn m <>• can Avenue <lrl"eway, as( halterl »!r.<-s. r.-m»rit ..... walks; pea nickel ;. iml Ing. For fuirt!er ptuilculan aaply '\u25a0> bTTOKES * KNOWL 176 l'.rnadway and 1.4-7 Klatbiua Aviiue. Furnished Houses to Lei Country. ADIRONDACK CAMP FOR RENT, with about M »\u25a0 res . | lan<l. on upper Haranaa L*k«, fine ootlooll fandy tea.;.. pine woods; 3 story .. ;«e,; «e, fully furnished. !r-.n lath and plast< throughout, veranda <n Cm ar.d se-onl .rlea. i .;\u25a0•!! nie(.;u. »t; 17 rooms \u25a0• bathrnonu; boat house; electric launch; .ire spring water. For photocraphs ati.f particulars .I' to CRUIKSHANK COMPANY. 141 Broadway. >-EW TOIUC- Skin>-ateles 1.i«. : \u0084, rent, "Stimmlt - View Farm H aae," .*. minute* fr.rn i st. nice. *•\u25a0..•\u25a0'. ami el«< trio cars; i r;.-k house. 12 rooma, lncl-.nliiij i«th plan'>, modern furniture; stable. 1 \u25a0tails: season. It«t' trains l^av» Qrand Central I>«[>->t. .* * Fork, »> '\u25a0!>> a. ni arrtva ßkaaeaMsea :! p. m. Address JAS UIIUN. Jr. I^ASTHAMHTON. I- i To let. on llu .tin* Lane, \u25a0 .A furnished r'Almgr. containing ten r...::., t'»:.le '.uiin \u25a0 dry. hutler'a pantry and lar»,« bathroom; Wan ig syst*ea if sewerage; within H\ o minuses' walk of the \u25a0 . .»t- ffl.\u25a0«\u25a0 very u^oiiatc rental. Apply to eitlier of tha 1 .cal a*tnts or lv W. N WAIJCER, 17<i Braadway, New V . :k. VTTIt ACTIVE furnished sen.hore cottages; modern Im- . pavements; r'ir.r.lng water sanitary sewerage .i 9 Lathing. Circulars. i - rof. NORTHHi BrooUra Poly" technl.- ' CAKE-ri'L CARPET CL.EANINO CO t*leans t.v .. .mpr»»i-»d air. steam, hand or I. a lluor 1.5611 Broadway. 421 East 4Mb st. COE A BRANDT Tel. li 2 3!>th. l»l;K- .SMAKIMi ANI» MII.I.l? EKY. BOOKKEEPER and CASHIER. l>.,uhie enti>. th.. roughly »\u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0 iomr»r»nt BSRSsfNltal, <iulrk. atcuratf. ceslres chanK«:. nino years present situation, hlrfh sm rttmncM caaraetar, ability. UAMIL. TON. Boa \u25a0*». Til'uii". 1 ifrlc» II I.'1 .' •• 'IvKtiLJ'KI: I'.utle entry; e»^.>rl- ::--l, rx.-.'lkm . \u25a0•; unex- \u25a0 ... reff-r- ii.r. >>-lr»-s ;-laue wrn-r« CM f'll sjotfe is a'.^rr. i.Ue<l. . i'ittt.'i t>p«- «rlter. NSIIKI.M. l«t W.trflf li-»t.. Ui-« ..iyn. I:i»iKKKKI'BK. -rlen.-e.l. first CaBBS In all bu.-ln.-ss. sp sails sex era! l»mrua<fi l l*st Mhnac— gi\en. Address J' 'H.\ BHiiWX. .'l7 Carrr.lne s:. DRISSBMAKRR. E*y*lU»ea4 diißßßiahei wir' maMeOMtS; ft; luarant-e.) : i.i l. c m-lerate Pr-t elaas. w.Tk. t>est referent. <?». Mr> KI-'HARI'S. -4K Kasl -•n St. lllll'.Xllv ' S J i. \:n«" n »\u25a0\u25a0•• - .-unit: K'.v. ,i»'e!\illy made. m< Oer»»te prtcsa; i»!!-s' umt naMflsl .Vlt.-' r \u25a0 GRAN first class :«mail- bw; «\u25a0 tci at "i rtahle ; -\eu- li gai »tr»M lr< \u25a0••\u25a0• a KMCtMty. 6 West 13-itli st 'PbOfM -\u25a0::• -Jlirlcm. BAKI -• ..». wlsnek atriily place. c-nv \u0084r country. AUSTRIAN. 433 Eaat Mjt ft. KMI-I.OYUKN T AGENCIES. ST. BARTHOLOMEWS EMI'UiVMKNT IH'RF. \T - . 1.,-! «j ; .«t Xi i it \u25a0\u25a0!,•»•>» dtwsatl are suppl] so BsßlMgiasj :u.'i?eiic«-;e.^. r... - trooa, bothui— ia, tutor*, ate. ;• s OtCVNT. Atraßtl S.-r\ ants' :.ange; SrM :«.-\u25a0» <\u25a0'.'!'\u25a0'. h»to tow .-libs, i.rum \u25a0 anl h..i»l« „• aMM r.r>tl-«. o West i:'.4ti. Tf _ J.'~.'.» llarl«-m. BOT. 17. graduate, at anything; eaceltSßjt .- . .i \ 31, Trtbuns 1 'iflce. COURT OF APPEALS DECISIONS. Albany. Juno 3 -The Court of Appeals to-day har.ded down the following decision*: Aldcn apt. Supreme Ter.t of Kr.ights of Mr<->- fcees. oraer reversed and judgment of Triai r«rm affirmed with costs. Echwaman apt. Truax and another. Judgment r". versed and d»raurrer ovrrruUd. dof^nd.inis i>^r- muted to i.nFX\«>r within twenty days upon rayment of costs In all courts. I>opl« apt- Corballn. rt \u25a0' order of Api^ilata XM\ieioo revers>d. end that of County Court af- C KeT4BT«*eln. Jr.. n*t. rus-.-k. Individually, etc.. Judgment of Appellate r»iv:f Jn Special Term re- versed with cost* la a.l courts. and Judgement flv«n for rlnintiff on demurrer, wltis the ufial Leave to defendant to withdraw demurrer ur.j answer on tUivment of costs. Ma- k a^t*i. ji:<sfrTr*Tit« of ArT'i'S'e division end BpectsJ Term reversed, and defendant per- mitted to answer within twer.ty cays on payment t)f costs In all courts. . Polllon npt >rr>-. Judcment reversed, new trial , tVOtM < -.s!s to abide event. Mr.;nrrlgle npt. MM_'ofker. ih.- part of 1 ; Icm.nt of Appellnto DlTi*i«a which Hffirmed judpment of trl.'i : court ('.ismifsins: the plaintiffs complaint as to the ritst o.'iust- «.f action, affirmed, with costs to the respondent. That port winch reversed Judg- ment <nter>«l upon verdict uT*m eeend cause of action, dismlsfel without costs to either party. l"!x->n a«1 McX .r.f. Smith act. New-York. Oil- cisii P.ailrond c( ,mj>any. Labor am. Traders' Pat>e r 1 , nny Lawreon :;*rt. Lincoln arid others I~>illon \u25a0St. dark. McKenri«> .-igt. I'nion Hallway Cum- ; fudsments nfnrmed with •ta. \u25a0 \u25a0:•. :lv act. J:r..oklyn Heights HnHroad Corn-> .lii'lcni^::t rcvisf-i). new trial granted, costs t.. appellant to a'.r.-i«- event. rVyrr.our act. Wr.rren aad rher Alco^u act. l'-i- it. iiK'ipmentf re-versed. n*-w trial granted, r ts ta abide event. BOT. 17. war.ts |o learn ma. htntsts or ::.:ans trale, good references. Al- . . J. OLSEK l»l Piaalrlswl st.. !ir.. r. 17, to lean siiiißjilM trale; aaad drawlaii talonl li ADAMS, 3j;i East Femnle. CARETAKER.— By morher anl <j,^ for th« summer, or as )anltr»«i "X* en. A(i«lr«sa DRISCOIX. 3*l , «r«h-st. ' —Irish; private family; wObbxi obliging, first class referencaaTl I— * D., care Bacon iJ:ireaa. «^l I*. Tel. 1.373 Chelsea. ""' COOK «nd rARfTTAKHR —By r-jiT" woman, with child !• wars oH.**.' vat* house 01 apartment- wil!ln» * some laundering. 2"7 West B«th-|. I floor, rear. cook and iiorsmv- >hker -bt~ German girls; refei en M's Hi» A»-.KX<-Y. jjjsl *i.i.c lioth-st". COOK.—By neat young woman; a (rood s'">iip». entr«e 8 . paatrtes. -ciaaj irtelUgenr. trustworthy; first -Us» <i •""» private family. Call IRWITI BEAT.-. 77 iVe,r til M C")OK —By capable mvng woman v cellent cook ;fine bak»r '.n small ft best -!»>\u25a0 reference, cook. I.M Wtsr St.. third floor Ct*>K. —Swedish : does a:i kln^s flat!) Irs. pastr>'; *rst class butler, refans m^.:»rate wastes. » .i?eth^r or 3ep»rw» Waal 31th-sr CO< >X —Near. - wman: r* stsnds all hrsin.-hes r-f plain ant a rookir.a: ex<el!-nt l«K«-r: 3 earti MM*; XX M T. lira Collies' a ir 7 23.*.-st. CO»">IC. Irish: private famtlv: -iraibl taking full charge cf kit:hen. nates. \u25a0 first -lass reference*. B. c ire Banal reau. .Ml flth-ave CO«">K. MAIT> and U\r>;r?,si^r •-!»•• Miss LARS' Fin, | r . -.-;.- 33 West S*U st. T«l. ?. "4* M , ilseaag CHAMBERMAID.— First cU«v dm In r«rfln».l home will «n !n -i-ist— summer If desired. 403 East SSth-si, : floor front. CHAMBKR.V \rr> Swxttab -7-; m crass chamrermait and plain «w«r private family, willing-to assist w3h \u25a0» Ing. cuiintr.' preferrefl. Ca!'. Fr. !a-.\ li day and Sunday. '1 p m . M V . IJZ I 40th st Telechone «.3fC- 3-Sth CHAMBERMAID »3 w.iitres<i -Ti»ss. by two neat. .-..:r.;^;»r.t. > b'.e girls, e'lent refere».es. !:y »r s try. P. W , Mrs. Cotter*I A«eas. West 23.1 st. CHAMBERMAID anO WAITRE* youn* *ftch girl; six m.nths me try. neat ar.,l tidy; wag-s tli t> J;J; erence». FI*AHr?RTY. +«." . ' ii.-ntuM r.t-ar » \u25a0 1 st Td.;> CSAVBaiXMZi am w\-r!t:s?-r To go to country together; rofSW wag-s $!>< anJ *Ji' fLAHCKTY, m is-ava. \u25a0 Tel. 7*l. r;:v-rsi(;e. SEKEEPKR.— By r- •est.tnt «a 3S. at once; thoroughly -:-.|srea mmpeten' reli.i^:.- fjeod oooit. C««r nurse an.i seamsrress: rlrst class I* encea SIORJU3H Tribune C^ptnja C 1.864 nrr«,!way i \u25a0OCnWODt - C.eneral h.-ni«»v»«rli yeaaaaj Finnish girl, ft* <>m.'. Anal famtlv. has f"- 1 ! referen FlXli \u25a0 r.rREAT". 1 OH 3d- a-, \u25a0 HOT'SEWORK . —An American wnaai general housework . r ,-ar» to* an '\u25a0*<*\u25a0 1 J « . R..x ft**. 2tS West ir.:.l-St. INFANTS NIKSK !:-. ml.Ml* \u25a0 woman, .f -xp^r'ep." arvl abll'.T feotUa ff-Kllns tbetoqs^tr ' •\u25a0ear referer. ta C.ill or aJJress '£»* plover. V»l Went Sfith st LArscMoas.— nm cia»s. :«««\u25a0 1 gentlemer:'-) la IsjJm hos»: T «1.- .In.!njr: work cnrefullv .lone. '\u25a0' M M.. Tribune Vftaww Olflce, I.3bißhi way leAT'Ni'Ri > r.y Finms'i girt: \u25a0\u25a0»: years' »ci best refjence; *\u25a0• \ famllv .-lv of rouatry. riNLAXB I REAP. I.Oaa 3d-ave. 1 MAID- A lady w'?hes ta alsjM ' I class male!; excellent halrlresssr. I and seamstress; h«st >-lrv -rente, > : DI'*KIN"3O.\'S CO OPERATIVE Km Vtl Madlson-ave. MAU>. Thoroughly i -rent; 0 French. Carman Eas'.i.^. "\u25a0"'\u25a0 J seamsrre«» dresamaker : i. <er: *'*'\u25a0 ' city references Address 3. H. M>»^ MAII> M OOVKRNESS -By yourf Prrtestar.t. speak - F.-.i:iisn: *>?'\u25a0_ catetl and effl-tent. excellent f«aai als.> Fren.-h nu:-=e .\u25a0^lam^err!^a:l » r '-* stress Mrs. Kr:n.v.v;n\vj BCl" *<*.2 rtth ay" Ni'RSF for <nf:-.- or children, by *• can. •reak'.-ie «ood Oeinion: \u25a0"*. 1.->na- »pi '. m. st satUfact.-ry referen^ \u25a0 filthf-i! .vnvi-itl Mr*. \u25a0\u25a0" CHAN'S n-rtrv: *»C2 gtV-ive. ___ XVRSE.— I*» refln«d. competent \u25a0 ' c^ 1 man to children aver three ears *••: 1 sewer- *Uht years' referene* w* p | 34th-M. J NTRSrc—-Ctty or counTy: \u25a0"•'''' [ ; .!l2a doctors' reference MARY JA^se Jericho* Laaaj Inland. "nt-USE. &c- Ennllsh rrotestwt aw* sear:i*t •>\u25a0!•.< asalax chamb»rwoßli^ \u25a0fesjMji ..f Infant fr..:n Mrth: \u25a0•* >aaja« Itv or .-"-in'rv. E. H.. m ller's. Bfl West i".i ->t , »ARI.<-'i:\nil' m l-HAMBESJM*! K-iKllh |~lllHlßHl thrr- **-' rJ^ ences. particularly n.-ar. c>mre»»aMJ ••tt> or .->'intry A. 11. Mia v -°"""i West 2-M -it Tit ,-.1.. ic' ulrls ore as c.-^k anatlj* .i» ,-harr.l.ermaii anJ waitress. 3 ramlly: ewintry: mM reference* **: Mrs \SVRF.\\ JM ff<* i:V.h-*-' BJM* west. _^-»^ WAITCKftS. *-.--Cv a <lTTi r"''*rL?i !'ir»t ,•:-.»#» waitress or ehwnboW*" kaa to mM wit'i attsw won:Jgy references. **reseni employer s. •* »o"- J X, ' WAITRESS -Klr.'T tkaMK r-,is JSk rofercr.. -c; al.«o cook »n<l rouse" 1 *> nrp.i'Ai". itm art-a**^^ WA i TT!FS v-llllr-•\u25a0• .1 --' ' vlr "? . l-r'vrk. In am* d-« ••'»?• ' iT. u k \u0084 ffeten.s call MB West •>-*-*" mH WAITREB9- Toiom Wtrt. .-m.* I \u25a0•ate.l. \u25a0_• \u25a0> . : r: «w» s!f.:«:i<« " Mian A.l-lr-s» \. X . K'JJJB V. AITRF.<S Tr«>n«. nenr e»«*s* carve etc.; eveH-nt r»»H«e» P wns<>- .«•.•" M's VMS \'i - - A -' Rn.xr. -«-.2 \u25a0••!! I—. _^_____— -* WAITRES? - 1-lir.f !t«: b<f !*%?' *2C: count.y areferre.l i*a» *• 1 42J- st. -- WAITRESS or CHAMnF.P.MAO' - # wishes pine- for her waitress ( bermriirt: best referencr». °'^~^A t»lc« h'il!'T< p' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \t<n!v '" i-j- 2:m «'« .-.f*h-<.T . attuiday. J"- 11 ,"^ Moml'v. hefni^ Wm. m rr ' >w^_ TtirXC. Scotch elrl. refln-u'. "_^i?« panv l!»»v tor the tare t.> *j?n£ll*, dress ffr throe Jays. ANNIE. Jr ~ Brooklyn. COMPOSITOR Experten ; I", all Jobs; s^t German also, steady, rapid, clean, re- liable, 15 months la last place. LlNl>t;- MAN, >i 7 Johnson >• . Uru.ikl>n. COUJECTOIt, ashler or outd.or employ- nent, by Am. rl an gentleman . can fur- rish (1 000 .-ish »• .::!) Addrsaa I'KEN- Tien 898 Mb aye. DESTROYING CAMPS OF SQUATTERS. A;ii;.t!>, lot S.— lt anna aasMajaeai at th« r>e. j:iiiPK-!H oC tli" stn;e Ploni. Fifh and Oame Com- BBfotn to <!\u25a0! thnt the p<-rmnn(T.t ramps arblcli :<r. !•• lac SMtVBJvi 00 the Ftat..- lan'ls near the Baninirti at-- thnpe of mjuatters. who In nearly rll 1 :isof iiive surrendered ptasccaat m. nr..l who I. . ueH Intfnd to UtiKnte titlf- or ownership. Tl.e <'.lectment!= are ma-i< ;ri.'.. r the State law which iirohlbits the cr<"~t'.on of rnanent structures on Btate lar.ds. Ci'MI'I.TKNT. reliable 33. wishes ;l.t- e - \u25a0 -..»t. nft^in yea:s' experience; test refnen \u25a0«•. Address Boa \u25a0•* Corawall. N Y. \u25a0 . \u25a0 s.lllie Wltl ags I \u25a0 \u25a0 : mlaalng \u25a0 . . isal lueil. ; \u25a0 »o. 110.S1M- ] \u25a0.. - . . . ! CoXU-AMoN. 4. By Yal» graduate, tea.her ml experienced tutor, during r-i:;:'.-.' r m- ntris; ii>inpanl>n and tutor pre- ferr»-t T. J C. Tribune \u25a0 'T. a. JUDGMENTS. The following judgments were flled yesterday. the first* lieing that, of the debtor: Allen, Isaac \u25a0\u25a0 U—W 11 Hunter $3.*V70 tarne s? C ' hamtx rs . 3.f^>2 l-niille. Chris -David I.iplon Sons Coiapiay \u25a0.',(»* J-"^ !:man. Joseph— Colonial Bresrery 2.1-4« Flu rianan, Joheph. and Adolrh Wagman .'•"•\u25a0 one.. C 17'j I'lfuzlau. Martin— J «V M HafTer. BMBftMt <*0.. l.«'l« i .. : ilajy E—J lih Oakley and another . UM CARPENTER. 4c. By capable man. un- istrstanrHm . arp.r.terlng, painting and all af rept»lrtnjc In or around house f.r fa-t ry t'l th-- la) . r «•-.». JOHN tU .N .;; N.cth «th st . llroofcl»a. COLLEGE VAN. willing to work, com- pjni.ri. tutor Ciiaih-nmtK-a .1 saeclalt) >. or any work. Adrtrese W. h North Ke- union. I'rl^ieton. N. J. LOST i:an f!,.)-iKf !,.)-iK No. ltltt.!^*. Harlem EartDSt l:.r;.< 12lth st ,md M m*:, •r. J..:..- t Pirnas leium to Tllrman Urantl:. 103 \\ esi H"jth-st. LOST I>R STOLEN Bankbook So 41.470 al the E»c tstui Savlngj U.:i.k. 7l» West I'^.l st.. N-w Vo»!t All pcraoM nr.- ..1; llnnsMl «ci>lit*l porrhaataa or r^sjMtwfrfisj tl.-- same. a:-. 1 any person bartM v .laim t > sail paasbook h betefcj cai!<-d u;»m ti> present the Hist to the bank on or balora the 141 Jn-. <•' Jon*. IMs, <: swbmti to living the MMllonll •lc-;.i:el . an.-, lied ar..\ Mtinculab«q and a ntw I let la lieu tl . r. . '.. .\u25a0;• i. »\u25a0 11 on 111 1 \u25a0 1..-it .- i-. .a, ! up 1. ; \u25a0 ; :.-.-. Nt lieu ths <•< \u25a0I.i.i grrUPENT, expeitaapted lr> \».-,.1v ne»r;-aiier work. »i.»hes a ylai."* on a pap«-r. Uai!y preferred. thn.Uijh sum- mer. woubl take other employment. C, Box K«i. Uamatowa, Mass DRALUHTSMAN and NKSM.vkr Ex- prrt Ib orlgiiiatiuit an-i design of new machinery; twent) years' expen*r.-e. A.. (\u25a0•jr. Ma Us. n-sl . B»(>-.kl\n. JUDGMENT VACATED. Lwni*" 1 . \u0084-.-ge a E Hopple an 3 another; MM 1. ISM IB.SSB Chapman. Henry T— Perth Amtv>y Mutual L<nan li :: rtead and Building Association. March Uk IMI $K>.4JJT Cum.:. Fredrick ar.d Walter J—A i. Mayhoff. April a, IS*I4 B.IM li'jrowlti. Phi.lp, Abraham Levy. Joseph Maa- kowltx M«y'r Horowltx—X H I'cerschke; Ai rU 1.. 1S»"4 7.?1S MrOor)-. Michael— People cf the Mate of New- tork, Deoeasbat 2. lWt2 1.000 T;.< Market and Fulton Natlocal liank of New- Ycrk < 'itli;»-ns' .:.t:a! National Ilank cf New- York. April 13 IV«4 .. 5.r54 Van Ve.»d«-nbutgli. Gt-org» W— New- Haven BUI Posting CoaaaMcy; Apr!' 15, ji»^ 2.569 SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. Tie first nam<» is That of the debtor. the second that of the creditor and date when Judgment was «l*-d: L»KAItiIITbMAN Boy. 17. steady posi- tion sjlth an architect M learn th** tra.le, ha* raw roars' experience, can bring samples of work an.l reference. RAPHAF.L, i;dI.I>STK!N 7S 1 vi. ...•!,-» »t .. Brooklyn. I/>.-. - Bankbooli Ko J05.219, Itank r>r Uarli CSO 4th aye.. SVb Y..rk Pay- tr..Mit Mopped. l"leaso return bo..k |o rank DRIVEN - I>> Oormaa, M; aabar. reUaMa; speaks Knyluh. t.akerv preterieJ. under- stands saloon trade. WOEL.TER. I.4Mt A\*nue A. I> IIT .Baakbook x,. \u25a0Id Mtl nunit f..r S.:\lr,K«. 4th :l\.- . New York. fir- merit Stopped Please return hook to bank. BAXXBOOK .v.. :tio »i.*> \u25a0 f the Mm« \u25a0Hi inr* In«t!t 1 is mlsslna;. a. \u25a0 i*r- son havlrp a claim ;o It Is hereby call»-l up. in to rre.3»nt the aama wtthtn ten .'jti \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 i i!-;"lo ba 1 Ing- said passbook cancelled an-, a new one Issued ELEVATOR Rl NNKIt or as»lstant Janitor: I\u25a0 il referaa JAMES J. O'UK. 213 East 43il st. EDUCATED yoaMg man. sr^aklnir En<tlsh. Oersaaa, rrench and Spanish, lefaisi] -'A Ailiires* I. CLAIK. -13 Fast 37th-st. TUILKf ARTICLES. CNOL4SHMAN. wttß first class city refer- ences. Apply T H . care of Stu.lub*j\or. 4^th rt an.l i;r ..!• 1 CALIFORNIA MARKSMEN COMING EAST. Ran P^amfcß >, Im 3.—Six of the best marksmen of r!:e California huetr* n Club have gone East to :».ks Mjgt in th« fourth national tund ahootlns; fes- tlvai, »'h!''h NNbbJ In N>»-York on June 12. They are AUolph Streckcr. F. Kuhnle. M. Rcubold. K. A. WlUiam Ehr^.nijfort and 1.. C. Pabln. All h<~>\d :.a.mi>ion*hip medals, and veral years ago Stttcker mras ci j»!.ed touting king of America at Baltimore. liKIJ'r.U In bakery. W. KUNG.NER. Uncola-st. Uudaun li«Uht* l\>stoffloe. N. J. Country Property for Sale. CORNER LOT. 40x75. rrohibtUon Pars Str.ten lsla'i-1- cheap If purdbaaad now. SCiIV.KIKI.It I. zi i:ay- st.. Totiiv>klnsvill«. S. I. Vtiv ItOCHKLI.K . \u25a0fatdaaes Part : fl-t •0x130; t- 300. _l MtJBOATstOTIX 1:* Jackson are., IJronx. Country Property for Sale or to Let. SANI>S POINT. I. I let. fatalahed. a-entleman's country seat: p'ico $1.6110 seaaun. anchcragw ll>-.p draught yacht. Booaa I..'i«. Hath :. HEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE MAN Thoroughly compe- tent; asad matt.ematU'lun. as adjuster, collector -.r In ofttce: any capacity or line. Address MERCI'K. 4* Proadway. It'klyn. MECHANIC Flrat class me.-hanlc around hotel or i>n real estate work, eipenen.fd on repairs. plumbluK slcimtUttn*- an.l eieo- trk-al work. \V.. BMj 10. Trtt>une Ortlce. PLUMBED Tana man at jaaaaaaj or new work: experienced; furnish reference. D. W.J*sK!:!TKi. 4.16 Kaai t'.tli si PAINTER an.l darssalai gilder an.l fur- niture [H.lljhdr, fiesco skoto.ieh. ct < - , own »<>•".» :ir^«t claj»: hotels or private in or out of t..wn. Address DECORATOR, car* Mr. Scopen. IS.I East M st PRIVATE BECRETAKY.- By college ami law grfcool giaiiuato. -7. llni;iil.<t. trav- ellol; former college Instructor; ta-tful t.u.-lness ability. AMERICAN. Cox 5 Trilj- \u25a0M < 'fflce To Improve the Knickerbocker Theatre. Plans have been filed with Buildings Superintendent Hopper r>y Schickel at Dltmara. architects. for addi- tional fire escapes and improved exits to the Knicker- bocker Theatre, at the northeast corner of Broadway and Thtrty-elrhth-»t . owned by Robert Walton Gorier. The improvement* are to be made in conformity with the result, men's of the Uavor's Paf-ty « Dmmittee. Tl.c MM escape aaalra in the laige court at the nor.!, of the LuiicJlng are to be removed at the street level to clear the court, so that It will be a free p*»a- age for the audlecce at all times. The escape to be and Is so harmloss we taste it to be sure It la properlj BaSjaVi ACCOBS no counterfeit of slmUar name. It I. a .-..\u25a0•\u25a0• said to a 'oily of the baut-toa (a patient): "As you ladies will use them. I recommend •(jut r.AI liS CREAM a-% the least harm- ful of all the Skin preparations . " For sals by all Drusci'ls an.i F»ny Uo-Js Dealers Id the V. S.. Canada and Kurnpe. FEHI>. T. HOPKINS, Fri>p - r. 37 Great J>,nes-st.- N. V. PORTXIt, .lr.v»r or coachman, colored; thoroughly experteaeed; highest refer- ences; ii-at. alaaity. subet Induatrtota; anywhere CHARLES WEBBER, 190 Weal B^il - 1 . rare Janitor. MAdUNKItY. AT REDUCED PKICVi. -300 sw»nd-hand wood -nd Iron Biorauta in.i.-hiu. -. fully guarant^eJ- machinery bought and ex- changed. ; .ra> U. EDDY. 31-1 Madison- st, PORTER, WAT. 11 MAN. *c.— By Ameri" an. £1, strong^ ;\u25a0: anytbtna;; eap*rl*nre<l sober an.l reliable ex ellenl reference* Mdswa itßi.i.\i;i>:. Trlbvaa r?t>ur> of- fice. 1..-X.4 F(r.-,!u i] BHIPPINII .I. !\u25a0':;< ar.l PACstKS Mas had alsM years' experience In !>\u25a0'..;» hnsl neni. k i references. M L'RINKMAN lwi . ; t Mark's Ptare of nrE mtirnvstm ROLI.IOP BALfHTMAM, Mtravel for wholesale house; experienced; a line of machhtery pr«> fen> .1. LASKSR. ."•:: Ist aye. Mount Ver- aon. \ y. Property for Sale or I o let rriCULD BE ADVERTISED n the "New-York Tribune TO INMjRE REVJLTS ' - I' TOR \u25a0• j Tl.S tvALJOroiAN.—By yotUßj man. ncmethlng I>*rmat'.eit . baslncas a-tter. reliable; ref- er^r.r-,. Rt>WARI) MARKS, care of Boj leriler. 2 Past llsth-rt OKKIIE rUKNITURS In great vanety of style ana Drtce. T a \u25a0\u25a0ujbw. 11l Kult..n St. CX>ACHMAN. GARDENER. —By rellahle Kwetla. 40; very steady man. generally useful, m *lerate wage*; •xcrllent refer- ences. ' JOHNSON, at Carpenter*. 13* Cth- ave. a>ArilllAN'. Country, young. smooth f».-e.l, tidy. stood appearance. .-aii*lile. ! strictly temperate: careful driver. good man. best reference PANIBI-, at Car- penter's. 154 «th-a^«. I COACHMAN, gardener, eooli laundress. - Plxi-ellent German couple; >our.X. neat i an.! tuly; both Boed; willgive sar.»l«ctlpu. I wet] recommended. JULIUS, at Carpen- I ter's. 154 rtth-av«. I "" ' ' " COACHMAN— desires a situ ation for Ills msuhnsan, a y">uns I who understands his business thoroughly, an.l Is honest, sober and able Alp.v pr«-»eixt employer, pr: \ato sea 1 la. IOT West Bi>th- st. COACHMAN— By young man. medium Btaa; first class referen.-es; «0...i .tri.ei-; ilty <r 1 null J. sober and wtlltns: last employer .an be «een M. W . Tribune L> town '''ffl.e. 1 .:. 1 ilroadway. iiVAX. 3.1; single; tl.oroigniy exj.-ri- rs e«t with horses, harness and •\u25a0 irri.iK \u25a0.»; carfful .!rlv-«r. highly laeaaßjasaeM : .-ny ami country references; pernian* i:t poettlon in country, will useful. \v.i«es *'-5. T. 11. Trlrmn« Votown Ottloe. l.:«H Broa-lway. COACHMAN. M».rrie.l; no family; aood appearance; personal reference 11. l-C . care It 2%~ Wesi ! CO VCHMAN.— Gentleman f sii'v re.-om- mends Knglianman; mame.i: thoroughly ! experleii.-ed horseman, gn an>*h«ie. rttj >r countr> ; good whip tn.l .-\, e;;.>nt references. ctUksinmtk Ui West &w-st. / FARM MANAGER on large dairy and poultry farm, educated, up to date, hust- ling farmer; clean In moral* and business , habits. W. Agricultural College farm. New-Brunswick. N. J. rARMKR and UORKI.NVJ FOREMAN - ll y strictly sober, reliable American mar- ried man: small family: long experience v'.-h easwb. >.rep». dairy, herd.-man: .ill work: wife i-6i 1 men. attrna to poultry, dairy, Ac: test city refereCv.*. W. ii . at. Cai^eaiar s, U>* dt^-a>ve. ADVERTISBMFNTS and «ur>»cnpti-n« for Th- Tribune received at their Uptown <">f!lre. No. 1. ."»:•,» llroa:i;vf»v. between .7fHh and 37th it*., until 0 o'clock p. m. Adver- tisements received »t the followlnK branch at regular office rates until 8 o'oloc'4 P. m.. \\i.. : LT.* Mh-«»*.. ». c cor. 2*<l-st.; 143 Oth-a-«.. cor. 12th-«t. : ti2 -:jfct i4:h-»». ; •JT.7 '.'.'•\u25a0-• 4il-«t.. l«t^tt:i 7th and s:h avea.; ita West ll'Sth-s! ; 1..13 * 3.1-i»«., between TOth anl 77th «t..; 1.1>2« 3 \-±\e . ne*f <>l»t- st.; 1.706 lst-ave. near w>th-ac. John X McAfe* to John PanVin Nominal Faint property; John Kankln la Max HnhnsMtr; mortgage. $2.\000 Nominal Shth-st. n a. I'M) ft c of 2d-ave. Sux'jSO; j:ila M Anle.-eon to New-Tort Asanitation for Impro> - Inn the. Cundltljn of the I'our; b and a . 1 K*th-st. No 111 West. 2.'ilo<»H; 1'.0.~a Blumenthal ari.l another to Htrnjiui \V Waldcr; Bjortnae, 16.000 100 47th-st. No 31 West. 23 10*10 )..">. the trustees of Columbia College to (iustav H Hchwab; o and. 100 lf»ith St. d a. 200 ft w of Amsterdam aye. I 00« 1«O11. Albert Cavansgh to J. ->«ph M nro-ly et al; mortgage. $3ii.ooi); o \u25a0\u25a0. ari 100 Malison aye. No W7. c s. 17x75; Interior strip. <:\u25a0" ft « of Maillson-a.»e. and 07.3 ft a of CMh-tt runs \u25a0 Ml \u25a0 X>x n o.:ix w 35, Adrlen li Uataag la Thomas B Southworlh; inurtgu«.-. |20»0w; \u25a0 ( and 100 14flth-st. Noe 271 and 273 West. Mnoo.ll. Uoth-«t Kb i."6a Waat, 2Sx'J».ll; William S Gray to laaao Heifer; i(«\«e. $3«.000; oo an* 100 Earn* property; Isaao Heifer to Jos<-ph Kaufn:ai.u; rni.rt^-u^-s. $a«.0J0: oo and io<) •th aye, « a. 60.6 ft s of 47t» Ft. 30x100; Paul W.:hti-I.HI to Patrick Klernan; mortraco. $25,000; o o and ..." 100 Bth~ave. w a. 50 5 ft 1 of 53d-st. 25x100; Charles Hoffman to Susanna HofTmann; mortgage mmt u<*) Nominal KtrKst. s s. 18».« ft « of 6th-ave. 17.flxPS it; Kate W. Navallle^ :.• Mary IJ Thnmaason- o c and •\u25a0 100 rult..n-ava Ni> 1.230, o ». 27x0a.?x2a.llx!tS.7; Fannie Schwartz to August oesli.-i;;; mortgage. f•..'..">•\u25a0...-.:.: 100 134th-st. s s. 2r,5 ft « of 7th-ave. 3<>x!«0.ll; David :..--.--::- to D 3 t*rakow ct al; mortsage. $2(1.000; o c and 100 137 th si. n s. 345 ft w of Kb aye. :ikiji.'. n. lyiuls Ivse et al to Ignat» Roth; m-.rtg-agn, J43.00); o c and •• 100 lit-ave. sir corner ft"lth-st. 10»>xl00; v .ra V Rhlnelander t^» Jacob Welnsteln; mortgage. |sft.o>>o; o c and •\u25a0 100 \u2666Sth-st. No 70 West. 20. 1"\1<1O 5x21.7x100.5; trustees of C. lumlia Colleire to Henry (Jrlswold; o c arid 100 NEW BUILDING PLANS. l^x!ncton-a\e. Nrs 231 an.! 2's.'S. fcr a six story brl-k tenement bouse 39.ta"1: Ware !(•-.. Company. ountr: IF Ware & S>-n. an:»::tt i». . $40,000 22.1-st. N<^ 21 to 224 Eatt. for a four story brick stable. 147 BxO*> 0; Mutual Milk and Cream Com- *»->. ew&ar; li & J 1' Walt^era, Architects.... ix.goO T-mcvl '* to be r»place* hr a flreprrof rlatform. ths fU'l «Mth of the ourt at the tfl'r.r.y level. Rlvtng IWMi to \u25a0 Biepro -f stalr-ise separated by "..rl.-k walls Cron tb« . If.ofiuzn ar.J landing In a fireproof ( r- rl.':or with direct access to Broadway. A new stage la 1 Kterw ted te tan raaf af an extension to a fireproof bulldtsc to re built by the Theatre at No. 114 to 11? West ThJrty-nlnth-et.. Tih-rh will afford ready irr»n to |Jsa lntter fiwt In ca^e of need N--w;» are to be built to open on the additional es- capes " Th« cost of th.s^ improvr-:ner.-« Is estimated It $4,000 "'more college leaseholds sold. The ffllowlns \u25a0Hill—l Ostasaaaa CX)l>g« leaseholds have be*-n sold to the lea-ees r.arnei: No. 17 West Forty- MlMTll 1 . to Mrs. Jts-p'.i Agottlnl; No. 10 West Forty- e.phth-»t. to Mrs. n-in-.-rl C saaissna: Ka. 2? West j- f ,,, y \u0084,.'-••\u25a0 To i!r->. Henry A. OiMersleeve; Ma. 30 West F>rty eirth -»t.. to William H. Vandenb-ire; No . 3- We?« rV«rty-elJrt>tn *\u2666 tn »>• J'+»Ph I' Brant, Bud No- «3 West Forty snth st . to r. Tai'.'r. GETS TITLE TO FAMOUS BRONX STRIP. Tit!, la a strip cf hu : 6 Inches by 13 inches at the northeast of One-hundie<s-anl-f >rty-ninth-st. and TT.lrd-av- has Leen transferred by J Clarence I>avle» to W. a Chanlcr. This ft rip was bought la»' >ear by J. Clarence I-avles for about $1<«» It was said then that the p«iee! chanced har.-ls at the hiefcest j.rioe a square loot ever pal ; for In-. 1 wltMntie limits of the c'.ty. BUYS SITE FOR APARTMENT HOUSES. Max Marx has sold a plat 125x1» 11 feet, on the north Bid. af Or.«-hundr»d-*nd-fifty-elrtith-ft. 2-*5 feet east of Broadway. to a MM*. Three fix story apartment houses will tin eiet-ted on the site. SALE OF TWO WEST SIDE HOUSES. F. R »Taul & Co. have BOM frr Caroline De Verdi No. 810 West Nlr.otleth-st.. a four story dwelling hour?, on a M MkMM feat The sam« firm ha* also fold for Knr.ny to m No. 42 West Ninety- «.. a four at Try brick aad s: jcie hJfil-. stot.p dwelling house. ITiSBtlW \u25a0 j •sat. THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Traaaaal a-.e . rth tile. 32 »-et east of Webster-aye , two story tr!-k Bt.r-. 3taM feet; E. A. EeckfT. owner; CssWioa & Tuticl. architects. J?.&CO. Thlrd-ave.. N>s. 2.472 BBi 2.474. ts|My »tory \u25a0\u25a0'.-'< forage anl aaSeaa, M10x117 rt fee*: G.issle Engltn-ler. owner- Na'han I.arpor architect; 175.00". Ore-hundre. - .-anl-*-ißhtleth st . north eirfe. 149 feet west of Southern Boulevard; thre« two story frame dwellings. 21<«0; rreierl-k .<: jtrr.vol!. owner. Wililom T. .'.c. •rcnttaeti $::•.'*«•. TO REMODEL A CHURCH TOWER. Flaw have r.en filed with Ps4MlBSi \u25a0•»'< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0 Hoiasat Hopper for th« r. m.x!ellir. of the belfry tourer of tIM Reman Catholic Oiur«-h of Our I-ayJy of Mo*nrl Carme!. In One hundr»d-and fifteenth -St.. west of FUeasant-ave . of »hich the Rev. I'-lan is r< -tor Its heljrht Is t. 1- Increased twenty-six feet, and it is to t* crowned with a cupola of iron and ftr^pro-'f blocks. n •"• -i of the, linprovrnii-rtu !s MtUnati Iat Jl..""" by 3 W. Short, architect. INTERESTING LEXINGTON-AVE. DEAL. M: '.->. mA. Lamgan his sold to Julia H. Eldridge. No. 731 Lexington-eve , a t:.;-e« story bromnstone house, -"x I fa) fret. Ha hourh: the property orvut a month ago through Wright Barclay. Julia H. BMrMM Ifth* owner of No 713 : .'\u25a0• c- n a\e. With tba pcuchaM of \r>. 711 she. :. .5 a plot »••!'•• feet. REALTY NOTE. I* -. B. Al-marer isftisaalid the buyer of N-. 4 Brmtm hurst-aye.. wMch was owric*! by the American Bsrttst Hume. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. r>-'.::p Vasj \u25a0 n has »-il<l m the Bom Hill '>' I Onr- Xvo'atl'-'Ji X?. \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0< K;i*t Kourte« a four •\u25a0•••ry duell- ing !:\u25a0 'lise. 2ri\l«l^3 feet. l^ejss Batter, at No. •.4MB A?n*:eri!ann-ave , ha? re- I--:: : .- HlHl <». a. Ohdokcr to a rlter:t. N 1 .'>44 West One-hundreJ in- . Bfty sixth >-t.. a r.i - *\u25a0 rj double flat- h"U«e. on a plal S-xM 11. The *iylrlrc bo«M, N>. '•*'- West >ne-hun<;re.l-ar.c-:!fty slxth-*t.. was •\u25a0!! by the *ame br k«r a few days ag» f>r th* same •\u25a0> :i»r. Fhaw & Co. have again r*a*M (0» l: bed E. Hinvest K*a, <\u25a0-' and M Kaft One huniied anl tt irty-r.rst »t . •• five #tory triple \u25a0•»* •••\u25a0, snxl'K) m t. t-haw .v <•• hare »< : 1 for Saiah T. K:ir- .-.e. n 1 277 ani 279 Wen One hunired-an-i tm-enty seventh M. v o fcur it- ry d-jutlo Ititnuses, 25x1011, to l*irenze F. J. \.elhrr. Hl<-rju-<1 lil^-ks.n him f !\u25a0* f->r Herman Raus-h >:\u25a0\u25a0 M3J Third «if., If) by at- ;t I" 1 -, a two family fraOM tj?l- ! \u25a0• ;>ror>ertr. E.lwari y Ilemlif a * <"o bar* mM for 1 'it* C m dr»-y No. 11» West Ninety-sever.tli st . a f«>ur pt ry d*ellln« h-,use. l&lx!»xl«n Arthur S i".^x& c. an.'. C V. 'jtk * Pm hare rr>\<i for J. I I'all N .- 453 ail 4.V. Rast lm» hin^.r^'. and s»ven- ntmh-»t . two fi\e Men totHa nnthou»«s Arthur .\u25a0=. Or A Co. have MM .1 T Htldebrant to T Moran the iK-rth\v<st raracr -f \u25a0••\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ar.l Sect.nd aye . a five t..ry t»-i-m»r.t kHM, >utu »t"r«"«. in lot -•! Ilim feet i; K-Uma.i baa nil for Helen II n*4ford to Ar.cirew J Connlck a ;1 i. :<'«li". feet. Ml the wmt »U» t? Hroad- «tv, 113 \u25a0••'\u25a0 1 .uth of Fort H'ashtnrt'n and frr .1 r*i«<Vw l Bnu a i>lut at thr«-e lots In I. new i «••' . t««st of narij--ave . te Mary Mal-mey, *\u25a0\u25a0 '. a plot In SinTOin-avi.. .'."x.C.m feet, south of T>vkmar rt fila*son A 1! .;\u25a0•« have \u25a0• .'. ifor Jame, «• Pirkea Keu.Ul West One hunlred «l {htti-nlh st . a nem- dweliinir hoi-»e. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0x 7 tslUO 11 feet. Oharle* Itul-lnger .-. <">. have MM to H.-<<«!» Kitten;. ian (Cm »>4 r-r: I Si < iiarlf*ft . a six Mary flath->u*e. on a lot 87 <1»94 '<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. a!s-. N. ita W •• Fourth st . \u25a0 IMMMM m » , \u25a0• HiMl feet; also for Joseph I. r<utt»n» :«-«-r. la t^.« Jaworowtr liealty C.mpinv. No .03 to •_•'\u25a0!< East Thlriv- ihird-st., four Dra st -ry bits o*ea, ea^h on a lot i'xl'C feet. Max Marx ha« HI Uir'.j'h MtllaH VeH, fr .tr> H Plaat kt, No 2.17 \\ '»t Olt^SWml and-thirtr third si . a story trlpl« flrith--'i;' ..n KH tSsM 11 feet Williams a Qcttateaky ha\» r»-so|.i to William WoWt F'-n Mb 33."> K»*t Ninetieth ft . \u25a0 five i>t.r'. BsjtkMJM^ MJ Yon r.xi<«- H f.-«t. Ahraan Harlirarh ha< loiiK!-.t tMWMII Hf.rr.har i Pri\th i- S .ra Ko 174 Hest Ml— lj MHIIItI 01 . a Bra st ry lTithou»e. , n . I i".xl<«' 11 •\u25a0\u25a0 Max Marx n*« MM to the IV-v Pr John C Hlls? No. iX: West i"me hundred and fifty ' irtl St., a th:ee gtOTy duelling h iuh \u25a0 -ii 1. I 21x'«;»ll r<«t Slraon Fln<- hi* MM hr E Platt !C« 2.1 jf, Be 0r.4 a-.e. a nv<» Mary flaihoufe. .^n l- pt j't.: Eact. Gottlieb M Karpaa has soli the plot 2<*»xft!».l fief, on •'.« r ;th s!l« of One hunired and forty -f< i;rtii , nt.r-it IS feet »«t of I^enox «v». I'hlfelder A- Weinttera; have l.oupht an.l resol.J Si. Ml Twntv ' irth-st . a five story ten»n;'nt h-uxe. on M :. t 'X < '*> S feet M Kahn A; Cso have mM for C F!nkelstei n to a Mr. Co!«, the Eve story nuthouse No. !7J Bast Tenth-»t , on lot 25x9S 7 feet. Oak * El<-l» < "1n have k.»M N"..» til an 1 140 Ea«t One-hundred and eleventh-st . old bull dine*. on i>lot 4 .»;\u25a0•\u25a0 11 feet, to l.ullder* for Improvement. McQuay * Co report the following sales: Fir Fish- man * Deisuan. Ko «94 Ea*t One-hundred-anil f'.rtv- *e^enth-Bt. a five Story fluthouEe. on lot lixion feet; for a tll«-nt to Hyinun No 74 East 'me hin- dred-and-fr>rty-ei«;hth-st , a five story flathouse, on lot 26x100 feet; to Henry .1 Serb, No 2. •< ."\u25a0 Anthony-aye . a two story dw«ll!n»c hou»»-. on lot tllll feet, and f r J. Harris Jones, to Max Rceanltaer. No »i<i <> .1-n- ave , a three story dwelling- house, on lot 25xin-'> feet. Ilelßg Brothers have sold for Robert 'Aeaehaaeli to Mathlaa Schlegel the dwelling No I*l T'nlon-ave on lot NiM. Kolph * P.'ilph have sold for J C '"or.ner to I Kelly the t»o story frame dwelling house No. 2.330 l^rlllardPlace The>h-na>-ker Company has »oid for Henri.- Felt to Lowenfeld & l'rsp«-r. a plot. 60x1 01 feet on the south Bide of F;fty-nrst-st . 120 feet west of Eiirhth-ave Edward I- King has sold for Isidore .Tai-U*.n N-> 1.140 Second-aye. northeast corner of Sixtl#*th-at , a. four story tenement house, on lot I^xTS feet Mar.delbati:n & Lewino have sold to Nathan and Ipldor H. Kemr.ner. of the New Amsterdam Realty <cmpany. No* 4^J and <f.l Third aye. t»o four story Luildlngs, withstores, on plot ITctl Samuel A Kelaev ha>> Fold for Max .1 Klein No 74 Waal One-hundred and thirty-fourth . a Are story lls.Thn— a on lot tliM 11 Myers * Aroaana and Walter J <"ohn have sold Nos. 3.1>49 and L.MI Thlrd-ave . two three story Lulldlnfrs, on plot 27x1"6 feet by Irregular Henr>' Fulllnc has sold No" IC2 «nd 2^4 East One- hundred-anil -thirds! . tw.i three »t..ry dwelling tioUKea, on jilot 3£xlQQ 11 feet, 1.. I.ou!»e l.enn. »hrj has resold the property. Georc« Tiut't-i! & Son arere th« brokers. J M Cornell has sold '.. R S !.»ar- No 1(4 Veal One-hundred-anil twenty-fourth-at., v five story Bat- house. on lot 27 4xloo 11 feet l.:i.»rmtti, I.»vy * C havr t,o>i Bht fr.>m th» s » up- pert estate N •\u25a0 SSS and 237 Ea«t Nlnetyfourth-it two five story r!ath..usts. on plot 61 UIHIfeet li<r:,har.l Qrasaßßaa has fold f> r a Mr ';r«-ennel<l to a Mr. Baker Not* Ifand .'.7 na«t one-huniiredand- f!fth-«t., two fl\e *tory Bathousea, on plot SOslOO.ll fe«t Turnback & M'-I'hee ar.d S QoldWfg have sold •, Philip .-:•\u25a0. -1 Sot 204 to 210 Baal One-hundred-ard- nlnth-»t . fcur two »tory frame l.u:!!tngs. on plot 7ix 100 11 feet. AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY. By rirlsh. Fisher. Mmm i «o: r.7<« st « \u25a0 200 ft w of Manhattan -a\». r.'ii2r> .2x2.'.x7r.>x29xU«\ .', Morv bit fl h; ') IIHv.l «X» J N < ft a!: Harrlri.n & H. attye; T F I)' r.n»-;iy. raf: ami <iue. fiHKfliW: taxen, et<~ $1.7"" adjourned to" M Ml 7th aye. c r, 4'.t 11 ft ri of 27th-»t. 27.1tix4!« s i irr»rula;-. .'. *?\u25a0 ry 1 f ten h. F M rtarne* art JJ Buckley tt at. Harrison A B. attys: X H rcmerr.y. ref. tint dv«. Jl--.r -\u25a0. ."7. taxe«. etc. tli'mi withdrawn. By John N C.'.:-'lnr: Rl\-erstd« Drive, c •. 3f, ft n i.f 8?a-«t. 25 7xl7r; I<».:.i; .*. •-, W2.1 ft x ItflcMaMl one-half tart, vacant; <• R BrhieaTelln >\u25a0»[• l':v<rv!.> HMn Co <t «1 c. n P^leffelln. mty; V J Mrr- -it. ref : arm .lue $.'>« - SIS 40; taxe«. etc. J2.24.',41: to the plaintiff for «i:..r«>.i By Peter V Meyer: With «•. r. *. tßl.ll ft »• of riMIU live. .VixlOO. 2 Btoejr f bldjr »r..i vacant; \V F KdUiw »«t Harry JloNnlly *t si: PmllllfM ft A. atty«: <J nurnham Jr. ref: »nn <*ue. J6.dC 25. taxes, e?c. J331 v*. to the plaintiff far $6,5»0. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. i 821- «{. No 23 West, 23 r»i9«.«; Samuel X Jacobs to Jennie Mark , mortgage. •\u25a0..•..--••. . tun 634-«t, N. M West. ITOsIGOSx Irregular; Gerard \Vaa*rr.»r •\u25a0> W H Mar;!-; mortgage, $4».<>'W... i ; Broadway. No 2.70*. s. 7l> ft \u25a0 of 104th-»t 31xi:Vx30 ljxl^'4. Midway Realty Co to ilarry !»*»•. ntha: 47 000 ]S3l st. s. 60 ft v. of Andrew* aye. MsJo(h John J Brady to Rnimt IS Williams; mortgage' \u25a03.6U0; o c and ' 100 14"! m. n s. lUO ft c of Lrn*x-ave. r»ll»ll : HM a a. 345 ft of ith-ave. ;:.x!m II Irregular; ISMh-*t. n s. 100 ft »\u25a0 of ;.•;..,„; ISM » a. 130 ft w of BUy-are! TtsM.ll; Alfr»! 11 Marvin t.> il.-Klr.l'-y Realty ar.d Construction (X; m->r!j;aKe. $sfi.4««i, o c an.l inn : 7'.h-*ve. No 306. c. 27 10x7« 11. Benjamin to William H John* lftft ! Am«terdam-ave # No 1.4(11. « a, 23x100; Pried* B«r-3«ialn to T Herman Schulze; mortgage •17.0U0 > ,„ 144»h-s». \u25a0 «. 410 ft c of Lenox-ave. i23iuo"s v lfl ° way itealty company, to turtle B Here«" i* non JOth M. . s 475 ft c of Lenox are 75,7* i'l' I 4 °°° :-ut.»ay Jieally <omfan> to !-•- \u25a0;.!.!' itt , r ' a -_- lS«ih M. n,. " ft eof Oh aye. Jo lxoill"i««-- * ' COI> Mil; l2Stb-«t. No 79 Wni. 31 2»»9 ll«ii :«> It; 12Mh ft. No *'\u25a0 10 4\Df. 11. >au,. M M * l!t-;'<y to Harry :.ic':«te!n; mjrtir&srs •cv tv,. t v«_. i Br«4httrat-av«. n c :orr,-r Wl«-it 12 iTiifH : Nomlna: \u25a0 j:»ry aa, •££> to Leo 5 Is!n<, mciiiiit 113 (•\u25a0\u25a0 'v«^,. . ADVEHT!FKMBNT-« «n<*. subscriptions for The Trtbun* received at Ihsl' '"it ..»n Ofllce No. l.Sti* rirrudwuy. bn««n - i;n > •ad 3TUi its. until » o'clock p. m. Adver- mints received at the follovli.,* branch oiTl<«-s .it tegular ,ii|._e rates until \u25a0* o'clock p. m . viz.: 2*4 Mh-ave . ». •. tot 3Mal.; 143 eih-*v«.. cor. l-'tU-si.: I--' Unit Htto-at.. STORAGE NOTICES. AGKNTS WANTED. WORK WANTED. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SATURDAY. JUNE 4. 1904. Real Estate. WOX'T PA V BACKGAS BILL. AUENTS. for Hell's Patent Ventil- ation Win1 L«ik. S*Qi on Its merit?. Aajsati make c-jod profit', ari-1 s~i: t^t-m at a \u25a0\u25a0 r liar price, LULLMb V Oft. Nor- «a!:.. Com HI SIKKM < H WTES. Male- «.tFSMllV 4c— Man. middl-- a?M. good S Sn«. »« ..ilesman or collector. HEISKR. aiT Bast 7Sth-at. \u25a0nvrvFEPER 4c, with contractor. a* It.. 167 Waai Q4th.-st. VAKNISHEB.— ItaIian. .-.I; first cla.«s. thcr- ouih all round. In pianoforte factory or .furniture as varnlshsr or by «\u25a0«» . m.-lera:*. waek. J- CART A. 73 Macaou- gal-st. \V\TCHMAN A »>ber. respectable man as nl«ht or day watchman; best references from different largo firms. 72 Nelson-st.. Brooklyn. WATCHMAN. Experienced reference. J. SHARING. 47& Brook are., The Bronx. WANTED.— and mechanical detail •work at home. Address Box :.".»:». Toitea- ville, X T. | YOI'NG MAX. 23. at anything; handy with tools- references. FRGX>. KEIFF. care of M-Keon. 1«H Fat 12W st YOUNO MAN. Intelligent: experienced masseur and wtl«nan'» attendant. .;<-> 1 athlete has travelled abroad. refert-nres and bond If required. J. S. JACKSON, 110 West 10Oth-«t. YOUNG MAX 21. trimming lights and all •leotrlc work repairing :l'y or country. WILLIAMDOLT. 707 East 14.«tri « YOI'XO MAN*. In charge of small estate, desires other nroperty to manage; will give personal attention; thoroughly expert- enced: best of references and security. Box 14. Tribune OnV*. YOUNG MAX. on gentleman's place in country knowleda* of carpentry. h.indy with all tools; wllllnc to make himself use- ful. Address COUNTRY, Box 7. Tribune Off'-*. POSITION jf President li Important Industrial Nation ..f workl- *M» scope off-red to sen: '. m \u25a0 " means, ftandine aad leisure, willing to imest money and «r a l*m hour! •.f his time waeMr. A.Mres* pRUSI- DENT, Bos -\u25a0 Tribune OfT.ce,. it A SKIN OF BBACTV IS A JOT FOR- EVER. DR. T rwux r,nin.\i-n's oriental CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIKIER ihiiiitmth.>l ••\u25a0 Freckle*. M»ih :•..;.:-• Ra«h an.] Skin dis- mast, and «v»ry Mun- Irh on teauty. end de- fies de— MtttM It has itood the test of

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Page 1: · Itll.l.l.\i:i>AND FOOL TABLKS. MANL'FACTL'RKRS c,r Lilliirdand pocl table?- Bleu

Itll.l.l.\i:i>AND FOOL TABLKS.

MANL'FACTL'RKRS c,r Lilliird and pocltable?- Bleu grade L•..%!.;.„ ali^y Uuildn*.

lowest pnee^. MARX UUOSi.. C* Unto.lSQuarw.


UOCSK & VAN CO.. Ltd..2.29»'>. 2.3*. 2.300 Eighth Avenue.

To whom It m.iy concern: The follow-in*described propeity. to wit: Beds, chair*.tables, bureaus, linen, silver, glass, chinaand other household goods, pictures, musi-cal lnstrum-nta. bn<--a-brac. trunks, boxes.barrels pars r>al efT cts. merchandise, et?..belonging t j or held for account of Georger Barrett his heirs ar.i admlniytratcrs;Miss v rWo%n. Miss r. M. GUI. -Mrs.Mary E. McKnight. Mrs. R. V Kenredy. Harlem Loan Assam-U-tlon Mr- E. Newton. Mis A. Purdy. Mrs.A. T 11.-.tun. Mr«. A. B. Reese. Mrs. P.Stuart. Mrs. A Sins -r. J Tobln. E. HThorn, W. W. W. Uttsr. will be sell toFatisfy the lien of the underM«n»«i there-^ public au<-tion. to the hi«h*st bidder, atMerle's Rooms, 190 East l^th-?t.. IVr<->usriof Man!-., New York City, on Tosadar.June 14, HHI4. at 10 .(\u25a0> \u25a0 m.. and on such,

sul>se<iuent days to which caM sal-- may beadjourawt

rand. New Tatk. May 2S. irn>4.Tim WABHIXGTON STORAGE Vl'ArtE-

HOI'SE .<: VAN CO.. Lti..2 1."."'. 2.2U->. -2.3>*> Eighth Avenue.

New Ink <"ltv.



Controller, However, Advises Ac-

ceptance of Trust's Latest Offer.Controller Grout. at yestrrSaya racttir.j of the

Hoard of Estimate. pr«a«Tit<Hj, MA hit lnd<»r«e- Commiaiilotier Oax>v« report oa the offer

<.? the Cortolidatevl Ga« Company to tun:: sh andJiluminate 22,.«U> «'«tabac* atreaj hmpi at t2«.J.Ifcinp « year [l baa already i*>en ur.nouricej^aTli» ->T.-r-if. that Mr Grout would Co trjis. «•IM mm*aAe& that .he L,.«;1 luihorire Mr Oakley

to tnak. Hi- contract, a:t-r ron«idfcMria; It for a-u.-.k. ,v.'. stM* toward »«oh action w«-re taken.

\u25a0" » y 's iJ'C.^k'.yr oin.tted from tIM repo:t.: \u25a0',l.;rr'?:ii'M:&%« romp-ny &<*.*«fUTTitBh *.-«s :n Brooklyn." rolled Mr. <;r..ut

''1I »•

Cotnnjlaalon*r h«s to deal with one monopoly lier^tnd another monopoly trvr*. H« haailHMl abl*to make advantA«-oui terms for Manhattan andT:- Hmm but. pwawMy *» success as m

Vi-3&kk££:£Zs?l£3tr.....,;;,r wJO. and \**i>^rs bfOt "«MMtbtpail unless U.f ooofts rtfcirted npaln?t hi» onnten-

Eca lat J.'j a lam was an excessive chaise.


6T. AL3ANS. 7 EAST 31ST ST.i:.-. .-\u0084 single. en sure, with private

batLb, doctor's orllte; dining room parlorBoar; sssclrta tlsbl; txcaOaM .able board.

L.... PORTLAND LAU-IILIIIik-QX per CO. 130 Oi-

Brge_st.. Newark. N. J Tel. 78 4 W. Eest

of ladder* delivered at -'00. e*r toot-


Attractive rooms, with board, parlor din-ing room.71 MADISOX-AVsT. Beautiful, eaal rooms;

asadc for t^.e eunun-r. b«aid optional.


—Take. 3d aye Lor Har-

l<»ni R R. to Fordharr.. aervlc* X 1-- carto.

A DESIRABLE LOCATIONfor doctors ordentist's o-U-e. fii.nlsh-»d. IncludinK <1.- vr

attendance, srattini roooa and laboratory;reaaunabie. Mi Eitjecomb-ave , MJMI137th-st


IOTIIST. m EAST. Caal corner, second-four windows; others, parlor ilnin,;

eh .1. c table.; *-'\u25a0<\u25a0 \u25a0 "-. raßjaoaaWai tat»i»guests. transl'-ntß.


t:>n to $100 monthly corresponding furnewspapers $5 a column for work In srerstime; no canvassing. Send for particulars.NORTHERN PRES3 SYNDICATE. Lock-p.»rT. N. T.


CXL.TURED SPANISH LADY. speak:ngEnglish. Spanish. Italian s.n<l rranch,

wishes position for the summer In countryor travelling as companion to la-ly. «"v-erness or chaperon, excilent r»f"rsa*as\ELJTE. Box .10 Tribune office.

SOTH BT 7 EAST, Saeoasi floor; suitablef..r two or three, gentlemen: prtvats

a."-, aw*ai« from room on thi.l floor; gen-tleii:»n only; reference.

COMPANION—By a Canadian «!rl. Mdress C C Trlbuno Ofllc».

WANTKD—The best coachmen. «ar<leners,

married fanners. grooms. farmhands.herd*m»n. p^ultr'-men. etc. Places raady atCAItPENTBR'S. 154 Bth-av«

1090 . M \\ r>. Ifooaae:onoor two gentlemen. Cull •venings. VAN


In August. l!Vi3. this Company insured thetitle to a piece of property In the Bro::x. It isnow discovered that th*» property BELONGEDTO AN INFANT,to whom it had been conveyedby his mother Just prior to her death; that the

father changed his name to agree with the In-fant's, and made the broker and the notary be-lieve that he was the real owner. He ccnveyelthe property, end there was nothing to warnany one. not knowing the family and the realnames of father and son, of the deception andforgery.

As the purchaser had his title guaranteed, anyloss involved will fall on this Company. In acity like New York, false personations are almostImpossible to detect, and this risk alone Is quitesufficient to make a GUARANTEED TITLE Inevery case the only safe one to take.

Title guaranteeandTRUST COMPANY

ClpiC Ipitssa

s $8,500,000146 Broadway, New York.175 Remsen St., Brooklyn.

Mar.ufrs Branch, 108 Montague St., B'klyn.

and ForgeryFalse Personation


—a helper, a yours; wom-

an of refinement, education an.l Ju-lg-m<>nt. t.-> teach ,:r:d .-are for youn? children:Pritlsh «"**na.llnn or German preferred. S.

<\u25a0 V . Boa Wv Sea CUsT. N. Y.


By young lady teacherduring summer In family expecting t.i

travel Arldre«# EXPERIENCE. X .ml.f"J3. 19S Broadway.

NICCLT furnished, l.i.ce room, In quiet,private hou atca aaWAafkaad; all i"Q-

venlences PBOBIN, »»To l.exiii«T..n

Countervailing Duty on Wines Ordered by

Treasury Department.Washington. June S.— The Secretary of the Treas-

ury feu« issued a circular of Instructions to cus-loma officials a«sessing a countervailing duty onwines and rertm>d alcohol* Imported from Chill.Following 1» the text of tha circular;

It has bf-tn ascertained that the tunajmarnt "iChi!: para Mexport t.ounty of flve cents prr litrec-i wii.-s and aX r»ctifird alcohols produced In thatcountrj-. Additional dutfcw. therefore, hereafterwill \te levied at a rate equal to live cent« per Mr*«,n all winrg and rectified alcohols th« product ofChill imported either <llrectly or Indirectly fromIbal cvjinrv in'o the XTlted State*, in Section 5 of Out tariff act of July H. IW7.

The rem^sion of the amount of internal revenuetax :f any. on all such winea and rectified alcohol*

, ln.-ludf-d in the Mr.-ipimarket value thereoff r 'h<- pu',ll*"6t assesEm<-nt ot the additional as•a.'; n£ th< n-gu'.ar duties.

15 EAST 4.-.TII ST .\u25a0- Arrange ment madefor temporary or pretraoterl resldanca In

co '.. ua lo date rooms or \u25a0 lite ncamnca. LADY READER wishes few more engage-ment, day or evening; shorthand dicta-

tion specialty; would call at residence,

ladies preferred. E. FERREL, 134 West17th-st.

NHI'RALGIA? fl«\« absolutely Infalliblecure. For aartlciilan adstiaas O. CREW-

TAIN. 427 r.i klyn.

CS WASHINGTON PUA.CE Parlor Boor;larße_ small : \u25a0

> IBrlBi;


DOMESTIC mCATIONs u.^>M:u». "\u25a0—^

FARMEIt—By Amtrtcan \u0084 .fully understands every ,-et... '<*'»»,date farming: no children V?£ mMVauahans seed store. 14


BaJcia*"'* *I*"AR.\!ER. -"-y Amer.can7^i)~l

I*.boy U. girl H. «*?<. io?Tsssslwork who can; thorouxhk- ir^l'*!\u25a0family man. experienced *£?» 's"^l:in every trWh: «r1.71y t^?»rScare poultry, milk. buttewnalu. i*-»Jenc- can r« seen in city :.-S" .-bJpent«r's. 154 frth-ave.

' *«i-*Mr,aa

GE.RMAN • 'Ol IU!C. man cos^s^r^man. wife cock: .uy. com.™.best reference* c. c.,u?*Jsag ai3»1 Cth-ave. Tel. 1.57.1 l^;^C*sOARrEiVKK.

-- Coni^eTent "T^^-nman a country :•• ssa]woula a.-sl*t In


family. 413 S:ate-«. rlfmZi 'T^bbl

GrtCOM.-Veiy tidy N-r-iTT^r^ 1tant. SB; can te sWoad or*»« »a«j•trlctly temperate. kMd rr>

, lni***.tin, a; C>>T-; i^» Wh^- 1,

LUNCHMAX. -«:.od i^Tir~r~~—i-ylunchr. r.*: ateody po^tlaa; SLSUgas- W. KRETTAG 4ui »•,"?'«

-'d tl.<or. c"i*t Uii,aTE'.VAKD in.liinii.-,-^

—In ,l»b or sinail h..-.-|. both L-%fit and have exp»::.-r..

- '*•c0,.,

A.ldr-as H.. 80, 31. Trihur.- oj^ CXUSEFUL MAN in orT^te"?^ j.

country. best rererenc* I{,'\u25a0 <*yUptown Office. 1.31 IiSroa.l wajr

*\u25a0 Trj,

cnarri. bocbesjui liT^rivT—

caii wait en table; ».,be^ V?*Jmrefer-nc*s. cltv r.r country. i**1

- 2RIOAARD. 47 Kirn M

*n>*aiiVAI.KT ATTENDANT, -Tan~^>"tlenian. experienced, fl>>it«d^'saable, companionable, a:'-ntiv» \u0084*\u25a0•New-Yr.rk references. PRaw100 Ea.-t 2Sth-st


VALKT or «X>MPANION-377^ .man: hotel. • iur> or private-aSL1


bachelor Address Mi Nni"^*"s»Bt-ahl. ikston Road, Bronxdai^ «?J?

**P. O.


VALET.—Youna; man. 2«: towa •* *\u25a0

references: no asenta: 3co-s Wi^\u25a0ram »'•« »—a

*VAI.ET or BUTLEB.--By .JT"~«i

highest recommendati.- ..* as t^r! \u25a0l?y an.i character fr.m preißMi'previous employers. A.lJrss» FrTS. *?TATE.IMBroadway

<- iE*t

WORKING GARDENER— SItua^^\u26664: understand-* everything njTtlw^a gentleman's country resldtnca^Class and out do.-™, lawns, carriiß»2!all kinds of vegetables, horses, «L,poultry; married, no family ii!?'best references, wtfo first class linvL'If required. Adrlres- M. C X fS?hurst. L. I. PO. box m

' '*>\u25a0

TOT-NO MAN. 32. as »-r.«ral utir"with r«rined family t>iln< to NtuS»»i»lde resr.rt. JOHN W HAVEN'?-"370. Laltewood N. J.


41 \VH>:T 12TH BT Slcely furnished, wellkept rooms; hot bat) ultaanna.

CITY VIBITOBB and renldenu will findlark- an.l small cool, abeolu'ely clean

furr.:-h<-t re mi al 37 West I2th «t.

STET»Oi;RA-FHER. OS« assistant; neatand v-llling; not afr*l<l of worl»; good

penman, lives at home; operates Reming-ton and Hammond: moderate- salary to bo-gin wltjl. Address Latter Bo*C. X2S Mcn-rna-st


Bda \u25a0»*\u25a0• Mich.. June S—

MesasßMM Is

mnrts t!:«t the plant of the Algorra strt>l Compar.y

v. .'. iMrt '.Ills DMBth turning cut rail* for theGrand Trurk Pa 'lflc at the rate atlMttMllrtny.

It v.lll ba tta first of the consolidated I-.i1.0 BO*jjf-riorpleats to resume.

AU'VEHTISKMENTS and suDScrlptions forTh* Trllune received at trielr fptc»n

Ctflc« No. l.Mi liroajway. between 3Hthand 37th its until B o'cloclt p m. Adver-tisements receive! at the following; brancholTcen at reKular office rates until » o'clockv. m.. viz.: 2T» Sth a\e.. s. c. cor. 23d-st;1.-.3 Oth aye c-jr 12th si.;\Ti East 14ttl-st;237 West 424 st.. between 7th and Bth avea.14TII ST . "11 WEST. Furnigrie.i rooms;

i.. board gentlemen onl> . cool rooms;central 1-.. al .11

«oi:k \vantei>.

iRAPIirR d—lr-^home work; callsfor dictation: manuscripts copied. VISIT-

ING SECRETARY. 2f13 West 123th-st.

TYPEWRITING and copylns; don^ at horaaat reasonable rate* Address Miss BELT,

170 Waal JOth-nt.


£1 Kri.MIRASMEHNIL, Champa 1 (yseea,Par)

--M»4»mt CMnwjst. fTotta—m ''••

franrals: srn.ill room and board. *\u25a0»•'. btfroom Js.*' I'.r .ne wina, t*?> lat twu r-r-i.r.s MMwtt,Km Parra Canim. 4.u«ja\v«! ptaa r.i. i-.ui«.

•3D-9 U FJAST. !i..-.f!te Beta] Man-hattan

-Ijurse Nam, with r>rlvni« \>nth:

aK-- pleasant hall r.K.r:i. reasonable; tele-,

Ml.'*ACCOUNTANT- X ok» .;-e'. audited.

systertuitlieU. t:la! ralanre, *c;willt ik»charge of set \u25a0( books *.\enln*s. termsmoderate; reierenccs. C. •-'. iI»OUE. MKa»t Mt st.


AmFU-r<*nm. N. . fOM I.—Announcfinent c m<-»

boa CUob«« "-Jay Bait Us* Pl«|t«t«d broombnwt, a* be formed under the r.ame at the NationalJ'.room company, m which Mohawk Valley Ma-"s-fi, tj.ers wrr.- interest. .1. has fallf-d of accotnpHan-inriit Bad tho plan, urder way for more than ayear, has h«-on abandorif <l. Th* proposed capital\vus redu^d from .».•'«• to tl.C«'0.«oO and*. a fir.aa amount of cash for th. :r prop«>r-ti-y w.r. offtfwd frfotory own***, but th^y r«-fu««<>.lro «-nter ttit- oral favo on a cas'a hasiP. This Is trie

scr-oiui tlm*- The aiteriira has fallen tliroußli. and it

is now jiroliallyat an end.

BOOKKEEPER. £. lntell!<ent. soDer. In-dustrious". •»;eri«n-ed bookkeeper,

salesman and Uriver, «• any thins; line ie'-araaccs; email \u25a0'•<•• city im country. O.WALKER. .*> Charles ?t.

Doubtful questions of title arc sub-mitted to the most careful scrutiny and•re referred to the Committee or"Coun-•el, which is composed of the bestknown real estate conveyancer iin theciy. Applicant has selection ofcoun-sel should he so desire.

CAPITAL and(?n flftfjfiftf-

The Lawyers' TitleInsurance Company

of New York37 Liberty St.. Manhattan.

38 Court St., Brooklyn.

Doubtful Questionsof Title


Oldest, Largest, Most Modern.4.;7 i43D WEST 15TH 9T.

Tel. all—3Mn-st. titabllsli.d ISI7.\\. 11 JORDAN. a. LCNTZ

BOOKKEEPER el ability, with a t-.iMnesah..use re.^uir.nic ..-ar. correct an.i syst--

matlc work . »:.i?;.-^t ref.-.-r..e». v»age»mderate. ACCOUNTS. IV* s. TribuneOftloe.

BOOKKBEPER, a?fistunt r.o.kkeeper orany ottOS »i th.. b] married man, 33,

thoroughly ccmp»-iT.-. UisjlsiaHnj; rapidpe.iman; MCCViaM »t tiuutt-s. ref^r^n^es last•mployed: bond. L. J. T-. Trll>un« LatwejaOrrice. 1 .•'.* Br< ad»ay

J. & J. W. WILLIAMS,353 W. 54TH ST. r


CAJtPVT '-i.FANIN'I EataMtohed l«MBOOKKEEPKK, -'''•. Bins yars experience.

full knimi«.|« SMssaa c:.:.-. . balanraa.hoMtng aaatttoa with ravpswatlasx <!«••''•evening. Sun-lay aoatttaau b^st «ef»ieaca.8.. L'47 «Ul *\.e.


ATTENDANT. VALET, to an lnvalMgen-tleman; .-xpertenced, educ-Atod, present-

atle. co:np«tnionable, attentive to duties; |New-Yom references. FRANK SUOTT. 100 ;East ;>th-tt.

BLTLtR. VALET.—Thoroughly -xpen- :aawadl; accustomed, and would like to ,

tra.^l as courier an<l valet; spe&icit sev- ;eral languages; highest city reference*. iJOSEyH. >C"» sth-ave.. present employer. j

BfTLI.R anil —Competent English |tialii^.lservant, keeps silver In excellent |

o:der highest city personal reference, lady\u25a0Jan De seen. HYLAND. 'Mi East «uth-st. j

111 TLEK or Thoroughly compe- :trnt in all brancnes; expert silver cleavn- i

ar; strictly sober, willing!.i1. or. „•.:.,. first \u25a0

class references . willgo aaywber*. MUEL-I.X!;. '.-3: East MUs-at


EriKll«h; thoroaghly understandsbusiness; competent reliable; first class

references BLTLER, 2A3 Adelphi-st .Brooklyn.

LOOK. First class, all round; strictly so-ber and reliable; hotel of private house

preferred, city or country; German. E. M.ii..x ::<>. Tribune Office.

COOK an.l WAITER —Man an.l wtfe., expeiienced. boarding; house, road-

hous«i or clul»; city or cuumry. i'HILli'S,cara Janitor. 227 East. l*th-»t.


Trustworthy couple want•a u»<i cars of private house '. r sum- I

mer. husband la employed as letter car-rier wolfs. 281 fcaat TOtn-st.

CARETAKER By small German family.cajra ol fll»ala huuke (or summer, city

reference. •;<. £aat Ottth-st.. (round floor.


By man. to take care oflawn tennis arts, also baa4y wlta

tools. M. 'NAN. 1«> Amsterdam aye.

i.'ARBTAKER.—By youna ctuple. for pri- ivats bouse: can furnish first class ref-

erence. E. JBNaEN. 3«t: West a«tn-st..>« -Task,

CHAL'FyEl'R.— City or country; can fur-nish best of reference, not afraid of work,

W. MVAKTHT.705 Eaat 164ih st.

C >AiItMAN.- -Gentleman selilna; horses

wishes to secure pl»«-e far his coachman.thorou*hlv understand* hie busin^»s. care-ful city driver. Call or address 221 West t.

OiACHMAN.—Brgltsh, 3V-: marrle.l. eigh-teen \u25a0cars' reference. Addrcu r'RANK

HAI.U Xl*East M)th-st.

OUACHMAN—Married: thoroughly under-stands his business; be»t reffrenc-ss.

HOWE. 3V* West SOth at.

ii'\>"HMAN—Married: thoroughly und»r-st*n.l» tils duties. Address 11.. 27 West


COACHMAN. GARDENER— First class. ;

first .Use references; wa«ee net if"than$23; steady situation. A. M. I*'Bleecker.*

———————^ |

COACHMAN. *- —COOsV —By r.erman ;

Frotestan: couple; teat, competent, re

flneO. man ccacrunan. gardener, gererally Iuseful. -»lfe first class cook. good refer- .•nc.s Mrs COLLIER'S. 122 West JOd-st.

O'AiHMAN—ny German, In private fam-II) thoroughly competent: careful: three

years' boat reference last place. H.HNKY.IM> iTiiraUrMt.cts;ar store

COACHMAN. -A gentleman de*!r»s a sit-uation for his ««clniiac. a ynung man

who understands his business thoroughlyand Is honest, sober and reliable Ap;>lypresent employer's private stable. lir.West loth- st.


Young man. married, firstclass oltv driver; willbe hUhly rm-.m-

mende.l. WALSH. I*3 Eaiit 7Hth-»t.

|COACHMAN.—English; first claaa personal, references; understands the care of flueIhorses and harness, capable to care for flno'

stable. FLAHERTY. 4^5 Coiumbu»-av«..near P3il-st. Tel. 7*lJ—River.

COACHMAN.—SingIe; city or country;thoroughly understands hi* business,

careful city driver: 10 years references.last employer can be seen. Call private\u25a0.table. IST Park-aye.

iX>ACHMAN. GAKDBXKR. Mar-led. nofamily; wants house, «\u25a0»:« excellent laun-

!dreas; both young; strictly sober and relia-Ihie in every respect. PATRICK, at Car-penter's. 134 6th aye.

COACHMAN.—CoIoro<i; city cr country.

beat reference. 111LL3. :3b West ••«\u25a0 m.,car* of Janitor.COACHMAN, gardenei. sjaajaaaj man on

gentleman's place; can milk, ears '.awns.fires, drives. Ac; best references. WILL-

| IAM,at Carpent-r's. 134 6th aye.

To Let for Business Purposes.Buildings, Stores, Lofts and Offices



ft 11--1..M .-• .-.:..•...

BTOHE TO LET In a very k<* 1 Ivatlon. sjoad • >r • - <-K7 turner. halrriiester. or 'n la t. a:.-. i.r.


ress CHARIJ^S Ml!.'.\Ni,No to W. •-••\u25a0 st

City Property for Sale.KI.Kd.WT corner apartment hou«». v!t»T^Thr<^»stores; upper We«t aide, New Tors <"lty; nil modern

Improvements: 14.'..001:yearly rentals Ji- i.nlv$l.'.. rmn cash required BoM t» close an cstat*. HARTtiHORNE. INBL.ET * LEAKB. Attoracys, 111 Wash-lnirtf>n •\u25a0• . er««y City, N J—————


Furnished Apartments to Let.

<5T DAM HflTPl NK'V fireproof

01. riiUL nuILL, BBAUTIVUU.T furnished.tpotn M. (.rullNtltCULUatUUM AVk.

htflncil Home fur Fainlllca, \u0084«.'# .1.1 1 ranaiaata60 rcoms. detached bath, I.OU Bet week.

73 rooms, 1rl-.•'• t<ith. 1.00 an.l up.'Mli»H tarlor. I- .--\u25a0!-; Lath. 14 .«» and up.

p.estauran' . telci'h'jne awry rw.m. transy^rtuttoa ao-ceaslblllty unexcelled.

Brooklyn Heal Estate For Sale.PLATBUSH CHOICE LOTS, $250 EACH.

Clr-ums'un<-»s c,-.rrr*l me to cell it once spl«tt4M t-n \u25a0

pro\ed rwifhborteood. my terms: titles guaraatsxd; r|,gSundays BDWAIUM O1 Ptetbusfa ais. Id ,<:\u25a0,„

City Property forSale or to Let.Bra \lyn.

KEALTirUL,Q«een Anna i "a-- . In nathtiati rlnsaJ» ta Ilevati J Raili « 1 ,-*.iti \u25a0 90 minutes t« Manha'tan City Hall: 1" ail large, light rooms ar.l bata lacarfare •\u25a0 the bea.-hes at N.» v.. . 1:> . block fn m<>•can Avenue <lrl"eway, as( halterl »!r.<-s. r.-m»rit .....walks; pea nickel ;. iml Ing. For fuirt!er ptuilculanaaply '\u25a0>

bTTOKES * KNOWL176 l'.rnadway and 1.4-7 Klatbiua Aviiue.

Furnished Houses to Lei—Country.ADIRONDACK CAMP FOR RENT,

with about M »\u25a0 res .| lan<l.on upper Haranaa L*k«, fine ootlooll

fandy tea.;.. pine woods; 3 story .. ;«e,; «e, fullyfurnished. !r-.n lath and plast<

throughout, veranda <n Cm ar.d se-onl • .rlea.i.;\u25a0•!! nie(.;u. »t; 17 rooms \u25a0• bathrnonu;

boat house; electric launch; .ire spring water.For photocraphs ati.f particulars .I' to


>-EW TOIUC- Skin>-ateles 1.i«.: \u0084, rent, "Stimmlt-View Farm H aae," .*. minute* fr.rnist. nice. *•\u25a0..•\u25a0'.

ami el«< trio cars; i r;.-k house. 12 rooma, lncl-.nliiij i«thplan'>, modern furniture; stable. 1 \u25a0tails: season. It«t'trains l^av» Qrand Central I>«[>->t. .* • * Fork, »> '\u25a0!>> a. niarrtva ßkaaeaMsea :! p. m. Address JAS UIIUN.Jr.

I^ASTHAMHTON. I- i To let. on llu.tin* Lane, \u25a0.A furnished r'Almgr. containing ten r...::., t'»:.le '.uiin \u25a0

dry. hutler'a pantry and lar»,« bathroom; Wan ig syst*eaif sewerage; within H\o minuses' walk of the \u25a0. .»t- ffl. \u25a0«\u25a0

very u^oiiatc rental. Apply to eitlier of tha a*tntsor lv

W. N WAIJCER, 17<i Braadway, New V. :k.

VTTItACTIVEfurnished sen.hore cottages; modern Im-. pavements; r'ir.r.lng water sanitary sewerage .i9Lathing. Circulars. i-rof. NORTHHi BrooUra Poly"



t*leans t.v ...mpr»»i-»d air. steam, hand orI.a lluor 1.5611 Broadway. 421 East 4Mb st.COE A BRANDT Tel. li2




enti>. th..roughly »\u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0 iomr»r»ntBSRSsfNltal, <iulrk. atcuratf. ceslreschanK«:. nino years present situation, hlrfhsm rttmncM caaraetar, ability. UAMIL.TON. Boa \u25a0*». Til'uii".1ifrlc»

II I.'1.'•• 'IvKtiLJ'KI: I'.utle entry; e»^.>rl-•::--l, rx.-.'lkm . \u25a0•; unex-

\u25a0 ... reff-r- ii.r. >>-lr»-s ;-laue wrn-r« CMf'll sjotfe is a'.^rr. i.Ue<l. . i'ittt.'i t>p«-«rlter. NSIIKI.M. l«t W.trflfli-»t..Ui-«..iyn.

I:i»iKKKKI'BK. -rlen.-e.l. first CaBBSIn all bu.-ln.-ss. spsails sex era! l»mrua<fill*st Mhnac— gi\en. Address J' 'H.\

BHiiWX. .'l7 Carrr.lne s:.

DRISSBMAKRR. E*y*lU»ea4 diißßßiaheiwir' maMeOMtS; ft; luarant-e.) :

m-lerate Pr-t elaas. w.Tk. t>est referent. <?».Mr> KI-'HARI'S. -4K Kasl -•n St. lllll'.Xllv 'SJ i.\:n«" n »\u25a0\u25a0••-

.-unit:K'.v.,i»'e!\illy made. m< Oer»»teprtcsa; i»!!-s' umt naMflsl

.Vlt.-' r \u25a0 GRAN first class :«mail-bw; «\u25a0 tci at "i rtahle ; -\eu-

ligai »tr»M lr< \u25a0••\u25a0• a KMCtMty. 6 West13-itli st 'PbOfM -\u25a0::• -Jlirlcm.

BAKI -• •..». wlsnek atriily place.

c-nv \u0084r country. AUSTRIAN. 433 EaatMjtft.




1.,-! «j;.«t Xiiit \u25a0\u25a0!,•»•>» dtwsatl • aresuppl] so BsßlMgiasj :u.'i?eiic«-;e.^. r...

-trooa, bothui— ia, tutor*, ate.

;• s OtCVNT. Atraßtl S.-r\ ants' :.ange;SrM :«.-\u25a0» <\u25a0'.'!'\u25a0'. h»to tow .-libs, i.rum

\u25a0 anl h..i»l« „• aMM r.r>tl-«. o Westi:'.4ti. Tf

_ J.'~.'.» llarl«-m.

BOT. 17. graduate, at anything; eaceltSßjt.- . .i\ 31, Trtbuns 1 'iflce.

COURT OF APPEALS DECISIONS.Albany. Juno 3 -The Court of Appeals to-day

har.ded down the following decision*:

Aldcn apt. Supreme Ter.t of Kr.ights of Mr<->-fcees. oraer reversed and judgment of Triai r«rmaffirmed with costs.

Echwaman apt. Truax and another. Judgment r".

versed and d»raurrer ovrrruUd. dof^nd.inis i>^r-muted to i.nFX\«>r within twenty days upon raymentof costs In all courts.

I>opl« apt- Corballn. rt \u25a0' order of Api^ilata

XM\ieioo revers>d. end that of County Court af-CKeT4BT«*eln. Jr.. n*t. rus-.-k. Individually, etc..Judgment of Appellate r»iv:f Jn Special Term re-versed with cost* la a.l courts. and Judgement flv«nfor rlnintiff on demurrer, wltis the ufial Leave to

defendant to withdraw demurrer ur.j answer ontUivment of costs.

Ma-k a^t*i. ji:<sfrTr*Tit« of ArT'i'S'e divisionend BpectsJ Term reversed, and defendant per-mitted to answer within twer.ty cays on paymentt)f costs In all courts. .

Polllon npt >rr>-. Judcment reversed, new trial,tVOtM < -.s!s to abide event.Mr.;nrrlgle npt. MM_'ofker. ih.- part of 1;Icm.nt

of Appellnto DlTi*i«a which Hffirmed judpment oftrl.'i: court ('.ismifsins: the plaintiffs complaint asto the ritst o.'iust- «.f action, affirmed, with costs

to the respondent. That port winch reversed Judg-ment <nter>«l upon verdict uT*m eeend cause ofaction, dismlsfel without costs to either party.

l"!x->n a«1 McX .r.f. Smith act. New-York. Oil-cisii P.ailrond c(,mj>any. Labor am. Traders' Pat>e r1

• , nny Lawreon :;*rt. Lincoln arid others I~>illon\u25a0St. dark. McKenri«> .-igt. I'nion Hallway Cum-; fudsments nfnrmed with •ta.

\u25a0 \u25a0:•. :lv act. J:r..oklyn Heights HnHroad> .lii'lcni^::t rcvisf-i). new trial granted, costst.. appellant to a'.r.-i«- event.

rVyrr.our act. Wr.rren aad • rher Alco^u act.l'-i- it. iiK'ipmentf re-versed. n*-w trial granted,r ts ta abide event.

BOT. 17. war.ts |o learn ma. htntsts or::.:ans trale, good references. Al-. . J. OLSEK l»l Piaalrlswl st..

!ir.. r.

17, to lean siiiißjilM trale; aaaddrawlaii talonl li ADAMS, 3j;i East

Femnle.CARETAKER.— By morher anl <j,^

for th« summer, or as )anltr»«i "X*en. • A(i«lr«sa DRISCOIX. 3*l,«r«h-st.'

—Irish; private family; wObbxiobliging, first class referencaaTlI—* D., care Bacon iJ:ireaa. «^lI*.

Tel. 1.373 Chelsea.""'

COOK «nd rARfTTAKHR —By r-jiT"woman, with child !• wars oH.**.'vat* house 01 apartment- wil!ln» *

some laundering. 2"7 West B«th-|. Ifloor, rear.cook and iiorsmv- >hker -bt~

German girls; refeien -« M's Hi»A»-.KX<-Y. jjjsl*i.i.c lioth-st".COOK.—By neat young woman; a(rood s'">iip». entr«e 8. paatrtes. -ciaajirtelUgenr. trustworthy; first -Us» <i•""» private family. Call IRWITIBEAT.-. 77 iVe,r til M

C")OK —By capable mvng woman vcellent cook ;fine bak»r '.n small ft

best -!»>\u25a0 reference, cook. I.M WtsrSt.. third floor

Ct*>K.—Swedish : does a:i kln^s flat!)Irs. pastr>'; *rst class butler, refans

m^.:»rate wastes. » .i?eth^r or 3ep»rw»Waal 31th-sr

CO< >X —Near.-

wman: r*stsnds all hrsin.-hes r-f plain ant a

rookir.a: ex<el!-nt l«K«-r: 3 earti r»MM*;XX M T. lira Collies' a ir7


—Irish: private famtlv: -iraibltaking full charge cf kit:hen. nates. \u25a0

first -lass reference*. B. c ire Banalreau. .Mlflth-ave

CO«">K. MAIT> and U\r>;r?,si^r•-!»•• Miss LARS' Fin, |r. -.-;.-

33 West S*U st. T«l. ?. "4* M,ilseaag

CHAMBERMAID.—First cU«v dmIn r«rfln».l home will «n !n -i-ist—

summer If desired. 403 East SSth-si, :floor front.


Swxttab -7-; m•

crass chamrermait and plain «w«rprivate family, willing-to assist w3h \u25a0»Ing. cuiintr.' preferrefl. Ca!'. Fr. !a-.\ liday and Sunday. '1 p m. M V. IJZ I40th st Telechone «.3fC- 3-Sth

CHAMBERMAID »3 w.iitres<i»ss. by two neat. .-..:r.;^;»r.t.>

b'.e girls, e'lent refere».es. !:y »r stry. P. W , Mrs. Cotter*IA«eas.West 23.1 st.

CHAMBERMAID anO WAITRE*youn* *ftch girl; six m.nths me

try. neat ar.,l tidy; wag-s tlit> J;J;erence». FI*AHr?RTY. +«." . ' ii.-ntuMr.t-ar » \u25a01 st Td.;>

CSAVBaiXMZi am w\-r!t:s?-r—To go to country together; rofSW

wag-s $!>< anJ *Ji' fLAHCKTY,mis-ava. \u25a0 Tel. 7*l. r;:v-rsi(;e.

SEKEEPKR.— By r- •est.tnt «a3S. at once; thoroughly -:-.|srea

mmpeten' reli.i^:.- fjeod oooit. C««rnurse an.i seamsrress: rlrst class I*encea SIORJU3H Tribune C^ptnja C1.864 nrr«,!way


C.eneral h.-ni«»v»«rliyeaaaaj Finnish girl, ft* <>m.'. Anal

famtlv. has f"-1! referen • FlXli\u25a0 r.rREAT". 1 OH 3d- a-,

\u25a0 HOT'SEWORK .—An American wnaaigeneral housework . r ,-ar» to* an '\u25a0*<*\u25a0

1 J «. R..x ft**. 2tS West ir.:.l-St.

INFANTS NIKSK !:-. ml.Ml* \u25a0woman, .f -xp^r'ep." arvl abll'.T feotUa ff-Kllns tbetoqs^tr'

•\u25a0ear referer. ta C.ill or aJJress '£»*plover. V»l Went Sfith st

LArscMoas.— nm cia»s. :«««\u25a0 1

gentlemer:'-) la IsjJm hos»: T«1.- .In.!njr: work cnrefullv .lone. '\u25a0'

M M.. Tribune Vftaww Olflce, I.3bißhiway

leAT'Ni'Ri> r.y Finms'i girt: \u25a0\u25a0»:years' »ci best refjence; *\u25a0•

\ famllv .-lv of rouatry. riNLAXBIREAP. I.Oaa 3d-ave.

1 MAID- A lady w'?hes ta alsjM'

I class male!; excellent halrlresssr. I»Iand seamstress; h«st >-lrv -rente, >

:DI'*KIN"3O.\'SCO OPERATIVE KmVtl Madlson-ave.


Thoroughly i -rent; 0French. Carman Eas'.i.^. "\u25a0"'\u25a0 Jseamsrre«» dresamaker :i. <er: *'*'\u25a0 '

city references Address 3. H. M>»^MAII> M OOVKRNESS -By yourf

Prrtestar.t. speak-

F.-.i:iisn: *>?'\u25a0_catetl and effl-tent. excellent f«aaials.> Fren.-h nu:-=e .\u25a0^lam^err!^a:l »r'-*stress Mrs. Kr:n.v.v;n\vjBCl"*<*.2rtth ay"

Ni'RSF for <nf:-.- or children, by *•can. •reak'.-ie «ood Oeinion: \u25a0"*.

1.->na- »pi '. m. st satUfact.-ry referen^ \u25a0

filthf-i! .vnvi-itln« Mr*. \u25a0\u25a0"CHAN'S n-rtrv: *»C2gtV-ive.

___XVRSE.— I*» refln«d. competent \u25a0

'c^1man to children aver three ears *••:1

sewer- *Uht years' referene* w* p

|34th-M. JNTRSrc—-Ctty or counTy: \u25a0"•'''' [ ;.!l2adoctors' reference MARY JA^seJericho* Laaaj Inland.

"nt-USE. &c- Ennllsh rrotestwt aw*

sear:i*t •>\u25a0!•.< asalax chamb»rwoßli^\u25a0fesjMji ..f Infant fr..:n Mrth: \u25a0•*>aaja« Itv or .-"-in'rv. E. H.. m

ller's. Bfl West i".i ->t ,

»ARI.<-'i:\nil' m l-HAMBESJM*!K-iKllh |~lllHlßHl thrr- **-'rJ^ences. particularly n.-ar. c>mre»»aMJ••tt> or .->'intry A. 11. Mia v-°"""iWest 2-M -it

Tit ,-.1..ic' ulrls ore as c.-^k anatlj*.i» ,-harr.l.ermaii anJ waitress. 3

ramlly: ewintry: mM reference* **:Mrs \SVRF.\\ JM ff<* i:V.h-*-'BJM* west. _^-»^

WAITCKftS. *-.--Cv a <lTTir"''*rL?i!'ir»t ,•:-.»#» waitress or ehwnboW*"

kaa to mM wit'i attsw won:Jgyreferences. **reseni employer s. •*»o"-JX, — '

WAITRESS -Klr.'T tkaMK r-,isJSkrofercr.. -c; al.«o cook »n<l rouse" 1*> nrp.i'Ai".itmart-a**^^WAiTT!FS v-llllr-•\u25a0• .1

--' 'vlr"? .l-r'vrk. In am* d-«••'»?•


\u0084 ffeten.s call MB West •>-*-*"mH

WAITREB9- Toiom Wtrt. .-m.* I\u25a0•ate.l. \u25a0_• \u25a0> .: r: «w» s!f.:«:i<«

"Mian A.l-lr-s» \. X . K'JJJBV. AITRF.<S

—Tr«>n«. nenr e»«*s*

carve etc.; eveH-nt r»»H«e» P

wns<>- .«•.•" M's VMS \'i-- A-'

Rn.xr. -«-.2 \u25a0••!! I—._^_____—



1-lir.f !t«: b<f !*%?'*2C: count.y areferre.l i*a» *•1

42J- st.--


wishes pine- for her waitress (bermriirt: best referencr». °'^~^At»lc« h'il!'T< p' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \t<n!v


2:m «'« .-.f*h-<.T . attuiday. J"-11,"^Moml'v. hefni^ Wm. m rr '>w^_

—TtirXC. Scotch elrl. refln-u'. "_^i?«

panv l!»»v tor the tare t.> *j?n£ll*,dress ffr throe Jays. ANNIE. *» Jr



COMPOSITOR Experten ; I", all Jobs;s^t German also, steady, rapid, clean, re-

liable, 15 months la last place. LlNl>t;-MAN,>i7Johnson >•. Uru.ikl>n.COUJECTOIt, ashler or outd.or employ-

nent, by Am.rl an gentleman . can fur-rish (1 000 .-ish »• .::!) Addrsaa I'KEN-Tien 898 Mb aye.

DESTROYING CAMPS OF SQUATTERS.A;ii;.t!>, lot S.— lt anna aasMajaeai at th« r>e.

j:iiiPK-!HoC tli" stn;e Ploni. Fifh and Oame Com-BBfotn to <!\u25a0! thnt the p<-rmnn(T.t ramps arblcli:<r. !•• lac SMtVBJvi 00 the Ftat..- lan'ls near theBaninirti at-- thnpe of mjuatters. who In nearly

rll 1:isof iiive surrendered ptasccaat m. nr..l whoI.. ueH Intfnd to UtiKnte titlf- or ownership. Tl.e<'.lectment!= are ma-i< ;ri.'.. r the State law whichiirohlbits the cr<"~t'.on of rnanent structures onBtate lar.ds.

Ci'MI'I.TKNT. reliable 33. wishes;l.t-e

- •\u25a0 -..»t. nft^in yea:s' experience;

test refnen \u25a0«•. Address Boa \u25a0•* Corawall.N Y.

\u25a0 . •\u25a0

s.lllie Wltl

ags I \u25a0 \u25a0 : mlaalng



; \u25a0 »o. 110.S1M- ]•\u25a0..

-. .. !

CoXU-AMoN. 4. By Yal» graduate,tea.her ml experienced tutor, during

r-i:;:'.-.'r m- ntris; ii>inpanl>n and tutor pre-ferr»-t T. J C. Tribune \u25a0 'T. a.

JUDGMENTS.The following judgments were flled yesterday.

the first* lieing that, of the debtor:Allen, Isaac \u25a0\u25a0 U—W 11 Hunter $3.*V70tarne

—s? C ' hamtx rs . 3.f^>2

l-niille. Chris -David I.iplon Sons Coiapiay \u25a0.',(»*J-"^ !:man. Joseph— Colonial Bresrery 2.1-4«Flu rianan, Joheph. and Adolrh Wagman

—.'•"•\u25a0 one.. C 17'j

I'lfuzlau. Martin—J «V M HafTer. BMBftMt <*0.. l.«'l«i.. : ilajy E—J lih Oakley and another . UM

CARPENTER. 4c. By capable man. un-istrstanrHm . arp.r.terlng, painting and

all af rept»lrtnjc In or around housef.r fa-t ry t'l th-- la) .r «•-.». JOHNtU .N .;; N.cth «th st . llroofcl»a.

COLLEGE VAN. willing to work, com-pjni.ri. tutor Ciiaih-nmtK-a .1 saeclalt) >.

or any work. Adrtrese W. h North Ke-union. I'rl^ieton. N. J.

LOST i:anf!,.)-iKf !,.)-iK No. ltltt.!^*. HarlemEartDSt l:.r;.< 12lth st ,md M m*:, •r.

J..:..- t Pirnas leium to Tllrman Urantl:.103 \\ esi H"jth-st.

LOST I>R STOLEN Bankbook So 41.470al the E»c tstui Savlngj U.:i.k. 7l» West

I'^.l st.. N-w Vo»!t All pcraoM nr.- ..1;

llnnsMl «ci>lit*l porrhaataa or r^sjMtwfrfisjtl.-- same. a:-. 1 any person bartM v .laimt > sail paasbook h betefcj cai!<-d u;»m ti>present the Hist to the bank on or balorathe 141 Jn-. <•' Jon*. IMs, <: swbmti toliving the MMllonll •lc-;.i:el. an.-, lied ar..\Mtinculab«q and a ntw Ilet la lieutl. r.. '..

.\u25a0;•i.»\u25a0 11 on 1111 \u25a0 1..-it.- i-. .a,

! up 1. ;\u25a0 ;:.-.-. Nt

lieu ths

<•< \u25a0I.i.i grrUPENT, expeitaapted lr>\».-,.1v ne»r;-aiier work. »i.»hes a ylai."*

on a pap«-r. Uai!y preferred. thn.Uijh sum-mer. woubl take other employment. C,

Box K«i. Uamatowa, Mass


Ex-prrt Ib orlgiiiatiuit an-i design of new

machinery; twent) years' expen*r.-e. A..(\u25a0•jr. Ma Us. n-sl . B»(>-.kl\n.

JUDGMENT VACATED.Lwni*"1. \u0084-.-ge

—a E Hopple an 3another;


Chapman. Henry T— Perth Amtv>y Mutual L<nanli ::•rtead and Building Association. MarchUk IMI $K>.4JJT

Cum.:. Fredrick ar.d Walter J—A i. Mayhoff.April a, IS*I4 B.IM

li'jrowlti. Phi.lp, Abraham Levy. Joseph Maa-kowltx M«y'r Horowltx—X H I'cerschke;AirU 1.. 1S»"4 7.?1S

MrOor)-. Michael— People cf the Mate of New-tork, Deoeasbat 2. lWt2 1.000

T;.< Market and Fulton Natlocal liank of New-Ycrk

—< 'itli;»-ns' .:.t:a! National Ilank cf New-

York. April 13 IV«4 . . 5.r54Van Ve.»d«-nbutgli. Gt-org» W—New-Haven BUIPosting CoaaaMcy; Apr!' 15, ji»^ 2.569

SATISFIED JUDGMENTS.Tie first nam<» is That of the debtor. the second

that of the creditor and date when Judgment was«l*-d:

L»KAItiIITbMAN Boy. 17. steady posi-tion sjlth an architect Mlearn th** tra.le,

ha* raw roars' experience, can bringsamples of work an.l reference. RAPHAF.L,i;dI.I>STK!N 7S 1vi....•!,-» »t.. Brooklyn.


Bankbooli Ko J05.219, Itank r>rUarli CSO 4th aye.. SVb Y..rk Pay-

tr..Mit Mopped. l"leaso return bo..k |o rank

DRIVEN -I>> Oormaa, M; aabar. reUaMa;

speaks Knyluh. t.akerv preterieJ. under-stands saloon trade. WOEL.TER. I.4MtA\*nue A.

I>IIT .Baakbook x,. \u25a0Id Mtl nunit f..rS.:\lr,K«. 4th :l\.-. New York. fir-merit Stopped Please return hook to bank.

BAXXBOOK .v.. :tio »i.*> \u25a0 f the r.inMm«\u25a0Hi inr* In«t!t 1 is mlsslna;. a. \u25a0 i*r-son havlrp a claim ;o It Is hereby call»-lup. in to rre.3»nt the aama wtthtn ten .'jti\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 •ii!-;"lo ba 1 Ing- said passbook cancelledan-, a new one Issued

ELEVATOR Rl NNKItor as»lstant Janitor:I\u25a0 il referaa -» JAMES J. O'UK. 213

East 43il st.

EDUCATED yoaMg man. sr^aklnir En<tlsh.Oersaaa, rrench and Spanish, lefaisi] -'A

Ailiires*I. CLAIK. -13 Fast 37th-st.

TUILKf ARTICLES. CNOL4SHMAN. wttß first class city refer-ences. Apply T H. care of Stu.lub*j\or.

4^th rt an.l i;r ..!• 1

CALIFORNIA MARKSMEN COMING EAST.Ran P^amfcß >, Im 3.—Six of the best marksmen

of r!:e California huetr* n Club have gone East to:».ks Mjgt in th« fourth national tund ahootlns; fes-tlvai, »'h!''h NNbbJ In N>»-York on June 12. Theyare AUolph Streckcr. F. Kuhnle. M. Rcubold. K. WlUiam Ehr^.nijfort and 1.. C. Pabln. Allh<~>\d :.a.mi>ion*hip medals, and veral years agoStttcker mras ci j»!.ed touting king of America atBaltimore.

liKIJ'r.U In bakery. W. KUNG.NER.Uncola-st. Uudaun li«Uht* l\>stoffloe.

N. J.

Country Property for Sale.CORNER LOT. 40x75. rrohibtUon Pars Str.ten lsla'i-1-

cheap If purdbaaad now. SCiIV.KIKI.ItI. zi i:ay-st.. Totiiv>klnsvill«. S. I.

Vtiv ItOCHKLI.K.—\u25a0fatdaaes Part : fl-t •0x130; t- 300.

_l MtJBOATstOTIX 1:* Jackson are., IJronx.

Country Property for Sale or to Let.

SANI>S POINT. I. I T» let. fatalahed. a-entleman'scountry seat: p'ico $1.6110 seaaun. anchcragw ll>-.p

draught yacht. Booaa I..'i«. Hath :.HEAL ESTATE.

INSURANCE MAN Thoroughly compe-tent; asad matt.ematU'lun. as adjuster,

collector -.r In ofttce: any capacity or line.Address MERCI'K. 4* Proadway. It'klyn.


Flrat class me.-hanlc aroundhotel or i>n real estate work, eipenen.fd

on repairs. plumbluK slcimtUttn*- an.l eieo-trk-al work. \V.. BMj 10. Trtt>une Ortlce.

PLUMBED Tana man at jaaaaaaj or newwork: experienced; furnish reference. D.

W.J*sK!:!TKi. 4.16 Kaai t'.tli si

PAINTER an.l darssalai gilder an.l fur-niture [H.lljhdr, fiesco skoto.ieh. ct <

-,own»<>•".» :ir^«t claj»: hotels or private in orout of t..wn. Address DECORATOR, car*Mr. Scopen. IS.I East M st

PRIVATE BECRETAKY.- By college amilaw grfcool giaiiuato. -7. llni;iil.<t. trav-

ellol; former college Instructor; ta-tfult.u.-lness ability. AMERICAN. Cox 5 Trilj-\u25a0M < 'fflce

To Improve the KnickerbockerTheatre.

Plans have been filed withBuildings SuperintendentHopper r>y Schickel at Dltmara. architects. for addi-tional fire escapes and improved exits to the Knicker-bocker Theatre, at the northeast corner of Broadwayand Thtrty-elrhth-»t. owned by Robert Walton Gorier.The improvement* are to be made in conformity withthe result, men's of the Uavor's Paf-ty « Dmmittee.Tl.c MMescape aaalra in the laige court at thenor.!, of the LuiicJlng are to be removed at the streetlevel to clear the court, so that It willbe a free p*»a-age for the audlecce at all times. The escape to be

and Is so harmloss we taste it to be sure Itla properlj BaSjaVi ACCOBS no counterfeit ofslmUar name. It I. a .-..\u25a0•\u25a0• said to a'oily of the baut-toa (a patient): "As youladies will use them. I recommend•(jut r.AI liSCREAM a-% the least harm-ful of all the Skin preparations ." For salsby all Drusci'ls an.i F»ny Uo-Js DealersId the V. S.. Canada and Kurnpe.

FEHI>. T. HOPKINS, Fri>p-r.37 Great J>,nes-st.- N. V.

PORTXIt, .lr.v»r or coachman, colored;thoroughly experteaeed; highest refer-ences; ii-at. alaaity. subet Induatrtota;

anywhere CHARLES WEBBER, 190 WealB^il

-1. rare Janitor.


AT REDUCED PKICVi. -300 sw»nd-handwood -nd Iron Biorauta in.i.-hiu.-. fully

guarant^eJ- machinery bought and ex-changed.

;.ra> U. EDDY. 31-1 Madison- st,

PORTER, WAT. 11MAN. *c.—By Ameri"• an. £1, strong^ ;\u25a0: anytbtna;; eap*rl*nre<lsober an.l reliable ex ellenl reference*Mdswa itßi.i.\i;i>:. Trlbvaa r?t>ur> of-fice. 1..-X.4 F(r.-,!u i]

BHIPPINII .I.!\u25a0':;< ar.l PACstKS Mashad alsM years' experience In !>\u25a0'..;» hnslneni. k i references. M L'RINKMANlwi.;t Mark's PtareofnrE mtirnvstm

ROLI.IOP BALfHTMAM,Mtravel for wholesale house;experienced; a line of machhtery pr«>

fen> .1. LASKSR. ."•:: Ist aye. Mount Ver-aon. \ y.

Property for Sale orIo letrriCULD BE ADVERTISED

n the

"New-York TribuneTO INMjRE REVJLTS

'-I' TOR \u25a0• j Tl.S

tvALJOroiAN.—By yotUßj man. ncmethlngI>*rmat'.eit. baslncas a-tter. reliable; ref-

er^r.r-,. Rt>WARI) MARKS, care of Bojleriler. 2 Past llsth-rt


In great vanety

of style anaDrtce.

T a\u25a0\u25a0ujbw.

11l Kult..n St.

CX>ACHMAN. GARDENER. —By rellahleKwetla. 40; very steady man. generally

useful, m *lerate wage*; •xcrllent refer-ences.

'JOHNSON, at Carpenter*. 13* Cth-



Country, young. smoothf».-e.l, tidy. stood appearance. .-aii*lile.

!strictly temperate: careful driver. goodman. best reference PANIBI-, at Car-penter's. 154 «th-a^«.

I COACHMAN, gardener, eooli laundress.-

Plxi-ellent German couple; >our.X. neati an.! tuly; both Boed; willgive sar.»l«ctlpu.

I wet] recommended. JULIUS, at Carpen-

I ter's. 154 rtth-av«.

I"" ' ' "

COACHMAN— desires a situation for Ills msuhnsan, a y">uns

Iwho understands his business thoroughly,an.l Is honest, sober and able Alp.v

pr«-»eixt employer, pr:\ato sea 1la. IOTWest Bi>th-st.

COACHMAN—By young man. mediumBtaa; first class referen.-es; «0...i .tri.ei-;

ilty <r 1nullJ. sober and wtlltns: lastemployer .an be «een M. W . Tribune L>town '''ffl.e. 1 .:. 1 ilroadway.

iiVAX.3.1; single; tl.oroigniy exj.-ri-

rs e«t with horses, harness and •\u25a0 irri.iK \u25a0.»;carfful .!rlv-«r. highly laeaaßjasaeM : .-nyami country references; pernian* i:t poettlonin country, willb» useful. \v.i«es *'-5. T.11. Trlrmn« Votown Ottloe. l.:«H Broa-lway.


M».rrie.l; no family; aoodappearance; personal reference 11. l-C.

care It 2%~ Wesi !

CO VCHMAN.—Gentleman f sii'v re.-om-mends Knglianman; mame.i: thoroughly

!experleii.-ed horseman, gn an>*h«ie. rttj >rcountr> ;good whip tn.l .-\,e;;.>nt references.ctUksinmtk Ui West &w-st. /FARM MANAGER on large dairy and

poultry farm, educated, up to date, hust-ling farmer; clean In moral* and business,habits. W. Agricultural College farm.New-Brunswick. N. J.


lly strictly sober, reliable American mar-ried man: small family: long experiencev'.-h easwb. >.rep». dairy, herd.-man: .illwork: wife i-6i1 men. attrna to poultry,dairy, Ac: test city refereCv.*. W. ii. at.Cai^eaiar s, U>* dt^-a>ve.

ADVERTISBMFNTS and «ur>»cnpti-n« forTh- Tribune received at their Uptown

<">f!lre. No. 1.."»:•,» llroa:i;vf»v. between .7fHhand 37th it*.,until0 o'clock p. m. Adver-tisements received »t the followlnK at regular office rates until 8 o'oloc'4P. m.. \\i..:LT.* Mh-«»*.. ». c cor. 2*<l-st.;143 Oth-a-«.. cor. 12th-«t. : ti2 -:jfct i4:h-»».;•JT.7 '.'.'•\u25a0-• 4il-«t.. l«t^tt:i7th and s:h avea.;ita West ll'Sth-s! ;1..13

* 3.1-i»«., betweenTOth anl 77th «t..; 1.1>2« 3 \-±\e. ne*f <>l»t-st.; 1.706 lst-ave. near w>th-ac.

John X McAfe* to John PanVin NominalFaint property; John Kankln la Max HnhnsMtr;

mortgage. $2.\000 NominalShth-st. n a. I'M) ft c of 2d-ave. Sux'jSO; j:ilaM

Anle.-eon to New-Tort Asanitation for Impro> -Inn the. Cundltljn of the I'our; b and a . 1

K*th-st. No 111 West. 2.'ilo<»H; 1'.0.~a Blumenthalari.l another to Htrnjiui \V Waldcr; Bjortnae,•16.000 100

47th-st. No 31 West. 23 10*10 )..">. the trustees ofColumbia College to (iustav H Hchwab; o and. 100

lf»ith St. d a. 200 ft w of Amsterdam aye. I00«1«O11. Albert Cavansgh to J. ->«ph M nro-lyet al; mortgage. $3ii.ooi); o \u25a0\u25a0. ari 100

Malison aye. No W7. c s. 17x75; Interior strip.<:\u25a0" ft « of Maillson-a.»e. and 07.3 ft a of CMh-ttruns \u25a0 Ml \u25a0 X>x n o.:ix w 35, Adrlen liUataagla Thomas B Southworlh; inurtgu«.-. |20»0w;

\u25a0 ( and 10014flth-st. Noe 271 and 273 West. Mnoo.ll. Uoth-«t

Kb i."6a Waat, 2Sx'J».ll; William S Gray to laaaoHeifer; i(«\«e. $3«.000; o o an* 100Earn* property; Isaao Heifer to Jos<-ph Kaufn:ai.u;rni.rt^-u^-s. $a«.0J0: o o and io<)

•th aye, « a. 60.6 ft s of 47t» Ft. 30x100; PaulW.:hti-I.HI to Patrick Klernan; mortraco. $25,000;o o and ..." 100

Bth~ave. w a. 50 5 ft 1of 53d-st. 25x100; CharlesHoffman to Susanna HofTmann; mortgagemmt u<*) Nominal

KtrKst. s s. 18».« ft « of 6th-ave. 17.flxPS it; KateW. D« Navallle^ :.• Mary IJ Thnmaason- o cand •\u25a0 100

rult..n-ava Ni> 1.230, o ». 27x0a.?x2a.llx!tS.7;Fannie Schwartz to August oesli.-i;;; mortgage.f•..'..">•\u25a0...-.:.: 100

134th-st. s s. 2r,5 ft « of 7th-ave. 3<>x!«0.ll; David:..--.--::- to D 3 t*rakow ct al; mortsage.$2(1.000; o c and 100

137 th si. n s. 345 ft w of Kb aye. :ikiji.'.n. lyiulsIvse et al to Ignat» Roth; m-.rtg-agn, J43.00);o c and ••• 100

lit-ave. sir corner ft"lth-st. 10»>xl00; v.ra VRhlnelander t^» Jacob Welnsteln; mortgage.|sft.o>>o; o c and •

•\u25a0 100\u2666Sth-st. No 70 West. 20. 1"\1<1O 5x21.7x100.5;

trustees of C. lumlia Colleire to Henry (Jrlswold;o c arid 100

NEW BUILDING PLANS.l^x!ncton-a\e. Nrs 231 an.! 2's.'S. fcr a six story

brl-k tenement bouse 39.ta"1: Ware !(•-..Company. ountr: IF Ware & S>-n. an:»::tt i».. $40,000

22.1-st. N<^ 21 to 224 Eatt. for a four story brickstable. 147 BxO*>0; Mutual Milk and Cream Com-*»->. ew&ar; li& J 1' Walt^era, Architects.... ix.goO

T-mcvl '* to be r»place* hr a flreprrof rlatform. thsfU'l «Mth of the ourt at the tfl'r.r.y level. Rlvtng

IWMi to \u25a0 Biepro -f stalr-ise separated by "..rl.-k walls

Cron tb« .If.ofiuzn ar.J landing In a fireproof ( r-rl.':or with direct access to Broadway. A new stage

p» la 1 Kterw ted te tan raaf af an extension to afireproof bulldtsc to re built by the Theatre at No.114 to 11? West ThJrty-nlnth-et.. Tih-rh willaffordready irr»n to |Jsa lntter fiwt In ca^e of need;» are to be built to open on the additional es-capes

"Th« cost of th.s^ improvr-:ner.-« Is estimated

It $4,000

"'more college leaseholds sold.The ffllowlns \u25a0Hill—lOstasaaaa CX)l>g« leaseholds

have be*-n sold to the lea-ees r.arnei: No. 17 West Forty-

MlMTll1. to Mrs. Jts-p'.i Agottlnl; No. 10 West Forty-

e.phth-»t. to Mrs. n-in-.-rl C saaissna: Ka. 2? Westj-f,,,y \u0084,.'-••\u25a0 f» To i!r->. Henry A. OiMersleeve; Ma. 30West F>rty eirth -»t.. to William H. Vandenb-ire; No. 3-We?« rV«rty-elJrt>tn *\u2666 • tn »>• J'+»Ph I' Brant, Bud No-

«3West Forty snth st. to r. Tai'.'r.

GETS TITLE TO FAMOUS BRONX STRIP.Tit!, la a strip cf hu :6 Inches by 13 inches at the

northeast of One-hundie<s-anl-f >rty-ninth-st. andTT.lrd-av- has Leen transferred by J Clarence I>avle» to

W. a Chanlcr. This ftrip was bought la»' >ear by J.Clarence I-avles for about $1<«» It was said then thatthe p«iee! chanced har.-ls at the hiefcest j.rioe a square

loot ever pal;for In-. 1 wltMntie limits of the c'.ty.

BUYS SITE FOR APARTMENT HOUSES.Max Marx has sold a plat 125x1» 11 feet, on the north

Bid. af Or.«-hundr»d-*nd-fifty-elrtith-ft. 2-*5 feet east ofBroadway. to a MM*. Three fixstory apartment houseswilltin eiet-ted on the site.

SALE OF TWO WEST SIDE HOUSES.F. R »Taul & Co. have BOM frr Caroline De Verdi No.

810 West Nlr.otleth-st.. a four story dwelling hour?, ona M MkMM feat The sam« firm ha* also fold for

Knr.ny to m No. 42 West Ninety- «.. a four at Try

brick aad s: jcie hJfil-. stot.p dwelling house. ITiSBtlW \u25a0 j


THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS.Traaaaal a-.e. rth tile. 32 »-et east of Webster-aye ,

two story tr!-k Bt.r-. 3taM feet; E. A. EeckfT. owner;

CssWioa & Tuticl. architects. J?.&CO.Thlrd-ave.. N>s. 2.472 BBi 2.474. ts|My »tory \u25a0\u25a0'.-'<

forage anl aaSeaa, M10x117 rt fee*: G.issle Engltn-ler.owner- Na'han I.arpor architect; 175.00".

Ore-hundre.-.-anl-*-ißhtleth st . north eirfe. 149 feet west

of Southern Boulevard; thre« two story frame dwellings.21<«0; rreierl-k .<: jtrr.vol!. owner. Wililom T. •.'.c.•rcnttaeti $::•.'*«•.

TO REMODEL A CHURCH TOWER.Flaw have r.en filed with Ps4MlBSi \u25a0•»'< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0 Hoiasat

Hopper for th« r. m.x!ellir. of the belfry tourer of tIMReman Catholic Oiur«-h of Our I-ayJy of Mo*nrl Carme!. In

One hundr»d-and fifteenth -St.. west of FUeasant-ave . of»hich the Rev. I'-lan is r< -tor

Its heljrht Is t. 1- Increased twenty-six feet, and it isto t*crowned with a cupola of iron and ftr^pro-'f blocks.n • •"• -i of the, linprovrnii-rtu!s MtUnatiIat Jl..""" by3 W. Short, architect.


M: '.->.mA. Lamgan his sold to Julia H. Eldridge. No.

731 Lexington-eve , a t:.;-e« story bromnstone house, -"xIfa) fret. Ha hourh: the property orvut a month ago

through Wright Barclay. Julia H. BMrMM Ifth* ownerof No 713 :.'\u25a0• c- n a\e. With tba pcuchaM of \r>. 711she. :. .5 a plot »••!'•• feet.

REALTY NOTE.I* -. B. Al-marer isftisaalid the buyer of N-. 4 Brmtm

hurst-aye.. wMch was owric*! by the American BsrttstHume.

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.r>-'.::p Vasj \u25a0 n has »-il<l m the Bom Hill '>' I Onr-

Xvo'atl'-'Ji X?. \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0< K;i*tKourte« a four •\u25a0•••ry duell-ing !:\u25a0 'lise. 2ri\l«l^3 feet.

l^ejss Batter, at No. •.4MB A?n*:eri!ann-ave , ha? re-I--:::.- HlHl<». a. Ohdokcr to a rlter:t. N 1 .'>44 WestOne-hundreJ in-. Bfty sixth >-t.. a r.i

-*\u25a0 rj double flat-

h"U«e. on a plal S-xM 11. The *iylrlrc bo«M, N>. '•*'-West •

>ne-hun<;re.l-ar.c-:!fty slxth-*t.. was •\u25a0!! by the

*ame br k«r a few days ag» f>r th* same •\u25a0> :i»r.

Fhaw & Co. have again r*a*M (0» l: bed E. HinvestK*a, <\u25a0-' and M Kaft One huniied anl tt irty-r.rst »t.t»•• five #tory triple \u25a0•»* •••\u25a0, snxl'K) m t.

t-haw .v <•• hare »<:1 for Saiah T. K:ir-.-.e. n 1

277 ani 279 Wen One hunired-an-i tm-enty seventh M.v o fcur it-ry d-jutlo Ititnuses, 25x1011, to l*irenze F. J.\.elhrr.

Hl<-rju-<1 lil^-ks.n him f !\u25a0* f->r Herman Raus-h >:\u25a0\u25a0 M3JThird «if., If) by at- ;t I"1-, a two family fraOM tj?l-!

•\u25a0• ;>ror>ertr.E.lwari y Ilemlif a *<"o bar* mM for 1 'it* C m

dr»-y No. 11» West Ninety-sever.tli st . a f«>ur pt ryd*ellln« h-,use. l&lx!»xl«n

Arthur S i".^x& c. an.'. C V. 'jtk*Pm hare rr>\<i forJ. I I'all N .- 453 ail 4.V. Rast lm» hin^.r^'. and s»ven-ntmh-»t . two fi\e Men totHa nnthou»«s

Arthur .\u25a0=. Or A Co. have MM .1 T Htldebrant toT Moran the iK-rth\v<st raracr -f \u25a0••\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ar.lSect.nd aye . a five t..ry t»-i-m»r.t kHM, >utu »t"r«"«.in lot -•!Ilimfeeti;K-Uma.i baa nil for Helen IIn*4ford to Ar.cirew

J Connlck a ;1 i. :<'«li". feet. Ml the wmt »U» t? Hroad-«tv, 113 \u25a0••'\u25a0 1 .uth of Fort H'ashtnrt'n and frr .1r*i«<Vwl Bnu a i>lut at thr«-e lots In I. new i «••' .t««st of narij--ave. te Mary Mal-mey, *\u25a0\u25a0 '. a plot InSinTOin-avi.. .'."x.C.m feet, south of T>vkmar rt

fila*son A 1! .;\u25a0•« have \u25a0• .'. ifor Jame, «• Pirkea Keu.UlWest One hunlred «l{htti-nlh st. a nem- dweliinirhoi-»e. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0x 7tslUO 11 feet.

Oharle* Itul-lnger .-. <">. have MM to H.-<<«!» Kitten;.ian(Cm »>4 r-r: ISi < iiarlf*ft . a six Mary flath->u*e. on a lot87 <1»94 '<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. a!s-. N. ita W •• Fourth st . \u25a0 IMMMMm» , \u25a0• HiMlfeet; also for Joseph I. r<utt»n» :«-«-r. la t^.«Jaworowtr liealty C.mpinv. No .03 to •_•'\u25a0!< East Thlriv-ihird-st., four Dra st -ry bits o*ea, ea^h on a lot i'xl'Cfeet.

Max Marx ha« HI Uir'.j'h MtllaH VeH, fr .tr> HPlaat kt, No 2.17 \\'»t Olt^SWml and-thirtr third si .a story trlpl« flrith--'i;' ..n KH tSsM 11 feet

Williams a Qcttateaky ha\» r»-so|.i to William WoWtF'-n Mb 33."> K»*t Ninetieth ft. \u25a0 five i>t.r'. BsjtkMJM^ MJYon r.xi<«- H f.-«t.

Ahraan Harlirarh ha< loiiK!-.t tMWMII Hf.rr.har i Pri\thi- S .ra Ko 174 Hest Ml—ljMHIIItI01. a Bra st rylTithou»e. ,n . I i".xl<«'11 •\u25a0\u25a0

•Max Marx n*« MM to the IV-v Pr John C Hlls? No.iX: West i"me hundred and fifty

' irtl St., a th:ee gtOTyduelling h iuh \u25a0 -ii 1. I21x'«;»ll r<«t

Slraon Fln<- hi*MM hr E Platt !C« 2.1 jf,Be 0r.4 a-.e.a nv<» Mary flaihoufe. .^n l-pt j't.: Eact.

Gottlieb M Karpaa has soli the plot 2<*»xft!».l fief, on•'.« r ;th s!l« of One hunired and forty -f< i;rtii ,nt.r-itIS feet »«t of I^enox «v».

I'hlfelder A- Weinttera; have l.oupht an.l resol.J Si.Ml Twntv

'irth-st . a five story ten»n;'nt

h-uxe. on M :.t'X <'*> S feetM Kahn A; Cso have mM for C F!nkelstei n to a Mr.

Co!«, the Eve story nuthouse No. !7J Bast Tenth-»t , onlot 25x9S 7 feet.

Oak *El<-l»<"1n have k.»M N"..» til an 1 140 Ea«tOne-hundred and eleventh-st . old bulldine*. on i>lot4 .»;\u25a0•\u25a0 11 feet, to l.ullder* for Improvement.

McQuay *Co report the following sales: Fir Fish-

man* Deisuan. Ko «94 Ea*t One-hundred-anil f'.rtv-

*e^enth-Bt. a five Story fluthouEe. on lot lixion feet;for a tll«-nt to Hyinun No 74 East 'me hin-dred-and-fr>rty-ei«;hth-st ,a five story flathouse, on lot26x100 feet; to Henry .1 Serb, No 2. •< ."\u25a0 Anthony-aye .a two story dw«ll!n»c hou»»-. on lot tllll feet, and f rJ. Harris Jones, to Max Rceanltaer. No »i<i <> .1-n-ave , a three story dwelling- house, on lot 25xin-'> feet.

Ilelßg Brothers have sold for Robert 'Aeaehaaeli toMathlaa Schlegel the dwelling No I*lT'nlon-ave onlot NiM.

Kolph *P.'ilph have sold for J C '"or.ner to IKelly the t»o story frame dwelling house No. 2.330l^rlllardPlace

The>h-na>-ker Company has »oid for Henri.-Felt to Lowenfeld & l'rsp«-r. a plot. 60x101 feet onthe south Bide of F;fty-nrst-st. 120 feet west ofEiirhth-ave

Edward I- King has sold for Isidore .Tai-U*.n N->1.140 Second-aye. northeast corner of Sixtl#*th-at , a.four story tenement house, on lot I^xTS feet

Mar.delbati:n & Lewino have sold to Nathan andIpldor H. Kemr.ner. of the New Amsterdam Realty<cmpany. No* 4^J and <f.l Third aye. t»o four storyLuildlngs, withstores, on plot ITctl

Samuel A Kelaev ha>> Fold for Max .1 Klein No 74Waal One-hundred and thirty-fourth *». a Are storylls.Thn—a on lot tliM11

Myers * Aroaana and Walter J <"ohn have sold Nos.3.1>49 and L.MI Thlrd-ave . two three story Lulldlnfrs,on plot 27x1"6 feet by Irregular

Henr>' Fulllnc has sold No" IC2 «nd 2^4 East One-hundred-anil -thirds! . tw.i three »t..ry dwellingtioUKea, on jilot 3£xlQQ 11 feet, 1.. I.ou!»e l.enn. »hrj hasresold the property. Georc« Tiut't-i! & Son arere th«brokers.

J M Cornell has sold '.. R S !.»ar- No 1(4 VealOne-hundred-anil twenty-fourth-at., v five story Bat-house. on lot 27 4xloo 11 feet

l.:i.»rmtti, I.»vy * C • havr t,o>iBht fr.>m th» s »up-pert estate N •\u25a0 SSS and 237 Ea«t Nlnetyfourth-ittwo five story r!ath..usts. on plot 61 UIHIfeet

li<r:,har.l Qrasaßßaa has fold f> r a Mr ';r«-ennel<lto a Mr. Baker Not* Ifand .'.7 na«t one-huniiredand-f!fth-«t., two fl\e *tory Bathousea, on plot SOslOO.llfe«t

Turnback & M'-I'hee ar.d S QoldWfg have sold •,Philip .-:•\u25a0. -1 Sot 204 to 210 Baal One-hundred-ard-nlnth-»t . fcur two »tory frame l.u:!!tngs. on plot 7ix100 11 feet.

AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY.By rirlsh. Fisher. Mmm i«o: r.7<« st « \u25a0 200ft w of Manhattan -a\». r.'ii2r>.2x2.'.x7r.>x29xU«\ .', Morvbit fl h; ') IIHv.l «X» J N < ft a!: Harrlri.n &H. attye; T F I)'r.n»-;iy. raf: ami <iue. fiHKfliW: taxen, et<~$1.7"" adjourned to"M Ml 7th aye. c r, 4'.t 11 ft riof 27th-»t. 27.1tix4!« siirr»rula;-. .'. *?\u25a0 ry 1f ten h. F M

rtarne* art J J Buckley tt at. Harrison A B. attys: X Hrcmerr.y. ref. tint dv«. Jl--.r -\u25a0. ."7. taxe«. etc. tli'miwithdrawn.

By John N C.'.:-'lnr: Rl\-erstd« Drive, c •. 3f, ft n i.f8?a-«t. 25 7xl7r; I<».:.i;.*. •-, W2.1 ft x ItflcMaMl one-halftart, vacant; <• R BrhieaTelln >\u25a0»[• l':v<rv!.> HMn Co <t«1 c. nP^leffelln. mty; V J Mrr- -it. ref: arm .lue $.'>«

-SIS 40; taxe«. etc. J2.24.',41: to the plaintiff for «i:..r«>.i

By Peter V Meyer: With «•. r. *. tßl.ll ft »• of riMIUlive. .VixlOO. 2 Btoejr f bldjr »r..i vacant; \V F KdUiw »«tHarry JloNnlly *tsi: PmllllfM ft A. atty«: <J nurnhamJr. ref: »nn <*ue. J6.dC 25. taxes, e?c. J331 v*. to theplaintiff far $6,5»0.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.i821-«{. No 23 West, 23 r»i9«.«; Samuel X Jacobs

to Jennie Mark,mortgage. •\u25a0..•..--••. . tun634-«t, N. M West. ITOsIGOSx Irregular; Gerard\Vaa*rr.»r •\u25a0> W H Mar;!-; mortgage, $4».<>'W... i

;Broadway. No 2.70*. • s. 7l> ft \u25a0 of 104th-»t31xi:Vx30 ljxl^'4. Midway Realty Co to ilarry!»*»•.ntha: 47 000]S3l st. • s. 60 ft v. of Andrew* aye. MsJo(hJohn J Brady to Rnimt IS Williams; mortgage'\u25a03.6U0; o c and

'10014"! m. n s. lUO ft c of Lrn*x-ave. r»ll»ll:HM a a. 345 ft • of ith-ave. ;:.x!m II

Irregular; ISMh-*t. n s. 100 ft »\u25a0 of ;.•;..,„; ISM » a. 130 ft w of BUy-are!TtsM.ll; Alfr»! 11 Marvin t.> il.-Klr.l'-yRealtyar.d Construction (X; m->r!j;aKe. $sfi.4««i, o c an.l inn: 7'.h-*ve. No 306. • c. 27 10x7« 11. Benjaminto William H John* lftft! Am«terdam-ave

#No 1.4(11. « a, 23x100; Pried*B«r-3«ialn to T Herman Schulze; mortgage

•17.0U0 > ,„144»h-s». \u25a0 «. 410 ft c of Lenox-ave. i23iuo"s v

lfl°way itealty company, to turtle B Here«" i*nonJOth M.. s 475 ft c of Lenox are 75,7* i'l'

I4°°°:-ut.»ay Jieally <omfan> to !-•- \u25a0;.!.!'


'a -_-

lS«ih M. n,."

ft eof Oh aye. Jo lxoill"i««--*'COI>

Mil; l2Stb-«t. No 79 Wni. 31 2»»9 ll«ii:«> It;12Mh ft. No *'\u25a0 10 4\Df. 11. >au,. M M*

l!t-;'<y to Harry :.ic':«te!n; mjrtir&srs •cv tv,.t v«_. i

Br«4httrat-av«. n c :orr,-r Wl«-it 12 iTiifH:Nomlna:\u25a0

j:»ryaa, •££>

to Leo 5 Is!n<, mciiiiit 113 (•\u25a0\u25a0 'v«^,. .ADVEHT!FKMBNT-« «n<*. subscriptions for

The Trtbun* received at Ihsl' '"it..»nOfllce No. l.Sti* rirrudwuy. bn««n


•ad 3TUi its. until » o'clock p. m. Adver-mints received at the follovli.,* branch

oiTl<«-s .it tegular ,ii|._e rates until \u25a0* o'clock

p. m. viz.: 2*4 Mh-ave . ». •. tot 3Mal.;143 eih-*v«.. cor. l-'tU-si.: I--'Unit Htto-at..



Real Estate.WOX'TPA VBACKGAS BILL. AUENTS. for Hell's Patent Ventil-ation Win1 L«ik. S*Qi on Its merit?.

Aajsati make c-jod profit', ari-1 s~i: t^t-mat a \u25a0\u25a0 r liar price, LULLMb V Oft. Nor-«a!:.. Com



«.tFSMllV 4c— Man. middl-- a?M. goodSSn«. »« ..ilesman or collector.

HEISKR. aiT Bast 7Sth-at.

\u25a0nvrvFEPER 4c, with contractor. a*

It.. 167 Waai Q4th.-st.

VAKNISHEB.—ItaIian. .-.I; first cla.«s. thcr-ouih all round. In pianoforte factory as varnlshsr or by «\u25a0«».

m.-lera:*. waek. J- CART A. 73 Macaou-gal-st.


A »>ber. respectable man asnl«ht or day watchman; best references

from different largo firms. 72 Nelson-st..Brooklyn.


Experienced reference. J.SHARING. 47& Brook are., The Bronx.

WANTED.— and mechanical detail•work at home. Address Box :.".»:». Toitea-

ville, X T.|

YOI'NG MAX. 23. at anything; handy withtools- references. FRGX>. KEIFF. care

of M-Keon. 1«H Fat 12W st

YOUNO MAN. Intelligent: experiencedmasseur and wtl«nan'» attendant. .;<-> 1

athlete has travelled abroad. refert-nresand bond If required. J. S. JACKSON, 110West 10Oth-«t.

YOUNG MAX 21. trimming lights and all•leotrlc work repairing :l'y or country.

WILLIAMDOLT. 707 East 14.«tri «YOI'XO MAN*. In charge of small estate,

desires other nroperty to manage; willgive personal attention; thoroughly expert-enced: best of references and security. Box14. Tribune OnV*.

YOUNG MAX. on gentleman's place incountry knowleda* of carpentry. h.indy

withall tools; wllllnc to make himself use-ful. Address COUNTRY, Box 7. TribuneOff'-*.

POSITION jfPresident liImportantIndustrial Nation ..f workl-

*M» scope off-red to sen: '. m \u25a0

"means, ftandine aad leisure, willingto imest money and «r •a l*m hour!•.f his time waeMr. A.Mres* pRUSI-DENT, Bos -\u25a0 Tribune OfT.ce,.



DR. T rwux r,nin.\i-n's orientalCREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIKIER—

ihiiiitmth.n»>l ••\u25a0 Freckle*.M»ih :•..;.:-•Ra«h an.] Skin—

dis-mast,and«v»ryMun-Irh onteauty.end de-fies de—MtttMIthasitoodthe testof S«